Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Sl. Course and
Course Title
No Course Code
1 BSC 18MAT31 (Title as per the decision of Mathematics 2 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
BoS in Sciences)
2 PCC 18CV32 Strength of Materials Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18CV33 Fluid Mechanics Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PCC 18CV34 Basic Materials and Construction Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18CV35 Basic Surveying Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18CV36 Engineering Geology Civil Engg. 2 0 2 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18CVL37 Survey Practice I Civil Engg. -- 1 3 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18CVL38 Basic Material Testing Lab Civil Engg. -- 1 3 03 40 60 100 2
18KAN39 Communication Kannada 1 -- -- -- 100 --
9 HSMC Constitution of India, Professional HSMC 100 1
18CPH39 Ethics and 1 -- -- 02 40 60
Human Rights
420 480
TOTAL 18 04 08 26 OR OR 900 24
360 540
CIE procedure for Communication Kannada: A committee constituted by the Head of the Department of Humanitiesand Social Science shall award
the CIE marks for the Course Communication Kannada. The committee shall consist of two senior faculty members of the Department and the senior
most acting as the Chairman/Chairperson.
Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 NCMC 18MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics - I Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
(a)The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed at III and IV semesters respectively, to lateral entry Diploma
holders admitted to III semester of BE/B.Tech programs, shall compulsorily be registered during the respective semesters to complete all the
formalities of the course and appear for the University examination.
(b)The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II, shall be completed to secure eligibility to VII semester. However, these
Courses shall not considered for vertical progression from II year to III year but considered as head of passing along with credit courses of the
programme for eligibility to VII semester.
Courses prescribed to lateral entry B. Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit audit courses Engineering Graphics / Elements of Civil Engineering and
Mechanics of the First Year Engineering Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression from II year to III year but
considered as head of passing along with credit courses of the programme for eligibility to VII semester.
Note: BSC: Basic Science, PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science, NCMC: Non-credit mandatory course.
18CV36 Engineering Geology: The subject includes 2 hours of theory and 2 hours of Laboratory work per week. The evaluation of laboratory
component is to included in CIE Marks (30 Marks for Test and 10 Marks for Laboratory).
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Course and
Course code Course Title
1 BSC 18MAT41 (Title as per the decision of Mathematics 2 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
BoS in Sciences)
2 PCC 18CV42 Analysis of Determinate Structures Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18CV43 Applied Hydraulics Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PCC 18CV44 Concrete Technology Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18CV45 Advanced Surveying Civil Engg. 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC Water Supply & Treatment Civil Engg. 40 60 100 3
18CV46 3 0 -- 03
7 PCC 18CVL47 Survey Practice II Civil Engg. -- 1 3 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Civil Engg. -- 1 3 40 60 100 2
18CVL48 03
Machines Lab
9 18KAN49 Communication Kannada 1 -- -- -- 100 --
HSMC Constitution of India, Professional HSMC 100 1
18CPH49 Ethics and 1 -- -- 02 40 60
Human Rights
TOTAL 420 480
18 04 06 26 OR OR 900 24
360 540
CIE procedure for Communication Kannada: A committee constituted by the Head of the Department of Humanitiesand Social Science shall award
the CIE marks for the Course Communication Kannada. The committee shall consist of two senior faculty members of the Department and the senior
most acting as the Chairman/Chairperson.
Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 NCMC 18MATDIP41 Additional Mathematics - II Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
(a)The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed at III and IV semesters respectively, to lateral entry Diploma
holders admitted to III semester of BE/B.Tech programs, shall compulsorily be registered during the respective semesters to complete all the
formalities of the course and appear for the University examination.
(b)The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II, shall be completed to secure eligibility to VII semester. However, these
Courses shall not considered for vertical progression from II year to III year but considered as head of passing along with credit courses of the
programme for eligibility to VII semester.
Courses prescribed to lateral entry B. Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit audit courses Engineering Graphics / Elements of Civil Engineering and
Mechanics of the First Year Engineering Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression from II year to III year but
considered as head of passing along with credit courses of the programme for eligibility to VII semester.
Note: BSC: Basic Science, PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science, NCMC: Non-credit mandatory course.
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Sl. Course and
Course Title
No Course code
1 HSMC 18CV51 Construction Management & Civil Engg. 2 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18CV52 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18CV53 Design of RC Structural Elements Civil Engg. 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PCC 18CV54 Basic Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC Municipal & Industrial Wastewater Civil Engg. -- -- 40 60 100 3
18CV55 3 03
6 PCC 18CV56 Highway Engg Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC Computer Aided Bldg Plan & Civil Engg. -- 1 3 40 60 100 2
18CVL57 03
8 PCC 18CVL58 Environmental Engineering Lab. Civil Engg. -- 1 3 03 40 60 100 2
9 [Paper setting:
HSMC 18CIV59 Environmental Studies 1 -- -- 02 40 60 100 1
TOTAL 18 9 5 26 360 540 900 25
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Sl. Course and
Course Title
No Course code
1 PCC Design of Steel Structural --
18CV61 Civil Engg. 3 2 03 40 60 100 4
2 PCC Applied Geotechnical Civil Engg. -- 40 60 100
18CV62 3 2 03 4
3 PCC Hydrology and Irrigation Civil Engg. -- 40 60 100
18CV63 3 2 03 4
4 PEC 18CV64X Professional Elective -1 Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC 18CV65X Open Elective -A Civil Engg. 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18CVL66 Geotechnical Engineering Lab Civil Engg. -- 1 3 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 18CVL67 Highway & Concrete Lab Civil Engg. -- 1 3 03 40 60 100 2
8 MP 18CVMP68 Extensive Survey (Mini project) Civil Engg. -- 1 3 03 40 60 100 2
(To be carried out during the intervening
9 -- Internship -- -- -- -- --
INT vacations of VI and VII semesters)
TOTAL 15 09 09 24 320 480 800 24
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective, OE: Open Elective, MP: Mini-project, INT: Internship.
Internship: All the students admitted to III year of BE/B.Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4 weeks during the vacation of VI and
VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be
included in VIII semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-
up/complete the internship shall be declared as failed and shall have to complete during subsequent University examination after satisfy the internship
Professional Elective -1
Course code Course Title
18CV641 Matrix Method of Structural Analysis
18CV642 Solid Waste Management
18CV643 Alternate Building Materials
18CV644 Ground Improvement Technique
18CV645 Railway, Harbours, Tunneling and Airports
Open Elective -A
Course code Course Title
18CV651 Remote Sensing & GIS
18CV652 Traffic Engineering
18CV653 Occupational Health and Safety
18CV653 Sustainability Concepts in Civil Engineering
Students can select any one of the open electives offered by any Department( Please refer to the list of open electives under 18XX65X).
Selection of an open elective is not allowed provided,
• The candidate has studied the same course during the previous semesters of the programme.
• The syllabus content of open elective is similar to that of Departmental core courses or professional electives.
• A similar course, under any category, is prescribed in the higher semesters of the programme.
Registration to electives shall be documented under the guidance of Programme Coordinator/ Adviser/Mentor.
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Sl. Course and
Course Title
No Course code
1 PCC Quantity Surveying & Contract
18CV71 4 -- -- 03 40 60 100 4
2 PCC Design of RCC and Steel
18CV72 4 -- -- 03 40 60 100 4
Structural Elements
3 PEC 18CV73X Professional Elective - 2 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PEC 18CV74X Professional Elective - 3 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC 18CV75X Open Elective -B 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC Computer Aided Detailing of
18CVL76 -- -- 2 03 40 60 100 1
7 Project 18CVP77 Project Work Phase - 1 -- -- 4 -- 100 -- 100 2
(If not completed during the vacation
of VI and VII semesters, it has to be
8 INT -- Internship carried out during the intervening -- -- -- -- --
vacations of VII and VIII semesters
TOTAL 17 -- 04 18 340 360 700 20
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective, OEC: Open Elective, INT: Internship.
CIE procedure for Project Work Phase - 1:The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and
two senior faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -1 Report, Project Presentation skill and
Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the Project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
Internship: All the students admitted to III year of BE/B.Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4 weeks during the vacation of VI and
VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be
included in VIII semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-
up/complete the internship shall be declared as failed and shall have to complete during subsequent University examination after satisfy the internship
Professional Elective - 2
Course code Course Title
under 18XX73X
18CV731 Theory of Elasticity
18CV732 Air Pollution and Control
18CV733 Pavement Materials and Construction
18CV734 Ground Water Hydraulics
18CV735 Masonry Structures
Professional Electives - 3
Course code Course Title
under 18XX74X
18CV741 Earthquake Engineering
18CV742 Design Concepts of Building Services
18CV743 Reinforced Earth Structures
18CV744 Design of Hydraulic Structures
18CV745 Urban Transport Planning
Open Elective -B
Course code Course Title
under 18XX75X
18CV751 Finite Element Method
18CV752 Numerical Methods and Applications
18CV753 Environmental Protection and Management
18CV754 Water Resources Management
Students can select any one of the open electives offered by any Department(Please refer to the list of open electives under 18XX75X).
Selection of an open elective is not allowed provided,
• The candidate has studied the same course during the previous semesters of the programme.
• The syllabus content of open elective is similar to that of Departmental core courses or professional electives.
• A similar course, under any category, is prescribed in the higher semesters of the programme.
Registration to electives shall be documented under the guidance of Programme Coordinator/ Adviser/Mentor.
Total Marks
CIE Marks
SEE Marks
Duration in
Course and
Course code Course Title
1 PCC 18CV81 Design of PSC 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 PEC 18CV82X Professional Elective - 4 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 Project 18CVP83 Project Work Phase - 2 -- -- 16 03 40 60 100 8
4 Seminar 18CVS84 Technical Seminar -- -- 2 03 100 -- 100 1
(Completed during the
intervening vacations of VI and
5 INT 18CVI85 Internship 03 40 60 100 3
VII semesters and /or VII and
VIII semesters.)
TOTAL 06 -- 18 15 260 240 500 18
Note: PCC: Professional Core, PEC: Professional Elective, OEC: Open Elective, INT: Internship.
Professional Electives - 4
Course code Course Title
under 18XX82X
18CV821 Bridge Engineering
18CV822 Prefabricated Structures
18CV823 Advanced Foundation Engineering
18CV824 Rehabilitation & Retrofitting
18CV825 Pavement Design
CIE procedure forTechnical Seminar: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two
senior faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for Technical Seminar, shall be based on the evaluation of Seminar Report, Presentation skill and Question and Answer
session in the ratio 50:25:25.
Internship: Those, who have not pursued /completed the internship will be declared as failed and have to complete during subsequent University
examination after satisfy the internship requirements.
• Request all the faculty to review the scheme.
• It is mandatory for all the civil engineering departments to conduct a faculty meeting
and review the scheme. HOD’s are requested to coordinate on priority and send a
report/feedback to the registrar with a copy to the BOS chairman before the last date.
The same will be checked at the time of VTU LIC visit
• AICTE and VTU guidelines must be followed in the teaching process.
• Your feedback is highly appreciated on the implementation of Outcome Based
Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
• Please suggest the teaching process for the tutorials.
• Specific suggestions are invited on internship contents
• Send your feedback before 15-10-2018 to and a copy to,