1. The document provides a job safety analysis for acid battery filling at a facility.
2. It identifies potential hazards at each step such as chemical handling, inhalation, slips and trips. Controls include using proper PPE, having spill kits available, ensuring adequate ventilation, and conducting regular inspections.
3. The four main task steps are permitting work, transporting electrolyte, filling the acid batteries, and housekeeping. Controls are outlined to mitigate hazards at each step, along with emergency response plans and first aid.
1. The document provides a job safety analysis for acid battery filling at a facility.
2. It identifies potential hazards at each step such as chemical handling, inhalation, slips and trips. Controls include using proper PPE, having spill kits available, ensuring adequate ventilation, and conducting regular inspections.
3. The four main task steps are permitting work, transporting electrolyte, filling the acid batteries, and housekeeping. Controls are outlined to mitigate hazards at each step, along with emergency response plans and first aid.
1. The document provides a job safety analysis for acid battery filling at a facility.
2. It identifies potential hazards at each step such as chemical handling, inhalation, slips and trips. Controls include using proper PPE, having spill kits available, ensuring adequate ventilation, and conducting regular inspections.
3. The four main task steps are permitting work, transporting electrolyte, filling the acid batteries, and housekeeping. Controls are outlined to mitigate hazards at each step, along with emergency response plans and first aid.
1. The document provides a job safety analysis for acid battery filling at a facility.
2. It identifies potential hazards at each step such as chemical handling, inhalation, slips and trips. Controls include using proper PPE, having spill kits available, ensuring adequate ventilation, and conducting regular inspections.
3. The four main task steps are permitting work, transporting electrolyte, filling the acid batteries, and housekeeping. Controls are outlined to mitigate hazards at each step, along with emergency response plans and first aid.
Have the relevant Procedures, Standards, Guidelines, or Safe Work Practices been reviewed? Yes N/A Pending confirmation by the Task Leader of site conditions, I agree that the attached JSA identifies the significant Task Steps, Hazards, and Controls.
JSA REVIEWER (Supervisor or Designate):
RISK ASSESSMENT Must existing Procedures or Work Practices be Yes No Name / Signature: Company: modified to perform this work? After mitigation, are there any hazards that continue to WORK SITE VERIFICATION present a potentially significant risk? (Scenario-Based Yes No Risk Assessment required) The Work Team has assessed the worksite conditions and confirms: The JSA addresses the applicable hazards and necessary controls. PPE REQUIRED DURING THIS TASK The Team has the appropriate resources (people and equipment) to do the job safely. HARD HAT SAFETY GLASSES Others that could be affected by the work have been informed. FACE SHIELD TASK LEADER: SAFETY SHOES / BOOTS GOGGLES
Name / Signature: Company:MSBI
FALL PROTECTION FALL RESTRAINT COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW IF THIS JSA IS NOT PART OF A PERMIT PACK GLOVES: COTTON Work Team Declaration: LEATHER I acknowledge that I have reviewed the attached JSA, I understand my roles and responsibilities, and I will comply with the instructions for this task. IMPACT PROTECTION Name (print): Name (print): Dust mask OTHER (specify): Work clothes
OTHER PPE (specify): High-Vis Jacket
TASK STEPS POTENTIAL HAZARDS HAZARDS CONTROLS HAZARD PORT (Number) (What could go wrong?) (How can harm be prevented?) MITIGATION STATES 1. Permitting work Work condition unsafe HSE team to assess continuously the PTW system Procedures and tasks not clear conditions of work in the assigned area Tool Box Talk Lack of supervision One person responsible for PTW inspection of all Miscommunication Toolbox talks activity hazards PPE does not fit for the activity Competent and qualified person Define hierarchy and reporting flowcharts Define proper PPE to be used for the work Check inspection certificates of equipment for the job Check the status of the floor and mobile scaffolding
Standard PPE must be worn MSBI Emergency
MSDS communicated during the TBT response Plan Apply the manual handling techniques for Proper fire Acid spill manual handling extinguisher 2. Transportation of Fire Spill kit in place electrolyte Vehicle crash Only authorized person in the pick up Respect speed limit on site Pick up to be escorted Adequate Retention tray in the pick up
Standard PPE must be worn MSBI Emergency
MSDS to be communicated to all workers response Plan Apply the manual handling techniques for Spill kit Chemical handling manual handling Eye wash Mobile scaffolding not stable Ensure that the mobile scaffolding is stable Fire extinguisher Inhalation before battery filling First aid kit Ingestion Adequate ventilation 3. Acid battery filling Eyes irritation Adequate retention tray before proceeding Environmental impact for work Death Spill kit, eye wash and detector to be in place Asphyxiated Regular breaks Safety signs Safe access to be provided plan for rests & breaks Good housekeeping & waste management Only authorised person on battery room Presence of watchman obligatory MSBI Emergency response Plan Acid spill kit in place MSBI Emergency Keep work area tidy and clean response Plan Slips trips fall Regular Housekeeping and keep all area free Spill kit Environmental impact 4. Housekeeping from hazards Eye wash Fire extinguisher First aid kit