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B.Sc. (Hons.) PHYSICS Three-Years Full-Time Programme: (Effective From The Academic Year (2014-15)

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B.Sc. (Hons.

(Six-Semester Course)

(Effective from the Academic Year (2014-15)


Part I: Semester-1


SN Course No. Course Name L-T-P Cr.

Math Paper-1 BMA-110 Algebra-I 4-0-0 4

Math Paper-2 BMA-111 Calculus 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-1 BPH-110 Basic Concepts of Mechanics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-2 BPH-111 Vibrations and Waves 4-0-0 4

Chem Paper-1 BCH-110 Inorganic Chemistry – I 4-0-0 4

Chem Paper-2 BCH-111 Organic Chemistry – I 4-0-0 4

Comm- 1 BEN-101 Communication Skill-I 3-0-0 3

Phy Lab-1 BPH-160 Basic Concepts of Mechanics Lab 0-0-2 1

Phy Lab-2 BPH-161 Vibrations and Waves Lab 0-0-2 1

Chem Lab-1 BCH-160 Inorganic Chemistry – I Lab 0-0-2 1

Chem Lab-2 BCH-161 Organic Chemistry – I Lab 0-0-2 1

27-0-8(35) 31
Part I: Semester-II


SN Course No. Course Name L-T-P Cr.

Math Paper-3 BMA-113 Differential equation-I 4-0-0 4

Math Paper-4 BMA-112 Probability & Statistics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-3 BPH-112 Basic Electronics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-4 BPH-113 Electricity and Magnetism 4-0-0 4

Chem Paper-3 BCH-112 In organic Chemistry – II 4-0-0 4

Chem Paper-4 BCH-113 Physical Chemistry – I 4-0-0 4

Comm Paper-2 BEN-105 Communication Skill-II 3-0-0 3

Phy Lab-3 BPH-162 Basic Electronics Lab 0-0-2 1

Phy Lab-4 BPH-163 Electricity and Magnetism Lab 0-0-2 1

Chem Lab-3 BCH-162 Inorganic Chemistry – II Lab 0-0-2 1

Chem Lab-4 BCH-163 Physical Chemistry – I Lab 0-0-2 1

TOTAL 27-0-8(30) 31
Part II: Semester-III


SN Course No. Course Name L-T-P Cr.

Phy Paper-5 BPH-210 Quantum Mechanics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-6 BPH-211 Digital Electronics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-7 BPH-212 Mathematical Physics- I 4-0-0 4

Chem Paper-5 BCH-210 Physical chemistry-II 4-0-0 4

Math Paper-5 BMA-210 Complex Analysis 4-0-0 4

FCP Paper-1 PD-294 PDP 2-0-0 2

Phy Lab- 5 BPH-260 Quantum Mechanics Lab 0-0-3 2

Phy Lab- 6 BPH-261 Digital Electronics Lab 0-0-3 2

Phy Lab- 7 BPH-262 Numerical Physics Lab 0-0-3 2

Chem Lab-5 BCH-260 Physical chemistry-II Lab 0-0-3 2

22-0-12(34) 30
Part II: Semester-IV

Semester- IV

SN Course No. Course Name L-T-P Cr.

Phy Paper-8 BPH-213 Optics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-9 BPH-214 Solid State Physics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-10 BPH-215 Theory of Radiation and Statistical Physics 4-0-0 4

Chem Paper-6 BCH-211 Organic chemistry-II 4-0-0 4

Math Paper-6 BMA-215 Special Functions and Internal Transforms 4-0-0 4

Phy Lab-8 BPH-263 Optics Lab-I 0-0-3 2

Phy Lab-9 BPH-264 Solid State Physics Lab 0-0-3 2

Phy Lab-10 BPH-265 Optics Lab-II 0-0-3 2

Chem Lab- 6 BCH-261 Organic chemistry –II Lab 0-0-3 2

EVS-1 CEA-101 EVS 2-0-0 2

TOTAL 24-0-6(30) 30
Part III: Semester-V

Semester- V

SN Course No. Course Name L-T-P Cr.

Phy Paper-12 BPH-310 Thermal Physics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-13 BPH-311 Atomic and Molecular Physics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-14 BPH-312 Mathematical Physics-II 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-15 BPH-313 Electromagnetic Theory 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-16 BPH-315 Microprocessor 4-0-0 4

Phy Lab-8 BPH-360 Thermal Physics Lab 0-0-3 2

Phy Lab-9 BPH-361 Microprocessor Lab 0-0-3 2

Phy Lab-10 BPH-362 Mathematical Physics-II Lab 0-0-3 2

24-0-4(28) 26
Part III: Semester-VI

Semester- VI

SN Course Name L-T-P Cr.

Phy Paper-18 BPH-316 Advance Quantum Mechanics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-19 BPH-317 Nanotechnology 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-20 BPH-318 Physics of Devices and Instruments 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-21 BPH-319 Nuclear and Particle Physics 4-0-0 4

Phy Paper-21 BPH-320 Applied Optics 4-0-0 4

Phy Lab-10 BPH-370 General Physics Lab 0-0-4 2

Phy Lab-10 BPH-371 Dissertation 0-2-6 10

TOTAL 20-2-9 32

Total Credits

Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Total

31 31 30 30 26 32 180





25% 75% 40% 60%

Physics Paper 18: Advance Quantum Mechanics

L-T-P Credits
BPH-316 Advance Quantum Mechanics
4-0-0 4

Unit I: Review of Quantum Mechanics

Basic Postulates and Formalism :- Energy, Momentum and Hamiltonian Operators. Time-
independent Schrodinger Wave Equation for Stationary States. Properties of Wave Function.
Interpretation of Wave Function. Probability Density and Probability. Conditions for Physical
Acceptability of Wave Functions. Normalization. Linearity and Superposition Principles.
Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions. Expectation Values. Wave Function of a Free Particle.

Unit II: Angular Momentum

Orbital Angular Momentum, General Formalism of angular momentum, Matrix representation of
angular momentum, spin angular momentum: spin ½ and Pauli Matrices. Eigen function of
orbital angular momentum, Eigen function and Eigen value of L̂Z , Eigen function of L̂ 2 ,Addition
of angular momentum

Unit III: Applications of Schrödinger Wave Equation I

Eigen Functions and Eigenvalues for a Particle in a One Dimensional Box. Bound State
Problems :- General Features of a Bound Particle System, (1) One Dimensional Simple
Harmonic Oscillator : Energy Levels and Wave Functions. Zero Point Energy, (2) Quantum
Theory of Hydrogen Atom : Particle in a Spherically Symmetric Potential.

Unit IV: Applications of Schrödinger Wave Equation II

Schrodinger Equation. Separation of Variables. Radial Solutions and Principal Quantum
Number, Orbital and Magnetic Quantum Numbers. Quantization of Energy and Angular
Momentum. Space Quantization. Electron Probability Density. Radiative Transitions, Selection

Unit V: Scattering
Scattering Problems in One Dimension :- (1) Finite Potential Step : Reflection and Transmission.
Stationary Solutions. Probability Current. Attractive and Repulsive Potential Barriers. (2)
Quantum Phenomenon of Tunneling : Tunnel Effect. Tunnel Diode (Qualitative Description). (3) Finite
Potential Well (Square Well).

Reference Books:
1. L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, 3rd edition, (McGraw Hill Book Co., New York 1968).
2. E. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics, 3rd edition, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc1997)
3. J.L. Powell & B. Crasemann, Quantum Mechanics, (Addison-Wesley Pubs.Co.,1965)
4. A. Ghatak & S. Lokanathan, Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications, 5th Edition,
(Macmillan India , 2004)
5. E. M. Lifshitz and L. D. Landau, Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory (Course of
Theoretical Physics, Vol 3), 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann (1981).

Physics Paper 19: Nanotechnology

L-T-P Credits
BPH-317 Nanotechnology
4-0-0 4

Unit I: Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Basic concepts of Nano science and technology – Quantum wire – Quantum well – Quantum dot –
Properties and technological advantages of Nanomaterials– Carbon Nanotubes and applications –
Material processing by Sol – Gel method, Chemical Vapour deposition and Physical Vapour deposition –
Microwave Synthesis of materials – Principles of SEM, TEM and AFM.

Unit II: Nanostructures

Electronic Structure of Nanoparticles- Kinetics in Nanostructured Materials- Zero dimensional, one-
dimensional and two dimensional nanostructures- clusters of metals and semiconductors, nanowires,
nanostructured beams, and nanocomposites-artificial atomic clusters-Size dependent properties-size
dependent absorption spectra-phonons in nanostructures.

Unit III: Physical Properties of Nanomaterials

Melting point and phase transition processes- quantum-size-effect (QSE). Size-induced metal-insulator-
transition (SIMIT)- nano-scale magnets, transparent magnetic materials, and ultrahigh-density magnetic
recording materials chemical physics of atomic and molecular clusters.

Unit IV: Surface and Micro-structural Properties of Nanomaterials

Surface energy – chemical potential as a function of surface curvature-Electrostatic stabilization- surface
charge density-electric potential at the proximity of solid surface-Van der Waals attraction potential.
Micro-structural Properties: Properties slightly dependent on temperature and grain size; properties
strongly dependent on temperature and grain size; strengthening mechanisms; enhancement of available
plasticity; grain size evolution and grain size control; HallPetch relation, microstructure – dislocation
interactions at low and high temperatures; effects of diffusion on strength and flow of materials.

Unit V: Applications of Nanomaterials

Solar energy conversion and catalysis, Molecular electronics and printed electronics Nanoelectronics,
Polymers with a special architecture, Liquid crystalline systems,Linear and nonlinear optical and
electrooptical properties, Applications in displays and other devices, Advanced organic materials for data
storage,Photonics, Plasmonics ,Chemical and biosensors,Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology.

Referred Books:
1. Joel I. Gersten, “The Physics and Chemistry of Materials”, Wiley, 2001.
2. A. S. Edelstein and R. C. Cammarata, “Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”,
Institute of Physics Pub., 1998.
3. Hari Singh Nalwa, “Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology”, Academic Press, 2002
4. S.Yang and P.Shen: “Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials”, Taylor & Francis, 2000.

Physics Paper 20: Physics of Device and Instruments

L-T-P Credits
BPH-318 Physics of Device and Instruments
4-0-0 4

Unit I: Measurement Science

Static characteristics of measuring instruments - accuracy, precision sensitivity, non-linerarity,
hysteresis - dynamic characteristics - I order and II order instruments - Standards and calibration-
errors and error analysis.

Unit II: Transducers

Variable resistance transducers - potentiometer, strain gauge RTD, thermistor, hygrometer-
Variable inductance transducers - LVDT - variable relectance accelerometer – variable
capacitance tranaducers for differential pressure, sound and thickness measurement-
piezoelectric transducer – smart transducors.

Unit III: Industrial Instruments

Temperature measurement - thermocouples, cold-junction compensation for thermocouple,
radiation and optical pyrometers - pressure measurements - bourdon gauge, bellows, diaphragme,
differential pressure transmitter, vacum gauges, melead gauge, pirani gauge-flow measurement-
office meter, venturimeter, electro-magnetic flow meter, ultrasonic flow meter, rotameter
positive displacement meters, mass flowmeters.

Unit IV: Fundamentals of Networks:

Dc And Ac Series And Parallel Circuits - Kirchhoffs Law - Network Graph – Matrix
Representation- Solution Of Steady State, equations - transients in AC networks-frequency
response of RL, RC, RIC series and parallel circuits.

Unit V: Fundamentals Electronics and Bio-Medical Measurements:

Electronics Instruments: BJT, FET and MOSFET voltmerters - solid state multimeter - DMM -
audio and Radio frequency signal generators - AM signal generator
Bio-Medical Instruments: Measurement of biological signals - ECG,EEG, EMG - blood pressure
and blood flow measurements-defibrillators-pace maker.

Reference Books:
1. Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments By S. Kamakshaiah, J. Amarnath,
KrishnaMurthy, Published by I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2011.
2. Helfrick and Cooper, “Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”, Prentice-
Hall of India, Reprint 1988.
3. Jones, B.E., “Instrumentation Measurement and Feedback”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1986.
4. Golding, E.W., “Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments”, 3rd Edition, Sir Issac Pitman
and Sons, 1960.
5. Buckingham, H. and Price, E.N., “Principles of Electrical Measurements”, 1961.

Physics Paper 21: Nuclear and Particle Physics

L-T-P Credits
BPH-319 Nuclear and Particle Physics
4-0-0 4

Unit I: Structure of Nuclei and Radioactivity

Basic Properties of Nuclei: (1) Mass, (2) Radii, (3) Charge, (4) Angular Momentum, (5) Spin, (5)
Magnetic Moment (µ), (6) Stability and (7) Binding Energy.
Radioactivity: Law of Radioactive Decay. Half-life, Theory of Successive Radioactive Transformations.
Radioactive Series, Binding Energy, Mass Formula. α-decay :- Range of α-particles, Geiger-Nuttal law
and α-particle Spectra. Gamow Theory of Alpha Decay, β-decay. Energy Spectra and Neutrino
Hypothesis, γ-decay :- Origin of γ-rays, Nuclear Isomerism and Internal Conversion.

Unit II: Nuclear Reactions

Types of Reactions and Conservation Laws. Concept of Compound and Direct Reaction. Compound
Nucleus. Scattering Problem in One Dimension : Reflection and Transmission by a Finite Potential Step.
Stationary Solutions, Attractive and Repulsive Potential Barriers, Scattering Cross-section. Reaction Rate.
Q-value of Reaction. Fission and Fusion.

Unit III: Nuclear Models and Accelerators

Liquid Drop Model. Mass formula. Shell Model. Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces and Discovery of Pion.
Van de Graaff Generator, Linear Accelerator, Cyclotron, Betatron, and Light and Heavy Ion Synchro-
Cyclotron. Idea of Large Hadron Collider.

Unit IV: Detectors of Nuclear Radiations

Interaction of Energetic particles with matter. Ionization chamber. GM Counter. Cloud Chambers.
Wilson Cloud Chamber. Bubble Chamber. Scintillation Detectors. Semiconductor Detectors (Qualitative
Discussion Only). An Idea about Detectors used in Large Hadron Collider.

Unit V: Elementary Particles

Cosmic Rays :- Nature and Properties, Fundamental Interactions, Classification of Elementary Particles.
Particles and Antiparticles. Baryons, Hyperons, Leptons, and Mesons. Elementary Particle Quantum
Numbers : Baryon Number,
Lepton Number, Strangeness, Electric Charge, Hypercharge and Isospin. Eightfold way : Supermultiplets
of Mesons and Baryons. Conservation Laws and Symmetry. Different Types of Quarks and Quark
Contents of Spin ½ Baryons. Photons, Gravitons, Gluons, Charms and Intermediate Vector Bosons. Idea
of Standard Model. Higg’s Boson.

Reference Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987)
2. Concepts of nuclear physics by Bernard L.Cohen.(New Delhi: Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1998).
3. Introduction to the physics of nuclei and particles by R.A. Dunlap.(Singapore: Thomson Asia, 2004).
4. Nuclear physics by Irving Kaplan. (Oxford & IBH, 1962).
5. Introductory nuclear physics by Kenneth S. Krane.( John Wiley & Sons, 1988).

L-T-P Credits
BPH-320 Applied Optics
4-0-0 4

Unit I: Basic Laser Theory

Historical background of laser, Einstein coefficients and stimulated light amplification: population
inversion, creation of population inversion in three level & four level lasers.

Unit II: Basic Laser Systems

Gas Laser: CO2 laser, Solid State Laser: Host material and its characteristics, doped ions, Nd:YAG laser,
Liquid laser: Dye laser, Semiconductor laser.

Unit III: Laser Beam Propagation

Laser beam propagation, properties of Gaussian beam, resonator, stability, various types of resonators,
resonator for high gain and high energy lasers, Gaussian beam focusing.
Concept of spatial frequency filtering, Fourier transforming property of a thinlens.

Unit IV: Nonlinear Optics & Fourier Optics

Origin of nonlinearity, susceptibility tensor, phase matching, second harmonic generation, methods of
enhancement, frequency mixing processes, nonlinear optical materials.

Unit V: Holography
Importance of coherence, resolution, types of hologram, white light reflection, hologram, Principle of
holography and characteristics, Recording and reconstruction, classification of hologram and application,
non-destructive testing.

Reference Book:
1. Principles of lasers- O Svelto
2. Solid State Laser Engineering- W Koechner
3. Laser- B A Labgyel
4. Gas laser- A J Boom
5. Methods of Experimental Physics Vol. 15B ed. By C L Tang
6. Industrial Application of Lasers – J F Ready
7. Handbook of Nonlinear Optics- R L Sautherland
8. Laser and electrooptics- C C Davis
9. Fibre optic communication- Joseph C Palais

L-T-P Credits
Bph-370 General Physics Lab
0-0-0 8

Programming Based Experiments:

1.Solve Kirchoff’s Current law for any node of an arbitrary circuit using Laplace’s transform.

2. Solve Kirchoff’s Voltage law for any loop of an arbitrary circuit using Laplace’s transform.

3. Perform circuit analysis of a general LCR circuit using Laplace’s transform.

4. Compute the n roots of unity for n = 2, 3, and 4.

5. Find the two square roots of −5+12j.

6. Compute the n roots of unity for n = 2, 3, and 4.

Laboratory Based Experiments:

1. To measure the numerical aperature of an optical fiber.

2. V-I characteristics of LED

3. To study the interference pattern from a Michelson interferometer as a function of mirror

separation in the interferometer.

4. Photovaltic cell

Note: Each student is required to perform at least seven experiments.

Reference Books:
• Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineers, K.F Riley, M.P. Hobson and S. J.
Bence, 3 ed., 2006, Cambridge University Press
• Mathematics for Physicists, P. Dennery and A. Krzywicki, 1967, Dover Publications
• Simulation of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB®, OCTAVE and SCILAB:
Scientific and Engineering Applications: A. Vande Wouwer, P. Saucez, C. V.
Fernández. 2014 Springer ISBN: 978-3319067896
• A Guide to MATLAB, B.R. Hunt, R.L. Lipsman, J.M. Rosenberg, 2014, 3 Edn.,
Cambridge University Press
• Scilab by example: M. Affouf, 2012. ISBN: 978-1479203444
• Scilab (A free software to Matlab): H.Ramchandran, A.S.Nair. 2011 S.Chand & Company
• Scilab Image Processing: Lambert M. Surhone. 2010 Betascript Publishing
• https://web.stanford.edu/~boyd/ee102/laplace_ckts.pdf
• ocw.nthu.edu.tw/ocw/upload/12/244/12handout.pdf


L-T-P Credits
0-0-0 8

1. Identification of a research Topic, reading of relevant literature, Summary of National and International
Scenario of course taught.
2. Understanding of the unsolved and unresolved problems in the literature, framing of objectives for
3. Assessment about the feasibility of identified objectives within available resources, and fine tuning of
objectives for future work.
4. Experimental / computational analysis, data analysis and writing of report.
5. Writing of manuscript and Poster making for presentation in scientific conferences or publication in
Journal based on above work.

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