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Definitions:: Zoning of Land Use and Regulations

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1. As per section (2) of Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, 1961:
(i) ‘LAND USE’ means the major use to which a plot of land is being used on
any specified date.
ii) ‘REGULATION’ means the zonal regulations governing land use made under
this Act.
2. ‘ARBITRATION COMMITTEE’ means a committee composed of, the
Commissioner, the Engineer Member and the Town Planner Member of the
3. ‘AUTHORITY’ means the. Mysore-Nanjangud Urban Development Authority.
4. ‘CORPORATION’ means the Mysore City Corporation
5. The ‘DEVELOPMENT ACT’ means the Karnataka Urban Development Authorities
Act, 1987
6. ‘GOVERNMENT’ means the Government of Karnataka
7. 'GREEN BELT’ means the area between the connurbation and the Local Planning
Area boundaries minus the existing gramatana area and the area required for their
8. ‘HIGHRISE BUILDING’ means buildings with ground plus four floors and above.
9. ‘MUNICIPALITY’ means the Nanjangud Town Municipality
10. ‘PLANNING ACT’ means the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, 1961
and the rules there under
11. ‘THE PLANNING AUTHORITY’ for the city is the Development Authority
constituted under the Karnataka Urban Development Authorities Act, 1987.
In order to promote public health, safety and the general social welfare of the community,
it is necessary to apply reasonable limitations on the use of land and buildings. This is to
ensure that the most appropriate economical and healthy development of the city takes
place in accordance with the land use plan. For this purpose, the City is divided into a
number of use zones, such as ;residential, commercial, industrial, public and semi-public,
etc. Each zone has its own regulations as the same set of regulations cannot be applied to
the entire town/city.
Zoning protects residential areas from the harmful invasions of commercial and industrial
uses and at the same time promotes the orderly development of industrial and commercial
areas. By regulating the spacing of buildings, adequate light, air, protection from fire,
etc., can be provided.

It prevents over crowding in buildings and land and thus ensures adequate facilities and
Zoning is not retrospective. It does not prohibit the uses of land and buildings that are
lawfully established prior to the coming into effect of the zoning regulations. If these
uses are contrary to the newly proposed uses, they are termed as non- confirming uses
and are gradually eliminated over years without inflicting unreasonable hardship upon
the property owner. The zoning regulations and their enforcement are a major tool in
keeping the land use pattern of the master plan.
The Zoning Regulations for Mysore-Nanjangud Local Planning Area are prepared under
clause (iii) of sub-section (2) of Section 12 and 21 of the Karnataka Town and Country
Planning Act, 1961.
1. Establishment Of Zones And Zoning Maps:
The entire area within the local planning area is divided into different zones as
shown in the enclosed maps, which together with all explanatory notes thereon is
hereby adopted and declared to be a part of these regulations.
‘The detailed zoning of any particular area could be verified with reference to that
particular planning district only.
The zoning maps as approved by the Government shall be identified by the seal of
the Government. Any changes in the land uses that may be permitted by the Authority
or the Government as the case may be from time to time shall be attested. The maps
as approved by the Government shall be kept in the office of the Mysore Urban
Development Authority. And those shall be the Authoritative map of the reference.
The copies of the maps shall be supplied to the local authorities viz, Mysore
Mahanagar Palike.
The maps shall be made available to the public and the Local Authorities in the
office of the Mysore Urban Development Authority for inspection during the
prescribed hours on all working days.
2. Zonal Boundaries And Interpretation Of Zoning Regulations :
a) Where there is uncertainty as regards the boundaries of the zones in the
approved maps, it shall be referred to the Authority and the decision of the
Authority in this regard shall be final.
b) For any doubt that may arise in interpretation of the provisions of the zoning
regulations, the Director of Town Planning shall be consulted by the Authority.
3. The Annexure No.1 appended to these regulations sets out the various uses of land:
a) That are permissible and
b) That are permissible under special circumstances as decided by the Authority
in different zones. Any land use other than what is permissible shall not be
permitted by the Authority.
4. The regulations governing minimum size of plot, maximum plot coverage, minimum
set-backs on four sides of the buildings,. minimum road widths, maximum number
of floors that could be permitted in various zones are set out in Annexure-II appended
to these regulations.
5. The connurbation area is hereby divided into three areas which are:
a) Intensively developed areas
b) Moderately developed areas
c) Other areas
Note: If a Physical boundary forms the demarcation for different zones, same set of
regulations shall be followed on both sides of the physical boundary for atleast
one PROPERTY DEPTH, whichever is higher
6. Areas Of Special Control
A. The historical monuments in any city reflect the past glory of the city. As such, they
attract tourists both from inside and outside the country. For this purpose the
monuments notified, as required under Archaeological Monuments Act. 1961, in
the local planning area, .are considered. While permitting developments around
such monuments, care has to be taken to see that their aesthetic environs are not
affected. In order to preserve aesthetic environs around these monuments it is
necessary to declare the areas surrounding these monuments as zones of special
control and impose the following special regulations around these monuments.
i) Buildings upto and inclusive of first floor or upto a height of 7M from ground
level, whichever is less are only permissible within a distance of 100M from
the premises of the monuments.
ii) Buildings upto and inclusive of second floor or upto a height of 10.5M from
ground level, whichever is less, only are permissible in the area beyond 100M
and within 200M distance from the premises of the monuments.
iii) Buildings upto and inclusive of third floor or upto a height of 14M from ground
level, whichever is less only are permissible between 200M and 400M distance
from the premises of the monuments:
The following are the important monuments:
1. Main Palace
2. Jagan Mohan Palace
3. Lalitha Mahal Palace
4. St. Philomena’s Church

5. Town Hall
6. Government House
7. Oriental Library
8. Krishnarajendra Hospital
9. Deputy Commissioners’ Office
10. Maharaja’s Col lege
If a building or premises not covered under the Archaeological Monuments Act,
but in the opinion of the Authority it is of Historical or Architectural interest and is
in danger of demolition or alteration or likely to affect its character by a development,
the authority may impose such conditions as it may deem fit for the preservation of
such buildings while granting planning permission.
B. Following restrictions shall be imposed in addition to the zoning Regulations in
case of land falling within 500m distance in the agricultural zone from Nehru Loka
i) No agricultural land situated within a radius of 500 m on eastern and southern
side from the boundary of the proposed Nehru Loka Project, shall be alienated
for any non-agricultural purposes.
ii) The maximum height of any structure/building, whether residential or
otherwise, that may be put up in future with prior approval of the competent
authority shall not exceed five metres. Also, the maximum size of any building/
structure shall not exceed one-fifth of the total area of the individual land.
iii) No industry except the home industries and service industries shall be allowed
in this region.
iv) Excavation work, stone cutting, bricks manufacturing in this area is prohibited;
v) Planning Authority, Mysore may permit a residential house in an agricultural
holding of not less than 2 Ha in extent; and
vi) Slaughter house and Cinema theatre whether permanent or temporary shall
not be permitted in this area.
This is stipulated in accordance with the GO NO. HUD 640 TTP 84 Dated 5th March
7. Tree Preservation:
i) In the interest of community, the Authority may make a rule to preserve the
trees within the Local Planning Area.
ii) In granting planning permission for any area, the Authority may make adequate
provision for the preservation or planting of trees.

8. Parking:
The requirements of parking shall be regulated according to the particular use to
which the building or premises is used in accordance with standards specified in
9. Architectural Control :
The architectural facade or elevation of any building or the architectural features of
any premises shall be in conformity with such conditions as the authority may impose
at the time of grant of permission.
10. Advertisement Control :
Any hoarding, structure or any device erected or used principally for the purpose of
displaying advertisement shall be in conformity with any condition that the Authority
may deem fit to impose from time to time and must be maintained in a safe condition
to the satisfaction of the Authority. ‘
11. Airport Zone And Microwave Zone:
i) The height of building or other fixtures in the Airport zone, Television Relay
Station and Microwave zone shall not exceed the limits prescribed by the
Airport Authority and respective competent authority from time to time.
ii) The gaseous effluents from uses in the Airport zone shall be of such character
as prescribed by the Airport authorities from time to time.
12. These Rules To Prevail :
In the application of these rules if there is conflict between the requirements under these
zoning regulations and the requirements under any other Act or Rules or Bye-laws in
force, the requirements under these rules and the provisions of Mysore City Municipal
Corporation Act, Zilla Panchayat Act or any other law relating to the Local Authority for
the time being in force or any rule, by-law or regulation made under the Planning
Development Act, Rules or Laws, such provisions which are contrary to these rules shall
stand suspended.

Classification Of Land Uses And The Uses Or
Developments That Are Permissible
1. For the purpose of regulations, the planning area of Mysore, City is divided into
following use zones:
1. Residential R
2. Commercial Retail - C1
Wholesale - C2
3. Industrial a) Light - IL
b) Medium - IM
c) Heavy - IH
d) Service - IS
4. Public and Semi-public G
5. Utilities and Services PU
6. a) Open spaces, parks & P
playgrounds and
buffer along river
b) Burial ground BG
7. Traffic & Transportation TT
8. Agricultural Use AG
II. Uses of land that are permitted and that may be permitted under special
circumstances by the Development Authority in different zones of the Local Planning
Area shall be as follows:
Residential Zone:
a. Uses that are permissible: Dwellings, Hostels including working women’s
and gents hostels, Dharmasalas, places of public worship, schools offering
general education course upto secondary education, Public Libraries, Post and
Telegraph Offices, K.E.B. counters, K.U.W.S. and D.B. Counters, Clubs, Semi-
Public recreational uses, milk booths and neigbourhood or convenience shops,
occupying a floor area not exceeding 20.00 sq.mts., doctor’s consult-ing
rooms, offices of advocates, other professions in public interest not exceeding
20.00 sq.mts. of floor area in a building.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Municipal, Statutory Authorities, State and Central Government Offices, Banks,
Public Utility Buildings, Colleges, Cemeteries, Golf Clubs, Tailoring, Laundry,
Hospitals for human care except those meant for mental treatment, Nursing
Homes, Philanthropic uses, fuel storage depots, filling stations, huller and
flour mills. Coffee grinding machines including service industries, with a
maximum power upto 5 HP for all the industries as per the list given in
Schedule-I and 10 HP in case of Huller and flour mills. The power
required for air conditioners, lifts and computers shall be excluded while
calculating the Horsepower specified above.
Commercial [Retail Business] Zone:
a. Uses that are permissible: Offices, Residential Buildings, Shops and Service
Establishments like; Barber, Tailor, Laundry, Dry cleaning, Shops, Hotels,
Clubs, News Paper or Job Printing, place of Amusement or Assembly,
community halls, convention centres, exhibitions, restaurants, advertising signs
confirming to relevant building bye-laws, public places of worship, schools,
colleges and other institutions, libraries, municipal, State or Central
Government offices, any retail business or service not specifically restricted
or prohibited, filling stations, service industries listed in Schedule-I (upto 10
HP in major business area and only upto 5 HP in neighbourhood shops, nursing
homes & residential buildings) ware houses, Kalyana Mantapas, Banks, Cinema
Theatres. Power required for air- conditioners, lifts and computers shall be
excluded from the HP specified.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Automobile workshops, garages, storages, service of industrial establishments
employing not more than 10 labourers and manufacturing units with not more
than 20 HP in major business area and in district shopping centre and uses
permitted or permissible on appeal in the residential zone except those
specifically prohibited therein.
Commercial [Wholesale Business] Zone:
a. Uses that are permissible: Same as in the case of retail business zone and
service industries with power upto 20 HP, except residential buildings.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Same as in the case of retail business zone with power upto 50 HP (except
residence and hospitals), storage of inflammable materials, junk yards, truck
terminals and parking, clinics, stores and market dealings with meat and fish.
Industrial Zone:
Light Industrial Zone:
a. Uses that are permissible: Industries conferring to performance standards as
given in illustrative list as in Schedule-II which would not cause excessive
injurious or obnoxious fumes, odour, dust effluents or other objectionable
conditions employing not more than 50 workers, with or without power,
aggregate installed power not exceeding 25 HP, covered storage for industry.
Public Utilities like; Sewage and garbage disposal plants and related buildings,
parking, loading and unloading requirements to be provided for all uses. Bus
and truck terminals, petrol filling stations, taxi and scooter stands, dwelling
for one manager, watch and ward staff area not exceeding 240 sq.mts. or 10%
of the total area whichever is lower. Canteen and recreation facilities, Kalyana
Mantapa, Offices, Shops, Clubs, Job printing, Banks, Restaurants, Dispensary
and Automobile service stations.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special circumstances by the Authority:
Junk yards, dairy and poultry farms, ice and freezing plants with power not
exceeding 50 HP and sports and recreational uses.
Medium Industrial Area:
a. Uses that are permissible: All uses, all industries that are permitted in light
industrial zone employing not more than 500 workers with aggregate installed
power not exceeding 100 HP. Industries conforming to performance standards
as given in illustrative list in Schedule-III, Warehousing and Storage, public
utility buildings, parking, loading .and unloading requirements to be provided
in all cases, managers and watch and ward quarters only, not exceeding 300
sq.mts. area or 5% of the total area whichever is lower. .
b. Uses that are permissible under Special circumstances by the Authority: All
uses that are permissible under special circumstances in light industrial zone
and power upto 300 HP conforming to performance standard.
Heavy Industrial Zone:
a. Uses that are permissible: All industries, all uses permitted in the light and
medium industry zone and employing more than 500 workers. The industry
shall be classified as heavy, if the labour force and power exceed the quantum
prescribed for medium industry. Watch and ward, managers quarters only not
exceeding 600 sq.mts. or 5% of the total area whichever is lower.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
All uses that are permissible under special circumstances in light or medium
industry zone, slaughter houses, burial grounds, cemeteries, obnoxious and
hazardous industries away from predominant wind directions with necessary
clearance from Pollution Control Board.
Public and Semi Public Use:
a. Uses that are permissible: Government Administrative centres, district offices,
law courts, jails, police stations, institutional offices, educational, cultural and
religious institution, including libraries, reading rooms and clubs, Medical
and Health institutions, cultural institutions like; Community halls, opera houses
of non-commercial nature, Convention centres, Exhibitions, utilities and
services. Water supply installation including disposal works, electric power
plants, high tension sub- stations, gas installations and gas works, fire fighting
stations, banking institutions, filling stations and quarters for essential staff
and all uses permitted in parks and play grounds.

Note: Restaurants, Banks, Canteens, Staff quarters not exceeding 240 sq.mts.
required for proper maintenance and functioning of public and semi-public uses
may be permitted, which are run on non-commercial basis in their own premises as
ancillary to the respective institution.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Government printing press, parking lots, repair shops, stadium, cemeteries,
recreational clubs, canteens, libraries, museum, aquarium, planetarium,
horticultural nursery and swimming pools.
Parks & Open space and Playgrounds:

a. Uses that are permissible: Sports grounds, stadium, playgrounds, parks,

swimming pools, other recreational uses, cemeteries, garden land, crematoria
and Nehru Loka.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Open air theatres, indoor recreational uses, dwelling for watch and ward, social
clubs, canteens, libraries, museums, aquarium, planetarium, Government
dispensaries, milk booths, HOPCOMS, Horticulture Nursery and public use
ancillary to park and open spaces, the area of such ancillary use not exceeding
5% of the total area.
Traffic and Transportation:
a. Uses that are permissible: Railway Yards, Railway Station, Bus Stand, Bus
Shelters, Roads - Transport depots and parking areas, Airport, Telegraph offices,
Telephone. Exchanges, T.V.Station, Micro Stations, essential residential
quarters for watch and ward.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Canteens, banking counters, Clubs, godowns, indoor recreational uses and
other ancillary uses. The area of such ancillary use not exceeding 5% of the
total area.
Utilities & Services:
a. Uses that are permissible: Water supply installation, treatment plants, drainage
and sanitary installations including treatment plants, electric power plants,
high tension and low tension transmission lines, sub-station etc., Gas
installation, gas works, fire stations, milk dairies and such other public utilities.
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Canteen, banking counter, clubs, indoor recreational use and other ancillary
uses, the area of such ancillary use not exceeding 5% of the total area.

Agricultural Zone (Green Belt):.
a. Uses that are permissible: Agriculture, horticulture, dairy and poultry, farming,
milk chilling centres, farm houses and their accessory building and uses not
exceeding 200 sq.mts. of plinth area within the plot area limitation of 1.20
hec.. Uses specifically shown as stated in the land use plan like, urban village,
brick kilns, quarrying and removal of clay and stone upto 3.0 mtr. depth,
gardens, orchards, nurseries and other staple crops, grazing pastures, forest
lands, marshy land, barren land and water sheet, Highway amenities viz., Filling
stations, Weigh Bridges and Check posts, Cane crushers (Seasonal).
b. Uses that are permissible under Special Circumstances by the Authority:
Places of worship, schools, hospitals, libraries, sports, clubs, cultural buildings,
exhibition centres and Kalyan Mantap, the coverage of all these uses shall not
exceed 20% of the plot area, park and open spaces, storage and sale of farm
products, where it is produced, the service and repairs of farm machinery and
agricultural supplies, residential developments within the area reserved for
natural expansion of villages and buildings in such areas should not exceed
two floors (Ground + one).
1. Diesel generators equivalent to the quantity of power supplied by the K.E.B.
may be permitted as. substitute to power cut and power failures in any zone
after obtaining information on the quantity of power supplied to a premises
and the capacity of generators required from the K.E.B. However, in residential
zone, installation of diesel generators be discouraged and shall be given in
exceptional cases after spot verification and obtaining N.O.C. from the people
living within a distance of 100 mtrs. from the location ’point of the generators.
2. The land use indicated towards road side of a property shall be the land use for
the entire property (one property depth) without identifying it for different
uses by measuring as per the scale of the maps.
3. Different uses permitted in a given zone may be allowed in different floors of
the building. In such cases, the regulations applicable to the use of ground
floor shall apply to the entire building.

Illustrative list of service industries that are permissible in Residential Zone under special
circumstances by the Development Authority (as a part of Residential building) and in
Retail Business Zone.

Sl. Description

1. Bread and Bakeries

2. Confectionery, Candies and Sweets
3. Biscuit Making.
4. Ice, Ice-Cream
5. Cold Storage (Small scale)
6. Aerated water and fruit beverages
7. Huller and Flour Mills
8. Automobile, Scooter and Cycle Service and Repair Workshop
9. Furniture (Wooden and Steel)
10. Printing. Book Binding, Embossing etc.
11. Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dyeing facilities
12. General Jobbing and Machine shops
13. Household utensil repairs, welding, soldering, patching and polishing
14. Photography, Printing (including sign board printing)
15. Vulcanizing
16. Tailoring
17. Hand Looms
18. Velvet embroidery shops
19. Art weavers and silk screen printing and batik works
20. Jewellary, gold ornaments and silver wares
21. Mirror and Photo frames
22. Umbrella assembly
23. Bamboo and Cane products
24.. Sport goods and repair shops
25. Musical Instrument repair shops
26. Optical lense grinding, watch, pen repairs
27. Radio and T.V. repair shops
28. Electric lamp fittings
29. Shoe making and repairs
30. Audio/Video libraries
31. STD/ISD counters
32. Computer Training centre
33. Computer Repair shops
34. Xerox shops

Illustrative list of industries that are permitted in Light Industrial Zone.

Sl. Description

1. Bread and Bakeries

2. Confectionery, Candies and Sweets
3. Ice, Ice:-Cream
4. Cold Storage (Small scale)
5. Aerated water and fruit beverages
.6. Flour mills and huller machines upto 25 HP
7. Tailoring and garment making
8. Hand-looms and power looms
9. Hats, Caps, turban, including embroidery
10. Hosiery including knitted garmets
11. Gold and silver thread
12. Shoe lace making
13. Toy making (earthern, paper, wooden, plastic metal and tin)
14. Cotton and silk printing
15. Cotton and silk cordages, twine thread and thread ball making
16. Velvet embroidered shoe
17. Webbing (narrow, fabrics, embroidery lace manufacturing)
18. Ivory carving
19. Artwares and silk screen printing and batik works
20. Jewellary gold ornaments and silver wares
21. Wood and stone carving
22. Electroplating, mica plating and engraving
23. Photographs, printing (including sign boards and printing)
24. Mirrors and photo frames
.25. Umbrella assembly
26. Bamboo and cane products
27. Sports goods
28. Card board box and paper products including paper
29. Stationery items including educational and school drawing instruments
30. Furniture making (wooden and steel)
31. Musical instruments.
32. Printing, book binding, embossing, photograph etc.
33. Optical lense grinding, watch and pen repairs
34. Rubber stamps
35. Steel metal works
36. Sheet wire products
37. Metal Polishing

38. Laboratory porcelain wares
39. Radio assembly and parts (small scale)
40. Electric lamp fitting, shades fixture etc.
41. Automobiles scooters and cycle service and repair workshop
42. Laundry and dry cleaners
43. General/jobbing machine
44. Iron products (only when related to other industries using electricity)
45. Biscuit making
46. Brushes (household, sanitary and toilet)
47. Shoe making and repairing
48. Leather goods
49. Black smithy
50. Household utensil, repair, welding, soldering, patching and polishing
51. Vulcanising and tyre retreading
52. Fruit canning and preservation
53. Cement products
54. Candles and wax products
55. Chalk, Crayon artists colour
56. Tobacco products (cigarettes and beedies)
57. Cosmetics and hair oils
58. Cutlery
59. Cycle parts and accessories
60. Door and window fittings
611. Drugs and medicines
62. Lantern, torches and flash lights Aluminium wires, cake and pastry moulds
64. Padlocks and pressed locks
65. Rope making
66. Mathematical instruments
67. Household kitchen appliances
68. Builders hardwares
69. Tin products
70. Optical frames
71. Button clips
72. Wax polishing
73. Upholstery springs and other springs
74. Precision instruments of all kinds
75. Safety pins
76. Screws, bolts, nuts, pulleys, chains, gears
77. Conduit pipes fabrication (not exceeding 2" diameter)
78. Buckets and metal containers, plastic jugs and fixtures, metal embossing
79. Oil stoves and pressure lamps
80. Paper mill (small scale) hand made

81. Washing soaps
82. Hand tools

Conditions to be fulfilled :
1. Only small scale industries are allowed employing not more than 100 workers
with or without power aggregate installed power not exceeding 25 HP.
2. The industry to be permitted is subject to its performance characteristics viz.,
(a) Noise (b) Vibration (c) Dust (d) Odour (e) Effluent (f) General Nuisance.

Illustrative list of industries permitted in the medium industrial zone:
1. Small domestic appliances and gadgets (room heaters) coolers, hot plates, Iron,
Lamps etc.
2. Manufacturing of trunks and metal boxes, suit cases, small containers.
3. Scientific, educational and industrial precision instruments
4. Clocks and watches, photographic equipments
5. Typewriters
6. Electrical Instruments (including transistors)
7. Calculating Machines (Small Machines only)
8. Copper Wares and Utensils
9. Sewing Machines
10. Sanitary fitting (Excluding sanitary wares)
11. Electrical appliances (Small transformers) Electric Fans, Fractional, H.P.Motors,
Cooking, Ranges, Water heater, etc.

Applicable for Mysore City and its surrounding villages
Open space coverage and floor area ratio limits:
Residential Buildings: Every room intended for human habitation shall abut on to
an interior or exterior open space or open verandah. The open spaces to be left
around buildings shall be as given below.
(upto 10.0 meters height)
Front and rear setbacks for residential buildings

Sl. Depth of site Min. front Min. rear

No. in m in m in m

1. Upto 6 M 1.00 NIL

2. Over 6 upto 10 1.00 1.00
3. Over 10 upto 13 1.50 1.00
4. Over 13 upto 16 1.75 1.35
5. Over 16 upto 19 2.25 1.75
6. Over 19 upto 22 3.00 2.00
7. Over 22 upto 25 4.00 2.25
8. Over 25 upto 28 4.50 2.50
9. Over 28 upto 31 5.50 3.00
10. Over 31 upto 37 6.25 4.00
11. Over 37 upto 45 8.00 4.50
12. Over 45 10.00 4.50

Side setbacks for residential buildings

Sl. Width of site Left setback Right setback

No. in m in m in m

Upto 6 M — 1.00
2. Over 6 upto 10 1.00 1.00
3. Over 10 upto 13 1.00 2.00
4. Over 13 upto 16 1.25 3.00
5. Over 16 upto 19 1.50 3.00
6. Over 19 upto 22 2.00 3.50
7. Over 22 upto 25 2.50 4.00
8. Over 25 upto 28 3.00 4.50
9. Over 28 upto 31 3.75 5.25
10. Over 31 4.50 6.00

Note: (i) When Car garage is proposed on the right side, the minimum right setback
shall be 3.0 mts.
ii) For Residential buildings above 10 M. in height, the setbacks shall be insisted as
per Table ‘J’.


Maximum Plot Coverage, Floor Area Ratio and Number of Floors for Different Site
Areas and Road widths for Residential Buildings

Plot area in Maximum plot Maximum No. Minimum Road

Square meters coverage FAR of Floors width in met.


Upto 240 75% 0.75 1+1 Upto 06

Over 240
Upto 500} 70% 0.75 1+2
Over 06
Upto 09.
Over 500 Over 09
Upto 750} 65% 1.00 1+2 Upto 12
Over 750
Upto 1000} 60% 1.00 1+3 Over 12
Over 1000 55% 1.25 1+3 Over 12


Upto 240 65% 1.00 1+2 Upto 09

Over 240 Over 09

Upto 500
} 60% 1.25 1+2
Upto 12

Over 500
Upto 750 } 55% 1.25 1+3 Over 12

Over 750

Upto 1 000.
} 50% 1.50 1+3 Over 12

Over 1000 45% 1.50 1+4 Over 12

Upto 240 60% 1.25 1+2 Upto 09

Over 240 Over 09

Upto } 55% 1.25 1+3 Upto 12

Over 500
Upto 750 } 50% 1.50 1+3 Over 12

Over 750
Upto 1000 } 45% 1.50 1+3 Over 12

Over 1000 4.0% 1.75 1+4 Over 12

Note :
i) For Residential sites upto 110 Sq.M., (1200.0 sft) Ground+One floors may be
permitted irrespective of permissible FAR. The steps may be permitted within the
set back portion.
ii) For Residential sites below 108 Sq.M., or 1162.5 sft Water closset may also be
permitted in set back portion (ventilators shall have opening towards owners’ site).
iii) When minimum set back of 1.5 mts. is left on the Right side, a scooter garage may
be permitted at the back side limiting the depth of the garage to 3.0 mts.

Semi-Detached Houses
Semi-detached houses (back to back or side to side)

1. Minimum. combined area of the : 140 sq.m

neighbouring plots
2. Building coverage

3. Floor area ratio : As applicable to individual plots

4. Maximum number of floors :
5. Minimum road width
6. Front setback for back to : Shall be equal to the sum
back plots of front and rear set-
backs of individual plots

7. Side setbacks for plots joined : On a plot on which a semi-

at the side detached buildings is
proposed, the side setback
for each unit shall be the
total of the left and
right set backs to be left
in case of individual plots.

Row Housing
(Maximum 12 units, minimum 3 units)

1. Minimum combined area of plot : 210 sq m

2. Maximum area of each plot : 108 sq m
3. Building coverage :
4. Floor area ratio : As applicable to individual plots
5. Number of floors :
6. Minimum road width :
7. Setbacks minimum :
Front : 2.00 m
Rear : 1.50 m
Side : 2.00 m only for end units

Group Housing:
Group housing means more than two buildings on a plot with one or more floors
and with one ore more dwelling within each floor. They are connected by an access
of not more than 3.5 M in width, if they are not approachable directly from the
existing roads.

Norms for Approval of Group Housing Plan:

The following norms shall be adopted while approving the layout plan for group
i) The boundary roads if any must have a minimum width of 12M
ii) The floor area ratio should be considered with reference to the width of the
public road abutting the property and the floor area ratio should be calculated
after deducting the area reserved for parks, open spaces and civic amenities
iii) The set-backs should be provided with reference to depth and width of total
plot area
iv) The coverage shall be with reference to total area of the layout
v) The distance between the buildings should be a minimum of half of the height
of the tallest buildings
vi) 25% of the total area be reserved for civic amenity, parks and open spaces,
subject to a minimum of 15% for parks and open spaces
The means of access to the building blocks in the area of group housing shall
be as follows:
Access Length in meters Minimum Width
A Less than 100 Meters 6 Meters
B 100 - 200 Meters 9 Meters
C More than 200 Meters 12 Meters
viii) The area reserved for Parks and Open spaces, Civic amenity and roads (other
than internal access in each sub-divided plot) shall be handed over free of cost
to the Mysore Urban Development Authority through a registered relinguish

The table showing the maximum plot coverage, Floor Area Ratio, minimum setbacks
and minimum road width for Group Housing is given below (upto 10.0 M.in height)

Minimum Maximum Maximum Minimum

Plot Area road width plot FAR No. of setbacks in Meters
in meters coverage floors Front Rear Left Right

Upto 0.50 12 60% 1.50 3 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50

Between 0.50 and 15 60% 2.00 5 8.00 4.50 4.50 4.50
1.00 Hectare
Above 1.0 18 60% 2.50 8 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00

Note: For Group Housing Buildings above 10.0 M. height, the set backs shall be
stipulated as at Table ‘J’

Highrise Buildings:
An highrise building is one having ground plus four floors and above.
The minimum setback around the building shall be as per Table A and B or Group
Table or Table ‘J’ whichever is higher in case of residential buildings.

Regulation for Rural Development :

1. Within 100 Meters from the existing gramatana, residential developments and
other uses at the discretion of the Authority may be permitted
2. Floor area ratio : 1.00
3. Maximum number of floor : Ground + 1
4. Setbacks and coverage : As per Table A and B

Setbacks for Commercial Buildings (upto 10.0 mts in height)

Plot area Setbacks in Meters

in Sq Mt Front Rear Left Right

A Intensely Populated Areas:

Upto 240 1.00 —
Over 240 Upto 500 2.50 1.00 —
Over 500 Upto 750 3.00 1.00 — 2.00
Over 750 Upto 1.000 5.00 1.00 2.00 3.00
Over 1000 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.50

B Moderately Populated Areas:

Upto 240 2.00 1.00 — —

Over 240 Upto 500 3.00 1.00 — —
Over 500 Upto 750 3.50 1.50 2.00 3.00
Over 750 Upto 1000 6.00 2.00 2.50 5.00
Over 1 000 7.00 3.00 4.00 6.00

C Other Areas :

Upto 240 2.00 1.00 — —

Over 240 Upto 500 3.00 1.50 — —
Over 500 Upto 750 4.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
Over 750 Upto 1000 6.00 4.00 4.00 5.00
Over 1000 8.00 4.50 5.00 7.00

Note: For Commercial buildings above 10.0 M. height, The set backs shall be
insisted as at Table-J

Maximum plot coverage, floor area ratio and number of floors for different site
areas and road widths for commercial buildings.

Plot area Max. Max. Road

in Sq Mt Plot F.A.R. No. of width
coverage floors in m

A Intensely Populated Areas:

Upto 240 80% 1.00 1+1 Upto 6
Over 240 Upto 500 75% 1.00 1+2 Over 6 Upto 9
Over 500 Upto 750 70% 1.25 1+2 Over 9 Upto 12
Over 750 Upto 1000 65% 1.25 1+3 Over 12 Upto 15
Over 1000 60% 1.50 1+4 Over 15

B Moderately Populated Areas:

Upto 240 70% 1.25 1+2 Upto 9

Over 240 Upto 500 65% 1.50 1+2 Over 9 Upto 12
Over 500 Upto 750 60% 1.50 1+3 Over 12 Upto 15
Over 750 Upto 1000 55% 1.75 1+3 Over 15 Upto 18
Over 1000 50% 1.75 1+4 Over 18

C Other Areas:

Upto 240 65% 1.50 1+2 upto 9

Over 240 Upto 500 60% 1.50 1+3 Over 9 Upto 12
Over 500 Upto 750 55% 1.75 1+4 Over 12 Upto 15
Over 750 Upto 1000 50% 1.75 1+5 Over 15 Upto 18
Over 1 000 45% 2.00 1+7 Over 18

Regulations for Public and Semi-Public Buildings :
Public Utility and Transportation Buildings
Minimum Setbacks, Maximum Coverage, Floor Area Ratio and Number of Moors for
Different Site Areas And Road Widths (For Buildings Upto 10.0 Met. in Height)

Maximum Maximum Road width Minimum setbacks in Meters

Plot Area plot FAR No. of in
coverage floors Meters Front Rear Left Right

A Intensely Populated Areas:

Upto 240 70% 1.20 1+1 Upto 6 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Over 240 Upto 500 55% 1.20 1+1 Over 6 Upto 9 3.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
Over 500 Upto 750 60% 1.50 1+2 Over 9 Upto 12 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Over.750 Upto 1000 55% 1.50 1+2 Over 12 Upto 15 6.00 2.50 2.50 2.50
Over 1000 50% 1.50 1+2 Over 15 8.00 3.00 4.00 4.00

B Moderately Populated Areas:

Upto 240 65% 1.50 1+2 Upto 9 3.00 1.00 1,00 1.00
Over.240 Upto 500 60% 1.50 1+2 0ver 9 Upto 12 4.00 1.50 1.00 2.00
Over 500 Upto 750 55% 1.80 1+3 Over 12 Upto 15 5.00 2.00 2.50 3.00
Over 750 Upto 1000 50% 1.80 1+3 Over 15 Upto 18 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.50
Over 1000 45% 1.80 1+3 Over 18 9.00 3.50 4.50 4.50

C Other Areas:

Upto 240 65% 1.50 1+2 Upto 9 3.00 1.50 1.00 1.00
Over 240 Upto 500 60% 1.80 1+3 Over 9 Upto 12 4.50 2.00 2.50 2.50
Over 500 Upto 750 55% 2.00 1+4 Over 12 Upto 15 6.00 3.00 3.50 3.50
Over 750 Upto 1000 50% 2.25 1+5 Over 15 Upto 18 8.00 3.50 3.50 4.00
Over 1000 45% 2.25 1+7 Over 18 12.00 4.00 4.50 4.50


Set-backs for Residential, Commercial, Public and Semi-public,

T&T, Public Utility Building
(Above 10.0 mts. in height)

Sl. Height of Building Set-backs to be left on all

No. in mtr. sides (Front, Rear & Sides)
minimum in mtr.
1. Above 10 upto 12 4.5
2. Above 12 Upto 15 5.0
3. Above 15 upto 18 6.0
4. Above 18 Upto 21 7.0
5. Above 21 upto 24 8.0
6. Above 24 Upto 27 9.0
7. Above 27 upto 30 10.0
8. Above 30 Upto 35 11.0
9. Above 35 upto 40 12.0
10. Above 40 Upto 45 13.0
11. Above 45 upto 50 14.0
12. Above 50 16.0

Regulations for Industrial Buildings :
The FAR, coverage, and minimum setbacks for different types of industries are as given
in Table ‘K’. ‘Ihe industries are classified into service, light, medium and heavy industries
as follows:
a) Service Industries: Service Industry is one when service to the residents is offered.
Power may or may not be used. If power is used the aggregate installed capacity
shall not exceed 5 HP and the site area shall not exceed 230 Sq.m. Service industries
shall be permitted in fight industry zone of the development plans and the service
industries as listed in Schedule I may be permitted in residential zone under special
circumstances by the authority.
b) Light Industry: Light Industry is one which conforms to performance standards and
list as given in Schedule II which would not cause excessive injuries or obnoxious
fumes down, effluents or other objectionable conditions and employing not more
than 50 workers with or without power, aggregate installed power not exceeding 25
HP and the area of site not exceeding 1000 sq. metres.
c) Medium Industries: Medium Industry is one which employs not more than 500
workers and conforming to the performance standard and list as given in Schedule
III and the area of site for medium industry does not exceed 4000 Sq.metres.
d) Heavy Industry: Heavy Industry is one employing more than 500 workers and the
site area is exceeding 4000 Sq. metres.

Revised Zoning Regulations for Industrial Buildings *

Type of Industreis
Particulars of Plot Up to 230 Over 230 Over 1000 Over 2000 Over 4000 Above
Areas Sqm Upto 1000 upto 2000 upto 4000 upto 8000 8000
Sqm Sqm Sqm Sqm

Coverage 80% 60% 50% 40% 35% 30%

Floor Area Ratio 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 0.50
Minimum Frontage 3.00M 12.00M 24.00M 28.00M 32.00M 42.00M
Minimum Front Setback I.00M 4.50M 6.00M 8.00M 8.00M l5.00m
Other sides 1.00M 3.00M 5.00M 5.00M 6.00M 6.00M
Road width in Meters Over Over Over Over Over Over
4.50m 6.00M 9.00M 12.00M 12.00M 12.00M

Note: Whenever the minimum plot area is less than the one specified in the
particular category the zoning regulations prescribed for the previous category
should be adopted.

* This is in accordance with the Government Circular NO.HUD 180 7TP 94,
Dated 09.08.1995

Flatted Factories:

1. Minimum Plot Area : 1000 Square Meters

2. Maximum Plot coverage : 40%
3. Floor Area Ratio (Maximum) : 1.5
4. Maximum number of floors : 1+2 for 9 Meter road width
: 1+3 for more than 12 Meter
: road width
5. Minimum setbacks : Front 8.OM
: Rear 4.5M
: Sides 4.5M


1. Setbacks:

a) The front and rear set backs shall be with reference to depth of the site.
b) The left and right set backs shall be with reference to width of the site.
c) Setbacks for Group Housing, Commercial and other buildings are with
reference to the area of the site.
2. Where the building lines are fixed, in such cases the front set back or the building
line which is higher of the two shall be considered as the set back to the building in
the front.
3. In case of corner sites both the sides facing the road shall be treated as front side
and regulations applied accordingly to maintain the building line on these roads
and to provide better visibility.
4. In case of building facing more than two roads, the plot should be considered as
corner plot taking two wider roads into consideration.
5. In case of sites facing roads both in front and rear, both the sides facing roads
should be treated as front and other two sides not facing roads should be treated as
right and the set-backs be applied accordingly.
6. In case where the plinth of the building is not parallel to the property line, the set-
backs shall not be less than the specified set-backs at any given point on any side.
7. a) In case of buildings which are existing prior to coming into force of these
regulations, upper floors may be permitted according to the existing set-backs only,
but limiting the F.A.R. and No. of floors according to the present regulations, subject
to production of foundation certificate by a registered engineer.
b) In case of existing buildings prior to these regulations, change of roof may be
permitted provided suitable provision is made for light and ventilations.
8. In case of irregular plots the set-backs are to be calculated according to the depth or
width at the points where the depths or widths are varying. Average set-backs shall
not be considered in such cases’.
9. The left and right set-backs may be interchanged by the authority in exceptional
cases due to existing structures like; open well and also considering the topography
of the land. However, this shall be resorted to by the authority only as an exception.
10. Set-backs should be provided in the owners plot, public open space or conservancy
should not be considered as set-backs.

11. For garages no side or rear setbacks are to be insisted. One upper floor not exceeding
3m. in height shall be permitted provided no openings are provided towards
neighbouring buildings and at least one opening for light and ventilation is provided
towards the owners property.
12. Where lumber room is proposed in a portion of garage, the length of garage shall
not exceed 1/3 of the length of the site but not more than 6 mtrs. in any case. In
such cases the depth of the lumber room shall not exceed 1.25 metres and entrance
to such lumber room shall be from the rear set- back only. The width of garage
shall not exceed 4 mtr.
13. Garages shall be permitted in the rear right hand corner of the plot. In cases of
buildings constructed or sanctioned prior to the enforcement of these regulations,
where space is not available on the right side, it may be permitted on the left side
provided minimum set-back exists in the adjoining property of the left side.
14. In case of corner plots the garage shall be located at the rear corner diagonally
opposite to the road intersection.
15. The maximum width of the garage shall not exceed 4 mtrs. end to end.
16. The garages shall not be constructed or re-constructed within 4.5 metres from road
edge. This may be, relaxed in cases where the garage forms part of the main building
with minimum set-back for that plot.
17. For Cinema theatres the set-backs and other provision shall be as per the Kamataka
Cinematograph Act and Rules.
18. In case of two or more buildings, proposed on a single site, the set-backs shall be
applied as if, they are on single common site.
19. For apartments or group housing with Ground+3 floors or below, NOC.s from KUWS
& DB and K.E.B. only be furnished, if the sital area exceeds 4000 sq.mtrs. For high
rise buildings NOCs from KUWSDB, K.E.B, Fire Force and Telecommunication
Department, shall be furnished.
II Floor area, covered area, height, F.A.R. etc.
1. The maximum number of floors, percentage of plots coverage, FAR, for different
plot size with existing road width as limiting factor are given in the tables for.
various types of buildings like; Residential, Commercial, Public and Semi- public,
Industrial, etc., The Conurbation Area is divided into A, B& C areas for the purpose
of regulating Building constructions.
2. A map drawn to a Scale of 1: 1.6000 showing the details of A, B & C areas is made
available in the office Mysore Urban Development Authority.
3. When two sides of the same road are included in two different areas like A and B or
A and C, then the side of the other area shall also be treated as intensively populated
area (‘A’ area) upto one property depth.
4. When two sides of the same road are included in two different areas like; B and C,
then the other area classification shall also be treated as moderately developed area
(B area) upto one property depth.
5. Covered Area: Means, area covered by building/buildings immediately above the
plinth level, but does not include the area covered by swimming pool, sump-tank,
pump-house an d electric sub-station. Porch, Kennels, Nurseries covered with
fencing or purgola.
6. Floor: The lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks into a building.
The general term “floor’ does not refer basement or cellar floor and mezzanine
a) Basement/Cellar floor:
i) Means any storey which is partly/wholly below the ground level. The basement
height should not project more than one metre above the average ground level.
ii) If the plinth of the building is constructed leaving more set backs than the
minimum prescribed, basement floor may extend beyond the plinth of the
building, but not part of the set-backs shall be used for basement.
iii) The Basement floor wherever permitted shall be utilised only for parking of
vehicles and installation of machine used for service and utilities of the building.
b) Ground Floor: Means immediately above the level of the adjoining ground
level on all sides or above the basement floor.
c) Mezzanine Floor: Means an intermediate floor between ground floor and first
floor only. The area of mezzanine floor shall not exceed 1/3 of covered area
of ground floor.
7. Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) Means the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered
area of all floors by the plot area. Floor area includes the mezzanine floor also.
a) The floor area excludes the area used for Car Parking, Staircase Room, Lift
Room, Ramp, escalators, Ducts, Water Tanks, Main Sanitary Duct, Open
Balcony and Machine Rooms.
b) When sites do not face the roads of required width noted against each then the
F.A.R. applicable to corresponding width of roads shall apply.
c) When a site faces wider road than the one prescribed against it, the FAR shall
be restricted only to the limit prescribed for the area of that particular site.
d) When coverage is less than the maximum prescribed in Table No.C more No.
of floors and height may be permitted to utilise the full F.A.R.
e) The set backs and coverage are irrespective of road widths.
8. Means of Access: The means of exclusive access which would be other than through
public roads and streets, shall not be of more than 30 metres length from the existing
public roads and streets. The minimum width of such access shall be 3.5 mtr. FAR
and height of buildings coming up on such plots shall be regulated according to the
width of public street or road. If the means of access exceeds 30.0 mtr in length,
FAR shall be regulated with reference to the width of such access road. Construction
of buildings on plots with common access/lanes from the public road/street shall be
regulated according to width of such common access roads/lanes.
9. Width of Road: Road width means distance between the boundaries of a road
including footway and drains measured at right angles at the centre of the plot.
In case of roads having service roads in addition to the main roads the width of road
shall be the aggregate width of service roads and main roads for determining FAR
and No. of floors.
10. The height of the building coming within the landing and take off zones of air craft
in the vicinity of aerodromes should not exceed the height shown in the Table - M.
11. Lifts will have to be provided for building with more than ground + three floors.
12. In case of commercial buildings or shopping centres and residential apartments,
provision should be made for fire safety measures in accordance with the requirement
as stipulated by fire force authorities before issue of occupancy certificate.
13. Ramp: Ramp shall be provided with a minimum width of 3.50 metres and a slope of
not more than 1 in 10.
14. When basement floor is proposed for car parking convenient entry and exist shall
be provided. Adequate drainage, ventilation and lighting arrangements shall be made
to the satisfaction of Mysore Urban Development Authority.
15. Water Supply: Bore well shall be provided in all district shopping centres and
residential apartments as an alternative source of water supply if the Karnataka
Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board desires and the strata is capable of yielding
16. When mixed uses are permitted in the Ground floor on a site, the regulations of the
predominant use shall be considered.
17. Exemption to open space : The following exemption to open shall be permitted.
a) Projection into open space: Every open space provided either interior or exterior
shall be kept free from any erection there on and shall be open to the sky and
no cornice roof or weather shade more than 0.75 metres wide or 1/3 of open
space; whichever is less shall over hang or project over the said open space.
b) No Projection shall over hang / project over the minimum setback area either
in cellar floor or at the lower level of ground floor.
c) Cantilever Portico: Cantilever portico of 3 metres width (maximum) and 4.5
metre length (maximum) may be permitted within side set backs. No access is
permitted to the top of the portico for use it as a sitout place and the height of
the portico shall be not less than 2 metres from the plinth level. The portico is
allowed only on the side where the setback / open space left exceeds 3 mtr. in
d) Balcony : Balcony projection should not exceed 1/3 of the setback on that side
subject to a maximum of 1.1 mtr. in first floor and 1.75 metres beyond the
second floor. No balcony is allowed in ground floor.
e) Cross wall connecting the building and compound may be permitted limiting
the height of such wall to 1.5 mtr.
18. Height Limitation:
a) The height of the building shall be covered by the limitation of FAR, the
frontage of the plots as stipulated in the respective tables.
b) If a building abuts on two or more streets of different widths then the height of
the building shall be regulated according to the width of the wider road.
c) For buildings, in the vicinity of aerodromes the maximum height of the building
shall be as given in Table-M. This shall be regulated by the rules for giving
NOC for the construction of building in the vicinity of aerodromes by the
competent Aerodrome Authority.
19. Parking Space: Adequate space for Car parking shall be provided in the premises as
per standards given in Table-N subject to the following:
Note:- (Parking)
1. Each off street car parking space provided for motor vehicles shall not be less than
18 sq.mtrs. For motor cycle and scooter, the parking space provided shall not be
less than 2.5 sq.mtr. and 1.5 sq.mtr. respectively, and it shall be not more than 25%
of the car parking space leaving clear space round the building for the movement of
2. Off street car parking space shall be provided with adequate vehicular access to a
street and area of drives of not less than 2.5 mtr. vide, aisles and such other provisions
required for adequate monitoring of vehicles excluding the parking space stipulated
in these regulations.
3. No Parking space shall be insisted upon in the intensely built up area upto 100
sq.mtrs. of floor space.
4. Car parking shall not be provided in the set-back area. If provided a minimum of
3.0 mtr. shall be left free from the building.

Height restrictions near Aerodromes

Limits of distance from the Difference between the

Aerodromes point measured elevation of the top of the
horizontally to buildings buildings structure or
structures or installations installations and the
elevation of the aerodromes
(aerodrome reference point)

A: International Civil Airports and their alternates

1) Between 8534 m and 22224 m Less than 152 m

2) Between 7315 m and 8534 m Less than 122 m
3) Between 6096 m and 7315 m Less than 91 m
4) Between 4877 m and 6096 m Less than 61 m
5) Between 4267 m and 4877 m Less than 49 m
6) Between 3658 m and 4267 m Less than 37 m
7) Between 3048 m and 3658 m Less than 24 m
8) Between 2438 m and 3048 m Less than 12 m
9) Below 2438 m *

B: Other Civil Airports and Civil Aerodromes

1) Between 7925 m and 22324 m Less than 152 m

2) Between 6706 m and 7925 m Less than 122 m
3) Between 5486 m and 6706 m Less than 91 m
4) Between 4267 m and 5486 m Less than 61 m
5) Between 3658 m and 4267 m Less than 49 m
6) Between 3048 m and 3658 m Less than 37 m
7) Between 2438 m and 3048 m Less than 24 m
8) Between 1829 m and 2438 m Less than 12 m
9) Below 1829 m *
Nil except with the prior concurrence of the local aerodrome authorities.
1. For SI.No.7, 8 and 9, no trees shall be planted within the limits of the distance
indicated thereto.
2. Irrespective of their distance from the aerodromes (that is behind 22224 metres of
the aerodrome/aerodrome reference point) no radio masts or such, similar “ of line
installations exceeding 152 m in height should be erected without prior permission
of the concerned ,Civil Aviation Authority.

3. No buildings, structures or installations exceeding the height indicated in (A) and
(B) should be permitted without prior consultation with the local aerodrome authority;
4. The location of the slaughter houses and other areas of activities, like garbage-
dumps which would attract high flying birds, like eagles, hawks, etc. shall not be
permitted within a radius of 10 km from the Aerodrome reference point.

Parking Requirements

Sl. One Car Parking of 3 x 6

No. Type of use mtrs. each shall be
provided for every

1. Theaters and auditoriums 25 seats of accommodation

including Cinema theaters subject to a minimum of 20
except educational institutions
2. Retail business 50 sq.mtr. of floor area
3. Wholesale and ware-house 150 sq.mtr. plus 1 lorry
buildings parking space measuring
4 mtr x 8 mtr. for every 500
sq.mtr or part thereof
4. Restaurant, Establishments 25 sq.mtr. of floor area
serving food and drinks
and such other Establish-
5. Lodging establishments and 4 rooms
tourist homes
6. Office buildings 50 sq.mtr. of office floor
(Govt/Semi-Govt. & Pvt.) space
7. Hostels 10 rooms
8. Industrial Buildings 100 sq.mtr. of floor area plus
1 lorry space measuring 4 mtr
x 8 mtr for every 1000 sq.rntr
or part thereof
9. a) Nursing homes 4 beds
b) Hospitals 10 beds
10. Multi-family dwellings Dwelling unit measuring more
than 50 sq.mtr of floor area.
4 dwelling units if it is
50 sq.mtr. or less
11, Kalyana Mandiras 20 sq.mtr. of auditorium floor
12. Recreation Clubs 50 sq.mtr. of floor area
13. Educational buildings 200 sq.mtr. of floor area
14. Other public and semi- 100 sq.mtr. of floor area
public buildings

List of Prohibitive uses in Residential / Commercial Zones:

Bones Storing, packing, pressing, cleaning,

preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever

Bricks Manufacturing

Coconut Fibre Storing, packing, pressing, cleaning,

preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever

Explosive Storing

Gun powder Storing, packing, pressing, cleaning,

preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever

Lime Storing in bulk, packing, pressing,

cleaning, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever

Manure Storing in bulk, packing, pressing,

cleaning, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever

Meat Storing in bulk, packing, pressing,

cleaning, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever

Sulphur Storing, packing, pressing, cleaning,

preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever

Note: The Development Authority shall be the final Authority to decide on Hazardous
and offensive trades.

Proposed Sub-division Regulations:
Sub-division Regulations:
The purpose of these regulations is to guide the development of new areas in
accordance with the land use plan. As long as this is done on sound planning
principles with adequate space standards, the future of the city is assured. The sub-
division regulations is confined to standards of size of plots, street widths and
community facilities.
In sanctioning the sub-division of a plot/land under section 17 of Karnataka Town
and Country Planning Act the Mysore Urban Development Authority shall among
other things see that the following standards shall be followed for division of plots.
1. Size of Plots: No building plot resulting from the sub- division is smaller in size
than 0.4 hectares in the agricultural zone and 50 sq.mt. in all other zones. However,
the Authority may relax this provision in case of sites formed for E.W.S. and plots
sub-divided due to family partitions.
2. Private streets, lanes, etc. in residential areas shall conform to the minimum widths
noted below:
(b) Street in Residential areas:
1. Cul-de-sac : 6 mt. maximum length 200 mt. with
sufficient turning radius
2. Roads in Layouts for : 7 mtrs
3. Loop street : 9 mt. maximum length 300 mt.
a. Residential streets : 9m
upto length of 500m
b. Residential streets : 12 m
above 500m upto 1000m
c. Residential streets : 15 m
above 1000m
4. Minor Roads : 9 m to 12m
5. Collector Road : 12 m to 15 m
6. Major Roads : 15 m to 18 m
7. Arterial Roads, : 18 m to 24 m
intermediate ring roads
8. Ring Roads (outer) : 30 to 45 m
Note: Service or conservancy lanes at the back of the buildings may be permitted only
when absolutely necessary as in the case of row housing. No residential building shall
be allowed to face service lanes, when permitted shall have a minimum fright of way of 7

2. b) Private streets in sub-division of non-residential areas
a) Commercial - Retail : 12 m width
Others : 15 m width
b) Industrial & other : 12 m width
non-residential areas
3. Areas for open spaces and civic Amenities:
a) Sanctioning of a layout plan for residential purpose shall be subject to the
following conditions:
i) Not more than 50% of the total area shall be earmarked for residential sites.
ii) The remaining of the total area shall be earmarked for roads, parks and
playgrounds and civic amenities
iii) Out of the remaining total area so reserved, parks and playgrounds shall not
be less than 15% and Civic amenity area shall not be less than 10% of the total
area and the balance is for roads, as specified under Section 16(1)(d) of
Kamataka Urban Development Authorities Act, 1987.
The proposed use of land should be indicated in the layout plan. The Authority
may arrange to have the layout or any part of it thereof to be carried out by its
own agency or by a local authority, a public company, a co-operative society
or by the persons who have applied for the sub-division, as it may deem expedite
and make appropriate agreements with them and with other persons if any,
effected by the layout.
b) Sanctioning of a layout plan for non-residential. purpose shall be subject to
the following conditions:
i) 10% of the total area shall be earmarked for park and civic amenities
ii) The minimum width of road shall not be less than 12 meter
iii) 5% of the total area shall be reserved for parking purposes.
Note: It should also satisfy all the requirements stipulated, Under Section 17
of Karnataka Town and Countty Planning Act, 1961 and Section 32 of
Karnataka Urban Development Authorities Act, 1987
If plot of official records at the time of adoption of these regulations is smaller than
the minimum size specified for the zone in which it is located and compliance with
requirements of these regulations is not feasible, the Mysore Urban Development
Authority may permit the plot to be used as a plot/site.

4. Civic Amenities:
Particulars Population Area in
per unit Hectare
a) Educational facilities:
i) Nursery school 1,000 0.20
(age group 3-6 yrs)
ii) Basic primary and 3,500 1.00
higher primary school to
(age group 6-14 yrs) 4,500
iii) Higher Secondary school 15,000 2.00
(age group 14-17 yrs) (including
iv) College 50,000 3.00 to 4.00

b) Medical facilities:
i) Dispensary 5,000 0.10
ii) Health Centre 20,000 0.40

c) Other facilities:
i) Post & Telegraph 10,000 0.15
staff quarters)

ii) Police Station 10,000 0.20

iii) Religious Buildings 3,000 0.10
iv) Filling Station 15,000 0.50

5. Shopping facilities:
Neighbourhood and 3 shops/ 10-15 sq.mt
convenient shopping 1,000 area per shop
(3,000-15,000 population) persons

6. Parks, Open space and Playgrounds:

Sl. Category Population Area in

No. per Unit hectare
1. Tot-lot 500 0.50
2. Children Park 2,000 0.20
3. Neighbourhood Playground 1,000 0.20
4. Neighbourhood park 5,000 0.80

Regulations under Section, 12 (d) specifying the Architectural control and
building line.
Mysore city has a special characteristic with several monumental structures of
architectural and conservation interest.
These structures and the roads and boulevards, which are specially laid out for
locating these monuments, have significant role in maintaining the beauty of the
In order to maintain the historical and architectural interest of the area and to conserve
the existing structures, it is necessary to have a special set of regulations for
architectural control and establish suitable building lines.
The building regulations with regard to architectural control and established building
lines, for permitting new proposals in selected roads/boulevards of the city, shall
include, necessary of a clearance (after examination) by a special subcommittee
constituted by the authority, for each proposal, along these roads.
The subcommittee, which is the Arbitration committee shall examine the
compatibility of the architectural effect proposed to be given to the proposed structure
in relation to the existing monumental structural structures in the vicinity and the
established building lines along the roads shown in Table ‘P’.

The names of the roads/boulevards prescribed for this purpose are as follows:
Sl. Name of Road Stretch
1. Narasimharaja Boulevard Zoo garden junction to Lalitha
Road (Lalitha Mahal Road) Mahal
2. Bangalore - Nilgiri Road Hardinge circle to Gun House
3. Albert - Victor Road K.R. Circle to Hardinge Circle
4. New Sayyaji Rao Road Chamaraja Double Road to
5. Purandaradasa Road New Sayyaji Rao Road to B.N.Road
6. Chamaraja Double Road a) New Sayyaji Rao Road to
B.N. Road
b)Ramaswamy Circle to Fire Brigade
7. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Road Rajaji Circle (Railway Station
Circle) to Hardwick Circle
8. Krishnaraja Boulevard Kantharaja Urs Road to Vinoba
Road Road
9. Radhakrishna Avenue MUDA Circle - Kuveinpunagar
Double Road
10, Princes Road J.L.B. Road to Yadavagiri Circle
11. Vinoba Road Metropole Circle - Valmiki Road
12. Bannimantap Road Azad Circle - New Mysore-
Bangalore Road
13. Ashoka Road Chamaraja Statue to
Silver Jubilee Clock Tower

14. Krishna Vilas Road

15. Desika Road (Parakal Area around Jaganmohan Palace
Mutt Road)
16. Jaganmohan Palace Road

Table Showing the Proposed Road Widening and Building Lines for Important Roads

Sl. Name of the Road Reach Avenge Proposed Proposed Buil-

No. Existing road width ding line from
From To road width in mtrs. the edge of the
in mtrs. road in Mtis.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Hunsur Road 1. Sayyaji Rao Road Jhansilakshmi Bai Road 15.00 18.00 1.50
(Vinoba Road)
2. Jhansilakshmi Bal Road Conurbation boundary 30.00 30.00 4.50
2. Krishnarajasagar Road Dasappa Circle Conurbation boundary 30.00 30.00 4.50
3. New Bangalore-Mysore Road Tippu Circle Tolgate 18.00 45.00 4.50
4. Old Mysore-Bangalore Road Fountain Circle Conurbation boundary 30.00 45.00 4.50
51 Mahadevapura Road Hyderali Road Conurbation boundary 22.00 30.00 4.50
6. Bannur Road Teresiain College Conurbation boundary 25.00 30.00 4.50
7. T.Narasiput Road Nazarbad Police Station Conurbation boundary 24.00 30.00 4.50
8. Bangatere-Nilgiri Road 1. Government House Gun House 15.00 30.00 3.00
2. Gun House Conurbation boundary 15.00 45.00 4.50
9. Heggadadevana Kote Road Srinivasa Circle Conurbation boundary 22.00 30.00 4.50
10. Bogadi Road M.N.Jois Circle Conurbation boundary 24.00 30.00 4.50
it. Latithamahal Road Manasara Road T.Narasipur Road 18.00 30.00 3.00
12, Jhansilakshnd Bai Road Rajaji Circle Bangalore-Nilgid Road 24.00 30.00 3.00
13. Nadyanasastry Road Dhanvanthry Road Chamaraja Double Road 15.00 18.00 3.00
14. New Kantharaj Urs Road Madhvachar Road Conurbation boundary 24.00 24.00 3.00
15. Gokulam Road Hunsur Road Krishnarajasagar Road 22.50 30.00 3.00
16. Temple Road Hunsur Road Krishnarajasagar Road 15.00 30.00 3.00
17. Kalidasa Road Vivekananda Statue Circle Vjjayanagar I Stage 30M Rd. 15.00 24.00 3.00
18. Adichanchanagiti Road New Kantharaj Urs Road Pampapathy Road 24.00 24.00 3.00
19, Rwmvilasa Road M.N.Jois Circle Sayyaji Rao Road 18.00 24.00 3.00
20. Sayyaji Rao Road Vanivilasa Market Circle Highway Circle 18.00 30.00 3.00
21. Sawday Road Sayyaji Rao Road Ashoka Road 12.00 24.00 3.00
22. Hyderali Road Forbes Transformer Nazarbad Police Station 15.00 30.00 3.00
Station Circle
23. Manasara Road Lalithamahal Road Shalivagana Road 12.00 18.00 3.00
24. Dr.Ambedkar Road Sreekanteswar lyer Circle Heggadadevana Kote Road 15.00 24.00 2.50
25. Ashoka Road Mahaveera Circle Fountain Circle 15.00 18.00 2.50
26. Madhvachar Road Basaveswara Road Srinivasa Circle 12.00 24.00 2.50
27. Chavadi Sireet Vanivilasa Market Circle Bangalore-Nilgiri Road 18.00 24.00 3.00
28. Lokaranjan Mahal Road Hardinge Circle Karanji Tank Bunk Road 12.00 18.00 3.00
29. Shalivahana Road Bangalore-Nilgirl Road Nazarbad Police Station 9.00 18.00 3.00
30. Chamundeswai Road Chamaraja Double Road N.I.E. Road 13.50 18.00 3.00

31. Sarvajanaika Hostel Road Silk Factory (Road) Circle Ramanuja Road 10.50 —- 2.50
32. Sardar Pate] Road Sayyaji Rao Road Gandi Square 24.00 — 3.00
33. Vishwamanava Double Road Bogadi Road Conurbation boundary 36.00 — 2.50
34. Panchamantra Road New Kantharaj Urs Road Udayaravi Road 18.00 —- 1.50
35. Nrupathunga Road Udayaravi Road Vivekanandanagar Depot Road 18.00 — 1.50
36. Vivekananda Depot Road Adichunchanagiri Road Vivekanandanagar Circle 24.00 — 1.50
37. N.I.E. Road Heggadadevana Kote Road Ramanuja Road 22.00 24.00 1..50
38. Chamaraja Double Road Ramaswamy Circle Bangalore Nilgiri Read 30.00 —- 1.50
39. Krishna Vilas Road Jhansilakshmi Bai Road Desika Road 18.00 —- 1.50
40. Deewan’s Road Dhanvanthry Road ChamaraJa Double Road 16.00 18.00 1.50
41. Dhanvanthry Road Dasappa Circle Sayyaji Road Road 18.00 24.00 1..50
42. lrwin Road Visweswaraya Circle Bangalore-Nilgiri Road 15.00 18.00 1.50
43. Pulikeshi Road Sayyaji Road Road Ashoka Road 15.00 18.00 1.50
44. Shivaji Road Fountain Circle Bunal Ground 18.00 24.00 1.50
45. Ramanuja Road 1. Chamaraja Double Road Jhansilakshmi Bai Road 9.00 18.00 1.50
2. Jhansilakshmi Bai Road N.I.E. Road 10.50 24.00 1.50
46. Basaveswara Road Agrahar Circle Jhansilakshmi Bai Road 12.00 —- 1.50
47, Sheshadri lyer Road lrwin Road Sayyaji Rao Road 18.00 24.00 1.50
48. Race Course Road Manasara Road Bangalore-Nilgiri Road 18.00 30.00 7.50

49. Outer Ring Road 45.00 —- 4.50

Note: For the widening details of other minor roads, the circulation map may be referred.


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