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8.1 Introduction
The previous chapters have emphasized that a primary advantage of long-throated
flumes and broad-crested weirs is that they can be calibrated and designed using
computer software based on established hydraulic theory, as opposed to most other
critical-flow measurement devices which require laboratory calibration. This
characteristic makes it possible to design structures for custom applications,
optimize designs to meet specific operational criteria, and develop rating tables and
rating equations for as-built structures.
Chapter 6 presented the hydraulic theory and calculation procedures used to develop
the head-discharge relation for a long-throated flume or broad-crested weir. This
chapter describes the use of the WinFlume software for developing rating tables and
other output based on rating tables, and also shows how to use the program to
develop designs for new structures. WinFlume is the latest in a series of flume
analysis and design programs developed since 1984, initially through the
cooperative research efforts of the Agricultural Research Service and the
International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, and now including
the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Table 8.1 summarizes the evolution of these
computer programs.
Chapter 8 275
8.2 Computer System Requirements
The WinFlume program has been compiled in a 32-bit version for computers running the
Windows 95/NT and more recent operating systems, and a 16-bit version for computers
running Windows 3.1. The two program versions are nearly identical in their capabilities
and use. The recommended minimum computer hardware for running WinFlume is
WinFlume also runs on computers with older processors or less memory, but the
configuration described above is recommended for satisfactory performance.
8.4 Installation
Ij”you downloaded WinFlumefrom the Internet
First, be sure that you have the correct version of WinFlume for your operating
system. Windows 3.1 users must use the 16-bit version. Users of Windows 95 or
Windows NT (or more recent versions of Windows) should use the 32-bit version. To
begin the installation, you must extract the setup kit from the compressed file that
you downloaded. To do so, execute the file you downloaded by double-clicking on it.
Detailed installation instructions will be available from the WinFlume web page on
the Internet (see Section 8.3).
The 32-bit version of WinFlume can also be started from a DOS prompt and accepts
one optional command-line parameter:
winflume ylume.$m]
where$ume.$m is the name of a flume file to be loaded on program startup.You can
also drag and drop a *.$m file onto the WinFlume program icon to start the
WinFlume program with a particular flume file loaded.
In Windows 95/NT, you can define a default open action for the FLM file type,
which will allow double-clicking on any *.$m file to start WinFlume with that file
loaded. For detailed instructions on accomplishing this, please refer to “associating
jles” in the Windows online help system.
WinFlume loads and saves files in its own *.$m file format. One flume definition is
contained in each *.$m file. Flume designs can be shared among users simply by
copying the appropriate *.$m file to another user’s computer. WinFlume is also able
to import flume designs that were created using the FLUME 3.0 program. Once a
flume definition is imported into WinFlume, modifications of that design can only be
saved in the WinFlume *.$m file format.
Chapter 8 277
Figure 8.1 The main screen of WinFlume, displaying the bottom profile dimensions, cross-section
shapes, and brief design review report.
WinFlume is operated primarily from a main screen (Figure 8.1) that provides an
editable view of the bottom profile of the canal and flume structure and access to
screens that display and allow editing of canal and flume cross-section shapes.
Screens related to additional flume properties, design requirements, review and
analysis of design alternatives, and the generation of rating tables and other output
are accessed either from the menus located near the top of the screen, or from
buttons located in the toolbar beneath the menus. Each toolbar button is equipped
with an explanatory text tag that is displayed for 2 seconds if the mouse pointer is
positioned over a toolbar button for more than 112 second.
WinFlume can rate, or calibrate, existing structures that fit the requirements for
analysis as long-throated flumes. The rating process consists of using the theory and
procedures of Chapter 6 to determine the relationship between the upstream sill-
reference head, h , , and discharge, Q. The program can generate rating tables ( Q
versus h , or h , versus Q), curve-fit equations relating Q to h , for use in data loggers,
and wall gage data. WinFlume can also compare field-measured Q versus h , data to
the theoretical rating curve of a structure. All these results can be displayed in tabular
or graphical form, including wall gage templates that are printed to scale. WinFlume
can also be used as a design review tool to identify design deficiencies in existing or
proposed structures.
Create a new flume and use the flume wizard (Section 8.7) to define the
hydraulic and geometric properties of the structure. If you choose not to use the
flume wizard, you may enter the dimensions, cross-section shapes and other
properties of the flume and canal using the bottom-profile screen, the cross-
section editing screens, and the Flume Properties & Canal Data form, accessed
from the toolbar or the Flume & Canal menu.
Open the Rating Tables & Graphs form using the toolbar or the ReportdGraphs
menu. Choose the type of rating table, the range of head or discharge values to
include in the table, and optional parameters to include in the rating table. Click
on the Rating Table tab of the form to view the rating table. (Clicking on this tab
actually causes WinFlume to perform the rating-table calculations. On fast
computers, it appears instantaneous.) Check carefully for errors or warning
messages in the rightmost column of the rating table. These may indicate errors
in data entry or deficiencies in the flume design. See Section 8.9.4 for rating
table details.
Generate a curve-fit equation, wall gage plot, or comparison to measured h ,
versus Q data, if desired. (see Section 8.9)
The design of a new flume begins in much the same manner as the rating of an
existing flume (Section 8.6.1). You define the properties and initial dimensions for
the canal and flume structure, along with the design requirements for the structure.
The flume dimensions may change during the design process; the initial dimensions
you enter serve as a starting point for the design.
After you have defined the flume and canal geometry, design requirements, and
other properties (on your own or with the aid of the flume wizard), you may use
WinFlume’s design evaluation reports and tools to review and refine the design to
meet your design criteria and objectives. The design refinement process can be
carried out manually, with the user changing flume dimensions and other properties
until the design review indicates a satisfactory structure, or you can make use of the
design evaluation module (Section 8.8.3). The design evaluation module will
analyze a range of flume structures derived from the initial flume, and provide a
report showing those flumes that are acceptable. You can then choose one of these
structures and use it as is or make additional refinements to it.
Once you have obtained an acceptable structure, the various output modules of the
program (Section 8.9) are used to document the design and produce rating tables,
rating equations, and wall gage data or plots.
Chapter 8 279
8.6.3 Input Data Requirements
For calibration of existing structures, WinFlume requires data on flume and canal
dimensions and hydraulic properties. Data are entered on the bottom-profile screen,
the editing screens for the three cross sections, and on the Flume Properties & Canal
Data screen, which is under the Flume & Canal menu item. For design of a new
structure or for review of the design suitability of an existing structure, additional
data are needed, specifically the water-level measurement method, and freeboard
requirement. These can be entered on the Flume Properties, Canal Data, & Design
Requirements screen, which is under the Design menu item.
WinFlume requires data for some of the fields associated with design, even though
the user may only be interested in the calibration of an existing flume. Some design
criteria, such as accuracy and freeboard requirements, will not affect the calculation
of the rating table, but may prove useful if you later wish to review the design of an
existing structure.
WinFlume will not accept a tailwater level of zero, and extremely small values can
be problematic (because they imply that the downstream velocity head is
unreasonably large). If tailwater levels are not known, either enter a value that is
about one half the upstream water depth or add a large bottom drop downstream
from the throat and enter a tailwater depth approximately equal to the upstream
depth. The rating table generated by WinFlume will list the highest allowable
tailwater level for each flow rate.
WinFlume can accept data in several different user-selectable units systems (see
Section 8.7.3). The units for data entry are generally shown to the right of the
appropriate text box or list box, or at the upper right corner of the bottom-profile
screen. For other items, WinFlume provides a list of possible choices and associated
parameter values. For head measurement method and flume construction material
roughness, a list box is provided, such that you choose items from the list or enter a
value directly. In the latter case, we recommend that you enter a new description to
the text field to indicate that you have not selected an item from the list. For the canal
roughness coefficient (Manning’s n), a special expandable box provides a wide
range of choices. The list can be expanded by clicking on the + sign and values are
chosen by clicking on them. Alternately a numerical value can be entered.
WinFlume maintains a revision number for each flume defined. This. revision
number is printed on all program output to permit the user to confirm that output
produced by the program at different times is all associated with a particular version
of a flume. When a new flume is created, the revision number is set to 1, and each
time the flume is modified and saved, the revision number is incremented by 1. The
revision number is only incremented when properties of the flume or canal that
affect the rating of the flume are modified. For example, if a flume with a revision
You should always confirm that flume rating tables, rating equations, and wall gage
data or plots display the same revision number as the flume data report and drawing
printout that define the dimensions and other properties of the flume and canal. If the
revision numbers are different, then the ratings are for a different flume definition;
the ratings and other output should be reprinted from the most current revision of the
flume design. WinFlume may at times force you to save a flume with an incremented
revision number before output can be printed. This ensures that you cannot load a
flume at two different times, modify it in a different manner each time, and print
rating tables or other output that have the same revision number, but correspond to
different flume definitions.
WinFlume constantly tracks modifications to the flume definition as you work with
a design and maintains a list of the last ten significant modifications made to the
structure. You can undo recent changes and revert back to a previous flume definition
using the Undo command located on the Flume & Canal menu and the Design menu.
The menu will describe the type of action being undone, for example, Undo Changes
to Bottom Profile after you have changed one or more of the bottom profile
Several types of output are available. A flume drawing can be printed, showing the
bottom profile of the canal and measurement structure and the cross-section shapes
and dimensions of the approach channel, control section, and tailwater channel. Text
reports summarizing the flume design data, listing alternative designs, and reviewing
the flume design relative to the design requirements are also available. Three types
of flume rating tables are available, as well as a rating equation report, wall gage data
report, and a report comparing the theoretical rating table to field-measured values of
Q versus h,. Finally, full-scale printed wall gages can be produced. In addition, the
rating tables, rating equation report, and comparative rating table report can be
presented in graphical form. All output reports and graphs (with the exception of the
printed wall gages) can also be saved to a file on disk or copied to the Windows
system clipboard, from which they can be pasted into word processors, spreadsheets,
or other applications.
Chapter 8 28 1
8.6.7 File handling
WinFlume stores individual flume definitions in flume files havin names of the
form *.Jm, where * represents the name of the flume andJm is the file extension.
These files contain all of the geometric and hydraulic properties of the flume and the
upstream and downstream canal sections, as well as all pertinent user-preferences
related to design criteria and output options. These include units system settings,
rating table ranges, wall gage appearance options, etc. The *.Jm file is a binary-
format file, and cannot be usefully viewed with a text editor. The WinFlume program
is the only useful means of viewing and editing the contents of the *.Jm file. To
share a flume file with another user or transfer it to another computer, simply copy
the *.Jm file to a floppy disk or onto the other computer.
Internally, the *.Jm file has three parts. The first 2 bytes of the file is a binary-coded
integer that identifies the revision number of the file format. The *.$m file format
underwent several revisions during the development of WinFlume. WinFlume can
read files in the current format, as well as all previous formats. Files are always
saved in the latest format, so that the “upgrading” of *.Jm files to the newest format
is completely transparent to the user. If you are using an older version of WinFlume,
it is not possible to load a *.Jm file in a newer format. To load this file you will need
to upgrade your WinFlume installation.
The next 1012 bytes of the *.Jm file is the flume data structure. This data structure is
defined in the WinFlume program, and contains all geometric and hydraulic
properties of the flume, as well as the flume-specific user preferences mentioned
above. The third part of the *.$m file is the array of measured h , versus Q data pairs
used for comparing the theoretical rating curve to actual field data. If the user has not
entered any h , versus Q data for comparison, then this third part of the *.Jm file will
consist only of a single data pair with values of h , = O and Q = O. Each pair of h ,
versus Q data adds another 8 bytes to the length of the file. Thus, the length of the
*.flm file will be at least 1022 bytes, plus the length of any additional h , versus Q data.
The DOS-based FLUME 3.0 program stored flume design data and rating tables in
dBase format files, having an extension of *.DBF. A catalog of flumes was
maintained, and the dimensions and properties of all flumes were saved together in a
single file named FLM.DBF. FLUME 3.0 also had a backup function that would
copy one or more flumes into a backup file that could be used to transfer designs to
other computer systems. This file was named FLMBAK.DBF. FLUME 3.0 also
created other DBF files whose base name was derived from the name of the flume.
These files only contained rating table data computed by FLUME 3.0; the flume
design data was always in the FLM.DBF file, or its backup, FLMBAK.DBF.
WinFlume can import designs originally created in FLUME 3.0 from either the
FLM.DBF or FLMBAK.DBF file. Once loaded into WinFlume, the designs can be