Sr. No. Date N/N. Original N/N Applicable W.E.F. Sub-Category Category Furhter N/N W.E.F. Brief Content
Sr. No. Date N/N. Original N/N Applicable W.E.F. Sub-Category Category Furhter N/N W.E.F. Brief Content
Sr. No. Date N/N. Original N/N Applicable W.E.F. Sub-Category Category Furhter N/N W.E.F. Brief Content
11 23.04.2019 21 02/2019 23.04.2019 GST Return & Tax Composition 09/2019(CTR) 1. Section 10
(CT) (CTR) Payment: New Scheme & rule
All compositionn mutatis
dealer (Sec-10 & N/N mutandis
02/2019) shall file; apply.
Qtrly; GST CMP-08 2. ITC need to
– Return till 18th of reverse on
following quarter. opening stock
Annually; GSTR 4 – at the time of
till 30th April opting this
8 29.03.2019 08 01/2017 01.04.2019 Tax Rate on goods Real Estate Nil Nil
(CTR) under RCM: sector from
Promoter shall pay
the tax @ 18%
(9+9) on all
goods other than
capital goods &
cement supplied from
unregd. Person.
7 29.03.2019 07 Nil 01.04.2019 Tax to be paid on all Real Estate 08/2019-CTR Tax Rate on
supplies under RCM sector from Goods other
from Unregd. April’2019 than capital
person: goods &
1. Promoter shall pay prescibred @
the tax under 18%
RCM on all
supplies recvd. From
unregd. Person.
2. Value of Supplies
(other than capital
goods) – only to the
extent as shortfall
from the minimum
value of goods or
services or both
required to be
purchased by a
promoter for
construction of
3. For Capital
Goods – Tax to be
paid on all supplies
from unregd. person.
6 29.03.2019 06 Nil 01.04.2019 When to pay the tax Real Estate Nil Nil
under RCM on sector from
specified services: April’2019
The registered
promoter require to
pay the tax under
RCM on supply of
development rights,
FSI or long term lease
of land irrespective
form of
consideration, at the
time of issuance of
completion certifcate
or first occupation
whichever is earlier.
5 29.03.2019 05 13/2017 01.04.2019 Specify the following Real Estate 06/2019 – CTR When to pay
services on which sector from the tax on
tax to be paid under
RCM: April’2019 such services
1. Development Right
2. Floor Space Index
3. Long Term Lease
of Land
4 29.03.2019 04 12/2017 01.04.2019 For supplies of Real Estate 05/2019- 05: Tax to be
services namely, sector from CTR‘06/2019- paid under
TDR, FSI, Long April’2019 CTR RCM
Term Lease of Land:
Exemption: No ’06: Tax to be
GST to be paid on paid at the
TDR, FSI & Long time of
term lease of land issuance of
if such supplies completion
used for certificate or
construction of first
residential project occupancy.
on which GST to
be paid at the time
of supply ( booked
Tax to paid under
RCM only if such
supplies used for :
a) the construction
of commercial
b) the construction
of residential
project for
appartment sold
after issuance of
certificate or first
(i.e. unbooked
Value: Deemed to
be equal to the
value of similar
apartments charged
by the promoter
from the
buyers nearest to
the date on which
such development
rights or FSI is
transferred to the
Maximum Tax for
such supplies if
such supplies
used for
a) Affordable: 1%
(0.5+0.5) of vlaue
b) Other than
affordable: 5%
(2.5+2.5) of value