FINAL - Layer Poultry Estate-Orissa
FINAL - Layer Poultry Estate-Orissa
FINAL - Layer Poultry Estate-Orissa
1. Brief Background
Improved Backyard Poultry Rearing is a suitable HH income generating activity for char
women that requires minimal input. Improved and organised rearing practices like
vaccination, provision of commercial feed, early separation, use of incubation pots,
candling, provision of feed and water during incubation, and improved housing can help
poultry rearers to improve their livelihoods through improving household incomes and
Under CLP1, the Improved Backyard Poultry Rearing project has proven its potential in
terms of providing increased and more regular earning source to char dwellers as a
result of minor practice changes and small investments; for example, in improved
housing, which has been provided to 900 “model rearers” at a 50% subsidised rate.
25,797 participants have been trained in improved rearing techniques, which most of
them are currently practicing, helping them to earn 3-4 times higher profits within a
production cycle of 6-8 months than they would under traditional backyard poultry
rearing. Project participants are receiving an average of Tk 312.00 a month from chicken
and egg sales against an average monthly investment of Tk 53.50.
Despite these successes, a key issue emerging was the low participation rate (28%) of
CPHHs, as the project focused on assisting the broader community. Under CPL2, the
project will concentrate solely on CPHHs.
The other key modification to the project will be a shift in the nature of feed and
vaccination provision. Under CLP1, Livestock Service Providers (LSPs) undertook this
responsibility. However, it was found that, due to high work workloads, LSPs were not
that interested in supplying feed and vaccine services to poultry rearers. Thus under
CLP2, vaccinators will be introduced. These vaccinators will undertake vaccination of
poultry owned by project participants, as well as providing feed directly to households.
LSPs will help to get vaccinators with feed and vaccine if they have fridge and feed
business locally. Following are the objectives of the project;
To increase participating households’ incomes by 20% and egg consumption by
25% through adoption and extension of improved backyard poultry rearing
practices and access to necessary supplies and services through vaccinators, 18
months after CLP asset purchase;
To provide employment opportunities to 600 chars women, who will work as
2. Methodology
Importance aspects of backyard poultry rearing will be discussed in the orientation and
yard meeting and willing participants will be selected for the project. It is expected that
about 75% of the total CPHHs will be interested to participate in the project. Willing
participants will be supported by poultry feed and vaccine through voucher. Around 7.5%
of the total CPHHs (2-3 CPHH from each core group) will be selected as model poultry
rearers and will be supported to prepare improved poultry house and to provide cash for
purchasing hens. All the poultry participants will be provided training on improved poultry
rearing techniques. They also will learn different issues related to poultry rearing from
the yard meeting. Different training and meeting on poultry rearing will take place at near
by the model poultry rearer’s house. The yard meetings should focus on the changes in
practice like routine vaccination, provision of commercial feed, early separation, use of
incubation pots, candling, provision of feed and water during incubation etc. This
methodology will allow CPHHs and other people within the char to follow and adopt
improved poultry rearing techniques.
3. Activity steps
Each poultry participant will get vouchers of Tk 850 (Tk 650 for feed and Tk 200 for
vaccine) to meet initial feed and vaccine expenses. 75% of the total CPHHs will get
voucher support. Each model poultry rearer will receive Tk.1,500 for making improved
poultry house and Tk.1,000 for purchasing hen. 7.5% of the total CPHHs will get model
poultry rearing support. Each poultry vaccinator will get poultry vaccination kit box and
cool box for carrying vaccines. Respective LO/LDO will provide all kinds of support
maintaining proper documents.
IMO staff (LO/LDO) will organize and conduct training on poultry rearing for the all
CPHHs. They will organize separate training on improved poultry rearing techniques for
model poultry rearers. They will also organize and conduct training for poultry vaccinator
on the techniques of vaccination & de-worming and primary treatment of poultry. All
CPHHs will learn about improved poultry rearing from yard meeting.
4. Activity Outline
LO/LDO will keep participant-wise information and prepare month wise target and
achievement report according to the format in the Annex-6. They also will collect and
keep information of model poultry rears and poultry vaccinators according to the formats
in the Annex-7 and Annex-8. LO/LDO will submit the report monthly basis to the MLDS.
MLDS will prepare monthly progress report of the respective IMO and will provide these
to Markets and Livelihoods district staff through Project Managers. District staff will
consolidate the reports of respective IMOs submit to the Livelihoods Coordinator (LC).
Each month the LC will compile and analyse data from these reports and will prepare a
final report. The final report is to be submitted to the Markets and Livelihoods Unit
Manager and the CLP’s Innovation, Monitoring and Learning (IML) Division for reviewing
or comments.
5. Impact Monitoring
The CLP’s Innovation, Monitoring and Learning (IML) Division an impact study after one
year, focusing on impact of participation in the project on households’ incomes and egg
and chicken consumption and assessing the level of sustainability of the project.
6. Risks and how they are mitigated
Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease are key risk factors associated with poultry
rearing. In order to mitigate this risk, Avian Influenza (AI) related awareness, bio-security
and cleanliness will be discussed during training and some cautionary information will be
7. Expected Results