FA15 Gems Gemology PDF
FA15 Gems Gemology PDF
FA15 Gems Gemology PDF
222 Colombian Trapiche Emeralds: Recent Advances in Understanding
Their Formation
Isabella Pignatelli, Gaston Giuliani, Daniel Ohnenstetter, Giovanna Agrosì,
pg. 254 Sandrine Mathieu, Christophe Morlot, and Yannick Branquet
Proposes a model for trapiche emerald formation based on petrographic, spectroscopic, and
chemical examination.
260 Large Colorless HPHT-Grown Synthetic Gem Diamonds from
New Diamond Technology, Russia
Ulrika F.S. D’Haenens-Johansson, Andrey Katrusha, Kyaw Soe Moe,
Paul Johnson, and Wuyi Wang
pg. 270 Examines a new source of colorless and near-colorless gem-quality HPHT synthetic diamonds
using spectroscopic and gemological analysis.
312 Lab Notes
Unusual graining structure in pink diamond • Yellow HPHT-treated rough diamond • Color-
zoned emerald • Orange faceted eosphorite • Large faceted hibonite • Dyed and natural
green jadeite • Coated kornerupine beads • Assembled cultured blister pearl with unusual
pg. 325 feature • Three large natural abalone pearls • Irradiated green-blue CVD synthetic diamonds
• Polished freeform topaz imitating diamond rough
323 2015 G&G Challenge Winners
324 G&G Micro-World
Cleavage system in pink diamond • Rough diamond fragment with green cleavage surface
• Blue gahnite inclusions in cat’s-eye heliodor • Trapiche pezzottaite • Modified Rheinberg
illumination • Glassy melt inclusions in Montana sapphires • Molybdenite in topaz
331 Letters
334 Gem News International
Large star emerald • Natural faceted red rutile • Rare “star and cross” quartz from Brazil
• Serpentine cabochon with olive-green color • Characterization of Thai-Myanmar petri-
fied woods • Coated rock crystal imitation of ruby • Color-change cubic zirconia as
peridot imitation • Coral inclusions in plastic • Hydrogrossular garnet imitating jadeite
• Impregnated and dyed turquoise • Errata • Tino Hammid (1952–2015)
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Colombia is the traditional source of the world’s finest emeralds, including the famed trapiche crystals,
with their distinctive texture resembling a wheel with six spokes. This gemological curiosity, found ex-
clusively in the black shales of the country’s western emerald zone, is linked to the peculiar structural
geology of the deposits. The study presents a review and update on Colombian trapiche emeralds, fol-
lowed by a three-dimensional examination of the crystals combined with spectroscopic and chemical
analyses. The proposed formation model incorporates the structural geology of the deposits with the
formation of trapiche and non-trapiche emeralds. The fluid accumulation at the faults’ tip in the black
shales leads to maximum fluid overpressure and sudden decompression and formation of the emerald-
bearing vein system. The authors show that trapiche emerald growth starts at the beginning of the de-
compression that is responsible for local supersaturation of the fluid. The hydrothermal fluid comes in
contact with the black shale matrix, favoring the formation of emerald seed crystals. During the growth
of these seeds, textural sector zoning occurs, sometimes associated with chemical sector zoning, along
with displacement of the matrix. Displacement growth occurs because the emeralds continue their
growth, pushing the matrix material away from the growing faces. An overgrowth, generally of gem
quality, can form after decompression, surrounding the core, the arms, and the dendrites, restoring the
emeralds’ euhedral habit.
olombian emeralds continue to set the stan- side of the Eastern Cordillera Basin. Named after the
dard as the finest and most spectacular crys- Spanish word for the cogwheels used in sugar mills,
tals unearthed (Ringsrud, 2013). Unique these mineral curiosities are prized by collectors. The
mineralogical curiosities include the emerald gas- texture on a section perpendicular to the c-axis is
tropods extracted from the Matecaña mine in characterized by a central core, six arms, and den-
Gachalà (Vuillet et al., 2002) and the famous gem- drites between the arms and around the core (figure
trapiche emeralds (figure 1) such as the 80.61 ct Star 1). An overgrowth may also be present. The trapiche
of the Andes (Ward, 1993). texture can be observed in other minerals, such as ru-
The past 25 years have seen major advances in our bies, tourmalines, chiastolites, and garnets (box A).
understanding of the formation of Colombian emer- Without a link between field observation and miner-
alds (Ottaway et al., 1994; Cheilletz et al., 1994), but alogical studies, there is still no consensus on the
the genesis of trapiche emerald remains unresolved causes of the growth mechanism and texture acqui-
despite analytical and geological advances. This type sition, or on the geological conditions necessary for
of emerald is very rare and has been recovered only the formation of trapiche emerald.
occasionally, from just a few mines on the western This article provides an update on Colombian
trapiche emerald, with complete historical, geologi-
See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.
cal, mineralogical, gemological, and crystallographic
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 222–259, background. The review opens debate on the key
http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.51.3.222. question of the geological conditions necessary for
© 2015 Gemological Institute of America the formation of gem-quality trapiche material. The
ongoing research into the mineralogy, chemical com- Colombian emeralds. Colombia offers a unique case
position, and crystallography of trapiche emerald is because other gem trapiches have not been studied
connected with field expeditions conducted by intensively in connection with their geological set-
French and Canadian research teams during the ting. For the gemologist, this knowledge offers a bet-
1990s that proposed the hydrothermal sedimentary ter understanding of the mineralogy of trapiche
model now recognized by the scientific and explo- emerald and a deeper appreciation of the complex ge-
ration communities (Maya et al., 2004; Mantilla ologic processes required to form such a peculiar
Figueroa et al., 2007). The scope is to propose a co- mineral texture. Geologic terms that might be unfa-
herent mechanism for the formation of trapiche, miliar to the reader are defined in the glossary and
linking it for the first time to the genetic model of italicized upon first mention within the text.
San ssif
0 100 km
a B
del Cocuy Figure 2. Simplified geo-
logical map of the East-
Colombia. The emerald
l C
La Pita
located on the eastern
and western border of
The western border con-
tains the mining districts
of La Glorieta–Yacopi,
su rardo
4º N eastern border.
Upper Cretaceous
Emerald deposits Lower Cretaceous
normal fault Triassic-Jurassic
fold axis strike-slip fault Basement and plutons
GEOLOGY OF COLOMBIAN EMERALDS: the Lower Cretaceous (135–116 Ma). The sediments
AN UPDATE are characterized by a succession of beds of sand-
Geological Setting. Located in the Eastern Cordillera stones, limestones, black shales, and evaporites.
Basin, the Colombian emerald deposits consist of The deposits from the eastern belt are contained
two belts. On the western side lie the mining dis- in the Berriasian limestone–black shale horizon (135–
tricts of Muzo, Coscuez, La Pita, Peñas Blancas, and 130 Ma) of the Guavio Formation, which is overlain
La Glorieta–Yacopi. On the eastern side are Chivor, by siliceous black shales of the Valanginian Macanal
Gachalá, and Macanal (figure 2). The Eastern Formation (130–122 Ma). In the Chivor mining dis-
Cordillera is a slightly folded belt overthrusting the trict, the host rocks comprise the Guavio Formation
Llanos Foreland Basin to the east and the Middle shale sequences that contain intercalations of lime-
Magdalena Basin to the west. The belt resulted from stone lenses and gypsum beds, as suggested by phan-
the tectonic inversion at the Middle Miocene (15 tom nodules, mesh and chevron textures, and
Ma), during the Andean tectonic phase, of the central coquina limestone grading to black shales interca-
part of the subsiding marine basin. The major part lated with olistostromes (Branquet, 1999).
of the Eastern Cordillera is formed by thick folded The deposits from the western belt are contained
and faulted Mesozoic sedimentary series. Emerald in the black shales and intercalated dolomitic lime-
mineralization is hosted in the Neocomian series of stones of Valanginian-Hauterivian age (130–116 Ma)
cation map of the emer-
as f
ald deposits and the
Early Cretaceous
s Bl
D Quipama mine (Muzo deposit) regional structures, from
NNW SSE Rodriguez and Ulloa
a Ch
ez (1994). B: Lithostrati-
de l
graphic column of the
Coscuez emerald-bearing forma-
lt z
0 200 m tions. From bottom to
C top: lowermost Creta-
E ceous rocks, Valanginian-
the black shales and consequent fracturing and brec- posits such as Chivor present extensional structures
ciation (Ottaway et al., 1994). The high-salinity brines branched on a brecciated evaporitic level that acted
interacted with calcareous shales rich with black or- as a local, gravity-driven detachment (Branquet et al.,
ganic matter. Sulfate ions (SO42–) in minerals of evap- 2015). These tectonic structures are synchronous
oritic origin were reduced by organic matter in the with the circulation of the hydrothermal fluids and
black shale to form hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and bicar- emerald deposition.
bonate (HCO3–), which are responsible for the crystal- On the western side, the deposits measure about
lization of pyrite and carbonates, respectively, with 100 meters across and display numerous folds,
bitumen in the veins being derived from the organic thrusts (Pogue, 1916; Scheibe, 1926), and tear faults
matter. (Laumonier et al., 1996). At Muzo, thrusts are evi-
The thermal reduction of sulfate by organic mat- denced by the presence of calcareous black shales
ter, at 300°C, released the chromium, vanadium, and over siliceous black shales. All the tectonic contacts
beryllium in the black shale, which in turn enabled are marked by centimeter- to meter-thick hydrother-
emerald formation (Ottaway et al., 1994; Cheilletz et mal breccias called “cenicero” (ashtray) by the local
al., 1994). miners (Scheibe, 1926). These white or red breccias
outline the thrust planes, which are associated with
Structural Setting and Type of Mineralization. De- intense hydraulic fracturing due to overpressured flu-
tailed structural mapping and geometric analysis ids (Giuliani et al., 1990; Ottaway et al., 1994; Bran-
suggest that structural controls on mineralization are quet et al., 1999b). The breccias are cataclasites, with
drastically different between the western and eastern clasts of calcareous black shales and white albitite
sides of the Colombian emerald belt (Branquet, 1999; within a carbonate-albite-pyrite cement. Multistage
Branquet et al., 1999a,b). Muzo and Coscuez are char- brecciation corresponds to successive fault-fluid flow
acterized by compressive structures formed along pulses, and dilatant sites result from shear-fracturing
tear faults (figure 4), whereas the eastern emerald de- synchronous to the thrust-fault propagation. Each
Rio It
a preserved remnant of the Banco Amarillo level (fig-
130 m
160 m
90 m
Banco El Banco
140 m workings (compare figures 5 and 6). Furthermore, Ot-
Rio It
Aguardiente La Polvorera Banco Amarillo taway (1991) reported that “more recently trapiche
130 m
130 m have been found in the shale adjacent to larger bodies
Banco El Gallinazo Banco El Cascarón of Cenicero.”
280 m 230 m
140 m In the Coscuez deposit, the lithostratigraphic col-
umn is formed, from bottom to top (Branquet, 1999),
Banco by dolomitic limestone forming the peak of El Reten,
Las Animas im
as N
s An calcareous carbon-rich black shale, and siliceous
a La
rad black shale. The folds and thrusts were guided by the
0 200 m
Coscuez tear fault, which acted as a vertical conduit
for the mineralizing fluids developed in the calcare-
ous carbon-rich black shale (figure 4B). Breccia, formed
by opening of dilatant sites related to fluid pressures
Figure 5. Geological map of the Muzo mines, with the and hydrothermal replacement, are similar to those
height of each mining site reported in bold. Modified described for the Muzo deposit (Branquet et al.,
from Barriga Villalba (1948).
1999b). Trapiche emeralds have been found at
Coscuez but have never been described by geologists.
In conclusion, the deposits on the western side
pulse is associated with (1) emerald-bearing banded formed as the consequence of a compressive phase
carbonate vein-like structures present throughout the characterized by folding and thrusting along tear
breccia; (2) emerald-bearing thrust-associated carbon- faults at the time of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.
ate veins occurring in the wall rocks formed of cal- These complex structures imply the existence of a
careous black shales, called “cama” by the local basal regional décollement fault at a level of evapor-
miners; (3) emerald-bearing carbonate dykes escaping ites (Branquet et al., 1999b). The fluid circulation is
from the breccia zone and crosscutting the wall rocks; linked to the thrust-fault propagation.
(4) en echelon sigmoidal tension gashes; and (5) drag On the eastern side, the mines are scattered along
folds indicating shearing in the roof of the breccia a regional white-brecciated level that contains emer-
oritic horizon. All the mineralized structures are
i na
Rio mining zone in 1995
branched from the brecciated level. In the Chivor Ito
mines, emerald is located in centimeter- to decime-
ter-thick carbonate- and pyrite-bearing listric faults,
meter-wide extensional fractures injected with hy- B
drothermal breccia, and extensional sets of fractures
in the calcareous carbon-rich black shales of the
f au
Tequendama pit
Macanal Formation. According to a member of the
family that has owned the Chivor mines for many
years, trapiche emeralds have never been found there Puerto Arturo pit
or anywhere else in the eastern zone of the Eastern
Cordillera (D. Oswaldo, pers. comm., 2014). Never-
theless, Nassau and Jackson (1970) claimed to have
studied a thousand trapiche emeralds from these
mines, and their article raised the question of Chivor Palo Blanco pit
origin. In conclusion, the brecciated level, the hy- Quipama mining zone ien
drothermal fluid circulation and emerald formation uard
a Ag
occurred at the same time, at the Cretaceous-Tertiary rad
boundary (~65 Ma), during an extensional tectonic Qu
Colombian trapiche emeralds were first described by
O2– the French mineralogist Emile Bertrand (1879), in a
2a meeting at the Société Géologique de France, in
which he presented “curious crystals of emerald…
from Muso, New Granada.” All 40 samples displayed
a nearly colorless hexagonal center surrounded by a
green portion. The latter is described as having stri-
2.80 Å ations parallel to the sides of the central hexagon and
with “modifications” in the directions tangential to
the sides of the hexagon. No further information was
added about the composition or the nature of the
Figure 7. The structure of beryl, as seen in an apical “modifications.” Bergt (1899) described a cut trapiche
view (A) and a lateral view (B). In the apical view, emerald from Muzo received by the geologist Stübel
hexagonal silicate rings stacked parallel to the c-axis in 1868. Similar emeralds were reported by Codazzi
(normal to the drawing) are held together by Al3+ (oc-
(1915) in an accurate listing of Muzo’s minerals.
tahedral site) and Be2+ (tetrahedral site). The lateral
These emeralds were reported to have a cyclic twin-
view, which is perpendicular to the apical view,
shows the hexagonal silicate rings and the bottleneck ning, as observed in aragonite. This contradicted the
(2b site) and open-cage (2a site) structures. From optical observations of Pogue (1916), who stated that
Charoy (1998). these emeralds were not twinned. According to
Pogue, the presence of re-entrant angles was due to
“the effect of solution, the disposition of carbona-
ceous inclusions and the crystallizing forces, as
Li+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+) that are needed to balance the shown also, for example, in chiastolite.” It is worth
positive charges when cation substitutions occur in noting that the Pogue study contained the first men-
the structure. For example, Be2+ can be substituted tion of inclusions of carbonaceous matter in the
with Li+ (Aurisicchio et al., 1988), whereas Al3+ is emeralds, “arranged in a six-rayed centering about a
generally replaced by Fe2+, (Mg2+, Mn2+), Cr3+, V3+, or tapering hexagonal core.”
During a geological study of Muzo in 1914–15, also observed. The core of the emeralds had the shape
Scheibe (1926, 1933) collected several emeralds from of two opposite hexagonal pyramids with their ver-
the Banco Amarillo in the calcareous carbon-rich tices located in the middle of the crystal. Sometimes
black shales of the Lower Cretaceous (again, see fig- these pyramids were so unevenly developed that the
ure 5). These emeralds appeared very different from core resembled a column. The core was richer in in-
those usually found in the veins, and for this reason clusions, some of them more darkish to black, than
they were analyzed in detail by Bernauer (1933). Dif- the rest of the crystal. In fact, it can be surrounded
ferent morphologies were observed, as shown in fig- by the dark inclusions (figure 9B), entirely composed
ure 9: euhedral hexagonal prismatic emeralds (figure of the dark inclusions (figure 9D), or formed by sev-
9A), but also crystals with signs of corrosion along eral parallel crystals separated by dark inclusions (fig-
the edges of the prism (figures 9B to 9E). The emer- ure 9C). In some emeralds the inclusions can be
alds showed dark, fibrous inclusions between the whitish instead of dark, due to the presence of albite
prismatic edges, starting from the middle of the crys- and kaolin.
tal and enlarging toward the prism’s corners. The in- Although Bernauer (1933) suggested that these
clusions, which seemed to be emphasized by the trapiche emeralds were due to cyclic twinning as in
corrosion, were composed of quartz, muscovite, car- cordierite, chrysoberyl, aragonite, or other minerals,
bonates, pyrite, and a dark carbonaceous matter he emphasized that the growth rates in the different
(probably with an organic or bituminous origin), crystallographic directions played an important role
sometimes with biotite and kaolin. Multiphase in- in the incorporation of the dark inclusions and, thus,
clusions with liquid, vapor, and solid phases were in the formation of these emeralds. Nevertheless,
rapid and skeletal growth, complicated by interactions Sunagawa et al. (1999) compared the formation of
between the hydrothermal fluids and the black shales. trapiche emeralds to trapiche rubies in light of crystal
Figure 12. The Colombian trapiche emeralds studied in this work originate from the Coscuez (A–C), Peñas Blancas
(D), and Muzo (E–L) mines. The sample sizes are reported in table 1. Shown are samples T2 (A), T3 (B), T4 (C), T5
(D), T6 (E), T7 (F), T8 (G), T9 (H), T10 (I), T11 (J), T12 (K), and T13 (L).
cording to kinematic and dynamic X-ray diffraction lyze emeralds with satisfactory results and above all
theories (Authier and Zarka, 1994). without color modification.
X-ray computed tomography (CT) scanning is a
non-destructive technique used in this study to reveal RESULTS
3D interior details of trapiche emeralds. Images were In figure 13A, two sections of a trapiche emerald, per-
made with a Phoenix Nanotom S scanner, using a res- pendicular and parallel to the c-axis, are illustrated
olution of 3.4 μm/voxel and a nanofocus X-ray tube schematically: one can distinguish the central core,
tension value of 100 kV. Virtual cross-sections from the arms, the dendrites, and the overgrowth. It is
all axes were extracted from the volume to observe worth noting that the trapiche emeralds are more de-
the physical structure (e.g., inclusions and porosity) veloped perpendicular to the c-axis rather than along
and to detect the presence of phases with different the c-axis. For this reason, it is rare to observe a sec-
densities in the samples. The Nanotom scanner pro- tion parallel to the c-axis, such as the example shown
duces files with voxel (3D pixel) resolutions between in figure 12I. Such sections are usually not available
30.0 and 0.6 µm as a function of sample size. X-ray for scientific study, as trapiches are cut as cabochons
computed tomography has already been used for geo- that display their particular texture for jewelry.
science applications (Breeding et al., 2010; Tsuchiyama The spatial relationships between the core, arms,
et al., 2005; Cnudde and Boone, 2013; Jia et al., 2014) and dendrites are visible in three perpendicular sec-
but never previously for colored gems, because the tions obtained by X-ray computed tomography (fig-
X-ray exposure can strongly modify their colors. Here ure 14). Each aspect of the trapiche texture is
the technique was applied for the first time to ana- described in detail below.
Locality Sample Geometric pattern Diameter Section Trapiche Composition (wt.%) Solid Microscopy SEM EPMA XRDT CT CL
(mm) c-axis matrix inclusions
(V2O3) (Cr2O3)
Coscuez T2 Hexagonal crystal 8 ‖ None c: 0.13–0.15 0.00–0.04 Ab, Qtz, Brl, Ank, 3 3 3 3 3
with core, arms, Dol
dendrites and d: 0.16–0.20 0.02–0.03
small overgrowth a: 0.22–0.62 0.02–0.03
og: 0.62–0.90 0.05–0.90
Coscuez T4 Small core, arms, Arm up to ‖ AbBS c: 0.12–0.14 0.12–0.14 Ab, Cal, Brl, Tur, Rt, 3 3 3 3
dendrites 10 mm Mca, Fap, Po, Zrn,
d: 0.20–0.30 0.18–0.19 Dol, Kln
a: 0.20–0.30 0.15–0.20
Muzo T8 Hexagonal crystal 10 ‖ None c: 0.02–0.03 0.00–0.02 Ab, Qtz, Mca, Rt, 3 3 3 3 3
with hexagonal Clays in Dol, Brl
core and deep fractures a: 0.02–0.06 0.00–0.06
green overgrowth og: 0.62–0.64 0.31–0.72
Muzo T10 Bipyramidal core, 10 ⊥ None c: 0.15–0.26 0.02–0.12 Ab, Kln, Fap 3 3 3
a: 0.15–0.23 0.02–0.09
Muzo T11 Large green core, 8, with ‖ AbBS c: 0.59–0.75 0.49–0.62 Brl, Qtz, Rt, Ab, 3 3 3 3
small arms core ~3 mm + clays Kln, Dol, Py
d: 0.02–1.12 0.02–0.99
a: 0.91–1.09 0.73–0.89
c = core; d = dendrite; a = arm; og = overgrowth; AbBS = albitized black shale, Ab = albite; Cal = calcite; Qtz = quartz; Brl = beryl (emerald); Ank = ankerite;
Dol = dolomite; Fap = F-apatite; Py = pyrite; Fe(O,OH) = iron oxides and hydroxides; Tur = tourmaline; Rt = rutile; Mca = muscovite; Po = pyrrhotite;
Zrn = zircon; Kln = kaolinite; Fl = fluorite; Mnz = monazite; ‖ = section parallel to crystal’s c-axis; ⊥ = section perpendicular to crystal’s c-axis.
_ 00)
( 11
(0 1 _
a rm
arm arm
a rm a2
(01 _
_ 0)
C D rit
arm d
_ core
(1010) core
Dendrites of
whitish or dark material
1 mm
core Figure 14. X-ray computed tomography images show-
ing the spatial relationships between the core, arms,
and dendrites in a trapiche emerald from Muzo.
arm arm
de with no core, the den-
rit drites and arms cross-
ing in the central point;
an example of a hexag-
onal dark core (E); signs
of fracturing and disso-
C 500 μm
D 100 μm
lution in a core, attest-
ing to a complex
growth history (F).
E 2 mm F 1 mm
bottom of the trapiche. When a section is cut be- as demonstrated by the density contrast in the tomo-
tween the vertices of two opposite pyramids, the core graphic images (figures 14 and 15B).
is absent and the arms and dendrites intersect in a Optical observations of the sections perpendicular
central point, as in figures 12B, 12E, 16C, and 16D. to the c-axis under cross-polarized light confirm that
This explains why some trapiche samples show a the core cannot be completely extinct, but a kind of
hexagonal core on one end (figure 16A) but no core wavy extinction, as in quartz, is made visible by
on the other end (figure 16B). The color of the core turning the stage of the microscope. It follows that
can vary from very light to deep green, reflecting dif- the core may be plastically deformed during or after
ferent quantities of the chromophores V3+ and Cr3+ its formation. This particular optical feature was
(see the “Trace-Element Analysis” section below). mentioned by Bernauer (1933), who wrote of “listas
The core is surrounded by dendrites that can also onduladas,” and Chaudhari (1969), who described “a
replace it completely or partially, as described by sort of grating structure” in the core.
Bernauer (1933). The replacement gives the core a dark Signs of dissolution are observed in the core of
aspect, as shown in figure 16E. The dendrites around two samples. For example, figures 17A and 17B
the core develop laterally and penetrate into the arms, show that the core’s edges are not straight, due to
dendrite nd
400 μm 600 μm
Figure 17. A: An SEM image of the spatial relationship between the core, dendrites, and arms in the sample from
figure 12C. The inset shows the whole sample, along with the locations of images A and B. The wavy contact be-
tween the core and the dendrites indicates a previous dissolution of the core by the fluids. The dendrites are
formed mainly by calcite and albite sometimes associated with beryl. B: A microscopic image of the dendrites and
the arms of emerald (Brl), which formed simultaneously, though the arms were affected by dissolution and frac-
turing (see the aspect of the core and arms). The microscopic image shows that the fracture crosscutting the arm is
filled by calcite (Cal) and ± albite associated with tiny beryl crystals (around ten microns).
etching, and are partially covered by the arms. In quartz, carbonates, fluorite, and phyllosilicates.
figure 16F, dissolution also occurred during the Some of the fractures are filled by fluid inclusions,
core’s complex growth history. During its forma- indicating fluid circulation and consequent dissolu-
tion, the core underwent a deformational event tion of the edges and corners of the core. The effects
marked by two main fractures coeval with the den- of dissolution are marked by the modification of the
drites’ development. The fractures are filled by the core’s shape from hexagonal to oval, and by the ir-
same minerals found in the dendrites: albite, pyrite, regular etched borders. During a second stage, core
100 μm 100 μm
growth resumed and the pseudo-hexagonal shape In each arm, bundles of straight dislocations de-
was restored. velop perpendicular to the {1010} faces (figures 18A
Rare multiphase fluid inclusions are observed in and 18B). This indicates that they formed during the
the core. They are similar to those found in the arms, growth, in the direction of minimum elastic energy
indicating that the fluid composition was the same. (Authier and Zarka, 1994). The direction of propaga-
However, multiphase fluid inclusions in the core are tion of the dislocations in two adjacent growth sectors
pseudo-secondary because they are often associated can be observed in figure 18C. Only in the trapiche of
with fracturing. figure 12E do the dislocations appear slightly curved
on the border of the largest arm. This is probably due
Arms. Six arms with nearly identical size surround to a change in the direction of minimum energy dur-
the core. They appear elongated in the 〈110〉 directions
ing the “anomalous” growth of this arm.
and are bounded by the {1010} faces. Sometimes a few Solid and multiphase fluid inclusions are found in
arms are larger than others (figures 12E and 12F), mak- the arms. They are parallel to the dislocations (figures
ing the trapiche asymmetric. 18D, 19B, and 19E) and all located in proximity to the
The color of the arms, like that of the core, can dendrites. The solid inclusions are similar to those
vary from pale (figures 12E and 12F) to intense found in the dendrites (see “Dendrites” below). The
green (figures 12D, 12H, 12K, and 12L) as a function fluid inclusion cavities follow the extension of the
of chemical composition (see “Trace-Element dendrites in the arms. They are multiphase fluid in-
Analysis”). clusions containing daughter minerals, mainly halite
but also carbonates and sylvite, liquid and vapor presence of solid inclusions. The voids resemble those
phases (figures 19A, 19C, and 19F). They belong to the described in Colombian emerald-bearing veins
H2O-NaCl ± (CO2) system already characterized for (Touray and Poirot, 1968) and in trapiche tourmaline
Colombian emerald-bearing veins (Roedder, 1963; (Schmetzer et al., 2011). Nevertheless, these voids
Touray and Poirot, 1968; Kozlowski et al., 1988; Ott- may also have formed by dissolution along disloca-
away, 1991; Giuliani et al., 1991; Cheilletz et al., tion bundles if the supersaturation decreased after
1994). Sometimes, the multiphase fluid inclusions can crystal growth (Scandale and Zarka, 1982; Authier
be concentrated in certain portions of the arms, form- and Zarka, 1994).
ing trails (figure 19E). The arms are sometimes affected by fractures,
Evidence of heterogeneous trapping is observed in filled by albite and small euhedral beryl crystals (fig-
some multiphase fluid inclusions at the contact be- ure 17B), that are synchronous with the arms’ forma-
tween dendrites and arms. This trapping is character- tion. The growth of the arms is not perturbed,
ized by the presence of a large cubic crystal of halite because there is no discontinuity between the albite
(figure 19D) occupying more than 15 vol.% of the cav- in the fractures and the albite in the dendrites on
ity and up to 70 vol.% (see “Emerald Mineralization” both sides of the arms.
above). In some emeralds, the arms have a fibrous texture
Monophase fluid inclusions with highly irregular like that of beryl in the dendrites (figure 21A), but in
dendritic morphologies (figures 20C and 20D) are pres- others they are not fibrous and appear similar to the
ent in the arms. They do not contain solid or vapor core. Their different textures can reveal important
phases. Similar inclusions were described in quartz information about the growth rates of the arms.
crystals by Invernizzi et al. (1998) and interpreted as
earlier-formed inclusions re-equilibrated at conditions Dendrites. In trapiche emeralds, dendrites surround
of high internal underpressure. The dendritic mor- the core (figures 21B and 21F) and develop along the
phology “results from the closure of the original in- a-axis from the corners toward the outer edge with a
clusion void and preservation of fluid in long dendritic herringbone texture (figure 21C). In particular, the
dissolution channels” (Invernizzi et al., 1998). dendrites may be larger near the edge, where they as-
The arms contain elongated voids perpendicular sume a characteristic fan shape (figures 21B and 21E).
to the growth front and thus parallel to the disloca- In some samples, the herringbone texture is not de-
tions (figures 20A and 20B). Figure 20A shows that veloped and the fan shape starts directly on the cor-
the formation of the elongated voids is related to the ners of the core. In this case, the dendrites are larger
C–E). C: An SEM image
of the typical herring-
bone texture of den-
drites. The crystal
formed on an albitized
200 μm
black shale matrix (on
the left side of the
image). D: This SEM
image shows the pres-
ence of dendrites in the
arms. E: Aspect of the
dendrites from the core
to the edge of the emer-
ald crystal in a special
section where the core
is represented by a cen-
D 200 μm
tral point. The arms in-
clude albitized black
shale (right side of the
image), part of the ma-
trix that supports the
emerald. F: An SEM
image of dendrites sur-
rounding the core.
E 500 μm F 200 μm
and contain stringers of emerald intersecting at 60° albitites as well as in the dendrites (figure 22D), explain-
angles (figure 21A), as described by Chaudhari (1969). ing why they often appear dark (figures 12B, 12C, and
The dendrites may be present even in the arms (fig- 12K). The X-ray computed 3D tomography image (fig-
ures 12D and 12F) and parallel to the extension of the ure 15D) of the trapiche emerald from figure 12H per-
arms (figure 21D). mitted the calculation of the dendrites’ volume. The
The dendrites are developed on albitized and calci- sample’s total volume is 64.75 mm3, of which 18% is
tized black shales (figures 22A, 22B, 22D, and 22E), and occupied by the dendrites and 81% by the core and the
sometimes rounded remnants of albitite are included arms, with the remaining 1% representing the porosity.
in the calcite-bearing dendrites (figure 22C). In addition, The dendrites contain mainly the albite and
variable quantities of organic matter are found in the emerald assemblage, which explains why the den-
chevron-like habits charac-
teristic of trapiche contain
albite (Ab), emerald (Brl),
Ca and calcite (Cal). B: SEM
Zrn image of the albitized black
Ab Py shale with albite, zircon
(Zrn), calcite, pyrite (Py),
Brl 500 μm 50 μm and pyrrhotite (Po). C: SEM
image of sample T4 showing
C Abt dendrite arm dendrite
the arm formed by emerald
Cal Ab Brl with dendrites on both
sides. The dendrites are
formed by calcite ± albite
Abt Brl 500 μm
and emerald. The arm and
the dendrites formed on al-
D E bitite (Abt), a rounded rem-
Rt nant of which is included in
Ab the dendrite on the left side.
Po Om
Ab D: SEM image of the albitite
containing zircon, emerald,
Brl pyrrhotite with framboidal
polycrystalline aggregates,
Zrn rutile (Rt), and organic mat-
ter (Om). E: Morphology
and size of albite crystals
25 μm
from the albitite, showing
40 μm
the rock’s high porosity.
drite zones were also called “two-phase regions” by Overgrowth. Overgrowth is not always present in
Nassau and Jackson (1970). The high quantity of al- trapiche emeralds. Its color is different from that of
bite (with or without calcite) makes the dendrites the adjacent arms, and it can be paler (figure 12F) or
whitish, as shown in figures 12D and 12J. Quartz and darker (figures 12A and 12G). The color difference in-
dolomite complete the main paragenesis (figures 23A dicates variations of V2O3 and Cr2O3 contents in the
and 23B). Other solid inclusions characteristic of growth medium during the formation of the over-
Colombian emeralds are found in minor amounts growth (see “Trace-Element Analysis”). If many
(figure 23C): rutile, carbonates (dolomite, ankerite, chemical changes occurred, the overgrowth becomes
siderite), muscovite, fluorapatite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, zoned, as in the trapiche shown in figure 12G. The
zircon, fluorite, tourmaline, and minerals containing contact between the overgrowth and the arms is
rare-earth elements such as monazite and parisite. often marked by the presence of inclusions.
Muscovite and rutile are V-bearing, and tourmaline X-ray Diffraction Topography. Even though X-ray dif-
usually shows complex zoning (figure 23D). The fraction topography is particularly suitable to inves-
pyrrhotite forms framboidal polycrystalline aggre- tigate the strain associated with extended defects and
gates typical of sedimentary sulfides. to reconstruct the growth history of minerals (Agrosì
Secondary alteration can affect the dendrites. The et al., 2006; Agrosì et al., 2013), it has not been used
formation of clay minerals (mostly kaolin) and iron until now to study trapiche emerald. This is probably
oxides/hydroxides modifies their original dark/whitish because the technique requires the cutting of thin
color to a brownish one (figures 12H and 12L). The slices to minimize X-ray absorption, a drawback
typical evidence of alteration is the pseudomorphic given the rarity of trapiche material. X-ray topo-
replacement of framboidal sulfides by iron oxides/ graphic images of trapiche emeralds are shown in fig-
hydroxides. The alteration is favored by the elevated ure 24. The samples’ limited thickness kept us from
porosity of the dendrites, which is visible in the tomo- preparing slices with different orientations, and only
graphic images of figure 15D. slices perpendicular to the c-axis were cut.
Topographic images taken with diffraction vec- No diffraction contrast corresponding to the
tors g of type hki0 show a strong diffraction contrast growth sector boundaries can be seen in the topo-
for the arms, while the core is almost invisible (fig- graphic images. Thus, the boundaries between the
ures 24A and 24C). In all arms, the presence of bun- adjacent arms can be recognized only by means of
dles of dislocations running perpendicular to the the lack of contrast corresponding to the dendrites or
prismatic growth fronts is confirmed by the topo- by the directions of propagation of the dislocations
graphic images (figure 24). It was impossible to char- in each arm (for example figures 24E, 24F, and 18C).
acterize these dislocations, because the orientation This indicates that in trapiche emeralds there is a
of the slices did not permit us to obtain topographic good interconnection between the different arms.
images with reflections suitable to determine the Topographic images taken with diffraction vectors
Burgers vectors applying the extinction criterion. inclined with respect to the c-axis (e.g., g = 1231) show
The extinction criterion can be explained only refer- that the hexagonal core is also visible (figures 24B and
ring to the diffraction contrast origin. The contrasts 24D). The fact that both core and arms are visible in
observed in the topographic images are due to the these topographic images indicates crystalline continu-
different intensities of diffraction between regions ity between them, despite the presence of the dendrites.
characterized by strain fields associated to the de- The presence of dislocations in the core cannot be
fects (kinematical effects) and almost perfect regions excluded, because the diffraction contrast observed
(dynamical effects). The diffraction contrasts can be (figure 24B) is not solely due to the fractures (slightly
extinct if the scalar product between the diffraction visible in figures 24A and 24C). It is worth noting that
vector g and the vector representative of the strain the contrast of these dislocations is always extinct on
field associated to the defect is equal to zero. In the the topographic images with g = hki0. On the basis of
case of dislocations, the extinction criterion is based the extinction criterion, the b vector should thus be
on the scalar product g × b = 0, where b represents parallel to the c-axis, and one may suppose that the
the Burgers vector. It follows that the dislocations dislocations in the core are of screw type. This could
are out of contrast when g is perpendicular to b. be verified by a topographic study of the sections par-
A 3 mm
Figure 24. A to D: MoKα1
X-ray topographic im-
ages of the trapiche
emerald from figure 12G,
taken with the diffrac-
tion vectors g = 1010 (A),
– –
g = 1231 (B), g = 0110 (C)
– –
and g = 1321(D). E to F:
X-ray topographic im-
– – – ages of the trapiche
g = 0110 g = 13 21
emerald from figure 13E,
taken with the diffrac-
tion vectors g =1010 (E)
C D ––
and g = 3121 (F).
g = 10 10 ––
g = 31 21
E 500 μm F
allel to the c-axis, but unfortunately it was not possi- show variations in the reddish hue. Cold CL images
ble to cut sections parallel and perpendicular to the obtained on the Coscuez crystal indicate that the
c-axis from the same sample. For this reason, the pres- core and arms have the same CL colors, but the den-
ence of screw dislocations has not been confirmed. drites formed by a fine intergrowth of albite, calcite,
and emerald (figure 25D) have different CL colors for
Cathodoluminescence. CL images of the trapiche each: orange, yellow, and dark crimson for albite, cal-
emerald samples exhibited several distinct features. cite, and emerald, respectively. These CL colors
The cold CL images obtained on the Peñas Blancas could be explained by the presence of Mn in calcite
crystal (see figure 12D) show a crimson color due to (Ohnenstetter et al., 1998) and of Fe substituting Al
the presence of Cr3+ and V3+ ions acting as the main in albite (Geake and Walker, 1975; White et al., 1986;
CL activators (figure 25C). The cold CL image of the Götze et al., 2000).
Muzo crystal (figure 25D) illustrates the color homo-
geneity of the core and the different textural and Trace-Element Analysis. Six sections of trapiche
color aspect of the arms. These fibrous dendrites emerald from Coscuez, Peñas Blancas, and Muzo
Si 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000
Al 1.841 1.874 1.864 1.647 1.826 1.800 1.782 1.870 1.894 1.902 1.756 1.624 1.709
Cr 0.012 0.013 0.009 0.058 0.068 0.045 0.021 0.051 0.004 0.001 0.065 0.049 0.022
Fe3+ 0.014 0.008 0.005 0.026 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.013 0.038 0.007
V3+ 0.020 0.020 0.010 0.080 0.059 0.049 0.047 0.022 0.004 0.002 0.064 0.085 0.050
Be2+ b 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
Mg 0.078 0.073 0.074 0.176 0.044 0.088 0.134 0.039 0.100 0.093 0.097 0.092 0.041
Na 0.098 0.089 0.078 0.175 0.047 0.087 0.171 0.043 0.080 0.076 0.108 0.104 0.135
Total 11.063 11.078 11.040 11.161 11.050 11.077 11.159 11.027 11.083 11.077 11.103 11.089 11.125
V/Cr 1.58 1.49 1.16 1.34 0.86 1.07 2.19 0.41 0.99 1.49 0.96 1.71 2.25
Amount of Be inferred from stoichiometry zones of the trapiche emerald: a = arm; d = dendrite; c = core; og = overgrowth.
Calculated following the equation H2O = (0.84958)(Na2O) + 0.8373 (Giuliani et al., 1997).
were analyzed by EPMA and with elemental compo- dendrites, arms, and overgrowths (tables 1–3). Over-
sitional EDX maps in order to evaluate chemical all, the emeralds contained relatively low concentra-
composition, zoning, and color variations in the core, tions of Fe2O3 , from 200 to 5700 ppm. The Na2O
0.5 cm Figure 25. A and B: SEM and
CL images of a Muzo sam-
dendrite ple show that under CL, the
core is homogenous and ap-
pears crimson-colored due
to the presence of Cr3+ and
arm V3+ ions acting as the main
125 μm CL activators. The arms, on
the other hand, are fibrous
and show variations in the
reddish hue. C: The cold CL
B D image of a Peñas Blancas
sample shows the homo-
geneity of its red color due
to the presence of the V and
Cr chromophores. D: The
cold CL image of a Coscuez
sample reveals different CL
colors: orange for albite, yel-
low for calcite, and dark
arm crimson for emerald.
0.5 cm
Si 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000
Al 1.757 1.747 1.699 1.760 1.647 1.748 1.935 1.749 1.843 1.883 1.845 1.874 1.913
Cr 0.043 0.036 0.062 0.046 0.058 0.053 0.006 0.009 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.002 0.014
Fe3+ 0.007 0.008 0.013 0.006 0.026 0.015 0.005 0.035 0.007 0.009 0.016 0.018 0.014
V3+ 0.052 0.043 0.065 0.043 0.080 0.064 0.011 0.019 0.009 0.014 0.015 0.015 0.015
Be2+ b 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000
Mg 0.101 0.134 0.164 0.091 0.176 0.118 0.090 0.202 0.122 0.077 0.117 0.112 0.090
Na 0.116 0.139 0.151 0.098 0.175 0.114 0.098 0.201 0.111 0.068 0.121 0.119 0.098
Total 11.076 11.107 11.154 11.043 11.161 11.111 11.146 11.215 11.096 11.056 11.121 11.139 11.144
V/Cr 1.19 1.20 1.02 0.91 1.34 1.18 1.66 2.15 2.58 3.97 1.90 6.95 6.62
Analyses on Coscuez samples were performed on a section perpendicular to the c-axis. Analyses on Muzo samples were conducted on a section
parallel to the c-axis.
Amount of Be inferred from stoichiometry zones: a = arm; c = core; d = dendrite; S = southern part of the crystal; N = northern part of the crystal.
Calculated following the equation H2O = (0.84958)(Na2O) + 0.8373 (Giuliani et al., 1997).
concentrations were between 1400 and 15,500 ppm, tact zone between the arm and the overgrowth was
which corresponds to a calculated H2O in the chan- sharp and distinguished by a Cr-rich zone (figure
nels between 0.95 and 2.15 wt.%, following the equa- 26F). The Al anomalies detected at the border and
tion proposed by Giuliani et al. (1997). In terms of within the fractures of the crystal were due to
chromophores, V was the main element; the highest argillites that formed during a late meteoric water
concentrations in V2O3 and Cr2O3 were 11,700 and stage.
9,700 ppm, respectively. The V/Cr ratio was between The distribution of the different chemical ele-
0.42 and 6.9 (tables 2 and 3). Some of the emeralds ments in the various maps were coupled to the chem-
were Cr-free, with V2O3 content up to 1.17 wt.% ical distribution of Cr and V (in wt.%). EPMA
(sample in figure 12D; table 2). The Mg contents were analyses presented in table 2 show that the arms were
between 2,300 and 14,800 ppm. richer in Cr and V than the core. The contact zone be-
Chemical compositional EDX maps of trapiche tween the arms and the overgrowth was sharp and in-
from Muzo (sample T8 in figure 12G) were obtained dicated by a Cr-rich zone in the EDX image (figure
on a section perpendicular to the c-axis (figure 26A). 26F). The Cr2O3 and V2O3 contents calculated by EDX
This sample contained a colorless to very light green reached 0.72 and 0.64 wt.%, respectively.
core rimmed by dendrites and six colorless arms (fig- Sample T10 is a section parallel to the c-axis of a
ure 12G). The arms were rimmed by deep green over- V-rich greenish trapiche emerald from Muzo (figure
growth zones. All the chemical elements of emerald 27A). The chemical composition of the center, the
were distributed homogenously in the EDX-map of core, and the rims are reported in table 3. The spatial
the core and arms. The dendrites were characterized distribution of V and Cr in the longitudinal section
by Na anomalies that correspond to minute crystals showed a positive correlation between these two el-
of albite formed during their growth. The overgrowth ements for the center and the core (figure 27B). The
zones were richer in Mg and Na, with important Cr arms from both sides of the crystal had a restricted
and V anomalies, than the core and arms. The con- V2O3 range (table 3).
Cr2O3 (wt.%)
0.10 44
1 0.0
arm 81
axis (see table 3). A:
0 . 8
0.6 2 0
The different points of
10 y= R=
center 11 T10a south analyses are reported
1 0.06
profile 5 6 7 13
2 T10a north from 1 to 16 in the core
4 3 2 12
7 T10c south
(pts. 1, 8–10, 11–13, and
9 15 6 T10c north
8 15) and the two arms
3 T10 center
14 16 (pts. 2–7, 14, and 16). B:
0.5 cm
0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 Variation of the V2O3
V2O3 (wt.%) and Cr2O3 contents in
the core and the arms
of the sample.
bearing veins. The difference in the texture between and Cr in the core and the arms (tables 2 and 3). Dif-
these two is due to extreme variation of pressure in ferent amounts of chromophore elements can result
the history of their formation. That trapiche formed in different colors of various sectors, as in sample T4
before regular emerald is evidenced by field observa- (figure 12C), where the core is very pale green and the
tion. Trapiche emerald developed on albitized black arms are green (richer in both Cr and V). The higher
shale that is crosscut by regular-emerald-bearing veins quantity of V and Cr also suggests that the arms grow
and tension gashes. Some of the trapiche have an over- faster than the core. The faster growth causes the de-
growth zone that undoubtedly grew during the for-
mation of non-trapiche emerald. The tectonic
Figure 28. Schematic representation of trapiche tex-
decompression increased the degree of supersatura- ture in Colombian emeralds, formed by textural sec-
tion, allowing the formation of trapiche emeralds, tor zoning and displacement growth.
whereas emerald overgrowths occurred at a lower de-
gree of supersaturation, until finally, at equilibrium Matrix inclusions perpendicular
conditions, euhedral non-trapiche emerald grew in the to the growth front
veins. Fan-shaped
The trapiche emeralds started growing at the be- of emerald
ginning of the local decompression. The hydrother-
mal fluid came in contact with the albitized black Arm
B Nucleation and B
σn A A
σ'3 σ '1
Fluid pressure progressive drop NNW TEQUENDAMA MINE SSE
900 - B
σ'3 σ'1 A
800 -
σ3 Crystallization of trapiche overgrowth
and non-trapiche emeralds
B 700 -
600 -
Figure C-1. Geological model for the proposed mechanism of the trapiche emerald formation from the western
emerald zone. A: Thrust propagation and failure. B: Nucleation and growth of core, dendrites, and arms of
Tequendama mine. In the Mohr’s circle diagrams in A, B, and C, τ = shear stress; σn = normal stress; σ1 and
trapiche emerald. C: Formation of trapiche overgrowths and regular emerald in veins. D: Cross-section of the
rial during fluid flow (fluidization phenomena). The thrust veins, which are horizontal tension gashes in
cement is formed by carbonates, pyrite, and albite, cre- this compressive tectonic context. The sealing of
ating the hydrothermal breccia called “cenicero.” The faults by carbonate deposition and cementation of the
fluidized breccias are associated with emerald-bearing fluidized breccia depends on the elapsed time between
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Bari, Italy. Ms. Mathieu specializes in quantitative analyses using
Dr. Pignatelli, a geologist and expert in mineralogy and crystal- EDX and WDX spectrometry in complex systems at GéoRes-
lography, is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University sources 7359 research unit, Vandœuvre, France. Mr. Morlot is
of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Giuliani is director of research at responsible for X-ray tomography applied to Geosciences at
the Institute of Research for Development (IRD) in Toulouse GéoRessources 7359 unit, Vandœuvre, France. Dr. Branquet is
(GET) and the French National Center of Research an assistant professor of earth sciences at the University of Or-
(CRPG/CNRS) in Vandœuvre. He is recognized for his work on léans in France.
the geology, geochemistry, and genesis of several colored stone
deposits. Dr. Ohnenstetter is a retired geologist based in Mar- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
inville-sur-Madon, France, formerly with CRPG/CNRS, who spe- The authors would like to thank Omar Bustos Santana, who col-
cializes in petrology and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy lected and provided the trapiche emerald samples used in this
and mineralogy. Dr. Agrosì is a researcher with the Department study. We thank also the manuscript reviewers for their helpful
of Earth and Geo-environmental Sciences at the University of and constructive suggestions.
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The Russian company New Diamond Technology is producing colorless and near-colorless HPHT-grown
synthetic diamonds for the gem trade. Forty-four faceted samples synthesized using modified cubic
presses were analyzed using a combination of spectroscopic and gemological techniques to characterize
the quality of the material and determine the means of distinguishing them from natural, treated, and
alternative laboratory-grown diamonds. These samples, with weights ranging from 0.20 to 5.11 ct, had
color grades from D to K and clarity grades from IF to I2. Importantly, 89% were classified as colorless
(D–F), demonstrating that HPHT growth methods can be used to routinely achieve these color grades.
Infrared absorption analysis showed that all were either type IIa or weak type IIb, and photoluminescence
spectroscopy revealed that they contained Ni-, Si-, or N-related defects. Their fluorescence and phos-
phorescence behavior was investigated using ultraviolet excitation from a long-wave/short-wave UV
lamp, a DiamondView instrument, and a phosphorescence spectrometer. Key features that reveal the
samples’ HPHT synthetic origin are described.
n the last few years, available colorless and near- the absence of color), clarities, and sizes. Addition-
colorless gem-quality synthetic diamonds have ally, producers must be able to manufacture a high
improved dramatically with advances in growth enough volume to satisfy demand at a price point
technologies and a heightened understanding of the that makes them competitive with natural diamond
underlying processes. Although the majority of these and alternative diamond products.
products have been grown using the well-established New Diamond Technology (NDT), which to-
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique (see gether with Inreal and Nevsky Brilliant is part of a
Martineau et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2007; 2012), the Russian diamond group, has grown synthetic dia-
high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) method, as- monds for industrial and technological uses. In the
sociated more with attractive fancy color samples, past year, the company has produced large high-qual-
has recently emerged as a method for producing siz- ity, colorless samples for the gem trade. NDT says it
able colorless and near-colorless synthetic diamonds has developed HPHT technology that enables the
(D’Haenens-Johansson et al., 2014). The commercial growth of multiple synthetic diamonds in different
viability of synthetic diamonds depends on a variety reaction layers within the same cell, resulting in
of factors, such as desirable colors (or, in this case, much larger production runs compared to other
known methods, reaching up to 200 samples (with
cross-sectional sizes of 2.5–3.0 mm) across two layers
See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.
GemS & GemoloGy, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 260–279,
in a single run. At present, NDT can simultaneously
http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GemS.51.3.260. grow up to 16 colorless “rough” crystals approaching
© 2015 Gemological Institute of America 10 ct apiece.
Figure 1. A: These three colorless HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds demonstrate some of the sizes achieved by
New Diamond Technology. From left to right, samples NDT04, NDT02, and NDT01 weigh 2.02, 2.20, and 2.30 ct,
respectively. Photo by Ulrika D’Haenens-Johansson. B: Sample NDT-A, a 5.11 ct specimen with K color, is the
largest faintly colored synthetic diamond studied by GIA to date. The visual characteristics of these samples are
summarized in table 1. Photo courtesy of New Diamond Technology.
et al., 1997). Since color-producing dopants such as
nitrogen (yellow) or boron (blue) are so easily intro- sample cell
duced, these were typically fancy-color synthetics.
Creating colorless HPHT synthetics has been sig-
nificantly more challenging, as costly modifications
to the capsule design are necessary and additional
constraints must be placed on the chemical compo-
nents to minimize dopant uptake, particularly nitro-
gen. Eliminating contamination in the growth cell is
impossible, as trace amounts of nitrogen will likely
remain. Thus, growers have to adapt the growth
chemistry to intentionally include elements with a
strong affinity to nitrogen, termed “nitrogen getters,”
effectively trapping the nitrogen so it does not dis-
perse through the diamond lattice. Finally, growth
rates for high-purity colorless diamond (type IIa or
weak type IIb) are significantly lower than for stan-
dard type Ib (containing isolated nitrogen) synthetic
diamond, necessitating longer growth times and
greater control over the temperature and pressure
conditions. Consequently, successful near-colorless
diamond synthesis depends on the careful design of
the HPHT press and its components, the quality and
chemical composition of the solvent/catalyst melt, Figure 2. The anvil arrangement and sample cell for a
standard cubic press. Illustration by M. Toosi and
U. D’Haenens-Johansson, adapted from Sumiya
In Brief
• The Russian company New Diamond Technology
(NDT) is producing faceted colorless and near-colorless systems designed to stabilize the thermodynamic pa-
HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds for the gem trade. rameters (pressure and temperature distribution
• eighty-nine percent of the 44 faceted samples, weigh- across the sample cell). Figure 2 illustrates the main
ing up to 5.11 ct, were classified as colorless. Color components of a standard cubic press, which consists
and clarity grades ranged from D to K and IF to I2. of six anvils coupled to independent hydraulic cylin-
• The quality of NDT-produced material is on par with, ders surrounding a cubic sample cell. Although this
or surpasses, that by other synthetic diamond growers. design is complicated by the requirement for syn-
• The samples were conclusively identified as HPHT chronized motion of separate anvils, it does allow the
synthetics using a combination of gemological obser- application of hydrostatic pressure across a relatively
vations and spectroscopic analysis. large volume cell compared to other press types.
When selecting materials for the cell components
of a multi-anvil apparatus, such as a cubic HPHT
press, it is necessary to consider their ability to with-
the choice of nitrogen getters, and the ability to con- stand the high-pressure and high-temperature condi-
trol the chemical and thermodynamic conditions tions necessary to synthesize diamond with the
across the reaction layer. Further complications re- desired properties. This will depend on both the com-
sult from the need for high crystal quality and mini- pressive strength of the materials and component
mal inclusion uptake. geometries. Generally, the choice of materials is lim-
ited to either complex ceramics (Al, Zr, or Mg oxides)
HPHT GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS BY or salt-based materials (iodides and chlorides) (Strong,
NEW DIAMOND TECHNOLOGY 1977; Satoh et al., 2000; Zhu et al., 2012). Their prop-
NDT uses modified cubic HPHT presses to grow erties, coupled with the press design, determine the
gem-quality colorless synthetics, with custom-made producer’s ability to apply long-lasting hydrostatic
Figure 3. A: In the multi-seed diamond growth layout on the left, the distribution of the temperature field was ide-
ally controlled across the reaction layer, resulting in even growth sizes for all the samples. B: In the growth layout
on the right, the temperature distribution was not optimized. The crystal edge sizes are less than 2 mm. Photos
courtesy of New Diamond Technology.
pressure to the sample cell. If the designs for the cell producing higher-quality crystals with more uniform
components are not optimized, they may deteriorate size.
during the HPHT run, hindering the stability of the Care must also be taken when selecting the sol-
growth parameters and in turn the synthesis quality. vent/catalyst constituents contained within the
In the worst case, there may be catastrophic failure, growth cell. The chemical properties of the interac-
with a component breaking. This may lead to costly tion boundary at the surface of the growing diamond
damage to the equipment in addition to the cost as- crystal can determine the crystal’s morphology, crys-
sociated with an unsuccessful growth run. talline quality, impurity concentrations, and propen-
Another prerequisite for successful diamond sity to trap inclusions. Iron-based solvents, which
growth is the precise control of the carbon concentra- include Ni and/or Co, are often used for HPHT dia-
tion field, which is determined mostly by the temper- mond growth (Strong and Chrenko, 1971). For color-
ature distribution field within the reaction volume of less diamond growth, it is important to suppress the
the cell (liquid solvent volume). Computer simula- introduction of boron and nitrogen impurities, which
tion methods such as FEM (the finite element generally form color-producing substitutional defects.
method) are widely used to model the carbon concen- Traces of boron can be present in either the carbon
tration field, which defines the carbon flow direction, source or the solvent/catalyst, yet careful selection of
at different thermodynamic conditions as well as for high-purity materials (with boron concentrations less
different growth cell designs (Zhan-Chang et al., than 0.1 ppm) may reduce the boron uptake to the ex-
2013). It is important to note that the correct predic- tent that it no longer produces a discernible blue color
tion of material properties inside the reaction volume, (Sumiya and Satoh, 1996). Most diamonds will readily
in particular for composites, is greatly complicated by incorporate nitrogen present within the growth cell,
the high pressures and temperatures they are sub- which can originate from the carbon source, the sol-
jected to. Correct control of the temperature distribu- vent/catalyst, and gas found in empty spaces or pores
tion (isotherms) inside the cell is also important, of the capsule. This results in a high concentration of
especially for layouts containing multiple seeds isolated nitrogen defects, which impart a yellow
and/or growth layers. Examples of two separate mul- color. To produce a colorless diamond, nitrogen get-
tiple-seed growth layouts tested by NDT are shown ters such as Al, Ti, Zr, or Hf are used (Sumiya and
in figure 3. These trials demonstrated that the Satoh, 1996). These additives will also influence the
arrangement in figure 3A resulted in a more even growth properties of the material.
temperature distribution across the reaction volume, Using an Fe-based solvent/catalyst with the addi-
Figure 4. As-grown
HPHT diamond single
crystals produced using
a simple Fe-based sol-
vent with Al as a nitro-
gen getter. The sample
on the far right is the
largest, weighing 1.40 ct.
Photo courtesy of New
Diamond Technology.
tion of only Al results in crystal growth dominated pure constituent metals for the solvent/catalyst may
by (100) and (111) faces, as shown in figure 4. While be challenging, necessitating additional purification
these are simple to facet into gems, NDT says the steps by the manufacturer. The identities and incor-
color grade of material produced through these meth- poration methods for the nitrogen getters and other
ods is generally limited to G or poorer. Conversely, additives vary for different manufacturers and re-
adding Co and Ti/Zr to the growth medium stimu- search teams, and the ultimate mix of solvent/cata-
lates the formation of high-index growth planes such lyst and getter is often proprietary. NDT claims to
as (113), (110), and (115), yet this material benefits have determined the optimal balance of chemical
from being colorless (D–F color grades). Unfortu- constituents needed to routinely produce gem-qual-
nately, the nitrogen getters may react with the car- ity colorless synthetic diamonds, divulging that their
bon source to form carbides, which affect the carbon solvent is based on Fe, Co, or a combination of the
transport and diffusion properties of the system, de- two.
creasing the carbon available for crystal growth. Orientation of the seed initiation surface also sig-
These conditions may result in trapped traces of the nificantly affects the morphology of the grown crys-
metal/catalyst melt, forming visible inclusions. To tals (figure 5). Using differently oriented seeds—with
suppress the development of such inclusions, it may (110)- or (113)-oriented initiation surfaces, for exam-
be necessary to (1) introduce additional chemicals ple—may optimize the growth morphology. To grow
such as Cu or (2) decompose the carbides otherwise a crystal whose top face is (110)- or (113)-oriented, it
created by the nitrogen getters (Sumiya and Satoh, is not strictly necessary to have a seed with a simi-
1996; Sumiya et al., 2002). Obtaining sufficiently larly oriented face, only to have the [110] or [113] di-
Figure 5. The morphology of synthetic diamonds depends largely on the orientation of the seed surface. Photo A
shows a reaction layer where the sample in the center and the two outer rings of samples were grown on (100)-
oriented seeds. Meanwhile, the samples with triangular outlines (the two inner rings) were grown using (111)-ori-
ented surfaces. The samples shown here are yellow due to the presence of isolated nitrogen. The blue samples
shown in (B) and (C) are boron-doped and were grown on (100)- and (111)-oriented substrates, respectively. The
samples shown in (B) weigh 0.92 and 0.23 ct, while those in (C) weigh 0.29 and 0.88 ct. Photos courtesy of New
Diamond Technology.
rection vertical in the growth chamber. Since seed NDT-B (4.30 ct), underwent fewer tests than the rest
crystals are typically cuboctahedral, however, it is of the samples, as specified below.
easier to orient them in the chamber with either a Color and clarity grading was performed by GIA
(100) or (111) face on the top. Consequently, most using standard diamond grading nomenclature. Sam-
HPHT diamond growth is conducted on (100)- or ples and their internal features were further exam-
(111)-oriented seeds. NDT generally uses the former, ined using a standard Gem Instruments binocular
which produce crystals with higher cutting yields microscope system and a Nikon SMZ1500 research
and more easily polished surfaces. microscope under darkfield and fiber-optic illumina-
The growth rate of individual diamond crystals tion. The presence of anomalous birefringence pat-
depends on a combination of parameters: the identi- terns, attributed to strain in the diamond lattice, was
ties and ratios of the chemical constituents used for evaluated by viewing each sample between crossed
growth; the thermodynamic conditions; the seed polarizing filters using brightfield illumination.
quantity, size, and orientation; the carbon flow rate; The specimens’ fluorescence and phosphorescence
and temperature gradient. The quantity of the seeds response to ultraviolet (UV) light from a conventional
in a run can greatly impact the growth rate of indi- four-watt combination long-wave (365 nm) and short-
vidual crystals if no additional changes are made to wave (254 nm) lamp was tested in a dark room. The
the cell, with an increase in the number of crystals emission intensities were visually compared to the
leading to a slower rate. The latter parameter is ad- fluorescence of a GIA fluorescence master set. Fluo-
justed by modifying the growth cell layout. When rescence and phosphorescence imaging was con-
evaluating growth rates quoted by manufacturers, it ducted using a DTC DiamondView instrument
is important to note that the rate increases nonlin- (illumination wavelengths <230 nm), revealing the
early with crystal mass. As the crystal grows, the sur- samples’ internal growth structures. An in-house cus-
face area (and hence the deposition area) increases. tom-built phosphorescence spectrometer consisting
Yet the deposition rate per unit area (mm/hour) is ap- of an Ocean Optics HR4000 spectrometer coupled by
proximately constant. Consequently, the crystal fiber optics to an Avantes-DH-S deuterium-halogen
growth rate (mg/hour) for a given area will rise (Sumiya light source (operating with only the deuterium light,
et al., 2005). Colorless type IIa diamond growth rates 215–400 nm) was used to further investigate the sam-
as high as 8–10 mg/hour can be achieved using ples’ phosphorescence at room temperature (see
HPHT technology, though such material is generally Eaton-Magaña et al., 2007, 2008). Consecutive spec-
plagued by metallic inclusions (Sumiya et al., 2005). tra, each with a one-second integration time, were
Limiting the maximum stable growth rate to 6–7 collected for up to five minutes following 30 seconds
mg/hour has been reported to produce higher-quality of illumination. Samples NDT-A and NDT-B were in-
growth (Sumiya et al., 2005). vestigated with the UV lamp and the DiamondView,
NDT systems can support growth for 200–250 but phosphorescence spectra were not recorded for
hours, simultaneously yielding up to 16 crystals them.
weighing up to 10 ct each. Further modifications To gain an understanding of the impurities pres-
have enabled growth rates up to 30–50 mg/hour—up ent in the samples, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR)
to five times higher than commonly reported— absorption spectra covering the 400–6000 cm–1 range
though maintaining this rate for extended periods is were taken using a Thermo Nicolet Nexus 6700
challenging due to the higher pressure and tempera- spectrometer furnished with KBr and quartz beam
ture conditions required. splitters and a diffuse-reflectance infrared Fourier
transform (DRIFT) accessory. The instrument and
MATERIALS AND METHODS sample chambers were purged with dried air to min-
For this investigation, NDT loaned GIA 44 colorless imize absorption features stemming from atmos-
to faintly colored HPHT-grown specimens. These pheric water. Spectra were normalized based on the
samples had been faceted into round brilliant (26) or height of the two-phonon absorption in diamond
fancy shapes (18) and weighed 0.20–5.11 ct (table 1; (Palik, 1985), enabling us to calculate the absorption
see again figure 1). According to NDT, these samples coefficient for comparison and quantitative impurity
were grown separately using cubic presses in single- concentration analysis without having to know the
layer runs, and are representative of their 2014 pro- light path length through the samples.
duction methods. Because of limited access times, Supplementary analysis of impurity content was
the two largest samples, labeled NDT-A (5.11 ct) and provided by photoluminescence (PL) spectra acquired
TABLE 1. Gemological properties and calculated bulk concentrations of neutral boron (B0) impurities for 44
HPHT synthetic diamonds produced by New Diamond Technology.
Sample Carat Color Clarity Cut Dimensions (mm) Type B0 bulk concentration
weight (ct) (ppb)
NDT-A 5.11 K I1 Cut-corner rectangu- 10.05 × 8.74 × 7.01 IIb 1.2 ± 0.2
lar modified brilliant
NDT-B 4.30 D SI1 Cushion 10.29 × 9.76 × 5.39 IIb 7±1
NDT01 2.30 e SI1 Cushion 7.30 × 8.48 × 4.85 IIa nd a
NDT02 2.20 e VVS2 Heart 8.53 × 7.55 × 5.41 IIb 20 ± 3
NDT03 2.03 F SI2 Heart 7.73 × 8.41 × 5.07 IIb 5±1
NDT04 2.02 D I1 Pear 7.14 × 10.80 × 4.45 IIb 6±1
NDT05 1.90 F VS1 octagonal 7.65 × 7.68 × 4.58 IIa nd
NDT06 1.53 D SI1 Round 7.18 × 7.26 × 4.60 IIb 2.0 ± 0.5
NDT07 1.53 D I1 Round 6.49 × 9.33 × 4.08 IIb 13 ± 2
NDT08 1.50 e SI1 Round 7.14 × 7.17 × 4.44 IIb 2.6 ± 0.5
NDT09 1.41 D VS2 Square emerald 6.25 × 6.49 × 4.26 IIa nd
NDT10 1.20 e SI2 Round 6.73 × 6.75 × 4.23 IIb 2.5 ± 0.5
NDT11 1.13 D IF Round 6.57 × 6.62 × 4.10 IIb 0.8 ± 0.2
NDT12 1.04 e SI2 oval 5.58 × 7.92 × 3.40 IIb 13 ± 2
NDT13 1.03 D SI2 Round 6.39 × 6.47 × 3.99 IIb 9±1
NDT14 1.02 F SI1 Round 6.45 × 6.49 × 4.06 IIb 58 ± 9
NDT15 1.01 D VS2 oval 5.64 × 7.79 × 3.35 IIb 0.5 ± 0.3
NDT16 1.00 G I2 Round 6.50 × 6.53 × 3.79 IIb 6±1
NDT17 0.92 e VS2 Round 6.04 × 6.07 × 3.96 IIb 1.6 ± 0.5
NDT18 0.90 D VS1 Pear 5.38 × 7.78 × 3.38 IIa nd
NDT19 0.90 D SI1 Round 6.15 × 6.18 × 3.78 IIb 5±1
NDT20 0.81 D VVS2 Round 5.92 × 5.96 × 3.79 IIb 2.5 ± 0.5
NDT21 0.80 D VVS2 Round 6.07 × 6.09 × 3.57 IIa nd
NDT22 0.80 D SI2 Pear 5.34 × 7.78 × 3.17 IIb 9±1
NDT23 0.71 D VS1 Round 5.75 × 5.80 × 3.42 IIb 8±1
NDT24 0.71 D VVS1 Pear 5.08 × 7.29 × 2.99 IIb 6±1
NDT25 0.64 e SI2 Round 5.43 × 5.46 × 3.53 IIa nd
NDT26 0.58 H I1 Round 5.43 × 5.46 × 3.53 IIb 2.5 ± 0.5
NDT27 0.58 e SI2 oval 4.89 × 6.49 × 2.75 IIa nd
NDT28 0.54 e SI1 Pear 4.62 × 6.63 × 2.92 IIb 13 ± 2
NDT29 0.52 e VS2 Round 5.09 × 5.11 × 3.31 IIb 9±1
NDT30 0.51 D VVS1 Round 5.15 × 5.17 × 3.90 IIb 6±1
NDT31 0.50 e SI2 Round 5.08 × 5.12 × 3.10 IIa nd
NDT32 0.48 D VVS2 Round 5.11 × 5.14 × 3.06 IIa nd
NDT33 0.47 H IF emerald 3.93 × 4.71 × 2.67 IIb 33 ± 5
NDT34 0.43 F I1 Round 4.78 × 4.80 × 2.99 IIb 3.7 ± 0.5
NDT35 0.43 D VS1 Pear 4.38 × 6.22 × 2.66 IIb 20 ± 3
NDT36 0.38 F I1 Round 4.70 × 4.73 × 2.83 IIb 1.8 ± 0.5
NDT37 0.37 D I1 marquise 3.90 × 7.64 × 2.24 IIb 25 ± 4
NDT38 0.31 e VS2 Round 4.35 × 4.37 × 2.63 IIb 18 ± 3
NDT39 0.30 e I2 Round 4.34 × 4.36 × 2.59 IIb 1.6 ± 0.5
NDT40 0.28 F VVS2 Round 4.15 × 4.17 × 2.60 IIb 13 ± 2
NDT41 0.24 D SI1 Round 4.09 × 4.11 × 2.41 IIb 3.3 ± 0.5
NDT42 0.20 G VS1 Round 3.70 × 3.69 × 2.33 IIb 33 ± 5
“nd” indicates that boron was not detected.
with the samples submerged in liquid nitrogen (77 K, ing six different excitation wavelengths: He-Cd metal
or –196°C) using a Renishaw InVia Raman confocal vapor (324.8 nm), Ar-ion (457.0, 488.0 and 514.5 nm),
microspectrometer (Hall et al., 2010). To maximize He-Ne (632.8 nm), and a diode laser (830.0 nm). Spec-
the effectiveness of stimulating different luminescent tra with the 324.8 and 488.0 nm excitations were not
defect centers across a wide range of wavelengths, the collected for samples NDT-A and NDT-B, because of
system was equipped with four laser sources produc- limited access to the instrument.
RESULTS AND ANALYSIS clarity grades, marking a major breakthrough in lab-
Visual Appearance. The grading characteristics of oratory growth.
NDT’s faceted HPHT-grown diamonds are presented Poorer clarity grades generally stemmed from the
in table 1. The samples had carat weights ranging presence of inclusions, which appeared dark and
from 0.20 to 5.11 ct, with average and median opaque in transmitted light and gray and metallic in
weights of 1.08 ct and 0.81 ct. There was no clear reflected light. These inclusions took a variety of
trend between the cut shapes and sample weights, shapes (as demonstrated in figure 6), sometimes
though it was noted that the six stones weighing within the same sample. Rod-like inclusions were
over 2 ct were all faceted into fancy shapes. Thirty- noted to have lengths of up to approximately 1.5
nine (89%) of the samples were found to be colorless mm, and could be observed singly or in clusters with
(D–F), while four attained near-colorless (G or H) the inclusions aligned in one direction. Three of the
grades and the remaining (and largest) sample was a synthetics contained flat plate inclusions with ap-
faintly colored K grade. Remarkably, five of the six proximately triangular geometry, with thicknesses
2+ ct stones were colorless, and the color zoning of about 30 µm and edge dimensions up to approxi-
often seen in HPHT-grown diamonds was not appar- mately 600 µm. Some of the metallic inclusions were
ent. There was a wide clarity range for this set of irregular in shape. Sufficiently included samples
samples: internally flawless (2, or 5%); very, very (VS2–I2) were attracted to a strong magnet, depending
slightly included (7, or 16%); very slightly included on the magnet’s placement relative to the position of
(10, or 23%); slightly included (16, or 36%); and in- the inclusion. The presence of feathers, occasionally
cluded (9, or 20%). No correlation was observed be- combined with metallic inclusions, also reduced the
tween sample weight, color, and clarity grade. clarity grades of some samples. The inclusions likely
NDT11 weighed 1.13 ct and achieved D color and IF result from entrapped traces of the metallic
Figure 6. Inclusions observed in some of New Diamond Technology’s HPHT synthetic diamonds had a dark metal-
lic appearance, suggesting they were remnants of the metallic solvent/catalyst melt used for growth. The inclu-
sions took a variety of morphologies, including rods (A–D), thin plates (E), and irregular shapes (F). Images A, B, C,
D, E, and F were taken for samples NDT16, NDT25, NDT13, NDT12, NDT26, and NDT37, respectively. Photomi-
crographs by Ulrika D’Haenens-Johansson.
1 mm 1 mm 1 mm
Figure 7. A: Unincluded sections of the HPHT synthetic samples did not show birefringence patterns when viewed
under crossed-polarized light, instead showing smooth gradations in subdued low-order interference colors (grays,
purples, and blues), indicating low levels of strain. B and C: Localized distortions in the diamond lattice were only
apparent adjacent to inclusions or feathers. These images were taken for samples NDT27, NDT13, and NDT25, re-
spectively. Photomicrographs by Ulrika D’Haenens-Johansson.
solvent/catalyst melt. Graining, an optical phenom- UV illumination, with 41 of them (93%) fluorescing
enon whereby a series of transparent, tightly spaced yellow, orangy yellow, or green-yellow, with intensi-
lines can be observed in the sample when viewed ties that were very weak (22), weak (15), medium (2),
from certain directions, has been reported in fancy- or strong (1). The remaining three samples (7%) did
color HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds (Shigley et not fluoresce. After short-wave UV illumination, 43
al., 2004) but was not detected in any of the samples (98%) of the samples, including two that did not
in this study. show fluorescence, displayed varying degrees of per-
sistent green, yellowish green, greenish yellow, yel-
Birefringence. When viewed between crossed polar-
low, or orangy yellow phosphorescence, which could
izers, the samples only showed subdued low-inter-
be observed for up to approximately six minutes.
ference colors (grays, blues, and purples) without
Only one sample, NDT30, showed neither fluores-
forming any patterns. This was in stark contrast with
cence nor phosphorescence when exposed to either
natural diamonds in general, which show mottled,
UV emission wavelength from the gem testing lamp.
banded, or cross-hatched “tatami” patterns in a
The stronger fluorescence following short-wave UV
wider range of colors. These colors, and the absence
illumination is characteristic of colorless and near-
of a clear pattern, indicate that the synthetic material
colorless HPHT synthetic diamonds, the opposite of
was characterized by low strain levels, in agreement
the behavior seen for natural stones (Crowningshield,
with previously reported observations (Crowning-
1971; Rooney et al., 1993; Shigley et al., 1997; D’Hae-
shield, 1971; Shigley et al., 1997; D’Haenens-Johans-
nens-Johansson et al., 2014).
son et al., 2014). Localized areas of higher strain were
The above band-gap energy UV source (<230 nm)
only observed adjacent to inclusions or feathers,
from a DiamondView was able to induce blue fluo-
where the diamond lattice was distorted to accom-
rescence and phosphorescence in all the samples, as
modate the clarity feature. Characteristic birefrin-
illustrated in figure 8. It was crucial to view the
gence effects are shown in figure 7.
samples along several different directions in order
Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Behavior. The to perceive the cuboctahedral growth patterns
samples’ fluorescence and phosphorescence re- characteristic of HPHT synthetic diamonds (Wel-
sponses to long-wave (365 nm) and short-wave (254 bourn et al., 1996; D’Haenens-Johansson et al.,
nm) UV illumination from a gem-testing lamp were 2014). The patterns were usually most clear when
investigated, with the results summarized in table 2. viewed along the pavilion, rather than with the
The majority (38, or 86%) were inert to long-wave sample oriented face-up. The patterns, which arose
UV light, with the remaining samples only emitting from the different impurity uptake efficiencies for
very faint yellow-orange fluorescence. The sample the separate growth sectors, showed poor contrast
set had a stronger response to short-wave (254 nm) due to the high purity levels of the samples.
TABLE 2. Fluorescence and phosphorescence behavior of the HPHT synthetics under different
excitation sources.
long-wave (365 nm) UV gem lamp Short-wave (254 nm) UV gem lamp emission following
illumination response illumination response broadband
Sample Fluorescence Phosphorescence Fluorescence Phosphorescence 500 nm 575 nm
✓ ×
NDT-B None None Strong yellow-green Strong green-yellow N/A N/A
✓ ×
NDT01 None None Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT02 None None Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT03 Very weak yellow-orange Very weak yellowish orange Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT04 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT05 None None Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT06 Very weak yellow-orange Very weak yellowish orange Weak yellowish green Weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT07 None Weak yellowish orange Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT08 Very weak yellow-orange Weak yellowish orange Weak yellowish green Weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT09 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT10 Very weak yellow-orange Weak green Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT11 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT12 None Weak yellowish orange Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT13 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT14 None Very weak yellowish orange Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT15 None None Very weak yellowish green Very weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT16 Very weak yellow-orange Very weak yellowish orange Weak yellowish green Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT17 None Weak yellowish orange Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT18 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT19 Very weak yellow-orange None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT20 None Very weak yellowish orange Very weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT21 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT22 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT23 None None Very weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT24 None Very weak yellowish orange Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT25 None None Very weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT26 None None Weak yellowish green Weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT27 None None Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT28 None Very weak yellowish orange Weak green Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT29 None None Very weak greenish yellow Very weak orangy yellow
✓ ×
NDT30 None None Very weak yellow None
✓ ×
NDT31 None None Weak orangy yellow Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT32 None None Weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT33 None None medium green medium yellow
✓ ×
NDT34 None None None None
✓ ×
NDT35 None None Very weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT36 None None Very weak yellowish green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT37 None Very weak yellowish orange Very weak green Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT38 None None Very weak yellowish green Very weak yellow
✓ ✓
NDT39 None None Very weak orangy yellow Very weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT40 None None Weak yellow Weak yellow
✓ ×
NDT41 None None Very weak greenish yellow None
NDT42 None None medium yellowish green medium yellow
*N/A: Not analyzed.
The phosphorescence behavior of samples light centered at approximately 500 nm (2.5 eV), with
NDT01–NDT42 (totaling 42) was further investi- 13 (31%) of the specimens also showing a yellow
gated by collecting phosphorescence spectra at room phosphorescence band centered at about 575 nm (2.1
temperature following broadband illumination (215– eV), as listed in table 2. Figures 9A and B demonstrate
400 nm), collecting spectra every second with 1 sec- representative spectra for samples showing phospho-
ond integration times. All the samples emitted blue rescence only from the 500 nm band (NDT37) or
Figure 8. Blue fluores-
cence (A–B) and phos-
phorescence (C–D) were
detected for all the New
Diamond Technology
synthetics observed
with the DiamondView.
Most of the samples
showed cuboctahedral
growth patterns charac-
teristic for HPHT syn-
thetics, though they
C D were not always easily
observed. The fluores-
cence and phosphores-
cence (following a 0.10
second delay) images
found here were taken
for sample NDT06 with
0.12 and 1.00 second ex-
posures, respectively.
Images by Ulrika
from both the 500 nm and 575 nm bands (NDT08). Watanabe et al., 1997). The donor for the 575 nm
Phosphorescent emission at 500 nm is commonly band is much less certain (Watanabe et al., 1997). If
observed in natural type IIb or weakly boron-contain- one assumes the same donor for both bands, the en-
ing type IIa diamonds, as well as similarly typed ergy separation between the 500 nm and 575 nm
HPHT synthetic diamonds grown using a variety of bands cannot be simply explained by a distance dis-
solvent/catalyst melts (Watanabe et al., 1997; Eaton- tribution between the donors and acceptors. Instead,
Magaña et al., 2008; Eaton-Magaña and Lu, 2011; it is possible that the two bands involve distinct deep
D’Haenens-Johansson et al., 2014), whereas the 575 donors. The donor for the 575 nm band may be a dif-
nm band has been detected for HPHT synthetic type ferent nitrogen-related center, or even a center con-
IIb diamonds grown using Co- and Ti-containing sol- sisting of an impurity atom with or without nitrogen.
vent/catalysts (Watanabe et al., 1997; Eaton-Magaña Watanabe et al. (1997) noted that the 575 nm band
et al., 2008). A band at 580 nm has been observed in was mainly emitted from regions close to the seed
some natural type IIb diamonds, yet this band is gen- crystal, where faster growth rates were suspected,
erally very weak and rapidly decaying, making its ob- suggesting a higher probability of incorporating im-
servation rare. Neither of these bands have been purities from the solvent/catalyst.
reported for phosphorescent CVD synthetics (Wang Comparison of the decay of the 500 nm and 575
et al., 2012). The 500 and 575 nm bands are induced nm bands for the NDT samples (e.g., figure 9) re-
following illumination with wavelengths less than vealed that the latter band is longer-lived, in agree-
approximately 400 nm (>3.1 eV) and 540 nm (>2.3 ment with published results (Watanabe et al., 1997).
eV), respectively, and are thought to originate from Consequently, the samples’ phosphorescence was
donor-acceptor pair recombination between boron noted to shift from blue to yellow following illumi-
acceptors and donors, where the identity of the nation with the spectrometer’s light source. Revisit-
donor(s) is still being questioned (Watanabe et al., ing the samples’ phosphorescence behavior under the
1997). The main candidate for the 500 nm band is a UV gem lamp (table 2), those that displayed the most
nitrogen-related center, possibly isolated nitrogen, as intense 575 nm bands (relative to the 500 nm band)
it is likely present in all the types of natural and syn- often exhibited yellowish orange phosphorescence
thetic diamonds for which this phosphorescence is following long-wave (365 nm) excitation. Both the
observed (Dean, 1965, 1973; Klein et al., 1995; long- and short-wave UV lamps generated suffi-
3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5
Figure 9. Room-temper-
5500 ature phosphorescence
spectra were collected
4000 at room temperature
3500 for HPHT synthetic
samples NDT01–
2000 NDT42. All 42 showed
1500 phosphorescence fol-
1000 lowing illumination
with broadband UV
light (215–400 nm);
here the spectra for the
60 representative samples
80 NDT37 (A) and NDT08
(B) are shown. For clar-
ity, data is only pre-
sented for five-second
intervals, even though
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 data was collected
WAVELENGTH (nm) every second. A phos-
phorescent emission
band was detected at
500 nm for all speci-
B ENERGY (eV) mens (A and B), with
3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5
an additional band
2500 centered about 575 nm
ciently high energy to induce phosphorescence from be influenced by the size of the stone, and the rate of
both bands (Watanabe et al., 1997). decay for the emission band(s). Since phosphores-
The phosphorescence duration is affected by both cence spectra were collected, it was possible to de-
the maximum phosphorescence intensity, which can termine the half-life (τ) of the phosphorescence, or
TIME (s)
the time it took for the bands’ intensities to halve. where t is the time following the extinction of the il-
Importantly, the half-life is a measure that is inde- lumination, I(0) is phosphorescence intensity at t =
pendent of the initial phosphorescence intensity. The 0, and k parameterizes the phosphorescence recom-
shape of the decay curve (the maximum band inten- bination (Watanabe et al., 1997). The observation
sity as a function of time) can also provide informa- that a hyperbolic “bimolecular” curve fit better than
tion regarding the mechanism responsible for the an exponential decay is consistent with the donor-
phosphorescence. Figure 10 presents the phosphores- acceptor pair recombination mechanism that has
cence decay data for the 500 and 575 nm bands for been used to explain the phosphorescence of dia-
samples NDT08 and NDT37, selected for their in- mond (Watanabe et al., 1997). The least-squares fits
tense phosphorescence. The bands’ maximum inten- to the data, as illustrated in figure 10, provided esti-
sities were estimated by fitting Voigt functions to the mates for k. Setting I(t)/I(0) = ½ and rearranging equa-
intensity data plotted as a function of energy, where tion 2, the half-life is then defined by
energy E (in eV) and the wavelength λ (in meters) are
related by 2–1
Thus the half-life for the 500 nm phosphores-
where h is Planck’s constant (4.13566733 × 10–15 eVs) cence band for sample NDT37 (one-band emission)
and c is the speed of light (2.99792458 × 108 m/s). The was calculated to be 9.16 ± 0.06 s. In sample NDT08
phosphorescence intensity as a function of time I(t) (two-band emission), the half-life was 8.55 ± 0.07 s
was best modeled using a hyperbolic function for the 500 nm band and 32.5 ± 0.3 s for the 575 nm
FTIR SPECTRA Figure 11. FTIR absorp-
tion spectroscopy re-
vealed that 35 (80%) of
the 44 synthetic dia-
monds contained de-
tectable concentrations
of neutral substitutional
boron (B0), with a char-
acteristic absorption
B0 band centered at about
2800 cm–1, and were
20 thus classified as type
IIb. Bulk B0 concentra-
tions for these synthet-
15 ics are tabulated in
table 1. The remaining
samples did not show
10 any boron- or nitrogen-
related IR absorption
and were classified as
type IIa. The spectra are
translated vertically for
clarity. Traces for sam-
ples NDT-A and NDT-B
are not shown due to
4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
poorer signal-to-noise
WAVENUMBER (cm–1) ratio.
gen-related impurity content, with the resulting spec- show any defect-related absorption features. As these
tra shown in figure 11. For 35 (80%) of the HPHT samples also exhibited identical phosphorescence, it
synthetics, the only defect-related IR absorption seen is suggested that they contain boron centers at con-
was from neutral substitutional boron defects, which centrations below the FTIR detection limit. It is im-
create an asymmetric absorption band at approxi- portant to note that these spectra are not unique to
mately 2800 cm–1, resulting in a type IIb classifica- these samples, as colorless natural diamonds and
tion. Boron incorporation has been found to be HPHT- and CVD-grown synthetics can also be type
growth sector–dependent in HPHT synthetic dia- IIa or type IIb.
monds, with higher concentrations observed in {111}
growth sectors (Burns et al., 1990). Consequently, the Photoluminescence Spectroscopy. Photolumines-
boron distribution across these multi-sector samples cence spectra were collected for the samples im-
(as seen using DiamondView imaging) was also in- mersed in liquid nitrogen (77 K) using excitation
homogeneous. Their faceting made it impossible to wavelengths of 324.8, 457.0, 488.0, 514.5, 632.5, and
conduct FTIR absorption experiments through single 830.0 nm, enabling the detection of defects that emit
growth sectors. Nevertheless, to enable semi-quan- light from within the ultraviolet to infrared range.
titative comparison of the boron content between Data using the 324.8 and 488.0 nm lasers were not
samples, bulk boron concentrations across complete collected for samples NDT-A and NDT-B. Overall,
volumes were calculated using the integrated inten- the peaks reported here were generally weak, often
sities of the 2800 cm–1 band (Collins and Williams, detected only if the laser power was high enough to
1971; Fisher et al., 2009). These results are tabulated saturate the diamond Raman peak. Samples NDT21,
in table 1, with bulk neutral boron concentrations up NDT26, NDT33, NDT34, and NDT42, accounting
to 58 ± 9 ppb detected (NDT14, F color). The detec- for 11% of the suite, did not reveal any defect-related
tion of boron is consistent with the phosphorescent photoluminescence features.
behavior previously discussed. The remaining sam- The dominant photoluminescence features ob-
ples were assigned as type IIa because they did not served were nickel-related, with the 830.0 nm laser
882.1 883.8 1.2 483.8
NDT30 1.0 484.1
0.4 483.6
NDT18 0.8
0.3 NDT17
NDT17 0.6
0.2 0.4 NDT12
NDT10 0.2
0.0 NDT40 0.0
878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888
480 482 484 486 488 490 492 494
Figure 12. Representative photoluminescence spectra Figure 13. For 27 of the 42 samples, photolumines-
taken at liquid-nitrogen temperatures using 830.0 nm cence spectra collected at liquid-nitrogen tempera-
laser excitation revealed a Ni-related defect that pro- tures using excitation from a 324.8 nm laser showed a
duces a doublet with peaks at 882.1 and 883.8 nm in multiplet with peaks at 483.6/483.8/484.1/484.4 nm.
32 (73%) of the New Diamond Technology samples. This feature is commonly thought to originate at a
This doublet is thought to originate from the same Ni-related center. For clarity, the Raman-normalized
Ni-related center that produces a doublet commonly spectra for only five representative samples are
reported at 1.4035/1.4008 eV (883.15/884.85 nm) for shown, translated vertically to avoid overlap.
synthetic diamonds grown using Ni-containing sol-
vent/catalyst melts. It is possible that the apparent
energy shift resulted from an instrument calibration
error. The 830.0 nm laser did not excite any other de-
fect-related features. Once normalized to the unsatu- tion (Nazaré et al., 1991). The separation of the peaks
rated diamond Raman peak height, the spectra have has been found to increase with increasing
been translated vertically for clarity. linewidths, suggesting that it is affected by strain lev-
els. The 1.40 eV center is active in both photolumi-
nescence and absorption, and is found exclusively in
the {111} growth sectors in HPHT synthetic diamonds
exciting a doublet at 882.1/883.8 nm (1.405/1.402 eV) grown in the presence of Ni (Collins et al., 1990;
in 32 samples (73%) and the 324.8 nm laser exciting Nazaré et al., 1991; Collins, 1992; Lawson and Kanda,
a multiplet with lines at 483.6/483.8/484.1/484.4 nm 1993). Similarly, the 483.6/483.8/484.1/484.4 nm
(2.563/2.562/2.560/2.559 eV) in 27 samples. No com- multiplet, also known as the “484 nm” or “2.56 eV”
ment can be made about whether samples NDT-A center, is commonly observed with photolumines-
and NDT-B would show the latter multiplet, as no cence in the {111} growth sectors of HPHT synthetic
data was collected with the 324.8 nm excitation. Rep- diamonds grown using Ni-based solvent/catalysts.
resentative spectra, with the peak intensities normal- Hence, it is also thought to be Ni-related, though its
ized to the intensity of the unsaturated Raman peaks, structure has yet to be determined (Dean, 1965;
are shown in figures 12 and 13. The 882.1/883.8 nm Collins et al., 1990; Collins, 1992; Nazaré et al., 1995).
doublet is thought to be the one previously reported These nickel-related features indicate the presence of
at 1.4035/1.4008 eV (883.15/884.85 nm), which is Ni in the solvent/catalyst melt used by NDT, inten-
often referred to as the “1.40 eV center” (e.g., Nazaré tional or otherwise.
et al., 1991; Yelisseyev and Kanda, 2007) where the Nitrogen-related features were only observed in
shift in wavelength may be related to an instrument the form of nitrogen-vacancy centers in the neutral
calibration error. The model for the 1.40 eV center is (NV0) and negative (NV–) charge states with zero-
an interstitial Ni+ atom distorted along a 〈111〉 direc- phonon lines (ZPLs) at 575 (2.156 eV, not to be con-
fused with the phosphorescence band) and 637 nm
(1.945 eV), respectively. These could be detected
using either the 488.0 nm (not shown) or 514.5 nm
lasers; figure 14 shows representative data using the
The low concentrations suggest that its presence
may be unintentional.
It is noteworthy that some of the PL features that
NDT11 were weakly detected in several of the colorless and
near-colorless HPHT synthetic diamonds grown by
AOTC—with peaks at 658 (1.884 eV), 675.2 (1.836
eV), 706.9 (1.753 eV), 709.1 (1.748 eV), and 712.2 nm
(1.740 eV)—were not observed in the samples pro-
duced by NDT (D’Haenens-Johansson et al., 2014).
For the AOTC samples, these peaks were seen for di-
520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660
amonds grown in either BARS or toroid presses,
which used different solvent/catalyst melts and ni-
trogen getters.
DISCUSSION colorless samples weighed over 2 ct, with clarities
Comparison with Other Gem-Quality Synthetics. ranging from VVS2 to I2 (though this improved up to
Near-colorless and colorless synthetic diamonds of IF for smaller sizes). The 4.30 ct D-color, SI1 clarity
gem quality are produced using HPHT or CVD specimen (NDT-B) is the largest faceted laboratory-
growth methods, with CVD material the most com- grown diamond of this color grade available to date
monly encountered “white” synthetic diamond seen (also reported by Poon et al., 2015), surpassing the
at GIA’s laboratory. In recent years, advances in CVD largest CVD synthetic in both size and color known
growth methods and the introduction of post-growth to the authors (while sharing the same clarity grade)
decolorizing HPHT treatments have led to the rapid (D.NEA, 2015). Although not studied for this inves-
evolution of synthetic diamond quality. Production tigation, a 10.02 ct E-color, VS1 square-cut emerald
of colorless synthetics in modest sizes (approxi- HPHT-grown synthetic (graded by IGI), also by NDT,
mately 0.30 ct) began around 2007 (Wang et al., is so far the largest reported polished synthetic dia-
2007); by 2011, high-clarity samples weighing ap- mond grown using either HPHT or CVD technolo-
proximately 1 ct were widely available (Wang et al., gies, of any color grade (International Gemological
2012). While the size of CVD synthetics has contin- Institute, 2015; Wang and Moses, 2010; Poon et al.,
ued to increase, the colors have been generally lim- 2015; N.DEA, 2015). These results suggest that
ited to near-colorless or faintly colored, and colorless HPHT synthetic colorless gem-quality diamonds are
grades are rare (Wang et al., 2013; Pure Grown Dia- now on a par with, and could potentially surpass,
monds, 2015; Washington Diamonds Corp., 2013; those produced by CVD methods.
D.NEA, 2015). The largest near-colorless CVD syn- Interestingly, AOTC uses both BARS and toroid
thetic reported to date is a 3.16 ct sample with G presses, while NDT uses cubic presses (D’Haenens-Jo-
color and SI1 clarity, produced by Washington Dia- hansson et al., 2014). This demonstrates that different
monds Corp. (D.NEA, 2015), which was graded by a HPHT methodologies can yield comparable products,
laboratory other than GIA. The record had previously with NDT’s cubic press methods currently yielding
been held by a 3.04 ct, I color, and SI1 clarity CVD larger specimens. Like the AOTC synthetics, most of
synthetic by Pure Grown Diamonds (formerly the NDT samples (80%) contained trace amounts of
Gemesis), also graded by a non-GIA laboratory (Pure boron, peaking at a bulk concentration of 58 ± 9 ppb
Grown Diamonds, 2014). (NDT14). Meanwhile, the previously published bulk
Conversely, HPHT growth for the gem trade was concentrations for representative AOTC samples
geared mainly toward fancy-color synthetic diamonds. were often higher, and in general the samples with
Colorless gem-quality material has only been com- higher boron concentrations had poorer color grades
mercially available since 2012 (D’Haenens-Johansson (further from colorless), introducing a blue hue that
et al., 2012, 2014). The main HPHT synthetic dia- could produce grades up to Fancy Light blue, depend-
mond producer in this sector is AOTC, whose color- ing on the sample’s size and faceting arrangement
less synthetics are polished to sizes up to 1 ct (AOTC, (D’Haenens-Johansson et al., 2014). DiamondView flu-
2015). Although the D-Z diamond colors achieved by orescence images revealed that the intensity contrast
HPHT producers are typically closer to colorless than between the different growth sectors was significantly
those by CVD producers, their material is generally weaker for the NDT specimens. These results may
smaller and may be visibly included. Outside of the imply that the HPHT samples grown by NDT have a
gem industry, HPHT synthetic diamond producers lower impurity content than those produced by
such as Sumitomo Electric have reported growing 7– AOTC, explaining the higher percentage of D–F color
8 ct “rough” crystals described as “colorless” type IIa, grades achieved (89% compared to 33%).
though their material is intended for technological ap-
plications (Sumiya et al., 2002). If one further expands Identification Features. Although NDT sells its
the search field to include unpolished colored HPHT faceted synthetics with full disclosure of their origin,
synthetics, the largest reported in the literature is a it is prudent to be aware of the relevant identification
34.80 ct “yellow” specimen, grown solely for research features in case these goods are at some point reintro-
purposes by De Beers (Koivula et al., 2000). duced into the gem trade without disclosure. NDT’s
NDT’s HPHT-grown synthetic gem diamonds in gem-quality HPHT synthetics can be conclusively
this investigation mark a dramatic improvement in identified, though this often relies on a combination
the combination of colors and sizes attainable. Five of gemological and spectroscopic observations. Sev-
eral of these characteristics are similar to those for or aggregated nitrogen defects. Natural, treated, and
HPHT synthetics from other sources. CVD or HPHT synthetic colorless diamonds can all
Magnification may reveal the presence of metallic belong to these types. Since some 98% of natural di-
inclusions, which are not observed in CVD synthetic amonds contain A-aggregates (nitrogen pairs, which
diamonds and are extremely rare, and with differing absorb at approximately 1280 cm–1), their absence
geometries, in natural diamonds (Sobolev et al., 1981). from a sample’s IR spectrum would indicate a need
If sufficiently large or plentiful, the metallic inclu- for detailed analysis. PL, like FTIR, cannot alone con-
sions can be confirmed by attraction to a strong mag- clusively identify an HPHT synthetic, yet it was ef-
net. Examination through crossed polarizers showed fective at revealing suspicious impurities. The
that the samples had extremely low strain levels, as Ni-related features observed at 882.1/883.8 nm
indicated by low-order interference colors (blue and (1.405/1.402 eV) and at 483.6/483.8/484.1/484.4 nm
grays) and the inability to resolve a clear birefringence (2.563/2.562/2.560/2.559 eV) are seldom detected for
pattern. This is common for HPHT synthetics natural type IIa and IIb diamonds and have not been
(Crowningshield, 1971) but in stark contrast to both reported for CVD synthetics (Nobel et al., 1998; Cha-
CVD synthetic and natural stones, which show cross- lain, 2003). The 736.6/736.9 nm (1.683/1.682 eV) SiV–
hatched, mottled, or banded birefringence patterns, feature, often used in the identification of CVD-
often in a variety of colors. The fluorescence and grown samples, has been detected only rarely in nat-
phosphorescence response of these HPHT synthetics ural diamonds or in other HPHT synthetics (Breeding
was stronger to short-wave than long-wave UV, the and Wang, 2008; Moe and Wang, 2010; Wang and
opposite of the behavior seen in natural stones Moe, 2012; D’Haenens-Johansson et al., 2014). A
(Crowningshield, 1971; Shigley et al., 1997). Long-last- weak SiV– feature was detected in a subset of the
ing phosphorescence, a characteristic rarely detected specimens in this study. Its presence remains a
in natural diamonds, should be regarded with caution. source of concern, though a stone with this feature
If any of the above gemological observations are noted, could be either natural or CVD synthetic.
further investigation using advanced testing tech-
niques is crucial for conclusive origin determination. CONCLUSIONS
The high-energy UV illumination from a Diamond- New Diamond Technology’s colorless HPHT-grown
View instrument will readily induce fluorescence in synthetic diamonds are being faceted into gems for
all diamonds, natural or synthetic. Inspection of the the jewelry trade. This study of 44 representative
table, crown, and pavilion facets of the NDT samples samples revealed that the company can create
revealed cuboctahedral growth sectors, which are faceted colorless and faintly colored synthetics
characteristic of HPHT synthetics, though the pat- weighing up to 4.30 ct and 5.11 ct, respectively. Al-
tern was very weak in some. Additionally, all the though the samples spanned the full range of clarity,
samples exhibited strong phosphorescence. A phos- NDT has demonstrated the capacity to produce high
phorescence spectrometer could aid in their identifi- clarities. One such specimen, a 1.13 ct round brilliant
cation, as 13 of the 42 samples tested in this manner with a very good cut grade, characterized by D color
(31%) showed a phosphorescence band at approxi- and IF clarity, was remarkable for its quality. All in-
mately 575 nm, which has only been reported in cer- dications point to high-color and high-clarity HPHT
tain HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds (Watanabe et synthetics becoming more prominent in the gem
al., 1997; Eaton-Magaña et al., 2008). Despite the sim- trade. The colorless stones in the study are compara-
ilar emission wavelengths, this band should not be ble to top-quality natural diamonds and surpass (for
confused with the weak 580 nm band that has been this color range) the sizes achieved by alternative pro-
infrequently detected for some natural type IIb dia- ducers. NDT’s continued focus on expanding produc-
monds. The 500 nm band, also observed, cannot be tion and increasing the sizes of their colorless
considered indicative of a synthetic origin, as it is samples emphasizes the need for awareness by grad-
often displayed by natural type IIb diamonds (Eaton- ing laboratories, members of the diamond trade, and
Magaña et al., 2007, 2008). consumers. Through careful analysis using gemolog-
Further spectral analysis using FTIR absorption ical, fluorescence, and spectroscopic methods, these
and PL spectroscopy may also be helpful. All the products can be confidently identified as synthetic,
NDT samples were either type IIb or type IIa—i.e., thus posing no threat to a well-informed, responsible,
they did not contain detectable amounts of isolated and transparent diamond trade.
Dr. D’Haenens-Johansson (ujohansson@gia.edu) is a research The authors are grateful to Tamazi Khikhinashvili and Aleko Arens
scientist, Mr. Moe is a research associate, Mr. Johnson is the su- from New Diamond Technology, in St. Petersburg, Russia, for
pervisor of diamond advanced testing, and Dr. Wang is the direc- providing HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds for this investigation.
tor of research and development at GIA’s New York laboratory. Dr. Brian Bujarski, formerly a technician at GIA’s New York laboratory,
Katrusha is a scientific partner of New Diamond Technology, Ltd. is thanked for his help with PL data acquisition.
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Russell Shor, Robert Weldon, A.J.A. (Bram) Janse, Christopher M. Breeding, and Steven B. Shirey
The Letšeng-la-Terae diamond mine in Lesotho, a small nation surrounded by South Africa, is unique in
that it produces some of the world’s largest and highest-value diamonds from a relatively small volume
of kimberlite ore. The mine, operated by De Beers during the late 1970s and early 1980s, was difficult to
sustain economically because of its remoteness and very low ore grade, which made production costs
very high. Since 2000, sharply rising prices for large diamonds have permitted the mine to reopen prof-
itably as a 70/30 venture between Gem Diamonds Ltd. of South Africa and the government of Lesotho.
To improve recovery of large diamonds, Letšeng’s owners have implemented new processing technology
that provides better identification of these crystals before processing and a crushing mechanism that re-
duces their potential breakage. In recent years, several important diamonds recovered from Letšeng have
been sold to London luxury jeweler Laurence Graff.
hile the Premier (now Cullinan) mine in Until 2004, Letšeng had been shut down for more
South Africa is usually cited as the tradi- than 20 years because its low grade and remote loca-
tional source for very rare large diamonds, tion made mining unprofitable at existing diamond
in recent years the Letšeng-la-Terae mine in Lesotho prices. Up until the past decade, De Beers and other
has become the major producer of such stones (figure mining companies typically sacrificed large crystals
1). Although its total output is relatively small— for the sake of rapid throughput, which maximized
about 100,000 carats yearly, compared to two million efficiency and reduced mining costs. Only after
or more carats from most major diamond mines—the prices for large stones began rising sharply did the
average value of its production in 2014 was just mining economics change in favor of preserving
above US$2,500 per carat (Gem Diamonds Ltd., them. Because the economic viability of Letšeng
2014, 2015a). This is by far the world’s highest per-
carat value, more than 21 times higher than the $116
average for diamonds mined worldwide, according to Figure 1. Rising prices and demand for large dia-
monds have fueled the success of the Letšeng mine in
Kimberley Process data.
northern Lesotho. Shown here are two rough stones: a
The Letšeng mine is also the world’s most consis-
299.35 ct slightly yellowish partial octahedron and a
tent source of type IIa diamonds (those with excep- colorless 112.61 ct type IIa diamond. Photo by Robert
tionally low nitrogen content), which account for Weldon/GIA; courtesy of Gem Diamonds Ltd.
about one-fourth of its production (Gem Diamonds
Ltd., 2014). The mine claims six of the 20 largest di-
amonds ever discovered—478, 493, 527, 550, 601,
and 603 ct (table 1). The largest of these, the Lesotho
Promise, was found in 2006 and sold to London jew-
eler Laurence Graff for $12.4 million. In the years
since, Graff has also purchased the 493 ct Letšeng
Legacy, the 478 ct Light of Letšeng, and the 550 ct
Letšeng Star.
hinges on its ability to produce very large diamonds, for minerals, including diamonds. Large-scale agri-
the owners have employed new recovery processes culture was nearly impossible, which made it unat-
to reduce damage and breakage of such diamonds. tractive for colonial settlers. As a result, Basutoland
The mine is a major force of Lesotho’s economy, em- remained fairly isolated from the wars and mineral
ploying about 1,500 workers, 90% of them locals. rushes that shaped the southern portion of the con-
Letšeng accounts for 70% of the country’s corporate tinent during the 20th century (“Lesotho,” 2014).
tax revenue and 60% of its foreign exchange earnings By road, Letšeng is located approximately 214 km
(M. Maharasoa, pers. comm., 2014).
Durban A
The Afrikaners (descendants of early Dutch settlers)
Jagersfontein LESOTHO C
producing significant
numbers of large dia-
a ton monds. Like Letšeng,
off the other three mines in
the area—Kao, Liqho-
bong, and Mothae—are
all located on Archean
30˚S 30˚S
craton underlain by
older mantle at depth.
There are no known pri-
mary diamond deposits
in the off-craton part of
the country. Map cour-
0 50 km
tesy of Telfer and
McKenna (2011).
27˚E 28˚E 29˚E
(133 miles) northeast of Maseru. The route is paved green, and purple mudstones, previously called Red
except for the last 30 km, which is a well-graded Beds), and Clarens (cream-colored aeolian sands, pre-
gravel road with many sharp hairpin turns. The viously called Cave Sandstone) formations. These are
mine’s complete name is Letšeng-la-Terae (also overlain by the Early Jurassic (183 Ma) Drakensberg
spelled Terai), which means “the swamp at the turn,” Beds, a monotonous series of flood basalt lava flows.
as it is located in a low saddle in the mountain range The base of the lavas lies at an elevation of 1,600 me-
where the road makes an abrupt turn (Whitelock, ters, while the top is above 3,200 meters, for a strati-
1979). The diamondiferous deposit was found in kim- graphic thickness of more than 1,600 meters.
berlite under the superficial swamp sediment layer. Fine-grained basaltic dikes and sills contemporane-
ous with the lavas occur in the lowlands and moun-
GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK tains in a wide zone trending ESE-WNW. Hundreds
Figure 4 shows that the western lowlands and parts of kimberlite pipes and dikes intruded in the Middle
of southern Lesotho consist of horizontally bedded to Late Cretaceous (120–65 Ma) in many parts of
sediments, whereas a thick series of flat-lying southern Africa, and in Lesotho in the 95–85 Ma in-
basaltic lavas form the mountains in the east. The terval (Wilson et al., 2007). They occur mainly in
sediments belong to the upper part of the Karoo Su- northern and northeastern Lesotho (again, see figure
pergroup (late Carboniferous to mid-Jurassic, 330– 4), occupying the same ESE-WNW zone as the fine-
180 Ma), which once covered a major portion of grained basaltic dikes. Known at present are 39 pipes
southern Africa. In Lesotho, these sediments form and 23 dike enlargements, usually called blows. Of
part of the Stormberg series, which are Triassic these 62 bodies, 24 are diamondiferous. Moreover,
(roughly 250–200 Ma) in age and consist of pale mul- there are more than 300 individual dikes. The age of
ticolored sandstones with intercalated grits, mud- intrusion of the Letšeng pipes has not been measured
stones of the Molteno (fluvial sands), Elliot (red, directly but is assumed to be similar to neighboring
Figure 5. The Main pipe (left) and Satellite pipe (right), photographed during a 2014 visit. The larger Main pipe
was originally mined by De Beers. Today both are operated by Letšeng Diamonds. The basalt raft is the circular
area in the upper right portion of the Satellite pipe. Photos by Robert Weldon/GIA.
were influenced by crosscutting structures. The con- The simple structural division into crater, dia-
tact between the kimberlite and the lava flows of the treme, and root zones has been modified during the
country rock are sharp, giving no indication of up- last decade (Scott Smith et al., 2008). Based on mi-
folding or chemical alteration. In places there is a 1 croscopic observation of core samples, petrographers
to 1.3 m marginal zone within the pipe where the now recognize volcaniclastic and hypabyssal kimber-
kimberlite is sheared, with mud seams and calcite lite rocks instead (figure 6, top). Volcaniclastic kim-
veins. The Letšeng kimberlites belong to the group 1 berlite occurring in the crater, and layered in
class of kimberlites, the generally non-micaceous successive pulses, may be resedimented due to
type. Their texture is volcaniclastic. slumping. This resedimented volcaniclastic kimber-
KB F l Riv
o re
ters of leached white gravel, five meters of brown
Orange River E
l di
meters of soft kimberlite “blue ground” and “yellow
0 500 km Figure 6. Top: Plan view of the Main and Satellite
kimberlite pipes at Letšeng, showing the location of
Figure A-1. In this geologic map of southern Africa, current
underground tunnels within the pipes. Bottom: A
or recently active diamond mines (O = Orapa, V = Vene- cross-sectional map of the Main and Satellite kimber-
tia, P = Premier/Cullinan, J = Jwaneng, F = Finsch, K = lite pipes. The green area in the Satellite pipe is the
Kimberley, JF = Jagersfontein, L = Letšeng) are confined to large basalt raft that dropped into the pipe some 90
areas of Archean crust (more than 2.5 billion years old) million years ago. From Telfer and McKenna (2011).
known as cratons, marked by long-term geological stabil-
ity. These Archean cratons (CC = Congo Craton, ZC = Main Pipe
Zimbabwe Craton, LB = Limpopo Belt, KC = Kaapvaal
Craton) are shown in brown, along with two metamorphic Satellite Pipe
terranes (KB = Kheis Belt, MB = Magondi Belt) suspected B
of containing Archean crust. The Vaal and Orange Rivers, Tunnels
which drain South Africa to the west, are the sources of al-
luvial workings along the river systems and marine de-
posits off the coasts of South Africa and Namibia. A
Relatively recent and substantial uplift of southern Africa
caused these diamonds to be weathered from their origi- Boreholes
nal on-craton kimberlite hosts and moved westward by N
the rivers to the Atlantic Ocean. Note that there are no di- Boreholes
amondiferous kimberlites in the green metamorphic mo-
bile belts (DB = Damara Belt, GCB = Ghanzi-Chobe Belt,
RT = Rehoboth Terrane, KB = Kheis Belt, MB = Magondi West - A East - B
Belt, NNB = Namaqua-Natal Belt, CFB = Cape Fold Belt)
Meters above mean sea level (mamsl)
lite becomes more massive, nonlayered kimberlite
in the pipe and is often referred to as tuffisitic kim-
berlite breccia. This is the general kimberlite breccia 0 200m
Stockley (1947) reported kimberlites in the Maloti
Mountains of Basutoland as early as 1947, though
no diamonds were found at the time (Nixon, 1973).
Several additional kimberlites reported by Col. Jack
Scott in 1955 added to the notion there might be di-
amonds, though none were discovered. Scott later
got De Beers to assist him in further prospecting op-
erations. But it was Peter H. Nixon, as a Harry Op-
penheimer PhD scholar from the Research Institute
of African Geology at the University of Leeds, who
discovered in 1957 the two diamondiferous kimber-
lite pipes at Letšeng-la-Terae (Nixon, 1960). He
noted that Lesotho’s many kimberlite pipes are
Value in US$ per carat; cpht = carats per 100 metric tons; nd = no data
Sources: Bowen et al. (2009) and Gem Diamonds annual reports for 2007 to 2014
Figure 15. Mazvi Maharasoa, CEO of Letšeng Dia- CHARACTERISTICS AND MARKETING OF
monds, the joint venture between Gem Diamonds LETŠENG DIAMONDS
and the Lesotho government, photographed in front of The Letšeng mine is famous for its very large dia-
the processing plant. Photo by Russell Shor/GIA; monds (tables 1 and 5). The largest, the Lesotho
courtesy of Letšeng Diamonds.
Promise (figure 16), was discovered in 2006. At 603
ct, it surpassed the 601.26 ct Lesotho Brown. Al-
though only marginally larger, the Lesotho Promise
chief executive officer Mazvi Maharasoa (figure 15), is a type IIa diamond, and its absence of color re-
the new crushers sized the kimberlite chunks into sulted in a stunning collection of 26 diamonds of D
pieces roughly 50 mm (about 2 inches) in diameter, color and Flawless clarity (figure 17). A significant
instead of 20 mm as in the past. percentage of diamonds from Letšeng have excep-
The result, beginning in May 2013, was an imme- tional clarity and transparency, no fluorescence, and
diate improvement in the number of large diamonds
recovered. From January through April 2013, Letšeng
yielded one diamond over 100 carats and three dia- Figure 16. The 603 ct Lesotho Promise is the fifteenth-
monds between 45 and 55 carats (table 5). From May largest rough diamond ever discovered. London lux-
2013 until year’s end, 17 very large diamonds were ury jeweler Laurence Graff purchased it in 2006 for
recovered, including one over 150 carats, three that $12.4 million. Photo courtesy of Laurence Graff.
were approximately 100 carats, and 13 between 60
and 80 carats (Gem Diamonds Ltd., 2014).
After crushing, the kimberlite pieces are con-
veyed to the recovery area, where the diamonds are
separated from waste rock by X-ray technology.
XRL (X-ray luminescence) and XRF (X-ray fluores-
cence) units, developed in the 1980s, take advantage
of the fact that diamonds will fluoresce when ex-
posed to intense X-rays. The crushed kimberlite
particles are dropped in a thin stream under a beam
of X-rays. When a diamond fluoresces, it activates a
photo-detector, triggering a jet of air that deflects the
diamond into a collector box (Valbom and Dellas,
2010). Older X-ray recovery units identified dia-
monds by fluorescence alone, causing nonfluorescent
diamonds (which include many type II) and some
fancy-color diamonds to slip through to the waste
piles. More recent methods adopted at Letšeng em-
ploy X-ray transmissive (XRT) technology before the
crushing process to identify large rough type II crys-
Volume Loss
Robert Weldon/GIA.
are classified as D-color and Flawless (figure 18). for the year. The mine recovered a record 198 dia-
They are type IIa diamonds with roughly dodecahe- monds larger than 20 ct, 54 more than the previous
dral shapes; octahedral shapes are very rare, compris- year. Letšeng’s 2014 production was valued at an av-
ing less than 1% of the Letšeng population (Harris, erage of $2,540 per carat, buoyed during the final
1973; Bowen et al., 2009; see box B). quarter by the recovery of 13 large diamonds whose
In 2014, Letšeng reported that it found seven dia- price exceeded $1 million each, including a 299.3 ct
monds over 100 ct. By year’s end it had sold five of yellow diamond (price undisclosed), a 112.6 ct color-
them, which represented 14% of Letšeng’s total sales less diamond that sold for $5.8 million, and a 90.4 ct
colorless diamond that brought $4.2 million (Max, ernment, which receives at present a 7% royalty
2015). In the first half of 2015, the average value based on value. From the mine they are exported to
slipped to $2,264 per carat, though 13 diamonds of- Antwerp, where they undergo another KP check be-
fered during that period sold for more than $1 million fore proceeding to the company’s sales office at Lange
each (Gem Diamonds Ltd., 2015c). Herentalsestraat in the city’s diamond district. At the
The initial sorting and valuing is done at the mine sales office, the rough is cleaned by an acid wash to
site to satisfy the Kimberley Process (KP) require- remove all surface material and then revalued and
ments for export and to establish values for the gov- sorted for sale (C. Elphick, pers. comm., 2014). Dur-
count for $15 to $20 million yearly, he said, noting the challenges of moving equipment to a remote lo-
that most of the buyers for polished goods are also cation high in the mountains of Lesotho, the mine’s
the company’s rough clients. current majority owner has invested in radically
All of Letšeng’s unsold rough is polished in modified diamond recovery methods to greatly re-
Antwerp. Elphick and Maharasoa both stated that duce the damage to large diamonds, particularly
the plan is to establish a polishing operation in those above 50 ct. The company markets Letšeng’s
Maseru as part of a goal for the mine to contribute unique production through its own sales office in
15% of Lesotho’s gross national product. Elphick said Antwerp (figure 23), via regularly scheduled auctions.
that the company already has the space to begin a Despite the profitability, there is concern that the
small polishing operation in the capital but is await- mining license is finite, expiring in 2019, and that a
ing permits from the government. renewal may carry more costly terms. In a 2010
“It could never become a large operation that paper, Mazvi Maharasoa, CEO of Letšeng Diamonds,
would compete with those in India,” Elphick ac- noted that operating costs of 70 million loti per year
knowledges, “but we can start small and see if we (US$6 million) were too high given the finite nature
can expand later.” of the lease, the fluctuating exchange rates, and the
costs of building and maintaining access roads and
CONCLUSIONS transporting supplies. Demand for very large dia-
The Letšeng mine is a unique diamond resource monds such as those produced at Letšeng has re-
whose economic viability has been realized by strong mained high through turbulent economic times, and
increases in per-carat prices for large diamonds since the mine’s operators are confident that it will con-
2000. While earlier attempts to mine the deposit tinue to yield large diamonds, the sale of which will
were unsuccessful because of the low ore grade and make headlines around the world.
The authors would like to thank the kind assistance of Mazvi
Mr. Shor is senior industry analyst, Mr. Weldon is manager of
Maharasoa, CEO of Letšeng Diamonds (Maseru, Lesotho); Clif-
photography and visual communications, and Dr. Breeding is a
ford Elphick, CEO of Gem Diamonds (Johannesburg, South
research scientist, at GIA in Carlsbad, California. Dr. Janse is a di-
Africa); Robert Burrell, manager of strategic technical services of
amond exploration consultant living in Perth, Western Australia.
Letšeng Diamonds; and Darrol van Deventer, principal mining
Dr. Shirey is a senior scientist in the Department of Terrestrial
engineer of Gem Diamonds. Prof. Steve Richardson (University
Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, DC.
of Cape Town) provided a final review of the manuscript.
have different formation processes and different con- uyan (Liaoning province, China); Luodian (Guizhou
centrations of Fe, Cr, Co, and Ni, as well as oxygen province, China); Liyang (Jiangsu province, China);
and deuterium isotopes (Yui and Kwon, 2002; Har- Baikal (Russia); and Chuncheon (South Korea). Sec-
low and Sorensen, 2005; Siqin et al., 2012; Adamo ond, because of their similar standard gemological
and Bocchio, 2013). Dolomite-related nephrite is properties, such as color, transparency, luster, refrac-
usually white, greenish white, yellow, or light gray, tive index, specific gravity, and major element com-
due to the relatively low concentrations of the ponents (Liao and Zhu, 2005; Ling et al., 2013; Liu
transition metal elements listed above. Serpentine- and Cui, 2002), dolomite-related nephrite jades from
associated nephrite is usually green. A typical exam- these locations are very difficult to distinguish.
ple is Siberian green nephrite from Russia, known Geochemical research has shown that trace ele-
for its purity of color. The geographic sources of ser- ments can reflect the sources of gemstones (Breeding
pentine-associated nephrite, such as New Zealand, and Shen, 2010; Blodgett and Shen, 2011; Shen et al.,
mainland China, and Taiwan, can be distinguished 2011; Zhong et al., 2013). But as the number of pro-
by some characteristic elements in chromite inclu- ducing localities and the complexity of chemical
sions and by strontium isotopes (Adams et al., 2007; composition increase, simply evaluating one or two
Zhang and Gan, 2011; Zhang et al., 2012). elements cannot distinguish the different origins
There is no widely accepted method for distin- (Siqin et al., 2012). Multiple elements, and correla-
guishing the geographic origin of dolomite-related tions between those elements, must be taken into
nephrite. Two factors account for this. First, there are account. Identifying and optimizing the variables
many sources for dolomite-related nephrite in East that characterize differences among origins becomes
Asia. Eight major locations are listed in figure 2: the main focus.
western Xinjiang (including the famous Hetian area) Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a popular
and eastern Xinjiang province (China); Geermu, also statistical method that can reduce the multiple di-
known as Golmud (Qinghai province, China); Xi- mensions of variables and provide reliable classifica-
Figure 2. The eight
major dolomite-related
nephrite deposits in
Xinjiang-West East Asia reviewed in
Xinjiang-East Beijing
this study. Xinjiang
Chuncheon province has been di-
Geermu (Golmud) CHINA
vided into east and
west regions because of
their different ore-form-
ing conditions (Tang et
al., 1994). Modified
from Ling et al. (2013).
0 500 km
tion accuracy (Fisher, 1936; Yu and Yang, 2001; On each nephrite block, three to five points along a
McLachlan, 2004; Guo et al., 2007). Recently, this straight line with 5 mm intervals between each point
method has been used to identify the geographic ori- were selected for LA-ICP-MS testing; see the “LA-ICP-
gins of some single-crystal gemstones such as Paraíba MS Measurement” section below. We collected 60 test
tourmaline, ruby, sapphire, and peridot (Blodgett and points for each origin for further statistical analysis, to
Shen, 2011; Shen et al., 2013). be discussed in the “LDA Method” section. Due to the
In this work, the trace-element composition and heterogeneous chemical composition of polycrys-
distribution of 138 dolomite-related nephrite sam- talline nephrite and the relatively limited number of
ples from the major producing areas in East Asia have block samples (only 15–19 per each origin), we treated
been carefully summarized. Based on the trace-ele- each test point as an independent sample, so that each
ment data, we propose an algorithm, which we refer origin has a data set of 60 analyses.
to as iterative binary LDA (IB-LDA), to achieve
nearly complete separation of the dolomite-related LA-ICP-MS Measurement. Trace-element concentra-
nephrite deposits. This method may have wide-rang- tions of the 138 samples were measured using an LA-
ing applications for additional mineral and gemstone ICP-MS system at the State Key Laboratory of
origin research in the future. Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China
University of Geosciences, Wuhan. The LA-ICP-MS
MATERIAL AND METHODS system consisted of a GeoLas 193 nm laser and an
Sample Preparation. All samples in this study were col- Agilent 7500 ICP-MS. The laser fluence was set as
lected directly from the mines in eight major East 10 J/cm2, and the ablation spot size was 32 µm. The
Asian dolomite-related nephrite jade deposits. A total widely used quantitative calibration standards of
of 138 samples, with 15–19 specimens from each lo- NIST synthetic glasses SRM610 (Pearce et al., 1997)
cality (see table 1), were chosen for LA-ICP-MS testing. and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) synthetic glasses
The samples were cut into blocks measuring 3.0 of BCR-2G, BHVO-2G, and BIR-1G (Jochum et al.,
× 1.5 × 0.5 cm (length × width × height). The body- 2005) were used as reference materials. Three to five
color ranged from white to light greenish, with scat- spots on each sample, at approximately 5 mm inter-
tered colors such as yellow in some samples. Samples vals along a straight line, were collected for analysis.
with representative color from each deposit are Si was used as an internal standard. Detailed oper-
shown in figure 3. ating conditions for the laser ablation system and the
Figure 3. Representative 3.0 × 1.5 cm nephrite samples from the eight dolomite-related deposits in this study: (A)
Xinjiang-West, (B) Xinjiang-East, (C) Geermu (Golmud), (D) Baikal, (E) Chuncheon, (F) Xiuyan, (G) Luodian, and
(H) Liyang. Photos by Zemin Luo.
ICP-MS instrument and data reduction were the eral procedure for LDA origin determination entailed
same as those described by Liu et al. (2008, 2010). two steps. First, original data sets of 40 independent
test points for each origin except Liyang (which has
LDA Method. Linear discriminant analysis is the pri- a distinguishable feature, to be explored in the Dis-
mary tool in this classification of nephrite from cussion section), along with their trace-element in-
dolomite-related deposits. This method was designed formation, were treated as “training sets” to build
for group classification, which aims to maximize be- the discriminant functions (DFs) and find the best
tween-class variance while minimizing within-class separation. The validity of the separation is charac-
variance. Free software utilizing the statistical pro- terized by the eigenvalue (EV) and total cross valida-
gramming language R, version 3.1.2, was applied to tion (CV); see box A for detailed definitions of EV and
this statistical analysis. Based on the trace-element CV. Second, four additional samples from each ori-
concentrations collected using LA-ICP-MS, the gen- gin, along with their trace-element information,
What Are DFs, EV, and CV? the validity of the model after it is established. These
In traditional LDA, each locality is classified as a group, two parameters have different functions and cannot sub-
and every trace element represents an independent vari- stitute for each other.
able. The combination of all these variables forms a
“property space,” with each variable an independent di- Implementing IB-LDA
mension. In such property space, statistical analysis as- To improve the CV accuracy rate, we designed the IB-LDA
signs weight to each variable based on relative method, which simplifies multiple-group comparisons
importance. The LDA designs a projection direction into pair comparisons. In each round, the LDA process be-
composed of weighted variables to achieve the best sep- comes a binary classification: Only the separation be-
aration between groups. Along this direction, the scat- tween one “chosen” group and the other “unchosen”
tered points from the same group are minimized within groups pool is maximized by the discriminant functions.
the group and maximized between all groups simultane- Meanwhile, the within-class variances of the chosen
ously, which can be formulated as an eigenvalue (EV), a group and the unchosen pool are minimized respectively.
term that will be introduced below. Such projection vec- In the first round of IB-LDA, we randomly selected
tors actually are the linear discriminant functions (DFs) one of the seven localities as the “chosen” group, and the
defined by LDA. The common mathematical expression remaining six as the “unchosen” group. LDA was carried
of DF is the following: out using the statistical package for this two-group com-
parison. The software automatically selected various
DF Yk = a1kX1 + a2kX2 + a3kX3 ... + amkXm + bk (1) numbers of the trace elements among all input trace ele-
Here Yk is the linear discriminant function score or ments, so that the CV value corresponding to each origin
value for a specific group K (K=1, 2,…N, where N is the in the chosen/unchosen binary classification can be
number of total groups). X1, X2, X3, … Xm are characteris- achieved. Each origin is chosen to compare with the un-
tic variables, corresponding to the selected trace elements chosen group, and the origin with the highest CV accu-
in our study; a1k, a2k, a3k, … amk are the discriminant coef- racy rate (versus the remaining six) is determined as the
ficients or weights of each characteristic variable for “optimal-chosen group” in this round. Hereafter, the se-
group K; bk is the constant of linear discriminant function lected trace elements and weights for the “optimal-cho-
for group K. sen group” and “unseparated, unchosen group” will be
EV is the key parameter for building DFs. It can be used to build the pair of DFs for the first round of IB-LDA.
understood as the ratio of total intergroup deviations to The DF for the optimal-chosen group acts as the chosen
the total intragroup deviations; the concept is defined sieve in this round, corresponding to the specific block
rigorously by using covariance matrices (see Welling, box and hole in figure 4.
2005). In general, the DFs resulting in higher EV are cho- This process is applied to the remaining six localities,
sen to build the classification model, since they can pro- with a new set of trace elements chosen by the R soft-
vide better separation between groups (Buyukozturk and ware to maximize the EV and CV values. These newly
Cokluk-Bokeoglu, 2008). selected trace elements with new weights will build a
The classification accuracy and reliability of LDA new pair of DFs for the second round of IB-LDA. Our
can be characterized by the cross-validation (CV) accu- study using this iterative-binary process identified seven
racy rate (see Kohavi, 1995; Cawley and Talbot, 2003). origins sequentially in six rounds in the following order:
The most basic mechanism for CV is: Luodian, Xiuyan, Chuncheon, Xinjiang-West, Baikal,
Xinjiang-East, and Geermu (Golmud). This process is
1. Constructing a LDA model using all data points shown in figure A-1.
except one. Six pair of DFs were obtained for this classification
2. Using this LDA model to test the omitted data process. The last pair of DFs separating Xinjiang-East and
point. Geermu (training set size of 40 samples for each) was ex-
pressed as:
3. Repeating these steps until every data point is
tested. DF Y61(Xinjiang-East) = –2.058Li + 1.554Be + 0.005Al +
4. The percentage of accurately classified omitted 0.012K – 9.807Nb – 0.461Ba + 6.452La – 11.891 (2)
data points is the CV value. A higher CV value in- DF Y62(Geermu (Golmud)) = 0.452Li – 0.682Be + 0.001Al +
dicates better validity of the classification model. 4.062Nb + 0.431Ba + 0.145La –2.376 (3)
Note that EV is the parameter characterizing the va- Herein, we defined CVorNi as the CV for the origin N
lidity of DF in the model when building DF on training in the IB-LDA. It is defined as the continued multiplica-
sets. On the other hand, CV is the parameter evaluating tion of CVi from the first round to the round in which
lustrates how six
A 50 Luodian sieve B Xiuyan sieve rounds of IB-LDA were
Unseparated 30 Unseparated
40 Blind test Blind test used to separate seven
Blind test Blind test different dolomite-re-
30 20
lated nephrite sources.
20 The horizontal and ver-
tical axes, named DF
Yi1 and Yi2, were the
0 0
two discriminant func-
CV1 : 99.6% CV2 : 98.3%
-10 Error rate : 1.43% -10 Error rate : 0.00% tions in the i round
-120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 -20 0 20 40 (i=1–6). The gray
DF Y11 DF Y21 shaded area was the
C 30 unseparated group. Lu-
Chuncheon sieve Xinjiang-West sieve
40 Unseparated odian, Xiuyan, Chun-
Blind test Blind test
30 Blind test 20 Blind test cheon, Xinjiang-West,
Baikal, Xinjiang-East,
20 and Geermu (Golmud)
10 were determined as the
successive chosen
0 0 sieves. The CV value in
CV3 : 99.5% CV4 : 96.3%
-10 Error rate : 1.43% Error rate : 1.43%
the bottom right of
-10 each figure corresponds
-20 0 20 40 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
DF Y31 DF Y41 to the CVi accuracy rate
in each round of IB-
30 30
Baikal sieve Xinjiang-East sieve LDA analysis. The error
Unseparated Geermu (Golmud) sieve
Blind test Blind test rate represents the
20 Blind test 20 Blind test
probability of misclas-
sifying the test set ob-
10 tained in the blind test
in each step of IB-LDA.
0 The sum of the six error
CV5 : 98.3%
CV6 : 97.5% rates equals 1-AR.
Error rate : 0.00% Error rate : 0.71% Solid and hollow sym-
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 bols represent the train-
DF Y51 DF Y61 ing set and test set,
the particular origin N is classified; see equation (4). CVi Evaluating the Model Validity Based on EV, CV, and AR
is the CV accuracy rate, while i is the number of iterative As a conventional method for the machine-learning
rounds of IB-LDA: model, we used two-thirds of the total data set as training
CVorNi(i=1,2,…N) = CV1 × CV2 × … × CVi–1 × CVi (4) sets with the remaining one-third as a test set (Kohavi,
1995). We list the EV and CV values for the training set,
The overall CV (CVtotal) for this iterative-binary clas- and the AR values for the test sets, to evaluate the validity
sification model should be defined as the arithmetic mean and accuracy of the IB-LDA model. EV, CV, and AR values
value of the CVorNi value of each origin, as calculated in for traditional LDA are also presented for comparison
equation (5). with the IB-LDA model. In terms of both training sets (EV
and CV) and test sets (AR), IB-LDA shows greater validity
and accuracy than traditional LDA.
∑ The calculated results of IB-LDA CVorNi for the train-
CV ing sets are shown in figure A-2. The overall CV (CVtotal)
for IB-LDA (94.4 %) was higher than that of traditional
TABLE A-1. EV, CV, and AR values for IB-LDA and can impact the validity (EV) and accuracy (CV) of the
traditional LDA model, we conducted a series of tests by randomly re-
moving 10 data points from each group until each train-
EV CV total (%) AR (%) ing set reached 20 data points. We found that CV
IB-LDA 6.4 94.4 95.0(±2.0) generally increased as each training set grew from 20 to
50. Such an increase indicates that the variance can be
Traditional LDA 4.4 91.4 85.7(±2.5)
predicted more precisely with a larger set of samples. The
variation of CV and EV with size of the training set is
*Note: 40 test points from each origin were used as training sets; the
remaining 20 test points from each origin were chosen as test sets. The mainly caused by some “irregular” samples, which dis-
value in parentheses is the standard deviation of AR after five rounds turbs the variance in/between groups. We speculate that
of blind testing. both EV and CV eventually converge to a constant value,
which can only be justified with a larger total data set.
The most practical classification model needs to take
into account training set size, CV, EV, and other factors,
LDA (91.4%). Samples outside the “expected” groups (in
which is still a real challenge. AR values for blind testing
this case, the eight nephrite localities) in the training sets
are not included in table A-2. Because the training set is
will be classified into one of the “expected” groups in-
larger than 40 samples for each group, the remaining data
correctly according to its DF score. In machine learning
set is too sparse to supply a test set with viable statistics.
and LDA, the groups “expected” in the model must all
As a major difference between CV and AR in practice,
be included in the training sets to build the most com-
CV is extracted within the training set in the building
prehensive training set and DF. The solution for dealing
process of the classification model while AR is obtained
with “unexpected” wild samples is to collect enough
beyond the training set after the classification model
samples to define them as a new group within the train-
build. The AR method usually requires a larger original
ing set. This is why all machine-learning models require
data set to maintain good statistics for both training sets
larger data sets to improve their validity. We include the
and test sets; this requires further accumulation in the
discussion about the “unexpected” samples in the last
paragraph of box A.
We wish to emphasize that we are speculating on the
CV and EV Values Depending on the Statistical Property accuracy and validity of both CV and AR. As the classi-
of Data Sets. Our analysis was based on 60 data points in fication model deals with real “unincluded” samples
each group. To evaluate how the size of the training set without any knowledge of their origin, CV and AR can
only estimate the accuracy or validity of the final analy-
sis result. In the worst-case scenario, a nephrite sample
that does not belong to any of the eight origins, it will
still be (incorrectly) classified as having one of the above
Figure A-2. The CVorNi for the identified origins in our
IB-LDA, and CV for traditional LDA. The detailed al- origins, according to its DF score. In this case, the CV
gorithm of CVorNi is shown in equation 4. IB-LDA iden- and AR are meaningless for such unexpected samples.
tified geographic origins with a higher CV (an average As with all machine-learning models, LDA requires that
of 94.4%) than that of traditional LDA (91.4%). all input (the samples’ trace-element information) be cor-
rectly paired with the expected output (geographic local-
ity) at the very beginning, when the training set is built.
In other words, the most practical model always requires
large data sets, along with the optimization and balanc-
97.9 97.4
94.4 ing of EV, CV, and AR values.
92.2 91.4
89.9 89.9
CV (%)
TABLE 2. Trace-element concentrations for eight nephrite localities, by LA-ICP-MS.
Element conc., with Xinjiang-West Xinjiang-East Geermu (Golmud) Baikal Chuncheon Xiuyan Luodian Liyang
mean and stand. dev. (Group 1) (Group 2) (Group 3) (Group 4) (Group 5) (Group 6) (Group 7) (Group 8)
Li (ppm) 0.082–25.097 0.250–28.295 0.358–5.435 1.731–20.638 0.100–6.875 0.107–1.333 7.857–35.066 14.686–56.167
2.075 (0.487) 6.301 (0.888) 2.765 (0.130) 6.934 (0.597) 1.058 (0.115) 0.516 (0.037) 22.575 (0.813) 27.724 (1.932)
Be (ppm) 1.581–51.342 0.740–30.731 0.000–1.181 5.140–45.301 11.577–28.624 9.058–27.810 0.000–7.740 0.045–3.771
26.018 (0.931) 11.100 (1.159) 0.380 (0.035) 22.405 (1.613) 19.211 (0.658) 16.161 (0.471) 1.035 (0.255) 1.165 (0.134)
Na2O (wt.%) 0.042–0.438 0.021–0.182 0.008–0.147 0.056–0.133 0.034–0.082 0.024–0.067 0.098–0.221 0.457–0.913
0.088 (0.008) 0.106 (0.004) 0.081 (0.004) 0.099 (0.003) 0.057 (0.001) 0.044 (0.001) 0.179 (0.004) 0.658 (0.019)
Al2O3 (wt.%) 0.338–0.899 0.081–0.974 0.025–0.338 0.380–0.898 0.355–0.983 0.266–1.22 0.122–0.373 0.324–1.410
0.573 (0.021) 0.630 (0.030) 0.136 (0.009) 0.621 (0.015) 0.604 (0.015) 0.505 (0.021) 0.209 (0.007) 0.550 (0.033)
K2O (wt.%) 0.014–0.112 0.025–0.231 0.005–0.091 0.028–0.193 0.024–0.115 0.019–0.078 0.036–0.119 0.116–0.294
0.041 (0.003) 0.099 (0.007) 0.049 (0.003) 0.067 (0.003) 0.048 (0.002) 0.041 (0.002) 0.092 (0.002) 0.217 (0.007)
Sc (ppm) 1.103–79.327 0.850–4.588 0.208–3.682 0.284–3.125 0.518–4.734 1.097–4.117 0.000–9.147 0.614–2.800
4.88 (1.260) 1.893 (0.086) 1.088 (0.087) 1.773 (0.091) 1.333 (0.101) 1.960 (0.070) 1.971 (0.197) 1.670 (0.119)
Rb (ppm) 0.295–53.317 0.003–52.369 0.000–1.302 1.845–9.708 0.421–11.329 0.179–3.799 0.000–0.662 0.339–28.726
4.840 (1.075) 12.162 (1.589) 0.568 (0.040) 4.203 (0.239) 2.679 (0.275) 1.666 (0.125) 0.279 (0.022) 3.139 (1.121)
Sr (ppm) 4.705–32.795 3.763–22.434 3.297–26.933 2.677–18.908 8.515–32.997 3.920–22.541 15.157–31.291 141.267–1272.699
14.721 (0.886) 11.275 (0.477) 16.241 (0.853) 10.619 (0.489) 21.268 (0.529) 13.778 (0.591) 20.950 (0.681) 274.233 (21.62)
Y (ppm) 1.225–18.285 0.159–6.479 0.000–1.778 0.294–7.185 0.255–10.827 1.032–11.420 3.077–29.474 0.361–3.772
4.278 (0.404) 2.991 (0.196) 0.514 (0.055) 1.046 (0.147) 0.882 (0.163) 3.953 (0.206) 11.138 (0.713) 1.468 (0.143)
Zr (ppm) 0.354–15.483 0.000–8.733 0.000–11.187 0.000–16.652 0.000–6.811 0.191–9.151 0.000–22.154 0.007–15.557
4.900 (0.455) 2.739 (0.258) 0.892 (0.207) 1.544 (0.357) 0.720 (0.124) 2.420 (0.221) 2.770 (0.459) 3.220 (0.626)
Nb (ppm) 0.189–11.698 0.000–3.022 0.000–0.322 0.126–1.938 0.033–0.566 0.037–0.789 0.173–1.096 0.119–0.938
1.441 (0.270) 0.808 (0.113) 0.113 (0.011) 0.519 (0.037) 0.208 (0.016) 0.518 (0.022) 0.737 (0.023) 0.319 (0.031)
Mo (ppm) 0.000–0.171 0.000–0.266 0.000–0.625 0.000–1.034 0.000–0.779 0.000–0.345 0.000–3.191 0.000–0.232
0.027 (0.006) 0.034 (0.009) 0.078 (0.016) 0.055 (0.020) 0.118 (0.021) 0.032 (0.009) 0.408 (0.106) 0.041 (0.010)
Cs (ppm) 0.197–13.125 0.071–26.950 0.000–1.682 0.401–4.311 0.057–1.935 0.069–2.447 0.042–0.942 0.000–2.395
3.771 (30.493) 7.620 (0.951) 0.718 (0.058) 2.075 (0.139) 0.525 (0.034) 0.587 (0.056) 0.412 (0.024) 0.278 (0.095)
Ba (ppm) 1.368–26.254 0.284–18.403 0.000–9.237 0.430–30.014 0.859–9.097 0.374–9.951 3.099–195.132 0.196–7.535
9.231 (0.755) 5.887 (0.379) 4.151 (0.251) 7.745 (0.783) 2.463 (0.174) 4.159 (0.194) 15.413 (4.120) 2.611 (0.325)
La (ppm) 0.000–39.004 0.040–2.282 0.008–0.571 0.011–0.523 0.194–1.159 0.000–0.887 0.886–18.591 0.277–4.565
2.601 (0.828) 0.615 (0.067) 0.286 (0.024) 0.179 (0.017) 0.678 (0.021) 0.460 (0.030) 5.083 (0.352) 0.913 (0.138)
Ce (ppm) 0.053–39.916 0.025–4.772 0.000–1.615 0.069–1.384 0.589–2.900 0.027–1.659 0.536–28.944 0.593–7.261
3.452 (0.922) 1.400 (0.156) 0.560 (0.049) 0.462 (0.040) 1.480 (0.042) 1.001 (0.065) 4.938 (0.543) 1.678 (0.211)
Pr (ppm) 0.000–13.764 0.010–0.506 0.000–0.283 0.000–0.170 0.056–0.302 0.000–0.252 0.256–4.649 0.094–1.188
0.997 (0.307) 0.181 (0.019) 0.069 (0.007) 0.042 (0.005) 0.157 (0.006) 0.124 (0.008) 1.322 (0.087) 0.309 (0.036)
Nd (ppm) 0.000–17.535 0.000–2.460 0.000–1.443 0.000–0.677 0.015–1.405 0.015–1.051 1.552–15.303 0.365–4.672
2.098 (0.477) 0.811 (0.080) 0.297 (0.036) 0.266 (0.022) 0.661 (0.036) 0.536 (0.040) 5.486 (0.382) 1.238 (0.139)
Sm (ppm) 0.000–14.859 0.000–0.707 0.000–0.385 0.000–0.393 0.000–0.624 0.000–0.395 0.334–3.806 0.000–0.773
1.464 (0.397) 0.204 (0.019) 0.079 (0.011) 0.075 (0.009) 0.126 (0.016) 0.162 (0.011) 1.176 (0.083) 0.263 (0.029)
Eu (ppm) 0.000–0.140 0.000–0.117 0.000–0.135 0.000–0.145 0.000–0.111 0.000–0.187 0.047–0.637 0.000–0.129
0.017 (0.003) 0.019 (0.003) 0.027 (0.004) 0.019 (0.004) 0.026 (0.003) 0.076 (0.006) 0.279 (0.016) 0.044 (0.006)
Gd (ppm) 0.072–5.373 0.000–0.726 0.000–0.430 0.000–0.510 0.000–0.367 0.049–0.523 0.000–3.222 0.000–0.589
0.768 (0.132) 0.246 (0.019) 0.090 (0.013) 0.099 (0.012) 0.148 (0.014) 0.230 (0.013) 1.136 (0.076) 0.275 (0.029)
Tb (ppm) 0.009–2.413 0.000–0.136 0.000–0.090 0.000–0.065 0.000–0.094 0.005–0.107 0.043–0.462 0.000–0.124
0.202 (0.049) 0.050 (0.003) 0.015 (0.002) 0.008 (0.002) 0.017 (0.002) 0.053 (0.003) 0.180 (0.012) 0.038 (0.005)
Dy (ppm) 0.133–8.037 0.011–0.731 0.000–0.294 0.000–0.429 0.000–1.252 0.117–0.957 0.354–2.767 0.027–0.596
0.922 (0.188) 0.347 (0.023) 0.084 (0.011) 0.102 (0.012) 0.124 (0.021) 0.410 (0.021) 1.145 (0.071) 0.207 (0.023)
Ho (ppm) 0.027–5.253 0.000–0.160 0.000–0.082 0.000–0.112 0.000–0.296 0.045–0.593 0.045–0.593 0.010–0.108
0.379 (0.114) 0.083 (0.006) 0.020 (0.002) 0.016 (0.003) 0.027 (0.005) 0.023 (0.006) 0.224 (0.018) 0.040 (0.004)
Er (ppm) 0.034–22.467 0.000–0.674 0.000–0.213 0.000–0.914 0.000–0.533 0.021–1.091 0.000–2.316 0.004–0.318
1.839 (0.558) 0.243 (0.020) 0.052 (0.006) 0.095 (0.017) 0.070 (0.011) 0.296 (0.020) 0.715 (0.062) 0.114 (0.015)
Tm (ppm) 0.007–4.507 0.000–0.100 0.000–0.062 0.000–0.083 0.000–0.107 0.006–0.180 0.000–0.374 0.000–0.034
0.218 (0.081) 0.030 (0.003) 0.010 (0.002) 0.010 (0.002) 0.013 (0.002) 0.039 (0.003) 0.091 (0.010) 0.015 (0.002)
Yb (ppm) 0.063–15.424 0.017–0.802 0.000–0.316 0.000–0.363 0.004–1.416 0.004–1.416 0.000–1.850 0.000–0.308
0.818 (0.263) 0.204 (0.019) 0.064 (0.010) 0.093 (0.031) 0.068 (0.011) 0.234 (0.025) 0.571 (0.055) 0.103 (0.017)
Lu (ppm) 0.003–11.295 0.000–0.113 0.000–0.047 0.000–0.086 0.000–0.103 0.003–0.264 0.000–3.899 0.000–0.058
0.378 (0.191) 0.026 (0.003) 0.008 (0.001) 0.008 (0.002) 0.014 (0.002) 0.030 (0.004) 0.322 (0.083) 0.014 (0.002)
Hf (ppm) 0.000–4.405 0.000–0.321 0.000–0.223 0.000–0.257 0.000–0.302 0.000–0.299 0.000–0.748 0.000–0.423
0.395 (0.102) 0.073 (0.009) 0.024 (0.005) 0.025 (0.006) 0.036 (0.006) 0.063 (0.008) 0.112 (0.023) 0.096 (0.018)
Ta (ppm) 0.000–8.495 0.000–0.188 0.000–0.046 0.000–0.090 0.000–0.085 0.000–0.108 0.000–0.170 0.000–0.157
0.622 (0.225) 0.043 (0.005) 0.007 (0.001) 0.011 (0.002) 0.010 (0.002) 0.028 (0.003) 0.039 (0.004) 0.037 (0.005)
Bi (ppm) 0.000–0.784 0.000–2.758 0.000–0.434 0.000–0.068 0.000–0.210 0.000–0.021 0.000–2.496 0.000–0.015
0.084 (0.026) 0.076 (0.045) 0.045 (0.010) 0.007 (0.002) 0.022 (0.004) 0.007 (0.001) 0.229 (0.056) 0.006 (0.001)
Pb (ppm) 0.293–7.710 0.346–10.454 0.055–3.691 0.368–17.393 0.925–4.882 0.118–3.243 0.271–100.569 0.157–5.250
1.195 (0.173) 2.948 (0.228) 1.618 (0.106) 2.016 (0.280) 1.895 (0.096) 0.561 (0.059) 3.424 (1.637) 0.771 (0.149)
Th (ppm) 0.029–5.299 0.036–2.406 0.000–0.546 0.000–0.983 0.011–0.675 0.005–0.620 0.000–1.100 0.074–0.892
0.686 (0.108) 0.236 (0.042) 0.074 (0.012) 0.150 (0.025) 0.112 (0.011) 0.212 (0.017) 0.254 (0.025) 0.355 (0.034)
U (ppm) 0.146–5.967 0.081–2.427 0.000–0.946 0.028–0.660 0.070–0.947 0.530–2.479 0.378–1.345 0.069–1.942
1.182 (0.154) 1.080 (0.062) 0.487 (0.028) 0.179 (0.018) 0.345 (0.018) 1.448 (0.039) 0.882 (0.028) 0.304 (0.057)
were treated as test sets. The purpose of a test set is odian samples had an isolated distribution region,
to estimate how the classification model will deal while the other six localities still exhibited overlap.
with the data that was not included in the “training The full classification of all seven groups by “one-
set” to build the DFs. As conventional settings for pass” LDA must balance variance among all seven
machine learning models (Kohavi, 1995), two-thirds groups. This may be the reason why traditional LDA
of the total data sets (280 data points) were used as a presented a relatively low CV of 91.4 % and a rela-
training set, and one-third (the other 140 data points) tively low EV of 4.48 with a training set size of 40
were used as test set. This setting applies throughout testing points for each group. For the details of DFs
the paper unless other specific modifications are and CV, again see box A.
mentioned. Detailed descriptions of training sets and
test sets also appear in box A. IB-LDA to Optimize the Separation of Dolomite-
Related Nephrite Geographic Origins. If only aiming
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION to distinguish one group from all the others while ig-
noring the differences within the remaining unclas-
For the 138 nephrite samples from the eight loca-
sified groups, certain group identities should be more
tions, the concentration of elements from Li to U (45
accurate and distinguishable. Hence, we designed the
elements total) were obtained by LA-ICP-MS meas-
“iterative-binary” LDA (IB-LDA) to optimize the sep-
urement. To make our classification model inde-
aration. The procedure used to build the discrimi-
pendent of sample color, the transition metal
nant function and criteria database for all seven
elements (Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) were ex-
origins is described in box A.
cluded from further data analysis. Only 34 trace ele-
Classifying different sources of dolomite-related
ments were involved in creating the LDA model. The
nephrite by IB-LDA is analogous to sorting blocks
mean value and standard deviation value of each
with different shapes by putting them into the corre-
trace element are calculated based on 60 detection
sponding holes. As shown in figure 4, seven blocks
points for each origin, as shown in table 2.
represented seven different dolomite-related nephrite
Trace-Element Analysis to Separate Liyang from origins. The red triangle, pink four-pointed star, purple
Other Origins. As shown in table 2, the nephrite sam- five-pointed star, yellow six-pointed star, green square,
ples from Liyang (group 8) displayed much higher con- blue pentagon, and orange hexagon represented Luo-
centrations of Sr (>140 ppm) and Na2O+K2O (> 0.57 dian, Xiuyan, Chuncheon, Xinjiang-West, Baikal, Xin-
wt.%) than the other seven localities (Sr<40 ppm, jiang-East, and Geermu (Golmud) respectively. We
Na2O+K2O < 0.56 wt.%). These results confirmed pre- then needed to build corresponding blocks with dif-
viously reported conclusions (Zhang et al., 2011; Siqin ferently shaped holes (named “chosen sieves” here-
et al., 2012; Ling et al., 2013) that the distinctive Sr, after) using the training set samples. The original 280
Na, and K concentrations could be used as a quantita- training set samples from the seven origins were used
tive discriminant to separate Liyang nephrite samples. to create seven chosen sieves in sequence after six
These obvious diagnostic chemical signatures ren- rounds of IB-LDA processes (figure 4). The different
dered further analysis of Liyang nephrite unnecessary. holes represent different DFs built for each chosen
The only real challenge was to distinguish the remain- sieve. The sequence of those chosen sieves directly
ing seven nephrite origins. Table 2 shows overlapping corresponds to the six rounds of IB-LDA, which must
trace-element distributions. Therefore, it is important be unchanged to maintain the validity of the classifi-
to derive effective discriminants from the trace ele- cation method. We found that the IB-LDA model pro-
ments to separate the origins. duces better CV and EV values than traditional LDA,
as shown in table A-1, which indicates IB-LDA can ef-
Traditional LDA in Dolomite-Related Nephrite Ori- fectively improve the accuracy and validity of the
gin Determination. From the outset, we attempted sieves (classification model).
to use the traditional LDA method to classify the Next, we evaluated the performance of the sieves
seven dolomite-related nephrite localities at once. built by IB-LDA on unincluded data in a blind test.
Each nephrite locality is classified as a group, and Four new samples from each origin were used as a
every input trace element represents an independent testing set to check the reliability and accuracy of the
variable. Seven linear discriminant functions (DFs) established chosen sieves (figure 5). All samples were
for seven independent nephrite groups were built si- treated as “unknown” blocks to be tested on the
multaneously. The results showed that only the Lu- seven sieves in sequence. When the unknown block
Fundamental Steps in IB-LDA
1st sieve: Luodian 2nd sieve: Xiuyan 3rd sieve: Chuncheon
in each round of IB-
LDA. The second step
(inset) is to use these
sieves to determine the
origins of testing set
6th sieve: Xinjiang-East 7th sieve: Geermu
samples step by step in
a blind test. Four test
set samples from each
origin were chosen ran-
domly from the total
data set, excluding the
2nd step of IB-LDA:
Use “test sets” and “sieves” training set samples.
to perform a blind test.
fit into the correct sieve, its “shape” was identified. calculated in the first step of IB-LDA, as shown in
For example, the first chosen sieve (Luodian) allowed table A-1.
only the triangular blocks to be sorted out, which
meant only Luodian samples could be identified and CONCLUSIONS
all the other samples were still in an “unseparated” We propose that an IB-LDA model, combined with
status. The unseparated samples went through the trace-element information from LA-ICP-MS, is an ef-
second IB-LDA process, where a four-pointed star fective method for determining the origin of
sieve representing Xiuyan was used to extract appro- dolomite-related nephrite deposits. We consider the
priately shaped blocks, and the unseparated pool was application of IB-LDA to the quantitative classifica-
reduced once more. tion of nephrite origin a significant improvement
This process should be repeated until all the un- over the traditional method. The origin information
separated blocks can be identified. The number of reflected by trace-element data has been well ex-
test sets with the correct classification divided by the plored and applied in nephrite origin determination.
number of the total test sets is the accuracy rate (AR) The LDA method presents obvious statistical advan-
for such blind testing. The same blind test is per- tages in dealing with the massive quantity of
formed five times on different test sets, and the av- nephrite trace-element data. Finally, the successful
erage AR is calculated. We note that the AR value performance of IB-LDA remarkably improved dis-
obtained is generally consistent with the CV value criminant accuracy, increasing the CV accuracy rate
Blind Testing in IB-LDA
? ?
? ?
Figure 5. The schematic
diagram of the blind
test, the second step in
IB-LDA. Only when the
shape of an “unknown”
block agrees with one
of the sieve shapes can
its origin be deter-
Through blind testing, all “test sets” can be identified by sieves with high accuracy.
from 91.4% in traditional LDA to 94.4% and identi- cumulating more nephrite samples for use as training
fying CVorNi values specific to each origin. The dis- sets will further improve the reliability of the dis-
criminant functions database built by IB-LDA criminant function database. The IB-LDA method
obtained a 95.0% accuracy rate in the testing of 28 should also prove useful for the origin determination
unknown samples. We believe that collecting and ac- of other gemstones.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS nancially supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Dr. Zemin Luo is a member of the Center for Innovative Gem Testing Central Universities (20140139043), the Natural Science Fund of
Technology (CIGT), a lecturer at the Institute of Gems and Jewelry Hubei Province (2014CFB347), Quality Industry Research Special
Studies (IGJS), and a fellow of the Geology Postdoctoral Research Funds for Public Welfare Projects (201210228), and Research
Station, at the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Prof. Fund of Center for Innovative Gem Testing Technology (CIGTXM-
Mingxing Yang is the dean of the IGJS and leader of the classifica-
201401). Sincere thanks to Prof. Yongsheng Liu and Prof.
tion group at CIGT. Prof. Andy H. Shen is a Hubei 100 Talent Distin-
guished Professor at the IGJS and the director of the CIGT. Zhaochu Hu for providing LA-ICP-MS testing at the State Key
Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). The authors also thank
The nephrite samples were provided by the jade study group at the manuscript’s three peer reviewers for their constructive com-
the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). This work was fi- ments and suggestions.
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Thomas M. Moses | Shane F. McClure
496 (H4)
503 (H3)
986 (H2)
Dye bands
250 350 450 550 650 750 850
Three Unique Large Natural Pearls yellowish green bodycolors. GIA has second piece, seen in figure 20 on the
from Haliotis (Abalone) Species reported on many Haliotis pearls in far right, was a loose abalone pearl
Natural abalone pearls are produced previous Lab Notes over the years weighing 66.83 ct and measuring ap-
(Fall 1984, p. 169; Spring 1996, pp. 47– proximately 42 × 26 × 19 mm with a
by many species of the Haliotis genus,
49; Fall 2004, pp. 259–260; Spring striking resemblance to a fish’s head.
which are ear-shaped saltwater uni-
1993, p. 51). The eye, mouth, and gill features were
valve gastropods. They may form in
Three large and unique abalone clearly outlined in the specimen,
many different sizes and shapes,
pearls from a client’s collection were which possessed a smooth surface and
though they are commonly encoun- recently submitted to the New York subtle array of iridescent greenish yel-
tered in baroque shapes, often taking laboratory (figure 20). Each piece was low colors. The third piece, weighing
the form of elongated “horns” and remarkable in its own right. A button- 113.58 ct and measuring approxi-
“teeth.” The pearls are also notable shaped pearl, measuring approxi- mately 62 × 29 × 16 mm, was also
for their high luster and attractive mately 26 × 24 mm with impressive loose and resembled the head of a
multicolored appearance, which is vivid “peacock” blue and green hues, snake. It exhibited strong iridescence
usually dominated by blue, green, or was set in a yellow metal brooch. The with mottled patches of various colors
Figure 21. All three specimens from figure 20 showed concentric and void-related internal structures typical of
abalone pearls.
similar to the pattern observed on the by where the pearls are formed within attractive colors. Irradiated CVD syn-
scaly skin of snakes. the body of the mollusk, and often thetic diamonds without a multi-step
Microradiography revealed charac- mirror the form of the gonad (E. treatment process are rarely seen in
teristic Haliotis-related voids with Strack, Pearls, Ruhle-Diebener-Verlag the lab, though an irradiated Fancy
concentric growth structures in all GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart, 2006). Ex- Deep gray-blue CVD synthetic has
three pearls (figure 21). Two of the amining all three specimens at the been reported (Fall 2014 Lab Notes, pp.
pearls also revealed an iodine-rich same time allowed us to see a range of 240–241). The New York lab recently
composition, which GIA has noted is colors and shapes possible in abalone examined two such examples: a 0.64 ct
a fairly consistent property of abalone pearls. We look forward to encounter- Fancy Deep green-blue and a 0.43 ct
pearls. Such internal structures, along ing more of these unusual pearls. Fancy Deep greenish blue specimen
with their distinctive multicolored Joyce Wing Yan Ho and (figure 23).
orient, bubble-like (botryoidal) subsur- Surjit Dillon Wong Dark inclusions, faint color bands,
face structure (figure 22), interesting and chips on the girdle were ob-
chemical composition, and chalky served in both specimens under the
greenish yellow fluorescence under Irradiated Green-Blue microscope. Tatami-like strain was
long-wave UV are all characteristic of CVD SYNTHETIC DIAMONDS also seen in both diamonds under
abalone pearls. As-grown CVD synthetic diamonds cross-polarized light. DiamondView
The various shapes are determined are routinely treated in order to create images revealed parallel green linear
Figure 24. DiamondView images reveal linear striations in the pavilions of the 0.64 ct (left) and 0.43 ct (middle)
specimens. A face-up image of the 0.43 ct synthetic shows a yellowish green zone of growth interruption (right).
striations in the pavilions (figure 24). related to the 666.5 band. Strong ab-
Face-up DiamondView images also sorption from the GR1 center, which
showed yellowish green zones, which contains neutral vacancies (V0), was Figure 26. The 13.70 ct topaz
were formed by growth interruptions detected at 741.2 nm. All these radi- under daylight-equivalent light.
(again, see figure 24). Both stones were ation-related peaks can be destroyed Note the triangular features on
pure type IIa diamonds with no other by HPHT treatment, while peaks at each of the octahedral faces.
defects in the IR spectra. High-reso- 666.5 and 735.8 nm can be annealed
lution UV-Vis-NIR absorption spec- out at temperatures ranging from 420º
tra detected Si-V center defects at to 540ºC (see A.T. Collins, “Spec-
the 736.5–736.9 doublet (737 nm troscopy of defects and transition
center, (V-Si-V)–); the spectra also re- metals in diamond,” Diamond and
vealed radiation-related peaks at 393.5, Related Materials, Vol. 9, Nos. 3–6,
464.3, 469.9, 594.2, 666.5, 735.8, and 2000, pp. 417–423). The presence of
741.2 nm (figure 25). The 393.5 band these peaks indicates that these CVD
is from the ND1 center, a negatively synthetics were either annealed at
charged vacancy (V–). An intrinsic ra- lower temperatures (<420º to 540ºC)
diation center (TR12) was detected or irradiated without annealing.
at 469.9 nm. The TR13 center at the Although microscopic features
464.3 peak is a local vibrational mode such as strain pattern can be helpful in
associated with the TR12 center, and the identification of CVD synthetics,
the 594.2 band (595 nm center) is a they are not conclusive. Diamond-
typical radiation-induced center. The View imaging is very useful for this
666.5 peak is attributed to a neutral purpose due to its ability to detect lin-
self-interstitial (I0) defect. The 735.8 ear striations. As CVD growth tech-
band, also caused by the I0 defect, is niques continue to improve, we
Figure 27. Many absorption peaks related to the hydroxide ion in the crys-
tal structure of topaz are detected in this infrared absorption spectrum, in-
cluding those at 4802 and 3650 cm–1. These have never been documented PHOTO CREDITS:
in any diamond absorption spectrum. Nathan Renfro—1, 9; Jian Xin (Jae) Liao—2,
26; Robison McMurtry—8, 11, 12, 15;
Jonathan Muyal—5, 6, 7, 13; Amy Neu-
rauter—16; Lhapsin Nillapat—17; Areeya
Manustrong—18; Sasithorn Engniwat—19
of each of the faces. To further com- 3.53 (+/-0.04) for topaz. The material (left); Artitaya Homkrajae—19 (right); Sood
plicate the identification of this was doubly refractive, with a spot RI Oil (Judy) Chia—20, 23; Surjit Dillon Wong—
stone, topaz and diamond have the reading of 1.61, properties consistent 21; Joyce Wing Yan Ho—22; Kyaw Soe
same heft due to overlapping specific with topaz. Final confirmation came Moe—24.
gravities: 3.52 (+/-0.10) for diamond, from Fourier-transform infrared
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Entries arrived from around the world, as readers tested their gemological knowl-
edge by answering questions listed in the Spring 2015 issue. Those who earned a
score of 75% or better received a GIA Certificate of Completion recognizing their
achievement. The participants who scored a perfect 100% are listed below.
See pages 56–57 of the Spring 2015 issue for the questions.
1 (d), 2 (b), 3 (a), 4 (b), 5 (a), 6 (d), 7 (a), 8 (c), 9 (*), 10 (a), 11 (b), 12 (d), 13 (c), 14 (c),
15 (d), 16 (d), 17 (c), 18 (b), 19 (a), 20 (b), 21 (a), 22 (a), 23 (c), 24 (a), 25 (d)
* Question withdrawn
Contributing Editors
Elise A. Skalwold and John I. Koivula
Rough Diamond Fragment with a Large Green Figure 4. This 2.02 ct rough diamond displays promi-
Cleavage Surface nent green coloration along an internal cleavage sur-
A colorless 2.02 ct flattened diamond crystal fragment (fig- face. Such coloration is thought to result from the
ure 4), from Rowan Beach of San Francisco, was examined presence of a natural radioactive solution within the
at GIA’s Carlsbad lab. The fragment exhibited a large bluish cleavage. Photo by James Shigley.
green internal surface that was readily visible without mag-
nification. Initially thought to be a colorful mineral inclu-
sion, it proved to be a radiation-induced coloration along the
internal surface. When a diamond is irradiated (during lab-
oratory color treatment or occasionally in nature), carbon
atoms are removed from their normal position in the dia-
mond lattice; this creates what scientists call the “GR1” op-
tical defect (i.e., a vacant atom position in the lattice). The
presence of this defect causes the diamond to selectively ab-
sorb light toward the red end of the visible spectrum, while
the remaining portions are transmitted through the dia-
mond and, when recombined, seen as a green or bluish green
color. The GR1 optical defect can be removed in the lab by
heating the diamond to over 600°C; this heating changes the
green color to yellowish brown. The added energy allows a
carbon atom to again occupy the vacant lattice position.
Green or bluish green color in diamonds is most often
the result of exposure to a source of radiation in a geologic
environment near the earth’s surface. The source of expo-
sure could be a nearby grain of a radioactive mineral that
gives rise to a small “radiation spot” on the outer surface.
tubes and fine needle-like inclusions oriented parallel to from Sri Lanka (E.J. Gübelin and J.I. Koivula, Photoatlas of
the c-axis. Under magnification, blue crystals with octahe- Inclusions in Gemstones, Vol. 3, Opinio Verlag, Basel,
dral morphology (figure 6) were the most distinctive inter- Switzerland, 2008, p. 290), detailed study of gahnite may also
nal characteristic. provide some indication of the geographic origin of heliodor.
Raman microspectroscopy was used to identify the blue Ziyin Sun, Nathan Renfro,
octahedral inclusions as gahnite, a zinc-rich end member of Jonathan Muyal, and Adam Steenbock
the spinel group with the general formula ZnAl2O4. It occurs GIA, Carlsbad
most commonly as an accessory mineral in granitic peg-
matites, usually associated with almandine-spessartine gar-
net, muscovite, beryl, tourmaline, and nigerite (D.R. Soares,
Pezzottaite Debuts as the Newest Trapiche Gem Mineral
et al., “Chemical composition of gahnite and degree of peg-
matitic fractionation in the Borborema Pegmatitic Province, Since the first enigmatic six-spoked emeralds were sent
northeastern Brazil,” Anais da Academia Brasileira de to GIA in the mid-1960s for analysis (H.L. McKague,
Ciências, 2007, Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 395-404). According to “Trapiche emeralds from Colombia,” Fall 1964 G&G, pp.
Brown, the stones were purchased in Tucson in 2010 and 210–213, 223), the family of trapiche-type gem minerals
were represented as being from Brazil. These are the first has grown to include a variety of species and morpholo-
beryls with gahnite inclusions that GIA has examined to gies. One of the latest mineral varieties to exhibit the
date. Since gahnite is a diagnostic inclusion in sapphires rare trapiche form is a relatively new and rare mineral it-
self: pezzottaite.
Following its appearance at the 2003 gem shows in Tuc-
Figure 6. Diffused fiber-optic illumination reveals son, pezzottaite has quickly become an item coveted by
well-formed blue octahedral crystals in addition to gem and mineral collectors around the world. A member
the hollow tubes that cause the chatoyancy. The black of the beryl group and with trigonal symmetry (the beryl
needle-like inclusions may be hematite. Photomicro- species has hexagonal symmetry), it was approved by the
graph by Nathan Renfro; field of view 1.10 mm. International Mineralogical Association in September 2003
as a unique species and named after mineralogist Dr. Fred-
erico Pezzotta (see B.M. Laurs et al., “Pezzottaite from Am-
batovita, Madagascar: A new gem mineral,” Winter 2003
G&G, pp. 284–301).
In 2004, while working in the gem markets of Mae Sai
and Mae Sot along the border of Thailand and Myanmar,
Elaine Rohrbach of Gem-Fare obtained a small collection of
pale pink trapiche crystals and crystal fragments reported to
be of Burmese origin. Laboratory analysis later proved these
crystals to be the cesium-containing mineral pezzottaite
(previously confirmed localities include Madagascar and
A doubly terminated, well-developed crystal obtained
by one of the authors (JIK) exhibits the tabular prismatic
habit characteristic of the species, but with a complete six-
spoke trapiche structure that is clearly visible in both re- minated crystal obtained by author EAS from the same par-
flected and transmitted light (figure 7). Another doubly ter- cel shows secondary crystals growing out of each pinacoid
face, each of which are also trapiche crystals (figure 8). Sim-
ilar to trapiche crystals of other mineral species, each of the
Figure 8. Another well-developed, doubly terminated spokes radiates from the central c-axis toward the prism
pezzottaite crystal from the same locality, weighing faces and in a plane parallel to the basal pinacoid. Exploring
6.17 ct and measuring 11.19 × 10.71 × 8.61 mm, has the former crystal’s inner world revealed not only the de-
separate crystals growing at random angles on each tails of the white spokes and a spray of golden brown nee-
pinacoid face. Each of these smaller crystals also ex- dles and eye-visible black needles, but also a delightful
hibits trapiche growth. The white trapiche growth surprise: minute euhedral blue crystals (figures 9 and 10).
reaches all six prism faces in both of the tabular crys- Unfortunately, the black needles were not identifiable de-
tals, as well as those faces on the secondary growth spite their distinct Raman spectrum. Due to their depth
crystals. Photo by Elise A. Skalwold. within the host, the brown needles and blue crystals remain
mysteries as well. Let this be a lesson that nondestructive
testing cannot always provide answers, but we can be con- An interesting technique that gives the microscopist an-
tent with exploring the beauty of the micro-world while other lighting tool is modified Rheinberg illumination, also
leaving some mysteries for the future. known as differential color illumination (M. Pluta, Ad-
Elise A. Skalwold vanced Light Microscopy: Specialized Methods, Vol. 2,
Ithaca, New York PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1989, pp. 113).
This method, as modified for gemological microscopy, em-
John I. Koivula
ploys the use of a contrasting color filter between each il-
GIA, Carlsbad
lumination source and the subject (figure 11) to achieve an
“optical staining” effect (figure 12). When viewing crystal-
Modified Rheinberg Illumination lographically aligned subjects such as negative crystals or
Lighting control is one of the most important considera- inclusions with well-defined, reflective crystal faces, each
tions for maximizing the use of the gemological micro- illumination source highlights areas that have the same
scope; with greater control over illumination sources, more crystallographic orientation (figure 13). This provides dra-
information may be gathered from observing a specimen. matic false-color contrast to an otherwise low-contrast
Figure 12. This silvery metal sulfide inclusion in fluorite shows angular crystal faces, but the low contrast in the
image on the left makes it difficult to resolve the orientation of the faces from different sections of the inclusion.
Rheinberg illumination provides stark contrast between differently oriented regions by using two colored illumi-
nation sources that reflect their independent color off of crystallographically aligned crystal faces, as seen in the
center and right images. This allows the microscopist to easily observe the different orientations of the crystal
faces in the metal sulfide inclusion, as evidenced by the dramatic boundary of the two contrasting colors. Pho-
tomicrographs by Danny J. Sanchez; field of view 1.66 mm.
subject. This enhanced contrast makes it easier to observe At first glance, these inclusions appeared to be ordinary
the relationship between areas in an inclusion scene with gas-liquid inclusions (figure 14, left); however, polishing
identical and also differing crystallographic orientations. through the inclusions demonstrated that the “liquid”
Nathan Renfro component was actually a glassy solid. The identification
GIA, Carlsbad of the solid as a glass rested with the phase’s optically
isotropic nature and the lack of an identifiable Raman spec-
Danny J. Sanchez
troscopic signal attributable to any crystalline phase.
Los Angeles
Glassy melt inclusions in Montana sapphires were previ-
ously documented by John Koivula (R.W. Hughes, Ruby &
Glassy Melt Inclusions in Sapphires from Montana Sapphire, RWH Publishing, Boulder, Colorado, 2007, pp.
Two-phase inclusions are common in many sapphires. 468–469). Electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) of glass in-
Physical and chemical analysis of the gas and liquid phases clusions from several samples showed them to be dacitic
present in these inclusions can shed light on the formation to trachydacitic in composition. In this sense the inclu-
conditions of alluvial sapphires, even in the absence of ev- sions are ordinary two-phase inclusions in which the orig-
idence of source rock lithology. We report here some initial inal liquid phase was a silicic magma that quenched to
observations of a different type of two-phase inclusion, form a silicate glass. The gas phase is presumed to have
seen in alluvial sapphires from the Rock Creek and Mis- originally been dissolved in the silicate magma. Later ex-
souri River deposits in the state of Montana. solution produced a separate gas phase as volatile solubility
Figure 14. Left: A two-phase glassy melt and gas inclusion and a glass-filled discoid fracture in a sapphire from
the Rock Creek deposit in Montana. Center: A two-phase glassy melt and gas inclusion and a glass-filled dis-
coid fracture in a sapphire from the Rock Creek deposit. Right: A two-phase glassy melt and gas inclusion, in a
sapphire also from the Missouri River, showing the surrounding discoid fracture. This fracture presumably filled
with a silicate liquid and partially healed, leaving an impression in some places of the corundum host’s trigonal
crystallographic orientation. Photomicrographs by Aaron Palke; field of view 1.24 mm (left) and 0.62 mm (cen-
ter and right).
Figure 15. This 4.71 ct Brazilian colorless topaz hosts Molybdenite in Topaz
a cluster of hexagonal molybdenite crystals. Photo by
A photogenic cluster of hexagonal molybdenite crystals
Kevin Schumacher.
(MoS2) was recently discovered in a 4.71 ct transparent col-
orless hexagonal step-cut topaz (figure 15). The topaz host
was identified using traditional gemological testing, and the
in the magma decreased due to falling pressure and/or tem- molybdenite cluster (figure 16) was identified through its
perature. Volatile exsolution likely also led to the discoid metallic luster, morphology, and the presence of molybde-
fractures commonly seen around melt inclusions, which num, which was detected using focused EDXRF analysis.
are filled with silicate liquid and/or the volatiles them- This gem, which came from Luciana Barbosa of the
selves (again, see figure 14, left). Figure 14 (center) captures Gemological Center in Ashville, North Carolina, is from
a snapshot of the process of volatile exsolution and the Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. We have never seen
“bursting” of the two-phase inclusions, in which multiple this inclusion-host association before, and it is not previ-
gas bubbles seem to have precipitated instantaneously as ously recorded in the literature. This elegant gem is a per-
the inclusion exploded out into the surrounding corun- fect micromount of molybdenite in a faceted showcase.
dum. Due to the high relief of the silicate glass, these dis- John I. Koivula
590 nm 732.0 Bokii G.B., Bezrukov G.N., Klyuev Y.A., Naletov A.M., Nepsha
band 669.2 V.I. (1986) Natural and Synthetic Diamonds. Nauka Press,
Moscow (in Russian).
Harlow G.E., Davies R.M. (2005) Diamonds. Elements, Vol. 1, No.
MID-IR SPECTRUM 2, pp. 67–70, http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gselements.1.2.67
Skalwold E.A. (2012) Nano-polycrystalline diamond sphere: A
1220 gemologist’s perspective. G&G, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 128–131,
Skalwold E.A., Renfro N., Breeding C.M., Shigley J. (2012) Transpar-
ent, faceted nano-polycrystalline synthetic diamond. News from
Research, http://www.gia.edu/ongoing-research/transparent-
Figure 4. In this natural red rutile, an octagonal block- Figure 6. The natural rutile shows straight and angu-
age is capped at the end of the growth tube. Photomi- lar growth banding. Photomicrograph by Ziyin Sun;
crograph by Ziyin Sun; field of view 1.40 mm. field of view 4.92 mm.
rutile boules created by the Verneuil process have an or- sions is uncertain, but they are strong evidence of nature’s
ange color with 0.04% Fe2O3 and a clear reddish color with ability to produce rarities.
0.2% Fe2O3 (C.H. Moore, Jr. and R. Dahlstrom, “Synthetic Jaroslav Hyršl (hyrsl@hotmail.com)
rutile crystal and method for making same,” U.S. Patent Prague
2792287). The red specimen’s lower chemical purity indi-
cates natural origin. Serpentine cabochon with unusual olive green color. Ser-
Visible spectra of both stones were taken. The red body- pentine is a common ornamental stone in the jewelry
color of the natural rutile matched the transmission win- trade. With colors ranging from yellowish green to deep
dow between 650 and 700 nm in the red portion of the green, it is commonly used as an imitation of jadeite or
spectrum, which was likely caused by iron. nephrite.
Although rutile is a common inclusion in many min- Recently, the Gem Testing Laboratory at the Shiji-
erals, the few crystals that are faceted usually weigh less azhuang University of Economics in Hebei, China, exam-
than 1 ct. This faceted stone was very rare because of its ined an olive green cabochon (figure 9) weighing 4.05 ct and
large size. It was the first faceted natural rutile examined measuring approximately 12 × 8 × 6 mm, reportedly pur-
by GIA’s Carlsbad laboratory. chased from China’s Shandong province. The sample was
Ziyin Sun (zsun@gia.edu), Amy Cooper, and relatively clean, with a vitreous luster and without any
Adam Steenbock eye-visible inclusions. Without magnification, it resembled
GIA, Carlsbad high-quality jadeite jade. Standard gemological testing gave
Rare “star and cross” quartz from Brazil. The author pur-
chased two very unusual quartz samples (figure 7) in Brazil Figure 9. This 4.05 ct translucent serpentine is unusual
in 2015. Both were cut as cabochons with a slightly curved for its olive green color and lack of impurities. Photo by
bottom; one weighed 116.95 ct (35.0 × 30.3 × 15.6 mm), Yanjun Song.
while the other weighed 44.12 ct (28.3 × 22.3 × 10.0 mm).
The larger cabochon was slightly milky, while the smaller
one was almost clear. Both showed a strong six-rayed star
when illuminated (figure 8). The stars were centered on the
top of the cabochons, which indicates that both were cut
perpendicular to the c-axis. The most unusual feature was a
cross-like inclusion in both stones. It was white and coarse-
grained, only slightly translucent. The longer part of both
crosses measured about 4 mm wide. The shorter part had a
thickness 1.5 to 2 mm and the angle of the intersection was
about 85 degrees in both cabochons, which meant that the
two specimens were probably cut from the same crystal. RI
results and Raman analysis showed the cross to be quartz,
rather than a foreign mineral. The origin of the cross inclu-
rocks. We suspect it may have originated in Taian City in
Shandong province, which is famous for “Taishan jade,” a
558 newfound variety of serpentine.
672 Although serpentine is common in the Chinese mar-
ket, this was the first time our researchers have encoun-
tered a sample of such high quality.
Yanjun Song and Lu Zhang
0 Shijiazhuang University of Economics, Hebei, China
4000 3000 2000 1000
2 cm
Mae Sai
Tak (TAK)
Khon Kaen (BHK)
Figure 12. A map show-
Chaiyaphum (CYP) CHINA ing the localities in
SEA Thailand and Myanmar
Nakhonratchasima (KDH) 15o
where the petrified
Bangkok wood samples origi-
nated. Adapted from
Saminpanya and
Sutherland, 2013.
Ho Chi
Phnom Minh City
Collection sites
0 200 km
Major cities
els of paleorivers. Tektite grains found in the sediments The rough surfaces may have been altered and stained
date back 700,000 to 900,000 years (P. W. Haines et al., by soil or iron oxides, resulting in black, brown, cream,
“Flood deposits penecontemporaneous with ~0.8 Ma tek- white, and red coloration. Colorless areas and different
tite fall in NE Thailand: Impact-induced environmental ef- shades of brown, black, gray, white, cream, yellow, orange,
fects?” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 225, 2004, and red appeared below the surface. Some samples exhib-
pp. 19–28). ited color banding. Most Thai samples were opaque or
Thirty-eight samples (all but seven from Thailand) were nearly opaque; those from Myanmar were translucent and
tested by standard gemological methods, Raman spec- lighter in tone. The surfaces showed varying degrees of lus-
troscopy, and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Thirty-seven of these ter and fracturing. RI ranged from 1.425 to 1.543 (tested at
came from dicotyledonous plants, indicated by vascular the flat polished base of the cabochon), and SG ranged from
bundles concentrated in an outer ring of active growth. Pe- 1.963 to 2.616. Most samples fluoresced weak to moderate
riods of slow (winter) and fast (summer) growth create the chalky white under LWUV, but some were inert or showed
growth rings in the trunk. One sample came from a palm very weak white fluorescence.
tree, and had vascular bundles dispersed throughout the A gemological microscope can often reveal a well-pre-
trunk. served wood grain structure in petrified wood samples.
filled with quartz or opal (e.g., S. Saminpanya and F.L.
Sutherland, “Silica phase-transformations during diagenesis 0.282 Q
Raman spectra were characteristic of opal (according to 250 450 650 850 1050 1250 1450 1650 1850
the RRUFF database, rruff.info), quartz, and moganite (K.J. RAMAN SHIFT (cm–1)
Kingma and R.J. Hemley, “Raman spectroscopic study of
microcrystalline silica,” American Mineralogist, Vol. 79,
Figure 14. Raman spectra of petrified wood samples
1994, pp. 269–273). Figure 14 shows the peaks for the TAK,
from Chyaphum (CYP), Tak (TAK), and Khon Kaen
BHK, and CYP samples; peaks for KDH (which included
(BHK) with quartz (Q) peaks at 465 cm–1. Samples from
opal) and MYR samples were previously presented (Samin-
Chyaphum show a moganite (M) peak at 503–506 cm–1.
panya and Sutherland, 2013). Most of the quartz material
displayed peaks at 354, 395–397, and 464–466 cm–1, with
different colors within a sample exhibiting different peak
intensities. Some samples showed only major peaks of
quartz at 464–466 cm–1. Moganite was mixed with quartz
in one sample apiece from CYP, KDH, and MYR, indicated by peaks at 503–506 cm–1, close to the reference peak of 501
cm–1 (Kingma and Hemley, 1994). Two KDH samples
showed bands centered at 1587 and 1607 cm–1, characteris-
Figure 13. Oval pores and rays (wavy white lines) are tic of opal (Saminpanya and Sutherland, 2013), which was
seen on a transverse section of this petrified wood sam- probably responsible for the weak to moderate chalky white
ple, and the growth rings are visible as two lines cross- fluorescence in some of the samples.
ing the image. Photomicrograph by Seriwat XRD showed that the quartz peaks had an average 2Θ
Saminpanya; field of view 10 mm. of 21.0, 26.7, 36.6, 39.6, 40.4, 42.5, 45.9, 50.2, and 55.0 de-
grees; the opal-CT peaks had an average 2Θ of 20.7, 21.7,
36.0, 44.0, and 56.9 degrees (again, see rruff.info). Quartz
appeared in the XRD peaks of samples from all localities,
but the opal-CT was found only in samples from KDH and
MYR. The diffractogram of opal-CT in one sample from
KDH appeared noisy. This may be due to its amorphous
nature, though extending the XRD scan times may im-
prove the resolution of the peaks. At this stage, XRD can
only detect quartz and opal from these samples.
Seriwat Saminpanya
Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok
Figure 19. Some of the fragments embedded in the plastic bead displayed concentric radiating structures (left), typ-
ically seen in carbonate-type coral, while others show elongated sections (right). Also note the sharp edges and
whitish to faintly colored areas of the fragments. Photomicrographs by Gagan Choudhary; field of view 5.08 mm.
1140 Plastic
1005 1109 1315
1427 Figure 20. Raman spec-
1200 1451
15000 1580 tra using 785 nm laser
confirm that the major
component of the bead
is plastic (blue trace),
1093 while the grains are a
carbonate such as cal-
cite (red trace). The
lack of carotenoid-re-
lated peaks suggests
310 the use of white coral
717 fragments.
approximately 1.53 and hydrostatic SG of 1.97 were ob- tics have also been known as coral imitations for decades.
tained. Under UV light, the bead fluoresced orange, with a This specimen turned out to be notable because of the use
stronger reaction to SW than LW; a desk-model spectro- of coral fragments as inclusions; however, we could not
scope revealed a broad absorption band from the violet to clearly understand its purpose.
yellow-orange region. Raman spectroscopy (figure 20) con-
Gagan Choudhary (gagan@gjepcindia.com)
firmed the major component of the bead as plastic, while
Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur, India
the grains were identified as carbonate. We did not detect
any carotenoid-related peaks, which have been suggested
as the cause of color in pink-to red-coral (C.P. Smith et al., A jadeite bangle simulant: Hydrogrossular garnet. Jadeite,
“Pink-to-red coral: A guide to determining origin of a material significant within Chinese culture, is often sub-
color,”Spring 2007 G&G, pp. 4–15). On the basis of Raman mitted to the Lai Tai-An Gem Laboratory for identification.
spectra and concentric radiating structure, the sharp frag- Historically, the name “jade” has been applied to either
ments were identified as white coral. nephrite or jadeite. Nephrite has been used for adornment
Coral-plastic composites have been reported previously and ornamentation for thousands of years in China, and
(e.g., Fall 2008 Lab Notes, p. 253). Further, orange-red plas- nephrite objects from many dynasties are found in muse-
Figure 21. The photo on the left shows a jadeite jade bangle. The photo on the right shows two hydrogrossular gar-
net bangles that were claimed to be jadeite. Photos by Lai Tai-An Gem Lab.
1000 823 1489
800 544
500 1000 1500 2000
957 acteristics suggest that the color of the garnet is natural.
The identification was confirmed by FTIR and Raman
0.2 analysis. Peaks at 954, 866, 843, 616, 560, 488, and 458 cm–
954 1
in the infrared spectra (figure 23), and peaks at 367, 408,
544, 823, 877, 1489, and 1543 cm–1 (figure 24) in the Raman
843 spectrum are indicative of hydrogrossular garnet. The sim-
855 ilarity to jadeite could lead to a costly error, so those in the
trade must be aware of such imitations.
Larry Tai-An Lai (service@laitaian.com.tw)
745 Lai Tai-An Gem Laboratory, Taipei
0.05 666
Impregnated and dyed turquoise. Turquoise has a cryp-
500 1000 1500
tocrystalline structure, which gives rise to the gem’s poros-
ity. Its vulnerability to body oils, ordinary solvents, and dirt
can induce variation of color. This porous gemstone’s ap-
pearance and durability can be enhanced by various treat- and SWUV radiation (figure 26), suggesting impregnation.
ment techniques, such as dyeing, impregnation (with poly- Magnification showed some filling material were also pres-
mer, wax, or plastic), and the proprietary Zachery process ent in the cavities. Additionally, green color concentration
(E. Fritsch et al., “The identification of Zachery-treated was observed in the material’s cavities and cracks.
turquoise,” Spring 1999 G&G, pp. 4–16). Infrared reflectance spectroscopy revealed complicated
Turquoise, often featured in vintage jewelry pieces, is peaks containing turquoise and impregnated materials. The
becoming increasingly popular in the Chinese market. Re- bands at 1118 and 1050 cm–1 were assigned to the asym-
cently, the NGTC Beijing lab received for identification a metric stretching vibrations of phosphate units, while the
15.21 gram turquoise sphere with green color (figure 25). 835 cm–1 was caused by the bending vibration of OH units.
The specimen measured approximately 3.5 cm in diameter; Other features from approximately 647 to 482 cm–1 were
its spot RI value was 1.59 and its hydrostatic SG value was due to the phosphate bending modes of turquoise. The 2918
2.58. The test sample was inert, except for several lines and and 2850 cm–1 peaks were attributed to wax; additionally, a
a cavity with moderate white fluorescence under both LW series of small peaks from 1800 to 1350 cm–1 indicated the
1611 Figure 27. The infrared
TINO HAMMID (1952–2015)
Gems & Gemology mourns the loss of acclaimed gem and issue of Modern Jeweler. Their 25-year collaboration yielded
jewelry photographer Tino Hammid, who died July 11 at two Jesse H. Neal awards for business journalism and a pair
the age of 63 after a two-year battle with cancer. Mr. Ham- of Gem Profile hardcover volumes: The First 60 (1988) and
mid is widely remembered throughout the industry for his The Second 60 (1992). Mr. Hammid’s work appeared in
kindness and his passion for the craft. countless other books, and starting in 1987 he photographed
The son of Academy Award–winning filmmaker more than 100 Christie’s jewelry auction catalogs.
Alexander Hammid, the New York native established his G&G has been privileged to showcase Mr. Hammid’s
career in Los Angeles. From 1980 to 1982, he served as a talents for over 30 years. Longtime readers of the journal
staff photographer at GIA’s Santa Monica campus. Upon will recognize his distinctive backgrounds and use of light
leaving GIA, he became a successful freelance photogra- and shadow. Through his style and technique, he exerted a
pher, capturing some of the world’s most remarkable gems. lasting influence on gem photography. Tino Hammid is
In 1983, he began photographing gemstones for David survived by his wife, Petra, and three children. We extend
Federman’s popular Gem Profile column in each monthly our deepest condolences to his family and friends.