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Material Science

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Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technologies
(Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)
PUDUCHERRY - 605 014

M.Tech.- Nanoscience and Technology


Syllabus & Regulations

2016 -17 ONWARDS



REGULATION (2016-17 Onwards)

1. Duration of the Course: 2 Years

2. Eligibility for Admission:

A candidate having BE / B.Tech in Nanoscience and Technology, Polymer

Science and Engg., Electrical and Electronics Engg., Electronics and
Communication / Instumentation Engg., Computer Science and Engg. Chemical
Engg./Technology, Materials Science and Engg., Mechanical Engg.,
Metallurgical Engg.,, Biotechnology with a minimum of 55% of marks. (OR)
Masters degree in Physics/Applied Physics / Chemistry / Applied Chemistry/
Materials Science / Nanoscience and Technology / Biotechnology / Bio-
Chemistry with a minimum of 55% of marks.

3. Examinations
End semester examinations under CBCS Scheme comprising of external
question paper setting and double valuation by the course teacher and an
external examiner for each theory courses. If the difference between the two
valuations is more than 15%, the script will be evaluated by the third subject
expert and the mark awarded by that expert will be the final. But for laboratory
courses, the valuation will be done only by the Faculty in-charge.

4. Proportion of marks for internal assessment and end-semester examination for

each theory and laboratory courses are 40:60, respectively.

5. Guidelines for awarding marks for IV semester Research project.

Time duration for IV semester Research project is one full semester.

Marks for project awarded by the supervisor : 100 Marks

Marks for project viva-voce awarded by 2 Members Committee: 100 Marks

[The mid-term review will be conducted and the assessment shall be made by all
the faculty members of the Centre (50 Marks) and then at the end public viva –
voce exam will be conducted and the assessment shall be made by the project
supervisor of the Centre and one external examiner (50 Marks)]

6. Passing Requirements
The student should have a minimum of 40% marks in University Examination and
a minimum total of 50% marks in Internal assessment and University
Examination put together in all courses.

7. Internal assessment
Total internal marks 40; Mark distribution: Three internal tests to be conducted
for 30 marks, out of which best two to be taken, and for another 10 marks to be
given for Assignment and Seminar.

Internal assessment test question paper pattern

Time duration : 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 30

PART A: 5 × 2 = 10 Marks
Answer ALL Questions

Question 01 To Question 05

PART B: 4 × 5 = 20 MARKS
Answer any FOUR out of Five Questions

Question 06 To Question 10

8. End semester examination question paper pattern:

Time duration : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 60

PART A: 10 ×2 = 20 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
(Two Questions must be asked from each unit)

Question 01 To Question 10

PART B: 5×8 = 40 MARKS

Answer FIVE out of Eight Questions
(Equal weightage must be given to each unit)

Question 11 To Question 18


M.Tech.- Nanoscience and Technology

CURRICULUM (2016-17 Onwards)
Sem Code No. Subject Course Class University Examination Credit
Type hours Internal External Total

NAST-611 Essentials of Quantum HC 3 40 60 100 3

I Mechanics and
Electromagnetic theory
NAST-612 Thermodynamics and HC 3 40 60 100 3
Kinetics for Nanotechnology
NAST-613 Elements of Materials HC 3 40 60 100 3
Science and Physical
Properties of Nanomaterials
NAST-614 Synthesis and HC 3 40 60 100 3
Characterization of
Nanostructured Materials
NAST-615 Nanostructure Fabrication HC 3 40 60 100 3
and Metrology

NAST-610 Synthesis and Processing HC 6 75 25 100 3

Total Credits

NAST-621 Computational methods for HC 3 40 60 100 3

II Modeling & Simulations
NAST-622 Polymers and HC 3 40 60 100 3
NAST-623 Fundamentals of Biology for HC 3 40 60 100 3

Soft Courses (Any THREE to be selected)

NAST-624 Surface Engineering for SC 3 40 60 100 3

NAST-625 Nanoelectronics and SC 3 40 60 100 3
NAST-626 Self-Assembly of SC 3 40 60 100 3

XXX Core / Soft Core Courses SC 3 40 60 100 3

offered by other Departments
at M.Tech level.

NAST-620 Fabrication Laboratory HC 6 75 25 100 3

Total Credits 21

III NAST-731 MEMS/NEMS and HC 3 40 60 100 3

NAST-732 Nanostructured Materials for HC 3 40 60 100 3
Clean Energy Systems
NAST-733 Nano-photonics and HC 3 40 60 100 3
Soft- Core Courses (Any THREE to be selected)

NAST-734 Nanomagnetic Materials and SC 3 40 60 100 3


NAST-735 Advanced Nanobiotechnology SC 3 40 60 100 3

NAST-736 Industrial Nanotechnology SC 3 40 60 100 3

XXX Core / Soft Core Courses SC 3 40 60 100 3

offered by other Departments
at M.Tech level

NAST-730 Modeling and Simulation HC 6 75 25 100 3


Total Credits 21

IV NAST-741 Research Project (Report HC One Full 100 100 200 12

and Viva-Voce)

Total Credits (I,II,III & IV) 2,100 72

HC – Hard Core Course ; SC – Soft Core Course;

Syllabus for Courses

Semester - I Credits: 18

NAST- 611: Essentials of Quantum Mechanics and Electromagnetic


Unit-I (9 hrs)
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Limitation of Mechanics at the Nanoscale - Success of Quantum Mechanics – Wave-
particle Duality –Quantum mechanics of a free particle confined to 1 and 3-dimensional
box. Quantum mechanics of a free particle confined to a spherical trap (Polar
coordinates).Electron in a periodic potential – Bloch Theorem.

Unit –II (9 hrs)

Approximation methods: Time Independent Perturbation Theory - Degenerate and
Non-generate case.
Identical Particles: Schrodinger equation– Interchange symmetry. Systems of Identical
particles (Classical and Quantum View) – Experiment onIndintinguishability– Exchange
degeneracy - Constructing symmetric and antisymmetric functions (wave functions of
two-, three-, and many-particle systems).

Unit - III (9 hrs)

Transport in nanostructures
Nanostructures connected to electron reservoirs - Current density and transmission of
electron waves - The current density J - Tunneling through a potential barrier –
Reflection and transmission coefficients - Tunnelling in field emission guns – Electron
wavefunctions in Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Brus relation using a Particle in a Box

Unit – IV (9 hrs)
Quantum mechanics of Atoms and Molecules
Hamiltonian and Wave functions for Many-particle systems –Multi electron system –
Orbital approximation for multielectron atoms – He atom - Pauli’s Anti-symmetry
principle – Born – Oppenheimer approximation. Molecular orbital Theory – LCAO -
Theory of H2 molecule – H2+ - Term Symbols.

Unit-V (9 hrs)
Review of Electromagnetic Theory
Electrodynamics: Maxwell Equations in Vacuum and Matter-Importance of Maxwell
equations. Continuity Equation - Importance. Poynting Theorem-Energy distribution in
EM waves. Electromagnetic waves in Vacuum and Matter. Reflection and Transmission
at Normal and Oblique Incidences, Complex Refractive Index and Dispersion relation.

1. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications, NouredineZettili, Wiley, New York,
(2001), ISBN 0-471 48943 3.
2. Molecular Quantum Mechanics (3rd Edition), P.W. Atkins and R. S. Friedman,
Oxford University Press, (2004), ISBN: 0-19-566751-4.
3. Introduction to nanotechnology, Henrik Bruus, (2004) MIC – Department of Micro
and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark.
4. Y T Tan et al. 2003 J.Appl. Phys. 94 633.
5. Semiconductor Nanocrystals: A Powerful Visual Aid for Introducing the Particle in a
Box, Tadd Kippeny, Laura A. Swafford, and Sandra J. Rosenthal, J. Chemical
Education, Vol. 79(9), 2002, 1094-1100.
6. Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J. Griffiths, (ISBN: 978-81-203-1601-0),
Prentice-Hall, India, (2009).

1. Quantum Mechanics, Vol I and Vol II, Claude Cohen-Tannaoudji, Bernard Diu,
Franck Laloe, John Wiley & Sons (2005).
2. Quantum mechanics, J. L. Powell and B. Craseman, Addison-Wesley (1964).
3. Classical electromagnetism J. D. Jackson, John Wiley Publications (1999) (ISBN 0-

NAST-612: Thermodynamics and Kinetics for Nanotechnology

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Thermodynamic laws, Entropy, Statistical thermodynamics: micro-and macro-states.
Unitary and multi-component systems, Gibbs phase rule, phase diagrams relevant to
macro systems and for nanoscale materials formation, Phase transitions. General
criterion for equilibrium-chemical potential and Gibbs free energy.

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Statistical Thermodynamics: Concepts of probability and Maxwell Boltzmann distribution.
Different ensembles and partition functions. Thermodynamic functions using appropriate
partition functions. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics and statistical basis of
entropy. Heat capacity of solids. Debye and Einstein models. Thermodynamic functions
of ideal gases, translational, vibrational and rotational contributions at different levels of
approximation. Application of statistical thermodynamics concepts to ortho para
hydrogen internal rotation - Calculation of equilibrium constants.

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Phase Transformations: Fick's laws of diffusion, solution of Fick's second law and its
applications, atomic model of diffusion, Temperature dependence of diffusion coefficient,
Kirkendall effect. Thermodynamic considerations: Free energy of alloy phases and free
energy-composition curves for binary systems.

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Nucleation and growth - energy considerations; heterogeneous nucleation, growth
kinetics, overall transformation rates. Solidification: Nucleation and growth from liquid
phase, stable interface freezing, cellular and dendrite growth, freezing of ingots,
nucleation and grain size, segregation, directional solidification, growth of single crystals.

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Precipitation from solid solution: Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation of
precipitates, the aging curve, mechanisms of age hardening, examples from Al-Cu and
other alloy systems. Order-disorder Transformation: Examples of ordered structures,
long and short-range order, detection of super lattices, influence of ordering on

1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry (V Edition), McGraw Hill international Series, 1988.
2. S. Glasstone, Thermodynamics for chemists, Affiliated East West Press, 1965.
3. P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, Sixth edition, Oxford University Press, 1990.
4. B. C. McClelland, Statistical Thermodynamics, Chapman and Hall, 1973.
5. M. C. Gupta, Statistical Thermodynamics, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1993.
6. V. Raghavan, Solid State Phase Transformations, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi, 1987.
7. D.A. Porter and K.E. Easterling, Transformations in metals and alloys, 2 nd Edition,
CRC Press, 1992.

1. N. D. Smith, Elementary Statistical Thermodynamics, Plenum Press, 1982.
2. J. Rajaram and J. C. Kuriacose, Thermodynamics for Students of Chemistry,
Shobanlal Nagin Chand Co, 1986.
3. L. K. Nash, Elements of classical and statistical thermodynamics, Addison-Wesley,

NAST-613: Elements of Materials Science and Physical Properties of

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Crystal structures
Crystal geometry: crystal lattices, space lattices, basis and crystal structure, unit cell,
lattice parameter of a unit cell - Seven crystal systems - Bravais lattices - Crystal
directions and crystal planes (Miller indices) - Coordination number, radius ratio,
packing factor - Some special crystal structures - Calculation of lattice constant –
Symmetry elements and symmetry operations - Point groups - Crystallographic
nomenclature - Imperfections/defects in crystalline solids.

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Bonding in Nanostructures
Atomic bonding in solids, Types of bond: Metallic, Ionic, Covalent, Co-ordination/dative
bonds; Vander Waals interactions/Electrostatic interactions: Ion pair interactions,
solvent effects, Ion-dipole and dipole – dipole interactions, -interactions - Hybridization,
Hydrogen bonding - hydrophobic interactions. MO theory for simple molecules such as
diatomic molecules. Size effect of Nanomaterials: Size, shape, density, melting point,
wet ability, specific surface area, solid state phase transformation and band gap
variation - Quantum confinement, Effect of strain on band gap in epitaxial quantum

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Bonding in Nanostructures
Graphene – Fullerenes – Carbon nanotubes - Bonding in armchair, zigzag and chiral
structures - n-m=3q rule – Inorganic nanotubes: Silica nanotubes, boron nitride
nanotubes, nanotubes of dichalcogenides, and nanotubes of several metal oxides –
Reactivity on nanosurfaces: Functionalization of carbon nanotubes and Graphene.

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Electroic Properties
Classification of materials, Band structures, Brillouin zones – Electrical and electronic
conductivity, Hall effect and its determination. Dielectric Properties: Different kinds of
dielectric materials, dielectric constant and its determination – Piezoelectric, pyroelectric
and ferroelectric materials. Optical Properties: Photoconductivity, Optical absorption
and transmission - Photoluminescence, Jablonski diagram, fluorescence and
phosphorescence - Electroluminescence .

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Mechanical behavior
Stress-strain behavior, tensile strength, toughness, micro-hardness, wear resistance,
corrosion resistance behavior of nanostructures. Thermal properties: Concept of
phonon,thermal conductivity, thermal expansion and thermal expansion coefficient.
Magnetic properties: Fundamentals of magnetism - Different kinds of magnetic
materials: dia, para, ferro, ferri and anti-ferromagnetic materials - Magnetic hysteresis –
Superparamagnetism – Important properties in relation to nano-magnetism.

1. M.S.Vijaya,G.Rangarajan, Materials Science , Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company
Ltd., New Dehli.
2. V.Ragavan, Materials Science and Engg., Prentice-Hall of India(p) Ltd, New Delhi.
3. The Physics and Chemistry of Solids, S.R.Elliott, John Wiley & Sons, England,
4. Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry – M.C. Day and I.Selbin, East –West Press, New
Delhi, 1977.
5. Fundamental Properties of Nanostructured Materials, Ed. D. Fiorani (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1994.
6. Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology – II, Eds. Sanjay Mathur and
Mrityunjay Singh, Willey, 2008.

7. Understanding Solids: The Science of Materials, Tilley, Richard J. D. John Wiley &
8. Nanostructured Materials, Edited by Carl C. Koch, Noyes Publications, New York,

1. The Physics and Chemistry of Materials, Joel I.Gersten, F.W.Smith, S.R.Elliott, John
Wiley &Sons,New York, 1998.
2. Properties of Materials, Robert E.Newnham,Oxford University Press, 2005.
3. Crystallography, Walter Borchardt-Ott, Springer, 1995.
4. Carbon Nanotubes Science and Applications, Edited by M.Meyappan, CRC Press,
5.Science of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes, M.S.Dresselhaus,
G.Dresselhaus,P.C.Eklund, Academic Press, 1996.

NAST-614: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Soft Chemical processes
Synthesis of Nanomaterials by Soft Chemical Methods: Chemical precipitation and co-
precipitation: Metal nanocrystals synthesis by polyol, and borohydrate reduction
methods, Sol-Gel synthesis; Microemulsions synthesis, normal and reverse micelles
formation, Hydrothermal, Solvothermal.

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Chemical processes
Synthesis methods of dimensionally modulated Inorganic nanostructured materials
Thermolysis routes, Microwave assisted synthesis; Sonochemical assisted
synthesis, Core-Shell nanostructure, Organic –Inorganic Hybrids, Quantum dot (QDs)
synthesis. Carbon Nanotubes, (SWCNT, MWCNT), Graphene nanosheets.
Photochemical synthesis, Synthesis in supercritical fluids and Electrochemical synthesis

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Physical processes
Fabrication of Nanomaterials by Physical Methods: Inert gas condensation, Arc
discharge, RF- plasma, Plasma arc technique, Ion sputtering, Laser ablation, Laser
pyrolysis, Ball Milling, Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), Chemical vapour deposition
(CVD) method. Template assisted synthesis, Catalyst assisted chemical vapour
deposition (CCVD).

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Biological Methods of Synthesis
Use of bacteria, fungi, Actinomycetes for nanoparticle synthesis, Magnetotactic bacteria
for natural synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles; Mechanism of formation; Viruses as
components for the nanostructured materials; synthesis process and application, Role
of plants in nanoparticle synthesis.

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Nanostructured materials Characterization Techniques
X-ray diffraction (XRD), SEM, EDAX, TEM, Elemental mapping, FTIR, UV-Visible
spectrophotometer, Nanomechanical Characterization using Nanoindentation,
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA), Thermo
gravimetric Analysis (TGA), TEM, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS),
Electrochemcial Characterization measurements.

1. Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials – Royal Society of
Chemistry, Cambridge UK 2005.
2. Chemistry of Nanomaterials : Synthesis, properties and applications by CNR Rao
et.al., Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge UK 2006.
3. Active Metals: Preparation, characterization, applications – A. Furstner, Ed., VCH,
New York 1996.
4. Characterization of Nanophase materials – Z.L Wang (ed), Wiley-VCH, New York
5. Nanoparticles: From theory to applications – G. Schmidt, Wiley Weinheim 2004.

1. Nanostructured Silicon – based powders and composites – Andre P Legrand,
Christiane Senemaud, Taylor and Francis, London New York 2003.
2. Processing & properties of structural naonmaterials - Leon L. Shaw (editor)
3. Elements of X-ray Diffraction by Cullity, B. D.,, 4th Edition, Addison Wiley, 1978.
4. Electron Beam Analysis of Materials by Loretto, M. H., Chapman and Hall, 1984.
5. Vacuum Physics and Techniques by T.A. Delcher, Chapman & Hall.

NAST-615: Nanostructure Fabrication and Metrology

UNIT-I (10 hrs)
Principles of Photo Lithography
Overview of lithographic process-Classification – Optical principles, Fresnel and
Fraunhofer diffraction – Exposure methods –contact, proximity and projection printing –
Mask Fabrication– Photoresist – positive and negative – properties of photoresist–Dill
parameter –Projection system – Steppers and scanners – Cleanroom design and

UNIT-II (8 hrs)
Advances in Optical Lithography and Pattern transfer
Limitations of Optical Lithography – Lasers for Lithography – Deep and extreme UV
lithography – Near field optical microscopy – Interference optical lithography – Maskless
optical lithography– Resolution Enhancement Techniques–Vacuum techniques –
Oxidation – Diffusion- Metallization - Doping techniques – ion implantation

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Electron (E) - Beam Lithography: Electron Optics – Process, E beam sources, Raster
and Vector scan – Proximity/Projection printing - SCALPEL – Direct writing – Interaction
of electron with substrate – Electron Beam resist – E beam applications.
X-ray Lithography: Principle, X-ray sources, system and components – resists, mask
preparation, resolution enhancement.
Ion Beam Lithography: Focused Ion Beam – Process, Ion Source, Ion Column –
Masked Ion Beam Lithography and Ion Projection Lithography.

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Nonlithographic patterning
Template based fabrication –Nanostencil, Nanoimprint and Nanosphere Lithography in
device fabrication– Soft Lithography, Microcontact Printing – Inkjet andScreen Printing –
3D printing - Stereolithography - Principle and methods of Nanowire Formation -
Assembly, Integration -Additive and subtractive techniques of nano fabrication – Anodic
Oxidation, Dip Pen Lithography

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Critical dimension (CD) – optical line width, defects, thickness and reflectance tools –
ellipsometry – reflectometry – scatterometry – photoacoustic metrology –Electrical
measurement – Dopant Concentration measurement techniques- surface defects -
confocal microscopy,CD-SEM, TEM–AFM 3D surface mapping.

1. Chris Mack, Fundamental Principle of Optical Lithography, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Sussex, 2007.
2. Zheng Cui, Micro-Nanofabrication Technologies and Applications, Springer-Verlag,
Beijing, 2005.
3. Zheng Cui, Nanofabrication Principles, Capabilities and Limits, Springer, New York,
4. U. Okoroanyanwu, Chemistry and Lithography, SPIE Press, Washington, 2010.
5. Garry P. Wiederrecht, Handbook of Nanofabrication, First Edition, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 2010.
6. Michael Quirk, Julian Serda, Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Prentice-Hall
Inc., New Jersey, 2001

1. Ampere A Tseng, Nanofabrication Fundamentals and Applications, World Scientific,
Singpore, 2008.
2. Mark James Jackson, Microfabrication and Nanomanufacturing, Taylor & Francis,
Boca Raton, 2006.

3. Harry J. Levinson, Principles of Optical Lithography, SPIE Press, Third Edition,

Washington, 2010.
4. Ray F. Egerton, Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy – An Introduction to TEM,
SEM and AFM, Springer, New York, 2005.
5. John A. Rogers and Hong H. Lee, Unconventional nanopatterning technique and
applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2009.
6. Syed Rizvi, Handbook of Photomask manufacturing technology, Taylor & Francis,
Florida, 2005.

NAST-610 : Synthesis and Processing Laboratory

Synthesis of semiconducting and ceramic nano-materials by solution combustion, sol-

gel, micro-emulsion, chemical co-precipitation, hydrothermal, sono-chemical and
microwave assisted methods.

Synthesis of multi-ferrite nano-particles.

Synthesis of silver nanoparticles, and its spectral analysis.

Preparation of nano-composites, nanoporous material, colloidal solid and core –shell


Preparation of quantum dots such as cadmium selenides and its optical studies.

Preparation of cadmium sulphide nanoclusters and its spectral studies.


Semester - II Credits: 21

NAST-621: Computational methods for modeling, design and


UNIT – I (9 hrs)
Analytical methods
Ordinary differential equations – Introduction - Types - General solutions - Laplace
transform –Application to functions and differential equations - Z-transform techniques.
Partial differential equations:Introduction - Separation of variables - transform

UNIT – II (9 hrs)
Numerical Methods
Numerical Algorithms - Computer programs. Numerical Differentiation - Numerical
solution of a system of ordinary differential equations: RungeKutta method and adaptive
step size control - predictor and corrector method. Numerical integration: Newton-
Cotes integration formulae and Gauss quadrature method.

UNIT – III (9 hrs)

Numerical Linear Algebra: Matrices - Solution of linear algebraic equations – Standard
methods- Singular value decomposition, Eigenvalue problems - Computing Eigenvalues
and Eigenvectors. Iterative methods for linear systems.

UNIT – IV (9 hrs)
Random numbers and Monte Carlo methods: Uniformly distributed Pseudo random
numbers, Normally distributed Pseudo random numbers, Testing of pseudo random
number sequences - Simulation of radioactive decay. Numerical Integration using
Monte Carlo simulation techniques for 1D cases.

UNIT – V (9 hrs)
Partial differential equations: Finite difference method (FDM) for Parabolic,
Hyperbolic and Elliptic equations –Truncation errors - consistency - stability.
Introduction to finite element method (FEM)– Definition - Basic elements - Structural
modelling and fem analysis - Classification of the problem - Conceptual, structural and
computational models - Structural analysis by the FEM - Verification and validation of
FEM results.

1. Ferziger, J. H., Numerical Methods for Engineering Applications, 2nd ed., Wiley-
Interscience ISBN 978-0471116219. (1998).
2. Computational Physics, J. M. Thijssen, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

3. Computational methods in Physics and Engineering, 2 nd Edition, Samuel S.M.

Wong, ISBN: 9810230176, World Scientific-Singapore (2003)
4. Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method Linear Statics-Volume 1. Basis
and Solids: Eugenio Oñate, Springer, (2009) Spain (ISBN: 978-1-4020-8732-5)

1. Scientific Computing: An Introduction with Parallel Computing, G. Golub and J.M.
Ortega, Academic Press, (1993).
2. Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey, Michael T. Heath, McGraw-Hill, New
York, (2002).
3. Numerical Recipes in Fortran / F-90 / C, W.H. Press et. al., Cambridge Univ. Press
4. A First Course in Computational Physics, P.L. DeVries, John Wiley (1994).
5. Computational physics- Problem solving with computers, Rubin H. Landau, Manuel
J. Paez, John Wiley & sons (1997).
6. Guide to Neural Computing Applications, L. Tarassenko, Arnold Publishers, (1998).
7. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, D. E. Goldberg,
Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, (1989).

NAST-622: Polymers and Nanocomposites

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Basic Aspects: Classification - Some basic definitions - Addition and condensation
polymerizations, and copolymerization - Mechanism of free radical, cationic and anionic
polymerizations – Nomenclature - Tacticity – Glassy solids: Glass transition and melting
temperatures and their determination by DSC - Factors affecting Tg, importance of Tg,
relationship between Tm and Tg and their control - Crystallinity in polymers: Degree of
crystallinity, factors affecting crysallinity of polymers, effect of crystallinity on the
properties of polymers. Polymerization Techniques: Bulk, Solution, Suspension and
Emulsion polymerizations - Polymerization using metal catalysts and surfactants.

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Molecular weight of polymers: Number average, weight average and viscosity
average molecular weights of polymers - Determination of molecular weight of polymers
by GPC and viscometry methods. Speciality polymers: Bio-polymers, Bio-degradable
polymers, Fire retardant/Thermally stable polymers, Polymer electrolytes, Liquid
crystalline polymers.

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Conducting Polymers
Discovery – Structural characteristics and doping concept - Charge carriers and
conducting mechanism – Classification of conducting polymers: Intrinsic and extrinsic
conducting polymers - Chemical and electrochemical methods of the synthesis of
conducting polymers – Applications of conducting polymers in corrosion protection,
sensors, electronic and electrochemical energy devices.

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Polymer Nanocomposites
Definition of nanocomposites - Nanofillers, Classification of nanofillers, Synthesis and
properties of nanofillers - Types of nanocomposites – Synthesis of nanocomposites:
Direct mixing, solution mixing, In-situ polymerization - Polymer/ Metal oxide
nanocomposites, diblock copolymer based nanocomposites, Polymer/CNTs and
Polymer/Nanoclay based composites and their properties and functional applications.

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Other Kinds of Nanocomposites: Fractal based Glass- metal nanocomposites - Core-
shell structured nanocomposites - Super hard nanocomposites - Self-cleaning
nanocomposites - Metal matrix nanocomposites: Metal with nanoceramic fillers such as
SiC, CeO2, TiO2, ZrO2 PTFE, CNTs and their mechanical, corrosion resistance
properties and functional applications.

1. Alfred Ruiden, Elements of Polymer Science and Engineering, Elsevier Science,
2. Bill Meyer, A Text Book of Polymer Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 1994.
3. Gowariker and Viswanathan, Polymer Science, Wiley Eastern, 1986.
4. Nanostructured Conductive Polymers, Editor. Ali Eftekhari, Wiley, 2010.
5. Nanocomposites - Science and Technology - P. M. Ajayan, L.S. Schadler, P. V.
Braun, Wiley-VCH, 2004.

1. George Odian, Principles of Polymerization, John Wiley & Sons, 1933
2. Conducting polymers with micro or nano meter structure, Meixiang Wan, Springer,
3. Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites, T.J. Pinnayain, G.W.Beall, Wiley, New York, 2001.
4. Composite Materials, Deborah D.L.Chung, Springer, 2002.

NAST-623: Fundamentals of Biology for Nanotechnology

Unit I (9 hrs)
Nature, Properties and Function of Carbohydrates: Sugars-dissacharides, trioses,
tetroses, pentoses, hexoses – stereoisomers - aminosugars, phosphosugars, sugar
derivatives, deoxysugars - Oligossacharides-polyssacharides - homo and hetero
polyssacharides, amylose, amylopectin, dextrans, limit dextran – starch - glycogen-
synthesis and degradation-glycolysis, TCA cycle, glycosyl moieties, cell wall
polyssacharides – cellulose, chitin. Nature, Properties and Function of Proteins:
Amino acids, - essential and non essential - dipeptides, oligipeptides, polypeptides-
monomers,dimers, oligomers - fibrous proteins and globulins - primary, secondary,
tertiary, quarternary structures- disulfides, hydrogen bonds, schiff’s base- amino and
carboxy termini - alpha helix and beta pleats – triple helix - Ramachandran plots.

Unit II (9 hrs)
Nature, Properties and Function of Nucleic acids: Nitrogen bases-purines, pyrimidines,
nucleosides and nucleotides – oligonucleotides - base paring – DNA, RNA-tRnNA,
mRNA, rRNA, antisense RNA – linear and circular forms, single and double stranded–
hypo and hyperchromicity - extra chromosomal DNA – mitochondrial, choloroplastic,
plasmid and viral – microsatellites – DNA varieties – A, B, and Z – Okazaki fragment –
palindrome-concatenation- polymorphism – mutation – strand breaks – genes –
promoters, enhancers, structural genes - gene expression – gene silencing -
transposons – telomeres.

Unit III (9 hrs)

Nature, Properties and Function of Lipids: Fats, Oils, Waxes - Fatty acids – types,
saturated, unsaturated, essential, short and long chain – triglycerides, lipids and
cholesterol - fatty acid / triglyceride / cholesterol synthesis and degradation – alpha,
beta and omega oxidation of fatty acids.

Unit IV (9 hrs)
Biology of Cell and Cell Function: Types of cells –Glials, Astrocytes, Oligodendroglia,
Fibroblasts - Cell proliferation and differentiation - Cell division – pluripotency,
totipotency, progenitor cells, differentiated cells, cancer cells, - sub cellular components
–locomotion-chemoattractants–pinocytosis, phagocytosis –mitosis and meosis –
membrane structure-membrane transport - nuclear transport - transcription, translation,
transduction, conjugation – Cell communication and Cell signaling-hormones-
cytokines-natural products.

Unit V (9 hrs)
Bioenergetics and Protein thermodynamics: High energy compounds – ATP, GTP –
synthesis and utilization – reducing equivalents – chemiosmotic process – biochemical
kinetics – forward and reversible reactions – reaction free energy – enthalpy - entropy -
denaturation kinetics – Arrhenius plot. Biocatalysis & Structural biology: Enzymes –
active site, reaction rates, site specificity, sequence specificity, cofactor dependency,
pH, temperature and ionic strength dependency – synthetic enzymes -enzyme
classification - types of inhibition – enzyme immobilization - Industrial enzymes.

1. Harper’s Biochemistry, 28th edition, Robert K Murray; Daryl K Garner; Peter A Mayes;
Victor W Rodwell. Lange Medical Books/ McGraw Hill, New York, 2009.
2. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 5th edition, David L Nelson; Michael M Cox.
W.H.Freeman Publishers, New York, 2012.
3. Biochemistry, 3rd edition, Donald Voet and Judith Voet. John Wiley Publishers, 2010.

1. Cell & Molecular Biology, 8th edition, E.D.P.De Robertis. Lippincott publishers, 2010.
2. Molecular biology of the cell, 6th edition, Alberts. Garland Publishing, 2014.
3. Essentials of Molecular biology, David Freifelder, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 1993
4. Genes, 9th edition, Lewin Benjamin. CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2007
5. Molecular Cell Biology, Harvey Lodish; David Baltimore; Arnold Berk. WH Freeman
and Co, 2000.

NAST-624: Surface Engineering for Nanotechnology

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Introduction to Surfaces
Surfaces and Interfaces – Importance of Surfaces in Nano Regime – Thermodynamics
of surfaces – surface energy – notation of surface structures – surface reconstruction –
Surface and interfacial tension and measurement– contact angle and wetting –
surfactants, and interfacial forces – Review of Surface Characterization Techniques –
optical, topographic, chemical and mechanical properties (XPS, PIXE, RBS, SIMS,

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Processes at Solid Surfaces
Adsorption – Physisorption and Chemisorption – Adsorption isotherms (Langmuir and
BET) – Reaction Mechanism (Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Eley-Rideal) – Sticking
Probability –Types of Catalyst – Homo vs Hetero - Properties and preparation of
Catalyst – TON, TOF, E factor - Surface and electronic properties of metal and metal
oxide catalyst and its principle behind catalysis – Sabatier Principle – Bronstedt –
Polanyi relation - Role of Surfaces, Interfaces, Morphology in Catalysis– Active sites
incatalysis & determination – porous materials and supported catalyst – spillover and
reverse spillover - Sensor

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Role of Surfaces in Bio-nano interactions
Adhesion and its importance – Adhesion vs cohesion – Work in adhesion and cohesion
- Theories on adhesion (Bradley, Hertz, JKR) - Methods of adhesion measurement
(Scotch Tape, Peel test, Scratch, Blister, Ultrasonic and acoustic microcavitation
methods) – Adhesion measurement in cell (observational, probing and counting
techniques) - Surface modification and adhesion - Adhesion of nanoparticles, cells and
between nanoparticle & cells - Cancer cell surface interaction.

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Tribological Aspects of Surfaces
Tribological aspects of adhesion, friction and wear – Friction and Friction Types –
Theories of Macro (Amontons, Coulomb) and Nanoscale friction (Tomlinson, Frenkel-
Kontorova, Bowden and Tabor models)– Difference between macro and micro/nano
tribology- Wear – Wear Mechanisms and types – identification of different mechanisms
– Wear theory (Archard, Rabinowictz, Bassani and D’Acunto Theory)– Characterization
techniques for friction and wear – Tribometer, Friction Force Microscopy,

Nanoindentation and Nanoscratching – Methods to reduce wear and Friction –Fracture

–Lubrication –Surface Coatings

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Surfaces in Multidisciplinary Applications
Colloids– Optical and Electrical properties – Colloids in Drug Delivery – Electrical and
Electronic properties of Surfaces –zeta potential - Corrosion – Coatings for corrosion
protection –High temperature issues - New coating concepts in multilayer structures –
thermal barrier coatings. Bioinspired materials – Tribology in Human Body, Artificial
organs and Medical devices –Nanosurfaces in Energy, Environmental, Automobile and
Industrial Applications

1. Gabor A. Somorjai, Yimin Li, Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, John
Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2010.
2. HaraldIbach, Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
3. Pankaj Vadgama, Surfaces and interfaces for biomaterials, First Edition, CRC Press,
Boca Raton, 2005.
4. Peter J. Blau, Friction Scienceand Technology- From concepts to applications,
Second Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2009
5. B. Bhusan, Modern Tribology Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2005.
6. N. Birks, G. H. Meier, F. S. Pettit, Introduction to the high temperature oxidation of
metals, Second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

1. I. Chorkendorff, J.W. Niemantsverdriet, Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics,
First Edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2003.
2. Didier Astruc, Nanopaticles and catalysis, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Weinheim, 2008.
3. Ryan Richards, Surface and Nanomoecular Catalysis, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,
4. Jeremy Ramsden, Biomedical Surfaces, Aptech House, Inc., Boston, 2008.
5. Renate Forch, HolgerSchonherr, and A. Tobias A. Jenkins, Surface Design:
Applications in Bioscience and Nanotechnology, Wiley -VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
KGaA, Weinheim, 2009

NAST-625: Nanoelectronics and Bioelectronics

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
LEDs and Semiconductor Lasers
Fundamentals of Semiconductor physics, Review of quantum confinement theory,
optical phenomena in various quantum structures: quantum wells, quantum wires,
quantum dots, superlattices. GaAs/ GaAlAs quantum well lasers, quantum wire lasers,
quantum dot lasers, white light LEDs, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, quantum
cascade lasers, quantum well infrared detectors, digital logic based on quantum wells,
GaN and other visible LEDs, semiconductor lasers.

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Nanoscale MOSFETs
Challenges in miniaturization, quantum effects, thin oxides, random dopant fluctuations,
tunneling and subthreshold currents, power density, hot electron effects, fundamental
limits of MOS operations, MODFET (Modulation Doped FET), GaN based HEMT (High
Electron Mobility Field Effect Transistors).

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Molecular Nanoelectronics
Molecular nanowires, organic LEDs, organic FETs, carbon nanotube and grapheme
based FETs, Silicon nanowire based FETs,

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Single Electron Tunneling Phenomena and Devices
Single electron tunneling phenomena, Coulomb blockade, Coulomb staircase, Bloch
oscillations, resonant tunneling diode and resonant tunneling transistor,

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
DNA based biosensors, protein based biosensors, materials for biosensor applications,
quantum dot based bioimaging, DNA based logic and computing elements,

1. Nanoscale transistors- device physics, modeling and simulation, M. Lundstrom and
J. Guo, Springer , 2005
2. Nanoelectronics- principles and devices, M. Dragoman and D. Dragoman, Artech
House publishers, 2005
3. Fundamentals of modern VLSI devices, Y. Taur and T. H. Ning, Cambridge
University Press, 1998
1. Nanoelectronics and nanosystems: from transistors to molecular and quantum
devices, K. Goser, P. Glosekotter and J. Dienstuhl, Springer 2005
2. Handbook of Thin Film Materials, volume 5, edited by H.S Nalwa, American
Scientific Publishers, 2002
3. Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology, Edited by H.S. Nalwa, American
Scientific Publishers, 2007
4. Overview of Nanoelectronic Devices, D. Goldhaber Gordon, Proceedings of IEEE,
volume 85, 1997
5. Nanoelectronics and Information Technology, W. Rainer, Wiley, 2003
6. Nanosystems, K.E. Drexler, Wiley, 1992
7. Science of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, M.S. Dresselhaus and G. Dresselhaus,
Academic press, 1996

NAST-626: Self Assembly of Nanostructures

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Self organization of nanostructured materials, Growth Mechanism, Self assembly of
Nanostructures: Chemical, physical and biological self assembly, Assembling and
patterning of particles, Self organization of different Nano-morphologies (Quntum Dots,
Nanorods, Nanowires and Nanotubes).

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Self Assembled Monolayers (SAM), Guided Self Assembly - Nanolithography - Surface
Topography - Surface Wetting - Electrostatic force; Nanomanipulators - Grippers –
design - gripper arm geometry.

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Bottom-up manufacturing: bottom-up approach, Self-assembly of single electron
transistors, Photovoltaic related devices, Langmuir Bladgett films (LB): principle of
formation of monolayer formation – from molecules to nanoparticles, compression of
monolayer-fabrication of LB films- applications.

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Self Assembly by micro contact printing- creating the stamp, substrate- creating self
assembled monolayers -applications, Macroscopic expressions of Natural
Nanomaterials- Hierarchical Ordering in Natural Nanoscale Materials

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Bio-Inspired Approach for Complex Superstructures and Biological World, Self
Assembly in biological systems: Superhydrophobicity, Self cleaning property, Multi scale
ordering and function in Biological Nanoscale Materials: Proteins, Lipids, DNA and RNA
and Shell as a Composite Materials.

1. Self Organized Nanoscale Materials: Nanostructure Science and Technology by
Motonari Adachi and David J. Lockwood, 2006 Springer Science, Business Media,
Inc. NY, USA
2. Self-Assembled Nanostructures: Jin Z. Zhang, Zhong-lin Wang, Jun Liu, Shaowei
Chen, and Gang-yu Liu, 2003 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, NY, USA
3. Nanoparticles: Theory to Applications by Günter Schmid, 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Boschstr. 12, 69469 Weinheim.

1. Hand Book of Nanotechnology, by Bharat Bhushan, 2007, Springer
Science+Business Media, Inc, NY, USA.
2. Prospects in Nanotechnology: Toward Molecular Manufacturing, Markus
Krummenacker and James Lewis (Editors), Wiley 1995.

NAST-620: Fabrication and Characterization Laboratory

 Clean Room: Familiarizing with essential terms, tools and practices.

 Fabrication of thin films by Sputtering, Electron beam and Spray pyrolysis methods.
 Fabrication of TiO2 nanofibers on ITO glass substrate by Electro-spinning technique.
 Synthesis of CNTs by CVD method.
 Nanocrystalline thin film by spin coating.
 Chemical bath deposition by dip coating.
 Electrodeposition of polyaniline on ITO substrate.
 Electroless deposition of Ag or Au on Si substrate
 Band gap determination by diffuse reflectance spectrocopy method.
 Nano indentation on a polycarbonate substrate using AFM for F-D curves and
hardness determination.
 Dip-pen lithography using AFM with molecular inks.
 Nano-patterning by AFM lithography.
 Nanosphere lithography using silica nanospheres
 Surface topography of a sputtered Au using AFM / STM.
 Electrical resistivity measurement by Four probe method.
 Polymer membrane electrolyte preparation and its porosity, electrolyte uptake and
ionic conductivity measurements.
 Determination of thermal expansion of nano-ceramic material by dilatometer.
 Film thickness measurement by ellipsometer.

Semester - III Credits: 21

NAST-731: MEMS/NEMS and Microsystems

UNIT- I (9 hrs)
Mechanics and Materials
Overview of MEMS and Microsystems – Thin film growth and models –Mechanical,
Electrical, Thermal properties for Thin Films/MEMS –Measurement techniques –
Materials for MEMS- Semiconductors, Metals and Metal alloys, Ceramics, Polymers –
Silicon and other substrate materials.

UNIT- II (9 hrs)
Processing of MEMS/NEMS and Microsystems
Silicon processing, Structure & properties – Single crystal growth - Overview of
Lithographic process – Additive processes for Semiconductors, Ceramics, Metals and
polymers - MEMS Fabrication – Doping process - Bulk micromachining - Wet & Dry
Etching- Isotropic and anisotropic etching and mechanism - Etch stop techniques –
DRIE and other processes- Surface Micromachining – LIGA and laser assisted

processing – Nanomechanical system fabrication - Fundamentals of Design and


UNIT- III (9 hrs)

Interconnects and Bonding
Interconnects – requirements of interconnects –Metallization Techniques ––
Damascene process- silicide and refractory metals - Multilevel and nanostructured
interconnects – Bonding Techniques. Packaging and Failure: Packaging
Fundamentals – Packaging Techniques– Electrical and thermal requirements -
Packaging Reliability and failure modes and analysis – MEMS process integration-
Tribological issues

UNIT- IV (9 hrs)
Engineering Mechanics
Microsystem design – Static bending of thin films –Mechanical vibration–
thermomechanics–fracture mechanics – Thermofluidics

UNIT- V (9 hrs)
Design and Applications
Scaling laws in miniaturization – Design considerations – Process and Mechanical
design – Finite element method (FEM), Computer aided design CAD – Mircosensors
and Microactuators– Optical, chemical, thermal, gas, pressure, bio and mechanical
sensors – Nanosensors–Applications in automobile, aerospace, health care, industrial,
consumer and telecommunications

1. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS and Microsystems – Design, Manufacture, and Nanoscale
Engineering, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2008.
2. Reza Ghodssi, Pinyen Lin, MEMS Materials and Processes Handbook, Springer,
New York, 2011.
3. NadimMalut and Kirt Williams, An introduction to Micro electro mechanical systems
Engineering, Second Edition – Artech House, Inc., Boston, 2004.
4. Sami Franssila, Introduction to Microfabrication, John Wiley & Sons, Sussex, 2004
5. Marc Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, Second Edition, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, 2002.

1. Francisco J. Arregui, Sensors based on nanostructured materials, First Edition,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008
2. BharathBhushan, Springer Hand Book of Nano Technology, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 2004.
3. Sergey Edward Lysherski, MEMS and NEMS Systems, devices, and structures, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, 2000.
4. H. Baltes, O. Brand, G. K. Fedder, C. Hierold, J. G. Korvink, O. Tabata, Enabling
Technology for MEMS and Nanodevices, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004.
5. Danny Banks, Microengineering, MEMS, and Interfacing - A Practical Guide, Taylor &
Francis, Boca Raton, 2006.
6. C.P. Wong, Kyoung-Sik (Jack) Moon, Yi Li, Nano-Bio- Electronic, Photonic and
MEMS Packaging, Springer, New York, 2010.

7. Sandra Carrara, Nano-Bio-Sensing, Springer, New York, 2011.

NAST-732: Nanostructured Materials for Clean Energy Systems

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Fundamental Concepts in Energy Systems
Electrochemical Cell, Faraday’s laws, Electrode Potentials, Thermodynamics of
electrochemical cells, Polarization losses in electrochemical cells, Electrode process
and kinetics, Electrical double layer, Photoelectrochemical cell, thermoelectric effect.

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion Systems
Issues and Challenges of functional Nanostructured Materials for electrochemical
Energy, Conversion Systems, Fuel Cells, Principles and nanomaterials design for;
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC); Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC);
Solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC), Current status and future trends.

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Nanomaterials for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion Systems
Principles of photovoltaic energy conversion (PV), Types of photovoltics Cells, Physics
of photovoltaic cells, Organic photovoltaic cell cells, thin film Dye Sensitized Solar Cells,
Quntum dot (QD) Sensitized Solar Cells (QD-SSC), Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Bulk
Hetero Junction (BHJ-SC) Solar cells, Current status and future trends.

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Nanomaterials for Energy Storage (Batteries) Systems
Issues and Challenges of functional Nanostructured Materials for electrochemical
Energy Storage Systems, Primary and Secondary Batteries (Lithium ion Batteries),
Cathode and anode materials, Nanostructured Carbon based materials, Nano-Oxides,
Novel hybrid electrode materials, Current status and future trends.

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Nanomaterials for Energy Storage (Capacitor) Systems
Capacitor, Electrochemical supercapacitors, electrical double layer model, Principles
and materials design, Nanostructured Carbon based materials, Redox capacitor Nano-
Oxides, Conducting polymers based materials, Current status and future trends.

1. Electrochemical methods: Fundamentals and Applications, Allen J.Bard and Larry R.
Faulkner, 2nd Edition John Wiley & Sons. Inc (2004)
2. D. Linden Ed., Handbook of Batteries, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York (1995)
3. G.A. Nazri and G. Pistoia, Lithium Batteries: Science and Technology, Kulwer
Acdemic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (2004).
4. J. Larmine and A. Dicks, Fuel Cell System Explained, John Wiley, New York (2000).

1. Science and Technology of Lithium Batteries-Materials Aspects: An Overview, A.
Manthiram, Kulwer Academic Publisher (2000).
2. M. S. Whittingham, A. J. Jacobson, Intercalation Chemistry, Academic Press, New
York (1982).
3. M. Wakihara, O. Yamamoto, (Eds.) Lithium Ion Batteries: Fundamentals and
Performance, Wiley –VCH , Weinheim (1998).
4. Nanocomposites Science and Technology - P. M. Ajayan, L.S. Schadler, P. V. Braun.

NAST-733: Nanophotonics and Biophotonics

Unit I (10 hrs)

Introduction to photonics
Electromagnetic properties of nanostructures – Wavelength and Dispersion laws –
Density of states – Maxwell and Helmholtz equations – Photonic band-structure and
photonic band gap - Propagation of light in periodic media. Band structure in periodic
media – 1D and 2D cases.

Unit II (10 hrs)

Photonic Crystals
Fabrication of photonic crystals: Photonic crystals by self-assembly - Photonic
Crystals by Microfabrication - Photonic Crystals with Tunable Properties.
Harmonic generation in photonic nanostructures: Metal nanoparticles,
Nanoparticles in monolayer – planar photonics structures - photonic crystals.

Unit III (9 hrs)

Interaction of light with cells: Light absorption in cells – Light induced cellular
processes – photochemistry induced by exogenous photosensitizers – Interaction of
light with tissues: Nature of Optical interactions – Measurement of optical properties of a
tissue – Light-induced Processes in Tissues – Autofluorescence, photochemical
processes, thermal effects, photoablation, plasma induced ablation and photodisruption

Unit IV (8 hrs)
Nanotechnology for biophotonics: The interface of bioscience, nanotechnology and
photonics - Semiconductor quantum dots for bioimaging – Metallic nanoparticles and
nanorods for Biosensing – Up-converting nanophores - Inorganic nanoparticles –
Pebble nanosensors for Invitro Bioanalysis - Nanoclinics for optical diagnostics and
Targeted therapy

Unit – V (8 hrs)
Biomaterials for Photonics: Photonics and Biomaterials – Bioderived materials
(Baceriorhodopsin, Green Fluorescent Protein, DNA, Bio-objects and biocolloids) –
Bioinspired materials – Biotemplates (DNA and Viruses as templates) – Bacteria as
synthesizers for photonic polymers.

1. Introduction to Nanophotonics, Sergey V. Gaponenko, Cambridge University Press,
New York, ISBN-13 978-0-521-76375-2 (2010)
2. Photonic crystals: Physics and Technology, (Eds.) C. Sibilia, T. M. Benson, M.
Marciniak, T. Szoplik, (ISBN: 978-88-470-0843-4) (2008)
3. Photonic Crystals (2nd edition), John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, Joshua
N. Winn, Robert D. Meade, Princeton University Press, ISBN: 978-0-691-12456-8
4. Introduction to Biophotonics, Paras N. Prasad, (John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey),
ISBN: 0-471-28770-9 (2003)

1. Photonic Crystals:Towards Nanoscale Photonic Devices, J.-M. Lourtioz • H. Benisty
• V. Berger, J.-M. Gerard • D. Maystre • A. Tchelnokov, ISBN-13 978-3-540-24431-8,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2005)
2. Principles of Nanophotonics, Motoichi Ohtsu, et al. ISBN : 13:
978‑ 1‑ 58488‑ 972‑ 4, by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (2008)
3. Advances In Biophotonics, (Eds.) Brian C. WilsonValery V. Tuchin and Stoyan
Tanev, IOS Press, ISBN 1-58603-540-1, (2005)
4. Biophotonics, Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century, (Ed.) Xun Shen
and Roeland Van Wijk, ISBN-10: 0-387-24995-8; ISBN-13: 978-0387-24995-7; eISBN: 0-
5. Nano Biophotonics: Science and Technology, (Eds) Hiroshi Masuhara, Satoshi
Kawata and Fumio Tokunaga, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52878-0; ISBN-10: 0-444-
52878-4, Elsevier (2007)

NAST-734: Nanomagnetic Materials and Devices

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Magnetism of the solid state
Basics of magnetic materials, magnetic flux, magnetization, magnetic induction,
susceptibility and permeability, diamagnetism and diamagnetic susceptibility,
Paramagnetism, Curie law and Curie-Weiss law, Pauli paramagnetism,
Ferromagnetism, hysteresis, magnons, domain theory, ferrimagnetism,

UNIT-II (9 hrs)
Giant magnetoresistance
Introduction to spintronics, magnetoresistance in normal metals, MR ratios, Giant
magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic multi layers and superlattices, co-operative
phenomena and magnetization reversal, applications in spin valve and read heads,
comparison of GMR and AMR, oscillation of coupling energy, non-coupling type GMR,
CPP and CIP GMR, GMR in nanograins, mechanism of GMR.

UNIT-III (9 hrs)
Tunnel magnetoresistance
Introduction to tunnel magneto resistance, ferromagnetic tunnel junctions, experiments
for TMR, phenomenological theory of TMR, MR ratio and spin polarization, factors

influencing TMR, MR ratio for Fe/MgO/ Fe system, oscillations in TMR, tunnel junctions
with manganites, Heusler alloys, nanoscale graunules, Coulomb blockade in tunnel

UNIT-IV (9 hrs)
Ballistic magnetoresistance and Magnetic nanostructures
Ballistic magneto resistance, conductance quantization in quantum confined
semiconductors, metals. Anisotropic maneto resistance and applications, magnetism of
nanoparticles, nanoclusters, nanowires, hard and soft magnetic materials and their
applications, media for extremely high density recording, magnetic sensors, ferro fluids,
spinglass- magnetic properties and electronic structure

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Magnetic targeting, magnetic separation and detection, magnetic tweezers, drug and
gene delivery, chemo therapy, MRI, magnetic contrast agents, hyperthermia,
application of various nanomagnetic materials in biotechnology, superparamagnetism,
core-shell structures and their applications, iron oxide and novel Nanomaterials.

1. Advanced magnetic nanostructures, Ed. D. Sellmyer, R. Skomski, Springer, 2009
2. Magnetic nanostructures, Ed. M.A. Reed, American Scientific Publishers, 2002
3. Nanostructured magnetic materials and their applications, Ed. D. Shi, B. Aktas, L.
Pust, F. Mikailov, Springer , 2002.
4. Introduction to Magnetic Materials, B. D. Cullity, Wiley, 1972.
1. Magnetism in the solid state, P. Mohn, Springer series in the solid state, sciences,
2. Handbook of Thin Film Materials, volume 5, edited by H.S Nalwa, American
Scientific Publishers, 2002
3. Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology, Edited by H.S. Nalwa, American
Scientific Publishers, 2007
4. Magnetism – fundamentals, Edited by E. du Tremolet de Lacheisserie, D. Gognoux,
M. Schlenker, Springer, 2003
5. Advances in nanoscale magnetism, Ed. B. aktas, F. Mikailov, Springer,2009
6. Spintronics: fundamentals and applications, I. Zutic, J. Fabian and S. Das Sarma,
Rev. Mod. Phys, 76, 323 (2004)
7. Spin electronics, M. Ziese and M.J. Thornton, Springer, 2001

NAST-735: Advanced Nanobiotechnology

Unit –I (9 hrs)
Synthetic Materials in Medicine, roperties of Materials: Bulk Properties of Materials,
Surface Properties of Materials. Classes of Materials Used in Medicine: Structure and
Properties of Metals, Ceramics, Glasses, and Glass-Ceramics, Polymers, Hydrogels,
Family of Carbon Nanomaterials, Bioresorbable and Bioerodible Materials, Composites,
Thin Films, Grafts and Coatings, Biologically Functional Materials.

Unit –II (9 hrs)

Biological Interactions with Materials
Introduction, Biocompatibility, Toxicity, Cytotoxicity, Hypersensitivity, Carcinogenicity,
Interaction of Materials with Soft Tissues, Inflammation, Granulation Tissue Formation,
Foreign Body Reaction, Fibrosis, Modification of Blood-Biomaterial Interactions,
Interaction with Blood by Heparin, Interactions with Proteins, Cell Adhesion, Interactions
with Hard Tissues, The Vroman Effect, Adhesion of Osteoblasts, Osseointegration,
Fibrous Capsule Formation, Safety Testing of Biomaterials.

Unit –III (9 hrs)

Introduction, Toxicity of nanoparticles, Types of Nanoparticles causing Toxicity, Target
organ toxicity, Exposure, Uptake, and Barriers, Experimental Models in Nanotoxicology
- In vitro Models, In Vivo Models, Predicting Penetration and Fate of Nanoparticlesin the
Body, Toxicity Mechanisms - Mechanisms for Radical Species Production, General
Genotoxicity Mechanisms, Detection and Characterization of Genotoxicity.

Unit –IV (9 hrs)

Tissue engineering
Introduction, Stem cells, Morphogenesis, Generation of tissue in the embryo,
Tissue homeostasis, Cellular signaling, Extracellular matrix as a biologic scaffold for
tissue engineering, Natural polymers in tissue engineering applications, Degradable
polymers for tissue engineering, Degradation of bioceramics.Cell source, Cell culture:
harvest, selection, expansion, and differentiation, Cell nutrition, Cryobiology, Scaffold
design and fabrication, Controlled release strategies in tissue engineering

Unit –V (9 hrs)
Drug Delivery Systems
Fundamentals of Drug Nanoparticles: Production, Size, Surface area, Suspension and
Settling, Magnetic and Optical Properties, Biological Transport. Manufacturing of
Nanoparticles: Ball-Milling, High-Pressure Homogenization, Spray-Drying Production in
Nonaqueous Liquids, Hot-Melted Matrices, Pelletization Techniques, Direct Compress.
Delivery of Nanoparticles: Brain Delivery, Ocular Drug Delivery, Gene Delivery Systems,
Carriers in Cancer Therapy, Cardiovascular System, Vascular Delivery to the Lungs,
Targeting Lymphatics.

1. BlOMATERIALS SCIENCE, An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Edited by
Buddy D. Ratner, Allan S. Hoffman, Frederick J. Schoen, Jack E. Lemons,
Academic Press, A division of Harcourt Brace & Company, 525 B Street, Suite 1900,
San Diego, California 92101-4495, USA.
2. The Chemistry of Medical and Dental Materials, John W. Nicholson, RSC
MATERIALS MONOGRAPHS, Published by The Royal Society of Chemistry,

Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 OWF, UK.
ISBN 0-85404-572-4.
3. Tissue Engineering, Clemens van Blitterswijk, Peter Thomsen, Anders Lindahl,
Jeffrey Hubbell, David Williams, Ranieri Cancedda, Joost de Bruijn, Jérôme Sohier,
Academic Press, Elsevier, 84 Theobald’s Road, London WC1X 8RR, UK, 30
Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA, 525 B Street, Suite 1900,
San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA, 2008 ISBN: 978-0-12-370869-4.
4. Nanofabrication towards Biomedical Applications, Techniques, Tools, Applications,
and Impact. C. S. S. R. Kumar, J. Hormes, C. Leuschner, 2005, WILEY -VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, ISBN-13 978-3-527-31115-6, ISBN-10 3-527-31115-
5. Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems, Edited by Ralph S. Greco, Fritz B.
Prinz, R. Lane Smith, CRC PRESS, Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis
6. Nanoparticulates Drug Carriers, Edited by VLADIMIR P TORCHILIN, 2006, Imperial
College Press, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE, ISBN 1-

1. Nanoparticle Technology for Drug Delivery. Edited by Ram B. Gupta, Uday B.
Kompella, 2006, Taylor & Francis Group, 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
2. Biological Nanostructures and Applications of Nanostructures in Biology. Electrical,
Mechanical, and Optical Properties. Edited by Michael A. Stroscio and Mitra Dutta,
LONDON, MOSCOW, eBook ISBN: 0-306-48628-8, Print ISBN: 0-306-48627-X
3. BIOMEDICAL NANOSTRUCTURES. Edited by Kenneth E. Gonsalves, Craig R.
Halberstadt, Cato T. Laurencin, Lakshmi S. Nair, WILEY-INTERSCIENCE A JOHN
4. Dendrimer based Nanomedicine, Edited by Istvan J. Majoros, James R. Baker, 2008,
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.
5. Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems, Edited by Deepak Thassu, Michel Deleers,
Yashwant Pathak, 2007, Informa Healthcare USA, Inc., 270 Madison Avenue, New
York, NY 10016, ISBN‑13: 978‑0‑8493‑9073‑9

NAST -736: Industrial Nanotechnology

UNIT-I (9 hrs)
Nanotechnology in Electrical and Electronics Industry
Advantages of nano electrical and electronic devices – Electronic circuit chips –
Nanosensors and actuators, Optical switches – Diodes and Nano-wire transistors -
Memory storage – Lighting and displays – Filters (IR blocking) – Quantum computers –

Energy devices – Medical diagnosis – Conductive additives - Lead-free solder –

Nanocoatings –EMI shielding.

UNIT-I I (9 hrs)
Nanotechnology in Textiles and Cosmetics
Textiles: Nanofibre production - Electrospinning – Controlling morphologies of
nanofibers – Nano-fillers embedded polypropylene fibers – Bionics – Swim-suits with
shark-skin effect, Soil repellence, Lotus effect - Nano finishing in textiles (UV resistant,
anti-bacterial, hydrophilic, self-cleaning, flame retardant finishes) – Modern textiles
(Lightweight bulletproof vests and shirts, Colour changing property, Waterproof and
Germ proof clothes), Nanopolymers in medical textiles.
Cosmetics: Formulation of Gels, Shampoos, Hair-conditioners (Micellar self-assembly
and its manipulation) – Sun-screen dispersions for UV protection using titanium oxide –
Colour cosmetics.

UNIT- III (9 hrs)

Nanotechnology in Defence
Military applications of Nanotechnology - Artificial intelligence materials - Propulsion –
Vehicles - Propellants and Explosives – Camouflage distributed sensors - Amour
protection - Conventional weapons - Soldier systems - Implanted systems, Body
manipulation - Autonomous systems - Mini-/Micro robots - Bio-technical hybrids - Small
satellites and Space launchers - Nuclear weapons - Chemical weapons - Biological
weapons - Chemical/Biological protection.

UNIT- IV (9 hrs)
Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Technology
Nanotechnology in Agriculture - Precision farming, Smart delivery system –
Nanofertilizers: Nanourea and mixed fertilizers, Nanofertigation - Nanopesticides, Nano-
seed Science.
Nanotechnology in Food industry – Nanopackaging for enhanced shelf life -
Smart/Intelligent packaging - Food processing and food safety and bio-security –
Electrochemical sensors for food analysis and contaminant detection.

UNIT-V (9 hrs)
Nanotechnology in Environmental and Health Effects
Environmental pollutants in air, water, soil, hazardous and toxic wastes - Application of
Nanotechnology in remediation of pollution in Industrial and waste water treatment –
Drinking water and Air/Gas purifications - The challenge to occupational health and
hygiene, toxicity of nanoparticles, effects of inhaled nanosized particles, skin exposure
to nanoparticles, impact of CNTs on respiratory systems, hazards and risks of exposure
to nanoparticles, monitoring nanoparticles in work place and sensors.

1. P. Brown and K. Stevens, Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in Textiles, Woodhead
publication, London, 2006.
2. J. Altmann, Routledge, Military Nanotechnology: Potential Applications and
Preventive Arms Control, Taylor and Francis Group, 2006.

3. Jennifer Kuzma and Peter VerHage, Nanotechnology in agriculture and food

production, Woodrow Wilson International Center, (2006).
4. Lynn J. Frewer, Willehm Norde, R. H. Fischer and W. H. Kampers, Nanotechnology
in the Agri-food sector, Wiley-VCH Verlag, (2011).
5. P. J. Brown and K. Stevens, Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in Textiles, Woodhead
Publishing Limited, Cambridge, (2007).
6. Q. Chaudry, L.Castle and R. Watkins Nanotechnologies in Food, RSC Publications,
7. W.N.Chang, Nanofibers Fabrication, Performance and Applications, Nova Science
Publishers Inc., (2009).

1. Y-W. Mai,Polymer Nano composites, Woodhead publishing, (2006).
2. Udo H. Brinker, Jean-Luc Mieusset (Eds.), Molecular Encapsulation: Organic
Reactions in Constrained Systems,Wiley Publishers (2010).
3. Nanocomposites Science and Technology - P. M. Ajayan, L.S. Schadler, P. V. Braun.

NAST-730: Modeling and Simulation Laboratory

1. Construction of fullerene & its energy calculations by ARGUS Lab.

2. Construction of carbon nanotubes by ARGUS Lab.
3. Simulation with MATLAB: Programme assembly, execution, data processing and
graphic analysis.
4. Image processing with MATLAB
5. MATLAB programme to plot the first four Eigen functions of a one dimensional
rectangular potential well with infinite potential barrier.
6. Monte Carlo Simulation-Determination of mean, medium and standard deviation.
7. Atom manipulation and Patterning.
8. Study of single electron transistor using MOSES 1.2 simulator.
9. Simulation of I-V characteristic for a single junction circuit with a single quantum dot
using MOSES 1.2 simulator.
10. To determine the surface roughness of raw and processed AFM images of glass,
silicon and films made by different methods using offline SPIP software.
11. Simulation with VASP and GIBBS
12. Numerical simulation of SOFC for impedance analysis

Semester - IV Credits: 12

NAST-741: Research Project (Report and Viva-Voce)

Students are required to carry out a research project for one full semester related to
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and submit a project report. Each student is
assigned with a supervisor from among the faculty members of the centre of NST of
Pondicherry University. Arrangement could also be made to pursue research studies at
institutions other than the CNST of PU. In such circumstance, the student is assigned
with two supervisors: an internal supervisor/advisor from the CNST of PU and an
external supervisor from the institutions where the research project is carried out.


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