Mnemosyne Space 1
Mnemosyne Space 1
Mnemosyne Space 1
Mnemosyne Principality
The Mnemosyne Principality describes more of a cultural region rather than a
unified political state. It consists of a mixture of peoples known as the Hamadur,
who migrated to this region of space from the core of the Imperium during the
Civil War, and of a more recent influx of Zhodani émigrés. The Mnemosyne
peoples are currently recovering from a civil war of their own and what unified
political entity that remains of the Principality is shaky at best. Yet among its
people is an indomitable will. They will endure and, perhaps, emerge as a state
the likes of which has never been seen in Foreven. To understand how the
Mnemosyne peoples have arrived at this crossroad in time, it is useful to
understand their history.
Mnemosyne Pre-History
The earliest history of the Hamadur people was of a culture plagued by the
misunderstandings and misinterpretations of those around them. This curse can
be found as a common thread linking their origins in the Gushemege Sector to
the indifference of the Syleans, and then finally to their years spent wandering
Imperial Space eventually becoming Pariahs forced to leave Charted Space to
find a homeland of their own.
Hamadur Origins
Most of Humaniti was deeply affected, at least indirectly, by the period known as
the Long Night. Scholarly debate on the matter is equally divided as to whether
the Rule of Man was primarily responsible for it or merely hastened the
inevitable. Either way, of the cultures sent reeling by the tragedy, arguably none
suffered more than the Hamadur. The story of how the calamity shaped their
peoples and their subsequent flight from the confines of what was then Charted
Space would shape forever the Foreven sector.
By the time the conquering Terran fleet had made its way to the Shiiki
system in the Gushemege sector, the peoples of that world had been imbued to
Solomani culture for decades. The Hamadur of this time embraced a Germanic-
Terran brand of Solomani tradition. This fact is evidenced in the surnames of
their most powerful families, Saale, Goinsprach, Gruenweld, Hertzog, Brandt,
and many others.
Within the First Imperium, the peoples of Shiiki had been known as
radicals. Daring in nature, they tended to implement radical social reforms,
incorporate new ideas and implement new technologies, sometimes all within
less than a generation. This was scandalous behaviour for any Vilani culture at
the time. The etymology of Hamadur, in fact comes from the galanglicised form
of the Vilani word Khamaduur, literally “The Reckless”. Because of these cultural
leanings integration and acceptance of Solomani culture was rapid and more to
the point, genuine. This cultural acceptance of all things Terran served the
Hamadur well, with many of their nobility rising high in the Second Imperium. But
like that empire, this success was fleeting. The shun of their fellow Vilani that the
Hamadur had sidestepped during the Rule of Man, was back with a vengeance in
the chaos and infighting of the collapse. Not merely content to simply shun them,
however, their neighbours sought to heap their anger and frustration upon them
as well. For the Vilani, the utter failure of the Second Imperium was proof that
the ways of the Solomani and worse of the Vilani that collaborated with them
were bankrupt, immoral and dangerous. Worse still was the fact that the
Hamadur had enthusiastically intermarried with the Terrans. As interstellar trade
collapsed and the local systems fought amongst themselves for the scraps of
civilization and Shiiki was sacked. Stripped of their means of manufacturing, and
especially of their technologically enhanced agricultural industry, millions starved.
Eventually, even the peoples of Shiiki turned upon themselves with Vilani
traditionalist conservatives turning on the “real” traitors, the Hamadur nobility.
The long night was especially harsh on Shiiki. The peoples of the world
fought a long-simmering, on again off again civil war pitting the Hamadur nations
on one side against the Vilani traditionalists on the other. As the war dragged on,
both sides suffered grinding attrition. Eventually both sides faced collapse; a
bitter echo of that which occurred during the Rule of Man.
By c. –450 Im. Sylean scouts had re-contacted Shiiki and had begun
supplying aid and reconstruction assistance. The civil war, which had all but
burned itself out in any case, was categorically ended in accordance with the
terms of aid dictated by the Syleans. A bitter cultural divide remained, however.
Despite the reconstruction and their station as nobles, the Hamadur nobility and
the lower caste servants who remained loyal to them, found themselves shunned
and marginalized. Eventually, as Sylean oversight waned, incidences of outright
violence directed at the Hamadur were once again becoming commonplace. The
Hamadur nobles were not without resources though, having retained much of
their original capital and holdings. Land and household were auctioned off, often
at a loss, funds were pooled and investments made. Over the course of a
generation several dozen immense but obsolete star liners were purchased or
leased. The Hamadur had made their choice; they would no longer stay on a
world that did not want them. One by one the great families set out; winding their
way spinward in search of worlds they could claim as their own.
The Wandering
The long lonely trek was arduous for the Hamadur. As they set out
amongst the stars they found that their legend had preceded them. Many Vilani
dominated worlds, had heard of the Hamadur’s recklessness, or discerned it from
their name. Reception was often cold. Yet the Hamadur had relied on trade,
making use of their hulking cargo holds to move goods from one system to the
next in those years of burgeoning recovery. They became masters of make-due.
They could cobble together jump coils from twisted wrecks, they raided the
scraps and leavings others did not want and spun them into gold. Prosperity, of
a sort, had found them once again. As generations passed, they became renown
amongst the Syleans and the Vilani as rovers at best and vagabonds at worst.
The name Hamadur, then, had come to acquire a new meaning; nomad.
They cultivated the reputation as the mystery attached to it offered them some
security and protection. Hamadur vessels were well armed, partly out of
necessity and partly out of a will to reinforce the image. Coupling their renowned
resourcefulness with the cavernous holds in the bellies of their ships the
Hamadur, over time, became master traders and each noble a merchant prince.
Eventually, even Vilani worlds begrudgingly accepted the Hamadur trade fleets
as they often brought with them exotic luxuries that could not be had from Sylean
For a time then the Hamadur had found their niche. Over the course of
decades they would slowly make their way in a great circle, through Vilani and
Sylean space, then rimward towards the Solomani and Vegans then back
coreward again, always carefully avoiding their homeworld. They watched and
encouraged as the Syleans stepped forward and forged the Third Imperium, one
that was accepting of the cultures that comprised it. Their wanderings had made
them rich, and they embraced the new Imperial culture as eagerly as they had
the Terran. Indeed Imperial culture held much in common with its predecessor.
The First Frontier War would be the herald of darker times returning.
Soon, with the resulting Civil War in full swing, the Hamadur found themselves
once again outcast and despised. As wandering caravaners, the Hamadur had
an Imperial Warrant, extending them the rights to continue to be just what they
were before the founding of the Third Imperium; stateless traders. What this
meant specifically was that they registered their ships out of no system, kept their
own council as to the good order and spaceworthiness of their vessels, and most
importantly paid no tithe nor tax to any state nor Imperial nobility. This would
become their albatross during the civil war. As Imperial citizens were expected
to accept austerity measures and rationing as the Civil War dragged on, the
Hamadur made no such sacrifices. They in fact profited as they could trade
much-needed goods, medicines and munitions at great profit. Their armed
vessels allowed them to remain truly neutral as the various factions vied for the
Iridium Throne. What this earned them was the resentment of the peoples they
traded with. Resentment turned to hate as the Hamadur’s reputation as nomads
returned in the worst sense of the term. They began to be banned from first one
system, then more and more as the war dragged on. Horrified they watched as
the worst periods from their history began to unfold yet again. A moot was held;
the families gathered and decided “never again”. They heard rumour of a
Solomani polity with Germanic-Scandinavian roots at the edge of Charted Space.
They had heard of the Sword Worlds, and perhaps there, they could find peace.
Over the course of a decade the caravans gathered into a fleet for the
purposes of self-defence. Once the last of the families had been gathered the
fleet set out through Vland and Corridor, then Deneb, and finally arriving in the
Spinward Marches. Another year was spent making their way across a sector
that was beginning to feel the sting of Vargr incursions and outright attacks from
the Outworld Coalition. Once again they garnished the resentment of the
peoples they found themselves amongst. The Hamadur were ostensibly Imperial
citizens who were felt to have an obligation to stop and help, but who refused to
do so.
So then, upon their arrival in the Spinward Marches, ill fortune would meet
the Hamadur yet again. Instead of escaping from the strife and hardship of the
Imperial Civil War, they found that the new region they would call home was
engulfed in a Second Frontier War. Eventually, at the edge of Sword World
space, they faced a two-fold problem. On the one hand the Imperial were more
often than not overtly hostile and on the other, the Sword Worlders - those they
thought would be akin to their own kind, would not take them in. A courier from
the Sword World Second Dominate delivered a terse and simple message,
“Move along”. Deep, old, feelings of banishment and shun arose. With the
exception of the Zhodani worlds, they had traversed the width and breadth of
human civilization, and had not found their place within it. The last option was all
that remained; they would leave human space and head out into the night.
A New Homeland
Weeks passed, the fleet pushed out into the unknown and settled worlds
became few. The Hamadur fleet began to arrive in systems with no radio traffic,
no beacons of any kind. Cursory surveys were taken, and onward they pushed.
So it was that in the year 620 the first of the Hamadur families set foot on the
temperate world they would come to call Sadanshir. The name Sadanshir was
said to come from the Hamadni (See Language) for calm or clear. To find a
system that could be deemed “Sadanshir” was rare until recently. For the past
few weeks though every system had been Sadanshir and the term was becoming
commonplace. They were all Sadanshir, because the Hamadur were the only
ones there. Now below them was a blue-grey orb impossible for the Schultheiss
family to resist. Sadanshir looked promising even after the initial landings, what is
more, it was part of a small cluster of stars, the Sadanshir Cluster, that
spectroscopy indicated was rich in water and metals. At last the first of the
Hamadurs to stop the Wandering had found their homeworld.
Eventually even the most committed wandering families had tired of their
trek into uncharted space. No doubt making things worse was the fact that as
wandering traders, life was made difficult moving through a region of space with
no one but themselves to trade with. Thus the centuries-long flight had ended.
The families spread out amongst the worlds, mostly in the Far Frontiers, and
eventually the strong ties binding the Hamadur together began to fade as they
settled down on their chosen worlds. The roving fleets eventually came to call at
the various worlds more and more infrequently. In 722Im, a moot of the
Hamadur families was held to address the decline in contact amongst the settled
worlds and to deal with the complaints of those who refused to settle, insisting
that the great flight should continue. After weeks of debate an agreement was
reached which would become known as the Mnemosyne Proclamation. The key
word in the title was taken from the Solomani half of Hamadur culture;
Mnemosyne, the Greek goddess of memory and the mother of the Seven Muses.
The memory of the Hamadur flight and the shared plight of the Hamadur peoples
must be retained. Further, those who could not stop wandering, those known as
the Wandertrieberen would be key to the retention of these cultural memories.
They would, for all intents and purposes, emerge as a new class within
Mnemosyne society. They would continue their wanderings, wending their way
as they had always done between the worlds. Only now they would wander
between Hamadur worlds, and although they would remain merchants, the
Wandertrieberen families would more importantly become teachers. They would
keep alive the memory of Hamadur roots and culture, providing at least the basis
of commonality amongst the Mnemosyne worlds. It is a role they play in
Mnemosyne space, and beyond, through to the present day. Within a generation
the Proclamation was expanded to include law, delineation of authority for
taxation, and the like. The Mnemosyne Proclamation, in fact, had even
ensconced the role of the Wandertrieberen in writing. By the time a Zhodani
envoy had made the suggestion that the Mnemosyne worlds unify under one
banner, they already had been acting as a defacto state under the auspices of
the Proclamation. It was no surprise that the Proclamation became the basis of
the Mnemosyne constitution.
The Zhodani Immigrants.
The Zhodani were forthcoming in their promise of aid. Although the ships
supplied were downgraded export versions of Zhodani front line equipment or
antiquated reserve ships, they far outclassed what the Mnemosyne Principality
currently fielded. Military advisors were assigned to each world. Each world
stood up an army by way of a moderate increase in taxes. The armies, as was
the navy, were organized along Zhodani lines and employed Zhodani tactics.
The Wandertrieberen were given the role of a scout force.
Either by desire or design the Zhodani advisors and their families tended
to remain in Mnemosyne space. This was understandable since, as was
Zhodani policy for the Sector as a whole, the postings to the Mnemosyne
Principality tended to be of a punitive nature. Often these were military advisors
with unorthodox ideas, or administrators who had asked too many questions.
After their terms were over they understood that it was better to remain in the
Mnemosyne Principality, rather than risk returning home. Small expatriate
communities grew on many Mnemosyne worlds in this way. These grew in size
as word spread in Zhodani space that the Mnemosyne Principality offered the
blend of Zhodani order and Imperial personal freedoms that many Zhodani
dissidents desired. The Tavrchedl’ (the Zhodani thought-police) were more than
happy to see them go.
By 901Im the make-up of Mnemosyne society had changed such that it
now consisted of a roughly 40 – 60% mix of Zhodani and Hamadur peoples
respectively. The Hamadur nobility received tributes from the Zhodani
immigrants for the right to settle. The largest share of the tribute went to the
Saale family. The Saale family in turn became ever more receptive to Zhodani
ideals of formal integration of Psionics within society, a formal adoption of
Zhodani as an official language as well as a more centralized government. The
other Hamadur nobility were beginning to feel that the nature of Mnemosyne
society was changing, becoming merely a shadow of Zhodani culture. They saw
that Saale coffers were becoming ever fatter as the change progressed. Further,
the average Mnemosyne citizen saw her taxes going up and the nature of her
society changing at the grass roots level. Even citizens of Zhodani heritage
resented the changes and the Saale’s hand in it as things started to resemble,
more and more, the conditions of the society that they had left behind. By the
turn of the century, there were open protests, especially in the Mnemosyne
worlds of the Foreven sector. The Saales responded in 1050Im by implementing
more restrictive laws, increasing the size of the military, nationalizing it and using
it in a garrisoning role. The reaction from most Mnemosyne worlds was
indignation. By 1085Im the first outright revolt against Saale rule arose in the
Odonmeer system. A mining community, Odonmeer felt the increased tax
burden (paid by way of heavy tithes of ore to Saale owned refineries) particularly
hard. The Odonmeer Marquesa, Mikhuun Nashu Goinsprach, the 27 year old
daughter of Count Hautal Goinsprach, fearing the reactions of her subjects who
were overwhelmingly miners, declared that the Odonmeer ore tithes would be
withheld until the Saales had reversed their hated policies. The prince regent,
Galin Jarles Saale ordered the Mnemosyne Navy to fusion bomb the starport in
response. Hautal Goinsprach announced that the worlds of the Rull Crescent,
along with the worlds of the Sadanshir cluster had officially declared the Saale
Prince Regent as a traitor, calling for his abdication and trial, which they would
force upon him if necessary. The military of these worlds as well as the vast
majority of the navy based in the region were made up of Mnemosyne citizens
from the Foreven sector, which already harboured a cultural resentment against
the Mnemosyne core systems in the Far Frontiers sector. They were quick to fall
into line behind Goinsprach. The Mnemosyne civil war had begun.
The Mnemosyne Civil War
The drive to the Mnemosyne capital took the better part of a year, with
fighting becoming fiercer as the war progressed spinward along the Rull
Crescent approaching the Mnemosyne core worlds in the Far Frontiers sector.
The final assault came in the opening days of 1086im, with the remnants of the
Saale fleet withering under the combined might of the naval assets of the
Foreven based noble houses. By the end of the war, the Hamadur nobility of Far
Frontiers had allied with their Foreven attackers, been defeated or had withdrawn
from the conflict entirely. All were complicit in the subsequent Saale purge, with
no known Saale heir of note surviving. In 1087Im Hautal Goinsprach declared
the dissolution of the Mnemosyne Principality; each member world would
become a self-governing political state. In practice however, as much from sheer
political momentum as from political need, the Mnemosyne state hobbled along.
Taxes and tithes were again collected, with much of that going to rebuild worlds
damaged in the fighting. The Hamadur moot voted to reinstate the Principality
for the interim, at least as long as the rebuilding necessitated. Hautal
Goinsprach was declared the new Prince regent in 1088Im.
The Present
The damage inflicted during the civil war is far from undone. On most
worlds there remain varied levels of destruction and poverty, and little seems to
be changing for the man on the street. There is growing resentment amongst the
peoples of the Principality against Goinsprach and his empty promises and his
recent acceptance of substantial military aid from the Zhodani in a bid to prop up
his rule. There are rumours of a man known only by the name of Henrik who
holds sway amongst the masses with the promise of change.
Mnemosyne Culture
At the grass roots level, government on any Mnemosyne world runs the
gamut of government types, much the same as in the rest of human space. At
the interstellar level Mnemosynekur have a love-hate relationship with the
Hamadur nobility governing them. On the one hand there is great pride taken in
the centuries-long Hamadur flight, and the strength it took to endure it. Most
Mnemosynekur go to great lengths to connect themselves with the Hamadur
flight, even those who are relative newcomers to Mnemosyne space. The
Hamadur culture then is a rallying point for all Mnemosynekur in times of crisis.
On the other hand, since settling in Mnemosyne space, the Hamadur nobles that
have been at the highest levels of interstellar government have often been the
focus of scandal and graft. Often the end result is that the peoples of any given
Mnemosyne world are fiercely supportive of their own world’s nobility while
resentful of the policies and especially the taxes imposed by the Principality seat
of government in the Far Frontiers sector. Some scholars have pointed to the
fact that the failure of the Mnemosyne constitution to accord the title and office of
Prince Regent with any true ensconced power as the reason for the corrupt
leadership usually displayed by the nobility at this level. The Prince Regent
tends to hold great power indeed, but it inevitably must be garnered through
back-room deals, subterfuge and skullduggery. For some reason, network and
alliance building never has seemed to rate very highly on this list.
Recently, the Zhodani have helped establish the Mnemosyne Patrol. The
patrol loosely fills the same niche that the Scout Service does in the Imperium
but with a more martial focus more akin to a coast guard.
Mnemosynekur tend to be polite but often curt. The upshot is that when
visiting Mnemosyne space, visitors often feel that Mnemosynekur are aloof, or
cold. The facades and exteriors of Mnemosyne architecture is often drab and
utilitarian. When invited into a Mnemosyne home outsiders witness the friendlier
side, and brighter appearance, of Mnemosyne society. On a one-on-one level
Mnemosynekur are boisterous and warm hosts who will regale visitors with
stories, especially of the Hamadur flight from the Imperium. Food, drink and the
best room in their colourful and lavishly appointed (on the inside at any rate)
homes are given over to visitors in the hopes of making a lasting bond and
leaving a good impression.
Wealthy Mnemosynekur then are well travelled and well versed in the
various cultures of Foreven and the bordering portions of neighbouring sectors.
Perhaps the biggest contributors to this corporate knowledge though, are the
The Wandertrieberen
It has been stated that the Wandertrieberen are not overly skilled martially.
This is true in the main, however, a select few become members of the
Wandertrieberenshutzpatrol (WsP). These are the self-defence force members
of the Wandering Fleets who are adept in the arts of war indeed.
Wandertrieberen looking at his hand comp. Image from wikimedia.
Wandertrieberen Characters
Ranks and Benefits for all specializations
Some of the “Solomani” making up the early Hamadur were, in fact, uplifted Dolphins
the Terrans had brought with them as they advanced ever deeper within the First
Imperium. Gregarious peoples, the Schmidt fully integrated with the Hamadur over time
and with only a few exceptions are fully accepted by the other clans. Johann has risen
to prominence over the past few years as his clan, perhaps because they aren’t human,
have been a unifying and diplomatic force in the Mnemosyne principality since the end
of the Civil War. Schmidt has been seen travelling extensively with the Manheim-
Ashuuri Wandertrieberen fleet in recent years. Advanced in age for a dolphin, many
fear for the health and longevity of this stabilizing force in Mnemosyne politics.
Aquilla is a renowned personality within the Principality. She is the owner (although not
the operator) of the Jakdot, a storied Far Trader named after a Zhodani folk hero. She
is sometime smuggler, sometime humanitarian, and fulltime outspoken critic of the rule
exercised by the Hamadur lords in the Principality. She is seen as something of a
heroine among the Zhodani immigrants and other lower classes in the Principality. Of
particular concern to Mnemosyne blue-bloods are the rumours that she has the ear of
Henrik, the maverick who has been amassing a large following amongst the Foreven
Mnemosynekur of late. The Spinward Hamadur lords would pay a fine price to know
her true intentions.
Peirs Hans-Strouden is known throughout the Foreven sector as the herald of the
Kiishikur-Wolfe Wandertrieberen fleet. The Kiishikur-Wolfe fleet is thought to be one of
the wealthiest single entities within Foreven. They have even been known to have
moved the occasional ancient artefact, much to the chagrin of the Imperial Scout
service and others interested in the preservation and study of such items. Hans-
Strouden tends to arrive in a system two or three weeks ahead of the fleet, preparing
local infrastructure to receive the massive influx of shipping the Wandertrieberen tend to
attract. Recently, it has been said that Hans-Strouden has been hiring travellers willing
to search out “items of interest” to the Wandering Fleets.
What makes Mnemosyne space so unique? Certainly the history of the Hamadur, the
Zhodani, the Wandertrieberen and the resulting culture plays a large role. But what of
their physical location in space? Consider; was there a cultural difference between the
peoples of the New World and that of the Old on ancient Terra? Historical analysis
would seem to indicate so. What precipitated that? Many argue the ocean did. The
North American continent of that world has a huge moat around it, the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans. This affected the military considerations of it’s leaders and the
frequency of cultural contact with Europe and the other continents and cultures. What
does any of this have to do with Mnemosyne Space? Here too that moat exists. Where
you ask? The answer lies in the Foreven Abyss.
The Foreven Abyss is the roughly S shaped 2 parsec gap running from the Massina
subsector down through the entire length of Foreven, exiting at the Rull subsector.
There are only two points where J-2 capable vessels can navigate across;
The Neverwind Ford. Servicing the coreward edge of the Avalar Line trade route, the
Neverwind system (1620 Foreven/Titan) does a land-office business servicing traffic
flowing between Avalar and the Zhodani client-states and Consulate proper. It must
remain neutral due to the negotiations brokered at the end of Frontier War 4 and as
such willingly (on the face of things at any rate) services J-2 traffic from all states.
The Wandertrieberen Road. An ancient crossing running from Dhavalia (0538 Foreven/
Rull) to Lirgadar (1039 Foreven/Harem) and used by the Wandering Fleets since the
early days of the Hamadur arrival in Foreven. The worlds are safe but sparsely
serviced. The massive ancient vessels making up the Wandering fleets are seen to
travel here regularly in recent years. Surely many unique and exotic items and
megatonnes of cargo are making their way into Mnemosyne by way of the
Wandertrieberen, but to what ends remain unknown. They are attracting many free
traders who hope to contact and trade with the Wandering Fleets for the wonders they
carry. Surely corsairs will brave the Wandertrieberenshutzpatrol (WsP) sooner or later.
The temptations for spoil are too great. Part of this route closest to Avalar Space
actually traverses through The Beyond sector to rimward.
Legends and myth surround the Abyss amongst travellers. Spacers are a
superstitious lot and stories in downport bars are swapped about it regularly. Most
rumours tell of ships regularly misjumping as they cross the gap, especially in the
trailing half of Mnemosyne Space. The Sadanshir Cluster is surrounded by it and many
free traders and not a few warship captains avoid these systems. The mysterious
Henrik is said to have retreated to this region, perhaps due to the pause it gives some
Mnemosyne naval captains. Many more legends connect the fact that the oldest
Hamadur colonies can be found in these systems, and many conspiracy theories
abound as to why they chose these stars to end their wanderings at. What was so
attractive to make them stay or, as in other darker legends, what was so horribly
Whatever the reality, the Foreven Abyss does significantly affect traffic flows
across the sector. Much of the commercial traffic in Foreven is carried by tramp
freighters often running in the J-1 to J-2 range. Much of Mnemosyne Space is cut off
from even J-3 traffic but for the Wandertrieberen Road, the Khallath system and the
very coreward few systems in the Lassana Subsector. This in turn affects the cultural
fabric of the Mnemosyne peoples. Mnemosynekur have always been “a little different”.
Much like the differences in the peoples of the Old World versus the New on ancient
Terra, that is what happens sometimes when you settle across the pond. Once you
cross the Abyss, the very feel of Starports change. The character of those inhabiting
worlds becomes much more influenced by Zhodani ways and means as the direct lines
of communication are tapered greatly running Trailing to Spinward across the sector
due to the Abyss. Imperial sentiments just don’t translate across this astrographic
barrier readily. It is why the Mnemosyne settled where they did. No one had dared
pushed across the Abyss in those early days. This is why the Hamadur found
themselves alone; they had crossed over to the point on the star-charts marked “Here
There be Dragons”.
Mnemosyne Sub-Sectors within Foreven
The vast majority of Mnemosyne Space in the Foreven sector can be found in the
Lassana and Rull Subsectors.
Lassana (Subsector I)
The effects of the Mnemosyne Civil War are obvious to anyone looking at a current
starchart. The original borders of Mnemosyne Space extended well into Foreven
encompassing the Elista system as well as all three worlds of the Akshan Cluster.
Unsurprisingly, a fair number of the worlds in this subsector have Zhodani names and a
majority of Mnemosynekur of Zhodani heritage call this region home. Fighting in
Lassana was limited during the Mnemosyne civil war. These worlds, especially those
closest to the border with Far Frontiers who have maintained their membership in the
Principality, have remained relatively unscathed. Thinly populated by both sophonts
and stars, it is ignored for better or worse by the more dynamic regions of Foreven. The
subsector was named for Lassana Liirsiig Wolfe, also known as The Mother of the
Scattering, an Hamadur folk hero renowned for challenging Emperor Nicolai to provide
dispensation allowing her people to leave Imperial space in 610Im.
Gikir. Zhiaj Vintszdiev facilitated a large scale colony here of 15,000 scientists and
support staff about ten years ago. The Zhodani company is known for cutting edge
research on theoretical physics and subsequent commercialization of the resulting
technologies. The atmosphere code has recently been changed from very thin to thin,
low when it was discovered the colony had been set up in a deep crevasse in the south
polar region. The starport facilities are made available to all comers situated at the
northern rim of the crevasse but travel into the colony proper is restricted. Zhiaj
Vintszdiev, in addition, paid to equip the Mnemosyne Patrol with a base co-located with
the starport. Patrol personnel are primarily responsible for controlling access to the
colony on the crevasse floor.
Obledliej. A Zhodani friendly colony that has managed to fly under the radar for years.
A large diplomatic mission has been maintained here by the Consulate and for over two
centuries has been busy with the task of funneling Zhodani military veterans,
malcontents and undesirables into “better Lives” in the Mnemosyne Principality. The
flow has decidedly reversed in recent years with anyone with viable claims to Consular
citizenship applying to return and repatriate. There have been large refugee camps on
and off since the end of the civil war and while not a crisis as yet, the government on the
world is taxed.
Sibeanacus. Sibeanacus, along with Akshan and Gashkham (collectively, the Akshan
Cluster) were the holdings of the Reinteil-Iikushin family. Like many Mnemosyne worlds
in Foreven they readily accepted neutrality when it was offered by Hautal Goinsprach.
Neutrality has failed spectacularly here. These worlds, their militaries already severely
depleted to some extent or another by the war, have repeatedly had any attempts to
stabilize their circumstances stymied. Recently political infighting and cut throat
competition has set these worlds against one another and a recent trade dispute was
concluded in 1097Im which left all three worlds essentially bankrupt. Any family control
over the few remaining military assets subsequent to this was lost. Recently a group
hailing from the Far Frontiers arrived and contracted security services to the
beleaguered governments. Calling itself Letkinzh Zhevzia Joesh (LZJ, roughly: New
Way Organization) and possessing a substantial collection of fairly new Zhodani patrol
cruisers (6) and attendant scout craft they managed to settle the worst of the chaos and
re-establish some semblance of order, at least as far as interstellar travel was
concerned. Soon the old Mnemosyne Naval base at Sibeanacus was leased to them in
lieu of payment. At first demands made by this group to the government were
reasonable, but as years wore on, LZJ has grown more and more powerful and their
demands more and more avaricious. They now brazenly board all civilian traffic daring
to enter the Sibeanacus system, imposing “tax levies” and taking a substantial portion of
the cargoes. Recently a system defense boat, on lend-lease from Imperial
intermediaries at Neverwinter was seized due to “lack of export documents”. Official
protests have been lodged but no action has been taken by the Mnemosyne Principality
or the Zhodani Consulate. No word from the Consulate has been given as to where the
equipment LZJ uses was attained. The Reinteil-Iikushin family has canceled the security
contract and declared the group to be nothing more than corsairs… few would disagree.
With Zhodani assets seemingly being relocated to Coreward and Trailing in recent
years and Mnemosyne assets committed elsewhere or simply indifferent, it would seem
LZJ will not be dealt with for the foreseeable future.
Kommenor is a fairly small world with a surface gravity of only .65G. Natives to
the world tend to be ectomorphic in stature as a result. The length of year is just over
226 standard days and the day is just over 26 standard hours in length.
Inlarda, the G7V yellow dwarf main sequence star central to the Kommenor
system is fairly cool and stable but at a mere .7AU orbit, Kommenor itself is a hothouse.
The planet sports a dense atmosphere at 1.3 atm of a standard Oxygen-nitrogen mix
and has a high concentration of greenhouse gasses. The resulting average surface
temperature is almost 40oC making habitation near the equator (where the temperature
can approach 70oC on the hottest days) untenable. The large axial tilt means that the
seasonal change can bring violent weather with torrential rains and hurricane like winds.
Outside of the shallow sea basins hosting the main populated areas, permanent
habitation is difficult at best. As it stands most structures are of sturdy dome shaped
plascrete construction no more than 2-3 stories in height thereby making them robust
enough to stand against this weather.
The population of Kommenor has recently passed the 100 million mark, with
demographics breaking down in a fashion similar to most Mnemosyne worlds, the
majority being of Hamadur origin followed by a large percentage of Zhodani extraction
(roughly 25%). There are also a few Aslan settlements but their numbers are not as
significant here as in more rimward systems of the Principality.
There is at any one time a regiment sized force of huscarl troops attached to one
or more of the nobles currently serving in the Ziefletztrieb. These troops can range
anywhere from TL 10-12 in keeping with the exigencies of their origin world. Policing is
controlled on a regional basis, with a moderately strict enforcement of laws centering on
weapons possession and illicit drugs. Other areas of legal enforcement are quite
The citizens of Kommenor are more progressive and even tempered on the
whole compared to the majority of Mnemosynekur. The planet is somewhat of an
industrial powerhouse in this region of space, yet the front lines were somehow held
back from the system during the civil war. As such Kommenor was spared the worst of
the fighting. Peoples of this world have maintained then their loyalty to Goinsprach’s
Principality for no other reason as it has yet to be really tested. Citizens of this world are
often seen as callous to or clueless about the suffering that is extant on many nearby
worlds by other Mnemosynekur.
The large ex-pat Zhodani community here has meant that psionically talented
individuals are readily accepted in Kommenor society. They do not accede to formal
leadership positions solely because of their talents as they do in the Zhodani Consulate
but more fill the role of local priest or witch. On Kommenor these individuals are known
as the shugilkur (in a fashion similar to most Mnemosyne worlds) and can be discerned
by the elaborate tattoos about their face and necks. The ranks of the shugilkur are
unregulated and con artists are not uncommon amongst them.
First settled by the Inlarda-Kommenor family in 665Im, the world they found was
a hot-house. A recent era of runaway volcanism begun by the impact of a rather large
bolide in the southern hemisphere was just ending, and the atmosphere was laden with
greenhouse gasses. The mean temperature was well over thirty degrees; meaning
outside of the polar regions habitation would be uncomfortably hot. Nevertheless the
world was habitable and the North-western continent that they named Dovelteg, was
chosen. The giant cruiser Gumlandiir, of ancient Vilani-inspired design that the family
arrived in can still be found in orbit today. Over 600 years old and over 500,000 tons in
size, it no longer can function as a starship but instead serves as the up-port. The ship’s
ancient frame merely serves as a gantry to attach all manner of workshops, cargo
lading areas and habitats. It attracts historians and scholars as it stands as one of the
few remaining examples of the large Vilani starship designs that were produced in the
Gushemege sector during the late Sylean period.
By 714Im the colony had grown substantially. Transgenic crops were planted
that were nitrogen and carbon fixing in an effort to terraform the soil and ameliorate the
overabundance of CO2 in the atmosphere. The introduced crops, especially the rice,
had in fact taken nicely and despite losses due to the horrendous weather, the colony
had grown to become self-sufficient. Some agricultural exports were traded with the
newer colonies being established in Far Frontiers, however due to the exigencies of
having to treat citizenry who were injured routinely from earthquakes, hurricane winds
and other natural disasters; Kommenor was becoming a major exporter of medical
technology and expertise. Rapid population growth continued over the following
decades as the land on Dovelteg was tamed and prosperity followed. Throughout this
period however Mnemosyne society as a whole was becoming much more insular.
Contact with the Hamadur worlds to Spinward was becoming less frequent and a
definite cultural split was occurring. Despite being written off as “country bumpkins” by
those in Far Frontiers, Kommenorkun tended to remain stubbornly proud of their
Hamadur roots. A small subset of Kommenor society took the disdain of their Spinward
brethren to heart and ever more strongly urged a more independent course for the
world. Envoys from the Mnemosyne core worlds arrived in 770Im along with their
Zhodani advisors in an effort to smooth over differences and bringing as well the idea of
a formal unification of Mnemosyne worlds within a Principality. The strong influence the
Zodani seemed to be exerting over the Hamadur nobles from Spinward, rankled this
subcultural group. Tensions erupted into open conflict a year later when the
government residences assigned to the Zhodani advisors in Venderil were bombed
killing all inside. The bombing had the unintended effect of galvanizing public opinion
against the saboteurs. They were rooted out and their supporters and sympathisers in
Mnemosyne government were rounded up and ousted by 774Im.
The following century saw a return to prosperity as the Principality found its legs
and commerce between the Mnemosyne worlds grew at a robust pace, no longer being
the sole purview of the Wandering Fleets.
In 914 a major drought hit, temperatures were soaring more than usual and rain
patterns were being adversely affected. It was eventually surmised that some unknown
global feedback mechanism had come to pass and the cooling effect the carbon sinking
transgenic crops had wrought was being undone. Eventually the oceans were seeded
with a phytoplankton that returned the world to a gradual cooling trend which remains
steady as of 1105. Many researchers point to this ‘hiccup’ in the greenhouse
terraforming plan as further evidence of some form of pervasive native life that has
somehow as yet gone undetected.
Further calamity hit as in 920 it was recognized that a small but concerning
number of male infant deliveries on the world were stillborn. Researchers struggled with
the diagnosis but for over 50 years little progress had been made. By 971 a serious
gender imbalance had set in with male to female ratios falling to 5:7. Serious concerns
were raised with respect to the ongoing viability of the colony. Medical research facilities
were opened and afforded advanced equipment and staff supplied by the Zhodani.
Progress was made and by 1030 the illness had been traced to a prion that affected the
male brain in the womb. Dubbed Lassanian Infanticide-Male Prion (LIMP). a hunt could
now be made for the source. Food stocks were checked focusing on the genetically
modified crops but no source could be found. Eventually research led to a retroviral
application that truncated the transmission from mother to child and by 1045 the latest
generation had returned to gender parity. Although the disease had been eradicated,
there is still much conjecture as to the cause. The decades long research into the
disease did affect Kommenor medical science positively in the end, to the extent that it
greatly enhanced the strong medical exports sector that Kommenor enjoys to this day.
Over the course of the past 200 years, Mnemosyne merchants had amassed
great wealth as more and more interstellar trade was being conducted by merchant
princes and Zhodani corporations. The Wandertrieberen were seen rarely now having
been largely supplanted by these groups. By 1050Im increased taxes were needed to
compensate for funds being illicitly moved to Saale coffers in Far Frontiers by this new
merchant class. It was common knowledge then that, more often than not, these
merchants and Zhodani corporations were beholden to the Saale family and their
Zhodani supporters. The events leading to the Civil War had finally come to touch
Kommenor society.
Subsector Data. Foreven/Rull
Rull subsector was the fount of Mnemosyne power in the Foreven Sector. Fully
8 systems maintain class A starport facilities, a number on par with far more populous
regions of Charted Space. 9 current or former Mnemosyne Navy and Mnemosyne
Patrol bases can be found in the subsector. It is little wonder that when the nobles of
this region banded together behind Prince Goinsprach, the Saale were easily defeated.
It is with some irony then that this heartland of Hamadur strength is considered a
cultural backwater by the Principality proper in Far Frontiers.
Rull. Rull is the capital of the Foreven Mnemosyne worlds and lends its name to the
subsector. Staunchly supportive of Prince-regent Goinsprach, it is the centre of power
balancing the secessionist worlds of the Sadanshir Cluster. The world is a desert world
much reminiscent of Mars in the Terran system, or at least what that world may have
been like a Billion years ago. Rull has recently lost its hydrosphere, leaving behind
massive alkali plains laid over reddened oxidized soil. The atmosphere is dense and
warm, being in large part the remnants of what oceans the world used to possess. The
atmosphere is in the process of being depleted and will likely be thin in another billion
years or so as it is slowly ablated by the stellar wind of its primary. For now the air is
breathable, the oxygen being a remnant of whatever life used to exist here, but that too
is being slowly depleted by oxidization. There is a high content of CO2 in the
atmosphere, on the verge of being a taint, and visitors with weak respiratory systems
are advised to take appropriate measures. Land is easily terraformed in the highlands of
the southern hemisphere, and when protected from the worst of the intense radiation on
this world of weak magnetic field, introduced crops did well in greenhouse
environments. Water is not scarce as there is more than enough locked up in aquifers
and the like for the needs of the population when properly husbanded and recycled.
Initial colonization efforts were difficult and by the 670s Im Rull leaders had a
reputation of being tyrannical in their efforts to maintain the discipline required in those
early years. The economy struggled as a result in the years following, but Rullkur are a
stoic yet hearty folk owing to the discipline instilled in their culture and so endured. By
719Im they were enjoying a newfound prosperity as they had learned to exploit the
unique chemical compounds and materials native to Rull, finding markets for them in
the rapidly expanding Hamadur colonies In Far Frontiers. Money was reinvested into
technology research and education and by 720Im Rull had come to be known for its
superior materials technologies with applications in most areas of engineering. The
colony grew rapidly in those years, bolstered by massive Zhodani efforts to settle
emigres there in the mid-700s Im; this in an effort to counteract Imperial colonization
efforts in the sector. The rapid expansion taxed the well balanced closed-cycle
economies of the habitats on the world. A long economic depression set in, and many
Rullkur, especially those of Hamadur descent, left for greener pastures to spinward.
Maintenance faltered, water wells and recycling facilities failed and entire greenhouses
of crops were lost. This in turn led to the abandonment of many habitats by the end of
the ninth century Im. By the mid-900s progress had been made on genetically modified
food stocks (subsequently exported across Mnemosyne space) eliminating the need for
complex greenhouse-habitats. A technological breakthrough occurred when a new GM
crop based on the Lahaant cactus from Sadanshir was made. This could grow on the
surface without protection, was alkali resistant, and possessed deep roots that did well
in the wind-shadows of certain geological features.
Following the end of the Third Frontier War, skullduggery and intrigue were the
rule of the day. In the year following the cessation of that conflict, an Imperial fifth
column was put in place on Rull and within the year had fomented a rebellion of the
Hamadur minority against the Zhodani Majority. The rebellion was put down and as a
result Zhodani ties to the world were cemented. An arms deal was concluded with
Zhdant and the world fields an impressive array of front-line Zhodani equipment to this
Owing to the large ethnically Zhodani population, the main Zhodani diplomatic
mission to the Foreven Mnemosyne worlds has been based here for centuries. The
academic and research facilities here are amongst some of the best in the sector and in
keeping with tradition on this world, continue to push the boundaries of technology in
the Principality to this day.
Kandamaran. If ever there was a world perfectly suited to the Hamadur psyche, this is
that world. Orbiting a white subgiant star, the world is canted at an incredible 80 o axial
tilt. There are no tropics or polar regions per se, just an enormous ever changing band
of seasons that swing wildly from 80 o centigrade summers to -100 o centigrade winters
from one pole to the other over the course of roughly 23 months. In the 6 month fall and
winter periods, the biosphere springs to life as the temperate band slowly sweeps
across the world. Life lives fast and dies hard as it races to grow and procreate before
returning to deep burrows to hibernate or to deposit oviform larvae and die. The
scalding steam laden hurricane winds of summer then scour the surface of any
remaining life. Incredibly most of the life-forms on the world are perfectly edible and
pack inordinate amounts of calories and nutrients. Of course the reverse is true and
roving packs of carnivores on the world have no compunctions about hunting the
colonists. Most cities then are gravitically motile following the temperate band as it
sweeps across the world. The citizens for the most part engage in a mad dash to
collect the various food-stuffs for export; a lucrative and dangerous business. The food
and game harvested tally to the megatons and are exported throughout Mnemosyne
space. These foodstuffs are particularly prized by the Siefert-Kagaashi
Wandertrieberen fleet which can often be found here at harvest times. At the end of the
season, the cities move through the hellish windstorms following the summer band to
get to the new emergent temperate zone on the other side. To make matters worse,
when a temperate band springs to life the rapidly growing flora emit enormous clouds of
fungal-analog spores which find the human lung to be quite fertile ground. This of
course making the temperate zone possessed of a tainted atmosphere.
The Sadanshir system has been at the heart of the Foreven Hamadur culture
and is the oldest Hamadur / Mnemosynekur settled world. It suffered greatly during the
Mnemosyne civil war and is only now recovering. Large naval battles in orbit have left a
large debris ring around the world. Faltering planetary infrastructure coupled with
sporadic violence on the surface has resulted in Sadanshir being cautioned that an
Amber Zone rating is being considered by the Traveller’s Aid Society. The people of
Sandanshir are self-assured though and confident in their ability to recover and prosper.
They have declined to rejoin the Principality for now believing themselves to represent a
new way forward for the Mnemosyne peoples.
Orbit Name UPP Notes
0 Kagiki G7 IV Yellow Sub-Giant, 2 times the size of Sol
0.202 Penea XDF0000-0 Medium GG – Three major moons
0.404 Gieda X246000-0
0.735 Shiirshi X000000-0 Belt, mostly C, S content
1.610 Diinimka C568525-9 Naval training base and weapons range
2.821 Sadanshir A655630-D Former Mnemosyne Principality world.
5.2 Arsua X430103-B Automated Mining, Orbital facility
10.0 Sheankug E889481-B Sub Ice ocean, Ag: major protein supply
19.44 Diiane XEF0000-0 Huge GG – Three major moons
38.632 Kadshua DABA436-C Volatiles and rare earths Mining
72.392 Kizagar C6B0222-B Wandertrieberen Temple-Starport
154.46 Isdiiim D724335-9 Lanthanum mining
245.6 Shugrugush DA8A134-9 Wandertrieberen research enclave
608.85 Anguak X8B3000-0
1290.45 Ingasha X62A000-0
5260.22 Saamshiimsh M2 VI Companion Star – 1 Orbiting World at .2 AU
With no moon to slow it down Sadanshir still rotates quickly and has a short 9.39
hour day. Wake sleep cycles on Sadanshir, take some time to adapt to. There is a work
period of 9 hours, followed by a rest/sleep period of 9 hours. The following day/night
period of 9 hours is divided into 4 hours for work and 5 for attending to family, personal
and household matters. Nightlife figures greatly into Sadanshir social activities. Three
full cycles of every 10 are devoted to rest. It takes the world approximately 1,624 Terran
days to orbit the primary Kagiki meaning the local year is 4148 local days long. With no
seasons however, most on Sadanshir simply make use of the standard Imperial
Calendar bridged to the most appropriate local day by hand computer applications.
Sadanshir has only an 8 degree axial tilt and seasonal change is mild to non-
existent. Correspondingly, weather patterns globally are calm, however more of the
surface around the poles are locked in ice caps as there is little circulation of warm air
from the equator out towards the poles. There is little habitation north or south of the
30th parallels and this combined with the fact that population is confined to essentially
sea level means that population concentrations are at a level seen normally on more
heavily populated worlds. All in all, Sadanshir is a textbook garden world inviting to
human colonization. It is no wonder the Hamadur chose this world to begin the end to
their wanderings.
When Sadanshir was settled there was much debate as to whether colonizing
any system, even one as attractive as this, should ever be undertaken. By this point in
their history the Hamadur had been nomads for so long, any other way of life felt alien.
Still humans have a biological yearning for Earth-like planets and the members of the
Schultheiss alit on the world to settle, amidst no small controversy. The population is
for the most part uniformly Hamadur they making up 81% of the population. The
remainder is made up of a large Aslan Ihatei colony 10%, Zhodani immigrants 8%, and
other races 1%. Population currently sits just over the 8 million mark and is spread fairly
evenly across regions clustered near 10 cities in a belt near the equator.
The Schultheiss family retains overarching and for the most part sole control over
the system, a fact tied directly to their history. Routines on any ship, especially a
generational ship are maintained in a rigid and very much hierarchical manner, and
these routines were not dropped when the colony on Sadanshir was established.
Thankfully many of the checks and balances maintained on the ship were ported to
planetary governance. For example there are mechanisms within the ruling family
members to peacefully remove from power a noble who has lost the ability to govern or
who has abused their subjects. The result has been if not an adoring populace, one
that is respectful of even-handed rulers. Rare has been an example where a regional
Baron was despotic overlong before being dealt with by the remainder of the nobility
falling in line behind the Marquis. Robyn Schultheiss is the Marquesa of Sadanshir and
Princess of the Sadanshir Hegemony, that consisting of the Sadanshir, Kandamaran,
Uchillon and Gimikha systems; these collectively known as the Sadanshir cluster. In
addition the Blianides system and Khallath system in the Harem Subsector are
considered members of the Hegemony. All of these worlds were former members of
the Mnemosyne Principality, remaining seceded at the end of the civil war.
Despite the idyllic nature of the world, terrorist acts and societal disruption
remains common. There was some fighting, especially in orbit during the civil war, and
there are large sectors of the population without access to reliable energy supplies and
where only basic government services and infrastructure remain. Despite this the
population remain loyal to the ruling Schultheiss families realizing that the acts of
aggression causing this devastation originated from the Goinsprach worlds of the
Mnemosyne Principality in Far Frontiers. How long this patience will remain is anyone’s
guess. There have been rumblings of a move to empower the populace, if not with
direct enfranchisement, then with some form of formal input to the strict monarchical
system. There is a correspondingly large number of police and paramilitary law
enforcement troops scatter throughout settlements on Sadanshir. Hegemony Navy
forces will include at any one time a Pocket Carrier, a Dromedary as well as 3-4 frigates
of 2000 dTons or more. These tend to stay out at the installation on Diinimka, but laws
exist allowing Hegemony ships priority access to the shipyards at Sadanshir which abut
a large naval installation there. The main-world itself maintains 15 System defence
boats all reporting to the Huscarls of house Schultheiss. It has been noted that some
conflict has arisen of late over jurisdiction in the system between the Huscarl force and
the Hegemony navy, despite the fact that they ultimately report to the same head of
state. Clearly this is a reflection of the byzantine rules of checks and balances within
the ruling family.
Sadanshir retains a complex and robust but primitive biome. Sadanshir is quite
young as far as life-bearing systems go, and as yet there have been no mass
extinctions in the bio-history of the world. So while biomass is robust, morphologically
speaking and as far as complexity at the DNA level is concerned there is not the level of
variety seen in older bio-systems.
# C Num Type Sz Length Loco Spd Str End Weapon React Sym Structure Kg AV E Taste
1 H D*D Interm 5 1.5 Walk 2 20 3 Thag F7 A5 B HS-TB-LN-LN-N 84 7 Tast
2 O 3 Hunter 3 0.2 Walk 5 9 1 Body A10 F7 T N-TBS-LL-LN-N 853g 7 M Ord
3 C D*D Killer 6 7.5 Amf 2 84 6 Sting A11 F8 T HBS-T-LL-LN-N 10k 7 Unu
4 S 1D+2 4 0.75 Walk 3 24 6 Peds A8 F5 T HBS-T-LL-LN-N 24 6 Disg
5 P 3 4 0.75 Walk 3 32 2 Spike No No R HBS-T-LN-LN-T 25 7 Unu
6 Event: Radiation, dead animals.
# C Num Type Sz Length Loco Spd Str End Weapon React Sym Structure Kg AV E Taste
1 H D*D Interm 4 0.75 Walk 6 4 4 Peds F5 A10 B HS-TB-LL-MM-N 17 8 Bad
2 O 2D Hunter 2 75mm Walk 4 10 4 Peds A13 F8 B HS-TB-LL-LN-N 66g 7 Y Tast
3 C 3 Pouncer 3 0.2 Walk 1 15 4 Claws AS AS+ T HS-TB-LL-MM-N 568g 9 Disg
4 S 1D+2 Intimid 3 0.2 Amf 5 24 6 Peds A7 F8 B HS-TB-LL-WL-T 643g 8 Y Off
5 P 3 Collect 2 75mm Fly 7 8 4 Thag No No B HBS-T-LN-WL-T 42g 6 Y Bad
6 Event: Bug swarm, 10000 of animal no. 5
Sadanshir is still recovering from the war and suffers from a slight trade deficit.
Part of the problem is the shallow manufacturing base on the world (with the notable
exception of starship construction). The largest export by far is agriproducts, grown on
land reclaimed from the local biome (the local fauna and flora is for the most part
incompatible with human physiology). This sector takes advantage of Sadanshir’s
almost continuous growing season to maximise output and accounts for a full two thirds
of exports. In addition, the people of Sadanshir have long been hewers of wood and
drawers of water and the second largest export sector has been in ores and
radioactives, as the planet is rich in these resources. Other notable exports are starship
and engine parts.
The capital city, Jaaladna sports a large starport with extensive manufacturing
and drydock facilities. The population in Jaaladna is generally supportive of the
Hegemony’s move to remain independent from the Mnemosyne Principality. The island
continent making up the Jaaladna region has for the most part recovered from the war
and is going about the business of slowly improving and investing in the other settled
regions of the world. There has been an uptick in violence lately in all regions with
bombings or kidnappings of government officials and the like occurring once or twice a
standard year. Unrest is usually centered on Zhodani advisory visits, port calls from the
Consular Navy or envoys from the remnant Mnemosyne Principality worlds to Spinward.
Geintz holds what there are of Zhodani Colonists in the system. Recovery here
has kept pace with the Torrenz region but unemployment remains stubbornly high, even
for this world.
The Ihatei Colonies are as they have always been; neutral territory. They did not
take sides during the civil war and were left to themselves throughout the conflict. They
have as yet to engage with the Hegemony, but it is rumored the mysterious Henrik
walks among them from time to time, and because of this their intentions going forward
have come under scrutiny.
Across many worlds of the system there exists a large mining community, mostly
bankrolled, since the end of the civil war, by the Imperial megacorporation Ling
Standard Products. Elsewhere, there can always be found one of the giant
Wandertrieberen ships in the system and the Wandering Fleets maintain a starport-
temple on Kizagar. The Kizagar temple is amongst the most well-known, especially in
Foreven, and many Mnemosynekur families from across this region of space send their
best and brightest youths to this temple. They hold out hopes of them being accepted
into the Wandering Fleets, thus bringing great honor to their families.
Psionics are not as common on this world as others in Mnemosyne Space but
shugilkur shops can still be found and are readily accepted in society. Many young
people aspire to the life of a local shugilkur but are often dissuaded by their parents or
the exigencies of life. As is common on Mnemosyne worlds shugilkur present elaborate
tattooing, and those on Sadanshir differentiate themselves further by never cutting their
Nobility and others of high standing on the world maintain the ancient Vilani art of
Shugili food preparation that has not changed in practice here since the Hamadur left
the Gushemege sector so long ago. So pure is their art that envoys from Vland have
been known to visit this world to witness parts of the rite that haven’t been practiced in
Vilani space for centuries.
Sadanshir was first colonized in 620Im by the families, retainers and crew of the
Schultheiss vessel Vauslaunderkun. Much debate surrounded the family’s decision to
abandon the Wandering and much acrimony was generated between them and the
Hamadur continuing to spinward. Nevertheless, the system was used as a staging area
and rest and replenishment station for the Hamadur vessels arriving from Imperial
space. Much trade and commerce was done in this regard over the following two
decades, and by 650Im, Sadanshir had established itself as primary world in Hamadur
space in the Foreven Sector, a distinction it retains today.
The Schultheiss fleet was well known for being specialists in education and
research. By 833Im research had led to the development of the native Lahaant cactus;
one of the few native plants adaptable to the needs of human physiology. Within 20
years Lahaant flour had become a staple food in the local diet and was being
extensively exported. Similar processes shaped the cultivability of several other plants;
Sadanshir was becoming a major food exporter.
Research was not always a boon to the people of Sadanshir though. In an effort
to increase manufacturing output in the starship and other sectors, lax environmental
polices resulted in a considerable amount of persistent toxins building up in the
biosphere of the world by the mid-840s. This would have gone un-noticed but for the
newly introduced native crops. Before the extent of the damage could be traced the
toxins had devastated crop yields. The situation grew steadily worse over time and by
863 widespread famine was common. The tie to the industrial pollutants was finally
made (or disclosed) that year, and slow steady recovery of agricultural output occurred.
Boosting the recovery was the discovery, in the ocean depths of the world, of
native fish stocks (the Luugfish) that were also digestible by humans. These species
were plentiful and shared many traits with species living in the sub ice oceans of
Sheankug farther out-system. Suddenly the Sadanshir system could add proteins as a
substantial addition to their agricultural exports.
By 875Im, the first stirrings of discontent with Saale rule of the Principality could
be found on Sadanshir. The Gruneweld family, a vassal clan to the Schultheiss with
many holdings in the Torrenz region, actively opposed the official support of the Saale.
Tensions grew and an odd state of cold war developed between the Schultheiss and the
Gruneweld and their associated regions. Ostensibly they were loyal subjects of the
Mnemosyne Principality, but opposed to each other with respect to these internal
politics of the state. The extent of the conflict was generally hidden from the populace,
being considered a matter for the nobility to attend to. The cold war very nearly turned
hot in 890Im with the Sadanshir wet-navy almost split down the middle in support of one
family or the other and fire being exchanged off the south coast of the Geintz region in
890Im. Cooler heads prevailed and the conflict simmered for almost 200 years until the
two sides reconciled, united in opposition to the Saale when that family fusion bombed
Odonmeer in 1085Im. There remain cultural divides between the two regions to this day
stemming from the conflict.
Throughout the period of the cold war the luminosity of Kagiki had steadily
increased. This had the benefit of expanding the regions which could be devoted to
agriculture, but had affected ocean currents to such an extent that large portions of the
areas devoted to fishing were suffering from increasing periods of anoxia. By 895Im
output from Kagiki seems to have stabilized but the change in climate was by this point
unavoidable and was evidenced by, a four foot rise in sea level and ever-increasing
storm activity especially in the inhabited equatorial region. An immense superstorm
encircling almost the entire globe along the equator occurred in 1006Im which was
devastating to infrastructure erected in a climate where previously severe storms were
unheard of. Climatologists are at work to explain the storm, although the combination of
a thin atmosphere and a massive input of heat to the system go part way to an
explanation. Currently there has been no recurrence of storm activity on a scale
anywhere near this severe and it would appear that the climate has reached a new state
of equilibrium and returned to its former placidness. In the meantime fish stocks have
not substantially recovered and most protein exports from the system originate from
With the end of the Mnemosyne Civil War the Schultheiss family, leaders of the
rebellion against the Saale in Foreven, enthusiastically accepted Hautal Goinsprach’s
offer of independence. The system has remained independent despite Goinsprach’s
offer to rejoin the reconstituted Principality, sometimes over the objections of the
peoples of the outlying regions on Sadanshir.
Possibility for rocky worlds to form in the habitable zones of systems with hot Jupiters: