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GCU College of Education


Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Ashley Wiltz


Grade Level: 2nd

Date: 3/5/2018

Unit/Subject: English/Language Arts

Instructional Plan Title:

Trees, Plants, and the Life Cycle of a Tree

Lesson Summary and This lesson will help students to understand the vocabulary words from the text.
Focus: The students will learn how a tree starts off as a seed. In the text it discusses
the process a seed goes through to become a tree. The text will discuss the life
cycle of an apple tree and how a tree is the biggest plant. This lesson will help
students to read the text with a purpose to understand and use the text to
answer questions.

Classroom and Student 5 students have IEP’s

Factors/Grouping: 4 students are ELL students
6 students are in RTI for Reading
6 students are in RTI for Math
1 Student has hearing aids
3 of the students are gifted Students
The rest of the students are at grade level or above grade level
The student factors will be used while planning and all necessary needs will be met
based on the student’s ability.

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National/State Learning CCSS.ELA-LITERACY RL.2.1

Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Specific Learning Learning Objective

Target(s)/Objectives: At the end of the lesson in 2 days, the class should be able to answer key text dependent
questions and read the text with a purpose to understand the information in the text with
75% accuracy.
Students will be able to label the parts of a tree and identify the life cycle of a tree.
Students will be able to discuss the vocabulary terms and answer text dependent
questions using the provided text.
Disability Awareness Objectives:
Students will be able to identify the parts of a tree using pictures and know the
vocabulary words using pictures.

Academic Language


Life Cycle










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Resources, Materials, Pictures of plants and trees

Equipment, and A Tree is a plant book by Clyde R. Bulla
Technology: A Tree is a Plant big book
KWL Chart
Crayons for early finishers
ELA notebooks
Worksheet of a tree for students to label
Index Cards


Smart Board with internet access

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Computers with internet access

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set Time

 At the beginning of the lesson the class will spend some time looking at pictures of 15
certain types of trees. The class can relate to the lesson because of the different trees minutes
they can see in the community, while riding in a vehicle, and outside for recess.
 The class will be able to watch a short video on YouTube using the smart board of a
seed being put in the soil. The learning objectives and lesson can be meaningful to the
class and the students can use the information about trees and use it to relate to their
lives, because they can see trees and plants daily on the playground, and they can use
the text to answer questions and read the text with a purpose.
 The students will be asked a few questions to help engage them in the lesson, and they
will use the think, pair, share method to discuss the questions. Some questions will be…
What are plants you have seen around school?
Who can tell me the first step to plant a seed?
Why is it important to follow directions to plant a seed?
What is the main topic of the book?

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Multiple Means of Representation Time

After reading the book A Tree is a Plant, the students will fill out the first two sections of the KWL
• I will use the Smart Board to show the students what the learner will do for the day,
there will be explanations in case the students do not understand.
• I will pass out the KWL chart so that students can write what they know about plants,
and trees before we read the book, “A Tree is a Plant”.
• I will use the Smart Board to show pictures of the life cycle of a plant, pictures of
different plants, and the vocabulary words using pictures and the meaning of the terms.
• I will show the students a real plant, and they will write their three sentences about the
plant on an index card. (Anticipatory set)
 Students will write the vocabulary words in their ELA notebooks.

Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:

 English language learners (ELL): I will use a few pictures to discuss the lesson. I will
make sure to talk slowly while using hands gestures. I will use the picture cards from the
Rosetta Stone website with the ELL students.

 Students with special needs: Students with special needs will use the unique website to
help them complete the assignment. I will walk around to monitor while the students
complete the assignment.

 Students with gifted abilities: Students with gifted abilities assist their team members as
needed, and they will write a few facts on the board for the class to read.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support): Students who finish early will read their library books and will be
able to read a news article on the News to You website.

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Multiple Means of Engagement Time

The students will engage in the lesson by:

 Reading the story aloud in a whole group, students will discuss the vocabulary words
during the whole group instruction.
 Students will answer questions about the text, and they will discuss the life cycle of a
tree and why it is the biggest plant using the vocabulary words.
 Students will fill out their KWL chart and discuss it during small group instruction.
Student will be engaged to use a real plant to discuss the key details of a plant.
 Students will use the think, pair, share method to answer the questions that are asked
about the text. Students will share what their partner said with the class during a whole
group discussion.
 Students will write a paragraph about what they learned they will use examples from the
text in their science notebooks.
 Students will use the A, B partner reading to re-read the book with a purpose and
discuss key details with their partner.

Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:
 English language learners (ELL):
ELL students will use the Rosetta Stone website to work with the vocabulary words so
that they can complete the assignment. ELL students will receive help as needed.

 Students with special needs: Special needs students will be able to use the unique
website to help them learn the vocabulary words. Students will also have a print out of
the questions, so it can be displayed. The story will be read to the special needs
students by the YouTube book online.

 Students with gifted abilities: Students with gifted will use the text to write two questions
for their classmates to answer.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support): Early finishers will use the computer to look at a slide show of the
life cycle of a plant to help them with the vocabulary words. Students who need
additional help will be able to have a print out of the vocabulary words.

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Multiple Means of Expression Time

Students will work independently to write three sentences about the text, and they will discuss
the purpose of the text. Students will draw a picture to go with their writing. The class will
complete this task in their science notebooks. Students will be able to refer to the story to write
their sentences and draw their picture. The students will use what they learned from the story
and the video to write their sentences. Students will be given a rubric on what is expected for
their sentences. Students will be graded using the rubric.

Explain if you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:
 English language learners (ELL): ELL students use the sentence cards to get an idea of
how to begin their sentence, and they will use the word bank to help them end their

 Students with special needs: Students with special needs will be able to receive help to
write their sentence. They will also be able to use sentence starters. Students will
complete the writing activity in a small group with guidance from the paraprofessional.

 Students with gifted abilities: Students with gifted abilities will help the lower level
students with starting their sentence and they will write a key detail on the board for the
class to review.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support): Early finishers will be able to work their free time coloring sheet
about plants. Students who need additional support will be able to have independent
reading individually to help them with the key details from the text.

Extension Activity and/or Homework Time


The students will check for understanding by asking any questions they have about the text.
Students will be able to complete a work sheet to label the parts of a tree using a few of the
vocabulary words. The class will be able to color the worksheet for homework and return it the
next day to have an open discussion in the classroom. Students will share with their families one
key detail from the text.

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Instructional strategies used:

 Collaborative Learning is a learning strategy that allows the
small groups to work together on a task. In this lesson I used
collaborative learning so that I could observe how my
students work together to understand the important details
from the text. The students used elaboration to describe the
key details about the life cycle of a tree and to discuss the
vocabulary terms. This strategy helped the students to discuss
key details from the text and work together to learn the
vocabulary words.
 Think, pair, share strategy is a collaborative teaching strategy. The students use
this strategy to work together to answer the text dependent questions about the
assigned reading. In this lesson the students also used the Think, Pair, Share
method to discuss the questions about the text and to discuss some of their
viewpoints on the KWL chart. I feel that this strategy helped the students to work
together to share ideas and think about key details from the text.
 Direct Instruction is a learning strategy that is led by teachers. During this
strategy the teacher directs the instruction to the students. During the lesson I
used direct instruction to explain to the students about the life cycle of a tree and
pictures to show them the vocabulary words. I feel that this strategy helps to
keep the students on task and be engaged in the lesson that is being taught.
Direct instruction helps me to teach while observing what the students

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