Civschsyll PDF
Civschsyll PDF
Civschsyll PDF
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Sl. Course and
Course Title
No Course Code
Transform Calculus, Fourier Series and Numerical
BSC 18MAT31 Mathematics 2 2 03 40 60 100 3
1 Techniques (Common to all Branches) --
2 PCC 18CV32 Strength of Materials Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18CV33 Fluid Mechanics Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PCC 18CV34 Basic Materials and Construction Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18CV35 Surveying Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18CV36 Engineering Geology Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18CVL37 Computer Aided Building Planning & Drawing Civil Engg. -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18CVL38 Material Testing Lab. Civil Engg. -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
18KVK39 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for communication)/
OR -- 2 -- -- 100 --
9 HSMC 18KAK39 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) HSMC 100 1
1 -- -- 03 40 60
18CPC39 Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Cyber Law
Examination is by objective type questions
17 10 24 420 480
TOTAL OR OR 04 OR OR OR 900 24
18 08 27 360 540
Note: BSC: Basic Science Course, PCC: Professional Core Course, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science Course, NCMC: Non-Credit Mandatory Course.
18KVK39, Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for Communication) is offered for the students of Non-Kannada Speaking, Reading and Writing
18KAK39 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) is offered for the students who speak, read and write in Kannada.
Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 18MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics - I Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
(a)The mandatory non – credit courses such as Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed for III and IV semesters respectively, Introduced to the lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III
semester of BE/B.Tech programs, they shall attend the classes during the respective semesters to complete all the formalities of the courses and appear for the University Examination. In case
of any student fails to register for the said course/fails to secure the minimum 40 % of the prescribed CIE marks, the candidates shall be awarded F grade. In such a case, the students have to
fulfill the CIE requirements during subsequent semester/s to appear for SEE.
(b)These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, however completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.
Courses prescribed to lateral entry B.Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit courses Engineering Graphics and Elements of Civil Engineering and Mechanics of the First Year Engineering
Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression; however completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.
AICTE Activity Points to be earned by students admitted to B E / B Tech / B Plan day college programme (For more details refer to Chapter 6,AICTE Activity Point Programme,
Model Internship Guidelines):
Over and above the academic grades, every regular student (Day Scholar) admitted to the 4 years Degree programme and every student entering 4 years Degree programme through lateral
entry, shall earn 100 and 75 Activity Points respectively, for the award of degree through AICTE Activity Point Programme. Students migrated from other Universities to fifth semester are
required to earn 50 Activity Points from the year of entry to VTU. The respective Activity Points earned by the students shall be reflected in the eighth semester Grade Card.
The earning of activities by the students can be spread evenly over the years, students are at a liberty to choose the kind of activities and to complete the them anytime during the semester
weekends and holidays which will enhance their personality index, without affecting the academic work load of the semester, However, minimum hours’ requirement should be fulfilled.
Activity Points (non-credit) have no effect on SGPA/CGPA and shall not be considered for vertical progression.
In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points within the stipulated period, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points such students
shall not be admitted for the award of degree.
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Course and
Course code Course Title
BSC 18MAT41 Mathematics(Title as per the decision of BoS in Sciences) Mathematics 2 2 03 40 60 100 3
1 --
2 PCC 18CV42 Analysis of Determinate Structures 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18CV43 Applied Hydraulics 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PCC 18CV44 Concrete Technology 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18CV45 Advanced Surveying 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18CV46 Water Supply & Treatment Engineering 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18CVL47 Engineering Geology Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18CVL48 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
9 18KVK39/49 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for Communication)/
OR -- 2 -- -- 100 --
HSMC 18KAK39/49 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) HSMC 100 1
1 -- -- 03 40 60
18CPC39/49 Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Cyber Law
Examination is by objective type questions
TOTAL 17 10 24 420 480
OR OR 04 OR OR OR 900 24
18 08 27 360 540
Note: BSC: Basic Science Course, PCC: Professional Core Course, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science Course, NCMC: Non-Credit Mandatory Course.
18KVK39, Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for Communication) is offered for the students of Non-Kannada Speaking, Reading and Writing
18KAK39 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) is offered for the students who speak, read and write in Kannada.
Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 NCMC 18MATDIP41 Additional Mathematics - II Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
(a)The mandatory non – credit courses such as Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed for III and IV semesters respectively, Introduced to the lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III
semester of BE/B.Tech programs, they shall attend the classes during the respective semesters to complete all the formalities of the courses and appear for the University Examination. In case of any
student fails to register for the said course/fails to secure the minimum 40 % of the prescribed CIE marks, the candidates shall be awarded F grade. In such a case, the students have to fulfill the CIE
requirements during subsequent semester/s to appear for SEE.
(b)These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, however completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.
Courses prescribed to lateral entry B.Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit courses Engineering Graphics and Elements of Civil Engineering and Mechanics of the First Year Engineering
Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression; however completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.
AICTE Activity Points to be earned by students admitted to B E / B Tech / B Plan day college programme (For more details refer to Chapter 6,AICTE Activity Point Programme, Model
Internship Guidelines):
Over and above the academic grades, every regular student (Day Scholar) admitted to the 4 years Degree programme and every student entering 4 years Degree programme through lateral entry, shall
earn 100 and 75 Activity Points respectively, for the award of degree through AICTE Activity Point Programme. Students migrated from other Universities to fifth semester are required to earn 50
Activity Points from the year of entry to VTU. The respective Activity Points earned by the students shall be reflected in the eighth semester Grade Card.
The earning of activities by the students can be spread evenly over the years, students are at a liberty to choose the kind of activities and to complete the them anytime during the semester weekends and
holidays which will enhance their personality index, without affecting the academic work load of the semester, However, minimum hours’ requirement should be fulfilled. Activity Points (non-credit)
have no effect on SGPA/CGPA and shall not be considered for vertical progression.
In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points within the stipulated period, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points such students shall not
be admitted for the award of degree.
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Sl. Course and
Course Title
No Course code
HSMC 18CV51 Construction Management & Entrepreneurship Civil Engg. 2 2 03 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18CV52 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18CV53 Design of RC Structural Elements Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PCC 18CV54 Basic Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC Municipal & Industrial Wastewater Civil Engg. -- -- 40 60 100 3
18CV55 3 03
6 PCC 18CV56 Highway Engineering Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18CVL57 Surveying Practice Civil Engg. -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18CVL58 Concrete and Highway Laboratory Civil Engg. -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
9 HSMC 18CIV59 Environmental Studies [Paper setting Board: 1 -- -- 02 40 60 100 1
Civil Engineering]
TOTAL 18 10 4 26 360 540 900 25
Note: PCC: Professional Core Course, HSMC: Humanity and Management Course.
AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points within the stipulated period, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points
such students shall not be admitted for the award of degree.
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Course and
Sl. No Course Title
Course code
1 PCC 18CV61 Design of Steel Structural Elements Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
2 PCC 18CV62 Applied Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18CV63 Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PEC 18CV64X Professional Elective -1 Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC 18CV65X Open Elective -A Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18CVL66 Software Application Laboratory Civil Engg. -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 18CVL67 Environmental Engineering Laboratory Civil Engg. -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 EP 18CVEP68 Extensive Survey project Civil Engg. -- -- 2 03 40 60 100 2
9 Internship -- Internship To be carried out during the vacation/s of VI and VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters.
TOTAL 15 10 6 24 320 480 800 24
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective, OE: Open Elective, MP: Mini-project.
Students can select any one of the open electives offered by other Departments expect those, that are offered by the parent Department (Please refer to the list of open electives under 18XX65X).
Selection of an open elective shall not be allowed if,
The candidate has studied the same course during the previous semesters of the programme.
The syllabus content of open elective is similar to that of the Departmental core courses or professional electives.
A similar course, under any category, is prescribed in the higher semesters of the programme.
Registration to electives shall be documented under the guidance of Programme Coordinator/ Advisor/Mentor.
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Course and
Sl. No Course Title
Course code
1 PCC 18CV71 Quality Surveying & Contract Management 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18CV72 Design of RCC and Steel Structural Elements 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 PEC 18CV73X Professional Elective - 2 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PEC 18CV74X Professional Elective - 3 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC 18CV75X Open Elective -B 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18CVL76 Computer Aided Detailing of Structures -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 18CVL77 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 Project 18XXP78 Project Work Phase - 1 -- -- 2 -- 100 -- 100 1
(If not completed during the vacation of VI and VII semesters, it shall be carried out during the
9 Internship -- Internship
vacation of VII and VIII semesters )
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective TOTAL 15 4 6 18 340 360 700 20
Project work:
Based on the ability/abilities of the student/s and recommendations of the mentor, a single discipline or a multidisciplinary project can be assigned to an individual student or to a group having not more
than 4 students. In extraordinary cases, like the funded projects requiring students from different disciplines, the project student strength can be 5 or 6.
CIE procedure for Project Work Phase - 1:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of the project work phase -1 Report (covering Literature Survey, Problem identification, Objectives and
Methodology), project presentation skill and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the Project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the participation of all guides of the college. Participation of external guide/s, if any, is desirable.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -1 Report (covering Literature Survey, Problem identification, Objectives and
Methodology), project presentation skill and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
Internship: All the students admitted to III year of BE/B.Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4 weeks during the vacation of VI and VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A
University examination shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be included in VIII semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered
for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-up/complete the internship shall be declared fail and shall have to complete during subsequent University examination after satisfying the internship
AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points. Students shall be admitted
for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Course and
in hours
Sl. No Course code Course Title
1 PCC 18CV81 Design of PSC 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 PEC 18CV82X Professional Elective - 4 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 Project 18CVP83 Project Work Phase - 2 -- -- 2 03 40 60 100 8
4 Seminar 18CVS84 Technical Seminar -- -- 2 03 100 -- 100 1
Completed during the vacation/s of VI and VII
5 Internship 18CVI85 Internship 03 40 60 100 3
semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters.)
Note: PCC: Professional Core, PEC: Professional Elective TOTAL 06 -- 4 15 260 240 500 18
Professional Electives - 4
Course code under 18CV82X Course Title Course code under 18CV82X Course Title
18CV821 Principles of Bridge Engineering 18CV822 Prefabricated Structures
18CV823 Advanced Foundation Engineering 18CV824 Rehabilitation & Retrofitting
18CV825 Pavement Design
Project Work: CIE procedure for Project Work Phase - 2:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the
Guide. The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -2 Report, project presentation skill and question and answer session in the ratio
50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the participation of all guides of the college. Participation of external guide/s, if any, is desirable.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -2 Report, project presentation skill and question and answer session in the ratio
50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
SEE for Project Work Phase - 2:
(i) Single discipline: Contribution to the project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end examination (SEE) conducted at the department.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Contribution to the project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end examination (SEE) conducted separately at the departments
to which the student/s belong to.
Internship: Those, who have not pursued /completed the internship, shall be declared as fail and have to complete during subsequent University examination after satisfying the internship
AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points. Students shall be admitted
for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Activity points of the students who have earned the prescribed AICTE activity Points shall be sent the University along with the CIE marks of 8th semester. In case of students who have not satisfied
the AICTE activity Points at the end of eighth semester, the column under activity Points shall be marked NSAP (Not Satisfied Activity Points).
Sl Name of the
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
No Author/s
1 Advanced Engineering E. Kreyszig John Wiley & Sons 10th Edition, 2016
2 Higher Engineering Mathematics B.S. Grewal Khanna Publishers 44th Edition, 2017
3 Engineering Mathematics Srimanta Pal et Oxford University Press 3rd Edition, 2016
Reference Books
1 Advanced Engineering C.Ray Wylie, McGraw-Hill Book Co 6th Edition, 1995
Mathematics Louis C.Barrett
2 Introductory Methods of S.S.Sastry Prentice Hall of India 4th Edition 2010
Numerical Analysis
3 Higher Engineering Mathematics B.V.Ramana McGraw-Hill 11th Edition,2010
4 A Text Book of Engineering N.P.Bali and Laxmi Publications 2014
Mathematics Manish Goyal
Shear Force and Bending Moment in Beams: Introduction to types of beams,
supports and loadings. Definition of bending moment and shear force, Sign
conventions, relationship between load intensity, bending moment and shear
force. Shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate
beams subjected to points load, uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varying
loads, couple and their combinations.
Module-4 L2,L4
Torsion in Circular Shaft: Introduction, pure torsion, Assumptions, derivation
of torsion equation for circular shafts, torsional rigidity and polar modulus
Power transmitted by a shaft, combined bending and torsion.
Theories of Failure: Introduction, maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s
theory), Maximum shearing stress theory (Tresca’s theory), Strain energy theory
(Beltrami and Haigh), and maximum strain theory (St. Venant’s theory).
Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams: Introduction, pure bending theory,
Assumptions, derivation of bending equation, modulus of rupture, section
modulus, flexural rigidity. Expression for transverse shear stress in beams,
Bending and shear stress distribution diagrams for circular, rectangular, ‘I’,
and ‘T’ sections. Shear centre(only concept)
Columns and Struts: Introduction, short and long columns. Euler’s theory;
Assumptions, Derivation for Euler’s Buckling load for different end conditions,
Limitations of Euler’s theory. Rankine-Gordon’s formula for columns.
Reference Books:
Course outcomes: After successful completion of the course, the student will L2be,L4
able to:
1. Possess a sound knowledge of fundamental properties of fluids and fluid
2. Compute and solve problems on hydrostatics, including practical applications
3. Apply principles of mathematics to represent kinematic concepts related to
fluid flow
4. Apply fundamental laws of fluid mechanics and the Bernoulli’s principle for
practical applications
5. Compute the discharge through pipes and over notches and weirs
Text Books:
1. P N Modi and S M Seth, “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, including Hydraulic
Machines”, 20th edition, 2015, Standard Book House, New Delhi
2. R.K. Bansal, “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi
3. S K SOM and G Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid
Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Victor L Streeter, Benjamin Wylie E and Keith W Bedford, “Fluid Mechanics”,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd., New Delhi, 2008(Ed)
2. K Subramanya, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd.
3. K Subramanya, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines-problems and
solutions”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
4. J. F. Douglas, J. M. Gasoriek, John Swaffield, Lynne Jack, “Fluid Mechanics”,
Pearson, Fifth Edition
5. 5. Mohd.Kaleem Khan, “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Oxford University
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
III Semester
Course Code 18CV34 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Hours/Week 40 (8 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Total Number of
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: This course will develop a student;
1. In recognizing the good materials to be used for the construction work
2. In investigation of soil condition, Deciding and design of suitable foundation for
different structures
3. In supervision of different types of masonry
4. In selection of materials, design and supervision of suitable type of floor
and roof.
5. To gain knowledge about doors, windows, plastering, painting, damp proofing,
scaffolding, shoring, underpinning and to take suitable engineering
Text Books:
1. Sushil Kumar “Building Materials and construction”, 20th edition,
reprint 2015,Standard Publishers
2. Dr. B.C.Punmia, Ashok kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, “Building
Construction, Laxmi Publications (P) ltd., New Delhi.
3. Rangawala S. C. “Engineering Materials”, Charter Publishing House, Anand,
Reference Books:
1. S.K.Duggal, “Building Materials”, (Fourth Edition)New Age International (P)
Limited, 2016 National Building Code(NBC) of India
2. P C Vergese, “Buliding Materials”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd
3. Building Materials and Components, CBRI, 1990, India
4. Jagadish.K.S, “Alternative Building Materials Technology”, New Age
International, 2007.
5. M. S. Shetty, “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
III Semester
Tacheometry: basic principle, types of tacheometry, distance equation for
horizontal and inclined line of sight in fixed hair method, problems
L1, L2
Leveling: Basic terms and definitions, Methods of leveling, Dumpy level, auto level,
digital and laser levels. Curvature and refraction corrections. Booking and
reduction of levels. Differential leveling, profile leveling, fly leveling, check leveling,
reciprocal leveling, trigonometric leveling (heights and distances-single plane and
double plane methods.)
Module-5 L3,L4
Areas and Volumes: Measurement of area – by dividing the area into geometrical
figures, area from offsets, mid ordinate rule, trapezoidal and Simpson’s one third
rule, area from co-ordinates, introduction to planimeter, digital planimeter.
Measurement of volumes- rapezoidal and prismoidal formula.
Contouring: Contours, Methods of contouring, Interpolation of contours, contour
gradient, characteristics of contours and uses.
Course outcomes: After a successful completion of the course, the student will be able
1. Posses a sound knowledge of fundamental principles Geodetics
2. Measurement of vertical and horizontal plane, linear and angular dimensions to
arrive at solutions to basic surveying problems.
3. Capture geodetic data to process and perform analysis for survey problems]
4. Analyse the obtained spatial data and compute areas and volumes. Represent 3D
data on plane figures as contours
Text Books:
1. B.C. Punmia, “Surveying Vol.1”, Laxmi Publications pvt. Ltd., New Delhi – 2009.
2. Kanetkar T P and S V Kulkarni , Surveying and Leveling Part I, Pune Vidyarthi
Griha Prakashan, 1988
Reference Books:
1. S.K. Duggal, “Surveying Vol.1”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New
2. K.R. Arora, “Surveying Vol. 1” Standard Book House, New Delhi. – 2010
3. R Subramanian, Surveying and Leveling, Second edition, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi
4. A. Bannister, S. Raymond , R. Baker, “Surveying”, Pearson, 7th ed., New Delhi
Introduction: Application of Earth Science in Civil Engineering
Practices,Understanding the earth, internal structure and composition.
Mineralogy: Mineral properties, composition and their use in the manufacture of
construction materials – Quartz Group (Glass); Feldspar Group (Ceramic wares
and Flooring tiles); Kaolin (Paper, paint and textile); Asbestos (AC sheets);
Carbonate Group ( Cement) ; Gypsum (POP, gypsum sheets, cement); Mica Group
(Electrical industries); Ore minerals - Iron ores (Steel); Chromite (Alloy); Bauxite
(aluminum); Chalcopyrite (copper)
Petrology: Formation, Classification and Engineering Properties. Rock as
construction material, concrete aggregate, railway ballast, roofing, flooring,
cladding and foundation. Deformation of rocks, Development of Joints, Folds,
Faults and Unconformities. Their impact in the selection of sites for Dams,
Reservoirs, Tunnels, Highways and Bridges, Rock Quality Determination (RQD),
Rock Structure Rating (RSR),: Igneous Rocks - Granite, Gabbro, Dolerite, Basalt;
Sedimentary rocks - Sandstone, Shale, Limestone, Laterite; Metamorphic rocks -
Gneiss, Quartzite,Slate, Charnockite: Decorative stones - Porphyries, Marble and
Geomorphology and Seismology: Landforms – Classification, Rock
aspects in the selection of sites for Dams, Reservoirs, Tunnels, Highways and
Bridges. Watershed management, Floods and their control,River valley, Drainage
pattern – parameters and development; Coastlines and their engineering
Earthquake - Causes and Effects,, Seismic waves, Engineering problems related to
Earthquakes, Earthquake intensity, Richter Scale, Seismograph, Seismic zones-
World and India, Tsunami – causes and effects. Early warning system. Reservoir
Induced Seismicity; Landslides – causes and their control
Module-4 L2, L3, L5.
Hydrogeology: Hydrological cycle, Occurrence of Groundwater in different terrains
-Weathered, Hard and Stratified rocks; Determination of Quality aspects - SAR,
RSC and TH of Groundwater. Groundwater Pollution, Groundwater Exploration-
Electrical Resistivity and Seismic methods, Resistivity curves, Water Bearing
Formations, Aquifer types and parameters - Porosity, Specific yield and retention,
Permeability, Transmissibility and Storage Coefficient. Springs and Artesian Wells,
Artificial Recharging of Groundwater, Sea water intrusion and remedies.
Module-5 L4,L5
Geodesy: Study of Topographic maps and Contour maps; Remote Sensing –
Concept, Application and its Limitations; Geographic Information System (GIS) and
Global Positioning System (GPS) – Concept and their use resource mapping.
LANDSAT Imagery–Definition and its use. Impact of Mining, Quarrying and
Reservoirs on Environment. Natural Disasters and their mitigation.
Course outcomes: After a successful completion of the course, the studentL2,L3,
will beL5
able to:
1. Students will able to apply the knowledge of geology and its role in Civil
2. Students will effectively utilize earth’s materials such as mineral, rocks and
water in civil engineering practices.
3. Analyze the natural disasters and their mitigation.
4. Assess various structural features and geological tools in ground water
exploration, Natural resource estimation and solving civil engineering problems.
5. Apply and asses use of building materials in construction and asses their
Text Books:
1. P.K. Mukerjee, “A Text Book of Geology”, World Press Pvt., Ltd. Kolkatta.
2. Parbin Singh, “Text Book of Engineering and General Geology”, Published by
S.K.Kataria and Sons, New Dehli
Reference Books:
1. Earthquake Tips - Learning Earthquake Design and Construction - C V R
Murthy Published by National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
2. Dimitri P Krynine and William R Judd, “Principles of Engineering Geology and
Geotechnics”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
3. K V G K Gokhale, “Principles of Engineering Geology”, BS Publications,Hyderabad.
4. M Anji Reddy, “Text book of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information
System”, BS Publications, Hyderabad.
5. Ground water Assessment, development and Management by K.R. Karanth, Tata
Mc Graw Hills
6. K. Todd, “Groundwater Hydrology”, Tata Mac Grow Hill, New Delhi.
7. D. Venkata Reddy, “Engineering Geology”, New Age International Publications,
New Delhi.
8. S.K Duggal, H.K Pandey and N Rawal, “Engineering Geology”, McGraw Hill
Education (India) Pvt, Ltd. New Delhi.
9. M.P Billings, “Structural Geology”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
10. K. S. Valdiya, “ Environmental Geology”,, Tata Mc Grew Hills.
11. M. B. Ramachandra Rao, “Outlines of Geophysical Prospecting- A Manual for
Geologists”, Prasaranga, University of Mysore, Mysore
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CVL37 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture 04 (2hr Instructions + Exam Marks 60
Hours/Week 2hr Drawing)
4. School building
5. Submission drawing (sanction drawing) of two storied residential building
with access to terrace including all details and statements as per the local
Students should sketch to dimension the above in a sketch book before
doing the computer drawing
One compulsory field visit/exercise to be carried out.
Single line diagrams to be given in the examination.
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to
1. Gain a broad understanding of planning and designing of buildings
2. Prepare, read and interpret the drawings in a professional set up.
Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Use the concepts of analytic function and complex potentials to solve the problems arising in
electromagnetic field theory.
2. Utilize conformal transformation and complex integral arising in aerofoil theory, fluid flow
visualization and image processing.
3. Apply discrete and continuous probability distributions in analyzing the probability models arising in
engineering field.
4. Make use of the correlation and regression analysis to fit a suitable mathematical model for the
statistical data.
5. Construct joint probability distributions and demonstrate the validity of testing the hypothesis.
Graduate Attributes (As per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge, Problem Analysis, Life-Long Learning, Accomplishment of Complex Problems.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question will be for 20 marks.
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl Name of the
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
No Author/s
1 Advanced Engineering Mathematics E. Kreyszig John Wiley & Sons 10th Edition,2016
2 Higher Engineering Mathematics B.S. Grewal Khanna Publishers 44th Edition, 2017
Reference Books
1 Advanced Engineering Mathematics C.Ray Wylie, Louis McGraw-Hill 6th Edition 1995
2 Introductory Methods of Numerical S.S.Sastry Prentice Hall of India 4th Edition 2010
4 A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics N.P.Bali and Manish Laxmi Publications 2014
Web links and Video Lectures:
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
IV Semester
Course Code 18 CV42 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Hours/WeeKk 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Total Number of
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives: This course will enable students
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering in calculating slope
and deflections
2. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
3. Analyse structural systems and interpret data
4. Engage in lifelong learning with the advances in Structural Engineering
Introduction and Analysis of Plane Trusses: Structural forms, Conditions
of equilibrium, Compatibility conditions, Degree of freedom, Linear and non linear
analysis, Static and kinematic indeterminacies of structural systems, Types of
trusses, Assumptions in analysis, Analysis of determinate trusses by method of
joints and method of sections.
Module-2 L2,L4,L5
Deflection of Beams: Definition of slope, Deflection and curvature, Sign
conventions,Derivation of moment-curvature equation. Double integration method
and Macaulay’s method: Slope and deflection for standard loading cases and for
determinate prismatic beams subjected to point loads, UDL, UVL and couple.
Moment area method: Derivation, Mohr’s theorems, Sign conventions, Application
of moment area method for determinate prismatic beams, Beams of varying
section, Use of moment diagram by parts.
Conjugate beam method: Real beam and conjugate beam, conjugate beam
theorems, Application of conjugate beam method of determinate beams of
variable cross sections.
Energy Principles and Energy Theorems: Principle of virtual displacements,
Principle of virtual forces, Strain energy and complimentary energy, Strain energy
due to axial force, bending, shear and torsion, Deflection of determinate beams
and trusses using total strain energy, Deflection at the
point of application of single load, Castigliano’s theorems and its application to
estimate the deflections of trusses, bent frames, Special applications-Dummy unit
load method.
Arches and Cable Structures: Three hinged parabolic arches with supports at
the same and different levels. Determination of normal thrust, radial shear and
bending moment. Analysis of cables under point loads and UDL. Length of cables
for supports at same and at different levels- Stiffening trusses for suspension
Influence Lines and Moving Loads: Concepts of influence lines-ILD for reactions,
SF and BM for determinate beams-ILD for axial forces in determinate trusses-
Reactions, BM and SF in determinate beams using rolling loads concepts.
L2, L4, L6
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Evaluate the forces i n determinate trusses by method of joints and sections.
2. Evaluate the deflection of cantilever, simply supported and overhanging
beams by different methods
3. Understand the energy principles and energy theorems and its
applications to determine the deflections of trusses and bent frames.
4. Determine the stress resultants in arches and cables.
5. Understand the concept of influence lines and construct the ILD diagram for
the moving loads.
Text Books:
1. Reddy C S, Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Muthu K U. etal, Basic Structural Analysis, 2nd edition, IK International Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi,2015.
3. Bhavikatti, Structual Analysis, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Hibbeler R C, Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall, 9th edition, 2014
2. Devadoss Menon, Structural Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,
3. Prakash Rao D S, Structural Analysis, University Press Pvt. Ltd, 2007.
IV Semester
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 18CV43 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Hours/Week 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Total Number of
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course is to make students to learn:
1. Principles of dimensional analysis to design hydraulic models and Design of
various models.
2. Design the open channels of various cross sections including design of
economical sections.
3. Energy concepts of fluid in open channel, Energy dissipation, Water surface
profiles at different conditions.
4. The working principles of the hydraulic machines for the given data and
analyzing the performance of Turbines for various design data.
Dimensional analysis: Dimensional analysis and similitude: Dimensional
homogeneity, Non Dimensional parameter, Rayleigh methods and Buckingham ð
theorem, dimensional analysis, choice of variables, examples on various applications.
Model analysis: Model analysis, similitude, types of similarities, force ratios, similarity
laws, model classification, Reynolds model, Froude’s model, Euler’s Model, Webber’s
model, Mach model, scale effects, Distorted models. Numerical problems on Reynold’s,
and Froude’s Model
Buoyancy and Flotation: Buoyancy, Force and Centre of Buoyancy, Metacentre and
Metacentric height, Stability of submerged and floating bodies, Determination of
Metacentric height, Experimental and theoretical method, Numerical problems
L1, L2, L3, L4
Open Channel Flow Hydraulics:
Uniform Flow: Introduction, Classification of flow through channels, Chezy’s and
Manning’s equation for flow through open channel, Most economical channel
sections, Uniform flow through Open channels, Numerical Problems. Specific Energy
and Specific energy curve, Critical flow and
corresponding critical parameters, Metering flumes, Numerical Problems
Non-Uniform Flow: Hydraulic Jump, Expressions for conjugate depths and Energy
loss, Numerical Problems Gradually varied flow, Equation, Back water curve and
afflux, Description of water curves or profiles, Mild, steep, critical, horizontal
and adverse slope profiles, Numerical problems, Control sections
Hydraulic Machines:
Introduction, Impulse-Momentum equation. Direct impact of ajet on a stationary and
moving curved vanes, Introduction to concept of velocity triangles, impact of jet on a
series of curved vanes- Problems
Turbines – Impulse Turbines: Introduction to turbines, General lay out of a hydro-
electric plant, Heads and Efficiencies, classification of turbines. Pelton wheel-
components, working principle and velocity triangles. Maximum power, efficiency,
working proportions – Numerical problems
L1, L2, L3,L4
Reaction Turbines and Pumps: Radial flow reaction turbines: (i) Francis turbine-
Descriptions, working proportions and design, Numerical problems. (ii) Kaplan
turbine- Descriptions, working proportions and design, Numerical problems. Draft
tube theory and unit quantities. (No problems)
Centrifugal pumps: Components and Working of centrifugal pumps, Types of
centrifugal pumps, Work done by the impeller, Heads and Efficiencies, Minimum
starting speed of centrifugal pump, Numerical problems, Multi-stage pumps.
Course outcomes: L1,L2, L3,L4
After a successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply dimensional analysis to develop mathematical modeling and compute the
parametric values in prototype by analyzing the corresponding model parameters
2. Design the open channels of various cross sections including economical channel
3. Apply Energy concepts to flow in open channel sections, Calculate Energy
4. Compute water surface profiles at different conditions
5. Design turbines for the given data, and to know their operation characteristics
under different operating conditions
Text Books:
1. P N Modi and S M Seth, “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechan ics, including Hydraulic
Machines”, 20th edition, 2015, Standard Book House, New Delhi
2. R.K. Bansal, “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hy draulic Machines”, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi
3. S K SOM and G Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechan ics and Fluid Machines”,
Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi
1. K Subramanya, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machin es”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd.
2. Mohd. Kaleem Khan, “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Oxford University Press
3. C.S.P. Ojha, R. Berndtsson, and P.N. Chandramouli, “Fluid Mechanics and
Machinery”, Oxford University Publication – 2010
4. J.B. Evett, and C. Liu, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics ”, McGraw-Hill Book
IV Semester
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
L1, L2, L3
Fresh Concrete
Workability-factors affecting workability. Measurement of workability–slump,
Compaction factor and Vee-Bee Consistometer tests, flow tests. Segregation and
bleeding. Process of manufacturing of concrete- Batching, Mixing, Transporting, Placing
and Compaction. Curing – Methods of curing – Water curing, membrane curing, steam
curing, accelerated curing, self- curing. Good and Bad practices of making and using
fresh concrete and Effect of heat of hydration during mass concreting at project sites.
L1, L2, L3
Hardened Concrete Factors influencing strength, W/C ratio, gel/space ratio, Maturity
concept, Testing of hardened concrete, Creep –facto rs affecting creep. Shrinkage of
concrete – plastic shrinking and drying shrinkage, Factors affecting shrinkage.
Definition and significance of durability. Internal and external factors influencing
durability, Mechanisms- Sulphate attack – chloride attack, carbonation, freezing and
thawing. Corrosion, Durability requirements as per
IS-456, In situ testing of concrete- Penetration and pull out test, rebound hammer test,
ultrasonic pulse velocity, core extraction – Principal, applications and limitations.
L1, L2, L3
Concrete Mix Proportioning
Concept of Mix Design with and without admixtures, variables in proportioning and
Exposure conditions, Selection criteria of ingredients used for mix design, Procedure
of mix proportioning. Numerical Examples of Mix Proportioning using IS-10262
L1, L2, L3, L4
Special Concretes
RMC- manufacture and requirement as per QCI-RMCPCS, properties, advantages and
disadvantages. Self-Compacting concrete- concept, materials, tests, properties,
application and typical mix Fiber reinforced concrete - Fibers types, properties,
application of FRC. Light weight concrete-material properties and types. Typical light
weight concrete mix and aplications
Course outcomes: L1, L2, L3 L4
After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Relate material characteristics and their influence on microstructure of
2. Distinguish concrete behaviour based on its fresh and hardened properties.
3. Illustrate proportioning of different types of concrete mixes for required fresh
and hardened properties using professional codes.
Text Books:
1. Neville A.M. “Properties of Concrete”-4th Ed., Long man.
2. M.S. Shetty, Concrete Technology - Theory and Practice Published by S. Chand
and Company, New Delhi.
3. Kumar Mehta. P and Paulo J.M. Monteiro “Concrete-Mi crostructure, Property
and Materials”, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 201 4
4. A.R. Santha Kumar, “Concrete Technology”, Oxford Un iversity Press, New
Delhi (New Edition)
Aerial Photogrammetry
Introduction, Uses, Aerial photographs, Definitions, Scale of vertical and tilted
photograph (simple
problems), Ground Co-ordinates (simple problems), Relief Displacements (Derivation),
Ground control, Procedure of aerial survey, overlaps and mosaics, Stereoscopes,
Derivation Parallax
L2,L3, L5
Modern Surveying Instruments
Introduction, Electromagnetic spectrum, Electromagnetic distance measurement,
Total station,
Lidar scanners for topographical survey. Remote Sensing: Introduction, Principles of
energy interaction in atmosphere and earth surface features, Image interpretation
techniques, visual interpretation. Digital image processing, Global Positioning system
Geographical Information System: Definition of GIS, Key Components of GIS,
Functions of GIS, Spatial data, spatial information system Geospatial analysis,
Integration of Remote sensing and GIS and Applications in Civil
Engineering(transportation, town planning).
Course outcomes: After a successful completion of the course, the student will L2,L3,
be L5
able to:
1. Apply the knowledge of geometric principles to arrive at surveying problems
2. Use modern instruments to obtain geo-spatial data and analyse the same to
appropriate engineering problems.
3. Capture geodetic data to process and perform analysis for survey problems with
the use of electronic instruments;
4. Design and implement the different types of curves for deviating type of alignments.
Text Books:
1. B.C. Punmia, “Surveying Vol.2”, Laxmi Publications pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Kanetkar T P and S V Kulkarni , Surveying and Levelling Part 2, Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan,
3. K.R. Arora, “Surveying Vol. 1” Standard Book House, New Delhi.
4. Sateesh Gopi, Global Positioning System, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. S.K. Duggal, “Surveying Vol.I & II”, Tata McGraw Hi ll Publishing Co. Ltd. New
2. R Subramanian, Surveying and Leveling, Second edition, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
3. David Clerk, Plane and Geodetic Surveying Vol1 and Vol2, CBS publishers
4. B Bhatia, Remote Sensing and GIS , Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
5. T.M Lillesand,. R.W Kiefer,. and J.W Chipman, Remote sensing and Image
interpretation , 5th edition, John Wiley and Sons India
6. James M Anderson and Adward M Mikhail, Surveying theory and practice,
7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
7. Kang-tsung Chang, Introduction to geographic information systems, McGraw Hill
Higher Education
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV46 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS – 03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
1. Analyze the variation of water demand and to estimate water requirement for a community.
2. Evaluate the sources and conveyance systems for raw and treated water.
3. Study drinking water quality standards and to illustrate qualitative analysis of water.
4. Design physical, chemical and biological treatment methods to ensure safe and potable water
Supply. Module -1
Introduction: Need for protected water supply. Demand of Water: Types of water
demands -domestic demand, industrial, institutional and commercial, public use, fire demand,
Factors affecting per capita demand, Variations in demand of water, Peak factor, Design period
and factors governing design period.
Different methods of population forecasting -with merits and demerits. Numerical
Module -2
Water Treatment: Objectives, Treatment flow chart – significance of each unit
Sources and Characteristics: surface and subsurface sources -suitability with regard to
quality and quantity. Sampling - Objectives, methods, Preservation techniques.
Water quality characteristics: Physical, Chemical and Microbiological.
Module -3
Sedimentation -theory, settling tanks, types, design. Concept of Plate and Tube
Coagulation aided sedimentation-types of coagulants, chemical feeding, flash mixing,
Clarriflocculators . Filtration: mechanism -theory of filtration, types of filters, slow sand, rapid
sand and pressure filters including construction, operation, cleaning. Operational problems in
filters. Design of slow and rapid sand filter without under drainage system.
Ultra and micro filtration: Basic principles, membrane materials, pore size, flux, normalizing
permeability, fouling mechanism, Overview of ultra and micro filtration elements and systems,
Fouling in MF/UF systems, fouling control and pre treatment.
Module -4
Softening: Overview of Lime soda, Zeolite process, RO and Nano filtration:
Basic principles, Flux, Salt passage, rejection and concentration polarization. Overview of RO and
nano filtration membranes and elements, Conventional pre treatment techniques for RO and
nano filtration.
Disinfection: Methods of disinfection with merits and demerits, Theory of disinfection, emphasis
on treatment of water for community bathing. (melas and fairs) Fluoridation and De-
Module -5 L1,L2,L3
Collection and Conveyance of water: Intake structures - types of intakes –Factors
to be considered in selection of intake structures.
Pumps: Types of pumps with working principles. Numerical Problems.
Pipes: Design of the economical diameter for the rising main; Numerical Problems.
Pipe appurtenances, Valves, Fire hydrants
Pipe materials: Different materials with advantages and disadvantages. Factors affecting selection
of pipe material.
Distribution system: Methods- Gravity, Pumping, Combined gravity and pumping system, Service
reservoirs and their capacity determination.
Visit to Intake structure, Water treatment plant and report working of each unit Design of water
treatment plant units and distribution system with population forecasting for the given city
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Estimate average and peak water demand for a community.
2. Evaluate available sources of water, quantitatively and qualitatively and make
appropriate choice for a community.
3. Evaluate water quality and environmental significance of various parameters and plan
suitable treatment system.
4. Design a comprehensive water treatment and distribution system to purify and
Program Objectives:
1. Engineering knowledge
2. Problem analysis
3. Interpretation of data
Question Paper Pattern:
1. The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions. Each full question
carrying 16 marks
2. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if necessary) from
each module.
3. Each full question shall cover the topics as a module
4. The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
module. If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be
considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each module.
Text Books:
1. S.K.Garg, Environmental Engineering vol-I, Water supply Engineering – M/s Khanna Publishers,
New Delhi 2010
Hammer, Water & Waste Water Technology, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 2008.
1. B.C. Punmia and Ashok Jain, Environmental Engineering I-Water Supply Engineering,
Laxmi Publications (P)Ltd., New Delhi 2010.
2. Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George T , Environmental Engineering - McGraw Hill
International Edition. New York, 2000
3. CPHEEO Manual on water supply and treatment engineering, Ministry of Urban
Development, Government of India, New Delhi.
IV Semester
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course outcomes: During the course of study students will develop understanding
1. Properties of fluids and the use of various instruments for fluid flow measurement.
2. Working of hydraulic machines under various conditions of working and their
Module -2
Resource Management: Basic concepts of resource management, class of
labour, Wages & statutory requirement, Labour Production rate or Productivity, Factors affecting
labour output or productivity.
Construction Equipments: classification of construction equipment, estimation of productivity
for: excavator, dozer, compactors, graders and dumpers. Estimation of ownership cost,
operational and maintenance cost of construction equipments. Selection of construction
equipment and basic concept on equipment maintenance
Materials: material management functions, inventory management.
Module -3
Construction Quality , safety and Human Values:
Construction quality process, inspection, quality control and quality assurance, cost of quality,
ISO standards. Introduction to concept of Total Quality Management
HSE: Introduction to concepts of HSE as applicable to Construction. Importance of safety in
construction , Safety measures to be taken during Excavation , Explosives , drilling and blasting ,
hot bituminous works , scaffolds / platforms / ladder , form work and equipment
operation.Storage of materials. Safety through legislation, safety campaign. Insurances.
Ethics : Morals, values and ethics, integrity, trustworthiness , work ethics, need of engineering
ethics,Professional Duties, Professional and Individual Rights, Confidential and Proprietary
Information, Conflict of Interest Confidentiality, Gifts and Bribes, Price Fixing, Whistle Blowing.
Module -4
Introduction to engineering economy :
Principles of engineering economics, concept on Micro and macro analysis, problem solving
and decision making.
Interest and time value of money: concept of simple and compound interest, interest formula for:
single payment, equal payment and uniform gradient series. Nominal and effective interest
rates, deferred annuities, capitalized cost.
Comparison of alternatives : Present worth, annual equivalent , capitalized and rate of return
methods , Minimum Cost analysis and break even analysis
Module -5
Ent repreneurship: Evolution of the concept, functions of an entrepreneur,
concepts of entrepreneurship, stages in entrepreneurial process, different sources of finance for
entrepreneur, central and state level financial institutions.
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME): definition, characteristics, objectives, scope, role
of MSME in economic development, advantages of MSME, Introduction to different schemes:
Business Planning Process: Business planning process, marketing plan, financial plan, project
report and feasibility study, guidelines for preparation of model project report for starting a
new venture. Introduction to international entrepreneurship opportunities , entry into
international business , exporting , direct foreign investment , venture capital
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the construction management process.
2. Understand and solve variety of issues that are encountered by every professional in
discharging professional duties.
3. Fulfill the professional obligations effectively with global outlook
Program Objectives:
1. Engineering knowledge
2. Problem analysis
3. Interpretation of data
Question Paper Pattern:
1. The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions. Each full question
carrying 16 marks
2. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if necessary) from
each module.
3. Each full question shall cover the topics as a module
4. The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
Text Books:
1. P C Tripathi and P N Reddy, “Principles of Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
2. Chitkara, K.K, “Construction Project Management: Planning Scheduling and Control”,
Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.
3. Poornima M. Charantimath , “Entrepreneurship Development and Small Business
Enterprise”, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., Licensees of Pearson Education
4. Dr. U.K. Shrivastava “Construction Planning and Management”, Galgotia publications Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Bureau of Indian standards – IS 7272 (Part-1)- 1974 : Recommendations for labour output
Reference for building works :
1. Robert L Peurifoy, Clifford J. Schexnayder, Aviad Shapira, Robert Schmitt, “Construction
Planning, Equipment, and Methods (Civil Engineering), McGraw-Hill Education
2. Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, “Essentials of Management: An International,
Innovation, and Leadership perspective”, T.M.H. Edition, New Delhi
3. Frank Harris, Ronald McCaffer with Francis Edum-Fotwe, “ Modern Construction
Management”, Wiley-Blackwell
4. Mike Martin, Roland Schinzinger, “Ethics in Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Education
5. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, “Project Management for Construction - Fundamentals
Concepts for Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders”, Prentice Hall, Pitsburgh
6. James L.Riggs , David D. Bedworth , Sabah U. Randhawa “ Engineerng Economics” 4 ed tata
Mc Graw hill.
7. S.C Sharma –“Construction Equipments and its management” – Khanna publishers
B.E., V Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Matrix Method of Analysis ( Flexibility Method) : Introduction, Axes and
coordinates, Flexibility matrix, Analysis of continuous beams and plane trusses using
system approach, Analysis of simple orthogonal rigid frames using system approach
with static indeterminacy ≤3
L2, L4,L5
Matrix Method of Analysis (Stiffness Method): Introduction, Stiffness matrix,
Analysis of continuous beams and plane trusses using system approach, Analysis of
simple orthogonal rigid frames using system approach with kinematic
indeterminacy ≤3
L2, L4,L5
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Determine the moment in indeterminate beams and frames having variable
moment of inertia and subsidence using slope defection method
2. Determine the moment in indeterminate beams and frames of no sway and sway
using moment distribution method.
3. Construct the bending moment diagram for beams and frames by Kani’s method.
4. Construct the bending moment diagram for beams and frames using flexibility
5. Analyze the beams and indeterminate frames by system stiffness method.
Text Books:
1. Hibbeler R C, “ Structural Analysis”, Pearson Publication
2. L S Negi and R S Jangid, “Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd.
3. D S Prakash Rao, “Structural Analysis: A Unified Approach” , Universities Press
4. K.U. Muthu, H.Narendra etal, “Indeterminate Structural Analysis”, IK
International Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. Reddy C S, “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
2. Gupta S P, G S Pundit and R Gupta, “Theory of Structures”, Vol II, Tata McGraw
Hill Publications company Ltd.
3. V N Vazirani and M M Ratwani, “Analysis Of Structures ”, Vol. 2, Khanna
4. Wang C K, “Intermediate Structural Analysis”, McGraw Hill, International
Students Edition.
5. S.Rajasekaran and G. Sankarasubramanian, “Computational Structural
Mechanics”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
B.E., V Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Introduction to Limit State Design and Serviceability: Introduction to working
stress method, Difference between Working stress and Limit State Method of design,
Modular Ratio and Factor of Safety.
Philosophy and principle of limit state design with assumptions. Partial Safety factors,
Characteristic load and strength. Stress block parameters, concept of balanced
section, under reinforced and over reinforced section.
The designs are as per IS-456 and SP (16) relevant charts to be provided in the
question paper
Text Books:
1. Unnikrishnan Pillai and Devdas Menon, “ Reinforced Concrete Design” ,
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Subramanian, “ Design of Concrete Structures” , Oxford university Press
3. H J Shah, “Reinforced Concrete Vol. 1 (Elementary Reinforced Concrete)” ,
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. P C Varghese, “Limit State design of reinforced concrete” , PHI, New Delhi
2. W H Mosley, R Husle, J H Bungey, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, MacMillan
Education, Palgrave publisher s
3. Kong and Evans, “Reinforced and Pre-Stressed Concrete”, Springer Publications
4. A W Beeby and Narayan R S, “Introduction to Design for Civil Engineers”, CRC
5. Robert Park and Thomas Paulay, “Reinforced Concrete Structures”, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
B.E., V Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
1. Gopal Ranjan and Rao A.S.R., Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age
International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Punmia B C, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Laxmi Publications co.,
New Delhi.
3. Murthy V.N.S., Principles of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, UBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
4. Braja, M. Das, Geotechnical Engineering; Thomson Business Information India (P)
Ltd., India
Reference Books:
1. T.W. Lambe and R.V. Whitman, Soil Mechanics-, John Wiley & Sons
2. Donald P Coduto, Geotechnical Engineering- Phi Learning Private Limited, New
3. Shashi K. Gulathi & Manoj Datta, Geotechnical Engineering-. , Tata McGraw Hill
4. Debashis Moitra, “Geotechnical Engineering”, Universities Press.,
5. Malcolm D Bolton, “A Guide to soil mechanics”, Universities Press.,
6. Bowles J E , Foundation analysis and design, McGraw- Hill Publications
Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18CV55 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to;
1. Understand the varies water demands and population forecasting methods .
2. Understand and design different unit operations and unit process in involved in waste water treatment process
3.Understand the concept and design of various physicochemical treatment units
4. Understand the concept and design of various biological treatment units
5. Understand the concept of various advance waste water and low cost treatment processes for rural areas.
Modules RBT Level
in Hours
Introduction, need for sanitation, methods of sewage disposal, types of sewerage 10 L1,L2,L3
systems, dry weather flow, wet weather flow, factors effecting dry and wet weather flow on design of
sewerage system, estimation of storm flow, time of concentration flow, material of sewers, shape of
sewers, laying and testing of sewers, ventilation of sewers.
Sewer appurtenances, manholes, catch basins, basic principles of house drainage, typical layout plan
showing house drainage connections
Design of sewers, hydraulic formula for velocity, effects of variation on velocity, 10 L1,L2,L3
regime velocity, design of hydraulic elements for circular sewers for full flow and partial flow
conditions. Reaction kinetics(zero order, 1st order and 2nd order)
Disposal of effluents by dilution, self-purification phenomenon, oxygen sag curve, zones of
purification, sewage farming, sewage sickness, numerical problems on disposal of effluents, Streeter-
Phelps equation.
Waste water characteristics, sampling, significance and techniques, physical, chemical and biological 10 L1,L2,L3
characteristics, flow diagram for municipal waste water
treatment, unit operations.
Theoretical principles and design: screens, equalization basin, grit chamber, primary and secondary
settling tanks.
Working principles and design: Suspended growth system - conventional activated sludge process and 10 L1,L2,L3
its modifications. Attached growth system – trickling filter, bio-towers and rotating biological
contactors. Principles and design of stabilization ponds. Sequential batch reactors, moving bed bio
reactors Sludge Processing: Separation - sludge thickeners, volume reduction, co nditioning and
digestion – aerobic and anaerobic.
Advanced Wastewater Treatment: Need and technologies used. Nitrification and Denitrification 10 L1,L2,L3
Processes, Phosphorous removal. Advance oxidation rocesses (AOPs), Elecrtocoagulation, Numerical
Rural wastewater systems: Septic tanks, two-pit latrines, eco-toilet, soak pits and numerical problems.
Course outcomes:
After studying this course, the students will be able to:
1. Select the appropriate sewer appurtenances and materials in sewer network.
2. Design the sewers network and understand the self purification process in flowing water.
3.Deisgn the varies physic- chemical treatment units
4. Design the various biological treatment units
5. Design various AOPs and low cost treatment units.
Question paper pattern: The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60
The question paper will have ten questions.
Each full question consists of 20 marks.
There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl Name of the
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition
No Author/s
1 Environmental Engineering -. Howard S. Peavy, Tata Indian Edition, 2013
New York, 2000 Donald R. Rowe, McGraw Hill
George T
2. Metcalf and Eddy Tata 4th Edition, 2009
“Wastewater Engineering - Treatment and Inc McGraw Hill
Reuse”, , Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
4 “Wastewater Treatment Concepts and Karia G.L., and Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 3rd, Edition, 2017
Design Approach” Christian R.A., Ltd., New Delhi.
5 Environmental Engineering vol-II, S.K.Garg, Khanna Publishers, – New 28th edition and 2017
Water supply Engineering Delhi
Reference Books
1 CPHEEO manual on sewage treatment Ministry of Urban Development, Government of 1999
India, New Delhi.
2 Water & Waste Water Technology, Mark.J Hammer, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New 2008
3 Benefield R.D., and Prentice Hall, Englewood 2012
Biological Process Design for Wastewater Randal C.W Chiffs, New Jersey
Course Title: Highway Engineering
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV56 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to;
1. Gain knowledge of different modes of transportation systems, history, development of
highways and the organizations associated with research and development of the
same in INDIA.
2. Understand Highway planning and development considering the essential criteria’s
(engineering and financial aspects, regulations and policies, socio economic impact).
3. Get insight to different aspects of geometric elements and train them to design
geometric elements of a highway network.
4. Understand pavement and its components, pavement construction activities and its
Module Teaching d
s Hours Bloom’
(RBT) Level
Module -1
Principles of Transportation Engineering: Importance of
Different modes of transportation and comparison,
Characteristics of road transport Jayakar committee
recommendations, and implementation – Central Road Fund,
Indian Roads Congress, Central Road Research Institute 10 hours L1,L2
Highway Development and Planning: Road types and
classification, road patterns, planning surveys, master plan –
saturation system of road planning, phasing road development in
India, problems on best alignment among alternate proposals
Module -2
Highway Alignment and Surveys: Ideal Alignment, Factors
affecting the
alignment, Engineering surveys-Map study, Reconnaissance,
Preliminary and Final location & detailed survey, Reports and
drawings for new and re-aligned projects 10 Hours L2,L3,L4
Highway Geometric Design: Cross sectional elements–width,
surface, camber, Sight distances–SSD, OSD, ISD, HSD, Design of
Module -3
Pavement Materials: Subgrade soil - desirable properties-
HRB soil
classification-determination of CBR and modulus of subgrade
reaction with Problems Aggregates- Desirable properties and 10 Hours L3,L4,L5
tests, Bituminous materials- Explanation on Tar, bitumen,
cutback and emulsion-tests on bituminous material Pavement
Module -4Pavement types, component parts of flexible and rigid
Pavement Construction: Design of soil aggregate mixes by
Rothfuch’s method.
Uses and properties of bituminous mixes and cement concrete in
pavement construction.
Earthwork; cutting and Filling, Preparation of subgrade,
Specification and construction of i) Granular Sub base, ii) WBM
Base, iii) WMM base, iv) Bituminous Macadam, v) Dense
Bituminous Macadam vi) Bituminous Concrete, 10 Hours L2,L3,L4
vii) Dry Lean Concrete sub base and PQC viii) concrete roads
Module -5
Highway Drainage: Significance and requirements, Surface
drainage system and
design-Examples, sub surface drainage system, design of filter
materials, Types of cross drainage structures, their choice and 10 Hours L1,L2,L3
Highway Economics: Highway user benefits, VOC using charts
Course outcomes: Economic analysis
After studying this- course,
annual students
cost method-Benefit
will be able to:
1. Acquire the capability of proposing a new alignment or re-alignment of existing roads,
conduct necessary field investigation for generation of required data.
2. Evaluate the engineering properties of the materials and suggest the suitability of the same
for pavement construction.
3. Design road geometrics, structural components of pavement and drainage.
4. Evaluate the highway economics by few select methods and also will have a basic knowledge
of various highway financing concepts.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. S K Khanna and C E G Justo, “ Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand Bros, Roorkee
2. L R Kadiyali, “Highway Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3. R Srinivasa Kumar, “Highway Engineering”, University Press.
4. K.P.subramanium, “Transportation Engineering”, SciTech Publications, Chennai.
Reference Books:
1. Relevant IRC Codes
2. Specifications for Roads and Bridges-MoRT&H, IRC, New Delhi.
3. C. JotinKhisty, B. Kent lal, “Transportation Engineering”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Modules Teaching Bloo m’s
Hours Taxonomy
03 Level
L3, L4
1. a) Measurements of distances using tape
along with horizontal planes and slopes,
direct ranging.
b) Setting out perpendiculars. Use of cross 03 L3
2. Obstacles in chaining and ranging – Chaining
but not ranging, ranging but not chaining, both
ranging and chaining.
3. Measurements of bearings / directions using 03 L3
prismatic compass, setting of geometrical
figures using prismatic compass.
4. Measurement of bearings of sides of a closed 03 L3
traverse and adjustment of closing error by
Bowditch method.
5. Determination of distance between two 03 L4
inaccessible points using compass and
6. Determination of reduced levels of points using 03 L4
dumpy level/auto level (simple leveling)
7. Determination of reduced levels of points using 03 L4
dumpy level/auto level (differential leveling and
inverted leveling)
8. To determine the difference in elevation 03 L4
between two points using Reciprocal leveling
and to determine the collimation error
9. To conduct profile leveling, cross sectioning and 03 L3
block leveling. Plotting profile and cross
sectioning in excel. Block contour on graph
10. Measurement of horizontal angle by 03 L4
repetition and reiteration methods and
Measurement of vertical angles using
11. Determination of horizontal distance 03 L4
and vertical height to a base inaccessible object
using theodolite by single plane and double
12. To determine distance and 03 L3
elevation using tachometric surveying with
horizontal and inclined line of sight.
13. Closed traverse surveying using 03 L3
Theodolite and applying corrections for error
of closure by transit rule.
14. Demonstration of Minor 03 L3
instruments like Clinometer, Ceylon Ghat
tracer, Box sextant, Hand level, Planimeter,
Course outcom es:
After a successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply the basic principles of engineering surveying and for linear and
angular measurements.
2. comprehend effectively field procedures required for a professional surveyor.
3. Use techniques, skills and conventional
Program Objecti ves (as per instruments
NBA) necessary for
1. Engineering Knowledge.
2. Problem Analysis.
3. Interpretation of data.
Question paper pattern:
All are individual experiments.
Instructions as printed on the cover page of answer script for split up of
marks to be strictly followed.
All exercises are to be included for practical examination.
Text Books:
1. B.C. Punmia, “Surveying Vol.1”, Laxmi Publications pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
– 2009.
2. Kanetkar T P and S V Kulkarni , Surveying and Levelling Part I,
Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, 1988
Reference Books:
1. S.K. Duggal, “Surveying Vol.1”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
New Delhi. – 2009.
2. K.R. Arora, “ Surveying Vol. 1” Standard Book House, New Delhi. – 2010
B.E., V Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
a. Normal Consistency
b. setting time
c. compressive strength
d. fineness by air permeability test
e. specific gravity
2. Tests on Concrete:
Modules - 1
Introduction: Environment - Components of Environment
Ecosystem: Types & Structure of Ecosystem, Balanced
ecosystem Human Activities – Food, Shelter, And Economic &
04 L1,L2
Social Security. Impacts of Agriculture & Housing Impacts of
Industry, Mining & transportation Environmental Impact
Assessment, Sustainable Development.
Modules - 2
Natural Resources, Water resources – Availability & Quality aspects,
Water borne diseases & water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in
drinking water Mineral resources, Forest Wealth Material Cycles –
Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cyc le & Sulphur Cycle. Energy – Different
04 L1,L2
types of energy, Conventional so urces & Non Conventional sources of
energy Solar energy, Hydro electric energy, Wind Energy, Nuclear
energy, Biomass & Biogas Fossil Fuels, Hydrogen as an alternative
Modules - 3
Environmental Pollution – Water Pollution, Noise pollution, Land
Pollution, Public Health Aspects. Global Environmental Issues:
04 L1,L2
Population Growth, Urbanization, Land Management, Water & Waste
Water Management.
Modules - 4
Air Pollution & Automobile Pollution: Definition, Effects – Global
Warming, Acid rain & Ozone layer depletion, controlling measures.
Solid Waste Management, E - Waste Management & Biomedical Waste 04 L1,L2
Management - Sources, Characteristics & Disposal methods.
Modules - 5
Module -5
Design of Beams: Introduction, Beam types, Lateral Stability of beams, factors affecting
lateral stability, Behaviour of Beams in Bending, Design strength of laterally supported
beams in Bending, Design of Laterally unsupported Beams [No Numerical Problems],
Shear Strength of Steel Beams.
Beam to Beam Connections, Beam to Column Connection and Column Splices [No
Numerical Problems]
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Possess a knowledge of Steel Structures Advantages and Disadvantages of Steel
structures, steel code provisions and plastic behaviour of structural steel
2. Understand the Concept of Bolted and Welded connections.
3. Understand the Concept of Design of compression members, built-up columns
and columns splices.
4. Understand the Concept of Design of tension members, simple slab base and
gusseted base.
5. Understand the Concept of Design of laterally supported and un-supported steel
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Question Paper Pattern:
The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions. Each full
question carrying 16 marks
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if
necessary) from each module.
Each full question shall cover the topics as a module
The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
module. If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be
considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each
Text Books:
1. N Subramanian., “Design of Steel Structures” (2016), Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
2. Duggal S K., “Limit State Method of Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Dayarathnam P, “Design of Steel Structures”, S Chand and Company Ltd., New
2. Kazim S M A and Jindal R S, “Design of Steel Structures”, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
3. IS 800-2007: General Construction in Steel Code Practice (Third revision), Bureau
of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
B.E., VI Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
5. Gopal Ranjan and Rao A.S.R., Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, New Age
International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Punmia B C, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Laxmi Publications co.,
New Delhi.
7. Murthy V.N.S., Principles of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, UBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
8. Braja, M. Das, Geotechnical Engineering; Thomson Business Information India (P)
Ltd., India
Reference Books:
7. T.W. Lambe and R.V. Whitman, Soil Mechanics-, John Wiley & Sons
8. Donald P Coduto, Geotechnical Engineering- Phi Learning Private Limited, New
9. Shashi K. Gulathi & Manoj Datta, Geotechnical Engineering-. , Tata McGraw Hill
10.Debashis Moitra, “Geotechnical Engineering”, Universities Press.,
11.Malcolm D Bolton, “A Guide to soil mechanics”, Universities Press.,
12.Bowles J E , Foundation analysis and design, McGraw- Hill Publications
Module -2
Module -3
Module -4
Irrigation: Definition. Benefits and ill effects of irrigation. System of irrigation: surface
and ground water, flow irrigation, lift irrigation, Bandhara irrigation.
Water Requirements of Crops: Duty, delta and base period, relationship between
them, factors affecting duty of water crops and crop seasons in India, irrigation
efficiency, frequency of irrigation.
L2, L4
Module -5
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the importance of hydrology and its components.
2. Measure precipitation and analyze the data and analyze the losses in precipitation.
3. Estimate runoff and develop unit hydrographs.
4. Find the benefits and ill-effects of irrigation.
5. Find the quantity of irrigation water and frequency of irrigation for various crops.
6. Find the canal capacity, design the canal and compute the reservoir capacity.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1) K. Subramanya, “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi.
2) Jayarami Reddy, “A Text Book of Hydrology”, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
3) Punmia and LalPandey, “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering” Lakshmi
Publications, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. H.M. Raghunath, “Hydrology”, Wiley Eastern Publication, New Delhi.
2. Sharma R.K., “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
3. VenTe Chow, “Applied Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Modi P.N “Water Resources and Water Power Engineering”-. Standard book house,
5. Garg S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures” Khanna publications,
New Delhi.
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV641 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
1. Gain basic knowledge of structural systems and application of concepts of flexibility
and stiffness matrices for simple elements.
2. Understand flexibility and stiffness matrices to solve problems in beams, frames and
3. Gain knowledge of direct stiffness method to solve problems in beams, frames and
4. Gain knowledge of solving problems involving temperature changes and lack of fit.
Module -1
Introduction: Structural systems, geometric and material non-linearity, principle of
superposition, equilibrium and compatibility conditions, static and kinematic
indeterminacy, principle of minimum potential energy and minimum complementary
energy, concepts of stiffness and flexibility, flexibility and stiffness matrices of beam and
truss elements
L2, L4,L5
Module -2
Element Flexibility Method: Force transformation matrix, global flexibility matrix,
analysis of continuous beams, rigid frames and trusses.
L2, L4,L5
Module -3
Element Stiffness Method: Displacement transformation matrix, global stiffness
matrix, analysis of continuous beams, rigid frames and trusses.
L2, L4,L5
Module -4
Effects of Temperature Changes and Lack of Fit: Related numerical problems by
flexibility and stiffness method as in Module 2 and Module 3.
L2, L4,L5
Module -5
Direct Stiffness Method: Local and global coordinates systems, principle of contra
gradience, global stiffness matrices of beam and truss elements, analysis of continuous
beams and trusses
L2, L4,L5
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Evaluate the structural systems to application of concepts of flexibility and stiffness
matrices for simple problems.
2. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems with respect to flexibility and
stiffness matrices as applied to continuous beams, rigid frames and trusses.
3. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems by application of concepts of
direct stiffness method as applied to continuous beams and trusses.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. Weaver W and Gere J H, “Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures”, CBS
publications, New Delhi.
2. Rajasekaran S, “Computational Structural Mechanics”, PHI, New Delhi.
3. Madhujit Mukhopadhay and Abdul Hamid Sheikh, “Matrix and Finite Element
Analysis of Structures”, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. Godbole P N, “Matrix Method of Structural Analysis”, PHI ltd, New Delhi.
2. Pundit and Gupta, “Theory of Structures Vol II”, TMH publications, New Delhi
3. A K Jain, “Advanced Structural Analysis”, Nemchand Publications, Roorkee.
4. Manikaselvam, “Elements of Matrix Analysis and Stability of Structures”, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi.
5. H C Martin, “Introduction to Matrix Methods in Structural Analysis”, International
textbook company, McGraw Hill.
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV642 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
1. Study the present methods of solid waste management system and to analyze their
draw backs comparing with statutory rules.
2. Understand different elements of solid waste management from generation of solid
waste to disposal.
3. Analyze different processing technologies and to study conversion of municipal solid
waste to compost or biogas.
4. Evaluate landfill site and to study the sanitary landfill reactions.
Module -1
Sources: Sources of Solid waste, Types of solid waste, Physical and Chemical
composition of municipal solid waste. Generation rate, Numerical Problems.
Collection: Collection of solid waste- services and systems, equipments,
Transportation: Need of transfer operation, transfer station, transport means and
methods, route optimization. Solid waste management 2000 rules with, 2016
Module -2
Processing techniques: Purpose of processing, Chemical volume reduction (incineration)
– Process description, 3T’s, principal components in the design of municipal
incinerators, Air pollution control,Mechanical volume reduction (compaction),
Mechanical size reduction (shredding), component separation (manual and mechanical
Module -3
Composting Aerobic and anaerobic method - process description, process microbiology,
design consideration, Mechanical composting, Vermicomposting, Numerical Problems.
Sanitary landfilling: Definition, advantages and disadvantages, site selection, methods,
reaction occurring in landfill- Gas and Leachate movement, Control of gas and
leachate movement, Design of sanitary landfill. Numerical Problems
Module -4
Sources, collection, treatment and disposal of :-
Biomedical waste ,E-waste ,Hazardous waste and construction waste
Module -5
Incineration -3Ts factor affecting incineration ,types of incinerations , Pyrolsis ,design
criteria for incineration
Energy recovery technique from solid waste management
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyse existing solid waste management system and to identify their drawbacks.
2. Evaluate different elements of solid waste management system.
3. Suggest suitable scientific methods for solid waste management elements.
4. Design suitable processing system and evaluate disposal sites.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen , Samuel A Vigil, “Integrated Solid Waste
Management : Engineering principles and management issues”, M/c Graw hill
Education . Indian edition
2. Howard S Peavy, Donald R Rowe and George Tchobanoglous, “Environmental
Engineering”, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co ltd.,
Reference Books:
1. Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.Ministry of
Environment and Forests Notification, New Delhi, the 25th September, 2000.
Amendment – 1357(E) – 08-04-2016
2. Municipal Solid waste management manual, Part II published under Swachh
Bharat Mission, Central Public Health And Environmental Engineering
Organization (CPHEEO), 2016, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of
3. Handbook of Solidwaste management, second edition, George Tchobanoglous,
Frank Kreith, published by M/c Graw hill Education, 2002, ISBN-13 978-
0071356237 ISBN -10 0071356231
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV643 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This Course will enable students to:
1. understand environmental issues due to building materials and the
energy consumption in manufacturing building materials
2. study the various masonry blocks, masonry mortar and structural behavior of
masonry under compression.
3. Study the alternative building materials in the present context.
4. understand the alternative building technologies which are followed in present
construction field.
Module -1
Introduction: Energy in building materials, Environmental issues concerned to
building materials, Embodied energy and life-cycle energy, Global warming and
construction industry, Green concepts in buildings, Green building ratings – IGBC and
LEED manuals – mandatory requirements, Rainwater harvesting & solar passive
architecture. Environmental friendly and cost effective building technologies,
Requirements for buildings of different climatic regions
Module -2
Elements of Structural Masonry : Elements of Structural Masonry, Masonry
materials, requirements of masonry units’ characteristics of bricks, stones,
clay blocks, concrete blocks, stone boulders, laterite Blocks, Fal- G blocks and
Stabilized mud block. Manufacture of stabilized blocks.
Structural Masonry Mortars: Mortars, cementations materials, sand, natural &
manufactured, types of mortars, classification of mortars as
per BIS, characteristics and requirements of mortar, selection of mortar.
Uses of masonry, masonry bonding, Compressive strength of masonry elements,
Factors affecting compressive strength, Strength of Prisms/wallets and walls, Effect of
brick bond on strength, Bond strength of masonry: Flexure and shear, Elastic
properties of masonry materials and masonry, Design of masonry compression
elements subjected to axial load.
Module -3
Alternative Building Materials: Lime, Pozzolana cements, Raw materials,
Manufacturing process, Properties and uses. Fibers- metal and synthetic, Properties
and applications. Fiber reinforced plastics, Matrix materials, Fibers organic and
synthetic, Properties and applications. Building materials from agro and industrial
wastes ,Types of agro wastes, Types of industrial and mine wastes, Properties and
applications. Masonry blocks using industrial wastes. Construction and demolition
Module -4
Alternative Building Technologies: Use of arches in foundation, alternatives for
wall constructions, composite masonry, confined masonry, cavity walls, rammed
earth, Ferro cement and ferroconcrete building components, Materials and
specifications, Properties, Construction methods, Applications.
Top down construction, Mivan Construction Technique.
Alternative Roofing Systems: Concepts, Filler slabs, Composite beam panel roofs,
Masonry vaults and domes
Module -5
Equipment for Production of Alternative Materials: Machines for manufacture of
concrete, Equipments for production of stabilized blocks, Moulds and methods of
production of precast elements, Cost concepts in buildings, Cost saving techniques in
planning, design and construction, Cost analysis: Case studies using alternatives.
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Solve the problems of Environmental issues concerned to building materials and cost
effective building technologies;
2. Suggest appropriate type of masonry unit and mortar for civil
engineering constructions; also they are able to Design Structural Masonry Elements
under Axial Compression.
3. Analyse different alternative building materials which will be suitable for
specific climate and in an environmentally sustainable manner. Also capable of
suggesting suitable agro and industrial wastes as a building material.
4. Recommend various types of alternative building materials and technologies and
design a energy efficient building by considering local climatic condition and
building material.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. KS Jagadish, BV Venkatarama Reddy and KS Nanjunda Rao, “Alternative Building
Materials and Technologies”, New Age International pub.
2. Arnold W Hendry, “Structural Masonry”, Macmillan Publishers
Reference Books:
1. RJS Spence and DJ Cook, “Building Materials in Developing Countries”, Wiley pub.
2. LEED India, Green Building Rating System, IGBC pub.
3. IGBC Green Homes Rating System, CII pub.
4. Relevant IS Codes.
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV644 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of ground improvement techniques
2. Apply knowledge of mathematics, Science and Geotechnical Engineering to solve
problems in the field of modification of ground required for construction of civil
engineering structures.
3. Understand the concepts of chemical compaction, grouting and other miscellaneous
4. Impart the knowledge of geosynthetics, vibration, grouting and Injection.
Module -1
Formation and Development of Ground : Introduction, Formation of Rock, soil and
soil profile, Soil distribution in India, Alterations of ground after formation, Reclaimed
soils, Natural offshore deposits;
Ground Improvement Potential – Hazardous ground conditions, poor ground conditions,
favourable ground conditions, Alternative Approaches, Geotechnical processes.
Compaction: Introduction, compaction mechanics, Field procedure, surface
compaction, Dynamic Compaction, selection of field compaction procedures, compaction
quality control.
L1, L2 , L3
Module -2
Drainage Methods: Introduction, Seepage, filter requirements, ground water and
seepage control, methods of dewatering systems, Design of dewatering system including
pipe line effects of dewatering. Drains, different types of drains.
Pre-compression and Vertical Drains: Importance, Vertical drains, Sand drains,
Drainage of slopes, Electro kinetic dewatering, Preloading
L1, L2 , L3
Module -3
Chemical Modification-I: Definition, cement stabilization, sandwich technique,
admixtures. Hydration – effect of cement stabilization on permeability, Swelling and
shrinkage and strength and deformation characteristics. Criteria for cement
stabilization. Stabilization using Fly ash.
Chemical Modification-Ii: Lime stabilization – suitability, process, criteria for lime
stabilization. Other chemicals like chlorides, hydroxides, lignin and hydrofluoric acid.
Properties of chemical components, reactions and effects. Bitumen, tar or asphalt in
L2, L3 , L4
Module -4
Vibration Methods: Introduction, Vibro compaction – blasting, vibratory probe, Vibro
displacement compaction – displacement piles, vibroflotation, sand compaction piles,
stone columns, heavy tamping
GROUTING AND INJECTION: Introduction, Effect of grouting. Chemicals and materials
used. Types of grouting. Grouting procedure, Applications of grouting
L2 , L3, L5
Module -5
Geosynthetics: Introduction, Geosynthetic types, properties of Geosynthetics –
materials and fibre properties, Geometrical aspects, mechanical properties, Hydraulic
properties, Durability ; Applications of
Geosynthetics - Separation, Filtration and Fluid Transmission, Reinforcement,
Miscellaneous Methods (Only Concepts & Uses): Soil reinforcement, Thermal methods,
Ground improvement by confinement – Crib walls, Gabions and Mattresses, Anchors,
Rock bolts and soil nailing. Stone Column, Micro piles.
L1 , L3, L5
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Give solutions to solve various problems associated with soil formations having less
2. Use effectively the various methods of ground improvement techniques depending
upon the requirements.
3. utilize properly the locally available materials and techniques for ground
improvement so that economy in the design of foundations of various civil
engineering structures
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. Purushothama Raj P, “Ground Improvement Techniques”, Laxmi Publications, New
2. Koerner R.M, “Construction and Geotechnical Method in Foundation Engineering”, Mc
Graw Hill Pub. Co.
Reference Books:
1. Manfred Hausmann , “Engineering principles of ground modification”, Mc Graw Hill
Pub. Co.,
2. Bell, F.G., “Methods of treatment of unstable ground”, Butterworths, London.
3. Nelson J.D. and Miller D.J, “Expansive soils”, John Wiley and Sons.
4. Ingles. C.G. and Metcalf J.B , “Soil Stabilization; Principles and Practice”,
B.E., V Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
1. Saxena Subhash C and Satyapal Arora, “A Course in Railway Engineering”,
Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi.
2. Satish Chandra and Agarwal M.M, “Railway Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
3. Khanna S K, Arora M G and Jain S S, “Airport Planni ng and Design”, Nemchand
and Brothers, Roorkee,
4. C Venkatramaiah, “ Transportation Engineering”, Volume II: Railways, Airports,
Docks and Harbours, Bridges and Tunnels, Universities Press
5. Bindra S P, “A Course in Docks and Harbour Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and
Sons, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Oza.H.P. and Oza.G.H., “A course in Docks & Harbour Engineering”. Charotar
Publishing Co.,
2. Mundrey J.S. “A course in Railway Track Engineering”. Tata McGraw Hill
3. Srinivasan R. Harbour, “Dock and Tunnel Engineering ”, 26th Edition 2013
B.E., VI Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Remote Sensing: Basic concept of Remote sensing, Data and Information, Remote
sensing data collection, Remote sensing advantages & Limitations, Remote Sensing
process. Electromagnetic Spectrum, Energy interactions with atmosphere and with
earth surface features (soil, water, and vegetation), Resolution, image registration and
Image and False color composite, elements of visual interpretation techniques.
Remote Sensing Platforms and Sensors: Indian Satellites and Sensors
characteristics, Remote Sensing Platforms, Sensors and Properties of Digital
Data, Data Formats: Introduction, platforms- IRS, Landsat, SPOT, Cartosat,
Ikonos, Envisat etc. sensors, sensor resolutions (spatial, spectral, radiometric and
temporal). Basics of digital image processing- introduction to digital data, systematic
errors(Scan Skew, Mirror-Scan Velocity, Panoramic Distortion, Platform Velocity ,
Earth Rotation) and non-systematic [random] errors(Altitude, Attitude), Image
enhancements(Gray Level Thresholding, level slicing, contrast stretching),image
Geographic Information System: Introduction to GIS; components of a GIS;
Geographically Referenced Data, Spatial Data- Attribute data-Joining Spatial and
attribute data, GIS Operations: Spatial Data Input – Attribute data Management,
Geographic coordinate System, Datum; Map Projections: Types of Map Projections,
Projected coordinate Systems. UTM Zones.
Data Models: Vector data model: Representation of simple features – Topology and
its importance; coverage and its data structure, Shape file; Relational Database,
Raster Data Model: Elements of the Raster data model, Types of Raster Data, Raster
Data Structure, Data conversion.
Integrated Applications of Remote sensing and GIS: Applications in land use land
cover analysis, change detection, water resources, urban planning, environmental
planning, Natural resource management and Traffic management. Location Based
Services And Its Applications.
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Collect data and delineate various elements from the satellite imagery using their
spectral signature.
2. Analyze different features of ground information to create raster or vector data.
3. Perform digital classification and create different thematic maps for solving specific
4. Make decision based on the GIS analysis on thematic maps.
Text Books:
1. Narayan Panigrahi, “Geographical Information Science”, and ISBN 10:
8173716285 / ISBN 13: 9788173716287, University Press 2008.
2. Basudeb Bhatta, “Remote sensing and GIS” , ISBN:9780198072393, Oxford
University Press 2011
3. Kang – Tsurg Chang, “Introduction to Geographic Information System”. Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited 2015.
Lillesand, Kiefer, Chipman, “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation”, Wiley
Reference Books:
1. Chor Pang Lo and Albert K.W Yeung, “Concepts & Techniques of GIS”, PHI, 2006
2. John R. Jensen, “Remote sensing of the environment”, An earth resources
perspective – 2nd edition – by Pearson Education 2007.
3. Anji Reddy M., “Remote sensing and Geograperhical information system”, B.S.
Publications 2008.
4. Peter A. Burrough, Rachael A. McDonnell, and Christopher D. Lloyd, “Principals
of Geo physical Information system”, Oxford Publications 2004.
5. S Kumar, “Basics of remote sensing & GIS”, Laxmi publications 2005.
B.E., VI Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
1. Kadiyali.L.R. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning ”, Khanna Publishers,
Delhi, 2013
2. S K Khanna and CEG Justo and A Veeraragavan, “Highway Engineering”, Nem
Chand and Bros.
3. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Specifications: Guidelines and Special
Publications on Traffic Planning and Management
4. Salter. R.I and Hounsell N.B, “Highway Traffic Analysis and design”, Macmillan
Press Ltd.1996.
Reference Books:
1. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn and Walter P. Kilareski, Principles of
Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011
2. Garber and Hoel, “Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering”, CENGAGE
Learning, New Delhi, 2010
3. SP:43-1994, IRC Specification, “Guidelines on Low-cost Traffic Management
Techniques” for Urban Areas, 1994
4. John E Tyworth, “Traffic Management Planning, Operations and control”,
Addison Wesly Publishing Company, 1996
1. Hobbs.F.D. “Traffic Planning and Engineering”, University of Brimingham,
Peragamon Press Ltd, 2005
B.E., VI Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Fire Prevention and Protection: Fire Triangle, Fire Development and its severity,
Effect of Enclosures, early detection of Fire, Classification of fire and Fire
Electrical Safety, Product Safety: Technical Requirements of Product safety.
Health Considerations at Work Place: types of diseases and their spread, Health
Emergency. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – types and
advantages, effects of exposure and treatment for engineering industries, municipal
solid waste. Environment management plans (EMP) for safety and sustainability
Occupational Health and Safety Considerations: Water and wastewater treatment
plants, Handling of chemical and safety measures in water and wastewater
treatment plants and labs, Construction material manufacturing industries like
cement plants, RMC Plants, precast plants and construction sites. Policies, roles
and responsibilities of workers, managers and supervisors
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify hazards in the workplace that pose a danger or threat to their safety or
health, or that of others.
2. Control unsafe or unhealthy hazards and propose methods to eliminate the
3. Present a coherent analysis of a potential safety or health hazard both verbally
and in writing, citing the occupational Health and Safety Regulations as well as
supported legislation.
4. Discuss the role of health and safety in the workplace pertaining to the
responsibilities of workers, managers, supervisors.
5. Identify the decisions required to maintain protection of the environment,
workplace as well as personal health and safety.
Text Books:
1. Goetsch D.L., (1999), “Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists,
Engineers and Managers”, Prentice Hall.
2. Heinrich H.W., (2007), “Industrial Accident Prevent ion - A Scientific Approach”,
McGraw-Hill Book Company National Safety Council and Associate (Data)
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., (1991),
3. “Industrial Safety and Pollution Control Handbook
Reference Books:
1. Colling D.A., (1990), “Industrial Safety Management and Technology”, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi.
2. Della D.E., and Giustina, (1996), “Safety and Environmental Management”, Van
Nostrand Reinhold International Thomson Publishing Inc.
B.E., V Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
1. Allen, D. T. and Shonnard, D. R., Sustainability Engineering: Concepts, Design
and Case Studies, Prentice Hall.
2. Bradley. A.S; Adebayo,A.O., Maria, P. Engineering applications in sustainable
design and development, Cengage learning
Reference Books:
1. Mackenthun, K.M., Basic Concepts in Environmental Management, Lewis
2. ECBC Code 2007, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, New Delhi Bureau of Energy
Efficiency Publications-Rating System, TERI Publications - GRIHA Rating
3. Ni bin Chang, Systems Analysis for Sustainable Engineering: Theory and
Applications, McGraw-Hill Professional.
4. Twidell, J. W. and Weir, A. D., Renewable Energy Resources, English Language
Book Society (ELBS).
5. Malcolm Dowden, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Law, Policy and
6. Daniel A. Vallero and Chris Brasier, “ Sustainable Design: The Science of
Sustainability and Green Engineering”, Wiley-Blackwell
7. Sustainable Engineering Practice: An Introduction, Committee on
Sustainability, American Society of Civil Engineers
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CVL66 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 1I+2P Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –02 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
1. Use industry standard software in a professional set up.
2. understand the elements of finite element modeling, specification of loads and
boundary condition, performing analysis and interpretation of results for final
3. Develop customized automation tools
Module -1
Use of civil engineering softwares:
Use of softwares for:
1. Analysis of plane trusses, continuous beams, portal frames
2. 3D analysis of multistoried frame structures
Module -2
1. Project Management- Exercise on Project planning and scheduling of a building
project using any project management software:
a. Understanding basic features of Project management software
b. Constructing Project: create WBS, Activities, and tasks and Computation Time using
Excel spread sheet and transferring the same to Project management software.
c. Identification of Predecessor and Successor activities with constrain
d. Constructing Network diagram (AON Diagram) and analyzing for Critical path,
Critical activities and Other non Critical paths, Project duration, Floats.
e. Study on various View options available
f. Basic understanding about Resource Creation and allocation
g. Understanding about Splitting the activity, Linking multiple activity, assigning
Constrains, Merging Multiple projects, Creating Baseline Project
1. GIS applications using open source software:
a. To create shape files for point, line and polygon features with a map as reference.
b. To create decision maps for specific purpose. (3hrs)
Module -3
Use of EXCEL spread sheets:
Design of singly reinforced and doubly reinforced rectangular beams, design of one way
and two way slabs, computation of earthwork, Design of horizontal curve by offset
method, Design of super elevation
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
use software skills in a professional set up to automate the work and thereby reduce
cycle time for completion of the work
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 3 modules comprising of 6 questions.
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if
necessary) from each module.
Each full question shall cover the topics as a module
Module-1: 40 Marks, Module-2: 20 Marks, Module-3: 20 Marks
The students shall answer three full questions, selecting one full question from
each module. If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will
be considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each
Reference Books: Training manuals and User manuals and Relevant course reference
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme
Subject Code 18CVL67 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 1I+2P Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –02 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students,
4. To learn different methods of water & waste water quality
5. To conduct experiments to determine the concentrations of water and waste water
6. To determine the degree and type of treatment
7. To understand the environmental significance and application in environmental
engineering practice
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) Level L1,L2,L3
1. Determination of pH, Acidity and Alkalinity
5. Determination of Chlorides
6. Determination of percentage of available chlorine in bleaching powder,
7. Determination of Residual Chlorine
8. Determination of Solids in Sewage:
I) Total Solids,
II) Suspended Solids,
III) Dissolved Solids,
IV) Volatile Solids, Fixed Solids,
V) Settle able Solids.
9. Determination of Turbidity by Nephelometer
10.Determination of Optimum Dosage of Alum using Jar test apparatus.
11.Determination of sodium and potassium using flame photometer.
4. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY PROJECT: The work shall consist of;
a. Reconnaissance survey for selection of site and conceptualization of project.
b. Examination of sources of water supply, Calculation of quantity of water
required based on existing and projected population.
c. Preparation of village map by using total station.
d. Survey work required for laying of water supply and UGD
e. Location of sites for water tank. Selection of type of water tank to be provided.
(ground level, overhead and underground)
f. Design of all elements and preparation of drawing with report.
5. HIGHWAY PROJECT: The work shall consist of;
a. Reconnaissance survey for selection of site and conceptualization of project.
b. Preliminary and detailed investigations to align a new road (min. 1 to 1.5 km
stretch) between two obligatory points. The investigations shall consist of
topographic surveying of strip of land for considering alternate routes and for
final alignment. Surveying by using total station.
c. Report should justify the selected alignment with details of all geometric
designs for traffic and design speed assumed.
d. Drawing shall include key plan initial alignment, final alignment, longitudinal
section along final alignment, typical cross sections of road.
6. RESTORATION OF AN EXISTING TANK: The work shall consist of;
a. Reconnaissance survey for selection of site and conceptualization of project.
b. Alignment of center line of the existing bund, Longitudinal and cross sections
of the center line.
c. Detailed survey required for project execution like Capacity surveys, Details at
Waste weir and sluice points, Canal alignment etc. as per requirement
d. Design of all elements and preparation of drawing with report.
7. TOWN/HOUSING / LAYOUT PLANNING: The work shall consist of;
a. Reconnaissance survey for selection of site and conceptualization of project.
b. Detailed survey required for project execution like contour surveys
c. Preparation of layout plans as per regulations
e. Centerline marking-transfer of centre lines from plan to ground
f. Design of all elements and preparation of drawing with report as per
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply Surveying knowledge and tools effectively for the projects
2. Understanding Task environment, Goals, responsibilities, Task focus, working in
Teams towards common goals, Organizational performance expectations, technical
and behavioral competencies.
3. Application of individual effectiveness skills in team and organizational context,
goal setting, time management, communication and presentation skills.
4. Professional etiquettes at workplace, meeting and general
5. Establishing trust based relationships in teams & organizational environment
6. Orientation towards conflicts in team and organizational environment,
Understanding sources of conflicts, Conflict resolution styles and techniques
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Reference Books:
Training manuals and User manuals
Relevant course reference books
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme
Subject Code 18CV71 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to;
1. Estimate the quantities of work, develop the bill of quantities and arrive at the Cost of
civil engineering Project
2. Understand and apply the concept of Valuation for Properties
3. Understand, Apply and Create the Tender and Contract document.
Module -1
Quantity Estimation for Building; study of various drawing attached with estimates,
important terms, units of measurements, abstract, Types of estimates - Approximate,
detailed, supplementary and revised, Estimation of building - Short wall and long wall
method - centre line method.
Estimate of R.C.C structures including Slab, beam, column, footings, with bar bending
Module -2
Estimate of Steel truss, manhole and septic tanks.
Quantity Estimation for Roads: Road estimation, earthwork fully in banking, cutting,
partly cutting and partly Filling, Detailed estimate and cost analysis for roads.
Module -3
Specification for Civil Engineering Works: Objective of writing specifications
essentials in specifications, general and detail specifications of different items of works
in buildings,
Analysis of Rates : Factors Affecting Cost of Civil Works , Concept of Direct Cost ,
Indirect Cost and Project Cost
Rate analysis and preparation of bills, Data analysis of rates for various items of Works,
Sub-structure components, Rate analysis for R.C.C. slabs, columns and beams.
Contract Management-Tender and its Process: Invitation to tender, Prequalification,
administrative approval & Technical sanction. Bid submission and Evaluation process.
Contract Formulation: covering Award of contract, letter of intent, letter of acceptance
and notice to proceed. Features / elements of standard Tender document (source:
PWD / CPWD / International Competitive Bidding – NHAI / NHEPC / NPC).
Law of Contract as per Indian Contract act 1872 , Types of Contract, Entire contract,
Lump sum contract, Item rate, % rate, Cost plus with Target, Labour, EPC and BOT, Sub
Contract Forms : FIDIC contract Forms , CPWD , NHAI , NTPC , NHEPC
Module -5
Contract Management-Post award :Basic understanding on definitions, Performance
security, Mobilization and equipment advances, Secured Advance, Suspension of work,
Time limit for completion, Liquidated damages and bonus, measurement and payment,
additions and alterations or variations and deviations, breach of contract, Escalation,
settlement of account or final payment, claims, Delay’s and Compensation, Disputes &
its resolution mechanism, Contract management and administration
Valuation: Definitions of terms used in valuation process, Cost, Estimate, Value and its
relationship, Capitalized value. Concept of supply and demand in respect to properties (
land , building , facilities’), freehold and lease hold , Sinking fund, depreciation–methods
of estimating depreciation, Outgoings, Process and methods of valuation : Rent fixation,
valuation for mortgage, valuation of land.
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Prepare detailed and abstract estimates for roads and building.
2. Prepare valuation reports of buildings.
3. Interpret Contract document’s of domestic and international construction works
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. Datta B.N., “Estimating and costing”, UBSPD Publishing House, New Delhi
2. B.S. Patil, “ Civil Engineering Contracts and Estimates”, Universities Press
3. M. Chakraborthi; “Estimation, Costing and Specifications”, Laxmi Publications
4. MORTH Specification for Roads and Bridge Works – IRC New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Kohli D.D and Kohli R.C, " Estimating and Costing",12 th Edition, S.Chand
Publishers, 2014.
2. Vazirani V.N and Chandola S.P, " Estimating and costing", Khanna Publishers, 2015.
3. Rangwala, C. "Estimating, Costing and Valuation", Charotar Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., 2015.
4. Duncan Cartlidge , "Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book", Routledge Publishers, 2012.
5. Martin Brook, "Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work", A Butterworth-
Heinemann publishers, 2008.
6. Robert L Peurifoy , Garold D. Oberlender , “ Estimating Construction Costs” – 5ed ,
Tata McGraw-Hill , New Delhi
7. David Pratt , “ Fundamentals of Construction Estimating” – 3ed ,
8. PWD Data Book ,CPWD Schedule of Rates (SoR). and NH SoR – Karnataka
9. FIDIC Contract forms
10.B.S. Ramaswamy “ Contracts and their Management” 3ed , Lexis Nexis ( a division of
Reed Elsevier India Pvt Ltd)
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV72 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
6. Provide basic knowledge in the areas of limit state method and concept of design of
RC and Steel structures
7. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in RC and Steel Structures
8. Give procedural knowledge to design a system, component or process as per needs
and specifications of RC Structures like Retaining wall, Footing, Water tanks, Portal
Frames and Steel Structures like Roof Truss, Plate Girder and Gantry Girder.
9. Imbibe the culture of professional and ethical responsibilities by following codal
provisions in the analysis, design of RC and Steel Structures.
10.Provide factual knowledge on analysis and design of RC Structural elements, who can
participate and succeed in competitive examinations.
Module -1
Footings: Design of rectangular slab type combined footing.
Retaining Walls: Design of cantilever Retaining wall and counter fort retaining wall.
Water Tanks: Design of circular water tanks resting on ground (Rigid and Flexible base).
Design of rectangular water tanks resting on ground. As per IS: 3370 (Part IV)
Design of portal frames with fixed and hinged based supports.
Module -2
Roof Truss: Design of roof truss for different cases of loading, forces in members to
Plate Girder: Design of welded plate girder with intermediate stiffener, bearing stiffener
and necessary checks
Gantry Girder: Design of gantry girder with all necessary checks
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
6. Students will acquire the basic knowledge in design of RCC and Steel Structures.
7. Students will have the ability to follow design procedures as per codal provisions and
skills to arrive at structurally safe RC and Steel members.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Question Paper Pattern:
Two questions shall be asked from each module. There can be maximum of three
subdivisions in each question, if necessary.
One full question should be answered from each module.
Each question carries 40 marks.
3. Code books – IS 456, IS 800, IS 3370 (Part IV), SP (6) – Steel Tables, shall be referred
for designing
4. The above charts shall be provided during examinations
Text Books:
4. N Krishna Raju, “Structural Design and Drawing of Reinforced Concrete and
Steel”, University Press
5. Subramanian N, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford university Press, New Delhi
6. K S Duggal, “Design of Steel Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Charles E Salman, Johnson & Mathas, “Steel Structure Design and Behaviour”,
Pearson Publications
2. Nether Cot,, “Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to EC -III”, CRC
3. P C Verghese, “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, PHI Publications, New
4. S N Sinha, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, McGraw Hill Publication
B.E., VII Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
1. S P Timoshenko and J N Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 1970.
2. Sadhu Singh, “Theory of Elasticity”, Khanna Publish ers, 2012
3. S Valliappan, “Continuum Mechanics - Fundamentals”, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.
Ltd., 1981.
4. L S Srinath, “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”, Tata - McGraw-Hill Pub., New Delhi,
Reference Books:
2. C. T. Wang, “Applied Elasticity”, Mc-Graw Hill Book Company, New York, 1953
3. G. W. Housner and T. Vreeland, Jr., “The Analysis o f Stress and Deformation”,
California Institute of Tech., CA, 2012. [Download as per user policy from]
4. A. C. Ugural and Saul K. Fenster, “Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity”,
Prentice Hall, 2003.
5. Abdel-Rahman Ragab and Salah Eldinin Bayoumi, “Engineering Solid
Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications”, CRC Press,1998
B.E., VII Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
1. M. N. Rao and H V N Rao, “Air pollution”, Tata Mc-G raw Hill Publication.
2. H. C. Perkins, “Air pollution”. Tata McGraw Hill Publication
3. Mackenzie Davis and David Cornwell, “Introduction t o Environmental
Engineering” McGraw-Hill Co.
Reference Books:
1. Noel De Nevers, “Air Pollution Control Engineering” , Waveland Pr Inc.
2. Anjaneyulu Y, “Text book of Air Pollution and Contr ol Technologies”, Allied
Module -1
Module -2
Fundamentals of Ground Water Flow: Aquifer parameters, specific yield and specific
retention, porosity, storage coefficient, derivation of the expression, Darcy’s law,
hydraulic conductivity, coefficient of permeability and intrinsic permeability,
transmissibility, permeability in isotropic, unisotropic layered soils, steady one
dimensional flow: cases with recharge.
L2, L3
Module -3
Well Hydraulics: Steady Flow, Radial flow in confined and unconfined aquifers,
pumping test Unsteady Flow, General equation, derivation; thesis method, Cooper
and Jacob method, Chow’s method, solution of unsteady flow equations, leaky
aquifers (only introduction), interference of well, image well theory.
L2, L3, L4
Module -4
Module -5
Ground Water Development: Types of wells, methods of construction, tube well
design, dug wells, pumps for lifting water, working principles, power requirement,
Conjunctive use, necessity, techniques and economics.
Ground Water Recharge: Artificial recharge, groundwater runoff
L2, L3
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Find the characteristics of aquifers.
2. Estimate the quantity of ground water by various methods.
3. Locate the zones of ground water resources.
4. Select particular type of well and augment the ground water storage.
Program Objectives:
3. Engineering knowledge
4. Problem analysis
5. Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. H.M. Raghunath, “Ground Water”, Wiley Eastern Publication, New Delhi.
2. K. Todd, “Ground Water Hydrology”, Wiley and Sons, New Delhi.
3. Bower. H., “Ground Water Hydrology” McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Garg Satya Prakash, “Ground Water and Tube Wells”, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
2. W. C. Walton, “Ground Water Resources and Evaluation” McGraw Hill, Delhi.
3. Michel, D. M., Khepar, S. D., Sondhi, S. K., “Water Wells and Pumps” McGraw Hill,
B.E., VII Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Text Books:
1. Henry, A.W., “Structural Masonry”, Macmillan Education Ltd., 1990.
2. Dayaratnam P, “Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures”, Oxford & IBH, 1987.
3. M.L. Gambhir, “Building and Construction Materials”, Mc Graw Hill education
Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. IS 1905–1987 “Code of practice for structural use o f un-reinforced masonry- (3rd
revision) BIS, New Delhi.
2. SP 20 (S&T) – 1991, “Hand book on masonry design and construction (1
revision) BIS, New Delhi.
Response Spectrum: Basics of structural dynamics; Free and forced vibration of SDOF
system; Effect of frequency of input motion and Resonance; Numerical evaluation of
response of SDOF system (Linear acceleration method), Earthquake Response spectrum:
Definition, construction, Characteristics and application; Elastic design spectrum.
Module -3
Principles of drainage, surface drainage, shape and sizes of drains and sewers, storm
water over flow chambers, methods of laying and construction of sewers
Approaches for solid waste management, Solid wastes collection and removal from
buildings. On-site processing and disposal methods
Module -2
Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC):
Behaviour of heat propagation, thermal insulating materials and their co-efficient of
thermal conductivity. General methods of thermal insulation: Thermal insulation of
roofs, exposed walls. Ventilation: Definition and necessity, system of ventilation.
Principles of air conditioning, Air cooling, Different systems of ducting and distribution,
Essentials of air-conditioning system.
Module -3
Electrical and Fire Fighting Services:
Electrical systems, Basics of electricity, single/Three phase supply, protective devices in
electrical installation, Earthing for safety, Types of earthing, ISI Specifications. Electrical
installations in buildings, Types of wires,
Wiring systems and their choice , planning electrical wiring for building, Main and
distribution boards, Principles of illumination,
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
5. Design, conduct and administer surveys to provide the data required for
transportation planning.
6. Supervise the process of data collection about travel behavior and analyze the
data for use in transport planning.
7. Develop and calibrate modal split, trip generation rates for specific types of land
use developments.
8. Adopt the steps that are necessary to complete a long-term transportation plan.
Program Objectives:
5. Engineering knowledge
6. Problem analysis
7. Interpretation of data
Text Books:
Kadiyali.L.R., ‘Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning’, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi.
Hutchinson, B.G, ‘Introduction to Urban System Planning’, McGraw Hill.
Khisty C.J., ‘Transportation Engineering – An Introduction’ Prentice Hall.
Papacostas, ‘Fundamentals of Transportation Planning’, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Mayer M and Miller E, ‘Urban Transportation Planning: A decision oriented
Approach’, McGraw Hill.
2. Bruton M.J., ‘Introduction to Transportation Planning’, Hutchinson of London.
3. Dicky, J.W., ‘Metropolitan Transportation Planning’, Tata McGraw Hill.
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV751 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to;
6. Develop analytical skills.
7. Learn principles of analysis of stress and strain.
8. Develop problem solving skills.
9. Understand the principles of FEM for one and two dimensional problems.
Module -1
Theory of elasticity concepts, Energy principles, Rayleigh - Ritz Method, Galerkin
method and finite element method, steps in finite element analysis, displacement
approach, stiffness matrix and boundary conditions
Module -2
Discritisation; finite representation of infinite bodies and discritisation of very large
bodies, Natural Coordinates , Shape functions; polynomial, LaGrange and Serendipity ,
one dimensional formulations; beam and truss with numerical examples
Module -3
2D formulations; Constant Strain Triangle, Linear Strain Triangle, 4 and 8 noded
quadrilateral elements, Numerical Evaluation of Element Stiffness -Computation of
Stresses, Static Condensation of nodes, degradation technique, Axisymmetric Element
Module -4
Isoparametric concepts; isoparametric, sub parametric and super parametric elements,
Jacobian transformation matrix, Stiffness Matrix of Isoparametric Elements, Numerical
integration by Gaussian quadrature rule for one, two and three dimensional problems
Module -5
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
6. Krishnamoorthy C.S., “Finite Element analysis” -Tata McGraw Hill
7. Desai C &Abel J F.," Introduction to Finite element Method" , East West Press Pvt.
8. Cook R D, “Concepts and applications of Finite Element analysis ”, John
Reference Books:
1. Daryl L Logan,“ A first course on Finite element Method ” , Cengage Learning
2. Bathe K J - “ Finite Element Procedures in Engineering analysis ”- Prentice Hall
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV752 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course aims at providing the necessary basic concepts of a few
numerical methods and give procedures for solving numerically different kinds of
problems occurring in engineering and technology
Module -1
Solution of Equations and Eigen value Problems: Solution of algebraic and
transcendental equations, Fixed point iteration method, Newton Raphson method,
Solution of linear system of equations, Gauss elimination method, Pivoting, Gauss
Jordan method – Iterative methods of Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel - Matrix Inversion
by Gauss Jordan method
Module -2
Interpolation and Approximation: Interpolation with unequal intervals - Lagrange's
interpolation – Newton’s divided difference interpolation – Cubic Splines - Interpolation
with equal intervals - Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae.
Module -3
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Approximation of derivatives using
interpolation polynomials - Numerical integration using Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 rule
– Romberg’s method - Two point and three point Gaussian quadrature formulae –
Evaluation of double integrals by Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 rules.
Module -4
Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations : Single Step methods -
Taylor’s series method - Euler’s method - Modified Euler’s method – Fourth order Runge-
Kutta method for solving first order equations - Multi step methods - Milne’s and Adams-
Bash forth predictor corrector methods for solving first order equations.
Module -5
Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations:
Finite difference methods for solving two-point linear boundary value problems - Finite
difference techniques for the solution of two dimensional Laplace’s and Poisson’s
equations on rectangular domain – One dimensional heat flow equation by explicit and
implicit (Crank Nicholson) methods – One dimensional wave equation by explicit method.
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, The students will have a clear perception
of the power of numerical techniques, ideas and would be able to demonstrate the
applications of these techniques to problems drawn from
Industry, management and other engineering fields.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. Grewal. B.S., and Grewal. J.S., "Numerical methods in Engineering and Science",
Publishers, 9th Edition, New Delhi
2. Gerald. C. F., and Wheatley. P. O., "Applied Numerical Analysis", Pearson Education,
Asia, 6th Edition, New Delhi
Reference Books:
5. Chapra. S.C., and Canale.R.P., "Numerical Methods for Engineers, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi
6. 2. Brian Bradie. "A friendly introduction to Numerical analysis", Pearson Education,
Asia, New Delhi
7. Sankara Rao. K., "Numerical methods for Scientists and Engineers", Prentice Hall of
India Private, New Delhi
Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Subject Code 18CV753 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to gain knowledge in Environmental
protection and Management systems
Module -1 Environmental Management Standards
Unique Characteristics of Environmental Problems - Systems approach to Corporate
environmental management - Classification of Environmental Impact Reduction Efforts
-Business Charter for Sustainable Production and Consumption – Tools, Business
strategy drivers and Barriers - Evolution of Environmental Stewardship. Environmental
Management Principles - National policies on environment, abatement of pollution and
conservation of resources - Charter on Corporate responsibility for Environmental
Module -2 Environmental Management Objectives
Environmental quality objectives – Rationale of Environmental standards: Concentration
and Mass standards, Effluent and stream standards, Emission and ambient standards,
Minimum national standards, environmental performance evaluation: Indicators,
benchmarking. Pollution control Vs Pollution Prevention - Opportunities and Barriers –
Cleaner production and Clean technology, closing the loops, zero discharge technologies
Module -3 Environmental Management System
EMAS, ISO 14000 - EMS as per ISO 14001– benefits and barriers of EMS – Concept of
continual improvement and pollution prevention - environmental policy – initial
environmental review – environmental aspect and impact analysis – legal and other
requirements- objectives and targets – environmental management programs – structure
and responsibility – training awareness and competence- communication –
documentation and document control – operational control – monitoring and
measurement – management review.
Module -4 Environmental Audit
Environmental management system audits as per ISO 19011- – Roles and
qualifications of auditors - Environmental performance indicators and their evaluation –
Non conformance – Corrective and preventive actions -compliance audits – waste audits
and waste minimization planning – Environmental statement (form V) - Due diligence
Module -5 Applications
Applications of EMS, Waste Audits and Pollution Prevention opportunities in Textile ,
Sugar, Pulp & Paper, Electroplating, , Tanning industry, Dairy, Cement, Chemical
industries, etc. Trans boundary movement, disposal, procedures, of hazardous wastes.
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Appreciate the elements of Corporate Environmental Management systems
complying to international environmental management system standards
2. Lead pollution prevention assessment team and implement waste minimization
3. Develop, Implement, maintain and Audit Environmental Management systems for
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions. Each full
question carrying 16 marks
There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if necessary)
from each module.
Each full question shall cover the topics as a module
The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
module. If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be
considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each module.
Reference Books:
1. Christopher Sheldon and Mark Yoxon, “Installing Environmental management
Systems – a step by step guide” Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 1999.
2. ISO 14001/14004: Environmental management systems – Requirements and
Guidelines – International Organisation for Standardisation, 2004
3. ISO 19011: 2002, “Guidelines for quality and/or Environmental Management System
auditing, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2002
4. Paul L Bishop „Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice‟, McGraw- Hill
International, Boston,2000.
5. Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small and
Medium-Sized Organizations, Second Edition, NSF International, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, January 2001.
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CVL76 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 (1I+2D) Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –02 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
Be aware of the Scale Factors, Sections of drawings,
Draft the detailing of RC and Steel Structural member.
Module -1 Detailing of RCC Structures
Beams – Simply supported, Cantilever and Continuous.
Slab – One way, Two way and One-way continuous.
Staircase – Doglegged
Cantilever Retaining wall
Counter Fort Retaining wall
Circular Water Tank, Rectangular Water Tank.
Module -2 Detailing of Steel Structures
1. Connections – Beam to beam, Beam to Column by Bolted and Welded
2. Built-up Columns with lacings and battens
3. Column bases and Gusseted bases with bolted and welded connections.
4. Roof Truss – Welded and Bolted
5. Beams with Bolted and Welded
6. Gantry Girder
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
4. Prepare detailed working drawings
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Question paper pattern:
8. Two questions shall be asked from each Module.
9. One full question should be answered from each Module.
10. Each question carries 40 marks.
Text Books:
e. N Krishna Raju, “Structural Design and Drawing of Reinforced Concrete and
Steel”, University Press
f. Krishna Murthy, “Structural Design and Drawing – Concrete Structures”¸ CBS
Publishers, New Delhi
Reference Books:
g. SP 34: Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing, Bureau of Indian
h. IS 13920:2016,Ductile Design And Detailing Of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Subjected To Seismic Forces - Code Of Practice, Bureau of Indian Standard
B.E., VII Semester, Civil Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Module -1
Introduction and Analysis of Members: Concept of Prestressing - Types of Prestressing
- Advantages - Limitations –Prestressing systems - Anchoring devices - Materials -
Mechanical Properties of high strength concrete - high strength steel - Stress-Strain
curve for High strength concrete.
Analysis of members at transfer - Stress concept - Comparison of behavior of reinforced
concrete - prestressed concrete - Force concept - Load balancing concept - Kern point
-Pressure line.
Module -2
Losses in Prestress: Loss of Prestress due to Elastic shortening, Friction, Anchorage
slip, Creep of concrete, Shrinkage of concrete and Relaxation of steel - Total Loss.
Deflection and Crack Width Calculations of Deflection due to gravity loads - Deflection
due to prestressing force -Total deflection - Limits of deflection - Limits of span-to-
effective depth ratio -Calculation of Crack Width - Limits of crack width.
Module -3
Design of Sections for Flexure: Analysis of members at ultimate strength - Preliminary
Design - Final Design for Type 1members
Module -4
Design for Shear: Analysis for shear - Components of shear resistance - Modes of
Failure - Limit State of collapse for shear - Design of transverse reinforcement.
Module -5
Composite Sections: Types of composite construction - Analysis of composite sections -
Deflection –Flexural and shear strength of composite sections.
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
8. Understand the requirement of PSC members for present scenario.
9. Analyse the stresses encountered in PSC element during transfer and at working.
10.Understand the effectiveness of the design of PSC after studying losses
11.Capable of analyzing the PSC element and finding its efficiency.
12.Design PSC beam for different requirements.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
5. Krishna Raju, N. “Prestressed Concrete”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
New Delhi 2006
6. Krishna Raju. N., “Pre-stressed Concrete - Problems and Solutions”, CBS
Publishers and Distributors, Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Rajagopalan N, “Pre - stressed Concrete”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
Reference Books:
7. Praveen Nagarajan, “Advanced Concrete Design”, Person
8. P. Dayaratnam, “Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Oxford & IBH-Pubs Company,
Delhi, 5th Edition
9. Lin T Y and Burns N H, ‘Design of Pre - stressed Concrete Structures’ , John Wiley
and Sons, New York
10.Pundit G S and Gupta S P, “Pre - stressed Concrete”, C B S Publishers, New Delhi
11.IS: 1343: Indian Standard code of practice for Prestressed concrete, BIS, New
12.IS: 3370-Indian Standard code of practice for concrete structures for storage of
liquids, BIS, New Delhi
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV821 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to understand the analysis and
design of concrete Bridges.
Module -1
Introduction to bridges, classification, computation of discharge, linear waterway,
economic span, afflux, scour depth
Design loads for bridges, introduction to I.R.C. loading standards, Load Distribution
Theory, Bridge slabs, Effective width, Introduction to methods as per I.R.C.
Module -2
Design of Slab Bridges: Straight and skew slab bridges
Module -3
Design of T beam bridges(up to three girder only)
Proportioning of components, analysis of slab using IRC Class AA tracked vehicle,
structural design of slab, analysis of cross girder for dead load & IRC Class AA tracked
vehicle, structural design of cross girder, analysis of main girder using Courbon’s
method, calculation of dead load BM and SF, calculation of live load B M & S F using
IRC Class AA Tracked vehicle. Structural design of main girder.
Module -4
Other Bridges:
Design of Box culvert (Single vent only)
Design of Pipe culverts
Module -5
Substructures - Design of Piers and abutments,
Introduction to Bridge bearings, Hinges and Expansion joints.(No design)
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the load distribution and IRC standards.
2. Design the slab and T beam bridges.
3. Design Box culvert, pipe culvert
4. Use bearings, hinges and expansion joints and
5. Design Piers and abutments.
Program Objectives:
1. Engineering knowledge
2. Problem analysis
3. Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. Johnson Victor. D, “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford Publishing Company.
2. N Krishna Raju, “Design of Bridges, Oxford and IBH publishing company
3. T R Jagadeesh and M A Jayaram, “Design of bridge structures”, Prentice Hall of India
Reference Books:
5. Jain and Jaikrishna, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete”, Vol.2., Nem Chand Brothers.
6. Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges, IRC section I,II, III and
7. “Concrete Bridges”, The Concrete Association of India
8. Estimate the load carrying capacity and settlement of single piles and pile groups
including laterally loaded piles
9. Understand the basics of analysis and design principles of well foundation, drilled
piers and caissons
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. Punmia B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Laxmi Publications
Co., India
2. Donald P. Coduto, “Geotechnical Engineering Principles & Practices”, Prentice-hall
of India Ltd, India
3. Murthy V.N.S., “Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CRC Press, New York.
Reference Books:
1. Bowles J.E., “Foundation Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill Pub. Co. New York.
2. Swami Saran, “Analysis and Design of Substructures”, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co. Pvt.
Ltd., India
3. R.B. Peck, W.E. Hanson & T.H. Thornburn, “Foundation Engineering”, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., India
4. Braja, M. Das, “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, Cengage Learning, India
5. Bureau of Indian Standards: IS-1904, IS-6403, IS-8009, IS-2950, IS-2911 and all
other relevant codes.
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme
Subject Code 18CV824 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to;
Investigate the cause of deterioration of concrete structures.
Strategies different repair and rehabilitation of structures.
Evaluate the performance of the materials for repair
Module -1
General: Introduction and Definition for Repair, Retrofitting, Strengthening and
rehabilitation. Physical and Chemical Causes of deterioration of concrete structures,
Evaluation of structural damages to the concrete structural elements due to earthquake.
Module -2
Damage Assessment: Purpose of assessment, Rapid assessment, Investigation of
damage, Evaluation of surface and structural cracks, Damage assessment procedure,
destructive, non-destructive and semi destructive testing systems
Module -3
Influence on Serviceability and Durability: Effects due to climate, temperature,
chemicals, wear and erosion, Design and construction errors, corrosion mechanism,
Effects of cover thickness and cracking, methods of corrosion protection, corrosion
inhibitors, corrosion resistant steels, coatings, and cathodic protection.
Module -4
Maintenance and Retrofitting Techniques: Definitions: Maintenance, Facts of
Maintenance and importance of Maintenance Need for retrofitting, retrofitting of
structural members i.e., column and beams by Jacketing technique, Externally
bonding(ERB) technique, near surface mounted (NSM) technique, External post-
tensioning, Section enlargement and guidelines for seismic rehabilitation of existing
Module -5
Materials for Repair and Retrofitting: Artificial fibre reinforced polymer like CFRP,
GFRP, AFRP and natural fiber like Sisal and Jute. Adhesive like, Epoxy Resin, Special
concretes and mortars, concrete chemicals, special elements for accelerated strength
gain, Techniques for Repair: Rust eliminators and polymers coating for rebar during
repair foamed concrete, mortar and dry pack, vacuum concrete, Gunite and Shot Crete
Epoxy injection, Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and underpinning
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
6. Understand the cause of deterioration of concrete structures.
7. Able to assess the damage for different type of structures
8. Summarize the principles of repair and rehabilitation of structures
9. Recognize ideal material for different repair and retrofitting technique
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
3. Sidney, M. Johnson, “Deterioration, Maintenance and Repair of Structures”
4. Denison Campbell, Allen & Harold Roper, “Concrete Structures – Materials,
Maintenance and Repair”- Longman Scientific and Technical.
Reference Books:
1. R.T.Allen and S.C. Edwards, “Repair of Concrete Structures”-Blakie and Sons
2. Raiker R.N., “Learning for failure from Deficiencies in Design, Construction and
Service”- R&D Center (SDCPL).
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18CV825 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –03 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
1. Gain knowledge about the process of collecting data required for design, factors
affecting pavement design, and maintenance of pavement.
2. Excel in the path of analysis of stress, strain and deflection in pavement.
3. Understand design concepts of flexible pavement by various methods (CBR, IRC 37-
2001, Mcleods, Kansas ) and also the same of rigid pavement by IRC 58-2002
4. Understand the various causes leading to failure of pavement and remedies for the
5. Develop skills to perform functional and structural evaluation of pavement by
suitable methods.
Module -1
Introduction: Desirable characteristics of pavement, Types and components, Difference
between Highway pavement and Air field pavement, Design strategies of variables,
Functions of sub grade, sub base, Base course, surface course, comparison between
Rigid and flexible pavement
Fundamentals of Design of Pavements: Stresses and deflections, Principle, Assumptions
and Limitations of Boussinesq’s theory, Burmister theory and problems on above
L2, L3,L4
Module -2
Design Factors: Design wheel load, contact pressure, Design life, Traffic factors, climatic
factors, Road geometry, Subgrade strength and drainage, ESWL concept Determination
of ESWL by equivalent deflection criteria, Stress criteria, EWL concept, and problems on
Flexible pavement Design: Assumptions, Mcleod Method, Kansas method, CBR method,
IRC Method (old), CSA method using IRC-37-2001, problems on above
Module -3
Flexible Pavement Failures, Maintenance and Evaluation: Types of failures, Causes,
Remedial/Maintenance measures in flexible pavements, Functional Evaluation by Visual
inspection and unevenness measurements, Structural evaluation by Benkleman beam
deflection method, Falling weight deflectometer, GPR method. Design factors for runway
pavements, Design methods for
Airfield pavement and problems on above
Module -4
Stresses in Rigid Pavement : Types of stress, Analysis of Stresses, Westergaard’s
Analysis, Modified Westergaard equations, Critical stresses, Wheel load stresses,
Warping stress, Frictional stress, combined stresses (using chart / equations), problems
on above
Design of Rigid Pavement: Design of CC pavement by IRC: 58-2002 for dual and
Tandem axle load, Reinforcement in slabs, Design of Dowel bars, Design of Tie bars,
Design factors for Runway pavements, Design methods for airfield pavements, problems
of the above
Module -5
Rigid Pavement Failures, Maintenance and Evaluation: Types of failures, causes,
remedial/maintenance measures in rigid pavements, Functional evaluation by Visual
inspection and unevenness measurements, wheel load and its repetition, properties of
subgrade, properties of concrete. External conditions, joints, Reinforcement,
Requirements of joints, Types of joints, Expansion joint, contraction joint, warping joint,
construction joint, longitudinal joint, Design of joints
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Systematically generate and compile required data’s for design of pavement
(Highway & Airfield).
2. Analyze stress, strain and deflection by boussinesq’s, burmister’s and
westergaard’s theory.
3. Design rigid pavement and flexible pavement conforming to IRC58-2002 and
4. Evaluate the performance of the pavement and also develops maintenance
statement based on site specific requirements.
Program Objectives:
Engineering knowledge
Problem analysis
Interpretation of data
Text Books:
1. S K Khanna, C E G Justo, and A Veeraragavan, “Highway Engineering”, Nem
Chand & Brothers
2. L.R.Kadiyali and Dr.N.B.Lal, “ Principles and Practices of Highway Engineering”,
Khanna publishers
3. Yang H. Huang , “Pavement Analysis and Design”, University of Kentucky
Reference Books:
1. Yoder & wit zorac , “Principles of pavement design”, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Subha Rao, “Principles of Pavement Design”.
3. R Srinivasa Kumar, “Pavement Design” , University Press.
4. Relevant recent IRC codes
As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme
Subject Code 18CV185 IA Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week Industry Exam Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours Industry Exam Hours 03
CREDITS –02 Total Marks- 100
Course objectives: This course will enable students to get the field exposure and
CIDC etc. and other avenues related to the civil engineering domain in
the institutions.
completion. The offer letter should clearly have the nature of work to be done by
4. The student shall make a midterm and final presentation of the activities
undertaken during the first 6 weeks and at the end of 12th week of internship
department and head of the department. Each student should submit the
6. The College shall facilitate and monitor the student internship program.
7. The internship should be completed during vacation after VI and VII semesters.