Ae El Bh6dl4w
Ae El Bh6dl4w
Ae El Bh6dl4w
Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
13) Pick the wrong term in the series 3, 7, 9, 28, 27, 84, 81, A) The electric field is the same at A and B points
448, 243 B) The electric field is the same at C and D points
C) The electric field is GREATER at A than B
A) 28 D) The electric field is the same at all points
B) 7
C) 84 18) A 4-point starter is used to start and control the speed of
D) 81 a
A) 4
B) 2
C) 1
D) 3
A) 4.5
B) 3.5
C) 4
D) 3
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
24) Which of the following forms of two level minimization is 27) A man was engaged on a job for 30 days on the condition
degenerative in nature? that he would get a wage of Rs.10 for the day he works, but
he have to pay a fine of Rs.2 for each day of his absence. If
A) NAND - NOR he gets Rs.216 at the end, he was absent for work for
B) AND - NOR ______ days
D) NAND - AND A) 5 days
B) 7 days
25) An hydrograph is an instrument indicating C) 8 days
D) 9 days
A) the maximum and minimum run off during a period
B) all of the other options are correct 28) Let AX = B represents a system of equations where A is
C) the average run off during the period 2x3 real matrix. The system is known to be inconsistent. The
D) the discharge at any time during the period under highest possible rank of A is.
A) 2
26) Which of the following represents the electric field map B) 3
due to a combination of two positive charges? C) 1
D) Can’t be determined
B) A) 3/4
B) 1
C) 1/2
D) 2
A) 90 degrees
B) 60 degrees
C) 30 degrees
D) 45 degrees
32) Anjum is counting his last days, he keeps half his
property for his wife and divides the rest equally among his
three sons: Bimar, Cumar and Danger. Some years later,
Bimar dies, leaving half his property to his widow and half to
his brothers, Cumar and Danger together, sharing equally.
When Cumar makes his will, he keeps half his property for
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
his widow and the rest he bequeaths to his younger brother 37) The isotopes of chlorine with mass number 35 and 37
Danger. When Danger dies some years later, he keeps half exist in which ratio?
his property for his widow and the remaining for his mother.
The mother now has Rs. 5,75,0000. What was the worth of A) 3:1
the total property? B) 5:1
C) 4:1
A) 3.9 crore D) 2:1
B) 2.9 crore
C) 2.8 crore 38) When an interrupt occurs, an operating system
D) 2.4 crore
A) may change the state of the interrupted process to
33) The average power delivered to an impedance (4 – j3)Ω "blocked" and schedules another process
by a current 5Cos (100πt + 100) A is ________. B) ignores the interrupt
C) always resumes execution of the interrupted process
A) 44 W after processing the interrupt
B) 48.5 W D) always changes the state of the interrupted process
C) 50 W after processing the interrupt
D) 65 W
39) In an ideal transformer, the no load current I o
34) What will be the input power factor of the converter if the
input voltage is vi = 100(1.414) Sin(πt) V and the current A) leads the applied voltage by 90 degree
drawn by the conductor ii follows the following equation: B) in phase with applied voltage
C) none of the other three
ii = 10(1.414) Sin(100πt – π/3) + 5(1.414)Sin(300πt +π/4) + D) lags the applied voltage by 90 degree
2(1.414) Sin(500πt – π/6) A
40) What is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that
occurs as a result of experience?
A) 0.1
B) 0.5 A) Learning
C) 0.2 B) Behaviour modification
D) 0.25 C) Skills
D) Motivation
35) lf two independent random variables are added, then the
probability density function (PDF) of the resultant random 41) Firoz’s monthly salary is A rupees. Of this, he spends X
variable is equal to rupees. The next month he has an increase of C% in his
salary and D% in his expenditure. The new amount saved is:
A) multiplication of PDFs of individual random variables
B) sum of PDFs of individual random variables A) X(C – D. / 100
C) difference of PDFs of individual random variables B) (A/100) (C – D. X (1 + D/100)
D) convolution of PDFs of individual random variables C) X(C + D) / 100
D) A(1 + C/100) – X(1 + D/100)
36) Consider the following statements given as reason of
application of short pitched coil compared to full pitch coil in 42) lf the variance of the zero mean random variable "X" is
stator of synchronous generator: 2, then the mean square value of the random variable Y =
4X + 3 will be
1. improved sinusoidal waveform of induced emf is
A) 41
2. distortion harmonics are significantly reduce.
B) 32
3. it increases over all induced emf.
C) 17
D) 35
Which statements among the above are correct?
A) 1 and 2 only
B) 1, 2 and 3
C) 2 and 3 only
D) 1 and 3 only
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
43) The power in a DC circuit is measured by measuring the 50) Copper has a much lower resistivity than aluminium
current through a resistor. The current is measured with an SiO2, has a dielectric constant of 3.9 and Xerogel has a
accuracy of ±1.5% and the tolerance band of the resistor is dielectric constant of 2.1. ln order to reduce the interconnect
±0.5%. lf the errors are limiting or guarantee errors, then the delay in VLSI circuits, what should be the best combination
accuracy with which power is measured is of metal and dielectric layer?
44) Frequency warping is related to: 51) Circuit turn-off time of an SCR is defined as the time
A) none of the other three A) required for the SCR current to become zero
B) matched z-transform B) for which the SCR is reverse biased to reduce its
C) bilinear transformation current below the holding current
D) impulse invariance method C) taken by the SCR turn of
D) for which the SCR is reverse biased by the
45) The susceptibility of paramagnetic material FeCl3 is 3.7 commutation circuit
X 10-3 at 27 degree Celsius. The value of Curie constant is
A) an all-pass filter
B) a band – pass filter 53) Which of the following represents the electric field map
C) an all-stop filter due to a single positive charge?
D) an band stop (band-reject) filter
A) magnetizing
B) none of the other three
C) no effect A)
D) demagnetizing
A) Enhancement
B) OB Mod
C) Enrichment
D) Enlargement
49) The bridge most suited for measurement of a four
terminal resistance in the range of 0.001Ω to 0.1Ω is
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
A) 1.289(1.3 – 1.34)
B) 1.289(1.286 – 1.34)
C) 1.287(1.20 – 1.35)
D) 1.286(1.20 – 1.35)
58) The following question consists of two statements, one
labelled as Assertion 'A' and the other labelled as Reason
'R' You are to examine these two statements carefully and
select your answers to these items using the codes given
54) Which of the following materials are "Antiferro"
magnetic materials?
Assertion (A): Transformer oil works as an insulating
1. Ferrous oxide (FeO)
material as well as cooling agent.
2. Manganese oxide (MnO4) Reason (R): The transformer oil has high dielectric strength
and low viscosity.
3. Chromium oxide (Cr2O3)
A) A is false but R is true
B) A is true but R is false
A) 2 and 3 only C) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation
B) 1 only of A
C) 2 only D) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
D) 1, 2 and 3 of A
A) 24
B) -24
C) -22
D) 22
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
61) Assuming both the voltage sources are in phase, the 66) ln a dc series motor, the torque developed is
value of R for which maximum power is transferred from
circuit A to circuit B is A) proportional to the square of armature current.
B) directly proportional to armature current.
C) inversely proportional to armature current.
D) proportional to the square root of armature current.
A) 2700 rpm
B) 7200 rpm
C) 5400 rpm
D) 3600 rpm
A) 35 μH
B) 45 μH
C) 40 μH
D) 37 μH
A) Wein Bridge
B) Schering Bridge
C) De Sauty Bridge
D) Heaviside Campbell Bridge
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
70) ln which of the following magnetic materials the net 74) A candidate takes a test and attempts all the 100
magnetic moment is zero when no external magnetic field is questions in it. While any correct answer fetches 1 mark,
applied? wrong answers are penalised as follows; one-tenth of the
questions carry 1/10 negative mark each, one-fifth of the
A) Paramagnetic questions carry 1/5 negative marks each and the rest of the
B) Anti-ferromagnetic questions carry 1⁄2 negative mark each. Unattempted
C) Ferrimagnetic questions carry no marks. What is the difference between
D) Ferromagnetic the maximum and the minimum marks that he can score?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 4
D) 2
A) Schering Bridge
B) Anderson Bridge
C) Wheatstone Bridge
D) Kelvin double Bridge
A) 40 μJ
B) 60 μJ 78) The salient pole rotor are never used in high speed turbo
C) 20 μJ alternator due to increased friction losses.
D) 0 μJ
A) large windage loss and large stress on design due to
73) centrifugal force make it impractical.
B) None of these
C) distribution of field winding is not possible.
D) uneven reluctance path offered due to saliency.
In the above diagram, the magnitude of the electric field at 79) Which of the following assumptions are considered
point A is E. What is the electric field at point B in terms of while deriving the Clausius-Mosotti relation?
1 The polarizability of molecules is isotropic.
2 The arrangement of molecules is isotropic.
A) 1/9 E 3. Polarization of the molecules is by elastic displacement
B) 9E only.
C) 1/3 E 4. Absence of short range (non-dipolar) interactions.
D) 3E
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
A) 1 and 3 only 83) When 242 is divided by a certain divisor the remainder
B) 1, 2, 3 and 4 obtained is 8. When 698 is divided by the same divisor the
C) 2, 3 and 4 only remainder obtained is 9. When the sum of the two numbers
D) 2 and 4 only 242 and 698 is divided by the divisor, the remainder obtained
is 4. What is the value of the divisor?
80) Animesh Dagga inaugurates his internet cafe on the 1st
of January 2003. He invests in 10 computers @ Rs. 30,000 A) 23
per computer. Besides, he also invests in the other B) 11
infrastructure of the centre, a sum of Rs.1 lakh only. He C) 17
charges his customers on the time spent on the internet a D) 13
flat rate of Rs.50 per hour. His initial investment on
computers has to be written off equally in 3 years (1 lakh per 84) What is the most electropositive amongst the alkaline
year) and the infrastructure has to be written off in 5 years earth metals?
(@ Rs. 20,000 per year). He has to pay a fixed rental of
Rs.8000 per month for the space and also hires an assistant A) Berrylium
at Rs.2000 per month. For every hour that he is connected B) Calcium
to the internet, he has to bear a telephone charge of Rs.20 C) Barium
irrespective of the number of machines operational on the D) Potassium
internet at that time. On top of this, he also has to pay an
electricity charge of Rs.5 per computer per hour. Assume 85) The mean square value of the random variable, which is
that there are no other costs involved unless otherwise uniformly distributed in the interval [-2,4] is
mentioned. The internet cafe is open 12 hours a day and is
open on all 7 days of the week. (Assume that if a machine is A) 10
not occupied, it is put off and hence consumes no electricity). B) 3
Assuming a uniform 80% occupancy rate for the month of C) 12
April 2003, find his profit or loss for the month. D) 4
A) Rs.1,20,733.33
86) The condition for two events to be independent is
B) Rs.1,23,600
C) Rs.1,02,400
A) The sum of their probabilities must be equal to one
D) Rs.1,22,400
B) Their intersection must be zero
C) None of these alternatives is correct
81) An ACSR is conductor having specification as 48/7. D) They must be mutually exclusive
Which of the statements correctly specifies the conductor?
87) Consider the statements regarding losses occurring in
A) None of the other three
a dc machine.
B) The conductor has 48 aluminum and 7 steel strands
C) The conductor has 48 steel and 7 aluminum strands
1. Iron loss significantly depends on flux at the operating
D) The conductor has 48 aluminum strands
2. Iron loss is directly proportional to voltage, which is
82) There are 500 seats in Hyatt conference hall, Mumbai, producing flux.
placed in similar rows. After the reconstruction of the hall, 3. Copper loss vary as square of the current.
the total number of seats became 10% less. The number of
rows was reduced by 5 but each row contained 5 seats more Which of the above statement are correct?
than before. How many rows and how many seats in a row
were there initially in the hall? A) 1 and 3 only
B) 2 and 3 only
A) 10 rows and 50 seats C) 1 and 2 only
B) 20 rows and 20 seats D) 1, 2 and 3
C) 20 rows and 25 seats
D) 50 rows and 10 seats
88) (0.04)-2.5 =?
A) 3125
B) 625
C) 25
D) 125
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89) The following question consists of two statements, one 94) ln case of three phase transformer, which configuration
labelled as Assertion 'A' and the other labelled as Reason 'R' from given below will give maximum secondary voltage.
You are to examine these two statements carefully and
select your answers to these items using the codes given A) Primary in star, secondary in delta
below: B) Primary in star, secondary in star
C) Primary in delta, secondary in star
Assertion (A): EMF generated in a thermocouple with D) Primary in delta, secondary in delta
junction at temperature t1 and t3 is equal to the sum of the
emfs generated by similar thermocouples, one acting 95) The current drawn from a two phase load is i 1(t) = I m
between temperature t1, and t2, and other between t2, and Sin(ωt - ϴ 1), i 2(t) = I m Sin(ωt - ϴ 2). These two currents will
t3. be balanced if ϴ 1 is __________
A) 22 A) 1
B) 46 B) 2
C) 94 C) 6
D) 3 D) 4
93) Find the sum of the series. 100) In a group of 60 people, 27 like cold drinks and 42 like
hot drinks and each person likes at least one of the two
1/(1 + 12 + 14) + 2/(1 + 22 + 24) + 3/(1 + 32 + 34) drinks. How many like both coffee and tea?
+……………till infinity
A) 10
A) 2/3 B) 9
B) 1/3 C) 11
C) 1/2 D) 12
D) 3/4
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Set Id : 39_15 Assistant Engineer Electrical_07Jul17_Batch3
Question Paper
Answer Key
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