Adulthood & Geriatric Psychiatry
Adulthood & Geriatric Psychiatry
Adulthood & Geriatric Psychiatry
considered to begin at the end of adolescence (about age 20) and to end Alternative Lifestyle Parenting
at age 40 Both single and marred homosexual men and women are choosing
characterized by peaking biological development, the assumption of to raise children.
major social roles, and the evolution of an adult self and life structure Children are obtained through:
A. Adoption
Transition from Adolescence to Young Adulthood B. Born to a lesbian woman through artificial insemination
characterized by real and intrapsychic separation from the family of C. Obtained from a willing mother surrogate
origin and the engagement of new, phase-specific tasks
establish self-reliance and begins to formulate new, young-adult goals
that eventually result in creation of new life structures that promote MIDDLE ADULTHOOD
stability and continuity (40 TO 65 YEARS OF AGE)
Physical and mental health – is the normal state in the aged and not illness and
Old age or late adulthood – stage of life cycle that begins at age 65
BIOLOGY OF AGING Inheritance factors for breast and stomach cancer, colon polyps, and certain
Aging process or senescence mental disorders is involve in the old age population.
from the Latin senescere, "to grow old"
characterized by a gradual decline in the functioning of all of the body's Huntington's disease
systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, genitourinary, endocrine, and - associated with the development of dementia, specifically the subcortical type
immune system) of dementia, which is characterized by more motor abnormalities and fewer
language abnormalities than in the cortical type of dementia
Even with the aging process, many older persons retain their cognitive abilities - shows an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with complete penetrance
and physical capacities to a remarkable degree. - average age of onset is between 35 and 40 years, but cases have occurred as
late as 70 years
“The belief that old age is always associated with profound intellectual and
physical infirmity is a MYTH” LONGEVITY
Family history of longevity is the best indicator of a long life
Not all organ systems deteriorate at the same rate, nor do they follow a similar
regular medical check-ups
2 Factors minimal or no caffeine or alcohol consumption
1. Genetic – because each person have different genetic make-up so different work gratification
a perceived sense of the self as being socially useful in an altruistic
role, such as spouse, teacher, mentor, parent, or grandparent ETHNICITY AND RACE
Healthy eating and adequate exercise are also associated with health and The proportion of older persons in the black, Hispanic, and Asian populations is
longevity. smaller than that in the white population, but it is increasing rapidly
Over the years, there are a great percentage of declines that has occurred in GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
mortality from cerebrovascular disease and coronary artery disease so in The most populous states have the largest number of older persons.
contrast to this mortality from cancer, which rises with age, has also increased
especially cancer of the lung, colon, stomach, skin, and prostate. EXERCISE, DIET, AND HEALTH
Diet and exercise play a role in preventing or ameliorating chronic diseases of
The leading causes of death among older persons: older persons, such as arteriosclerosis and hypertension.
heart disease
cancer Hyperlipidemia, which correlates with coronary artery disease, can be
stroke controlled by reducing body weight, decreasing the intake of saturated fat, and
limiting the intake of cholesterol.
Accidents - are the leading causes of death of persons over the age of 65.
Increasing the daily intake of dietary fiber can also help decrease serum
Most fatal accidents are caused by falls, pedestrian incidents, and burns. lipoprotein levels
Falls are most commonly the result of cardiac arrhythmias and hypotensive A daily intake of 1 ounce (about 30 mL) of alcohol has been correlated with
episodes. longevity and elevated high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
Some gerontologists consider death in very old persons (over 85) to result from Statin drugs that reduce cholesterol have a dramatic effect on reducing
an aging syndrome cardiovascular disease in persons with diet-resistant or exercise-resistant
Aging Syndrome
– characterized by diminished elastic-mechanical properties of the heart, Low salt intake (less than 3 g a day) is associated with a lowered risk of
arteries, lungs, and other organs hypertension.
- some gerontologists consider death in very old persons (over 85) to result
from this syndrome Hypertensive geriatric patients can often correct their condition by moderate
exercise and decreased salt intake without the addition of drugs
Death results from trivial tissue injuries that would not be fatal to a younger
person A regimen of daily moderate exercise (walking for 30 minutes a day) has been
associated with:
Senescence (the condition or process of deterioration with age) is viewed as the a reduction in cardiovascular disease
cause of death. decreased incidence of osteoporosis
improved respiratory function
the maintenance of ideal weight
a general sense of well-being
Exercise has been shown to improve strength and function even among the very
In many cases, a disease process has been reversed and even cured by diet and
exercise, without additional medical or surgical intervention.
This table reveals that almost every biological change associated with aging is
positively affected by diet and exercise.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Obsession and compulsions may appear for the first time
o But demonstrated evidence of the disorder when younger
Ssx: excessive desire for orderliness, rituals and sameness, inflexible and rigid,
compulsions to check things again and again
Sleep Disorders
Advanced age = most important factor associated with increased prevalence of
sleep disorders
o Sleeping problems, daytime sleepiness, daytime napping, use of
hypnotic drugs
Has higher rates of breathing-related disorders and medication-induced
movement disorders
Dysomnias are the most frequent (primary insomnia, nocturnal myoclonus,
restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea)
REM sleep behavior disorder occurs almost exclusively in men
Conditions that interfere with sleep: pain, nocturia, dyspnea, heartburn
Patients in nursing homes (without daily routines) may experience an advance
sleep phase (sleep early, awaken during night) because of decreased length of
their daily sleep-wake cycle
Suicide Risk
Elderlies have higher risk for suicide that any other population (5x higher)
Principal reason = loneliness ☹
o Other reasons for suicidal thoughts: financial problems, poor medical
health, depression
60% who commit suicide = MEN; 75% who attempted = WOMEN
Suicide victims use guns or hang themselves; those who attempted take drug
Autopsies suggest that elderlies who committed suicide had psychiatric disorder
Most common precipitants: physical illness and loss
Most who committed suicide communicate their suicidal thoughts to family or Hearing Loss
friends before 30% of >65 yrs old have significant hearing loss (prebycusis)
50% at age 75
Some complain they can hear but can’t understand what is being said
Can be treated with hearing aids
Elder Abuse
Feeling of vertigo or dizziness is common
An act or omission which results in harm or threatened harm to the health or
May cause elderlies to become inactive because of fear of falling welfare of an elderly
Causes: anemia, hypotension, cardiac arrythmia, CVD, basilar artery o Includes abuse and neglect - physically, psychologically, financially,
insufficiency, middle ear disease, acoustic neuroma, benign postural vertigo, materially
Meniere’s disease o Possible sexual abuse
Overuse of anxiolytics can cause dizziness and daytime somnolence o Omission – withholding food, medicine, clothing, other necessities
Tx: Meclizine (Antivert) 25 to 100 mg daily 10% of >65 yrs old are abused
Family conflicts and other problems often underlie elder abuse
Syncope Victims, old and frail, live often with their assailants
Sudden loss of consciousness
Results from reduction of cerebral blood flow and brain hypoxia
SPOUSAL BEREAVEMENT Issues: need to adapt to recurrent and diverse losses, need to assume new roles,
One of the most stressful of all life experiences need to accept mortality
51% of women and 14% of men over 65 will be widowed at least once o Psychotherapy helps to deal with these issues and the emotional
Depressive symptoms peak within first few months after death problems surrounding them
A relationship exists between spousal loss and subsequent mortality Psychotherapy increases self-esteem and self-confidence, decrease feelings of
hopelessness and anger, and improves quality of life
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF GERIATRIC DISORDERS o Relieve tensions of biological and cultural origin, helps older people
Pretreatment medical evaluation is important, including EDG work and play within the limits of their functional status
Let patient/family members bring all currently used medications o A study showed that px showed less urinary incontinence, improved
Psychotropic drugs are given equally divided doses 3 to 4 times over 24-hour gait, greater mental alertness, improved memory, better hearing
period Therapist must be more active, supportive and flexible to geriatric patients
o Older patients may not tolerate sudden rise in drug blood level from o They usually seek therapy for a therapist’s unqualified and unlimited
one large dose support, reassurance and approval
o Changes in BP and PR, and other side effects should be watched o They expect therapist to be all powerful, all knowing, and can effect a
For px with insomnia: major portion of antidepressant/antipsychotic given at magical cure
bedtime o Most patients eventually recognize that the therapist is human; but
Liquid preparations for those who can’t, or won’t swallow tablets some may have to assume the idealized role
Need to frequently reassess px to determine need for maintenance meds, change
in dosage, development of adverse effects
Psychotropic drugs are the among the most prescribed, together with
cardiovascular and diuretic meds
Major Goals: improve quality of life, maintain persons in the community, delay
or avoid their placement in nursing homes
Individualization of dosage = basic tenet of geriatric psychopharmacology
Alterations in dosage are required:
o Renal disease – decrease renal clearance
o Liver disease – decrease metabolism of drug
o Cardiovascular disease – affect renal and hepatic clearance
o GI disease – decrease gastric acid secretion – influence drug absorption
o Changes in lean to fat body mass – many lipid-soluble drugs action
o RULE: lowest possible dose that achieves desired therapeutic response
o Start low, go slow