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MIR Ml). AL MASt.Ji\'i

Department of Civil Engineering

Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT)
Khulna, Bangladesh

A dissertation submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh

Institute ol lechnology (BI!) kliulna ifl partial fulfillment of the
requirements br the Degree of'

Master of Engineerino


\11R Ml). AL MASUM

Department of Civil Engineering

Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT)
Khnlna, Bangladesh

November, 2001

A Dissertation

Approved as to Style and Contents by the Examination Corn mittee:

l)r. Md. MFIossain ('huii-man

Professor and 1-lead (Supervisor)
Department ol Civil Engin rug
BIT, Khulna

Md. Abul Bashar Member
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
BIT, Khulna

Dr. Md. Alamgir Member

Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
BIT, Khulna

/ JL
tr. Sk. Sekendar Ali Member
Professor (external)
Department ol ( vii I ngi Ilecring
E3UFT, Dhaka

Piles are used to transler the loads Ironi the superstructure down to the soil
stratuni. where the required resistance is avai table. Unless a single pile is

used, a pile cap is necessary to spread the vertical and horiionial loads and

any overturning moment to all the piles in the group. Unlike footing the base

reaction of pile cap COnSIStS of a number of concentrated load.

Different methods of designing pile caps are in practice. Those are hroadl
classi lied as ACI I3ui ldin Code and strut-and-lie model ( S I'M). In this

project the cost incurred by different design approaches are compared. The

cost of pile caps according to cli fThrent approaches is compared considering 4

pile -cap with constant pile diameter and column size but with varying pile

the colilparisoll reveals that the pile cap designed by 5 I'M costs 5%

to 20 lower than AC I I u IIdi ng Code tbr pile spacino -

to 3 tinies pile

diameter within a range of 75 to 625 kip of column load.

The experimental ultimate strength of the pile caps is compared with that

obtained by different design approaches. The behavior of pile cap at loading

si ae is also N5c1\'ed and is seen to agree with oilier i iwest igators. It is seen

that the experimental strength of pile caps is higher than the strength

[)I'cdiCte(I by the STM in comparison to AC1 Building Code.

Within the limitation of pile spacing up to 3 times pile diameter, modified

S'I'M is more rational than A( 'I lui Iding Code in terms of cost and integrity.

The author expresses his heartiest appreciation to his supervisor, Dr. McI.
Monjur Hossain, Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, BIT,
Khulna, for his continuous encouragement and guidance in the iroject work.
His keen interest in this topic and valuable suggestions, constructive
criticisms and advice at ever y stage made this project work possible.

The author also wishes to express his gratitude to Dr. Md. Alamir, Associate
Professor, Civil Engineering Department, BIT, Khulna and Md Abut Bashar,
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, BIT, Khulna for their
cordial support during this study. Due respect to all faculty members and
postgraduate students of Civil Engineering Department, BIT, Khulna for their


Thanks are also due to all the laboratory technicians of Civil Engineering
Department for their assistance during construction and testing operation.

The author would like to express his thanks to Sicicliquia Motor Works for the
fabrication of Loading Frame in time.

Finally, recognition due to author's bereaved mother to whom this work is

dedicated and to his wile Mosammat Rawshan Ara, for her constant
inspiration and encouragement in preparing this dissertation. l'hanks also to
his sweet daughters Nijhu and Adhora as they allowed their time and showed
their patience during this study.



•I General Remarks
1.2 Background of the Study 2
1.3 Objective of the Study 3
1.4 Statement of the Problem 3
1.5 Scope of the Experimental Study 4
1.6 Outline of the Study 5


2.1 General Remarks 6
2.2 Analytical Works 7
2.3 Experimental Works 28
.4 Codes 31

3. I lnftoduet ion 40
3.2 Materials 40
3.2.1 Cement 40
3.2.2 Coarse aggregate 41
3.2,3 Fine aggregate 41
3.2.4 Reinforcing steel 42
3.3 Test Specimens 4
3.4 Testing Arrangement 48
3.4. 1 Fabrication of' loading frame 48

3.4.2 Instrumentation 49
3.5 Testing Procedure 52


4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 Design of Concrete Mix 53
4.3 Fabrication of Test Specimen 54
4.3.1 Precast concrete pile 54
4.3.2 Casting platform 55
4.3.3 Casting of Pile Caps 55


5.1 Summary of Test Results 57
5.2 I3ehavior of Pile Caps at Applied Loading 58
5.2.1 Flexural failure 60
5.2.2 Diagonal tension failure 60

5.2.3 Failure of compression strut
5.3 Comparison of Observed Strength with 66
AC! Building Code
5.4 Comparison of Observed Strength with 67
Strut-and-tie Model
5.5 Comparison of Cost 68


6.1 Conclusions 76
6.2 Recommendations for Further Investigation 77


ANNEX 1 Truss Analysis S

ANNEX 2 Mix Design of Concrete S.


ANNEX 4 : Design of Pile Caps

ANNEX 5 Design of Loading Frame


'FABLE 3.1 : Properties of Reinforcement 42

TABLE 3.2 Details of Pile Caps 45

TABLE 3.3 Test Results of Control Specimens 47

TABLE 5.1 : Test Results of Pile Caps 58

TABLE 5.2 : Predicted Versus Experimental Results 67

(According to ACI)
TABLE 5.3 : Predicted Versus Experimental Results 68

(According to STM)
TABLE 5.4 : Comparison of Cost of Pile Caps 70

(For pile spacing 2 times pile diameter)

TABLIE 5.5 Comparison of Cost of Pile Caps 71

(For pile spacing 2.5 times pile diameter)

'I'ABLF 5.6 Comparison of Cost of Pile Caps 72

(For pile spacing 3 times pile diameter)


FIGURE 2. 1: A typical pile cap supported by 4 Piles 8

FIGURE 2.2: Forces in idealized truss system 9
FIGURE 2.3: Simplified truss model 10
I'1(1. JR l 2.4: Assiiii'ed mUte ol load I
FIGURE 2.5: Triangulated form of truss model
FIGURE 2.6: Critical sections fo r shear (accordin toCRSI) 19
FIGURE 2.7: Tensile rein forcement arrangement 27
FIGURE 2.8: Critical sections foi' shear (aCCordiii to AC! 3 I 8-99) 34
FIGURE 2.9: Area consideration for bearing stress 35
FIGURE 2. 1 0: Critical sections for shear (according to BS 811 0) 36
FIGURE 3.1: Plan of a typical pile cap 43
FIGURE 3.2: Section of a typical pile cap 43
FIGIJRE 3.3: Details of reinforcement in pile and pile cap 44
FIGURE 3.4: Loading Frame 50
FIGURE 3.5: Test set up 51
FIGURE 4.1: Casting arrangement of pile cap 56
FIG! IRE 5.1 : Details of crack pattern 59
l'IGURE 5.2: Failure pattern of' pile cap Al 61
FlG IRE. 5.3: Failure pattern of pile cap A2 62
FIGURE 5.4: Failure pattern of pile Cal) A3 62
FIGURE 5.5: Failure pattern of pile cap HI
FIGURE 5.6: Failure pattern of pile cap B2

FIGURE 5.7: Failure pattern of pile cap B3 64
FlGt.iRl 5.8: Failure pattern of pile cap Cl 65
FIGURE 5.9: Failure pattern of pile cap C2 65
FIGURE 5.10: Failure pattern of pile cap C3 66
FIGURE 5.1 1: Column Load vs. Total Cost (For pile spacing 2 73
times pile diameter)
FIGURE 5.12: Column Load vs. Total Cost (For pile spacing 2.5 74
times pile diameter)
FIGURE 5.13: Column Load vs. Total Cost (For pile spacing 3 75
times pile diameter)


a Column ditiiciisiofl of square column

N Width of pile cap
b() = Perimeter of the section for critical shear

D = Overall depth of pile cap

d = Effective depth of pile cap
= Allowable hearing stress
= Compressive strength of concrete
F1 = Tie tension
h = Thickness of pile cap
= Size of column
= Diameter of'pile
ku 1, Pile pitch

ftJb. = Aspect ration of compression strut

Spacing of piles
N = Column load
P = Column load
S = Spncing of rein lorcing bar
'I = 'l'ension in horizontal strut
Allowable shear suggested by CRSJ
VAC1 /\llowable shear suggested by AC!
w = Distance of nearest pile (center) from the face of column

(X (ion iiiiini, lactOr for compreSsion sli•u(

13 = Geometrical factor of compression strut

0 = Inclination of compression struts
() I )ianictcr of rein IOICinL!, bar




Where soil con(litionS (10 not lavor the design or construction 0! shallow
foundations, but a firm soil stratum can be found at greater depth, piles can
be used to transfer the loads from the superstructure down to the soil
stratum, where the required resistance is available. The piles may develop
this resistance by end bearing on the firm stratum, or by skin friction
developed by driving the piles into the firm stratum. Unlessa single pile is
used, a pile cap is necessary to spread the vertical and horizontal loads and
any overturning moments to all the piles in the group, which in turn will
transmit it to the subsoil. The main difference between the two types of
footings lies in the application of the base reactions which, in the case of a
footing on piles, consists of a number of concentrated loads.

In Bangladesh a good number of structures

such as tall buildings, brIdes,
silos use piles in their foundation. Highly compressible soil e.g. Khulna
soil often does not permit shallow foundation even for normal height

The structural design of pile cap is minimally addressed in the literature.

However, two basic approaches of pile cap design are in conimon use.
They are ACI Building Code method and strut-and-tie model (STM). In
Bangladesh designers normally follow ACI Building Code in designing
pile cap2.

Since there are difèrent concepts/practices in determining the amount of

reinforcemeit as well as depth of pile cap, the cost and ultimate load
carrying capacity of these approaches will not he same. A study including
laboratory test therefore needed to be undertaken to investigate the
ultimate load carrying capacity as well as cost incurred by each method.


Pile cap is an important structural element. ACI Building Code3

, British
Standards (BS 8110), Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC)
CRSI Handbook 6, Reinforced Concrete Designers l
-Iandhook 7, Handbook

of Concrete Engineering8 Canadian Concrete Code (CAN3 A23.3-M84)9,


and a good number o tcxtbokSH are widely available rcft'rences for

designing pile cap in our country. These references are maiiilv based on
American and British Codes. The hulk of materials (concrete and steel)
required for a pile cap designed for a particular anticipated load in
accordance with the above mentioned methods are not same. Therefore,
a method which is safe and will incur lo\ver cost for a
selection of'
j)arlicular load needs to be ii ivestigaled.


The principal objectives of this stLldy are:

'- To discuss the available methods of pile cap design

To find variation of cost of pile caps designed by different methods

> To conipare the strength of pile caps with the values predicted by

various methods of design

> To find a rational design approach

1. 4 S'l'.VlF.\tI'.N'l OF l'ltt1 PR0111.t'\1

There are various concepts as well as Codes in designing pile cap. Material
requirement fo r each niethod or concept varies significantly. As economy
is concern for any project, an attempt has been made here to yen v the cost

and ultimate capacity of pile cap for most common design methods. In this
study, pile cap has been designed by two different methods (A('I Building
Code and strut-and-tie model). In order to limit the number of variables, it
was decided to keep the number of piles, the pile diameter, center to center
spacing of piles and plan dimension of pile caps constant throughout the
test program. The ultimate load capacity of each sample is to be ohservcd
by testing to failure.


Three series of test to be carried out. Each series consists of three pile caps.
Pile caps are supported on 4 nos. of precast concrete piles. The caps are
10- designed according to the previous ACI Building Code (ACI 318-83),
latest ACI Building Code (ACI 3 18-99) and strut-and-tie model (STM).

Simplified frame and hydraulic jack with other accessories like pump and
pressure gauge, gauge to measure concrete strain etc. can be employed to

conduct the test.


The work is to be carried out in the following phases:

• Review of the relevant publications on design and analysis of pile cap

• Designing of pile caps by different methods and estimating their costs
• Laboratory investigation of the physical properties of different
materials used.
• Casting and testing of pile caps.
• Analysis and discussion of test results
• Conclusions



The structural design of pile cap is minimally addressed in the literature'.

For the purpose of reviewing literature regarding pile caps, searching was
done through the Internet by MSN search engine. The search engine found
two relevant web sites namely ACT and ASCE. Web sites of ACT and
ASCE referred some of the papers in this connection.

However, two basic approaches of pile cap design are in common use.
They are AC! Building Code method and Strut-and-Tie model (STM). The
ACI Building Code (prior to 1 999) does not contain sufficient provision
for design of pile cap especially for deep Changes have been
brought out in the ACT Building Code time to time regarding sheat' design
of pile cap. Many authors' 47 criticized previous AC! Building Code

provisions in this respect. Concept of Strut-and-Tie model, which has been

using for design of deep beam, can effectively be used for design of pile
cap also 16.17 Research work8 have been carried out in the Cement and

Concrete Association, and in different universities' to hnd out suitatIc

design method for designing pile cap. Review 01' literature is carried out
with respect to three broad areas: Analytical. Experimental and Codes.


In 1 899 Ritter"' originally introduced strut-and-tie model .Ac cording to

strut-and-tie model the load is transferred to the support by Compression

struts linking between the point of load to the support. Net shear at a
section is i'esisted by the vertical component of the diagonal compression
force in the concrete struts. The total tension force in the longitudinal steel
must equilibrate the horizontal component of the compression in the struts.
The concept has been greatly extended by the work of Schlaich 22 , Marti23,
Collins24 and MacGregor25 . The five basic features of the complete strut-
and-i ic model includes (a) compression struts, (b) tension lies, (c) joints, or

nodes, (d) compression fans, and (e) diagonal compressive fields. In the
context of pile cap the concept of STM can be modeled as shown in Figure

The concept can be applied for design of pile cap also' 6

'. A typical pile
cap supported on four piles is shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.2 indicates
that the internal load path of a pile cap can be approximated as a single 3
dimensional truss. The inclined lines of force linking the underside of the
columns to the tops of the piles being assumed to form compression struts
and the pile heads being linked together by reinforcement, acting as
horizontal tension members. The reinforcement is supplied on the basis of
the tension and not on bending requirement.


Figure 2.1 A typical pile cap supported by 4 piles

Column load N

1)1 l( tII ) (I
Ic loices between pile heads
Pile '


Distance between
center of piles =

Figure 2.2 Forces in idealized truss system

The truss shown in Figure 2.2 can he simplified as a 3-dimensional truss

(as shown in Figure 2.3) to determine the forces in the elements. The
forces on the elements obtained from 3-dimensional truss analysis are
stated below.



-- —\ i d
______________________ r,s


Elevation Plan

Figure 2.3 Simplified truss model

Compressive force on struts, C = NI(12+d2)/8d 2.1

Tension ties, T = Nl/8d 2.2

Where N is the concentrated column load. '1' and 'd' are center to center
distance of piles and effective depth of cap respectively. Detail calculation
is shown in Annex 1.

In 1954 I1.1'. Yan26 presented a rational procedure for the design of pile

cap. 1 Ic suggested that the applied load on pile cap should be taken as
uniformly distributed over the full hearing area of the column. According
to him the load is assumed to take the shortest line to the supports and to
be transmitted to the piles by inclined compression in the cap (Figure 2.4).
The line of axial thrust in the concrete would converge
ID to intersect with the
bottom reinforcing steel at the centerlines of the piles. These thrusts tend to
spread the piles apart. Assuming that the piles have no lateral rigidity, a tie
is required at the base to hold the piles together. In this respect the
strLlct.ure is analogous to a triangulated frame (Figure 2.5), the
rein lrcemcnt required in the cap being a measure of the tie tension in AR.
This concept resembles with the compression struts and tension de of strut-
and-tie model .

Figure 2.4 Assumed route of load

21 H

Figure 2.5 Triangulated form of truss model

He derived the expression for tie forces in case of two-pile cap, three-pile

cap and four-pile cap. The expressions for horizontal tie force are:

For two-pile cap:

T = (W/61h)(312-a2) 2.3

Where, W = total load on the cap

I = half of spacing of piles
Ii =
the depth of pile cap to the center line of reinforcement


a = half of the width of column

For three-pile cap:

['A13 = (W/91h)(312-b2) 2.4

Where, W = total load on the cap

= half of spacing of piles

Ii = the depth of pile cap to the center line of reinforcement

b = half of the width of column

For four-pile cap:

T1 13 = (W/121h)(312-b2) 2.5

Where, W = total load on the cap

= half of spacing of piles
Ii = the depth of pile cap to the center line of reinforcement
b = half of the width of column

In 1 956 Banerj cc27 advocated beam theory but suggested that, for the
purposes of determining the maximum bending moment, the column load
could be considered to be dispersed at down to the mid-depth of the
cap, an approach is similar to that used for deep beams. For caps with a
span/depth ratio of about 1 .5, this dispersion would reduce the amount of

steel required by 50%. His proposition was unsubstantiated by any

practical tests.

In 1957 Hobbs and Stein2S analyzed two-pile cap system rigorously,

developing a stress function, which would apply to any rectangular block
loaded in any manner on two opposite faces. The analysis slioved that, lr

most likely span/depth ratios, the stress distribution through the depth of

the cap is fr frooi linear and that the total tensile force to be resisted is less
than that l)redicted by simple beam theory. However, the results apply
strictly only so long as the concrete remains uncracked. [hey also
suggested that the reinforcing steel should be slihtiv curved vertically to
help resist diagonal tension. This method could not easily be extended to
three- or four-pile caps.

In 1967 Blevot and Fremy 29 presented a method which assumes that the
axial thrusts intersect with the main reinforcement at the center-line of the
piles, but they meet at a point in the column, above the top surface of the

cap, such that they intersect the top surface at the quarter-points of
column in plan (for two or four-pile caps). This leads to the expression:

F1 = Nkh1,/4d( I -h/2kh1) ) 2.6


Where, F1 = Tie tension

Khp = pile Pitch

h. column dimension
d = effective depth of pile cap
In 1970 CEB3
made recombjnatjoii which covers caps with a spread (c1e•
distance from edge of Column to centerline of fUrthest pile viewed in
elevation) lying between 0.5 and
1 .5 times the depth. Deeper caps being

classed as mass foundation which are not covered by the

Recommendations The main steel is determjiiecj on the basis of simple

bending theory, but the size of the column is taken into account by
Considering the bending moment due to
the piles at a section 0.35l (h
being the column dimensioii) from the center_liie of the colum,i. rather
than at the centei'-1 inc itself.

In 1972 Whittle and I3eattic 3i

proposed a method for designing Pile cap
which is based on CP I 1032. which requires that caps he desioncd as beams

by simple bending theory. They make no allowance for the size of coluiiii

or pile when calculating the area of tensile reinforceiiieiit This lead steel
area higher than those determined by Strut-and_tie model.

Accordiii to Peck, Hanson and Thornbuiii (1 974) the

piles commonly
project 3 to 4 in.
"'to the footing and about 3 in.
Concrete should separate
the bottom reinforcejiieit and the tops of the piles. In general, the
procedure for (lesigning footing supported by piles closely parallels that

used for footings on soil. Any differences are due to he concelltl•ated

reactions from the piles instead of the relativel\1 uniform pressure from the
soil. Although the locations of the piles in the fleld are I ikelv to he at least
several inches from their theoretical positions it is con11
Practice to
take the critical section for shear
at the same location as for footings on
soil. The
critical section and development length
may be assumed
at the
face of the column as in the case of footings on soil. If the center o a pile
is one half-diameter of, more outside the critical section, the entire reaction

of the pile should be assumed effective in producing moment or shear on

the section. The reaction from any pile located one haNdiameter or more
inside the section probably contributes very little to the moment of- shear:
hence, it may be considered as zero. For intermediate rositions, straight-
line interpolation is commonly used to estimate the appropriate portion o
pile reaction for analysis and design.

In 1980 Anand B. Gogate and Gajanan M. Sabnis' 4 conducted a study on

design of pile cap. He reviewed one-way and two-way shear action of deep
members and examined existing provisions in the ACI Building Code
(ACI 3 1 8-77). He categorizes pile cap into thick and thin. According to
him, thick pile caps may be defined as caps whose thickness is equal to or
greater than the distance from centerline of pile to the face of supported
column. He opined that design provision contained in "Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI 3 1 8-77) may be used for thin
pile caps, but not for thick caps defined above unless some modifications
are made.

According to Tomlinson (1980) pile caps must be of"ample dimensions

to allow them to accommodate piles which deviate from their intended
position. This can be done by extending the pile cap for a distance of 100-
150 mm outside the outer faces of the piles in the group. The pile cap
should be deep enough to ensure full transfer of the load from the column
to the cap and from the cap to the piles. The heads of reinforced concrete

piles should be stripped down and the projecting reinforcement bonded
into the pile cap to give the required bond length. For small pile caps and
relatively large column bases the column load may be partly transferred
directly to the piles. In these conditions shear forces are neligih]e and

only bending moments need to be calculated. On the other had, single

column loads on large pile groups with widely spaced piles can cause
considerable shear forces and bending moments, requiring a system of'
links or bent-up bars and top and bottom horizontal reinlbrcement in two
layers. A minimum cover of 40 mm should he provided to the
reinforcement in the pile cap. The design of" reinforcement is highly
indeterminate because of relative movements between piles. inequalities of
load transfer, and the rigidity of the pile cap.

In 1983 Joseph F. Bowles (1988) presented analysis on pile cap using

flnite grid method (FGM). The procedure allowed 6 degree of freedom.
The Ilextinal rigidity and the el'fcct of soil contact on the cap were included
in his work. Analysis indicated that the effect of soil contact on the cap is
relatively insignificant unless the soil is very stilT. The FGM method
showed that pile response is very sensitive to the cap rigidity and aser ious
under design can easily occur unless cap rigidity is considered.

The CRSI l-landbook6 makes use of the general design procedures in the

AC! Building Code for the design of pile caps, with the exception of the
shear design procedures for deep pile caps. The Handbook suggests that
when the center of the nearest pile is within 'd' from the column lice, the
one-way shear capacity should be investigated at the face of the column,


but the concrete contribution should be significantly increased to account

for deep beam action. The suggested relationship for one-way shear is:

vccl~sl = (d/W)VC1\ci 10 'it"bd 2.7

Where w is the distance from the center of the nearest pile to the face of
the column. When the center of the nearest pile is within d/2, the CRSI
Handbook suggests that the two-way (punching) shear capacity should also
be investigated at the perimeter of the column face, different than the ACI
Code. And again, the concrete contribution should be increased to account
for deep (two-way shear) action. The suggested relationship for two-way
shear is:

= (d/2w)[1+d/c] 4If'Ch( d 32 Vt C L)o d 2.8

Where c is the dimension of column and b0 is the perimeter of the column.

As the critical section is at the perimeter of the column, the CRSI two-way
shear strength equation is much more sensitive to the dimensions of the
column compared to the AC! approach, where the critical section is at d/2
from the column perimeter. The term (1±d/c) in the CRSI equation is a
factor that compensates for this difference.

Critical section for beam shear



Critical perimeter l'or punching shear

Figure 2.6 Critical sections for shear (according to CRSI6)

1:intel reviewed one-way and two-way shear design provision of the ACI

Building Code3'1 for deep fiexural members. He made a comment that no

provision exists in the Code so far for dealing with two-way shear action in
deep tiexural members, as it occurs in connection with three, tour and
perhaps in five-pile groups. Since such conditions are rather common, he
opined, the design of pile caps for large capacity piles, may still be
considered to be some what controversial, requiring the individual

4 attention and judgment of the design engineers. He suggested design

engineers to be aware of the fact that it is not only good practice but rather
essential to keep the design of pile caps some what on the safe side
because neither will the actual (field) capacity of all piles in a group be the
same, nor will the locations of the driven piles agree with the layout on
which the design was based. Variations in both respects have to be
expected, and the design of the cap must be SLI INciently strong to cope with
both possibilities.

In 198$ Joseph F. Bowles made a comment that the structural design ci

pile caps is only minimally addressed in the literature, lie suggested

following points as guide for designing pile cap

• Bending moments are to be taken at the same sections as fbr reinforced

concrete footings and defined in Art. 15-4 of the ACI Building Code"

• Pile caps must be reinforced for both positive and negative bending
moments. Reinforcement should be placed so there is a minimum cover
of 75 mm br concrete adjacent to the soil. Where piles extend into the
cap only about 75 mm the bottom reinforcement should Nc 75 mm
above the pile top in case of concrete cracking around the pile head.

• Pile caps should extend at least 150 mm beyond the outside face of
exterior piles and preferably 250 mm. When piles extend into the cap
more than 75 mm the bottom rebars should loop around the pile to
avoid splitting a part of the cap from pile head moments and shears.
When pile heads are ass(Ilne(l fixed they sliotild extend into the pile cap
at least 300 mm. The minimum thickness of pile cap above pile heads is
300 mm as specified by the ACI Building Code31.
Some kind of tension connectors should be used on the pile heads if the
piles are subjected to tension fwees.


• Pile cap shear is computed at critical sections, ci or d/2 distance away

from the face of the column for one-way and two-way shear

He opined that pile cap moments and shears k)r design are best obtained by
using a FEM or FGM computer program such as B-6 or. preferably, B-2$.
When the cap load is at the centroici of both cap and group and the g roup is
symmetrical and the cap load is vertical any computer program for plates
will give node moments with adequate accuracy. The FGM can be LISCCI to
obtain both the mode moments and shears. In using these programs one
replaces (or acids the vertical pile spring) the soil spring at the nodes where
piles , are located with a pile spring, usually several orders of magnitude
larger than the soil springs in the soft soils where piles are usually used, the
model is not significantly improved by using soil springs at all nodes and

soil and pile springs in parallel at the pile nodes.

When there are battered piles and/ or additiona] load degrees of freedom
one must use a special program to obtain a correct pile cap solution. In
three or four pile groups centrally loaded \vith a vertical load, cap
flexibility is not a factor as each pile carries P/n where n = the three or four
piles in the group. When there are more than this -particularly both interior
If and exterior - cap flexibility is a significant factor, e.g., in a centrally
loaded five pile group with four exterior and one centrally loaded pile, the
central pile will carry most of' the load until the cap becomes very rigid
(thick). In a long-term case, the pile loads might tend to even out


somewhat. However, the piles must be designed to Support worst case

loading even i I it is transient.

In 1993 Weti Bin Siao 5 conducted a study to establish a link between deep
beams and pile caps. He used strut-and-tie model to simulate the structural
behavior of shear forces in deep beams and pile caps. He arrived at a
consistent approach in their design against shear failure from diagonal
splitting. He proposed simple method of predicting shear strength in deep
beams and pile caps failing in diagonal splitting.

In 1995 Lian Duan and Steven McBride investigates bridge pile cap
rigidity with the views of proposing new controls on cap sd ftness in
determining pile reactions. In designing pile caps it is assumed that the cap
is rigid and pile reactions are determined considering this. A typical

Bridge pile foundation that had 1-880 5th and &h \/iaduct was chosen for a
three-dimensional finite element GT-STRIJDL computer model to study
the sti l'Iliess of the reiiilorced concrete pile caps. Based on the numerical
study performed following conclusions were drawn:

> the pile cap may be assumed to be rigid when the length-to-thickness
ratio of the cantilever is less than or equal to 2.2
'r the assumption that the rigidity of pile cap is not valid when the ratio of

length to thickness is greater than 2.2

r A limit of' the ratio of length to thickness less than or equal to 2.2

should be enforced to ensure that the current foundation design

assumption of Rein fbrced Concrete pile cap rigidity is adequate.


lii 1996 Perry Adebar and I .uke (Zongyu) Zhou proposed a modi fled

approach of designing pile cap using strut-and-tie model. The concrete

stresses within an entire disturbed region could be considered sale if the
maximum bearing stress in all nodal zones is below a certain limit. Based
on an analytical and experimental study of compression Struts confined
by plain concrete, lie proposed that the maximum hearing stresses in nodal

I ZOflS of deep pile Caps be limited to

0.6i c +

a 1/3[A2/A1 —l1 1.0 2.10

= 1/3[h/b., - 1] :!~l .0 2.11

Where f and f have units of psi. If Mpa units are used, the 72 in Equation

2.9 should be replaced by 6. The parameter a accounts For confinement of'

the compression strut. The ratio A2/A1 in Equation 2.10 is identical to that
used in the AC! Building Code to calculate hearing strength. The

parameter 13 accounts for the geometry of the compression strut, where the
ration (height to width) of the compression strut. To calculate the
maximum bearing stress for the nodal zone below a column, where two or
more compression struts meet, the aspect ration of the compression strut
can be approximated as

h.,/h. 2d/c
where d is the effective depth of the pile cap and c is the dimension of a
square column. For a round column, the diameter may be used in place of
c. to calculate the maximum bearing stress for a nodal zone above a pile,
where only one compression strut is anchored, the aspect ration ol the
compression strut can be approximated as

hib = did1, 2.13

where d is the diameter of a round pile. Note that the ration h/b should
not be taken less than 1 (3 ~! 0)

The lower bearing stress limit of 0.61' in Equation 2.9 is appropriate if

there is no confinement (A2iA1 =I), regardless of the height of the
compression strut, as well as when the compression strut is short (hib =1),
regardless of the amount of confinement.

The proposed strut-and-tie model approach is intended for the design of

deep pile caps, not slender pile caps. As it is not always obvious whether a
pile cap is slender or deep, and some pile may be somewhere in between, a
general shear design procedure for pile caps that can be accomplishes by
the following. First, choose the initial pile cap depth using the traditional
ACI Code one-way shear, the critical section should be taken at d from the
column face, and any pile force within the critical section should be
ignored (i.e. the ACT procedure prior to 1983). Second, the nodal zone
bearing stresses should be checked using Equation 3.9. If necessary, the

pile Cal) depth may be increased (f3 increased), or the pile cap dimensions

may be increased to increase the confinement of the nodal zones (ct

increased), or else the bearing stresses may need to be reduced by
increasing the column or pile dimensions. Thus, the shear strength of
slender pile caps will be limited by the traditional sectional shear design
procedures, while the shear strength of deep pile caps will be limited by
the nodal zone bearing stress limits.

According to Nilson (1997)12, the design of lotings on piles (pile caps) is

similar to that of single-column footings As in simple column footings.
the depth of the pile cap is usually governed by shear. In this regard both
punching or two-way shear and flexural or one-way shear need to be
considered. Critical sections for shear are same as ACT Building Code, ci
or d/2 distance away from the face of the column for one-way and two-way
shear respectively. In addition to checking two-way and one-way shear,
punching shear must also be investigated for the individual pile.

According to Furguson (1998)I3, pile caps should be large enough to have

a minimum edge distance of' 4 in. to 6 in. of concrete beyond the outside
face of the exterior piles. In difficult driving conditions where the actual
locations of piles may deviate considerably from the required, the edge
distance should be increased to provide for such field variations. Ordinarily
the piles are embedded at least 6 in. in the cap and the reinforcing bars are
placed at a clear distance of 3m, above the pile head. Therefore the

effective depth d of a pile cap is generally about 10 in. less than the total
depth D of the pile cap.

According to Reynolds pile caps should be designed prim arily fo r

punching shear around the heads of the piles and around the column base
and for the moment or force due to transferring the load from the column
to the piles, lie suggested that pile caps should also be designed according
to BS$ 11 O and CP 11 032 to resist normal shearing forces, as in the case of
beams carrying concentrated loads .Ac cording to him thickness of the cap

must also be sufficient to provide adeqLlate bond length Ibr the bars
projecting from the piles and for the dowel bars of the column. He opined
that if the thickness of the pile cap is such that the column load can all be
transmitted to the piles by dispersion, no bending moments need to be
considered, but generally when two or more piles are placed under one
I 41
column it is necessary to reinforce the pile cap for the moments of forces
produced. He supplied a very useful table for design of pile caps using
space frame (strut-and-tie model) method. The main reinforcement has
been calculated as:

'lens ion/U. 87 2.14

Ends of tensile reinforcement is bent and carried to the top of the cap as
shown in Figure 2.7. He suggested that minimum thickness of the cap
should be:

h=2h+1OOmm if,h1) :!~550rnm

h = 1/3[8h-600] mm if, h, ~! 550 mm

Where h is the total thickness of the cap and h is the diameter of the pile.



Figure 2.7 Tensile reinforcement arrangement


In 1957 Hobbs and Stein2S tested about 70 two-pile caps. about one—
quarter lull size. The steel was designed either by straightiorward beam
bending theory with straight bars or by their more rigorous iriethod with
the bar bent so as to intersect the mid-plane at I 5 to the horizontal. They
found that bent bars gave consistently better results than snaihi bars and
that the elflciency' defThecl as the failure load divided by the area of steel
used, was as much as 66% greater. In other words, by using curved bars,
the same load-carrying capacity could be obtained with only 60% of the
steel required with straight bars. They suggested that the method could he
used to design caps with more than two piles by considering them as
combinations of two-pile groups. They drew no real conclusions about

• anchorage except that improving the bond improves the ultimate strength
of the cap.

In 1963 Deutsch and VValRer 8 tested 4 iulI-sc.ilc two-pile caps in an

attempt to compare the various methods o I' design. The caps were designed
according to the existing Australian and British Codes (till 1963) and by
truss action with different angles of the imaginary struts. All caps had the
same plan area but differed in depth and in the amount of steel used. The
objective of the tests was to investigate the influence of pile cap depth and
the amount of reinforcing steel. Specimens were stronger than anticipated,
and two of the specimens did not fail. All l)ile caps behaved similarly with

one main vertical (flexural) crack forming at mid span. He also concluded
that only nominal anchorage is required beyond the edges of the Piles.

In 1967 by Blevot and 1-7 remv29 carried out far more comprehensive series

of tests. They tested 51 four—pile caps, 37 three-pile, 6 two-pile caps, all at

about half size. They also tested a few full-size caps. Their prime objective
was to check the validity of their connecting rod' method, and to compare
different layouts of steel for strength and crack prevention. Ihey found
that, for four-pile and three-pile caps, the failure loads were 1 . 1 to 1.7

times the design ultimate loads, calculated by using the characteristic

strength of the re.i ii forcing steel cliv ided by a partial sa fetv fucior of I 15.

For two-pile caps, the failure loads were slightly below the design ultimate
loads. In general, they found that bunching the heads (i.e. along the
diagonals or parallel to the sides for four-pile caps) gave approximately
20% higher strength than the same weight of steel spread out in a grid
pattern. Blevot and Fremy also compared different depths of cap and found
that the best results were obtained with the imaginary struts running at
between 4 5 and 5 - (1to the horizontal.
. . -
Th s gives, f or four-pile caps, a

depth of between 0.7 (kh1) —h/2) and (kh-h/2), where kb1 , is the pile pitch

and h is the column size. In some of the models tested, relatively large
cracks had appeared before the service load had been reached. For the full-
size caps, they therefore adopted hybrid-reinforcing systems consisting
mainly of bunched steel, following the sides or diagonals, to take the major
part of the load and a relatively light grid of steel to reduce cracking. The
results of' the tests on full-scale caps agreed well with those of the half-


scale models, the failure loads being 1.2 to 1.5 times the design ultimate

In 1973 Clarke tested 15 four-pile caps, all approximately hal1scale. The

longitudinal reinforcement layout and anchorage were the parameters
studied. Sim i Jar to Blevot and Fremv, the reinforcement was either
hunched over the piles or distributed in a uniform grid. In the study,
nominal anchorage" involved extending the longitudinal reinforcement
just beyond the piles, while "full anchorage" meant providing a 90-degree
hook atl(l exteiidini the lontitiidinal reinhncenieni to the top oh' the pile
cap. The behavior of all pile caps was similar. Vertical cracks tormed near

the center of the pile cap sides, extending to near the top of the pile caps.
Prior to failure, the pile caps had usually split into four separate pieces
hinged below the column base. According to the author, most specimens
foiled in "shear" after the longitudinal reinforcement yielded. The
also classified the failure modes as either one-way (beam) shear or two-
way (punchin(l) shear, depending on the appearance of the failed specimen.

Bunching the reinforcement over the piles resulted in a 14 percent increase

in capacity compare to spreading the reinforcement uniformly. The So-

called "full anchorage" resulted in approximately a 30 percent increase in


In 1984 Sabnis and Gogate tested nine very small (1/5) scale models of
four- pile caps to study how the quantity of uniformly distributed

longitudinal reinforcement influences the shear capacity of deep pile caps.

Similar to Clarke, the longitudinal reInCorcement was hooked and

extended to the top surtitce. The test showed that \'arvin the rein ioi'cemeni.
ratio between 0.0014 and 0.012 had little influence on the shear capacities
of the models.

In 1990 Adeher, Kuchma, and ('ol tins tested six flu I-scale pile caps (live
four-pile caps and one six-pile cap). The largest specimen weighed more
than 7 ton (6.4 toil). All pile caps were statically indeterminate piles in
four-pile caps were arranged in a diagonal shape), and the actual pile loads
were measured throughout the test. External and internal strain
measurements taken during the tests demonstrated that the behavior of pile
caps is very different from two-way slabs. Plane sections do not remain
plane, and strut action is the predominant mechanism of shear resistance.
Deep pile caps deform very little before failure and, thus, have virtually no
ability to redistribute pile loads.


According to the ACI Building Code (31 8-77, pile caps are designed in
the similar way of designing footing on soil considering the base reaction
consisting of a number of concentrated loads rather than distributed soil
F 4A pressure. The procedure is divided into three separate steps: 1) shear
design which involves calculating the minimum depth for pile cap so that

the concrete contribution to shear resistance is greater than the shear

applied on tIle critical sections. 2) flexural design, in which the usual
ussuniptions for reinforced concrete beams are used 10 determine tile

I' required amount of longitudinal rein f'orcement at the critical
section for
flexure; and 3) a check of the bearing stress at the base of the column and
at the top of the piles.

The special provisions tor shear design of' slabs and k)oullas (Section
I I 12) requires that designers consider both one-vvay and t\vo-wav

The critical section br One-way shear VaS located at a distance d from the

bice of' the concentrated load of- reaction area, in acid ition. Sect ion I I .1 of'

the ACI Code stated that sections located less than a distance d from the
ftice of' support may he designed for the same shear as that computed at a
distance d. The commentary to Section 1 I. I warned that if' the shear at
section between the support and a distance ci cli tiered i'aclicallv
from the
shear at distance d, as occurs when a concentrated load is located close to
the support, the critical section should he taken at the face of the support.

In the I 983 and subsequent editions of' the i\Cl Building

Code'. the
statement about the location of critical section for one-way shear was
removed from the special shear provisions for slabs and footings, and the
general statement about the critical section being at the face of the support
when a concentrated load occurs within of from the
Support was moved
from- the commentary to the code. In addition, the commentary was

modified to include a footing supported on piles as an example of when the

critical section is commonly at the face of the support. The result
is that
designers of deep pile caps now have no choice hut to take the critical

section for one-way shear at the face of the column.

The critical section for two-way shear remains at d/2 from the perimeter o I'
the column regardless whether there is concentrated load app! ied within
the critical section. Section 15.5.3 states that any pile located d/2 inside
the critical section produce no shear on the critical section and describes
how to calculate the contribution from any pile that intercepts the critical
section. The commentary on Section 1 5.5.3 contains a statement (since
1 977) that when piles are located within the critical section. analysis for
shear in deep fiexural members, in accordance with Section II ., needs to
be considered. Unfortunately, Section 11.8 of the ACI Code addresses only
one-way shear in deep members, where the critical section is taken
midway between the concentrated load and the support and the concrete
contribution is increased due to deep beam action.

The Code specifies that the critical section for moment in footings is at the
lace of columns. The quantity of longitudinal reinforcement required at
this critical section is determined by the usual procedures lbr reinforced
concrete members, assuming plane sections remain plane and assuming
that there is uniform flexural compression stresses across the entire width
of the member. The designer is told to (liStribtite the required longitudint.
reinlwcement uni l'ormly across the pile cap.

However, latest AC! Building Code recommends that when piles are
located inside the critical sections, 'd' or 'cl/2' from face of column, for
one-way or two-way shear, respectively, an upper limit on the shear
strength at a section adjacent to the face of' the column should be
considered. The Code refers CR51 1 landhook lbr guidance in this situation.

The Code specifies minimum thickness to be such that the depth of cap
above bottom reinforcement shall not be less than 12 in.

Critical section for beam shear

Critical perimeter for punching shear


Figure 2.8 Critical sections for shear (according to ACI 318-83)


According to the ACI Code, the maximum bearing strength of concrete is

0.85f. except when the supporting surface are A2 is wider on all sides than

the loaded area A1 , the bearing strength is multiplied by 'A2/A 1 but not

more than 2. A1 and A2 are shown in Figure2.9.

Loaded area A k)pe: 2:1

i1 Lhis PIa1e

Figure 2.9 Area consideration for hearing areas

British Standards (BS 8 Ii 0): Part- I: 1985,

Structural use of Concrete,
sanctioned both bending theory (as suooested by AC! Building Code) and

Truss Analogy (strut-and-tie) model. For truss analogy Standard suggests

that the truss should be of' triangulated lbrm, with upper node at the center
of' loaded area. The lower nodes of the truss lie at the intersections of the
ceiiterl ines of the p1 Ics with the tensile rein trceiueni.

According to BS8I 10, when the pile spacing exceeds three times the i11e
diameter, only the reinforcement within 1 .5 times the pile diameter from
the center of a pile should be considered to constitute a tension member of
the truss.
According to the Standard the design shear strength of pile cap is normally
governed by the shear along a vertical section extending across the full
width of the cap. Critical sections for the shear should be assumed to be
located 20% of the diameter of the pile inside the face of the pile, as
indicated in Figure 2.10.


Column perimete 2r1tica1 1r pLln.11ing shear

cal section br normal shear

k >1

I- L -1 ~

Figure 2.10 Critical section for shear (According to RSSI 10)

The whole of the force from the piles with centers lying outside this line
should be considered to be applied outside this line. Where the spacing of

the piles is less than or equal to 3d, the allowable shear stress is enhanced
by I .5d/a, where a, and 3d is the distance lroiii the lace of the column to
the critical sections and diameter of pile respectively. Where the spacing is
greater, the enhancement may only be appi iecl to strips o f width equal

41 to3d. centered on each pile. A check should be made to ensure that the
design shear stress calculated at the perimeter of"the column does not

exceed N/mm2 or 5 N/mm2, whichever is the lesser. In addition, if

the spacing of the piles is greater than 3d,, punching shear should be
checked on the perimeter of the column.

According to Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC). pile caps shall

be designed either by bending theory or by truss analogy. The Code
presented the truss analogy method in particular for the guidance of the
design engineer.

The Code specifies that the idealized truss shall be of triangulated f'orm
with upper node at the center of the loaded area. The lower nodes lie at the
intersection of the centerlines of the piles with the tensile reinforcement.
When spacing of piles exceeds three times the pile diameter the Code
restricts that only the rein forcemeni within a bandwidth of 1.5 times the

pile diameter from the center of pile shall be considered to constitute a

tension member of the truss. The Code recommends checking beam shear
at critical sections extending across the foIl width of the cap. Critical
sect ioiis slii II he assti med to be located at 201YO of the di ailiel ci of the pile
inside the face of the pile, as indicated in Figure 2. 10. The total force from
all the piles with centers king outside the section shall be considered to
constitute the shear force on the section. The Code speci les the upper limit
of shear on the critical section as:

V = 0.8 Jfbd (2dIa) 2.15

In which 2d/a, shall be greater than or equal to 1 .0, a, is as shown in flgure

2.8. h, shall he taken as the flil I width of critical section if' the Spacing of
piles is less than or equal to 3 times the pile diameter d. other vise b shall
be equal to 3d1..

In case Of punching shear, the Code specifies that .r check shall be made to
ensure that the factored shear stress calculated at the perimeter of the

column does not exceed 0.8if`c or 5 N/mm2 , whichever is the smaller. In

addition, if the spacing of the piles is greater than 3cl1 , punching shear shall

be checked on the perimeter of the column. The Code recommends that the
tension reinforcement shall be provided with full anchorage.

The Canadian Concrete Code (CAN3 A23.3-M84)9 shear-design rules,

which make use of strut-and-tie models, were intended for plane structures
such as corbels or deep beams; however, they are general enough that they
can be applied to pile capstô. The Code requires that the concrete

compressive stress in nodal zones of strut-and-tie models does not exceed

0.85f in nodal zones bounded by compressive struts, 0.75f in nodal

zones anchoring only one tension tie, and 0.60f in nodal zones anchoring
more than one tie. The Code also requires that the necessary tension-tie
reinforcement be effectively anchored to transfer the required tension to
the nodal zones. Finally, the concrete compressive strength of the cracked
concrete determined by considering the strain conditions in the vicinity of
the stnit.




This chapter includes the information regarding the type, source and
preparation of the materials used. The installation of the loading unit and
other instruments and the testing procedure is also included in this chapter.


3.2.1 Cement

Normal Portland cement was used in all Ii!es in pile caps. Ihe cement

supplied from the departmental store of the Civil Engineering Department,

BIT was in paper bags stored under proper condition. The brand name o
cement is 'Meghna Cement".

3.2.2 Coarse Aggregate

Manually crushed stone was used for the construction purpose. Aggregate
of different size and grading were used br pile and pile cap Aggregate
passing through 3/4" sieve and retained on No. 4 sieve was used as coarse
aggregate for pile cap while 1/2" downgraded stone chips \\'1S used for
construction of piles. Stone chips were obtained from departmental stack

3.2.3 Fine Aggregate

Syihet sand passing No. 4 sieve was used throughout. The fineness
modulus of the sand varied between 2.5 to 3. The sand contained a little bit
dust particles.

The percentage of sand and crushed stone aggregate retained on sieves of

standard sieve series was not in toto with the ASTM requirement.
However, the maximum size of the aggregate (CA) taken was maintained
strictly. Both have passed the usual specification tests.
3.2.4 Reinforcing Steel

Mild steel plain bars were used throughout the construction work. Bars
were supplied by the department. 3 nos .3-it. pieces of bars \\'Crc cut from
the bundle of reinforcement to determi iie phvsica I properties.
Reinforcement test result is tabulated in Table 3. 1

Table 3.1 Properties of Reinforcement


4 3 plain bar 0.107 1 0.108 25.0 52531.20 50044.81 28 58834 94 61874.82

1 24.0 4800918J 32 4012.241

LiILJ YJ~ I9.4

3 plain ba-t,To.107—
i0± 62777-_


Tests were carried out on four-pile C3S with pile spacing 1 '-2" center to

center. This corresponds to the minimum spacing requirement (2-3 times

pile diameter). A pile diameter of 6" was used throughout the test.
Horizontal projections of pile cap outside the piles were 2 inch, giving plan

dimensions of 2' square for all pile caps. Details of the test pile cap are
shown in Figure 3.1-. 3.3

6"x6" column

O W 0
2'- 01' F-1 I '7"

- 6" diameter lrcast concrete pile

Figure 3.1 Plan of a typical pile cap

5 #3 bar both \vays


6" diameter Precast pile

Figure 3.2 Section of a typical pile cap

Pile cap series D(overall depth) S(spacing of bar)

For pile cap of series A: l'-O" 6
For pile cap of series B: 1 '-2" 7
For pile cap of series C: l'-3" 8

**D = Overall depth of pile cap

= Diameter of bar

Figure 3.3 Details of reinforcement in pile and pile Cal)

Three series of pile caps were designed for testing purpose with 3 pile caps
in each series. The series were identified as series A, series B and series C.
These letter is followed by integers ranging from 1-3, indicatin the serial
number of the cap under consideration. Thus a cap designated by A I
indicates pile cap of series A and its serial number in the series is I.
Pile caps of series A were designed in accordance with the previous AC!
Building Code34 . The calculated reinforcement was not increased to satisfy

minimum flexural/distrihution reinforcement reqiurement. Pile caps of'

series B were designed using strut-and-tie model. Pile caps of' series C
were designed on the basis of latest ACI Building Code 3 and also the
reinforcement was
increased to meet the minimum flexLlral steel
requirement (200bd/f). All the pile caps were designed for ultimate
column load of' 100 kip. Design details of the specimens are given in
Annex 3. Table 3.2 shows the details olall pile caps.

Table 3.2 Details of Pile Caps

Cap Overall - #3 bars Arngeent

ra m A nc hora c* Concrete
No. depth each of bars strength
(in.) way (compressive)
___ __
(no.) psi
Al 12 6 Uniform grid Full 2818
A2 12 6 Uni form grid - FuU 2818
A3 - 12 6 Uniform grid Full 2818
BI 15 7 Uniform grid Full 2848
B2 15 7 Uniform grid Full 2848
B3 15 7 Uniform grid Full 2848
Cl - 14 8 Uniform grid Full r 3 140
C2 14 8 Uniform grid Full 3140 --

C3 14 8 Uniform grid Full -


*Full anchorage = standard 90 bend followed h 12 times bar diameter

straight portion


Reinforcing steel were laid in uniform grid with full anchorage (a standard
90 bend followed by 12 bar diameter as straight portion) on each end. No
top steel was provided in any of the caps. Clear cover to the main steel was

2" on each sides of the cap except at the bottom. Bottom bars were placed

I" above the pile heads. The vertical steel of the piles passed through the

main steel of the cap and was projected by 5".

The concrete mix proportion was I 3.6 : 4.3 with water cement ratio of

0.80 (see Annex 2). The maximum aggregate size was 3/4". The mix had
design strength of 2500 psi at 28 days. The caps were cast in wooden
molds (bottom surface was net cement finished covered with polythine).
The pile caps were cured with moist gunny bag till the day of test. [he

control specimens (6" diameter standard cylinder) were tested at about the
same day. The strength achieved is listed in Table 3.3.


Table 3.3 Test Result of Control Specimens

Casting (late: 18-8-01iCap Al

Cylinder Failure Corn pressive Average Rema rks

No. Load (lb.) strength (psi) strength
1 71000 2511.50 2818 Mortar Failure
2 101000 3572.69 Mortar Failure
3 70000 2476.12 Mortar Failure
4 82000 2900.60 Mortar Failure
5 75000 2652.99 Mortar Failure
6 78000 2759.11 Mortar Failure
7 87000 3077.47 -
Mortar Failure
8 79000 2794.48 Mortar Failure
9 74000 2617.62 -
Mortar Failure

Casting date: 19-8-01 ICap BI

Cylinder Failure Compressive - Average Remarks

No. Load (lb.) strength (psi) strength
1 77000 2723.74 3140 Mortar Failure -

2 108000 3820.30 Mortar Failure

3 110000 3891.05 Mortar Failure
4 75000 2652.99 Mortar Failure
5 85000 3006.72 Mortar Failure
6 79000 2794.48 Mortar Failure
7 94000 3325.08 Mortar Failure
8 77000 2723.74 Mortar Failure
9 94000 3325.08 _-
Moi'tr Failure

Casting date: 20-8-011Cap Cl

Cylinderl Failure Comressivef Average - Remarks

No. Load (lb.) strength (psi) strength

2848 7 Mortar Failure
Mortar Failure
3 70000 2476.12 Mortar Failure
4 74000 2617.62 Mortar Failure
5 69000 2440.75 Mortar Failure
6 87000 3077.47 Mortar Failure
7 76000 2688.36 Mortar Failure
8 86000 3042.09 Mortar Failure
9 70000 2476.12 Mortar Failure

Reinforced concrete piles had 5 nos. of #3 plain bars with Vt" diameter
stirrup 4.5 inch center to center. Piles were projected 15 inch irom the
bottom of the cap and inserted by 3 inch into the caps. Main bars of the
pile are extended by 5" to ensure proper anchorage with the cap.


3.4.1 Fabrication of Loading Frame

The design, fabrication and installation were some inherent parts of this
study because of the uniqueness of the test pattern. Steel joist was used
mainly in this frame. The frame was designed to facilitate the test load as
h ih as 400 k Ij) by providing appropriate sti lieners. The loading frame is a


module comprising of 4 individual frames. The internal dimension of each

frame is 3'x5'-2" (Figure 3.4). The frame can conveniently be used to test

continuous beams of up to 3 spans, slabs as wide as 6', masonry wall as

high as 6' etc. Design detail is given in Annex 4.

3.4.2 Instrumentation

Pile caps with piles were taken on the testing frame with the help of a
portable crane (200-ton capacity). Column on the pile cap was represented
by 6"x6"x2.5" steel block, which was placed exactly at the


Front Elevation

0.70" (ay.)

Section A-A

Figure 3.4 Loading Frame

center of the cap. Hydraulic jack having capacity of 200 ton was placed on
this block steadily. The gap between sofflt ol' the frame and piston of the
jack was tilled and packed with required size of preftibricated steel
sections. A typical test set up is shown in Figure 3.5.

-r--r '
r - -

'- '- 14 .
;7flj4 j


Figure 3.5 Test setup

The load was applied by the jack with the help Of pressure pump. 'IThe
pressure exerted on pile caps were observed and measured from the
pressure gauge connected with the pump. The pressure gauge was
calibrated before the testing program. Deflectometer was set at the center
point of the bottom of each pile cap to measure deflection of the cap.


Each pile cap was initially subjected to a load of 30 kip and released to
initialize the test setup. Then load was applied from zero to failure load at
an increment of 25 kips After each increment of load pumping was

stopped and vertical deflection of the cap at center was recorded. It was
also observed carefully whether any crack was formed. The load was
increased in the same manner until first crack was noticed. The crack was
marked with pencil to show the locations and length of propagation of first
crack. Pressure gauge reading and deflection at the cracking stage was
recorded immediately. The load was then increased steadily until failure of-
the pile cap occurred. Final reading of pressure gauge and deflection was
recorded simultaneously. After failure a small-scale sketch of' all sides of'
the caps showing locations and successive propagation of the cracks was
drawn on paper. Finally photograph of every face of tested pile caps were

taken to visualize the crack pattern or in other words to classify the failure
D V'ai(3LNA



This chapter includes the testing and determination of physical and

mechanical properties of the materials along with casting, curing and
testing of the pile caps and their corresponding control specimens.


The concrete mix was designed on the basis of ACT method. A detail of'
concrete mix design is shown in Annex 22



4.3.1 Precast Concrete Pile

Pile caps were supported on 6" diameter precast concrete piles. Each pile
was designed conservatively so that the caps will fail without any distress
on piles. To ensure this, a trial Pile was constructed flrst with 5 nos. of # 3

bar. #2 bar was used as circular tie with spacing of 4" center to center.
Piles were cast with trial mix of 1: 1 .5:3 and water cement ratio of 0.60.

Crushed stone aggregate of maximum size 1/2" was used with sythet sand.
Steel mold was used to construct piles. Fresh concrete was tamped with

5/8" diameter rod with great care to keep the reinforcement casing in

After proper curing for 7 days, it was tested in laboratory. Compressive

strength of about 5000 psi was obtained, which was more than

Piles to be used in pile caps were cast with same ratio (1: 1 .5:3) and were
cured for 14 days before fabrication. Inside of the mold was properly oiled
before each hatch of casting. Piles were removed from mold after 24 hours
of casting. Main bars of the piles were extended above casting by 6" to
ensure proper anchorage with the cap (Figure 4. 1).

4.3.2 Casting Platform

It is decided that piles are to be projected by 15" below pile caps. Masonry
platform was temporarily made to ensure projection, alignment and level
of the piles. Bottom of the platform was leveled carefully. Provision O f

hole for piles at specified spacing (I 4" c/c) was kept. Remaining gaps
(after placing and positioning piles) of the platlhrm was tilled with loose
sand. Platform was of 1 5" high. Three such platforms were made having

provision of accommodating 3 caps in each platform. Top of platf o

rm was
net finished and was covered \vith polythine before casting. For
convenience reinforcement work was done prior to casting operation. Clear
cover was ensured. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 4. 1.

4.3.3 Casting of Pile Caps

Each series of pile caps was cast in separate date. Mixture machine was
used throughout the casting operation. To ensure proper compaction,
vibrator was used with special care to avoid segregation and other

LJ. 11
•g- .J .._.J...Z -
• :.: -•

•- -••. ,&
- L . •• j •._,
. ••.-"-.•."; j•._.

Figure 4.1: Casting arrangement of pile cap

Sides of the form work (platform) ware removed on the following day.
Curing started from the time of removing sides of'the formwork till the day
of testing. Moist gunny bags were used in this purpose.


9 numbers of control specimens were kept for each series of casting and
cured properly till the day of testing. The control specimens were tested in
the same day of testing the cap.




The test results and the relevant numerical values are summarized in
tabular form and are shown in figures as or when required. The contents of
the different tables and figures are described in this chapter. Table 5.

shows the results of the pile caps tested.

itiate at an average of 73% 82% and 80%

Flexural cracks were found to in
of the actual failure load for pile cap of series A, series B and series C
respectivelY. This indicates that first cracks appeared at slightly above
service loads in all cases. The service load being defined as design ultimate

load divided by 1.5

Table 5.1 Test result of pile caps
Pile Load (pp) Center Deflection (mm)
Cal)Cracking Failure AT Cracking At Failure load
load load load
Al 68.16 88.79 1.30 2.80

1 19.75 209
93,95 2M3
Averag73.32 100.83 1.44 2.61
106.85 130- us 2. 3 5
B2 1 99.11 114.59 1.70
B3 101.69 130.07 0.94 1.92

Aveia 102 5 124.91 126 238


ft64 1.$0
C2 109.43 140.39 0.72 2.05
C3 91.37 112.01 1.25 I 2.76
yagj 99.1f 124.05j L87 2.20


At the application of load on the caps different types of cracks were

formed at different locations and at different stages of loading. Depending
on the dominant feature of cracks, failure ineclianism of pile caps can be
grouped into three categories such as flexural failure, diagonal tension
failure and failure of compression struts. Detaiis of crack pattern with
order of formation and gradual development at failure loads are shown in
Figure 5.1

Fcce A Face B Face C Face b Bottom


CAP A2 0

7 0 0

j r •' 1

CAP BI P P 1 0 0

CAP B2______ /



0 _01


Figure 5.1 Details of crack pattern

5.2.1 Flexural Failure

The flexural phase is considered to start vith the initial loading and to
terminate at the initiation of the first diagonal tension crack although the
fiexural cracks may continue to form at higher loads. The behavior of all
caps is believed to be essentially elastic until flexural tension cracks
formed. In almost all caps, the flexural cracks were found to f'orm first.
The flexural cracks at higher loads inclined slightly like flexure shear
cracks towards the load point. The advent of diagonal tension cracks was
found to stop the propagation of flexural cracks. \/irtuallv no caps failed in

5.2.2 Diagonal Tension Failure

When the principal stress generated exceeds the tensile stress limit of
concrete, the diagonal tension cracks take place. Once this cracks are
formed, the process of decreasing the uncrackeci depth and increase of
tensile stress is continues and simultaneous with rapid propagation of the
crack under the action of cracking load or higher load. The development of
diagonal tension cracks is sudden. However the development continues till
the failure.

Figures 5.2-5.4 show the physical appearance of pile caps of' series A after
filure. The caps were designed according to orevious ACl Building

Code' and were predicted to fil in flexure. The crack pattern

demonstrates that the cracks are initiated by flexure and ultimately took the

shape of f'lexure shear crack. In case of pile cap Ai ( l"igure 5.4) two
diagonal cracks meet the flcxural cracks and the cap failed in punching


Among the pile caps of series B and C, only cap C2 (Figure 5.9) looked to
behave like the caps of' series A. The cap seemed to fail in shear initiated

by flexural crack.

Figure 5.2 Failure pattern of pile cap Al


Figure 5.3 Failure pattern of pile Cal)

Figure 5.4 Failure pattern of pile cap A3

5.2.3 Failure of Compression Struts

If a tension tie crosses a compression strut, the tensile strain reduces the
capacity of compression struts to resist compressive stress. In pile caps
tension ties cross compression struts in the vicinity of the nodal zones just
above the piles. Between the points of application of load and heads of
piles the compressive stress spread out, producing transverse tensile
stresses. The absence of reinforcement to control diagonal tension cracking
allows the cracks that occur due to splitting of the struts, cracks propagate
quickly through the cap. Final failure mechanism resembles either a one-
way or two-way shear failure. It is believed that failure of this concrete
tension tie was the critical mechanism involved in the shear failures ol the
pile caps BI, B2, B3, Cl and C3 (Figure 5.5-5.8 and Figure 5.10). The
above mentioned Figures demonstrate the influence of transverse tension

on the failure of compression struts.

Figure .5 Failure pattern of pile cap Bi

Figure 5.6 Failure pattern of pile cap 132

Figure 5.7 Failure pattern of pile cap B3

Figure 5.8 Failure pattern of pile cap Cl

Figure 5.9 Failure pattern of pile Cal) C2


Figure 5.10 Failure pattern of pile cap C3



The procedures of the ACT Building Code3 were used to predict the failure
loads of all pile caps. Table 5.2 shows the comparison of experimental
failure loads WI th predicted loads of the caps according to AC I. Pile caps

of series A failed at 92% of the prC(liCted load. The caps were predicted to
fail in Ilexure. Virtually all caps including the caps of series A failed in

shear. One of the caps of series A (Al) failed in two-way shear while
others of the series seemed to fail in normal shear dominated by Ilexure-
shear cracks. The strength of other caps is also less than the strength

predicted by ACI Building Code. The low strength of the caps might he
due to yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement.

Table 5.2 Predicted versus Experimental Results According to ACI 3 j

Predicted Experimental Experimental failure load
I VJI najinis, J'J4IU Infants, aJc.t. a a '.'.tit.tti A9 41itti ' IU(I'.j

(p) (kip)
Al 110 88.79 0.81
A2 110 119.75 1 1.09
A3 110 93.95 0.85
Bi 170 130.07 0:77
132 170 114.59 0.67
133 -
170 130.07 0.77
Cl 138 119.75 0.87
C2 138 140.39 1.02
C3 138 112.01 0.81



Table 5.3 shows the comparison of experimental failure loads of the pile
caps with the load predicted by strut-and-tie mode1. It is seen that the

experimental failure load is 20% to 60% higher than the predicted ultimate

Table 5.3 Predicted versus Experimental Results [According to STM''I
failure load
J Experimental
failure load (kip)
Experimental load
Predicted failure load

Al 63 88.79 1.41
A2 63 119.75
A3 63 93.95 1.49
4. BI 103 130.07 1.26
B2 103 114.59 1.1!
B3 103 130.07 1.26
CI 106 119.75 1.13 _____

C2 106 140.39 -

C3 106 112.01 1.06

5.5 C()MIARISON Ol' (OS1'

To make a comparative cost study ol pile caps. (() pile caps \\'CtC desftned
by ACI and strut-and-tie model. Column load and pile Spacing were
varied. Costs of all pile caps were estimated according to the latest
schedule of rate of PWD. Comparative cost of pile caps is shown in Table
5.4-5.6 and in Figure 5.1 1-5.13.

Figure 5.11 shows the cost of pile caps designed by ACT Building Code3,
strut-and-tie model as suggested by Perry Adehar' 7 and strut-and-tie mode
as suggested by Reynolds7 for pile spacing of 2 times pile diameter. It is
seen that cost of pile caps designed by strut-and-tie model' 7 is higher than
ACI Building Code for column load ranging from 75 to 625 Rip.


Figure 5.12 depicts the cost of pile caps designed by different methods
when pile spacing is 2.5 times pile diameter. It is seen that the cost line

designated by ACI falls below the line designated by STM' ftr column

load 225 to 400 kip. Thickness of pile caps in this range is same, quantity
of reinforcement is liable for the variation. [lie cost line desiwmted h\ ACI
seems to rise abruptly at load 400 kip. This is because at this stage nearest
pile falls within d/2 from the face of column and two-way shear is checked
at the face of' the column, which yield higher depth of the caps.

Figure 5.13 shows the variation of cost of' pile caps designed according to
the methods described. It is seen that the di lierence between cost of pile
caps designed by ACI Building Code and strut-and-tic model '7 becomes
less as column load increases. The concept of ACI Building Code that the
pile cap hehalves as a flexural member seems to be rational in this

situation. It might be considered that for pile spacing 3 times or more, ACI
Building Code behalves as it assumes. in all cases strut-and-tie model as
suggested by Reynolds' results costly way of designing pile cap. This is

because of its recommended minimum thickness.


Table 5.4 Comparative cost of pile caps (for c/c pile spacing 2xd 1) )

SI CoIn ACI 318-99 S1M'7 - Difference of,

No. mn total Cost
Load (%)

Thickn Cost(Tk.) Thickness Cost (Tk.)

ess (in) (in)
Reinfor Total Reinfor Total
cement Cost cement Cost
1 75 17.25 1 101 4347 10.70 702 2715 60,09
2 100 17.25 1101 4347 11.60 815 2998 45.00
3 125 17.25 1101 4347 12.50 902 3255 33.57
4 150 17.25 1101 4347 13.2() 994 3478 -
5 175 17.25 1101 4347 13.90 1072 3688 17.86
6 200 17.70 1140 4471 14.50 1151 3880 15.23
7 225 18.40 1201 4664 15.00 1233 4056 15.00
8 250 19.00 1253 4829 15.50 1307 4224 14.33
9 275 19.50 1297 4967 15.90 1386 4379 13.43
10 300 20.10 1349 5132 16.30 1460 4528 13.34
11 325 20.60 1393 5270 16.70 1530 4673 12.78
12 350 21.00 1428 5380 17.00 1607 4807 11.92
13 375 21.50 1471 5518 17.30 1681 4937 11.75
14 . 400 21.90 1506 5628 17.60 1752 5064 11.12
15 425 22.40 1550 5765 17.90 1820 5188] 11.12
16 450 22.80 1585 5876 18.10 1898 5304 10.77
17 475 23.20 1619 5986 18.40 1960 5423 10.38
18 500 24.20 1707 6261 18.50 2048 5530 13.22
19 525 25.10 1785 6509 19.2 2047 5661 14.99
20 550 26.10 1872 6784 19.8 2060 5786 17.25
21 575 27.10 1959 7060 20.3 2085 5905 19.55
22 600 28.10 2047 7335 20.9 2095 6029 21.67
23 625 29.00 2125 7583 21.4 2118 6145 23.40
Average == 19.50
Table 5.5 Comparative cost of pile caps (for c/c pile spacing 2.5x(l1) )

SI Colu ACI 318-99 STM l)ifference of

No. nm n total cost
Load ((VO)

Thickn Cost(Tk.) Thickness Cost (Tk.)

ess (in) (in)
Reinfor Total Reinfor Total
cement Cost cement Cost
1 75 17.25 1364 5472 12.00 832 3691 48.28
2 100 17.25 1364 5472 13.00 977 4074 34.34
3 125 17.25 1364 5472 14.10 1080 4438 -
4 150 17.25 1364 5472 15.00 1183 4756 15.06
5 175 -
17.25 1364 5472 15.80 1282 5045 8.47
6 200 17.25 1364 5472 16.60 1367 5321 2.85
7 225 17.25 1364 5472 17.20 1464 5561 -1.60
8 250 17.80 1423 5663 17.80 1553 5793 -2.24
9 275 18.30 1477 5836 18.30 1646 6005 -2.81
10 300 18.80 1553 6031 18.80 1732 6210 -2.88
11 325 19.30 1627 6225 19.30 1812 6410 -2.89
12 350 19.70 1709 6402 19.70 1900 6592 -2.89
13 375 20.10 1787 6574 20.10 1983 6771 -2.90
14 400 20.50 1860 6743 20.50 2062 6945 -2.91
15 425 25,80 2287 8432 20.80 2150 7105 18.69
16 450 26.30 2341 8606 21.10 2235 7261 18.51
17 475 26.80 2395 8779 21.40 2317 7415 18.40
18 500 27.20 2438 8917 21.70 2396 7565 17.87
19 525 27.70 2492 9090 22.00 2473 7713 17.86
20 550 28.10 2536 9229 22.20 2561 7849 17.58
21 575 28.50 2579 9367 22.50 2633 7992 17.21
22 600 28.90 2622 9506 22.70 2717 -81241 17.01
23 625 29.20 2654 9610 22.90 _2799 8253 16.43
Average = 11.77 -

Table 5.6 Comparative cost of pile caps (for c/c pile spacing 3x(l 11 )

SI Colu ACI 318-99 STM' Difference of

No. mn total cost
Load (%)
Thickn Cost(Tk.) Thickness Cost (Tk.)
ess (in) (in)
A. Reinforl Total Reinfor Total
cement Cost cement Cost
1 75 17.25 1655 6727 13.10 972 4824 39.45
2 100 17.25 1655 6727 14.40 1123 5358 25.56
3 125 17.25 1655 6727 15.60 1251 5838 -
4 150 17.25 1655 6727 16.70 1364 6275 7.21
5 175 17.70 1713 6918 17.70 1470 6675 3.65
6 200 18.50 1818 7258 18.50 1583 7023 3.35
7 225 19.30 1923 7599 19.30 1684 7359 3.26
8 250 2010 2015 7896 20.00 1785 7667 2.99
9 275 20.60 2094 8151 2010 1890 7948 2.56
10 300 21.20 2172 8406 21.20 1987 8222 2.25
H 325 21.70 2238 8619 21.70 2090 8471 1.74
12 350 22.20 2303 8831 22.20 2187 8715 1.34
13 375 22.70 2369 9044 22.70 2278 8953 1.01
14 400 23.10 2421 9214 23.10 2377 9170 0.48
15 425 23.50 2482 9392 23.50 2472 9383 0.10
16 450 23.90 2577 9605 23.90 2564 9592 0.14
17 475 24.30 2668 9813 24.30 2651 9797 0.17
18 500 24.60 2770 10004 24.60 2749 9982 0.22
19 525 24.90 2870 10192 24.9 2843 10165 0.26
20 550 25.20 2967 10377 25.2 2935 10346 0.30
21 575 25.50 3061 10560 25.5 3025 10523 0.35
22 600 25.80 3152 10739 25.8 3111 10698 0.38
23 625 2010 3241 10916 26.1 3196 10871 0.42 -

Average = 4.89


I 300u —S—AC?'3

—A— Si M

I 1000
Column sji.c1414

10000 Pile diameter: I 7'

C'C spacing of pile. 2x0p
H 9000

C 8000

C -a
H 6000 _A_AA
£ _. _.

_u.__ U



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

• Column Load(kip)

Figure 5.11 Column load vs. Total cost (for pile spacing 2 times pile diameter)



—U—AC i3
12000 —A— ST M

II 01)0
Column sii., 14'x14
l'jlc d mmdci: 2
171 1 0000 CiC spmcIn of pile - 2 5xL)p

H 9000
(I, 0-0

0 8000
03 7000
H 6000




0 100 200 300 400 506 600 700

Column Load(kip)

Figure 5.12 Column load vs. Total cost (for pile spacing 2.5 times pile diameter)



13000 --AC
(oliitnnnze I4''d4'
I 1000 PIe diamcer I 2"
C/C Spacing C)1 I)I I)p



7000 N
• -•-N-N.
6000 .-

5000 .7,



21)00 I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 60() 700

Column Load(kip)

Figure 5.13 Column load vs. Total cost (for pile spacing 3 times pile diameter)






Ihe cost comparison of' pile caps designed by AC! Building Code3 and
strut-and-tie model (STM) 7 reveals that the pile caps designed by STM'
costs 5% to 20% lower than ACT Building Code for pile spacing 2 to 3
times pile diameter within a range of 75 to 625 kip of column load.

The experimental results indicate that the actual strength of pile caps is
higher than the strength predicted by the STM' in comparison to ACT
Building Code3 . Also within the limitation of pile spacing up to 3 times
pile diameter, STM17 is more rational than ACT Building Code3 in terms of
cost and integrity.

The following conclusions are made on the basis of structural behavior of
pile caps.

• Flexural cracks form first on the vertical fces ol pile caps designed
by both ACI and strut-and-tie model.

• Both design methods ensure that cracking load is slightly above the
service load.(80% of the ultimate load)

• Compression strut failure is the predominant type of failure for pile

caps designed according to strut-and-tie model (series B).

• Pile caps do not behave as flexural member rather its behavior at

ultimate load is most suitably governed by shear or in other way,
tensile stress of the concrete transverse to the diagonal struts
between lower and upper nodes.


The investigation had limitations in terms of parameters and number of test

pile caps. As more test results become available on the relationship
between predicted and experimental ultimate load with various parameters,
a more rational design approach will be obtained.

Therefore the following recommendations are made for further research in
this field.

• Effect of pile diameter in pile caps on its ultimate strength.

• Influence of anchorage of steel on its strength.

• Influence pile spacing on the ratio of predicted to actual strength of

pile caps designed by both ACT and strut-and-tie model.

• Influence of column size on the ratio of predicted to actual strength

of pile caps designed by both ACJ and strut-and-i ic model.

• Effect of reinforcement layout on the ratio of predicted to actual

strength ol pile caps designed by both ACI and strut-and-tie model.

• Computer modeling of pile, pile cap and soil using finite element

• Study of pile cap for inclined loads

• Correlation between bearing stress at nodal points and transverse

tensile stress on struts in pile caps


I Bowles, J.E. 1988. Foundation Design and Analysis, Mc.Gra\v-Hjlj

International Editions: Civil Engineering Series, 4 Edition, Singapore.

" Through personal communication


3 ACI Committee 318. 1999. Building Code Requirements for

Reinforced Concrete (ACI 3 1 8-99), American Concrete Institute,

4 BS 8110 (Part-i). 1985. Structural Use of Concrete, British Standards

Institution, London.

5 Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC). 1993. Housing and

Building Research Institute, Bangladesh.

6 CRSI Handbook. 1978.

Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, 3
Edition, Chicago, 932 pp.

7 Reynolds, Charles. F., Steedman, James. C. 1999. Reinforced Concrete

Designers Handbook, F & FN Span & Francis Group. 0' edition,

8 Fintel, Mark. 1986. Hand book of Concrete Engineering, Van Nostrand
Company, 2tid edition, U.S.A.

9 CAN3 A23.3-M84. 1984. Canadian Standards Association, Rexdalc,

281 pp.

10 Peck, Ralph.B, Hanson, Walter.E, and Thornburn, Thomas.H. 1974.

Foundation Engineering, Johns Willey & Sons, Inc., 2' edition, New

11 Tomlinson, M.J. 1980. Foundation design and Construction, Pitman

Press, 401 edition, Great Britain.

12 Nilson, Arthur.H. 1997. Design of Concrete Structures, Mc.Graw-Hi11

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13 Ferguson, Phil.M., Breen, John.E., Jirsa, Jarnes.E. 1998. Reinforced

Concrete Fundamentals, Johns Willey & Sons, Inc., 5th edition, New

14 Anand, B. Gogate and Gajanan, M.Sabnis. 1980. Design of Thick Pile

caps, Journal Proceedings, AC!, volume 77, January 1, pp. 1 8-22.

15 Sabnis, Gajanan, M. and Gogate, Anand, B. 1984. Investigation of
Thick Slabs(Pile Cap) Behavior, ACI Journal. Proceedings, volume 8 1.
no. 1, January-February, pp. 3 5-39.

16 Adebar, Perry, Kuchrna, Daniel and Collins, Michael P. 1990. Strut-

and-tie models for the design of pile caps -- an experimental study,
Structural Journal, ACI, volume 87, issue 1 January 1 pp. $ 1 -92.
, ,

17 Adebar, Perry and Zhou, Luke (Zongyu). 1996.

Design of Deep pile
caps by Strut-and-Tie Models, Structural Journal. ACI, volume 93,
issue 4, July 1, pp. 43 7-448.

18 Clarke.J.L.1973. Behavior and design of Pile caps with four piles,

Cement and Concrete Association, London, Report no. 42.489,
November, 19 pp.

19 Adebar, Perry. 1987. The behavior of Pile Caps: An Experimental

Investigation, MASc. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Toronto, Jan, 135 pp.

20 Kuchma, D.A. 1989. Design Using the Strut and Tie Model: Tests of
Large-Scale Pile Caps, MASc. Thesis, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Toronto, 137 pp.

21 Ritter, W. 1899. Die Bauweise Hennehique (The Hannehique System),

Schweizerische Bauzeitung, XXXIII, no. 7.

22 Schlaich, j, Shafer, K, and Jennewein, M. 1987. Toward a Consistent

Design of Structural Concrete, Journal, Presiresseci Concrete Institute,

volume 32, no.3, pp. 74-150.

23 Marti, P. 1985. Truss models in detailing, Conc. mt. volume 7. no. 12.
pp. 66-73.

24 Collins, M. P., and Vechio, F.J. 1991. Modified Compression Field

Theory for Reinforced Concrete Elements Subjected to Shear. Journal.
ACI, volume 83, no. 2, pp. 219-231.

25 Macgregor, J. G. 1988. Reinforced Concrete, Prentice Hall, Englewood

cliffs, NJ.

26 Yan, H.T. 1954. Bloom base allowance in the design of Pile Caps, Civil
Engineering and Public Works review, volume 49, no. 575, May. pp.
493-495; also no. 576, June 1954, pp. 622-623.

27 Baneijee, S.P. 1956. Notes on the design ol Pile Caps. Civil

Engineering and Public Works Review, volume 5 1, no. 602. August,
pp. 872-874.

28 Hobbs, N.B., and Stein, P. 1957. Investigation into the stress

distribution in Pile Caps with some notes on Design, Proceedings of the

institution of Civil Engineers, volume 7, .July, pp. 599-628.

29 Blevot, J. and Fremy, R. 1967. Semelles sur pieux, Annales de
0/Institut Technique du Batimeni. Ct des Travax Publics, Vol. no. 230.
February, pp. 223-295.

()COMIlI ItRoPl, I:N I)L III()N iid lII)ll\lN)N

1)l L'\ l)70. -ieci:lI
A.. recommendations br the design arid construction ol foundation slabs.
International recommendations for the design and constructi 0fl 01
concrete structures, Appendix 4. June. Cement and Concrete
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31 Whittle, R.T. and Beattie, D. 1972. Standard Pile Caps 1. Concrete,

volume 6, no. 1, January, pp. 29-3 1.

32 Code of Practice (CP 110), British Standard Association, London

33 Bowles, J.E. 1983. Pile Cap Analysis, Proceedings, 8 Conference on

Electronic Computation, ASCE, pp. 102-1 13.

34 ACI Committee 318. 1983. Building Code Requirements for

Reinforced Concrete (ACI 3 1 8-83), American Concrete Institute,
Detroit, 266 pp.

35 Siao, Weii. Bin. 1993. Strut-and-tie Model for shear behavior in deep
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36 Duan, Lian, McBride, Steven. 1995. The effect 01' cap
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37 Adebar, Perry and Zongyu. 1993. Bearing Strength of Compressive

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38 Deutsch, G.P., and Walker, D. N. 0. 1963.

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39 ACI Committee 318. 1977. Building Code Requirements for

Rcinl'orced Concrete (ACI 3 1 8-77), Aiiiercaii ('oncrete Institute,
Detroit, 235 pp.

0 N'v I I It', A. M. I 4 )() I >f )('If

etfitiol), I Iarlovv, I t1tLIflh1d,

Annex I


Bar Length - Pwjcction

ab "J(12+d2) 1 I d I
ac I(12+d2) 1 d - 1
ad J(12+d2) I d 1
ae i(12+d2) 1 d - - _______

bc 21 21 0 0
cd 21 0 0 21 -

de 21 21 0 - 0
eb 21
0 0 21


c,d 1


b c z

a x

At Joint C: F7 = 0; Fd + [I/I(I2+d2)I*F8 = 0 or F1 = _['J(I2+d)I1] *

-I J( 2+(12)/I j
At Joint d: I F7 = 0: F + I Ihi(12+d2)]*F 11 = 0 or F = cd

At Joint c: 7. F = 0; R,, ± [dlq(12 -d')]*F,,= 0 or IZ,, = -[d\(12±d2)] *1': = Ed/il F

At Joint d: Y, F = 0; Rd + id/\t(I2 ±d2 )]* Fad = 0 or R(J\ = _[d'J(12+d2)l * = I cft]F

Taking moment about be

M7 =O

Ni - R*21 Rdy *21 = 0


Ni [d/11*21*Fcd
- - Fd/11*2I*1 cd = 0

NI = 4d*Fe(t

= NI/4d1

AnnCx 2


The concrete mix was designed on the basis of AC! Method. We require a
mix with a mean 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi (1 7.23 MPa).
The coarse aggregate available is well graded having a maximum size of 3/
in (19 mm).

Bulk density of coarse aggregate = 1600 kg/1113

• Specific gravity of coarse aggregate 2.64
• Specific gravity of line aggregate = 2.58
• Fineness modulus of line aggregate 2.70

.- A slump ol 50 mm is specified for the particular type of work.

.- From Fable I 4.S, water requirement = 190 kg/m
> From Figure 14.240, water cement ratio = 0.81
> Cement content = 1 90/0.81 = 234.57 kg/1113
> From table 14.640,
for FM 2.7, Bulk volume of coarse aggregate 0.63

> Mass of coarse aggregate = 1600x0.63 = 1008 kg/m'

> Volume of water = 190/1000 = 0.190 m


> Volume of cement = 234.57/ (3.05x 1000) = 0.077 rn3
> Volume of entrapped air = 0.02x 1000 = 0.020

> Mass of Fine aggregate = 0.669

> Volume of fine aggregate - 0.664 = 0.33 1 m

> Mass of fine aggregate = 0.33 1x2.58x1000 = 853.98 kg! m3

Quantity of individual materials

SI Materials (kg) For I m of For left. of

No. Concrete Concrete
Cement 234.57 6.64
Sand 853.98 24.18
Stone aggregate 1008 28.55
Water 190 5.38

Mix proportion by weight

Cement Sand Stone aggregate

1 3.64 4.30


.tHiCX 3


Cap size (ft.X ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Column size (inXin) = 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col, s 9.8125 in
Pile diameter = 6 in S+.5hr = 12.8125 in
C/C distance of piles 14 in s -.5h = 6,8125 in
Load Factor 0.53
f = 2500 psi v = 149.25 psi
= 50000 psi v= 200.00 psi
Column Load = 100 kip w= 4 w/d = 0.525


Assumed thickness = 12 in v. = 639.26 psi

Effective depth = 7.625 in v. = 2(1+dlc)(dlvl)\fc
Load on each pile = 25 kip = 432.88 psi
Moment arm = 4 in vn = 32\fc
Mu (kip-Inch) = 198.99 = 1600 psi
Lever arm, a = 0.56 in
As = 0.602 in2 CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col. face)
Checking for a = 0.56 in
Minimum Steel (200/Iy)bd = 0.732 in7 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
k Critical section from far face of col, s = 13.625 in
No of bar (#3) = 10.95 Nos. s+.5hp = 16.625 in
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. s -.5hp = 10.625 in
Load Factor = -0.10
SUMMARY v -53.57 psi
v= 100.00 psi
Total Reinforcement 1.204 in'
Quantity of reinforcement = 12.84 kg CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (.5w FROM COL FACE)
Quantity of concrete = 0.11 m3
w4 in
.5w2 in
p = 0.00400
V = 40.83 kips
M = 99.39 k-in
Vd/M., = 3.823
3.5-2.5(MIvd) = 2.846 2.5 (take)
1 9'fc2500p(Vd/M,) = 133.226
v V/.85bd
= 320.32 Psi OK
v [1 .9(\fc+2500p..(Vd/M)I[3.5-2 .5(M1Vd)](d/w)
= 634.90 Psi
v 1Crt'c
= 500.00 psi


2X 2 b 241n 612.96 In n
Cap size (ft.X ft.) =
Column size (inXin) = 6X 6 VLi.a: = 3.08 N/mrn

Pile diameter = 6 in V<Irnl = 3.32 N/mm

C/C distance of piles 14 in

f = 2500 psi 1.5d 15.94 In
= 50000 psi av = 2.20 In
Column Load = 100 kip p= 0.003
= 1.352 N/mm'
SOLUTION: 2.966 N/mm'

Assiinud tfr.kis
I tlOCIIV€' (l€l)II
- I ii
I 1(1 01 '11(11 11111

I •.iI lii lip It •,p II • 'II.' II I

III .111 I
if, ,.lI,.. I • t'Il II 1, 11 ) II
I If 411 I'll
C) Ali if

Fotal area of reinlorceinent = 1.42 iii

Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft.


Total area of reinforcement = 1.42 in2

Quantity of reinforcement 15.19 kg
Quantity of concrete = 0.14 m3



Cap size (ft.X ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Column size (inXin) = 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col, s = 10.8125 in
Pile diameter = 6 in s+.5h = 13.8125 in
C/C distance of piles = 14 in s -.5h2 = 7.8125 in
Load Factor = 0.36
= 2500 psi Vu = 70.51 psi
f = 50000 psi Vc = 200.00 psi
Column Load = 100 kip w= 4 w/d = 0.416


Assumed thickness = 14 in v = 505.95 psi

Effective depth = 9.625 in Vc = 2(1 +d/c)(d/w)'/f c
Load on each pile = 25 kip = 626.63 psi
Moment arm = 4 in VC = 32'/fc
Mu (kip-inch) = 198.82 = 1600 psi
Lever arm, a = 0.43 in
As = 0.470 in' CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col. face)
Checking for a = 0.43 in
Minimum Steel (200/fy)*bd = 0.924 in2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Critical section from far face of col, s = 15.625 in
No of bar (#3) = 16.80 Nos. s+.5hp = 18.625 in
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. s -.5hp = 12.625 in
Load Factor = -0.44
SUMMARY v= -178.25 psi
vc= 100.00 psi
Total Reinforcement = 1.848 in2
Quantity of reinforcement = 19.70 kg CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (.5w FROM COL FACE)
Quantity of concrete = 0.13 m3
w=4 in
.5w2 in
p = 0.00400
V 49.80 kips
M = 99.29 k-in
Vd/M 4.827
3.5-2.5(MNd) = 2.982 2.5 (take)
1 .9f'c+2500p(Vd/M) = 143.273
v= V/.85bd
= 253.61 psi OK
v= [1
= 861.88 psi
v 10'Jf'c
= 500.00 psi



Cap size (ftX ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Column size (inXin) = 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col, s = 9.8125 in
Pile diameter = 6 in s+.5h = 12.8125 in
C/C distance of piles = 14 in s -.5h = 6.8125 in
Load Factor = 0.53
= 2818 psi v = 164.29 psi
f = 50000 psi v = 212.34 psi
Column Load = 110 kip w= 4 w/d = 0.525


Assumed thickness = 12 in Vu = 703.55 psi

Effective depth = 7.625 in v = 2(1+d/c)(d/w) 'fc
Load on each pile = 27.5 kip = 459.58 Psi
Moment arm = 4 in vc = 32'fc
Mu (kip-inch) = 218.99 = 1698.715 psi
Lever arm, a = 0.54 in
As = 0.662 in2 CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col. face)
Checking for a = 0.54 in
Minimum Steel (200/fy)*bd = 0.732 in2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Critical section from far face of col, s = 13.625 in
s+.5hp = 16.625 in
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. s -.5hp = 10.625 in
Load Factor = -0.10
SUMMARY v -58.93 psi
106.17 psi
Total Reinforcement= 1.323 in2
No of bar (# 3) = 12.03 Nos. CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (.5w from col face)
Quantity of reinforcement = 14.11 kg
Quantity of concrete = 0.11 m3 w=4 in
.5w=2 in
p = 0.00400
V = 54.83 kips
M = 109.39 k-in
Vd/M 3.822
3.5-2.5(MNd) = 2.846 2.5 (take)
1 .9'ifc+2500p(Vd/M) = 139.078
v= V/.85bd
= 352.46 psi OK
Vc [1 (diw)
= 662.79 psi
v 10fl'c
= 530.85 Psi



Cap size (ft.X ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10.00 in
Column size (inXin) = 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col, s = 9.6875 in
Pile diameter = 6 in s+.5h = 12.6875 In
C/C distance of piles = 14 in s -.5h = 6.6875 In
Load Factor = 0.55
fc 2818 psi v, = 102.47 psi
fy = 50000 psi v = 212.34 Psi
Column Load = 63 kip w= 4 w/d = 0.542

SOLUTION: CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col, face)

Assumed thickness = 12 in Distance of pile from far face of col = 10.00 in

Effective depth = 7.38 in Critical section from far face of col, s = 13.38 in
Load on each pile = 15.75 kip s+.5hp = 16.375 In
s-.5hp= 10.3751n
Tension in X-direction = N[312-a2]/241d Load Factor = -0.06
= 14.03 kip v= -13.09 Psi
As = 0.33 in2 Vc 106.17 Psi

Tension in Y-direction = N[312-b2 ]I24Id CHECK FOR BEARING STRESS

= 14.03 kip
As = 0.33 in2 f< 0Ef..+riR72 'Jf
a= 1/3[ 'iA2/A1 -1] :~1.0
(3=1I3[h/b -1] <1
= 2d/c For upper node
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. h/b =d/hp For lower node

SUMMARY For upper node

A2= 900
Total area of reinforcement= 1.32 in2 AI= 36.00
No of bar (#3) = 12.01 Nos. c= 1.33 Take cx=1
Quantity of reinforcement = 14.08 kg 3= 0.49
Quantity of concrete = 0.11 m3 fb= 3548.77 psi
Bearing stress = 1750.00 psi ok

For lower node

cz= 1.23
1690.80 psi
Bearing stress= 557.04 psi Ok



Cap size (ft.X ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Column &zo (inXlrl) 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col, s = 11.3125 in
Pile diameter = 6 in s+.5h = 14.3125 in
C/C distance of piles = 14 in s -.5h2 = 8.3125 in
Load Factor = 0.28
= 2848 psi VU = 78.96 psi
= 50000 psi Vr = 213.47 psi
Column Load = 170 kip w= 4 w/d = 0.376


Assumed thickness = 15 in Vu = 781.07 psi

Effective depth = 10.625 in VC = 2(1+d/c)(d/w)\fc
Load on each pile = 42.5 kip = 785.56 Psi
Moment arm = 4 in v = 32/f'c
Mu (kip-inch) = 338.73 = 1707.733 Psi
Lever arm, a = 0.59 in
As = 0.729 in2 CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col. face)
Checking for a = 0.59 in
Minimum Steel (200/fy)*bd = 1.020 in' Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Critical section from far face of col, s = 16.625 in
s+.5hp = 19.625 inch
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. s -.5hp = 13.625 inch
Load Factor = -0.60
SUMMARY v -379.08 psi
106.73 psi
Total Reinforcement = 1.457 in2
No of bar (#3) = 13.25 Nos. CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (.5w from col face)
Quantity of reinforcement = 15.54 kg
Quantity of concrete = 0.14 m3 w=4 in
.5w=2 in
= 0.00400
p kips
V = 84.78
W = 169.23 k-in
Vd/Mr 5.323
3.5-2.5(MNd) = 3.030 2.5 (take)
1.9/fc+2500p(Vd/M) = 154.625
v= V/.85bd
= 391.15 psi OK
v [1.9('If c+2500p%V( Vd/M)][3.5-2 5(MNd)](d/w)

1026.80 psi
VC= 10'/f'c
= 533.67 psi



Cap size (ft.X ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10.00 in
Column size (inXin) = 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col, s = 11.1875 in
Pile diameter = 6 in s+.5h = 14.1875 In
C/C distance of piles = 14 in s-.5h= 8.1875 In
Load Factor = 0.30
fc 2848 psi VL1 = 53.17 Psi
f = 50000 psi VC = 213.47 Psi
Column Load = 103 kip w= 4 w/d = 0.386

SOLUTION: CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col. face)

Assumed thickness = 15 in Distance of pile from far face of col = 10.00 in

Effective depth = 10.38 in Critical section from far face of col, s = 16.38 in
Load on each pile = 25.75 kip s+.5hp = 19.375 in
s-.5hp= 13.375 In
Tension in X-direction = N[312-a2]1241d Load Factor = -0.56
= 16.31 kip v= -136.87 Psi
As = 0.38 in2 Vc= 106.73 Psi

Tension in Y-direction = N[312-b2]/241d CHECK FOR BEARING STRESS

= 16.31 kip
As 0.38 in2 f< 0f+r172 "ifr
a= 1/3HA2/A1 -ii :0.0
1= 1 I3[hIb -1] <1
h/b5 = 2d/c For upper node
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. hIb =d/h0 For lower node

SUMMARY For upper node

A2= 1296
Total area of reinforcement = 1.54 in' A1= 36.00
No of bar (#3) = 13.95 Nos. a= 1.67 Take a =

Quantity of reinforcement = 16.37 kg = 0.82

Quantity of concrete = 0.14 m3 fb= 4857.43 psi
Bearing stress = 2861.11 psi ok

For lower node

3= 1708.80 psi
Bearing stress = 910.72 psi ok



Cap size (ft.X ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Column size (inXin) = 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col. s = 10.8125 in
Pile diameter = 6 in s+.5h 13.8125 in
C/C distance of piles = 14 in s -.5h = 7.8125 in
Load Factor = 0.36
= 3140 psi v, = 97.61 psi
= 50000 psi v, = 224.14 psi
Column Load 138 kip w = 4 w/d = 0.416


Assumed thickness = 14 in VL = 699.48 psi

Effective depth = 9.625 in v = 2(1 +d/c)(d/w) 'c
Load on each pile = 34.5 kip = 702.27 psi
Moment arm = 4 in VC = 32'f'c
Mu (kip-inch) = 274.82 = 1793.142 psi
Lever arm, a = 0.48 in
As = 0.651 in2 CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col. face)
Checking for a = 0.48 in
Minimum Steel (200/fy)*bd 0.924 in2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 10 in
Critical section from far face of col, s = 15.625 in
s+.5hp= 18.625 in
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. s -.5hp = 12.625 in
Load Factor = -0.44
SUMMARY v,= -245.99 psi
v= 112.07 psi
Total Roinforcoinont = 1.301 in
No of bar (U 3) = 11.83 Nos. CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (.5w from çQJIQo)
Quantity of reinforcement = 13.88 kg
Quantity of concrete = 0.13 m w 4 - in
.5w=2 in
p = 0.00400
V = 68.80 kips
Mu = 137.29 k-in
Vd/M 4.823
3.5-2.5(MN0d) = 2.982 2.5 (take)
1 .9'Ifc+2500p(Vd/M) = 154.700
v = V/.85bd
= 350.37 psi OK
v [1 .9('It'c+2500p(Vd/M1)J[35-
2 .5(MuNud)](d/w)
= 930.62 psi
v 10\(fc
= 560.36 psi



Cap size (ft.X ft.) = 2 X 2 Distance of pile from far face of col = 1000 in
Column size (inXin) = 6 X 6 Critical section from far face of col. s = 10.6875 in
Pile diameter = 6 in s+.5h = 13.6875 in
C/C distance of piles = 14 in s -.5h2 = 7.6875 in
Load Factor = 0.39
= 3140 psi Vu = 82.52 psi
= 50000 psi ve = 224.14 psi
Column Load = 106 kip w = 4 w/d = 0.427

SOLUTION: CHECK FOR ONE WAY SHEAR (at d from col. face)

Assumed thickness = 14 in Distance of pile from far face of col = 10.00 in

Effective depth = 9.38 in Critical section from far face of col, s = 15.38 in
Load on each pile = 26.5 kip s+.5hp = 18.375 inch
s-.5hp= 12.375inch
Tension in X-direction = N[312-a2]I24Id Load Factor = -0.40
= 18.58 kip vtl= -109.69 psi
As = 0.44 in 2 v= 112.07 psi

Tension in Y-direction = N[312- b2 J1241d CHECK FOR BEARING STRESS

= 18.58 kip
As = 0.44 in2 fb< 0.6fc+472 'Jf'c
a= 1/3[ 'A2/A1 -1] :~1.0
Total area of reinforcement = 1.75 in2 0=1/3[h5/b -1] <1
No of bar (# 3) = 15.89 Nos. h/b = 2d/c For upper node
Average length of each bar = 2.48 ft. h/b =d/hp For lower node

SUMMARY For upper node

A2= 1156
Quantity of reinforcement = 18.64 kg A1= 36.00
Quantityofconcrete= 0.13 m3 1.56 Takea=1
fb= 4741.82 psi
Bearing stress = 2944.44 psi ok

For lower node

156 a=0
1884.00 psi
Bearing stress = 937.25 psi ok

Annex 4


I =(5.12X10.123 )/12-2X(2.34X8.623 /120

=442.21 —249.79
= 192.41 in4

A =4.45 in2

P = 100kip


Allowable bending stress = 18000 psi

Allowable shearing stress 13000 psi
Moment capacity of each joist = 1800008 = 684 kip-in

Moment on each end, M = PL/8

P 100kip
L =3ft.

M = 100x3x1218 = 450 kip-in OK

Tensile stress on each joist

Tensile stress, S = 50x1000/4.45 = 11000 psi

Combined Stress

=450x1000x5.061192.41 + 11000
= 11834. 10 + 11000
22834.10 psi

Check for Shear

[50x[(5. 12x.75x4,685)+(0.43x4.3 1 x2. 1)]! 192.4 l]x 1000

= 5686 psi




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