Wellservices-Globalexpressionofinterest Pre-Qualificationforpetroleumengineering Completion Workoverrequirementsravvacb-Os 2block
Wellservices-Globalexpressionofinterest Pre-Qualificationforpetroleumengineering Completion Workoverrequirementsravvacb-Os 2block
Wellservices-Globalexpressionofinterest Pre-Qualificationforpetroleumengineering Completion Workoverrequirementsravvacb-Os 2block
Cairn India Ltd. (“CIL”) is the Operator of the Offshore Blocks in India, CB-OS/2 (located on the West Coast of
India) & RAVVA (located on the East Coast of India).
The scope of work/ services for this EoI is limited to works/services within the SOW. The scope of work/
services would broadly consist of the Provision for Supply of Straddle Gas Lift System for
• 3 ½” tubing
• 4 ½” tubing
• 5 ½” tubing
• Associated setting and retrieving services
CIL on behalf of the JV partners invites reputed Contractors (both Indian and International) with
demonstrated HSE performance to express their interest to participate in pre-qualification as bidders and to
participate in International Competitive Bidding Process (“ICB”) process. In view of the nature of the scope,
only those suppliers having proven track records in executing similar job should respond to this notice.
The interested suppliers should evince interest to participate in the Expression of Interest by clicking on the
“Evince Interest” link against the corresponding EoI listing on the Cairn India website and submit their
contact details online. Further to this, interested suppliers would be invited to submit their response via
Smart Source (Cairn’s e-Sourcing Platform). The suppliers would be requested, as a minimum, to submit the
following documents and details for prequalification via Smart Source
9. Should have proven Safety and HSE track record to meet international standards.
10. Quality assurance & Quality control practices currently in place for the execution of similar work
11. Company's financial performance documents (Audited Balance sheets and Profit and Loss
statements , Auditors Report and Notes to Accounts etc.) for last 2 (two) years. Latest financial
statement should not be older than 12 months on the date of submission of response to Expression
of interest. The following financial evaluation criteria will be used for evaluation of financial standing
and the vendors not meeting any of the criteria shall be disqualified from the bidding process –
a. Net Worth – Positive net-worth in each of the immediately preceding two financial years.
b. Turnover – Turnover in each of the immediately preceding two financial years should be
equal to or more than estimated average annual Contract value
c. Liquidity – Liquidity ratio in each of the preceding two financial years shall not be less than
Also, note -
i. Normally standalone financials of the bidding entity only will be considered. However, Consolidated
financials at the bidding entity level, if available, can also be submitted. Parent company or Affiliate’s
financials can be submitted and considered, subject to submission of Parent/ Affiliate company
guarantee. This should be clearly mentioned in the EOI response.
ii. In case of consortium, the financials of the leader of the consortium (in whose name the bid is
submitted) will be evaluated. However, consortium partner’s financials can also be considered
subject to submission of corporate guarantee by consortium partner. This should be clearly
mentioned in the EOI response.
iii. Evaluation will be done only on the basis of the published annual reports / audited financials
containing Auditor’s report, Balance sheet, Profit & Loss a/c and Notes to Accounts.
iv. In case of unaudited statements (if there are no audit requirements for auditing of financials as per
the local law), the financials shall be accompanied by a certificate from a Certified Accountant.
Certificate should also mention the fact that there is no requirement of audit of the financials as per
the local law.
All qualifications and exceptions brought out in Auditor’s report and Notes to Accounts would be
factored in while undertaking financial evaluation
The interested suppliers should evince interest to participate in EoI within 14 days of publication of
Expression of Interest.