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Pertemuan 2 Verbs PDF

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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2


In this section, we will study about verbs which are very useful in spoken and written
English. In addition, a verb is one of the main parts of a sentence or question in English
because we can’t have a sentence or a question without a verb. English verbs are not all the
same common things so students have to pay close attention especially to the types of verbs and
verb tenses. It is hoped that students understand how:
1.1 To identify the types of verbs.
1.2 To apply verb tenses in any situations.

Instructional Goal 1.1:
Identifying some types of Verbs

Some types of verbs:

Action Verbs. Action Verbs are verbs that express action (run, walk, do, drive etc).
I’ll do my homework when I get home.

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs. Most action verbs are defined as transitive or intransitive.
This means that some are used with a direct object (the person or thing that receives the action of
the subject) and others don’t need a direct object. Some verbs can be both transitive and
intransitive depending on their meaning.
For examples:
Transitive Verb. Joe will send the price quote as soon as he can. Some other examples of
transitive verbs are address, borrow, bring, discuss, raise, offer, pay, write, promise, have, build,
cut, find, need, send, use, want etc.

Intransitive Verb. Many of the students are not well. They coughed throughout the lesson.
Some other examples of intransitive verbs are deteriorate, vote, sit, increase laugh, originate,
fluctuate, trend etc.

Both Transitive and Intransitive Verbs. Some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive,
depending on the situation. In some instances, such a verb may require an object, while in

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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2

others it does not require an object.

We will continue the meeting after the break. (transitive)
The meeting continued after the break. (intransitive)

Some other examples of verbs which can be used as intransitive verbs and transitive are play,
return, grow etc.

If you are unsure about whether a verb is transitive or intransitive, you can check a dictionary.
Most dictionaries, such as the online version of Merriam Webster, indicate whether a verb, and
each definition of the verb, is transitive or intransitive. Whether a verb is transitive or
intransitive may depend on whether the verb has multiple meanings. Make sure to read
through the examples provided in the dictionary, if available, to ensure that you are using the
verb correctly.

Stative verbs
 We call a few verbs like love because they refer to ‘states’. A state has no beginning
and no end. We don’t control it, so we don’t normally use stative verbs in progressive
tenses: She loves her baby more than anything. (not ‘is loving’)

 Verbs which are always stative: This coat belongs to you. (simple present tense) (‘Not
‘is belonging’)

 Verbs that have stative or dynamic uses:

I’m weighing myself. (a deliberate action: present progressive tense)
I weigh 65 kilos. (a state) (Not ‘I’m weighing 65 kilos.’)

 There are five groups of stative verbs referring to:

1. A feeling (like, love, etc
2. Thinking/believing (think, understand, etc)
3. Wants (want, prefer, etc)
4. Perception (hear, see, etc)
5. Being/having/owning (appear, seem, belong, etc

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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2

Instructional Goal 1.2:

The use of verb tenses review (V1, V2, and V3) in sentences

In English, there are at least three basic tenses: present, past, and future. Each has a perfect form,
indicating completed action; each has a progressive form, indicating ongoing action; and each has
a perfect progressive form, indicating ongoing action that will be completed at some definite time.

Here is a list of examples of these verb tenses and their definitions:

Simple Progressive Perfect Progressive

Perfect Forms
Forms Forms Forms

Present take/s am/is/are taking have/has been taking

Past took was/were taking had taken had been taking

will have
Future will/shall take will be taking will have been taking

Simple Forms
Present Tense
Present tense expresses an unchanging, repeated, or reoccurring action or situation that exists only
now. It can also represent a widespread truth.

Example Meaning

The mountains are tall and white. Unchanging action

Every year, the school council elects new members. Recurring action

Pb is the chemical symbol for lead. Widespread truth

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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2

Past Tense
Past tense expresses an action or situation that was started and finished in the past. Most past tense
verbs end in -ed. The irregular verbs have special past tense forms which must be memorized.

Example Form

W.W.II ended in 1945. Regular -ed past

Ernest Hemmingway wrote "The Old Man and the Sea." Irregular form

Future Tense
Future tense expresses an action or situation that will occur in the future. This tense is formed by
using will/shall with the simple form of the verb.
 The speaker of the House will finish her term in May of 1998.
 The surgeon is going to perform the first bypass in Minnesota.( The future tense can also be
expressed by using am, is, or are with going to)
 The president speaks tomorrow. (Tomorrow is a future time adverb.) (We can also use
the present tense form with an adverb or adverbial phrase to show future time)

Progressive Forms
Present Progressive Tense
Present progressive tense describes an ongoing action that is happening at the same time the
statement is written. This tense is formed by using am/is/are with the verb form ending in -ing.
The sociologist is examining the effects that racial discrimination has on society.

Past Progressive Tense

Past progressive tense describes a past action which was happening when another action occurred.
This tense is formed by using was/were with the verb form ending in -ing.
The explorer was explaining the lastest discovery in Egypt when protests began on the streets.

Future Progressive Tense

Future progressive tense describes an ongoing or continuous action that will take place in the
future. This tense is formed by using will be or shall be with the verb form ending in -ing.
Dr. Jones will be presenting ongoing research on sexist language next week.

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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2

Perfect Forms
Present Perfect Tense
Present perfect tense describes an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past or that
began in the past and continues in the present.This tense is formed by using has/have with the past
participle of the verb. Most past participles end in -ed. Irregular verbs have special past
participles that must be memorized.

Example Meaning

The researchers have traveled to many countries in order to collect At an indefinite

more significant data. time

Continues in the
Women have voted in presidential elections since 1921.

Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense describes an action that took place in the past before another past action. This
tense is formed by using had with the past participle of the verb.
By the time the troops arrived, the war had ended.

Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense describes an action that will occur in the future before some other action. This
tense is formed by using will have with the past participle of the verb.
By the time the troops arrive, the combat group will have spent several weeks waiting.

Perfect Progressive Forms

Present Perfect Progressive
Present perfect progressive tense describes an action that began in the past, continues in the present,
and may continue into the future. This tense is formed by using has/have been and the present
participle of the verb (the verb form ending in -ing).
The CEO has been considering a transfer to the state of Texas where profits would be larger.

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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2

Past Perfect Progressive

Past perfect progressive tense describes a past, ongoing action that was completed before some
other past action. This tense is formed by using had been and thepresent perfect of the verb (the
verb form ending in -ing).
Before the budget cuts, the students had been participating in many extracurricular activities.

Future Perfect Progressive

Future perfect progressive tense describes a future, ongoing action that will occur before some
specified future time. This tense is formed by using will have been and the present participle of
the verb (the verb form ending in -ing).

1. Underline each verb in the sentences. Write VT if it transitive. Write VI if it is
a) Mr. West repeated his question. VT.
b) Smoke rises. …….
c) The children divided the candy. …….
d) I sneezed. …….
e) A strange thing happened …….
f) The customer bought some butter. …….
g) Our team won the game …….
h) Our team won yesterday. …….
i) The fog disappeared, and the sun shone. …….
j) Omar boiled some water. We made tea and drank it.

2. Tick the sentences that are right. Cross out the verbs that are wrong and correct
a). You’re never ill. I envy you ….. aa) You’re never ill. I envying you ……
b) I understand English well ……. bb) I’m understanding English well …….
c) You’re knowing what I mean ….. cc) You know what I mean …..
d) Is he seeming unfriendly? …… dd) Does he seems unfriendly? ……
e) I prefer fish to meat …… ee) I’m preferring fish to meat ……
f) Do you see the bird over there? …. ff) Are you seeing John tomorrow?....
g) Why is he smelling his coffee?..... gg) Something smells strange.....

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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2

3. Complete each sentence using the stative verb from the parenthesis:

a) Do you _________ the answer? (depend on, know, include)

b) Jim _________ dessert every day. (has, eats, possesses)
c) I _________ good about the race’s outcome. (am, were, feel)
d) She _________ her mother. (imagines, resembles, walks with)
e) Do you _________ they will win? (think, involve, promise)
f) They really _________ everything you did for them. (include, appreciate, dislike)
g) I think the teacher was _________ with my speech. (involved, measured, satisfied)
h) Can you _________ the coffee brewing? (feel, smell, dislike)
i) I still _________ a lot of money on my student loans. (deserve, owe, involve)
j) You _________ more shoes than anyone else I know! (dislike, suppose, have)

4. Complete the following sentences with the words in parentheses. Use any
appropriate verb tenses.

Dear Ann,

I (1)……..(receive) your letter about two weeks ago and (2)……..(try) to find time
to write you back ever since. I (3) …….. (be) very busy lately. In the past two weeks, I
(4) ……(have) four tests, and I have another one next week. In addition, a friend (5)
……. (stay) with me since last Thursday. She wanted to see the city, so we (6)
……..(spend) a lot of time visiting some of the interesting places here. We (7) …….(be)
to the zoo, the art museum, and the botanical gardens. Yesterday, we (8) …….(go) to
the park and (9) ………(watch) a balloon race. Between showing her the city and
studying for my exams, I (10) ……..(have, barely) enough time to breathe.

Right now it (11) …….(be) 3:00 a.m. and I (12) ……..(sit) at my desk. I
(13)……..(sit) here five hours doing my studying. My friend’s plane (14) ……..(leave) at
6:05, I (15) ……(decide) not to go to bed. That’s why I (16) ………(write) to you at such
an early hour in the day. I (17) ……..(get) a little sleepy, but I would rather stay up. I
(18) ………(take) a nap after I get back from taking her to the airport.

How (19) ……..(you, get) along? How (20) ……….(your classes, go) ? Please
write soon.

Sincerely Yours,


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Modul Bahasa Inggris 2

1. Azar, Betty, Understanding and Using English Grammar (third edition), New York,
Pearson Education, White Plains, 1998
2. Frank, Marcella, Modern English : a practical reference guide, New Jerley, Prentice
Hall, 1972
3. L.G. Alexander, Longman English Grammar Practice, USA, Longman Inc. New York,
4. Philips, Deborah, Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test, Volume A-Skill and
Strategies, Second Edition, Wesley Pub. Co. New York, 1996

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