DVB Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 2019 PDF
DVB Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 2019 PDF
DVB Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 2019 PDF
Commercial Aircraft
2018 - 2019
Aviation Research (AR)
An Overview of
For Each Aircraft Type:
- Type Description Commercial Aircraft
- Performance Data
- World Fleet Data
- Engine Split
2018 - 2019
For Each Aircraft Category:
- Payload-Range Diagrams
Albert Muntane Casanova
Bert van Leeuwen
Coen Capelle
Simon Finn
Steven Guo
Disclaimer: This booklet dated December 2017 has been prepared by DVB Bank SE’s (‘DVB’) Aviation Research department (‘AR’) for
general information purposes. Although DVB has checked the information contained in this guide carefully, DVB does not warrant that the
information in this guide is complete, correct or up-to-date. Nothing contained in this booklet should be regarded as any kind of advice
relating to the suitability or otherwise of the subject matter for any particular purpose. Except to the extent that liability under any applicable
law or regulation cannot be excluded, neither DVB, nor AR or any other member of DVB is liable for loss or damage of any kind arising as a
result of any opinion or information expressly published or implied in this report notwithstanding negligence, default or lack of care by DVB
or that such loss or damage was foreseeable. Neither DVB nor AR or any member of DVB accepts liability in any way (including by reason of
negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information in this guide. The content of this report is proprietary and cannot be used, copied,
reproduced, disseminated and/or distributed to other parties without AR’s prior written consent. The pictures in this booklet were provided by
Bert van Leeuwen, Coen Capelle or the OEMs.
For an asset-based financier, the characteristics Max. Payload: In case of a freighter aircraft, Operators: The number of commercial operators In addition to the individual aircraft overview,
of assets used as loan collateral are of great the maximum gross payload includes the weight which have the subject aircraft type in service, AR has included diagrams which give an
importance. An in-depth understanding of the for containers and/or pallets and is limited by the on (firm) order or in storage (September 2017). indicative overview of the various seat-range
asset is essential to be able to assess the viability Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW). The number of operators generally gives an characteristics of the individual aircraft types
of financing opportunities. DVB Bank SE is indication of remarketing prospects but, the within a specific category (regional, narrow-
a leading financial specialist in international Range: Indicates the range of the aircraft in quality of the operator base is not expressed. bodied, wide-bodied and freighter aircraft).
transport finance. DVB’s Aviation division nautical miles with the specific passenger payload A large number of weaker operators may also
uses this expertise to act as a highly specialised identified. Aircraft are categorised by size. Aircraft confer a higher likelihood of bankruptcy-driven
aircraft lender. in a given size-category but with less range than surplus (especially for older types) in the event of AR has decided not to include any value
their peers may suffer reduced market acceptance. a downturn. references as such information could be
For each aircraft type, key data includes: confusing and/or easily misconstrued as it
Engine Options: Indicates the various engine Last Delivery: Indicates the month and year requires a broad explanation of definitions and
Class: Short description of size and/or range selections for the subject aircraft type’s total in which the last example of the specific assumptions. For a view on the various values of
category to which the aircraft belongs. fleet (in service + on order + in storage). The aircraft type was delivered. For an aircraft the aircraft types, AR can always be contacted
fragmentation of the various engine types is type that is still in production, a status of directly.
First Flight: Acts as a guide to the age of the expressed as a percentage of the total fleet. “N/A” (Not Applicable) has been assigned. If
technology employed in the aircraft model. Engine types which were offered but never the manufacturer has announced it will end AR hopes that this booklet proves to be a
produced or ordered are not included. A fleet production of the aircraft type, then the month of useful instrument for a better and broader
First Conversion: For cargo aircraft that have fragmented by engine type may have more limited the final aircraft delivery is estimated. understanding of the assets that the Aviation
been converted from the passenger role, this remarketing prospects. division is concerned with. For specific questions
indicates the year in which the first (cargo) The aircraft description section generally or suggestions for improvement, please contact
conversion into the subject aircraft type/variant In Service: Number of the aircraft type in service contains the background of the subject aircraft the AR team.
has taken place. with commercial operators (September 2017). type, some technical and/or operational
characteristics accompanied with market DVB Aviation Research
Standard Seating: Refers to the manufacturer’s On Order: Number of unfilled firm orders for the information and possibly information on the Schiphol / London
quoted seat counts for “high-density” / aircraft type awaiting delivery to the commercial market potential for freighters (both production December 2017
“maximum seating” and 2-class arrangements, customers of the manufacturer (September 2017). and converted freighters). Any qualitative
as printed in the manufacturer’s marketing statements should be regarded as AR’s current
material. Seat pitches may not be equal across In Storage: Quantity of the aircraft type recorded opinion of the type, which is not necessarily the
aircraft manufacturers or even between a single as in storage and eligible for commercial operation official opinion of DVB Bank SE.
manufacturers aircraft models. (September 2017).
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Table of Contents
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Airbus Aircraft
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Airbus A319-100N (NEO) Airbus A320-200
In December 2010, Airbus launched the 'New Engine Option' (or “NEO”) The A320-200 is the baseline aircraft of the Airbus narrow-bodied
for the A320 family. The base-line A320neo entered service in 2016 aircraft family and is one of the most successful jets in history with
and the shorter A319neo will probably in 2018 Like the A320neo, respect to sales volume. The A320 was initially developed in two
the A319neo will be powered by either Pratt & Whitney's PW1100G different payload/range variants. The A320-100 was the first variant
('Geared Turbo Fan') engines or CFM's new LEAP-1A engines. These and only 21 were delivered. The second variant is the longer range
larger (higher bypass ratio) and slightly heavier engines reportedly A320-200, featuring wingtip fences and increased fuel capacity. The
will offer a 15% fuel burn advantage over today's engines. Together selection of the A320 by JetBlue in 1999, highlighted the successful
with some aerodynamic and structural adjustments and new winglets entrance of the A320 family in the low cost market and was followed
('Sharklets'), the anticipated net efficiency gain is expected to be 10- by more low-cost (start-up) airline orders, particularly from Asia.
Class: Moderate Size Narrow- 15% for the A319neo vs. the A319. Under the name “Increased Cabin Class: Medium Narrow- Unlike the Boeing 737 "Next Generation" family, the A320 family has
Bodied Jets Efficiency” (“ICE”), Airbus offers new slim-line seats and a change Bodied Jets the option to be equipped with either CFM56 or IAE V2500 (PW6000
of cabin monuments (Space flex / Smart Lavatories) which raised the instead of V2500 on the A318) engines. Although this choice is an
First Flight: 31 March 2017 A319neo’s seating capacity to 140 or to 160 seats (albeit at a smaller First Flight: 27 June 1988 advantage for operators during purchase negotiations, in theory two
seat-pitch), so improving further the seat-mile economics of the A319 sub-fleets could limit remarketing options. In case of the A320 the two
Standard Seating: 140 (2-class; 36-, design. Standard Seating: 150 (2-class; 38-, sub-fleets each have enough critical mass to ensure market liquidity.
31in pitch),160 32in pitch ), 180 Early versions of the A320s were powered by the older V2500-A1 or
(maximum seating; Apart from competing with the 737 MAX 7, the A319-100N was also (maximum seating; CFM56-5A engines, but since the mid-1990s, the improved V2500-A5
28/30in pitch) intended to fend off competition from Bombardier's CS300 and a 28/30in pitch) and CFM56-5B has become the production standard. The older
possible “CS500” stretch of that aircraft type. In October 2017, Airbus V2500-A1 engines, despite a “Phoenix” upgrade kit, need substantially
Range: 2,100 - 3,750nm took a majority share in the Bombardier C-Series, the CS100 and CS300 Range: 2,650 - 3,300nm more maintenance which makes them much less attractive. As from late
becoming part of Airbus’ offerings in this market segment. This is likely 2012, so-called 'Sharklets' (Airbus marketing name for winglets) have
Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1A (64%), to diminish future sales of the A319neo since the CS300 has lower Engine Options: CFM56-5A (5%) been available for new A320s resulting in approximately four percent
PW1100G-JM (0%), operating costs and may prove more popular than the A319neo if it -5B (55%), IAE better fuel burn which further enhances operational flexibility (500kg
TBD (36%) receives the proper marketing and aftersales support. V2500-A1 (1%) -A5 more payload or 150nm additional range). Airbus launched a Sharklets
(38%), TBD (1%) retrofit programme for in-service A320 Family aircraft (MSN 1200 and
In Service: 0 With only 47 A319-100N aircraft on order from just three operators above) in late October 2013. Airbus has developed cabin enhancements
(AVIANCA, Frontier and one unannounced customer), it is the slowest In Service: 4,048 to raise the A320 Family's seating capacity through changes to cabin
On Order: 47 selling variant of the new A320neo family. It has attracted fewer orders monuments (new rear galley configuration and lavatory design) and
than its main competitor, the equally slow- selling Boeing 737 MAX 7. On Order: 231 the use of slim-line seats. In 2014, the Aviation Authorities reassessed
In Storage: 0 With new entries in the 120-140 seats segment (CS300, E195-E2, MS- the A320 family exit limit to increase the exit capability, which also
21) and dwindling sale of the 737-700 and A319ceo, the A319-100N will In Storage: 62 contributes to a higher seating capacity. For the A320, all these initiatives
Operators: 3 enter a tough market. The A319-100N made its first flight on 31 March improved the seat count by up to nine additional seats (or six for FAA-
2017 and service-entry is scheduled for mid-2018. Operators: 266 registered aircraft), resulting in a lower average fuel burn per seat.
Last Delivery: N/A
In early 2014, P&W announced that it is developing the “Advantage” Last Delivery: N/A In December 2010, Airbus launched the A320neo family as fifteen
hardware package (improved blade profiles and component contours) percent more efficient successor aircraft to the current generation of
for the PW1100G-JM geared turbofan that should reduce fuel the A320 family. The first “A320-200N” was delivered to Lufthansa in
consumption by five percent after. The PW1100G-JM Advantage will January 2016. Despite the launch of the A320-200N and the trend in
be introduced to production engines in 2019 and no retro-fit option recent years of swapping orders to the larger A321, sales of the current
for the new components will be made available for existing PW1100G A320 aircraft have remained high. In mid-2017 there was still a backlog
engines in the global fleet. As observed in the past, the introduction of ~230 Airbus A320-200s. Since early 2016 (the service entry of the
of hardware improvements to the engine production line (without a A320-200N), Airbus has received orders for ~120 new A320-200s.
retro-fit option for the in-service fleet) may impact the values of the Allegiant Air, normally acquiring used A320s, surprised the industry
first A320neo family aircraft, equipped with the earlier and therefore by placing an order for twelve new Airbus A320-200s (now called
less efficient PW1100G-JM engines. Airbus also offers a Corporate Jet “A320ceo”) with deliveries scheduled for 2017 and 2018. Allegiant was
version of the A319neo. probably offered attractive conditions to take these “last-off-the-line”
A320ceos, as Airbus ramps up sales for the A320neo. Other airlines
which ordered these last-of-the line A320ceos were probably also
attracted by these discounts but, the near-term delivery positions of
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Airbus A320-200N (NEO)
these new aircraft with their proven technology were another important In December 2010, Airbus launched the 'New Engine Option' for the
reason to opt for the A320ceo. Given the large order backlog for all A320 family. A320neo’s customers have the choice between either the
A320 family aircraft (CEO and especially NEO), the production rate for Pratt & Whitney's PW1100G-JM ('Geared Turbo Fan') engines or CFM's
the A320 family will be increased from the current level of 42 aircraft new Leap-1A engines. The larger (higher bypass ratio) and slightly
a month to 50 a month in Q1 2017 and finally to 60 aircraft a month heavier engines will reportedly offer a 15% fuel burn advantage over
by mid-2019 with a new line in Hamburg. The New Final Assembly today's engines. With some aerodynamic and structural adjustments
Line (FAL) in Mobile (Alabama, USA) will produce about three / four together with new winglets ('Sharklets'), the anticipated efficiency
aircraft per month by 2018 and has presented a business case for gain is expected to be 10-15% for the whole aircraft when compared to
higher production rates. Together with its current facilities in Hamburg, today's A320-200 (A320ceo) production standard. In terms of payload/
Toulouse, and Tianjin, Airbus now has a global network of five FALs Class: Medium Narrow- range, this should result in approximately two tonnes higher useful
to serve customers from different continents. The introduction of the Bodied Jets payload capability over a typical A320 mission or a 500nm increase in
A320neo Family is likely to impact values of current generation narrow- range. As at September 2017, more than 3500 A320-200N’s (NEO) have
bodied aircraft, but the degree will depend on the price of fuel. First Flight: 25 September 2014 been ordered, making it the fastest selling aircraft ever.
In 2007, Airbus launched a Passenger-to-Freighter (P2F) cargo Standard Seating: 165 (2-class; 36-, On 20 January 2016, the first delivery of an A320-200N took place. The
conversion programme for the A320, together with EFW and Russian 30in pitch), 189 first A320-200N was delivered to Lufthansa. With a backlog of more
companies IRKUT and United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). But only (maximum seating; than 4000 A320neo family aircraft, this was an historic event, marking
three years later Airbus and its partners announced a decision “to 28/30in pitch) the first delivery of a commercial jet aircraft equipped with engines
stop and freeze“ the programme and dissolve the partnership. PacAvi featuring the Geared Turbo Fan (GTF) technology. While an innovative
subsequently announced an independent cargo conversion for the Range: 3,150 - 3,500nm and promising technology, it was this new engine that delayed the first
A320 (and A321) in 2014 and inducted an A320-200 for conversion in delivery of the A320neo. In late 2015, launch customer Qatar Airways
a facility at Hahn airport. Conversion of this aircraft began in January Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1A (37%), refused to take delivery due to concerns about the engine. The new
2015. However, in early 2017, PacAvi Group was being restructured PW1100G-JM (23%), PW1100G-JM engines reportedly suffered from rotor bow, or thermal
following a change in investors, so the STC development for the TBD (40%) bowing, due to asymmetrical cooling after shut down. This phenomenon
P-to-F modifications would be outsourced. Since then, it has been is caused by differences in temperature across the shaft section
very quiet on this programme. PACAVI planned that the conversions In Service: 131 supporting the rotor. If the engine is allowed to cool down after a flight,
would be done at Goodyear (Arizona, USA). Airbus/EFW, now together it must not be re-started again too soon. A cold restarted engine has
with ST Aerospace re-launched a P2F programme for the A320 and On Order: 3,540 to run idle for three minutes before moving to full throttle. This gives a
A321 in June 2015, with the first deliveries scheduled to take place start delay of three minutes or six minutes for a dual-engine start (much
in 2019 (A321) and 2020 (A320). There will be four facilities for this In Storage: 7 longer than the industry standard of one minute). Pratt & Whitney fixed
conversion programme in Dresden, Singapore, Mobile and Guangzhou. this start up delay issue with software and hardware fixes (additional
In September 2017, California-Based C3 Aerospace also launched a P2F Operators: 73 coatings and strengthening of the 3rd and 4th shaft bearings). Aircraft
conversion programme for the A320 and A321 in service will be retrofitted. Although this sounds like a minor problem,
Last Delivery: NA it caused Qatar Airways to refuse delivery of their first aircraft.
Lufthansa who became the first airline to receive the A320-200N,
used it in the first months of service solely on domestic routes in
Germany, close to their maintenance bases until all the engine issues
were resolved. The rotor bow issue was fixed by P&W in late 2016, but
unfortunately there were more issues with the PW1100G-JM engine.
One was production-related, as the sole P&W fan blade plant could not
produce the specific hybrid metallic fan blades (composed of titanium
leading edges and hollow aluminium bodies) fast enough so, production
fell behind schedule for new engine deliveries. Other problems were
more design related. Two parts in the engine – combustor liners and
the carbon air seal assemblies of no. 3 bearing – proved to degrade
prematurely. These problems caused GoAir, Indigo, China Southern,
ANA, HK Express, LATAM and Spirit Airlines to ground some of their
A320-200Ns, after which Spirit decided to swap their order for more
A320-200Ns to current generation A320ceos. P&W is working hard
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Airbus A321-100
to solve the no.3 bearing issues and to improve the current combustor The A321 is the largest member of the A320 family and was designed
liner design. The first A320-200N equipped with LEAP engines was as a stretched A320 with an improved wing, increased weights and
delivered to Turkey’s Pegasus Airlines in July 2016. The LEAP engine higher thrust engines. The aircraft was offered in two versions; the
entry into service was also not completely without teething problems, basic -100 and the longer-range -200 variant. The -100 was optimized
but somehow it didn’t make it to the news media as much as the for relatively short range compared to the A320 and an extra fuel tank
new PW1100G-JM engine. The introduction of new technology and was not added to the initial design as to do so would compromise the
architecture of the GTF engine generated more media interest than the weight of the A321-100. The A321-100 was especially favoured by
more conventional LEAP engine. It is a little bit ironic that the problems airlines in Europe but, it lacks the range for North American coast-to-
of the new GTF engine where not caused by the fan drive gear system, coast operations. A321-100s after MSN 633 are often certified for low
the heart of the architecture and breakthrough technology, which was Class: Large Narrow- MTOW operations but are built according to the A321-200 standard
doing well and performed exactly as P&W promised. Bodied Jets with a structural MTOW of 83-89t (183-196klb) and could be upgraded
to higher weights by a relatively easy 'paper change' that usually
The market between the GTF and LEAP is fiercely competitive. A First Flight: 11 March 1993 required some “monetary compensation” to the OEM. For increased
great many A320neo engine choices are still “undecided” (40%). CFM range capability, an additional centre (fuel) tank (ACT) would be needed.
so far has taken the lead with 37%, probably based on the excellent Standard Seating: 185 (2-class; 36-, More than half of the 54 A321-100s currently in service are flying with
reliability reputation of the “old” CFM56. After years of absence, except 32in pitch), 220 just two of its ten operators (Lufthansa with 20 aircraft and Alitalia
as partner in the IAE consortium, P&W is having to fight hard for its (maximum seating; with 12 aircraft). 79 A321-100s have been built in total. 23 of them have
market share, which currently stands at just 23% of sales. With a high 28/29in pitch) been permanently withdrawn from use (most of them are scrapped) and
percentage of undecided customers the battle is by no means over. two of them were written-off.
Range: 2,300 - 2,400nm
In early 2014, P&W announced that it is developing the “Advantage”
hardware package (improved blade profiles and component contours) Engine Options: CFM56-5B (52%),
for the PW1100G-JM geared turbofan that should reduce fuel IAE V2500-A5 (48%)
consumption by two percent after. The PW1100G-JM Advantage will
be introduced to production engines in 2021 and no retro-fit option In Service: 54
for the new components will be made available for existing PW1100G
engines in the global fleet. As observed in the past, the introduction of On Order: 0
hardware improvements to the engine production line (without a retro-
fit option for the in-service fleet) may impact the values of the first In Storage: 0
A320neo family aircraft, equipped with the earlier and therefore less
efficient PW1100G-JM engines. Operators: 10
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Airbus A321-200 Airbus A321-200N (NEO)
The A321-200 is the same size as the A321-100 but features structural In December 2010, Airbus launched the 'New Engine Option' (or “NEO”)
reinforcements, a higher weight schedule and a provision for two for the A320 family. The base-line A320-200N (NEO) entered service
ACTs which gives it its 3,000+ nm range. The 89t (196k lb) A321-200 in 2016 and the longer A321-200N followed in May 2017. Like the
version with reinforced structure became the A321 production standard A320neo, the A321-200N will either have Pratt & Whitney's PW1100G-
from 1997 while further weight upgrades eventually resulted in a JM ('Geared Turbo Fan') engines or CFM's new LEAP-1A engines. The
maximum MTOW of 93.5t (206k lb). From mid-2013 'Sharklets' have larger (higher bypass ratio) and slightly heavier engines reportedly
been available for new A321s resulting in a fuel burn improvement of will offer ~15% fuel burn advantage over today's engines. Together
approximately four percent and 2,550kg more payload which further with some aerodynamic and structural adjustments and new winglets
enhances operational flexibility. Airbus launched a Sharklets retrofit ('Sharklets'), the anticipated efficiency gain is expected to be 10-15%
Class: Large Narrow- programme for in-service A320 family aircraft (MSN 1200 and above) Class: Large Narrow- vs. the preceding A321-200s.
Bodied Jets in late October 2013. Also, Airbus has developed increased cabin Bodied Jets
enhancements (“ICE”) to raise the A320 family's seating capacity In early 2014, P&W announced that it is developing the “Advantage”
First Flight: 15 March 1997 through changes to cabin monuments (new rear galley configuration First Flight: 9 February 2016 hardware package (improved blade profiles and component contours)
and lavatory design) and the use of slim-line seats. In 2014, the Aviation for the PW1100G-JM geared turbofan that should reduce fuel
Standard Seating: 185 (2-class; 36-, Authorities reassessed the A320 family exit limit to increase its exit Standard Seating: 199 (2-class; 36-, consumption by two percent after. The PW1100G-JM Advantage will
32in pitch), 220 capability, which also contributes to a higher seating capacity on A320 30in pitch), 230 be introduced to production engines in 2021 and no retro-fit option
(maximum seating; family aircraft. For the A321-200, all these initiatives, in combination (maximum seating; for the new components will be made available for existing PW1100G
28/29in pitch) with reduced seat pitches, improved the seat count by up to ten 28in pitch) engines in the global fleet. As observed in the past, the introduction of
additional seats, resulting in a much lower fuel burn per seat. hardware improvements to the engine production line (without a retro-
Range: 2,700 - 3,200nm Range: 3,000 - 3,640nm fit option for the in-service fleet) may impact the values of the first
The A321-200 was the first direct competitor to the Boeing 757-200. A320neo family aircraft, equipped with the earlier and therefore less
Engine Options: CFM56-5B (41%), While not as range-capable as the Boeing 757-200, the A321-200, Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1A (41%), efficient PW1100G-JM engines.
IAE V2500-A5 (57%), especially the higher MTOW version, became a strong competitor on PW1100G-JM (41%),
TBD (2%) medium routes, such as US coast-to-coast. With the A321 (and later TBD (18%) The first A321-200N made its first flight in February 2016 and more
Boeing 737-900ER) taking over the US domestic routes, the 757 was than a year later, the first A321-200N was delivered to Virgin America.
In Service: 1,443 marginalised to fly only long haul single aisle routes. In recent years, In Service: 6 With a backlog of more than 1300 aircraft, the A321-200N is a very
sales figures of the A321-200S (Sharklets) have been rising and since successful programme for Airbus. Boeing tried hard to catch up with
On Order: 243 2010 it has outsold the A319, making it the second most popular aircraft On Order: 1,349 the 737 MAX 9 and the 737 MAX 10, but even if we combine the sales
in the A320 family. In the last two years the A321 has even outsold the of these Boeing types, Airbus has still sold almost a thousand more
In Storage: 16 A320 (183 orders/Type swaps versus 145 orders/type swaps for the In Storage: 0 A321-200Ns.
A320). Sales of the A321-200 have been especially strong in the US
Operators: 109 for use on coast–to-coast routes. In recent years, the A321-200 has Operators: 55 During the development of the A321-200N Airbus revealed plans to
become popular among low-cost carriers. Frontier, Vueling, WizzAir develop a Long Range (LR) version of the A321-200N making use of
Last Delivery: N/A and VietJet took delivery of their first A321-200s in 2015 and 2016. Last Delivery: N/A higher gross weights to offer a longer range and more payload. Airbus
The December 2010 launch of the A321neo marked the introduction of also announced a new door arrangement concept (Airbus Cabin Flex or
a more efficient replacement, with ~15% lower fuel burn. “ACF”) for the A321-200N, which results in up 20 more seats, bringing
the total of passengers on a A321-200N to 240 (high density). As this
The freighter conversion programmes by Airbus / EFW / ST Aerospace, new door arrangement is a structural change to the original A321’s
PacAvi/Aerotribune, C3 Aerospace and Precision Aircraft Solutions may fuselage, a new type certificate was needed, making it a new version of
extend the life of the A321 in the freighter market, although generally the A321-200N, called the A321-200NX. This new and improved version
only the first feedstock aircraft for cargo conversion trade at a premium may have a negative impact on future values of the first A321-200Ns,
over the part-out value. because these early built aircraft may come to be seen as sub-optimal
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Airbus A321-200NX (“A321NEO LR”)
In October 2014, Airbus unveiled a new long range variant of the The A321-200NX (also known as the A321LR) was officially launched by
A321neo. Initially this version was unofficially called the A321neo Airbus in January 2015. It secured its first commitment from US lessor
LR. This new version is clearly aimed at the 757-200 replacement Air Lease Corporation (ALC), which signed a MoU for 26 A321LR aircraft
market. It will have a range of 4050nm, 200nm more than the Boeing in January 2015. In the summer of 2015, it was announced that ALC had
757-200 (some of which are used on long-range trans-Atlantic routes) signed a contract with Air Astana for a lease of four of these A321LR
and 400nm more than the standard A321-200N. To achieve the extra aircraft to replace the 757s in Air Astana’s fleet. During the Farnborough
payload/range performance, this new A321LR will have a 97 tonne Air Show of 2016, Norwegian announced that it had converted 30 of
MTOW and has the option to be equipped with three auxiliary fuel tanks its previously ordered 100 A320-200N aircraft to the A321-200NX.
instead of two. Norwegian intends to use these A321-200NXs on transatlantic
Class: Large Narrow- routes. The A321LR is designated the A321-200NX for aircraft type
Bodied Jets The new version will also have a new door-configuration, called “Airbus certification purposes. This designation became public in 2017 and the
Cabin Flex” (ACF) which permits a higher physical seat count. For aircraft will be available from 2019.
First Flight: est. 2018 this new door configuration the original “Door 2” will be permanently
deleted. This has become possible, because new over-wing exits are
Standard Seating: 206 (2-class; 36-, incorporated in the fuselage. These smaller over-wing exists are made
30in pitch), 240 possible by the certification of the smaller escape slides. The original
(maximum seating; “’Door 3” is moved four frames further aft compared to the original
28in pitch) A321. Door 4 remains unchanged. Because these door changes are
structural, this new version needed a new aircraft type certificate and
Range: 3,000 - 4,050nm will be designated the A321-200NX.
Engine Options: FM LEAP-1A (11%), Airbus markets the A321-200NX with a three-class cabin of 108 economy
PW1100G-JM (59%), seats, 36 economy plus and 30 lie-flat business seats; or a two-class
TBD (30%) cabin with 16 business seats and 190 economy seats or a high density
240 seat all-economy cabin. The A321-200NX will have a slightly lower
In Service: 0 seat capacity than the 757-200 but comparable range. Intended markets
are North America to Europe, Europe to Africa, North America to South
On Order: 74 America and S.E. Asia to Australia. With newer engines and a more
modern design, the A321-200NX will have 27% lower fuel burn than
In Storage: 0 the 757-200. Due to technical differences, no retrofit will be available to
modify the standard A321-200N to the A321-200NX.
Operators: 8
An A321-200NX is the only A321 version capable of a MTOW of 97t
Last Delivery: N/A as it has a reinforced landing gear but, as a basic option it may also be
operated with lower MTOWs. Also the A321-200NX may be equipped
with up to three additional centre (fuel) tanks (ACT). This means that
an A321-200NX in basic specification has no greater range or higher
MTOW than a basic A321-200N. Its ACF door configuration is the only
reason it may offer a higher seating capacity. However the options to
be equipped with the higher MTOW and the additional third fuel tank
makes the A321-200NX a far more capable and flexible aircraft than a
standard A321-200N, when it comes on the market in 2019 – albeit at
the cost of some additional structural weight. The introduction of the
A321-200NX may have a negative impact on the values of early A321-
200N vintages, as these aircraft may come to be seen as sub-optimal
versions. The basic option A321-200NX offers similar performance to
the A321-200N, but provides airlines with the possibility of a higher
seating capacity and greater payload/range flexibility, if operated with
the ACT and higher MTOW options.
Page 16 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 17
Airbus A300-600(R) Airbus A310-200/300
In the early seventies, Airbus entered the commercial aviation industry The A310 was developed as a shrink version of the A300 to complement
with the A300 as the first member of the A300/A310 family of regional the Airbus product line and better meet the needs of the short-mid
twin aisle aircraft. After the A300B, which sold 250 aircraft by 1984, range market's capacity requirements. Unfortunately, the market for
the A310 arrived, which offered a two-crew electronic flight deck, such aircraft was smaller than envisaged, had to be shared with Boeing
increased use of composite materials and a redesigned rear fuselage. and wanted longer range. Originally developed as the medium range
These advances were written back into the A300 design and eventually -200, the A310 was later also offered in the longer-range -300 version
led to the A300-600 and the longer-range A300-600R. Both variants with an additional tail tank and more powerful engines. The -300 also
primarily competed with Boeing's 767-300ER but suffered from inferior introduced wingtip fences to improve aerodynamic efficiency, a feature
economics and fell short of the long-range market requirement that that has since been retrofitted to some −200s. Both A310 variants have
Class: Medium Wide- most airlines sought to fulfil at the time. The 767-300ER got the Class: Small Wide- the same external dimensions. Compared to the earlier A300B models
Bodied Jets majority share of annual demand until Airbus offered the A300-600R's Bodied Jets the A310 incorporates a new wing design, a redesigned rear fuselage, a
growth replacement - the A330-200. The last A300-600 passenger two-crew "glass" cockpit and increased use of composite materials but,
First Flight: 9 December 1987 aircraft was produced in 2002 although, production of the A300-600 First Flight: 3 April 1982 (-200), both models lack FADEC engines. In the passenger market the A310 lost
freighter continued until 2007. The freighter conversion programme 8 July 1985 (-300) out against the Boeing 767, which offers significantly better payload/
Standard Seating: 266 (2-class), took off in 2001 and helped for some time to control the oversupply of range capabilities. The last A310 was produced in 1998. From the
298 (1-class) redundant passenger A300-600(R)s thanks to FedEx and European Air Standard Seating: 220 (2-class) original (-200) variant, 85 aircraft were built of which none aircraft is in
Transport / DHL. The amount of A300-600(R) in passenger service is passenger service today. Some 48 -200s were converted to freighter,
Range: 4,050nm dwindling and part-outs are now a common method to extract the last Range: 3,670 – 4,350nm but none of them are in service anymore today. From the A310-300, 170
remaining value. Currently, the only 22 Airbus A300-600(R) aircraft in aircraft were built, of which 26 aircraft are still in passenger service.
Engine Options: GE CF6 (84%), active service are operated by Iranian Airlines, with Mahan as biggest Engine Options: GE CF6 (61%), Largest operators are Air Transat from Canada with nine aircraft and
PW4000 (16%) operator with twelve A300-600s in active service. PW JT9D (2%), Mahan Air from Iran, who also has a fleet of nine A310-300s in active
PW4000 (37%) service. 38 A310-300s have been converted to freighter, of which only
In Service: 22 ten are still in service. five A310-300s remain in service as corporate/
In Service: 26 VIP/government aircraft, while sixteen A310-300s found a role in the
On Order: 0 military as a tanker or multi role transport aircraft. With zero demand
On Order: 0 for A310 freighter-conversions, part out seems the logical end of life
In Storage: 10 solution as long as there is value in the engines from which parts can be
In Storage: 15 used for a rapidly shrinking fleet of other older generation twin aisles.
Operators: 8
Operators: 13
Last Delivery: September 2002
Last Delivery: June 1998
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Airbus A330-200
The A330-200 is the longer range, shorter fuselage development of Part-outs of A330-200 have started, but are still very low (11 so far). The
the A330-300. Airbus positioned the A330-200 as an efficient, more values extracted from the A330 airframe are still relatively low, as there is
capable and more comfortable alternative to the Boeing 767-300ER. Due enough supply on the market from the large number of A340s which have
to the initial sales success of the A330-200, supported by significant been parted out so far (A340 and A330 airframes have high commonality).
interest from leasing companies, Boeing decided to launch the stretched In December 2014, Egypt Air signed an agreement with EFW to convert
767-400ER in 1997. The A330-200s newer technology, superior range two of the carrier’s A330-200 passenger aircraft to freighter, making Egypt
capability and crew commonality with the A320 and A340 families made Air the launch customer for the A330 P-to-F conversion programme. The
the A330-200 the preferred choice in its category. The coinciding demise of launch of an A330 conversion programme opens an aftermarket for older
the 767 drove Boeing to the development of the Sonic Cruiser concept and A330s. Derived from the A330-200 is the dedicated A330-200 Freighter,
Class: Medium Wide- later the 787 (originally 7E7) which initially claimed performance should the military A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft and the corporate
Bodied Jets be 20-30% more efficient (787-8) than the A330-200. However, the 787's ACJ330. In 2014 Airbus introduced the A330-200’s successor, the A330-
troublesome entry into service (delays) caused strong (interim) demand for 800neo.
First Flight: 13 August 1997 the A330 which was granted 240min ETOPS certification in 2009 and is
now also offered at an upgraded 242t MTOW for more payload/range to
Standard Seating: 247 (2-class; 45-, better compete with the 787. All A330s produced after MSN 1627 are 242t
38/31in pitch), 406 MTOW capable. Iberia and Aerolíneas Argentinas are the first operators
(maximum seating) of 242t MTOW A330-200s. The 242t MTOW option makes the A330-200
an interesting aircraft for airlines who need the extra performance for
Range: 6,450 - 7,250nm hot-and-high operations or who need a suitable aircraft for long range,
relatively low demand routes.
Engine Options: GE CF6 (29%),
PW4000 (17%), The continuous improvement to the A330 programme and especially the
RR Trent 700 (52%), A330-300 means that the A330-300 has now almost the same range to
TBD (2%) offer as the A330-200 with far more passenger load. This makes the A330-
300 a more efficient aircraft. Since 2009 annual sales of the A330-200
In Service: 528 have been less than the A330-300 and by 2013 the A330-200 was finally
outsold by the A330-300. The A330-200 backlog is currently ~25 aircraft,
On Order: 25 including 8 aircraft for Iran Air. In recent years more and more A330-200s
have been phased out (Emirates & EVA Air) and a large portion of the
In Storage: 25 stored fleet is unplaced, although there are airlines picking up used A330-
200s. Among these airlines are existing A330-200 operators who want to
Operators: 92 top up their fleet (Air Transat, TAP Portugal), but also airlines who will use
the A330-200 to start new long haul routes or replace older equipment
Last Delivery: N/A (Eurowings, AZUL, SATA, Shaheen, Onur Air). Air Berlin’s bankruptcy - with
15 aircraft the largest operator of Pratt&Whitney powered A330-200s - in
September 2017 caused a big supply of used A330-200 on the market, but
lessor AerCap was able to find a new home for six of those aircraft with
Malayisa Airlines. Malaysia Airlines will use these A330-200s to upgauge
high-demand medium haul routes and an interim solution to a future order
of next generation wide-bodied jets. This deal clearly shows, that although
its heydays are over, as the price is right, there is still demand for the
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Airbus A330-800N (NEO)
After months of speculation, Airbus launched the A330NEOneo (new The A330NEO comes in two sizes, the A330-800N and A330-900N.
engine option) at the Farnborough Air show in July 2014. In fact this The A330-800N is the smaller of the two and will be the successor of the
concept is strikingly similar to the first design of the Airbus A350 launched A330-200. As of September 2017, the order book for the A330-800N is
in 2004. This first A350 design was based on an A330 fuselage with extremely small and only consists of Hawaiian Airlines with an order for 6
new aerodynamics and engines. However this design was rejected by aircraft. Transasia Airways was another customer for the A330-800N, with
many customers and Airbus went back to the drawing board to design 4 aircraft on order, but this airline went out of business in November 2016.
a complete new A350 and renamed it the A350 XWB. In first instance, With only one airline interested in the aircraft with such a small order
the smallest version of the A350 XWB, the A350-800 was aimed at the Airbus may eventually decide to halt further development of the A330-
market segment of the A330-200/300. However, as this was a shrink from 800N pending additional orders. Airbus has said for the time being only
Class: Medium Wide- the baseline A350-900, the A350-800 was a suboptimal design. With the one prototype will be built. It seems very unlikely that Airbus will spent
Bodied Jets same size wings as the bigger A350-900 and with new efficient engines any money on the further development of this aircraft. In October 2017
it was a relatively heavy aircraft with a long range that was not optimal Hawaiian Airlines openly discussed the possibility of acquiring other
First Flight: est. EIS 2019 for most of the current A330 users. Airbus studied hard to find a better aircraft types instead of the six A330-800Ns, making the chances that
alternative for the A330. The current A330 was still its best-selling wide the A330-800N will ever make it to the skies as a production aircraft
Standard Seating: 257 (2-class; 45-, bodied airliner as it was a relatively inexpensive wide-bodied aircraft even smaller.
38/31in pitch), 406 positioned in the lower half of the wide-bodied aircraft market; it was very
(maximum seating) well positioned to serve high density routes in the market segment below
4.000 nm. A final reason to be hesitant about a new A330 design was that
Range: 7,500nm a more efficient A330neo might easily steal orders from the A350 XWB.
Current A330 customers such as Delta and AirAsiaX kept pushing Airbus to
Engine Options: RR Trent 7000 develop a more efficient version of the A330. The fact was that developing
a new version of the A330 would be relatively cheap as Airbus could use
In Service: 0 the same principles employed to develop the A320neo and benefit from
engine technology developed for the A350 XWB, therefore Airbus decided
On Order: 6 to introduce the A330NEO.
In Storage: 0 Central to the new A330NEO concept are the new RR Trent 7000 engines.
Contrary to the A330CEO (current engine option), the A330neo will
Operators: 1 only have one engine manufacturer. The new RR Trent 7000 will have
a 112inch diameter fan with a 10:1 bypass ratio, developing a thrust of
Last Delivery: N/A 300-322KN. Besides these new engines the A330neo also features new
larger winglets, an increased wingspan (+3.7m) and some aerodynamic
improvements to the wings and fuselage. The cabin design is also
modernized and includes new-design lavatories and crew rests. These
improved cabin features will result in up to ten seats more than in the
current A330. All new techniques and improvements contribute to 11%
lower trip costs and (thanks to 10 extra seats) 14% lower fuel burn per
seat. The A330NEO has a > 95% parts commonality with the current
generation A330s and both generations have the same type rating.
This minimises the entry in service costs for airlines that already operated
the A330, as they would not need to invest significant amounts on new
spares or additional flight crew training.
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Airbus A330-300
The A330-300 is the twin-engined, medium-range sister of the long-range At the Farnborough Air Show 2014 Airbus introduced a re-engined
A340-300, with the same fuselage, wing and cockpit. The Airbus A330- version of the A330, called the A330NEO. Although the successor aircraft
300 entered commercial service in 1994 and was optimized for medium has already been announced, Airbus increased the monthly production
range high-density markets, but continuous improvement on the A330-300 rate for the A330 from (the earlier reduced) 6 to 7 aircraft per month.
means that it has developed into a very capable and efficient medium to With a backlog of ~70 aircraft the A330-300 is still popular. 68% of the
long haul aircraft. The initial production standard of the A330-300 had outstanding orders are placed by Chinese operators. In June 2015 China
a maximum take-off of 212t and range of only around 4,500nm with 295 Aviation Supplies Holding (the Chinese authority acting as buyer for
passengers in a three class lay-out. After the A330-200 introduction in Chinese airlines) ordered 40 Airbus A330s and took an option for 30 more.
1997, an A330-300 with a MTOW of 230t and an optional 233t MTOW The aircraft’s attractiveness to Chinese (and Asian) operators was an
Class: Large Wide- was introduced. Subsequently Airbus added a further 235t MTOW option impetus to build an A330 completion centre in Tianjin. This centre covers
Bodied Jets which entered service in 2013 increasing its range to 5,650nm. A 240t the A330 completion activities including cabin installation, aircraft painting
MTOW version was announced in mid-2012 and in November 2012, Airbus and production flight test, as well as the customer flight acceptance and
First Flight: 2 November 1992 announced a 242t MTOW option with centre wing fuel tanks activated aircraft delivery. The centre is ready to deliver two aircraft per month
for the first time on the A330-300, giving it a range of 6,100nm. The first and is located at the same site as the Airbus Tianjin A320 Family Final
Standard Seating: 277 (2-class; 45-, 242t version was delivered to Delta Air Lines in May 2015. All A330s Assembly Line and the Airbus Tianjin Delivery Centre. To celebrate the
38/31in pitch), 440 produced after MSN 1627 are 242t MTOW capable. Besides Delta, also opening of the new centre, the first A330 aircraft assembled here was
(maximum seating) SAS and Air China have opted for the 242t A330-300. The 233t MTOW delivered to Tianjin Airlines in the summer of 2017.
(or more) versions are preferred by most airlines for their route flexibility,
Range: 4,500 - 6,350nm but the 242t gives the airlines more range and payload. Like the 777-200
(its initial competitor), it can be equipped with engines from all three
Engine Options: GE CF6 (17%), major engine manufacturers. Because of its lower structural weight (i.e.
PW4000 (15%), higher efficiency) and greater range capability it enjoys considerably
RR Trent 700 (62%), more success than the 777-200. As with the A330-200, the -300 received
TBD (68%) 240min ETOPS certification in 2009. The A330-300 seems to be somewhat
less threatened than the -200 by the range-optimized 787. As the A350-
In Service: 663 800/900 will have much higher capital cost and will also be optimized
for longer range operations, the A330-300 is expected to remain a very
On Order: 72 efficient competitor with an ideal mix of medium-to-long-haul range
In Storage: 14
The launch of an A330 freighter conversion programme in 2012 opened an
Operators: 75 aftermarket for older A330-300s. At the Farnborough Air Show 2016. DHL
signed an order to become the launch customer for the A330-300 P2F, with
Last Delivery: N/A an order of for 4 aircraft. The first aircraft was re-delivered to DHL after
conversion at Dresden late 2017.
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Airbus A330-900N (NEO)
After months of speculation, Airbus launched the A330NEO (new engine The A330NEO comes in two sizes, the A330-800N and A330-900N.
option) at the Farnborough Air show in July 2014. In fact this concept The A330-900N is the larger of the two and will be the successor of the
is strikingly similar to the first design of the Airbus A350 launched A330-300. With a backlog of 204, the A330-900N is far more popular
in 2004. This first A350 design was based on an A330 fuselage with than the A330-800N, so the main focus of the A330NEO programme
new aerodynamics and engines. However this design was rejected by will be on the -900N variant. The A330-900N is capable of transporting
many customers and Airbus went back to the drawing board to design ~287 passengers in a two (business, (premium) economy) class cabin
a complete new A350 and renamed it the A350 XWB. In first instance, lay out over a distance of 6,500nm. These are 10 passengers more over
the smallest version of the A350 XWB, the A350-800 was aimed at a 400 nm larger distance than the current A330-300. The larger A330-
the market segment of the A330-200/300. However, as this was a 900N is much more popular than the A330-800N. As of summer 2017
Class: Large Wide- shrink from the baseline A350-900, the A350-800 was a suboptimal Airbus has received 204 firm orders A330-900N. The first orders and
Bodied Jets design. With the same size wings as the bigger A350-900 and with new commitments were placed by AirAisaX and lease companies Air Lease
efficient engines it was a relatively heavy aircraft with a long range Corporation, Avolon and CIT (now part of Avolon). The A330-900N got
First Flight: 19 October 2017 that was not useful for many of the current A330 users. Airbus studied a big impetus from the December 2015 Delta Air Lines order for 25
hard to introduce a new version of the A330. The current A330 was still A350-900N. Delta will use these aircraft for North Atlantic Markets
Standard Seating: 287 (2-class; 45-, its best-selling wide bodied airliner as it was a relatively inexpensive and claims that the A330-900N is an aircraft with relatively affordable
38/31in pitch), 440 wide-bodied positioned in the lower half of the Wide-bodied market; ownership costs that can operate these missions as they don’t require
(maximum seating) it was very well positioned to serve high density routes in the market the range offered by more modern but more expensive aircraft as the
segment below 4.000 nm. A final reason to be hesitant about a new A350 XWB or Boeing 787. In October 2017, Ton Fernandes, CEO of the
Range: 6,550nm A330 design was that a more efficient A330NEO might easily steal largest A330-900N customer AirAsiaX, gave an interview to Bloomberg
orders from the A350 XWB. Current A330 customers such as Delta and in which he stated that the airline was considering to swap its 66 strong
Engine Options: RR Trent 7000 AirAsiaX kept pushing Airbus to develop a more efficient version of the existing A330-900N order to a combination of A350-900s and A321-
A330. The fact was that developing a new version of the A330 would 200Ns. Although still a consideration, the cancellation of the AirAsia X
In Service: 0 be relatively cheap as Airbus could use the same principles employed to order would mean a severe blow to the A330-900N programme.
develop the A320neo and benefit from engine technology developed for
On Order: 204 the A350 XWB, therefore Airbus decided to introduce the A330NEO. The A330-900N made its first successful flight on 19 October 2017.
The first A330-900N will be delivered in the middle of 2018 to launch
In Storage: 0 Central to the new A330 concept are the new RR Trent 7000 engines. customer TAP Portugal. Airbus is studying to introduce a 251t MTOW
Contrary to the A330CEO (current engine option), the A330neo will version of the A330NEO. This version would have an increased range
Operators: 10 only have one engine manufacturer. The new RR Trent 7000 will have compared to the current version and would make the A330-900N more
a 112inch diameter fan with a 10:1 bypass ratio developing a thrust of competitive against the Boeing 787-9.
Last Delivery: N/A 300-322KN. Besides these new engines the A330neo also features new
larger winglets, an increased wingspan (+3.7m) and some aerodynamic
improvements to the wings and fuselage. The cabin design is also
optimised and includes new-design lavatories and crew rests. These
increased cabin efficiencies will result in up to ten seats more than in
the current A330. All new techniques and improvements contribute to
11% lower trip costs and (thanks to 10 extra seats) 14% lower fuel burn
per seat. The A330NEO has a > 95% spare parts commonality with the
current generation A330s and both generations have the same type
rating. This minimises the entry in service costs for airlines that already
operated the A330, as they would not need to spend money on new
spares or additional flight crew training.
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Airbus A340-200 Airbus A340-300
The A340-200 basically is a four-engined A330-200 with the same The A340-300 basically is a four engined A330-300 with the same
capacity but a higher MTOW and significantly more range. Fuselage, capacity but a higher MTOW and significantly more range. Fuselage,
wing and cockpit design are the same. The A340s four-engine design wing and cockpit design are the same. The A340s four-engine design
freed it from restrictions that limited twin-engined aircraft have to freed it from restrictions that limited twin-engined aircraft have to
operate within a certified timeframe (on one engine) from the nearest operate within a certified timeframe (on one engine) from the nearest
suitable airport. However, increased engine reliability has led to less suitable airport. However, increased engine reliability has led to less
stringent rules for certification for 180 minutes Extended Twin-engine stringent rules for 180 minutes Extended Twin-Engine Operations
Operations (ETOPS) of the competing Boeing 777 family. The A340-200 (ETOPS) of the competing Boeing 777 family. The A340-300's main
is the shorter fuselage, long range version of the A340-300 which was rival, the twin-engined Boeing 777-200ER was favoured by the industry,
Class: Medium Wide- launched simultaneously. When the stretched A340-500 and -600 were Class: Large Wide- outselling the A340-300 by an average rate of 2:1. The MD-11 was a
Bodied Jets launched several years later, the -200 lost appeal as the stretched Bodied Jets relevant competitor as well. In a marginally successful attempt to revive
versions resulted in lower seat mile costs and could accommodate the A340s fortunes, a high gross weight version became available in
First Flight: 1 April 1992 higher specific passenger payloads. In total, only 28 -200s were built. First Flight: 25 October 1991 1996 featuring a reinforced structure with became production standard
None of them are currently in active service. Aerolíneas Argentinas, Air as from msn 117. In 2003, Airbus introduced further enhancements
Standard Seating: 261 (3-class) leisure and Conviasa are the only three airlines which have the A340- Standard Seating: 277 (2-class; 45-, like an LCD flightdeck, a fly-by-wire rudder and improved CFM56-5C/P
200 still in their inventory, but do not fly them anymore. The remainder 38/31in pitch), 440 engines though this didn't have a strong impact as new clients preferred
Range: 6,700 - 8,000nm of the A340-200 fleet is permanently withdrawn from use, scrapped or (maximum seating) the Rolls-Royce powered A340-600 and, later on, the 777-300ER.
is in use as Corporate / VIP aircraft. One aircraft was written-off. It nevertheless is the most widespread A340 which increasingly, is
Engine Options: CFM56-5C Range: 6,500 - 7,300nm operated by airlines with a view to disposal/retirement as soon as a
replacement can be secured. In an increasing fuel price environment,
In Service: 0 Engine Options: CFM56-5C several operators were keen to replace the A340-300 with more
efficient (twin engine) equipment. Many airlines have already replaced
On Order: 0 In Service: 103 the A340-300, or are in the process of replacing them, with new
enhanced versions of the A330-300 (or even with the competing Boeing
In Storage: 7 On Order: 777-300ER), making the A340-300 an aircraft operated increasingly by
second tier airlines. The massive drop in fuel costs in the last two years,
Operators: 3 In Storage: 28 should benefit the four-engined A340-300, but phase-outs (Cathay,
China Airlines, SriLankan, Emirates, Finnair, Iberia) have continued
Last Delivery: November 1998 Operators: 35 in the last years. Around 69 A340-300s have been permanently
withdrawn from use and most of them have been scrapped, which in
Last Delivery: October 2008 turn has led to a big reduction in part-out values. Especially the early
built aircraft with the lower MTOW and lower thrust engines have been
phased out. The A340-300 relatively small and less powerful CFM56
engines make that the engine maintenance costs are relatively low and
are comparable to those of the A320 and 737NG (x2). This in combination
with the low capital costs of the A340-300 make it an attractive aircraft
for second and third tier airlines with a poor credit status and without an
ETOPS status who need long haul equipment.
Airbus itself does not offer a cargo conversion programme for the
A340-300, but LCF Conversions has developed a freighter conversion
which uses the standard lower fuselage freight doors and install a pair
of internal cargo lifts, forward and aft, to transfer the payload between
the lower and main deck, avoiding the high cost expenditure normally
associated with large-door conversion and need to strengthen the main
deck. Today this programme is still not officially launched and certified
and market interest appears muted. If a cargo conversion programme is
launched, part-out scenarios for the A340-300 would no longer be the
only alternative.
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Airbus A340-500 Airbus A340-600
The A340-500 is a slightly stretched (10.5 ft) ultra-long-range The A340-600 is a 34, 8 ft. (85 seat) stretch of the A340-300. The
development of the A340-300. The A340-500 was developed in aircraft is equipped with more powerful RR Trent 500 engines, a new
conjunction with the 34.8 ft stretched -600. Both aircraft have a new wing, enlarged stabilizers and strengthened landing gears. Like its
20% larger wing and are equipped with RR Trent 500 engines. The competitor, the much more successful Boeing 777-300ER, the A340-
A340-500's 9,000nm range allows it to fly non-stop routes such as 600 was developed to replace the 747-100/200/300 and, although
Singapore-New York, Toronto-Hong Kong and Dubai-Sydney. However, somewhat smaller, to supplement or replace the 747-400. Shortly after
considering the very limited number of substantial ultra-long range its introduction Airbus developed a higher gross weight variant at the
routes and especially the high cost involved in such operations, the request of its prospective customers, leaving early production models
-500 remains a niche aircraft which competes with the more efficient, at risk of becoming oddball aircraft due to structural differences. The
Class: Ultra-Long Range Large twin-engined 777-200LR. To fly such ultra-long routes the Airbus A340- Class: Large Wide- high gross weight version features airframe, landing gear and engine
Wide-Bodied Jets 500 has large tanks and structural reinforcements to its frame to deal Bodied Jets pylon reinforcements, which have become production standard after the
with this large amount of fuel on board the aircraft. However with the aircraft's introduction in mid-2006. The improvement in MTOW allows
First Flight: 11 February 2002 high fuel prices seen in the recent past it became almost impossible First Flight: 23 April 2001 for 350nm additional range or 12,000 lbs of payload on a 6,000nm flight.
to make money flying the A340-500 with a full load of fuel. The load
Standard Seating: 297 (2-class; 45-, factor must be far above the 100% to make such routes profitable. Standard Seating: 346 (2-class; 44-42-, Apart from mainly European legacy carriers, the A340-600 failed
38/31in pitch), 375 Due to its relatively heavy structure, the -500 cannot compete with 38-31in pitch), 475 to impress the market. The A340-600 is Iberia’s and South African
(maximum seating) the lighter A340-300 and 777-200ER on routes within the range of (maximum seating) Airways’ main long haul type and forms part of the Lufthansa long haul
these competitors. In 2013 Singapore Airlines stopped flying its non- fleet as well. The aircraft has a payload advantage over the 777-300ER
Range: 9,000nm stop routes between Singapore and New York/Newark and between Range: 7,500 - 7,800nm operating from hot and high airports such as Madrid or Johannesburg,
Singapore and Los Angeles for which it had a dedicated fleet of five but most operators are keen to replace the A340s with more efficient
Engine Options: RR Trent 500 A340-500s. All Singapore Airlines’ A340-500s were subsequently Engine Options: RR Trent 500 (twin engine) equipment. With the A350-1000 (EIS late 2017), Airbus
phased out and returned to Airbus. Emirates operated a fleet of ten already has a twin engined replacement aircraft under development.
In Service: 3 Airbus A340-500s, but the last one was returned to Airbus in March In Service: 62 Although not impossible, a freight conversion is unlikely, due to a mix
2016. With only three aircraft currently in commercial passenger of technical reasons (length of the aircraft and constraints on bending
On Order: 0 service and nineteen aircraft stored and three aircraft already broken On Order: 0 under heavy load with high density cargo) and the relatively small
up, interest in commercial operation of this aircraft is extremely limited fleet acting as feedstock (same for A340-500) combined with the high
In Storage: 19 and it seems VIP/Government service (currently six service) is the most In Storage: 25 costs involved in such a conversion and likely unappealing FTK costs
likely (but very small) aftermarket. compared to other large freighters.
Operators: 7 Operators: 10
Although no longer in production, Airbus started a marketing offensive
Last Delivery: January 2013 Last Delivery: July 2010 in the summer of 2013, as a reaction to the rapidly declining market
values of used A340 aircraft. Airbus stressed that all versions of the
A340 still have excellent performance (especially in hot-and-high
circumstances due to its four engines) and long range capabilities and
with its four engines it is free from ETOPS constraints, making more
direct routes and fuel and time savings possible. Airbus also plans to
re-certify the A340-600 to carry up to 475 passengers, by introducing
35 seats instead of a forward toilet and mid-cabin galley.
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Airbus A350-800
Together with Rolls Royce Airbus is working to improve the engine The A350 family could be seen as Airbus' answer to the slightly smaller
efficiency and maintenance costs. All these improvements should Boeing 787 family but effectively also competes with the slightly
make the A340-600 a more competitive aircraft, unfortunately only at larger Boeing 777 family. After its first launch in 2004, some A350s
low price levels or reduced lease rates. However this new marketing were ordered but the design failed to impress the market and was
campaign did not change much in the market perception of the A340- criticized for being nothing more but an upgraded A330 which couldn't
600. Most airlines who bought the A340-600 new from the factory are compete with the Boeing 787. Airbus responded with the redesigned
in the process of phasing out the aircraft (Virgin, Etihad, Thai) or will A350 dubbed 'XWB' for eXtra Wide Body which featured a 12 in. wider
phase them out in the near future as new equipment (Iberia, Lufthansa) fuselage, a new (composite) wing, upgraded A380 based systems and
will enter the fleet. Only new operator who operates used A340-600s an advanced technology cockpit with 6 large LCD screens. Although
is Mahan Air from Iran, who added - through a rather obscure purchase Class: Medium Wide- launched as an “optimized’ design, the A350-800 will now be a simple
process involving Maltese and Iraqi airlines - 6 ex Virgin aircraft to its Bodied Jets shrink of the base line A350-900 which already entered service early
fleet in the summer of 2015. Since spring 2016 Lufthansa - the largest 2015. As the smallest member of the A350 family, it will in terms of
operator of the A340-600 – has put eight aircraft in storage. A few First Flight: est. 2019 payload and range, be closest to the 787-9. Because it will be slightly
of them are planned to return into service as replacement for the four larger than the 787-8, it could probably be competitive to that type as
oldest A340-600 in their fleet, which are currently offered for sale and Standard Seating: 276 (2-class), 440 well in terms of seat-mile economics. Airbus claims the A350-800 could
will probably leave the fleet in the nearby future. Lufthansa is intended (maximum seating) well co-exist with the A330 family as the latter is optimized for much
to fly the remainder of the A340-600 fleet into the 2020s, until they less range, but on the longer run the A350 is considered to be the future
have taken delivery of enough A350-900s and 777-Xs. Range: 8,245nm twin-engine replacement of the A330/A340 family which is already
reflected in the existing order book. The anticipated efficiency gains
Engine Options: RR Trent XWB of an A350-800 over an A330-200 on a 4,000nm trip are expected to
exceed 20%.
In Service: 0
The A350-800 is the least popular version of the A350XWB. Many
On Order: 8 airlines who placed original A350-800 orders transferred their orders
to other A350 variants, making the order book for the A350-800 shrink
In Storage: 0 from c.150 to 8 aircraft. With very little market appeal and capable
alternative versions of the A350, legitimate doubts are raised if
Operators: 1 Airbus will continue with the development of the A350-800 version
in its current configuration. Airbus itself seems not very supportive
Last Delivery: N/A of the current A350-800 and is moving slowly away from it. With the
introduction of the A330-800N (NEO), it has become highly unlikely that
Airbus will ever produce the A350-800. Hawaiian Air which was one of
the few customers of the type swapped its six strong A350-800 order
to the A330-800neo. Although the A350-800 is still on offer on Airbus
website, the A350-800 is not promoted anymore in Airbus marketing
presentations on various business conferences. Russian flag carrier
Aeroflot cancelled its outstanding order for eight A350-800s early 2017,
making Korean carrier Asiana Airlines with just eight orders the only
remaining customer. It seems increasingly unlikely that the A350-800
will exist beyond the drawing board.
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Airbus A350-900
The A350 family could be seen as Airbus' answer to the slightly smaller The A350-900 has previously been available with MTOWs of 276t, 272t
Boeing 787 family and effectively also competes with the slightly or 275t. The enhanced version will be available from 2020. With 280t
larger Boeing 777 family. It is considered to be the future twin-engine MTOW this enhanced version has the same MTOW as the A350-900ULR,
replacement of the A330/A340 family as well. After its first launch but Airbus says that a combination of larger fuel capacity and transporting
in 2004, some A350s were ordered but the design failed to impress fewer passengers (the A350-900ULR will according to Airbus be equipped
the market and was criticized for being nothing more but an upgraded with an extended premium class cabin, which will give the aircraft a seat
A330 which wouldn’t be able to compete with the Boeing 787. Airbus count of roughly half of the standard A350-900 cabin), the A350-900ULR
responded with the redesigned A350 'XWB' (eXtra Wide Body) which will still have more range.
featured a 12 in. wider fuselage, a new (composite) wing, upgraded A380
Class: Large Wide- based systems and an advanced technology cockpit with 6 large LCD
Bodied Jets screens. The A350-900 is the first and base line A350 model and entered
service with Qatar Airways in January 2015. It features a fuselage which
First Flight: 14 June 2013 is c.21 ft longer than the A350-800 to accommodate approximately 40
more passengers. In terms of payload-range, the A350-900 is positioned
Standard Seating: 325 (2-class; 42-, closest to the 777-200ER which has 400nm less range and a slightly
38/31in pitch), 440 lower seat capacity. The slightly smaller 787-9 and stretched 787-10 are
(maximum seating) competitors as well. Airbus claims the A350-900 could well co-exist
with the A330 family as the latter is optimized for much less range but
Range: 7,590 – 8,100, the A350's (anticipated) efficiency gains could well accelerate A330
9,700nm (ULR version) replacement, certainly in a high fuel price environment.
The A350-900 made its first flight on 14 June 2013. The test programme
Engine Options: RR Trent XWB proceeded without any major hiccups and the first A350-900 was
delivered to its launch customer Qatar Airways on 23 December
In Service: 105 2014. Currently around 105 A350-900s have been delivered to various
customers and most airlines note that the reliability of the A350 is “over
On Order: 520 and beyond” expectations. So the entry into service of this new design
seems to be without any teething problems. Something which cannot
In Storage: 2 be said from its production process. Problems in the supply chain of
especially the seats led to a very slow pace of deliveries. However mid
Operators: 44 2016 it seem these problems have been solved, as the stream of new
A350-900 deliveries finally got momentum. With ~105 aircraft in service
Last Delivery: N/A and 520 A350-900s on order, it is by far the most popular variant of the
A350 family.
In October 2015 Airbus introduced a new long range version of the A350-
900. The A350-900ULR (Ultra Long Range) will feature a higher 278/280t
MTOW, a 17% higher usable fuel capacity as well as aerodynamic tweaks
to stretch its range to 9.700nm. Launch customer of the A350-900ULR
variant is Singapore Airlines, which will use this version for non-stop
flights between Singapore and the US. First delivery of these long range
variants will be in 2018. Airbus has declared that it will be possible to re-
configure an A350-900ULR back to standard A350-900 specifications.
In March 2016, Airbus announced that it will enhance the standard
version of the A350-900 to provide an optional weight increase to
280t MTOW. Together with an aerodynamic clean-up and powerplant
improvements this enhanced A350-900 version will have a 2% lower fuel
burn, which gives the aircraft a 500nm longer range of up to 8.100nm.
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Airbus A350-1000 Airbus A380-800
The A350 family could be seen as Airbus' answer to the slightly smaller The double deck A380-800 has been the largest passenger aircraft
Boeing 787 family and effectively also competes with the slightly larger in production, since it made its first flight in April 2005. According to
Boeing 777 family. It is considered to be the future twin-engine A330/ Airbus, the A380 offers 49% more cabin floor space which results
A340 replacement as well. After its first launch in 2004, the A350 in 26% more seat space than the Boeing 747-400. Also, the A380 is
failed to impress the market and was criticised for being nothing more quieter and is claimed to have 800nm more range and 17% better
but an upgraded A330 which couldn't compete with the 787. Airbus operating economics. The A380's main competitor is the 747-8I which
responded with the redesigned A350'XWB' (eXtra Wide Body) which still will accommodate c.58 less seats than A380 (3 class) but certainly
featured a 12 in. wider fuselage, a new (composite) wing, upgraded closes in on range and operating economics. It however failed to
A380 based systems and an advanced technology cockpit with 6 large impress the market so far. As from the first commercial A380 delivery
Class: Large Wide- LCD screens. The A350-1000 will have a 23ft stretch of the base line Class: Very Large Wide- to Emirates (msn 011) in July 2008, several (weight) improvements
Bodied Jets -900 to accommodate 40 more seats. This largest member of the A350 Bodied Jets have been achieved. As from msn 026, the aircraft will have improved
XWB family is planned to enter service in 2018. In terms of payload- wiring, vertical tail, composite-crossbeams and door structures (weight
First Flight: 24 November 2016 range, the A350-1000 is expected to be a competitor to the 777-300ER First Flight: 27 April 2005 saving approximately 0.7t). Further weight saving measures were
which has the same range and thirty more seats. If the Rolls-Royce Trent implemented as from msn 60 (c.1.0t), msn 80 (c.0.3t). Msn 95, BA’s
Standard Seating: 287 (3-class; 82-, 42-, XWB engines are indeed as efficient and as powerful as planned and Standard Seating: 544 (3-class), first A380 delivered in July 2013, was the first with a strengthened
38/31in pitch) 366 the airframe will not be too heavy, the A350-1000 might turn out to be 644 (2-class), structure and optimised fly-by-wire control laws resulting in a 4t higher
(2-class; 42-, 38/31in considerably more efficient and a strong contender of the very successful 853 (maximum seating) MTOW, providing 100nm additional range. Although these 'steps' in
pitch), 440 (maximum 777-300ER. GE refused to offer GEnx engines for the A350 family as the weight are not enormous, the early production aircraft could become
seating) type poses a threat to exclusively GE powered 777-300ERs. The A350- Range: 8,200nm odd-balls because of worse performance. Potentially up to 120 of the
1000 made its first flight on 24 November 2016 and the first aircraft will earliest A380s suffered a wing-rib bracket cracking problem. A retrofit
Range: 7,950nm be delivered to launch customer Qatar Airways early 2018. Engine Options: EA GP7200 (42%), solution, involving localised reinforcement and thicker rib brackets on
RR Trent 900 (49%), the type is in place. A380s delivered from 2014 onwards will feature
Engine Options: RR Trent XWB So far 212 A350-1000s have been ordered of which 58 were former TBD (9%) a new rib design. In 2015 Airbus presented cabin improvements. New
A350-800 and A350-900 orders. Boeing’s new 777-8 and -9 are Seattle’s cabin configurations (11 abreast) and improvements (among others, side
In Service: 0 answers to the A350-1000 and will put this programme under pressure. In Service: 214 stowage removal and combined crew rest) increases the effective cabin
In September 2017 three high profile A350-1000 customers, United, area with 20m² and will give the A380 better seat-mile economics.
On Order: 212 Cathay and LATAM, converted their A350 orders to the smaller A350-900 On Order: 102 Airbus has the opportunity to stretch the current design into an A380-
variant. United converted all their 35 outstanding A350-1000 orders to 900 to obtain an even larger aircraft with better seat-mile economics,
In Storage: 0 the smaller A350-900 version, while Cathay swapped 6 out of an order of In Storage: 1 though such stretch seems unlikely in the foreseeable future.
26 A350-1000s to A350-900s and LATAM swapped two A350-1000s to
Operators: 13 the A350-900 out of an order of 14. This meant that in September 2017, Operators: 18 The Airbus A380 is offered with a two engine choice. The GP7200 of
the A350-1000 lost 20% of its order backlog. As Airbus didn’t lose these Engine Alliance and the RR Trent 900. With a market share of 42%
Last Delivery: N/A customers, as they swapped their orders to the smaller A350-900 variant, Last Delivery: N/A for the GP2700 and 49% for the RR Trent, it seems that there is some
it looks like this lesser interest in the A350-1000 is more the result of the equilibrium between the two engine manufacturers. Emirates (who is
trend that Airlines prefer relatively smaller widebodies and the market by far the biggest operator of the A380) has selected the EA engine
for twin-engined aircraft in the highest capacity sector has substantially for its initial batch of ninety A380 aircraft. 12 out of the 19 A380
weakened, as also Boeing has difficulties finding new orders for their operators have chosen the RR Trent for the A380. For its second batch
777X and 787-10 aircraft. of additional 52 A380 aircraft Emirates have also chosen the RR Trent
engine, so the RR engine is now clearly becoming the most popular
Early 2016 Airbus has revealed that it is studying an extended version powerplant for the A380.
(~45 more seats), dubbed the A350-2000. This A350-2000 was initially
developed to win a Singapore Airlines pitch, which was ultimately won
by the Boeing 777-9X. According to Airbus, it is technically not a big issue
to stretch the A350-1000, but it wonders if the market for 400 (3 classes)
seat twin-engined aircraft is big enough to make a profitable business
case for the A350-2000. During the Paris Air Show in June 2017, Airbus
confirmed they have no short term plans for a further A350-1000 stretch,
stating that Airbus do not believe the market today is appropriate for it.
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A380 sales got a highly needed boost in 2013 by the order of lessor a possible end of production for the A380 due to the difficulty of
Amedeo (previously Doric Lease Corp.) of 20 A380s and an Emirates’ turning a profit from the programme, the future of the A380 has been
order for an additional fifty aircraft. Since 2013 the order intake of the intensely discussed. Also the market introduction of the Boeing 777-9
A380 has again been slow, with only Emirates ordering two additional will be a serious threat for the A380. The seat-mile cost of the 777-9
aircraft (in fact these were orders for two 2014 built planes, originally will be superior to those of the A380. A stretch and re-engine of the
intended for Skymark) and a small but important order for three aircraft A380 (an A380neo), can improve the competiveness of the A380 in
by Japan’s ANA Airlines. After the softening of the sanctions against the 2020s. Engine Alliance has indicated that the market size in which
Iran, Iran Airlines signed a letter of intent for twelve Airbus A380s. the A380 competes is too small to develop a more powerful engine
Besides this slow order intake, the A380 is also plagued by deferrals. for the A380NEO on an economic viable basis, which leaves only Rolls
QANTAS deferred it last A380s on order, Air France cancelled its last Royce as potential engine supplier for a possible A380neo. For a long
two aircraft on order and it seems very unlikely that Virgin Atlantic will time Airbus has been reluctant to be specific about the A380neo,
ever take delivery of its A380s on order. Also the four A380s ordered by but at the Farnborough Air Show 2016 Airbus said that there will be
Transaero (ceased operations) will probably never been built. IAG / BA an A380neo “when the time is right”, without mentioning any time
has stated that BA will probably not convert its nine A380 options into schedule. Emirates CEO Tim Clark is a strong advocate for the A38neo
orders, because they are “too expensive”. And as of today, Amedeo still and has declared several times that Emirates would buy an additional
has not named any customers for the majority of their twenty A380s 100 aircraft if Airbus would launch an A380neo. However to everyone’s
on order. With this shrinking backlog, Airbus has decided to cut the surprise Airbus disclosed a set of modifications for their flagship, the
production from the A380 from twenty-seven aircraft per year to twelve A380 at the Paris Air Show in June 2017 The A380plus – which is still
from 2018. formally a development study – will have an increased MTOW of 578t
(a rise of 3t), which will extend the range of the aircraft by 3000nm.
2017 marked the 10th anniversary of the A380 in commercial service. From the outside the improved version can be recognized by new
The first five delivered A380s of Singapore are ten years old and development winglets. These winglets will reduce the fuel burn by 4%.
with five new aircraft entering the Singapore fleet in the near future, The new A380 will also benefit from the already early disclosed cabin
Singapore decided not to extend the lease and return the aircraft to improvements (among others side storage removal, new staircases
the leasing company. The first two Singapore Airlines’ A380 were stairs and combined crew rest) which will raise the accommodation
withdrawn from use and put in storage in June and September 2017. by 80 seats. All these measures will cut the cost-per-seat by 13%
These two aircraft are the first A380s on the second hand market and compared to the original version of the A380.
will soon get company from three sisterships. Given the size and the
costs involved in operating an A380, it will be very difficult to find Due to lack of backlog and the very slow order intake (only orders
a new home for these aircraft. There were rumours that the leasing for five new A380 in the last four years; 2x Emirates and 3x ANA),
company would part-out these early A380s and sell the parts. However Airbus is considering to lower the production of the A380 to less
in August 2017 Portuguese ACMI specialist Hi Fly revealed it has an than 1 aircraft per month. This will mean that the production of the
interest in two of these ex Singapore Airlines A380s and that it was in A380 will go down from twenty-seven aircraft in 2016 to a target
discussion with the lease company. Hi Fly has said that if they come to of twelve in 2018. Despite all this negativism surrounding the A380,
terms with the lease company, they expected to introduce two A380s to Airbus is still optimistic about the long term future of the A380.
its fleet in 2018. Time will tell how this story ends and how the market During a media briefing at Beijing, Airbus China President said that
for the A380 will develop. Airbus sees a market for 60 – 100 airbus A380 in China over the
next five to seven years.
As most airlines have chosen the 777-300ER as successor of their
747-400 aircraft, only 19 different operators have ordered the A380,
and its fleet is mainly concentrated with one airline. 45 % of all A380
(in service and on order) are operated or will be operated by Emirates.
As largest customer of the A380, Emirates has been pushing Airbus
to make some improvements to the A380 including a re-engine of
the superjumbo. Airbus says a re-engining of its A380 superjumbo is
something it plans to look at in the longer term, but its main priority is
to ensure that the development schedules of the A350 and A320NEO
remain on-track. Since the very slow order intake for the A380 and
some awkward announcements from an Airbus official in 2014 about
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Boeing Aircraft
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Boeing 737-400 Boeing 737-500
This stretched version (+120 inches) of the 737-300 was Boeing's pretty The -500 is the smallest member of the 737 Classic family with the
successful attempt to keep Airbus from having the 150-seat market longest range. It replaced the similar sized 737-200. Competitors
to itself. The 737-400 enjoyed a good sales performance, especially included the MD-87, the largest members of the BAE Systems/Avro
considering the short eleven-year production cycle. However, it was product lines and the lighter more efficient but narrower Fokker 100.
never to become as successful as the smaller 737-300 and suffered Commonality with the -300 and -400 and the large US domestic market
from the simultaneous introduction of the more advanced Airbus A320. gave the -500 the upper hand. Later, competition came from the less
Boeing also developed a higher gross weight 737-400 for enhanced successful A318 and 737-600. In the secondary market, the 737-500
payload/range (up to 360nm) with structural reinforcement of the isn't widely accepted as it is relatively heavy and has comparatively
aircraft. When compared with its modern technology competitors high seat-mile costs. Newer competitors like E190/195 and C-Series are
Class: Medium Narrow- (737-800 and A320), the 737-400 lacks range, is more expensive to Class: Small Narrow-Bodied much more efficient. In 2015 and 2016, main operators Southwest (25
Bodied Jets maintain and is much less fuel efficient. Although not parked in as Jets aircraft) and Lufthansa (33 aircraft) phased out the type. The biggest
many numbers as the 737-300 during the last economic crisis, the current operator UTAir (32 aircraft) has already announced that it will
First Flight: 23 February 1988 -400 is now being phased out by many operators. New competing First Flight: 30 June 1989 phase out the fleet in the near future and the first 10 aircraft will leave
products and age-related import restrictions in secondary markets the fleet before 2018. The secondary market is further limited by age-
Standard Seating: 147 (2-class; 36-, 32in could accelerate this. At low/moderate fuel prices, a 737-400 can be Standard Seating: 110 (2-class; 36-, 32in related import restrictions in more and more countries. Because of its
pitch), 174 (maximum economically viable if purchased at a low price. For high cycled aircraft pitch), 138 (maximum long range the type has been popular in Russia and as of today, Russia
seating; 29in pitch) structural issues will lead to increased maintenance/inspection costs seating; 29in pitch) is still home to the largest population of 737-500s, with 42 aircraft
with repairs, possibly shortening the economic life. The 737-400 is still flying for 4 different commercial operators. Additional winglets can
Range: 1,580 - 1,995nm popular with small, cash-strapped airlines who are specialized in ad- Range: 1,130 – 2,320nm improve the aircraft performance. So far about 60 737-500s have been
hoc charters and wet-lease operations to provide additional capacity retrofitted with winglets. For high cycled aircraft structural issues will
Engine Options: CFM56-3 during peak season for mainline and first-tier airlines. The low capital Engine Options: CFM56-3 lead to increased maintenance/inspection costs with repairs, possibly
cost for the 737-400 permits operators to generate a profit despite low further shortening the economic life. Given its small size, there is very
In Service: 142 utilisation. As with the smaller -300, cargo conversion programmes are In Service: 162 little interest in conversion to freighter, so there are no conversion
available. As a converted freighter, the 737-400 freighter has become programmes for the 737-500.
On Order: 0 far more popular than its smaller sibling the 737-300 freighter. As of On Order: 0
today, ~130 737-400s have been converted, helped by the availability
In Storage: 71 of affordable feedstock aircraft. With less and less suitable 737-400 In Storage: 34
feedstock (less than 20 years old; MTOW of 63t or higher and CFM56-
Operators: 76 3C1 engines) available for conversion and the introduction of the A320 Operators: 62
and Boeing 737-800 passenger-to-freighter conversion programmes,
Last Delivery: February 2000 with the first aircraft to be converted around 2017-2018, the 737-400 Last Delivery: July 1999
conversion market will diminish in the coming years. The 737-400
is the only variant of the classic 737 for which there is no winglet
modification available. The 737-400 is the heaviest of the 737 classics
but, has the same wing. As a result, the wing has not enough residual
strength to support the winglets.
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Boeing 737-600 Boeing 737-700
The 737-600 is the 100-seat member of 737 'Next-Generation' (‘737NG’) The 737-700 replaces the 737-300, offering the improved features of
family, offering the same cabin dimensions as it predecessor, the 737- the 737NG, combined with the fuselage of the 737-300. It enjoyed
500. The main new features of the 737NG family, when compared to the significant commercial success, resulting in a broad operator base with
'Classics' are a new engine, a new wing with greater fuel capacity and a large fleet, albeit somewhat concentrated at large North American
optional winglets. The 737-600 has a 10,300lb higher empty operating carriers (Southwest, United, WestJet). Its main competitor, the Airbus
weight then the 737-500, which was already considered overweight for A319, is similarly popular and both aircraft seem to have perfectly
its size. The 737-600 collected only 69 orders, representing just 0.8% split the 130-seat market for years. In recent years, order intake has
of the 737NG Family total. Since 2010, already nineteen 737-600s have dwindled which illustrates a (planned) shift to slightly larger equipment
been parted-out, as the highest value of the aircraft can be realized by by many operators including Southwest Airlines. New competitors with
Class: Small Narrow-Bodied selling the engines, which are identical to engines powering the larger Class: Moderate Size significantly more efficient engines have since been launched (CS300,
Jets versions of the 737NG. The 737-600 is the only variant of the 737NG for Narrow-Bodied Jets A319neo). Boeing reacted to these new competitors by introducing
which there are no winglets available. the 737 MAX 7. In early 2016, United placed an order for 40 Boeing
First Flight: 26 January 1998 First Flight: 9 February 1997 737-700s at, according to industry rumours, very attractive prices.
Such prices may have resulted from the intense competition between
Standard Seating: 120 (2-class; 36-, 30in Standard Seating: 141 (2-class; 36-, 30in Boeing (737-700) and Bombardier (C-Series). However, in November
pitch), 138 (maximum pitch), 149 (maximum of 2016, United converted this order to the 737-800 and 737 MAX
seating; 29in pitch) seating; 30in pitch) variants. Southwest Airlines is the biggest operator of the 737-700,
with a fleet of 505 aircraft (48% of the current global fleet). Although it
Range: 635 – 2,540nm Range: 855 – 2,700nm converted its remaining orders for new 737-700s to the 737-800 variant
in early 2016, Southwest is still adding 737-700 aircraft to its fleet. In
Engine Options: CFM56-7B Engine Options: CFM56-7B recent years, Southwest has added more than 65 737-700s, previously
operated by other airlines, to its fleet and 12 more used 737-700s are
In Service: 48 In Service: 1,023 due to enter the active Southwest fleet in the near future.
On Order: 0 On Order: 3 The 737-700 has benefitted from performance upgrades like the
CFM56-7BE 'Evolution' engines, aerodynamic refinements, weight
In Storage: 0 In Storage: 26 schedule improvements, the new Sky Interior and/or aggressive pricing.
Blended Winglets (3-5% fuel burn improvement) are becoming more
Operators: 5 Operators: 80 prevalent (915 in service). These may be retrofitted and are standard on
the Boeing Business Jet 1 ('BBJ1') which is based on the 737-700.
Last Delivery: September 2006 Delivery: N/A In January 2013, Aviation Partners Boeing (APB) introduced a new type
of winglet called the Split-Scimitar Winglets. By replacing an aluminium
winglet tip cap of a blended winglet with a new aerodynamically shaped
“Scimitar ” TM winglet tip cap and by adding a new Scimitar-tipped
Ventral Strake, savings up to 45,000 gallons of jet fuel per aircraft per
year are possible according to APB. APB received FAA Certification for
the Split-Scimitar Winglets in February 2014. Since the launch of the
programme, Scimitar winglets have been ordered by many Airlines,
but for the 737-700 only United Airlines and Southwest Airlines have
ordered Scimitars. United has installed Scimitar Winglets on its
39-strong fleet of 737-700s. Southwest has installed scimitars on just
11 of its huge 737-700 fleet.
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Boeing 737-7
The BBJ, of which 109 are built and one still on order, combines the -700 With the successful introduction by Airbus of the A320neo family,
fuselage with the -800 wing. Derived from the BBJ1 is the 737-700ER Boeing had to respond. Boeing spent several years, investigating the
which is basically a commercial airline variant of the BBJ1 with nine replacement of the 737 with an all new “clean sheet” design. But the
auxiliary tanks below the main deck giving it a maximum range of introduction of the A320neo with its efficient specifications and sky high
5,510nm. Only two 737-700ERs have been built. These were delivered sales figures put pressure on Boeing to react far more quickly with a
to Japanese airline ANA in 2007. Both 737-700ER were withdrawn more modern and efficient 737NG successor. So in August 2011 Boeing
from use by ANA in March 2016. Other variants of the 737-700 include presented the 737 MAX aircraft type. The most important new feature
the 737-700C (convertible) which has a 3.4 x 2.1m side cargo door, and of the 737 MAX was the introduction of the new CFM International
the 737-700QC (Quick Change) which has pallet-mounted seats for LEAP-1B engine. With a fan diameter of 69.4 inches (176 cm), it is an
conversion from passenger to freighter configuration and vice-versa, Class: Moderate Size increase of 7.6 inches (19.3cm) from the CFM56-7B engine on the 737NG.
a process which can be undertaken in less than one hour. So far the Narrow-Bodied Jets To maintain a 16.9 inches (42.9cm) ground clearance beneath the engine,
700C/QC has been unpopular with just 20 aircraft in service (15 with US Boeing had to increase the height of the nose gear by eight inches
Navy, 2 with Saudi ARAMCO, 1 with TAAG Angola Airlines, and 2 Air First Flight: est. 2018 / EIS2Q2019 (20cm), which drove a re-design of the forward electronics equipment
Algérie). There is also the 737-700AEW&C variant, which is a military bay in the nose section. The LEAP engines are mounted higher and
/naval surveillance aircraft. A cargo conversion is available for the Standard Seating: 153 (2-class; 36-, 30in further forward relative to the 737NG’s CFM56 engines. The new larger
737-700. IAI Bedek launched a conversion programme together with pitch), 172 (maximum fan diameter improves the fuel burn by a claimed 12-14%. The new
Alaska Airlines and PEMCO is planning to launch a freighter conversion seating; 28in pitch) engine also has external nacelle chevrons similar to those on the 787
programme, as well as a conversion to Combi or QC variant. and 747-8 which reduce engine noise. The new Leap-1B engine is smaller
Range: 965 – 3,760nm than either the Leap-1A or the PW1100G engine options available to
operators of the new A320neo family. Fuel efficiency is improved by
Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1B some aerodynamic modifications on the fuselage (a new tail cone) of the
737 MAX and the introduction of a new winglet design, called the Boeing
In Service: 0 Advanced Technology (“AT”) winglet. The range of the 737 MAX has
increased by 400-540nm compared to the 737NG. Inside, Boeing offers
On Order: 65 the Sky Interior as standard as well as some minor modifications to the
aircraft systems. These include a flight deck with four new large displays
In Storage: 0 but, with the same look and feel as the 737NG flight deck to preserve
crew training commonality across the 737 Family.
Operators: 4
Boeing froze the definitive design of the 737 MAX in the summer of
Last Delivery: N/A 2013. The first flight of a 737 MAX (a 737-8) took place on 29 January
2016 and after a successful test program, the first 737 MAX entered
service with Batik Air Malaysia in June 2017. The name “MAX” is used
as a marketing term to name the whole family. Aircraft types belonging
to the MAX family so far are designated 737-7, 737-8, 737-8-200,
737-9 and 737-10. Initially Boeing did not change the fuselage length
and door configurations of the 737 MAX so the 737-7, 737-8 and 737-9
corresponded to those of the -700, -800 and 900ER members of the
737NG family. Future values of current generation narrow bodied aircraft
are likely to experience downward pressure from the growing market
penetration of the 737 MAX.
Page 46 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 47
Boeing 737-800
The 737-7 is proposed as the successor of the 737-700. It will compete The 737-800 is considered the optimum 737NG model and has a slightly
with the new A319neo and the stretched Bombardier CS300. However, longer fuselage than its 737-400 predecessor, increasing the 2-class seat
interest in the 737-7 (the smallest of the MAX variants) seems minimal. capacity from 146 to 178. More importantly, it also has room for two more
In 2013, it saw its first orders for 30 737-7s from Southwest and 25 seat-rows than the A320 giving it a potential revenue advantage and lower
737-7s from Westjet. Canadian start-up Jetlines, ordered five 737-7s seat-mile costs. It should be noted that cabin densification can change
in December 2014, making a total order backlog of 60 Aircraft for just seat counts. The 737-800 and its main rival the A320-200 are considered
three customers. As a result of the slow order intake, Boeing decided commercially very successful. With more than 4.450 aircraft in active
to change the initial 737-7 design. At the Farnborough Air Show 2016, service, over 500 on order backlog, almost 200 operators and the fact that
Boeing presented a re-design of the 737-7 with a stretched fuselage plus there is only one engine choice (no engine split as in the A320 market), the
some design elements “borrowed” from the larger 737-8. This modified Class: Medium Narrow- Boeing 737-800 is seen as the most liquid commercial aircraft in the market
737-7 is a 1.93 meter stretch of the original design, so the aircraft can Bodied Jets today. Nevertheless, Airbus did rock the boat by launching the A320neo
carry two more seat rows. Besides this stretch, the new 737-7 also had which is expected to be 10-15% more efficient. Boeing reacted by launching
the higher–gauge aluminium wing from the 737-8 which allowed it to First Flight: 31 July 1997 the 737-8 with a new engine, a new winglet and other features to try to
carry more fuel in the wing and gives the aircraft more range. A second match the efficiency improvements of the A320neo. In the run-up to the
over-wing emergency exit was added to increase certified maximum Standard Seating: 178 (2-class; 36-, introduction of the 737 MAX, Boeing offered performance upgrades to
seating and finally the new 737-7 will get the strengthened landing gear 30in pitch), 189 stimulate sales of the 737NG. These included the CFM56-7BE 'Evolution'
from the 737-8 to accommodate higher weights as the MTOW will be (maximum seating; engines, aerodynamic refinements, weight schedule improvements, the
increased from 70.4t to 80.4t. The new design is reportedly driven by 30in pitch) new Sky Interior, longer maintenance intervals, new space-saving lavatories
the demands from the two largest customers of the 737-7, Southwest and/or aggressive pricing. Winglets (3-5% fuel burn improvement) have
and Westjet. The re-design is also triggered by the development of the Range: 1,305 – 2,680nm become more or less standard on new deliveries (97.6% of in service fleet
Boeing 737 BBJ Max. Just as the BBJ 1 is a derivative of the 737-700, and zero Non-winglets 737-800 on order) and can be retrofitted. In January
the 737 BBJ Max will be a derivative of the 737-7. With the design Engine Options: CFM56-7B 2013, Aviation Partners Boeing (APB) introduced a new type of winglet
tweaks of the redesigned 737-7, the 737 BBJ Max will have enough called the Split-Scimitar Winglets. By replacing an aluminium winglet tip
range to be competitive against the Gulfstream 650ER. In Service: 4,481 cap of a blended winglet with a new aerodynamically shaped “Scimitar ”
TM winglet tip cap and by adding a new Scimitar-tipped Ventral Strake,
In summer 2017, Air Lease Corporation ordered five 737-7s, which On Order: 503 savings up to 45,000 gallons of jet fuel per aircraft per year are possible
makes a total order backlog of 65 737-7s. There are however many according to APB. APB received FAA Certification for the Split-Scimitar
open orders for which the customer has not yet decided for the specific In Storage: 34 Winglets in February 2014. Since the launch of the programme, Scimitar
737 MAX variant. winglets have been ordered by 28 airlines. United Airlines made the first
Operators: 193 commercial flight with a 737-800 equipped with Scimitar Winglets on 19
February 2014.
Last Delivery: N/A
With the backlog of more than 500 aircraft and the introduction of the
737 MAX, Boeing will ramp up the production of the 737 from 44 aircraft
per month to 57 aircraft per month in 2019. As a VIP/corporate shuttle
version the Boeing Business Jet 2 or 'BBJ2' which is based on the 737-800,
attracted a total of 26 orders of which 22 have been delivered so far. Freight
conversions are now offered by Boeing and Aeronautical Engineers (AEI).
AEI launched its 737-800SF (Special Freighter) program on 4 March 2014.
Boeing’s 737-800BCF (Boeing Converted Freighter) program was launched
on 24 February 2016. Converted aircraft carry up to 23.9t of Cargo in up to
6.50 cubic feet (includes 11 standard pallets and one half-pallet) on routes
of up to 2,000nm. It features a main deck cargo door (86” x 140”) for AAA
pallets and unit load devices. The cost for a conversion is reportedly around
$3.5mln. AEI also offers a combi-conversion for the 737-800 and besides
Boeing and AEI, IAI Bedek from Israel is also considering a step into the
737-800 conversion market. However, the NG is still considered too young
and expensive for conversion by most. With eligible feedstock for the 737
Classic cargo-conversions diminishing, this perception may well change.
Page 48 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 49
Boeing 737-8 Boeing 737-8-200
With the successful introduction by Airbus of the A320neo family, With the successful introduction by Airbus of the A320neo family,
Boeing had to respond. Boeing spent several years, investigating the Boeing had to respond. Boeing spent several years, investigating the
replacement of the 737 with an all new “clean sheet” design. But the replacement of the 737 with an all new “clean sheet” design. But the
introduction of the A320neo with its efficient specifications and sky introduction of the A320neo with its efficient specifications and sky
high sales figures put pressure on Boeing to react far more quickly high sales figures put pressure on Boeing to react far more quickly
with a more modern and efficient 737NG successor. So in August 2011 with a more modern and efficient 737NG successor. So in August 2011
Boeing presented the 737 MAX aircraft type. The most important Boeing presented the 737 MAX aircraft type. The most important
new feature of the 737 MAX was the introduction of the new CFM new feature of the 737 MAX was the introduction of the new CFM
International LEAP-1B engine. With a fan diameter of 69.4 inches (176 International LEAP-1B engine. With a fan diameter of 69.4 inches (176
Class: Medium Narrow- cm), it is an increase of 7.6 inches (19.3cm) from the CFM56-7B engine Class: Medium Narrow- cm), it is an increase of 7.6 inches (19.3cm) from the CFM56-7B engine
Bodied Jets on the 737NG. To maintain a 16.9 inches (42.9cm) ground clearance Bodied Jets on the 737NG. To maintain a 16.9 inches (42.9cm) ground clearance
beneath the engine, Boeing had to increase the height of the nose beneath the engine, Boeing had to increase the height of the nose
First Flight: 29 January 2016 gear by eight inches (20cm), which drove a re-design of the forward First Flight: 2019 gear by eight inches (20cm), which drove a re-design of the forward
electronics equipment bay in the nose section. The LEAP engines are electronics equipment bay in the nose section. The LEAP engines are
Standard Seating: 178 (2-class; 36-, mounted higher and further forward relative to the 737NG’s CFM56 Standard Seating: 200 (1-class; 28in pitch) mounted higher and further forward relative to the 737NG’s CFM56
30in pitch), 189 engines. The new larger fan diameter improves the fuel burn by a engines. The new larger fan diameter improves the fuel burn by a
(maximum seating; claimed 12-14%. The new engine also has external nacelle chevrons Range: 1,370 – 3,230nm claimed 12-14%. The new engine also has external nacelle chevrons
30in pitch) similar to those on the 787 and 747-8 which reduce engine noise. The similar to those on the 787 and 747-8 which reduce engine noise. The
new Leap-1B engine is smaller than either the Leap-1A or the PW1100G Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1B new Leap-1B engine is smaller than either the Leap-1A or the PW1100G
Range: 1,370-3,230nm engine options available to operators of the new A320neo family. engine options available to operators of the new A320neo family.
Fuel efficiency is improved by some aerodynamic modifications on the In Service: 0 Fuel efficiency is improved by some aerodynamic modifications on
Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1B fuselage (a new tail cone) of the 737 MAX and the introduction of a new the fuselage (a new tail cone) of the 737 MAX and the introduction of
winglet design, called the Boeing Advanced Technology (“AT”) winglet. On Order: 210 a new winglet design, called the Boeing Advanced Technology (“AT”)
In Service: 9 The range of the 737 MAX has increased by 400-540nm compared to winglet. The range of the 737 MAX has increased by 400-540nm
the 737NG. Inside, Boeing offers the Sky Interior as standard as well as In Storage: 0 compared to the 737NG. Inside, Boeing offers the Sky Interior as
On Order: 2,056 some minor modifications to the aircraft systems. These include a flight standard as well as some minor modifications to the aircraft systems.
deck with four new large displays but, with the same look and feel as Operators: 2 These include a flight deck with four new large displays but, with the
In Storage: 7 the 737NG flight deck to preserve crew training commonality across the same look and feel as the 737NG flight deck to preserve crew training
737 Family. Last Delivery: N/A commonality across the 737 Family.
Operators: 63
Boeing froze the definitive design of the 737 MAX in the summer of Boeing froze the definitive design of the 737 MAX in the summer of
Last Delivery: N/A 2013. The first flight of a 737 MAX (a 737-8) took place on 29 January 2013. The first flight of a 737 MAX (a 737-8) took place on 29 January
2016 and after a successful test program, the first 737 MAX entered 2016 and after a successful test program, the first 737 MAX entered
service with Batik Air Malaysia in June 2017. The name “MAX” is service with Batik Air Malaysia in June 2017. The name “MAX” is used
used as a marketing term to name the whole family. Aircraft types as a marketing term to name the whole family. Aircraft types belonging
belonging to the MAX family so far are designated 737-7, 737-8, 737- to the MAX family so far are designated 737-7, 737-8, 737-8-200,
8-200, 737-9 and 737-10. Initially Boeing did not change the fuselage 737-9 and 737-10. Initially Boeing did not change the fuselage length
length and door configurations of the 737 MAX so the 737-7, 737-8 and and door configurations of the 737 MAX so the 737-7, 737-8 and 737-9
737-9 corresponded to those of the -700, -800 and 900ER members of corresponded to those of the -700, -800 and 900ER members of the
the 737NG family. Future values of current generation narrow bodied 737NG family. Future values of current generation narrow bodied
aircraft are likely to experience downward pressure from the growing aircraft are likely to experience downward pressure from the growing
market penetration of the 737 MAX. market penetration of the 737 MAX.
The 737-8 competes against its arch-rival the A320neo. So far 2,072 In September 2014 Boeing introduced a new high density variant of
orders have been placed for the 737-8 variant, making it the most the 737 MAX Family, marketed as the 737 MAX 200 but designated
popular 737 MAX variant. There are however many open orders for the 737-8-200. The 737-8-200 is based on the 737-8 airframe.
which the customer has not yet decided for the specific 737 MAX Modifications to the cabin such as smaller front and rear galleys and
variant. the addition of two “mid-exit” doors, installed in the rear fuselage
section to meet the FAA evacuation regulations, have made it possible
Page 50 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 51
Boeing 737-900
to accommodate up to 200 passengers. The 737-8-200 will have the The 737-900 is a 7-feet 8-inch stretch of the 737-800, seating eleven
same MTOW as the 737-8 and will therefore have a shorter range of additional passengers in a two-class configuration. However, due
2700nm. The 737-8-200 is specifically intended for low cost carriers, to the lack of an additional emergency exit, the maximum seating
as Boeing expects that the low cost sector will account for 35% of capacity of the 737-900 is limited to the same 189 passengers as on
the single-aisle airline capacity by 2033. With 200 seats, a 737-8-200 the -800 (although in a two-class layout, two to three extra rows of
will have five percent lower operating costs than the 737-8. Launch seats could be added, compared to the 737-800). Its limited maximum
customer of the 737-8-200 is Ryanair which ordered 100 aircraft seating capacity makes the aircraft uninteresting for the charter and
and took options for a 100 more in November 2014. In May 2016, low-cost sector. It also lacks the payload/range capability of its Airbus
Vietnamese low-cost carrier VietJet Air ordered 100 737-8-200s. A A321-200 competitor, causing a large 737-800 operator like SAS to opt
remarkable order as VietJet Air is currently an all Airbus operator with Class: Large Narrow-Bodied for the A321 instead of the 737-900. All these factors made that only
a fleet of 37 Airbus A320ceo aircraft in service and 91 A320neo family Jets 52 737-900s were sold. Winglets can be retrofitted which reduces fuel
aircraft on order. During the Paris Air Show in June 2017, Ryanair consumption and consequently extends the range slightly but, hasn't
ordered an additional 10 737-8-200s. First Flight: 3 August 2000 improved the 737-900’s commercial prospects. The development of
the 737-900ER consigned the -900 into the ranks of the least-popular
Standard Seating: 189 (2-class; 36-, 30in single-aisle aircraft. Production of the 737-900 ended in 2005. Only 56
pitch),189 (maximum 737-900s were built and are still in service today - 50% of them are
seating; 32in pitch) fitted with winglets. In January 2013, Aviation Partners Boeing (APB)
introduced a new type of winglet called the Split-Scimitar Winglets. By
Range: 1,425 – 2,130nm replacing the aluminium winglet tip cap of a blended winglet with a new
aerodynamically shaped “Scimitar ” TM winglet tip cap and by adding
Engine Options: CFM56-7B a new Scimitar-tipped Ventral Strake, savings of up to 45,000 gallons
of jet fuel per aircraft per year are possible according to APB. APB
In Service: 52 received FAA Certification for the Split-Scimitar Winglets in February
2014. Since the launch of the programme, Scimitar winglets have been
On Order: 0 ordered by 25 Airlines. In October 2013, Alaska Airlines ordered Split-
Scimitar winglets for its complete 737NG fleet, including its 737-900s,
In Storage: 0 until today, just seven of their 737-900 haven’t been retrofitted with
Scimitars. United Airlines have equipped all their 12 737-900s with
Operators: 6 Scimitar winglets.
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Boeing 737-900ER
As the 737-900 was not able to compete effectively with the A321, APB. APB received FAA Certification for the Split-Scimitar Winglets in
Boeing developed the 737-900ER which offers longer range and more February 2014. Since the launch of the programme, Scimitar winglets
seats. Technically, the -900ER, features a flat rear pressure bulkhead for the 737-900ER have been ordered only by the North American
which enlarges the usable cabin space, a pair of additional “mid-exit” operators of the type - United Airlines, Delta Air Lines and Alaska
doors to increase the maximum seat capacity to 215 , structural and Airlines. Currently there are no cargo conversion programmes for the
aerodynamic changes and two optional additional fuel tanks which 737-900 and 737-900ER, but Boeing is looking at a 737-900BCF.
increase the range to enable it to fly ‘coast-to-coast’ in the US domestic
market. The 737-900ER entered service in 2007 with Lion Air. In the
first years of service, the 737-900ER fleet was highly concentrated
Class: Large Narrow-Bodied with Lion Air and this somehow contributed to its stigma as a not very
Jets liquid, difficult-to-finance asset. Since 2011, things have improved,
especially thanks to big orders from United and Delta Air Lines, who
First Flight: 5 September 2006 saw the aircraft as a more-able replacement for their domestic 757-
200s than the smaller 737-800. With 136 aircraft (all in service), United
Standard Seating: 193 (2-class; 36-, 30in is the biggest operator of the type, followed by Delta with a fleet of
pitch), 220 (maximum 120 aircraft (83 aircraft in service and 37 on order). Lion Air, including
seating; 28in pitch) its subsidiaries Batik Air, Malindo Air and Thai Lion Air, is also a big
operator with 105 aircraft in service/storage/on order. Alaska Airlines
Range: 1,200 – 2,700nm with a fleet 70 aircraft (61 in Service and 9 on order) is also one of the
larger operators. These four airlines together, have a market share of
Engine Options: CFM56-7B 84.5% meaning that the fleet still highly concentrated. Besides these
four airlines, all other operators of the type have relatively small fleets
In Service: 434 with only Turkish Airlines operating a sizeable fleet of 15 aircraft. The
Turkish Airlines 737-900ER aircraft are equipped with extra tanks and
On Order: 74 operate mainly on the airline’s African network.
In Storage: 3 With only 21 operators and its high fleet concentration in North
America and Indonesia, it is clear that the 737-900ER does not have
Operators: 21 the market appeal of its fiercest competitor, the A321-200. On paper,
the 737-900ER matches some of the A321-200’s key capabilities but, a
Last Delivery: N/A combination of (a) late introduction compared to the rest of the 737NG
Family and; (b) poor field performance in hot/high take-off conditions;
meant that the aircraft failed to match the A321 for sales volume and
particularly for growth of the operator base. With the introduction of
the improved A321neo on the horizon Boeing had to improve its offer.
Initially, Boeing reacted by launching the 737 MAX 9 with a new engine,
a new winglet and other improvements which will make the aircraft
10-15% more efficient but, in a move that acknowledged this was not
sufficient, Boeing later introduced the 737 MAX 10 to increase the seat
capacity to within a few seats of the A321neo.
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Boeing 737-9
With the successful introduction by Airbus of the A320neo family, backlog peaked at around 222 737-9s but, many of these orders have
Boeing had to respond. Boeing spent several years, investigating the been converted to the newer and larger 737-10 which was introduced at
replacement of the 737 with an all new “clean sheet” design. But the the Paris Air show in June 2017. The order backlog for the 737-9 failed
introduction of the A320neo with its efficient specifications and sky to impress, with just a few airlines who have ordered this variant. There
high sales figures put pressure on Boeing to react far more quickly are however many open orders for which the customer has not yet
with a more modern and efficient 737NG successor. So in August 2011 decided for the specific 737 MAX variant. It is possible some orders for
Boeing presented the 737 MAX aircraft type. The most important the 737-9 are hidden in this group.
new feature of the 737 MAX was the introduction of the new CFM
International LEAP-1B engine. With a fan diameter of 69.4 inches (176 To grasp the 757 replacement market, Boeing has begun talking about
Class: Large Narrow-Bodied cm), it is an increase of 7.6 inches (19.3cm) from the CFM56-7B engine a New Mid-Size Aircraft (“NMA”). An all-new, clean-sheet aircraft,
Jets on the 737NG. To maintain a 16.9 inches (42.9cm) ground clearance offering a payload/range capability similar to that of the old 767-200
beneath the engine, Boeing had to increase the height of the nose but with the operating economics of the 737 MAX. However, it will
First Flight: 13 April 2017 gear by eight inches (20cm), which drove a re-design of the forward take some time before this aircraft, if launched, becomes available.
electronics equipment bay in the nose section. The LEAP engines are For the time being Boeing decided to stretch the 737-9 and introduced
Standard Seating: 193 (2-class; 36-, 30in mounted higher and further forward relative to the 737NG’s CFM56 the 737-10 design, to offer a more competitive aircraft to the A321neo
pitch), 220 (maximum engines. The new larger fan diameter improves the fuel burn by a in an attempt to repair the five-to-one ratio by which the 737-9 is being
seating; 28in pitch) claimed 12-14%. The new engine also has external nacelle chevrons outsold by the Airbus A321neo.
similar to those on the 787 and 747-8 which reduce engine noise. The
Range: 1,300 - 3,305nm new Leap-1B engine is smaller than either the Leap-1A or the PW1100G
engine options available to operators of the new A320neo family.
Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1B Fuel efficiency is improved by some aerodynamic modifications on the
fuselage (a new tail cone) of the 737 MAX and the introduction of a new
In Service: 0 winglet design, called the Boeing Advanced Technology (“AT”) winglet.
The range of the 737 MAX has increased by 400-540nm compared to
On Order: 119 the 737NG. Inside, Boeing offers the Sky Interior as standard as well as
some minor modifications to the aircraft systems. These include a flight
In Storage: 0 deck with four new large displays but, with the same look and feel as
the 737NG flight deck to preserve crew training commonality across the
Operators: 12 737 Family.
Last Delivery: N/A Boeing froze the definitive design of the 737 MAX in the summer of
2013. The first flight of a 737 MAX (a 737-8) took place on 29 January
2016 and after a successful test program, the first 737 MAX entered
service with Batik Air Malaysia in June 2017. The name “MAX” is
used as a marketing term to name the whole family. Aircraft types
belonging to the MAX family so far are designated 737-7, 737-8, 737-
8-200, 737-9 and 737-10. Initially Boeing did not change the fuselage
length and door configurations of the 737 MAX so the 737-7, 737-8 and
737-9 corresponded to those of the -700, -800 and 900ER members of
the 737NG family. Future values of current generation narrow bodied
aircraft are likely to experience downward pressure from the growing
market penetration of the 737 MAX.
The 737-9 competes with the A321neo for orders. Both aircraft are seen
as the successors to the 757-200, albeit with less range. Airbus then
offered the A321-200NX - a long-range version of the A321neo which
is the closest match for the 757-200’s combination of seat capacity
and range so far. Compared with the around 1400 orders for the Airbus
A321neo, sales of the 737-9 have been very disappointing. The order
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Boeing 737-10 Boeing 757-200
With the disappointing sales of the 737-9 and the huge success of The 757-200 was developed in conjunction with the wide-bodied 767
the A321neo, it was clear that Boeing has to do something. One of programme. As a result the 757-200 shares some components with
the solutions would be the introduction of an all new design aircraft, the 767 and has a common crew rating. The 757 was designed for
dubbed in the media as the New Midsize Aircraft (“NMA”). The NMA trans-continental markets that had outgrown the then-available 727. In
is expected to fit between the larger narrow-bodied aircraft like the 1986, a 757-200 with a higher certified MTOW entered service. ETOPS
737-900ER and smaller wide-bodied aircraft like the 767-200 or 787-8. certification further improved the 757's operational flexibility. In its first
The NMA might be capable of transporting 220-280 passenger over years of production, the 757 attracted many orders from major carriers
transatlantic and/or transcontinental distances. The introduction of and charter airlines alike. Nevertheless, for the higher frequency
a possible NMA is a hot topic in the aviation media and at various mainline operations, legacy carriers and more importantly low cost
Class: Large Narrow-Bodied business conferences. The question is whether this market segment will Class: Large Narrow-Bodied airlines, mostly selected A320 family or 737NG aircraft, when these
Jets be big enough to make enough sales for Boeing’s business case. Airbus Jets aircraft became available on the market. The 757's transcontinental
claims that their A321neo, with its new Airbus Cabin-Flex arrangement range made the aircraft heavy in comparison to the more modern
First Flight: est. 2019 and its long-haul capabilities (when fitted with extra auxiliary tanks) First Flight: 19 February 1982 A320 family and 737NG. The newer A321-200 was lighter, more fuel
is already the perfect NMA for airlines seeking an aircraft that could efficient and also able to fly US coast-to-coast routes. When retrofitted
Standard Seating: 204 (2-class; 36-, 30in fly these missions. The sales success of the A321neo proved Airbus Standard Seating: 195 (2-class; 36-, with winglets (73.3% of pax fleet), the 757-200 became 4-5% more
pitch), 230 (maximum was right, as the A321neo is a big success and some airlines are 32in pitch) fuel-efficient which opened up a whole new role in low density medium
seating; 28in pitch) planning to use the A321-200NX on longer haul routes. Particularly haul (transatlantic) operations. In 2016, Aviation Partners Boeing (APB)
when compared to sales of the 737-9 (until recently Boeing’s only Range: 2,130 – 4,000nm introduced the Scimitar Blended Winglets (SBW) for the Boeing 757-200
Range: 1.,355 – 3,125nm offering in this segment) it seemed that Airbus’ product clearly had aircraft. Icelandair was the first airline to install and operate these
a lot of market appeal and the A321neo would do the job adequately Engine Options: PW2000 (43%), RR Scimitar winglets and had retrofitted the winglet on its entire 757 fleet
Engine Options: CFM LEAP-1B while an expensive yet-to-be-developed new aircraft design may not RB211-535 (57%) by the summer of 2017. The Scimitar Blended Winglets deliver one
be necessary. Resources (not only financial, but also the engineering percent reduction of fuel burn, so were only attractive for aircraft that
In Service: 0 capacity) may be better allocated to develop an all new narrow-bodied In Service: 333 would remain in service for a longer period of time.
aircraft design, with a market introduction in the mid-late 2020s.
On Order: 256 On Order: 0 Boeing decided to end the 757 production in 2004. Although the part-
The success of the A321neo forced Boeing to respond with a relatively out phase had already started for older 757s, large fleets of younger
In Storage: 0 quick answer - a further stretch of the 737-9. The new aircraft is called In Storage: 91 757s remained in passenger service, particularly at some US majors.
the 737-10 and was officially launched at the Paris Air Show in June However, American Airlines, Delta Airlines and United Airlines had
Operators: 13 2017. The 737-10 is a 1.68m stretch (two seat rows) of the 737-9. It Operators: 49 already ordered large quantities of 737-900ER, 737-9, A321-200 and
features the same “mid-exit” door (for a variable exit-limit rating) but, A321neo aircraft to replace their ageing 757-200 fleets. In recent years,
Last Delivery: N/A besides its length there are few other visible differences. The 737-10 Last Delivery: April 2005 United and American have sent many 757 aircraft to the storage fields
now features a “levered” main landing gear. The main landing gear has in the desert. About 21 percent of the 757-200 fleet is stored today.
been modified to enable adequate clearance for the longer fuselage Some will be converted to freighter, but many will not return to the
for rotation on take-off and landing and to ensure the aircraft remains skies again. With the introduction of even more efficient aircraft with
stall rather than pitch-limited. Despite the greater clearance, Boeing the same seating, payload and range specifications as the 757-200
chose to stick with the Leap-1B engine to minimise development cost in the form of the A321neo and 737-9, the days of the 757-200 as
and offers a thrust-bump version of the engine for the 737-10, rather a transcontinental workhorse of the US majors are numbered. The
than choosing a larger fan engine like the Leap-1A which might provide disposal of large quantities of 757-200s has lowered its values. It may
lower fuel consumption but less commonality. To support the greater still be an attractive aircraft for some airlines looking for a relatively
passenger capacity, the aircraft will also have an increased MTOW. affordable medium range aircraft, available in the short term. A fair
With 256 orders, the 737-10 had a very successful start and several number of 757-200s have an extended operational future with DHL
airlines converted their 737-9 orders into 737-10 orders. For example, and FedEx (no winglets) as strongly committed customers for freighter
United swapped its 100 strong 737-9 order for the 737-10. In total, 214 conversions. As Corporate/VIP /Head of State aircraft, 22 757-200s are
of the 256 orders were swapped from other MAX variants. Boeing has operated by 16 operators.
said the 737-10 is scheduled to enter commercial service in 2020.
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Boeing 757-300
In early 2014, Boeing confirmed that it is in the early phase of a market The 757-300 was a last-minute and essentially unsuccessful attempt
study for a 757 replacement. Subsequently, the possible introduction to revitalize the 757 market by introducing a stretched version. After
of a “New Midsize Aircraft” (NMA) has been a hot topic at aviation offering only one version for almost two decades, this 23ft longer
conferences and in the on-line and printed aviation media. These version (c.~40 more pax in dual class) was offered as well. However
NMA should fit between the current single aisle aircraft (the 737 by the end of the 1990s the 20 year old technology of the 757 was
Max) and the smallest twin-aisle aircraft (787-8). The NMA might be considered outdated and the trend in the narrow bodied aircraft market
designed to fly 210-250 passengers in a 2-class configuration over was towards smaller aircraft used with high frequency instead of larger.
distances of 4500-5000nm. The successful introduction of the Airbus As a result the 757-300 never got of the ground commercially and
A321-200N/200NX has put some pressure on Boeing to come with production was ended only five years after it first entered into service.
a competitive aircraft in what has been dubbed the “middle-of-the- Class: Large Narrow-Bodied United, Delta (both US airlines inherited the type after a takeover of
market” segment. Boeing may develop a new clean sheet design but, Jets another airline) and Condor are the most important 757-300 operators
this will be a very expensive investment and it is unlikely that a new (21, 16 and 9 a/c in service respectively). There is no cargo conversion
clean-sheet aircraft design will be available before 2024. Doubts about First Flight: 2 August 1998 program for the 757-300.
the size of this market segment mean that Boeing is still investigating
whether there will be enough interest from airlines to justify the Standard Seating: 234 (2-class; 36-,
investment. 32in pitch)
In Service: 55
On Order: 0
In Storage: 0
Operators: 6
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Boeing 767-200/200ER Boeing 767-300/300ER
The 767 variants make up a family of small and medium wide bodied The basic 767-300 is essentially a 45 seat stretch of the 767-200, and
aircraft for medium to long-range operations. The 767-200 is the is mostly used in the North American and transatlantic market as well
smallest of the three variants and is offered in a basic and a high gross as the Asian domestic (Japan) and regional markets. Boeing almost
weight (-200ER extended range) version and some “hybrid” versions simultaneously developed the higher gross weight 767-300ER which has
(-200EM;-200ERM). The aircraft was designed to fit in between the up to 2,000 nm of additional range, a standard lower deck large cargo
larger DC-10 and L1011 wide bodies and the narrow bodied 727s. It door and is mostly used on inter-continental routes. The 767-300ER
would replace the 707 and DC-8s and competed directly with the is the most successful member of the 767 family, selling over 500.
slightly earlier introduced A310. Both aircraft ended up splitting a rather However like the 757, the 767 is technically outdated, a problem that
limited 220-seat wide bodied aircraft market. Many passenger 767- became obvious after the introduction of the A330-200 which is more
Class: Small Wide- 200/200ER aircraft have already been dismantled and with 55.6% of Class: Medium Wide- efficient and more capable. Many airlines therefore replaced their
Bodied Jets the current fleet stored, the type has a very high storage percentage. Bodied Jets 767-300ERs with the new Airbus products (among others KLM, Air
Europa, SAS, and Air France). Although still on offer by Boeing, sales of
First Flight: 26 September 1991 Although the 767 production line is still open (for freighters and the 767 First Flight: 30 January 1986 the 767-300ER have dried up and in the summer of 2014, the – for the
Tanker order from the USAF), there has been no 767-200(ER) delivery time being - last passenger 767-300ER was delivered to Air Astana. The
Standard Seating: 192 (2-class; 60-, since March 2003 and it is not likely that any new ones will be ordered. Standard Seating: 229 (2-class; 60-, A330-200 still records moderate sales and has already outsold the 767-
32in pitch) The operator base is very fragmented and consists of just second tier 33/32in pitch) 300ER. It is possible to upgrade the 767-300ER with winglets (est. 4-5%
operators with very small fleets (3 or less). An additional eight 767-200s fuel burn improvement) which has been done to 270 aircraft, mostly by
Range: 4,590 - 6,430nm serve as corporate/VIP/Head of State aircraft. Twelve 767-200s were Range: 4,505 – 5,590nm the US majors which still operate the majority of the 767-300(ER) fleet.
(767-200ER) built as tanker, military transport aircraft or military reconnaissance (767-300ER) Boeing's 787 will replace a large part of all 767s in the near future.
aircraft for the Japanese and Italian Air Force and one 767-200 was In October 2017 it was rumoured in the media that Boeing would restart
Engine Options: GE CF6-80 (53%), converted from passenger aircraft to tanker / transport aircraft for the Engine Options: GE CF6-80 (63%), the production of the passenger variant of 767-300ER as some kind of
PW JT9D (39%), Colombian Air Force. After a long an intense procurement process the PW JT9D (1%), short term interim solution before a New Midsize Airplane (NMA) would
PW 4000 (8%) USAF ordered 175 767 Tankers which will be a derivative of the 767- PW4000 (32%), enter the market. Especially US airlines should have shown interest in
200. For older -200(ER)s, a (package) freighter conversion programme RR RB211-524 (4%) an aircraft of this size that will be available on short notice and is much
In Service: 16 is available (~60 conversions so far for primarily ABX Air and Star Air). cheaper that than the 787-8. Especially in a low fuel price environment,
However, looking forward, the 767-300(ER) is the preferred conversion In Service: 452 the economics of 767-300ER with relative low capital costs but a higher
On Order: 0 candidate because of the larger volume and higher take-off weights. fuel burn work better than those of a fuel efficient, but expensive to
On Order: 0 acquire 787-8.
In Storage: 20
In Storage: 49 Despite the fact that there are currently no 767-300ERs on order, the
Operators: 19 production line remains open because of the USAF tanker aircraft
Operators: 77 order which was granted in 2011 to Boeing's 767 platform (with 787
Last Delivery: March 2003 updates) and for 767 freighters, ordered by Fedex. For first tier airlines,
Last Delivery: June 2014 used 767-300ERs are no longer attractive aircraft as they can afford
more modern and fuel efficient alternatives. However, thanks to its
low capital costs and long haul capabilities, a 767-300ER can be a
very good aircraft for new start-up airlines, ACMI operators and new
long haul low-cost/leisure initiatives. For example in Canada Air
Canada Rouge and WestJet started long haul low cost operations
aimed at the leisure market with the 767-300ER in 2013 and 2015.
Many former passenger 767-300ERs, excluding low MTOW aircraft
with structurally weaker wings, will find a second life as a converted
freighter as soon as feedstock values have become cheap enough. It
certainly beats converted A300 or A310 freighters on payload/range
capability although it has a narrower fuselage (less optimal container
configurations) than these Airbus competitors.
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Boeing 767-400ER
Demand for medium wide-bodied freighters is rising in mainly China Like the 757-300, the 767-400ER was a failed attempt by Boeing to
and the USA as e-commerce companies like Alibaba and Amazon intend revive a 20-year-old programme. It was launched to create a better
to start their own air express operations to become more independent competitor to the successful A330-200. The 767-400ER is a 40 seat
from companies like UPS, DHL and Fedex. Converted 767-300 freighters (21 feet) stretch of the (already stretched) 767-300 fuselage and also
are an ideal platform for these new start up initiatives. Since January features an extended wing by the addition of 7 feet and 8 inch raked
2016 more than 30 767-300/ERs had been converted and many wingtips. Market acceptance of the 767-400ER was - with only two
ex passenger aircraft are stored waiting for a conversion slot. As airlines buying the aircraft – awful as it largely featured 20 year-old
corporate/VIP aircraft, an additional eight 767-300(ER)s are in service technology. Today Delta Airlines (21) and United Airlines (16) which
with one stored. inherited the aircraft from the Continental take over, operate the 767-
Class: Medium Wide- 400ER. Although still being offered by Boeing, it is unlikely that the 767-
Bodied Jets 400ER will receive any additional commercial orders. Fedex expressed
some interest in a (factory built) 767-400 freighter some years ago, but
First Flight: 9 October 1999 ordered the -300 freighter version of the 767. One 767-400ER is built as
VIP aircraft for the Government of Bahrain.
Standard Seating: 267 (2-class; 60-,
33/32in pitch)
In Service: 37
On Order: 0
In Storage: 0
Operators: 2
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Boeing 787-8
The 787 family is initially designed to replace the 757- and 767-products As of summer 2017, more than 330 787-8s have been built and delivered
and is the most successful wide-bodied aircraft design ever in terms of to more than 40 operators. Boeing decided it will deliver none of the six
aircraft ordered prior to its entry into service. The 787 family features flight test aircraft to customers. The first batch of customer production
many new technologies like a full composite structure including wing models (line # 7 – 22, nicknamed “Terrible Teenagers”) suffered from
and barrel shaped fuselage sections (accommodates 9 abreast seating), structural overweight and performance issues and didn’t meet Boeing’s
new up to 15-20% more efficient and relatively quiet engines, improved performance guarantees provided to the original customers, who
aerodynamics and many new electric systems instead of pneumatics/ subsequently rejected these aircraft. Also, Boeing encountered serious
hydraulics. The 787-8 is the 'baseline model' and is optimized for the quality and design issues in the construction of major components such as
long-range medium-density markets and would serve as such as a empennage, side-of-body wing joint and horizontal tail plane stabilizers.
Class: Medium Wide- replacement for the 767-300ER and be a new threat to the successful This meant that the aircraft had to be re-engineered to meet target
Bodied Jets A330-200. Furthermore, its ultra-long-range capability enables it as delivery specifications. The “teenager” aircraft feature a lower-than-
well to develop new point-to-point routes, as airlines may use it as standard MTOW, severely compromising its payload/range capability. The
First Flight: 15 December 2009 “pathfinder” to develop routes between city-pairs at long range that have “teenager” 787-8 aircraft were stored at Everett and Boeing tried hard
insufficient traffic density to (yet) justify the larger long range aircraft to sell these “teenagers” with a huge discount to other airlines. However
Standard Seating: 242 (2-class; 85-, types. Design and production difficulties lead to multiple serious delays the “teenager” stigma made it very difficult to find customers for these
32in pitch) of the first delivery. Eventually the first Dreamliner was delivered to ANA aircraft. In 2015 Boeing sold six of these “teenagers” to Ethiopian and two
in September 2011 and first commercial service of a 787 took place later to Air Austral. These eight “teenagers” will have to undergo a probably
Range: 7,355nm that year on 26 October. costly modification programme, before being suitable for delivery to
their new customers. Two more teenagers were sold to the Mexican and
Engine Options: GE GEnx-1B (60%), After a successful first year in service and 50 Dreamliners delivered to Korean government for use as a VIP aircraft.
RR Trent 1000 (31%), various airlines, the 787 programme got a major setback. In January 2013
TBD (9%) after “battery events” on board a Japan Airlines 787-8 and on board an For various reasons (delays, expected 787-8 underperformance, more
ANA 787-8, the global fleet of all 787-8s in service was grounded by the value, etc), a significant numbers of 787-8 orders have been swapped to
In Service: 322 aviation authorities. The damage to the battery and surrounding area the 787-9 variant and there have also been very few new orders since
led to loss of battery function on both airplanes and in both cases was 2010, as airlines prefer the better economics of its larger siblings, the
On Order: 79 caused by the lithium-ion batteries that Boeing installs in the forward 787-9 and 787-10. Since its first commercial flight in October 2011, Boeing
and aft electronic equipment bays of each 787. This type of battery is only booked 53 new orders for the 787-8 and placed twelve of the old
In Storage: 2 necessary for the 787’s performance, because of the battery type’s ability 787-8 “teenagers” in the market at discounted price levels. The current
to offer peak performance in very short notice and because each battery backlog has shrunk to 79 aircraft and as long as no orders are placed, the
Operators: 44 is relatively light and small. After more than 200,000 engineers’ hours last 787-8 aircraft from the current order book are scheduled for delivery
spent, Boeing presented an improved battery design with a three-layer around 2020. Unfortunately Boeing didn’t incorporate a number of the
Last Delivery: N/A protection method preventing initiation or propagation of a battery event structural improvements of the -9 design into the -8, probably because
and then additionally preventing any impact to the safe operation of Boeing is commercially focused on the more lucrative -9.
the airplane. The US FAA approved the new battery design and lifted
the grounding order on 21 April 2013. Boeing exercised a programme of Boeing selected General Electric (GE) and Rolls-Royce (RR) to supply
battery system retrofits to the in service and undelivered new 787s and engines for the 787 program. The initial versions of these engines
airlines subsequently resumed operations with their 787 fleets. Besides missed aircraft fuel burn targets by around 3-to-4 percent. Incremental
these battery problems, teething problems continued to haunt the 787, improvements to the engines’ hardware and software resulted in
which caused major operational problems for many operators. One of enhanced engine performance that better matched the aircraft fuel
the most high-profile incidents was a fire (again) on board a parked, burn target. The PIP II package for the GEnx-1B engines and the package
unoccupied and unpowered Ethiopian Airlines 787 at London Heathrow TEN (e.i.s. 2018) for the RR Trent 1000 engines are expected to achieve
on 12 July 2013. Although this fire was not caused by its main batteries, (or exceed) the original fuel burn targets for the 787. This still leaves a
but by a overheated Emergency Locator (ELT), which contains Lithium- number of early production aircraft with GEnx-1B PIP I and Trent 1000
Manganese Dioxide Batteries, it did not help to improve the 787 already Package B and C engines. GE has indicated that during future shop-visits
tainted (media) reputation. All these 2013 incidents did not result in any all PIP I engines may be upgraded to PIP II level. RR has not made any
cancellation of orders. Several operators still indicate that while the 787 similar indications regarding the upgrade of Package B and C engines
is a very advanced design, it is a bit of a “prima donna” as its systems to the Package TEN hardware standard. This means that RR “B” and
are complex and sensitive causing headaches to the airlines’ operational “C”powered 787’s are at risk of becoming marginalised in the future. In
organisations. addition, PIP II and Package TEN engines are more desirable (76K+ thrust
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Boeing 787-9
level) engines as they can be applied to the 787-8 and 787-9, as well as The 787 family is initially designed to replace the 757- and
the 787-10. Different airframe OEW’s and engine standards require an 767-products but the 787-9 variant is closer to the 777-200ER in terms
individual evaluation of early 787-8’s. It is deemed likely that the weights of payload-range. Compared to the baseline 787-8, the 787-9 has
and payload-range performance of the 787-8 will gradually improve as more powerful engines and a stretched fuselage (20 ft) which should
further deliveries take place but will not meet the initial specs as set by enable it to carry some 40 more passengers (up to 290 passengers)
Boeing for the time being. over an additional 300nm range (7,600nm). The A350-800 is expected
to be a close competitor but the slightly larger A350-900 could offer
Boeing has sold five 787-8 BBJs (Boeing Business Jets) for VIP/ Head-Of- competing seat-mile economics as well. It seems the A350-800 will
State operations. Besides these five BBJs seven more 787-8 (including actually never be built. Compared to the larger 777-200ER, the 787-9
4 “teenagers”) operate in a similar role, bringing the total of 787-8 VIP Class: Medium Wide- is expected to bring a 20% relative trip cost improvement which
aircraft to twelve. Three of these VIP 787-8s are currently in service, Bodied Jets is a 10% improvement in seat mile cost. In general, the 787 family
the other aircraft are stored or currently being outfitted with a luxurious features many new technologies like a full composite structure
VIP interior. First Flight: 17 September 2013 including wing and barrel shaped fuselage sections (accommodates
9 abreast seating), new up to 15-20% more efficient and relatively
Standard Seating: 290 (2-class; 85-, quiet engines, improved aerodynamics and many new electric systems
32in pitch) instead of pneumatics/hydraulics.
Range: 7,155 - 7,635nm Design and production difficulties of the 787 programme have led to
serious delays, but on 17 September 2013 the 787-9 finally made its
Engine Options: GE GEnx-1B (49%), first flight. After a successful test programme, the first 787-9 was
RR Trent 1000 (33%), delivered to Air New Zealand on 10 July 2014. Order swapping from
TBA (18%) the 787-8 to the -9 indicates that customers increasingly see the -9
as the preferred variant with better performance and probably less
In Service: 242 teething problems than the -8. As of summer 2017, with 242 787-9s in
active service and 436 787-9s on order, the 787-9 has clearly outsold
On Order: 436 the 787-8. The 787-9 did not suffer from a difficult entry-into-service
with operational reliability problems for the airlines as the 787-8 did.
In Storage: 0 Boeing claims for 787 reliability are now comparable to other aircraft.
On the production side, the problems seemed to be solved as Boeing
Operators: 49 is producing the 787 with a rate of twelve aircraft a month, which
will increase to fourteen per month in 2020. The 787 is built at two
Last Delivery: N/A production lines; in Everett (WA) and Charleston (SC). Two 787-9 have
been ordered as a BBJ variant.
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Boeing 787-10 Boeing 777-200
The 787 family was initially conceived as a two-size family of aircraft The Boeing 777-family was developed to fill the capacity gap between
compromising three models besides the already mentioned 787-8 and the 767 and 747-400 and to replace older wide bodies as DC-10-10 and
787-9 Boeing also developed a 787-3. This version was initially developed L-1011 Tristar. Compared to previous aircraft generations, the 777's
for regional operations and featured the same fuselage dimensions as largely computerized assisted design featured improved, more reliable
the 787-8. The 787-3 has been dropped by Boeing due to lack of market engines, a higher percentage of composites in the structure, digital
interest. In 2006 Boeing introduced the idea of a further stretch of the 787-9 fly-by-wire and a modern LCD cockpit. The 777-200, initially referred
to provide more payload capability and initially, called it the 787-10. After to as the 777A with a maximum range of 4,240 nm primarily aimed
a few silent years, Boeing revealed a new rendering of a larger variant of at the US high-density, trans-continental and intra-Asia market. The
the 787, now designated 787-10X. The -10X appears to be shorter than the increasing high frequency competition from low-cost carriers in the
Class: Large Wide- original “2006” 787-10. At the Paris Air Show in June 2013, Boeing launched Class: Large Wide- US domestic market and strong competition from the more efficient
Bodied Jets the new Aircraft model (now called 787-10 again). The “new” 787-10 is Bodied Jets and slightly longer range A330-300 limited the market acceptance and
marketed with seating for ~330 passengers in a two class layout and a range commercial success of the 777-200. Nine different -200 customers
First Flight: 31 March 2017 of ~6,400nm. It has the same wingspan and engines as the 787-9, which First Flight: 12 June 1994 have taken delivery of 88 aircraft. Today still eight airlines operate the
indicates that the 787-10 would probably be targeted for thick, medium-long type. The last few years, phase-outs of the 777-200 have accelerated.
Standard Seating: 330 (2-class; 85-, routes such as transpacific or transatlantic. As such, it would be a strong Standard Seating: 317 (2-class; 85-, Twenty 777-200s have already been withdrawn from use and broken
32in pitch) competitor to today's very successful Airbus A330-300 (having slightly more 32in pitch) up; the majority of them in the last two years. As the 777-200 is less
pax and more range) as well as to the Airbus A330-800/900neo and Airbus capable compared to the 777-200ER and doesn’t offer the low seat mile
Range: 5,630 -6,430nm A350-800 and -900 which probably will be heavier but probably beat the -10 Range: 3,125 – 4,240nm cost of the A330-300, the 777-200 is less attractive for new operators.
on range. In general, the 787 family features many new technologies like a The reason that they are still flying is fleet commonality as all eight
Engine Options: GE GEnx 1B (62%), full composite structure including wing and barrel shaped fuselage sections Engine Options: GE90 (9%), operators have also other variants of the 777 in their fleet. Most 777-
RR Trent 000 (38%) (accommodates 9 abreast seating), new up to 15-20% more efficient and PW4000 (75%), 200s are used on medium-haul high density routes. Largest operator of
relatively quiet engines, improved aerodynamics and many new electric RR Trent 800 (16%) the type United Airlines (19 aircraft) has announced that it will move 10
In Service: 0 systems instead of pneumatics/hydraulics. A clear advantage for the 787-10 777-200 from their transatlantic network, to their domestic network.
would be that it could benefit from the design, production and operational In Service: 62 One 777-200 is in use as VIP / Head of State aircraft for the Government
On Order: 168 experience gained with the 787-8 and -9. of Gabon.
On Order: 0
In Storage: 0 The 787-10 made its first flight on 31 March 2017. The first flight took place Because Fedex showed some interest in a conversion programme, a
at Charleston (SC). It was the first time a new Boeing commercial aircraft In Storage: 5 second life as converted (regional) freighter is a very remote possibility.
Operators: 10 design made its first flight outside the Seattle (WA) area. The 787-10 will Even the usually less cycled 777-200ER doesn’t seem to be a popular
be assembled exclusively in Charleston. The service entry of the 787-10 Operators: 8 feedstock plane. Only a converted 777-200LR could offer payload/
Last Delivery: N/A is targeted for the second half of 2018. Initially the 787-10 was very well range capabilities close to a factory freighter. Conversion probably
received in the market and in the first half year after its introduction at the Last Delivery: May 2007 will be costly (~ $30 mln) because of the expected need to replace the
Paris Air Show 2013, more than 120 aircraft had been ordered. Since then, composite floor beams by a metal structure and some other complex
the new order intake has been slow with only 48 new 787-10 orders, which (software) adjustments. Although the 777 assembly line is still open,
in combination with a few order swaps from the 787-9 to 787-10 makes for there has not been any 777-200 delivery since May 2007 (except -200
a total backlog of 168 aircraft. If history is to repeat itself, a 787-10”ER” freighters) and it is not likely that any new 777-200s passenger planes
(extend range) might be introduced in the future to give the 787-10 the will be ordered.
extra range to compete against the new Airbus offerings in the segment.
Especially M.E. carriers would probably welcome a bit more range.
Boeing however has not announced any plans in this direction and indicates
that the -10 combines optimal seat-mile cost with adequate range for the
majority of missions.
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Boeing 777-200ER
The Boeing 777-family was developed to fill the capacity gap between Relief can come from a 777 conversion programme. If Boeing launches
the 767 and 747-400 and to replace older wide bodies as DC-10 and a 777 conversion programme (based on Fedex interest), the 777-200ER
L-1011 Tristar. The 777-200ER, also referred to as the 777-200IGW seems to be the acceptable preferred feedstock candidate based on
(increased gross weight) or 777B, was developed to replace the DC-10 payload-range and load distribution capabilities as well as the potential
and L1011 tri-jets on long-haul routes and compete with the four-engine availability of suitable and affordable feedstock aircraft. Performance
A340-300 and the MD-11 tri-jet. The 777-200ER was optimized on wise a converted 777-200ER will be far away from the 777 factory
markets such as Europe to the US West Coast and offered some 2,500 freighter and will effectively be a large regional freighter. Conversion
nm range over the 777-200. Some airlines even managed to get the probably will be costly (~ $30 mln) because of the expected need to
180 minutes ETOPS certification increased to 207 minutes in 2000 replace the composite floor beams by a metal structure and some other
Class: Large Wide- which enabled the 777-200ER to fly trans-pacific routes efficiently and complex (software) adjustments. 3 777-200ER are in use as Corporate
Bodied Jets compete on thin 747 routes. The 777-200ER is however offered in six Jet or as presidential aircraft.
different gross weight variants. The lower gross weight versions are
First Flight: 7 October 1996 not always simply upgradeable and this would in any case be a very
expensive exercise. Its payload/range performance combined with
Standard Seating: 313 (2-class; 85-, the efficiency of twin-engines made the 777-200ER the fastest selling
32in pitch) wide-bodied until the 787 was launched. In recent years sales of the
777-200ER have dried up and although the aircraft is still offered by
Range: 5,130 – 7,065nm Boeing there are no 777-200ERs on backlog. The last 777-200ER which
came off the production line in Everett was delivered to Asiana Airlines
Engine Options: GE90 (39%), in July 2013. Many airlines favour the A330-300 especially the new
PW4000 (22%), 240t and 242T MTOW variants or go for the larger 777-300ER variant,
RR Trent 800 (39%) which has become the most popular model within the 777-family. In
2013, the 777-200ER was overtaken by the 777-300ER in terms of the
In Service: 348 number of aircraft produced. It seems that Airbus finally will challenge
the 777-200ER's market dominance with the A350-900 design. For
On Order: 0 operators that don't need the range, the more efficient high gross
weight A330-300 (or the future A330-900N) is more attractive.
In Storage: 46
The 777-200ER has long been one of the most popular wide-bodied
Operators: 44 aircraft in the market. But with a new generation aircraft entering
service in the coming years and the fact the 777-200ER design is
Last Delivery: July 2013 starting to age, many aircraft will be phased out in the coming years.
Phase-outs have already started with Singapore Airlines, China
Southern, Kenya Airways, Emirates and Malaysia Airlines. The number
of stored 777-200ERs grew from around seven early 2015 to more than
45 in the summer of 2017 and eighteen 777-200ERs have already been
scrapped. Given the known difficulties of remarketing large wide-
bodied aircraft, these developments will have a negative impact on its
market values. Most 777-200ERs are still in service operated by their
original operator. Mostly first tier network airlines like for example
British Airways, American Airlines, United Airlines and Air France. With
the new replacement types as the 787-9 and A350-900 now entering
service and their deliveries finally getting momentum, it is not expected
that market values for 777-200ER aircraft will recover.
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Boeing 777-200LR Boeing 777-300
The 777-200LR is an ultra-long-range derivative of the 777-200ER The 777-300 is designed to operate on mid-to-long range high density
and was designed to counter the A340-500. Boeing named it “the routes and is currently almost exclusively used within Asia (Emirates
Worldliner”, because it could connect almost every city pair on the also has a fleet) by the large network carriers. Compared to the
globe. Compared to the -200ER it has a strengthened structure and -200, it has a 33ft stretched fuselage. For most airlines, there are
landing gear, a larger wing with additional fuel capacity, raked wingtips insufficient city-pairs with mid-to-long range distances to deploy the
(like the 777-300ER) and three optional auxiliary fuel tanks in the rear -300 efficiently and it lacks the range to appeal to the long-range
cargo hold. Together with the powerful GE engines, these changes market. With the introduction of the more flexible long-range 777-
made it the longest-range aircraft in the world. 300ER in 2003, the 777-300 has been driven in a short-range high
capacity role, which is a very small market with virtually no secondary
Class: Ultra-Long Range Large Like its Airbus counterpart it is designed for a small market niche and Class: Large Wide- operators. Remarketability (if any) is further split by the choice of engine
Wide-Bodied jets is unlikely to ever become a significant commercial success due to the Bodied Jets manufacturers. Although the 777 production line is still open, there has
limited number of routes requiring such ultra-long-range capability. been no delivery since July 2006 and it is not likely that any new -300s
First Flight: 8 March 2005 So far 59 777-200LRs have been built with 13 operators. There are no First Flight: 16 October 1997 will be ordered. Russian airline Transaero Airlines took delivery of five
777-200LRs on order and the last 777-200LR was delivered to CEIBA ex-Singapore Airlines 777-300s between 2011- 2013 and became the
Standard Seating: 317 (2-class; 85-, Intercontinental in December 2014. For a niche aircraft the operator Standard Seating: 425 (2-class; 60-, first non-Asian operator of the type. After Transaero’s bankruptcy late
32in pitch) base is quite diverse with Delta Airlines and Air Canada from North 32in pitch) 2015, all its five 777-300s were transferred to Rossiya. Vim Airlines
America, Qatar Airways and Emirates from the booming Middle East, took delivery of an ex Emirates 777-300 in the summer of 2017 and
Range: 7,835 – 8,555nm Air-India and Pakistan International Airlines from the sub-Indian Range: 3,120 – 5,045nm became the second non-Asian operator of the type. Unfortunately they
continent and Ethiopian Airlines from Africa. But also some more exotic only operate the aircraft for only two months, as the airline went out-of-
Engine Options: GE90 airlines like Turkmenistan Airlines and CEIBA Intercontinental fly with Engine Options: GE90 (0%), business late September 2017 and the aircraft was ferried to Lourdes-
the 777-200LR. In 2014, Air-India, one of the largest operators of the PW4000 (27%), Tarbes for storage. By lack of any further remarketing options, an early
In Service: 54 type, sold 5 of its 8 strong fleet to Etihad Airways, which will use the RR Trent 800 (73%) part-out scenario for this type of aircraft is not deemed unlikely.
long range aircraft for flights to the US West coast. Air Austral from
On Order: 0 the French Indian Ocean Territory of Reunion Island used to fly one 777- In Service: 48
200LR, but they sold this aircraft late 2015 to Crystal Luxury Air, a US
In Storage: 1 leisure airline who will use the aircraft for luxurious around- the-world On Order: 0
tours with seating for 88 passengers with full reclining flatbed seats.
Operators: 11 In Storage: 7
Boeing’s attempts to reposition the -200LR as a 200ER with extra belly
Last Delivery: December 2014 cargo capacity met with little enthusiasm. Higher direct operating and Operators: 13
capital costs make the 777-200LR sub-optimal on shorter routes that
can be served more efficiently with other types. The much lighter 787-9 Last Delivery: July 2006
and the A350-900 combine lower trip and seat-mile costs on many of
the 777-200LR's routes.
Given its structural strength and the fact that it is powered by the same
engines as the Boeing factory freighter version of the 777, the 777F, the
-200LR could become the most popular 777 for cargo conversion, as its
performance should be close to the factory freighter. However the large
amount of composite material in airframe and floor of the 777-200LR
will make a conversion very costly. Given the small fleet size and the
high costs involved, there might not be a profitable business case for a
777-200LR conversion. Four 777-200LRs are in use as a VIP / Head-of-
State aircraft.
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Boeing 777-300ER
The 777-300ER is basically a combination of the stretched 777-300 5 aircraft per month, Boeing won’t have to build any unsold white tails.
fuselage with the larger, stronger wing of the 777-200LR. It provided In 2018/2019 Boeing will further cut the production rate to 3.5 aircraft
Boeing with a true replacement for the 747-100/200/300 and even the per month. With the current order backlog, this new production rate
747-400, while also offering a growth complement to the 777-200ER. means that Boeing has already sold 90% of the available slots for 2019.
Like the smaller 777-200LR and the -200LR Freighter, only GE90 engines Despite this production rate reduction, there are still production slots
are offered on the 777-300ER, which simplifies remarketing. The for the 777-300ER open (estimated around ~40 for 777-300ER and 777
777-300ER payload/range capability has improved somewhat since it Freighter), before the new 777X will enter production. To fill these open
entered service, allowing 500nm more range and a 25,000 lb higher production slots, Boeing may consider to offer more attractive pricing
take-off weight. Early production aircraft will be upgradeable to match for new 777-300ER buyers.
Class: Large Wide- this capability increase by strengthening the landing gear, although it
Bodied Jets remains to be seen how popular upgrades will be. Although 777-300ER Two 777-300ER are built as VIP aircraft for the Government of Abu
sales were initially slow, the longer term 747 replacement market and Dhabi and for the Government of Saudi Arabia. The Abu Dhabi aircraft
First Flight: 24 February 2003 limited competition from Airbus' much less efficient four-engined A340- is currently in service, while the Saudi aircraft is currently stored in
600 almost gave the 777-300ER a monopoly in its market segment. the US for cabin outfitting. Also the Japanese Government will take
Standard Seating: 396 (2-class; 85-, Thanks to its large belly capacity, the 777-300ER could potentially delivery of two new built 777-300ER “VIP” aircraft in the near future,
32in pitch) generate significant additional cargo revenues. With ~750 aircraft built which will replace the two 747-400 aircraft currently operating in this
and delivered and a backlog of ~ 70 aircraft, the 777-300ER has become role. The 777-300ER’s long fuselage and centre of gravity make cargo-
Range: 5,715 – 7,370nm one of the most successful Boeing wide-bodied aircraft in history. conversions not a likely scenario.
However, the A350-1000, which is expected to enter service in 2017,
Engine Options: GE90 will offer a very strong challenge.
With the coming introduction of the A350-1000 and the 777-9, sales
of the 777-300ER have slowed down and its looks like its heydays are
over. In the last two years the 777-300ER’s backlog has shrunk to 68
aircraft. This has forced Boeing to cut production from 8,3 aircraft per
month (100 per year) to 7 per month and to eventually 5.5 per month
from late 2017. In July 2017 Boeing declared that it has “oversold” its
777 production line for 2018. This means that with a production rate of
Page 76 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 77
Boeing 777-8 Boeing 777-9
After years of studying, Boeing formally launched the new 777X family After years of studying, Boeing formally launched the new 777X
at the Dubai Air Show in November 2013 with orders from Emirates family at the Dubai Air Show in November 2013 with orders from
(150!), Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways, while Lufthansa already Emirates (150!), Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways, while Lufthansa
earlier ordered 20 777-9Xs in September 2013. These new revamped already earlier ordered 20 777-9Xs in September 2013. These new
triple sevens are growth derivatives of the current 777 line up and are revamped triple sevens are growth derivatives of the current 777 line
intended to compete with the new Airbus A350-900/1000. The new up and are intended to compete with the new Airbus A350-900/1000.
777X aircraft will feature a new scale up version of the composite The new 777X aircraft will feature a new scaled up version of the
wings used for the smaller 787. At 233ft and nine inches the new wing composite wings used for the smaller 787. At 233ft and nine inches
is rumoured to be the largest span of any twin-engine Boeing aircraft the new wing is the largest span of any twin-engine Boeing aircraft
Class: Ultra-Long Range Large type to date. It will be built using carbon-fibre reinforced plastic and Class: Large Wide- type to date. It will be built using carbon-fibre reinforced plastic and
Wide-Bodied Jets will reportedly feature folding wingtips to allow the new wing 777X Bodied Jets will feature folding wingtips to allow the new wing 777 models to
models to operate at airfields without the facilities to handle aircraft operate at airfields without the facilities to handle aircraft with longer
First Flight: est. 2020, EIS 2022 with longer (“code F”) wing-spans. The extended wingspan is going to First Flight: est 1Q2019; EIS 2020 (“code F”) wing-spans. The extended wingspan is going to have a
have a considerably better lift-to-drag ratio and is significantly lighter considerably better lift-to-drag ratio and is significantly lighter than
Standard Seating: 365 (2-class; 85-, than the wings on the current models. Another novelty on the 777X is Standard Seating: 414 (2-class; 85-, the wings on the current models. Another novelty on the 777X is the
32in pitch) the advanced aluminium-lithium fuselage which is lighter. In the cabin, 32in pitch) advanced aluminium-lithium fuselage which is lighter. In the cabin,
Boeing looks to remove 4inch from the 777X by carving the sidewall Boeing looks to remove 4inch from the 777X by carving the sidewall
Range: 6,440 - 8,690nm and frame shape, accommodating a more comfortable 10 abreast Range: 6,100 - 7,525nm and frame shape, accommodating a more comfortable 10 abreast
economy arrangement and nine-abreast premium economy offering economy arrangement and nine-abreast premium economy offering
Engine Options: GE9X while maintaining the same cross section. Core to the new variants will Engine Options: GE9X while maintaining the same cross section. Core to the new variants will
be a new General Electric GE9X engine, offering the latest generation be a new General Electric GE9X engine, offering the latest generation
In Service: 0 engine technology. While Boeing made a request for proposal for a In Service: 0 engine technology. While Boeing made a request for proposal for a
100,000lb engine for the 777X to General Electric, Rolls-Royce and Pratt 100,000lb engine for the 777X to General Electric, Rolls-Royce and
On Order: 53 and Whitney, it announced in March 2013 that it had selected GE as On Order: 263 Pratt and Whitney, it announced in March 2013 that it had selected GE
its engine partner for the 777X. All these improvements will make the as its engine partner for the 777X. All these improvements will make
In Storage: 0 777X 15-20% more efficient than the current 777 variants. In Storage: 0 the 777X 15-20% more efficient than the current 777 variants.
Operators: 3 Initially two series of the new 777X were offered, the 777-8X and Operators: 7 Initially two series of the new 777X were offered, the 777-8X and
777-9X. In November 2015 Boeing formally dropped the “X” suffix for 777-9X. In November 2015 Boeing formally dropped the “X” suffix for
Last Delivery: N/A the individual 777X variants, so the models are now called the 777-8 Last Delivery: N/A the individual 777X variants, so the models are now referred to as the
and 777-9. The combined family however will still be known as 777X. 777-8 and 777-9. The combined family however will still be known as
In the summer of 2016, Boeing acknowledged, that a stretch of the 777X. In the summer of 2016, Boeing acknowledged, that a stretch of
777-9 is technically possible. If pursued, this new 777-10 derivative of the 777-9 is technically possible. If pursued, this new 777-10 derivative
the 777X family would have a seating of 450 passengers and would of the 777X family would give Boeing a very capable two engine
give Boeing a very capable two engine competitor to the Airbus A380. competitor to the Airbus A380. Boeing has said it will launch the
Boeing has said it will launch the 777-10 if there is enough customer 777-10 as there is enough customer interest. Boeing also announced a
interest. Boeing also announced a 777-8 freighter, details of which 777-8 freighter, details of which have yet to be confirmed. The 777-9
have yet to be confirmed. Smallest variant of the new 777X family will is the largest variant of the 777X family and has the program lead with
be the 777-8. The 777-8 (69,0 M) will be a 10 frame stretch of the 777- service entry in 2020. It will have seating for about 400 passengers
200ER (63.73M) and will have seating for about 365 passengers and a and a range of 7,600nm. It has a 3.6m stretched fuselage in comparison
range of around 8,700nm. It will have a significantly de-rated 88,000lb with the 777-300ER. It engines each provide 99,00Lb of thrust, giving
version of the GE9X engine giving it a (provisional) MTOW of 315t. To it a (provisional) MTOW of 344t. As of summer 2017, a total of 263
date, the 777-8 is less popular than its big brother, the 777-9. Currently 777-9s were ordered by ANA, Cathay, Emirates, Etihad, Lufthansa,
only the three major operators from the Middle East: Emirates, Qatar Qatar and Singapore Airlines.. There were 10 orders placed for which
Airways and Etihad Airways, have placed orders for – combined – 53 the choice between a 777-8 and a 777-9 is still open.
Aircraft. There are 10 orders for which the choice between a 777-8 and
a 777-9 is still open. The 777-8 will be introduced after the 777-9 with a
proposed service entry in 2022.
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Boeing 747-400(ER)
The 777X had a good start with a lot of orders. 65% of the new 777-9 The 747 was the first Wide-bodied in service and remained the largest
has been ordered by Emirates. Etihad and Qatar a few years ago when passenger airliner until the A380 entered into service in 2007. The
the sky was almost the limit for these carriers. Today, the situation 747-400 was introduced into service in 1989 and enjoyed a monopoly
has changed and the situation is not as good as in was in the heydays in the 3-class over 400 seat capacity class for almost 20 years. The
for these carriers. Profits have dropped, political tension has risen and introduction of the A340-600 and 777-300ER as well as the A380
one can wonder if these large orders where not a little too ambitious. served to fragment market demand for the 747-400. Although none of
Singapore and Cathay also ordered the 777-9 and both airlines struggle these aircraft exactly matches the capacity of the 747-400, they do
with lower yields and suffer from severe competition from especially offer an alternative/replacement option and reduced the market for
Chinese carriers which have started long haul operations and have the new passenger 747-400s. Boeing unsuccessfully tried to re-start
entered the market which was previously the profit zone for Cathay Class: Large Wide- demand by offering the extended range 747-400ER which was only sold
and Singapore. Lufthansa has ordered twenty aircraft, but according Bodied Jets to Qantas (6). Boeing's 747-400's (growth) replacement product is the
to industry rumours it is considering to defer the aircraft or even cancel 747-8I which is the latest (and probably last) 747 derivative. Production
it, as they believe the aircraft may be a little too big. Both Singapore, First Flight: 29 April 1988 of the 747-400 passenger aircraft ended in March 2005 followed by the
Cathay and Lufthansa are A350 operators, so fleet commonality wise, last -400ERF freighter produced in October 2009. The 2008 economic
the A350-1000 (or even the A350-2000), may be an alternative for Standard Seating: 344 (3-class; 82-, crisis accelerated the phase out of the passenger 747-400s. For the
these airlines. 85-, 32in pitch) right vintages, there have always been some demand for freighter
conversion (both IAI-Bedek and Boeing offer a freighter conversion
Range: 6,125 -7,245nm (-400), programme), but due to the stagnant cargo market, and the growing
7,495 -7,635nm (-400ER) availability of used 747 factory freighters with nose loading capacity
on the market, demand for 747 cargo conversions has dried up almost
Engine Options: GE CF6-80 (37%), completely. By lack of a large secondary market, part out has already
PW4000 (40%), become a viable end-of-life solution for some vintages. 64 747-400s
RR RB211-524 (23%) have been permanently withdrawn from used since January 2015.
Many of these aircraft have been scrapped.
In Service: 165
Once the Queen-of-the-Skies and the flagship of many top-notch
On Order: 0 airlines, the 747-400 has now the old-age-aircraft stigma and many
airlines who once operated large fleets of 747-400s has phased them
In Storage: 56 out or will phase them out in the very near future. Most 747-400 are /
will be replaced by Airbus A380s or Boeing 777-300ERs.. As the costs
Operators: 38 of operating a used 747-400 are very high, there is little appetite for
used 747-400s. ACMI operators like Air Atlanta and Wamos Air from
Last Delivery: April 2005 Spain still add used 747-400 to their fleets and Rossiya from Russia
took over some former Transaero 747-400s. Further there are a few
airlines who buy these relatively cheap high capacity aircraft for
(seasonal) demand (ao. Hajj charters). There are 13 747-400s in
service as corporate/VIP/government aircraft (one VIP 747-400 stored).
One 747 been converted to water bomber.
Page 80 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 81
Boeing 747-400M ‘Combi’ Boeing 747-8I ‘Intercontinental’
The 747-400M, often indicated as 'Combi', is a 747-400 with a side The 747-8I 'Intercontinental' is Boeing's largest passenger airplane
cargo door at the aft main deck and a strengthened aft floor structure which is aimed at the capacity gap between the 777-300ER and A380.
and cargo loading system. Compared to the -400, the Combi’s main Its design parameters were intensively discussed with Lufthansa
deck typically seats 110 less passengers but accommodates up to seven who is the largest (19) of the few airline customers so far. Technically,
standard cargo pallets. The operator base is fairly small and KLM (11) the design is a combination of the preceding 747-400 platform, some
is today actually the only airline with a substantial fleet of Combi’s, but new 787 technology and an improved wing design with new (GEnx-)
has already phased out six 747-400 combis in the last two years and engines. Also, despite its long upper deck, it should be relatively easy
all combis are planned to be phased out by late 2019. Air France and to convert it 'into a freighter later' which would extend its operational
Lufthansa used to operate Combi’s in full pax configuration, but both life. It is claimed to be 11-12% more efficient than the 747-400 on a
Class: Large Wide- have withdrawn these aircraft from use in recent years. When deployed Class: Very Large Wide- per seat mile basis but also quieter and has approximately 485 nm
Bodied Jets in full main deck passenger mode (413 pax in 3-class), the extra weight Bodied Jets more range. Thanks to its 5.6m or 220in stretched metal 747-400
puts it at a disadvantage vs. the 747-400 passenger variant. In general, fuselage (160in stretch in front of the wing incl. upper deck and 60in
First Flight: 3 June 1989 Combi’s were deployed on the thinner pax routes with sufficient cargo First Flight: 20 March 2011 aft) the 747-8I accommodates approximately 70 more seats than the
demand. However, with either growth of passenger or cargo demand 747-400.
Standard Seating: 264 (3-class) + 7 Pallets on such route, more efficient full pax or full cargo alternatives become Standard Seating: 410 (3-class; 82-, 85-,
more attractive. The large belly cargo capacity of newer products such 32in pitch) The sales figures of the 747-8I are very disappointing. Airlines favour
Range: 6,650 – 7,214nm as the 777-300ER didn't contribute to the 747 Combi’s success either. the Airbus A380 and even more the smaller, but more efficient
The 747-400 Combi was a more attractive feedstock candidate for Range: 7,730nm 777-300ER. So far only Lufthansa (19), Air China (7), Korean Air
Engine Options: GE CF6-80 (100%), cargo conversion than the passenger -400 provided conversion pricing (10), Transaero Airlines (4) and Arik Air (2) have ordered the 747-8I.
PW4000 (0%) adequately reflects the reduced work scope of the conversion process. Engine Options: GEnx-2B The first 747-8I was delivered to Lufthansa in April 2012. With all
However due to the stagnant cargo market the wider availability of Lufthansa, Korean Air and Air China 747-8Is delivered the backlog
In Service: 13 second hand 747-400 factory freighters with nose-loading capacity, In Service: 36 has dried up, because Transaero Airlines went out of business before
demand for converted 747-400 freighters has almost dried up. taking delivery of the aircraft and Arik Air converted their order to
On Order: 0 On Order: 1 smaller 787-9s. From time to time rumours pop up that airlines like
Emirates and Turkish Airlines have interest in the 747-8I, but for the
In Storage: 3 In Storage: 0 time being it looks like the customer base of the 747-8I will remain
limited to only three airlines.
Operators: 5 Operators: 4
Korean Air took delivery of their tenth 747-8 in the summer of
Last Delivery: April 2002 Last Delivery: N/A 2017 and this was probably the last 747 passenger aircraft built.
Boeing still has one order for the 747-8i in the books, but this is for
an unannounced customer, so it is probably also very unlikely that
this aircraft will ever be delivered as a passenger aircraft and will
probably be built as a VIP-aircraft.
With the new 777-9, Boeing has a very capable and efficient aircraft
in this market segment, so it is very unlikely that the 747-8I will get
any new orders in the future. In 2016 it was announced that the
production rate will go from 1.75 aircraft a month to 1 month in March
2016 and to 0.5 a month in September 2016 (freighter and passenger
aircraft combined). In the summer of 2016 Boeing itself acknowledged
that the production of the iconic 747 may come to an end. For long
time, it seemed that two US Presidential VVIP 747-8s (the new Air
Force One), would be the last 747s to leave the Everett Factory.
However President Trump ordered that the original price tag for the
new Air Force One was way too high, so new negotiations started.
A solution was found to use two already built 747-8 airframes that
were stored in the dessert and were original destined for Transaero.
Page 82 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 83
DVB Aviation
The complete modifications for the new presidential aircraft will
Page 86 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 87
Aviation Investment Management Aviation Asset Management
DVB Aviation Asset Management (“AAM”) is a leading
Established in 2001, DVB Aviation Investment player in aircraft remarketing, technical management,
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Page 88 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 89
Aviation Financial Consultancy Aviation Research
DVB Aviation Research (“AR”) provides support to all
DVB Aviation Financial Consultancy (“AFC”) is the of the DVB Aviation teams through industry and market
financial advisory arm of DVB Aviation. We lever the research that is focused on aviation and aircraft assets.
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Our DVB AR team is made up of highly experienced and
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driven by actual market data and providing research that is geared
DVB AFC’s services cover three areas of expertise: towards investments and divestments.
Page 90 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 91
DVB Bank SE Bombardier Aircraft
A Unique Global Approach
DVB Bank is the only bank in the world solely focused on financing international transport
assets, specialising in the Aviation, Shipping, Offshore and Land Transport sectors. Rated Bombardier CRJ100/200/440
A+/AA- by S&P and Fitch, DVB Bank is predominantly owned by DZ Bank – Germany’s
fourth largest bank by asset size. DVB Bank employs in excess of 600 people in 11 offices The CRJ100 is effectively a 20 ft. stretch of the Bombardier CL-601
around the world across all of its disciplines. Challenger corporate jet. In the nineties, the 'Canadair Regional Jet'
replaced a part of the more fuel-efficient but slower turboprop fleets
A Unique Global Approach
DVB Bank’s philosophy is to make deals work. This means striving to seek and develop
in hub-spoke networks, but also supplemented mainline narrowbody
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intelligent and appropriate solutions that not only meet, but also exceed, our client’s needs routes taking away traffic from competitors (“hub raiding”). Vis-a-vis
and expectations. Embraer's 50 seater jets (ERJs), the Bombardier products had a head
start as they were available a couple of years earlier. US mainline pilot
unions, who considered the regional jet a threat, forced limitations
DVB Bank enjoys a unique position in the international transport markets. Given our strategic Class: Small Regional Jet (via so-called scope clauses) on the number and size of regional jets
focus we aim to offer original and effective solutions to our clients through all cycles. to be operated by the US Major carriers via their regional partners. By
First Flight: 10 May 1991 virtually excluding the use of regional jets larger than 50 seats, the
unions created a synthetic market for (sub-optimized) 50-seaters. A
DVB Standard
Bank SE -
Seating: 50 (1-class) few years later, relaxation of the scope clauses led to an oversupply
the leading Range: 1,345-1,700nm
of 50-seaters as airlines switched to the more economical 70-seater
regional jets. Many CRJ100/200 ended up in the famous storage
Engine Options: GE CF34
areas in the Southwestern US deserts. The CRJ100/200s had some
success as a (converted) Corporate/VIP-jet (101 in service / 13 stored),
in international though large concentrations of the passenger fleet remain in the
In Service: 499
transport finance. North American regional market (c.78%). Differences in airworthiness
New York London Singapore Tokyo regulations between e.g. EASA and FAA made transfer of CRJ’s
On Order: 0 between national registers relatively expensive, due to mandatory
T: +1 212 588 8864 T: +44 20 7256 4300 T: +65 6511 3433 T: +81 (3) 3593 7700
Page 94 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 95
Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen Bombardier CS100
Bombardier's CRJ1000 is a double stretch of the CRJ700 so a triple Bombardier's CS100 is a completely new aircraft design which, together
stretch from the CRJ200. It bridges the 'gap' between the CRJ900 and with the larger CS300, is specifically designed for the 100-149 seats market
the CSeries. Should Airbus take over the latter, this would leave the segment. It bridges the gap in aircraft sized between the largest regional
CRJ1000 again as Bombardier’s largest aircraft in the market. Apart jets and smaller 'mainline' aircraft like the A318/A319 and 737-600/700.
from a 9.8ft longer fuselage than the CRJ900, the CRJ1000 features a The main differentiators compared to these aircraft types is in the materials
reinforced main landing gear, modified wing, fly-by-wire rudder, higher uses, aerodynamics but most important, the engine technology. The
MTOW and slightly more powerful and efficient engines. Its cabin CSeries' P&W Geared Turbo Fan (GTF) engines are claimed to be up to 15%
is conform Bombardier's new 'NextGen' standard to larger bins and more fuel efficient, 50% less noisy and up to 40% cheaper to maintain than
windows. It will mainly compete with Embraer's E195 which is probably today's technology engines. Next to that, CSeries feature an aluminium-
Class: Large Regional Jet less efficient but has a spacier fuselage, giving it more the comfort Class: Small Narrow-Bodied lithium fuselage and wing structure of new lightweight (composite)
level of a mainline narrowbody aircraft which is generally appreciated Jets materials, fly-by-wire and a very modern LCD cockpit. A higher MTOW
First Flight: 3 September 2008 by passengers. Also, competition from Mitsubishi's all new and very version for extended range (CS100ER) is being developed as well. The cabin
efficient MRJ and the cheaper SuperJet SSJ100 will be relevant. First Flight: 16 September 2013 accommodates 3+2 abreast seating in economy class and roll-aboard sized
Standard Seating: 97 (2-class; 38-, 31in The CRJ1000 entered service with Brit Air (now rebranded as Hop!) overhead bins. This all should make the CS100 at least 15% more efficient
pitch),100-104 (1-class; and Air Nostrum at the end of 2010. So far only 53 aircraft have been Standard Seating: 108 (2-class; 38-, 32in than today's competitors (E190/195) and an even larger improvement versus
31in pitch) delivered. With a limited backlog of just fourteen aircraft and a very pitch), 120 (1-class; replacement targets such as the AVRO RJ100. It will be certified to operate
small operator base (only Air Nostrum, Arik Air, Hop! and Garuda), the 32in pitch),135 from steep approach airports like London City. Anticipating a seat capacity
Range: 1,650nm CRJ1000 is not a convincing success story in terms of sales volume. (maximum seating; up-scaling of today's regional jet fleet (scope clauses!), the CS100 seems
Contrary to the other CRJ-models, the CRJ1000 has not attracted any 29/28in pitch) also positioned to eventually replace the significant CRJ900 fleet. Future
Engine Options: GE CF34 orders from the US as the aircraft is too big to fit in the various scope competition will come from the re-engined (also GTF powered) Embraer
clauses (see CRJ200 entry). A relaxation of these clauses can bring Range: 3,100nm E190-E2/E195-E2.
In Service: 53 some success, but by that time the more modern competitors from
other manufactures will also be available. The longevity of the CRJ Engine Options: PW1000G (GTF) The prototype of the CS100 made its (delayed) first flight on 16 September
On Order: 14 production line probably allows Bombardier to discount the prices of 2013.The pace of the flight test programme had been relatively slow
CRJ aircraft. If Bombardier eventually transfers the responsibility for In Service: 8 compared to other flight test programmes. So it was no surprise that in
In Storage: 1 the CSeries to Airbus, the Canadian manufacturer may refocus on the January 2014 Bombardier announced a CSeries programme delay, which
CRJ family, however it is not immediately obvious this could be a very On Order: 105 slowed the rate of test flights, tests and spending while software and
Operators: 5 successful strategy. structural suppliers could catch up. As a result the delivery of the first
In Storage: 0 CS100 to its launch customer was postponed to the second half of 2015,
Last Delivery: N/A 9 months later than the latest schedule and 18 months behind the original
Operators: 6 plan. The CS100 launch customer was in first instance Malmo Aviation, but
this airline deferred the delivery of its first CS100, so Bombardier had to
Last Delivery: N/A look out for a new launch customer. Late February 2015, it was announced
that Swiss would be the first airline to operate the CS100. By that time
it was still expected that the first CSeries would be delivered late 2015.
Bombardier would use the longer test period, to improve the maturity of the
flight control software. The CS100 was Bombardier’s first attempt at a full
fly-by-wire aircraft and software problems had been the foremost reason
cited for the programme’s delays. In May 2014, the first CS100 flight test
aircraft suffered an “uncontained” engine failure on the ground. Following
this incident the CSeries test fleet of four aircraft was grounded for five
weeks, but Bombardier assured to deliver the first aircraft – according to
schedule - in the second half of 2015. However in spring 2015, Bombardier
already made public that certification would still be possible by late 2015,
but the first delivery would slip into 2016. Finally, after a 27 month flight
test campaign, the Canadian Ministry of Transportation announced that the
CSeries CS100 received type certification on 18 December 2015. Six months
later in June 2016 the US Federal Aviation Authorities and the European
Aviation Safety Agency certification was granted. On 28 June 2016, the
Page 96 An Overview of Commercial Aircraft 2018 - 2019 Aviation Research (AR) Page 97
first CS100 was delivered to its new launch customer Swiss. On 15 July with Boeing in this case and imposed a 220% and later an additional 80%
2016 the CSeries made its first revenue flight between Zurich and Paris. (300% in total) tariff on CS100 imports. More orders from the large US
However since then, deliveries of new aircraft have remained very slow market seemed impossible with such high tariffs. Mid-October 2017, Airbus
and more than one year later (September 2017) only 8 CS100 aircraft have announced it would seek a 50.1% majority stake in the Bombardier CSeries
been delivered to still only one customer: Swiss. Reportedly the delay was programme and proposed to shift CSeries final assembly to its factory in
due to supply chain and manufacturing issues at the engine manufacturer Mobile (AL), claiming this would give the CSeries a “Made in the USA”
Pratt&Whitney, which had a negative impact on the availability of the status. In a first reaction to the Airbus-Bombardier tie-up, Boeing called it “a
engines. questionable deal between two heavily state-subsidised competitors”. At
this point in time (2017.Q4) the outlook for the CSeries remains unclear.
The first two operators Swiss and AirBaltic (First CS300 operator) have
made positive comments about the entry into service of the CSeries. Both
airlines stated that the aircraft performed better than expected and the
aircraft recorded a dispatch reliability of 99%. In the first half of 2017 the
CS100 was awarded Steep Approach certification which will allow the
aircraft to operate from short runways and on steep approach paths. This
means that Swiss can use the aircraft on routes to London-City and start
up carrier Odyssey can fly their planned transatlantic service between
London City and New York-JFK, if these plans ever materialize. Despite all
this positive feedback from the first year in service, Bombardier has already
announced some improvements on the CSeries. A product Improvement
Package will be introduced late 2018 which improves the fuel burn by 4%
and which includes bigger winglets, aerodynamic clean-up and engine
A continuing concern for Bombardier is still the limited order backlog for
the CSeries and CS100 in particular. Reportedly, many potential customers
are a bit wary because of the reliability of the all new aircraft and engine
architecture. Since the first commitments from Lufthansa/SWISS (30 a/c
order, 30 LoI) sales momentum was lost. Early 2015, things were not looking
good for Bombardier; as it found itself in a painful, costly and difficult test
phase for an aircraft which did not attract any additional orders. At that
time the CS100/CS300 order backlog was only 58/180 aircraft. To get things
back on track, some painful measures were taken. Some top executives
were replaced, hundreds of jobs were axed and a new business jet
programme (Learjet 85) was shelved to conserve cash. A cash injection of
$1 Billion from the regional government of Quebec did also help. In February
2016 Air Canada announced an order for 45 CSeries aircraft (CS300).
However some observers interpreted this as a “Canada Inc.” political order.
In that same month Bombardier lost a contest for a new 100-seat aircraft
for United which placed an order for the (reportedly highly discounted)
Boeing 737-700. Finally in In April 2016, CSeries seemed to be able to book
a break-through order from a US major as Delta ordered 75 CS100s (and 50
options) to replace their MD-83 fleet.
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Bombardier CS300
Bombardier's CS300 is a 10.6ft stretch of the CS100 design. The two So far 200 CS300s have been ordered by eight airlines and three lease
version together are specifically designed to cover the 100-149 seats companies. Reportedly, many potential customers have concerns
market segment between the larger regional jets and the smaller about an all new design from a smaller manufacturer. In addition
narrowbodies. The CS300 will compete with the smaller mainliners some airlines do not see a need for another type slotted in between
like the A318/A319 and 737-600/700. Initially the main technology the established single aisles (A320/737) and the E-jets. There has
improvement compared to these types was the Geared Turbofan engine long been some speculation in the media about a possible stretched
technology, although this advantage was lost, when the Neo and MAX version of the CS300, which will likely be called the CS500. This aircraft
were introduced equally featuring advanced engine technology. The would compete with the larger Airbus A320neo and 737-8. However,
CSeries will be powered by two PW Geared Turbo Fan (GTF) engines Bombardier has said that for the time being it will concentrate on
Class: Moderate Size Narrow- which are claimed to be up to 15% more fuel efficient, 50% less noisy the smooth entry into service of the current CS100 and CS300. The
Bodied Jets and up to 40% cheaper to maintain than today's technology engines. acquisition by Airbus of a majority stake in in the CSseries programme
Next to that, the CSeries will feature a fuselage and wing structure of in October 2017 (See CS100 entry), can give a big boost to the
First Flight: 27 February 2015 new lightweight (composite) materials, fly-by-wire and a very modern programme as its will give potential customers as well as investors and
LCD cockpit. A higher MTOW version for extended range (CS300ER) and financiers more confidence in the programme
Standard Seating: 130 (2-class; 36-, 32in an eXtra Thrust version for short field length operations (CS300XT) will
pitch), 140 (1-class; also be developed. The cabin will accommodate 3+2 abreast seating
32in pitch), 160 in economy class and roll-aboard sized overhead bins. This all should
(maximum seating make the CS300 at least 15% more efficient than its competitors
29/28in pitch) today. But Airbus and Boeing have not been idle and the A319neo and
the 737 MAX 7 will come a lot closer to the CS300 performance than
Range: 3,300nm today's (NG and ceo) products in terms of efficiency. In March 2013
Bombardier disclosed a high density variant of the CS300, which could
Engine Options: PW1000G (GTF) accommodate up to 160 seats. By launching the high-density design
Bombardier added two extra over-wing exit doors and added 0.6m
In Service: 10 (1.97ft) to the length of the fuselage. These adjustments also led to an
increase of the MTOW by 2.4% to 144,000lbs. With a seat capacity of
On Order: 190 up to 160, the CS300 competes with established names as the Airbus
A320neo and Boeing 737-8.
In Storage: 0
The CS300 made its first flight on 27 February 2015 and its type
Operators: 11 certification was granted on 11 July 2016. Launch customer Air Baltic
received its first CS300 on 29 November 2016. Until September 2017
Last Delivery: N/A 10 CS300 have been delivered to AirBaltic (7) and Swiss (3). Deliveries
of new aircraft have remained very slow due to supply chain and
manufacturing issues at the engine manufacturer Pratt&Whitney, which
had a negative impact on the availability of the engines. Both AirBaltic
and Swiss have made positive comments about the entry into service
of the CSeries. Both airlines stated that the aircraft performed better
than expected and the aircraft recorded a dispatch reliability of 99%.
In October 2017 AirBaltic started its first long-haul CS300 route. A 6
hour and 15 minutes flight between Riga and Abu Dhabi. Despite all this
positive feedback from the first year in service, Bombardier has already
announced some improvements on the CSeries. A product Improvement
Package will be introduced late 2018 which improves the fuel burn by
4% and which includes bigger winglets, aerodynamic clean-up and
engine improvements.
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Embraer Aircraft
On Order: 0 In Storage: 65
In Storage: 44 Operators: 5
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Embraer ERJ-145 Embraer 170
The ERJ-145 was offered in seven different variants (excluding military The E170 is the smallest member of the 70 to 108-seat E-jet family.
and business jets), each tailored to match different range and MTOW Originally Embraer intended to enter the 70-seat market with a
requirements for different operators. Embraer has developed the –EU stretched ERJ145, but decided to develop a whole new aircraft family
and –EP version of the ERJ-145ER and the LU variant of the ERJ- with mainline single aisle passenger comfort, based on a ‘double-
145LR for (European) airlines which prefer aircraft that fall in lower bubble' fuselage cross-section. Following the bankruptcies of Fokker
MTOW fee scales for airports and ATC. For airlines that did need the and Fairchild Dornier and the market exit of Avro, Embraer remained
MTOW capabilities of the –LR, but didn’t have a long-range capability the only manufacturer left with a 70 to 115 seat ‘mainline’ comfort-
requirement, Embraer developed the –MP. Furthermore, it developed level product. The E170 got a boost from the post-9/11 scope clause
the extra-long range –XR for Continental’s ExpressJet. The combination relaxation, allowing more 70-seaters to be operated by US Major
Class: Small Regional Jet of high fleet concentration in the US and the scope clause relaxations to Class: Medium Regional Jet affiliated regional airlines. However, this has also lead to a significant
70+ seats resulted the phase-out of many ERJ-145’s. In the secondary fleet concentration (39%) in North America at Republic Airways. The
First Flight: 11 August 1995 market, there is strong competition from the surplus of similar sized First Flight: 19 February 2002 E170 (with a few additional features) is certified for steep approaches
CRJ100/200 jets. Although a high level of commonality remains among which enables it to operate from certain airports like London City. It is
Standard Seating: 50 (1-class; 31in pitch) the different ERJ-145 versions, it turned out that all these different Standard Seating: 66 (2-class; 40-, 32in offered in a basic, mid and high gross weight version (STD/LR/AR) with
variants further complicate remarketing efforts. The –LR version is by pitch),72 (1-class; 32in increasing range. All new deliveries now feature the -AR structure, but
Range: 1,200 - 2,000nm far the preferred variant of the ERJ-145 with 37 operators, a fleet of 226 pitch), 78 (high density; the MTOW can be downgraded to LR level. This makes pre AR-standard
aircraft in service and 117 aircraft in storage. 33/31/30in pitch) airframes less desirable. There were three Embraer 170s in use as
Engine Options: RR AE3007 Corporate / VIP aircraft with Saudi ARAMCO Aviation.
In December 2002, Embraer announced that it would set up an Range: 2,100 - 2,150nm
In Service: 417 assembly-line of the ERJ-145 in China in a joint venture with Harbin Currently, the main competitor is the lighter but narrower CRJ700 but
Aviation. The first aircraft was assembled in China in 2003. So far only Engine Options: GE CF34 also the more efficient 70 seat turboprops (ATR72-500 and Q400) have
On Order: 0 41 Chinese ERJ 145s have been built from which 23 aircraft are still in become increasingly popular due to lower fuel burn, lower noise and
service and seventeen aircraft are stored. In June 2015, Embraer and In Service: 151 emission levels. In the growing Chinese market, the Chinese regional
In Storage: 175 Harbin Aviation announced that they closed their joint venture, due jet ARJ21 (same engines as the E-Jets) will certainly gain some market
to lack of further orders. Currently, there are no outstanding orders On Order: 1 share against the E-Jets. Further scope clause relaxation in the US has
Operators: 65 for passenger ERJ-145s and any new orders for the Embraer/Harbin increased competition from the larger CRJ900 and in particular the
regional jets seem unlikely as well. In Storage: 32 “optimised” E175.
Last Delivery: April 2011
With many US Airlines getting rid of this aircraft type and many aircraft Operators: 19 The arrival of a new regional jets such as the Superjet SSJ100, the
stored, the values for these aircraft are very low. This opens a new Bombardier CS100 and Mitsubishi’s MRJ70/90, the latter two featuring
market in developing regions for which low acquisition prices are a pro Last Delivery: N/A significantly more efficient ultra-high bypass ratio engines, forced
and for charter/ wet-lease operators who also benefit from the low Embraer to revamp its E-jet family. Early 2013 Embraer announced an
prices and for which the high operating costs of a 50-seat jet-engine enhanced version of the E-Jet, featuring a redesigned wingtip and two
powered aircraft is less of a problem. Unfortunately this market proved packages of aerodynamic, structural and systems improvements to the
not big enough to absorb all the stored ERJ-145s, so scrapping has wing and the fuselage. The E175 became the only member of the E-jet
already begun. The Rolls Royce engine service agreements to which family that will feature this new wingtip design. All these adjustments
many operators signed up, limited the “free market” for spare engines lead to a reduction of fuel consumption by 1 – 2% on the E170. All
and used serviceable engine components. As a business/VIP aircraft (17 improvements are retrofittable, with the exception of the wingtip that
in service, no orders), the ERJ-145 is much less popular than the smaller remained exclusive to the E175, and have been available since 2014.
ERJ-135. There are also 27 ERJ-145 active with the Belgian, Brazilian, These fuel burn improvements must allow the first generation E-Jets
Greece, Indian and Mexican Air Force in a military reconnaissance, to bridge the gap until the introduction of the second-generation “E2”
(VIP)-Transport or Intelligence role. of E-jets in 2018. During the Paris Air Show in June 2013, Embraer
launched the E-Jet E2 family. However, Embraer also announced at the
Paris Air Show 2013 that it will drop the smallest member of the E-Jet
family, and that they won’t develop an E2 version of the E170, which
has effectively been superseded by the E175 In summer 2017, the order
backlog consisted of only one E170 for Japan’s J-air. This aircraft is the
last aircraft to be delivered as part of five strong order placed in August
2014. This order was the last order for the E170.
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Embraer 175
The Embraer 175 is a two seat row (5.10ft) stretch of the E170, resulting A retrofit for all the improvements was made available in 2014, with
in an increased payload (8 more seats) at the cost of reduced range the exception of the E175 wingtip. These fuel burn improvements must
capability. Contrary to the E170, the E175 is not certified for steep bridge the gap until the introduction of the E2 second-generation of
approaches which exclude it from certain airports like London City. The E-jets in 2018. The E175-E2 design currently does not meet the scope
scope clause optimized E175 is especially popular in the US and this has clause weight (MTOW) restriction. This could imply that the current
resulted in a huge concentration of E175s (80.3 %) in the US at Republic E175 will be Embraer’s main product in North America for much longer
Airlines (126 in service / 5 on order), Skywest Airlines (103 in service/ explaining the more elaborate ‘upgrade” of the E175 “E1” compared to
2 on order), Mesa Airlines (54 in service), Compass Airlines (56 in the other E-Jets “E1”
service), Envoy Air (40 in service/ 4 on order), Horizon Air (10 in service
Class: Medium Regional Jet 23 on order). As can be seen from this list, the E175 still has a healthy
order backlog. Between 2014, and the first half of 2017, 229 E175s
First Flight: 15 June 2003 were ordered, of which 205 aircraft by US companies. These big US
orders are a result of scope clause relaxation, agreed in 2012, allowing
Standard Seating: 76 (2-class; 36-, 31in American Airlines’ and United Airlines’ affiliates/regionals to operate
pitch),78 (1-class; more aircraft up to 76-78 seats. Besides the US orders, the other 24
33/32in pitch),88 (high aircraft have been ordered by Air France-KLM (17), Fuji Dream Airlines
density; 29in pitch) (6) and Belavia (1).
Range: 2,150 -2,200nm Like the E170, the E175 is offered in a basic, mid and high gross
weight version (STD/LR/AR) with increasing range. All new deliveries
Engine Options: GE CF34 now feature the -AR structure, but MTOW can be downgraded to LR
weights. Pre AR-standard airframes are less desirable. Like the E170,
In Service: 477 the main competition comes from the lighter but narrower CRJ700 but
also the more efficient 70 seat turboprops (ATR72-500 and Q400) have
On Order: 52 become increasingly popular due to lower fuel burn, lower noise and
fewer emissions. The substantial Chinese market will partly be covered
In Storage: 1 by the indigenous regional jet (ARJ21, same engines as the E-Jets).
Further scope clause relaxation has increased competition from the
Operators: 16 larger CRJ900 and E190/195.
Last Delivery: N/A The arrival of a new regional jets such as the Superjet SSJ100, the
Bombardier CS100 and Mitsubishi’s MRJ70/90, the latter two featuring
significantly more efficient ultra-high bypass ratio engines, forced
Embraer to revamp its E-jet family. Early 2013 Embraer announced an
enhanced version of the “1st” generation E-Jet, featuring a redesigned
wingtip and two packages of aerodynamic, structural and systems
improvements to the wing and the fuselage. The E175 is the only
member of the E-jet family that will feature a new wingtip design. All
these adjustments will lead to a reduction of fuel consumption by 5%
for the E175 and 1 – 2% on the other three family members – the E170,
E190 and E195. Embraer has chosen the E175 as the only aircraft to
receive the full package of modifications, because: i) it believes the
performance improvements will be most pronounced on this variant; ii)
the E175 will be the last version of the “E1” family to be replaced by the
“E2” and; iii) to strengthen the E175’s position as the preferred scope
optimized regional jet in North America.
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Embraer 175-E2 Embraer 190
At the Paris Air Show in June 2013, Embraer launched the E-Jet E2 The Embraer 190 was launched by successful US low-cost carrier JetBlue
family, to replace the predecessor E-jet “E1” family. Contrary to the GE Airways, with an order for 100 E190LRs. This meant a significant victory
CF34 powered “1st” generation E-jets, the E2 will be equipped with for Embraer, indicating the viability of an E-jet as an LCC low density
the new P&W Geared Turbofan (GTF) engines. P&W claims that its GTF route and market development aircraft.. Apart from the North American
Engine will burn 12 to 15% less fuel when compared to today’s CF34 market incl. Air Canada (45 orders, from which 25 still in service) and
engines. Besides the new engines other improvements are the new American (20, inherited after the US Airways merger) as important
wing aerodynamics, full fly-by-wire flight controls and advancements in customers), significant orders were taken from Latin America, Europe
other systems. All these modifications will result in double digit gains in and Asia. The E190 is a 20.6ft stretch of the E170 and has a larger wing
fuel efficiency, lower maintenance costs and noise reduction. Besides and more powerful engines with FADEC technology. It got certified for
Class: Medium Regional Jet all these improvements, the –E2 will also be produced with a stretched Class: Large Regional Jet steep approaches (e.g. London City airport) in 2010. The E190 enjoys a
wing and - only for the E175 and E195 – stretched fuselages compared reasonable sound operator base. It is currently offered in a standard, long
First Flight: est. 2019/ EIS 2021 to their predecessors. The fuselage stretch involves a re-design First Flight: 12 March 2004 and advanced range (STD/LR/AR) variant of which the -AR has become
incorporating fewer but longer fuselage sections, replacing the fuselage the production standard. Early built aircraft which didn't have the -AR
Standard Seating: 80 (3-class; 36-, 34-, plugs used in the current E175 and E195. The wing for the E175-E2 will Standard Seating: 96 (2-class; 38-, 31in designs as the starting point, suffer from a weaker (wing) structure
30in pitch), 88 (1-class; be stretched from 85ft 4 inch to 101ft 8in. The E175-E2 fuselage will pitch),100 (1-class; resulting in a lower structural MTOW which limits range.
31in pitch), 90 (high be stretched from 103ft 11 in to 106 ft, which creates space to one 32/31in pitch), 114
density; 30/29in pitch) extra row of seats compared to the E175. The re-design and added (high density; 30/29in The E190’s main competitor is the more efficient but narrower
seat capacity, makes that the E175-E2 will burn 16% less fuel per seat/ pitch) CRJ900/1000 and it is a replacement for the older Fokker F100,
Range: 2,060nm mile than the current version. The E175-E2 will be powered by the BAe146-300 and Avro RJ100. Also, for network operators, the E190 is
PW1700G variant of the geared turbofan engine, a different version Range: 2,400 - 2,450nm an alternative for the smallest members of the 737 and A320 families.
Engine Options: PW1700G (GTF) than the PW1900G engine on the E190-E2 and E195-E2. It will also have These offer fleet commonality benefits but are also significantly heavier,
a different wing than its larger siblings. Engine Options: GE CF34 have much higher trip costs and are more difficult to fill in low density
In Service: 0 market. Going forward, the success of the E190 will be challenged by
The E175-E2 will be the last member of the new E2 family to enter In Service: 484 new competitors of which the slightly larger CS100 (and MRJ100 if
On Order: 100 service, which is now scheduled for 2021. US regional carrier SkyWest launched) and slightly smaller MRJ90 will be equipped with considerably
Airlines was the launch customer for the E175-E2 with a firm order for On Order: 52 more efficient engines. Also the cheaper SSJ100 and Chinese (domestic)
In Storage: 0 100 and purchase rights for another 100 of the type placed during the ARJ21-900 will compete for orders. Consequently, Embraer was forced
Paris Air Show in 2013. With 150 orders at the Paris Air Show in 2013 In Storage: 39 to revamp its E-jet family. Early 2013 Embraer announced an enhanced
Operators: 1 (100 x E175-E2 Skywest; 25 x E190-E2 ILFC 25 x E195-E2) the launch of version of the “1st” generation E-Jet, featuring a redesigned wingtip and
the E2-Family was very successful in terms of order volume. In February Operators: 44 two packages of aerodynamic, structural and systems improvements
Last Delivery: N/A 2014, during the Singapore Air Show, Embraer received an order for to the wing and the fuselage. The new E190 will not feature the new
50 E2-family aircraft (25 E-190 E2s and 25 E-195 E2s) by Indian start up Last Delivery: N/A wingtip, designed exclusively for the E175. All these adjustments will lead
airline Air Costa. However since Paris 2013 no new orders have been to a reduction of fuel consumption by 1 – 2% on the E190. A retrofit for
placed for the E175-E2. The E175-E2 does not fit in the latest US scope all the improvements was made available in 2014, with the exception of
clauses, which limits the Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW) of aircraft the E175 wingtip. These fuel burn improvements must bridge the gap until
operated by regional affiliates of the US Majors to 86.000lb (39.010kg). the introduction of the E2 second-generation of E-jets in 2018. Mid-2017
The E175-E2 has an MTOW of 98.436lb (44.650kg). A relaxation of the with the production of the E190’ssuccessor, the E190-E2, was already on
US scope clauses could give a further boost to the E175-E2 sales, but it its way, Embraer has still a 52 strong backlog the E190-E1. 24 of these
is unclear if this will happen. Embraer postponed the introduction of the orders on backlog are from Jetblue and it is very unlikely that Jetblue will
E175-E2 until 2021 after a next round of scope negotiations at American take delivery of these. Also lessor Nordic Aviation Capital has 16 orders
Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United due in 2019/2020. Embraer may for new E190-E1 aircraft. Together with 39 aircraft currently stored (most
continue the production of the older generation E175-E1 if the scope over 1 year already), this means that there are a lot of E190s available on
clauses are not changed. the market. Also some big operators: Air Canada, American and Virgin
Australia have announced that they will phase out their E190 fleet in the
near future. This developments will undoubtedly have its impact on the
E190 values. It is worrying to note that already 14 E190s have been broken
up for part-out, all at a relatively young age of 7-13 years. 25 E190s are in
service (9 on order; 5 stored) as Corporate/VIP aircraft with 30 operators.
A corporate jet version of the E190 is called E190 Lineage.
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Embraer 190-E2 Embraer 195
At the Paris Air Show in June 2013, Embraer launched the E-Jet E2 family, The E195 is a further 8.3ft stretch of the E190, giving it an additional
to replace the predecessor E-jet family. Contrary to the GE powered “1st” 10 seats in single class. This makes it the largest member of the E-jets
generation E-jets, the E2 will be equipped with the new P&W Geared family with over 85% commonality. Sales success has been fairly
Turbofan (GTF) engines. P&W claims that its Geared Turbofan Engine limited and is concentrated at Azul (60 aircraft in service) and airlines
will burn 12 to 15% less fuel when compared to today’s engines. Besides belonging to the Lufthansa Group (Lufthansa Cityline; Air Dolomiti;
the new engines other improvements are the new wing aerodynamics, Austrian: 33 aircraft in service and 1 stored). Also Tianjin Airlines (13
full fly-by-wire flight controls and advancements in other systems. All in service and 7 on order) and Air Europa (11 in service) have relatively
these modifications will result in double digit gains in fuel efficiency, large fleets. If equipped with more than 100 seats, an additional
maintenance costs and noise reduction. Besides all these improvements, 3rd cabin crew member is required, which increases costs. Like its
Class: Large Regional Jet the –E2 will also be produced with a stretched wing and - only for the Class: Large Regional Jet smaller family members, the E195 is offered in a standard (-STD), long
E175 and E195 - a stretched fuselage, making the E190 E2, the only range (–LR) and advanced range (-AR) version. The -AR has become
First Flight: 23 May 2016 / EIS new E-jet with the same cabin size as its predecessor. The E190-E2 will First Flight: 7 December 2004 the production standard and can be downgraded to the -LR or -STD
1H2018 be powered by the PW1900G variant of the geared turbofan engine, a specifications. Early built aircraft which didn't have the -AR structure
different version than the PW1700G engine on the E175-E2. Standard Seating: 100 (2-class; 42-, 33in suffer from a weaker (wing) structure resulting in a lower structural
Standard Seating: 97 (3-class; 36-,34, 31in pitch), 116 (1-class; MTOW which limits range.
pitch), 106 (1-class; On 23 May 2016, the E190-E2 made its first flight. The E190-E2 will 32/31in pitch), 124
31in pitch), 114 be the first re-engined E-jet to enter service in 2018. Lessor AerCap is (high density; The E195's main competitors are the more efficient but narrower
(high density; 29in the launch customer for the E190-E2 with 25 orders it inherited from 31/30/29in pitch) CRJ900/1000 but also its slightly smaller sister the E190. For network
pitch) the ILFC takeover. The launch order was placed at the Paris Air Show operators, the E195 could be a slightly smaller and cheaper (trip cost)
in 2013. With 150 orders at the Paris Air Show 2013 (100 x E175-E2 Range: 2,000 - 2,300nm alternative for the smallest members of the 737 and A320 narrowbody
Range: 2,850nm Skywest; 25 x E190-E2 ILFC 25 x E195-E2) the launch of the E2-Family families but it falls a bit short on range. Going forward, competition will
was very successful in terms of order volume. In February 2014, during the Engine Options: GE CF34 further increase with the arrival of the longer range CS100 (and MRJ100
Engine Options: PW1900G (GTF) Singapore Air Show, Embraer received an order for 50 E2- family aircraft if launched) which will be equipped with considerably more efficient
(25 E-190 E2s and 25 E-195 E2s) by Indian start up airline Air Costa. Since In Service: 149 engines. Also the probably lower (capital) cost SSJ100 and Chinese
In Service: 0 mid-2014, an additional 35 E190-E2s have been ordered by ICBC Leasing (domestic) ARJ21-900 will compete for orders. As a consequence of
(10), Tianjin Airlines (2), Aircastle Advisor (15), Kalstar Aviation (5) and On Order: 8 the increased competition, Embraer was forced to revamp its E-jet
On Order: 83 Wideroe (3), bringing the total E190-E2 order backlog to 83. 48 (58%) of family. Early 2013 Embraer announced an enhanced version of the “1st”
these 82 aircraft have been ordered by lease companies, but no lessees In Storage: 7 generation E-Jet, featuring a redesigned wingtip and two packages of
In Storage: 0 have been announced. Wideroe will be the launch operator of the E-jets aerodynamic, structural and systems improvements to the wing and
E2, as the first E190-E2 is expected to be delivered to the Norwegian Operators: 19 the fuselage. The new E195 will not feature the new wingtip, designed
Operators: 8 airline in the first quarter of 2018. exclusively for the E175. All these adjustments will lead to a reduction
Last Delivery: N/A of fuel consumption by 1 – 2% on the E190. A retrofit for all the
Last Delivery: N/A improvements was made available in 2014, with the exception of the
E175 wingtip. These fuel burn improvements must bridge the gap until
the introduction of the E2 second-generation of E-jets in 2018.
The current backlog for the E195 consist of eight aircraft. Seven of
them are destined for China’s Tianjin Airlines, which placed an order
for twenty E195s in May 2015. thirteen out of these twenty E195s have
been delivered by late September 2017. The other E195 still on order is
an order placed by Belavia in June 2017 for one aircraft, which will be
added to the two E195s currently in service by this airline.
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Other Passenger Aircraft
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Fokker 100 McDonnel Douglas MD-81/82/83/88
The Fokker 100 was the first of a planned 70 to 130 seat family of jet The MD-80 family is the generic term for a number of development
aircraft intended to replace the Fokker F.28. Its main competition came versions (i.e. MD-81/82/83/87/88) based onthe Douglas DC-9, initially
from the BAe 146 and later the Avro RJ100. Comparable 100-seat referred to as DC-9 'Super 80'. The MD-81 differed from the DC-9-50
aircraft from Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas had much greater payload/ by a 14ft fuselage stretch, improved more quiet PW JT8D Series 200
range. Production of the Fokker 100 ceased in 1996 after the Fokker engines and extended wing. The increased payload/range MD-82, the
bankruptcy. As a result, a planned 130-seat variant never reached most successful MD-80, is equipped with the higher thrust JT8D-217
production. In 2012 NAC - Netherlands Aircraft Company (formerly engines. The MD-83 incorporated the slightly higher trust JT8D-219
Rekkof Aircraft) proposed a stretched update of the Fokker 100NG, engines and additional fuel tanks which increased its payload/range
called the Fokker 120NG, powered by a variant of the P&W geared capability. The MD-88 is similar to the MD-83, but is equipped with
Class: Large Regional Jet turbofan jet engine. Because the P&W is heavier than the Rolls-Royce Class: Medium Narrow- the more advance EFIS-cockpit. As the first Stage III noise compliant
Tay engines used to power the Fokker 100, the aircraft would have Bodied Jets single aisle mainline jet, initially the MD-80 was a commercial success.
First Flight: 30 November 1986 needed ballast in the nose. Therefore NAC had chosen to stretch the Powered by engines derived from the “old” JT8D, the MD-80 had a
fuselage with a 112cm (44in) plug forward of the wing. This increases First Flight: 19 October 1979 head-start over the competition. Once the 737 Classic (-300/-400/-500)
Standard Seating: 97 (2-class), the capacity of the cabin, now accommodating up to 125 passengers. - powered by the more advanced all new CFM56 engines – reached
107 (1-class) The Fokker 120NG would also feature winglets. In 2013 the original Standard Seating: 135 (2-class), the market, the end of the MD-80 came in sight. The arrival of the
F-100 prototype was acquired for conversion to F-120NG. In 2016 the 155 (1-class) Airbus A320 family (powered by the CFM56 as well as the new V2500
Range: 1,260 – 1,680nm 120 design was stretched and now named the 130NG. The 130NG engine) meant the beginning of the end for the once very successful
will have a capacity of 130-138 passengers. The Fokker 130NG will be Range: 1,564 – 2,620nm (McDonnell) Douglas single aisle product range.
Engine Options: RR Tay 48% more economical than the original Fokker 100. NAC still plans to
make a first flight with the Fokker 130NG in 2020. However without Engine Options: PW JT8D Currently, Delta Air Lines still operates a large fleet of 116 MD-80s
In Service: 111 any customers and very uncertain financial funding, it remains very in active service, but the airline ordered 75 CS100s as a partial
questionable whether the F-130NG will ever enter the market. In Service: 345 replacement for its MD-80 fleet, starting in 2018. American Airlines,
On Order: 0 which had more than 350s MD-80 in its fleet ten year ago, still has a
In the secondary market, the Fokker 100 enjoyed a kind of “revival” On Order: 0 fleet of 48 active MD-80s, but has started phasing out the type rapidly
In Storage: 50 as large fleets from American Airlines (75), TAM (50) and US Airways and has announced that it will retire its entire MD-80 fleet in 2019.
(40) found a new operator base. However, availability figures have In Storage: 129 Besides American and Delta only Allegiant Air has a significant MD-80
Operators: 33 been increasing over the last years as operators such as KLM (8) and fleet with 45 aircraft. Allegiant has already started to replace the MD-
Avianca (20) have already phased-out their fleets as have TAP Express Operators: 66 80 with Airbus narrowbody aircraft and has announced that it will be
Last Delivery: April 1996 and Austrian. Many remaining Fokker 100s have found a home in out of the MD-80 fleet no later than end-2018. Allegiant suffered from
Australia with 49 active Fokker 100s in service with Alliance Airlines Last Delivery: December 1999 a lot of operational and cost issues with its ageing MD-80 fleet and
(16 & 6 in storage), Network Aviation Australia (17), Virgin Australia has sourced enough used A320s to replace them one year earlier than
Regional Airlines (14) and Skippers Aviation (2). Most of these Fokkers initially planned. All other operators operate small fleets with twelve
in Australia are used for charter operations in the mining sector. Iran aircraft or less. Phase outs by the US majors will make availability
also has a large contingent of Fokker 100 with 21 Fokker 100s in active explode and values (also for part out) collapse further.
service with Iran Asseman Airlines (7), Iranian Naft Airlines (4), Qeshm
Airlines (4), Iran Air (3) and Kish Air (3). However the Iranian Fokker fleet Many MD-80s are expected to be permanently parked as other aircraft
is already dwindling down a bit as already a large part of the fleet has types are preferred in the secondary passenger market. Possibly, a few
been phased out by the airlines due to lack of spares. 29 Fokker 100s (13 will be converted to MD80SF as freighter conversion programmes have
Iran Air and 16 Iran Aseman) are currently stored in Iran. With the lifting been launched by AEI and Wagner Aeronautical in 2010. This market is
of the economic sanctions, it is expected that the Iranian Fokker 100s however expected to be quite thin, because the narrow MD-80 fuselage
will soon be replaced by more modern western equipment. cannot accommodate standard size pallets/containers.
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McDonnel Douglas MD-87 McDonnel Douglas MD-90-30
The MD-87 is 17 feet 4 inch shrink of the MD-83 and MD’s alternative After a failed attempt to introduce a fuel efficient propfan powered
for the Fokker 100 and Boeing 737-500. The type incorporated a new aircraft family for the 110-180 seats market, dubbed the MD-90,
'beaver'- tailcone, reducing fuel consumption by 0.5%. The MD-87 McDonnell Douglas shifted to IAE V2500 turbofan power for this
wasn't a commercial success, with only 75 delivered to ten customers aircraft family that was to compete with the 737-'Classics' and A320
with Iberia (24) and SAS (18) as the largest original operators. Today family. Initial plans called for three different fuselage sizes, of which the
only 4 MD-87s are still in passenger service with three different civil 153-seat MD-90-30 was selected by launch customer Delta Airlines.
operators. An additional 8 MD-87s remain in service as corporate/ Plans for other variants as well as a production line in China never
VIP aircraft. 3 MD-87s (one former Japan Air System aircraft and two materialized following the take-over by Boeing. The last MD-90 was
former SAS aircraft) have been converted to Water-Bomber/ Chemical delivered to Saudi Arabian in late 2000. Delta is still quite positive
Class: Small Narrow-Bodied Spray plane and have been operated as such by Erickson Aero Tanker in Class: Medium Narrow- about the MD-90's role in its network and has been picking up available
Jets the US since 2013. The majority of the MD-87 fleet has been scrapped. Bodied Jets MD-90s from other airlines over the last years. Currently, with 64 MD-
Due to its short fuselage, the MD-87 won't qualify for freighter 90s in active service, Delta is the sole operator of the aircraft. In total
First Flight: 4 December 1986 conversion. First Flight: 22 February 1992 117 MD-90-30s were built. The V2500-D5 engines’ commonality with
the Airbus A320 family V2500-A5 engines makes the MD-90 attractive
Standard Seating: 114 (2-class), Production of all MD-80 aircraft was ceased after the outstanding Standard Seating: 158 (2-class), for part-out. All MD-90s that did not end up with Delta are therefore
130 (1-class) orders placed before the Boeing take-over of McDonnell Douglas in 163 (1class) permanently withdrawn from use and parted out.
1997, had been completed. The final MD-80 to be produced was a MD-
Range: 2,374nm 83 for TWA in December 1999. Range: 2,085 – 2,700nm
In Service: 4 In Service: 64
On Order: 0 On Order: 0
In Storage: 1 In Storage: 0
Operators: 4 Operators: 1
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Mitsubishi MRJ70 Mitsubishi MRJ90
With its Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) programme, the Mitsubishi With its Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) programme, the Mitsubishi
Aircraft Corporation (a JV of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Toyota Aircraft Corporation (a JV of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Toyota and
and various other Japanese institutions) aims to set a new Japanese various other Japanese institutions) aims to set a new standard of
designed commercial jet family, partly to limit the dependence on regional jets. The MRJ90 will be the first and base line MRJ model
“foreign” projects in a role as sub-contractor.. The smaller of the two to enter service in mid-2020. It will feature a fuselage which will
MRJ types which are currently under development is the MRJ70. An be c.8 ft longer than the MRJ70 to accommodate approximately 12
important element of the MRJ product will be the geared turbo fan more passengers. An important element of the MRJ product will be
engine (GTF) which is claimed to be c.15% more fuel efficient, 50% the PW1217G geared turbo fan engine (GTF) which is claimed to be
less noisy and up to 40% cheaper to maintain than current technology c.15% more fuel efficient, 50% less noisy and up to 40% cheaper to
Class: Medium Regional Jet engines. The MRJ70 is equipped with the PW1215G variant instead of Class: Large Regional Jet maintain than current technology engines. The MRJ fuselage is of a
the PW1217G that powers its larger sibling, the MRJ90. The MRJ70 simple circular cross section with cargo compartment in the back. Its
First Flight: est. 2018 faces strong competition from the latest version of the E170/175, First Flight: 11 November 2015 main competitors – the E-Jets -mostly features a double-bubble design
the Embraer E175-E2 and CRJ700 which have been dominating the with underfloor cargo space. The MRJ90 faces strong competition
Standard Seating: 69 (2-class; 36-, 30in 70-seater market segment for quite some years. Also, the more efficient Standard Seating: 81 (2-class; 36-, 30in from the latest versions of the E175, E175-E2, E190, E190-E2 and the
pitch), 76 (1-class; 31in 70 seat turboprops (ATR72-500 and Q400) have become increasingly pitch), 88 (1-class; 31in CRJ900 which have been dominating the 90-seater market segment
pitch), 80 (maximum popular due to lower fuel burn, lower noise and fewer emissions. In pitch), 92 (maximum for quite some years. Additionally, slightly larger aircraft such as the
capacity; 29in pitch) the substantial Chinese market, the Chinese regional jet ARJ21 will capacity; 29in pitch) E195, E195-E2, CRJ1000 and CS100 (using the same engine technology)
certainly take up some significant (politically stimulated) orders. Older could turn out to be competitors, especially in a growth market. In the
Range: 1,020 - 2,020nm equipment like the Avro RJ70/85, BAe146-100/200 and Fokker 70 but Range: 1,150-2,040nm substantial future Chinese market, the Chinese regional jet ARJ21 will
also smaller 50-seater planes are (growth) replacement targets of certainly take up some significant (politically inspired) orders. Older
Engine Options: PW1215G (GTF) the MRJ70. The MRJ70 will have three variants (STD, -ER and -LR) Engine Options: PW1217G (GTF) equipment like the Avro RJ100, BAe146-300 but also older 70-seat
with the same dimensions but higher MTOWs for increasing range aircraft are (growth) replacement targets of the MRJ90. The success
In Service: 0 capability. Mitsubishi’s focus is to finish the MRJ90 test programme In Service: 0 of the MRJ90 is largely depending on the scope clause dominated US
and deliver the first aircraft to launch Customer ANA – All Nippon domestic regional market. Generally, more easing of scope clauses
On Order: 0 Airways in mid 2020. It will start flying tests with the MRJ70 after On Order: 233 could create demand if more 90 seaters would be permitted but
this is done for the MRJ90. Parts production for the MR70 has already if further loosened, larger aircraft become competitors. To date,
In Storage: 0 begun and Mitsubishi expects the first aircraft to be completed in In Storage: 0 Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation is actually quite successful in this
2018. First delivery to a customer will be in the 2020-2021 timeframe. market and managed to get two landmark orders for the MRJ90 in the
Operators: 0 So far, there have been no orders for the MRJ70, as all 233 orders for Operators: 6 US. Trans States Holdings ordered 50 MRJs (+ 50 options) in 2009 and
the MRJ programme are for the MRJ90. However many customers like in 2012 SkyWest Airlines ordered 100 MRJ90s (+ 100 Options). Other
Last Delivery: N/A SkyWest, Trans States and Japan Airlines have options to convert to Last Delivery: N/A US companies that ordered the MRJ are the new Eastern Air Lines who
MRJ70s. As already expected and 'requested' by many in the industry, ordered 20 MRJ90s in September 2014 and Leasing Company Aerolease
Mitsubishi Aircraft is now also looking into a further stretch of the MRJ International who placed an order for 10 MRJs (+10 options) in August
platform. Work on this MRJ100X variant for approximately 100-110 2016. Currently however the MRJ90’s MTOW exceeds the scope clause
passengers will however not start until the first flights of the MRJ90 limits, which may make it difficult for North American regional airlines
and the MRJ70 have taken place. Mitsubishi announced in June 2013 to operate the type on behalf of US Majors. In May 2016 SkyWest’s
that it would establish a quality control facility in Chicago and Munich CEO, with 100 aircraft on order, the biggest customer so far, said that
for the sourcing of MRJ components from the United States and as long as scope clauses in the US are not relieved, it will be highly
Europe. Mitsubishi also has a 10-year partnership with – long-time unlikely that Skywest will take delivery of the MRJ90. The MRJ90 has
ally - Boeing for customer support. Boeing will deliver 24h support for all a Maximum Take-off Weight of 87.303lb (39.600kh) and offers 88 seat,
MRJ operators covering parts distribution, service operation and field while the scope clause limits regional jets that may be flown by regional
services. affiliates of the mainline carriers to 86,000lb (39.010kg) and 76 seats.
SkyWest has the option to change to the MRJ70, but from Mitsubishi’s
perspective, this is not ideal.
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Mitsubishi MRJ100X
Besides these US orders , Mitsubishi received orders from ANA who Mitsubishi's MRJ100X is still a preliminary design study which has not
was the launch customer when it ordered 15 MRJs in 2008 and Japan been officially launched. Nevertheless, it is deemed quite likely that this
Airlines who placed an order for 32 MRJs in January 2015. The only non further stretch of the MRJ90 will eventually hit the markets as regional
USA and non-Japanese airline that ordered the MRJ is Air Mandalay jets generally tend to become larger and larger over time. Like the
who placed an order for six aircraft in the summer of 2014. Besides smaller MRJ70 and MRJ90, the MRJ100X will probably be powered by
these 233 orders, Mitsubishi has 204 LoIs/Options for the MRJ. 20 of the efficient PW1200G Geared Turbo Fan engines from Pratt & Whitney.
them were placed by Swedish lessor Rockton during the Farnborough Competitors would be the re-engined E195-E2, CRJ1000, CS100. Also
Air Show in July 2016. new Russian and Chinese products (SSJ100, ARJ21 respectively) could
take up substantial shares of the regional jet markets by politically
The MRJ90 will have three variants (STD, -ER and -LR) with the same Class: Large Regional Jet inspired orders from their home markets. Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp says
size but higher MTOWs for increasing range capability. Al ordered that work on this MRJ100X variant not start until the first flights of the
MRJ90s so far are the –STD variant. In August 2013 Mitsubishi First Flight: est. 2022 MRJ90 and the MRJ70 have taken place. Assuming the MRJ100X will
announced that it was pushing its first flight back by more than a year be launched, it will enter the market a few years after the MRJ70 in
from September 2013 to the second quarter of 2015. First delivery of the Standard Seating: 92 (2-class), 2020.
aircraft has also been delayed from summer 2015 to the second quarter 106 (1 class)
of 2017. Mitsubishi cited certification issues as the reason for this
delay. So far this delay has not led to the cancellation of any orders and Range: N/A
on 11 November 2015 the MRJ finally made its first flight. In December
2015 Mitsubishi announced a one-year delay for the first delivery of Engine Options: PW1200G (GTF)
the MRJ to mid-2018. This meant that the MRJ lost the advantage
to be one year ahead of the EIS of the E190-E2, but it is still ahead of In Service: 0
the EIS of its biggest rival, the E175-E2. Mitsubishi had to announce
another delay in January 2017, due to “revisions of certain systems and On Order: 0
electrical configurations on the aircraft to meet the requirements for
certification”. This revision will lead to the relocation of components in In Storage: 0
the avionics bay and rerouting of electrical wiring harnesses. Mitsubishi
declared that these changes will not impact the performance of the Operators: 0
aircraft. Mitsubishi now aims for certification of the aircraft end 2019,
with first delivery to launch customer ANA in mid-2020. Last Delivery: N/A
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Sukhoi Super Jet SSJ100-95
With the SSJ100 regional jet, the Russian aerospace industry, started service with Mexican LCC and Airbus A320 operator Interjet
represented by Sukhoi, together with Alenia Aeronautica of Italy and and contrary to the Armavia and Aeroflot experience the introduction of
engine supplier Snecma of France, has developed a large regional the type in Interjet ‘s fleet has been very smooth.
jet which is intended to compete with (Western built) products like
the Embraer E190/190-E2/195/E195-E2, Bombardier CRJ900/1000, The Superjet has a backlog of 53 orders. Besides orders from Russian
Mitsubishi MRJ90 and the Chinese ARJ21-900.The SaM-146 engines airlines like Aeroflot, Yakutia and Yamal, there are also some substantial
(effectively scaled down CFM56’s) are claimed to be significantly (10%) orders from Interjet (8 from an order of 30 from which 22 are already
more efficient than the engines of today's competitors but are likely delivered) and Cityjet (9) and from Russian lease companies as Illyushin
to be beaten (on fuel burn) by e.g. the PW1000G Geared Turbo Fan Finance, and VEB_leasing. So far 97 Superjets have been delivered
Class: Large Regional Jet which powers the MRJ products. The capital/investment costs of the to 13 different operators. 74 of these aircraft are in service while 23
SSJ100-95 will probably be significantly lower than the competition aircraft (23.7%) are still stored. The Superjet scored another Western
First Flight: 19 May 2008 and on range the SSJ100 is claimed to be slightly better than e.g. the customer when Cityjet ordered 15 Superjets in October 2015. As of
E-Jets. Of the initial 2 variants family, only the SSJ100-95 remains as September 2017, six Superjets have been delivered to Cityjet. Besides
Standard Seating: 86 (2-class), the 11.5ft smaller SSJ100-75 design for 78 passengers was dropped these 15 orders Cityjet also placed 16 options. Cityjet ordered the
98-108 (1-class) due to lack of interest from the market. Sukhoi announced several new Superjet as a replacement for its large RJ85 fleet. Cityjet’s network
modifications of this type with a more powerful version of the current is centred on London City Airport, so crucial for Cityjet is the Steep
Range: 1,645- 2,470nm Sam-146 engines and a new wing design with raked winglets (Superjet Approach certification of the Superjet. Sukhoi foresees the Superjet
NG). These winglets will also be made available as a retrofit for existing being certified for steep landing approaches at London City Airport by
Engine Options: SaM-146 aircraft. The improved Superjet NG would typically compete with the end 2018. Awaiting this certification, Cityjet operates the Superjet on
E195-E2 and CRJ1000. Also China's ARJ21 may take up substantial wet-leaese operations for other airlines like Brussels Airlines and Air
In Service: 74 (regional) orders. In the summer of 2016 Sukhoi confirmed it was France. Interjet and Cityjet are the only Western operators of the type
working on a stretched 130-135 passenger version of the Superjet and both are very positive about their experience with the Superjet.
On Order: 53 (Superjet SV). Sukhoi expects certification for the SuperjetSV after Aeroflot the biggest operator of the type with 31 aircraft in its fleet and
2020. still 19 on order, making a total of 50 aircraft.
In Storage: 23
A problem for Sukhoi is the changed geopolitical and economic For a long time the Superjet was marketed on the Western market by
Operators: 13 situation. Russia has been hit hard by the devaluation of the rouble, the Superjet International, a joint venture in which Leonardo from Italy
falling commodity prices and the sanctions prompted by the country’s (formerly Finmeccanica) holds a 51% stake and Sukhoi the other 49%.
Last Delivery: N/A alleged involvement in Ukraine’s civil conflict. In 2015 Sukhoi revealed However in Spring 2017 Leonardo cut its shareholding to just 10%.
a plan to reduce the cost of the Superjet by replacing Western suppliers The other 90% is owned by Sukhoi, which means that the Superjet
with Russian ones. This would reduce the cost of a Superjet by ~$2.5 programme is now almost completely controlled by Sukhoi.
mln. This is quite a big step, as much of the attraction in the western
world is based on the Western systems in the aircraft. Until late
September 2017, these plans have not been materialized.
The SSJ100-95 has an -LR and a 'non-LR' variant. The first Superjet
was delivered to Armavia in April 2011. The first year of service of the
Superjet was not without problems. In March 2012 all seven delivered
Superjets at that time, were grounded for a short time due to some
landing gear problems. In May 2012 a factory demonstrator aircraft
crashed during a flight over Indonesia with 45 fatalities, reportedly
due to pilot error. In August 2012 Armavia returned its Superjets to
the manufacturer for unknown reasons. In March 2012 Aeroflot - the
biggest operator of the type – asked Superjet for compensation since
its six Superjets in service at that time were in the air only 3.9 hours
a day on average instead of the standard 8 to 9 hours. According
to Sukhoi, these problems were normal in newly operated aircraft.
However all these technical glitches resulted in Aeroflot returning its
first 10 SSJ100s in exchange for updated versions. In 2013 the Superjet
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Russian aviation corporation Irkut together with the Yakovlev Design In early summer 2017 UAC (United Aircraft Corporation = Russian state
bureau launched the development of the MS-21 family of narrowbody owned company that controls the military and civil aircraft development
aircraft in 2008. Irkut intends to build this Russian competitor to the and production in Russia) and the leasing daughter of the Russian
mainline 737NG/MAX and A320ceo/neo family programmes. The MS-21 Vnesheconombank, VEB leasing agreed to develop a leasing platform
comes with two engine options: the PW1400G Geared Turbo Fan engines for the Sukhoi Superjet and Irkut MC-21. This platform is intended to
next to the Russian built AVIADVIGATEL PD-14 twin-shaft turbofan. promote the aircraft internationally especially in the EU, Latin America
Also the interior, supplied by Zodiac Aerospace is intended to match and Africa.
modern western standards. The airframe structure is targeted to be
50% composite including the wing. The MS-21 family (also referred to as Lessons learned with the Superjet and the MS-21 will give Russia
Class: Medium Narrow- MC-21 in Cyrillic Russian: МС‑21 “Магистральный Самолёт 21 enough experience to start developing a new widebody aircraft. On
Bodied Jets века” - "Magistralny Samolyot 21 veka" - "Airliner of the 21st Century"), 25 June 2016 President Putin signed an agreement during his visit
will consist of a -200, -300 and -400 variant for 150, 181 and 212 to China to establish a joint venture between Russia’s UAC (United
First Flight: 28 May 2017 passengers respectively in standard (32in pitch) configuration. The -200, Aircraft Corporation) and Chinese COMAC to design and develop a
and -300 variant are currently marketed on Irkut’s website and can be new widebody aircraft. It is aimed that this Russian-Chinese widebody,
Standard Seating: MS-21-200: ordered. The “-400” is still object of study. It remains to be seen whether called the CR929, will enter service around 2025.
135 (2-class), the programme will attract many 'western' or 'modern asian' orders but
156-176 (1-class) the MS-21 family seems well positioned to finally replace a large part of
MS-21-300: the Tupolev fleet (c. 77 in service with civil operators) in the former CIS
163 (2-class), countries. International competition will come from the 737NG/MAX and
181/211 (1-class/high A320ceo/neo familes. Also China's COMAC C919 will certainly attract
density) orders in the same capacity segment particularly in Asia. The probably
MS-21-400: very “reasonable” initial capital/investment costs of the MS-21 products
178 (2-class), could make it competitive.
212-230 (1-class)
Irkut begun production of the first three MS-21-300s, the baseline version
Range: MS-21-200 est. of the aircraft, early 2014. On 8 June 2016, the first MS-21-300 was
3,500nm unveiled and on 28 May 2017 the MC-21 took to skies for the first time.
MS-21-300 est. Certification is still targeted for end-2018 after which the airliner can be
3,200nm delivered to launch customer Aeroflot later the same year. Problems Irkut
MS-21-400 est. faces, are the collapse of the rouble and the Russian national policy to
3,000nm replace Western goods with local goods as a reaction to the sanctions
imposed on the country because of its involvement in the Ukrainian civil
Engine Options: PW1000G (GTF) 45% war. Many parts of the Irkut MS-21 are from western origin. Replacing
(-200) / 65% (-300) them with Russian alternatives can cause some significant delay. So far
Aviadvigatel PD-14 Irkut has successfully managed to evade these restrictions and is working
55% (-200) / 22% to get the aircraft certified with its current western suppliers. So far, 33
(-300) MS-21-200s and 142 MS-21-300 have been ordered but only by Russian
TBD 13% (-300) airlines and operating leasing companies. The last order already dates
back to August 2013. There are 89 LoI/Options for the MS-21. Fifty of
In Service: 0 them are from Malaysian lease company Crecom Burj Resources, ten from
Azerbaijan Airlines, six from Egypt’s Cairo Aviation, twenty from Sberbank
On Order: 33 (-200) / 142 (-300) leasing and three for Russian charter airline Nordwind.
In Storage: 0 In October 2013 Russian government officials indicated that the Irkut
MS-21 will be re-designated as the Yak-242 once the aircraft goes into
Operators: 2 (-200) / 7 (-300) serial production. The Yakovlev Yak-242 name was originally attached to a
130-180 proposal of the 1990s, which eventually evolved into the MS-21.
Last Delivery: N/A However, until mid-2017, Irkut has not confirmed the plans to rename the
MS-21 programme.
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Comac ARJ21-700/900
The ARJ21 regional jet is China's first domestically developed aircraft COMAC is also working on further improving the ARJ-21, which will lead
by government-controlled COMAC (formerly ACAC). The initial family to some design changes of future aircraft. COMAC expects this improved
is planned to consist of two passenger types - the ARJ21-700 and the and lighter version of the ARJ21 will be ready by 2019.
stretched ARJ21-900 and probably a freighter and business jet variant as
well. The ARJ21s are primarily aimed at the Chinese domestic regional
market. Both versions will have a standard and an extended range
(-ER) variant. The design has some exterior resemblance with the DC-9,
though features a newly (Antonov) designed wing with winglets and GE's
CF34-10 engines which also power the E190/195. Other involvement from
Class: Large Regional Jet western countries is Rockwell Collins avionics and Honeywell's fly-by-
wire systems.
First Flight: 28 November 2008
So far, only the smaller ARJ21-700 has been ordered. Henan Airlines is
Standard Seating: 78 (2-class), the largest customer with 50 aircraft on order. Launch customer Chengdu
90 (1-class) / Airlines has ordered 30 ARJ21-700s and Hebei Airlines and Shandong
98 (2-class), Airlines each 10. GECAS (the leasing arm of engine provider General
105 (1-class) Electric) also ordered 5 aircraft. There have been no new orders for the
ARJ-21 since June 2011, but in March 2015 ICBC leasing ordered 30
Range: 1,200 - 2,000nm / ARJ21-700 and in September 2015 City Airways from Thailand ordered
1,200 - 1,800nm 10 ARJ21-700. In November 2016 China Aerospace Leasing ordered 20
aircraft and in September 2017 China’s ABC Financial leasing placed an
Engine Options: GE CF34-10A order for 20 ARJ21s.
In Service: 2 The first commercial delivery of the ARJ21-700 slipped several times
the manufacturers encountered problems in the development as well
On Order: 178 in the certification process. Late December 2014, COMAC finished the
last functional and reliability tests on one of the prototypes, marking
In Storage: 0 the completion of all test modules required for the ARJ21-700. On 30
December 2014, the Chinese aviation authorities finally issued the
Operators: 10 type certification for the ARJ21 (initially scheduled for 2007). A major
milestone for the commercial aviation sector in China.
Last Delivery: N/A
The first ARJ21 was delivered to Chengdu Airlines on 29 November
2015. The first commercial flight took place 7 months later on 28 June
2016. As of late September 2016 only two ARJ-21s have been delivered.
The ARJ-21’s entry in operation has been far from smooth. The aircraft
is only operated in fine weather, as the ARJ21 is currently restricted to
operations where runway water depth does not exceed 3mm, following
its limited success in water ingestion trials during its certification
process. Besides that, the aircraft is also plagued by all kind of teething
problems, like noise and vibrations. Other improvements to be made are
better aircraft warning systems, the installation of ACARS equipment and
– most challenging – weight reductions. These improvements need to be
made to receive the production certificate for the ARJ21 from the Chinese
Aviation authorities, because without this production certificate each
aircraft has to be certified individually. COMAC worked hard to make all
the necessary improvements and on 9 July 2017, more than 2.5 year after
the type certification, COMAC received the production certificate for
the ARJ21 from the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
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Turboprop Aircraft
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DHC-8-401/402 (Dash-8 Q400/Q400NextGen)
That new ATR72-600s are still popular is still popular became clear The Dash-8 Q400 is a 70 seat twin-engined, medium range turboprop
in May 2017, when India’s Indigo placed an order for 50 ATR72- airliner. The –Q400 is the latest and longest member of the Dash-8
600s. These aircraft will be used on the new Indian UDAN regional family, which besides the –Q400 consists of the original Series 100 (39
connectivity initiative. seats), the Series 200 (same capacity, more powerful engines) and the
Series 300 (a stretched fuselage 50 seater). All models delivered after
In 2015 ATR launched the Cargoflex option for the ATR 72. This option mid 1996 have cabin noise and vibration suppression systems and are re-
allows for cargo pods to be installed in place of some rows of seats designated with the Q(uiet)-prefix. Bombardier stopped production of the
at the front of the aircraft, allowing it to carry 44 passengers and Q100 in 2006 and of the Q200 and Q300 in 2009, leaving only the Q400
around 3 tonnes of freight. The aircraft can be easily reconfigured to a in production. The Q400 was developed in the late nineties and entered
full passenger aircraft. ATR sold seven of these Cargoflex versions to Class: Regional Turboprop commercial service in 2000. It was developed to meet the requirements
Papua New Guinean carrier PNG Air. In December 2015, ATR received of regional airlines for larger aircraft on high density, short-haul routes
certification from the European Aviation Authorities for a 78-seat First Flight: 31 January 1998 / competing against the faster regional jets. The Q400 has a new stretched
high density option for the ATR 72-600. Within the existing cabin December 2008 fuselage of 6.83M (22ft.5in) compared to the Q300. It has the same nose
dimensions, ATR added an additional row of four seats by reducing the section and vertical tail as the other Dash-8 family aircraft, but has a new
seat pitch and replacing the galley compartment with a new aft foldable Standard Seating: 74 (2-class; 36-, 30in developed horizontal tail. The fuselage‘s cross section and structure are
galley. This 78-seat option is also offered as a retrofit for existing ATR pitch), 82 (1-class; based on the earlier Dash-8s but with two entry doors at forward and
72s. Philippine’s CEBU Pacific took delivery of the first 78-seat ATR 72 30in pitch), 90 (extra aft ends of the fuselage on the left side. The inner wing section and wing
late September 2016. capacity 28in pitch) fuselage wing joint are also developed new for the Q400. The outer wing
of the Q400 has been strengthened. The Dash-8 Q400 is powered by two
At the Farnborough Air Show 2016, ATR’s CEO said that the company Range: 1,100nm FADEC equipped PW150 turboprop engines with six bladed propellers. To
was examining the possibility to replace the current ATR P&W PW127 improve the passenger’s comfort, the Q400 is fitted with Bombardier’s
engines by new offerings from Pratt&Whitney, but also the GE38 Engine Options: PW100-150 newest systems to reduce noise and vibration to levels comparable with
engine from General Electric. Although the current PW127 engine still a CRJ. The flightdeck consist of five LCD screens, showing the same
performed very well on the ATR, a new engine offering a 15% lower In Service: 225 information to the pilot as in the earlier versions, so all the Dash-8s have a
fuel bill may become necessary to remain competitive against the latest 275 (-NG) common type rating. In March 2008, Bombardier launched the “NextGen”
regional jets. A potential re-engined ATR must be seen as a “bridge” version of the –Q400. The main differences between the Q400 and Q400
solution to an all new larger 100-seat design, according to the CEO. On Order: 26 (-NG) NextGen can be found in the cabin. The Q400 NextGen has LED lightning,
ATR has recently indicated that the existing ATR72-600s would be new ceiling panels, new window sidewalls and larger overhead bins.
re-engined with a new engine being developed for a proposed bigger In Storage: 16 Other improvements on the Dash-8 Q400 are the landing gear, as well as
90-100 seater. According to ATR, this new 90-100 seater would be a 1 (-NG) reduced fuel and maintenance costs.
“substantially” new aircraft designed for the coming next 30 years.
Pratt&Whitney is targeting 2023-2025 to have a new turboprop ready Operators: 34 At the Farnborough Air Show of 2014 Bombardier launched a cargo-
for the next generation turboprops 37 (-NG) passenger combi version of its Q400 turboprop. Bombardier is offering
the combi version of the Q400 in various configurations. The version
Last Delivery: N/A with the highest payload capability will offer up to 8,200lb of cargo
capacity and up to 1,150ft3 of cargo volume. This configuration can
accommodate 50 passengers. Launch customer for the Combi version is
Ryuku Air Commuter from Japan, which ordered five Q400NG combi’s.
By late September 2017, four of them have been delivered.
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Freighter, Combi and Convertible Aircraft
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McDonnell Douglas MD-80SF Boeing 737-300SF/300C
Probably encouraged by the high availability and very low prices of MD- A cargo conversion programme for the 737-300 was already offered
80s, both Aeronautical Engineers Inc (AEI) and Wagner Aeronautical Inc by Pemco in 1991. Currently, Pemco, Aeronautical Engineers Inc
decided each in 2010 to start developing an MD80 freighter conversion (AEI) and IAI-Bedek offer conversions for the 737-300 and -400. The
programme. Operationally, the MD-80SF will probably be less attractive 737-300SF/400SF was targeted to replace older freighters like the
than e.g. the 737-400SF due to its narrower fuselage which makes it 727, 737-200 and DC-9 although it faces competition from the larger
more complicated to efficiently accommodate standard containers. but heavier 757-200SF (selected as 727 successor by Fedex). The main
However, the conversion will probably be a low cost alternative and, adjustments are the installation of a cargo door at the forward left
contrary to payload volume, its payload weight and range capabilities side of the fuselage, a 9G-net barrier, smoke/fire detectors and floor
could be competitive. The specs of AEI indicate the MD-80SF will have modifications. The -400SF has a 6,600lb or 1 pallet payload advantage
Class: Medium Size Short a payload of up to 21,1t (47k lb) and could accommodate e.g. 12 non- Class: Moderate Size Short over the -300SF but less range. The increased storage of 737'classics'
Range Narrow-Bodied standard 88 x 108in containers or 8 standard 96 x 125in netted pallets Range Narrow-Bodied during the crisis and the related value effects made not only the 737-
Freighter on the main deck. The first AEI converted MD-80SF – an ex American Freighter 300 but also the 737-400 feedstock cheap enough to make conversion
Airlines MD-82 - got it FAA certification in October 2012 and was attractive. The pick-up in 737-300/400 conversions in recent years was
First Conversion: September 2012 delivered to launch customer Everts Air Cargo in spring 2013. First Conversion: 1992 also helped by the recovery of freighter demand, particularly in Asia and
especially China (eCommerce). Interest is also coming from carriers in
Payload: 46,600 lb AEI claims to have firm orders for 20 more MD-80 conversions from Payload: 42,500 – 43,100 lb South America, Eastern Europe and Africa. Canadian carriers serving
customers in the US, Africa, Central America and Europe and believes mining regions and oil fields are also targeted as potential customers.
Range: Around 2,000nm it will convert over 100 MD-80 family aircraft over the next ten years. Range: 1,640 – 2,260nmi Largest operators of 737-300 converted freighters are Chinese
The main market for the MD-80SF is expected to be in developing companies, SF Airlines (14), China Postal Airlines (12) and Suparna
Engine Options: PW JT8D-217 countries with poor runways, causing problems for e.g. CFM-powered Engine Options: CFM56-3 Airlines - formerly known as Yangtze River Express - (10). So far 121
737 freighters with little engine ground clearance. While the first 737-300s have been converted to 300 Special Freighter. Although
In Service: 9 converted aircraft was an MD-82, the program will also cover the MD- In Service: 109 the bigger 737-400SF has become more popular than the 737-300SF,
81, the longer-range MD-83, as well as the MD-88. The short fuselage because it can carry one pallet more, the smaller 737-300SF offers
On Order: 0 MD-87 won't qualify for conversion. So far, only 9 MD-80SFs have been On Order: 0 lower fuel burn to its operator.
delivered and it seems the MD-80SF market has failed to develop.
In Storage: 1 The status of the Wagner conversion is unclear, but it seems they In Storage: 12 The last IAI Bedek 737 conversion was completed at Tel Aviv in 2010.
have stopped the development of the MD-80 conversion program as Since then only Pemco and AEI have converted classic 737s. For
Operators: 4 they – according to their website - are focusing on a 767-200 Operators: 43 high-cycled 737'classic' aircraft structural issues will lead to increased
conversion program. maintenance/inspection costs, possibly with costly repairs required.
Last Conversion: N/A Last Conversion: N/A Such planes are less suitable for conversion (economically unviable
given expected remaining life). A combi conversion programme for the
737-300 (3 pallet positions, 66 pax) is also offered by Pemco, but until
now this version did not attract any customers. The introduction of new
conversion programmes for the Boeing 737-700&800 and Airbus A320/
A321 in combination with the declining supply of 737”classic” feedstock
means that the market for 737 classic freighter conversions is drying up.
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Boeing 737-300QC Boeing 737-400SF/400C
The QC-conversion should not be confused with the “Combi” A cargo conversion programme for the 737-300 was already offered
configuration that accommodates passengers and main-deck cargo at by Pemco in 1991. Currently, Pemco, Aeronautical Engineers Inc (AEI)
the same time. 'Quick Change' aircraft allow a rapid (30 minutes) change and IAI-Bedek offer conversions for the 737-300 and -400. The last
of the 737-300's interior from full passenger configuration into full cargo IAI Bedek 737 conversion was completed in 2010. Since then only
configuration and vice versa. As an example, “QC’s” can be deployed PEMCO and AEI have converted classic 737s. The 737-300SF/400SF
on passenger routes during daytime and on mail or cargo routes during was targeted to replace older freighters like the 727, 737-200 and DC-9
the night. This requires a side cargo door, floor modifications with a although it faces competition from the larger but heavier 757-200SF
special QC cargo system, a 9g barrier net, special overhead bins and (preferred as 727 successor by Fedex). The main adjustments are the
an independent smoke/fire detection system (a.o.). The drawback of installation of a cargo door at the forward left side of the fuselage,
Class: Moderate Size Short a “QC” is that it is neither an optimised passenger aircraft (increased Class: Medium Size Short a 9G-net barrier, smoke/fire detectors and floor modifications. Early
Range Narrow-Bodied weight of cargo provisions) nor an optimised freighter (weight of Range Narrow-Bodied -400’s are less suitable for conversion due to structural limitations. The
Freighter passenger provisions). Pemco launched a QC-conversions already in Freighter -400SF has a 6,600lb or 1 pallet payload advantage over the -300SF
1991 aimed at brand new 737-300 conversions. Later the company but a little less range. So far, more than 130 -400SF conversions have
First Conversion: 1991 targeted used -300s and a”permanent” -SF freighter conversion. First Conversion: 1992 taken place with a remarkable increase in recent years as a result of
So far forty 737-300s have been converted to 300QC, - thirty-four by the rapid growth of eCommerce merchandise and the recovery of the
Payload: 38,000 – 43,100 lb Pemco and six by IAI Bedek. 29 of them are still in service with Jet2 and Payload: 43,100 – 48,000 lb air cargo market in general.. Also interest is seen from carriers in South
ASL Airlines France (both 5 aircraft) as the biggest operators. Three are America, Eastern Europe and Africa. Canadian carriers serving mining
Range: 1,640 – 2,260nmi stored and six 300QCs are permanently withdrawn from use. Range: 1,915 – 2,070nmi operations and oil fields are also targeted as potential customers. In
the last three years sixty 737-400s have been converted (compared to
Engine Options: CFM56-3 Engine Options: CFM56-3 22 737-300 conversions in the same period). The increased storage of
737'classics' during the crisis and the related value effects made not
In Service: 29 In Service: 124 only the 737-300 but also the 737-400 feedstock cheap enough to make
conversion attractive. Biggest operator of the 737-400SF is European
On Order: 0 On Order: 0 carrier ASL Airlines Belgium (formerly known as TNT Airways) with a
fleet of eighteen 737-400SFs.
In Storage: 3 In Storage: 7
A combi conversion programme for the 737-400 (4 pallet positions, 72
Operators: 17 Operators: 40 pax) is also offered by Pemco. Only 13 737-400s have been converted
into combi’s. They operated mainly in niche markets in Alaska, Northern
Last Conversion: N/A Last Conversion: N/A Canada, South Africa and for government agencies in the USA and
Colombia. For high-cycled 737'classic' aircraft structural issues will lead
to increased maintenance/inspection costs, possibly with costly repairs
required. Such planes are less suitable for conversion (limited expected
operational life). The introduction of new conversion programmes for
the Boeing 737-700&800 and Airbus A320/A321 in combination with
the declining feedstock for new conversions means that the market for
737 classic freighter is shrinking. In autumn 2017 Alaska Airlines retired
its three 737-400 combis and one 737-400SF aircraft and replaced them
with converted 737-700SF aircraft.
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Boeing 737-700SF Boeing 737-800SF/800BCF
While Boeing does not offer an OEM conversion programme for the While Boeing had been studying a cargo conversion for the 737-800,
737-700, IAI Bedek and Pemco do. IAI Bedek has launched a 737-700 it was US based Aeronautical Engineers Inc (AEI), who first launched
conversion on the back of an order from Alaska Airlines. An Alaska a passenger-to-freighter programme as well as a passenger-to-combi
Airlines passenger 737-700 was ferried to Tel Aviv in February 2016. The conversion programme for the 737-800 in March 2014. AEI stated that
aircraft was converted in a 19 months period and redelivered to Alaska they had two (undisclosed) customers for their 737-800 conversion
Airlines late September 2017. In total Alaska Airlines will convert three and that the development and certification of the 737-800SF will take
737-700 passenger aircraft to freighters. These 737-700SFs will replace approximately 2.5 years, which means entry into service will likely take
the three 737-400 combi aircraft and one 737-400 cargo aircraft which place sometime in the near future. The AEI converted 737-800 would
were retired in October 2017. The IAI Bedek 737-700 converted freighter be able to carry 12 pallets (one more than the 737-400SF), the combi is
Class: Moderate Size Short has a non-stop range of 3,200 miles and a maximum payload capacity Class: Medium Size Short to accommodate six pallets in the forward section of the cabin and 90
Range Narrow-Bodied of 42.000 pounds, an increase of 10,000 pounds compared with a 737- Range Narrow-Bodied passengers in the economy class seating in the aft section. In October
Freighter 400 converted freighter. Alaska Airlines’ new fleet of three 737-700 Freighter 2014 AEI became a STC holder for the 737-800 passenger-to-freighter
all-freight aircraft will principally serve the state of Alaska and offer conversion and for the 737 passenger-to-combi conversion. Being an
First Conversion: 2017 regular, scheduled service to 17 communities across the state. Besides First Conversion: est. 2018 STC holder, AEI can work with licensed Boeing engineering data and
Alaksa Airlines, IAI Bedek has orders for 15 737-700 and 737-800 from AEI customers will be eligible for access to Boeing technical support
Payload: 45,000lb Spectre Air capital. Payload: 45,700lb (BCF) at reduced costs compared to freighters converted without data
53.000 (SF) licensed from Boeing (reverse engineered). In June 2015 AEI secured
Range: 3, 200nmi Besides IAI Bedek also Pemco offers a conversion programme for the its first order from US Lessor GECAS. GECAS intends to convert up
737-700. Besides a cargo conversion Pemco also offers a “combi” Range: 2,609nmi to 20 Boeing 737-800s. Lessor ACG – Aviation Capital Group ordered
Engine Options: CFM56-7B conversion. PEMCO expects to receive the Supplemental Type 15 737-800SF with AEI in October 2015. AEI started its first 737-800
Certificate by the US FAA in mid-2018. The first PEMCO converted Engine Options: CFM56-7B conversion in spring 2016. Conversions will take place in Miami and in
In Service: 1 737-700SF will be delivered to Texel Air, a charter cargo airline based Asia. AEI expects that the conversion and certification process will take
at Bahrain. The Pemco 737-700SF will feature a payload of nine pallets In Service: 0 approximately a few years.
On Order: 0 / 45.000 pounds. The Pemco Combi conversion, called the 737-700FC
FlexCombi - will offer three different configurations; A 24 passenger On Order: 0 On 24 February 2016 Boeing launched the 737-800BCF conversion
In Storage: 0 cabin plus a cargo hold up to 30.000 pounds of payload in a six pallet program officially when it secured orders and commitments for 55
positions; a 12 passenger cabin and a cargo hold up to 35.000 pounds of In Storage: 0 conversions from leasing company GECAS and Chinese express carriers
Operators: 1 payload in a seven pallet position or a full freighter configuration for up YTO Airlines, SF Airlines and China Postal Airlines and Bulgaria based
to 40.000 lbs. of payload in a 8 pallet position. Operators: 0 Cargo Air. During the Farnborough Air Show 2016 Boeing received
Last Conversion: N/A additional orders from Colombia’s LAS Cargo and Air Algerie. Boeing
Last Conversion: N/A has said that the conversion will take place at facilities located near the
conversion demand. Given the large orders from China, many 737-800s
will be converted at Boeing’s Shanghai facilities. The Boeing conversion
will have a capacity of 12 pallet positions, comprising 11 standard full
size pallets and one half-sized pallet.
After its first 737-700 conversion was completed in late summer 2017
IAI Bedek also stepped into the 737-800 freighter conversion market.
IAI Bedek secured an order for 15 737-800 conversions from Spectre Air
Capital which will lease the aircraft to Korean-based Air Incheon.
The 737NG is now on the market for about twenty years and with the
737 MAX 8 entering the market, it can be expected that – despite
extended viability due to the low fuel cost - older 737-800s will start
to exit the passenger fleets from an increasing number of operators,
providing enough feedstock with prices to make a conversion for a 737-
800SF/C economical viable.
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Airbus A320-200 Converted Freighter Airbus A321-200 Converted Freighter
Airbus narrowbody conversion programmes have long been a topic Airbus narrowbody conversion programmes have long been a topic
of discussion in the aviation media, but until today not one single of discussion in the media, but until today not one single aircraft has
aircraft has been converted. IAs far back as 2008 AerCap announced been converted. As far back as 2008 AerCap announced its intention
its intention to convert up to 30 Airbus narrowbody aircraft. This to convert up to 30 Airbus narrowbody aircraft. This conversions
conversions would be executed by AFC (Airbus Freighter Conversions), would be executed by AFC (Airbus Freighter Conversions), a special
a special JV between Airbus with EFW and Russian companies IRKUT JV between Airbus with EFW and Russian companies IRKUT and UAC.
and UAC. Airbus forecasts suggested a market for 900 conversions Airbus forecasts suggested a market for 900 conversions in the twenty
in the twenty years after 2011, the year in which the first converted year after 2011, the year in which the first A320 could be delivered.
A320 could be delivered. However, despite the healthy market forecast However, despite the healthy market forecast and AerCap’s interest
Class: Medium Size Short and AerCap’s interest in the programme the first converted A320 was Class: Large Size Short/ in the programme the first converted A320 was not delivered in 2011.
Range Narrow-Bodied not delivered in 2011. Instead, in that year Airbus and its partners Medium Range Instead in that year Airbus and its partners announced a decision
Freighter announced a decision “to stop and freeze” the programme and dissolve Narrowbody Freighter “to stop and freeze” the programme and dissolve the partnership for
the partnership for economic reasons. economic reasons.
First Conversion: est. 2020 First Conversion: est. 2020
US/German company PacAvi announced an independent passenger- US/German company PacAvi announced an independent passenger-
Payload: est. 46,300 lb to-freighter conversion for the A320 and A321, branded as “PacAvi Payload: est. 59,500 lb to-freighter conversion for the A320 and A321, branded as “PacAvi
freighter LITE” in 2014 and has inducted one A320-200 for conversion Freighter LITE” in 2014 and has inducted an A320-200 for conversion in
Range: est. 2,300nm in a facility at Hahn airport, Germany. Conversion on this aircraft began Range: est.2,300nm a facility at Hahn airport, Germany. Conversion on this aircraft began
in January 2015. PacAvi aims to get the A320P2F supplemental type in January 2015. PacAvi aims to get the A320P2F supplemental type
Engine Options: CFM56-5B; certificate (STC) in due course and it will be joined in this programme Engine Options: CFM56-5B; certificate (STC) in due course and will be joined in this programme by
IAE V2500-A5 by AeroTribune (an AerCap subsidiary) and GAMECO (Guangzhou IAE V2500-A5 AeroTribune (an AerCap subsidiary) and GAMECO (Guangzhou Aircraft
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Co.). Conversions will be done at Maintenance Engineering Co.). Conversions will be done at Goodyear
In Service: 0 Goodyear (Arizona, USA) for the A320 and Guangzhou for the A321. In Service: 0 (Arizona, USA) for the A320 and Guangzhou for the A321. Today
Today PacAvi has 6 fixed orders for A320 conversions from Norwegian PacAvia has some 2 fixed orders for A321 conversion from Brasil’s Colt
On Order: 0 Airline Management Group. Under the PacAvi programme, both the On Order: 0 Cargo. Under the PacAvi programme, both the A320 and A321 will be
A320 and A321 will be equipped with a 121inch wide main deck equipped with a 121inch wide deck cargo door just aft of the forward
In Storage: 0 cargo door just aft of the forward left passenger entry. The A320 In Storage: 0 left passenger entry. The A321 freighter LITE will accommodate 13 unit
is not the easiest aircraft for conversions, given the limited space load devices (ULD) on the main deck and can carry a payload of 27.5
Operators: 0 in the forward fuselage and the potential of damage to the engines Operators: 0 tonnes. Late 2016 Pacavi announced that its A320/A321P2F programme
during loading operations. AFC’s plans included potential cargo-door was being delayed due to a restructuring of the company after change
Last Conversion: N/A locations forward as well as aft of the wing. The A320 Freighter LITE Last Delivery: N/A of ownership. This restructuring will delay the STC development until
will accommodate 10 unit load devices (ULD) on the main deck and can 2018.
carry a payload of 23.1 tonnes. Late 2016 Pacavi announced that its
A320/A321P2F programme was being delayed due to a restructuring of Airbus/EFW, now together with ST Aerospace re-launched a passenger-
the company after change of ownership. This restructuring will delay to-freighter programme for the A320 and A321 in June 2015, with the
the STC development until 2018. first deliveries scheduled to take place in 2019 (A321) and 2020 (A320).
There will be four facilities for this conversion programme in Dresden,
Airbus/EFW, now together with ST Aerospace re-launched a Singapore, Mobile and Guangzhou. The Airbus-EFW conversion
passenger-to-freighter programme for the A320 and A321 in June A321 can 13 ULDs on the main deck and can carry a payload of 27.0
2015, with the first deliveries scheduled to take place in 2019 (A321) tonnes. Until now, Airbus has not revealed any customers for its A321
and 2020 (A320). There will be four facilities for this conversion conversion. Conversion cost for an A321 is estimated to be around $
programme in Dresden, Singapore, Mobile and Guangzhou. The Airbus- 4million.
EFW conversion A320 can carry 10 ULDs on the main deck and can
carry a payload of 23.0 tonnes. Until now, Airbus has not revealed any A third A321 P2F initiative was launched by Oregon based Precision
customers for its A320 conversion. Conversion cost for an A320 are Aircraft Solutions in August 2017, a company with extensive Boeing
estimated to be around $ 4miliion. 757 conversion experience. Precision Aircraft will work together with
Air Transport Services Group’s (ATSG) leasing subsidiary Cargo Air
Management and the new formed venture will be named “321 Precision
Conversions”. It is planned to get the approval for the supplemental
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Boeing 757-200PF
type certificate (STC) for the modification in 2019. The A321 converted The 757-200PF (also referred to as '757-200F') is a factory built
freighter will have a capacity similar to that of the 757-200 freighter, 'Package Freighter' which was first delivered in 1987 to UPS as part
while the operating costs are those of a 737 freighter, according to of an order for 75 conversions. The 757-200PF essentially is a high
Precision Aircraft Solutions. Contrary to the other two programmes, gross weight passenger 757-200 with forward side cargo door, no
Precision Aircraft solutions will only convert A321s and no A320s. In windows, a stripped cabin with 9g-cargo barrier and a re-positioned
October 2017 321 Precision Conversions signed a deal with Vallair, a forward entry door for the crew. The payload can be stowed on a
Luxembourg based asset manager. Vallair would deliver an A321 for use max of 15 main deck pallets and in the belly hold. Compared to the
as a prototype for the conversion as well as a follow-up aircraft. later developed 757-200SF (converted freighter) for DHL, the -PF has
a higher structural MTOW which gives it a higher payload capacity
Class: Large Size Short/ and additional range. The 757PF replaces 727 and DC-8 freighters.
Medium Range The larger volume A310-300F also offers a similar weight of payload.
Narrow-Bodied With 95% of the 757-200PF built flying for UPS, the fleet is highly
Freighter concentrated. Besides UPS other operators (who all operate one
aircraft of the type) are Ethiopian Airlines, DHL Air, Icelandair and ASL
First Flight: 11 August 1987 Airlines Belgium (formerly TNT Airways).
Payload: 84,120 lb
In Service: 79
On Order: 0
In Storage: 0
Operators: 5
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Boeing 757-200SF Boeing 757-200Combi
The Boeing 757-200SF programme was launched by DHL who ordered In 2010, three 757-200'passenger-to-combi' conversion programmes
the conversion of 34 757s in March 2001. The conversions were were launched. Pemco and Precision Conversions were followed by ST
executed under a Boeing STC between 2001 and 2003 at IAI-Bedek Aerospace. The expected success was based on anticipated availability
and ST Aero. Currently, 757 conversion programmes are offered by of significant numbers of cheap 757s, combined with its payload range
Precision Conversions and ST Aero. Pemco who bought the Alcoa-SIE capabilities and expected demand from particularly the US military.
programme/STC in 2010, does not offer 757 conversions anymore. The So far nine 757s have been converted to combis from which six are
same applies for IAI Bedek, who stopped marketing 757 conversions as currently in service and one stored with civil operators (two are in
well. In September 2012 Precision Conversions received FAA approval service with the Royal New Zealand Air Force). Biggest operator is US
for a conversion of a 757 with winglets. Interestingly, Fedex could ATI –Air Transport International, who operates four 757-200combis.
Class: Large Size Short/ not accept winglet equipped 757’s for conversion, as the wingspan of Class: Large Size Short/ The other civil operators are National Airlines (one aircraft currently
Medium Range this version exceeded the dimensions of its standard (originally 727-) Medium Range stored) and ASL Airlines Belgium who operates one 757-200 on behalf
Narrow-Bodied ramp parking positions. The conversion of a 757 with winglets into Narrow-Bodied of the NATO. Generally, the split between cargo/pallet positions and
Freighter freighters does not require any modifications to the aircraft beyond Freighter passengers can be flexible. Conversion includes the instalment of
fitting standard cargo capabilities. As of summer 2017, 11 757-200 with a cargo door in the front fuselage section, a cargo handling system,
First Conversion: 2001 winglets have been converted. First Conversion: 2001 9G-rigid cargo barrier, main deck floor strengthening and instalment of
an Environmental Control System.
Payload: 67,000 – 72,000 lb The 757-200 cargo conversion market has been slow until October 2006 Payload: 67,000 – 72,000 lb
when FedEx dramatically changed the market when it announced its
Range: 1,200 – 3,000nm decision to convert 90 757-200s into freighters to replace its aging 727 Range: 2,460 – 3,000nm
freighters. Since 2006 Fedex has bought more 757s and projects that
Engine Options: PW2000, (31%), by May 2018 its fleet will grow to 143 aircraft. It is with 112 freighter Engine Options: PW2000 (14%),
RR RB211-535 (69%) in active service today the biggest operator of the 757-200SF. Besides RR RB211-535 (86%)
Fedex, large fleets of converted 757s can be found at DHL (40 in the
In Service: 205 fleets of all DHL’s affiliate airlines combined) and China’s SF Airlines In Service: 6
(18). DHL Air has recently started to replace its older 14-pallet ex British
On Order: 0 Airways 757-200SFs by younger ones with a 15-pallet configuration. It On Order: 0
intends to replace all 34 former BA aircraft in the near future. The ST
In Storage: 8 Aero "14 pallet" 757 has been ordered by FedEx and most Fedex’757 In Storage: 1
are mainly older aircraft from the US majors and some European charter
Operators: 24 airlines. Precision Conversions offers a 15-pallet modification. ST Aero Operators: 4
also offers a 14.5 pallet and a “15” pallet configuration.
Last Conversion: N/A Last Conversion: N/A
So far 244 757-200s have been converted to Special Freighter or combi.
Best suited for conversion are aircraft from L/N 210 and above with
less than 30.000 flight cycles as they offer better payloads and are
more likely to be within the acceptable age range for investors. Aircraft
with less than 30.000 flight cycles would offer many more years of
operations as the 757-200 design service goal is 50.000 flight cycles.
The averages accumulated flight cycles of a 757 before conversion is
23,000. Most converted 757 fly 1,000 flight cycles a year (2 to 3 sorties
a day; 5 or 6 days a week), so aircraft with less than 30.000 flight
cycles would be able to operate for at least 20 years. With the declining
feedstock and introduction of the 737-800 and A321 P2F conversion
programmes on the market in 2018, the heydays of the 757-200
conversion market are coming to an end.
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Airbus A310-200F/300F Airbus A300-600F
The A310 Freighter programme was mainly developed by EADS’ cargo The market for the A300-600F is dominated by the large
conversion subsidiary EADS Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) on the basis integrators. Fedex ordered and took delivery of 42 A300-600F
of a Fedex requirement. Fedex ordered a total of 66 conversions which (factory built freighters based on the A300-600R), while UPS
were delivered between June 1994 and 2004. Compared to the -200F, ordered 90 but only took delivery of 53 and cancelled the
the -300F, like the passenger version, has more powerful engines remainder. Combined, these two integrators operate 91.35% of
and an additional tail tank which makes it more capable in terms of the A300-600F fleet and the only two other operators are Air
payload and range. Both variants have the same external dimensions. Hong Kong and European Air Transport (both DHL sub-contractors).
Compared to the competing 767-200SF, the A310F has a slightly larger Compared to the competing 767-300F (Boeing's factory built
fuselage cross section which enables it to accommodate standard freighter based on the 767-300ER), the A300-600F has a slightly
Class: Medium Size Short/ containers in a transverse position which maximizes volume. In recent Class: Medium Size Short larger fuselage cross section which enables it to accommodate
Medium Range Wide- years Fedex has withdrawn many A310s from its active fleet and today Range Wide-Bodied "interline-friendly" standard containers in a transverse position
Bodied Freighter only six A310s remain in service with Fedex, from the large fleet of Freighter which maximizes volume. The A300-600F includes an option to
66 aircraft it operated a few years ago. Besides Fedex the only two operate in either maximum payload mode or maximum range mode.
First Conversion: 1994 other A310-200/300 freighters operators are Turkish Airlines (3) and First Flight: 2 December 1993 The A330-200F factory freighter is a growth replacement option
Royal Jordanian (1). All A310 freighters still in service today are -300 for operators of the A300-600F in the cargo market and has been
Payload: 86,300 – 88,400 lb Freighters. 70 A310 freighters are permanently withdrawn from use. Payload: 105,900 – 120,200 lb available as from 2010. An A330P2F converted freighter would be
The last three A310s were converted in 2009. An A330 passenger-to- a cheaper replacement as well.
Range: 2,650 – 3,800nm freighter P2F programme is broadly seen as a natural successor and Range: 1,950 – 4,050nm
creates a growth replacement product.
Engine Options: GE CF6 (40%), Engine Options: GE CF6 (49%),
PW4000 (60%) PW4000 (51%)
On Order: 6 On Order: 0
In Storage: 0 In Storage: 0
Operators: 3 Operators: 4
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Airbus A300-600 Converted Freighter Airbus A330-200F
A300-600(R) conversion programmes are offered by EADS-EFW and In January 2007 Airbus announced a freighter version of the A330,
MNG Technic which took over the existing BAe STC for the type’s based on the -200 fuselage. This A330-200F can be operated in
passenger-to-freighter conversion from FSI/GAMECO in 2012. So “maximum range mode”, in “maximum payload mode” (by deactivating
far MNG has only converted 3 aircraft. Some early A300-600s were the tail tank) and since 2011 also in "dynamic payload-range mode"
converted but the vast majority were A300-600Rs, converted by EADS- which adds up to 2.5t payload capability for routes in between the
EFW. Converted aircraft (sometimes, unofficially, indicated by a 'M' initial two mode limits. It has a characteristic 'blister' or 'chin' to
suffix for Modified) may be operated in either maximum payload mode accommodate a lowered nose gear attachment point, which was
or maximum range mode. Like the A300-600F, the A300-600 Converted required to reach a horizontal cargo floor position, easing the cargo
Freighter benefits from the slightly larger fuselage cross section than loading process. The passenger version of the A330 has a nose down
Class: Medium Size Short the 767-300F which enables it to accommodate "interline-friendly" Class: Medium Size Medium attitude. Airlines consider the A330-200F to be a growth replacement
Range Wide-Bodied standard containers in a transverse position which maximizes volume Range Wide-Bodied of the A300-600F on domestic and transcontinental routes. Out of
Freighter and avoids the costly re-packaging of containerised freight. This makes Freighter the Middle East it is capable to reach most of the Asian and European
it especially popular among integrators that don't need the longer range markets. Its nearest competitor is the (comparatively) payload/range
First Conversion: 2001 of the competing 767-300F. Fedex ordered 29 A300-600(R) conversions First Flight: 5 November 2009 constrained 767-300F, which is less capable to efficiently accommodate
of which EFW delivered the last one in 2009. In 2013 the last conversion the "interline-friendly" containers and pallets of the A330-200F. The
Payload: 108,910 lb of an Airbus A300-600 at EADS-EFW was finished and it looked like this Payload: 141,100 – 153,000 lb Boeing 777F and the MD-11F both lift larger payloads although the
was the end of the EADS-EFW A310/A300 P2F programme. However MD-11F may be considered a much less efficient competitor if operators
Range: 2,130 – 2,650nm in March 2014, Wuhan-based Uni-Top Airlines signed an order with Range: 3,200 – 4,000nm choose to use the A330-200F in "range mode".
EADS-EFW for seven A300-600 passenger-to-freighter conversions.
Engine Options: GE CF6 (18%), MNG Technic also still expects to convert some more A300-600s. In Engine Options: PW4000 (10), The A330-200F initially attracted much interest from the operating
PW4000 (82%) total 77 A300-600s have been converted to freighter. The launch of an RR Trent 700 (90%) lessor community but enthusiasm has faded as not too many airlines
A330-300P2F programme is broadly seen as a natural successor. showed interest in the aircraft. The important integrator community
In Service: 68 In Service: 37 hasn’t placed any orders for the A330 factory freighter. Some lessors
requested Airbus for order switches to the passenger A330-200 and
On Order: 0 On Order: 4 -300, which often meant accepting 2nd tier airline credits. In July 2010,
the first A330-200F was delivered to Etihad Airways. So far only 37
In Storage: 0 In Storage: 1 A330-200Fs have been delivered and the order backlog is still very
small with 4 aircraft on order. Rolls Royce is clearly the preferred engine
Operators: 11 Operators: 11 choice for the A330 freighter. Only one operator (Malaysia Airlines)
has chosen the P&W engine for its current fleet of A330 Freighters.
Last Conversion: N/A Last Delivery: N/A Malaysia Airlines initially operated 4 A330-200 Freighters but one
aircraft has been put in storage at Marana (AZ). With the recovery
of the cargo market, demand for A330 freighters may experience a
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Airbus A330-200/300 Converted Freighter
The launch of an A330 freighter conversion programme has been a point based on separate operational requirements. The A330 P2F will appeal
of discussion within Airbus for several years. With assumed increased more to low-utilisation operators who will benefit from the lower
A330 availability when 787 and A350 start delivering in significant capital costs, while the factory built A330-200 freighter will be more
numbers, a conversion programme would extend the operational life of suited to express operators who have higher utilization. Competition
the A330 type and absorb some of the available used aircraft. It would would be the 767-300ERSF converted freighter which has a less
also be a replacement product for EADS-EFW's A310/A300 conversion. attractive narrower fuselage and is slightly less range-capable. If
However, a successful A330 passenger-to-freighter programme could launched, a 777F conversion programme would generate a significantly
also cannibalize sales from the factory built A330-200F. In May 2012 larger competitor with the same range but much higher operating and
Airbus announced plans for an A330 passenger to freighter programme. conversion costs.
Class: Medium/Large Size Engineering development will be performed by ST Aerospace and the
Medium Range Wide- conversions will be done by EADS-EFW in Dresden. First the A330-300
Bodied Freighter will be offered as a converted freighter, followed one year later by an
A330-200 conversion. In spring 2013 ST Aerospace started engineering
First Conversion: 2017 work on the A330 P2F conversion programme. The first prototype
has been inducted in EFW facilities 2016 and its supplemental type
Payload: est. 132,000 – certificate will be obtained in 2017 and entry into service with DHL
135,000 lb followed later that year. The conversion will involve replacing the
existing passenger cabin fittings with a Class E cargo compartment, and
Range: est. 3,200 – 4,250nm installing a 141in wide by 10in high main deck cargo door. In December
2014 Egypt Air signed an agreement to convert two of its passengers
Engine Options: GE CF6, A330-200s to freighter and thus became the launch customer of the
PW4000, A330 passenger-to-freighter programme. The Egypt Air aircraft were
RR Trent 700 inducted in the conversion line in early 2017 and will enter service with
the airline in 2018. Surprising about this is that Airbus-EFW has stated
In Service: 0 that the first A330 to be converted would be an A330-300 and not
A330-200. Probably there were at that time still some orders pending
On Order: 6 for the larger variant of the A330. At the Farnborough Air Show 2016,
DHL indeed placed an order for four A330-300P2F aircraft which will
In Storage: 0 enter service early 2018 and before the Egyptair A330-200 P2F. At the
Paris Air Show one year later in 2017, DHL ordered an additional four
Operators: 0 A330-300 P2Fs. Besides these eight orders, DHL also have options for
another 10 conversions.
Last Conversion: N/A
It turned out some of the initial candidate feedstock A330’s had severe
corrosion in the wing structure, making it time consuming and costly to
prepare the airframe for conversions. The first aircraft to be actually
converted was an ex Malaysia Airlines A330-300 (MSN 116). It was
ferried to Dresden in March 2015. It made a first flight after installation
of its cargo door and all other modifications on 4 October 2017. EFW /
ST Aero targets to achieve the supplemental type certificate (STC) for
the A330 P2F by the end of 2017, after which the first aircraft can be
delivered. The first Egyptair A330-200 to be converted was ferried to
Dresden in April 2017. The STC for the A330-200 conversion is expected
to be handed over in early 2018.
Airbus expects a market demand for 900 converted A330s during the
next 20 years. According to Airbus, the converted A330 freighter will
be complementary to the Airbus factory built A330-200 freighter, as
the converted freighter address a different price-point and end-users,
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Boeing 767-200(ER)PC/SF Boeing 767-300F
The 767-200PC ('Package Carrier') conversion was developed for US The 767-300F is Boeing's medium capacity factory built widebody
integrator Airborne Express (ABX). The conversion, performed by IAI/ freighter based on the passenger 767-300ER platform. It competes with
Bedek, involves the removal of the passenger equipment and the Airbus' A300-600F and the larger A330-200F which arrived in 2010 but
installation of a main deck cargo floor and cargo handling system, but hasn't gained much traction yet. Compared to the 767-300F, the Airbus
not a cargo door as traditionally ABX used cargo containers that fit products have a slightly larger fuselage cross section which enables
through standard passenger doors of their DC-8 and DC-9 fleets. ABX them to accommodate standard containers in a transverse position.
received 24 767-200PCs between August 1998 and July 2003 and also This maximizes volume and avoids costly re-packaging of containerized
ordered the first conversion into a 767-200SF which was delivered by freight in interline operations. The 767-300F can hold up to 24 standard
IAI/Bedek in 2004. The move to a full size cargo door was the result “88” x “125” pallets. However, with customized unit load devices, the
Class: Medium Size Short of a change in ABX’s business model, changing from a pure integrator Class: Medium Size Medium 767-300F enjoys a significantly better payload/range capability than the
Range Wide-Bodied to a more general cargo/ACMI airline. Compared to the -PC, the -SF Range Wide-Bodied A300-600F.
Freighter conversion included a main cargo door and was offered by Boeing/ Freighter
Aeronavali (20 pallets) and still is by IAI/Bedek (19 pallets). Bedek has The biggest user of the 767-300F is currently UPS who operates 59 767-
First Conversion: 1998 converted seventeen 'PCs' to 'SFs' over the last years and there are no First Flight: 20 June 1995 300F aircraft. The UPS aircraft are equipped for specialized package
more “PC” in active service today. Apart from ABX, the -SF conversion transport and lack a powered cargo handling system and environmental
Payload: 84,000 – 101,400 lb is also used by eleven other airlines of which the majority operates Payload: 115,700 lb system for livestock/perishables transport. Besides UPS, there had for
flights on behalf of DHL, UPS and Amazon. Thanks to a higher weight a long time not been many orders for the 767-300F and other operators
Range: 1,950 – 3,100nm schedule, converted 767-200ER/EMs are more capable in terms of Range: 3,125 – 3,255 nm of the type only have a marginal fleet of four maximum, with the only
payload and range than converted 767-200s. At this time there are no exception LAN Cargo which together with its subsidiaries operated
Engine Options: GE CF6 (93%), further conversions on order. Engine Options: GE CF6 eleven aircraft (In the meantime, LAN cargo has been rebranded as
PW JT9D (7%) LATAM Cargo and has sold a few 767-300 freighters in recent years,
In Service: 126 so now operates six aircraft). The 767-300 Freighter got a big boost in
In Service: 59 December 2011 when FedEx chose the 767-300F as replacement for
On Order: 64 their MD-10Fs. So far Fedex has ordered 109 767-300Fs (48 delivered as
of September 2017) for - as rumours go – prices which closely resemble
On Order: 0 In Storage: 2 the price they would have to pay for a second hand converted aircraft.
Fedex probably got a good deal from Boeing, as Boeing would like to
In Storage: 1 Operators: 12 keep the 767 production line open, before the 767 Pegasus military
tanker enters production. Today the only outstanding orders for the
Operators: 12 Last Delivery: N/A 767 freighter are from Fedex. Besides the outstanding 64 fixed orders,
Fedex also has options for 52 more 767 freighters.
Last Conversion: October 2012
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Boeing 767-300(ER)BCF/SF McDonnel Douglas MD-11F
There are currently two freighter conversion programmes offered for Like the 747, the MD-11 was, from the start, structurally designed to be
the 767-300(ER) by ST Aviation Services (a strategic partnership with a freighter (later) as well as a passenger aircraft, making it especially
Boeing) and by M&B Conversions (IAI/Bedek/Mitsui JV). Initiatives appealing for the large mixed carriers of dedicated passenger and
for more programmes stalled or were postponed by lack of demand cargo aircraft. The early end to the production of the MD-11 – caused
over the last years such as the Shanghai based Boeing-Shanghai- by the introduction of the long range twins -and subsequent collapse
Aviation-Services initiative. The design and delivery delays of the 787 of MD-11 passenger aircraft values, allowed the passenger to freighter
programme, the anticipated increasing availability of pax 767-300ERs conversion of the MD11 to flourish. The factory built MD-11F had Fedex
and the consequential drop in values materialized much later than many and Lufthansa as its largest clients (21 and 14 respectively). Compared
anticipated. But since 2015 conversions for 767-300s have been picking to the converted MD-11F, the production MD-11F has a slightly higher
Class: Medium Size Short/ up.In total 60 767-300s have been converted so far and there are many Class: Large Size Medium payload capacity. MD-11 freighters are well-suited for many medium
Medium Range Wide- aircraft in the pipeline waiting for a conversion slot. The fact that the Range Wide-Bodied to longer haul routes that have insufficient volumes of cargo for
bodied Freighter 767-300 conversion programmes finally got momentum is largely the Freighter deployment of a 747-400 freighter. The absence of a same-sized newer
result from the decision of e-Commerce giant Amazon to commence its technology type should see the MD-11F retained by some operators for
First Conversion: 2008 own air express operations under the Prime Air brand with 40 767-300 First Flight: 1 March 1990 the foreseeable future. Others may prefer to introduce more efficient
(converted) freighters. The 40 767-300 Prime Air freighters will be 777 Freighters if long-range routes, developed with the MD-11F, have
Payload: 113,900 – 116,800 lb operated by Air Transport Services group and Atlas Air. Also Chinese Payload: 184,685 – 197,505 lb grown sufficient traffic. Alternatively, the A330-200F may prove a
express carrier SF Airlines has ordered 767-300 converted freighters for useful development tool for low-density, long-range cargo routes.
Range: 3,120 – 3,305nmi its expansion plans and in June 2017 UPS announced it placed orders Range: 3,435 – 3,620nm
for three used 767-300 converted freighters, marking a shift into the
Engine Options: GE CF6 (92%), used market by an airline that has historically purchased factory fresh Engine Options: GE CF6 (90%),
PW4000 (8%), 767 freighters. The A330 converted freighter could become a strong PW4000 (10%)
RR RB211-524H-T (0%) competitor to the 767-300 freighter. Like its factory built sister (767-
300F), the -BCF/SF has a slightly smaller fuselage cross section than In Service: 34
In Service: 56 the Airbus products which means that the 767s can only accommodate
standard containers in a longitudinal position which is less efficient, On Order: 0
On Order: 0 especially for integrators that work with standard containers. Thanks to
a higher weight schedule, converted 767-300ERs will be more capable In Storage: 8
In Storage: 4 (est. 25,000 lb more payload, 44% higher fuel capacity) than converted
767-300s. Operators: 5
Operators: 12
Last Delivery: February 2001
Last Conversion: N/A
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McDonnel Douglas MD-11BCF Boeing 777 Freighter
Like the 747, the MD-11 was, from the start, structurally designed to The 777 Freighter is the world’s longest range twin-engine freighter.
be a freighter as well as a passenger aircraft, making it especially Boeing launched the factory built and 777-200LR based 777 Freighter
appealing for the large combination carriers of passenger/cargo traffic. in May 2005 (known then as 777-200LRF) with a launch order from Air
The early end of the production of the MD-11 and subsequent collapse France. The first delivery took place in the 1H 2009 to Air France. The
of passenger aircraft values, allowed the passenger to freighter Boeing 777 Freighter was generally seen by the airlines as a potential
conversion of the MD-11 to flourish. As a result, 123 MD-11 aircraft of replacement for the 747-200F/SF and the MD-11F. It offers only slightly
the 147 built passenger (incl. 4 Convertibles and 4 Combi) MD-11s had less payload than the 747-200F and superior payload capacity compared
undergone freighter conversion at Aeronavali or SASCO (Singapore). to the MD-11F but significantly more range than either. From Boeing’s
MD-11 freighters are well-suited for many medium to longer haul routes, perspective, the discontinuation of the 747-400 Freighter production,
Class: Large Size Medium which have insufficient volume of cargo for deployment a 747-400 Class: Large Size Long Range left customers to choose between moving up a capacity class to the
Range Wide-Bodied freighter. Five ex-Combi MD-11s that were converted to freighter are Wide-Bodied Freighter 747-8F or choosing the slightly smaller payload option offered by the
Freighter considered "odd-balls" as they are the only airplanes in the MD-11 fleet efficient 777 Freighter. With the 777 Freighter and the 747-8F, Boeing
which have the large cargo door in the rear part of the fuselage (instead First Flight: 14 July 2008 has a virtual monopoly in the large, long haul cargo aircraft market for
First Conversion: 1995 of the front part) which makes loading procedures different. Due to the the foreseeable future, as Airbus after the failed attempt of the A380
lack of cargo door kits which are no longer produced and the fact that Payload: 224,900 lb freighter, does not offer any equally capable freighter. Technology wise,
Payload: 184,700 – 194,700 lb the feedstock has dried up, the last MD-11 conversion was completed the 777 Freighter is based on the highly efficient 777-200LR passenger
early 2012. Range: 4,605 – 4,970nmi airplane, equipped with a large side cargo door and solely powered by
Range: 3,480 – 3,970nm GE90-110/115 engines. The 777 Freighter main deck can accommodate
UPS (37 aircraft in service) and Fedex (36 aircraft in service) are the Engine Options: GE90 27 standard pallets. The aircraft is complementary to the significantly
Engine Options: GE CF6 (49%), biggest operators of the type and form a market concentration of 85% larger 747-8F while there seems to be no contemporary competitor until
PW4000 (51%) of all MD-11 converted freighters currently in service. In recent years, In Service: 129 e.g. an A350XWB-900F would be introduced. A 777-8F seems still many
many MD-11 converted freighters have been phased out. It is highly years away.
In Service: 85 unlikely that these parked MD-11s will return in active service again. On Order: 31
As the capital investment is significant, the 777 Freighter is mainly
On Order: 0 In Storage: 1 operated by larger (cargo) network operators, integrators and dedicated
first tier cargo airlines. Biggest operator is Fedex with 30 aircraft in
In Storage: 14 Operators: 19 active service and 10 on order. The 777 Freighter is received very
well as it is highly efficient and even opened up new markets and
Operators: 8 Last Delivery: N/A considerably extends the cargo cut off times of suppliers as it doesn't
need fuel stops on long range routes. Potentially, Boeing could develop
Last Conversion: May 2012 a freighter conversion programme as well which would extend the life
of older 777s, though such aircraft (except an '-LRSF') would lack the
range for the truly long-haul markets and might offer too much volume
for the US domestic market. A 777 P-to-F conversion would reportedly
also be very expensive, unless Boeing finds a way to retain the carbon
fibre floor beams of the passenger feedstock (and not replace these by
an all metal structure) in such a converted freighter.
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Boeing 777-200(ER)BCF Boeing 747-400(ER)F
The 777 freighter conversion programme by Boeing still has “product The Boeing 747-400 Freighter is the highly successful all-cargo
development” status. With the ageing of particularly the 777-200(ER) transport member of the 747-400 family which entered service
passenger fleet, a 777BCF programme could become more and more at Cargolux in 1993. The -400F was a major improvement over its
attractive. However, due to the complexity of the 777's (cockpit) predecessor, the 747-200F, carrying an additional 33,000 lb payload
systems and the significant composite content in its floor structure, or flying an additional 840 nm. Due to its improved engines and larger
a conversion would probably cost not much less than US$ 30 mln, wings, the 747-400F is about 10-16% more fuel efficient than the earlier
unless Boeing finds a way to retain the carbon fibre floor beams of the version. The two-crew flight deck and reduced maintenance costs
passenger feedstock (and not replace these by an all metal structure) in for avionics and engines provided further savings in direct operating
such a converted freighter. costs. The -400(ER)F is equipped with a nose cargo door to enable the
Class: Large Size Medium/ Class: Very Large Size Long transportation of outsized cargo which generates premium pricing. The
Long Range Wide- From a payload-range point of view, the oldest 777-200s (or -200'A's) Range Wide-Bodied -400ERF (40 ordered) entered service in 2002 and had a higher MTOW
Bodied Freighter are not as attractive as their already limited range would be further Freighter which enabled to either fly an additional 525nm or carry an additional
compromised by a potential payload increase. Also, there will only be 22,000lb payload.
First Conversion: est. 2020 limited availability of this type as even some part-outs have already First Flight: 4 October 1991
occurred. The stretched 777-300 more or less has the same problems. The -400(ER)F is mostly operated by large network carriers with a
Payload: est. 180,000 lb As the 777-200LR and 777-300ER are still too young and valuable in the Payload: 249,100 – 274,100 lb cargo division or dedicated (first tier) cargo operators. The last -(ER)
passenger market, the 777-200ER remains as the only candidate from (400F) Fs were delivered in 2009 and 166 747-400(ER)Fs have been produced.
Range: est. 4,000nm the feedstock perspective. Its payload range capabilities will quite well 249,400 – 273,400 lb The fragile state of the air cargo market (as it suffers from slow growth
match those of the MD-11F which it could replace. Competition could (400ERF) and over capacity) in recent years and the growing market penetration
Engine Options: GE90, not be excluded as e.g. a future A330-300P2F could be attractive as of the new generation 777 Freighters and 747-8Fs have led to further
PW4000, well, certainly from an operating cost and cargo volume perspective. Range: 2,825 – 4,455 nmi storage of 747-400 Freighters and a continuing softening of its values
RR Trent 800 (400F) and lease rates. However in recent months we have seen a remarkable
The definitive launch of a 777 conversion programme depends largely 2,825 – 4,980 nmi improvement in the air cargo market and used 747-400 factory
In Service: 0 on market conditions and the development of feedstock values. For (400ERF) freighters that come on the market (mostly from ex Asian operators as
the time being Boeing expects to see the market introduction of the Cathay and Korean), mostly find a new home quite quickly with carriers
On Order: 0 777BCF in the latter part of the current decade. However there is still Engine Options: GE CF6-80 (62%), as Kalitta and Atlas. If this improvement continues, values for these
a lot of doubt in the market if there will ever be a viable business case PW4000 (28%), aircraft will increase. Values of used 747-400 factory freighters aircraft
In Storage: 0 for a 777 converted freighter. The high costs involved in the conversion RR RB211-524 (10%) may get a further boost if Boeing will end the 747-8F production due to
makes that converted aircraft must stay in service for quite some time low demand. This will mean that used 747-400F/ERFs (together with
Operators: 0 after the conversion to provide its operator with a healthy return on In Service: 143 the significantly more expensive 747-8F) will remain the only (western)
investment. It is highly unlikely that this will ever be the case, because nose loaders available in the market. This might make the 747-400F/ERF
Last Conversion: N/A 777s which can be used as feedstock are already relative old aircraft. On Order: 0 a very sought after aircraft for cargo charter airlines, who want to offer
Besides that, Boeing is more focussed on selling new freighters. nose loading capacity for customers with outsized cargo.
In Storage: 17
IAI Bedek from Israel is also considering a conversion programme for
the 777-200. It has completed the concept design for this conversion Operators: 38
and believes that the current low fuel prices, will extend the operational
lives of older 777, to such extent that a second life as a converted Last Delivery: May 2009
freighter could be profitable. In April 2017, IAI Bedek announced that it
had secured a launch customer for its planned 777 freighter conversion
line. Although the customer's name has not been disclosed, IAI expects
that the first conversion will be completed in the early 2020s, based on
the expectation that a contract would be signed soon and development
would take approximately three years.
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Boeing 747-400BCF/BDSF Boeing 747-8F
With the launch of a freighter conversion programme, Boeing offered a The 747-8F is Boeing's growth replacement successor to the 747-400F.
relatively cheap replacement for the older 747-200 freighters but also It features a newly designed wing, new engines and a 5.6m or 220in
extended the economic life of individual passenger/combi/domestic (160in front of the wing, 60in aft) stretch of the fuselage (but not the
747-400s. The main features of a conversion are the installation of a upper deck) which gives it approximately 16% more cargo volume and
side cargo door and cargo loading system and strengthening of the approximately 14% lower ton-mile cost when compared to the 747-
floor structure. In addition to the Boeing Converted Freighter (BCF), IAI/ 400F. This translates to the -8F's ability to lift up to 46,000lb (21 tonnes)
Bedek offers a conversion programme as well (BDSF suffix). The BDSF or 7 pallets more payload and transport it over the same distance. It is
has a slightly higher MTOW and as from July 2008, offers a higher equipped with a nose door which enables it to generate a significant
certified MZFW which brings the payload almost up to the levels of the price premium if outsized cargo needs to be transported. The Boeing
Class: Very Large Size -400F. For specialized cargo operators, the BCF/BDSF is less attractive Class: Very Large Size Long 747-8F is the highest-payload western freighter currently on the market.
Medium/Long Range as it lacks the nose cargo door (for loads of over 20ft in length) and is Range Wide-Bodied The operator base of the 747-8F is not very large as there are not that
Wide-Bodied Freighter less efficient than the 747-400F, the 777 Freighter or the 747-8F. Some Freighter many cargo operators that are able to fill such a large plane.
80 Boeing 747-400s have been converted to freighter since the start The delayed first commercial delivery of the 747-8F took place in
First Conversion: 2005 of the programme in 2005. 30 of those conversions took place after First Flight: 8 February 2010 October 2011 to launch customer Cargolux, The first years in service
the beginning of the global economic downturn in September 2008, were not trouble free, as Boeing had to deal with some unsatisfied
Payload: 237,750 lb which led to a decline in the amount of cargo being transported by air, Payload: 293,700 - 303,700lb customers as the early 747-8Fs fell short of their promised payload/
resulting in a big dip in freighter demand in the early stages of the crisis. range capability. In December 2013 Boeing delivered the first 747-8F
Range: 4,090nmi Demand for 747-400 freighter conversion picked up in the later stages Range: 4,100 - 4,265nmi with the “performance Improvement Package” version of the GEnx-
of the crisis, because of the availability of cheap feedstock 747-400s 2B engines. The upgraded engine is the core of a broader set of
Engine Options: GE CF6-80 (57%), and rising fuel prices, making the investment in a converted 747-400 Engine Options: GEnx-2B improvements, which also features Flight Management Computer (FMC)
PW4000 (38%), more economical than continuing to fly with a 747 classic freighter. software upgrades and reactivation of the horizontal tank fuel system.
RR RB211-524 (5%) However, world air cargo still remains a difficult market and more and In Service: 71 Those other improvements entered service early 2014. All modifications
more cargo is carried as belly cargo on passenger aircraft, so demand combined improve the fuel efficiency by 3.5% and can be retrofitted on
In Service: 43 for large dedicated four engine freighters remains weak. Since 2014 On Order: 17 existing aircraft.
there hasn’t been any 747-400 conversion, but in 2017 Asiana converted
On Order: 0 two of their 747-400 combi’s to full freighters for probably internal In Storage: 0 For a long time the backlog of the 747-8F was very limited and early
political reasons. 2016 only consisted of eight outstanding firm orders and 35 747-8Fs
In Storage: 17 Operators: 13 on option. At the Farnborough Air Show 2016 AirBridgeCargo signed a
The fragile state of the air cargo market (as it suffers from slow growth letter of intent confirming a year old agreement (agreed at the Paris Air
Operators: 21 and over capacity) and the growing market penetration of the new Last Delivery: N/A Show 2015) to purchase twenty 747-8Fs. Due to the limited backlog and
generation 777 Freighters and 747-8Fs have led to further storage of any new orders, Boeing had already reduced the pace of the production
Last Conversion: N/A 747-400 Freighters and a continuing softening of its values and lease of the 747-8I/8F from 1.75 aircraft a month to 1 a month in March 2016
rates. The Boeing 747-400 converted freighter is less attractive than and to 0.5 a month in September 2016 (freighter and passenger aircraft
a 747-400 factory freighter which has a higher payload and has nose combined). In the summer of 2016 Boeing itself acknowledged that the
loading capacity. It looks like the improvement of the cargo market in production of the iconic 747 may come to an end. However, the twenty
2017 will mainly result in a hold to the further softening of the values AirBridgeCargo options may give Boeing a backlog big enough to keep
for 747-400 factory freighters, while the converted freighters seem the 747-8F in production (with a production rate of 0.5 aircraft a month)
“beyond rescue”. Four passenger 747-400s have been converted to until 2019 and further. However to everyone’s surprise the 747-8F
747-400 Dreamlifters (aka 400LCF – Large Cargo Freighter). With their received a big order late October 2016, when UPS Airlines ordered
outsized fuselage they are exclusively used to transport 787 aircraft fourteen 747-8Fs (with options for fourteen more). This UPS order was
parts to Boeing assembly plants from suppliers all over the world. a very welcome one for Boeing and obviously breathed some much
needed new life in the 747-8 programme. Boeing expects another sales
boost after 2019, because by that time more orders may be placed for
the 747-8F as a replacement for aging 747-400 and MD-11 freighters.
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Payload-Range Diagrams
In the following section of the commercial jet aircraft the maximum fuel capacity. Apart from fuel saving
overview, the payload-range characteristics of the ‘technical measures’ like winglets, trim optimization
individual narrow-bodied, wide-bodied, freighter and or engine optimization, the only way to increase
regional jet aircraft types have been expressed in the range is by decreasing the weight that has to
diagrammatical form. be carried (i.e. reducing the payload). Particularly in
cargo operations, the maximum weight of payload is
For the narrow-bodied aircraft (or ‘single-aisle’) often not fully used as the volume of the cargo bay
aircraft, a distinction has been made between a becomes the restricting factor, due to the payload
dual-class configuration (business class and economy) density and/or load restrictions for the various
and single-class / maximum seating configuration. container/pallet positions. Such sub-optimal loading
For the wide-bodied aircraft (or ‘twin-aisle’) aircraft in terms of weight could result in additional range
we use the most typical seating configuration. Mostly capability.
this means a two class cabin configuration with a
business class and an economy class (including a The abovementioned issues complicate the
premium economy section with larger seat pitch). comparison of the various aircraft types in terms
of payload-range. In the diagrams, AR has used
Aircraft operators have many cabin arrangement the payload and range data which it deems as
options available. Apart from the number of classes most typical for the individual aircraft types. For
(first, business, premium economy) the passenger the aircraft types that are not yet in production, it
capacity is influenced by the seat pitch, the number remains to be seen whether the future aircraft will be
of seats per row (how many ’abreast’), as well as the able to meet the payload-range characteristics that
number (and type and location) of lavatories and/ are being marketed by the aircraft manufacturers.
or galleys, emergency exits and the number of cabin Nevertheless, AR hopes these diagrams will provide
crew on the plane. some insight to the payload-range performance of the
various aircraft.
The maximum range of a specific aircraft is logically
limited by the fuel capacity. However, restricted Aviation Research
by the Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW), it is Schiphol / London
frequently not possible to lift the weight of the December 2017
maximum payload and the weight associated with
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Picture Gallery
Pictures by Bert van Leeuwen and Coen Capelle
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With this DVB AirApp (AirApp), DVB Aviation Research presents an overview of commercial airliners.
The aircraft types included are Boeing, Airbus Bombardier and Embraer types which are currently in operation
or have been launched as well as new aircraft developments out of Russia, China and Japan. Freighter aircraft
are also included. The AirApp is intended to be used for reference purposes only.
The information included for each aircraft is divided in a data section and a
short description of the aircraft type. For each aircraft type, the AirApp
presents the specifications that determine in which market segment the
aircraft operates. As airlines place orders based on an aircraft’s range and
payload, the AirApp displays for every aircraft the range, seat count and
cargo load (for freighters) as provided by the manufacturers’ marketing
material. The AirApp also presents information about the first flight date
indicating the age of technology applied in the aircraft, and the engine
choices available. Besides the aircraft specifications, the AirApp introduces
market information such as the amount of aircraft in service, on order, stored
and the number of operators. In case the aircraft is no longer in production,
the last delivery date is also mentioned.
Visit the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store and Blackberry World
and download your version of the DVB AirApp !!!!
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