Fluid Inclusion Study of Tin-Mineralized Greisens and Quartz Veins in The Penouta Apogranite (Orense, Spain)
Fluid Inclusion Study of Tin-Mineralized Greisens and Quartz Veins in The Penouta Apogranite (Orense, Spain)
Fluid Inclusion Study of Tin-Mineralized Greisens and Quartz Veins in The Penouta Apogranite (Orense, Spain)
Department of Geology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Campus de
Tafira, 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
Directorate-General XI1, Science, Research and Development, Commission of the European Communities,
Rue de la Loi 200, B-11149Brussels, Belgium
The Penouta deposit is associated with a small Hercynian apogranite stock that intrudes
Precambrian-Cambrian gneisses of the Oflo de Sapo Formation. Tin ore occurs as disseminations of
cassiterite in the apogranite and as greisenized zones and quartz veins which traverse both the alkaline
leucogranite and the surrounding metamorphic country rocks.
A fluid-inclusion study, utilizing microthermometric, crushing tests and Raman spectroscopic
techniques on quartz from an intragranitic vein and a greisen of the host rock, indicates that the
evolution of fluids was similar in both samples and occurred in the three main stages: The first stage is
characterized by complex CO2 (CO2-N2-CH4-H2S) and complex CO2 aqueous (H20-NaC1-CO2-N2-
CH4-H2S) fluids of low salinity (T,n ice > - 6 ~ homogenization temperatures between 250 and
410 ~ homogenization pressures below 900 bars, and thermobarometric trapping conditions with
temperatures below 700 ~ and pressures below 3250 bars. These fluids were probably responsible for
the greisenization of the apogranite and wall rocks, and the precipitation of cassiterite. The second
stage is represented by low-salinity aqueous solutions (H20-NaC1) with Tm ice/> - 4 . 5 ~ trapped at
homogenization temperatures between 110 and 300 ~ and homogenization pressures below 100 bars.
This stage can be correlated with kaolinization. The third stage is characterized by higher salinity
aqueous fluids (Tin ice i> -16.5 ~ containing Na + and other cations, trapped at homogenization
temperatures between 100 and 130 ~ and homogenization pressures below 5 bars. These fluids can be
associated with the epigenetic or supergene phases of the orebody.
KEYWORDS: fluid inclusions, thermobarometry, apogranite, greisen, quartz veins, cassiterite.
1 2 :5 Km.
I I 9
Late granodiorite.
C o a r s e - grained ortogneiss.
Fine-grained ortogneiss.
Alkaline leucogronite with greisen zone.
Penouta deposit.
II II , Tr ~ + ~ Synclinal , , 1T
" Flow plane ~ Intersection lineation
FJ6.1. Geological map of the Viana del Bollo zone showing location of the Penouta orebody (adapted from lglesias
and Varea, 1981).
Fro. 2. A, Penouta open-pit. Intrusive contact between Penouta apogranite and Ollo de Sapo Formation gneisses.
B, sample of mineralized quartz vein. Cassiterite is found towards the edges of the vein together with muscovite and
quartz. C, Thin section of the Penouta albitic granite (x 25 Crossed Nicols). Microclinc rimmed by albite is observed
in centre of photograph. D, Thin section x63 (Crossed Nicols). Cassiterite appears disseminated in the apogranite,
here next to muscovite.
From the petrological standpoint, the Penouta Department of Geology at the University of
deposit shows three principal stages: magmatic, Salamanca (Spain). Raman spectrometric
hydrothermal (greisen and quartz veins) and measurements were made at room temperature
supergene, and corresponds to the so-called using a M.O.L.E.-type microprobe at C R E G U ,
'alkaline microgranites with columbite and tanta- Nancy (France) (Dhamelincourt etal., 1979). The
lite' mineralizations (Arribas, 19~/9). At present, exciting radiation was the 514.5 nm green line
the orebody is not mined. from a 5-W Spectra Physics ionized argon laser.
The photomultiplier was an RCA 31034 type
cooled to - 2 0 ~ The presence of CO2, CH4, N2
and H2S in the gas part of the inclusions was
Fluid inclusions
checked using a 1-W laser beam, referring to the
Description of inclusions. The fluid inclusion following lines, respectively: 1388cm- 1,
study was undertaken using microthermometry, 2915 cm - l , 2331 cm -1, and 2611 cm - l .
crushing tests and Raman spectroscopy. Three Observations show that the quartz is crossed by
samples were analysed: an intragranitic vein a large number of microfractures of varying
(P34), a greisen (Pl15) and an exogranitic vein strike, dip and extension, representing repeated
(P42), (Fig. 3). fracturing, healing and recrystallization.
Microthermometric studies of fluid inclusions Different quartz grains with distinctive shapes
were performed on 300 9m-thick plates using a and orientation are seen. In the grains, the
microscope equipped with a UMK50 Leitz objec- inclusions are generally pseudosecondary or
tive and a Chaixmeca cooling and heating stage secondary in character (Roedder, 1984). In addi-
(Poty et al., 1976). Crushing test analysis was tion, a smaller number of inclusions appear
carried out on a crushing stage designed by the isolated or in groups; these are interpreted as
~ _ GREISENS ~ ~
~ /'4" + + + + + + + + + +
~ + ~ ,r++++++t++++++++++++++++*
_ ..+*+++++++++'>.+.. /++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~+ x
// Ii~- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
/.-4 + + + + + + + + + + + 9 //+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~'% + + + + + + + + + t + +
~ + + + § + + + + +++++++++++ ++ + + + + + + + + + +++++
/~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
~- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Fro. 3. Scheme of Fig. 2A, where the location of samples taken for fluid inclusion study is shown.
primary (Roedder, 1984). The abundance of fluid groups and fractures containing type 1 inclusions
inclusions and mineral impurities is highly vari- (Fig. 4B).
able giving rise to transparent, translucent and
opaque areas in the quartz. Inclusion morphology Type 3: low salinity, aqueous inclusions ( H 2 0 . -
is equally varied, ranging from 5 to 50 gm in size. NaCl). These show one (H20 L) or two phases
Based on the estimated composition of the (H20 L + H20 V) at room temperature in which
trapped fluid using microthermometric, crushing the vapour bubble occupies 2 to 20% of the total
test and Raman data, and the volume of the fluid inclusion volume. These inclusions appear in all
phases at room temperature, four types of inclu- the samples and are fracture controlled (Fig. 4C).
sions have been defined (Fig. 4A, B, C and D):
Type 4: mixed salt, aqueous inclusions (HeO-
Type 1: complex, CO2 aqueous inclusions ( H 2 0 - NaC1 and other salts). These show one (H20 L)
NaCI-COz-N2-CH4-H2S). These show two or two (H20 L + H 2 0 V) at room temperature in
(mainly H20 L + CO2 V) or three phases (mainly which the vapour bubble occupies ~<5% of the
H20 L + CO2 L + CO2 V) at room temperature total inclusion volume. These inclusions are
(T ~ 20~ The carbon-rich phases (CO2 L + comparatively scarce and are always secondary in
CO2 V) occupy />20% of the total volume of character (Fig. 4D).
inclusions. The volumetric proportion of CO2 L
relative to CO2 L + CO2 V (Flc) is/>30%. These
inclusions which are the most representative of M i c r o t h e r m o m e t r i c results
the Penouta orebody, appear in all the samples
and are found distributed in microfractures, More than 200 fluid inclusions have been
isolated, or in groups (Fig. 4A and B). studied in samples P34 and Pl15. The microther-
mometric results are summarized in Table 1 and
Type 2: complex, CO2 inclusions (CO2-N2-CH 4- described below.
H2S). These inclusions are one (CO2 L/CO2 V) Melting temperatures for solid CO2 in type 1 nd
or two phases (mainly CO2 L + Co2 V) at room 2 inclusions, and clathrate melting temperatures
temperature and the Flc data are t>30%. These for type I inclusions show that the carbonic phase
inclusions are rare in samples P34 and P42, and contains CO2 and other gases (Swanenberg,
are not seen in sample Pl15. They appear near 1979). Fluid salinities estimated from final ice
Fro. 4. A, A three-phase fluid inclusion in the centre of photo, containing mainly liquid H20, liquid CO2 and
gaseous CO2. B, Distributions of groups of type 1 and 2 inclusions. C, Type 3 aqueous inclusion containing water
and water vapour. D, Distribution of type 4 aqueous inclusions in healed fracture planes.
TABLE 19 Microthermometric results, Penouta deposit. No = total number of inclusions studied; Tm CO2 =
temperature of final melting of CO2 solid (~ Tm clat. = clathrate melting temperature (~ Th CO2 =
temperature of homogenization of CO2 liquid and vapour phases (~ Th = temperature of total homogenization
(~ G and L = homogenization into gaseous and liquid states, respectively. Salinity, expressed in terms of weight
per cent NaCl equivalent. The maximum frequency in the results is underlined.
CO 2 G 15
C02G 40
P34 42 1 H20 L 60 20 -57 -4.5 9.5 25.3 L 328 L
CO 2 G 40
P115 13 1 H 0 L 60 20 -5B.2 -4,4 10.6 18.9 G 288 L
CO 2 G 40
H20 G 5
11- ~ ~ J ~ 1
1 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5
I [ I I ' I I i I [ ~ l l I
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Flo. 5. Diagrams showing the results of crushing-test analyses. 1, Edge of vein and 2, core of vein. No = number of
crushing-test analyscs; I, liberated gas intensity, using the classification of Leroy, 1978.
Given the mineral paragenesis of the samples that the inclusions are contemporaneous with
chosen for the study and the apparent contempor- greisenization. However, since different solutions
aneity of the type 1 and 2 inclusions, this implies are present during the early stage of mineraliz-
TABLE3. Chemical compositions obtained by Raman microprobe spectrometry. Inclusions numbered as in Table 2
and Fig. 6. Analysts: C. Kostolanyi and J. Dubessy (C. R.E.G.U., Nancy, France). Zi = mole fraction of gas species
i in the non-aqueous fluid phase, expressed in terms of mol %; Xi = mole fraction of species i in the inclusion, in
mol % ; d = bulk density of the inclusion in g/cm 3.
No F . I . Type Z Z ZCH Z
CO 2 N2 4 H 28 XH20 XNaCl XCO 2 XN2 XCH 4 XH2 S d
Th ~
bars 20o0 F.I n~33 @
9 . ~13
Th ~
Fro, 6. Pressure-temperature diagram. Equilibrium curves and isochorcs corresponding to the inclusions in samples
P34 and Pll5 for Raman spectroscopic analyses (Tables 2 and 3). 1, CO2; 2, H20; 3, 5.5% mol CO2 and 2.5% eq.
NaCl; 4, 6.5% mol CO2 and 2% eq. NaCI; 5, 15% tool CO2 and 2.5% eq, NaCI; 6, 7.5% tool CO~ and 2,5% eq,
NaCI. The upper circle shows the intersection between type 1 inclusion which homogenizes into the gaseous state
and type 2 inclusion. The lower circle shows the intersection between type 1 inclusions which homogenize into the
liquid state and type 2 inclusion.
ation, it cannot be determined precisely which authors for granite greisenization and associated
fluids are responsible for the alteration, and tin mineralizations (Scherba, 1970; Naumov and
which relate to the transport and precipitation of Ivanova, 1971; Tugarivov and Naumov, 1972;
cassiterite. Despite this uncertainty, if the results Charoy, 1979; Ramboz, 1980; Mangas, 1981 and
obtained for Penouta are compared with those of 1987; Thomas, 1982; Roedder, 1984; Dubessy
other tin deposits, the following conclusions may et al., 1987; Cathelineau et al., 1988; Durisova,
be deduced: 1988).
1. Estimated trapping temperatures for the first 2. Estimated trapping pressures (300-
stage 250-700 ~ are consistent with the thermal 3250 bars) are typical for orebodies associated
conditions (200-650~ calculated by various with granitic intrusions, where repeated fractur-
ing of the granite permits changes in pressure, eq. NaCl) with homogenization temperatures
composition and temperature for each phase of below 130 ~ These are thought to be related to
fracture opening and sealing (Charoy, 1979; the epigenetic or supergene phases of the ore-
Ramboz, 1980; Thomas, 1982). body. The differences in composition and salinity
3. The fluids are of primarily low salinity, for the second and third stages could be a result of
carbonated sodium chloride solutions mixing between magmatic fluids with formational
(<8.5 wt.% eq. NaC1). Such low salinities are waters. However, to confirm this hypothesis, it
characteristic of the fluids associated with greisen- would be necessary to carry out isotopic studies.
ization (Beus, 1967; Scherba, 1970; Charoy, 1979; The evolution and physico-chemical character-
Durisova, 1978; Ramboz, 1980; Mangas, 1981 istics of the fluids of the Penouta deposit are
and 1987; Thomas, 1982; Roedder, 1984 and similar to those described for the greisen and
Dubessy et al., 1987). Likewise, the presence of quartz veins of the Golpejas apogranite (Mangas
CO2 in the mineralizing solutions is common and Arribas, 1984; Mangas, 1981, 1987).
although the absolute concentration may be However, the pressure conditions of greiseniza-
variable (Goncharov and Vorontsova, 1976; tion and precipitation of cassiterite are different.
Ramboz, 1980; Mangas, 1981 and 1987; Roedder, Thus, at Golpejas, pressures are estimated to be
1984; Dubessy et al., 1987). less than 900 bars. This may reflect different
Thus, the residual tin that did not crystallize levels of emplacement, since at Golpejas the
with the Penouta apogranite, together with that orebody consists of several sheets of mineralized
which was released during alteration, could be albitic granite, while at Penouta there is a small
transported: (a) in the form of complexes of the granitic stock. These different morphologies indi-
type Na{K Sn m(CO3)n (C1,OH)p} and Na K cates distinct emplacement depths, the Golpejas
{Sn(C1, OH)n} (Scherba, 1970); (b) CI- and granite being intruded at a higher level that the
O H - complexes in aqueous solutions at tempera- Penouta granite.
ture around 350~ (Jackson and Helgeson,
1985); and (c) as chloride complexes between 500
and 600 ~ at low oxidation states (Dubessy et al., Conclusion
1987). The solubility of cassiterite in NaC1 fluids The greisenization and tin mineralization at the
increases with increasing temperature, oxygen Penouta mine was caused by essentially aqueous
fugacity and salinity (Eadington, 1983; Eugster fluids with some volatiles (CO2, Nz, CH4 and
and Wilson, 1985; Jackson and Helgeson, 1985). H2S). Saliuities were below 8.5 wt.% eq. NaC1,
Hence the precipitation of cassiterite will take densities between 0.5 and 0.8 g/cc, temperatures
place as a result of sharp decreases in pressure, below 700 ~ and pressures below 3250 bars. The
temperature, oxygen fugacity and salinity, or as tin was probably transported as aqueous, chloride
indicated by Volosov et al. (1981), Halley et al. and/or carbonate complexes. Consequently,
(1984), Jackson and Helgeson (1985), and changes in the physico-chemical conditions (i.e.
Sushchevskaya et al. (1985), due to pH increases temperature, pressure, density, composition and
at temperatures between 30t3 and 500 ~ concentration) were enough to cause destabiliza-
Stage H. The second stage is characterized by tion of the tin complexes and give rise to the
low salinity, aqueous inclusions (<7 wt.% eq. precipitation of cassiterite. Thee changes
NaC1), trapped at temperatures less than 300 ~ occurred when the mineralizing fluids reacted
and pressures below 100bars. Also present with the host rocks or mixed with non-magmatic
during Stage II are very low salinity fluids, with fluid.
values <4 wt.% eq. NaCI, at homogenization Kaolinization of Penouta was probably gener-
temperatures between 110 and 180~ These ated by aqueous solutions with salinites <7 wt.%
fluids are thought to be responsible for the eq. NaC1, densities between 0.8 and 1 g/cm3,
kaolinization at Penouta. This is in general homogenization temperatures between 100 and
agreement with the work of Charoy (1979), 300~ and homogenization pressures less than
Jackson et al. (1977) and Bristow (1977) who, 100 bars.
having studied the kaolin deposits of SW England
(United Kingdom) and Brittany (France), con-
clude that kaolinization was due to circulation of Acknowledgements
low salinity, aqueous fluids (2 and 3 wt.% eq. The work was supported by grants from the Geology
NaC1) at temperatures below 200~ pH is Department (Salamanca), the Ministry of Universities
estimated to be 4--4.8. and Research and the Polytechnical University of the
Stage Ill. The third stage is represented by Canary Islands. We thank B. Poty for access to the
higher salinity aqueous inclusions (>13.5 wt.% laboratories at C.R.E.G.U. (Nancy, France). We also
222 J. M A N G A S A N D A. A R R I B A S
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Raman analyses and J. Dubessy for providing the thermal deposits in France and Great Britain, and
computer programs to calculate bulk composition, solubility data. Bull. Mindral., 110, 261-81.
density and isochores from Raman spectroscopic data. Durisova, J. (1978) Geothermometry in the minerals
We gratefully acknowledge A. Weisbrod, C. Leroy and from the tin-ore deposit (G.D.R.) by means of gas-
J. Dubessy for their advice on all aspects of thermobaro- liquid inclusions. Z. Angew. Geol. D.D.R., 20,
metric interpretation and the management and staff of 352-63.
the Penouta mine for permission to work on their - - (1988) Diversity of fluids in the formation of ore
property. Finally, we would like to thank Jean P. assemblages in the Bohemian Massif (Czechoslo-
LeGrow for her translation work. vakia). Bull. Mindral., 111,477-92.
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