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MN Steel Welding

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E. Schmidova i dr.

Zavarljivost čelika s visokim udjelom mangana

ISSN 1330-3651 (Print), ISSN 1848-6339 (Online)

DOI: 10.17559/TV-20150105134929


Eva Schmidova, Ivo Hlavaty, Petr Hanus

Original scientific paper

Nowadays one of the most important parts, which are used in railway industry, are crossings, and principally the dynamic component of the operation
exposures. A Mangalloy, also called as manganese steel or Hadfield steel, is a steel with alloys containing an average 13 % of manganese and is unique
for the reason that it combines high toughness and ductility with great work-hardening capacity. The wear resistance before the contact wear depends on
the level of the surface hardening intensity, and the hardening process during operation consequently [1, 2, 3]. As abrasion resistance is proper to increase
the carbon level above 1,4 % and moreover, it could cause a problem in obtaining a homogenous austenitic structure which would be sufficiently free of
carbide bordered grains [4].

Keywords: manganese steel; railway; weldability

Zavarljivost čelika s visokim udjelom mangana

Izvorni znanstveni članak

Jedan od najvažnijih dijelova koji se danas koriste na željeznici su dijelovi na cestovnim prijelazima preko pruge i uglavnom dinamička komponenta
izložena djelovanju. Mangalloy, također poznat kao čelik s manganom ili Hadfield čelik, je čelik s legurama koje u prosjeku sadrže 13 % mangana i
jedinstven je po tome što povezuje visoku žilavost i duktilnost s velikom sposobnošću radnog otvrdnjivanja. Otpornost na trošenje prije kontaktnog
trošenja ovisi o intenzitetu otvrdnjavanja površine i postupku otvrdnjavanja tijekom rada [1, 2, 3,]. Budući da se zbog otpornosti abraziji povećava
postotak ugljika iznad 1,4 % i više, može se pojaviti problem postizanja homogene austenitne strukture koja bi bila bez zrnaca karbida [4].

Ključne riječi: čelik s manganom; zavarljivost; željeznica

1 Introduction wear resistant high manganese casting steel and carbon

rail steel.
Hadfield Steel is used wherever resistance is required The main aim of this article is to find out the specific
to severe impact or high abrasion. Generally, standard structural changes of manganese steels, often called
austenitic cast steel which is used for grade railways, Hadfield´s steels, caused by thermal and stress influence
contains approximately 1 % of carbon, and 11 % of after the welding technology for the crossing parts on a
manganese. The wrought rails are made from pearlitic carbon steel rail. Hadfield´s steel is described as steel
steel which contains approximately 0,6 % of the carbon, with optimal wear and hardening properties.
1,5 % of the manganese and less than 0,5 % of the silicon.
On the other hand, the physical properties of these two 2 Experimental procedures and used methodology
materials create a problem with the welding process due
to different physical and welding properties. The carbide The main topic of this article is to analyse the typical
precipitation on the austenitic grain in the Heat-Affected welding joints between three different austenitic steels.
Zone (HAZ) of the Hadfield´s steel decreases the The first of them is Hadfield´s steel for the crossing
mechanical parameters and simultaneously reduces the profile and the second is low carbon stainless steel (Cr/Ni
fracture behaviour, especially fracture toughness, strength content) with a rail profile. The second steel is a
or plasticity [5, 11]. It is a very well-known fact that very compromise between high manganese and carbon rail
fast cooling after the welding process could decrease the steel. The last one (ESAB OK Tubrodur 14.71) is used for
carbide formation but on the other hand it could have an reprofiling after operational damage. The chemical
effect on sufficient welding quality. Anyway, the rapid composition of the investigated steels is shown in Tab. 1.
cooling process of pearlitic steel creates a martensitic
transformation near the fuse line. The high carbon level at Table 1 Chemical content of tested steels (wt. %)
the martensite phase brings about a deficiency in Chemical content (%)
plasticity, which is necessary for residual stress relaxation C Mn Si P
after the cooling process [10]. These two consequences Hadfield’s steel 1,10 11,9 0,48 0,027
Stainless steel 0,07 0,46 0,52 0,014
could cause a cold cracking problem in the Heat-Affected
Zone. If we apply the preheating process with a controlled
Tubrodur 14.71 0,04 6,2 0,51 0,016
cooling speed for the austenitic part of the weld joint, we (Filler material)
can improve steel weldability. Generally, the preheating Chemical content (%)
process has an unfavourable influence on the cooling S Cr Ni Nb
speed, which is important for the austenited parts of Hadfield’s steel 0,006 0,08 0,05 -
welded joint. Nowadays, the mentioned "heterogeneous Stainless steel 0,015 19,3 8,15 0,86
joint welding technology" is patented in several countries. ESAB OK Tubrodur
The welding technology for crossing welds was firstly 14.71 (Filler 0,016 19,4 8,22 -
discovered by an American patent [6] institute and that material)
technology and basic principle for low carbon austenitic
steel was used as an interposed connector between the

Tehnički vjesnik 23, 3(2016), 749-752 749

The weldability of the steel with high manganese E. Schmidova et al.

The weld joints for Hadfield’s steel and both low transformation to martensite is created by the intermediate
carbon stainless steels showed defects in the fusion zone stage of the hexagonal phase ε; the low strain rate
after the machining process. We wanted to find out the increases density; then creates a hexagonal phase; and in
real damage and reasons for these defects so we used the the final process during high level deformation there is
following methods: created the martensite phase, which is called
• Structural and phase analyses - for the fusion zone "ferromagnetic phase α2". This reaction is related to the
and thermal affected zones, a study of the structural stratified flaw energy in analysed grade of Cr/Ni steel
changes under the effect of thermal and stress with the typical very easy dislocation which was created.
welding. Generally, a too fast cooling process brings about a
• Chemical - energy diffraction X-ray microanalyses, stronger strain hardening ability.
identification of selected phase imperfections with an
influence on the observed damage.

2.1 Micro-analytical evaluation

Metallographic study, or metallography, is the

imaging of topographical or micro-structural features on
tested surfaces. Characteristic features provide
information about composition, phase distribution,
mechanical and physical properties, thermo-mechanical
process history, and defects and failure analysis also. Fig. Figure 2 Macro-structure of the tested welded joint (magn.2×)
1 shows the noticeable primary dendrite morphology of
the macro-structure. Cracks were noticed across the clad interfaces of
welded joints which were made with added material (filler
material), SAB OK Tubrodur 14.71. The input heat
during the welding process was approximately 8,97
kJ/cm. The overlay layers were performed on the head
and groove of the rail crossing, see Fig. 2. The working
conditions for a welding process with Hadfield´s steel is a
minimal application of input heat and strict adherence to
the interpass temperature, maximally 100 °C. The heating
and subsequent cooling processes from the annealing
temperature cause the excretion of M3C’s carbides in the
basic matrix under the partial disintegration of austenite to
be a fine pearlite. Cementite carbides in a prolonged
isothermal holding contain a higher content of manganese
between the slats and exclude ferrite which is deprived of
manganese. For the reason of carbide precipitation it is
Figure 1 Macro-structure of the tested welded joint necessary to expect a reduction of impact toughness of the
basic matrix in the vicinity of the weld. Long years of
If we want to discover the local material defect, we experience show that phosphorus and sulphur could cause
have to do a structural analysis of the welded line and the occurrence of inter-crystalline cracks. Fig. 3 shows the
damaged layers which are connected. The defects in the presence of inter-crystalline cracks in the base material.
welded line were founded with a very low number of a
residual weld metal if approximately 100 μm width. The
microscopy location of the intermingled steel, which
created the layers or small isles with a lack of chromium
and nickel, did not create the cracks and did not make the
quality of steel structure worse. The process creates a
dislocation structure which is connected with the width
intermingled zone. The mentioned dependence can be
connected with a difference in the press level along the
fusion line during welding, for example the influence of
surface roughness of the welded areas. It is proved that
the microscopic isles of the contrast phases are created by
a dislocation of martensite without carbide precipitation,
and it is one of the most important pieces of information
for Hadfield´s steel when there is indicated some
imperfection in the weld joints. The low carbon form of Figure 3 Microstructure with presence of inter-crystalline cracks in
martensite provides a better toughness for the structure. the base material (magnification: 100×)
Our testing found only a dislocation with a hardening
tendency. As is generally known, the austenite

750 Technical Gazette 23, 3(2016), 749-752

E. Schmidova i dr. Zavarljivost čelika s visokim udjelom mangana

Local changes in the fusion zone were found and example could be seen in Fig. 5. The rate of discovered
proved by energy dispersion microanalyses. Line analyses number of manganese and phosphorus showed the
showed a higher participation of the alloy’s elements of manganese presence [7].
Cr-Mn steel, see Fig.4. The introduced results are with
regard to the difference between the melting points of the Table 2 Chemical content of the phosphide eutectic (wt. %)
used steels; the reason is that high manganese steel has a Chemical content (%)
higher melting point than carbon stainless steel. P Cr Mn Fe
4,74 0,38 24,76 70,13

The chemical content of the Hadfield’s steel

confirmed a satisfactory composition in accordance with
worldwide valid standard for Hadfield´s steel. The content
of the phosphorus in steel structure is approximately
below 0,02 %; low level is important for reduction of hot
tearing but with respect to the possibilities of the casting
and the heat treatment process. Sometimes the content of
the phosphorus is permitted up to 0,05 %.The eutectic line
showed the heterogeneous residual phosphorus content
after casting process.
Figure 4 Dependence of the dislocation hardening process on the local
chemical differences (magnification: 4000×) 3 General conclusions and discussion

The introduced results are with regard to the The common structure of Hadfield´s steel is known as
difference between the melting points of the used steels; part of austenite, secondary carbides and phosphide
the reason is that high manganese steel has a higher eutectic and troostite, which is a reddish or greyish
melting point than carbon stainless steel. Stratified defect mineral that is a variety of willemite in which some of the
energy decreases with a higher manganese percentage and zinc is replaced by manganese. The homogenous austenite
hexagonal phase ε, and martensite consequently arises structure is created after a heat treatment process and the
due to lower plastic deformation. The test showed that structure is created by carbide with a grain boundary
along the welding line, which contains approximately 8÷9 orientation or a retained eutectic form.
% manganese, a martensite transformation after 20 % The renewed eutectic arose during welding loading,
deformation is shown. which is connected with the cooling phase after the
welding process, and it is not sufficient for repressing a
2.2 Analysis phase of the Hadfield’s steel typical heterogeneous phase and it creates an increase of
the phosphide structure. It is a very unwanted process,
The non-influenced steel volume contained a uniform which decreases a plastic’s ability and creates a
austenite structure. Generally, the defects are created at decohesion process after the secondary phase.
the fusion zone on coarsened secondary austenitic grains. The chemical composition of the phosphide eutectic
Structural and phase analyses discovered the creation has remained uncertain over a long period for the reason
process of the shaped carbides, which are connected to of the secondary carbides in the matrix. The
local grain decohesion. microanalysis found the basic constituents of the eutectic
to be phosphorus, manganese, iron and carbon. A lot of
earlier studies proved that the amount of the phosphide
eutectic in Hadfield’s steel depends on many
technological factors, mainly the cooling phase after
casting, the heat treatment process and chemical

C r Fe
Mn P Cr Mn Fe In general, a tendency for hot tearing is created in
some layers during the primary heterogeneous phases.
Mr. Shulik [8] in his work confirmed the same theory that

2 the phosphide phases in the microstructure after air

cooling contained less phosphorus percentage than in the
analysed case (an investigated influence of 0,016 %
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 phosphorus). At this stage the phosphide eutectic has a
Figure 5 Identification of the observed secondary phases globular form and is surrounded by thin shaped carbides.
(magnification: 4000×) Higher cooling rates could be achieved during pouring
into special moulds which are manufactured by the lost
With regard to the interaction there are created two wax casting method. This used method could guarantee a
degradation mechanisms. With carbide formation plastic lower eutectic formation. The microstructure after casting
capacity and also fracture toughness are decreased. The with 0,051 % content of phosphorus leads to the existence
chemical analyses verify the creation of phosphide of eutectic in a globular form during the cooling phase
eutectic, which had a globular shape, and a dense cluster which started at 1100 °C.
formation with a carbide shaped around. A representative

Tehnički vjesnik 23, 3(2016), 749-752 751

The weldability of the steel with high manganese E. Schmidova et al.

The chemical composition and welding parameters [9] Zorc, B, Z.; Nagode, A.; Kosec, B.; Kosec, L. Analysis of
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The real volume of phosphorus broke the safe limit Corrosion Properties of Galvanic Coatings based on Zinc. //
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the sulphur and phosphorus contents, e.g. Ti content can and Materials, pp. 1117-1122.
be beneficial in reducing the volume fraction of residual
eutectic liquid and so make the casting less prone to hot
tearing [9]. It has been proved by the chemical analysis Authors’ addresses
that additional elements had stable, solid carbides. The Eva Schmidova, Prof. Ing. Ph.D.
performed analysis, which was the aim of this article, University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty,
proved the phosphide phases with carbide formation as a Department of Mechanics, Materials and Machine Parts,
secondary phase in connection with the created welding Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice 2, Czech Republic
E-mail: eva.schmidova@upce.cz
joint defects in the matrix. The distribution and volume of
the detrimental phases are closely connected with the used Ivo Hlavaty, Assoc. Prof. Ing. Ph.D.
technological parameters. As we can notice the material is VSB-TU Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
very sensitive to main casting defects, such as hot tearing Department of Mechanical Technology,
17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic
in very thin zone during complete or partial re- E-mail: ivo.hlavaty@vsb.cz
Petr Hanus, Ing.
Acknowledgement University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty,
Department of Mechanics, Materials and Machine Parts,
Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice 2, Czech Republic
The work reported in the article has been supported E-mail: petr.hanus@upce.cz
by the "Competence Center of Railway Vehicles", Project
No. TAČR TE01020038.

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