Appendices: Treasure (Miscellaneous Weapons) Appendix A: Random Dungeon Generation
Appendices: Treasure (Miscellaneous Weapons) Appendix A: Random Dungeon Generation
Appendices: Treasure (Miscellaneous Weapons) Appendix A: Random Dungeon Generation
throw the hammer about double the above ranges . . .). The hammer of
thunderbolts is very difficult to hurl, so only 1 throw every other round can be APPENDICES
made, and after 5 throws within the space of any 2 turn period, the wielder
must rest for 1 turn.
epending on your campaign, you might wish to limit the effect to exclude APPENDIX A: RANDOM DUNGEON GENERATION
storm giants and include ogres, ogre magi, trolls, ettins, and clay, flesh, and
stone golems. When you need help in designing a dungeon — whether it is a level in your
main dungeon or a labyrinth discovered elsewhere — the following random
Hammers can be hurled just as hand axes are. generation system has proven itself to be useful. It must be noted that the system
requires time, but it can be used directly in conjunction with actual play.
Mace of Disruption appears to be a +1 mace, but it has a neutral good
alignment, and any evil character touching it will take 5-20 points of damage The upper level above the dungeon in which adventures are to take place
due to the powerful enchantments laid upon the weapon. If a mace of should be completely planned out, and it is a good idea to use the outdoor
disruption strikes any undead creature or evil creature from one of the lower encounter matrix to see what lives where (a staircase discovered later just might
planes it functions similarly to a cleric turning undead (see ATTACK lead right into the midst of whatever it is). The stairway down to the first level of
MATRICES). The mace causes such creatures to roll on matrix III., MATRIX the dungeon should be situated in the approximate middle of the upper ruins
FOR CLERICS AFFECTING UNDEAD, as if the wielder were 12th level, and (or whatever you have as upper works).
if the creature struck scores equal to or below the number shown, it is disrupted
and slain. Thus, skeletons, zombies, ghouls, shadows, and wights are instantly The first level of the dungeon is always begun with a room; that is, the stairway
blasted out of existence, as are ghasts and even wraiths; and mummies have down leads to a room, so you might go immediately to TABLE V. and follow the
only a 20% chance, spectres 35%, vampires 50%, ghosts 65%, liches 80%, and procedure indicated or use one of the following “starter” areas. Always begin a
other affected evil creatures 95% chance of saving. Even if these saving throws level in the middle of the sheet of graph paper.
are effective, the mace of disruption scores double damage upon opponents of
this sort, i.e., 2 × bonus and 2 × dice. Keep a side record of all monsters, treasures, tricks/traps, and whatever — a
normal dungeon matrix.
Scimitar +2 is optionally treated the same as a magic sword — especially if
your campaign is Asian in flavor or the activity area borders near such a Discretion must prevail at all times. For example: if you have decided that a
nation. The possibilities are then rolled as follows: level is to be but one sheet of paper in size, and the die result calls for
something which goes beyond an edge, amend the result by rolling until you
01-45 scimitar +1 obtain something which will fit with your predetermined limits. Common sense
46-65 scimitar +2 will serve. If a room won’t fit, a smaller one must serve, and any room or
66-80 scimitar +3 chamber which is called for can be otherwise drawn to suit what you believe to
81-90 scimitar +4 be its best positioning.
91-95 scimitar +5
96-98 scimitar of wounding START AREAS FOR RANDOM DUNGEON
99-00 scimitar of sharpness
Sling of seeking +2 gives its user a +2 bonus for both “to hit” and damage
dice, but missiles from such a weapon are only regarded as +1 with respect to
determination of whether or not certain creatures are affected by the weapon,
i.e. a special defense of “+2 or better weapon to hit” means the creature is
impervious to normal missiles from this sling.
Spears can be used as hand or missile weapons. In the latter employment they
might be broken by any creature with 18/00 or greater strength or against or
by one that is massive, i.e. cave bear, hippo, rhino, etc. Intelligent creatures will
be 70% likely to use the hurled spear against the hurler if struck by the weapon,
25% likely to break it (the spear must save versus crushing blow). Unintelligent
creatures will be 25% likely to break it (save as above).
Spear, Cursed Backbiter, is to all tests a magic spear with a +1 bonus (or
at your option +2 or +3). Even when it is used in combat against a deadly
enemy it will possibly perform properly, but each time it is used in melee in
anger against a foe, there is a 5% (1 in 20) cumulative chance that it will
function against its wielder, and once so functioning it cannot be loosed
without a remove curse spell. When functioning, the spear will curl to strike its
wielder in the back, having a hit probability which negates any shield and/or
dexterity bonuses to armor class, and doing normal damage. Backbiting
includes hurling, but if the wielder has hurled the spear, he or she is, of
course, loosed from grasping it; the damage done to the hurler will be
double, however.
Die Result Die Result
1-2 Continue straight — check again in 60’ (this table) 1-4 40’, columns down center
3-5 Door (see TABLE II.) 5-7 40’, double row of columns
6-10 Side Passage (see TABLE III.) — check again in 30’ (this table) 8-10 50’, double row of columns
11-13 Passage Turns (see TABLE IV., check width on TABLE III.) — check 11-12 50’, columns 10’ right and left support 10’ wide upper galleries 20’ above*
again in 30’ (this table) 13-15 10’ stream**
14-16 Chamber (see TABLE V.) — check 30’ after leaving (this table) 16-17 20’ river***
17 Stairs (see TABLE VI.) 18 40’ river***
18 Dead End (walls left, right, and ahead can be checked for Secret 19 60’ river***
Doors, see TABLE V.D., footnote) 20 20’, chasm****
19 Trick/Trap (see TABLE VII.), passage continues — check again in 30’
(this table) * Stairs up to gallery will be at end of passage (1-15) or at beginning (16-20).
20 Wandering Monster, check again immediately to see what lies ahead In the former case if a stairway is indicated in or adjacent to the passage it
so direction of monster’s approach can be determined. will replace the end stairs 50% (1-10) of the time and supplement 50% (11-
20) of the time.
** Streams bisect the passage. They will be bridged 75% (1-15) of the time and
be an obstacle 25% (16-20) of the time.
Location of Door: Space Beyond Door Is: *** Rivers bisect the passage. They will be bridged 50% (1-10) of the time, have
Die Result Die Result a boat 25% (11-15) of the time (50% chance for either bank), and be an
1-6 Left 1-4 Parallel passage**, or 10’ × 10’ room if door obstacle 25% of the time.
is straight ahead **** Chasms bisect the passage. They are 150’ to 200’ deep. They will be
7-12 Right 5-8 Passage straight ahead bridged 50% (1-10) of the time, have a jumping place 5’-10’ wide 25% (11-
13-20 Ahead 9 Passage 45 degrees ahead/behind*** 15) of the time, and be an obstacle 25% (16-20) of the time.
10 Passage 45 degrees behind/ahead***
11-18 Room (go to TABLE V.)
19-20 Chamber (go to TABLE V.) TABLE IV.: TURNS (d20)
Always check width of passage (TABLE III. A.) Die Result (check on width of passage on TABLE III. A.)
1-8 left 90 degrees
* Check again immediately on TABLE I. unless door is straight ahead; if 9 left 45 degrees ahead
another door is not indicated, then ignore the result and check again 30’ 10 left 45 degrees behind (left 135 degrees)
past the door. If a room or chamber is beyond a door, go to TABLE V. 11-18 right 90 degrees
** Extends 30’ in both directions. 19 right 45 degrees ahead
*** The direction will be appropriate to existing circumstances, but use the 20 right 45 degrees behind (right 135 degrees)
direction before the slash in preference to the other.
TABLE III.: SIDE PASSAGES (d20) (Roll for Shape, Size, and Exits; then Contents, Treasure, and
Die Result how the latter is contained, if applicable.)
1-2 left 90 degrees
Die Chamber Shape and Area Room Shape and Area
3-4 right 90 degrees
1-2 Square, 20’ × 20’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Square, 10’ × 10’
5 left 45 degrees ahead
3-4 Square, 20’ × 20’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Square, 20’ × 20’
6 right 45 degrees ahead
5-6 Square, 30’ × 30’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Square, 30’ × 30’
7 left 45 degrees behind (left 135 degrees)
7-8 Square, 40’ × 40’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Square, 40’ × 40’
8 right 45 degrees behind (right 135 degrees)
9-10 Rectangular, 20’ × 30’ . . . . . . . . . . . Rectangular, 10’ × 20’
9 left curve 45 degrees ahead
11-13 Rectangular, 20’ × 30’ . . . . . . . . . . . Rectangular, 20’ × 30’
10 right curve 45 degrees ahead
14-15 Rectangular, 30’ × 50’ . . . . . . . . . . . Rectangular, 20’ × 40’
11-13 passage “T”s
16-17 Rectangular, 40’ × 60’ . . . . . . . . . . . Rectangular, 30’ × 40’
14-15 passage “Y”s
18-20 Unusual shape and size — see sub-tables below
16-19 four-way intersection
20 passage “X”s (if present passage is horizontal or vertical it forms a
fifth passage into the “X”) TABLE V. A.: UNUSUAL SHAPE (Roll Separately for Size) (d20)
Die Shape
1-5 Circular*
TABLE III. A.: PASSAGE WIDTH (d20) 6-8 Triangular
Die Result 9-11 Trapezoidal
1-12 10’ 12-13 Odd-shaped**
13-16 20’ 14-15 Oval
17 30’ 16-17 Hexagonal
18 5’ 18-19 Octagonal
19-20 SPECIAL PASSAGE (TABLE III. B. below) 20 Cave
* 1
-5 has pool (see TABLE VIII. A. and C. if appropriate), 6-7 has well, 8-10
has shaft, and 11-20 is normal.
** Draw what shape you desire or what will fit the map — it is a special shape
if desired.
Die Contents Die Result
1-12 Empty 1-3 Invisibility
13-14 Monster only (determine on appropriate table from APPENDIX C: 4-5 Illusion (to change or hide appearance)
RANDOM MONSTER ENCOUNTERS, Dungeon Encounter 6 Secret space under container
Matrix). 7-8 Secret compartment in container
15-17 Monster and treasure (see TABLE V.G. below) 9 Inside ordinary item in plain view
18 Special*, or contains stairway up 1 level (1-5), up 2 levels (7-8), down 10 Disguised to appear as something else
1 level (9-14), down 2 levels (15-19), or down 3 levels — 2 flights of 11 Under a heap of trash/dung
stairs and a slanting passageway (20). 12-13 Under a loose stone in the floor
19 Trick/Trap (see TABLE VII.) 14-15 Behind a loose stone in the wall
20 Treasure (see TABLE V.G.) 16-20 In a secret room nearby
etermine by balance of level or put in what you desire; otherwise put in
stairs as indicated.