Understanding Insurance
Scope of Cover
The policy is meant to cover only the unexpected Hospitalisation Expenses and
not any OR all medical expenses incurred.
The policy is liable only to meet the expenses that are necessarily and
reasonably incurred for treatment of the ailment.
There are certain expenses that are not admissible under the Health Insurance
Policies, even though they would be necessary medical expenses. Please check
the List of Non-admissible Expenses.
The Policy covers hospitalisation anywhere in India.
The minimum requirements for admissibility of the claim under your Health
Insurance Policy are:
The person should have been covered under the Health Insurance Policy
The hospitalisation should occur when the policy is valid / in force.
Treatment for the ailment/injury cannot be done as an Out-Patient and
requires admission as inpatient for a minimum period of 24 hours. Relaxation of
minimum period of 24 hours is allowed for certain procedures or treatments
like Cataract, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, etc. Please read your policy for the exact
list of these procedures / treatments.
Hospitalisation should be for curative purpose with active line of treatment
and not for observation, evaluation or diagnostic purpose.
Hospital should have been registered with the local authorities or it should
meet the definition of a Hospital as described in the Policy with respect to
number of beds, availability of Medical doctor & nursing staff round the clock,
Operation Theatre, etc.
The ailment or injury for which treatment is given does not fall under
excluded diseases/conditions such as self inflicted injury, related to alcohol,
congenital external conditions etc more specifically described in the Policy.
Please refer to your policy for the list of exclusions.
The line of Treatment should be proven and accepted and not
experimental or unproven.
The above minimum requirements for admissibility of a claim are only indicative
and not exhaustive.
Systems of Medicine
Health insurance in India generally covers Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and
Unani systems of medicine. But specific policies may have special terms and
conditions according to which claims would be admissible only for Allopathic
system of medicine and alternative systems of medicine may not become
payable . Health Insurance Policies do not cover treatments which are not
approved or which are experimental in nature. Some of these are: Acupuncture/
Acupressure/ Ozone Therapy/ Music Therapy/ Magneto Therapy/ Electro
Magneto Therapy/ RFQMR/ Hypnotherapy/ Naturopathy/ Aroma Therapy/ Baleno
Therapy etc.
Admissible Expenses
The expenses such as Room/ Bed Charges, Nursing Charges; Professional
charges such as Consultant, Surgeon, Anesthetist etc; and expenses for
investigations, diagnostics and Laboratory; Cost of implants like Stents,
Intraocular lens, Pacemaker; Medicines, Drugs, Operation Theatre Charges, etc.
are payable under the Health Insurance Policy.
Any other expenses not falling under any of the above headings are not payable
like Telephone Charges, Service or Surcharges, Administrative charges, etc.
Some of the policies list out the non-admissible expenses. You may visit our
website for a comprehensive list of Non-admissible Expenses.
Limitation to the Admissible Expenses
The main limit in Health Insurance is the Sum Insured. Any medical expenses
incurred over and above the Sum Insured will not be payable. However, if the
policy is subject to ‘Cumulative Bonus’ the total policy limit shall be the Sum
Insured + the Cumulative Bonus sum.
During hospitalization, a major part of the treatment is complete but some part
of the treatment extends beyond the hospitalization. It may involve follow-up
visits to the doctor, medicines to be taken or follow-up investigations to be done.
Such medical expenses are called Post-Hospitalization Expenses.
Only those expenses relevant to the ailment for which the person has been
hospitalized shall be considered under Pre & Post-hospitalisation Expenses head.
Routine medications that the person would have been taking for the chronic
ailment the patient had will be out of scope of this head.
Sum Insured
If Health Insurance Policy is issued with a fixed sum insured against each
individual insured person, the Policy is on ‘Individual Sum Insured’ Basis. Any
claim beyond the Sum Insured set against the insured person is not payable for
that person. However, if the policy is subject to ‘Cumulative Bonus’ the total
policy limit shall be the Sum Insured + the Cumulative Bonus sum.
On the other hand if the Policy is issued with a consolidated Sum Insured for the
entire family with no individual Sum Insured break-up for each member of the
family, then policy is termed ‘Floater Sum Insured’ Policy. The Sum Insured
floats over the members of the family and one claim or multiple claims by one
member or more than one member of the family will be admissible up to the
Floater Sum Insured limit during the policy period unless per claim sub-limit,
beneficiary level sub-limit or ailment sub-limit is prescribed by the Health
Insurance Policy.
Day-care Procedures
Treatment or Surgical Procedures that can be conducted only in a hospital/
Nursing Home, where due to technological advancement the hospital stay is
required to be less than 24 hours, are considered Day Care procedures.
Cataract, Dialysis, and Lithotripsy are a few examples. The policies list out the
Day Care Procedures. Check your policy for the list of covered Day-care
It does not cover Pre and Post-hospitalisation expenses as well expenses for
treatment for listed diseases such as Asthma; Bronchitis; Chronic Nephritis and
Nephrotic Syndrome; Diarrhoea etc.
Cashless Hospitalisation
Health Insurance earlier entailed the complete settlement of the health care
services bill by the individual to the hospital, followed by a reimbursement claim
filed with the Insurance Company. The Insurance Regulatory Development
Authority in India initiated the Cashless Hospitalization Process through Third
Party Administration services for Health Insurance claims from 2002.
Once you are covered under a Health Insurance Policy administered by us,
you will be issued a Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd ID card. If your health
insurance cover is issued through your employer, you may not be issued a
physical ID card but you may have an E-card. This card will facilitate you to avail
CASHLESS facility at the Networked Hospitals.
Cashless hospitalization can be availed only at our network of hospitals.
The essence of cashless hospitalization is that the insured individual need not
make an upfront payment to the hospital at the time of admission
Cashless is only a facility extended by the Third Party Administrators to
the Insured persons through their Network of Hospitals who have agreed to
certain terms and conditions.
Cashless cannot be claimed as a matter of right and denial of a pre-
authorization request is in no way to be construed as denial of treatment or
denial of coverage or denial of your right to prefer reimbursement claim. You can
go ahead with the treatment, settle the hospital bills and submit the claim for a
possible reimbursement.
If the policy covering you is subject to the GIPSA PPN arrangement,
please check for the nearest hospital that is in the GIPSA PPN Package
Agreement. Cashless facility for such policies will be available only in those
hospitals who are under the GIPSA PPN Arrangement.
Once the request is received, it is processed. Our medical team will determine
whether the condition requires admission and the treatment plan is covered by
your Health Insurance Policy. They will also check with all the other terms and
conditions of your Insurance Policy.
Your policy may be subject to ‘Co-pay’. This is the compulsory amount that you
need to bear in respect of each and every hospitalisation claim. Please check for
this information. You are required to pay to the hospital the amount equal to the
co-pay and obtain the necessary Bill & receipt. The hospital has to submit the
proof for having collected this amount from you. If the hospital is not able to
produce the requisite proof in respect of collection of co-pay from you, twice the
amount of co-pay will be deducted as a penalty from the amount payable to the
Please verify your policy benefits to check your eligibility for Room Charges etc.
An admission to a ward higher than your entitlement would cost your claim as
the amount payable will be reduced in proportion the eligible ward charges bear
to the higher ward charges billed.
Once final sanction has been received by the hospital, please make sure that you
check and sign the original bills and Discharge Summary. Please carry home a
copy of the signed bill and the Discharge Summary and all your investigation
reports. This is for your reference and will also be useful during your future
healthcare needs.
The hospital will ask you to pay for all the Non-admissible Expenses in your bill.
You have to make this payment before discharge. You may check for the items
disallowed against the List of Non-admissible Expenses in the website.
The policies stipulate a period from the Date of Discharge within which the
claim documents have to be submitted. Submission of claim papers after the
stipulated period could lead to denial of the claim. Normally it is 7 days from the
date of discharge for hospitalisation claim and for Post-hospitalisation it is 7 days
from the date of completion of the post-hospitalisation treatment. Please check
for the time frame for submission of the claim papers. In case the claim papers
are submitted beyond 7 days from the date of discharge the claim is liable to be
denied as per the policy terms. Hence, ensure compliance to the time frame
without fail.
In case your claim is denied, the denial letter is sent to you by courier /
post quoting the reason for denial of your claim. In case you have been insured
through your Company, the denial letter will be dispatched based on instructions
received from your company.
In the event you are aggrieved with the settlement or the denial of the
claim, you may kindly represent your case to our Grievance Cell. You may also
refer the matter to your Insurer’s Grievance Cell.
If you are not satisfied with the redressal of your grievance either through
our Grievance Cell or that of the Insurer, you may present your case before the
Insurance Ombudsman.
Network Providers
Network Hospitals
Any hospital that has entered into an agreement with us to provide Cashless
facility for our card-holders is called a Network Hospital. You can check at our
website or call our Call Centre to check whether a specific hospital is in the List
of our Network Hospitals. Please furnish the name of your Insurer &/or the name
of your Corporate in case you are covered by your employer to advise you
Apart from our general Network of Hospitals, there may be subsets of this
Network such as Preferred Provider Network, restricted network, insurer specific
network, etc. based on terms and conditions of different insurance policies /
products. The list of Network Hospitals is a dynamic list and therefore the latest
may be verified at our Website.
Restricted Network
In some policies, policy holder / insured is not allowed to avail cashless facility at
all our network hospitals. Within the general network, only specific hospitals are
available for the policy holder to avail cashless facility. This is called Restricted
Network. If the policy holder /insured wishes to avail treatment in any of the
other network hospitals, he cannot avail cashless facility, but instead, will have
to apply for reimbursement after settling the hospital bills himself / herself.
GIPSA Network
The Public Sector Insurers viz National Insurance Co Ltd., New India Assurance
Company Ltd, Oriental Insurance Co Ltd & United India Insurance Co Ltd have
negotiated special package rates for a good number of procedures commonly
undergone from many hospitals across India. Cashless facility for those
procedures is available only in the GIPSA Network Hospitals. Claim for treatment
taken elsewhere will have to be submitted for reimbursement.
Planned Hospitalisation
This happens when you have ample time to plan your admission to the hospital.
For example, if the doctor advises surgery for hernia and says that you can
undergo the surgery anytime in this month, it gives you time to plan your
In such cases, it is prudent to send the preauthorization request to Vidal Health
Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd. at least 72 hours before your planned admission.
This will ensure a hassle-free admission procedure for you at the hospital.
Emergency Hospitalisation
This happens typically in case of emergencies such as a road traffic accident or
in an acute condition like Acute Gastro Enteritis/ Acute Appendicitis etc. There is
no planning involved in the hospitalization. In such situations the Vidal Health
Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd. ID card can be shown at the network hospital to avail
cashless admission facility. The preauthorization request can be sent to the Vidal
Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd. within four hours after admission.
It is, therefore, prudent that every insured individual should carry their Vidal
Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd. ID card with them at all times. You can never
predict an emergency!
The above list is indicative and not exhaustive. Exclusions may differ from policy
to policy and Insurer to Insurer.
Use the Health Insurance benefit only for yourself or your covered
dependents. Using your Health Insurance for anyone not covered is tantamount
to financial misappropriation – you may find that your Health Insurance cover
is exhausted when you actually need it.
Act as a prudent insured at all times – please do not treat your insurance
benefit as if it were your debit card. Do not use Health Insurance for trivial
Use your Health Insurance cover only when you really need it – do not
waste it on minor ailments that can very well be treated as an outpatient.
Meet the doctor of your choice and seek opinion on the treatment line. It
is always beneficial to take a second opinion when major treatment such as
surgery has been suggested.
Enquire about the cost of the procedure and quality of service in various
places before you decide on your hospital of choice. Remember that ‘expensive’
is not always directly proportional to ‘quality’. In healthcare, there are a whole
lot of small hospitals doing quality work. A number of procedures also do not
require hospitalisation even for a day – there are a good number of day
care Centers carrying out these surgeries. You can save on the cost of
hospitalisation as well as save the trouble of being in the hospital unnecessarily.
Avoid admission to luxury category rooms/ wards – All the expenses – not
only the room charges but all other expenses go northwards. Health Insurance
is for necessary and reasonable treatment and not for enjoying luxuries!
Always keep in mind that the more you use your Health Insurance
cover today, the higher will be the premium you have to pay to
remain covered tomorrow – Health Insurance cost can become
prohibitive and unaffordable for you / your Employer. This is a point
worth pondering on!
Prevention better than cure
The pattern of disease is shifting from a world of communicable & infectious
diseases to a world of non-communicable & life-style diseases. This has created
a great long term burden on the cost of healthcare. The only thing that will help
is prevention and management. Non-communicable and life-style diseases are
cancer, arthritis, cardiac ailments, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc. A whole
lot of these can be prevented by judicious changes in lifestyle and a lot others
can be managed, again, by lifestyle changes. It must be remembered that these
diseases, unlike communicable / infectious diseases will be with us for a lifetime
and can make the quality of life miserable.
Some lifestyle changes that all of us can work on:
• Regular exercise – yoga, aerobics, jogging, swimming, etc.
• Balanced diet – avoid junk foods
• Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol, drugs
• Mental relaxation techniques such as meditation
• Laughter – the best medicine
• Regular health checks to catch them early
The list is endless – we know about these – but doing is what matters!
Advance intimation
One of the very basic requirements of insurance is called ‘Claim Intimation’. It
simply means intimating the TPA or the Insurance Company that a claim is going
to be made in the near future. Some of the policies indicate a time frame of 24
hours or 7 days from the date of admission, most of the policies require that
intimation has to be lodged immediately on admission. Non-compliance to this
may make your claim inadmissible.
Studies have shown that a majority of the hospitalizations are planned
hospitalizations. Therefore, the insured is in a position to give Advance Claim
intimation. This has several advantages:
The TPA gains prior knowledge that a claim is in the pipeline
The TPA can prepare itself in advance to process your claim
The TPA can arrange to get any information, from the Insurance
Company, that it may be required to process your claim, thus preventing delay
in processing after you submit the documents.
The TPA can help negotiate appropriate rates for your treatment at the
The TPA can intimate you in advance about the admissibility of the claim,
so that you can prepare yourself for the financial burden that you face.
Claim intimation generally requires the following information to be provided:
• Nature of illness / injury (can be in your own words)
• Nature of treatment (can be in your own words)
• Hospital name and location
• Probable date of admission and expected length of stay in the hospital
• Name of the treating doctor / Consultant
e. Collect from the patient any other amount deducted by the TPA
Submit the claim papers as detailed below to the TPA on the next day for
their immediate processing for settlement
Maintain a set of papers submitted in a claim folder till such time the
settlement is received. This will avoid your running around for the document
should the TPA seek another set or clarification on the claim submitted
A couple of days after claim submission, Check with the TPA whether they
have received the claim documents for settlement.
To avoid misplacement/ non-delivery of the claim documents, ensure that
you submit the papers through personal/ office courier weekly 3 times
Do not bunch all the papers submitted on a day together. Obtain
acknowledgement for each case paper separately quoting the pre-authorization
Once the settlement is received from the TPA please update your account
and keep reconciling your bills receivable account – TPA-wise
Check bills receivable with the bills pending settlement at the TPA-end
Should the settlement made be different from the amount approved, seek
clarification from the TPA and square up your account – either by writing-off the
amount deducted if you agree with the deductions and if do not agree with the
deduction pl follow-up the same and close each issue within a month. Please do
not stand on ego for resolving the issue and do not keep carrying forward the
bills short received/ short settled for ever. The Insurers cannot reopen the cases
once the financial year is closed and TPA’s cannot settle such cases.
Where you find the TPA has not received the claim documents sent for
settlement of your claim, kindly submit one more set of papers – marking them
‘duplicate’ along with a copy of the POD/ courier / postal receipt
Under certain circumstances the papers submitted to the TPA may get lost
at their end due to mix up with other documents. Should TPA seek one more
copy, please submit another set of documents duly marking ‘duplicate’.
Should the TPA deny cashless facility in respect of a request without
assigning any reason, pl do not insist on TPA giving the reason. Advise the
patient to settle the bill and submit the papers to the TPA for a possible
In the event a claim facilitator is sent for verification of the case
documents and collection of the same, kindly co-operate
Documents to be submitted
For Preliminary aproval
Pre-authorisation form duly completed in all respects
a. Signed by the insured/ patient
b. Preferably the latest form – to adopt the IRDA designed form for all
TPAs uniformly
ID Proof
a. TPA ID card
b. Any other additional card like:
i. Voter’s ID
ii. Unique identification number
iii. DL
iv. Pan card
v. Employment ID card
Admission Notes – in cases where the patient is already admitted prior to
seeking pre-auth request
Investigation Reports – USG/ haematology/ MRI/ x-ray - etc for
a. Investigations undergone prior to hospitalisation
i. Possibly at the same hospital or
ii. Outside the hospital
b. Investigations undergone immediately on admission prior to sending
the request
i. Possibly at the same hospital or
ii. Outside the hospital
Blood Alcohol Reports – if available (especially for accidental injuries)
Consultation Papers
a. OPD consultation paper, if any
b. Outside the hospital
c. Referral from a physician, if any
Medico-legal papers for accident cases
a. MLC report
b. Police FIR – if available
Cashless Procedure
If you are planning hospitalisation
You need to do the following …
Fill the Pre-Authorisation Form, available with the Network Hospitals upon
showing Vidal Health Card. This can also be obtained from any of the Vidal
Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd branch offices or can be downloaded from this site.
Submit/Fax the Pre-Authorisation Form at our local branch office 4 days in
If your hospitalisation is authorised, then ensure:
If your hospitalisation is rejected, then you can then submit a claim for
reimbursement purpose at the Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd Branch office
near you. (See Claims Settlement Procedure)
Once the claim is processed within how many days I will receive
the cheque?
Cheque will be dispatched within 7-10 working days from the date of approval.
How can I download Vidal Health Insurance TPA card soft copy (E
You can login to your account in Vidal Health Insurance TPA web portal and
download E Card or call the call center and place the request.
Will Vidal Health Insurance TPA’s phone numbers, fax and e-mail
addresses are the same?
All the contact details have been updated in the website. Please note
that our e-mail will now read instead
Wellness is not just about living a healthy life, but also feeling good from within.
It is a multidimensional (physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual)
state of being, describing the existence of positive health in an individual as
exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being. It is a progression
towards being conscious and making choices to attain a healthy life.
Doc ‘Round The Clock is a service that will help you assess your health related
symptoms. This provides you with an 24/7 Telephonic Helpline for Medical
Advice. As our valued Health Insurance Administration customer, we want to
make sure that you have access to this symptom-based Intelligence System –
‘round the clock.
The service gives you direct access to a qualified doctor over the phone. Key
features are:
• 24/7 Service
• Available Across India
• Simple Question & Answer Based Tool
• Symptom-based Intelligence System
• Telephonic Medical Guide
There is a unique phone number which will instantly connect you to the doctor
once you validate your account. You can now call 080-49101010 for any queries
you have related to your health.
This telephonic medical guide provides first-hand assistance to you and to all
your dependents who are covered under your corporate insurance cover.
Second Opinion
Medical Second Opinion has been gaining popularity whereby the beneficiary’s
medical records are reviewed in confidence by a medical specialist and opinions
are shared on the suggested lines of treatment.
We´ll put you in touch with the leading specialists and medical institutions,
giving you comprehensive service that´s easy to access, and personalized to
your needs.
Please fill up the below form in full and submit. Your query will be processed only
if all the relevant information is given. Please avoid the use of abbreviation. The
information provided will be kept completely confidential.
"Here since 2002, Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd has been a frontrunner in
providing hurdle-free third party administration for health
insurance. Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd is among the nation's leading
providers of Third Party Administration (TPA) Service. We continuously strive to
set benchmarks in 3 main focus areas of our functionality-Customer, Innovation
and Operational Excellence."
Customer Focus
24/7 dedicated helpline and corporate help desk for customer support.
Help desks at Hospitals to enhance service for customers.
Patient empowerment through monthly newsletters and health talks.
Online enrolment and issuance of e-cards.
Customised network solutions to reduce the claim costs.
SMS/Email alerts that helps in tracking preauthorisation/claims requests.
Health Insurance Portfolio Analysis (HIPA) – a customised report that
provides insights on your health insurance portfolio to help you analyze better.
Operational Excellence
We achieve the fastest turnaround time for all insurance transactions in
the industry.
We respond to over 1 million calls in a year catering to over 21 million
lives with an annual claim volume of 6.17 lacs.
Extensive National reach with cashless facility with annual volume of
4.81lacs, available at more than 600 locations.
Robust technology platform supports wide spectrum of services to growing
volume of customers with wide range of health insurance products.
Skilled and trained manpower is the biggest asset of Vidal Health
Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd., and its core competence lies in superior claim
management, fraud management, advanced analytics while ensuring quality
care, promoting preventive care & wellness programs, advanced analytics and
predictive modelling.
About Us
Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd was established in March 2002 with the
mission to provide top quality TPA services to Health Insurance policyholders
and be the most preferred TPA in India. We are licensed by IRDA (Insurance
Regulatory & Development Authority - License No. 016) and have been
empanelled by leading insurance companies, both public sector and private,
across different regions of the country.
We, at Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd, believe customer satisfaction is
of utmost importance and constantly strive to achieve the same.
First Floor,
Tower No. 2, SJR iPark,
EPIP Zone, Whitefield,
Bangalore - 560066,
Phone No : +91 80 28004100
Fax: 1800-425-2626
CIN N0.U85199KA2002PTC030218
GIPSA, a group of four PSU to standardise rates for
around 42 medical procedures across various
categories of over 4000 hospitals for settling cashless
claims.but is looting and cheating patient by GOOF-up
with hospital and TPA. 1. GIPSA Rates in package is
almost 4 times the rate that any patient can do a
procedure under cash payment in same hospital. Cash
payment rates r cheapest since in open market
hospital faces completion with other hospital. 2.
There is a confusion first, if (a). GIPSA decided
arbitrary rates are same across all categories of 4000
hospitals in country or (b) where the arbitrary rates
are same across all categories of big or small hospital
in any metro or that particular town, In both above
case this is against public interest as the rates r. kept
as high as possible to suit the costliest hospital. But
this benefits maximum to the lower category of
hospital. In third (C) case, if GIPSA negotiates raters
for that particular hospital but same for all patient in
that hospital who r taking cashless treatment for that
particular medical procedure,ly this is even worst
situation as there is maximum chance of hospital
bribing GIPSA to get highest rates for any particular
medical produce to be performed in cashless. 3. even
if a poor patient takes a low category room still he
ends u paying for the highest category charge that a
patient of highest suit room pays for his surgery..
GIPSA package is same for all whether a patient has
paid premium for a triple sharing room(thus a lower
premium) or a single sharing room(higher
premium)they are entitled to same amount of money
being released by their insurance company to the
hospitals for a particular procedure if the insurance
amount is same..Fore example whether a patient
delivers in in shared room or a single room ,hospital
and doctor will get a total of Rs 35000,which includes
bed charges,medicines,disposables,surgeons charge
and all other expenses. Thus GIPSA loots the poor. 4.
GIPSA has prepared different category packages for
42 (surgery) medical procedures. No transparency how
a category is chosen and rates fixed for that category.
Patient does not know if he has been rightly placed in
the right category for his surgery by hospital. Hospital
arbitrarily decides this higher category to squeeze out
maximum profit not only from patient by exhausting
his mediclaim limits but also from PSU which is
nothing but public money. Hospital refuses to explain
his placement into any such category. Hospital has no
display or catalog or break up for sub rates charged in
any give category. Thus here also GIPSA offers
corruption chance with conspiracy between Hospital,
GIPSA, PSU and TPA. 5. Under what law / rule, 4 PSU
have formed this association ? GIPSA creats monopoly
and is against the earlier policy of creating
complettion in 4 PSU. Like IRDA, should GIPSA also
not get passed by both house of parliament before it
start function arbitrarily. 6. What is Legal identity of
GIPSA. Whether GIPSA is registered under any law of
the land that is whether it is registered as a society or
a trust or under Companies Act. ? In absence of any
such legal identity it is a illegal association to cheat
and commit fraud on public for arbitrarily directing
hospital to charge rates which are many times more
than prevailing market rate charged by that particular
hospital for cash services. 7. In absence of no
governing body that keeps track on the working of
GIPSA makes It venerable to corruption. 8. TPA takes
almost more than 8 to 10 hours to give final settlement
approval for any medical procdure that is needed on
patient to be performed. Due to this delay sometime
the patient misses the surgery on that particular delay
and his fasting during the day for surgery goes
useless. 6 Same 8 to 10 hour time delay is noticed at
the time of final discharge also. Since the patient is
already in hospital for last several days and the TPA
knows his case for last several days still why this
delay in final discharge ?
Read more
I produce herewith news read from Bank of Baroda Staff facebook close group
Posted by Pension Dept. Head Sh. Rajni Jani: