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Marine CFD Applications

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Marine CFD applications

using OpenFOAM

Andrea Penza, CINECA

•  Background at CINECA: LRC experience

•  CFD skills

•  Automatic workflow

•  Reliability workflow
OpenFOAM solvers for marine CFD analysis

•  6DOF/2DOF solver: "

interDyMFoam (dynamics, transient, optional wave motion)"
fully explicit mules: CFL mandatory"
•  Unsteady 0DOF:"
interFoam (transient captive) "

•  0DOF (captive): "

LTSInterFoam (Local Time Stepping (quasi-static hypothesis),
suitable for automation and large computational campaign)"
OpenFOAM: CFD mandatory
CFD Model

①  High Reynolds
simulation: RANS model

②  Turbulence model:
k-ω SST

Ø  Standard DTMB-5415

③  Wallfunction enabled:
bare hull modeled
y+ ≈ 70
CFD model for marine applications
CFD comparison method
Unsteady captive - CFD Results
OpenFOAM vs commercial CFD (GS)
OpenFOAM velocity field

Symmetry well caught by the solver in the velocity field

Ø  computations
Pressure field over hull
Free surface visualization
CFD results: agreement with theory
DTMB-5414: half hull simulations
CFD skills applied to AC72 issues

Two phase High 3D complex Aerodynamics 2D airfoil design

Reynolds RANS geometries Aerodynamic of Wing section
CFD analysis meshing high Reynolds efficient RANS
Free surface Highly automated number RANS simulation. Airfoil
simulation of high meshing process of simulation of 3D design optimization
performance boat 3D complex bodies; high based on RANS
(AC72 kat) and shapes; fully- parallel CFD code data
appendages structured, hybrid computations
or unstrucutured
mesh on problem
Marine CFD automatic workflow
OpenFOAM automatic workflow evaluation


①  Accuracy
Ready to CFD
②  Scalability production on
HPC cluster
③  Reliability
Ø  Description: widely used in
marine engineering for
validation of measures

Ø  Standard reference

Accuracy: CFD vs experimental

Ø  Wigley-hull wave elevation @ different Froude number

Accuracy: mesh sensitivity

Ø  Fixed Froude number. On purpose degradation of mesh reducing number

of cells to investigate how total computed forces become (in)accurate

Ø  Considerable advantages in elapsed time required

Ø  Mesh size range [% cells respect to gold-standard mesh]:

5.0% - 8.0% - 36.% - 100.% (gold-standard)

Ø  Cores range: 12 – 24 @ PLX, CINECA cluster

Accuracy: mesh sensitivity
Mesh-size F value F diff%
100% 3,03 Used-as-GS
36% 3,05 0,6%
8% 2,98 1,6%
5% 2,93 3,3%

Ø  Reducing mesh size in not critical for the

absolute convergence but just delays it.

Ø  5% size mesh respect to GS produces a 3%

discrepancy in the total computed drag

Ø  5% size mesh respect to GS requires just

2h @ 12 cpu to reach convergence

Ø  User choice: different accuracy, different

mesh size, different cost.
Ø  Different elapsed time due to different used computational

Ø  Fixed mesh size: 1.7 M cells

Ø  Cores range: 12 – 24 – 36 – 48 – 72 @ PLX, CINECA cluster

Ø  Fixed number of iterations: 5000 (up to convergence)

Ø  Key value indices: elapsed-time, speedup, efficiency

Scalability results

Ø  Convergence reached

in 2h

Ø  High efficiency up to

24k cells/core
Ø  Different computed forces due to different Froude number e.g. inlet velocity

Ø  Fixed mesh size: 1.7 mln cells

Ø  Fixed number of cores: 36 @ PLX, CINECA cluster

Ø  Froude number range: 0.250 0.267 0.289 0.316 0.354 0.408

Ø  Key value indices: total forces, viscous forces, pressure forces, wave
Reliability: results

Ø  Stable solution reached

within 4s (4k iteration for
LTS solver)

Ø  Fixed cut-off at 6s.

Ø  Stable means are

computed in the selected
range 4s – 6s, so 4h @ 36
cpu exploiting best
Wave elevation (α = 0.5)
Pressure & axial velocity

Pressure over boat hull Axial (x) velocity over wave 3D surface
Hands-on: CFD result

DTC Hull tutorial:

Hands-on: OpenFOAM commands
①  CAD transformation: scaling, trim, sink ⑤  Decompose domain:
Ø  surfaceTransformPoints –scale Ø  Edit system/decomposeParDict
-yawPitchRoll Ø  Run decomposePar

⑥  Run solver:
②  Setup constants: Ø  mpirun –np … LTSInterFoam -parallel
Ø  Edit constant/transportProperties
Ø  Edit constant/RASProperties
⑦  Reconstruct domain
Ø  Run reconstructPar
③  Setup BCs:
Ø  Edit 0.org files

④  Setup free surface initial position:

Ø  Edit system/setFieldDict
Ø  Run setFields

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