4 Unit 2 Storyed Estimate
4 Unit 2 Storyed Estimate
4 Unit 2 Storyed Estimate
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
1.0 Site Cleaning Work
1 x 1 104 59 6136.00 sft
Y- Direction
Grid 1,3,4,6,8,9,11 1 x 7 25.25 2.5 4 1767.50 cft
Grid 2,5,7,10 1 x 4 18 2.5 4 720.00 cft
Bath & W.C 1 x 4 7.5 2.5 4 300.00 cft
13782.50 cf
Y- Direction
Grid 1,3,4,6,8,9,11 1 x 7 43.25 2.5 0.25 189.22 cft
Grid 2,5,7,10 1 x 4 30 2.5 0.25 75.00 cft
Bath & W.C 1 x 4 7.5 2.5 0.25 18.75 cft
907.66 cf
6.2 Column
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
Footing to Plinth
C1 1 x 51 1 1 6.25 318.75 cft
Plinth to First Floor
C1 1 x 51 1 1 12 612.00 cft
First floor to roof
C1 1 x 51 0.75 0.75 10 286.88 cft
6.3 Plinth Beam
6' span 1 x 16 5 0.75 0.75 45.00 cft
7' span 1 x 4 6 0.75 0.75 13.50 cft
5' span 1 x 4 4.25 0.75 0.75 9.56 cft
10' span 1 x 11 9 0.75 0.75 55.69 cft
10' span 1 x 4 9.25 0.75 0.75 20.81 cft
11.5' span 1 x 22 10.5 0.75 1 173.25 cft
12' span 1 x 7 11 0.75 1 57.75 cft
PB3 (9"x12")
20' span 1 x 4 19.25 0.75 1 57.75 cft
7' span 1 x 2 6.25 0.75 1 9.38 cft
PB4 (9"x12")
14' span 1 x 16 13 0.75 1 156.00 cft
4' span 1 x 7 3.125 0.75 1 16.41 cft
PB5 (10"x16")
20' span 1 x 4 19 0.83 1.33 83.90 cft
Roof Beam
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
RB1 (9"x9")
6' span 1 x 16 5.25 0.75 0.75 47.25 cft
7' span 1 x 4 6.25 0.75 0.75 14.06 cft
5' span 1 x 4 4.25 0.75 0.75 9.56 cft
10' span 1 x 15 9.25 0.75 0.75 78.05 cft
RB2 (9"x12")
11.5' span 1 x 22 10.75 0.75 1 177.38 cft
12' span 1 x 7 11.25 0.75 1 59.06 cft
RB3 (9"x12")
20' span 1 x 4 19.25 0.75 1 57.75 cft
7' span 1 x 2 6.25 0.75 1 9.38 cft
RB4 (9"x12")
14' span 1 x 16 13.25 0.75 1 159.00 cft
4' span 1 x 7 3.25 0.75 1 17.06 cft
RB5 (10"x16")
20' span 1 x 4 19.25 0.83 1.33 85.00 cft
6.4 Slab
First floor slab (S2)
(14'x10') Bay 1 x 4 13.25 9.25 0.375 183.84 cft
(10'x6') Bay 1 x 4 9.25 5.25 0.375 72.84 cft
(14'x11.5') Bay 1 x 8 13.25 10.75 0.375 427.31 cft
(11.5'x6') Bay 1 x 8 10.75 5.25 0.375 169.31 cft
(20'x12') Bay 1 x 4 19.25 11.25 0.375 324.84 cft
(20'x4') Bay 1 x 4 19.25 3.25 0.375 93.84 cft
(7'x4') Bay 1 x 2 6.25 3.25 0.375 15.23 cft
Roof Slab
(12'x7') Bay 1 x 2 11.25 6.25 0.375 52.73 cft
(7'x4') Bay 1 xx 2 6.25 3.25 0.375 15.23 cft
1 x 2 6.25 1.625 0.375 7.62 cft
1 x 2 24 1.625 0.375 29.25 cft
1 x 1 98 1.625 0.375 59.72 cft
1 x 1 44 1.625 0.375 26.81 cft
1 x 2 49.75 1.625 0.375 60.63 cft
1 x 4 31 1.625 0.375 75.56 cft
Landing Slab
LS 1 x 2 8 3.25 0.42 21.84 cft
6.5 Stair
Plinth to landing
waist 1 x 2 11.83 4 0.42 39.75 cft
Step 4.5 x 2 4 1 0.67 24.12 cft
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
Landing to first floor
waist 1 x 2 10.42 4 0.42 35.01 cft
Step 4.5 x 2 4 1 0.67 24.12 cft
6372.79 cf
7.0 Formwork
7.1 F1 1 x 51 20 1 1020.00 sft
7.2 Column
Footing to Plinth
C1 1 x 51 4 6.25 1275.00 sft
Plinth to First Floor
C1 1 x 51 4 12 2448.00 sft
First floor to roof
C1 1 x 51 3 10 1530.00 sft
7.3 Plinth Beam
6' span 1 x 16 5 1.5 120.00 sft
7' span 1 x 4 6 1.5 36.00 sft
5' span 1 x 4 4.25 1.5 25.50 sft
10' span 1 x 11 9 1.5 148.50 sft
10' span 1 x 4 9.25 1.5 55.50 sft
11.5' span 1 x 22 10.5 2 462.00 sft
12' span 1 x 7 11 2 154.00 sft
PB3 (9"x12")
20' span 1 x 4 19.25 2 154.00 sft
7' span 1 x 2 6.25 2 25.00 sft
PB4 (9"x12")
14' span 1 x 16 13 2 416.00 sft
4' span 1 x 7 3.125 2 43.75 sft
PB5 (10"x16")
20' span 1 x 4 19 2.66 202.16 sft
Roof Beam
RB1 (9"x9")
6' span 1 x 16 5.25 2.25 189.00 sft
7' span 1 x 4 6.25 2.25 56.25 sft
5' span 1 x 4 4.25 2.25 38.25 sft
10' span 1 x 15 9.25 2.25 312.19 sft
RB2 (9"x12")
11.5' span 1 x 22 10.75 2.75 650.38 sft
12' span 1 x 7 11.25 2.75 216.56 sft
RB3 (9"x12")
20' span 1 x 4 19.25 2.75 211.75 sft
7' span 1 x 2 6.25 2.75 34.38 sft
RB4 (9"x12")
14' span 1 x 16 13.25 2.75 583.00 sft
4' span 1 x 7 3.25 2.75 62.56 sft
RB5 (10"x16")
20' span 1 x 4 19.25 3.49 268.73 sft
7.4 Slab
First floor slab (S2)
(14'x10') Bay 1 x 4 13.25 9.25 490.25 sft
(10'x6') Bay 1 x 4 9.25 5.25 194.25 sft
(14'x11.5') Bay 1 x 8 13.25 10.75 1139.50 sft
(11.5'x6') Bay 1 x 8 10.75 5.25 451.50 sft
(20'x12') Bay 1 x 4 19.25 11.25 866.25 sft
(20'x4') Bay 1 x 4 19.25 3.25 250.25 sft
(7'x4') Bay 1 x 2 6.25 3.25 40.63 sft
Roof Slab
(12'x7') Bay 1 x 2 11.25 6.25 140.63 sft
(7'x4') Bay 1 xx 2 6.25 3.25 40.63 sft
1 x 2 6.25 1.625 20.31 sft
1 x 2 24 1.625 78.00 sft
1 x 1 98 1.625 159.25 sft
1 x 1 44 1.625 71.50 sft
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
1 x 2 49.75 1.625 161.69 sft
1 x 4 31 1.625 201.50 sft
Landing Slab
LS 1 x 2 8 3.25 52.00 sft
7.5 Stair
Plinth to landing
waist 1 x 2 11.83 4 94.64 sft
Step cover 2 x 2 11.83 1.08 51.26 sft
Step 2 x 9 4 0.67 48.24 sft
Landing to first floor
waist 1 x 2 10.42 4 83.36 sft
Step cover 2 x 2 10.42 1.08 45.15 sft
Step 9 x 2 4 0.67 48.24 sft
18069.25 sf
Y- Direction
Grid 1,3,4,6,8,9,11 1 x 7 43.25 1.5 0.5 227.06 cft
Grid 2,5,7,10 1 x 4 30 1.5 0.5 90.00 cft
Bath & W.C 1 x 4 7.5 1.5 0.5 22.50 cft
Y- Direction
Grid 1,3,4,6,8,9,11 1 x 7 43.25 1.125 0.5 170.30 cft
Grid 2,5,7,10 1 x 4 30 1.125 0.5 67.50 cft
Bath & W.C 1 x 4 7.5 1.125 0.5 16.88 cft
Y- Direction
Grid 1,3,4,6,8,9,11 1 x 7 43.25 0.75 3.71 842.40 cft
Grid 2,5,7,10 1 x 4 30 0.75 3.71 333.90 cft
Bath & W.C 1 x 4 7.5 0.75 3.71 83.48 cft
3858.51 cf
First floor
Grid A 1x 4 18.5 8.96 662.92 sft
Grid B 1x 4 18.5 8.96 662.92 sft
Grid C,D 2x 4 13.25 8.96 949.58 sft
Grid D 1x 2 6.25 8.96 111.98 sft
Grid E 1x 4 19.25 8.96 689.79 sft
Grid F 1x 1 94 3.00 282.00 sft
Bath & WC 1x 4 4.625 8.96 165.76 sft
Y - Direction
Grid 1,11,3,4,6,8,9 1x 7 42 8.96 2634.24 sft
Grid 2,5,7,10 1x 4 21.5 8.96 770.56 sft
Bath, WC & Kithen 1x 4 9.625 8.96 344.96 sft
Veranda 1x 2 3.4375 3.00 20.63 sft
Parapetwall 1x 1 434 2 868.00 sft
16710.96 sf
MD 2 x 4 5 7 280 sft
D1 2 x 12 3 7 504 sft
D2 2 x 8 2.5 6.5 260 sft
W2 2 x 24 4 5.5 1056 sft
W3 2 x 6 6 5.5 396 sft
F1 2 x 8 2 1.5 48 sft
F 2 x 2 4 3 48 sft
2592 sf
14118.96 sf
d Fanlight
W2 2x 24 4 1.5 288.00 sft
W3 2x 6 6 1.5 108.00 sft
F1 2x 8 2 1.5 48.00 sft
F 2x 2 4 3 48.00 sft
492.00 sf
D2 4 x 4 2.5 3 120 sft
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
840.00 sf
First floor slab (S2)
(14'x10') Bay 1x 4 13.25 9.25 490.25 sft
(10'x6') Bay 1x 4 9.25 5.25 194.25 sft
(14'x11.5') Bay 1x 8 13.25 10.75 1139.50 sft
(11.5'x6') Bay 1x 8 10.75 5.25 451.50 sft
(20'x12') Bay 1x 4 19.25 11.25 866.25 sft
(20'x4') Bay 1x 4 19.25 3.25 250.25 sft
(7'x4') Bay 1x 2 6.25 3.25 40.63 sft
Roof Slab
(12'x7') Bay 1x 2 11.25 6.25 140.63 sft
(7'x4') Bay 1 xx 2 6.25 3.25 40.63 sft
1x 2 6.25 1.625 20.31 sft
1x 2 24 1.625 78.00 sft
1x 1 98 1.625 159.25 sft
1x 1 44 1.625 71.50 sft
1x 2 49.75 1.625 161.69 sft
1x 4 31 1.625 201.50 sft
Ceiling Work 1x 4 20 49 3920.00 sft
LS 1x 2 8 3.25 52.00 sft
46795.34 sf
18.2 Emulsion work
As iten No 18.1 46795.34 sf
MD 4X 4 5 7 560.00 sft
D1 4X 12 3 7 1008.00 sft
W2 2X 24 4 4 768.00 sft
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
W3 2X 6 6 4 288.00 sft
F1 1 16 2 1.5 48.00 sft
F 1 4 4 3 48.00 sft
5548.00 sf
Tie Beam
R1 2x 6 20 240.00 ft
R5 1x 3 40 120.00 ft
R2 2x 4 14.14 113.12 ft
R3 2x 2 10 40.00 ft
R6 1x 4 28.28 113.12 ft
R7 1x 2 20 40.00 ft
1x 2 29 58.00 ft
1x 1 9 9.00 ft
1691.48 f
2"x2" MS Angel
R1 2x 6 4 48.00 ft
2x 12 2 48.00 ft
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
2 x 12 5.39 129.36 ft
R5 1x 3 8 24.00 ft
2x 3 6 36.00 ft
2x 3 4 24.00 ft
2x 3 2 12.00 ft
2x 3 7.81 46.86 ft
2x 3 6.4 38.40 ft
2x 3 5.39 32.34 ft
R2 4x 2 2 16.00 ft
4x 2 7.35 58.80 ft
R3 2x 2 2 8.00 ft
2x 2 5.39 21.56 ft
R6 1x 4 6 24.00 ft
1x 4 4 16.00 ft
1x 4 2 8.00 ft
1x 4 9.27 37.08 ft
1x 4 8.12 32.48 ft
1x 4 7.35 29.40 ft
R7 1x 2 6 12.00 ft
1x 2 4 8.00 ft
1x 2 2 4.00 ft
1x 2 7.8 15.60 ft
1x 2 6.4 12.80 ft
1x 2 5.39 10.78 ft
753.46 f
Detail of Measurement
Item Particular No Deduction Content Unit
L(ft) B(ft) H(ft)
detail of Measurement
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
1 Rebar work
F1 1x 51 5.00 5.00 1.00
Bottom layer
Long direction 10 x 51 5.44 1.06 0.63 2942.00 lb
Short direction 10 x 51 5.44 1.06 0.63 2942.00 lb
Footing to Plinth
C1 1x 51 1.00 1.00 6.25
Main nar 8x 51 12.26 1.34 0.71 6704.93 lb
Tie bar 27 x 51 3.31 0.26 0.31 1209.03 lb
Plinth to First Floor
C1 1x 51 1.00 1.00 12.00
Main nar 6x 51 14.10 1.06 0.63 4571.05 lb
Tie bar 25 0 51 3.31 0.26 0.31 1119.47 lb
First floor to roof
C1 1x 51 0.75 0.75 10.00
Main nar 4x 51 10.35 1.06 0.63 2236.39 lb
Tie bar 21 x 51 2.31 0.26 0.31 656.68 lb
Plinth Beam
6' span 1x 16 5.00 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 16 8.01 1.06 0.63 271.55 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 16 8.01 1.06 0.63 271.55 lb
Stirrup (support) 11 x 16 2.31 0.26 0.31 105.64 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 4x 16 2.31 0.26 0.31 42.20 lb
7' span 1x 4 6.00 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 4 9.01 1.06 0.63 76.36 lb
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Bottom Bar 2x 4 9.01 1.06 0.63 76.36 lb
Stirrup (support) 13 x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 31.36 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 5x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 12.50 lb
5' span 1x 4 4.25 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 4 7.26 1.06 0.63 61.53 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 4 7.26 1.06 0.63 61.53 lb
Stirrup (support) 9x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 22.69 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 4x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 9.09 lb
10' span 1x 11 9.00 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 11 12.01 1.06 0.63 279.93 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 11 12.01 1.06 0.63 279.93 lb
Stirrup (support) 19 x 11 2.31 0.26 0.31 127.13 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 7x 11 2.31 0.26 0.31 50.42 lb
10' span 1x 4 9.25 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 4 12.26 1.06 0.63 103.91 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 4 12.26 1.06 0.63 103.91 lb
Stirrup (support) 19 x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 47.47 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 8x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 18.82 lb
11.5' span 1x 22 10.50 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 22 13.51 1.06 0.63 629.78 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 22 13.51 1.06 0.63 629.78 lb
Stirrup (support) 22 x 22 2.81 0.26 0.31 358.87 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 9x 22 2.81 0.26 0.31 142.16 lb
12' span 1x 7 11.00 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 7 14.01 1.06 0.63 207.80 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 7 14.01 1.06 0.63 207.80 lb
Stirrup (support) 23 x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 119.46 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 9x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 47.30 lb
PB3 (9"x12")
20' span 1x 4 19.25 0.75 1.00
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Top Bar 2x 4 22.26 1.06 0.63 188.67 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 4 22.26 1.06 0.63 188.67 lb
Stirrup (support) 40 x 4 2.81 0.26 0.31 117.97 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 16 x 4 2.81 0.26 0.31 46.56 lb
7' span 1x 2 6.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 2 9.26 1.06 0.63 39.24 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 2 9.26 1.06 0.63 39.24 lb
Stirrup (support) 13 x 2 2.81 0.26 0.31 19.82 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 5x 2 2.81 0.26 0.31 7.89 lb
PB4 (9"x12")
14' span 1x 16 13.00 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 16 16.01 1.06 0.63 542.78 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 16 16.01 1.06 0.63 542.78 lb
Stirrup (support) 27 x 16 2.81 0.26 0.31 321.25 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 9x 16 2.81 0.26 0.31 107.36 lb
4' span 1x 7 3.13 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 7 6.13 1.06 0.63 90.99 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 7 6.13 1.06 0.63 90.99 lb
Stirrup (support) 7x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 36.43 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 2x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 12.61 lb
PB5 (10"x16")
20' span 1x 4 19.00 0.83 1.33
Top Bar 3x 4 22.32 1.66 0.79 443.48 lb
Bottom Bar 3x 4 22.32 1.66 0.79 443.48 lb
Stirrup (support) 39 x 4 3.63 0.26 0.31 150.39 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 13 x 4 3.63 0.26 0.31 50.06 lb
FB3 (9"x12")
20' span 1x 4 19.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 4 22.26 1.06 0.63 188.67 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 4 22.26 1.06 0.63 188.67 lb
Stirrup (support) 40 x 4 2.81 0.26 0.31 117.97 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 16 x 4 2.81 0.26 0.31 46.56 lb
7' span 1x 2 6.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 2 9.26 1.06 0.63 39.24 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 2 9.26 1.06 0.63 39.24 lb
Stirrup (support) 13 x 2 2.81 0.26 0.31 19.82 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 5x 2 2.81 0.26 0.31 7.89 lb
FB4 (9"x12")
14' span 1x 16 13.00 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 16 16.17 1.34 0.71 693.71 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 16 16.17 1.34 0.71 693.71 lb
Stirrup (support) 27 x 16 2.81 0.26 0.31 321.25 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 9x 16 2.81 0.26 0.31 107.36 lb
4' span 1x 7 3.13 0.75 1.00
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Top Bar 2x 7 6.29 1.34 0.71 118.12 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 7 6.29 1.34 0.71 118.12 lb
Stirrup (support) 7x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 36.43 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 2x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 12.61 lb
FB5 (10"x16")
20' span 1x 4 19.00 0.83 1.33
Top Bar 3x 4 22.32 1.66 0.79 443.48 lb
Bottom Bar 3x 4 22.32 1.66 0.79 443.48 lb
Stirrup (support) 39 x 4 3.63 0.26 0.31 150.39 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 13 x 4 3.63 0.26 0.31 50.06 lb
Roof Beam
RB1 (9"x9")
6' span 1x 16 5.25 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 16 7.76 1.06 0.63 263.08 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 16 7.76 1.06 0.63 263.08 lb
Stirrup (support) 11 x 16 2.31 0.26 0.31 110.59 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 5x 16 2.31 0.26 0.31 44.15 lb
7' span 1x 4 6.25 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 4 8.76 1.06 0.63 74.25 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 4 8.76 1.06 0.63 74.25 lb
Stirrup (support) 13 x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 32.60 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 5x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 12.98 lb
5' span 1x 4 4.25 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 4 6.76 1.06 0.63 57.29 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 4 6.76 1.06 0.63 57.29 lb
Stirrup (support) 9x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 22.69 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 4x 4 2.31 0.26 0.31 9.09 lb
10' span 1x 15 9.25 0.75 0.75
Top Bar 2x 15 11.76 1.06 0.63 373.77 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 15 11.76 1.06 0.63 373.77 lb
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Stirrup (support) 19 x 15 2.31 0.26 0.31 178.00 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 8x 15 2.31 0.26 0.31 70.59 lb
RB2 (9"x12")
11.5' span 1x 22 10.75 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 22 13.26 1.06 0.63 618.12 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 22 13.26 1.06 0.63 618.12 lb
Stirrup (support) 22 x 22 2.81 0.26 0.31 367.16 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 9x 22 2.81 0.26 0.31 145.41 lb
12' span 1x 7 11.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 7 13.76 1.06 0.63 204.09 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 7 13.76 1.06 0.63 204.09 lb
Stirrup (support) 23 x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 122.09 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 9x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 48.34 lb
RB3 (9"x12")
20' span 1x 4 19.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 4 21.76 1.06 0.63 184.43 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 4 21.76 1.06 0.63 184.43 lb
Stirrup (support) 40 x 4 2.81 0.26 0.31 117.97 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 16 x 4 2.81 0.26 0.31 46.56 lb
RB5 (10"x16")
7' span 1x 2 6.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 2 8.76 1.06 0.63 37.12 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 2 8.76 1.06 0.63 37.12 lb
Stirrup (support) 13 x 2 2.81 0.26 0.31 19.82 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 5x 2 2.81 0.26 0.31 7.89 lb
RB4 (9"x12")
14' span 1x 16 13.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 16 15.76 1.06 0.63 534.30 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 16 15.76 1.06 0.63 534.30 lb
Stirrup (support) 27 x 16 2.81 0.26 0.31 327.27 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 9x 16 2.81 0.26 0.31 109.35 lb
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
4' span 1x 7 3.25 0.75 1.00
Top Bar 2x 7 5.76 1.06 0.63 85.43 lb
Bottom Bar 2x 7 5.76 1.06 0.63 85.43 lb
Stirrup (support) 7x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 37.75 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 3x 7 2.81 0.26 0.31 13.05 lb
RB5 (10"x16")
20' span 1x 4 19.25 0.83 1.33
Top Bar 3x 4 21.76 1.06 0.63 276.64 lb
Bottom Bar 3x 4 21.76 1.06 0.63 276.64 lb
Stirrup (support) 40 x 4 3.63 0.26 0.31 152.33 lb
Stirrup (mid span) 13 x 4 3.63 0.26 0.31 50.71 lb
First floor slab (S2)
(14'x10') Bay 1x 4 13.25 9.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 18 x 4 15.37 0.41 0.39 461.30 lb
Short direction 26 x 4 11.37 0.41 0.39 480.69 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 16 x 4 15.37 0.41 0.39 410.05 lb
Short direction 23 x 4 11.37 0.41 0.39 427.28 lb
(10'x6') Bay 1x 4 9.25 5.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 11 x 4 11.37 0.41 0.39 201.83 lb
Short direction 18 x 4 7.37 0.41 0.39 221.21 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 10 x 4 11.37 0.41 0.39 179.40 lb
Short direction 16 x 4 7.37 0.41 0.39 196.63 lb
(14'x11.5') Bay 1x 8 13.25 10.75 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 21 x 8 15.37 0.41 0.39 1063.97 lb
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Short direction 26 x 8 12.87 0.41 0.39 1088.20 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 19 x 8 15.37 0.41 0.39 945.75 lb
Short direction 23 x 8 12.87 0.41 0.39 967.29 lb
(11.5'x6') Bay 1x 8 10.75 5.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 11 x 8 12.87 0.41 0.39 456.90 lb
Short direction 21 x 8 7.37 0.41 0.39 510.21 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 10 x 8 12.87 0.41 0.39 406.13 lb
Short direction 19 x 8 7.37 0.41 0.39 453.52 lb
(20'x12') Bay 1x 4 19.25 11.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 22 x 4 21.37 0.41 0.39 772.40 lb
Short direction 37 x 4 13.37 0.41 0.39 811.17 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 19 x 4 21.37 0.41 0.39 686.58 lb
Short direction 33 x 4 13.37 0.41 0.39 721.04 lb
(20'x4') Bay 1x 4 19.25 3.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 6x 4 21.37 0.41 0.39 206.98 lb
Short direction 40 x 4 5.37 0.41 0.39 351.18 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 4x 4 21.37 0.41 0.39 137.99 lb
Short direction 26 x 4 5.37 0.41 0.39 234.12 lb
(7'x4') Bay 1x 2 6.25 3.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 6x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 40.54 lb
Short direction 14 x 2 5.37 0.41 0.39 60.01 lb
Top Layer
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Long direction 4x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 27.02 lb
Short direction 9x 2 5.37 0.41 0.39 40.01 lb
Roof Slab
(12'x7') Bay 1x 2 11.25 6.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 13 x 2 13.37 0.41 0.39 139.16 lb
Short direction 22 x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 151.27 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 11 x 2 13.37 0.41 0.39 123.70 lb
Short direction 19 x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 134.46 lb
(7'x4') Bay 1 xx 2 6.25 3.25 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 6x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 40.54 lb
Short direction 14 x 2 5.37 0.41 0.39 60.01 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 4x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 27.02 lb
Short direction 9x 2 5.37 0.41 0.39 40.01 lb
1x 2 6.25 1.63 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 4x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 29.45 lb
Short direction 14 x 2 3.75 0.41 0.39 41.85 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 4x 2 8.37 0.41 0.39 29.45 lb
Short direction 14 x 2 3.75 0.41 0.39 41.85 lb
1x 2 24.00 1.63 0.38
Bottom Layer
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Long direction 4x 2 26.12 0.41 0.39 91.89 lb
Short direction 49 x 2 3.75 0.41 0.39 151.92 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 4x 2 26.12 0.41 0.39 91.89 lb
Short direction 49 x 2 3.75 0.41 0.39 151.92 lb
1x 1 98.00 1.63 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 4x 1 100.12 0.41 0.39 176.10 lb
Short direction 197 x 1 3.75 0.41 0.39 305.38 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 4x 1 100.12 0.41 0.39 176.10 lb
Short direction 197 x 1 3.75 0.41 0.39 305.38 lb
1x 1 44.00 1.63 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 4x 1 46.12 0.41 0.39 81.12 lb
Short direction 89 x 1 3.75 0.41 0.39 137.97 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 4x 1 46.12 0.41 0.39 81.12 lb
Short direction 89 x 1 3.75 0.41 0.39 137.97 lb
1x 2 49.75 1.63 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 4x 2 51.87 0.41 0.39 182.47 lb
Short direction 101 x 2 3.75 0.41 0.39 311.59 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 4x 2 51.87 0.41 0.39 182.47 lb
Short direction 101 x 2 3.75 0.41 0.39 311.59 lb
1x 4 31.00 1.63 0.38
Bottom Layer
Long direction 4x 4 33.12 0.41 0.39 233.02 lb
Short direction 63 x 4 3.75 0.41 0.39 390.64 lb
Top Layer
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
Long direction 4x 4 33.12 0.41 0.39 233.02 lb
Short direction 63 x 4 3.75 0.41 0.39 390.64 lb
Landing Slab
LS 1x 2 8.00 3.25 0.42
Bottom Layer
Long direction 8x 2 10.12 0.41 0.39 62.83 lb
Short direction 17 x 2 5.37 0.41 0.39 75.57 lb
Top Layer
Long direction 8x 2 10.12 0.41 0.39 62.83 lb
Short direction 17 x 2 5.37 0.41 0.39 75.57 lb
Plinth to landing
waist 1x 2 11.83 4.00 0.42
Bottom Layer
Long directiion 11 x 2 16.03 1.06 0.63 357.44 lb
short direction 19 x 2 4.47 0.41 0.39 68.96 lb
Top Layer
Long directiion 7x 2 16.03 1.06 0.63 238.29 lb
short direction 12 x 2 4.47 0.41 0.39 45.97 lb
Landing to first floor
waist 1x 2 10.42 4.00 0.42
Bottom Layer
Long directiion 11 x 2 14.62 1.06 0.63 326.00 lb
short direction 17 x 2 4.47 0.41 0.39 61.18 lb
Top Layer
Long directiion 7x 2 14.62 1.06 0.63 217.33 lb
short direction 11 x 2 4.47 0.41 0.39 40.79 lb
1773.91 8426.93 27950.21 18036.03 9068.02 lb
(94'x49') two story RCC Building
Detail of Measurement (steel)
Length Unit wt; Diameter Rebar
Item Particular No Unit
(ft) (lb/ft) (in) 20mm 18mm 16mm 12mm 10mm 8mm
0.79 3.76 12.48 8.05 4.05 Ton
5% Waisted 0.83 3.95 13.10 8.45 4.25 Ton
top layer က 8/9 န႕ကေ မက
94'x49' RCC Building
Builder Estimate
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Per
1 Site Cleaning Work
6136.00 sft
worker 15.34 nos 5000 nos
2 Surveying Work
4606.00 cft
Timer scantling 0.28 Ton 550000 Ton
Nails 0.96 viss 2500 viss
Surveyor 0.46 nos 7000 nos
Carpenter 2.30 nos 7000 nos
Worker 4.61 nos 5000 nos
7 Formwork
18069.25 sft
Timber scantling 24.09 Ton 550000 Ton
5-plywood (8'x4') 216.45 sheet 17000 sheet
94'x49' RCC Building
Builder Estimate
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Per
Nails 150.58 viss 2500 viss
Carpenter 1084.15 nos 7000 nos
Worker 361.38 nos 5000 nos
9 Flooring Work
9.1 Sand filling
5299.13 cft
Sand 66.24 sud 12000 sud
Worker 52.99 nos 5000 nos
9.2 4 1/2" tk; (1:3:6) Cement concrete flooring
1324.78 cft
Cement 170.33 Bag 6000 Bag
Chipping 12.72 Sud 55000 Sud
Sand 6.09 Sud 12000 Sud
Fuel 26.50 Gal 3500 Gal
Mason 13.25 nos 7000 nos
Worker 79.49 nos 5000 nos
Machine driver 6.62 nos 6000 nos
c PVC Door
260.00 sft
260.00 sft 4000 sft
94'x49' RCC Building
Builder Estimate
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Per
d Fanlight
492.00 sft
Glass 322.27 sft 1000 sft
Carpenter 107.42 nos 7000 nos
15 Ceiling Work
3920.00 sft
4'x4' Gypsum board 3920.00 sft 1500 sft
16 Handrail Work
133.50 sft
Steel Handrail 133.50 sft 6000 sft
17 Tiling Work
17.1 1'x1' floor tile
400.00 sft
12"x12" Tile 440.00 sheet 700 sheet
Cement 6.43 Bag 6000 Bag
colour cement 4.00 lb 500 lb
Mason 10.00 nos 7000 nos
Worker 8.00 nos 5000 nos
18 Painting Work
18.1 Surface preparation with putty before painting
46795.34 sft
Putty 350.97 Gal 7500 Gal
Sand Paper 233.98 nos 400 nos
Putty plate 116.99 nos 200 nos
Painter 467.95 nos 7000 nos
Worker 467.95 nos 5000 nos
19 Scaffloding Work
9920.00 sft
Bamboo 482.22 nos 600 nos
Coinyan 34.44 viss 3000 viss
Nails 14.35 viss 2500 viss
Worker 51.67 nos 5000 nos
c 2"x2" MS Angel
753.46 ft
2"x2" ms angel 753.46 ft 1000 ft
22 Ridging Work
302.08 ft
GI plain sheet 338.33 ft 800 ft
GI roofing nail 1.26 viss 2000 viss
23 Rebar work
Total Weight 30.59 ton
20mm 0.83 ton 700000 ton
18mm 3.95 ton 700000 ton
16mm 13.10 ton 700000 ton
10mm 8.45 ton 700000 ton
94'x49' RCC Building
Builder Estimate
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Per
8mm 4.25 ton 800000 ton
Binding wire 169.94 viss 3000 viss
steel fixer 611.77 nos 7000 nos
worker 611.77 nos 5000 nos
112000.00 ပတ!
24000.00 မငတ" ေ
6400.00 ကေဘက$ တ
4389866.67 xxxx
94'x49' two storyed RCC building
Bill of Quantity
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount
1 Cement 2745.92 Bag 6000 Bag 16475515.7870089
2 Sand 153.89 sud 12000 sud 1846668.59112
3 Chipping 85.14 sud 55000 sud 4682771.2157875
4 Brick 129744.23 nos 95 nos 12325701.790625
5 Nails 172.00 viss 2500 viss 429998.978587963
6 5-plywood (8'x4') 216.45 sht 17000 sht 3679726.5405816
7 Fuel 172.10 Gal 3500 Gal 602365.8795
8 Ready chowcket (5"x2") 2424.00 Rft 3000 Rft 7272000
9 Readymade teak pannel door 784.00 Sft 5000 Sft 3920000
10 Glazed Window 1056.00 Sft 3500 Sft 3696000
11 PVC Door 260.00 Sft 4000 Sft 1040000
12 glass 938.27 Sft 1000 Sft 938270.742358079
13 Hinge 424.00 nos 700 nos 296800
14 Tower Bolt 176.00 nos 800 nos 140800
15 Handle 132.00 nos 400 nos 52800
16 Hook & eye 148.00 nos 300 nos 44400
17 Timer scantling 24.09 Ton 550000 Ton 13250779.9722222
18 Hardcore 6.38 sud 50000 sud 318750
19 4'x4' Gypsum board 3920.00 sht 1500 sht 5880000
20 Steel Handrail 133.50 sft 6000 sft 801000
21 12"x12" Tile 440.00 sht 700 sht 308000
22 colour cement 12.40 lb 500 lb 6200
23 1'x8" wall tile 1348.20 sht 500 sht 674100
24 conor rod 336.00 ft 150 ft 50400
25 Putty 350.97 Gal 7500 Gal 2632238.0859375
26 Sand Paper 233.98 nos 400 nos 93590.6875
27 Putty plate 116.99 nos 200 nos 23397.671875
28 Emulsion Paint 467.95 Gal 6500 Gal 3041697.34375
29 Roller 116.99 nos 1500 nos 175482.5390625
30 Enamel paint 41.61 Gal 18000 Gal 748980
31 Smart Putty 41.61 Gal 8000 Gal 332880
32 Bamboo 482.22 nos 600 nos 289333.333333333
33 Coinyan 34.44 viss 3000 viss 103333.333333333
34 4"x2" U Beam 1691.48 ft 1500 ft 2537220
35 3"x1 1/2" c channel 1558.00 ft 700 ft 1090600
36 2"x2" MS Angel 753.46 ft 1000 ft 753460
37 32G 7' CGI sheet 934.84 ft 1200 ft 1121803.2
38 GI roofing nails 18.85 viss 2000 viss 37699.3333333333
39 GI plain sheet 338.33 ft 800 ft 270663.68
40 20mm 0.83 ton 700000 ton 582065.710489689
41 18mm 3.95 ton 700000 ton 2765086.25924769
42 16mm 13.10 ton 700000 ton 9171163.04966731
43 10mm 8.45 ton 700000 ton 5918072.79886593
44 8mm 4.25 ton 800000 ton 3400508.63597806
45 Binding wire 169.94 viss 3000 viss 509805.544636938
46 Door lock 24.00 nos 8000 nos 192000
47 Sliding bolt 8.00 nos 3000 nos 24000
48 Reforiment (X Met) 16236.44 rft 75 rft 1217733
94'x49' two storyed RCC building
Bill of Quantity
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount
အ ခသစ
ေ ငမက
လခငင Total cost/ Tital area x no of story
4144 2 8288
PAE 20346.32
94'x49' 2 storyed RCC Building
Abstract of Cost
Item Quantity Unit Particular Rate Per Amount
1 6136.00 sft Site Cleaning Work 12.50 76700
9.1 5299.13 cft Sand filling 200.00 1059825.00
9.2 1324.78 cft 4 1/2" tk; (1:3:6) Cement concre 1824.63 2417233.72
9.3 441.59 cft 1 1/2" tk; (1:2:4) Cement concr 336.46 148578.63
a 784.00 sft 4"x1 1/2" teak frame pannelled 5599.32 4389866.67
17.1 400.00 sft 1'x1' floor tile 1146.43 458571.43
a 1691.48 ft 4"x2" U Beam 1500.00 2537220.00