To Improve Productivity by Using Work Study & Design A Fixture in Small Scale Industry
To Improve Productivity by Using Work Study & Design A Fixture in Small Scale Industry
To Improve Productivity by Using Work Study & Design A Fixture in Small Scale Industry
Mayank Dev Singh, Shah Saurabh K, Patel Sachin B, Patel Rahul B & Pansuria Ankit P
Abstract – The purpose of this research is to improve This study concentrates on small scale industry,
production capabilities for small scale industry and this which is the company produced Stay vane of
research focused on the company, which produce Stay Francis turbine.
vane of Francis turbine. This research used work study
technique to improve work process in company, and the The research is focused on time and the flow of
research objectives towards accomplished this study is to work process in production department from
identify problems in the production work process and the start until it produces finish products, which
improved it in terms of production time, number of it will concentrate on production time and
process and production rate by proposing an efficient number of work process.
work process to company. This research used systematic
observation, flow process and stopwatch time study as The data that needs to be carried out in this study is
research methodology. Pro-E model software used for flow process of the work, the details for each process,
model testing and develop new model. The improvement of the required time for specific process, number of stay
work process was executed by eliminating and combining
vane that they produced in specific time.
of work process, which reduces production time, number
of process and space utilization.
Field of research: Production time, Productivity, Work study,
Work measurement, Design of model According to Abdul Talib Bon and Aliza Ariffin
they are working on “An impact of time and motion
I. INTRODUCTION study on small medium enterprise”.The purpose of this
research to improve work process in small medium
1.1 Background of study enterprise industries. In that they use time and motion
Industry consists of small numbers of employees study to improve work process in small medium
and annual turnover. They can categorize into three enterprise industries. The improvement of work process
criteria – primary agriculture, manufacturing and was executed by eliminating and combining of work
services. The company produces Stay Vane on vertical process, which reduces production time, number of
machining center. The small of its enterprise caused process and space utilization.
difficult for them to competing with other firmed They conclude that these modeling techniques are
companies. Thus, this research takes initiative to used not designed to facilitate productivity measurement and
work study technique to improve the work process in analysis as they focus on the availability of the
order to permit them to compete with international unit/equipment, which is only one aspect of the system
rivalry. The work study will examine the work process performance. Among all the continuous improvement
and eliminate nonproductive process, which can reduce methodologies surveyed, no single methodology can be
number of process, space utilization and production and crowned as the best. The approach would help factory
operation time. Time is important in production industry professionals to systematically perform factory
because according Fred (1992), time is money and time diagnostics by quantitatively focusing on critical areas
tells us exactly how much money was used. Besides constraining manufacturing system productivity.
that, this research was conducted based on industry
development strategies and encouragement. According to Charles F. Keberdle set up reduction
is to reduce machine down time. Reducing setup time
1.2 Scope of study will boost your company‟s capacity, increase your
The scopes of this research are: manufacturing flexibility, and help increase overall
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)
output. A simple saying I often use is, “If the machine is 4. Rate the performance of the operator in each
not running, you are not making money”. element and repeat measurement through a
statistically, determined number of cycles of
They conclude that there are several benefits of
the job.
reduction of machine setup and changeover time which
are listed below: 5. Based on the observations, compute the normal
time for a unit of out.
1. Shorter lead time and increased capacity
2. Better quality/more-consistent processes III. PROBLEM STATEMENT AND OBJECTIVE
3. Lower manufacturing costs 3.1 Problem statement
4. Fewer inventories The company use vertical machining center in
producing their stay vanes, where most of their
5. Increased flexibility
work process was done manually by their workers.
6. Better workforce utilization Sometimes, the production takes extra time in
producing the stay vane. Moreover, the production
7. Less process variability
department does not have any fixed or standard
2.1 Productivity time for each process. They just decide and estimate
the time for each process. Because of that, they
According to Eatwell and Newman (1991) defined often take longer than the time estimated. Also they
productivity as a ratio of some measure of output to have not proper methods for setting up the job on
some index of input use. Put differently, productivity is the machine bad. So the position of job may change
nothing more than the arithmetic ratio between the at every cycle of production. This will affect the
amount produced and the amount of any resources used total job setup time at every cycle of machining,
in the course of production. overall number of production of stay vane and also
Productivity = total output/total input which is affect the overall production rate. Thus, it might be
identical to total results achieved/total resources difficult for them to increase productivity and
consumed or effectiveness or efficiency. competes with other rivals.
2.2 Time study The production method used currently in the
company is time consuming as well as
According to Frederick W. Taylor (1880) they are cumbersome. In order to reduce time and make the
working on time study by using a stopwatch to study process simple, we applied various methodologies
and measure work content with his purpose to define “a (Work study) and designed the new fixture
fair day‟s work.” Among his study is „Taylor Shovelling accordingly. The new fixture so designed reduced
Experiment‟ which they studied between 400and 600 the overall time period from job set up time to final
men that using their own shovel from home to moving dispatch.
material from mountains of coal, coke and iron ore in
around two mile-long yards. Purposes of Taylor to 3.2 Objectives
identify that there have different size of shovels and 1. Identify the proposed methodology which
which shovel was the most efficient. Thus analyzing it reduces manufacturing lead time.
using stopwatch the results were fantastic which it
reduced time, saving numbers of workers and budgeting 2. To design the template fixture in pro-e for
for every year. vertical machining center.
2.2.1 Stop-watch time study 3. Compare time study of both method and
analyses on production.
This method involves making direct observation by
means of a stop-watch.the main steps that are required 4. Improve productivity by implementing new
to be taken under this method are: method.
1. Check that the prescribed method is being 5. Cost analysis of fixture components and
followed in doing the job. analysis of net profit to the company.
2. Divide the job observable and distinct element. \
3. Choosing an appropriate operator, record the
timing for each the work elements.
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)
4: DATA COLLECTION 4.3 Flow process of raw material to finished stay vane
4.1 Plant layout
Transfer row material from storage to welding section
Plant layout refers to the arrangement of physical
facilities such as machines, equipment, tools, furniture
etc. in such a manner so as to have quickest flow of
Welding section
material at the lowest cost and with the least amount of
handling in processing the product from the receipt of
raw material to the delivery of the final product. Transfer job from welding section to vmc machine-3
Figure 4.3 Actual job setup
Figure 4.2 Final stay vane
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)
5.1 Comparison of new designed machining setup with
company setup
5.1.1 For first side machining setup
Figure 4.4 Clamps used for holding the job Figure 5.3Company setup
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)
Here 6600 is the total machining cost of manufacturing of one stay vane in Rs
Table 6.2 Profit analysis
International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME)
6.3 Net profit analysis after deducting cost of fixture VIII. REFERENCES
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[5] Concept and Measurement of Productivity By
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“Gboyega A. Oyeranti” NECA (1991), {page no 2 to
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1,38,400 Rs as shown in table 6.3. 4, 2006 By Kanthi M.N. Muthiah* and Samuel H.
7.2 Conclusion Huang, {page no 1}
From the discussion of the above parameters, it can uring%20systems.pdf
be concluded that this process can be improved based on [8] Text book of Industrial Engineering, Tech max
the five parameters (work process, method study, time publication By Dr. Pradip Kumar Sinha, {page no 3-
measurement, fixture design and cost analysis) it will 18, 3-19, 3-22,3-23}
improve the current work process. These modifications
[9] An Impact Time Motion Study on Small Medium
are made by eliminating the wasted time and reduction
Enterprise Organization By Abdul Talib Bon1 , Aliza
of the work contents. From the comparison between Ariffin, {page no 3}
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by new method. After implementing new method on this ION
stay vane job production it will increase production (2
[10] Reducing Machine Setup & Changeover Times By
stay vanes) as compare to company method. (In Charles F. Keberdle, CPIM, {page no 2 & 3}
company method it would produce 19 stay vanes and
after applying new method they can produce 21 stay
vanes per month see table 5.2). This improvement was uction_Master.pdf
successfully implemented and it achieves the project [11] UNIT- 4 Jigs and Fixtures, manufacturing process-III,
goals and objectives, which improve processes, {page no 47, 48 & 49}
production layout, economy in human effort and the
reduction of unnecessary fatigue.