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TOFD Sizing

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NDT 2010 Conference Topics

Session 4A (2) – Ultrasonics

Chairman – Dr C Brett
Programme Enhancing
14.45  sizing resolution and off-axis flaw depth accuracy
in D-scans using signal processing and mode-converted waves
(under revision)
Conference Authors - A. Al-Ataby, W. Al-Nuaimy and C. R. Brett

The aim of this paper is to study the extent of the errors when the tip of a flaw is off-axis, i.e.
when the flaw tip is positioned away from the central axis. Also, the paper shows how to use
List mode-converted waves as a method for the accurate determination of depth in such cases for a
of Exhibitors
non-parallel scans (D-scans).



Enhancing sizing resolution and off-axis flaw depth accuracy in time-
of-flight diffraction D-scans using curve fitting and mode-converted
A. Al-Ataby and W. Al-Nuaimy
Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University of Liverpool
Liverpool, L69 3GJ, UK
Tel: +44 151 794 4580, Fax: +44 151 794 4540
aliataby@liv.ac.uk, wax@liv.ac.uk


Despite the recent popularity of ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) as a

reliable non-destructive testing technique for the inspection of weld defects in steel
structures, the critical stages of data processing and interpretation are still performed
manually. This is subject to inevitable human errors due to reduced alertness arising
from operator fatigue and visual strain when processing large volumes of data.

This paper presents techniques developed for accurate sizing and positioning of weld
flaws in TOFD D-scan data as an essential stage in a comprehensive TOFD inspection
and interpretation system to aid the operator by automating some aspects of the
processing and interpretation. Data manipulation and post-processing techniques have
been specifically developed for the sizing of weld defects in TOFD data, significantly
reducing the sizing and positioning errors for off-axis flaws. The mode-converted waves
are utilised to enhance positional accuracy of flaws. The results achieved so far have
been promising in terms of accuracy, consistency and reliability.

1. Introduction

The pulse echo method in ultrasonic inspection relies on the echo amplitude to size the
flaw and the pulse travel time to locate the defect position and orientation (1). This
method is based on the assumption that echoes from the planar features are suitably
angled and travel back to the transducer. Though simple and inexpensive, it suffers from
poor resolution for crack sizing when the echo may be severely attenuated because the
amplitude of the reflected echo may be influenced by factors such as surface roughness,
particles in the specimen, transparency and orientation of the flaw. To overcome the
limitations of the pulse echo method, the ultrasonic TOFD was developed. It has higher
accuracy for measuring the through-wall size of crack-like defects, and can be
performed in a wide range of material thickness. It has gained popularity because of its
high probability of detection, low false call rate, portability and most importantly, its
intrinsic accuracy in flaw sizing and positioning, especially in depth (1, 2, 3).

2. Why size and position matter

Some flaws can very quickly be enlarged by fatigue and cause a major reduction of
strength leading to catastrophic failure of the structure. This failure can occur by rapid
brittle fracture if these flaws exceed a certain critical size for the load applied. In
practice, when a material is strained, energy is stored in the elastic displacement. If the
material contains a crack, this stored strain energy is released by gradually increasing
the size of the crack and brittle fracture can occur depending on the through-wall extent
and orientation of the crack. Therefore, accurate measurement of the through-wall
extent of the flaws has great importance in ensuring the structural integrity of many
structures by detecting the defects that could trigger such a failure (3, 4). Ultrasonic NDT
techniques are commonly used to detect and size these flaws both pre-service and in-
service. In the early use of pulse-echo ultrasonics, flaws could be detected but there was
often little precision in flaw sizing, leading to some critical flaws not being detected and
diagnosed correctly. Furthermore, this may lead to unnecessary repair or replacement of
components, welded components in particular (4).

3. Off-axis depth error

3.1 Depth error calculation

In the D-scan configuration, the flaw is likely to be offset from the centre of the axis
between the transmitter and receiver. However accurate the time of flight may be, the
lateral position of the source of the echo is still unknown (4). Consider the situation for a
D-scan with the defect tip at depth d offset from the axis between the two probes by the
distance X mm, and a transit time (neglecting probe delay) of t μs (Figure 1). The range
for a signal from the defect tip is given by (3, 4):

v L t = ( s + X ) 2 + d 2 + ( s  X ) 2 + d 2 ..................................(1)

where vL is the longitudinal wave velocity in material.

Figure 1. Ellipse with constant time-of-flight

The shape of the path with constant range (i.e. time) is an ellipse with the index points
of the two probes at its foci. Rearranging Equation 1, the following expression for the
depth d is obtained (3, 4):

1 X2  2 2
d =   2 2 ( )
 v L t  4 s 2 ................................................(2)

 4 vL t 

This expression represents an ellipse with the beam entry points as foci and path length
vLt. From the equation it is clear that if X is unknown then d cannot be calculated. To
overcome this problem, it is normal practice to perform a TOFD B-scan at the position
of a detected defect to measure the depth accurately and find the offset X. Measurement
errors are minimised because at some point within the B-scan the defect must lie
equidistantly between the two probes. This operation requires that the operator first
analyses the D-scan to find the locations of any potential flaws, and then carries out a
number of supplementary B-scans to measure their depths. It is clear that this
introduces a certain amount of subjectivity to the operation and adds to the total
inspection time. However, this paper will show that this information can be obtained
from the original D-scan.

In order to estimate the depth error for an off-axis crack tip, the maximum and
minimum depth at which it could occur (i.e. dmax and dmin) need to be considered for a
measured transit time (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Uncertainty in lateral position in a D-scan

The maximum depth, dmax, is at the deepest point of the ellipse, i.e., when X=0, giving
the familiar (4):
d max = (v L t / 2) 2  s 2 ................................................(3)

According to the equation of the ellipse representing the path for transit distance vLt, the
minimum value for the depth, dmin is d=0 and consequently the term (1/4-X2/vL2t2) must
equal zero, i.e., X = vLt/2. When d=0, the edge of the ellipse is beyond the probe and
therefore represents an area not spanned by the probe and a defect in this position could
not be observed since it lies outside the beam of the nearest probe. At the edge of the
inspection coverage area, X is smaller than vLt/2, i.e. a fraction f (where f <1/2 ). Thus,
the ellipse position for dmin is when X=fvLt, hence:

d min = (v L t 2  4 s 2 )(1 / 4  f 2 ) .....................................(4)

The maximum error expressed as a percentage of the maximum depth is given by:

d error
d  d min
= max = L
(v t / 2) 2  s 2 ]1/ 2 2
 (v L t 2  4 s 2 )1 / 2 (1 / 4  f 2 )1 / 2
d max [(v L t / 2) 2  s 2 ]1 / 2

which is simplified to:

d error = 1  1  4 f .................................................(6)

3.2 Variation of the depth error with off-axis distance

In practice, the lower edge of the acoustic beam determines the maximum detectable
lateral position of a defect tip. If there is no information on the position of this edge then
the maximum error could be at X = s. The variation of the fraction f with the offset
distance X is quite complicated and the maximum value (at the edge of the beam)
depends on the probe centre separation (PCS) and the probe parameters (5). Take the
typical situation of aiming the beam centres at 2D/3, where D is the material thickness.
Then, for an ellipse with depth d=D/2 (when the offset X is zero), the variation of the
fraction f with offset distance X (expressed as a fraction of the distance s) is shown in
Figure 3, and the corresponding percentage depth error derror in Figure 4.

Figure 3. Variation of the factor f with off-axis distance X at d = D/2 and

s = 2D/3 tan  ( is the probe angle)

The fraction f increases linearly with offset distance X from zero at X=0 to f=0.5 at X = a
(limit of ellipse -vLt/2, Figure 1) while the depth error increasingly varies from zero at
X=0 to about 70% at X = a. At the extreme position X =s (i.e., defect is directly beneath
one of the probes), f = 0.46 and the depth error is 60%. Thus, the depth error for an off-
axis reflector can be very large (5).

Table 1 and 2 below show depth errors at the edge of the ultrasonic beam when the
beam centres aimed at 2D/3 and D of the sample, respectively, for a typical situation of
a 60o probe, with 5 MHz and 6 mm crystal diameter, lower beam angle of 45o and for a
beam edge cut-off of 10 dB (5).

4. Minimising the uncertainty in lateral position of off-axis flaws

4.1 Diffraction arcs

As mentioned earlier, in a D-scan configuration, the flaw is likely to be offset from the
centre of the axis between the transmitter and receiver by a distance X as shown in
Figure 5. By assuming, as current processing and reporting software invariably does,
that the diffracted returns originate from a point mid-way between the transducers (i.e.,
X = 0) the interpreted depth suffers from an error. This error (dX) due to the error in
lateral position can be calculated by (3, 4):

X2 v L t 2  4s 2
d X = 2
vL t 2 1 X2

4 vL 2t 2

Figure 4. Variation of depth error with off-axis distance X at d = D/2 and

s = 2D/3 tan  ( is the probe angle)

Table 1. Depth errors at edge of the beam for s = 2D/3 tan 60o

Depth f Depth error (%) at

beam edge
D/2 0.26 14.6
2D/3 0.18 7.0
D 0.05 0.5

Table 2. Depth errors at edge of the beam for s = D tan 60o

Depth f Depth error (%) at

beam edge
D/2 0.34 27
2D/3 0.29 18.1
D 0.18 6.9

Figure 5. Effect of lateral flaw position on the arrival time in D-scan

Although flaw sizing using TOFD in D-scanning mode is more accurate than other
conventional ultrasonic techniques, this depth error can still be of high order (as shown
previously). When the flaw is located in the plane normal to the inspection surface and
passing through both transmitter and receiver, the transit time of the pulse is at a
minimum. As the transducers move away from this position as shown in Figure 5, along
a scan line perpendicular to the plane of the flaw, the transit time increases resulting in
arcs or wings at the ends of the flaw record in D-scan presentation. For a flaw located at
a position yo (in Figure 5) along the weld, the shortest path of a diffracted signal when
the transmitter and receiver are moved to position y can be shown to be (4):

v L t = ( s + X ) 2 + d 2 + ( y  y o ) 2 + ( s  X ) 2 + d 2 + ( y  y o ) 2 .............(8)

This equation represents the dependence of end of defect signature shape on the lateral
offset X as shown in Figure 6. The depth error is directly related to X (follows from
Equation 7) (3, 4).

4.2 Curve fitting

Equation 8 is recognised as the equation of a hyperbola for variables t and y. This has
two branches; in the one of physical interest, t is at a minimum at the point where the
scattering point lies in the plane defined by the two beam axes and it increases as the
point moves away from that plane. From physical argument, it is clear that signal loci,
although hyperbolic only in the special case referred to above, is of the same general
shape for all scan paths in this simple geometry. In particular, the signal loci for a scan
parallel to the plane defined by the beam axes will look very much like hyperbolas for
deep defects but will appear increasingly flattened as the defect is approached (4).

Figure 6. Dependence of defect signature shape on
lateral offset X from defect

When the defect is well away from the beam axes of the transducers, even simple
defects can yield complex patterns of arcs. These arise because signals generated at the
separate transducer edges can travel to the defect and back to the receiver as distinct
wavepackets without interference, making it appear as though for each pair of probes
there were in fact two transmitters and two receivers giving four possible arcs for each
defect extremity. These effects are only striking in the near field of the transducers.

Since the shape of the arcs depends only on the defect depth, the defect lateral
displacement, probe separation and direction of probe motion, it is predetermined for
any given depth on a B- or D-scan display. It is a simple matter to provide a means of
displaying the correct shape as a cursor on a digital display and to allow it to be moved
interactively to check its fit to any suspected defect indication.

For each detected defect, the edge points of the defect signature can be determined by a
combination of 2-D alignment processing and 1-D peak tracing for each echo. As a
result, the sets of points representing the envelope of the defect echo wavefront can be
detected. These sets of points can be checked if they are arcs by identifying those with a
monotonic increase in time. These points are then modelled to fit (curve fitting process),
in a minimum mean square error sense, a curve governed by Equation 9 (following from
Equation 8) with varying X from 0 to s and varying d from dmin to dmax possible values

t= [ ( s + X ) 2 + d 2 + ( y  y o ) 2 + ( s  X ) 2 + d 2 + ( y  y o ) 2 ] ................(9)

As a result of this curve fitting shown in Figure 7, not only X can be found but also the
start point of the arcs can be identified more accurately. This point is then used to
correct the measured width of the defect to eliminate the effect of elongation, while the
estimated value of X is then used in Equation 2 to correct the lateral position of the
defect and, hence, minimise the depth error which increases the accuracy of the sizing
measurements (4, 6). Figure 8 shows sample results after the application of the curve
fitting method on sample defect types.

Figure 7. Extracting arc start point and fitting

5. Mode-converted waves and flaw position estimation

Section 4.2 has shown that it is possible to measure the transverse position of a defect
when performing an ultrasonic TOFD D-scan by studying how the arcs (or wings) of a
defect indication vary with scan position. This information would normally be obtained
only from a B-scan image. One limitation that this method suffers from is that it does
not indicate whether the defect is off-axis to the right or left of the weld (see Figure 9).
In other words, the value of X is determined accurately, but it is not obvious whether
this off-axis shift is to the left or to the right of the centre line of the weld.

Figure 8. Representation of curve fitting method on sample defect types

Figure 9. The two possible positions of a flaw when it is offset from centre line

To overcome this limitation, mode-converted waves can be used. Basically, each defect
shows an indication in the mode-converted region of the scan that is usually more
visible and indicative (because shear waves are twice as sensitive as transverse waves,
having shorter wavelength and a lower velocity). In case of uncertainty in deciding the
position of the off-axis flaw by interpreting the indication in the compression-to-shear
wave region, then the time of the mode-converted indication can be used. Figure 10
shows this concept. By checking the time difference between defects in the mode-
converted part of the D-scan display, the flaw can be concluded to be either closer to the
transmitter or the receiver of the scanning equipment.

Most of the equipment used for TOFD scanning can provide the facility of operating
multichannel probes concurrently (called software channels). Using this feature (and referring to
Figure 11), the channels are defined as follows:

• Channel 1: Probe 1 is transmitting, probe 2 is receiving.

• Channel 2: Probe 1 is receiving, probe 2 is transmitting.

As it can be seen from Figure 11, the indication in the compression region shows almost
the same position for both transmitter-receiver setups. The difference can be seen in the
mode-converted region, where there are two different times (t1 and t2) for the same
defect depending on probes setup. Obviously, the flaw is actually closer to R1 in the T1-
R1 setup (shortest time is more accurate). By utilising these observations in conjunction
with the method explained in Section 4.2, accurate sizing and positioning measurements
were achieved.

Figure 10. Time difference between defects in the mode-converted indication

(t2 < t1, then flaw 2 is closer to the receiver)

Figure 11. The flaw is actually closer to R1 in T1-R1 setup (shortest time)

6. Results

The developed procedures have been applied to a data set consisting of 76 D-scans and
containing 150 weld defects. These defects have all been characterised and documented
by the manufacturer of the steel plates.

The majority of the achieved preliminary results are more accurate than the manual
results, referring to the data sheets of the scanned plates, while only around 11% are the
same as reported by a trained operator. For flaw depth measurements, the error is within
±1 mm, for all defect classes except for the surface breaking crack where the error is
within ±2 mm because the flaw echo is merged with the lateral wave or backwall echo.
For flaw height measurements, the error is within ±1mm for all defect classes except for
the surface breaking crack where the error is within ±3 mm. For flaw width
measurements, the error in the majority of cases is within ±1mm, but for some cases it is
within ±3 mm.

7. Conclusions

This paper has addressed the task of accurate sizing and positioning of detected defects
in ultrasonic TOFD data as part of a comprehensive automatic interpretation aid. Data
manipulation and post-processing techniques have been developed to enhance sizing
and positioning accuracy as compared to the accuracy obtained by human interpretation
through an expert operator.

Results of the application of these techniques to the available data have been extremely
promising in terms of speed, robustness, accuracy and reliability when dealing with
highly variable data. This would make the proposed system suitable for implementation
in situations requiring near real-time processing and interpretation of large volumes of
data, and thus these techniques are expected to greatly reduce the possibility of human
and experimental error, due to loss of concentration and visual fatigue, and the reliance
on intervention from a trained operator, and could potentially open a new paradigm in
TOFD for automatic interpretation. The utilisation of the mode-converted waves in
accurate sizing looked very promising and is under thorough investigation to expand its
added value.


The authors would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to E.ON Engineering
Technology Centre for their support and funding of this work, and also to Tim Armitt of
Lavender International NDT for providing access to the TOFD data acquisition systems.


1. M G Silk, ‘Defect sizing using ultrasonic diffraction’, British Journal of NDT, pp 12-
15, January 1979.
2. A Al-Ataby, W Al-Nuaimy, C R Brett and O Zahran, ‘Automatic detection and
classification of weld flaws in TOFD data using Wavelet transform and support vector
machines’, The BINDT Conference, Blackpool, September 2009.
3. J Charlesworth and J Temple, ‘Engineering applications of ultrasonic time-of flight
diffraction’, RSP, 2nd edition, 2001.
4. A Al-Ataby, O Zahran, and W Al-Nuaimy, ‘Towards automatic flaw sizing using
ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction’, Insight, Vol 52, No 7, pp 336-371, July 2010.
5. British Standards Institution, ‘Guide to calibration and setting-up of the ultrasonic time
of flight diffraction (TOFD) technique for the detection, location and sizing of flaws’,
BS 7706, December 1993.
6. M G Silk, ‘An evaluation of the performance of the TOFD technique as a means of
sizing flaws, with particular reference to flaws with curved profiles’, Insight, Vol 38,
No 4, pp 280-287, April 1996.


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