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Development of ART

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On the development of ship anti-roll tanks

Introduction :
Steady ship motion is typically an important objective in modelling.
Roll dof is usually the largest of all the dofs, yet it is only the least resisted one.
Damping can only reduce motion, never eliminate it.
Interesting solution is moving large mass transversely to achieve the required restoring moment.
Demerits :
1. requires considerable power
2. small response time
3. Occupies large volume in prime location of the ship
Different variants of this idea has been developed among them actively controlled U-tube type is main
concern for us.
The theoretical foundations of the ship motion were laid in the eighteenth century by Euler (1749)
and Bouger (1746), which analyzed the roll of a ship in smooth sea. In two important papers, the
small oscillations of a floating body are studied as small oscillations of a simple pendulum. Into the
dynamical equations proposed by these authors only hydrostatic forces appear, that is, they do not
take into account dynamical actions.
D. Bernoulli was the first to consider the effect of regular waves on the ship motion (1759) putting
in evidence the ruinous effect of the sea waves on the ship when the frequency of the waves becomes
equal to the frequency of proper oscillations of the ship. However, at the basis of Bernoulli’s reasoning
there was a wrong hypothesis. In fact, he supposed that the effects of the sea waves were equivalent
to a force acting vertically on the ship.
Only in 1861 W. Froude published a paper in which the action of the sea waves on the ship was
supposed to be orthogonal not to the ship surface but to the waves themselves. In this paper, he
supposed that the ship was advancing orthogonally to the waves and that the oscillations of the ship
were small. Under these hypotheses, he obtained a right evaluation of the pitch motion of the ship.
At that time there was no theoretical model to describe the effects of the sea waves on the ship motion
when the waves propagate along an oblique direction with respect to the rhumb line. As a consequence,
the subsequent improvements realized in building ships were only the result of important developments
of engineering science not of theoretical descriptions of ship motion.
A consistent contribution to the theoretical understanding of interaction between sea waves and ship
was given at the end of 1800 by A. N. Krylov, which can be considered the father of Russian naval
engineering. In his articles of 1896 and 1898 he supplied a set of equations representing a first complete
theory of the action of sea waves on the ship motion.

In a paper of 1907, the Russian engineer Zukovski proved that the oscillations of a body floating interact
with the water surrounding the body. In turn, this interaction produces a reaction on the body which
can be computed increasing its mass in Krylov’s equations.
In two papers (1935, 1939), Pavlenko proposed some formulae to calculate this increasing of mass and
showed its effects on pitch and roll. In 1940 Kocin published a fundamental paper, which, together the
results of Pavlenko, allowed Haskind (1946, 1953, 1973) to formulate the first consistent hydrodynamic
theory of ship motion.
More recently, this theory has been developed by many authors (see, for instance, [14, 24, 25, 42, 46,
59]) who have also suggested many numerical procedures to obtain approximate solutions. In all these
papers the oscillations of the ship are supposed to have a small amplitude so that the basic equations
become linear.
However, this approximation leads to consistent errors in evaluating the roll of a ship. Consequently, a
nonlinear theory of ship motion has been elaborated by many researchers (see [21, 44]) in the hypothesis
that the waves are sinusoidal. On the other hand, the sea waves that are generated by wind are not
regular so that, to overcome this difficulty, the theory of probability has been applied (see, for instance,
[2, 47, 48, 70]).
2. R. Bhattacharrya, Dynamics of marine vehicles (Wiley, New York, 1978)
14. O. Grim, A Method for a more precise computation of heaving and pitching motions, both in smooth
water and in waves, in: Proc. Symp. Nav. Hydrodyn., 3rd ACR-65, Off. Nav. Res., Washington, DC

21. R.A. Ibrahim, I.M. Grace, Modeling of Ship Roll Dynamics and Its Coupling with Heave and Pitch.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2010 (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2009)
24. F. John, On the motion of floating bodies - Part I. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 2, (1949)
25. F. John, On the motion of floating bodies - Part II. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 3, (1950)

42. J.N. Newman, Theory of ship motions. Adv. Appl. Mech. 18, (1978)
44. J.R. Paulling, R.M. Rosenberg, On unstable ship motions resulting from nonlinear coupling. J. Ship
Res. 3, (1959)
46. A.S. Peters, J.J. Stoker, The motion of a ship as a floating rigid body in a seaway. Comm. Pure Appl.
Math. 10, (1957)
47. T. Perez, Ship Motion Control: Course Keeping and Roll Stabilisation Using Rudder and Fins (Springer-
Verlag London, 2005)
48. W.G. Price, R.E.D. Bishop, Probabilistic Theory of Ship Dynamics (Chapman and Hall, London, 1974)

70. Y. Yang, C. Zhou, X. Jia, Robust adaptive fuzzy control and its application to ship roll stabilization.
Inform. Sci. 142, (2002)

Literature Review

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