Organologi I Devina Spt2
Organologi I Devina Spt2
Organologi I Devina Spt2
By :
Name : Devina Alifah
Student ID : B1B017010
Section : D1
Subgroup :4
Assistant : Alvi Sari Agita
Organology study about the structure and function of the organs based on its
composer tissues (Sumardi, 1993). In the practicum organology, we used several
preparation of plants organs to be observed. In plants, just as in animals, similar cells
working together form a tissue. When different types of tissues work together to
perform a unique function, they form an organ; organs working together form organ
systems (Campbell, 2011).
According to Putra et al (2016), roots in plants have an important role. Root
is a plant organ that has function of supporting and strengthening the plant's body
and the growth of shoots. Roots are parts of the bottom plant, usually developing
under the ground even though there are also some roots that growing in the air (like
there are also stems which grows under the ground). Development arrangement and
of the primary tissue of roots and stems can be clearly distinguished for example the
development of epidermis.
Leaves are organisms that can carry out photosynthesis because in the leaves
there are stomata which can change carbon dioxide and water to glucose which
helped by sunlight and will be converted into energy.In the stem organs there are 3
main parts (epidermis and its derivatives, cortex, and stele) that develop and the
protoderm, procambium and basic meristem tissues (Campbell, 2003).
A. Material
The tools that used in Organology I laboratory activity are light microscope,
object glass, cover glass, drop pipette, razor, camera, stationery and work sheet.
Object used in Organology I laboratory activity are root of corn (Zea mays),
stem of sirih (Piper betle), leaf of orange (Citrus sp.), and leaf of corn (Zea mays).
B. Methods
A. Result
Description :
1. Epidermis
2. Exoderm
3. Cortex
4 4. Endoderm
5 5. Pericycle
6. Xylem
7 7. Phloem
6 8. Pith
Description :
1 1. Epidermis
2 2. Collenchyma
3 3. Sclerenchyma
4 4. Cortex
5 5. Peripheral bundle
6. Secretory gland
7. Medular bundle
7 8. Pith
Type of vascular bundle:
Closed collateral
Description :
1. Upper epidermis
2. Motor cell/ Bulliform cell
3. Non-glandular thricome
4. Meshopyl
5. Vascular bundle
5 6. Lower epidermis
A. Conclusion
Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that the root
anatomical structure consist of root hood, epidermis, root cortex and cylindrical
vessels or middle cylinders. The stem anatomical structure consist of epidermis
which have a cuticle and sometimes stomata, the basic tissue system in the form of
cortex and pith, and the vascular system consisting of xylem and phloem. The leaf
anatomical structure consist of protective tissue (epidermis and its derivatives),
mesophile tissue, transport tissue, support tissue and secretory tissue.
B. Suggestion
Suggestion for this laboratory activity is student should be made and kept on
good condition. So, its structure could be easily observed.
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