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Keynote Address: Hydrometallurgical Process Development For Complex Ores and Concentrates

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Keynote address: hydrometallurgical process J

development for complex ores and u
concentrates n
by D. Dreisinger* l

of sulphide concentrates is becoming a
increasingly expensive, environmental p
Synopsis constraints due to emission of gases and
production of dusts are increasing and e
Hydrometallurgical processing of complex ores and concentrates is pyrometallurgical processing often results in r
becoming increasingly important as the mining and metallurgical the losses of valuable metal by-products into
industry seeks to exploit mineral deposits that are difficult to treat slags and residues. Hydrometallurgical
using conventional mineral processing and pyrometallurgical technologies have lower unit capital costs,
technologies. Mineral processing is often challenged by the
avoid production of gaseous or dust emissions,
difficulty or inability to separate valuable minerals into marketable
and can manage recovery of multiple metals
concentrates. Hydrometallurgical processing, using selective
leaching technology, can often ‘chemically beneficiate’ such difficult
from a single feed source. In this way,
deposits. Pyrometallurgical treatment of base metal concentrates is hydrometallurgical processing is growing in
capital intensive and subject to ever more stringent environmental importance to the global metal industry, as
control. Hydrometallurgical processing is generally lower in capital shown in Figure 1.
cost for an equivalent metal production rate and avoids the gas and The success of hydrometallurgy as a
dust issues associated with pyrometallurgical processing. The technological field lies in the ability to extract
possibility of by-product recovery may also increase with hydromet- valuable metals into solution, purify the metal
allurgical treatment. Two examples of new technology or flowsheet containing solutions to concentrate valuable
development for treatment of complex ores and concentrates are metals and reject impurities, and finally to
used as illustration. These include the El Boleo process of Baja
recover a pure metal product by electrolysis,
Mining for recovery of copper, cobalt, zinc and manganese from a
metal precipitation or other means. Advances
complex clayey ore and the PLATSOL™ process for recovery of
copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum, palladium and gold from a bulk in hydrometallurgy are rooted in
sulphide concentrate. improvements in the science and technology of
leaching, solid-liquid separation, solution
purification (solvent extraction, ion exchange,
cementation) and metal recovery.
The following sections illustrate two new
Introduction process developments that highlight the
potential of hydrometallurgical treatment to
The treatment of base and precious metal solve ‘difficult’ metallurgy and extract base
deposits has as a final goal the recovery of and precious metals into marketable form.
final metal products of sufficient purity and in The Boleo process1 is applied to the
a suitable commercial form to meet customer recovery of copper, cobalt, zinc and manganese
specifications. Historically for metals like from a mixed sulphide/oxide deposit hosted in
copper, nickel, zinc and lead recovery from clay. The keys to process development for
sulphide deposits, processing has included Boleo were to incorporate novel seawater
mining, flotation of concentrates and finally based leaching, high rate thickening for
smelting/refining of the concentrates through solid/liquid separation, the CSIRO DSX
to final products (generally high purity
metals). However, a number of factors are
causing a gradual but steady shift away from
the traditional processing routes. Mineral
processing technologies may be constrained in
the processing of complex ores (fine grained)
* University of British Columbia, Department of
or ores that contain multiple valuable metals.
Materials Engineering, Canada.
Hydrometallurgical leaching technology may
© The Southern African Institute of Mining and
actually benefit from the fine grained character Metallurgy, 2009. SA ISSN 0038–223X/3.00 +
of the raw material and offers the possibility of 0.00. This paper was first published at the
recovery of multiple metals from a single feed SAIMM Conference, Hydrometallurgy 2009,
source. Similarly, pyrometallurgical processing 24–26 February 2009.

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 253
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
Peninsula of Mexico (Figure 2). The Boleo deposit has a large
geological resource with 277 million tonnes @1.77% Cu. Eq
grade of measured and indicated and 253 million tonnes @
1.29% Cu Eq. grade of inferred material (www.baja
mining.com). The ore will be treated by a hydrometallurgical
process involving acid—seawater leaching with recovery of
copper and cobalt metal cathode, zinc sulphate crystal and
eventually manganese carbonate precipitate.
Process development of the metallurgical flowsheet for
Boleo has gone through bench and integrated pilot-plant
An initial ‘proof of principle’ pilot plant was executed at
SGS Lakefield Research in Canada in November 2004. The
Figure 1—Growing importance of hydrometallurgy major focus of the proof of principle pilot plant was to
confirm that the clayey Boleo mineralization could be
thickened and washed in a conventional CCD train using high
technology2 for cobalt and zinc recovery away from rate thickeners and that the CSIRO ‘DSX’ solvent extraction
manganese, and finally the use of manganese precipitation system could be used to recover cobalt and zinc. The DSX
for recovery of a manganese carbonate by-product. system involves mixing LIX 63 with Versatic 10 extractant to
The PLATSOL™ process3 was developed to process mixed improve selectivity for (Co+Zn)/Mn.
base and precious metal sulphide concentrates containing Since the initial proof of principle pilot plant in 2004,
copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum, palladium, gold and silver further work has been undertaken with CSIRO (Australia) to
where the grade and nature of the concentrates produced by optimize the DSX solvent extractant composition and to add a
flotation were not amenable to toll smelting. The PLATSOL™ manganese recovery process to the Boleo flowsheet. The
process uses chloride assisted total pressure oxidation of bulk simple addition of sodium carbonate (soda ash) to the DSX
sulphide concentrates to extract base and precious metals into raffinate was found to precipitate a manganese carbonate
an autoclave solution. The ability to directly extract precious product of high purity. This manganese carbonate material
metals as chloro-complexes is the key to the PLATSOL™ may form a feedstock to the production of manganese
process development. chemicals, manganese metal or electrolytic manganese
The Boleo process The improved metallurgical flowsheet for Boleo has now
The Boleo Copper-Cobalt-Zinc-Manganese Project of Baja been evaluated in a fully integrated demonstration pilot plant
Mining Corp. is situated adjacent to Santa Rosalia on the Baja at SGS Lakefield Research in Canada.

Figure 2—The Boleo mine site close to Santa Rosalia, Baja California

254 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
Metallurgical treatment of Boleo ore reported at plants in Chile with saline PLS solutions and has o
been adopted for Boleo as well. High levels of copper
After a quick review of the major elements of the process, the u
extraction are expected due to the low free acid level in
focus will be on the demonstration pilot plant results. Figures r
solution (after partial neutralization) and the use of a strong
3–5 show the overall flowsheet in simplified format.
oxime formulation. (Figure 4.) n
Milling and leaching circuit Copper extraction: a
CuSO4 + 2HR(org) = CuR2(org) + H2SO4 l
The Boleo ores are clayey and generally fine grained and
easily broken. The milling circuit design takes material from Copper stripping:
the ROM pad into a static grizzly with the oversize to a CuR2(org) + H2SO4 = CuSO4 + 2HR(org)
primary crusher. The combined product is then scrubbed in Copper electrowinning:
copper solvent extraction raffinate. The scrubber product is CuSO4 + H2O = Cu + O2(gas) + H2SO4 P
screened with the oversize sent to a secondary crusher. The Copper is electrowon conventionally using permanent a
combined product goes to the ball mill sump before cycloning. cathode blank technology. LME Grade A cathode quality was p
The coarse cyclone product is directed to the ball mill. Milling produced in the proof of principle pilot plant and is also e
is conducted in raffinate. (Figure 3.) expected to be produced in the commercial plant.
The milled product is heated to a target temperature of The copper solvent extraction raffinate contains free acid
80ºC for atmospheric leaching. Leaching proceeds in two (from copper solvent extraction) and so it is advantageous to
steps: acid, oxidative leaching with manganese dioxide return a portion of the raffinate to the milling and leaching
oxidation for leaching of Cu, Zn and Co sulphides and: acid circuit, to reduce overall use of fresh acid and to concentrate
reductive leaching with addition of sulphur dioxide gas to Co, Zn and Mn in solution. The balance of the raffinate is
reduce residual manganese dioxides. The reductive leaching directed to the Co, Zn, Mn recovery circuit.
of surplus manganese dioxide is essential for maximizing the
extraction of cobalt. Iron removal
Oxidation leaching (acid leaching with manganese The removal of iron from the raffinate advancing to Co, Zn,
dioxide in the ore): Mn recovery is accomplished with pH adjustment and
Cu2S + 2MnO2 + 4H2SO4 = 2CuSO4 + 2MnSO4 + S + 4H2O aeration. The bulk of the iron in solution will be present as
ZnS + MnO2 + 2H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + MnSO4 + S + 2H2O ferrous. Ferrous is oxidized and precipitated as ferric
CoS + MnO2 + 2H2SO4 = CoSO4 + MnSO4 + S + 2H2O hydroxide precipitates. Aluminum will co-precipitate with
Reduction leaching (addition of sulphur dioxide to the ore iron in this step.
slurry): Two stages of iron removal were allowed in the pilot-
MnO2 + SO2 = MnSO4 plant design. The first stage is used to precipitate more than
The slurry from oxidation and reduction leaching is then 95% of the iron with the second stage precipitation reducing
partially neutralized using local limestone that is available on iron to less than 10 ppm residual. The second stage
the Boleo mine lease. The purity of the limestone is about precipitate is returned to oxidative leaching to ensure that
65–70% and it is highly reactive for acid neutralization. A any co-precipitated ‘pay-metals’ are recovered. The first stage
small amount of air is added during partial neutralization to cake is filtered, washed and then repulped and sent to
ensure that there is no residual cuprous ion (that may form if tailings. The iron removal solution is then advanced to cobalt
reductive leaching goes to too low a redox value) in solution. and zinc solvent extraction.
Cuprous ion is not extracted by conventional oxime solvent
extraction reagents. Cobalt and zinc solvent extraction
CSIRO (Australia) has developed a range of synergistic
Solid-liquid separation and CCD washing extractants, tailored to specific metal separations. In the case
The first proof of principle pilot plant confirmed that the of Boleo, the major challenge is the extraction of cobalt and
Boleo leach pulp could be thickened and washed using high zinc without extraction of manganese. The particular
rate thickening. High rate thickening involves the dilution of synergistic system selected for Boleo is the Versatic 10 – LIX
the incoming slurry (by recycle of overflow from the same 63 mixture. Cobalt is loaded in preference to zinc, which in
thickener) so as to create a dilute slurry (3–5% solids) for turn is loaded in preference to manganese with this system.
flocculation and settling into the thickener bed. This approach The cobalt and zinc circuit is designed for bulk extraction
was verified by testing performed by Pocock Industrial and and bulk stripping of zinc and cobalt. Some of the zinc strip
by Outokumpu in lab and pilot-scale testing at SGS— solution is also employed as a manganese scrub solution
Lakefield. The wash solution to be used at Boleo consists of a make-up. Zinc and cobalt loading must be done with pH
combination of barren solution (after cobalt, zinc and control. The most convenient alkali for this duty is sodium
manganese removal) and fresh brine solution. carbonate. Bulk stripping of zinc and cobalt is performed
using sulphuric acid and pH control.
Copper solvent extraction and electrowinning Cobalt and zinc solvent extraction (with small amount of
The recovery of copper from complex chloride containing Mn co-extraction):
solutions is feasible using modern selective copper solvent CoSO4 + 2HR(org) + Na 2CO3 = CoR2(org) + Na 2SO4 +
extractants combined with a ‘wash stage’ during SX recovery CO2(g) + H2O
of copper to prevent transfer of chloride from leaching ZnSO4 + 2HR(org) + Na 2CO3 = ZnR2(org) + Na 2SO4 +
through to electrowinning. This approach has been widely CO2(g) + H2O

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 255
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores

Figure 3—Flowsheet for Boleo process—Part 1: feed preparation, leach, CCD, copper SX/EW, iron removal, acid/power plant

256 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores


Figure 4—Flowsheet for Boleo process – Part 2: cobalt and zinc SX using DSX, zinc sulphate evaporation, manganese carbonate precipitation and limestone milling

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 257
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores

Figure 5—Flowsheet for Boleo process – Part 3: zinc and cobalt solvent extraction and cobalt electrowinning

258 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
MnSO4 + 2HR(org) + Na 2CO3 = MnR2(org) + Na 2SO4 + Zinc sulphate crystallization: o
CO2(g) + H2O ZnSO4 (aqueous) + H2O = ZnSO4.H2O (crystals)
Manganese scrubbing:
Manganese carbonate recovery r
MnR2(org) + ZnSO4 = ZnR2(org) + MnSO4
The raffinate from the DSX circuit has been subjected to n
Zinc and cobalt stripping:
ZnR2(org) + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + 2HR(org) iron/aluminum removal and the use of DSX to recover cobalt a
CoR2(org) + H2SO4 = CoSO4 + 2HR(org) and zinc. The DSX is also effective at removing other heavy l
metals from solution. The remaining cations in solution are
The fully stripped organic is then recycled back to
largely manganese, magnesium, calcium and sodium. The
loading. The DSX raffinate advances to manganese recovery.
manganese rich nature of the Boleo ore provides a perfect
Cadmium control opportunity for recovery of a manganese by-product from P
Cadmium is a minor impurity in the Boleo ore and must be
this solution. a
The simplest and most cost-effective method to p
removed from both the zinc/cobalt strip solution prior to zinc
precipitate manganese from solution involves addition of
sulphate extraction and crystallization and cobalt solvent
sub-stoichiometric amounts of sodium carbonate to the DSX
extraction and electrowinning. The method chosen for r
raffinate. The reason for sub-stoichiometric addition is to
cadmium control is zinc dust cementation. Zinc dust is widely
prevent co-precipitation of impurities such as calcium and
used for cadmium control in conventional roast-leach-
magnesium and various minor elements.
electrowin (RLE) plants for zinc recovery from concentrates.
Manganese precipitation:
In this application, it is important to cement only
MnSO4 + Na 2CO3 = MnCO3 + Na2SO4
cadmium and not cobalt. This can be accomplished using a
lower temperature and not ‘activating’ the cementation. Manganese carbonate is not hydrated and hence is lower
Activation with Cu/As or Cu/Sb is the method used in the in weight (relative to hydroxide precipitates) for shipping off
removal of cobalt by cementation in conventional RLE plants. site. Initial proof-of-principle testing indicated that the
precipitate graded 46–48% Mn after washing and drying of
Cadmium cementation:
free moisture.
CdSO4 + Zn = Cd + ZnSO4

Cobalt metal electrowinning Demonstration pilot-plant results

The zinc/cobalt (bulk) strip solution from DSX will be treated Feed preparation
sequentially by zinc solvent extraction and stripping and then The blended feed material was sampled during each milling
cobalt solvent extraction, stripping and electrowinning. The campaign. The average assay was 2.18% Cu, 0.135% Co,
zinc and cobalt solvent extraction circuits will both use 0.49% Zn, 5.01% Mn, 8.26% Fe, 1.08% Ca, 2.85% Mg,
Cyanex 272 extractant. The zinc sulphate strip solution will 5.18% Al, 0.014% Ni and 19.7% Si. The average particle size
be sent to zinc sulphate crystallization. The cobalt strip for the milled feed was 80% passing 38 microns. The feed
solution is purified and electrowon. rate to leaching was set at 14 kg/h. Over the 16 day pilot
There is provision in the cobalt electrolysis circuit for ion plant, approximately 5 tonnes of Boleo feed material were
exchange polishing of minor elements prior to sulphate processed.
electrolysis. The cobalt cathode deposit is harvested, crushed
and marketed. Leaching, partial neutralization and countercurrent
Zinc extraction (Cyanex 272):
ZnSO4 + 2HR(org) + Na 2CO3 = ZnR2(org) + Na 2SO4 + The leaching conditions were varied during the 16-day pilot
CO2(g) + H2O run. Specifically the pH in oxidative leaching was varied from
Zinc stripping: around 1.2 to 1.7. The extractions of Cu, Co, Zn were
ZnR2(org) + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + 2HR(org) generally increased when the pH was lowered. However, the
addition of acid to maintain a low pH leach environment can
Cobalt extraction (Cyanex 272):
be excessive. The partial neutralization was performed with
CoSO4 + 2HR(org) + Na 2CO3 = CoR2(org) + Na 2SO4 +
Boleo limestone addition. This worked well and produced a
CO2(g) + H2O
pH 2 product slurry to CCD. The CCD itself generally
Cobalt stripping:
performed very well. The use of high rate thickeners with
CoR2(org) + H2SO4 = CoSO4 + 2HR(org)
overflow recycle for dilution of the feed to ~ 3% solids
Cobalt electrowinning: worked well. The solids settled rapidly, producing a well
CoSO4 + H2O = Co + O2(gas) + H2SO4 clarified, low-solids overflow as feed to copper SX. (Table I.)

Zinc sulphate crystallization Copper solvent extraction and electrowinning

The recovery of zinc as a metal product by electrolysis is The CCD overflow solution advanced to a conventional
technically challenging and probably not cost-effective at a solvent extraction and electrowinning circuit utilizing 2E –
low production rate (notwithstanding the current prices of 1Sc – 2S configuration. An organic solution of 20% LIX 664N
zinc metal). Hence, the zinc product selected for the Boleo (Cognis) in ORFOM SX80 CT (Chevron Phillips) was used for
process is zinc sulphate crystals. Zinc sulphate is used in a copper recovery. Copper was electrolyzed on stainless steel
variety of agricultural formulations (fertilizers and feeds). blanks at ~ 250 A/m2 current density.

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 259
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores

Table I

Summary of metal extraction and reagent addition as a function of leach pH

Oxid Leach pH Red. Leach ORP H2SO4 SO2 Limestone Extraction (%)
(mV vs. Ag/AgCl) (kg/t) (kg/t) (kg/t) Cu Co Zn Mn

1.7 399 225 80 68 90.9 82.6 53.9 97.1

1.5 397 235 73 75 90.9 81.4 55.4 96.4
1.4 399 315 124 113 92.7 83.8 61.0 98.0
1.2 427 513 152 368 94.4 90.3 72.3 96.7

Table II

Analysis of three copper cathode samples

Sample Analysis (g/t)

Se Te Bi Sb Pb As Fe Ni Sn Ag S

Cathode 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.4 <1 <1 <25 <15
Cathode 2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.2 <1 1.4 <1 <1 <25 17.4
Cathode 3 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.3 <1 <1 <25 <15

The copper concentration in the feed to copper SX was both cobalt and zinc with near perfect rejection of
typically between 2 000 and 3 000 mg/l (2–3 g/l) with manganese. Selective stripping was trialed—i.e. too much
raffinates ranging between 10 and 50 mg/l. This represents cobalt was stripped in the zinc selective strip. A single bulk
95–99% copper extraction through most of the pilot-plant strip to zinc and cobalt recovery circuits has been selected for
run. The raffinate was largely recycled to leach during the the commercial plant.
pilot plant allowing for secondary recovery of a significant
portion of the copper remaining in the first raffinate. Zinc solvent extraction
A total of 47.4 kg of copper was plated in 4 cycles during The zinc solvent extraction circuit used 30% Cyanex 272 in
the pilot plant at a current efficiency of 97%. Table II shows Orfom SX 80CT. The circuit consisted of 4 extraction stages at
the assays for three cathode samples from the pilot plant. pH 2.6–2.9, 2 scrub stages (using zinc strip solution) and
With the exception of Cathode 2 with a slightly high level of 2 strip stages at pH 1. The zinc concentration in the raffinate
sulphur in cathode, the copper quality was excellent. It is was controlled to around 100 mg/l Zn. The zinc strip solution
expected that copper produced commercially at Boleo would was gradually increased to nearly 80 g/l (80 000 mg/l Zn).
exceed requirements for LME Grade A or COMEX Grade 1 The cobalt concentration of the zinc strip solution was less
cathode. The cathode product was smooth, except for slight than 20 mg/l Co (Zn:Co ratio of 4 000:1), confirming an
nodulation at the edges. excellent separation of zinc and cobalt.

Iron and aluminum removal Cobalt solvent extraction and electrowinning

The iron and aluminum removal circuit operated successfully, The raffinate from zinc solvent extraction was processed via
typically producing less than 10 mg/l of residual iron in the cobalt solvent extraction and electrowinning. Cobalt was
feed to the DSX circuit. The circuit was started as a two-stage extracted in 4 stages at pH 5.2 to 5.5 using 30% Cyanex 272
circuit but after commissioning was changed to one-stage as in Orfom SX 80CT followed by 2 stages of scrubbing, 3 stages
the second stage circuit was deemed to be superfluous. For of stripping (with spent electrolyte) and 1 stage of
the purpose of the pilot plant, supplemental oxidation with conditioning before organic recycle. The cobalt strip solution
hydrogen peroxide addition was required to ensure complete was polished by using DOWEX M4195 and PUROLITE S-950
iron oxidation and removal. The iron precipitate thickened resins for minor element capture prior to cobalt
well but demonstrated variable filterability, depending on the electrowinning in a divided cell. Cobalt was deposited at 250
operating temperature of the circuit (T > 45°C produced a A/m2 at 70ºC.
more easily filtered product). The residual zinc entering the cobalt circuit is extracted
and stripped in the conditioning step. The conditioning
Cobalt and zinc recovery using the DSX circuit solution is recycled back to zinc solvent extraction, permitting
Cobalt and zinc were recovered using the CSIRO DSX system. recovery of this zinc.
The extractant used was 13.2% LIX 63 and 6.25% Versatic The average feed solution concentration was about 6 000
10 in Orfom SX80CT. The DSX circuit consisted of 3 extract mg/l of Co with raffinates of less than 1 mg/l indicating
stages (pH ~ 4.5), 2 scrub stages (with zinc sulphate nearly 100% cobalt recovery in this process. The cobalt strip
solution), 2 zinc strip stages at pH 3.2 and 2 bulk strip stages solutions rose to nearly 90 g/l (again due to optimization)
at pH 1. The results were excellent with > 99% recovery of allowing effective cobalt electrolysis.

260 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
Table III shows the analysis of two cobalt samples from oxidation and pH adjustment followed by DSX recovery of o
the production. The cobalt is of very high purity with respect cobalt and zinc. The CSIRO DSX system performed extremely
to key elements. There may be opportunity to further reduce well with >99% recovery of cobalt and zinc from the DSX
the lead levels in cathode by strontium carbonate treatment feed with nearly complete manganese rejection. Zinc was r
of Co EW cell feed. Similarly, even lower levels of Cd in recovered as high purity zinc sulphate solution and cobalt n
cathode may be achieved by more efficient Cd cementation was recovered as cathode metal of high purity. Finally, a
ahead of the zinc and cobalt solvent extraction circuits. manganese carbonate grading up to 47% Mn was recovered l
by precipitation with sodium carbonate.
Manganese carbonate precipitation
The PLATSOL™ process
The DSX raffinate was treated with sodium carbonate
PolyMet Mining Corp. (PolyMet) is advancing the
solution to selectively precipitate manganese carbonate as a
potential by-product from the Boleo process. The manganese development of the NorthMet Project. The NorthMet deposit is a
carbonate formed as a fine pinkish precipitate that settled, located in northern Minnesota, adjacent to the historic Iron p
filtered and washed very well. The typical composition of the Range. The deposit was discovered in the 1960s and consists e
manganese carbonate is shown below. Nearly 200 kg of wet of a large, magmatic, disseminated sulphide, polymetallic
MnCO3 was recovered. (Table IV.) deposit with values in Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Au, Ag and platinum
The Boleo project of Baja Mining Corp continues to move group metals (PGM). The shallow, tabular orebody may be
forward to production. The process selected for Boleo mined by open-pit methods with minimal pre-strip and a low
involves oxidative and reductive leaching of the milled ore, waste:ore strip ratio.
conventional countercurrent decantation (CCD) washing of The NorthMet deposit is large with measured and
the leached ore in high rate thickeners, copper solvent indicated resources of 638.2 million tonnes and an inferred
extraction and electrowinning, cobalt and zinc solvent mineral resource of a further 251.6 million tonnes. Within
extraction and recovery as zinc sulphate crystals and cobalt this resource, there is a proven and probably reserve of 274.7
metal and finally manganese carbonate production as a by- million tonnes and the operating plan is to mine 224 million
product. tonnes of this reserve over the 20-year life of the operation
The demonstration pilot plant for the Boleo project was (32 000 tpd).
built and operated at SGS Lakefield Research in Canada in A definitive feasibility study (DFS) has been completed
June and July of 2006. A total of about 5 tonnes of blended by Bateman Engineering (Australia) in 2006. The project is
feed were processed. The optimized extraction of metals currently in the environmental permitting phase of the
yielded 91% Cu, 82% Co, 55% Zn and 97% Mn extraction. project.
These values represent the overall extraction after oxidation The heart of the processing strategy revolves around the
and reduction leaching, partial neutralization and CCD 6 acquisition of the Erie Plant from Cleveland Cliffs. The Erie
washing. The oxidation leach condition was set at pH 1.5 to plant acquisition allows for PolyMet to proceed with a
1.7 to control the addition of acid. The leach residue was ‘brownfields’ processing strategy with an existing 100 000
effectively settled and washed in a 6-stage countercurrent tpd crushing and grinding plant and associated infrastructure
decantation circuit using ‘high–rate’ thickener design. Copper (roads, power, railway, water supply) including waste
was very efficiently recovered by SX/EW and electrowon as disposal. The Erie plant was built in the 1950s for approxi-
smooth, high purity copper cathode. A portion of the copper mately $355 million USD and operated until 2001 processing
raffinate was treated to remove iron and aluminum by taconite ore. The acquisition of this plant and related

Table III

Analysis of two cobalt cathode samples

Sample Analysis (ppm)
Cd Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn

Cathode 1 66 <2 <4 <0.3 55 40 <10

Cathode 2 43 <2 <4 <0.3 56 41 <10

Table IV

Typical analyses of MnCO3 precipitate

Analysis (%) Analysis (g/t)
Species Mn Ca Mg Na Al CO3 SO4 Ni Zn Fe Cu Co Cd Cl

Precipitate 47 1 0.3 0.6 0.5 45 2 350 300 200 <5 50 <5 100

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 261
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
infrastructure has provided most of the heavy equipment temperature chloride-assisted leaching (PLATSOL™), solid-
needed for production. Initial plans are to use approximately liquid separation and washing, PGM/Au precipitation,
one-third of the existing plant capacity. neutralization and Cu SX/EW to produce copper cathode. A
Figure 6 shows the NorthMet site in northern Minnesota, portion of the Cu SX raffinate is treated for nickel and cobalt
adjacent to the Mesabi Iron Range. Figure 7 provides an recovery (the remainder is recycled to the autoclave) sequen-
overview of the Erie plant site with the tailings area in the tially by neutralization, first and second stage iron/aluminum
background. Figure 8 shows the (existing) indoor view of the removal, residual copper removal by precipitation as a
Erie plant milling circuit with parallel rod and ball mill lines. sulphide, first stage Ni/Co/Zn precipitation with magnesia,
The current development strategy for NorthMet is to second stage Ni/Co/Zn precipitation with lime, and then
produce a saleable concentrate product upon plant start-up magnesium removal with lime. The product from this
and then move to implementation of a hydrometallurgical treatment is a ‘mixed’ hydroxide of nickel, cobalt and zinc.
process plant for recovery of the valuable metals. The
PLATSOL™ process has been selected. NorthMet process flowsheet and pilot-plant studies
The DFS programme has included several pilot-scale test The overall NorthMet process flowsheet involves two distinct
programmes at SGS Lakefield Research Limited in Ontario, circuits: a classical mineral processing flowsheet to produce a
Canada. Pilot-plant tests have been performed on ore bulk concentrate and a hydrometallurgy flowsheet for
flotation to produce bulk concentrate samples and on extracting Cu-Ni-Co-Zn-Au-PGM from the bulk concentrate.
hydrometallurgical treatment of the bulk concentrate The further separation of the bulk concentrate into copper
materials. The ‘base case’ flowsheet involves high and nickel concentrates for sale is a further refinement of the

Figure 6—Location of the NorthMet property in northern Minnesota

Figure 7. The Erie plant site

262 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores


Figure 8—The Erie plant milling circuit with parallel rod and ball mill lines

Table V

Pilot plant ore samples processed at SGS-Lakefield Research in 2005 and 2006
Sample* Weight (t) Assay (% or g/t)
Cu Ni S Pt Pd Au

Composite 1 9.5 0.31 0.095 0.73 0.06 0.23 0.03

Composite 2 19.2 0.35 0.10 0.77 0.07 0.33 0.05
Composite 3 9.6 0.40 0.11 0.87 0.09 0.30 0.05
Start-up material 3.6 0.31 0.09 0.87 0.04 0.31 0.05
Composite 4 4.4 0.31 0.10 0.91 0.05 0.28 0.08

*Composites 1–3 were processed in 2005 and the start-up material and composite 4 were processed in 2006

basic flowsheet. The hydrometallurgy flowsheet involves pocket. The ore then proceeds through primary, secondary,
chloride-assisted leaching of base and precious metals tertiary and quaternary crushing followed by rod and ball
followed by a series of metal recovery steps for the base and milling to a size of 100–125 μm P80. The crushing and
precious metals. grinding circuits are existing circuits within the ‘Cliff’s Erie’
Figures 9, 10 show the process flowsheets in pictorial plant and will utilize only a third of the available capacity.
form. Figure 9 is the mineral processing flowsheet (to The flotation circuit is designed to produce a bulk
produce a bulk concentrate) with Figure 10 showing the concentrate carrying pay metals and a tailing with low
hydrometallurgy circuit.The pilot-scale tests for the DFS at residual sulphur content. The float circuit has the following
SGS-Lakefield were performed in 2005 and 2006. The ore elements:
samples sent to SGS-Lakefield comprised four composites and
a sample of assay reject material that was used as ‘start-up’ ➤ Rougher conditioning with potassium amyl xanthate
material for the flotation pilot plant. The ore samples were (PAX)
processed through crushing, grinding and flotation to ➤ Rougher flotation with MIBC/DF250 addition
produce a series of bulk concentrates for hydrometallurgical ➤ Scavenger flotation conditioning with copper sulphate
pilot-plant testing. Table V summarizes the pilot plant feed (to activate sulphides)
assays and weights processed. ➤ Scavenger flotation with application of PAX, MIBC and
The following is a general description of each part of the DF250
proposed plant along with selected results from the 2005 and ➤ The rougher float concentrate (and the first scavenger
2006 continuous pilot testing of the process at SGS Lakefield. float concentrate—not shown on Figure 9) is sent to
The pilot-scale tests at SGS Lakefield form the test work basis conditioning followed by three stages of cleaning to
for the final feasibility study design for the NorthMet plant. produce a final concentrate
➤ The scavenger flotation concentrate and the first
Crushing, grinding and flotation cleaner flotation tailings are reground to 25–30 μm
The crushing, grinding and flotation circuit (Figure 9) particle size (P80) and directed back to the rougher
receives ore from the mine into a coarse crusher dump flotation circuit

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 263
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores

Figure 9—NorthMet process flowsheet: crushing, grinding and flotation of a bulk Cu-Ni-Co-Zn-Au-PGM concentrate

264 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores

Figure 10—NorthMet process flowsheet: hydrometallurgical treatment of bulk Cu-Ni-Co-Zn-Au-PGM concentrate with production of copper cathode, Au/PGM precipitate and mixed Ni/Co hydroxide

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 265
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
➤ The third cleaner concentrate is thickened and of the PLATSOL® process for NorthMet ore processing have
reground to approximately 15 μm particle size (P80) been described elsewhere3 and will be only briefly reviewed
and sent to the autoclave feed tanks. here. The process is regarded as a nominal ‘step-out’ from
A series of batch and continuous pilot-plant commercial practice in total pressure oxidation for base and
crushing/grinding/flotation tests was performed at SGS- precious metal ore/concentrate treatment.
Lakefield as part of the metallurgical development The autoclave oxidation process converts metal sulphide
minerals into metal sulphates and iron hydrolysis products
programme. The results of a series of six test periods are
(primarily haematite but some basic ferric sulphate may also
summarized in Table VI. The first two sample periods were
form under high acid conditions), while the precious metals
treating assay reject ‘start-up’ material followed by treatment
are converted to chloro-complexes. The chemical reactions
of a composite (C4). The C4 composite sample was obtained
believed to occur in the autoclave are shown below. (Note
from NorthMet deposit in the area of the first five years of the
that the mineralogy of the PGMs may be very complex, but
NorthMet mine life. On average for the four periods in which
for simplicity only the metallic species are considered.)
C4 sample was processed, the results indicate:
Chalcopyrite oxidation/iron hydrolysis:
➤ 3.73% mass pull and float recoveries of 89.8% for Cu,
CuFeS2 + 4.25O2 + H2O = CuSO4 + 0.5Fe2O3 + H2SO4
70.5% for Ni, 87.2% for S, 36.2% for Co, 73.3% for Au,
Pyrite oxidation:
84.7% for Pt and 82.7% for Pd.
FeS2 + 3.75O2 + 2H2O = 0.5Fe2O3 + 2H2SO4
A recent series of flotation tests has been performed
Pyrrhotite oxidation:
using two further samples of PolyMet ore at 0.30 and 0.25%
Fe7S8 + 16.25O2 + 8H2O = 3.5Fe2O3 + 8H2SO4
Cu head grade with the goal of producing a higher grade bulk
Nickel sulphide oxidation:
concentrate product.
NiS + 2O2 = NiSO4
The results of the recent series of tests are encouraging.
The mass pull was reduced by cleaning more aggressively Basic ferric sulphate formation:
and use of a gangue depressant in the cleaning stages. The Fe2O3 + 2H2SO4 = 2Fe(OH)SO4 + H2O
higher grade bulk concentrate will be separated into copper Gold oxidation/chlorocomplex formation:
and nickel rich concentrates using conventional separation Au + 0.75O2 + 4HCl = HAuCl4 + 1.5H2O
methods. Platinum oxidation/chlorocomplex formation:
Pt + O2 + 6HCl = H2PtCl6 + 2H2O
Autoclave leaching Palladium oxidation/chlorocomplex formation:
The autoclave leaching process for NorthMet utilizes a small Pd + 0.5O2 + 4HCl = H2PdCl4 + H2O
amount of chloride (approximately 7–10 g/l) in solution The temperature range for total pressure oxidation is
under ‘total pressure oxidation’ conditions to extract Cu, Ni, typically 220 to 230°C. The autoclave discharge from the
Co, Zn, Au, Pt, Pd from the bulk concentrate. The principles leach process contains dissolved Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Au, Pt and

Table VI

Selected flotation pilot-plant test results obtained at SGS Lakefield in 2006

Test Comp Product Wt Grade Distribution, %

no. % Cu, % Ni, % S, % Co, % Au, g/t Pt, g/t Pd, g/t Cu Ni S Co Au Pt Pd

1 Start-up Feed 100.0 0.35 0.10 0.79 0.010 0.05 0.05 0.26 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tail 96.8 0.036 0.035 0.13 0.007 0.008 0.006 0.044 9.9 32.4 16.2 66.0 16.0 11.2 16.7
Conc 3.17 10.1 2.20 20.8 0.110 1.28 1.46 6.71 90.1 67.6 83.8 34.0 84.0 88.8 83.3
2 Start-up Feed 100.0 0.38 0.11 0.85 0.008 0.05 0.05 0.25 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tailing 96.2 0.032 0.030 0.12 0.005 0.009 0.009 0.043 8.1 27.0 14.1 57.2 16.3 16.3 3.4
Conc 3.80 9.22 2.04 19.3 0.095 1.17 1.17 6.47 91.9 73.0 85.9 42.8 83.7 83.7 85.6
3 C4 Feed 100.0 0.34 0.10 0.87 0.008 0.04 0.06 0.29 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tailing 96.4 0.034 0.030 0.12 0.005 0.014 0.008 0.053 9.6 28.7 13.6 58.6 31.2 13.3 17.7
Conc 3.58 8.57 1.97 21.1 0.095 0.83 1.41 6.63 90.4 71.3 86.4 41.4 68.8 86.7 82.3
4 C4 Feed 100.0 0.34 0.10 0.93 0.008 0.04 0.07 0.29 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tailing 95.8 0.037 0.029 0.11 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.051 10.5 28.7 11.0 62.7 13.6 6.7 16.8
Conc 4.20 7.16 1.66 19.8 0.068 0.87 1.59 5.76 89.5 71.3 89.0 37.3 86.4 93.3 83.2
5 C4 Feed 100.0 0.33 0.10 0.85 0.009 0.04 0.06 0.28 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tailing 96.3 0.032 0.028 0.10 0.006 0.010 0.008 0.044 9.3 27.3 11.5 63.7 25.8 13.7 15.3
Conc 3.74 8.05 1.91 20.0 0.088 0.74 1.30 6.25 90.7 72.7 88.5 36.3 74.2 86.3 84.7
6 C4 Feed 100.0 0.32 0.10 0.86 0.010 0.03 0.06 0.26 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Tailing 96.6 0.039 0.034 0.13 0.007 0.013 0.018 0.052 11.6 33.1 15.1 70.2 36.2 27.6 19.4
Conc 3.41 8.4 1.97 21.5 0.084 0.65 1.34 6.12 88.4 66.9 84.9 29.8 63.8 72.4 80.6

266 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
Pd. The solids are relatively ‘barren’ of value, consisting of Inspection of the graphs indicates that at least 100% o
iron precipitates, unreacted gangue, and minor amounts of recycle ratio will improve overall metal extractions.
residual base and precious metal minerals. Further insight into the kinetics of the pressure oxidation
The original PLATSOL® pilot plant utilized a ‘straight process can be obtained by taking compartment samples from
through’ design in which fresh concentrate was introduced the autoclave at steady-state. Figure 13 shows the precious n
into the first compartment of a six-compartment pilot a
autoclave with raffinate (for controlled cooling of the l
autoclave slurry) and oxygen (for oxidation). The results of
the ‘straight through’ pilot plant indicated that virtually all
the copper and nickel were extracted in the first compartment
of the autoclave due to the rapidity of the sulphide oxidation
process. However, the platinum and palladium minerals a
continued to react through the entire autoclave volume, p
reaching ultimate extractions of about 95%. This situation e
was revisited in the more recent bench and pilot-scale testing. r
It was concluded that a ‘recycle’ design would be more
efficient with respect to autoclave design. The ‘recycle’ design
involves thickening the autoclave discharge and recycling a
portion of the underflow to the autoclave feed. This recycle
allows for any unreacted mineral to have a chance at second-
pass extraction. The greater the recycle, the longer the
‘average’ residence time of solids in the autoclave. The limit
Figure 12—Au, Pt and Pd extraction as a function of recycle of
of the recycle will be when the solids density in the autoclave
autoclave discharge solids. Standard conditions: 225°C, 1.1 hour single
becomes unmanageable. pass residence time, 100 psig of oxygen overpressure, 10 g/l Cl, six-
Figures 11 and 12 show the impact of solids recycle on compartment autoclave
base and precious metal extraction. While there is some
‘noise’ in the results, there is a strong indication of
improvement in both base and precious metal extraction in
applying the recycle system. Nickel extraction improved from
97% extraction to over 98%, whereas platinum and palladium
extraction improved from less than 90% to between 90% and
95% overall extraction. Regardless of the recycle ratio, the
copper extraction was excellent at over 99%. Gold extraction
was highly variable, probably due to the small amount of
gold in the feed sample (0.8 to 1.3 g/t), but always around
90%. The method of reporting recycle is mass of recycle
solids per mass of feed solids (t/t), expressed as a per cent.

Figure 11—Copper and nickel extraction as a function of recycle of

autoclave discharge solids. Standard conditions: 225°C, 1.1 hour single
pass residence time, 100 psig of oxygen overpressure, 10 g/l Cl, six- Figure 13—Compartment sample assays for 74% recycle ratio for Au,
compartment autoclave Pt, Pd at steady state. (a) solution assays and (b) solid assays

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 267
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
metal solution and solids assays in the compartment samples copper and sulphur was tested and resulted in an upgraded
obtained at 74% recycle ratio. Figure 14 gives the comparable material analysing approximately 1.6% or 16 000 g/t total
information for the base metals. Note that the feed grades in contained gold, platinum and palladium. The solution after
each case have been diluted with the barren solids recycled gold, platinum and palladium recovery advances to base
from the autoclave discharge. metal recovery. The solution is still acidic and must be
The results show clearly that even with recycle and a neutralized prior to copper solvent extraction.
relatively short autoclave residence time of 1.1 hours, the
oxidation and extraction of the bulk of the base and precious Solution neutralization
metals is largely complete within the first two compartments
The extraction of copper by solvent extraction is inhibited by
of the autoclave (approximately 22 minutes of the 66-minute
acid in solution. It is therefore important to neutralize the
residence time). This result is consistent with all other
excess acid from the autoclave process prior to advancing to
reported information on total pressure oxidation of sulphide
copper recovery.
concentrates including the developments of Placer Dome and
The neutralization process was piloted in a three-stage
Phelps Dodge on copper concentrate total oxidation.
neutralization circuit with limestone slurry for neutralization.
The gypsum product is thickened. A 300% recycle of gypsum
Au and PGM precipitation
as ‘seed’ for precipitation was used to grow coarse, clean,
The autoclave discharge slurry is partly recycled (after crystals of gypsum.
thickening) and partly filtered to advance the metal bearing The chemistry of neutralization is shown below.
solution to the downstream recovery steps in the process. The Gypsum precipitation:
gold and platinum group metals in solution are the first target H2SO4 + CaCO3 + 2H2O = CaSO4.2H2O
for recovery using reductive precipitation.
The utilization of carbonate exceeded 99% in the pilot
In the first PLATSOL® pilot plant reported in 2001, a
tests due to the use of the 300% recycle. The gypsum product
combination of sulphur dioxide reduction of ferric ion
assay is shown below. The chemical quality, physical nature
followed by sulphide precipitation was used to recover the
and colour of this synthetic gypsum produced in the pilot
precious metals from the pregnant solution.
In the recent pilot campaign an improved method of
precious metal recovery was tested. Copper sulphides
produced by precipitation of copper from the bleed stream
advancing to nickel and cobalt recovery were utilized for
precious metal recovery. The copper sulphides ‘cement’ the
precious metals onto the solid surface, resulting in an
enriched product to advance to further processing. The
improved process was proven to be robust and flexible. It is
still advantageous to reduce the ferric species in the
advancing solution using sulphur dioxide gas to minimize
the CuS demand for Au and PGM precipitation.
Ferric reduction:
Fe2(SO4)3 + SO2 + 2H2O = 2FeSO4 + 2H2SO4
Gold precipitation:
2HAuCl4 + 3CuS + 3H2SO4 = 2Au + 3CuSO4 + 8HCl + 3S
Platinum precipitation:
H2PtCl6 + 2CuS + 2H2SO4 = Pt + 2CuSO4 + 6HCl + 2S
Palladium precipitation:
H2PdCl4 + CuS + H2SO4 = Pd + CuSO4 + 4HCl + S
The recovery of gold, platinum and palladium from the
autoclave solution (after filtering and washing the solids)
was accomplished by precipitation with CuS in the pilot plant.
The precipitate solids are collected in a thickener/clarifier
arrangement and then filtered. Recoveries of gold, platinum
and palladium into this precipitate concentrate were excellent,
in excess of 99.5% in each case. Base metal losses from
solution into the PGM and gold residue were negligible.
Approximately 4 kg of precipitate were collected during
the 2005 pilot plant analysing 56 g/t Au, 211 g/t Pt and 907
g/t Pd. Most of the precipitate mass was copper (35.7%) and Figure 14—Compartment sample assays for 74% recycle ratio for Ni,
sulphur (49%). Batch releaching of the precipitate to remove Cu, Fe at steady state. (a) solution assays and (b) solid assays

268 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
Table VII o
Gypsum solids assay from neutralization of autoclave acid u
Ni % Co % Cu % Fe % Zn % SiO2 % Al2O3 %
0.005 <0.02 0.005 <0.05 0.003 0.19 <0.01 n
Fe2O3 % MgO % CaO % Na2O % K2O % TiO2 % P2O5 % a
0.06 0.2 31.7 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
MnO % Cr2O3 % V2O5 % LOI % SO4 % CO3 % Cl g/t
<0.01 <0.01 <0.01 21.3 51 0.07 24

Dry product P80 ~ 105 microns, wet PSD determinations using Malvern Mastersizer 2000 P
plant appear to be suitable for entry into the gypsum solution. Acid must be neutralized prior to the nickel and e
wallboard market in the US. If an ‘off-take’ for synthetic cobalt recovery process steps and excess acid is undesirable r
gypsum can be finalized, the gypsum residue will not fill in the feed to the autoclave as excess acid will increase the
space in the lined tailings facility planned for ‘hydromet’ formation of basic ferric sulphate in the autoclave solids.
tailings. The value of the gypsum will partially offset the cost The chemistry of raffinate neutralization is the same as
of oxygen for oxidation of sulphur in the concentrate to the primary neutralization discussed above.
sulphate and the cost of purchasing limestone for neutral-
ization. (Table VII.) Fe and Al removal
The removal of iron and aluminum prior to recovery of nickel
Copper SX/EW and cobalt is necessary to prevent product contamination.
The recovery of copper by SX/EW is conventional technology. The process of iron oxy-hydrolysis is well known. Iron is
The presence of chloride in the feed solution to copper solvent oxidized from the ferrous to the ferric state with oxygen or
extraction necessitates the application of a wash or scrub step air with limestone addition for neutralization and pH control.
to displace any entrained chloride from the loaded organic The temperature for iron removal was set to 60°C and the pH
solution. to 3.0. The iron was removed to less than 5 mg/l by this
process with negligible losses of Ni/Co to the iron precipitate
Copper extraction:
CuSO4 + 2HR(org) = CuR2(org) + H2SO4
Similar results were obtained in the pilot plant using
Copper stripping:
limestone to pH 4.6–4.7 and 65°C. Terminal aluminum levels
CuR2(org) + H2SO4 = CuSO4 + 2HR(org)
were 38 mg/l on average.
Copper electrowinning: The iron precipitate is washed and disposed to tailings.
CuSO4 + H2O = Cu + O2(gas) + H2SO4 The aluminum precipitate is thickened and recycled to the
In the pilot plant, copper was extracted in three counter- iron removal step.
current stages, scrubbed in one and stripped in two stages
with spent electrolyte from the electrowinning cell. Two
extractants were evaluated, 35% Acorga M5640 from Cytec in
Orfom SX 80CT and 35% LIX 973NS LV from Cognis in the
Table VIII
same diluent. Both extractants performed well in the pilot-
plant operation. Extractions averaged about 95% from a Copper assays for samples taken from the second
starting solution concentration of 17.4 g/l of Cu (average). A pilot plant strip cycle*
total of 68 kg of copper were extracted and electrolyzed
during the 2005 pilot plant run at a current density of +270 Analysis (g/t)

A/m2. The copper metal cathode was analysed and found to Sample Fe S Pb Ag
meet LME grade A copper purity specifications. This product Cathode 1 1.02 10.50 0.52 <1
can be sold directly to copper consumers. Table VIII Cathode 2 1.31 6.00 3.63 <1
summarizes the assay for copper for two samples taken from LME Grade A 10 15 5 25
the second strip cycle in the pilot plant.

Raffinate neutralization
*The first strip cathode had higher levels of contaminants. This was
The purpose of raffinate neutralization is to trim the acid attributed to the ‘start-up’ conditions used and the fact that the lead
level in the copper raffinate prior to splitting the raffinate anodes in electrowinning were not conditioned prior to commencement of
the pilot plant. The purity of the second strip cathodes is believed to be
flow between the nickel and cobalt recovery circuit and representative of the full-scale chemistry of the copper cathodes to be
returning the raffinate to the autoclave circuit as a cooling produced at NorthMet.

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 269
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores
Copper removal Residual cobalt precipitation with lime:
CaSO4 + CaO + 3H2O = Co(OH)2 + CaSO4.2H2O
Residual copper is removed before nickel, cobalt and zinc
Residual nickel precipitation with lime:
recovery using NaSH precipitation. The copper sulphide
ZnSO4 + CaO + 3H2O = Zn(OH)2 + CaSO4.2H2O
product (synthetic covellite) is then recycled internally to
precipitate gold and PGM from the autoclave discharge The mixed hydroxide material is high quality and may be
placed with an off-take/refinery partner for final separation
into pure nickel and cobalt and by-products. (Table IX.)
The chemistry is straightforward:
CuSO4 + NaSH = CuS + 0.5Na2SO4 + 0.5H2SO4 Magnesium removal
In the 2005 pilot plant, the copper level in solution The NorthMet ore and concentrate contains some magnesium
advancing to copper removal was reduced to less than silicate mineralization. During high temperature autoclave
50 mg/l. leaching of the concentrate, some magnesium is leached. In
addition, magnesia is used around the circuit for nickel and
Nickel, cobalt and zinc recovery cobalt precipitation, which also results in an increase in the
magnesium content of recirculating solutions. In order to
There were two options for nickel, cobalt and zinc recovery
control the build-up of magnesium in solution, a magnesium
that were continuously piloted at SGS—Lakefield in 2005. removal step (with lime) was introduced into the circuit.
The first option utilized a classic ‘mixed hydroxide’ precipi- Magnesium sulphate reacts to form magnesium hydroxide
tation route for recovery of the pay metals in a single product. and gypsum with lime.
The second option was to separate cobalt and zinc away from
Magnesium precipitation with lime:
nickel using solvent extraction, followed by selective
MgSO4 + CaO + 3H2O = Mg(OH)2 + CaSO4.2H2O
stripping of cobalt and zinc. The purified nickel, cobalt and The removal of magnesium is a control for the build-up of
zinc streams can then all be treated with magnesia to recover magnesium across the circuit. In the pilot plant approximately
purified hydroxides (or in the case of zinc, be sold directly 50% of the magnesium was precipitated per ‘pass’ with the
into the zinc chemicals industry). balance of the magnesium allowed to recirculate in the overall
Mixed hydroxide results The NorthMet project of PolyMet Mining is well advanced
The mixed hydroxide process uses two-stage precipitation for and ready to proceed to construction upon receipt of key
nickel and cobalt recovery. In the first stage, approximately permits. The NorthMet project will begin with an initial phase
85% of the nickel and cobalt are precipitated with magnesia of separate copper and nickel concentrate production for sale
(MgO). This precipitate is then thickened, filtered and washed followed by commissioning of the hydrometallurgical circuit
and sent to a nickel off-take party. The balance of the nickel for bulk concentrate leaching.
The PLATSOL™ process will be used for the treatment of
and cobalt are then precipitated with lime to form mixed
the concentrate. The PLATSOL™ process will dissolve all the
gypsum metal hydroxide precipitate. This precipitate is
metals of value to high levels of extraction in an autoclave,
recycled to solution neutralization to redissolve the precip-
followed by a series of precipitation and SX/EW processes for
itated nickel and cobalt.
recovery of final metal products. The final products from the
Zinc in solution will report quantitatively to the final
commercial plant will include:
mixed hydroxide precipitate.
➤ Copper cathode of LME Grade A quality
Nickel precipitation with magnesia:
➤ Au and PGM precipitate for toll processing
NiSO4 + MgO + H2O = Ni(OH)2 + MgSO4
➤ Mixed hydroxide product containing Ni-Co-Zn
Cobalt precipitation with magnesia: ➤ Synthetic gypsum.
CaSO4 + MgO + H2O = Co(OHH)2 + MgSO4
The current design basis is for 32 000 short tons of ore
Zinc precipitation with magnesia: per day to be processed through the refurbished Erie plant
ZnSO4 + MgO + H2O = Zn(OH)2 + MgSO4 and a new hydrometallurgical refinery for metal extraction.
Residual nickel precipitation with lime: Figure 15 shows how the hydrometallurgical plant will be
NiSO4 + CaO + 3H2O = Ni(OH)2 + CaSO4.2H2O integrated with the existing Erie facility.

Table IX

Analysis of the mixed hydroxide product from the pilot plant

Sample Moist. % Ni % Co % Cu % Fe % Zn % Al % Mg % Ca % Si % Mn %

1 51.2 36.3 1.92 0.37 0.59 4.84 0.07 1.04 0.02 0.05 0.03
2 41.2 31.5 1.67 0.31 0.51 4.31 0.04 0.62 0.04 0.03 0.02
31.3 1.67 0.32 0.54 4.27 0.04 0.62 0.04 0.03 0.02
3 56.3 40.6 2.17 0.41 0.68 0.56 0.05 0.76 <0.08 0.04 0.03

270 MAY 2009 VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Keynote address: Hydrometallurgical process development for complex ores


Figure 15—Plant layout for NorthMet plant with hydrometallurgical concentrate treatment

The existing Erie plant has capacity to operate at approxi- Acknowledgements

mately three times the planned production rate. Expanded
production could be supported by existing resources at The author’s education in metallurgical process development
NorthMet, exploration success or treatment of other known began many years ago with W. Charles Cooper (PhD
deposits in the area. Expansion beyond the current permit supervisor) and E. Peters (PDF supervisor). In the case of the
application would involve additional environmental review Boleo and PLATSOL™ developments, extensive collaborative
and permitting. work has occurred with colleagues at SGS Lakefield Research,
Bateman Engineering, CSIRO and others. The technical work
presented in this paper is a reflection of the combined efforts
Conclusions of many people in various roles moving from early testing
Hydrometallurgical processing of complex ores and concen- and concepts through to final feasibility for each of the
trates offers the possibility of unlocking new and valuable process developments.
mineral deposits for production of metals. Two such
developments have been reviewed as examples of what is References
possible by developing or integrating new science and
technology into a process flowsheet. The Boleo process offers
MOLNAR R. The metallurgical development of the El Boleo copper-cobalt-
the promise of being able to unlock the value in a complex, zinc project. Proceedings of ALTA Copper 2005 , Perth, ALTA Metallurgical
clayey ore containing significant amounts of copper, cobalt, Services, Melbourne, Australia, 2005.
zinc and manganese. The use of high rate thickener
2. CHENG, C.Y. AND URBANI, M.D. Solvent extraction process for separation
technology permits the separation and washing of a clayey
cobalt and/or manganese from impurities in leach solutions. Patent
leach residue. The integration of the CSIRO DSX technology
Publication No. WO 2005/073415 A1.
for cobalt and zinc separation away from manganese permits
recovery of these important by-product metals, vastly 3. FERRON, C.J., FLEMING, C.A., O’KANE, P.T., and DREISINGER, D. Pilot plant

improving the economics of the metallurgical treatment of the demonstration of the PLATSOL™ process for the treatment of the
NorthMet copper-nickel-PGM deposit, Mining Engineering. Littleton, CO,
Boleo ore. The PLATSOL™ process has opened the way to
United States, 2002, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 33–39.
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The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 109 NON-REFEREED PAPER MAY 2009 271

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