Threads and Processes
Threads and Processes
Threads and Processes
The goal of this lab is to get you comfortable with writing basic multi-process / multi-threaded
applications, and understanding their performance. In this lab, we will build a file server that serves
files from its disk to clients over the network. We will also build a multi-threaded client to simulate
multiple concurrent users trying to download files from the server, and test the server performance
with a large number of concurrent users. We will build upon this simple file server in subsequent
take-home labs.
• At a very basic level, the client and server are socket programs that communicate over TCP net-
work sockets. You must revise basic socket programming from your networking course. You will
find several tutorials online. Simple client and server socket programs are provided for your
• The simple server socket program can only handle one client at a time, because the accept and
read system calls are blocking. For example, when the server executes read on the socket of one
client, the program blocks until data arrives from that client. Any new clients that try to connect to
the server will be unable to do so. Therefore, a good way to build servers capable of handling
multiple clients at a time is to spawn a new process (or thread, but we will go with processes for
now) for every new client connection at the server. The new process will service the single client it
was created for, blocking for the client reads, and terminate when it has finished serving the client.
Meanwhile, the original server process will continue to wait for and accept new connections. Your
server must do the same. Again, you will find several helpful webpages online on how to build
multi-process servers that can handle multiple clients concurrently.
• Your client will simulate multiple users by using multiple threads in the client program. You will
write C code with the POSIX threads (pthreads) library. Learn about how to create, execute, and
terminate threads using pthreads.
• The most important part of the preparation for this lab is to identify two separate machines to run
the client and server programs. There are several options: you may use two virtual machines (VMs)
on the same physical machine (say, your laptop), you can use two separate machines (laptops or the
lab desktops) connected over the CSE LAN, or you can connect the two machines via your own
switch and Ethernet cable setup. You are free to choose any setup of your choice, and the answers to
the various exercises in the lab will depend on your setup. Let’s understand how.
Ideally, we would like the clients to be able to download files from the server as fast as the server
disk can retrieve files. However, you may not able to get this maximum performance from the
server always, depending on what your setup is. Typical disk bandwidths are a few tens of MB/s
(i.e., a few hundred Mbps), so your server (if coded well) should be able to achieve this throughput.
However, network speeds may be lower than this, because while most machines have 1Gbps
Ethernet cards, the shared network and switches may not support 1Gbps throughput. So, the
throughput the clients see might be limited not by the server’s disk but by the network. (Note that
when you run your client and server on two VMs on the same physical machine, no packets go out
into the external network, you get a very high bandwidth between your client and server, and this
point above does not apply.) Finally, if your client machine is not as powerful, you may not even
generate enough requests to load the network or the server. In summary, the performance bottleneck
in your setup very much depends on the relative speeds of the client and server machines and the
network in between.
You can use any setup of your choice to solve this lab, as long as you can explain the experimental
results successfully in the context of your setup. You may revisit your setup and fine tune it as you
go along solving this lab. However, please use the same setup to answer all the exercises, so that
your answers are consistent. You can use a tool like iperf to measure the maximum network
bandwidth between two hosts. A tool like iostat will give you the disk read bandwidth when running
a disk-bound program (see disk.c from Lab 1).
Client-server protocol. The file server runs on a known IP address and port. The clients connect to
the server over TCP and issue a command of the form get <filename> over the TCP connection. The
server reads the command from the socket, opens the requested file on its disk, reads data from the
file, and writes it back into the socket. The file may require multiple rounds of reading from disk
and writing to the socket. Once the entire file has been sent to the client, the client and server close
their sockets. The client will not send any acknowledgement of the file to the server. Any error in
any intermediate step (e.g., requested file not found) will also result in the client or server
terminating the connection. A client can download only one file over one TCP connection, and must
reopen a new connection for another file.
For all labs involving the file server, we assume that the working directory of the server process has
a folder called files, which has 10,000 files of size 2MB (foo0.txt, ..., foo9999.txt). You would have
created this corpus of files during one of the exercises in Lab 1. You may assume that the client
requests only one of these files. For example, the commands sent from client to the server would
look like ‘‘get files/foo42.txt".
You may assume that all request strings sent by the clients are well-formed, and that all requested
files exist on disk.
The file server. You must write a program server-mp.c, which takes a port number as its
commandline argument. Here is how the server must be run.
$./server-mp 5000
The server program opens a TCP socket on the given port, to listen for incoming client connections.
For every new client connection that is established via the accept system call, the server spawns a
new process, hands over the handling of the new client socket file descriptor to the new process,
and goes back to listening for incoming connections in its original (parent) process. The new server
child process must read the client request from the socket, fetch the file from the disk, and serve it
to the client. The child process closes the TCP connection and exits after completing the file
transfer. The parent server process must periodically reap its dead children.
Note that file reads from the disk must be done in multiples of disk sector size, which is usually 512
bytes. You can read files from the disk and write to socket in block sizes of 1024 bytes or 2048
bytes or any such reasonable value.
The client program You will write client program multi-client.c, that will emulate multiple users
downloading files simulatenously from the file server. The client program spawns a certain
specified number of threads at the start. Each thread in the client program does the following: it
creates a new socket, connects to the server, requests a file from the server, and reads from the
socket for as long as the server is sending data. The file downloaded from the server is not written
to the disk at the client; the data is simply read from the socket and discarded. After the server
finishes sending the entire file, the server process closes the socket from its end, and a read at the
client doesn’t return any data anymore. At this point, the client thread closes the socket, sleeps for a
certain duration or “think time”, and starts another round (from creating a socket) all over again.
Each client thread continues to request files from the server in this manner until a certain specified
duration of time elapses. (The clock can be checked after every round to see if time is up; there is
no need to stop midway during a file download.) Once the experiment duration is up, all threads
terminate, the parent multi-client process joins all threads, and exits.
Now, which file should each emulated user request from the server? Your client program can run
in two modes. In the “random” mode, each emulated user requests a random file from the 10,000
files in the server’s corpus. In the “fixed” mode, all emulated users always request only one fixed
file (say, foo0.txt) from the server.
The client program takes the following as commandline arguments: the server IP address, server
port, the number of concurrent users to emulate (which should be equal to the number of threads
spawned by the client process), the duration of the experiment for which the threads should run, the
think time between requests, and the mode (random or fixed).
One of the goals of this lab is to measure the performance of the file server. We will quantify the
performance of the server by two metrics: throughput, defined as the number of requests the server
can satisfy per second, and response time, defined as the time taken by the server to serve a file to a
client. These values will be measured by the client program. At the end of the experiment, multi-
client must print the following statistics: the average throughput in requests/sec (which is obtained
by dividing the total successful requests completed by all threads divided by the time of the
experiment), and average response time of the downloads (measured as the time from sending the
get request to the file download completing, averaged over all successful downloads across all
threads). To be able to print out these statistics, each thread must update the response time and
count values after completing each round, and multi-client must aggregate statistics across all
threads at the end of the experiment. Exercise caution is updating counts and other statistics across
all threads: if you have a common variable, then the threads will need to lock to access that shared
variable. A better solution would be to have an array with as many entries as the number of threads,
and make each thread update only its slice of the array. In other words, make sure that no two
threads update the same counter/variable, to ensure that the statistics are updated currently.
Here is a sample run of the client. This multi-client program is run to emulate 10 concurrent users,
each of which requests random files from the server for 300 seconds, sleeping for 1 second between
3downloads. Also note how the statistics are printed out at the end of the program (your format may
Below is a suggested step-wise procedure for you to incrementally build the client and server, and
some helpful tips.
• Start with building a simple client that does one download, and a simple server that will serve this
download. This basic step will help you iron out the basics of socket programming, reading files
from the disk, and so on. Check that the single file is downloaded correctly, by printing out its
contents for example. You may want to keep a copy of this simple client and server for debugging
in future labs as well.
• Next, make the server a multi-process application, by forking off a new process for every new
client. You can test the correctness of this server by running two of your single clients in two dif-
ferent terminals, connecting to the same server simultaneously. At this stage, you should carefully
work out a plan for how the server plans to reap its dead children (who would have terminated
themselves after serving a file to the client they were created to serve). Look up the wait system
call, especially its waitpid variant.
• Next, convert your client into a multi-thread application. Each thread must run for the duration of
the experiment and terminate. The main client process must wait for all the threads to join at the
end, print statistics, and finish. Make sure that all threads access and update different variables (say,
by assigning a slice of an array for each thread), so that multiple clients do not access the same
variable without proper locking.
• As with any C code, be careful when you dynamically allocate memory. Make sure you free the
memory before the end of the program, in order to avoid memory leaks.
• Avoid using NFS to store files that your server must access etc. NFS access has worse
performance than running code and accessing your local disk. So be mindful of where your server
files are hosted.
Once you build your client and server, run some basic tests for correctness. Your programs should
run correctly without any crashes for several tens of simultaneous users, and for several hundreds of
seconds. The processes should not leave behind dead children or leak memory. The statistics printed
out at the client should all make sense. Once you have some basic confidence in the correctness of
your code, let’s proceed to do some exercises that test the performance of your server under
different scenarios.
Note: Whenever you read a set of files from the server, a copy of some of the files will exist in the
disk buffer cache in main memory of the server. Subsequent accesses of the file will not go to the
disk. This caching may lead you to get different numbers for different runs of the experiment. To
avoid confusion, we suggest that you always clear your disk buffer cache at the server, before you
start a new experiment. The following commands (to be run as superuser) will flush the disk buffer
# sync
# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Carefully record your observations from the exercises below. Note: the answers to your exercises
below will depend on the setup you have used to connect your client and server machines; please
interpret your results carefully in the context of your experimental setup. There is no one right
answer that everyone should get, but all your answers should be consistent and must make sense.
1. Describe the setup and hardware specifications of your client and server machines, and how they
are connected. Next, measure two things to help us understand your setup better: (i) Measure the
maximum read bandwidth of the disk on the server in MB/s (megabytes per second). That is, if the
server were to be reading files continuously from the disk, how many MB/s can it read?
Approximately how many requests/sec does this translate into, given your download file size?
There are several ways to measure the maximum disk read bandwidth. For example, run a disk-
intensive benchmark (like disk from Lab1), and a tool like iostat can show you the rate at which the
disk is reading data. (ii) Measure the maximum network bandwidth you can get between your client
and server machines using iperf. Justify the network bandwidth you observed in the context of your
experimental setup. Again, calculate how many requests/sec this bandwidth translates into, by
multiplying/dividing with the file size suitably.
2. Run experiments with your server-mp and multi-client by varying the number of threads in the
client N (suggested values are 1, 2, 5, 10; but you may use your judgement to pick other values also,
based on your setup). The other parameters at the clients should be set as follows: random reads, no
sleep time, experiment duration of 120 seconds. As you increase the load on the server by
increasing N , observe what happens to the throughput and response time reported at the client.
Now answer the following questions:
(a) What is the optimal value of N (among those you have experimented with) that saturates the
server? In other words, what is the lowest value of N that loads the server fully to obtain the highest
possible throughput (in terms of requests served per second)?
(b) What happens to the throughput and response time of the server for values of N lower or
higher than this optimal value? You may show graphs, or explain your observations in text.
(c) When the server is operating at saturation, what was its bottleneck resource? Explain how you
identified the bottleneck.
(d) What is the server throughput at saturation (at the optimal value of N you discovered above)?
Justify this number in the context of the bottleneck resource identified. (For example, if you
identified the network as the bottleneck, then the server throughput at saturation should
approximately match the maximum network bandwidth as measured in exercise 1.)
3. Repeat exercise 2 above with a sleep time of 1 second between user requests (everything else
remains the same). Because each user sleeps between file downloads, the client program will not
stress the server as much as before for any given value of N . So you may have to increase the
values of N you explore to much higher values (suggested values are 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) in
order to saturate the server.
4. Repeat exercise 2 above, but with the client mode changed to “fixed” from “random”.