Academic Performance Rating Scale PDF
Academic Performance Rating Scale PDF
Academic Performance Rating Scale PDF
The academic performance and ad- disorders and concurrent academic per-
justment of school-aged children has come formance dficulties are at higher risk for
under scrutiny over the past decade due poor long-term outcome (e.g., Weiss &
to concerns about increasing rates of Hechtman, 1986).
failure and poor standardized test scores These fmdings have direct implica-
(Children’s Defense Fund, 1988; National tions for the assessment of the classroom
Commission on Excellence in Education, functioning of students with behavior
1983). Reports indicate that relatively disorders. Specifically, it has become
large percentages of children (i.e., 20-30%) increasingly important to screen for
experience academic difficulties during possible academic skills deficits in this
their elementary school years (Glidewell population and monitor changes in aca-
& Swallow, 1969; Rubin & Balow, 1978), demic performance associated with thera-
and these rates are even higher among peutic interventions. Frequently, tradi-
students with disruptive behavior dis- tional measures of academic achievement
orders (Cantwell & Satterfield, 1978; (e.g., standardized psychoeducational
Kazdin, 1986). Further, the results of batteries) are used as integral parts of the
available longitudinal studies suggest that diagnostic process and for long-term
youngsters with disruptive behavior assessment of academic success. Several
This project was supported in part by BRSG Grant SO7 RR05712 awarded to the first author by the Biomedical
Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health. A portion
of these results was presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists,
April, 1990, in San Francisco, CA
The authors extend their appreciation to Craig Edelbrock and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful
comments on an earlier draft of this article and to Russ Barkley, Terri Shelton, Kenneth Fletcher, Gary
Stoner, and the teachers and principals of the Worcester MA Public Schools for their invaluable contributions
to this study.
Address all correspondence to George J. DuPaul, Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts
Medical Center, 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01655.
Academic Performance Rating Scale 285
factors limit the usefulness of norm- possess several advantages for both
referenced achievement tests for these screening and identification purposes.
purposes, such as (a) a failure to sample Teachers are able to observe student
the curriculum in use adequately, (b) the performance on a more comprehensive
use of a limited number of items to sample sample of academic content than could
various skills, (c) the use of response be included on a standardized achieve-
formats that do not require the student ment test. Thus their judgments provide
to perform the behavior (e.g., writing) of a more representative sample of the
interest, (d) an insensitivity to small domain of interest in academic assess-
changes in student performance, and (e) ment (Gresham et al., 1987). Such judg-
limited contribution to decisions about ments also provide unique data regarding
programmatic interventions (Marston, the “teachability” (e.g., ability to succeed
1989; Shapiro, 1989). in a regular education classroom) of
Given the limitations of traditional students (Gerber & Semmel, 1984). Fi-
achievement tests, more direct measure- nally, obtaining teacher input about a
ment methods have been utilized to screen student’s academic performance can
for academic skills deficits and monitor provide social validity data in support of
intervention effects (Shapiro, 1989; Sha- classification and treatment-monitoring
piro & Kratochwill, 1988.) Several meth- decisions. At the present time, however,
ods are available to achieve these pur- teachers typically are not asked for this
poses, including curriculum-based information in a systematic fashion, and
measurement (Shinn, 1989), direct obser- when available, such input is considered
vations of classroom behavior (Shapiro & to be highly suspect data (Gresham et al.,
Kratochwill, 1988), and calculation of 1987).
product completion and accuracy rates Teacher rating scales are important
(Rapport, DuPaul, Stoner, & Jones, 1986). components of a multimodal assessment
These behavioral assessment techniques battery used in the evaluation of the
involve direct sampling of academic diagnostic status and effects of treatment
behavior and have demonstrated sensitiv- on children with disruptive behavior
ity to the presence of skills deficits and disorders (Barkley, 1988; Rapport, 1987).
to treatment-induced change in such Given that functioning in a variety of
performance (Shapiro, 1989). behavioral domains (e.g., following rules,
In addition to these direct assessment academic achievement) across divergent
methods, teacher judgments of students’ settings is often affected in children with
achievement have been found to be quite such disorders, it is important to include
accurate in identifying children in need information from multiple sources across
of academic support services (Gresham, home and school environments. Unfortu-
Reschly, & Carey, 1987; Hoge, 1983). For nately, most of the available teacher rating
example, Gresham and colleagues (1987) scales specifically target the frequency of
collected brief ratings from teachers problem behaviors, with few, if any, items
regarding the academic status of a large related directly to academic performance.
sample of schoolchildren. These ratings Thus, the dearth of items targeting teacher
were highly accurate in classifying stu- judgments of academic performance is a
dents as learning disabled or non-handi- major disadvantage of these measures
capped and were significantly correlated when screening for skills deficits or mon-
with student performance on two norm- itoring of academic progress is a focus of
referenced aptitude and achievement the assessment.
tests. In fact, teacher judgments were as To address the exclusivity of the focus
accurate in discriminating between these on problem behaviors by most teacher
two groups as the combination of the questionnaires, a small number of rating
standardized tests. scales have been developed in recent years
Although teacher judgments may be that include items related to academic
subject to inherent biases (e.g., confirming acquisition and classroom performance
previous classification decisions), they variables. Among these are the Children’s
286 School Psychology Review, 7997, Vol. 20, No. 2
Behavior Rating &ale (Neeper & Lahey, the APRS and reports on its basic psy-
1986), Classroom Adjustment Ratings chometric properties with respect to
Scale (Lorion, Cowen, & Caldwell, 1975), factor structure, internal consistency,
Health Resources Inventory (Gesten, test-retest reliability, and criterion-related
1976), the Social Skills Rating System validity. In addition, normative data by
(Gresham & Elliott, 1990), the Teacher- gender across elementary school grade
mild Rating Scale (Hightower et al., levels were collected.
1986), and the WaZlCimneZZ Scale of
social Chphnceand SchoolAdjustment
(Walker & McConnell, 1988). These scales METHOD
have been developed primarily as screen- Subjects
ing and problem identification instru-
ments and all have demonstrated relia- Subjects were children enrolled in the
bility and validity for these purposes. first through sixth grades from 45 public
Although all of these questionnaires are schools in Worcester, Massachusetts. This
psychometrically sound, each scale pos- system is an urban, lower middle-class
sesses one or more of the following school district with a 28.5% minority
characteristics that limit its utility for both (African-American, Asian-American, and
screening and progress monitoring of Hispanic) population. Complete teacher
academic skills deficits. These factors ratings were obtained for 493 children
include (a) items worded at too general (251 boys and 242 girls), which were
a level (e.g., “Produces work of acceptable included in factor analytic and normative
quality given her/his skills level”) to allow data analyses. Children ranged in age from
targeting of academic completion and 6 to 12 years of age (M = 8.9; SD = 1.8).
accuracy rates across subject areas, (b) A two-factor index of socioeconomic
a failure to establish validity with respect status (Hollingshead, 1975) was obtained
to criterion-based measures of academic with the relative percentages of subjects
success, and (c) requirements for comple- in each class as follows: I (upper), 12.3%;
tion (e.g., large number of items) that II (upper middle), 7.1%; III (middle),
detract from their appeal as instruments 45.5%; IV (lower middle), 26.3% and V
that may be used repeatedly or on a weekly (lower), 8.8%.
basis for brief periods. A subsample of 50 children, 22 girls
The need for a brief rating scale that and 28 boys, was randomly selected from
could be used to identify the presence of the above sample to participate in a study
academic skills deficits in students with of the validity of the APRS. Children at
disruptive behavior disorders and to all grade levels participated, with the
monitor continuously changes in those relative distribution of subjects across
skills associated with treatment was grades as follows: first, 19%; second, 16%;
instrumental in the development of the third, 17%; fourth, 17%; fifth, 13.5%; and
Academic Performance Rating Scale sixth, 17.5%. The relative distribution of
(APRS). The APRS was designed to obtain subjects across socioeconomic strata was
teacher perceptions of specific aspects equivalent to that obtained in the original
(e.g., completion and accuracy of work in sample.
various subject areas) of a student’s
academic achievement in the context of Measures
a multimodal evaluation paradigm which
would include more direct assessment The primary classroom teacher of
techniques (e.g., curriculum-based mea- each participant completed two brief
surement, behavioral observations). Be- measures: the APRS and Attention/‘h$i-
fore investigating the usefulness of this tit-Hperact+vity Disorder {ADHD] Rat-
measure for the above purposes, its ing Scale (DuPaul, in press). In addition,
psychometric properties and technical teachers of the children participating in
adequacy must be established. Thus, this the validity study completed the Abbre-
study describes the initial development of viated Canners Teacher Rating Scale
Academic Performance Rating Scale 287
(ACTRS); (Goyette, Conners, & Ulrich, at all) to 4 (very much) Likert scale with
1978). higher scores indicative of greater ADHD-
related behavior. This scale has been
APRS. The APRS is a 19-item scale that
found to have adequate internal consis-
was developed to reflect teachers’ percep- tency and test-retest reliability, and to
tions of children’s academic performance
correlate with criterion measures of
and abilities in classroom settings (see
Appendix A). Thirty items were initially classroom performance (DuPaul, in
generated based on suggestions provided press).
by several classroom teachers, school ACTRS. The ACTRS (or Hyperactivity
psychologists, and clinical child psychol- Index) is a lo-item rating scale designed
ogists. Of the original 30 items, 19 were to assess teacher perceptions of psycho-
retained based on feedback from a sep- pathology (e.g., hyperactivity, poor con-
arate group of classroom teachers, prin- duct, inattention) and is a widely used
cipals, and school and child psychologists, index for identifying children at-risk for
regarding item content validity, clarity, ADHD and other disruptive behavior
and importance. The final version in- disorders. It has adequate psychometric
cluded items directed towards work properties and is highly sensitive to the
performance in various subject areas (e.g., effects of psychopharmacological inter-
“Estimate the percentage of written math ventions (Barkley, 1988; Rapport, in
work completed relative to classmates”), press).
academic success (e.g., “What is the quality
of this child’s reading skills?“), behavioral Observational measures. Children
control in academic situations (e.g., “How participating in the validity study were
often does the child begin written work observed unobtrusively in their regular
prior to understanding the directions?“), classrooms by a research assistant who
and attention to assignments (e.g., “How was blind to obtained teacher rating scale
often is the child able to pay attention scores. Observations were conducted
without you prompting him/her?“). Two during a time when each child was
additional items were included to assess completing independent seatwork (e.g.,
the frequency of staring episodes and math worksheet, phonics workbook).
social withdrawal. Although the latter are Observations were conducted for 20 min
only tangentially related to the afore- with on-task behavior recorded for 60
mentioned constructs, they were included consecutive intervals. Each interval was
because “overfocused” attention (Kins- divided into 15 s of observation followed
bourne & Swanson, 1979) and reduced by 5 s for recording. A child’s behavior was
social responding (Whalen, Henker, & recorded as on or off-task in the same
Granger, 1989) are emergent symptoms manner as employed by Rapport and
associated with psychostimulant treat- colleagues (1982). A child was considered
ment. Teachers answered each item using off-task if (s)he exhibited visual nonatten-
a 1 (never or poor) to 5 (very often or tion to written work or the teacher for
excellent) Likert scale format. SevenAPRS more than 2 consecutive seconds within
items (i.e., nos. 12,13,15- 19) were reverse- each 15 s observation interval, unless the
keyed in scoring so that a higher total child was engaged in another task-
score corresponded with a positive aca- appropriate behavior (e.g., sharpening a
demic status. pencil). The observer was situated in a
ADHD Rating Scale. The ADHD Rat- part of the classroom that avoided direct
ing Scale consists of 14 items directly eye contact with the target child, but at
adapted from the ADHD symptom list in a distance that allowed easy determina-
the most recent edition of the Diagnostic tion of on-task behavior. This measure was
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders included as a partial index of academic
(DSM-III-R; American Psychiatric Associ- engaged time which has been shown to
ation, 1987). Teachers indicated the be significantly related to academic
frequency of each symptom on a 1 (not achievement (Rosenshine, 1981).
288 School Psychology Review, 7997, Vol. 20, No. 2
each observation period, the teacher and subscale (e.g., items 3-6 included on both
assistant independently calculated the the Academic Success and Academic
amount of work completed by the student Productivity subscales).
relative to classmates and the percentage Given that the APRS was designed to
of items completed correctly. Interrater evaluate the unitary construct of aca-
reliability for these measures was consis- demic performance, it was expected that
tently above 96% with a mean reliability the derived factors would be highly
of 99%. correlated. This hypothesis was confirmed
as the intercorrelations among Academic
Success and Impulse Control, Academic
Success and Academic Productivity, and
Several analyses will be presented to Impulse Control and Academic Produc-
explicate the psychometric properties of tivity were .69, .88, and .63, respectively.
the APRS. First, the factor structure of this Despite the high degree of overlap between
instrument was determined to aid in the the Academic Success and Productivity
construction of subscales. Second, the components (Le., items reflecting accu-
internal consistency and stability of APRS racy and consistency of work correlated
scores were examined. Next, gender and with both), examination of the factor
grade comparisons were conducted to loadings revealed some important differ-
identify the effects these variables may ences (see Table 1). Specifically, the
have on APRS ratings as well as to provide Academic Success factor appears related
normative data. Finally, the concurrent to classroom performance outcomes, such
validity of the APRS was evaluated by as the quality of a child’s academic
calculating correlation coefficients be- achievement, ability to learn material
tween rating scale scores and the criterion quickly, and recall skills. Alternatively, the
measures. Academic Productivity factor is asso-
ciated with behaviors that are important
Factor Structure of the APRS
in the pocess of achieving classroom
success, including completion of work,
The APRS was factor analyzed using following instructions accurately, and
a principal components analysis followed ability to work independently in a timely
by a normalized varimax rotation with fashion.
iterations (Bernstein, 1988). As shown in
Table 1, three components with eigen- Internal Consistency and
values greater than unity were extracted,
accounting for approximately 68% of the Reliability of the AIRS
variance: Academic Success (7 items), Coefficient alphas were calculated to
Impulse Control (3 items), and Academic determine the internal consistency of the
Productivity (12 items). The factor struc- APRS and its subscales. The results of
ture replicated across halved random these analyses demonstrated adequate
subsamples (i.e., n = 242 and 246, respec- internal consistencies for the Total APRS
tively). Congruence coefficients (Harman, (.96), as well as for the Academic Success
1976) between similar components (.94) and Academic Productivity (.94)
ranged from 84 to .98 with a mean of .92, subscales. The internal consistency of the
indicating a high degree of similarity in Impulse Control subscale was weaker
factor structure across subsamples. Items (.72). Subsequently, the total sample was
with loadings of 60 or greater on a specific randomly subdivided (i.e., n = 242 and 246,
component were retained to keep the respectively) into two independent sub-
number of complex items (i.e., those with samples. Coefficient alphas were calcu-
significant loadings on more than one lated for all APRS scores within each
factor) to a minimum. In subsequent subsample with results nearly identical to
analyses, factor (subscale) scores were the above obtained.
calculated in an unweighted fashion with Test-retest reliability data were ob-
complex items included on more than one tained for a subsample of 26 children
290 School Psychology Review, 7997, Vol. 20, No. 2
Factor Structure of the Academic Performance Rating Scale
Note: Underlined values indicate items included in the factor named in the column head.
(with both genders and all grades repre- Gender and Grade Comparisons
sented) across a 2-week interval as Teacher ratings on the APRS were
described previously. The reliability coef- broken down by gender and grade level
ficients were uniformly high for the Total to (a) assess the effects of these variables
APRS Score (.95), and Academic Success on APRS ratings and (b) provide norma-
(.91), Impulse Control (.88), and Aca- tive comparison data. The means and
demic Productivity (.93) subscales. Since standard deviations across grade levels for
rating scale scores can sometimes %n- APRS total and subscale scores are
prove” simply as a function of repeated presented for girls and boys in Table 2.
administrations (Barkley, 1988), the two A 2 (Gender) x 6 (Grade) multivariate
mean scores for each scale were compared analysis of variance (MANOVA) was
using separate t-tests for correlated conducted employing APRS scores as the
measures. Scores for each APRS scale were dependent variables. Significant multivar-
found to be equivalent across administra- iate effects were obtained for the main
tions with t-test results, as follows: Total effect of Gender (Wilk’s Lambda = .95; fl4,
APRS Score (t( 24) = 1.24, N.S.), Academic 472) = 6.20, p < .OOl) and the interaction
Success (t( 24) = 1.31, N.S.), Academic between Gender and Grade (Wilk’s
Productivity (t(24) = 1.32, N.S.), and Lambda = .93; F(20,1566) = 1.61,~ < .95).
Impulse Control (t(24) = .15, N.S.). Separate 2 x 6 univariate analyses of
Academic Performance Rating Scale 291
Means and Standard Deviations for the APRS by Grade and Gender
Grade1 (n =82)
Girls (n = 40) 67.02 (16.27) 23.92 (7.37) 9.76 (2.49) 44.68 (10.91)
Boys(n=42) 71.95 (16.09) 26.86 (6.18) 10.67 (2.82) 46.48 (11.24)
Girls (n = 46) 72.56 12.33) 26.61 (5.55) 10.15 (2.70) 47.85 7.82)
Boys(n =45) 67.84 14.86) 25.24 (6.15) 9.56 (2.72) 44.30 10.76)
Grade 3 (n = 92)
Girls (n = 43) 72.10 14.43) 25.07 (6.07 10.86 (2.65) 47.88 9.35)
Boys (n =49) 68.49 16.96) 25.26 (6.53) 9.27 (2.67) 45.61 11.89)
Grade4(n =79)
Girls (n = 38) 67.79 (18.69) 24.08 (7.56) 10.36 (2.91) 44.26
Boys (n=41) 69.77 (15.83) 25.35 (6.50) 9.83 (2.77) 45.71
Girls (n = 44) 73.02 (14.10) 26.11 (6.01) 10.76 (2.34) 48.36
Boys(n =35) 63.68 (18.04) 23.14 (7.31) 8.69 (2.82) 42.40 (12.47)
Grade6(n =70)
Girls (n = 31) 74.10 (14.45) 26.59 (6.26) 10.79 (2.25) 48.77 ( 9.13)
Boys (n =39) 65.24 (12.39) 23.75 (5.90) 9.05 (2.35) 43.59 ( 8.19)
variance (ANOVAs) were conducted sub- to elucidate Gender effects within each
sequently for each of the APRS scores to Grade level for those variables where a
determine the source of obtained multiv- significant interaction was obtained.
ariate effects. A main effect for Gender Relatively similar results were obtained
was obtained for the APRS Total score across APRS scores. Gender effects were
(fll, 476) = 6.37, p < .05), Impulse Control found only within grades 6 (fll, 475) =
(F(1, 475) = 16.79, p < .OOl), and Aca- 7.02, p < .Ol) and 6 (fly, 475) = 6.61, p
demic Productivity (fll, 475) = 6.95, p < < .05) for the APRS total score. Alterna-
.05) subscale scores. For each of these tively, gender differences on the Academic
scores, girls obtained higher ratings than Success subscale were obtained solely
boys, indicating greater teacher-rated within grades 1 (F(1,475) = 4.24, p < .05)
academic productivity and behavioral and 5 (F(1, 475) = 4.14, p < .05). These
functioning among girls. No main effect results indicate that girls in the first and
for Gender was obtained on Academic f&h grades were rated as more academ-
Success subscale scores. Finally, a signif- ically competent than boys. Significant
icant interaction between Gender and differences between boys and girls in
Grade was obtained for the APRS Total Impulse Control scores were also found
score (F(5,476) = 2.68, p < .05), Academic within grades 3 (fll, 475) = 8.73, p < .Ol),
Success (F(5, 475) = 2.63, p < .05), and 5 (F(1,475) = 12.24,~ < .OOl), and 6 (F(I,
Impulse Control (e&475) = 3.59, p < .Ol) 475) = 8.06, p < .Ol) with girls judged to
subscale scores. All other main and exhibit greater behavioral control in these
interaction effects were nonsignificant. three grades. All other simple effects tests
Simple effects tests were conducted were nonsignificant.
School Psychology Review, 7997, Vol. 20, No. 2
Correlations Between APRS Scores and Criterion Measures
Correlations Between APRS Scores and Criterion Measures
with ACTRSa Scores Partialled Out
The divergent validities of the APRS p < .Ol) ratings. Finally, the relationship
subscales were examined to assess the between Academic Success ratings and
possible unique associations between CTEB Language scores was significantly
subscale scores and criterion measures. greater than that obtained between the
This was evaluated using separate t-tests latter and Academic Productivity ratings
for differences between correlation coef- (t(47) = 2.12, p < .OS).
ficients that are from the same sample The Academic Productivity subscale
(Guilford & Fruchter, 1973, p. 167). The was found to have the strongest relation-
Academic Success subscale was more ships with teacher ratings of problem
strongly associated with CTBS percentile behavior and accurate completion of
rankings than the other subscales or academic assignments. The correlation
ACTRS ratings. This finding was expected between Academic Productivity and
given that the Academic Success subscale ACTRS ratings was significantly greater
is comprised of items related to the than that obtained between ACTRS and
outcome of academic performance. Spe- Academic Success ratings (t(47) = 2.84,
cifically, the relationship between CTBS p < .Ol). In a similar fashion, Academic
Math scores and Academic Success rat- Productivity ratings were associated to a
ings was significantly greater than that greater degree with AES scores than were
obtained between CTBS Math scores and Academic Success ratings (t(47) = 4.29,
Impulse Control (t(47) = 3.03, p < .Ol), p < .Ol). Thus, the Academic Productivity
Academic Productivity (t(47) = 3.11, p < subscale was significantly related to
.Ol, and ACTRS (t(47) = 2.35, p < .05) criterion variables that represent factors
ratings. Similar results were obtained for associated with achieving classroom
CTBS Reading scores. The correlation of success (i.e., absence of problem behaviors
the latter with Academic Success ratings and accurate work completion). It should
was significantly greater than its relation- be noted that validity coefficients asso-
ship with Impulse Control (t(47) = 2.50, ciated with the Impulse Control subscales
p < .05, Academic Productivity (t(47) = were not found to be significantly greater
2.38, p < .05, and ACTRS (t(47) = 2.76, than either of the other subscales.
294 School fsvcholonv Review, 7997, Vol. 20, A/o. 2
, “/
accounted for. This latter finding may more specific index such as on-task
appear counterintuitive (i.e., that Aca- frequency.
demic Success did not have the strongest Teacher ratings on the APRS differ-
relationship with AES), but is most likely entiated a group of children displaying
due to the fact that AES represents a behavior and attention problems from
combination of the child’s academic their normal classmates. Youngsters who
ability, attention to task, behavioral had received scores 2 or more standard
control, and motivation to perform. Given deviations above the mean on a teacher
the varied item content of the Academic rating of ADHD symptomatology received
Productivity subscale, it is not surprising significantly lower scores on all APRS
that it shares more variance with a scales relative to a group of classmates
complex variable like AES. This pattern who were within 1 standard deviation of
of results indicates that the Academic the mean on ADHD ratings. This result
Success subscale is most representative of provides preliminary evidence of the
the teacher’s judgment of a student’s APRS’s discriminant validity and value for
global achievement status, whereas the screening/problem identification pur-
Academic Productivity subscale has a poses. Further studies are necessary to
greater relationship with factors asso- establish its utility in differentiating
ciated with the process of day-to-day youngsters with disruptive behavior
academic performance. Finally, although disorders who are exhibiting concomitant
the Impulse Control subscale was signif- academic problems versus those who are
icantly associated with most of the not.
criterion measures, it was not found to
demonstrate divergent validity. This APRS: Grade and Gender Differences
result, combined with its brevity, lower
internal consistency, and redundancy Girls were rated to be more compe-
with teacher ratings of problem behavior, tent than boys on the Academic Produc-
limits its practical utility as a separate tivity subscale, regardless of grade level.
This result was expected as gender
subscale. differences favoring girls have been found
Although statistically significant for most similar teacher questionnaires
positive correlations with on-task percent- (e.g., Weissberg et al., 1987). Alternatively,
age were obtained for the APRS Total and for the total and remaining subscale
Academic Productivity scores, the Aca- scores, girls were rated as outperforming
demic Success and Impulse Control boys only within specific grade levels. In
subscales were not related to this obser- general, these were obtained at the fifth
vational measure. One explanation for this and sixth grade levels, wherein gender
result is that the Academic Productivity differences with respect to achievement
subscale is more closely related to factors status and behavioral control are most
associated with independent work pro- evident at the upper grades. The latter
ductivity (e.g., attention to task) than are result could indicate that gender differ-
the other subscales. A second possible ences in daily academic performance do
explanation for the weaker correlations not impact on teachers’ overall assess-
between this criterion variable and all ment of educational status until the later
APRS scores is that children’s classroom grades when demands for independent
performance is a function of multiple work greatly increase. Interestingly, no
variables and is unlikely to be represented significant grade differences were ob-
by a single, specific construct. As such, tained for any of the APRS scores. As
teacher ratings of academic functioning Hightower and colleagues (1986) have
should be more strongly related to global suggested, a lack of differences across
measures, such as AES or standardized grade levels implies that teachers com-
achievement test scores, that represent a plete ratings of academic performance in
composite of ability, attention to task, task relative (i.e., in comparison with similar-
completion and accuracy, than with a aged peers) rather than absolute terms.
296 School Psychology Review, 7997, Vol. 20, No. 2
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Student Date
Grade Teacher
For each of the below items, please estimate the above student’s performance over the PAST
WEEK. For each item, please circle one choice only.
5. How consistent has the qual- Consistently More Poor Variable More Consistently
ity of this child’s academic Poor than Successful successful
work been over the past Successful than Poor
1 2 3 4 5
8. How quickly does this child Very Slow Slow Average Quickly very
learn new material (i.e., pick Quickly
up novel concepts)?
1 2 3 4 5
10. What is the quality of this Poor Fair Average Above Excellent
child’s reading skills? Average
1 2 3 4 5
11. What is the quality of this Poor Fair Average Above Excellent
child’s speaking skills? Average
1 2 3 4 5
12. How often does the child Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
complete written work in a
careless, hasty fashion? 1 2 3 4 5
13. How frequently does the Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
child take more time to com-
plete work than his/her 1 2 3 4 5
14. How often is the child able to Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
pay attention without you
prompting him/her? 1 2 3 4 5
15. How frequently does this Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
child require your assistance
to accurately complete his/ 1 2 3 4 5
her academic work?
16. How often does the child Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
begin written work prior to
understanding the directions? 1 2 3 4 5
17. How frequently does this Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
child have difficulty recalling
material from a previous day’s 1 2 3 4 5
18. How often does the child ap- Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
pear to be staring excessively
or “spaced out”? 1 2 3 4 5
19. How often does the child ap- Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
pear withdrawn or tend to
lack an emotional response in 1 2 3 4 5
a social situation?