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Ee 2nd PDF
Ee 2nd PDF
Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part - A. Each question carries five marks.
(ii) Answer any seven full questions tl'OI11 Part - B. Each questions carries ten
I. Define : 5
(i) Resistance
(ii) Potential difference and mention the meters used to measure with units.
2. Mention any five advantages of electrical energy over other forms of energy. 5
3. Define : 5
(iii) MMF
(iv) Reluctance
(v) Inductance
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(i) In phase
9. Explain with neat sketch and waveform the working of full wave recti tier. 5
(b) Define electric power and write the three forms of power equations. 5
14. (a) Compare between three phase supply over single phase supply. 4
15. (a) What is a D.C. motor'? List the types of D.C. motor. 5
16. (a) List the advantages of three phase A.C. motors over single phase A.C. motors. 5
(b) What is 'a SCR '? Write the symbol. List the industrial applications ofSCR. 5
(b) Draw the logic symbol, truth table for the following gates: 6
(iii) OR gate