Rudy The Dope Dealer
Rudy The Dope Dealer
Rudy The Dope Dealer
Ilene Sackler Lefcourt is the director of the Sackler
Lefcourt Center for Child Development in New York, which
she established in 1982 for violent autistic kids. She is a
lecturer in psychiatry at the parent-infant program of the
Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training
and Research. Gerald B. Lefcourt leads a New York law
firm bearing his name, which has defended the Black
Panthers, Abbie Hoffman and every Leftist you can
imagine. Although Gerry kept his distance from Islamist
mass murderers his associate, Josh Dratel did not. I
worked with Abbie and Lefcourt in the Law Commune, on
Broadway and Bleecker Street in Manhattan. Lefcourt and
Marty Stoller represented me. Ilene’s father, Dr. Mortimer
D. Sackler of London, endowed the Mortimer D. Sackler
and Theresa Sackler Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum
of Art and the Sackler Center for Arts Education at the
Guggenheim Museum when he wasn't busy getting
Americans addicted to tranquillizers and heroin analogues.
one year after administration of the drug was stopped,
posterior subcapsular cataracts were found in each eye.7
Dangerous opioid drugs are killing people across
Massachusetts. Prescription medicines, supposed to
protect our health, are instead ruining people’s lives. Every
community in our Commonwealth suffers from the
epidemic of addiction and death.
5. The defendants are two companies and seventeen
individuals who engaged in a deadly, deceptive scheme to
sell opioids in Massachusetts. This Amended Complaint
addresses the bases for jurisdiction and liability as to each
of the nineteen defendants, arising from their decade-long
course of misconduct in Massachusetts that involved
hundreds of deaths, hundreds of thousands of unlawful
acts, and hundreds of millions of dollars.