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An Analysis DC-Machine Commutation: Japan

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Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol. 94, No.

5, 1974
TRlrlPkd from Ilhnld Cpldcoi R o n h ~ h i ,Vol. 94B, No. 10, October 1974, pp. 479-486

An Analysis of DC-Machine Commutation

Muroran Institute of Technology

1. Introduction 2. Commutating Circuit and Assumptions

for the Analysis
It is very important for machine designers to
accurately evaluate the commutation performance 2.1 Assumptions
of dc machines. The commutation performance is
affected by various factors, particularly by the For simplicity of analysis, we set up the fol-
contact characteristics of brushes and commutator lowing assumptions.
segments. A number of commutation theories haa
been proposed so far and much effort has been (1) The stator has a symmetric structure with
made to improve mainly carbon brush character- pitch equal to pole pair pitch. A multipole machine
istics. In analyzing the commutation character- can be represented by an equivalent 2-pole machine.
istics the so-called commutation equation has The 2-pole machine to be analyzed in this paper
played an important role, but it becomes greatly has a stator with double-layer lap windings and an
complicated when a brush covers two o r more odd number of commutator segments per pole pair.
commutator segments [1-5 1.
(2) The commutating coil inductance is kept
In recent years, digital computers have been constant during each switching interval.
used extensively to study the commutation char-
acteristics. The digital analysis makes it pos- (3) The magnetic circuit of the interpole is not
sible to predict the commutation characteristics saturated and the magnetic flux produced by the
and to evaluate the effects of various machine con- interpole is proportional to armature current.
stants of the commutation characteristics. Prac-
tically speaking, however, the methods proposed (4) The electromotive force produced by arma-
by Linville [2] and others [3-61 should be reex- ture reaction is not affected by the commutating
amined from the following standpaints: condition.
(1)to take into account the contact voltage vs. (5) The armature current is kept constant and
current charccteristics of the brush more accur- the voltage induced in the commutated coil by the
ately; noncommutated coil is negligible.
(2) to develop a simpler method for solving (6) Segment mica insulating commutator seg-
commutation equation under multipoint boundary ments are negligibly thin and the riser has no re-
conditions; and sistance.
(3)to simplify the digital computation proced- (7) Eddy current induced in the commutating
ures. coil conductor and the surrounding ferromagnetic
material is negligible.
In this paper, we express the commutation
equation in terms of state variables and propose (8) Each brush is fixed on the geometrical neu-
an iterative method for solving it on the basis of tral axis and i t always contacts commutator seg-
periodic change of the commutation circuit. In ments all over its contact area.
the proposed method, the contact characteristics
of the brush are fully taken into account,, The 2..2 Commutation cimuit and type of commutated
validity of the proposed method is confirmed ex- current
perimentally using a 3-kW test machine.
To represent the commutation circuit by a
In this paper, we assume that the commutating lumped-constant circuit, we represent the noncom-
coil inductance and the interpole air-gap flux dens- mutated circuits by constant current sources.
ity distribution are known. Although it is very im- The general commutation circuit thus derived is
portant to determine them accurately, the detailed shown in Ng. 1. The number of commutator seg-
discussion on this problem is omitted. ments contacting each brush is given by
u P 3 Coil pitch 0.5 slot pitch
L8~ingularswitching interval b * 0.3

Fig. 2. Switching intervals and types of current


called singular switching intervals because the

F&. 1. General commutation circuit. commutation of one coil has just begun and that of
another coil is going to finish in these intervals,
Even-numbered switching intervals (or switching
intervals 0 , 0, .) are called regular switching
P=(u/2)+6 (1) intervals because there is no coil of which com-
mutation is going to start or going to end in these
whereu=l,2, ... a n d O 5 6 5 0 . 5 . Asstated
in section 2.1, the number of commutator seg-
periods [5 I.
ments per each pole pair is assumed to be odd and In general, if 6 i n Eq. (1)is nonzero and the
the stator winding is of lap winding type. The number of commutator segments per pole is odd,
effect of load resistance and armature winding is the state of the commutation circuit returns to the
taken into account in determining the current mag- original state each time the rotor rotates by a half
nitude of the constant current source. The effect slot pitch, or, equivalently, each time u regular
of armature reaction is also neglected as stated switching intervals and u singular intervals are
in assumption (4)of the previous section. repeated, u being the number of coils in each slot.
We call this time period the major switching inter-
In Fig. 1, n denotes the number of coils short- val o r simply the major interval. The short-cir-
circuited by positive and negative brushes. Coils cuit current takes the same waveform in each
1, 2, ... n under commutation are numbered in major interval. The waveform of short-circuit
the direction of rotation as shown in Fig. 1. Coils current under linear commutation is illustrated in
which are to be sho-rt-circuited after coil 1 are Fig. 2. The initial value of the short-circuit cur-
assigned numbers 2, 3, ... . Commutator seg- rent in the major interval coincides with the final
ments are numbered so that coil 1 begins to be value and we utilize this fact to set up a boundary
short-circuited as soon as commutator segment 1 condition for solving the commutation equation.
begins to contact the positive brush. Resistance
R , j = 1, 2,... n + 2 represents the contact re-
We denote coils in each slot as coil a, b,
according to the order of commutation. More pre-
sstance between brush and commutator segment j. cisely the coil which is commutated for the first
The meanings of other symbols are as follows: time among the coils i n each slot is called coil a.
5 inductance of short-circuited coil; Ljk mutual Incidentally, short-circuit currents flowing through
inductance between short-circuited coils j and k;
rj coil resistance; ej electromotive force induced
coils a, b,
a, b, ...
... n are called short-circuit currents
u, respectively.
in the short-circuited coil or in the commutated
coil; I armature current; iLj current flowing 3. Commutation Equations and Brush
through short-circuited coil; 153 commutator seg- Contact Voltage
ment current.
3.1 Commutation equation
In Fig. 1, the period from the time when the
commutation of coil 1 starts until the time when We derive the commutation equation by the state
the commutation of coil n ends is called switching variable method. The state variable method is
interval 0. The period from the time when the superior to the conventional methods in its capa-
commutation of coil n ends until the time when the bility of systematically deriving the commutation
commutation of coil 2 starts is called switching equation and its suitability for digital computation.
interval 0. Other switching intervals are num- The state variable method makes it possible to
bered in a similar way. Odd-numbered switching very easily solve the multidimensional nonlinear
intervals or switching intervals 0 . 0 , are commutation equation.

First, let us construct a tree of the commuta-
tion circuit in Fig. 1by picldng up only the volt-
age sources and resistance branches. We repre-
sent the cutset corresponding to this tree by
] = ~ R L

FrI 0
which gives tbe following commutation equation: cumnt & d t y ( A / c m ' )
Ng. 3. Dynamic bar-brush contact voltage vs.
I v (f)+FVLiL(f
I (3)
current characteristics of a brush.
I r (t)+FrLIL(t)=O I
-FFrLrDr (1) =O 1 (4) Equation (7) is an (n + 2) x (n + 2) diagonal matrix
I)I(f)-FRIruR (f)=o i and k]n+ll/m if,ag (n + 2)-dimensional vector
with elements gj , j = 1, 2, ...
n + 2. Accord-
For notations V, R, r, L and I, refer to Fig. 1. ing to the present author's experiment, the dynamic
The matrix with symbol T represents the trans- contact voltage vs. current characteristics of the
pose of the matrix. For instance, FVLrepre- brush are not very dependent on the dc component
sents the comction relationship between the volt- of the brush current and K is kept almost constant
age source branch and inductance branch. A simi- [9]. Therefore, we assume that K is expressed in
lar statement holds for other F matrices. iv, iR, terms of the whole cmtact area resistance RB of
ir, i1, vv, VR, V r and VI represent the current the b w h o r the contact resistance for the rated
and voltage vectors of the corresponding elements. brush current IB flowing uniformly over the whole
contact area. The brush contact voltage VB for the
The circuit equations for individual branches rated brush current IB therefore is expressed aa
are described below.
Vs=leRe=27l~ Re
(1) Resistance branch =K ( 2 7 l ~ / A ) " ~ (8)

It is difficult to express accurately the contact where Y = Ig/2 IF and IF is the rated armature
voltage vs. current characteristics of the ca*n current flowing through all the parallel armature
brush. They vary with the brush materials, air circuits. Consequently, we obtain
humidity, commutator segment temperature, con-
tact pressure, commutator segment velocity, etc. ~/A''"=(2ylr)1-"'n)R~ (9)
[?I. According to the experimental results, the
contact voltage is a nonlinear functlon of current Substituting Eqs. (6), ( 7 ) and (9) into Eq. (51, We
density and its static (or dc) characteristics are obtain
different from the dynamic (or ripple) character-
istics. The most typical dynamic characteristics UR (I) =(2 71 # ) l - ( l ' a )[ $Rh~i r ) sts""' (10)
are illustrated in Rg. 2. For the method of mea-
suring these characteristics, refer to section 5.2. which can be used to represent the contact voltage
The brush current density pulsates with time and vs. current characteristics of arbitrary brush
therefore contact voltage VR is expressed as material by assigning suitable values to m, y and
RB. The circuit equation for the resistance branch
U R ( ~ R1) K [g(t)]ntz"'" (5) of the short-circuited coil is represented by
where m is a constant equal to o r greater than Ur (t)=Grir(1) (11)
unity. Although, rigidly speaking, Kin Eq. (5) is
a function of current density, we assume here that where & denotes an n x n diagonal matrix with
it is a constant [8]; g is the (n + 2)-dimensional element l/rj.
contact current density vector and is expressed 88
(2) Inductance brush
0 =LR.t.ir/A (6)
Assuming that both the self- and the mutual
where A is the total c a t a c t area of the brush and inductances of the short-circuited coil are constant
T = t/Tc is time variable normalized to commuta- during each switching interval, we express the cir-
tor segment period Tc and cuit equation for the inductance branch as follows :
9 8 =hdiag[- 1 - 11 )......, 1
D L ( f )= L d l r ( t ) / d t (12)
r ' 0.5+s'
- . 1 1 where L is the inductance matrix in each switching
GI (7)
0.5+U-r' interval.

(3) Voltap source branch right-hand side of Eq. (17) represents the commu-
tation voltage, the second term the voltage between
The electromotive force induced in the short- commutator segments and the third term, the volt-
circuited coil (or equivalently in the commutated age drop across coil resistance.
cdU is represented by a voltage source. We call
this electromotive force the commutation volt- 3.2 Contact voltage between brush and commu-
age. Assuming further that the magnetic flux tator segment and voltage between commu-
produced by the interpole is proportiad to the tator segments
armature current, we express the commutation
voltage vector as follows: It is reported [lo, 11J that a spark discharge
occurs when the contact voltage between the brush
DV( t )= a [( 1 +k)ec-e.) +ec (13) and commutator segment exceeds about 3V. We
have also confirmed this fact experimentally. It
where (Y = I/IF, ec is the electromotive force in- is very important for design engineers to predict
duced by the interpole flux which in turn is pro- the contact voltage between the brush and commu-
duced by the armature current, Ba is the electro- tator segment. In the conventional design method,
motive force induced by the armature reaction, k only the average reactance voltage has been con-
is the ratio of magnetomotive force induced by sidered in designing the mechanical strength of the
the interpole auxiliary winding to magnetomotive interpole and the type of armature winding. If the
force induced by the interpole main winding and contact voltage between the brush and commutator
eL is the electromotive force induced by the main- segment can be predicted accurately, then it be-
pole leakage flux. comes possible to design the shape of the interpole,
the type of winding, the number of commutator
segments covered by each brush, the magnitude
and waveform of commutation voltage- more accur-
L d ~ ( 1 ) = F v( ~
1) ' ~ +
+FrL'Dr(t) (14) Contact voltage VR between the brush and comu-
tator segment can be expressed in terms of nor-
Equation (10) and the second expression of Eq. (3) malized coil current x as follows:
D R ( f ) = ( 2 r ) - ( ' / " ' V ~ ( % f-FRLX
D R ( t ) = (27 I F ) ~ - ( ' / ' " ' R B{[-B
FRR L~L(~) -FRIC)) I t 2 1 / m (18)
- F R / ~)ntzl'"'
I] (15)
similarly, voltage vs(t) between the commutator
Substitution of Eq. (15) into Eq. (14) yields segments is given by
us(t)= (2 r)-('/'")V BF R L ' ( ~ R ( - F R L X
dt -FRI'C)]n+21~m (19)
+FRL'(27 IF)^-"'"') R E
X (SR{ -FRLi~( t ) -FBI ) It1""' Equations (18)and (19) are useful for calculating
-FrL'%FrLiL(t) (16) the time behavior of a ( t )and v,(t).

where 9Ry is an (n x n)-diagonal element with ele-

ment rj/Rg and ar = Gr"/RB. 4. Numerical Solution of Commutation
To express Eq. (16)in terms of normalized
variables, we introduce the following pew sym- Equation (17)can be solved very easily by
bols: x = iL/IF, t = iI/IF, T = t/Tc, -C-1 = LsL-1 Runge-Kutta method, In determining the initial
(Ls is the normalizing inductance), p = RB R/Ls, value of the short-ircuit current, we notice the
T = commutation period, and CP = vV/Vg. The fact that the initial value of the short-circuit cur-
normalized equation thus derived is expressed a s rent coincides with the final value for the major
interval. More precisely we first estimate the
e d J - 1 {2FvLr9 approximate initial value XI [ l J of the short-cir-
dt B cuit current assuming that the commutation volt-
+( ~ ~ ' ) " " ~ " F R(-FBLX
L~(~R age is equal to the average reactance voltage and
-F R I ~ ) ) FrLT9rR L X )
s+t"'"- (17 ) the armature current is commutated linearly. We
iterate the short-circuit current calculation using
Equation (17) is the basic commutation equation the thus etermined initial value until the initial
which is derived taking into account the nonlinear
contact voltage vs. current charabteristics of the
value XI$ obtained at the jth iteration agrees with
the final value xE(j) with an error less than the
prespec ed error 2 e . Needless to say, the final
brush. While Eq. (17) is not necessarily useful
to clarify the physical meanings of individual iB
value XE 1 obtained at the jth iteration is used as
terms, it is particularly suited for digital compu- the initial value q(J+1) for the (j + 1)st iteration.
tation. Physically spealdng, the first term on the A flow chart for this calculation procedure is

m 5. Numerical Example and Experimental Results
To test the validity of the theoretical analysis
Read in dr- in the preceding sections, we have measured the
time behavior of the short-circuit current and con-
tact voltage between the brush and commutator
Set UP coanxmt.Eq. segment of a 3-kW test machine. The short-cir-
cuit current is measured using a search coil.
5.1 Test machine
Read in initial
estim.va1.XI A separately excited dc machine was tested.
of hush cur.6 Its ratings are as follows: 3 kW, 100 V, 30 A,
coanmnt. volt. 1500 rpm, 2 poles, 1/2 slot pitch winding, 3
coils/slot, slot-type electric carbon brush (12.5
x 20 x 32 mmq, 2 brushes/pole, p = 2.5. The
search cull for Short-circuit current measurement
is arranged as shownin Ng. 5. The time rate of
short-circuit current variation can be measured
by observing the voltage waveform appearing across
slip rings 2 and 3. An auxiliary brush is fixed to
one of the two parallel connected brushes to mea-
sure the contact voltage between the commutator
segment and tail edge of the brush. The auxiliary
brush is insulated from the main brush by means
of the brush holder so that they'are not short-cir-
cuited. The contact area of the main brush is little
affected by fixing the auxiliary brush. An auxiliary
winding is also fixed to the interpole to adjust the
Fig. 4. Flow chart for solving the differential
magnetic flux intensity produced by the interpole.
commutation equations. Machine constants and test conditions are summar-
ized in Table 1.
5.2 Determination of machine constants
illustrated in Fig. 4. The short-circuit current Most important quantities for setting up com-
produced by the average reactance voltage, which mutation equation are the contact voltage vs. cur-
is used as the first initial value, consists of the rent characteristics of the brush, inductance
steady-state component and the transient compo- matrices of the short-circuited coil and commu-
nent. Since the steady-state component of the tation voltage. In the present study, the contact
short-circuit current is the true initial value being voltage vs. current characteristics of the brush
sought, the initial value used for the first itera- are determined experimentally and other two quan-
tive calculation has an error equal to the transient tities are determined by the numerical calculation.
component of the short-circuit current. Since the
commutation circuit comprises only resistances The measured contact voltage vs. current char-
and inductances, the transient term attenuates acteristics are shown in Ng. 3. The measuring
with time. According to our experience, the device is also shown in Ng. 7 . Solid curves in
transient component attenuates after about three Fig. 3 are measured by superposing a half-cycle
iterations and 5 o r 6 iterations are sufficient to wave of 50-Ha sinusoidal current upon a steady-
reduce the discrepancy between the initial and the state dc current of 8 A/cm2. The short-circuit
final values below 10-5 times the armature cur- current is measured at the negative brush through
rent. Therefore the number of iterations has little which the commutated current flows in the direc-
effect on the total computing time. The number of tion from the commutator segment to the brush.
short-circuited coils or the dimension of commu- A l l the curves in Flg. 3 have also been measured
tation equation is the most important among sev- at the negative brush. The half-cycle wave of the
eral factors affecting the total computing time. 50-HZ sinusoidal current superposed upon the
steady-state component has an amplitude of 34
A/cm2 for curve (a), 20 A/cm2 for curve (b) and
Generally speaking, the commutation circuit
varies from one switching interval to another. .
14 A/cm2 for curve (c) Section 0 s of these curves
is measured by superposing a negative ripple cur-
Therefore it is necessary to change the commu- rent upon the dc current. Those values of K, m
tation equation each time the switching interval and RB which are derived from curve (b) in Fig. 3
changes. The time behavior of the short-circuit using Eqs. (5) and 8 are as follows:
current over major interval is determined ulti-
mately when the Short-circuit current has been Inductance matrix of the short-circuited coil is
calculated for all switching intervals. derived using equations given in Langsdorf's book

Machine C O M ~ E U I ~ ~ Values Machine ~ o ~ t a n t s Values
Test speed (rpm) 1.200 Duration of regular switching
Brush pressure (gr/cm2) 260 interval (ma) 0
Commutator temperature ("C) about 65 Duration of major interval (ms) 1.085
Segment pitch (mm) 5 Maximum inductance of short-
Commutation band (mm) 40.9 cimuited Coil Ls (CCS) 8.747
Commutation period T (ms) 1.809 Coil resistance (m) 1.7
Segment period Tc (ma) 0.723 RB (a) 0.023
Duration of singular switch- m 1.41
ing interval (ms) 0.362 P 2.5

To oscilloscope

Commutator se
3 Slfpdnp
5. Measurement of commutating coil current. 8 H :Metallic gmphite brush
FYg. 7. Measurement of dynamic bar-brush con-
tact characteristics.

To oscilloscope ec: Electromotive force due to interpole

ea: Electromotive force due to armature

tact area
contact area
3mm of
F&. 6. Auxiliary brush for measuring the voltage
drop between brush and bar.

[13 1. Time-invariant inductance of the interpole

is determined using Roterst equation shown i n
Alger's paper [ 31. The couphg factor between
coils of the same layer in the same slot is as- short-circ;it pehod
sumed to be 100%. The magnetic flux distribution *Upper; -Lower
of the interpole air gap is determined by the flux
mapptng method. This magnetic flux distribution Fig. 8. Component e. m. f. s of commutating coil.
is used to determine electromotive force ec in-
duced by the interpole flux, electromotive force ea
produced by armature reaction and effective com- 5 . 3 Results
mutation voltage (ec + ea). Their calculated wave-
forms are shown in Fig. %a) and that of electro- The calculated coil currents are compared with
motive force induced by the main pole leakage flux the measured ones in Figs. 10 and 11. Curves in
is shown in Fig. 9(b). The latter electromotive Fig. lO(a) hold for coil a and those in Figs. ll(4
force has been found to be negligibly small in com- and (b) hold for coils b and c respectively. The
parison with commutation voltage. valueofkissetequalto0, f O . 2 5 o r t 0 . 5 ; k = O

leakage thrx-
Fig. 9. Oscillograms of e.m.f.8 induced in com-
mutated coil.


15A/dw. 0,36Zms/div. (It/T./dw.)

Fig. 12. Oscillograms of currents in commutated

coil (coil a).

Solid curvet calculated

dashed curve: mosured
Fig. 10. Computed and measured currents in com- Open-cir. coil (calc. c w e only)
mutated coil (coil a). C I

d - r) I

d "

0 1 2 3 4 5
t/ Tc
I I I I I $ Solid curves: me=. , dashed curves: cdc.
Fig. 13. Computed and measured curves of bar to
brush voltage drop at the trailing edge of brush.

The measured contact voltage curves are also

Solid curve: calculated dashed
curve: m e m d compared with the calculated ones in Fig. 13. The
former curves are measured at the tail edge of the
Fig. 11. Computed and measured currents of com- brush. While the measured curves disagree with
mutated coils (top: coil b, bottom: coil c). the calculated ones at the rise portion, their aver-
age pulse heights agree very well with each other.
The measured waveform of the contact voltage is
shown in Fig. 14. The disagreement between the
indicates that no auxiliary interpole winding exists measured and the calculated contact voltages is
and k = f0.258 indicates that the magnetic €lux caused by the vibration of the brush and nonuniform
produced by the main interpole winding is strength- thickness of the commutator segment fflm. In spite
ened o r weakened by 25% by the auxiliary interpole of this disagreement, the proposed method is suffl-
winding. ciently useful when the brush is operating i n normal
condition. Brushes of large-machine contact com-
Comparing the calculated curves with the mea- mutator segments operate more stably than those
sured ones i n Figs. 10 and 11, we see that they of small machine because large machines are
agree very well with each other except local dis- equipped with strong interpoles. Therefore the cal-
crepancy. The measured coil current for coil culated results would agree better with the mea-
type a is shown in Fig. 12. sured ones for a large machine.

case, the transient behavior of the interpole flux,
rotor speed and commutation voltage should be
known by some means.
Similarly to the conventional methods, the pro-
posed method is also effective in analyzing the
effects of the stator shape, types of armature
winding, the number of commutator segments is
covered by each brush and the kinds of brush
a5 ms/div. materials on the commutation characteristics.
Top: k = 0.25, Bottom: k = 0.5 For such an analysis, i t is important to analyze
accurately the magnetic flux distribution in the
Fig. 14. Oscillograms of bar to brush voltage interpole air gap and the contact voltage charac-
drop at the trailing edge of brush. teristics of the brush in advance [15, 16 1.
The general commutation equation derived in
this paper is useful for studying the commutation
6. Conclusions phenomena from various standpoints. They have
already been applied successfully to the analysis
~n this paper, we have proposed an iterative of no-spark commutation zone [l, 17 1.
state variable method for analyzing the commuta-
tion characteristics of dc machines. The calcu-
lated results agree very well with the measured A chowledgement
ones. The proposed method has the following ad-
vantages over the conventional methods: The author thanks Prof. M. Naito of Hokkaido
University for his guidance under 1971 research
(1) It has become possible to analyze syste- scholarship of Ministry of Education, and Prof. H.
matically the commutation characteristics of any Fujihara of Hokkaido University and Prof. K.
lap-winding dc machine. Origasa of Muroran Institute of Technology for
their valuable comments on this work. Digital
(2) The contact voltage vs. current characteris- computation presented in this paper has been car-
tics of any brush material can be taken into ac- ried out at Computer Center of Hokkaido Univers-
count. ity.

(3) The proposed commutation equation is

formulated in a boundary-value problem on the REFERENCES
basis of the periodic change of the commutation
circuit under consideration. This boundary-value 1. Matsuda. Trans. I.E.E., Japan, Vol. 94-B,
problem can be solved easily by conventional p. 487, Oct. 1974.
methods, e. g., the Runge-Kutta method. 2 . T.M. Unville, et al. Tr. Amer. Inst. Elec.
Engrs., Vol. 71, No. 1 , p. 326, 1952.
(4) Important commutation performances such 3. J.R.M. Alger, et al. Tr. Amer. Inst. Elec.
as the contact voltage between the brush and com- Engrs., Vol. 76, No. 8, p. 399, 1957.
mutator segment and the voltage between commu- 4. M. Tar-, e t a l . Proc. Inst. Elec. Engrs.,
tator segments have been expressed in terms of Vol. 109, p. 488, 1962.
very simple equations. These performances can 5. Otsutake. ToshibaReview, Vol. 16, p. 1030,
be calculated simultaneously with the s hort-cir- Aug. 1962.
cuit current. 6. T.S. Ewing, et al. IEEE Tr. Pwr. App.
Syst., Vol. PAS-91, p. 1663, 1972.
A s for the assumptions stated in section 2 . 1 7. E.I. Shobert, II. Cahon Brushes, Chemi-
d the application field of the proposed method, cal Publishing, 1965.
we can conclude as follows: 8. Ichild. Hitachi Review, Vol. 33, No. 187,
p. 436, March1951.
(5) The proposed method is equally applicable 9. Hayashi, Naito and Matsuda. 1961 Joint
to a case where even number of commutator seg- Conv. Four Inst. Elec. Engrs., Japan, No.
ments exist per each pole pair. While the pro- 618.
posed method is also applicable to a wave-wind- 10. Hayashi. Jour. I.E.E., Japan, Vol. 68, p.
ing dc machine, attention must be given to the 203, Feb. 1948.
pitch of wave winding. If the wave winding is found 11. Inagald, Ito. ToshibaReview, Vol. 16, p.
to have a short pitch, then the proposed method is 1131, Sept. 1961.
applicable to a wave-winding dc machine as 12. Matsuda and Tanji. Bull. Muroran Inst.
easily as to a lap-winding dc machine [14]. Tech., Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 1016, July 1969.
13. A.S. Langsdorf. Principles of Direct-Cur-
(6) If the initial value of the short-circuit cur- rent Machines, 1959.
rent is known, the transient commutation behavior 14. Matsuda and Tanji. 1964 Nat'l Conv. Inst.
can be solved by the proposed method. In this Elec. Engrs., Japan, No. 533.

15. A.D. Moore. Trans. h e r . Inst. E h . 17. Matauda. 1974Hokkaido Branch Conv. Four
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Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol. 94, No. 5, 1974

Translated from Dcnld Gakkai Ronburuhi, Vol. 94B, No. 10, October 1974, pp. 487-494

G e n e r a l i z e d Commutation Theory of Large

DC Machines

T . MATSUDA (Member)
Muroran Institute of Technology

1. Introduction (2) The no-spark zone can be calculated even if

the contact voltage characteristics of the brush are
A number of papers has reported on the com- linear.
mutation phenomena of dc machines. Since Abe's
analysis [ 1 ] which considered the nonlinear con- (3) The armature current can always be com-
tact voltage characteristics of the brush, there mutated h e a r l y even if two o r more coils are com-
have been various theoretical studies of no-spark mutated simultaneously by one brush.
commutation [2-61. These theories have assumed
that only one coil is commutated at a time, and (4) When one brush short-circuits two o r more
the applicability of these theories to linear brush coils simultaneously, the center line of the no-
contact characteristics has not been made clear. spark is expressed in terms of a polynomial of the
electromagnetic coupling factor between two ad-
When two or more coils are short-circuited jacent commutated ccdls. Its position cannot be
simultaneously by a brush, the effect of the type determined until the commutation equation is
of armature winding on the commutation perform- solved.
ance must be taken into account. From this stand-
point, the lap-winding dc machine can be analyzed
more easily and systematically than the wave- 2. Outline of Conventional Commutation
winding machine. This is because the winding of Theories
the former machine has a symmetric structure.
Hence, mdtipole lap-winding dc machine can be In the classical commutation theories starting
represented by an equivalent two-pole machine. with Abe's theory [l], the no-spark zone has been
Fortunately, most large dc machines are of the discussed in great detail using the linearized com-
lap-winding type. mutation equation. Hayashi modified Abe's theory
introducing the concept of sparking voltage (about
In a companion paper [7, 81, the author de- 3.2 V) [Z]. Ichild measured.the dynamic contact
rived a g e n e d z e d commutation equation based voltage characteristics of the brush and showed
on the state variable method and demonstrated the that the no-spark zone becomes narrow as the load
effectiveness of the proposed method for analyzing current increases [ 31. However, the problem atill
the commutation phenomenon of large dc machines. remains of whether o r not and under what condi-
The present paper shows the following facts using tions the no-spark zone vanishes. Otsutake et al.
the commutation equation. analyzed the nonlinear commutation equation by
analog computer. They showed that the effective
(l) The no-spark zone is bounded by the criti- no-spark zone is bounded by a b e a r commutation
cal no-spark curve of the contact voltage at the line and vanishes when the load current exceeds a
head edge of the brush. The no-spark zone van- critical value [4]. Hayashi and Naito solved the
ishes if the current density at the tail edge of the linearized commutation equation to determine the
bush exceeds a critical value. no-spark commutation conditions 15 J. Miyachi


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