Receiver System Design - Part 11
Receiver System Design - Part 11
Receiver System Design - Part 11
This month, our focus is on multiple receiver reconnaissance systems. Remember that the
dominant difference between Electronic Support and Reconnaissance receiver systems can be
considered “attitude.” Both receiver systems are designed to receive the same types of signals, but do so
for different reasons. ES receivers are typically looking for threat signals of known types for immediate
tactical reasons. Required response times are usually measured in low single digit seconds, and data is
collected only to determine which of the known types of signal is present – in what mode and at what
location. Antennas tend to be wide (ideally 360 degrees total instantaneous coverage from the whole
array) to provide extremely high probability of intercept. Receiver bandwidths tend to be wide,
sacrificing sensitivity for fast response and high probability of interest.
Reconnaissance receiver systems, on the other hand, typically have the luxury of more time to
find enemy signals – but often must receive weaker signals and provide sufficient resolution and
analysis to characterize new types of enemy signals. Antennas can often be narrow, enhancing the
ability to intercept signals from distant transmitters.
Reconnaissance receiver systems are used in all frequency ranges, and have a wide range of
configurations. A few configurations are selected here to facilitate discussion of important issues.
Receiver Performance
Each signal path in a multiple receiver system is independently analyzed to determine its
performance. Figure 3 shows part of a multiple receiver system. Each signal path is from the antenna
through the preamplifier, one leg of the four-way power divider, and into one of the receivers. Let’s run
examples for these two receivers: The required RFSNR for each receiver is 15 dB, and bandwidths are
the effective bandwidth for the respective channels. To simplify the examples, we will ignore cable
Using the techniques explained in the January and February 2007 JEDs, the sensitivity for each
receiver channel is the sum of kTB, the noise figure, and the required RFSNR. 11/11/2008
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For channel 1, kTB is -114 + 10 log (50 kHz/1 MHz) = -127 dBm. The system noise figure is 7
dB (including 3 dB degradation), and the required RFSNR = 15 dB. Therefore, the sensitivity is -105
For channel 2, kTB is -114 + 10 log (250 kHz / 1 MHz) = -120 dBm. The system noise figure is
5 dB (including 1 dB degradation), and the required RFSNR = 15 dB. Therefore, the sensitivity is -100
Using the technique explained in the March 2007 JED, the spurious free dynamic range for
receiver 1 (considering only third order spurs) is 68 dB [-17 – (-85)]. The spurious free dynamic range
for receiver 2 is 66 dB [-14 – (-80)]. (Remember that the fundamental level is at the output of the
In general, control links are relatively narrowband, because the signals from the master (or
control) station pass digital tuning and configuration commands a few times per millisecond. However,
the data links carry intercepted signal data from the receivers to the control station. Depending on the
nature and number of signals received, data links can be very wide. There will be a future series of
EW101 columns discussing the various types of links and their detailed characteristics and
Figure 5 shows a single remote receiving station, which is one of several receiving stations
linked to a single control station. There are several operator receivers, each linked to an operator in the
control station. The operator monitors received signals, and when he or she wants to determine the
location of the transmitter being monitored a location command from the operator station is sent to a
central control station computer. The computer sends simultaneous commands to the direction finding
(DF) receivers in all of the remote receiving systems. This causes them to measure the direction of
arrival of the signal from the target transmitter at the same instant. These direction-of-arrival
measurements are sent to the control station computer, which adds the instantaneous location of the
corresponding receiving platforms and calculates the location of the hostile emitter. If two operators
request emitter locations at once, one request is delayed (on the order of a second) until the DF receivers
in all receiving systems are available.
What’s Next
Next month, we’ll start a new series on communication signal propagation and jamming. For
your comments and suggestions, Dave Adamy can be reached at
Naylor Publications 11/11/2008