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SEMESTER 20152016/1



Name : Neesha Balu a/p Balu

No Matric: A13KP0092

Lecturer’s Name: Mr Zulkifli bin Ab Majid

Date of Submission : 24 Disember



Mechanics of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment……………………3

Driving Forces in Secondary Migration…………………………………………………..4

Interfacial Tension…………………………………………………………………………5


Radius of Pore Throats…………………………………………………………………….7

Migration And Entrapment Model: Gussow’s………………………………………......9




Primary migration is here defined as the movement of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas)
from mature organic-rich source rocks to an escape point where the oil and gas collect as
droplets or stringers of continuous-phase liquid hydrocarbon and secondary migration can
occur. The escape point from the source rock can be any point where hydrocarbons can begin
to migrate as continuous-phase fluid through water-saturated porosity. The escape point then
could be anywhere the source rock is adjacent to a reservoir rock, an open fault plane, or an
open fracture.

Secondary migration is the movement of hydrocarbons as a single continuous-phase fluid

through water-saturated rocks, faults, or fractures and the concentration of the fluid in trapped
accumulations of oil and gas. Numerous mechanisms for primary migration have been
proposed. The main proposed mechanisms for secondary migration are buoyancy and



If an oil droplet were expelled from a source rock whose boundary was the seafloor, oil
would rise through seawater as a continuous-phase droplet because oil is less dense than
water and the two fluids are immiscible. The rate of rise would depend on the buoyancy
between the oil and the water phase. The main driving force then for the upward movement
of oil through sea water is buoyancy. Buoyancy is also the main driving force for oil or gas
migrating through water-saturated rocks in the subsurface. In the subsurface, where oil must
migrate through the pores of rock, there exists a resistant force to the migration of
hydrocarbons that was not present in the simple example. The factors that determine the
magnitude of this resistant force are:-

(1) Radius of the pore throats of the rock

(2) hydrocarbon-water interfacial tension

(3) Wettability

These factors, in combination, are generally called "capillary pressure." Capillary pressure
has been defined as the pressure difference between the oil phase and the water phase across
a curved oil-water interface. It is pointed out that capillary pressure between oil and water in
rock pores is responsible for trapping oil and gas in the subsurface.

Driving Forces in Secondary Migration

Under hydrostatic conditions, buoyancy is the main driving force for continuous-phase
secondary hydrocarbon migration. When two immiscible fluids like hydrocarbon and water
occur in a rock, a buoyant force is created owing to the density difference between the
hydrocarbon phase and the water phase. The greater the density difference, the greater the
buoyant force for a given length hydrocarbon column. For a static continuous hydrocarbon
column, the buoyant force increases vertically upward through the column.

Figure 1 illustrates the buoyant force for a stratigraphically trapped static oil column in a
porous reservoir sandstone. As illustrated on the right of the figure, the reservoir sandstone is
confined vertically by a cap rock shale seal and seat seal, the oil is trapped laterally by
siltstone, and an oil-water contact is present down dip in the homogeneous reservoir

To quantify the buoyant force for a given hydrocarbon-water system the density of the water
phase and of the hydrocarbon phase must be determined. To be useful in exploration these
values must be obtainable from information generally available to the petroleum

The three main variables affecting subsurface water density are: pressure, temperature, and
the amount and kinds of dissolved solids.

Figure 2 provides a means of estimating subsurface water densities considering the
mentioned variables. In situations where the dominant negative ion is chloride, the chloride-
ion concentration scale can be used. For waters that contain appreciable amounts of negative
ions other than chloride, the upper scale for total dissolved solids should be used. The
chlorinity or the total dissolved solids are generally available in exploration settings as are
appropriate temperature and pressure information. Direct measurement of water densities can
also be used but should be converted to subsurface temperature and pressure.

Interfacial Tension

Interfacial tension can be defined as the work required to enlarge by unit area the interface
between two immiscible fluids like oil and water. Interfacial tension is the result of the
difference between the mutual attraction of like molecules within each fluid and the attraction
of dissimilar molecules across the interface of the fluids.

Oil-water interfacial tension varies as a function of the chemical composition of the oil,
amount and type of surface-active agents, types and quantities of gas in solution, pH of the
water, temperature, and pressure.


Wettability can be defined as the work necessary to separate a wetting fluid from a solid. In
the subsurface we would generally consider water the wetting fluid and the solid would be
grains of quartz in a sandstone, calcite in a limestone, etc. The adhesive force or attraction of
the wetting fluid to the solid in any oil-water-rock system is the result of the combined
interfacial energy of the oil-water, oil-rock, and water-rock surfaces. Wettability is generally
expressed mathematically by the contact angle of the oil-water interface against the rock or
pore wall as measured through the water phase. For rock-fluid systems with contact angles
between 0 and 90°, the rocks are generally considered water-wet; for contact angles greater
than 90°, the rocks are considered oil-wet. Water-wet rocks would imbibe water
preferentially to oil. Oil-wet rocks or oil-wet surfaces would imbibe oil preferentially to

Water-laid sedimentary rocks are generally considered to be preferentially water-wet owing

to the strong attraction of water to rock surfaces and the initial exposure of pore surfaces to
water rather than hydrocarbons during sedimentation and early diagenesis. Water is thought
by many workers to be a perfect wetting fluid and a thin film of water would coat all grain
surfaces. If this is the situation, the contact angle for oil-water-rock systems would be zero.
The wettability term in the displacement pressure equation would then be unity, as the cosine
of zero is one. If water is not a perfect wetting fluid and the oil-water contact angle is greater
than zero, the displacement pressure should theoretically decrease for that oil-water rock

Radius of Pore Throats

The third critical factor in estimating the displacement pressure of a given water-rock-system
is the radius of the largest connected pore throats in the rock. By inspection of the
displacement pressure equation, the smaller the radius of the connected pore throats in a rock
the greater the displacement pressure. The displacement pressure for a reservoir-quality
sandstone would be significantly less than that of a fine-grained shale. Specific measurements
of pore-size distribution are necessary to quantify secondary migration and entrapment.

Methods for estimating the radius of largest connected pore throats are numerous and varied.
Pore-throat size and distribution can be measured visually in thin sections or from scanning
electron microscope photos. Pore geometry and pore-size distribution can also be measured
by studying pore casts of leached carbonate rocks. These direct measurement procedures
have problems in that they generally only measure one plane of the rock and not the three-
dimensional relations of one pore to another. Another problem with these methods is that
they cannot be used effectively on non-reservoir rocks, which have pore throats too small to
measure visually. These rocks are often of interest in hydrocarbon exploration, as they
control hydrocarbon trapping. Other methods must be used for these fine-pored rocks.

Visual or empirical estimates of pore-throat size as discussed in the preceding section are
difficult to make and probably of limited value. A better approach would be to measure the
displacement pressure directly. This can be done in the laboratory by injecting a non-wetting
fluid into a rock under progressively increasing pressure and measuring the pressure at which
a connected filament of non-wetting fluid extends across the sample. This technique would be
analogous to the secondary migration of hydrocarbons through a water-saturated rock. Tests
of this type are called capillary-pressure tests. Petroleum laboratories have run capillary-

pressure tests for years on reservoir core samples. If the injection of the non-wetting fluid is
continued incrementally beyond the pressure needed to establish a connected filament of non-
wetting fluid across the sample, then the entire capillary properties or pore-size distribution of
the rock can be determined.

Laboratory capillary pressure tests on rock samples can use almost any kind of fluid for the
wetting and non-wetting phases. Oil or gas can be used for the non-wetting fluid and water
for the wetting fluid. Although tests with these fluids would obviously be the best for
petroleum exploration applications, they are difficult and time consuming.


The mechanical principles of secondary migration can logically be applied to developing a

model for secondary hydrocarbon migration and entrapment. In summary, these principles
state that if the buoyancy of a continuous-phase hydrocarbon accumulation exceeds the
displacement pressure of a rock acting as a barrier to migration, oil or gas will displace water
from the confining pore throats and migrate as a continuous filament through the largest
connected pore throats of the rock.

To develop a workable secondary-migration model, a simplified geologic environment can be

used as an illustration. Consider a laterally continuous homogeneous reservoir rock overlain
by a high-displacement-pressure cap rock seal and underlain by a hydrocarbon source rock.
Oil or gas expelled from the source rock will begin to accumulate at the source rock-reservoir
boundary. The method of primary migration is not inferred here but these principles can be
applied whenever the expelled oil or gas occur as a continuous phase in the rock on a scale
from droplets to larger connected filaments.

As oil or gas accumulates at the source rock-reservoir boundary, the buoyant force of a
continuous oil or gas filament will eventually exceed the displacement pressure of the
reservoir rock and the hydrocarbon phase will then migrate vertically upward through the
reservoir rock until it encounters the overlying cap rock seal. The vertical oil or gas column
necessary to migrate vertically upward through the reservoir rock will depend on the density
of the hydrocarbon and water phases, the size of the largest connected pore throats of the
reservoir, the interfacial tension, and the wettability of the hydrocarbon-water-rock system.
These variables have been discussed in detail with methods to quantify the vertical
hydrocarbon column needed for migration.

Differential Entrapment

The migration model we have developed has taken us to the point of the first major trap along
a reservoir carrier bed or migration path. As oil or gas continues to migrate up dip beyond the
first major trap, what will happen and how will oil and gas be distributed in long-range

Gussow in the year 1954 was the first to deal with this problem. Gussow discussed how oil
and gas will be expelled from a source, coalesce to form continuous slugs in a reservoir
carrier bed, and migrate up dip perpendicular to structure, honouring the lowest
displacement-pressure rocks in its path. The slugs will join along major structural noses or
permeability barriers to form "rivers" of oil. This up dip movement of hydrocarbons as
streams in carrier beds to the final condition of entrapment is known as secondary migration.

Gussow stated that the lowest trap along a migration path will be filled first, then the trap
structurally higher, and so on. When there is a series of structural traps that spill petroleum up
dip, there is the potential for differential entrapment of oil and gas when the two phases are

As illustrated in the figure above and discussed by Gussow, if both oil and gas are present in
a trap as separate phases, gas will occupy the upper part of the trap and oil the lower. As the
accumulation continues to fill with oil and gas migrating into the trap, gas will rise to the top
of the structure and when the structure is full to the spill point, oil will be spilled up dip. As
the trap continues to fill with gas, oil will be spilled up dip until the trap will be completely
filled with gas and can no longer trap oil. As illustrated in the diagram, this would result in oil
filling the higher traps and gas the lower traps along a migration path. Gussow listed
numerous examples of the differential entrapment of oil up dip from gas along migration
paths along which a series of structural traps are present. He suggested that this relation will
hold except where there is strong down dip hydrodynamic flow.

As discussed by Hubbert in the year 1953, in a structural trap filled with two phases which
are oil and gas, under hydrodynamic conditions oil can be flushed out of the trap and gas left
behind. This situation would produce gas up dip from oil and is an exception to Gussow's

Then consider situation where the traps along a migration path are a series of displacement-
pressure barriers that will hold a certain hydrocarbon column and then leak hydrocarbons up
dip through the barrier before the trap is filled to its stratigraphic spill point.

When oil and gas are present as separate phases in a stratigraphic trap, gas will be at the up
dip part of the trap and will be trying to break through the barrier. As the trap fills and the
buoyant pressure increases, gas will leak out through the barrier first when the displacement
pressure of the barrier is reached. As discussed previously, a large slug of gas and some oil
will migrate through the barrier before it reseals. As migration continues, gas will eventually
be the only phase migrating up dip through the displacement pressure or permeability barriers
along the migration path. This produces a situation where gas is differentially trapped up dip
from oil, which is exactly the opposite of spill differential entrapment.

When a migration path consists of both structural and stratigraphic traps, the distribution of
hydrocarbons can become quite complex because of the opposite effect of leak and spill
differential entrapment.

Other factors such as the depth and timing of oil and gas generation must also be considered
when interpreting the distribution of oil and gas along migration paths. For example, shallow
gas high up along a migration path that appears to be due to stratigraphic leak differential
entrapment may actually be indigenous biogenic gas rather than gas that has migrated long
distances and been differentially trapped up dip from oil. Thermal generation of oil and gas
will also pose problems in interpreting patterns of oil and gas distribution. Thermal
generation models suggest that oil is generated first and expelled, then gas is generated and
expelled. This sequence of generation and migration could cause gas to be distributed down
dip from oil, which is analogous to structural spill differential entrapment. Another
complication to consider is that, whenever the structural dip of a carrier bed is changed,
remigration and further adjustments in the distribution of oil and gas will occur.

Differential entrapment of oil and gas along migration paths may cause dramatic chemical
changes in oil composition. Hobson in the year 1962 and Silverman in the year 1965 gave
detailed discussions of this phenomenon. In summary, they suggested that small but
measurable changes occur as oil migrates as a single phase through reservoir carrier beds.
These changes due to secondary migration of a single oil phase cannot explain the markedly
different chemistry of some oils that are thought to be genetically related. These larger
differences in composition of genetically related oils are speculated to be caused by phase
separations of oil and gas during migration and the process was called separation-migration
by Silverman.

For separation-migration to occur, two phases, oil and gas, must be present in the trap. The
gas phase must escape, leaving the liquid phase behind. As the gas phase migrates up dip to a
lower pressure, retrograde condensation can occur and form a liquid and gas phase from the
gas phase that was separated by migration. The liquid oil formed by this process will be
compositionally distinct from the parent oil left behind. Silverman suggested that the gas
phase could be separated from the oil phase by fracturing the cap rock so that only gas

escapes from the trap. This type of separation is analogous to stratigraphic differential
entrapment as discussed in the preceding section where a trap leaks through a displacement-
pressure barrier.

Gas will be at the up dip portion of the trap and when the buoyant pressure of the oil and gas
column exceeds the displacement pressure of the controlling barrier to migration, a large slug
of gas will leak through the barrier and the barrier will then reseal. This would separate an oil
and a gas phase and create the chemical changes discussed by Silverman.


The processes of secondary hydrocarbon migration and entrapment are well understood
physical processes. The distribution of oil and gas in the subsurface can be examined in a
logical quantitative fashion by following a few basic principles and using data generally
available in petroleum exploration and development. A thorough understanding of these
processes can be very useful in all phases of the search for oil and gas.

In the exploration for new oil and gas reserves these principals define critical factors needed
to predict the location of entrapped oil or gas along a migration path. For structural traps the
critical factors are the seal capacity of the reservoir cap rock, the structural configuration at
the base of the seal, and the tilt of the oil-water contact if a hydrodynamic condition is
present. For stratigraphic traps the location, configuration, and seal capacity of a lateral
barrier to oil or gas migration along a carrier bed are critical. The seal capacity of the barrier
in terms of vertical hydrocarbon column will be affected by the density of the hydrocarbon
and water phases, the hydrodynamic conditions in the carrier bed, the pore-throat sizes of the
barrier, the interfacial tension of hydrocarbon-water phase and the wettability of the rock.
The dip of the reservoir will not affect seal capacity but will affect the volume of
hydrocarbons trapped.

Once a commercial field has been located, the principles of secondary migration and
entrapment can be useful in field development. The up dip and down dip limits of the
accumulation can be calculated quantitatively from normally available well data and the
information can be used in development drilling.

Wherever the processes of secondary migration and entrapment are used for prediction in the
search for oil and gas, they should be used in conjunction with all available geologic
information, as they cannot stand alone and provide meaningful data.

1. www.hydrocarbons-technology.com
2. www.southampton.ac.uk
3. abarrelfull.wikidot.com
4. www.perenco.com/pdf
5. www.bp.com/.../bp/pdf/
6. https://www.dorsetforyou.com/
7. Robinson, E.S., and C.Coruh 1998), Basic Exploration Geophysics, John Wiley


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