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Anatomy of Lizard Revisi (!!!)

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ANATOMY OF LIZARD (Eutropis multifasciata)

By :
Name : Devina Alifah
Student ID : B1B017010
Group : II
Subgroup : 4
Assistant : Sharon Hillary




A. Background
Reptile is one of poikilotherm vertebrates and have scales along the
body. Reptile part of tetrapods, that is animal which have four legs. Commonly
reptile breed by laying eggs, which is that egg will be covered by amniotic. One
example of reptile that is lizard (Kimball, 1991).
Lizard is a collective name for the different species of lizard that are
found in the warmer climates around the world. The lizard is a reptile with scaly
skin, and some species of lizard can shed their tails when they are in danger, but
not all species of lizard are capable of doing this. Lizards are reptiles which
means that lizards are cold blooded. Lizards tend to be more active during the
night as lizards spend the day basking in the hot sun in order to warm themselves
up. Lizards are therefore able to recharge their batteries during the day and can
hunt with success at night. Body of Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata) elongated,
depressed laterally, legged, strong, and can be used to climb. The mandible is
united in the anterior and pterygoid bones, in contact with the squared bone.
Eyelids can be moved. Pectoral belt can develop well and mouth complete. Its
tail is used to balance motion and when running (Ibrahim et al., 2014) For
most species of lizard, sight is crucial both for locating prey and for
communication between other lizards. Due to their extremely tuned eyesight,
many species of lizard have highly acute color vision. When communicating
most lizards rely heavily on body language as lizards use specific postures,
gestures and movements to define their territory, resolve any disputes, and entice
mates (Johann, 1993).
Most species of lizard are harmless to humans, so that is why we use
Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata) as a preparation at this practice. Eutropis
multifasciata easy to find and also this animal have easy morphology structure
and anatomy to observed.

B. Purpose
The purpose of this practical class is to see and know the anatomy and
morphology of Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata).

A. Material
The materials that used in this practice is Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata)
and chloroform.
The tools that used in this practice are preparations tub, tweezers, and
surgical scissors.

B. Methods
The methods that used in this activity are:
1. Anesthesia the lizard use chloroform until them suffocated.
2. The lizard was prepared and put on the preparations tub.
3. Ahead the cloaca hole to the left side and the right side body was cut towards
front through the legs until the center of the lower jaw.
4. The parts of oral cavity could be known by cut both corners of the mouth
widely, the jaw was opened then pulled the upper part to the lower part, so we
coulde see the inner part.
5. Lizard’s hemipenis could be known by push base of tail.
6. The inner part of reptile was observed.
B. Discussion
Claasification of Lizard system (Eutropis multifasciata) based on
Radiopoetro (1996) are as follows:
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Subphylum : Vertebrata
Class : Reptilia
Subordo : Squamata
Familia : Latertilia
Genus : Eutropis
Species : Eutropis multifasciata
According to Brotowidjoyo (1993), the special characteristics of Lizard
(Eutropis multifasciata) that is have horns substance along the body surface,
have cauda or tail. Heart of Lizard consist of two pair of limbs which is
pentadectil (anterior extremity and posterior extremity). Eutropis multifasciata
have scaly skin and dry so it is causing water difficult to enter the skin, so the
fluids which lost from body through the skin is less. There is a set of rib muscles
which against at lizard’s rib. So that is why, can be alternately to stretchable and
move closer (Apriyanti et al., 2015).
The result after observing the anatomy of lizard got result that is the
body of Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata) divided into three parts they are caput,
truncus, and cauda. Lizard have two pair of legs which located at lower part, a
pair ahead and another pair at behind. Skin of lizard commonly is covered by
squama epidermal layer which gore, at the lower it is supported by lamina
derminalis which become a bone. The exit hole a transversal gap. The body
shaped of Lizard is round elongated, scales at stomach area have white
yellowish color, however at back area have dark brown color. The necks part is
long and continuous with body, neck part only marked by indention presence. At
body part (truncus) there is branchium or called upper arm. Lizard’s mouth there
are parts such as primary choana, palatum, ostumtubae, auditivie, dentes,
secondary choana all tof this parts called maxilla, rima gloris, and lingau bifida
or called mandibula (Radiopoetro, 1977).
Digestive system of Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata) consist of mouth,
Mouth at lizard is limited by jagged jaw, short tongue, and strength, protruding
upward. The nasopharyngeal channels connect nostril at pharynx cavity. Slit gap
is a part of larynx which located behind ongue. Eustachius channels located in
the upper right of the maxilla. Then continued to oesophagus, and the gastrum
with fundus and pylorus then go to intestinum, rectum, and cloaca. Hepar and
pancreas vicious to intestinum. Cloaca is a place for residual digestion,
excretion, and genital cells (Brotowidjoyo, 1994).
The Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata) is an animal who does internal
fertilization. Lizard is ovovivipar or the egg will hatch inside the mother body.
Reproduction system at male lizard consist of a pair of testis, epididymis, vas
deffrens and a pair of hemipenis. Hemipenis is copulation tool. Because lizard
have copulation tool so they do internal fertilization. Female lizard produce
ovum at ovary. Then the ovum move to oviduct towards the cloaca. Ovum from
female lizard that have been fertilized will surrounded by waterproof shell
(Parker & Haswell, 1962).

Based on the result can be concluded that :

1. The morphology of Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata) divided into three parts
they are caput, truncus, and cauda.
2. The anatomy of Lizard (Eutropis multifasciata) consist of digestive system
and reproduction system.

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“An annotated checklist of Hematofauna of Langkawi Island,
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Johan, Krottlinger., 1993. Keeping Reptiles and Amphibians. T. F. H. Publications,
Kimball, J. W., 1991. Biologi Jilid 3. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Parker, T. J., & Haswell. 1962. Textbook og Zoologi Volume II. Hongkong: Macc
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