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International Journal of ChemTech Research

CODEN (USA): IJCRGG, ISSN: 0974-4290, ISSN(Online):2455-9555

Vol.10 No.3, pp 90-99, 2017

Bioactive Compounds From Majapahit Fruit

(Crescentia cujete) As a Potential Natural Antibacterial

Sri Rahmaningsih1*, Arief Prajitno2, Aulanni’am Aulanni’am 3, Maftuch2

Graduate School of Fishery and Marine Sciences
Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences
Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract : The source of active ingredients that are commonly used in treating or preventing
diseases, and are thought to play a beneficial role in health, for example are plants. Majapahit
(Crescentia cujete) plant is one of such plants, whose leaves, barks, fruits, or roots have
medicinal and preservative properties. These studies are needed to ascertain the compound of
Majapahit fruit as a Natural Antibacterial and Identification of active ingredients using various
characterisation techniques. The methanol, ethyl acetate, and, n-hexane extract of these fruit
were prepared, and agar diffusion method with paper disc to investigate antimicrobial
activity. Identification of active ingredients with; Phytochemicals Test, UV-VIS
Spectrophotometry, FTIR spectrophotometer and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
(GC-MS). Results of the phytochemical test revealed the presence of flavonoids, saponins, ,
and triterpenoid in the Majapahit fruit. The methanol extract was the most effective (17.29
mm) in antibacterial activity. Ultraviolet spectrum is with maximum peaks at 407.0,- 396.9 nm
and 313.0, - 219 nm, result of FTIR spectroscopy are wave numbers 3662 cm-1,- 518 cm-1 that
indicates of; OH- bending, -CH- (SP3), OH-, -C=C-, -CH2-, -CH3-, and -C=CH-. The GC-MS
chromatogram indicating the presence of 12 phytochemical constituents from 5 peaks highest.
Majapahit (Crescentia cujete) fruit which implies that the extracts have a potential natural
antibacterial. The phytochemical test revealed the presence of flavonoids, saponins, and
triterpenoids, and The bioactive constituents of the plant extract were analysed by FTIR,
UV-VIS spectrophotometry and GC-MS spectrometry, and they revealed varied and wide
Keywords: Majapahit (Crescentia cujete) fruit, antibacterial, flavonoids,


Medicinal plants abound around the world, and in Indonesia, it is reported that out of about 30,000 plant
species, about 9,600 species have medicinal properties 1. Despite this abundance, only about 300 Indonesian
medicinal plant species have been (industrially) explored for their beneficial properties 1. These beneficial
properties are conferred on these plants by their bioactive ingredients, and plants are a green technology that
can be used in treating or preventing diseases, preserving foods and controlling food spoilage. They are,
therefore, valuable in food and healthcare systems.
Sri Rahmaningsih et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3): 90-99. 91

Majapahit (Crescentia cujete) plant is one of such plants, whose leaves, barks, fruits, or roots have
medicinal and preservative properties. Various parts of the plant have been used as a purgative, diuretic,
analgesic, or anti-inflammatory drug possibly because they contain alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, phenolics
tannins, steroids, vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids and mineral 2,3,4,5 Specific bioactive
compounds in the plant include β-sitosterol, estigmastrol, α- and β-amirina, apigenins, and carotenoids 2,6 These
constituents are also responsible for the antibacterial properties of the plant, having been proven to effectively
inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus
pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, and Ralstonia solanacearum7,8 Although these are foodborne
organisms or organisms with healthcare concerns, the effectiveness of Majapahit plant for specific organisms
that are responsible for diseases, and spoilage and health concerns in seafood, such as Vibrio spp., have not
been extensively studied.

Various studies on antimicrobial properties of plants have been reported. 9 studied patikan kerbau
(Euphorbia hirta), and found it to be effective against bacteria Vibrio alginolitycus and Aeromonas hydropila.
Extracts of plant Acumata Alstonia were shown to have antibacterial properties against Vibrio harveyi 10, which
was also inhibited 11 by the leaf extracts of kopasanda (Chromolaena odorata L.).12 showed the extracts of
seaweed Caulerpa spp. to be most active against Pseudomonas bacteria, and bacteria Vibrio spp. was inhibited
by other seaweed species (Gelidium spp., Sargasum polycistum and Eucheuma cottoni).5 investigated
antimicrobial activities of certain species of the family Biogenaceae (Kigelia aficana, Jacaranda mimosifolia,
Millingtonia hortensis, Tabebuia argentia, Dolichandron spp. and Haplophragm spp.), and possibly because of
their potentials, these authors advised more studies on the species of the family Bignoniaceae. Majapahit plant,
is a specie of the family Bignoniaceae, and 14, showed that the leaf extracts had a greater inhibition zone than
the fruit and bark extracts against bacteria Vibrio alginolyticus, possibly because of differences in the bioactive
constituents of these parts. However, 14 did not comprehensively investigate the differences in the constituents of
these plant parts. The solubility of these constituents in polar and non-polar solvents will influence the
concentrations of the plant constituents in the extracts, and consequently, the extents of their medicinal and
preservative properties 2,15,16.

The common solvents used in extracting plants constituents include ethanol, chloroform, benzene,
water, n-hexane, methanol, and ethyl acetate 17, 18,19,20. 18 extracted the leaf and bark of Majapahit plant with
ethanol and chloroform, and found the ethanol extracts to be more effective against Staphylococcus aureus and
Escherichia coli.19 investigated the antimicrobial properties of Sonneratia lanceolate against Vibrio harveyi by
using water and methanol extracts of the plant. These authors found the water extracts to be more effective.
Antifungal activities of Aegle marmelos leaf extracts in hexane, benzene, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol,
water, and ethanol were investigated 20 and chloroform, methanol, water, and ethanol extracts had the least
minimum inhibition concentration and were more effective. 5 extracted the stem, bark and leaves of Cresentia
cujete using water and ethanol. These authors concluded that the aqueous extracts of the stem and bark were
more effective against Mycobacterium tubercolosis than the alcoholic extracts of the plant parts. Despite its
potential beneficial properties for health and food, studies on the constituents of Majapahit plant are limited,
and the differences between the various parts have not been comprehensively examined, nor possible
differences in the effectiveness of extracting solvents. These studies are needed to ascertain or classify
Majapahit fruits as a medicinal plant with potential natural antibacterial and food preservative properties. The
present study was aimed along these lines using novel characterisation techniques.

Material and Methods


Majapahit fruit was obtained from Tuban, Indonesia. The fruit was correctly identified as Cresentia
cujete L. by the Indonesian Centre for Research in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia. TLC plates were a product of
Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). All chemicals, reagents and solvents used were pure and/or of analytical grade.

Preparation of raw materials and extraction

The fruit was cleaned, cut into small pieces and air-dried, pulverized in a blender (HR2102, Phillips,
Indonesia) to a fine (passed through a 250-µm sieve) powder. About 50 g of the powder was soaked in 250 mL
of methanol for about 72 hr in a glass jar, before the supernatant was separated from the pulp. The supernatant
Sri Rahmaningsih et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3): 90-99. 92

was then evaporated in a rotary evaporator under vacuum at about 45°C to obtain a concentrated extract with no
trace of the solvent. Other solvents investigated following the same procedure (with or without vacuum) were
water, ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether, n-hexane, and chloroform. These solvents were chosen in
order to examine the best that maximises the beneficial properties of the Majapahit plant.

Phytochemicals test

The phytochemical test procedure of 21 was used, with about 20 mg of the powder dissolved in 25 mL
of 96% ethanol to detect alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids and steroids. The TLC followed
standard procedure, and the plates were activated in the oven at a temperature of 100 - 105oC for 30 min.

Antibacterial test

The extracts were tested against Vibrio harveyi at a concentration of 10 mg/mL using the agar diffusion
method with paper disc 22,11 Sterile paper discs (Oxoid, Basingstoke RG24 8PW, UK) were dipped in the
extracts for 15 - 30 min. before placing the paper disc in the Mueller-Hinton Agar (MHA) media that had been
inoculated with the bacteria. Measurements were made after an incubation period of 24 hr at 37oC by observing
the presence or absence of clear zones formed around the paper disc 23,11 V. harveyi is a well-known food
poisoning bacteria found in marine animals 24,25 and it was chosen because, one of the aims of the long-term
research under which the present study falls, was to find a green technology for preservation of seafood.

Identification of active ingredients

UV-VIS Spectrophotometry

A known volume (0.1 mL) of the extracts was diluted to 10 mL with appropriate solvents, and the
solutions were measured at wavelengths of 200 – 400 nm using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Varian Type
Cary 50, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA).

Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR)

Infrared spectroscopy was applied to confirm functional groups in the extracts. A drop of each extract
was mixed with KBr to make pellets (2g), which were subsequently analyzed in an FTIR spectrophotometer
model (FTIR 1000 SCIMITAR, California, USA) at wavenumbers 4000 - 800 cm-1.

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

The extracts were analysed by GC-MS (GC-MS QP2010, Shimadzu, Kyoto 604-8511, Japan), using
helium as the carrier gas. The injection temperature was 320oC, and thermal gradients were applied from 700oC
- 300oC within 4 hr with a gradient rate of 100oC/hr.

Result and discussion

Phytochemical profile

The phytochemical test revealed the presence of flavonoids, , saponins, and triterpenoid, in the
Majapahit plant (Table 1). Flavonoids are reported to be the most natural, widely spread components in plants
and their presence in the fruit is not surprising.

Tabel 1. Result for phytochemical screening in Majapahit fruit (Crescentia cujete)

Compound Observation Inference

Flavonoids Orange Present
Saponins Little foam Present
Tanins Brown Absent
Steroids Brown Absent
Triterpenoids Brown Present
Alkaloids Orange Cloudy Absent
Sri Rahmaningsih et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3): 90-99. 93

Antibacterial activity

Solvents vary in polarities, and consequently, the abilities to dissolve bioactive constituents of the
Majapahit plant fruit. With differences in the dissolved constituents, the extracts might vary in their overall
beneficial properties, and Table 2 shows that the efficacy of the extracts was solvent dependent as expected. As
highlighted above 18 found the ethanol extracts of the leaf and bark of Majapahit plant to be more effective than
the chloroform extracts on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Similar solvent differences were
reported by 19,20 amongst others. In the present study, it appears that methanol was the most effective, while n-
hexane was ineffective.

Table 2. Extract of Majapahit fruit (Crescentia cujete) inhibition zone against V. harveyi

Samples Zone of Inhibition (mm)

n-Hexane Ethyl acetate Methanol

Majapahit fruit 2.4c 14.66 b 17.29 a

*Values with the same letters are not significantly (p > 0.05) different. The zone of inhibition of erythromycin
(positive control) was 26.4 mm

Table 1 shows the presence of flavonoids, saponin and triterpenoid in the fruits, and these have
antibacterial properties, and the presence of these compounds could explain the results in Table 2. However,
different solvents differently solubilize various compounds of the flavonoid group. Flavonoids are phenolic
structures containing one carbonyl group complexes with extra cellular and soluble protein and bacterial cell
wall, and they exhibit antibacterial activities through these complexes 26. Flavonoids inhibit the growth of
bacteria or microorganisms by interfering with their cell wall permeability, and the consequent disruptions
cause other compounds such as saponins, triterpenoids, phenolics, alkaloids, and tannins to penetrate and
damage the cell wall 27 It was thought that because flavonoids are polar compounds, they easily penetrate the
cell walls of microorganisms.

Triterpenoids are a diverse group of secondary metabolites that are associated with a variety of
biological activities 28 The main groups of triterpenoids are represented by tetracyclic and pentacyclic
derivatives29 Important elements that play a role in the antibacterial activity of triterpenoids relate to chemical
compositions that include functional groups and hydroxyl groups of phenolic triterpenoids as well as the
number of single components. However, when triterpenoids are used as single compound, they are less effective
as an antibacterial. The concentrations are important too 26 because at low concentrations, triterpenoids only
affect enzymes involved in energy production while at high concentrations, triterpenoids can lyse membranes.
Bacterial species of Mycobacterium are supposed to be sensitive to triterpenoids 30 . Triterpenoids showed
bacteriostatic effects against Staphylococcus aureus 29. Triterpenoids reportedly exhibit antimicrobial activity
against gram-positive bacteria, block cell divisions by inhibiting DNA synthesis and macromolecular synthesis
in Bacillus subtilis. The inhibition of macromolecular synthesis could be due to the damage to cell membranes31
influence of cell morphology, enhancement of detergent-induced lysis, and autolysis of isolated cell walls.

Saponins are glycosides occurring widely in plants, and are complex compounds of condensation
products of a sugar with an organic hydroxyl compound, which when hydrolyzed would produce sugars
(glikon), non-sugar (aglycone) and foam 32 Saponins compose of two groups, triterpenoid saponins and
steroidal saponins, which are respectively fat- and water-solubles. When concentrated on the cell membrane,
they lower the surface tension and works as an antimicrobial to destabilize bacterial cell membranes causing
bacterial cells to die through lysis 33,15,32 As surface active agents, they interfere with or alter the permeability
of cell walls, thereby facilitating the entry of toxic materials to or leakages of vital constituents from the cells
showed the crude saponin extracts prepared from Sorghum bicolor posses antimicrobial property, and were
active against Staphylococcus aureus, a pathogen, which has been implicated in several human and animal
infections. This is similar to reports by33 that saponins from Hibiscus sabdariffa were also active against
Escherichia coli, Klebseilla pneumoniae, Bacillus cereus, and Micrococcus luteus. In order to fully understand
the measured antibacterial activities of the Majapahit fruit, specific information on the extracts was obtained
using the following techniques.
Sri Rahmaningsih et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3): 90-99. 94

Analysis compounds of the extracts majapahit fruit by UV-VIS Spectrophotometry

There were 47 wavelength spectra from 200 to 800 nm (Fig. 1), with maximum peaks at 407.0 - 396.9
nm and 313.0 - 219 nm. The occurrence of a strong absorption in the ultraviolet spectrum showed the presence
of a number of C = C double bonds in the compounds from the Majapahit fruit. This strong uptake showed a
phenol compound and its derivatives.

313.0 - 219 nm 407.0 - 396.9 nm

Figure 1. A typical spectrum of the compound fractions of Majapahit fruit

From published results, the possible compounds that correspond to the prominent wavelengths of maximum
absorption from the extracts of the Majapahit fruit, are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3.Possible compounds from the prominent wavelength from the extracts of Majapahit fruit

No wavelength Wavelength Compounds PubChem CID

result of Range based on
UV-VIS the literature

269.0 269.0 Ezetimibe 150311

223,0 223,0 Fosinopril 55891
288.0 288.0 Gemcitabine 60750
257.1 257.1 ketoconazole 47576
284.1 284.1 Rabeprazole 5029
253.0 253.0 repaglinide 65981
308.0, 308.0, rofecoxib 5090
293 293 Vincmine 15376
271.0 271.0 Aceclofenac; Paracetamol 71771;1983
280.0 280.0 Ibuprofen; Paracetamol 3672;1983
294 294 Levamisole; oxyclozanide 26879; 16779
313.0 313.0 Aceclofenac; tizanidine 71771; 5487
219 219 Amitriptyline 2160
247.8 247.8 Diflucortolone valerate 33140
Isoconazole nitrate
271.0 271.0 Hydrochlorothiazide Olmesartan 9940864
295.0 295.0 Ofloxacin; Tinidazole 4583; 5479
1 274, 271, 267, 240 – 290 Tramadol hydrochloride 63013
261, 250.9,
247.9, 245
240 - 285 Ibuprofen (IB);Pseudoephedine 3672; 7028
Sri Rahmaningsih et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3): 90-99. 95

210 -280 Hydrochlorothiade; Quinaphril 3639; 54892

2 237,5, 245 235 - 245 Letrozole 3902
210 - 280 Hydrochlorothiade; Quinaphril 3639; 54892
3 232 227 – 232 Cabergoline 54746
210 - 280 Hydrochlorothiade; Quinaphril 3639;
(QA) 54892
4 274, 271 271 - 275 Acerclofenac;Paracetamol 71771; 1983
Source: 35,36

Analysis compounds of the extracts majapahit fruit by FTIR

FTIR spectroscopy showed (Fig. 2) the presence of OH- bending with a wide ribbon shape at the
absorption wavenumbers 3662 cm-1, absorption at 2923 cm-1, with a weak ribbon shape that indicates -CH-
(SP3) aliphatic stretching. Absorptions at 1645 cm-1and 1556 cm-1 indicated a -C=C- aromatic with a moderate
ribbon shape. Wavenumber 1058 cm-1 showed a primary OH-, while wavenumbers 1416, 688, 590, and 518
respectively indicated -CH2-, -CH3- scissoring, -C=CH- out of plane, and mono-branched alkanes (-CH3-) that
formed a weak ribbon.

Figure 2. A typical FTIR spectrum of extracts Majapahit fruit

Based on Fig. 2, the suspected compounds from the extracts Majapahit fruit are summarised in Table 4

Table 4 Absorption band, wave number , the type of vibration and FTIR results ribbon shape extracts
fruit majapahit

Absorption Wavenumber Reference Type of vibration Shape ribbon

band (cm-1) (Harborne, 1994)
1 3851
2 3734
3 3662 3500 – 3200 -OH bending splay
4 2923 3000 – 2700 -C-H (SP3) stretching Weak
6 1556 Moderate
7 1416 1470 – 1450 -CH2, -CH3 scissoring Weak
8 1058 ~ 1050 -OH primer Moderate
9 688 690 – 590 -C=CH out of plane Weak
10 590 Weak
11 518 ~ 570 – 540 Monobranched alkanes Weak
Sri Rahmaningsih et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3): 90-99. 96

Analysis compounds of the extracts majapahit fruit by GC-MS

Figure 3 shows a typical spectrum from the GC-MS test, while Table 5 summarises the suspected
compounds and their structures. There were 45 diverse compounds in the Majapahit plant, with four prominent
compounds having peaks at 2.64, 5.98, 6.98, and 8.81.

Figure 3. Results GCMS analysis of the extract Majapahit fruit

The majapahit fruit extract showed 5 peaks highest in the GC-MS chromatogram indicating the
presence of 12 phytochemical constituents. Through comparison with mass spectra 12 phytochemical
constituents were characterized and identified.

Table 5. The prominent compounds in the majapahit fruit

No RT Area Compound name Chemical Compound structure PubChem

formula CID

1 2.21 2.64 Furfural C5H4O2 7362

Pyrazole,1,4-dimethyl, 3,5- C5H8N2 6210


2 5.12 2,4(1h,3h)- C4H4N2O2

1.2.3 Benzenetriol C6H6O3 10787

3 5.81 5.98 4H-Pyran-4-one, C5H4O2 7968

2,5 C6H6F2N2 10920925

Sri Rahmaningsih et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3): 90-99. 97

1,2,4,5-tetrazine-3,6- C2H4N6 49863143


4 7.12 6.98 Furancarboxaldehyde C5H4O2 7968

4-mercaptophenol C6H6OS 240147

5 8.89 8.81 2-propenoic acid, 3-phenyl C9H8O2 444539

1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6- C2H4N6 61176


Trans-Cinnamic acid C9H8O2 444539

Majapahit (Crescentia cujete) fruit were extracted using methanol more effective against V. harveyi,
which implies that the extracts have a potential natural antibacterial. The phytochemical test revealed the
presence of flavonoids, , saponins, and triterpenoid, and The bioactive constituents of the plant extract were
analysed by FTIR, UV-VIS spectrophotometry and GC-MS spectrometry, and they revealed varied and wide

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