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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)

Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2015, pp. 520~528

ISSN: 2088-8694  520

Braking of Three Phase Induction Motorsby Controlling

Applied Voltage and Frequency Based on Particle Swarm
Optimization Technique

Mahmoud M. Elkholy, M. A. Elhameed

Electrical Power and Machines Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Braking of three phase induction motors is required in many industrial
applications. This paper introduces braking of three phase induction motors
Received Dec 8, 2014 using particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. The objective is to
Revised Jan 25, 2015 determine the optimum values of the applied voltage and frequency during
Accepted Jan 14, 2015 braking to stop the motor in a certain time with minimum braking energy
losses to limit any excessive thermal heating. The proposed technique is
important and more useful in applications of repeated braking cycles. The
Keyword: results are compared with that obtained using plugging braking method and
it's found that the proposed technique gives lower braking energy and shorter
Braking braking time. The braking energy losses with the proposed method are about
Induction motor 20% of the plugging braking energy losses with the same braking time. The
Plugging proposed method determines the variation of optimal values of applied
PSO voltage and frequency to have a certain braking time of three phase induction
Regenerative motor at a certain load torque with minimum braking energy losses. The
characteristics of the motor are simulated using SIMULINK/MATLAB.
Copyright © 2015 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:
Mahmoud M. Elkholy
Electrical Power and Machines Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University,
Zagazig, Egypt.
Email: melkholy71@yahoo.com

Braking of three phase induction motors is an important issue especially in industrial applications
that require multi stop in a definite time. Braking can be mechanical through friction or electrical. Mechanical
braking results in waste of rotor stored kinetic energy and excessive heat. Electrical braking has many
methods such as plugging, regenerative and dynamic braking. Plugging depends on reversing the direction of
the rotating field by changing the supply phase sequence, this results in an opposing torque that stops the
motor. Plugging results in high currents, serious overheating and the motor must be disconnected when the
speed reaches zero otherwise it will revolve in the opposite direction. If the motor speed is greater than
synchronous speed, the slip is negative. In this case the motor acts as a generator retuning the energy to
supply, this is called regenerative braking. Dynamic braking is achieved by disconnecting the supply and
connecting external resistances across motor terminals, in this case rotor kinetic energy is converted into heat
losses. Other braking methods can also be used such as DC injection, zero sequence, magnetic and capacitor
self-excitation braking.
The issue of induction motor braking is discussed in literature, for example [1] deals with sensorless
vector control of pulse width-modulated inverter-fed induction motor drivesequipped with a three-phase
diode rectifier. An electronically controlled braking resistor across the dc link is not used, but instead, the
power regenerated during braking is dissipated in the motor. In [2] braking of three phase induction motor is
done using combination of two or more conventional methods, it is found that effective braking is obtained

Journal homepage: http://iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJPEDS

IJPEDS ISSN: 2088-8694  521

by applying different methods at different speed ranges, but this will result in complex circuit for braking.
Braking torque in non-regenerative AC drives without the need of additional power circuits is discussed in
[3]. In [4] conventional methods of braking, branch elimination method in conjunction with conventional
tensor technique is used to establish a digital computer program to simulate the system. In [5, 6] two
braking methods are examined to reduce motor current, one based on the injection of an AC voltage to the
rotor winding during braking. The injected voltage must have the same frequency, same phase shift and
opposite in direction to the rotor induced voltage. The second method depends on discrete variable frequency
control using three phase inverter, AC thyristors monitored by a microcontroller PIC. Reducing energy loss
during braking is examined by using direct torque control in [7], the method is investigated with constant and
traction load toques.
Optimization of braking energy is a nonlinear problem; it is suitable to examine heuristic
optimization techniques to solve this problem. PSO is used extensively to design, control and operate three
phase induction motor [8-11]. The rule of the PSO in this paper is to find the suitable variation of voltage and
frequency during a certain braking period to minimize energy losses in the motor, this will result in less heat
and allow for frequent braking in a certain time.

The voltage equations of three phase squirrel cage induction motor in d-q frame are [12]:



0 (3)

0 (4)
: d-axis stator voltage.
: q-axis stator voltage.
: d-axis stator current.
: q-axis stator current.
: d-axis rotor current.
: q-axis rotor current.
: d-axis component of stator flux linkage.
: q-axis component of stator flux linkage.
: d-axis component of rotor flux linkage.
: q-axis component of rotor flux linkage.
: Resistance of stator winding.
: Resistance of rotor winding referred to stator.

The flux linkages are defined by:




: Self inductance of stator winding.
: Self inductance of rotor winding.
: Mutual inductance between stator and rotor windings.

The electromagnetic torque equation is:

Braking of Three Phase Induction Motorsby Controlling Applied Voltage and… (Mahmoud M. Elkholy)
522  ISSN: 2088-8694


The mechanical equation is:

: Rotor displacement
: Load torque .
: Moment of inertia Kg.m2
: Rotor friction.
: Number of poles.

The model of three phase squirrel cage induction motor is developed by SIMULINK /MATLAB to
solve the above nonlinear equations and to study the dynamic performance characteristics of the motor. The
SIMULINK dynamic model of the motor is shown in Figure 1.
Energy lost in the motor is defined as:


3 3 (12)

: Motor copper losses.
: Motor iron losses.
: Stator phase current.
: Rotor phase current referred to stator.
: Stator phase voltage.
: Core loss resistance.

The ratio of voltage to frequency must be limited to prevent motor saturation.

Figure 2 shows the SIMULINK model with these variable voltage and frequency.

Figure 1. Simulink Model of three phase induction motor

IJPEDS Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2015 : 520 – 528

IJPEDS ISSN: 2088-8694  523

The proposed method to optimize braking energy losses depends on changing motor input voltage
and frequency according to the equations:


Where; Kf1, Kf2 and Kv are constants.

Figure 2. SIMULINK system scheme


In this part PSO is used to determine the constants Kv, Kf1 and Kf2 in Equation (14) and (15). The
objective function is to minimize Equation (11) at certain braking time with the following inequality
constraint to prevent saturation in the motor:


Figure 3 shows the flow chart of PSO operation, for a certain load torque a swarm of 24 agents is
initialized, for each agent the motor dynamic model is operated, and the objective function is evaluated.
Agents are moved to their new position according to their velocities, their best position and the best position
of the swarm. Agents velocity in swarm is updated according to the equation [13]:


Where vik is velocity of agent i at iteration k, w is weighting function, cj is weighting coefficients, rand is
random number between 0 and 1, sik is current position of agent i at iteration k, pbesti is best position of agent
i, and gbest is best position of the swarm. The weighting function w is given by:


Where wmax is initial weight, wmin is final weight, itermax is maximum iteration number, and iter is current
iteration number. According to Shi and Eberhart [14], [15], the following parameters are appropriate and the
values do not depend on problems:
ci = 2, wmax = 0.9 and wmin = 0.4 (18)

Braking of Three Phase Induction Motorsby Controlling Applied Voltage and… (Mahmoud M. Elkholy)
524  ISSN: 2088-8694

Maximum number of iteration is itermax = 50. This process is repeated for a braking time of 4, 4.5
and 5 sec at load torque of 0.5 N.m.

Figure 3. Flow Chart of PSO


Simulation has been carried out using SIMULINK/MATLAB for 220/380 V, 1.1 kW, 50
Hz three phase induction motor having the following parameters:

= 5.15 Ω = 3.75 Ω
=0.5887 H =0.5887 H
=0.5568 H =2

In this section two groups of results are presented, the first one is the performance characteristics of
the motor which is braked using conventional plugging method, by reversing two phases of the motor. In the
second case the motor is braked with the proposed method by controlling the applied voltage and frequency
to stop the motor within certain time with minimum energy losses.
All results are taken at load torque of 0.5 N.m and the motor runs in motoring mode with rated
voltage and frequency from 0 sec to 6 sec, after that the motor is in braking mode.

4.1. Plugging Method

The braking time with plugging is 5 sec as shown in Figure 4. The developed torque is
reversed during plugging and reducing the motor speed in the same direction of load torque as shown in
Figure 5. Therefore, the speed is decreased from load speed to zero and to prevent rotation in reverse
direction the applied voltage is removed.
The motor current during plugging is higher than the starting current as shown in Figure 6 because
the motor slip during plugging is higher than 1 and hence the motor impedance is lower than that during
stating. So the motor losses during plugging are higher than that during starting as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 8 shows the variation of input and output powers with time. The motor draws power from
supply during motoring and plugging modes. The output power during plugging is reversed due to the
reverse of torque direction. During motoring mode the difference between input and output powers is
converted into losses but during plugging both of input power and output power are converted into losses.
Therefore the plugging losses are high.
Figure 9 shows the variation of energy losses during one cycle of operation of starting, running and
braking. The energy losses during braking with plugging are 14548 Joule within braking time of 5 sec and
this energy losses are converted into heat.

IJPEDS Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2015 : 520 – 528

IJPEDS ISSN: 2088-8694  525

3000 20



Developed Torque (N.m)

2000 Motoring Braking
Motor Speed (rpm)

Motoring Braking 5 Mode Mode

Mode Mode
1500 0




0 -20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Sec) Time (Sec)

Figure 4. Variation of motor speed with time Figure 5. Variation of developed torque with time
(plugging method) (plugging method)

20 4000
Motoring Mode Braking Mode

15 3500
Braking Mode
Motoring Mode
10 3000
Motor Phase Current (A)

Total motor losses (Watt)

5 2500

0 2000

-5 1500

-10 1000

-15 500

-20 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Sec) Time (Sec)

Figure 6. Variation of motor phase current with time Figure 7. Variation of total motor losses with time
(plugging method) (plugging method)

x 10
4000 2.5

3500 Input Power Braking

Mode Mode
Input Power 2 Motoring Mode Braking Mode
Input and Output Powers (Watt)


Energy Losses (Joule)

1500 1.5

Output Power

500 1
0 Output Power



-2000 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Sec) Time (Sec)

Figure 8. Variation of input and output powers with Figure 9. Variation of energy losses with time
time (plugging method) (plugging method)

4.2. Proposed Method

The performance characteristics of three phase induction motor with the proposed method of
controlling both applied voltage and frequency to have minimum braking energy losses at certain braking
time with PSO are shown in Figure 10 to 17. Figure 10 shows the variation of motor speed with time at
different braking time of 4, 4.5 and 5 sec using the proposed method. The braking developed torque with

Braking of Three Phase Induction Motorsby Controlling Applied Voltage and… (Mahmoud M. Elkholy)
526  ISSN: 2088-8694

lower braking time is higher than that of higher braking time as shown in Figure 11. Motor current in braking
mode is lower than starting current and also lower than plugging braking current as shown in Figure 12.
Therefore, the motor losses and energy losses are reduced compared with of plugging method as shown in
Figure 13 and Figure 14. The braking energy losses are 2884 Joule with braking time of 5 sec, 2734 Joule
with braking time of 4.5 sec and 2944 Joule with braking time of 4 sec.
With the same braking time of 5 sec, the braking energy losses with the proposed method are about
19.8 % of braking energy losses with plugging method. Therefore, the proposed method is more useful
method to save energy for multi-braking applications.With the proposed method, the motor can be braked
with time shorter than plugging braking time with lower braking energy losses. In Figure 15, the input power
is the electrical power from supply and output power is the mechanical power. The output power is reversed
in braking mode because the developed torque reversed.
The input power during braking with the proposed method is returned to supply from motor during a
part of braking period.The optimum values of applied voltage and frequency to have certain braking time
with minimum braking energy losses are obtained using PSO technique. The results and are shown in Figure
16 and Figure 17.

3000 20



Developed Torque (N.m)

2000 Motoring Braking
Motor Speed (rpm)

Motoring Braking 5 Mode Mode

Mode Mode
tb=4.5 Sec
1500 0

1000 tb=5 Sec

tb=4.5 Sec -10

tb=5 Sec
tb=4 Sec -15
tb=4 Sec

0 -20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Sec) Time (Sec)

Figure 10. Variation of motor speed with time Figure 11. Variation of developed torque with time
(Proposed method) (Proposed method)

20 4000
Motoring Mode Braking Mode
15 tb=4.5 Sec 3500
Braking Mode
Motoring Mode
10 3000
Motor Phase Current (A)

tb=4 Sec
Total motor losses (Watt)

5 2500

0 2000

-5 1500 tb=5 Sec

tb=4.5 Sec

-10 tb=5 Sec 1000

-15 500
tb=4 Sec

-20 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Sec) Time (Sec)

Figure 12. Variation of motor phase current with Figure 13. Variation of total motor losses with time
time (Proposed method) (Proposed method)

IJPEDS Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2015 : 520 – 528

IJPEDS ISSN: 2088-8694  527

12000 4000
Motoring Mode Braking Mode
3500 Input Power Braking
3000 Mode Mode

Input and Output Powers (Watt)

Input Power
tb=5 Sec 2000
Energy Losses (Joule)


tb=4.5 Sec
Output Power
6000 500
tb=4 Sec
tb=5 Sec
2000 Output Power

-2500 tb=4 Sec tb=4.5 Sec

0 -3000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Sec) Time (Sec)

Figure 14. Variation of energy losses with time Figure 15. Variation of input and output powers with
(Proposed method) time (Proposed method)


50 220
Braking Mode
Motoring Mode 200
45 Optimum Motor Phase Voltage (V/ph)
Optimum Stator Frequency (Hz)

35 Motoring Mode Braking Mode
25 tb=5 Sec
tb=4.5 Sec 80
tb=4 Sec 60
tb=5 Sec
10 40
tb=4.5 Sec
5 20 tb=4 Sec
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Sec) Time (Sec)

Figure 16. Variation of optimum values of stator Figure 17. Variation of optimum values of motor
frequency with time (Proposed method) phase voltage with time (Proposed method)

Using the proposed braking method, three phase induction motors can be braked at a given braking
time with minimum braking energy losses. The proposed method determines the optimum values of applied
voltage and frequency to stop the motor within certain time with minimum braking energy losses by particle
swarm optimization technique. The braking energy losses with the proposed method are about 20 % of
plugging braking energy so that the proposed method is more useful for multi braking applications without
any excessive overheating for the motor.

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Mahmoud Elkholyreceived Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) degree (with honor) from Zagazig
University, Egypt in 1994 under the specialization of Electrical Machines and Power
Engineering, Master of Science degree from Zagazig University, Egypt 1998 under the
specialization of Electrical Machines and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.d) in the year 2001 from
Zagazig University, Egypt in the Dept. of Electrical power and Machines Engineering. He has
18 years of experience in academia and research at different positions. Currently he is an
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt.His interest includes
control the steady state and dynamic performance of electrical machines and artificial

Mohammed A. Elhameedreceived the B.E. degree (with honors) from Zagazig University-
faculty of Engineering, Zagazig, Egypt in electrical power and machines engineering in 1996,
Master degree in 2000 in the field of electrical power system from the same institute, and the
Ph. D. degree from Zagazig University, Egypt, in 2004, in the field of electrical power system.
He has been assistant professor, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt. His
current interest includes electrical machines modelling and control, artificial intelligence and
FACTS devices.

IJPEDS Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2015 : 520 – 528

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