Sarah Chapter Iv
Sarah Chapter Iv
Sarah Chapter Iv
This chapter discusses the analysis of the collected data which answer the
research questions in chapter one. It is the main purpose of the study. This chapter
is the most significant part of the whole study. In data analysis, all questions are
4.1 Finding
characters in the movie from the beginning until the end to get the data. As a
result, basically, there are 14 data that containing conversation and utterances that
action are marked by bold text which are completed by context description and
interpretation of the data. The data will be analyzed based on the types of
Data 01 and 02
The conversation occurs between Courier and Arthur. The story begins
when Arthur who is a former assassin fakes his death and hides himself from his
enemy. Arthur decides to temporarily stay in Brazil. One day, Arthur goes to a
place to eat, while waiting for the food he has ordered, suddenly there is a woman
coming to him. The woman’s name is Courier who is the command of the
the last five months. Then, Courier gives a statement that "the principal I
represent has an offer for you” (data 01). Here, it can be seen that indirectly
Courier negotiates with Arthur by giving him an offer. The offer is Arthur has to
kill three people who had been targeted by the parties from Courier side.
Furthermore, the murder should look like an accident. This is clearly relevant to
clear that the data above is an offer in negotiation action in the form of a
From the data above can be seen that Courier clearly gives an advise
indirectly to Arthur. It is shown through the choice given to Arthur, whether his
new life will end quickly or do the work that has been given and return to life as
calm as he wants. This proves that Courier advices other alternatives that may be
beneficial for Arthur. Because one of the important points in the negotiation is to
According to the data above, Arthur clearly provides the answer from the
offer made by Courier. He automatically gives the answer by refusing it. Very
clear in the picture how Arthur refuses to accept the negotiation that have been
made before by saying “MASUKAN KALIMATNYA”. The answer in
depending on how the form of the statement is given. From the data above, it can
be concluded that the type of negotation action is the answer, where Arthur gives
Data 04
This also can be seen in this movie, where a character named Mae offers to help
Gina in giving her a treatment of the wound on her body. It can be seen in the
need of medicine by offering a solution whereby Mae will contact the supplier's
vessel ship owned by her place and they will bring Gina to Phuket to find the
medicine she needs. The data above is definitely appropriate to the negotiation
context in the form of an offer, since Mae who gives an offer is willing to do so
Data 05 and 06
Arthur’s place after hearing the sound of shouts from a woman that comes from
the ship. Mae encounters with that woman when she asks for the medicine. Then,
Mae tells Arthur that there is a fight on the ship. Arthur makes it sure by using a
binoculars to see it if there is a fight going on. Mae then asks Arthur to help the
Arthur by saying "I’ve met her, she has a backboat, woman like that’s get
killed in these situations" (data 05). In that utterance expressed by the Mae is
the situation that is happening to the woman on the ship. Where this information
is given in relation to the safety of the woman she encountered before, and this
attracts Mae’s attention who then asking Arthur to save that woman.
In addition, from the conversation above that occurs between Mae and
Arthur, there is also one category of negotiation action that is advice. Where the
sentence uttered by Mae is "you helped me once, help her!” (Data 06). Here,
Mae gives advice to Arthur to help that woman as Arthur once has helped Mae.
Suggestions are usually made if the giver assumes that the listener should be
advised to do something and what the listener needs to know. By giving these
Data 07
ship to rescue Gina from Frank. When Arthur is on board, he sees Gina being
beaten by frank. Then Arthur tells frank to stop hitting Gina and release her.
In this scene, Arthur sees how Gina is beaten by Frank. He tells Frank to
stop beating Gina and let her go. However, apparently Frank does not want to let
her go and he tries to respond Arthur by saying "how the fuck are you?". Then,
Arthur gives a warning by saying "I said let her go, last chance" (data 07). In
the sentence, the utterance "I said let her go, last chance" is categorized as advice
happens to frank going forward. He does not speak directly about the impact that
Frank will receive if he does not let Gina go, but he gives Frank a suggestion
instead. It definitely can be seen from the context of the sentence by giving a
warning to Frank.
Data 08
questions about the message given by Crain, but Gina thinks she has given the
answer to Arthur. But after getting threats from Arthur, Gina decides to tell what
supposed to do for him? Where is he ?”, but Gina refused to answer those
questions from Arthur. Hearing rejection from Gina, Arthur is pointing a gun and
forcing her to answer his questions. Initially, Gina gives resistance to Arthur by
trying to take the gun from Arthur's hand. However, Gina fails and Arthur takes
again the gun from Gina’s hand. Feeling pressured by the situation that threaten
her safety, finally Gina willing to give an answer by saying "fine I'll talk" (data
8). The response from Gina in this sentence is categorized as the answer in
Data 09
Crain to release Gina and then leave both of them. But Crain considers the words
negotiation action by giving Crain an offer that can be seen in his sentence: "the
chance to walk away. Give me the girl and walk away" (data 09). Arthur’s
something to offer within the sentence. Based on the context, Arthur offers
consideration to Crain by telling him to go and give Gina back. In this situation,
Arthur just wants to convince Crain that the offer he gives will be really useful for
Crain in the future. Also, in this sentence Arthur does not speak directly about the
impact of what will be accepted by Crain later, but through Arthur’s words, he
Data 10 and 11
discussing about the tasks assigned by Crain to kill three people who had been
seduced so that Arthur can save Gina. Crain then gives Arthur the information
about the person who is the target of the murder and provides the tracking device
Then, Crain explains the purpose of the document to Arthur by saying: "I need
you to eliminate three people and this is the first. His name is Krill mass
murderer and warlord. He’s also high list profile arms dealer in Africa. He’s
him in secure. It’s impossible for his enemies to get to him" (data 10). Crain’s
the context of the sentence that uttered by Crain, that he wants Arthur to accept
the deal he gives, where Crain instructs Arthur to kill Krill which is the main
target of the previous assignment. This deal not only benefits to Crain but also for
Arthur for getting information about the state of Gina through video calls and
not want to tell where Gina is and tries to respond Arthur question by saying: “Do
the three kills, Arthur. Get the girl back. Even if you don’t love her, you still owe
here right. I mean she’s in this shit because of you”. Then, Arthur tries to give
once more question, the utterance: “How do I know you will keep her alive?” and
Crain answer by saying: After you finish your kill, you’ll get a video call. After
the last one you will receive instruction where to find her (data 11). Crain’s
Arthur to make an offer he has given. In this situation, Crain does not tell directly
about where Gina is, but he gives an offer to complete the assigned task and then
Arthur will get a video call with Gina. After that, Arthur will receive further
Data 12
The conversation above occurs between Arthur, Gina, and Crain. After
Arthur escaped from Penjara Keday, Arthur swims to the ship that Crain had
provided. He send one of the men on board to contact Crain. Then, Arthur
receives a call through a video call. After that, Arthur talks with Gina and asks
how she is doing. Gina also gives information about the next target that Arthur
must kill.
In this scene, when Arthur talks and asks how the state of Gina, Gina gives
information to Arthur by saying: Crain wanted me to let you know that you
have 36 hours to eliminate the next target or they will eliminate me” (data
action. Here, Gina provides information about the time it takes Arthur to kill the
next target. If Arthur does not kill a predetermined target, they will kill Gina.
Based on the context of the above sentence, the negotiation takes place between
Data 13
get into in Adams’ room that has a tight guard. Adams then goes into the room to
save himself after a bustling made by Arthur. Adams is greatly impressed with the
In the Arthur’s sentence, the utterance: “I want to help you avoid an
offers to provide assistance to Adams. The help given by Arthur will be useful for
Adams in avoiding the problem. Arthur does not speak directly about what will
happen to Adams but he gives him offer by providing solutions, of course this can
be seen from the context of the sentence which shows Arthur provides a help to
Data 14
Adams to discuss something. They discuss how to kill Crain. Arthur advises to
use a submarine belonging to Adam and make Adam looks as if he has died.
In this scene, Arthur meets Adams. In their meeting, they talk about killing
Crain. However, it seems Adams is less confident with it and he responds to the
around him?”. Then, Arthur answered the question from Adams by saying:
“When you’ve got something tempting enough Crain uses his men to go out
there and do it” (data 14). In the Arthur’s sentence, the utterance " When
you’ve got something tempting enough Crain uses his men to go out there
advice to Adams how to kill Crain by using something that is important for Crain
that is weapon, and also a plan of Adam’s death. However, Adams is not really
dead, he will just fake his death through a plan that has been made by Arthur.
Adams accepts the advice given by Arthur so that the negotiation process that
occurs between them succeeds and provides benefits for both parties.
4.2 Discussion
Based on the findings above, the researcher explains the discussion that
expect to answer the research questions of the study; it is to describe what the
types of negotiation action are and what are the dominant of negotiation action
that found in “Mechanic Resurrection” movie by Philip Shelby. From the research
findings, the data of negotiation action divided into five types, they are offer,
advice, answer, inform, and negotiate. While, the dominant of negotiation action
At least, there are 14 data that the researcher mentions as the finding of
answer, 2 inform, and 1 negotiate. For the dominant of negotiation action used in
the context of situation that occurs when the utterances stated. Therefore, to make
it sure that the data include as negotiation action, the researcher supposed to pay
more attention to the situational context to determined the data. The researcher
also described how is the context of situation to help the researcher interpret the
This chapter presents the conclusion of this research and suggestion for
5.1 Conclusions
according to Joan Mulholland, basically there are five types of negotiation action
that can be found in the “Mechanic Resurrection” movie. Those types are: offer,
advice, and answer, inform, and negotiate. These types of negotiation action are
really depends on the context when it is said, where it is said, who the addresse(s)
is/are, and what topic they are talking about. The researcher then found that the
There are 14 data which divided into five types and classified its
negotiation action that interprets based on the context. The finding data of
5.2 Suggestion
especially in negotiation action. There have not been many students who conduct
the study about the topic of Negotiation Action. Therefore, the researcher
2. To Future Research
There are many interesting object that describe the classification of types
of Negotiation Action. The researcher hopes that further research will focus on
finding something new, different and more interesting than this research.
Therefore, the researcher also suggest for the future researcher who wants to
3. To Reader in General
This research is expected for reader in general that the readers learn more
about the negotiation action. Therefore, if the reader wants to know and
understand more about negotiation action, the researcher hopes this research can
Gansel and written by Philip Shelby. It is the sequel to the 2011 film The
Mechanic, which was a remake of the 1972 film of the same name. The film stars
Jason Statham, Tommy Lee Jones, Jessica Alba and Michelle Yeoh.Among the
locations to be the setting of place of this movie are United States, France, and
After faking his death, Arthur Bishop has been living quietly in Rio de
Janeiro with the name Santos. He is approached by Renee Tran, who knows his
true identity and explains that her employer wishes for Bishop to kill three targets
and stage them as accidents. Seeing her mercenaries waiting nearby, Bishop
makes his escape, and flees the country to Thailand. He takes shelter at the resort
island beach house of his friend, Mei, and learns that Tran is working for Riah
Crain. Bishop and Crain were orphans who grew up together but were sold to a
gangster and trained as warriors. Bishop made his escape and left Crain behind.
Sometime later, a bruised woman, Gina Thornton, approaches Mei for first
aid before returning to a boat anchored nearby. Mei observes Thornton being
beaten by a man aboard the boat and alerts Bishop. Bishop and Mei rescue
Thornton from the man, but in the scuffle, the man hits his head on the boat's
equipment and dies. Finding no evidence of his identity, Bishop sets the boat
ablaze. While Mei tends to Thornton's injuries, Bishop finds that Thornton is also
connected to Crain, and believes Crain anticipated Bishop would become
romantic with her; Crain would then have kidnapped her to make Bishop take the
assassination jobs. When he charges Thornton with his theory, she reveals that
Crain threatened the children's shelter in Cambodia where she works unless she
participated. Over the next few days, Bishop gets to know Thornton better and
falls in love, but as expected, Crain's mercenaries arrive and abduct them.
assassination jobs. The first target is a warlord named Krill, who is incarcerated in
access Krill. Bishop gains Krill’s trust by killing a man already planning on
killing Krill. Bishop kills Krill and escapes the prison with the help of Crain's
operatives. The next target is Adrian Cook, who runs an underage trafficking ring
from Sydney. Bishop bypasses the tight security of Cook's penthouse apartment
and breaks the glass bottom of Cook's overhanging pool, plummeting him to his
death.While relaying details of the third target, Crain allows Bishop to speak to
Thornton, who sends Bishop signals to help him identify Crain's boat. Bishop
locates the boat and attempts to rescue her, but Crain recognizes Thornton's
attempt in time and foils him. Crain demands Bishop complete the final
dealer in Varna, Bulgaria. While planning the attempt, Bishop recognizes that
Crain's targets were his only other major competition in arms dealing. Bishop
instead approaches Adams and warns him of Crain's plan, and gets Adams to help.
Bishop fakes Adams' death, and reports his success to Crain, who directs him to a
meeting point.
There, Bishop fends off attacks by Crain's mercenaries and makes for
Crain's boat anchored nearby. He fights off more of Crain's men and rescues
Thornton. He discovers the boat is rigged with explosives and places Thornton in
an escape pod. Crain attacks Bishop, but Bishop over powers him and secures him
to the boat. The bombs explode, killing Crain and apparently Bishop. Thornton is
rescued and the remains of Crain's boat are salvaged. Thornton returns to
Cambodia and her teaching duties, where she is surprised when Bishop meets her
there. Adams discovers how Bishop survived but destroys the evidence to protect
Bishop's secret.