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Recommendations For Layout, Design and Construction of Greenhouse Structures

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The key takeaways are that greenhouses allow for enhanced horticultural crop productivity, especially of vegetables and flowers. However, they require considerable energy input for environmental control. The document provides recommendations for layout, design and construction of greenhouse structures and climate control systems.

Greenhouse structures are used to permit the enhancement of horticultural crop productivity, particularly of vegetables and flowers. They allow crops to be grown out of season.

The design of greenhouse structures needs to consider dead load, live load, wind and snow loads. Factors such as glazing material and ventilation also impact the inside temperature.


Indian Standard

ICS 65.040.30

0 BIS 1997


NEW DELHI 110002

October 1997 Price Group 4

Surface Covered Cultivation Structures Sectional Committee, FAD 43


This standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Surface
Covered Cultivation Structures Sectional Committee had been approved by the Food and Agriculture
Division Council.

Development of greenhouse technology in India is of recent origin. Greenhouse technology permits the
cnhancemcnt of horticultural crop productivity particularly those of vegetables and flowers. This tech-
nology requires a considerable energy input for environmental control. It is, therefore essential that
adcquatc guidclincs for the layout, design and construction of greenhouse structures and climate control
system should bc laid down. This standard has, therefore, been prepared with aview to providing necessary
guidance in this area.

In preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from ASAE EP 460 - 1995 Commercial
Greenhouse Design and Layout, Published by American Society of Agricultural Engineers.

The composition of the technical committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in
Annex A.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values @vi.&)‘. The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 14462:1997

Indian Standard
This standard covers recommendations for layout, For the purpose of this standard, the definitions
design and construction of greenhouse structures. given in IS 14461 shall apply.
The following Indian Standards contain *provisions 4.1 The design load includes the weight of the
which through references in this text, constitute structure (dead load), loads (equipment, etc) as-
provisions of this standard. At the time of publica- sociated with building use (live load) and loads
tion, the editions indicated were valid. All stand- from snow and wind.
ards are subject to revision, and parties to
4.I.l Dead Load
agreements based on this standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most AlI fixed services equipment such as heating, ven-
recent editions of the standards indicated belo-x tilating, air circulation, electrical, lighting, water-
IS No. Title ing, and energy conservation blankets should be
included if supported by structural members. Long
SP 7 : 1983 National Building Code of India term crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers sup-
SP30 : 1986 National Electrical Code of India ported by the structure are also considered as dead
loads. For estimation of dead load the actual mass
875 Code of practice for design loads of building materials and systems shall be taken
(other than earth quake)’ for into account.
buildings and structures
(Part 3) : 1987 Wind loads (second revision) 4.1.2 Live Load

(Part 4) : 1987 Snow load (second revision) Live loads arc temporary loads and shall include the
mass of repair crews and hanging plants.
2508 : 1984 Low density polyethylene films
(second revision) 4.1.3 Snow Load
3034 : 1993 Code of practice for fire safety of The greenhouse should be designed as to resist the
industrial buildings: Electrical snow load. In area of snow, a minimum distance of
generating and distributing 3.0 m should be provided between greenhouses to
stations (second revision) allow for snow accumulation and to prevent side
11264 : 1986 Guidelines for the quality of wall crushing from snow sliding off the roof. The
irrigation water snow load of greenhouse structures shall bc
estimated as prescribed in IS 87.5 (Part 4).
11731 Methods of test for determination
of flammability of solid electrical 4.1.4 Wind Load
insulating materials when
exposed to and igniting source. The greenhouse should be designed to resist the
wind load. The wind load of the grecnhousc struc-
(Part 1) : 1986 Horizontal specimen method tures shall bc estimated as prescribed in
(Part 2) : 1986 Vertical specimen method IS 875 (Part 3). Since the deadweight of most grccn-
houses structures is very small, special attention
14461 : 1997 Surface covered cultivation should be given to ensure that enough ground may
structures-Glossary of terms be there to resist the upward lift force created by
14485 : 1997 Recommendations for heating, the wind. The minimum design loads for the grcen-
ventilating and cooling of house!, structures mainframes is given in Table 1
greenhouses and may be used for reference only. Actual design

IS 14462 : 1997

values should be calculated for each greenhouse I’he layout of the greenhouse range will depend to
structures. some extent on the crop or crops to be grown. Two
basic systems are in use.
Table 1 Minimum Design Loads for
Greenhouse Mainframes
a>Single span greenhouse structures may be
left separate or the end walls attached to
Load Description Minimum Value central headhouse. Expansion or contrac-
N/m2 tion of the operation may be accomplished
Dead easily by moving each greenhouse into or
pipe frame, polyethylene cover out of production as needed. They may be
truss frame, lapped glass % operated with different environments
supported crops-tomatoes, cucumbers, etc 200
depending on plant needs. More heat is
Live-workem, repair materials 250
required per unit of floor area than with a
Snow-10°C minimum greenhouse temperature 750 gutter-connected greenhouse.
Wind-load acts perpendicular to surfaces 500
b) The gutter-connected keeps all growing
space inside one building, and a central
5 SITE SELECTION AND LAYOUT heating plant can easily serve all areas. A
minimum area of 1 000 m2 should be con-
5.1 Selection of Site and Location sidered to efficiently use materials and
The site shall be located away from industrial and equipment. It may not be as easy to expand
vehicular pollution to prevent plant injury from or contract space use as with single span
possible pollutants and to ensure light levels. The greenhouses. A headhouse may be attached
functional and environmental operation of a green- to the end or sides, or in large operations a
house structure may be affected by the building site central location reduces travel distances for
selected. Ground slope for drainage of water is plants and personnel.
important and may be provided. Greenhouses shall
Planning process provisions shall be made for ex-
be’ placed on gravel base 150 mm to 300 mm above
pansion. Land shall be available for additional
grade. Swales between greenhouses structures are
greenhouses and headhouse area. Water, electrical,
necessary to direct the water from the area. A
and environment control systems shall be installed
topographic map of the area will indicate surface
to allow for expansion.
drainage routes. The ideal greenhouse structures
site would have a slightly southern facing slope(less 5.3 Orientation
than 3 percent) for good winter light and protection
from northern winds. The ridge in either single span greenhouse struc-
tures or gutter-connected range shall be east-west
Location with respect to highways shall be con- in areas above 40’ north latitude to transmit maxi-
sidered. Location on near a highway and residential mum winter sunlight to the plants. Gutter shading
area may increase business for a retail operation. the same area during each day may result in uneven
5.2 Site Layout growth in some plants. Uneven growth in cast-west
ridge orientation is a trade off against general
The following points should be considered in reduction in winter light, if the ridges run north-
developing a layout for greenhouse structure: south.
locate the head house to the north of the
greenhouse to reduce shading; 5.4 Headhouse and Storage Facilities
locate windbreaks at least 30 m away to the
side of the prevailing winter winds to reduce A headhouse should be built to house the office,
energy consumption; utilities, work areas, employee arcas, storage, and
dispatch. The size of the hcadhousc can be ap-
separate supplier and customer traffic.
proximated from Table 4. This value should bc
Provide for convenient consumer parking ;
adjusted depending on the indoor storage needed
locate and screen any residcncc to insure
and the amount of mechanization used.
place the outdoor storage area where the A good headhouse layout helps the system opcratc
area is convenient to access for materials smoothly and cfficicntlq. Materials flow should hc
delivery and movement to the work area; such that thcrc is minimum of handling or cross
locate the retail sales area to keep customers lraffic in moving the components through the:
away from the production area to reduce system. Typical cxamplc of hcadhousc arca
chances for disease introduction and corresponding to various greenhouse structures
prevent interruption of work routines. sizes is given in Table 2.

IS 14462 : 1997

Table 2 Sizing the Headhouse convenient height above the floor, usually 500 to
Greenhouse Size Approximate Headhow Arta Needed 1OOOmm.
Per LOOIII* of Greenhouse Area
Benches improve labour efficiency, permit more
effective’display and inspection, and assist air cir-
culation. Bench arrangement depends on dimen-
4oooto7999 sions of the greenhouse, walkways, and doors and
Over 8ooO on materials handling and heating system type and
location.Total aisle space should be less that 25
Although it is often impractical to store ahgrowing percent of the total area. Longitudinal arrange-
media under cover. It is convenient to have some of ments with benches extending the length of the
it protected from rain and snow. The amount of house permits continuous runs of water lines, heat
space needed is determined by the type of opera- pipes, and plant support systems. Width of bench
can be up to 0.9 m for tending from one side and
tion, kind of media being used, and the local
2 m when aisles are on both sides. Minimum aisle
climate. Calculate space requirements based on the
width should be 500 mm.
amount that is needed for one crop or a specific
time period. A peninsular arrangement with one main center
aisle extending the length of the greenhouse and
Locate the storage area for bulk materials and truck perpendicular side aisles usually results in more
loads where there is good access by all weather road. growing space. A main aisle width of 1.0 to 1.5 m
Allow adequate space for trucks for shunting. The and side aisles of about 500 mm is recommended.
storage should be located close to the work area to
reduce handling time and costs. Provide drainage Movable benches allow the use of all the area ex-
in the storage area. Materials stored without cover cept one or two work aisles. Bench tops are sup-
should drain quickly, provide a paved area for han- ported on rollers and allowed to move sideways 500
dling with a bucket loader or fork lift. A clear span mm to provide a work aisle. Connections for water,
storage building allows freedom of movement for heat, and electrical systems that are attached to the
tractors and trucks and allows arrangement of bench must be made flexible.
equipment to be easily changed. For ease in 6 CONSTRUCTION
maneuvering tractors and trucks, a minimum width
of 7.0 m is required. 6.1 Foundations

Once the layout within the building has been estab- Pier foundation may be adequate for primary
lished, service and peTnne1 doors can be located. greenhouse frame, consisting of hoops spaced one
Service doors should be a minimum of 0.5 m wider meter or more. A curtain wall can be used to close
than the largest piece of equipment and the ceilings the area between the piers. If primary frame mem-
a minimum of 3.5 m or higher. Headroom should bers are spaced less than 1.2 m, a continuous
be a minimum of 3.5 m with higher ceilings, if masonry or poured concrete wall should be used.
bucket loaders are to be used. For convenience, The footing should be set below frost level or to a
locate a personnel door next to an overhead door. minimum depth of 600 mm below the ground sur-
face whichever is greater. Consult SP 7 building
Concrete floors inside the building and paved areas
code for local requircmcnts. It should rest on level,
outside make movement ofvehicles easy in all types
undisturbed soil, or adequately compacted fill. In-
ofwearher. Elevate building floors at least 150 mm
dividual pier footings should bc sized to fit the load
above outside grade, and slope the ground surface
and soil conditions.The pier may be of reinforced
away from the walls or the doorways. Provide
concrete, galvanized steel, treated wood, or con-
drainage for roof gutters and snow melt.
cretc masonry. The wall between galvanized piers
5.5 Interior Tuyout can be poured or precast concrete, masonry, fibre
reinforced cement panels, aluminium clad insulat-
The choice between production on the floor or on ing board, or any moisture and decay resistant
the benches depends on the crop and the produc- material. A continuous foundation wall should be
tion schedule. Benches are usuaIly provided for pot set on a poured concrete footing. The wall can be
plant production. Bedding plants are generally concrete or masonry. A 150 mm wall is usually
grown on the floor. Beds, either ground or raised sufficient for building spans up to 7.5 m. USCa 2(K)
arc needed for cut flowers. Benches may be fahri- mm wall for wider building spans. Typical founda-
catcd of wood, mctai, or plastic with a either solid tion construction arc shown in Fig. 1 Pier footing
or mesh bottom. Benches should be placed at a dimensions given in Table 3.

IS 14462 : 1997




HOT elflJMlNou










Table 3 Pier Footing Diameters lbr ,$verage smooth surface is desired a 50 to 75 mm thickness
Soil for Design Gravity Loads of porous concrete may be used. This is made from
(Check for Uplift due to Wind) uniform sized aggregate and a cement water paste.
Greenhouse Pitr Spacing (m) Aisles and heavy traffic areas should be concrete .
* ,Thickness depends on the traffic load but usually 75
SP_ \
(m) 5.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.7 4.6 to 100 mm is sufficient. Concrete walks should have
Pier dia (mm)
a broom finish for safety. Floors should slope to
6.1 150 230 300 300 300 380 assure surface drainage and be sufficiently even to
7.3 23034w300300380380 prevent puddling.
8.5 230300300380380460 6.3 Frame
9.5 230300300380380460
Wood, steel, aluminium, and reinforced concrete
11.0 230 300 380 380 460 *-
may be used to build frames for greenhouses. Some
12.2 300 300 380 380 460 ** frames use combinations of the materials. Wood
14.0 300 380 380 460 460 ** may be painted or othetwise preserved for protec-
18.3 300 460 460 460 l * ** tion against decay and also to improve light condi-
l 122050N/m2averagebearing capacity. tions within the buildings. Preservatives shall be
** Requires specialdesign.
used to protect any wood in contact with soil against
decay but they must be free of chemicals that are
toxic to plants or humans. Heartwood has natural
6.2 Floors
decay resistance
Gravel, pea stone, and trap rock make a good floor
material. A thickness of 150 to 200 mm is needed Woodframes include post beam and rafter systems,
for drainage and weed control. Where a hard, postsand trusses, glued laminated arches and rigid

IS 14462 : 1997

frames. Steel and aluminium are used for posts, 6.5 Covering Materials and Glazings
beams, girts, purlins, trusses, and arches. Both
materials shall be protected from direct contact Light is responsible for plant growth, therefore,
with ground to prevent corrosion. White paint on light transmittance of glazing materials should be
either material will improve the light reflection in high. In most of the materials the transmitted light
a greenhouse structure. The rate of heat loss is direct, but in some materials such as fibreglass
through steel or aluminium is much higher than reinforced plastics a high percentage is diffused.
through wood, so metal frames may need special Structural support reduce installed glazing
insulation. To avoid such heat loss through steel or transmission values. Glazing materials do not
aluminium, composite materials are sometimes transmit all wavelengths equally and this can affect
used, such as a trussed beam of wood and steel or a plant growth and flowering. Thermal radiation
member made of fibreglass reinforced plastic may transmittance is important in evaluating heat loss
be used. from a greenhouse during cold weather.

6.4 Structural Forms 6.51 Material Selection and Glazing

6.4.1 Gable Type The various glazing materials to cover the green-
house structures are recommended to be used as
The greenhouse structures with a straight sidewall mentioned below.
and a gable roof is the most common shape and has
advantages in framing and space utilization. Post Glass
and beam, post and truss, and arches are used to
form the gable structure. This traditional long life material has been im-
proved by increasing pane size and strength. Con-
6.4.2 Quonset Type struction costs have been reduced through use of
extruded glazing bars, bar caps and strip caulking.
In the quonset type shape, the part of the circle Double and triple glazing may be used to reduce
arch is easily formed from rolled sections of steel or heat loss.
aluminium or from glue laminated wood. It makes
better structural use of frame material than a gable Acrylic structural sheet
building, but in some applications there is unused
Extruded double skinned sheets contain an internal
space because of the curvature of the sidewalls.
rib and two surfaces providing some additional
6.4.3 Gothic Type thermal insulation. Sheet sizes of 1.2 m x 12 m
and several thicknesses may be used. Installation is
The Gothic frame may be formed from metal sec- made by using extruded attachment components.
tions or glue laminated wood. With proper design PO&carbonate structured sheet
it may provide adequate sidewall height wIthout
loss of strength. Any of the forms may be used to It is similar in configuration and installation to the
build a single span greenhouse or a large range of acrylic material. Sheets as wide as 2.4 m may be
gutter-connected units. used. To resist yellowing and light transmission,
coated or treated material is recommended. The
6.4.4 Gutter-Connected coated side shall face to the outside.
The ridge and furrow or gutter-connected green- Fibreglass reinforced plastic
house structure consists of several single span Large corrugated sheets and different thicknesses
houses connected together. The advantages include
are available, Surface erosion may require recoat-
greater uninterrupted interior growing space and ing every 5 to 6 year to retain high light transmit-
lower heating costs per unit area covcrcd. Heat
should be provided immediately below the gutter
to prevent any snow accumulation. The structural Poiyerhylenefilnt
forms commonly used are given in Fig. 2.
LOWdcnsitypolycthylcnc film is the most common
There must be adequate fasteners at sill plate and covering material bccausc of low cost and large
ridge to resist loads from any direction. Asnow load sheet size. Agricultural grades arc good for covcr-
acts downward but a wind load may act in any ing for less than six months period. Ultraviolet
direction. Sills should be bolted to the foundation inhibitcd,stronger plastic may also bc used, as it has
and metal connectors should be used to secure the 2 to 3 year life. IR absorbing films reduce heat loss.
wall frame to the sill. Metal connectors should be Application generally consists of a double layer
used at the plate and ridge also. with air inflation between the layers from a small
IS 14462: 1997







squirrel cage blower. Air pressure should be main- moving and stationary equipment shall be
tained at 50 to 7.5 Pa. The polycthylcne film shall provided.
conform to IS 2508.
6.6.3 Electrical Safety Polyvinylj7uoride film Thcrc shall be no breakdown of insulation and
This is a long-life film with high light transmission current leakage in from electrical fittings inside the
and strength.This film may be placed over greenhnusc. Greenhouse frame shall bc protcctcd
aluminium cxtrudcd or steel frames. from contact with parts normally at hazardous
6.6 Safely
6.6.4 Chermkal Sufety
6.6. I Fire Srfcty Inside the greenhouse there shall he full protection
Fire safety is important in selection and use of against potential injury or damage lo health result-
glazing materials. Flammability of plasticmaterials ing from inhalation, ingestation, or contact with
when exposed to an igniting source shall be as harmful chemical agents.
prescribed in 1s 11731 (Part 1 and 2 ). 7 UTILITIES
6.6.3 Mechanical Safety 7.1 Electricity
There shall no1 be any projections of sharp points An adequate electrical supply and distribution sys-
or edges which may cause cuts/lacerations. Ade- tem should be provided to serve the cnvironmcnt
quate guarding against entrapment of limbs in control and mechanization needs of the grcen-

IS 14462 : 1997

house. To determine the size of the services, the size and the cooling of the greenhouse structures shall
and the number of motors and other electrical com- be done as prescribed in IS 14485.
ponents should be known. Provisions should be
7.3 Watering
made for an alarm system to indicate when a power
failure has occurred or an environment control 7.3.1 The amount of water needed depends on the
system has failed. An auxiliary generating system water requirement of the cultivation medium, area
should be available and installed with the proper to be irrigated, crop grown, weather conditions, and
transfer switch to prevent feedback of power to the whether the heating and/or ventilating system is
utility lines. Locate the electrical system inside or operating. The maximum requirement during the
adjacent to the headhouse. summer is about 2 000 litre per 100 m* per watering
(see Table 4).
Utility lines should be buried to improve ap-
pearance, avoid damage, and reduce hazards.
Table 4 Estimated Maximum Daily Water
Electric, phone, and fuel lines should be buried at
least 500 mm deep to avoid damage from surface
traffic. Location of the utility lines should bc Crop Waler Required
recorded on a map for future reference. For
Bench crops 16.0
distribution system within the greenhouse
structure, the National Electrical Code may be Bedding plants 20.0
taken in account. Pot plants 20.0
Chyanthenum 41.0
7.2 Climate Control System in Greenhouse
Structures Roses, tomatoes 29.0

Cooling of the greenhouse is necessary wherever 7.3.2 The water system for the greenhouse should
the outside temperature goes beyond 30°C and also have the capacity to supply the total daily needs in
when temperate crops are to be grown. Depending a 6 hour application period. This allows the plants
upon the glazing material and the ventilation, once to be watered during the morning and early after-
the greenhouse structures are covered the inside noon and with time for the foliage to dry before
temperature may be at least 5 to 10°C higher than sunset.
the outside temperature, if it is not cooled. In order 7.3.3 Ground water is usually the most reliable
to create better growing conditions, it is necessary source of water. It is available from drilled wells,
to cool the greenhouse structures. dug wells, etc. Surface water ponds, lakes and
streams may also be used, but precautions shall be
Heating required in places where the winter
taken to insure against contamination injurious to
temperature is very low. Similarly, in places where
the plants. For greenhouse crops pH of irrigation
the climate is extreme cold and warm, both cooling
water shall be between 6.5 to 7.5. Irrigation water
and heating are required at higher elevations,
may contain impurities that adversely affect the
where temperatures do not normally go above
growth of the plants. Therefore, quality of the water
30°C, cooling may not be necessary, only providing
shall be ensured before irrigation. Micro irrigation
proper ventilation will serve the purpose. However,
system is the most suitable method for irrigation to
these places may require heating during winter for
the greenhouse groups.The quality of irrigation
successful crop production. Heating, ventilating
water shall conform to IS 11624.

IS 14462 : 1997


Surface Covered Cultivation Structures Sectional Committee, FAD 43

Chab?nan Representing
DRA.AI.AM Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur
DIRECTOR Indian Council of Forestty Research, Dehra Dun
DIRE-R Appropriate Eco-Technology Development Group, Gatwal
DIRECTOR Defence Agriculture Research Laboratories, Almora
DIRFXTOR(~NCHARGE) Jain Irrigation System Ltd, Jalgaon
DIRECTOR Vivekanand Patvatiya Krishi Anusandhanshala, Almora
HEAD(DEFITOFSOILANDWATERENGG) Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
DR P. P. SINCH(Alremate )
DKB.P. KACHRU Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
SHRIMATIKHOSYSHOBA Ministty of Petroleum Chemical and Fertilizers, New Delhi
MANAGINGDIRE~R Indo American Hybrid Seeds, Bangalore
MARKETINGMANAGER(PLASI~CULTLJRE) Indian Petrochemical Corporation Ltd, Vadodara
DR G,N.MIR(CHIEFSCIENTIST S. K. University of Agril Science and Technology, Srinagar
DRD.MUKHERJEE CSIR Research Complex, Palampur
SHRIPRASHANTMISHFU National Committee on Use of Plastic, New Delhi
SHRI0. P. GARG (Ahmare )
PROJECTDIRECTOR National Mushroom Research Centre, Solan
DRJ.S.PANWAR Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
DRM.M.SAWANT NTB Bowsmith Irrigation Ltd, Pune
DRK.N.SHIJKLA G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar
DRJAISINGH Central Institute of Post lIarvest Engineering and Technology, Ludhiana
DRN.S.L.SRIVAQAVA Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal
D~M.SHYAM (Alrentate)
SHRIDEEPAKSOOD Deepak Sood and Associate, New Delhi
SHKIG.K.V~DODARIA National Organic Chemical Industries Limited, Thane
DRI.S.YADAV Indian Institute of I Iorticultural Research, Bangalore
SHRIR.N.SHARMA, Director General, BIS (Ekojicio Member)
Director (Food and Agri)
Member Secretary

Joint Director (Fond 8~Agri)

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