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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 177 (2015) 352 – 357
Global Conference on Contemporary Issues in Education, GLOBE-EDU 2014, 12-14 July 2014,
Las Vegas, USA
The Natural Science Education Standards (NSES) has defined scientific literacy as knowledge and understanding of scientific
concepts which helps us to make personal decisions, participate in cultural and civic speculation and take part in economic
productivity. In order to assess students` cognitive components of scientific literacy we need a reliable and valid instrument,
appropriate for the survey and easily usable by students, teachers and researchers. The aim of the study is to evaluate concept
mapping as an assessment tool for determining cognitive aspects of scientific literacy. Students` concept maps can be assessed by
different measures, for example, number of concepts, number and quality of propositions, concept centrality, size and hierarchy
of the concept map, clusters in the maps. Our aim is to identify measures which are relevant and valid for assessing students`
cognitive components of scientific literacy. Concept mapping was used as an assessment method in an Estonian large scale study
(LoteGym, 2011-2014). The results from the PISA-like test were compared with the results obtained from the concept maps. The
correlation analyses showed that as a predictor for students’ cognitive components of scientific literacy are better suitable the
quality measures of concept mapping (e.g. number of high quality propositions). The analysis of the concept maps also showed,
that students intend to create more propositions inside the “everyday life” cluster than inside the “subject” cluster or between
these two clusters.
© 2015
© 2014TheTheAuthors.
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of GLOBE-EDU 2014.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of GLOBE-EDU 2014.
Keywords: concept mapping; scientific literature; assessment tool; cognitive learning.
1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of GLOBE-EDU 2014.
Priit Reiska et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 177 (2015) 352 – 357 353
1. Introduction
The main goal of the current study is to find an assessment tool to investigate cognitive aspect of students`
scientific literacy. However the term “scientific literacy” has become an internationally well-known slogan from
educators, researchers, politics and parents and it is still difficult to give an unambiguous meaning (Laugksch, 2000).
The importance of the scientific literacy is revealed in school curriculums standards in many countries (including
Estonia) and in international studies (e.g. Program for International Students Assessment (PISA) study, OECD).
Concept mapping is not only a learning method, but also used as an assessment tool (Novak, 2007). An
assessment related question which can be considered - how to measure students` cognitive components of scientific
literacy using concept mapping techniques? To evaluate the responses obtained PISA-like test results are compared
with the results of the concept maps. This is the first large scale study, where a concept mapping technique is used
together with another testing approach (PISA-like test for assessing scientific literacy).
A large scale study was carried out in a representative sample of 46 Estonian high schools. Initially students were
asked to solve PISA like multiple choice items and free response explanation questions. Then they were asked to
create concept maps based on a subject-specific focus question. The results from the PISA-like test were compared
with the results obtained from the concept maps.
2. Theoretical overview
Holbrook and Rannikmäe (2009) define scientific literacy as “Developing an ability, to creatively utilize
appropriate evidence-based scientific knowledge and skills, particularly with relevance for everyday life and a
career, in solving personally challenging yet meaningful scientific problems as well as making, responsible socio-
scientific decisions”. Roberts (2007) in here consideration of scientific literacy consider this to over two types,
labeled type I and type II. While type 1 related to cognitive achievement in science, type II related to competence
about science and its interrelationship with everyday contexts, in terms of problem solving, decision making,
attitudes and values. These types are often mixed as can be seen by statements on what a scientifically literate
students is expected to be able to do (NSES, 1996):
x ask or determine answers to questions derived from curiosity about everyday experiences;
x describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena;
x read with comprehension articles about science in the popular press and to engage in social conversation about
the validity of the conclusions;
x identify scientific issues underlying national and local decisions and express positions that are scientifically
x evaluate the quality of scientific information on the basis of its source and the methods used to generate it;
x evaluate arguments based on evidence and to apply conclusions from such arguments appropriately.
On the other hand, the PISA 2015 framework simply suggests a scientifically literate person is able to participate in
reasoned discourse about science and technology (OECD, 2013), in type I aspects (Roberts, 2007):
x explaining phenomena scientifically - students recognize and offer explanations for a range of natural and
technological phenomena.
x evaluating scientific enquiries - students describe scientific investigations and propose ways of addressing
questions scientifically.
x interpreting data and evidence scientifically - students analyze and evaluate data and draw appropriate scientific
354 Priit Reiska et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 177 (2015) 352 – 357
Whichever emphasis is placed on scientific literacy, to assess also requires knowledge on how people learn.
According to Webb (1997) “Depth of Knowledge” in learning is based on 4 major categories: level 1- recall; level 2
-using skills and conceptual knowledge, level 3 -strategic thinking and level 4 -extended thinking. (OECD, 2013).
x Create a prior knowledge – teachers determine student gains about a topic for generate meaningful and long-
lasting knowledge.
x Vary learning conditions – teacher use different approaches demanding students to gain skills in using
information in unfamiliar ways.
x Re-represent information – by undertaking activities which require re-representation of information but in
different ways (e.g. from symbols to words, from numbers to graphs) students increase their ability to handle
x Remembering helps – asking students to recall, as in a testing situation requiring connections, helps long term
memory retention.
Concept mapping was developed in 1972 by Joseph Novak’s research team, based on the learning psychology of
David Ausubel. The principal idea of Ausubel’s cognitive psychology is that learning takes place by assimilation.
In constructing concept maps information already gained is linked with a new understanding. Concept maps are
ideal tools to measure the growth of students` knowledge interconnections, because map constructing needs to
represent ideas using one’s own words. Any misconceptions or incorrect links which appear, indicate a lack of
understand. (Akinsanya, 2004) Thus valid concepts and propositions which are put forward by students can
significantly raise the level of retention of meaningful learning (Novak, 2006)
While concepts being acquired are new, they can be linked to concepts previously stored in the long-term
memory. The outcome is a hierarchically and strongly integrated set of ideas. However, building such knowledge
structure is depending on four cognitive processes:
x subsumption - where new, more specific concepts are linked to more general concepts already possessed by the
x differentiation - in which the existing knowledge structure is progressively elaborated, explained and illustrated;
x integration – in which the meaning of a new concept is modified and adjusted in line with existing concepts;
x superordination - in which new, more general, and more inclusive concepts are assimilated into existing concepts
in the knowledge framework (Mintzes, 2006).
3. Methodology
Concept mapping and PISA-like test were used as assessment methods in an Estonian large scale study
(LoteGym, carried out in 2011-2014). This involved 1614 students in first solving a PISA-like, three dimensional,
scenario-based exercise in the field of natural science (based on chemistry, biology, physics or geography). The test
consisted of different comprehension level, multiple choice items and open ended questions. Students were then
required to compose concept maps.
In this study, 379 students created a subject-specific focus question-based, concept map related to given 30
concepts. These 30 concepts were classified by experts into two categories: “subject” category (concepts from
biology, chemistry and physics) and “everyday life.” The focus question for this study was: “Milk – is it always
healthy?” The concept mapping was carried out using the computer program CmapTools.
Priit Reiska et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 177 (2015) 352 – 357 355
Data analyses was carried out in different phases: 1) assessing PISA-like tests (maximum total result of the whole
test was 19); 2) assessing the quality of concept by experts’ given marks: 0-wrong proposition; 1- daily used
proposition; 2- very good proposition with scientific content); 3) assessing the quantity measures of concept maps
with using the program Cmapanalysis (Cañas et.al., 2013): taxonomy score, proposition count, orphan count, etc.; 4)
correlations between PISA-like test results and concept map measures were calculated in MSExcel.
Analyses of the study pointed out that the highest correlation between the PISA-like test and the measures of
concept map (r=0,33) appeared between the sum of PISA-like test results and the quality measure “2-scored
propositions” from the concept map, assessed with the highest mark by experts.
One of the highest correlations between quantitative measures of concept maps and PISA-like test (r=0,24)
appear between the sum of PISA-like test results and the sum of propositions. Correlations between concept maps
quantity and quality measures are demonstrated in Figure 1. The quality measure has a higher correlation index than
the quantitative. The same phenomenon appears, when 343 chemistry based concept maps are analyzed from the
same study (Soika, et. al., 2014).
Figure 1 Correlations between parts and sum of the PISA-like test results and concept mapping quantitative and qualitative
356 Priit Reiska et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 177 (2015) 352 – 357
As the sum of 2-scored propositions represents the highest correlation between the whole results for the PISA-
like test of interest, the question arises as to what is the connection between the result of the PISA-like test and sum
of 2-scored propositions of the concept map. Here, 19 groups of students are formed by taking the sum of the 2-
scored propositions of the concept maps. The highest number of created 2-scored propositions per concept maps is
19, but no concept map exists with 18 2-scored propositions. The average results of PISA-like test per groups are
illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Average results of the PISA-like test for the groups that are allocated by the sum of 2-scored propositions in the concept map.
Figure 2 points out that the result of the PISA-like test depends on the sum of the 2-scored propositions of the
concept map, the trend line is rising and the results from the PISA-like test depends on the sum of 2-scored
propositions of the concept maps.
In analysing this cognitive approach to assessing students’ scientific literacy by a concept mapping technique, it
is assumed that attention is paid to the compatibility of propositions and concepts from different clusters. The 30
concepts are separated into two clusters: a) concepts from everyday life (9 concepts) and b) subject specified
concepts (21 concepts). Concepts’ connectivity inside and between the clusters are compared. The result is that
students create more connections between everyday used concepts (7,8% from propositions which are possible to
create), than between subject specified concepts (2,9 % from possible propositions), or between everyday used and
subject specified concepts (1,9% from possible propositions). The same phenomenon appears in a previous study
(Soika et. al., 2014) where clusters are analysed more specific, but the general conclusion give the same outcome.
5. Discussion
Different perspectives are studied, which occur between concept maps and the PISA like test for the purpose of
evaluating students` scientific literacy. Although assessing students with the concept mapping technique is
debatable, it is still possible to examine the cognitive approach to scientific literacy. The construction of the maps
depends on many surrounding factors, which means that interpreting concept mapping data correctly, needs to take
into account all conditions of construction. The conclusion reached is that the concept mapping technique can be
used for assessment, if the maps are made in equal conditions – students who create more high rated propositions in
Priit Reiska et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 177 (2015) 352 – 357 357
their concept maps also achieve higher scores in the PISA-like test. Also noticed is that concept mapping give
information that is unattainable with other types of tests (e.g. multiple-choice, quiz etc.).
It was assume that researchers and teachers would decide about the cognitive ability of scientific literacy not only
by counting the propositions, but also by paying attention to the information that is given about the quality of the
propositions and the general structure of the concept map.
The study also showed that it is hard for students to create connections between concepts from different clusters.
One reason could be that school teaching is subject based and students cannot easily apply the subject concept to
everyday life situations.
Even if it is difficult to fulfil the validity criteria under the different conditions of concept mapping, it is still a
useful assessment tool. Educators who decide to use concepts mapping for assessment should make sure that the
presumptions to their approach are reasonable.
6. Conclusion
By analysing the results using the assessment methods indicates, students` scientific literacy is shown in a
different manner. This suggests that if using concept mapping as a relevant and appropriate instrument for assessing
students` scientific literacy, it is very important to play attention to how data is interpreted. It is also important to
note that conceptualisations given to students beforehand (concepts, focus question, time range etc.) play an
important role in enabling students to create good concept maps. Both content and qualitative characteristics are
relevant to evaluate the students` concept maps. In some cases, visually very well constructed concept map do not
show scientific literacy in an appropriate way.
The study has been supported by European Social Fund programme Eduko grant Lotegym
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