Dynamic Characterization of A Transient Surface Temperature Sensor
Dynamic Characterization of A Transient Surface Temperature Sensor
Dynamic Characterization of A Transient Surface Temperature Sensor
Procedia Engineering 120 (2015) 1245 – 1248
This paper presents a dynamic characterization setup to calibrate transient surface temperature sensor in radiative conditions. The
temperature sensor is a K type (Chromel/Alumel) wire microthermocouple which hot junction is obtained from a layer deposition
by PVD process. Three different metallic layers are used (Tungsten, gold and chromium) with two thin film thicknesses (0.4 μm
and 0.8 μm). The aim of this work is to develop a dynamic characterization with a radiation source from a laser focused onto the
thermocouple’s hot junction. The dynamic performance of the sensor is obtained by measuring its unit-impulse response function
(Yag laser) and its periodic response under a chopped continuous laser beam (Argon laser). Experiments are realized at atmospheric
pressure. The best results are obtained with deposited probes with gold junction of 0.4 μm thickness. The rise-time and decrease-
time are equal to 10 μs and 80 μs respectively (Yag laser).
© 2015
© 2015The TheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd.is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EUROSENSORS 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EUROSENSORS 2015
Keywords: Thermocouple, thin film, surface temperature measurement, dynamic characterization
1. Introduction
Many industrial and engineering applications need the measurement of surface temperature variations under fast
heat flux excitation (automotive engines, ebullition, quenching, thermal characterization). These measurements
involve sensors with low thermal inertia and fast response time in order to determine the surface temperature and the
heat transfer rates between the fluid and the wall [1-3]. The thermocouple we designed and characterized is based on
a K type thermocouple. The two wires (Chromel/Alumel) with a 25.4 μm diameter are inserted in a ceramic double
bore tube with 20 mm length and 1.2 mm external diameter to constitute the thermocouple (Fig. 1). Theses
thermocouple wires are cut and covered by a cement layer in order to fix the wires. The probe is then heated and
smoothed down to obtain a slightly corrugated surface for the junction metallic deposit.
1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EUROSENSORS 2015
1246 M.Y. Doghmane et al. / Procedia Engineering 120 (2015) 1245 – 1248
A thin film is deposited on the ceramic cement by Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) process to create the hot
junction of the thermocouple. The film thickness leads to layers with a very fast response time and a high spatial
resolution. Different materials may be employed in the deposit: tungsten (W), gold (Au) and chromium (Cr). Each of
these metallic materials is deposit with two layer thicknesses, 0.4 μm and 0.8 μm respectively.
Fig. 1. Thermocouple design with three thin films hot junctions Fig. 2. Static calibration setup.
(Au: Gold; Cr: Chromium; W: tungsten)
2. Thermocouple characterization
The static response is not presented in this work [4] but the probes were placed in a regulated oven within the range
[30-300°C] (Fig. 2), the measured temperatures were compared with a precision thermometer (Pt100 platinum
resistance). We made a correction equation and a calibration certificate was established for each realized thermocouple.
The total resistance of the probes (thin film, wire and ceramic substrate) varies from 30 to 160 Ω and presents a
Seebeck coefficient of 40 μV/°C at 20°C.
The experimental characterization of the sensors consists in the determination of their temporal and frequency
characteristics (response time, constant time, cut-off frequency and phase shift of signals) for different types of
radiative excitations in non-stationary regimes. Figure 3 presents the experimental setup for the radiation test bench
based on two methods of excitations, continuous excitation and pulsed excitation respectively. The setup integrates a
laser system, an optical lens and a data acquisition system. The radiative continuous excitation is made from an argon
laser (Spectra Physics Model: Stabilities 2017) which emits wavelength of 473 nm radiation. The beam passes through
the acousto-optical modulator which creates radiative heat flux slots modulated sine or square. The average power of
the modulated beam (36 mW) is measured by power meter, the focusing lens is used to focus the beam on the junction
of the probe. In the case of radiative pulsed excitation, the sensor is excited by a single laser pulse with duration of 15
ns and an energy of 0.65 mJ produced by a Yag laser (wavelength: 532 nm). The goal is to check the sensor sensitivity
to a very brief excitation of the order of a nano seconds. The instantaneous power delivered by the Yag laser is about
43 kW. The diameter of the focal is 2 mm, which allows a good distribution of the power pulse on the surface of the
probe. Tests are released (in atmospheric pressure and temperature conditions) with different modulation frequencies
from 0.2 Hz to 2 kHz in continuous excitation and up to 15 Hz in pulsed excitation.
The measured signal is registered with the data acquisition system operating at 30000 points/sec in continuous
mode and at the maximum sample rate (200 kHz) in pulsed mode.
M.Y. Doghmane et al. / Procedia Engineering 120 (2015) 1245 – 1248 1247
Fig. 3. Radiative dynamic calibration setup. Fig. 4. Frequency response for the two 0.4 μm and 0.8 μm thin film
thicknesses (Argon laser).
Figure 4 gives the frequency response for the two 0.4 μm and 0.8 μm thin film thicknesses under Argon laser
excitation. The cut-off frequency varies from 28 Hz to 50 Hz respectively. The curves show that the higher cut-off
frequencies correspond to the thermocouple with low deposited junction thickness (0.4 μm thickness) whatever is the
material, the thermal inertia is less important. These frequencies vary from 20 Hz to 30 Hz for a thickness junction of
0.8 μm and can reach a maximum of about 50 Hz in the case of gold junction of 0.4 μm thickness. The observed slopes
have values of -15 dB/decade confirming that the system order is different from the first one which is characterized
by respective values of -20 dB/decade.
Fig. 5. Periodic response of the 0.8 μm tungsten thin film (Argon laser)
(a) 10 Hz (b) 500 Hz
Figure 5 describes the amplitude attenuation of a tungsten 0.8 μm thin film thickness. The microthermocouple is
excited by a square form laser beam generated by an Argon laser and controlled by the acousto-optic modulator. The
tests were conducted for different excitation frequencies (from 0.1 Hz to 2 kHz) at ambient pressure and temperature
condition and for a sampling rate of 30 kscan/sec. We observe that duration of temperature increasing phases are
similar than the decreasing phases. The measured peak-to-peak amplitude decreases naturally with the frequency to
6.5 °C at 500 Hz. We can also see a degradation of the signal shape related to the low-pass comportment of the sensor.
The high frequency components of the square wave are attenuated which prevents perfectly reconstructing of the
original spectrum.
1248 M.Y. Doghmane et al. / Procedia Engineering 120 (2015) 1245 – 1248
The transient impulse response (Yag laser) for different film thicknesses (0.4 μm and 0.8 μm) and materials (Au,
Cr and W) show that rise times vary from 10 to 12 μs for the six different configurations. The lowest rise times are
obtained with the gold and the highest ones for the chromium regardless of the deposition thickness (Fig. 6a). The
results show rise times of 11 μs for all of probes (with different temperature levels) and decrease times ranging from
80 to 500 μs (Fig. 6b). As we have seen before, the microthermocouple made from a deposited golden junction of 0.4
μm remains the fastest probe.
Fig. 6. Transient impulse response (Yag laser) for different film thicknesses (0.4 μm and 0.8 μm) and materials
(a) Heating phase (b) Relaxation phase
4. Conclusion
This paper describes the dynamic characterization of transient surface thermocouples. These sensors are made with
Chromel-Alumel wires and the hot junction is obtained by a metallic deposit. The configurations tested correspond to
0.4 and 0.8μm deposit thickness made of gold, chromium or tungsten. Several parameters can be used to characterize
a sensor as its time constant, response time, the rising and decreasing times or the cut-off frequency. Given the fact
that there are independent of the order of the studied system, only the last three parameters have been considered in
our measurements. The best results are obtained in the case of a radiative excitation (Yag laser) with deposited probes
with gold junction of 0.4 μm thickness. The rise-time and decrease time are equal to 10 μs and 80 μs respectively and
the cut-off frequency is equal to 67 Hz. The probes response is not equivalent to a first-order system but it remains
difficult to determine it because the entire probe reacts finally as a multilayer system. However, the announced cut-off
frequencies refer to the entire probe (junction, substrate and connector) and not to the layer which allows us the
possibility to study unsteady thermal phenomena with relatively fast temperature variations.
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