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Bearing Capacity Caluclation

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Depth of footing
Width of footing
Lenth of Footing
The ground water table is not encountered during boring.
Taking factor of safety
The basis of calculation was taken as under :

Taking a case of Local shear failure,

f’= tan-1 [0.67 (tan _____)

For f’ = __________ ,

As per IS : 6403 – 1981,

Q’d = 2/3 C N’c Sc Dc Ic + q (N’q – 1 ) Sq Dq Iq + 0.5 B ¡ N’¡ S¡D¡I¡W’

……………… Equ. (A)
Q’d Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity based on local shear failure in kg/cm2
C Cohesion, in kg/cm2
N’c, N’q, N’¡ Bearing Capacity factors

Sc , Sq , S¡ Shape factors
Dc ,Dq ,D¡ Depth factors
Ic , Iq , I¡ Inclination factors

q Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation, in kg/cm2

B Width of footing in cms.
¡ Bulk unit weight of soil, in kg/cm3
W’ Correction for the position of watertable
f Angle of internal friction (degrees)
Taking values from field data and laboratory test results,
Sc = _______ ; Hansen formula
Sq = ____ ;
S¡ = ______ ; (SHAPE footing)
Ic = Iq = I¡ = 1.0 (No Inclination)
W’ = 1.0 (Assuming no ground water condition)
Depth factors,
Dc by hansen's formula
Putting the values in Equ. (A),

Q’d = (2/3) (__________ ) (__________ ) (__________ ) (__________ ) (1.0)

+ (__________ ) (__________ - 1) (__________ ) (__________ ) (1.0)

Q’d __________ + __________ + __________

= __________ kg/cm2

Taking factor of safety = __________ ;

Net Safe Bearing Capacity = __________

= __________ kg/cm2


The total settlement is given by,
Sf = Sc + Si
Sf Final Settlement in cms,
Sc Consolidation Settlement
Si Immediate Settlement

(i) Computation of Consolidation Settlement Sc :

As per IS : 8009 (Part –I) – 1976,

Sc = l Soed
Sc = Consolidation Settlement
Soed = Settlement computed from consolidation test
l = A factor

Soed = [ Ht / (1+eo)] . Cc . log10 [(Po+DP)/Po]

eo = Initial void ratio
Cc = Compression Index
Po = Initial effective pressure at mid height of layer, in kg/cm2
DP = Pressure increment at mid height, in kg/cm2

From field and laboratory test results,

P = __________ kg/cm2 ; (Assumed from shear criteria)
Df = __________ cms ; eo = __________ ; Cc = __________ ;
Ht = __________ cms. ; B = __________ cms. ;
Po = __________ kg/cm2 ; DP = __________ kg/cm2 ;

Putting values in Equ. (A).,

Soed = [___ / (1+____ )] . (____ ) . log10 [(____ +____ )/ _____ ]
= __________ cms.
Now, l = __________ ,
Sc = (__________ ) (__________ )
= __________ cms.

(ii) Computation of immediate Settlement Si :

Si = q . B [ (1-m2) / E ] . I
= (_____ ) (____ ) [{1-(____ )2} / ____ ] (____ )

So, total final settlement,

Sf = Sc + Si
Sf = (6.714) + (1.093)
= 7.807 cms.
Applying the depth and rigidity factors, the value becomes,
Sf = (0.8) (__________ ) (__________ )
= __________ cms.
This value is less
than the
permissible value
of 5.0 cms., as
per IS : 1904.
Hence, SAFE.

The bearing
capacity values
have been
worked out for
different depths,
and are shown in
the Conclusions.
Fyi Nc Nq Ng
0 5.7 1 0
Df = ________ 4m 5 7.3 1.6 0.14
= B = ________ 8m 10 9.6 2.7 1.2
L= 12 m 15 12.9 4.4 1.8
20 17.7 7.4 5
1 25 25.1 12.7 9.7
C = _______ 100 kN/m2 30 37.2 22.5 19.7
f= 0° 35 57.8 41.4 42.4
¡ = _______ 18 gm/cm3 40 95.7 81.3 100.4
45 172.3 173.3 360
C'= 67 kN/m2 50 347.5 415.1 1072.8
tan [fi] 0

0.67 tan fi 0
\f’ = 0 0

Nc’ = __________ 5.7

Nq’ = __________ 1
N g’ = __________ 0

Net Ullti 570

w/o depth factors
UBC 642
SBC 642
Nc Nq Ngama
5.7 1
Genreal shear Failure
rect/square 0 72
strip UBC= c*Nc qNq 72 0.5gBNg
strip UBC= 72
rect/squareUBC= 72 SBC 72
strip SBC= 72
72 Local sher failure
C N’c Sc Dc Ic q (N’q – 1 ) Sq Dq Iq
UBC= 2199.744 + 72 +
UBC= 2271.744
Taking factor of safety 2
SBC= 1136

1 0 1 0.5

+ (0.5) (_____ ) (_____ ) (___ ) (___ ) (_____ ) (1.0) (1.0)



0 850

0.5 B ¡ N’¡ S¡D¡I¡W’

Depth of
Dia of pile pile a d f g
0.5 12 0.3 18 25 19
m m kn/m3
Qu = Qeb + Qs 2781.666 kN
= Ab x qb + As x f Ab 0.7844 As 18.84

= p/4 x d2 x (C Nc + q Nq)
+ pdl x ( a x c + k s tand) qb 3397.6 Qs 6.188351
Cohesion NC Nq Ng
20 25.1 12.7 9.7
c f g df b l fos inclinationdepth of gwt
100 0.01 18 4 8 12 1

c' 67 tan q 0.00 q 0.01
f' 0 tan-1 0 value 0.00 tanfi dash
tan 45+fi/2 0.999902
Nc 1321.72
Nq 1.92
Ng 0.00
N f  tan 2  45  f
Nfi 1.00 0.999902  2
W' 0.5
sc 1.133333 ic 1 N q  e p tan f N f
N c   N q  1  cot f
sq 1.133333 iq 1
sg 0.733333 ig 1

dc 1.06666 N g  2  N q  1  tan
dq 1.03333
dg 1.03333

UBC 106682.7
SBC 106682.7 111.196
 tan 2  45  f 
 2 
 e p tan f N f
  N q  1  cot f
 2  N q  1  tan f
c f g df b l fos inclinationdepth of gwt
100 0 18 4 8 12 1 0 20
tan 45+fi/2 1.00
Nc 5.14 sc 1.133333 ic 1
Nq 1.00 sq 1.133333 iq 1
Ng 1.00 sg 0.733333 ig 1
Nfi 1.00 0.999204
W' 1 dc 1.07
dq 1.00
Net UBC 674 dg 1.00
SBC 674

0 5.14 1 1
1 5.38 1.09 0.07
2 5.63 1.2 0.15
3 5.9 1.31 0.24
4 6.19 1.43 0.34
5 6.49 1.57 0.45
6 6.81 1.72 0.57
7 7.16 1.88 0.71
8 7.53 2.06 0.86
9 7.92 2.25 1.03
10 8.35 2.47 1.22
11 8.8 2.71 1.44
12 9.28 2.97 1.69
13 9.81 3.26 1.97
14 10.37 3.59 2.29
15 10.98 3.94 2.65
16 11.63 4.34 3.06
17 12.34 4.77 3.53
18 13.1 5.26 4.07
19 13.93 5.8 4.68
20 14.83 6.4 5.39
21 15.82 7.07 6.2
22 16.88 7.82 7.13
23 18.05 8.66 8.2
24 19.32 9.6 9.44
25 20.72 10.66 10.88
26 22.25 11.85 12.54
27 23.94 13.2 14.47
28 25.8 14.72 16.72
29 27.86 16.44 19.34
30 30.14 18.4 22.4
31 32.67 20.63 25.99
32 35.49 23.18 30.22
33 38.64 26.09 35.19
34 42.16 29.44 41.06
35 46.12 33.3 48.03
36 50.59 37.75 56.31
37 55.63 42.92 66.19
38 61.35 48.93 78.03
39 67.87 55.96 92.25
40 75.31 64.2 109.41
41 83.86 73.9 130.22
42 93.71 85.38 155.55
43 105.11 99.02 186.54
44 118.37 115.31 224.64
45 133.88 134.88 271.76
46 152.1 158.51 330.35
47 173.64 187.21 403.67
48 199.26 222.31 496.01
49 229.93 265.51 613.16
50 266.89 319.07 762.89
SBC B L Q1 Q2 L1 L2 L3 e colum c/s
150 7 2200 1800 1 0 6 1 0.5
A 26.66667
CG of load 2.7 L B
B 3.81 Rectangle 7 4

b1 3.25 Trepezoid B1
b2 4.36 B2
sfd values
Rl 2640 Strap OK A 264
Rr 2240 UDL B 1936
Ll 2.5 q-lef 1056 C 704
Bl 7.0 D -416
Lr 3.9 q-right 580 E 1384
Br 3.9 F 1120


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