SCM-MRP-4-Process Analysis & Break Even (REVIEW) - 22 Mar 2019
SCM-MRP-4-Process Analysis & Break Even (REVIEW) - 22 Mar 2019
SCM-MRP-4-Process Analysis & Break Even (REVIEW) - 22 Mar 2019
Kuliah ke-4:
Kamis, 22 Maret 2019
SCM/MRP-/Sesi-4/22 Mar/2019/yd
Process Analysis
There are three steps required to ship a customer order. The first
is to take the order from the customer. The second step is to pick
the order for the customer, and then they have to pack the order
ready for shipping. Wally promises that every order placed today
gets shipped tomorrow. That means that the picking and packing
operations must finish all orders before they go home
Wally wants to figure out the following.
a. What is the current maximum output of the process
(assuming that Take Order do not work overtime)?
b. How long will the picking and packing operations have
to work if we have a day where the order taker works
at his maximum capacity?
c. Given b, what is the maximum number of order
waiting to be picked?
d. Given b, what is the maximum number of orders
waiting to be packed?
e. If we double the packing capacity (from 60 to 120
orders per hour), what impact does this have on your
answers in parts b, c, and d?
SOLUTION (Problem no. 1):
a. Dengan bekerja 12 hours, maka output untuk setiap tahap:
Take order = 100 orders/hour * 12 hours = 1,200 orders ….
Pick order = 80 orders/hour * 24 hours = 1,920 orders
Pack order = 60 ordershour * 24 hour = 1,440 orders…
Jadi, orders maksimum ditentukan oleh Take Order 1,200
orders. Ini dicapai karena ‘pick’ dan ‘pack’ untuk
menyelesaikan backlogbisa dilakukan sampai 24 jam.
1. Honda mentransformasi baja, karet, dan plastik
menjadi mobil
2. McDonald’s mentransformasi daging, kentang,
dan sauces menjadi paket makanan (hamburger)
3. Dell mentransformasi customer orders jadi PC.
Pengukuran performance proses
Hubungannya Throughput rate =
Cycle Time
Capacity process:
minimum throughput rate at any of the stages
Throughput time =
Throughput rate
(Little’s Law)
Bagaimana menganalisa proses yang kompleks…
pack and
Contoh analisa “the hammer process…”
pack and
Data proses:
• machining: Set up 80 min. 4 min per unit processing per
machine. Batch size 200. Lintasannya ada dua identik.
• assembly: Manual dengan dua pekerja (tidak ada set up).
Tiap martil membutuhkan 40 min processing. Tersedia 34
• pack and ship: 30 min set up, 2 min per unit processing.
Lot sizes of 100.
Step 1: Machining
Assembly 25.50
Assembly is the
Contoh lain…..
Perhatikan ‘make-to-stock system’.
CT = 3s CT = 1s
CT = 3s CT = 1s
CT = 1s CT = 3s
CT = 1s CT = 3s
CT = 3s CT = 3s
Task 1 Task 2 CT = 2s
CT = 4s Task 4 FGI
Task 3
CT = 3s CT = 3s
Task 1 Task 2 CT = 2s
CT = 4s Task 4 FGI
Task 3