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1. In which of the following situations might nitrous oxide (Entonox) be  A wound dressing change for short-
considered? term pain relief or the removal of a
chest drain for reduction of anxiety.
2. Mr James, a patient in the community phoned you asking for advise as he is  Call the doctor and wait for advice
experiencing some side effects of the medications he was given. What will
be your best action on this situation?
3. The most advanced gait used in crutch walking is:  swing through gait
4. Which is not a cause of postural hypotension?  lack of exercise
5. Uncooperative staff on decision making  Authoritarian
6. Wendy, 18 years old, was admitted on Medical Ward because of recurrent  tell her that any information related
urinary tract infection (UTI). She disclosed to you that she had unprotected to her well being will need to be
sex with her boyfriend on some occasions. You are worried this may be a shared to the health care team
possible cause of the infection. How will best handle the situation?
7. According to the nursing code of ethics, the nurse's first allegiance is to the  Client only
8. When looking after a patient in a side room requiring reverse isolation  Immediate supervisor
precautions, you have noticed the lack of PPE supplies. Who will you
escalate it at initially?
9. Covert communication may include the following except  Tone of voice
10. Moving and Handling (TILE)  Task Individual Load Environment
11. Change position  Every 2 hrs
12. Nurse manager promotion…requires  Conceptual and interpersonal skills
13. Contingency management theory  One size fits all
14. Which of the following best describes the Contingency Theory of Leadership?  The leader sees the kind of situation,
the setting, and their roles
15. Metformin + X = hypoglycemia  Alcohol
16. What are the 3 intrinsic factors that are significant in development of pressure  Pressure, shearing force, friction
17. First drug in cardiac arrest in any etiology  Adrenaline / epinephrine
18. A patient approached you to give his medications now but you are unable to  D. Routinely document meds not
give the medicine. What is your initial action? given
19. Management in Blood Transfusion Reaction would include the ff  Disconnect pack from patient
 Complete Transfusion Reaction
Report Form.
not: Close the IV line  Obtain blood/urine samples as
 Send pack, Transfusion Reaction
Report Form and samples to hospital
Blood Bank
20. An adult woman asks for the best contraception in view of her holiday travel  Tell her to use other methods like
to diarrhea-prone areas. She is currently taking oral contraceptives. What condom because diarrhea lessens
advice will you give her? the effects of OCP
21. An infusion of 24 mg of Inj. Furosemide is ordered for 12 hrs. How much 
dose is infused in an hour?
22. Signs and symptoms of early fluid volume deficit, except:  Decreased pulse rate
Decreased urine output, Concentrated urine, Decrease skin turgor
23. When a patient arrives to the hospital who speaks a different language. Who  Registered Nurse
is responsible for arranging an interpreter?


24. A client comes to the local clinic complaining that  You appear to have concerns about
sometimes his heart pounds and he has trouble sleeping. The your ability to do your job
physical exam is normal. The nurse learns that the client has
recently started a new job with expanded responsibilities and
is worried about succeeding. Which of the following responses by the nurse
is BEST?
25. As you visit your patient during rounds, you notice a thin child who is shy and  raise the situation to your head nurse
not mingling with the group who seemed to be visitors of the patient. You and discuss with her what
offered him food but his mother told you not to mind him as he is not eating intervention
much while all of them are eating during that time. As a nurse, what will you might be done to help the child
26. Psych patient refusing to take his meds….  Do not force the patient then
27. May not be a cause of diarrhea  Intestinal obstruction
28. Definitive complication of liver biopsy  Intraperitoneal hemorrhage
29. The doctor ordered antibiotics for a patient with sepsis. When should the  Immediately after blood culture is
nurse start the therapy? taken
30. Patient is experiencing difficulty in eating due to ill-fitting dentures. What are  Red patches on cheeks and around
the signs of denture stomatitis? teeth
31. Now the medical team encourages early ambulation in the post-operative  Tissue wasting
period. Which complication is least prevented by this?  Thrombophlebitis
 Wound infection
 Pneumonia
32. Mrs Smith has been assessed to have a cardiac arrest after anaphylactic  Intramuscular route administration of
reaction to a medication. CPR was started immediately. Accdg to the adrenaline is always recommended
Resuscitation Council UK, which of the ff statements is true? during cardiac arrest after
anaphylactic reaction
 Intramuscular route for
adrenaline is not recommended
during cardiac arrest after
anaphylactic reaction
 Adrenaline can be administered
intradermally during cardiac arrest
after anaphylactic reaction
 None of the above
33. how the nurse assess the quality of care given  Clinical bench marking
34. Hearing aid provide to client comes under which act?  Equality Act
35. For a client with Water Score >20 which mattress is the most suitable
Waterlow Score 10+ Specialist memory foam mattresses.
Waterlow Score 15+ Alternating pressure overlays, mattresses and bed systems  Dynamic Mattress
Waterlow Score 20+ Bed systems: Fluidized bed, low air loss and alternating air
mattresses (also known as dynamic mattresses)

36. Loss of epidermis, with shallow blister without slough  Stage II Partial Thickness
37. A smoking cessation nurse used this to communicate to and involve her  CARE CORE PLANS
patient in his care:
38. Contact precautions are initiated for a client with a healthcare associated  Gloves, gown, goggle & faceshield
infection caused by MRSA.Which protective equipments the nurse should
wear while providing colostomy care?
39. An 18 year old young adult, involved in vehicular accident refused to eat the  Regression
food which she ordered. What defense mechanism is she using?
40. If the patient meets medium score in MUST score, what advise you will  Make 3 days food history
give? observation
0 – LOW – Routine Clinical Care
1- MEDIUM - Observe
2- HIGH – Treat  refer to dietitian/nut/support team/implement local policy
41. An overall risk of malnutrition of 2 or higher signifies: High risk of malnutrition
42. Isolation room laundry is separated from normal soiled laundry in the UK by: Red plastic bag that disintegrates at high
temperature (alginate)


43. A nurse educator is providing in-service education to the nursing staff  It is a process of learning, a different
regarding transcultural nursing care. A staff member asks the nurse educator culture to a dapt to a new or change
to describe the concept of acculturation. The most appropriate response in in environment
which of he following?
44. A diabetic patient with suspected Liver Tumor has been prescribed with  Metformin
triphasic CT scan. Which medication needs to be on hold after the scan?
45. The skin is the largest organ in the body. What percentage of adult total body  (16%) ….. 20%
weight does it represent
46. Based on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)  It must not be filled below the fill line
Guidelines, which of the ff is incorrect about sharps container?
47. Electronic data transfer is more these days, which of the report is not suitable  Abnormal blood report
to sent to a discharged client ?
48. A 45 y.o Asian female patient refused to consent for surgery. The family  Make sure the patient is well
informed the doctor to go ahead of surgery despite patient‟s refusal. What is informed of the consequences of her
the appropriate action of the nurse to protect the patient‟s rights? action and is given enough time to
consider the importance of surgery
49. When looking after a patient in a side room requiring reverse isolation  Immediate nurse manager
precautions, you have noticed the lack of PPE supplies. Who will you
escalate it at initially?
50. A patient is getting opioid for pain at home. How is the controlled medication  • The community nurse show her
supplied to the patient as per the standards of medicine Management? identity card to the pharmacist, sign
the form on receiving of the
controlled drug, She then transport
the drug to patient‟s home, After
administration of medication she sign
the chart on witness of a competent
51. A patient experienced sensation of fluttering in his chest, light headedness, &  a heart condition that causes an
chest pain. The doctor diagnosed him with atrial fibrillation. What is atrial irregular and often abnormally fast
fibrillation? heart rate (normal:60-100bpm)
52. Patient manifests phlebitis in his IV site, what must a nurse do?  Discontinue infusion / reinsert????
53. A patient was on morphine in hospital. On discharge doctor prescribes  Shallow, slow respiration,
fentanyl patches. At home patient should be observed for which signs of drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak
opiate toxicity? and think
54. Which is not an expected side effect of lumbar tap?  Nausea and vomiting
55. One patient shared secret information to the RN and wants her to keep it.  All information must be kept
What is the RN‟s response? confidential
56. An 80 year old woman has lost her husband recently. Her brother comes to  UTI induced delirium
see her & finds her very upset. After 2 weeks when her brother calls her up,
she says that her husband died yesterday & that she is having urgency for
urination & burning sensation while passing urine & that she finds cats & rats
in her kitchen. This indicates;
57. During busy shift, a nurse loads medication and asks you to administer it. Refuse to administer the medication
What is your action?
58. What to teach a young patient when he is taking antibiotics don‟t take it with alcohol
59. A patient with burns is given anesthesia using 50%oxygen and 50%nitrous 1-2min
oxide to reduce pain during dressing . how long this gas is to be inhaled to be
more effective
60. All but one are Nursing teachings for patients taking Allopurinol:  Instruct patient to drink plenty of water
 Educate patient that he may experience
these side effects: nausea, vomiting, loss
of appetite; drowsiness
 Encourage patient to report unusual
bleeding or bruising; fever, chills; gout
attack; numbness or tingling; flank pain,
skin rash.
 instruct patient to chew medication


61. What is the purpose of The Code?  It is a tool for educating prospective
nurses and midwives
62. A 37 year-old woman presented in Accident and Emergency accompanied by  Inform nurse-in-charge about your
her husband due to swollen wrist. On your assessment, you noticed some suspicion and refer when appropriate
bruises over the arm upon rolling her sleeves. She looks reserved and only
replies to your questions in short answers. When her husband left to see their
children, she becomes extremely nervous and showing signs of restlessness.
You suspected some safeguarding issues but she would not give much
information when probed. What will be your next appropriate action?
63. What angle to inject via subcutaneous route? 45
64. You are caring for a patient in isolation with suspected Clostridium Review antimicrobials daily, wash hands with
difficile. What are the essential key actions to prevent the spread of soap and water before and after each contact
infection? with the patient, ask for enhanced cleaning
with chlorine-based products and use gloves
and aprons when disposing of body fluids.
65. All of the staff nurses on duty noticed that a newly hired staff nurse has been Call the new nurse and talk to her privately;
selective of her tasks. All of them thought that she has a limited knowledge of ask how the manager can be of help to
the procedures. What should the manager do in this situation? improve her situation
66. Why is it essential to humidify oxygen used during respiratory therapy? Oxygen is a dry gas which can cause
evaporation of water from the respiratory tract
and lead to thickened mucus in the airways,
reduction of the movement of cilia and
increased susceptibility to respiratory
67. You can delegate medication administration to a student if: Only under close, direct supervision
68. A patient recently admitted to hospital, requesting to self administer the 1 – RN (keep meds and supervise self admin)
medication, has been assessed for suitability at Level 2. This means that:
2 – RN (keep the key of locker, supervise self
admin) + PT self administer

3 – PT (full responsibility),
RN – verbally checks compliance
69. John, 25 year old, was admitted at Medical Assessment Unit because of Cannabis is a class B drug under the UK
urine infection. During your assessment, he admitted using cannabis under Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
prescription for his migraine and still have some in his bag. What is your best
reply to him about the cannabis?
70. One busy day on your shift, a manager told you that all washes should be Talk to the manager and tell her that the
done by 10am. What would you do? quality of care will be compromised if washes
are rushed
71. What do you have to consider if you are obtaining a consent from the Capacity
72. Recommended preoperative fasting times are: 6-12 hours
73. A nurse is not allowing the client to go to bed without finishing her meal. What Challenge the situation immediately as this is
is your action as a RN? related to dignity of the patient and raise your
74. A client expressed concern regarding the confidentiality of her medical Explaining the exact limits of confidentiality in
information. The nurse assures the client that the nurse maintains client the exchanges between the client and the
confidentiality by: nurse.
75. Mrs Smith developed an MRSA bacteremia from her abdominal wound and  any incident or occurrence that has the
her son is blaming the staff. It has been highlighted during your ward clinical potential to cause harm and/or has caused
governance meeting because it has been reported as a serious incident harm to a person or persons.
(SI). SI is best defined as:  a consequence of an intervention, relating to
a piece of equipment and/or as a
consequence of the working environment
 Incident requiring investigation that occurred
in relation to NHS funded services and care
resulting in; unexpected or avoidable death,
permanent harm
 All


76. A client had fractured hand and being cared at home requiring analgesia. The PGD‟s cannot be delegated to anyone
medication was prescribed under PGD. Which of the following statements are
correct relating to this
77. patient on your ward complains that her heart is „racing‟ and you find that the A full set of observations: blood pressure,
pulse is too fast to manually palpate. What would your actions be? respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and
temperature. It is essential to perform a 12
lead ECG. The patient should then be
reviewed by the doctor.
78. A patient is to be subjected for surgery but the patient‟s BMI is low. Where Dietitian
will you refer the patient?
Dysphagia – Speech and Language Therapist
79. Consent is best defined as: Valid consent must be given by a competent
person (who may be a person lawfully
appointed on behalf of the person) and must
be given voluntarily
80. One of your patient in a bay 1 is having episodes of vomiting in the last 2 Seek the infection control nurse‟s advice
days now. The norovirus alert has been enforced. The other patients looked regarding isolation
concerned that he may spread infection. What is your next action on this
81. Mr Jones‟ carers approach you to express their dissatisfaction with the care apologise to them and reassure that their
he is receiving whilst under your care. How will you best approach this concerns will be dealt with in accordance to
situation? policy
82. Case scenario  Leaving drugs unattended by patients
bed side
Mr Smith had been experiencing episodes of abdominal pain and was  Taking a „verbal prescription‟ over the
admitted for further investigation into these episodes. He had previously been phone
treated for gastric ulcers. You have been caring for him for 2 days now. He is  Administering a NSAID to a patient with a
prescribed oral paracetamol 1 gram every 6 hours and was left on his table history of gastric ulcers
for him to take when able. You have noticed no improvement on his pain and  All
decided to phone the doctor for advise. Dr Quinn gave a verbal order of oral
diclofenac 50 mg which you promptly administered. After an hour, Mr Smith
pain worsened and vomited frank blood. His vital signs were not good and
you have asked a nursing assistant to phone the doctor again.

Based on the scenario, which of the following actions contravenes safe

medicine administration?
83. The NMC Code expects nurses to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of ensure that the use of complementary or
the public through the use of best available evidence in practice. Which of the alternative therapies is safe and in the best
following nursing actions will ensure this? interests of those in your care
84. Registrants must only supply and administer medicinal products in Carer specific direction (CSD)
accordance with one or more of the following processes, except:
85. Mental Capacity Act 2005 explores which of the following concepts? Mental capacity, advance treatment
decisions, independent mental capacity
advocates, and the act‟s code of practice
86. you are transcribing medications from prescription chart to a discharge letter. A registrant should sign this letter
Before sending this letter what action must be taken?
87. As a nurse you are responsible for looking after patient‟s nutritional needs  Assessing nutritional status, client
and to maintain good weight during hospitalization. How would you achieve preferences and needs, making individual
this? food choices available, checking daily
weight and documentation
88. One of your patient has challenged your recent practice of administering a Our guidelines, which are based on current
subcutaneous low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) without disinfecting the evidence, recommends a non-disinfection
injection site. The guidelines for nursing procedures do not recommend this method of subcutaneous injection
method. Which of the following response will support your action?
89. Barbra‟s friend Colin is enquiring about her condition over the phone. As her Gaining Barbara‟s consent to provide him
named nurse, you will keep confidentiality by: information
90. You are the sign-off mentor of Ben, a third year nursing student. Your ward is Wash his hands with soap and water before
his last clinical area placement. When caring for a patient with diarrhoea who and after care
uses the commode, you will expect him to:
91. when delegating any task to anyone what must you consider? Before delegating tasks to anyone, have to
make sure that person is competent and able
to carry the task
92. gurgling sound from airway in a postoperative client indicates what Partial obstruction of upper airway
93. Your patient has been prescribed Tramadol 50 mgs tablet for pain relief. Record this in the controlled drug register
Upon receipt of the tablets from the pharmacist you will: book with the pharmacist witnessing
94. Steve, was admitted to your ward after sustaining a head injury following a Refer him to the Nurse-in-Charge
fight with another fan during a football match. One of the police officer has
asked you if he can access his medical records. You will:
95. What infection control steps should not be taken in a patient with diarrhoea  Isolation of the patient
caused by Clostridium Difficile?  All staff must wear aprons and gloves
while attending the patient
 All staff will be required to wash their
hands before and after contact with the
patient, their bed linen and soiled items
 Oral administration of metronidazole,
vancomycin, fidaxomicin may be required
 None of the above
96. An elderly client tells you that the carer is using his money when going for Listen to client and raise concern with line
shopping and not buying him any food. The client appears malnourished and manager
weighing only 35 kgs. As a newly qualified nurse what is your action?
97. When will you disclose the information about a patient under your care? Justified by public interest law and order/when
there is threat to public safety
98. Dennis was admitted because of acute asthma attack. Later on in your shift, Paracetamol suppositories
he complained of abdominal pain and vomited. He asked for pain relief.
Which of the following prescribed analgesia will you given him?
99. You were asked by the nursing assistant to see Claudia whom you have Call for help, give oxygen, administer
recently given trimetophrim 200 mgs PO because of urine infection. When adrenaline 500 mcg IM, give salbutamol nebs
you arrived at her bedside, she was short of breath, wheezy and some red if prescribed
patches evident over her face. Which of the following actions will you do if
you are suspecting anaphylaxis?
100. You went back to see Mr Derby who is 1 day post-herniorraphy. As you Give him oxygen
approached him he complained of difficulty of breathing with respiration rate
of 23 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 92% in room air. What is
your next action to help him?
Mrs Clay reported to you that she is feeling unwell. She is admitted because reassess for any deterioration
of exacerbation of her COPD. Her vital signs showed the following:
 RR- 16 breaths per minute
 SpO2- 94% on 2 liters oxygen via nasal cannula
 BP- 100/50 mmHg
 Pulse- 106 beats per minute, weak and thread
 Blood sugar- 5.1 mmols/L
101. Which of the following action will you do next?
102. Nurse documented on the wrong chart. What should the nurse do?  Immediately inform the nurse in charge and
tell her to cross it all off.
 Throw away the page
 Write line above the writing; put your
name, job title, date, and time.
 Ignore the incident.
103. A patient is in the immediate recovery post-surgery. What should you monitor? Breathing
104. Barrier Nursing for C.diff patient what should you not do? Use of hand gel/ alcohol rub
105. A patient‟s daughter wants to visit her mom in the hospital, she has been advise her that she can visit when she is 48
experiencing diarrhoea, what will you advise her? hours symptom free
106. The infection control nurse phoned and reported to you the following results  put patient with c-diff in isolation room
of the samples taken from four patients in Bay A- one of the patient was  put patient with MRSA in isolation room
tested positive for MRSA; another was tested positive for clostridium difficile;  transfer the two patients who are negative to both
infections to another bay
and the remaining two were negative for both. Your ward has 1 isolation  keep them all in the same bay but reinforce strict
room only. What action will you do? hand washing


107. Which is the most dangerous site for intramuscular injection?  Dorsogluteal

Best site - ventrogluteal

108. solution contains 12.5 g of glucose in 0.25 l; what is the percentage 
concentration (%) of this solution?
109. A liter bag of 5% Glucose is prescribed over 4 hours. If a standard giving set 
is used, at what rate should the drip be set?
110. You believe that an adult you know and support has been a victim of physical  Make an accurate record of what the
abuse that might be considered a criminal offence. What should you do to person has said to you
support the police in an investigation?
111. If you suspect abuse is happening to someone, and it is not serious enough  A manager with safeguarding
to involve the police straight away, who should you inform? responsibility (if within an organisation) or
Adult Social Care directly (if you are a
member of the public)
112. Before administering Digoxin, you must check specifically for what?  Heart Rate (not <60bpm)
113. A patient is rapidly deteriorating due to drug over dose what to do?  Assess ABCDE, call help, keep
anaphylactic kit
 Call for help, keep anaphylactic kit,
assess ABCDE
 Assess ABCDE, keep anaphylactic kit,
inform doctor, call for help
114. Your hospital supports the government‟s drive on breastfeeding. One of your  refrain from breastfeeding as of now
patient being treated for urinary tract infection was visited by her husband because of her UTI treatment
and their 4 month old baby. She would like to breastfeed her baby. What
advise will you give her?
115. Mr Connor‟s neck wound needed some cleaning to prevent complications.  aseptic non-touch technique
Which of the following concept will you apply when doing a surgical wound
116. Lumbar post op patient moving and handling  Move patient as a unit
117. IV injection need to be reconsidered when?  Medicine is available in tab form
118. The doctor prescribes 25mg of a drug to be given by injection. It is a drug 
dispensed in a solution of strength 50mg/ml. How many ml should you
119. A doctor prescribes an injection of 200 micrograms of drug. The stock bottle 
contains 1mg/ml. How many ml will you administer?
120. In interpreting ECG results there is clear evidence of atrial disruption this is  Atrial Fibrillation
interpreted as
121. Enteral feeding patient checks patency of tube placement by:  Aspirating gastric juice and then checking
for ph <4
122. It is mandatory that the GCS of a patient that has arrived in the emergency  30 min
department should be checked within 15 minutes of the patients arrival;. If the
score you got is 15/15, how much time after should the GCS be checked
123. You are monitoring a patient in the ICU when suddenly his consciousness  Consider this as an emergency and
drops and the size of one his pupil becomes smaller what should you do? prioritize abc
124. Mr Connor is prescribed oromorphine 10 mgs every 6 hours. The drug is 
suppled in a concentration of 5 mgs per 2 mls. How much will you give him
for a single dose?
125. Which of the following drugs will require 2 nurses to check during preparation  morphine tablet
and administration?
126. The doctor prescribes a dose of 9 mg of an anticoagulant for a patient being  3 tablets
treated for thrombosis. The drug is being supplied in 3mg tablets. How many
tablets should you administer?
127. Which bag do you place infected linen?  water-soluble alginate polythene bag
before being placed in the appropriate
linen bag, no more than ¾ full


128. A nurse is having trouble with doing care plans. Her team members are  Accept her weakness and take this
already noticing this problem and are worried of the consequences this may challenge as an opportunity to improve
bring to the quality of nursing care delivered. The problem is already brought her skills by requesting lectures from her
to the attention of the nurse. The nurse should: manager
129. Which of the following nursing actions demonstrate safe medicine  checking an IV antibiotic with a
management principles? pharmacist
130. If someone collapses while queuing or falling in line, what must be assessed  Check if the scene is safe
131. What is the purpose of clamping a chest tube?  To prevent further lung collapse and
entry of air
132. A patient suffered from CVA and is now affected with dysphagia. What  Place the patient in a sitting position /
should not be an intervention to this type of patient? upright during and after eating.
 Water or clear liquids should be given.
 Instruct the patient to use a straw to drink
 Review the patient's ability to swallow ,
and note the extent of facial paralysis.
133. In a community hospital, an elderly man approaches you and tells you that  Raise a safeguarding alert
his neighbour has been stealing his money, saying "sometimes I give him
money to buy groceries but he didn't buy groceries and he kept the money"
what is your best course of action for this?
134. When will you consider giving out information of the patient to a police  If safety of the public is at risk
135. What could be the reason why you instruct your patient to retain on its  removing from its darkened container
original container and discard nitroglycerine meds after 8 weeks? exposes the medicine to the light and its
potency will decrease after 8 weeks

136. you have assigned a new student to an experienced health care assistant to  Intervene on spot and raise concern
gain some knowledge in delivering patient care. The student nurse tells you immediately to the manager on duty
that the HCA has pushed the client back to the chair when she was trying to
stand up. What is your action
137. a newly admitted client refusing to handover his own medications and this  Document this refusal as these
includes controlled drugs. What is your action? medications are his property and should
not do anything without his consent
138. What is the best way to prevent a patient who is receiving an enteral feed  Sit them at least at a 45° angle.
from aspirating?
139. Which check do you need to carry out before setting up an enteral feed via a  That the pH of gastric aspirate is <5.5,
nasogastric tube? and the measurement on the NG tube is
the same length as the time insertion.”
140. What is the best site of buttock injections?  Ventrogluteal site
141. You are mentoring a 3rd year student nurse, the student request that she  Tell her it is possible if you provide direct
want to assist a procedure with tissue viability nurse, howcan you deal with supervision
this situation
142. After 2 hours in A and E, Barbara is now ready to be moved to another ward.  shout for help
You went back to tell her about this plan and noticed she was not responding.
What is your next action as a priority?
143. When doing your drug round at midday, you have noticed one of your patient  ask student to stop feeding and assess
coughing more frequently whilst being assisted by a nursing student at patients swallowing
mealtime. What is your initial action at this situation?
144. The doctor is about to insert an IV cannula when he was called to assist in an  Do not give because you‟re not trained
emergency. The nurse is not experienced in peripheral cannulation. What and assessed as competent
should the nurse do?
145. What is the purpose of NPO after surgery?  To prevent aspiration
146. A patient underwent an abdominal surgery and will be unable to meet  Sitting upright at 30 to 45
nutritional needs through oral intake. A patient was placed on enteral feeding.
How would you position the patient when feeding is being administered?


147. An unmarried young female admitted with ectopic pregnancy with her friend  should have asked another staff nurse to
to hospital with complaints of abdominal pain. Her friend assisted a be a chaperone while assisting a
procedure and became aware of her pregnancy and when the family arrives procedure
to hospital, she reveals the truth. The family reacts negatively. What could
the nurse have done to protect the confidentiality of the patient information?
148. Johnny still refused to have a catheter inserted despite numerous strategies  still do the catheterisation as this is
attempted to gain his consent. He promised to let you know of what he drink required for his care
and eat and when he goes to toilet. What will be your next action at this  consider his promise
stage?  ask a doctor to fill out a consent form for
 inform his relative and ask them to
convince him to have it done
149. Barbara, a frail lady admitted on your ward because of urine infection  assign someone to supervise her closely
wanders off with an anti-embolic socks on causing her to slip and eventually when mobilising
fall. How will you keep her safe when mobilising?
150. When do we need to document?  As soon as possible after an event has
happened (to provide current (up to date)
information about the care and condition
of the patient or client)
151. The nurse monitors the serum electrolyte levels of a client who is taking  Hypokalemia
digoxin (Lanoxin). Which of the following electrolyte imbalances is common
cause of digoxin toxicity?
152. You were the nurse on duty and it‟s time to take your patient‟s vital signs.  Omit then document
Upon checking, you noted that the patient was given Digoxin and now has a Rationale: Monitor apical pulse for 1 full
heart rate of 50 BPM. What will you do with the next dose of Digoxin? minute before administering, hold dose if
pulse is <60 in adult or <90 in infant; retake
pulse in an hour if adult pulse remains <60, or
infant <90 hold drug and notify the prescriber.

153. An elderly client with dementia is cared by his daughter. The daughter locks  Explain this is a restrain. Urgently call for
him in a room to keep him safe when she goes out to work and not a safe guarding and arrange a multi-
considering any other options. As a nurse what is your action? disciplinary team conference
154. A Chinese woman has been admitted with fracture of wrist. When you are  Arrange for interpreter to ask questions in
helping her undress you notice some bruises on her back and abdomen of private
different ages. You want to talk to her and what is your action
155. In a G.P clinic when you assessing a pregnant lady you observe some  Tell her that you are concerned of her
bruises on her hand. When you asked her about this she remains silent. welfare and you may need to share this
What is your action? information appropriately with the people
who offer help
156. As a RN when you are administering medication, you made an error. Taking  Assess for potential harm to client, inform
health and safety of the patient into consideration, what is your action? the line manager and prescriber and
document in patient notes
157. When nurses and midwives are considering which tasks and activities to  the needs of the people in their care
delegate they should consider the following except:  the unexpected outcome of the
delegated task
 the availability of resources to meet those needs
 the judgment of the nurse or midwife
158. Which statement best describes DUTY OF CARE?  Reasonable care taken to avoid
acts/omissions likely to cause harm
 As a registered nurse or midwife, you are
accountable for your own actions and omissions
 A competent adult has the legal right to
refuse treatment, even if that refusal will
adversely affect his or her health or shorten
his or her life
 None
159. Why are elderly prone to postural hypotension? Select which does not apply:  The baroreflex mechanisms which control heart
rate and vascular resistance decline with age.
 Because of medications and conditions that cause
 Because of less exercise or activities.
 Because of a number of underlying problems with
BP control.
160. Signs of hypovolemic shock would include all except:  restlessness, anxiety or confusion
 shallow respiratory rate, becoming
 rising pulse rate
 low urine output of <0.5 mL/kg/h E. pallor (pale,
cyanotic skin) and later sweating
161. All but one are signs of opioid toxicity:  CNS depression (coma)
 Pupillary miosis
 Respiratory depression (cyanosis)
 Tachycardia
162. Patient had undergone post lumbar tap and is exhibiting increase HR,  Headache
decrease BP, and alteration in consciousness and dilated pupils. What is the  Shock
patient likely experiencing?  Brain herniation
 Hypotension
163. NMC defines record keeping as all of the following except:  Helping to improve advocacy
 Showing how decisions related to patient
care were made
 Supporting effective clinical judgments
and decisions
 Helping in identifying risks, and enabling
early detection of complications
164. How to position patient for abdominal tap / paracentesis  Supine with HOB 45-50 cm elevated

Post procedure:
 Monitor pt for shock /infection
 Weigh the pt
 Measure girth
165. Initial intervention when a patient collapsed:  Check if the scene is safe
166. Revisions should be included in what nursing process?  Evaluation
167. How many grams of dextrose are needed to make up 2 liters of 5% solution? 
168. One of your patient is for lobectomy because of lung cancer asks if he can  Smoking is a major contributing factor
still continue with his smoking after the operation. What is your best response to lung disease and will affect
to him? recovery time
 His recovery is upon him whether he smokes or
 There are various factors that will affect recovery
after surgery and smoking could be one of them
 The cancerous part of the lung had been removed
so it will be ok to continue smoking
169. Your hospital supports the government‟s drive on breastfeeding. One of your  it is ok to breastfeed as long as it is done
patient being treated for urinary tract infection was visited by her husband privately
and their 4 month old baby. She would like to breastfeed her baby. What  it is ok to breastfeed because the hospital
advise will you give her? supports this practice
 refrain from breastfeeding as of now because of
her UTI treatment
 breast milk is the best and she can
feed her baby anytime they visit
170. Colin is aware about the impact of his Parkinson‟s Syndrome on their lives as  Respect his wishes and ensure support is
a couple but refuse additional support when offered. At this stage, you will: available
171. An allegation was made by Colin against the community nurse who  24 hours
inappropriately touching her wife with dementia. He made a complaint  2 days
through the Patient Experience Team at the Primary Care Trust. His  7 days
complaint is reviewed for any potential safeguarding issues in the period  2 weeks
172. The wife of a recently deceased male is contacting individuals to inform them  she needed to get out of the house
of her husband's death. She decides, however, to drive to her parent's home  for the family to gain support from
to tell them in person instead of using the telephone. Of what benefit did this each other
communication approach serve?  no benefit
 she was having a pathological grief response
173. Amitriptyline tablets are available in strengths of 10mg,25mg,50mg and  25mg*3+10mg
100mg.what combinations of whole tablets should be used for an 85mg  50mg+25mg+10mg
dose?  10mg+10mg+10mg+25mg+25mg
 50mg+25mg
174. 5 moments of hand hygiene include all of the ff except:  Before Patient Contact
 Before a clean / aseptic procedure
 Before Body Fluid Exposure Risk (must
be after)
 After Patient contact
 After Contact with Patient‟s surrounding
175. Which of the following is not considered to be a medical device?  prefilled syringe with 0.9%l saline solution
 hoist
 ward weighing machine
 bedpan
176. Mr Connor responded well to his nasogastric tube (NGT) feeding and will  every 8 hours
continue for 3 more days at a constant rate of 80 ml/hr until the next review  every 12 hours
by the dietician. Evidence-based practice suggests that to keep its patency,  every 24 hours
flushing is needed to be done:  only as required
177. What is not a good route for IM injection?  stomach
178. A patient with learning disability is accompanied by a voluntary independent  Express patients needs and wishes act as
advocate, what is his role? patients representative in expressing their
concerns as if there were his own
 just to accompany the patient
 to take decisions on patients behalf and
provide their own judgment as this benefit the
 is an expert and represents clients
concerns wishes and views as they
cannot express by themselves
179. You noticed a medical equipment is not working while you joined a new team  inform in written to management
and the team members are not using it. Your role?
180. An enquiry was lunched involving death of one of your patients. The police  CONFIDENTIALITY GUIDELINES
visited your unit. When interviewed, which of the following framework will
best help assist the investigation? Wants to see chart  Data Protection Act
181. Normal HR of a 2-yr old child:  80-150 per minute
182. One of the main responsibilities of the employer should be  provide a safe place for the employee
183. The nurse cares for a client diagnosed with conversion reaction. The nurse  Introjection
identifies the client as utilizing in which of the following defense mechanism  displacement
 repression
 identification
184. Who is responsible for the overall assessment of the students fitness to  the mentor
practice and documentation of initial, midterm and final assessment in the
ongoing achievement record?
185. Initial intervention when a patient collapsed:  Check if the scene is safe
186. Patient manifests phlebitis in his iv site , what must a nurse do ?  discontinue infusion
187. Where to keep patients records in the ward  Should be kept locked under nursing station
 Can be kept open accessible to health
 IO chart and medication chart can be kept
near patient
188. A patient was recommended to undergo lumbar puncture. As the nurse  Infection
caring for this patient, what should you not expect as its complications:
189. Which of the following local agencies have a responsibility to investigate and  commissioners of health and social care
take action when a vulnerable adult is believed to be suffering abuse? services
 the police and other relevant law
enforcement agencies (including the
Crown Prosecution Service)
 agencies offering legal advice and
 Department of Health
190. A normal sign of aging of the renal system.  Decreased glomerular filtration rate
191. Signs of denture related stomatitis

192. Management in Blood Transfusion Reaction would include the ff but:  A. Close IV line
 B. Disconnect pack from patient.
 C. Complete Transfusion Reaction
Report Form.
 D. Obtain blood/urine samples as
 E. Send pack, Transfusion Reaction
Report Form and samples to hospital
Blood Bank
193. Introducing measures to reduce error without knowing about specific  Report medication errors
problems is still a challenging issue in the healthcare profession. To maintain
patient safety, address faults in the system and procedures and enable
professionals to learn from mistakes, as a nurse you should:
194. Over half the population thinks the elderly aren't treated with enough dignity  identify people who are discriminating
and respect in hospitals and nursing homes, according to a survey. In which  respect people‟s confidentiality
of the following nursing actions does not demonstrate dignity and respect?  assisting physiotherapist in mobilizing the patient
 refusing to accept monies given by relatives
195. In order to promote an environment of care that is culturally sensitive, free  Autonomously and professionally
from discrimination, harassment and exploitation, as a nurse, you should  Proactively and autonomously
act:  Proactively and professionally
 Independently and autonomously
196. How to move patient after laminectomy?  Move as a unit.
197. A jewish patient refuses blood transfusion in a critical situation and states that  Accept the clients will
his religion is against it. What should the nurse do.?
198. One of your patient is for lobectomy because of lung cancer asks if he can  Smoking is a major contributing factor to
still continue with his smoking after the operation. What is your best response lung disease and will affect recovery time
to him?
199. Adam, a local Rabbi, was admitted because of patellar fracture. His operation  a kosher prepared braised beef with roast
had been cancelled. He had fasted for 8 hours and now wanted to eat. You potatoes
showed him the hospital menu. Which of the following food will he prefer? In Jewish law , food must be ritually cleaned and
prepared in order to be kosher, or fit to eat . The word
kosher literally meaning " clean " or " pure " it refers to
food that has been ritually prepared or blessed so it can
be eaten by religious Jews .
200. Whilst cleaning Mr Connor‟s neck wound, you accidentally dropped a used  use a mop with chloroprep solu
piece of surgical gauze (swab). The nursing assistant offered to disposed of it
and clean the area. Which of the following will you ask him to use when
cleaning the area?
201. What percentage of patients in hospital in England, at the time of the 2011  6.4%
National Prevalence survey, had an infection?
202. . Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of bacteria?  Cell wall, Spherical, Spores
203. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the life cycle of viruses?  Attachment, penetration, uncoating,
 Dispersal
204. For which of the following modes of transmission is good hand hygiene a  Airborne, Direct contact, Indirect contact,
key preventative measure? Droplet
 All of the above
205. If you were told by a nurse at handover to take „STANDARD  Using appropriate hand hygiene,
PRECAUTIONS’, what would you expect to be doing? wearing gloves and an apron when
necessary, disposing of used sharp
instruments safely, and providing care
in a suitably clean environment to
protect yourself and the patients.

206. Which of the following is not normally considered to be a high risk fluid?  CSF, Peritoneal fluid, Semen
 Urine
207. What infection is thought to be caused by prions?  CJD
208. If a patient requires protective isolation, which of the following should you  Long-life fruit juice and filtered water
advise them to drink?
209. All individuals providing nursing care must be competent at which of the  Hand hygiene, use of protective
following procedures? equipment, and disposal of waste
210. For which type of waste should orange bags be used?  Waste which may be „treated‟
211. What factors are essential in demonstrating supportive communication to  Listening, clarifying the concerns and
patients? feelings of the patient using open
212. Which behaviors will encourage a patient to talk about their concerns?  Tell the patient you are interested in what
is concerning them and that you are
available to listen.
213. What is the difference between denial and collusion?  Denial is a coping mechanism used by
an individual with the intention of
protecting themselves from painful or
distressing information
 Collusion is the withholding of
information from the patient with the
intention of „protecting them‟.
214. If you were explaining anxiety to a patient, what would be the main points to  Anxiety has three aspects:
include? o physical - bodily sensations related
to flight and fight response,
o behavioural - such as avoiding the
situation, and
o cognitive (thinking) - such as
imagining the worst
215. What are the principles of communicating with a patient with delirium?  Use short statements and closed
questions in a well lit, quiet, familiar
216. Which of the following is NOT an example of non-verbal communication?  Dress, Facial expression, Posture
 Tone
217. Which of these is an example of an open question?  When you said you are hurt, what do you
218. According to Argyle (1988), when two people communicate what percentage  7%
of what is communicated is actually in the words spoken?
219. . Which of the following are barriers to effective communication?  Cultural differences, Unfamiliar accents,
Overly technical language and
terminology, Hearing problems
 All of the above
220. When communicating with someone who isn't a native English speaker,  Using a translator
which of the following is NOT advisable?  Use short, precise sentences
 Relying on their family or friends to
help explain what you mean
 Write things down
221. When should a penile sheath be considered as a means of managing  When other methods of continence
incontinence? management have failed
222. What is the most important guiding principle when choosing the correct size  The smallest size necessary
of catheter?
223. When carrying out a catheterization, on which patients would you use  Male and female patients require
anaesthetic lubricating gel prior to catheter insertion? anaesthetic lubricating gel.

224. On removing your patient's catheter, what should you encourage your patient  Exercise and drink 2-3 litres of fluid per
to do? day.
225. What are the principles of positioning a urine drainage bag?  Below the level of the patient's bladder to
reduce backflow of urine.
226. Perdue categorizes constipation as primary, secondary or iatrogenic. What  Antiemetic or opioid medication.
could be some of the causes of iatrogenic constipation?
227. A patient is admitted to the ward with symptoms of acute diarrhea. What  Assessment, source isolation, universal
should your initial management be? precautions
228. Your patient has undergone a formation of a loop colostomy. What important  Cognitive ability, lifestyle, patient
considerations should be borne in mind when selecting an appropriate stoma dexterity, position of stoma, state of
appliance for your patient? peristomal skin, type of stoma,
consistency of effluent, patient
229. What type of diet would you recommend to your patient who has a newly  Encourage a varied diet as people can
formed stoma? react differently.
230. What would be your main objectives in providing stoma education when  That the patient can independently
preparing a patient with a stoma for discharge home? manage their stoma, and can get
231. How do the structures of the human body work together to provide support  The skeleton provides a structural
and assist in movement? framework. This is moved by the muscles
that contract or extend and in order to
function, cross at least one joint and are
attached to the articulating bones.
232. What are the most common effects of inactivity?  Social isolation, loss of independence,
exacerbation of symptoms, rapid loss of
strength in leg muscles, deconditioning of
cardiovascular system leading to
increased risk of chest infection, and
pulmonary embolism.
233. What do you need to consider when helping a patient with shortness of  The patient needs to be able to sit in a
breath sit out in a chair? forward leaning position supported by
pillows. They may also need access to a
nebulizer and humidified oxygen so they
must be in a position where this is
accessible without being a risk to others
234. Your patient has bronchitis and has difficulty in clearing his chest. What  Lying on his side with the area to be
position would help to maximize the drainage of secretions? drained uppermost after the patient has
had humidified air
235. Mrs Jones has had a cerebral vascular accident, so her left leg is increased  Try to diminish increased tone by
in tone, very stiff and difficult to position comfortably when she is in bed. avoiding extra stimulation by ensuring her
What would you do? foot doesn't come into contact with the
end of the bed; supporting, with a pillow,
her left leg in side lying and keeping the
knee flexed
236. Which of the following is a behavioural risk factor when assessing the  Poor nutrition/fluid intake
potential risks of falling in an older person?
237. When positioning the supine patient in bed, why should you ensure the  To ensure spinal and limb alignment
patient is lying centrally in the bed?
238. In what instances shouldn't you position a patient in a side-lying position?  If they have a spinal fracture
239. What does „muscle atrophy‟ mean?  Loss of muscle mass
240. Approximately how long is the spinal cord in an adult? Top of Form  45cm
241. Dehydration is of particular concern in ill health. If a patient is receiving  The fluid input has exceeded the output.
intravenous (IV) fluid replacement and is having their fluid balance recorded,
which of the following statements is true of someone said to be in a „positive
fluid balance‟?
242. What specifically do you need to monitor to avoid complications and ensure  Blood glucose levels, full blood count,
optimal nutritional status in patients being enterally fed? stoma site and bodyweight
243. A patient needs weighing, as he is due a drug that is calculated on  Offer the patient pain relief and either use
bodyweight. He experiences a lot of pain on movement so is reluctant to bed scales or a hoist with scales built in
move, particularly stand up. What would you do?
244. If the prescribed volume is taken, which of the following types of feed will  Sip feeds
provide all protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements to meet a patient's
nutritional requirements?
245. . A patient has been admitted for nutritional support and started receiving a  The feed
hyperosmolar feed yesterday. He presents with diarrhoea but has no pyrexia.
What is likely to be the cause?


246. Your patient has a bulky oesophageal tumour and is waiting for surgery.  Feeding via a radiologically inserted
When he tries to eat, food gets stuck and gives him heartburn. What is the gastrostomy (RIG)
most likely route that will be chosen to provide him with the nutritional support
he needs?
247. What is the best way to prevent a patient who is receiving an enteral feed  Sit them at least at a 45° angle
from aspirating?
248. Which of the following medications are safe to be administered via a  Drugs that can be absorbed via this
nasogastric tube? route, can be crushed and given diluted
or dissolved in 10-15 mL of water.
249. Which check do you need to carry out before setting up an enteral feed via a  That the pH of gastric aspirate is <5.5,
nasogastric tube? and the measurement on the NG tube is
the same length as the time insertion.
250. Fred is going to receive a blood transfusion. How frequently should we do his  Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and
observations? respiration before the blood transfusion
begins, then after 15 minutes, then as
indicated in local guidelines, and finally at
the end of the bag/unit.
251. Why should healthcare professionals take extra care when washing and  As the skin of an elder person has
drying an elderly patient's skin? reduced blood supply, is thinner, less
elastic and has less natural oil. This
means the skin is less resistant to
shearing forces and wound healing can
be delayed.
252. What would you do if a patient with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy  Document clearly the reason for not cutting
requires assistance cutting his toe nails? his toe nails and refer him to a chiropodist
253. A patient is agitated and is unable to settle. She is also finding it difficult to  Ask her to score her pain, describe its
sleep, reporting that she is in pain. What would you do at this point? intensity, duration, the site, any relieving
measures and what makes it worse,
looking for non verbal clues, so you can
determine the appropriate method of pain
254. On which step of the WHO analgesic ladder would you place tramadol and  Step 2: Opioids for Mild to Moderate Pain
255. What do the term „breakthrough pain‟ mean, and what type of prescription  A patient who has adequately controlled
would you expect for it? pain relief with short lived exacerbation of
pain, with a prescription that has no
regular time of administration of
256. . A patient has just returned from theatre following surgery on their left arm.  Contact the pain team/anesthetist to
They have a PCA infusion connected and from the admission, you remember discuss the situation and suggest that the
that they have poor dexterity with their right hand. They are currently pain means of delivery are changed.
free. What actions would you take?
257. What are the key nursing observations needed for a patient receiving opioids  Respiratory rate, bowel movement record
frequently? and pain assessment and score.
258. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of impacted earwax?  Sneezing
259. After death, who can legally give permission for a patient's body to be  Only the patient, if they left instructions
donated to medical science? for this
260. What should be included in your initial assessment of your patient's  Observe the patient's breathing for ease
respiratory status? and comfort, rate and pattern.
261. What should be included in a prescription for oxygen therapy?  The type of oxygen delivery system,
inspired oxygen percentage and duration
of the therapy
262. You are caring for a patient with a tracheostomy in situ who requires frequent  Never insert the catheter for longer than
suctioning. How long should you suction for? 10-15 seconds

263. You are caring for a patient with a history of COAD who is requiring 70%  Arterial blood gases measure both
humidified oxygen via a facemask. You are monitoring his response to oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and
therapy by observing his colour, degree of respiratory distress and respiratory therefore gives an indication of both
rate. The patient's oxygen saturations have been between 95% and 98%. In ventilation and oxygenation.
addition, the doctor has been taking arterial blood gases. What is the reason
for this?
264. When using nasal cannulae, the maximum oxygen flow rate that should be  Higher rates can cause nasal mucosal
used is 6 litres/min. Why? drying and may lead to epistaxis.
265. You are currently on placement in the emergency department (ED). A 55  Early defibrillation to restart the heart.
year old city worker is blue lighted into the ED having had a cardiorespiratory
arrest at work. The paramedics have been resuscitating him for 3 minutes. DEFIB – VF/VT
On arrival, he is in ventricular fibrillation. Your mentor asks you the CPR – PEA / ASYSTOLE
following question prior to your shift starting: What will be the most important
part of the patient's immediate advanced life support?
266. Why is it essential to humidify oxygen used during respiratory therapy?  Oxygen is a dry gas which can cause
evaporation of water from the respiratory
tract and lead to thickened mucus in the
airways, reduction of the movement of
cilia and increased susceptibility to
respiratory infection.
267. In a fully saturated haemoglobin molecule, responsible for carrying oxygen to  4
the body's tissues, how many of its haem sites are bound with oxygen?
268. Which of the following is NOT a cause of Type 1 (hypoxaemic) respiratory  Drug overdose
Type 2 (hypercapneic)
269. Prior to sending a patient home on oxygen, healthcare providers must ensure  Oxygen is highly flammable and there is
the patient and family understand the dangers of smoking in an oxygen-rich a risk of fire
environment. Why is this necessary?
270. What action would you take if a specimen had a biohazard sticker on it?  Double bag it, in a self sealing bag, and
wear gloves if handling the specimen
271. What is the best way to avoid a haematoma forming when undertaking  Choosing a soft, bouncy vein that refills
venepuncture? when depressed and is easily detected,
and advising the patient to keep their arm
straight whilst firm pressure is applied.
272. How do you ensure the correct blood to culture ratio when obtaining a blood  Collect at least 10 mL of blood
culture specimen from an adult patient?
273. If blood is being taken for other tests, and a patient requires collection of  Inoculate the aerobic culture first
blood cultures, which should come first to reduce the risk of contamination?
274. Which of the following would indicate an infection?  Temperature of 38.5°C, shivering,
tachycardia and hypertensive.
275. Which of the following techniques is advisable when obtaining a urine  Clean around the urethral meatus prior to
specimen in order to minimize the contamination of a specimen? sample collection and get a
midstream/clean catch urine specimen
276. If a patient is experiencing dysphagia, which of the following investigations  Gastroscopy
are they likely to have?
277. Which of the following can a patient not have if they have a pacemaker in  MRI
278. If a patient feels a cramping sensation in their abdomen after a colonoscopy,  Eat and drink as soon as sedation has
it is advisable that they should do/have which of the following? worn off
279. . A patient in your care is about to go for a liver biopsy. What are the most  Inadvertent puncture of the pleura, a
likely potential complications related to this procedure? blood vessel or bile duct.
280. When should adult patients in acute hospital settings have observations  When they are admitted or initially
taken? assessed. A plan should be clearly
documented which identifies which
observations should be taken and how
frequently subsequent observations
should be done.

281. Why are physiological scoring systems or early warning scoring systems  The system provides an early accurate
used in clinical practice? predictor of deterioration by identifying
physiological criteria that alert the nursing
staff to a patient at risk.
282. A patient on your ward complains that her heart is „racing‟ and you find that  A full set of observations: blood
the pulse is too fast to manually palpate. What would your actions be? pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen
saturation and temperature. It is essential
to perform a 12 lead ECG. The patient
should then be reviewed by the doctor.
283. When would an orthostatic blood pressure measurement be indicated?  If the patient has a history of dizziness or
syncope on changing position
284. What do the adverse effects of hypotension include?  Decreased conscious level, oliguria
and reduced coronary blood flow.
285. What are the contraindications for the use of the blood glucose meter for  If peripheral circulation is impaired,
blood glucose monitoring? collection of capillary blood is not advised
as the results might not be a true
reflection of the physiological blood
glucose level.
286. You are caring for a patient who has had a recent head injury and you have  This is a medical emergency. Basic
been asked to carry out neurological observations every 15 minutes. You airway, breathing and circulation should
assess and find that his pupils are unequal and one is not reactive to light. be attended to urgently and senior help
You are no longer able to rouse him. What are your actions? should be sought
287. What is the most accurate method of calculating a respiratory rate?  Counting the number of respiratory
cycles in 1 minute. One cycle is equal to
the complete rise and fall of the patient's
288. You are caring for a 17 year old woman who has been admitted with acute  Undertake a full set of observations to
exacerbation of asthma. Her peak flow readings are deteriorating and she is include oxygen saturations and
becoming wheezy. What would you do? respiratory rate. Administer humidified
oxygen, bronchodilators, corticosteroids
and antimicrobial therapy as prescribed.
289. Why is it important to manually assess pulse rate?  Amplitude, volume and irregularities
cannot be detected using automated
electronic methods
290. What are the professional responsibilities of the qualified nurse in medicines  The safe handling and administration
management? of all medicines to patients in their care.
This includes making sure that patients
understand the medicines they are
taking, the reason they are taking them
and the likely side effects.
291. What are the key reasons for administering medications to patients?  As part of the process of diagnosing
their illness, to prevent an illness,
disease or side effect, to offer relief from
symptoms or to treat a disease.
292. What are the most common types of medication error?  Administration of the wrong drug, in the
wrong amount to the wrong patient, via
the wrong route.
293. A patient has collapsed with an anaphylactic reaction. What symptoms  The patient will quickly find breathing
would you expect to see? very difficult because of compromise to
their airway or circulation. This is
accompanied by skin and mucosal

294. What are the potential benefits of self administration of medicines by  It gives patients more control and allows
patients? them to take the medications on time, as
well as giving them the opportunity to
address any concerns with their
medication before they are discharged
295. On checking the stock balance in the controlled drug record book as a newly  Check the cupboard, record book and
qualified nurse, you and a colleague notice a discrepancy. What would you order book and inform the registered
do? nurse or person in charge of the clinical
area. If the missing drugs are not found
then inform the most senior nurse on
duty. You will also complete an incident
296. A patient in your care is on regular oral morphine sulphate. As a qualified  Check the stock of oral morphine
nurse, what legal checks do you need to carry out every time you administer sulphate in the CD cupboard with another
it, which are in addition to those you would check for every other drug you registered nurse and record this in the
administer? control drug book; together, check the
correct prescription and the identity of the
297. As a newly qualified nurse, what would you do if a patient vomits when  Check to see if the patient has vomited
taking or immediately after taking tablets? the tablets and, if so, document this on
the prescription chart. If possible, the
drugs may be given again after the
administration of antiemetics or when the
patient no longer feels nauseous. It may
be necessary to discuss an alternative
route of administration with the doctor
298. Why would the intravenous route be used for the administration of  The intravenous route provides an
medications? immediate therapeutic effect and gives
better control of the rate of administration
as a more precise dose can be calculated
so treatment can be more reliable
299. You have been asked to give Mrs Patel her mid day oral metronidazole. You  Her name, date of birth, hospital number,
have never met her before. What do you need to check on the drug chart if she has any known allergies, the
before you administer it? prescription for metronidazole: dose,
route, time, date and that it is signed by
the doctor, and when it was last given.
300. Accurate postoperative observations are key to assessing a patient's  Identifies patients at risk of deterioration
deterioration or recovery. The Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) is a
scoring system that supports that aim. What is the primary purpose of
301. Why is it important that patients are effectively fasted prior to surgery?  To reduce the risk of reflux and inhalation
of gastric content
302. What are the principles of gaining informed consent prior to planned  Gaining permission from a patient who is
surgery? competent to give it, by providing
information in understandable terms prior
to surgery, allowing time for answering
questions, and inviting voluntary
303. Safe moving and handling of an anaesthetized patient is imperative to  4 (1 each side, 1 at head, 1 at feet).
reduce harm to both the patient and staff. What is the minimum number of
staff required to provide safe manual handling of a patient in theatre?
304. Why are antiembolic stockings an effective means of reducing the potential  They promote venous blood flow
of developing a deep vein thrombosis?
305. You are looking after a postoperative patient and when carrying out their  The patient is showing symptoms of
observations, you discover that they are tachycardic and anxious, with an hypovolemic shock. Investigate source of
increased respiratory rate. What could be happening? What would you do? fluid loss, administer fluid replacement
and get medical support
306. Who should mark the skin with an indelible pen ahead of surgery?  The surgeon should mark the skin
307. What serious condition is a possibility for patients positioned in the Lloyd  Compartment syndrome
Davies position during surgery?
308. When a patient is being monitored in the PACU, how frequently should  Every 5 minutes
blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate be recorded?
309. How soon after surgery is the patient expected to pass urine?  6-8 hours

310. What functions should a dressing fulfill for effective wound healing?  High humidity, insulation, gaseous
exchange, absorbent.
311. When would it be beneficial to use a wound care plan?  On every wound


312. How would you care for a patient with a necrotic wound?  Debride and apply a hydrogel dressing
313. A client has a diabetic stasis ulcer on the lower leg. The nurse uses a  Holding in place for one minute to allow
hydrocolloid dressing to cover it. The procedure for application includes: it to adhere
314. A new, postsurgical wound is assessed by the nurse and is found to be hot,  In the inflammation phase of healing
tender and swollen. How could this wound be best described?
315. What are the four stages of wound healing in the order they take place?  Haemostasis, inflammation phase,
proliferation phase, maturation phase
316. If an elderly immobile patient had a grade 3 pressure sore, what would your  Foam dressing, pressure relieving
management be? mattress, nutritional support.
317. Which one of the following types of wound is NOT suitable for negative  Contaminated wounds
pressure wound therapy?
318. How long does the „inflammatory phase‟ of wound healing typically last?  1-5 days
 Proliferative: 3-24days
319. Which of the following methods of wound closure is most suitable for a good  Tissue adhesive
cosmetic result following surgery?
320. You notice an area of redness on the buttock of an elderly patient and  Skin barrier product
suspect they may be at risk of developing a pressure ulcer. Which of the
following would be the most appropriate to apply?
321. An antihypertensive med has been prescribed for a client with HTN. The  Encourage the client to discuss the use
client tells the clinic nurse that they would like to take an herbal substance to of an herbal substance with the
help lower their bp. The nurse should take which action? healthcare provider
322. In case of a needle stick injury, what should the nurse do initially:  encourage wound to bleed and wash with
 report to occupational health
 visit Accident and Emergency for treatment
 make an incident report
323. A mentally capable client in a CRITICAL condition is suppose to receive  Accept decision and give consequences of
blood transfusion but client strongly refused. Best Response? his actions
324. NEWS score of 5, what action is appropriate?  physician review

1-4 : LOW  prompt assessment by a competent RN, then decide

5-7: MEDIUM  prompt an urgent review by a clinician (ward MD/ acute RN)
7 above : HIGH prompt EMERGENCY assessment by a CLINICAL TEAM,
transfer patient to a higher dependency care area.
325. What are the six physiological parameters incorporated into the National  RESPIRATORY RATE,
Early Warning Scores? OXYGEN SATURATION,
326. How can we identify health problems of a patient?  medical notes
327. According to Francis Report, Courage is:  Enables you to do the right thing for the
people we care for, to speak up when we
have concerns and to have the personal
strength and vision to innovate and to
embrace new ways of working
328. 24 hrs after abdominal surgery pain is not reduced what management will  reclined position
329. Which among these suggests poor leadership?  Recognition and acceptance of
underperformance of an individual team
330. Which of the following best describes the Contingency Theory of  The leader sees the kind of situation, the
Leadership? setting, and their roles
331. The client is being involuntarily committed to the psychiatric unit after  Beneficence
threatening to kill his spouse and children. The involuntary commitment is
an example of what bioethical principle? *
332. Which of the following is a severe complication during 24 hrs post liver biopsy?  bleeding
333. In ileostomy, why is the output tends to be looser and more liquid stool?  because waste is being eliminated before
the water is absorbed from the large
bowel (colon)
334. Why does a spout needs to be formed with ileostomy?  due to the more acidic, abrasive nature of
the stool at this stage
335. In loop colostomy, it is supported by a stoma bridge or rod during the peri-  3- 10 days
operative period and generally left in place for following surgery and then
336. These are all crucial info which must be present in all PGD except:  Period on which med will take effect
 Any type of person included in the
 When to seek consult during treatment
 Medication prescription
337. Which of the following is an example of an antidepressant?  Atenolol
 Fluoxetine
 Gaviscon
 Phenytoin
338. What is the incubation period of Ebola?  2days to 3weeks
339. A COPD pt is to be discharged in the community. As her nurse which of the  cessation of smoking
following interventions will you encourage him to do to prevent progression
of diseases:
340. In Digital rectal examination, Palpating around ______ enables the nurse  a. 180 degrees
 b. 260 degrees
to establish if there is any swelling or tenderness within the rectum.  c. 300 degrees
 d. 360 degrees
341. A patient suffered from CVA and is now affected with dysphagia. What  Place the patient in a sitting position / upright
should NOT be an intervention to this type of patient? during and after eating.
 Water or clear liquids should be given.
 Instruct the patient to use a straw to drink liquids.
 Review the patient's ability to swallow , and note
the extent of facial paralysis.
342. You are the named nurse of Colin admitted at Respiratory ward because of  Co-careldopa(Sinemet)
chest infection. His also suffers from Parkinson‟s syndrome. What
medications will you ensure Colin has taken on regular time to control his
343. What is the first action before doing primary assessment of a patient?  take consent
344. Which check do you need to carry out before setting up an enteral feed  That the pH of gastric aspirate is <5.5,
via a nasogastric tube? and the measurement on the NG tube is
the same length as the time insertion.
345. The charge nurse observes a new staff nurse who is changing a dressing on  Interrupt the procedure to inform the
a surgical wound. After carefully washing her hands the nurse dons sterile nurse of the need to wash her hands
gloves to remove the old dressing. After removing the dirty dressing, the after removal of the dirty dressing and
nurse removes the gloves and dons a new pair of sterile gloves in gloves.
preparation for cleaning and redressing the wound. The most appropriate
action for the charge nurse is to:
346. An adult woman is admitted with metabolic acidosis. Which set of arterial  D.Ph7.30;pCO2-36;HCO3-18
blood gases should the nurse expect to find in a client with metabolic
pH = 7.35 – 7.45 pCO2 = 35 – 45 HCO3 = 22 - 26
347. Reason for dyspnoea in patients who diagnosed with glomerulonephritis  Albumin loss cause decrease in oncotic
patients? pressure causes water retention causing
fluid retention in alveoli
348. Doctor's order: kantamycin 7.5 mg/kg I'M q 12 hr; available: kantamycin 
0.35 gm/ml. how many ml will you administer for 157 lb patient?
349. Barbara, a frail lady admitted on your ward because of urine infection  assign someone to supervise her
wanders off with anti-embolic socks on causing her to slip and closely when mobilising
eventually fall. How will you keep her safe when mobilising?
350. Position to make breathing effective?  High side lying

351. A client is diagnosed with MRSA. What type of isolation is MOST  Contact isolation
appropriate for this client?
352. The risk of spreading the infection of Acute Diarrhea to others can be  Disposal of excreta immediately, hand
reduced by adopting the following universal precautions, excluding: washing


353. Suzy is a middle-aged woman who is a wheelchair user due to muscular
sclerosis (MS). She lives in a ground floor flat on a large council estate and 1. Personal circumstance,
has few if any friends living close by. There are high levels of crime and 2. Environmental risk and
antisocial behaviour in the area and the flat has been broken into on two 3. Resilience factor
occasions. In spite of her situation Suzy remains fairly optimistic about life
and undertakes some voluntary work. She has been described as a
vulnerable adult although she does not like this term. What 3 key elements
does the Department of Health (2011) provide as factors which may make
people „vulnerable‟?
354. Any substance or object that the holder discards intends to discard or is  Waste
required to be discarded.
355. What is Disclosure according to NHS?  This is the divulging or provision of
access to data.
356. Swelling of anus may be indicative of:  Abscess
357. A nurse explains to a student that the nursing process is a dynamic  Nurse rapidly reset priorities for client
process. Which of the following actions by the nurse best demonstrates this care based on a change in the client‟s
concept during the work shift? condition
358. The nurse needs to validate which of the following statements pertaining to  The client reported an infected toe
an assigned client?
359. In spinal cord injury patients, what is the most common cause of autonomic  Urinary obstruction
dysreflexia (a sudden rise in blood pressure)? (common in people with SCI that involve the thoracic
nerves of the spine or above – T6 or above)
360. The most common site for a colostomy is on the _______.  Sigmoid colon
361. What is the best approach in supporting communication for a person with  Have pen and paper to hand, encourage
dysphonia? – difficulty in speaking due to a physical disorder of the writing when necessary.
mouth, tongue, throat or vocal cords.
362. What is the best approach in supporting communication for a person with  Be open if you are having difficulty
dysarthria? – difficult or unclear articulation of speech understanding
363. A patient who has had Parkinson‟s disease for 7 years has been  Speech and Language Therapist
experiencing aphasia. Which health professional should you make a
referral to with regards to his aphasia? – impairment of language
364. In supervising a student nurse perform a drug rounds, the NMC expects  supervise the entire procedure and the
you to do the following at all times: sign the chart
365. Except which procedure must all individuals providing nursing care must be  Hand hygiene
competent at?  Use of protective equipment
 Disposal of waste
 Aseptic technique
366. Which student require a Sign-off mentors (SOM)?  All consolidation students who started an
NMC approved undergraduate
programme which commenced after
September 2007.
367. In what instances shouldn't you position a patient in a side-lying position?  If they have a spinal fracture
368. Which is not a cause of postural hypotension?  lack of exercise
369. All individuals providing nursing care must be competent at which of the  Hand hygiene, use of protective
following procedures? equipment, and disposal of waste
Disposal of waste and use of protective
370. What areas to consider when making decisions on safeguarding?  Type of harm, degree of harm, etc
371. Nursing care is:  Patient oriented and individualistic care

372. A client, who has had visitors the last two evenings during the units regular evening  Visiting hours are from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00
visitors hours, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., asks, What time can I have visitors this p.m.
evening? Which of the following would be the best response to this question?
373. A smoking cessation nurse used this to communicate to and involve her  E-health options
patient in his care:
374. Anne has been told that unless she does what the ward staff tell her, the  Psychological Abuse
consultant will stop her family from visiting. What type of abuse is this?
375. An adult who has gastroenteritis & is on digitalis has lab values  A.Monitor for hyperkalemia
 B.Avoid foods rich in potassium
of;K3.2mEq/L, Na136mEq/L, Ca4.8mEq/L, & Cl98mEq/L. The nurse puts  C.Observe for digitalis toxicity
which of the following on patient‟s plan of care?  D.Observe for Trousseau‟s & Chvostek‟s signs

K – 3.5 – 5.3 Na – 135-145

Ca – 8.5 – 10.8 Cl – 96 - 106
376. Facial edema is caused by what type of illness:  Right Ventricular Failure
377. A nurse is not trained to do the procedure of IV cannulation, still she tries to  You should report the incident to
do the procedure. You are the colleague of this nurse. what will be your someone in authority
378. A coma can be the complication of which of the following pathological  Hypoglycaemia
379. During digital removal of feces, the nurse should observe the following signs  a. distress pain or discomfort
except for one:  b. bleeding, collapse
 c. autonomic dyreflexia
 d. none of the above
380. Effective teamwork involves making decisions and solving problems  Consensus
collaboratively. Which of the following is the term commonly associated
with teams coming together in agreement?
381. What are the characteristics of effective collaboration?  Common purpose and goals
 Clinical competence of each provider
 Humor, trust and valuing diverse, complementary
 All of the above
382. The process of discussion between healthcare professionals and patients  Interpersonal communication
and carers which allows patients and carers to explore issues and arrive at
383. What is the primary aim of stoma care?  to achieve and maintain patient comfort and
 to collect feces or urine in an appropriate
The primary aim is to promote patient independence by providing appliance
care and advice on managing their stoma, allowing patient to  to support psychological adaptation
continue with all necessary ADL and independence
 None of the above
384. Fremitus is the palpable vibrations of the patient‟s voice through the chest  consolidation
wall and should be felt symmetrical and decreasing as you work down the  emphysema
chest wall otherwise it could indicate  pneumothorax
 all of the above
385. This process occurs whereby feces move back into the sigmoid colon  Retroperistalsis
386. According to Rome III Criteria, the following should be present within the  Straining for at least 25% of the time
last 3 months to be diagnosed with constipation, except for one:  Loose stools are rarely present without
the use of laxatives
 Lumpy or hard stool for at least 25% of
the time
 Less than five bowel movements a
week (should be less than 3)
387. A nurse delegates duty to a health assistant, what NMC standard she  RN is accountable for care assistant‟s
should keep in mind while doing this? actions
388. What is the appearance of end colostomy post- operatively?  Flush to the skin and sutured to the
abdominal wall and consists of an end-
section of bowel
389. Communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing. What is the  Contextualize the discussion by giving
best approach? the topic of conversation first.
390. The following Legislations are relevant for assessing Manual & Handling  Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974,
risks Manual Handling Operations Regulations
1992 (MHOR) as amended 2002,
MHOR, PUWER, LOLER Provision and use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998 (PUWER), Lifting
Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulation 1998 (LOLER), Management
of Health & Safety at Work Regulations
391. By which of the following processes do faeces move from the caecum to the  Mass movement / peristalsis
392. How often do you advice a patient with NEUTROPENIA to take their  Check every 12hours and if it rises
temperature? slightly (2°C) seek help
393. A rise in which gas within the blood provides the main stimulus to increase  Carbon Dioxide
394. The purpose of patient information may be to:  Give reference material
 Reduce anxiety
 Address frequently asked questions
 All of the above
395. The nurse is caring for a diabetic patient and when making rounds, notices  Check the patient‟s blood glucose
that the patient is trembling and stating they are dizzy. The next action by
the nurse would be:
396. In choosing the right size of stoma appliances, it is important that its flange  0.3 cm / 3mm
is snugly around the stoma within of the stoma edge.
397. Lesion of which nerve results in a carpal tunnel syndrome?  Median nerve
398. Which of the following systems are responsible for maintaining the blood  Chemical buffers in the blood, the
pH within normal limits? lungs, the kidneys
399. In order for someone to be diagnosed with a depressive episode, for how  2 weeks
long must symptoms be present nearly every day?
400. Which of the following is the mainstay treatment of osteoporosis?  Bisphosphonates
401. A doctor prescribes an injection of 200 micrograms of drug. The stock bottle 
contains 1mg/ml. How many ml will you administer?
402. What is the role of the NMC?  To regulate nurses and midwives in the
UK to protect the public
403. Under the Carers (Equal opportunities) Act (2004) what are carers entitled  a) Their own assessment
to?  b) Financial support
 c) Respite care
 d) All of the above
404. Patient is saying something which is totally against your beliefs and  Ask help from seniors and say how it affects you
perceptions. What would you do as nurse?  Forget it and give care to patient as it is your
 Neglect the patients care
 Accept the patients beliefs
405. A patient has been prescribed chloramphenicol 40mg/kg/dose. She weighs 
78kg. How many grams of drug require for each dose?

A patient weighs 60kg and requires 40mcg/kg of a drug.

A - how many mcg are required?

B - how many mg is this?
406. In the intracellular fluid, which of the following is the main cation?  Potassium
PISO – Potassium In, Sodium Out
407. Fat digestion occurs in which of the following?  a. Duodenum
 b. ileum
408. Which signaling molecule is secreted by capillary endothelial cells, resulting  Endothelin
in blood vessel constriction?
409. Haemoglobin A1c is monitored to optimize the management of which  Diabetes mellitus
410. A nurse is leading a program about management issues. The nurse would  “It is my responsibility to provide a
intervene if a ward nurse made which of the following statements? detailed description of the surgery and
ask the patient to sign the consent form.”

411. Primary roles of insulin include which of the following?  Stimulating cellular uptake of glucose and
inhibiting protein breakdown
 Stimulating cellular uptake of glucose and
stimulating protein breakdown
412. In infection control, what is a pathogen?  A micro-organism that is capable of
causing infection, especially in


vulnerable individuals, but not normally in
healthy ones.
413. A client experiences an episode of pulmonary oedema because the nurse  Assault  physical attack
forgot to administer the morning dose of furosemide (Lasix). Which legal  Slander  spoken
element can the nurse be charged with? *  Negligence
 Tort  civil wrong
414. Patient asking for LAMA, the medical team has concern about the mental  Call the police
capacity of the patient, what decision should be made?  Call the security,
 Let the patient go
 encourage the patient to wait, by telling
the need for treatment
415. The NMC code is concerned about focusing on which of the following  Conduct, behavior, ethics &
criteria professionalism
416. Why do you do risk assessment  To ensure standards of care
417. You are taking a patient to theatre for a surgical procedure when he tells  Try to persuade the patient to go ahead
you that he is really afraid and anxious about the anaesthetic, to the extent with the surgery
that he is unsure if he wants to go ahead with the procedure. Which of the
following steps should you take?
418. Which are not the benefits of using negative pressure wound therapy?  Can reduce wound odour
 Increases local blood flow in peri-wound area
Another, not for contaminated / infected wound.  Can be used on untreated
 Can reduce use of dressings
419. A patient is prescribed metformin 1000mg twice a day for his diabetes.  Tell him to take one tablet in the morning
While talking with the patient he states “I never and one tablet in the evening as ordered
eat breakfast so I take a 1⁄2 tablet at lunch and a whole tablet
at supper because I don‟t want my blood sugar to drop.” As
his primary care nurse you:
420. Palpation of chest is done during cardiovascular examination in order to  assess the apical pulse
421. What is accountability?  To be answerable to oneself and others
for one's own actions.
422. What is primary care?  Health care provided in the community
for people making an initial approach to a
medical practitioner or clinic for advice or
423. Common signs and symptoms of a hypoglycaemia exclude:  Feeling hungry, Sweating, Anxiety or
irritability, Blurred vision
 Ketoacidosis (tx- hydration, insulin)
424. The Code contains the professional standards that registered nurses and
1. Prioritise people,
midwives must uphold. UK nurses and midwives must act in line with the
Code, whether they are providing direct care to individuals, groups or 2. Practise effectively,
communities or bringing their professional knowledge to bear on nursing
and midwifery practice in other roles; such as leadership, education or 3. Preserve safety,
research. What 4 Key areas does the code cover: 4. Promote professionalism and trust
425. After a lumbar puncture, your patient becomes unconscious. What will be  BRAIN HERNIATION
the reason?
426. A suicidal Patient is admitted to psychiatric facility for 3 days when  That she has finalized suicide plan
suddenly he is showing signs of cheerfulness and motivation. The nurse
should see this as:
427. A client with a right arm cast for fractured humerus states, “I haven‟t been  Assess neurovascular status to the hand
able to straighten the fingers on my right hand since this morning.” What
action should the nurse take? *
428. What is the best position in applying eye medications?  Sitting position with head tilt backwards
429. A nurse is caring for a patient with end-stage lung disease. The patient  Educator
wants to go home on oxygen and be comfortable. The family wants the  Advocate
patient to have a new surgical procedure. The nurse explains the risk and  Care giver
benefits of the surgery to the family and discusses the patient's  Case manager
wishes with the family. The nurse is acting as the patient's:


430. How many phases of korotkoff sounds are there?  5
431. After attending on the patient, which statement would be most appropriate  “The patient climbed over the side rails and fell
for the nurse to document on a datix/incident form? out of bed.”
 “The use of restraints would have prevented the
 “Upon entering the room, the patient
was found lying on the floor.”
 “The use of a sedative would have helped keep
the patient in bed.”
432. Why are physiological scoring systems or early warning scoring systems  The system provides an early accurate
(NEWS) used in clinical practice? predictor of deterioration by identifying
physiological criteria that alert the nursing
staff to a patient at risk
433. It is unsafe for a spinal tap to be undertaken if the patient:  A. Has bacterial meningitis
 B. Papilloedema
 C. Intracranial mass is suspected
 D. Site skin infection
 E. All of the above
434. Under the Yellow Card Scheme you must report the following:  A. Faulty brakes on a wheelchair
 B. Suspected side effects to blood factor,
except immunoglobulin products
 C. Counterfeit or fake medicines or
medical devices
435. Signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy except:  Protein excretion exceeds 2 g/day
436. Risk for health issues in a person with mental health issues  increased than in normal people
437. A young mother who delivered 48hrs ago comes back to the emergency  secondary post partum haemorrhage
department with post partum haemorrhage. What type of PPH is it? (primary – within 24h)
438. Clinical benchmarking is  to improve standards in health care
439. While informing death over phone which phrase is better?  I am sorry to tell you that your mother died
440. You are assisting a doctor who is trying to assess and collect information  Remain with the doctor and try to gain
from a child who does not seem to understand all that the doctor is telling the confidence of the child and politely
and is restless. What will be your best response? assess the child's level of understanding
and help the doctor with the information
he is looking for
441. You noticed medical equipment not working while you joined a new team  inform in written to management
and the team members are not using it. What is your role?
442. Patient suspected UTI  review antimicrobial daily and report to
the health care team
443. Which of the following is NOT a physical sign of anxiety?  Drowsiness
444. The worst advice you can give a student nurse with regards to the use of  A. Do not identify yourself as a nurse
social networking sites like Facebook? (Select 2 answers) B. Do not engage in a personal discussion or relationship
with a patient or former patient
C. Do not post a picture of a patient's child even if they
allow you to
D. Rely on the sites privacy settings

445. The following entry into a client's plan of care: "Client will reestablish a  Long-term goals (week or more)
pattern of daily bowel movements without straining within two months."
The nurse would write this statement under which section of the plan of
446. If an elderly immobile patient had a “grade 3 pressure sore”, what would  Hydrocolloid dressing, pressure- relieving
be your management? mattress, nutritional support
 Dry dressing, pressure relieving mattress,
 Film dressing, mobilization. Positioning, nutritional
 Foam dressing, pressure relieving
mattress, nutritional support
447. Early ambulation of a post surgery patient reduce the chances of occurrence  venous thromboembolism
 chest infection
of following, except:  muscle atrophy
 developing infection of the wound
448. A client breathes shallowly and looks upward when listening to the nurse.  Visual
Which sensory mode should the nurse plan to use with this client?
449. How to collect urine for examination of a patient who is admitted?  Clean the meatus and collect midstream
450. When you tell your 4th year student under your care to dispense  You will assess her competency and
medication to your patient what you will assess? skills
451. You are dealing with an infectious patient. What standard precautions will  Hand hygiene.
you take?  Proper disposal of waste.
 Using self-protective device.
452. When will you disclose the information?  Justified by public interest AND law
and order
453. An 82 year old lady was admitted to the hospital for assessment of her  Check her height and weight, so you
respiratory problems. She has been a long term smoker in spite of her can determine her BMI, BMI Score and
daughter advising her to stop. Based on your assessment, she has lost a Nutritional Care Plan
substantial amount of weight. How will you assess her nutritional status?
454. Which of the following is not a criteria for anaphylactic reaction:  sudden onset and rapid progression of
 life-threatening airway and/or breathing
and/or circulation problems
 skin and/or mucosal changes (flushing,
urticarial and angioedema)
 skin and mucosal changes only
455. Mrs X was taken to the Accident and Emergency Unit due to anaphylactic  Triage system in the A&E
shock. The treatment for Mrs X will depend on the following except:
456. Mark, 48 years old, has been exhibiting signs and symptoms of  Mark should be sat up if he is
anaphylactic reaction. You want to make sure that he is in a comfortable experiencing airway and breathing
position. Which of the following should you consider? problems
457. The following are ways to remove factors that trigger anaphylactic reaction  After a bee sting, do not touch the stinger
except for one for about a maximum of 3 hours.
458. Mrs Smith has been assessed to have a cardiac arrest after anaphylactic  Intramuscular route for adrenaline is not
reaction to a medication. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was recommended during cardiac arrest after
started immediately. According to the Resuscitation Council UK, which of anaphylactic reaction.
the following statements is true?
459. Julie, 50 years old, was admitted to the hospital with gastrointestinal  It is important for all health professionals
bleeding presumed to be esophageal varices. It has been recommended to do any means to keep a patient alive
that she needs to be transfused with blood; however, due to her religious regardless of traditions and beliefs.
and personal beliefs, she needed volume expanding agents.
Unfortunately, she died a few hours after admission. Before dying, she said
that it was God‟s will, which she believed was right. Which of the following
statements is false?

460. Pauleena, 57 years old, suffered from a very dense left sided  Nurses should have the empathy to listen
Cerebrovascular Accident / Stroke. She was unconscious and unresponsive to more than just the spoken word.
for several days with IV fluids for hydration. Since her recovery from stroke,  Nurses should practice in accordance to
she has been prescribed to commence enteral feeding through a fine bore Pauleena‟s best interest while providing
nasogastric tube, in which she signed her consent in front of her who have  support to the family and listening to their
always been supportive of her decisions. However, she tends to pull out her concerns and wishes.
NGT when she is by herself in her room. She died of malnutrition after a few  Pauleena needs to be supported with
days. Which of the following statements is true? questions related to mortality and
meaning of
 life. Therapautic communication is also
 All of the above
461. An adult patient with NASOGASTRIC TUBE died in a medical ward due to  Nothing should be introduced down the
aspiration of fluids. Staff nurse on duty believes that she has flushed the tube before gastric placement is
tube and believed it is patent. What should NOT have been done? confirmed.
 Internal guidewires should not be
lubricated before gastric placement is
 Auscultate the patient‟s stomach as
you push some air in, and if you
cannot hear anything, flush it.
 It is important to check the position of the
tube by measuring the pH value of
stomach contents.
462. The following are ways to assess a patient‟s fluid and electrolyte status  biomarkers
463. Mrs X is 89 years old and very frail. She has renal impairment and history  consider prescribing less fluid
of myocardial infarction. She needs support from staff to meet her nutritional
needs. Which IV fluids are recommended for Mrs X
464. Population groups at higher risk of having a low vitamin D status include  People who have high exposure to the
the following except: sun
465. Which of the following is not considered a medication?  whole blood
 albumin
 blood clotting factors
 antibodies
466. You were running a shift and a pack of controlled drugs were delivered by  Count the controlled drugs, store them in
the chemist/pharmacist whilst you were giving the morning medications. controlled drug cabinet and record them
What would you do first? on the controlled drug book
467. One of the following is not true about delegation responsibility of a  Nurses are accountable to ensure that
medication registrant: the patient, carer or care assistant is
competent to carry out the task.
 Nurses can delegate medication
administration to student nurses / nurses
on supervision.
 Nurses can delegate medication
administration to unregistered
practitioners to assist in ingestion or
application of the medicinal product.
 All of the above
468. General guidance for the storage of controlled drugs should include the  a.) cupboards must be kept locked when
following except not in use
 b.) keys must only be available to
General guidance for the storage of controlled drugs should include the authorised member of staff
following:  c.) regular drugs can also be stored in
 Cupboards must be kept locked when not in use the controlled drug storage
 The lock must not be common to any other lock in the hospital  d.) the cupboard must be dedicated to
 Keys must only be available to authorised members of staff
the storage of controlled drugs
 The cupboard must be dedicated to the storage of controlled drugs.
 No other medicines or items may be stored in the controlled drug
cupboard. Controlled drugs must be locked away when not in use

469. You were on a night shift in a ward and has been allocated to dispose  Controlled drugs should be destroyed
controlled medications. Which of the following is correct? with the use of the Denaturing Kit

Controlled drugs disposal and destruction

1. Destruction on ward may take place at the same time as a pharmacy stock
2. CDs should be destroyed in such a way that the drug is denatured or
destroyed so that it cannot be retrieved, reconstituted or used.
3. Destruction must occur in a timely fashion, so that excessive quantities are
not stored awaiting destruction.
4. All destruction must be documented in the appropriate section of the register,
it must be witnessed by a second competent professional.


470. You were assigned to change the dressing of a patient with diabetic foot  Sloughy tissue is a mass of dead
ulcer. You were not sure if the wound has sloughy tissues or pus. How tissues in your wound bed, while pus is a
will you carry out your assessment? thick yellowish/greenish opaque liquid
produced in an infected wound.
471. Annie, one of the residents in the nursing home, has not yet had her mental  Force her to change her mind every
capacity assessment done. She has been making decisions that you time she makes a decision
personally think are not beneficial for her. Which of the following should  Explain the benefits of making the right decision
not be implemented?  Allow her to make her own decision, as she still
has mental capacity
A person who has not yet been assessed as unable to make decisions is still considered to have his  All of the above
or her mental capacity. Hence, Annie’s decision should be respected, and she should be allowed to
make decisions for herself. Staff’s preconception and prejudices should be set aside, so this will not
affect the care delivered
472. A complaint has been raised by one of the service user‟s relatives. Which of  the person‟s country of origin
the following should you not document?
473. Which of the following sets of needs should be included in your service  physical, medical, social, psychological
user‟s person centered care plan? and spiritual needs
474. Adam has not been able to communicate with the nurses on duty. Using  the ability to communicate may be
nonverbal communication and gestures to help one identify a service affected by illness
user‟s needs is important because:
475. Which of the following tasks is crucial in therapeutic communication?  Listening attentively to a service
user‟s story
 Assessment of signs and symptoms
 Documenting an incident report
476. You were on duty, and you have noticed that the syringe driver is not  report this to your supervisor
working properly. What should you do? immediately
477. A patient in one of your bays has called for staff. She needed assistance  Assist her to walk to the toilet, and
with “spending a penny”. What will you do? (needs to urinate) provide her with some privacy
478. Alan Smith has a history of Congestive Heart Failure. He has also been  The Water Pill can be prescribed to manage
complaining of general weakness. After taking his physical observations, fluid retention.
you have noticed that he has pitting oedema on both feet. Which of the  Lasix can be prescribed for the pitting
following is incorrect? oedema.
 Furosemide and Digoxin can be combined for
patients with CHF.
 Furosemide will increase Alan‟s blood
pressure, and lessen pitting oedema.
479. Maisie is 86 years old, and has been in the nursing home for 5 years now.  Ranitidine / Zantac
She has been complaining of burning sensation in her chest and sour
taste at the back of her throat. What would she most likely to be
prescribed with?
480. Mrs A is 90 years old and has been admitted to the nursing home. The staff  You will not ring the family since there is no injury
seem to have difficulty dealing with her family. One day, during your shift, caused by the fall.
 You have liaised with the lead nurse, and she
Mrs A fell off a chair. You have assessed her, and no injuries have been decided not to ring the family due to no harm.
noted. Which of the following is a principle of the Duty of Candour?  Observe the patient, take her physical
observations, and ask if you must call the family.
Answer: e – Duty of Candour - openness and honesty as a professional duty  All of the above
when things go wrong  e.) None of the above

481. Maggie has been very physically and verbally aggressive towards other  DoLS will allow staff to intervene
patients and staff for the last few weeks. She is now on one-to-one care, 24 depriving Maggie from doing something
hours a day. According to her person centred care plan, the nurses are to hurt herself, other residents, and staff
looking after her very well preventing her from causing any harm. Behaviour
has been discussed with the social worker, and clinical lead has applied for
DoLS. Which of the following is correct?

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 („the Act‟) provides a statutory framework for
acting and making decisions on behalf of individuals who lack the mental capacity
to do so for themselves


the MHA 2005. The safeguards focus on some of the most vulnerable people in
our society: those who for their own safety and in their own best interests need to
be accommodated under care and treatment regimes that may have the effect of
depriving them of their liberty, but who lack the capacity to consent.

482. You were assisting Mrs X with personal care and hygiene. She has been  Ask her what she prefers; show her the
assessed to have mental capacity. In her wardrobe, you have seen a clothes and let her choose
dress that is quite difficult to wear and a pair of trousers, which is quite easy
to put on. You are trying to make a decision which one to put on her. Which
of the following is a person centered intervention?
483. You were a new nurse in a geriatric ward. The son of one of your patients  Report this to your supervisor
discussed that he has noticed his mother is not being treated well in the (safeguarding)
ward, and that she looks very dehydrated and malnourished. How do you
deal with the scenario?
484. Documentation confirms that Amy has MRSA. You walked into her bedroom  Put the coffee and biscuits on her bedside table
with coffee and biscuits on a tray. Which of the following is incorrect? and leave the tray on the other table
 Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving her
 Dispose your gloves and apron before washing
your hands
 Use the alcohol gel on Amy‟s bedside
before leaving her room
485. Which of the following is the most important in infection control and  Hand washing
486. There has been an outbreak of the Norovirus in your clinical area. Majority  Do not allow visitors to come in until after 48h of
of your staff have rang in sick. Which of the following is incorrect? the last episode
 Tally the episodes of diarrhoea and vomiting
 Staff who has the virus can only report to work 48h
after last episode
 Ask one of the staff who is off-sick to
do an afternoon shift on same day
487. Mrs X is diabetic and on PEG feed. Her blood sugar has been high during  Flush glucose syrup through her PEG
the last 3 days. She is on Nystatin Oral Drops QID, regular PEG flushes and Tube
insulin doses. Her Humulin dose has been increased from 12 iu to 14 iu.
The nurse practitioner has advised you to monitor her BM‟s for the next two
days. What will be your initial intervention if her BM drops to 2.8 mmol after
2 morning doses of 14 iu?
488. Annie is on Cefalexin QID. You were working on a night shift and have  Document the incident and speak to your
noticed that the previous nurse has not signed for the last two doses. Manager
What should you do?
489. Alan appears to be very confused today. He seems to be quite verbally  Collect a urine sample for MSU
aggressive towards staff. His urine has also got a bit of foul smell. How
would you assess this resident?
490. You are the night nurse in a nursing home. Maxine, 81 years old, has been  When you see signs of agitation
prescribed with Lorazepam PRN. You have assessed her to be wandering
and talking to staff. When do you administer the Lorazepam?

491. Manu is in persistent pain and has Oromorph PRN. All your carers are on  Call one of the carers to witness
their rounds, and you are about to administer this drug. What would you do? dispensing and administering the drug
492. You were on your medication rounds and the emergency alarm goes off.  Lock your trolley
What will you do first?
493. Your patient has Diverticulitis for about a decade now. You have assessed  There is no urgency in this case,
her to be having soft stools of Type 4/5. Which of the following will need because patients with Diverticulitis are
urgent intervention? expected to have soft to loose stools.
494. What is the purpose of clinical audit  helps to identify areas of improvement in
the system pertaining to Nursing and
medical personnel
495. Adverse reaction reporting  yellow card
496. The code is concerned about focusing on which of the following criteria  Conduct, behavior, ethics &
497. When communicating with a client who speaks a different language,  Arrange for an interpreter to translate
which best practice should the nurse implement?
498. Nurses who seek to enhance their cultural-competency skills and apply  Belief in the dignity and worth of each
sensitivity toward others are committed to which professional nursing value? person
499. When trying to make a responsible ethical decision, what should the nurse  Ethical principles & code
understand as the basis for ethical reasoning ?
500. "Positive fluid balance"  The fluid input has exceeded the output
501. What specifically do you need to monitor to avoid complications & ensure  Blood glucose levels, full blood count,
optimal nutritional status in patients being enterally fed? stoma site and body weight
502. A patient needs weighing, as he is due to a drug that is calculated on body  Offer the patient pain relief and either
weight. He is experiences a lot of pain on movement so is reluctant to move, use bed scales or a hoist with scales
particularly stand up. What would you do? built in
503. Which of the following medications are safe to be administered via a naso-  Drugs that can be absorbed via this
gastric tube? route, can be crushed and given diluted
or dissolved in 10-15 ml of water
504. Which check do you need to carry out before setting up an enteral feed via  That the pH of gastric aspirate is below
nasogastric tube? 5.5 and the measurements on the NG
tube is the same length as the time
505. Monica is going to receive BLOOD TRANSFUSION, How frequently should  Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and
we do her observation? respiration before the blood transfusion
begins, then after 15-min, then as
indicated in local guidelines, and finally
at the end of bag/unit.
506. How do the structures of human body work together to provide support and  The skeleton provides a structural
assist in movement? framework. This is moved by the muscles
that contract or extend and in order to
function, cross at least one joint and are
attached to the articulating bones.
507. What are the most common effects of inactivity?  Social isolation, loss of independence,
exacerbation of symptoms, rapid loss of
strength in leg muscles, deconditioning of
cardiovascular system leading to an
increased risk of chest infection and
pulmonary embolism.
508. Your patient has bronchitis and has difficulty in clearing his chest. What  Lying on his side with the area to be
position would help to maximize the drainage of secretions? drained uppermost after the patient has
had humidified air
509. When should adult patients in acute hospital settings have observations  When they are admitted or initially
taken? assessed. A plan should be clearly
documented which identifies which
observations should be taken & how
frequently subsequent observations
should be done
510. Why are physiological scoring systems or early warning scoring system  The system provides an early accurate
used in clinical practice? predictor of deterioration by identifying
physiological criteria that alert the nursing
staff to a patient at risk
511. A patient is recovering from surgery has been advanced from a clear diet to  Custard
a full liquid diet. The patient is looking forward to the diet change because  Gelatin
he has been "bored" with the clear liquid diet. The nurse should offer which  Black tea
 Ice pop
full liquid item to the patient

512. The nurse is preparing to change the parenteral nutrition (PN) solution bag  Take a deep breath, hold it, & bear down
& tubing. The patient's central venous line is located in the right subclavian
vein. The nurse ask the client to take which essential action during the
tubing change?
513. A 27-year old adult male is admitted for treatment of Crohn's disease. Which  Anthropometric measurements
information is most significant when the nurse assesses his nutritional
health? (avoid strawberries)
514. A COPD patient is in home care. When you visit the patient, he is  Call the emergency service


dyspnoeic, anxious and frightened. He is already on 2 liter oxygen with
nasal cannula. What will be your action?
515. A client breathes shallowly and looks upward when listening to the nurse.  Touch
Which sensory mode should the nurse plan to use with this client?  Auditory  to the side
 Kinesthetic  down
 Visual  upward
516. An eight year old girl with learning disabilities is admitted for a minor  Advice the mother to stay till she settles
surgery, she is very restless and agitated and wants her mother to stay with
her, what will you do?
517. While at outside setup what care will you give as a Nurse if you are  Keeping up to professional standards
exposed to a situation?
518. A newly diagnosed patient with Cancer says "I hate Cancer, why did God  Anger
give it to me". Which stage of grief process is this?
519. Mrs. A is posted for CT scan. Patient is afraid cancer will reveal during her  Understand her feelings and tell the
scan. She asks "why is this test". What will be your response as a nurse? patient that it is normal procedure.
520. What is the purpose of clinical audit?  Helps to identify areas of improvement
in the system pertaining to Nursing and
Medical personnel
521. In an emergency department doctor asked you to do the procedure of  Don't do it as you are not competent or
cannulation and left the ward. You haven't done it before. What would you trained for that & write incident report &
do? inform the supervisor
522. Which of the following client should the nurse deal with first? ABC  A client who needs to be suctioned
523. A client on your medical surgical unit has a cousin who is physician & wants  Ask the client to sign an authorization &
to see the chart. Which of the following is the best response for the nurse to have someone review the chart with
take cousin
524. The most commonly injured carpal bone is:  the scaphoid bone
525. Glasgow Coma score (GCS) is made up of 3 component parts and these 1. eye opening response
are: 2. verbal response
3. motor response
526. A patient got admitted to hospital with a head injury.Within 15 minutes, GCS  30 minutes
was assessed and it was found to be 15. After initial assessment, a nurse
should monitor neurological status
527. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy  Alcohol abuse
528. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of which nerve:  Median nerve
529. What instructions should you give a client receiving oral Antibiotics?  take the medication as prescribed and
complete the course
530. When will you disclose the identity of a patient under your care?  Justified by public interest law and order
531. An 18 year old 26 week pregnant woman who uses illicit drugs (illegal)  Teratogenicity
frequently, the factors in risk for which one of the following:
532. You would refer to the early phase of scar tissue formation as which of  Granulation
the following kinds of tissue?

533. After instructing the client on crutch walking technique, the nurse should  Return demonstration
evaluate the client's understanding by using which of the following

534. A client requests you that he wants to go home against medical advice,  Allow the client to go home as he won't
what should you do? pose any threat to self or others
535. You saw a relative of a client has come with her son, who looks very thin,  Raise your concern with your nurse
shy & frightened. You serve them food, but the mother of that child says manager about potential for child abuse
"don't give him, he eats too much". You should: & ask for her support.
536. What are the principles of communicating with a patient with delirium?  Use short statements & closed questions
in a well-lit, quiet, familiar environment
537. Which of the following statements by a nurse would indicate an  "Intrapersonal communications occurs
understanding of INTRApersonal communications? within a person"
538. Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurse-  Making observations
client interaction?
539. Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic  "I notice you are wearing a new dress
communication technique of giving recognition? and you have washed your hair"
540. The nurse asks a newly admitted client. "What can we do to help you?"  To communicate that the nurse is
What is the purpose of this therapeutic communication technique? listening to the conversation

541. Which nursing statement is good example of the therapeutic communication  "You mentioned your relationship with
technique of focusing? your father. Let's discuss that further"
542. Which nursing response is an example of the nontherapeutic  "Can you tell me why you said that?"
communication block of requesting an explanation?
543. Which therapeutic communication technique should the nurse use when  "I understand that the voices seem real to
communicating with a client who is experiencing auditory hallucinations? you, but I do not hear any voices."
544. Which therapeutic statement is a good example of the therapeutic  "Would you like me to accompany you to
communication technique of offering self? your electroconvulsive therapy
545. On a psychiatric unit, the preferred milieu environment is BEST describe  Fostering a therapeutic social, cultural,
as: and physical environment.
546. A new mother is admitted to the acute psychiatric unit with severe  "Having a new baby is stressful, and the
postpartum depression. She is tearful and states, "I don't know why this tiredness and different hormone levels
happened to me I was so excited for my baby to come, but now I don't don't help. It happens to many new
know!" Which of the following responses by the nurse is MOST therapeutic? mothers and is very treatable."
547. A patient with antisocial personality disorder enters the private meeting  "Please leave and I will speak with you
room of a nursing unit as a nurse is meeting with a different patient. Which when I am done."
of the following statements by the nurse is BEST?
548. The wife of a client with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) communicate  "Do not touch or speak to your husband
to the nurse that she is having trouble dealing with her husband's condition during an active flashback. Wait until it is
at home. Which of the following suggestions made by the nurse is finished to give him support."
549. A client express concern regarding the confidentiality of her medical  Explaining the exact limits of
information. The nurse assures the client that the nurse maintains client confidentiality in the exchanges between
confidentiality by: the client and the nurse.
550. When caring for clients with psychiatric diagnoses, the nurse recalls that the  Enable the client's treatment team to plan
purpose of psychiatric diagnoses or psychiatric labeling to: appropriate and comprehensive care.
551. If you were told by a nurse at handover to take "standard precautions" what  Using appropriate hand hygiene, wearing
would you expect to be doing? gloves & aprons when necessary,
disposing of used sharp instruments
safely & providing care in a suitably clean
environment to protect yourself & the
552. You are told a patient is in "source isolation". What would you do & why?  Nurse the patient in isolation, ensure that
you wear appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) & adhere to strict
hygiene , for the purpose of preventing
the spread of organism from that patient
to others.

553. What would make you suspect that a patient in your care had a urinary tack  The patient has spiked a temperature,
infection? has a raised white cell count (WCC), has
new-onset confusion & the urine in the
catheter bag is cloudy
554. A new postsurgical wound is assessed by the nurse and is found to be hot,  In the inflammation phase of healing
tender and swollen. How could this wound be best described?
555. If an elderly immobile patient had a "grade 3 pressure sore", what would be  Foam dressing, pressure relieving
your management? mattress, nutritional support
556. How can risk be reduced in the healthcare setting?  By adopting a culture of openness &
transparency & exploring the root causes
of patient safety incidents.
557. A patient in your care knocks their head on the bedside locker when  Help the patient to a safe comfortable
reaching down to pick up something they have dropped. What do you do? position, take a set of observations &


report the incident to the nurse in charge
who may call a doctor. Complete an
incident form. At an appropriate time,
discuss the incident with the patient & if
they wish, their relatives
558. The client reports nausea and constipation. Which of the following would be  Complete an abdominal assessment
the priority nursing action?
559. The nurse suspects that a client is withholding health-related information out  Incomplete data
of fear of discovery and possible legal problems. The nurse formulates
nursing diagnoses for the client carefully, being concerned about a
diagnostic error resulting from which of the following?
560. Which of the following descriptors is most appropriate to use when stating  Anxiety
the "problem" part of nursing diagnosis?
561. The rehabilitation nurse wishes to make the following entry into a client's  Long-term goals
plan of care: "Client will reestablish a pattern of daily bowel movements
without straining within two months." The nurse would write this statement
under which section of the plan of care?
562. The nurse has just been promoted to unit manager. Which advice, offered 
by a senior unit manager, will help this nurse become inspirational and  "If you make a mistake with your staff,
motivational in this new role? admit it, apologize, and correct the error
if possible."
563. The famous 14 Principles of Management was first defined by  Henri Fayol
564. The nursing staff communicates that the new manager has a focus on the  The manager is unwilling to listen to staff
"bottom line," and little concern for the quality of care. What is likely true of concerns unless they have an impact on
this nurse manager? costs.
565. A very young nurse has been promoted to nurse manager of an inpatient  Give assignments clearly, taking staff
surgical unit. The nurse is concerned that older nurses may not respect the expertise into consideration.
manager's authority because of the age difference. How can this nurse
manager best exercise authority?
566. What statement, made in the morning shift report, would help an effective  "I'm sorry, but i do not have a nurse to
manager develop trust on the nursing unit? spare today to help your unit. I cannot
make a change now, but we should talk
further about schedules and needs."
567. The nurse executive of a health care organization wishes to prepare and  Prepare these managers so that they will
develop nurse manager for several new units that the organization will open focus on maintaining standards of care.
next year. What should be the primary goal for this work?
568. What are the key competencies and features for effective collaboration?  Effective communication skills, mutual
respect, constructive feedback, and
conflict management
569. A registered nurse is a preceptor for a new nursing graduate and is  Continuously
describing critical paths and variance analysis to the new nursing graduate.
The registered nurse instructs the new nursing graduate that a variance
analysis is performed on all clients:

570. A nurse manager is planning to implement a change in the method of the  identify the inefficiency that needs
documentation system for the nursing unit. Many problems have occurred improvement or correction
as a result of the present documentation system, and the nurse manager
determines that a change is required. The initial step in the process of
change for the nurse manager is which of the following?
571. Ms. Jones is newly promoted to a patient care manager position. She  Country Club Management
updates her knowledge on the theories in management and leadership in
order to become effective in her new role. She learns that some managers  Impoverished Management
have low concern for services and high concern for staff. Which style of  Organization Man
management refers to this?  Team Management
572. What are essential competencies for today's nurse manager?  Communication and teamwork
573. As a nurse manager achieves a higher management position in the  Conceptual and interpersonal skills
organization, there is a need for what type of skills?
574. The characteristic of an effective leader include:  sound problem-solving skills and strong
people skills
575. What is the most important issue confronting nurse manager using  Value is placed on the accomplishment of
situational leadership? tasks and on interpersonal relationship
between leader and group members and
among group members.
576. When developing a program offering for patients who are newly diagnosed  Utilizing variety of educational materials.
with diabetes, a nurse case manager demonstrates an understanding or
learning styles by:
577. Which strategy could the nurse use to avoid disparity in health care  Recognize the cultural issue related to
delivery? patient care.
578. Which option best illustrates a positive outcome for managed care?  Increase in preventive services.
579. The patient is being discharged from the hospital after having a coronary  Tertiary care
artery bypass graft (CABG). Which level of the health care system will best
serve the needs of this patient at this point?
580. Proper technique to use walker Zimmer frame  transform weight to walker and walk
581. After lumbar puncture, the patient experienced shock. What is the etiology  CSF leakage
behind it?
582. What is the preferred position for abdominal Paracentesis?  Supine with head slightly elevated
583. ou see a man collapsing while you are in a queue. What will you do first as  Check for responsiveness
BLS Certified Nurse?
584. How to act in an emergency in a health care set up?  according to our competence
585. Compassion is best described as:  showing empathy when delivering care
586. In caring for a patient, the nurse should?  whenever possible provide care that is
culturally sensitive and according to
patients preference
587. For which type of waste should orange bags be used?  Waste which may be "treated"
588. If a patient requires protective isolation, which of the following should you  Long-life fruit juice and filtered water
advise them to drink?
589. A Registered nurse is new to the diagnosis of her patient. What is the best  The nurse should clarify her doubts with
response of the nurse? her senior on duty & with the doctors
about the diagnosis & plan nursing care
590. Certain infectious diseases should be notified at international level. Though  TUBERCULOSIS
it is doctor's responsibility, as a registered nurse you should be aware about
the diseases that require national notification. Which among the following is
notifiable infectious disease at a national level?
591. The first techniques used examining the abdomen of a client is:  I (A Pe Pa)
592. A walk-in client enters into the clinic with a chief complaint of abdominal pain  Assessment
and diarrhea. The nurse takes the client's vital sign hereafter. What phrase
of nursing process is being implemented here by the nurse?
593. When communicating with children, what most important factor should the  Developmental level
nurse take into consideration?
594. Which of the following would be an appropriate strategy in reorienting a  Remind the patient where her room is
confused patient to where her room is?
595. A nurse has been told that a client's communications are tangential. The  Loosely related to the questions
nurse would expect that the clients verbal responses to questions would be:
596. A nurse delegates duties to a health assistant, what NMC standard she  RN is accountable for care assistants
should keep in mind while doing this? actions
597. Which of the following approaches creates a barrier to communication?  Giving advise rather than encouraging
the patient to problem solve
598. A client diagnosed of cancer visits the OPD and after consulting the doctor  Take her to a room and try to understand
breaks down in the corridor and begins to cry. What would the nurses best her worries and do the needful and assist
action? her with further information if required
599. An example of a positive outcome of a nurse-health team relationship would  Receiving encouragement and support
be: from co-workers to cope with the many
stressors of the nursing role
600. A patient has sexual interest in you. What would you do?  Try to re-establish the therapeutic
communication and relationship with
patient and inform the manager for
601. Communication is not the message that was intended but rather the  Contextual factors, such as attitudes,
message that was received. The statement that best helps explain this is values, beliefs, and self-concept,
influence communication
602. When communicating with someone who isn't a native English speaker,  Relying on their family or friends to help
which of the following is NOT advisable? explain what you mean
603. The nurse is discussing problem-solving strategies with a client who recently  Overload
experienced the death of a family member and the loss of a full-time job.
The client says to the nurse. 'I hear what you're saying to me, but it just isn't
making any sense to me. I can't think straight now." The client is expressing
feelings of:
604. The supervisor reprimands the charge nurse because the nurse has not 
adhered to the budget. Later the charge nurse accuses the nursing staff of  Displacement
wasting supplies. This is an example of
605. You are assisting a doctor who is trying to assess and collect information  Remain with the doctor and try to gain
from a child who does not seem to understand all that the doctor is telling the confidence of the child and politely
and is restless. What will be your best response? assess the child's level of understanding
and help the doctor with the information
he is looking for
606. As an RN in charge you are worried about a nurse's act of being very active  Do not reveal your profession of being a
on social media site, that it affect the professionalism. Which one of these is Nurse on social site
the worst advice you can give her?
607. According to NMC Standards code and conduct, a registered nurse is  Fixed penalty for speeding
EXCLUDED from legal action in which one of these?
608. A client is brought to the emergency room by the emergency medical  Transport the victim to the operating
services after being hit by car. The name of the client is not known. The room for surgery
client has sustained a severe head injury, multiple fractures and is
unconscious. An emergency craniotomy is required, regarding informed
consent for the surgical procedure, which of the following is the best action?
609. A nurse educator is providing in-service education to the nursing staff  It is a process of learning, a different
regarding transcultural nursing care. A staff member asks the nurse culture to adapt to a new or change in
educator to describe the concept of acculturation. The most appropriate environment
response in which of he following?
610. A client is diagnosed with cancer and is told by surgery followed by  "There are many different forms of
chemotherapy will be necessary, the client states to the nurse, "I have read complementary therapies, let's talk about
a lot about complementary therapies. Do you think I should try it?". The these therapies"
nurse responds by making which most appropriate statement?
611. A nurse is preparing to deliver a food tray to a client whose religion is  Call the dietary department and ask for a
Jewish. The nurse checks the food on the tray and notes that the food on new meal tray
the tray and notes that the client has received a roast beef dinner with whole
milk as a beverage. Which action will the nurse take?
612. When would an orthostatic blood pressure measurement be indicated?  If the patient has a history of dizziness or
syncope on changing position
613. A registered nurse had a very busy day as her patient was sick, got  She should put a straight cut over her
intubated & had other life saving procedures. She documented all the documentation & write as wrong, sign it
events & by the end of the shift recognized that she had documented in with her NMC code, date & time
other patient's record. What is best response of the nurse?
614. According to NMC, RN must have to update their skills and knowledge  35
throughout their professional career. On hourly basis, a minimum of how
much should an RN possess in 3 years:
615. How to give respect & dignity to the client?  Compassion, support & reassurance to
the client
616. Which of the step is NOT involved in Tuckman's group formation theory  Accepting
617. An adult has been medicated for her surgery. The operating room (OR)  Tell the physician that the consent form is
nurse, when going through the client's chart, realizes that the consent form not signed
has not been signed. Which of the following is the best action for the nurse
to take?
618. A mentally capable client in a critical condition is supposed to receive blood  Accept the client's decision and give
transfusion. But client strongly refuses the blood product to be transfused. information on the consequences of his
What would be the best response of the nurse? actions
619. An antihypertensive medication has been prescribed for a client with HTN.  Encourage the client to discuss the use
The client tells the clinic nurse that they would like to take an herbal of an herbal substance with the health
substance to help lower their BP. The nurse should take which action? care provider
620. A police officer approached the nurses' station asking for information on a  There is a clear risk of safety and
specific client. The nurse knows that she can give the necessary information potential harm to the public
621. The code is the foundation of  Good nursing & midwifery practice & a
key tool in safeguarding the health & well
being of the public
622. According to the nursing code of ethics, the nurse's first allegiance is to the:  Client only
623. A nurse from Medical-surgical unit asked to work on the orthopedic unit. The  A client who had a total hip replacement
medical-surgical nurse has no orthopedic nursing experience. Which client 2 days ago & needs blood glucose
should be assigned to the medical-surgical nurse? monitoring
624. A nurse preceptor is working with a new nurse and notes that the new nurse  Lack of trust in the team members
is reluctant to delegate tasks to members of the care team. The nurse
preceptor recognizes that this reluctance most likely is due to
625. The measurement and documentation of vital signs is expected for clients in  Nursing assistant
a long term facility. Which staff type would it be a priority to delegate these
tasks to?
626. An RN from the women's health clinic is temporarily reassigned to a  A client from a motor vehicle accident
medical-surgical unit. Which of these client assignments would be most with an external fixation device on the leg
appropriate for this nurse?
627. A dose of 100 ml of injection Metronidazole is to be infused over half an 
hour. How much amount of the medicine will be given in an hour?
628. An infusion of 24 mg of Inj. Furosemide is ordered for 12 hrs. How much 
dose is infused in an hour?
629. As a registered nurse, you are expected to calculate fluid volume balance  ___________ , ____________ Balance
of a patient whose input is 2437 ml and output is 750 ml
630. Which of the following is the most common aneurysm site?  Abdominal aorta
631. The nurse is preparing to move an adult who has right sided paralysis from  position the wheelchair on the left side of
the bed into a wheelchair. Which statement describes the best action for the the bed
nurse to take
632. *Normal heart rate for 1 to 2 years old?  80 - 140 beats per minute
633. Mrs Hannigan has been assessed to be on nutritional deficit with a MUST  Mrs Hannigan‟s meal preferences.
Score of 1, which means that she is on medium risk. One of your  Mrs Hannigan‟s intake and output
interventions is to modify her diet for her to meet her nutritional needs. What records.
should you consider?

634. A patient has been prescribed 1L of a saline solution. The rate is set at 150 
ml/hr. How long will the infusion take?
635. A client had fractured hand and being cared at home requiring analgesia.  PGD‟s cannot be delegated to anyone
The medication was prescribed under PGD. Which of the following
statements are correct relating to this:
636. This regulation set out the requirements for certain NHS bodies and  Controlled Drugs Regulations 2006
independent hospitals to appoint an accountable officer whose
responsibilities are to improve the management and use of controlled
drugs by allowing periodic inspection of premises.
637. Your hospital supports the government‟s drive on breastfeeding. One of  breast milk is the best and she can feed
your patient being treated for urinary tract infection was visited by her her baby anytime they visit
husband and their 4 month old baby. She would like to breastfeed her baby.
What advise will you give her?
638. Wendy, 18 years old, was admitted on Medical Ward because of recurrent  tell her that any information related to her
urinary tract infection (UTI). She disclosed to you that she had unprotected well being will need to be share to the
sex with her boyfriend on some occasions. You are worried this may be a health care team
possible cause of the infection. How will best handle the situation?


639. Who has the overall responsibility for the safe and appropriate management  nurse in charge
of controlled drugs within the clinical area
640. Which of the following local agencies have a responsibility to investigate  the police and other relevant law
and take action when a vulnerable adult is believed to be suffering enforcement agencies (including the
abuse? Crown Prosecution Service)
641. Contact precautions are initiated for a client with a health care associated  Gloves , gown , goggle & face shield
infection caused by MRSA. Which protective equipments the nurse should
wear while providing colostomy care?
642. A patient has been prescribed 1L of a saline solution. The rate is set at 150 
ml/hr. How long will the infusion take?
643. Early signs of phlebitis would include  Slight pain and redness
644. What is clinical benchmarking?  All of the above
 The practice of being humble enough to admit that someone else is better at
something and being wise enough to try to learn how to match and even
surpass them at it.
 A systematic process in which current practice and care are compared to,
and amended to attain, best practice and care
 A system that provides a structured approach for realistic and supportive
practice development
645. How do we handle a specimen container labeled with a yellow hazard  Wear gloves and apron and inform the
sticker? laboratory that you are sending the
646. What is meant by an advocate?  Someone who does something on behalf
of the patient
647. The CQC describes compassion as what? .  Intelligent Kindness
Compassion is how care is given through relationships based on empathy, respect
and dignity - it can also be described as intelligent kindness, and is central to how
people perceive their care.
648. What does intermediate care not consist of?  Maximise dependent living
649. How many cups of fluid do we need everyday to keep us well hydrated?  6-8
650. Approximately how many people in the UK are malnourished?  3 million
651. If a patient has been assessed as lacking capacity to make their own  Mental capacity Act (2005)
decisions, what government legislation or „act‟ should be referred to ?

652. Under the Carers (Equal opportunities)Act (2004) what are carers entitled  Their own assessment
to?  Financial support
 Respite care

653. For which of the following modes of transmission is good hand hygiene a Airborne

key preventative measure? Direct & indirect contact


All of the above

654. In non-verbal communication, what does SOLER stand for? Squarely, open posture, leaning slightly

forward, eye contact, relaxed
655. The 6C‟s reinforce the enduring values and beliefs that underpin care wherever it takes place. It gives us an easily
understood and consistent way to explain our values as professionals and care staff and to hold ourselves to account for the
care and services that we provide. The 6C‟s all carry equal weight, and naturally focus on putting the people we care for at
the heart of everything we do. The correct answer is Consideration. The 6 C‟s are care, compassion, courage,
communication, commitment and competence.
 Not included: Consideration
656. A patient puts out his arm so that you can take his blood pressure. What  Implied
type of consent is this?
657. How should eye drops be administered?  Pulling on the lower eyelid and
administering the eye drops
658. When selecting a stoma appliance for a patient who has undergone a  Cognitive ability, lifestyle, patient
formation of a loop colostomy, what factors would you consider? dexterity, position of stoma, state of
peristomal skin, type of stoma,
consistency of effluent, patient
659. What is the clinical benefit of active ankle movements?  To assist with circulation
 To lower the risk of a DVT
 To maintain joint range
 All of the above
660. How much urine should someone void an hour?  0.5 – 1ml/Kg/hr of the patient‟s body
661. In spinal cord injury patients, what is the most common cause of autonomic  Urinary obstruction
dysreflexia (a sudden rise in blood pressure)?
662. If a patient is prescribed nebulizers, what is the minimum flow rate in litres  6-8
per minute required?
663. In normal breathing, what is the main muscle(s) involved in inspiration?  Diaphragm
664. Concentration of electrolytes within the body vary depending on the  Sodium
compartment within which they are contained. Extracellular fluid has a high
concentration of which of the following?
665. People with blood group A are able to receive blood from the following:  Groups A or O
666. Which layer of the skin contains blood and lymph vessels, sweat and  Dermis
sebaceous glands?
667. Which of the following is no longer a recommended method of mouth care?  Glycerine and lemon swabs
668. What percentage of the air we breathe is made up of oxygen?  21%
669. Which is the first drug to be used in cardiac arrest of any etiology?  Adrenaline
670. What is the most common complication of venepuncture?  Haematoma
671. A nurse is leading a programme about management issues. The nurse  “It is my responsibility to provide a
would intervene if a ward nurse made which of the following statements? detailed description of the surgery and
ask the patient to sign the consent form.”
672. Which client has the highest risk for a bacteraemia?  Client with a central venous catheter
673. A client with a right arm cast for fractured humerus states, “I haven‟t been  Assess neurovascular status to the hand
able to straighten the fingers on my right hand since this morning.” What
action should the nurse take?
674. Which finding should the nurse report to the provider prior to a magnetic  Permanent pacemaker in place
resonance imaging MRI?
675. A client experiences an episode of pulmonary oedema because the nurse  Negligence
forgot to administer the morning dose of furosemide (Lasix). Which legal
element can the nurse be charged with?
676. After finding the patient, which statement would be most appropriate for the  “Upon entering the room, the patient was
nurse to document on a datix/incident form? found lying on the floor.”
677. A nurse documents vital signs without actually performing the task. Which  Document the incident
action should the charge nurse take after discussing the situation with the

678. What is meant by „Gillick competent‟?  Children under the age of 16 who are
believed to have enough intelligence,
competence and understanding to fully
appreciate what's involved in their
679. Which of the following is not a part of the 6 rights of medication  Right Reason
The administration of medicines has been identified as a source of risk to patients. The
National Reporting and Learning System highlights that the most frequently reported RIGHTS:
source of medication errors are wrong dose, omitted or delayed medication and 1. Patient
administration of the wrong medicine (NPSA 2013). This has prompted many 2. Drug
organisations to adopt the ‘5 rights’ approach to medication administration: Right patient,
3. Dose
Right drug, Right dose, Right route, Right time. Some types of errors, such as
maladministration of insulin, are now classed by the Department of Health (DH) as ‘never 4. Route
events’. Never events are considered to be unacceptable and preventable. 5. Time
680. The nurse is caring for a diabetic patient and when making rounds, notices  Check the patient‟s blood glucose
that the patient is trembling and stating they are dizzy. The next action by
the nurse would be:
681. Who has the overall responsibility for the safe and appropriate  Nurse in charge
management of controlled drugs within the clinical area?
682. A Ibuprofen 200mg tablet has been prescribed. You only have a 400mg  order the different dose of tablet from
coated ibuprofen tablet. What should you do? pharmacy
683. What is primary care?  Health care provided in the community
for people making an initial approach to a
As many people's first point of contact with the NHS, around 90 per cent of patient medical practitioner or clinic for advice or
interaction is with primary care services. In addition to GP practices, primary care covers treatment.
dental practices, community pharmacies and high street optometrists.

684. Why is pyrexia not always evident in the elderly?  Due to immature T cells

T cells attack infected or damaged cells directly or produce powerful chemicals

that mobilize an army of other immune system substances and cells.

With age, however, people produce fewer naïve T cells, which makes them less
able to combat new health threats


685. What is accountability  To be answerable to oneself and others

for one's own actions.”
It will always be the nurse responsible for the patients on a shift who must ensure that
anyone delegated with a task is competent to do so and knows what to report on
completing the activity.
686. When disposing of waste, what colour bag should be used to dispose of  Yellow and black stripe
offensive/hygiene waste? - example, Human excreta
687. Orthostatic hypotension is diagnosed if the systolic blood pressure drops by  20
how many mmHg?
688. In what quadrant should intramuscular injections be given into the buttock?  Upper outermost quadrant
689. According to law in England, UK when you faced with a situation of  You are not obliged in any way but as a
emergency what is your action? professional duty advises you to stop
and assist
690. Which of the following actions jeopardize the professional boundaries  Focusing on social relationship outside
between patient and nurse working environment
691. An elderly client with dementia is cared by his daughter. The daughter locks  Explain this is a restrain. Urgently call for
him in a room to keep him safe a safe guarding and arrange a multi-
disciplinary team conference
692. A Chinese woman has been admitted with fracture of wrist. When you are  Arrange for interpreter to ask questions in
helping her undress you notice some bruises on her back and abdomen of private
different ages. You want to talk to her and what is your action

693. Nurse caring a confused client not taking fluids, staff on previous shift tried  Ask the wife to give him fluid, and enquire
to make him drink but were unsuccessful. Now it is the visitors time, wife is about his fluid preferences and usual
waiting outside. What to do? drinking time
694. A new RN have problems with making assumptions. Which part of the code  Prioritise people
she should focus to deliver fundamentals of care effectively
695. Risk for health issues in a person with mental health issues  Increased than in normal people
696. What is the use of protected meal time?  Patients get enough time to eat food
without distractions while staff focus on
people who needs help with eating
697. Food rich in antioxidants  Tomato broccoli carrot
698. Prions are present in  CDJ
699. A slow and progressive disease with no definite cure, only symptomatic  Terminal
700. An infectious patient is kept in isolation and is advised to take standard  waste disposal facilities arranged inside
precaution. How maintained? room ,Gloves mask apron and hand rub
arranged on a trolley outside room next
to door.
701. How can you encourage elderly to get involved in patient-centered care?  Engaging to elderly patient in
conversation assessing and identifying
needs by involving client focusing on
preferences and formulating plan
702. You are mentoring a 3rd year student nurse, the student request that she  Tell her it is possible if you provide
want to assist a procedure with tissue viability nurse, howcan you deal with direct supervision
this situation
703. Which drug can be given via NG tube?  Lactulose syrup
704. Why constipation occurs in old age?  Decreased muscle tone and peristalsis
705. Independent and supplementary nurse and midwife are those who are?  nurses and midwives educated in
appropriate medication prescription for
certain pharmaceuticals
706. An unmarried young female admitted with ectopic pregnancy with her friend  should have asked another staff nurse to
to hospital with complaints of abdominal pain. Her friend assisted a be a chaperone while assisting a
procedure and became aware of her pregnancy and when the family arrives procedure
to hospital, she reveals the truth. The family reacts negatively. What could
the nurse have done to protect the confidentiality of the patient information?
707. In a G.P clinic when you assessing a pregnant lady you observe some  Tell her that you are concerned of her
bruises on her hand. When you asked her about this she remains silent. welfare and you may need to share this
What is your action? information appropriately with the people
who offer help
708. As a RN when you are administering medication, you made an error.  Assess for potential harm to client, inform
Taking health and safety of the patient into consideration, what is your the line manager and prescriber and
action? document in patient notes
709. You have assigned a new student to an experienced health care assistant to  Intervene on spot and raise concern
gain some knowledge in delivering patient care. The student nurse tells you immediately to the manager on duty
that the HCA has pushed the client back to the chair when she was trying to
stand up. What is your action

710. A newly admitted client refusing to hand over his own medications and  Document this refusal as these
this includes controlled drugs. What is your action? medications are his property and should
not do anything without his consent
711. A nurse is not allowing the client to go to bed without finishing her  Challenge the situation immediately as
meal. What is your action as a RN? this is related to dignity of the patient and
raise your concern

712. A client had fractured hand and being cared at home requiring analgesia.  PGD‟s cannot be delegated to anyone
The mediaction was prescribed under PGD. *there was another question stating
immunization under PGD to be delegated
to a student nurse, same answer PGD
713. You are transcribing medications from prescription chart to a discharge  A registrant should sign this letter
letter. Before sending this letter what action must be taken?

714. When explaining about travellers‟ diarrhoea which of the following is  Adsorbents such as kaolin is ineffective
correct? and not advised
715. Most of the s/s are common in both type1 and type 2 diabetes. Which of the  Ketones  due to fat metabolism
following symptom is more common in typ1 than type2?
716. When do you wear clean gloves?  Any activity which includes physical touch
of a client (?)
717. When delegating any task to anyone what you must need to consider?  Before delegating tasks to anyone, have
to make sure that person is competent
and able to carry the task
718. If a client is experiencing hypotension post operatively, the head is not tilted  Chest surgery
in which of the following surgeries


719. A client is diagnosed with hepatitis A. which of the following statements  Sexual intimacy and kissing is not
made by client indicates understanding of the disease allowed
720. Which of the following statements made by client diagnosed with hepatitis A  Towels and flannels can be shared with
needs further understanding of the disease? children
721. Clinical practice is based on evidence based practice. Which of the following  Clinical practice based on clinical
statements is true about this expertise and reasoning with the best
knowledge available
722. When breaking bad news over phone which of the following statement is  I am sorry to tell you that your mother
appropriate died
723. After breaking bad news of expected death to a relative over phone , she  You seem stunned. You want me to help
says thanks for letting us know and becomes silent. Which of the following you think what you want to do next
statements made by nurse would be more empathetic?
724. Signs and symptoms of septic shock?  Tachycardia, hypotension, Tachypnea
increased WBC, pyrexial (hypo, tachy,
725. A patient with learning disability is accompanied by a voluntary independent  Is an expert and represents clients
mental capacity advocate. What is his role? concerns, wishes and views as they can
not express by themselves
726. Position to make breathing effective?  High sidelying
727. which solution use minimum tissue damage while providing wound care  Saline
728. Reason for dyspnoea in patients who diagnosed with Glomerulonephritis  Albumin loss causes decrease in
patients? oncotic pressure causes water retention
causing fluid retention I alveoli
729. An RN is working in a team. Who is responsible for her action?  Herself
730. Signs and symptoms of compensated shock  Tachycardia, Normotensive
731. Signs and symptoms of anemia in old age  Fatigue, Difficulty of breathing,
732. Signs and symptoms of anxiety except  Drowsiness
733. CVP line measures?  Pressure in right atrium
734. Normal value of oxygen saturation  95-100%
735. Normal value of blood pH  7.35-7.45
736. Little or no urine output termed as?  Oliguria

737. If not properly managed, stress could lead to?  Heart problems and Higher risk of
738. TVN is not around during the discussion  Lead the discussion
739. Neutropenic patient priority dx?  Risk for infection
740. Neutopenic patient to be discharged at home, your instructions?  Monitor temp twice a day and report if
above 2 Celsius than normal
741. Which one of the following you cannot allow to self administer medication?  Confused patient
742. SICKLE CELL ANEMIA client is well aware of his condition and care,  Immediately administer morphine, kept
admitted to the ER for the first time due to acute pain him warm, encourage oral intake, and
follow distraction therapy methods.
 b. Start hydration, iv fluids followed by
analgesics using nsaids, oxygen therapy.
743. Transformational Leadership  Monitoring/shows interest in the
development of the staff/subordinates.
744. Role modeling means?

745. Nurse manager achieves a higher management position in the  Conceptual and interpersonal skills
organization, there is a need for what type of skills?
746. What do you mean by code of ethics?  Legal activities of a registered nurse who
work in the UK
747. According to the NMC Standards code and conduct, a registered nurse is  Fixed penalty for speeding
EXCLUDED from legal action in which one of these?
748. The contingency theory of management moves the manager away from  No perfect solution
which of the following approaches?  One size fits all
 Interaction of the system with the
Fiedler's contingency theory is a qualification or type of contingency theory. Contingency environment
theories in general state that the effectiveness of leadership depends upon the situation,  A method or combination of methods that
and there are numerous factors, such as the nature of the task, leader’s personality, and
make-up of the group being led. will be most effective in a given situation
749. Transformational leadership is characterized by all of the following  Charisma.
elements except  inspirational leadership
 intellectual stimulation
 incentives to promote loyalty and
750. The characteristics of an effective leader include:  sound problem-solving skills and strong
people skills
751. Which nursing delivery model is based on a production and efficiency model  Functional method
and stresses a task-oriented approach?
752. What are essential competencies for today's nurse manager?  Communication and teamwork
753. What is the most important issue confronting nurse managers using  Value is placed on the accomplishment of
situational leadership? tasks and on interpersonal relationships
between leader and group members and
among group members.
754. When group members are unable and unwilling to participate in making a  Authoritarian
decision, which leadership style should the nurse manager use?
755. Ms. Castro is newly-promoted to a patient care manager position. She updates her  Country Club Management
knowledge on the theories in management and leadership in order to become o Comfortable and friendly envt
effective in her new role. She learns that some managers have low concern for o Low productivity
services and high concern for staff. Which style of management refers to this?
756. Her former manager demonstrated passion for serving her staff rather than  Servant leader
being served. She takes time to listen, prefers to be a teacher first before
being a leader, which is characteristic of
757. On the other hand, Ms. Castro notices that the Chief Nurse Executive has  Possesses inspirational quality that
charismatic leadership style. Which of the following behaviors best makes followers gets attracted of him
describes this style? and regards him with reverence
 Acts as he does because he expects that his
behavior will yield positive results
 Uses visioning as the core of his leadership
 Matches his leadership style to the situation at
758. Which of the following statements best describes the attributes of a leader  has personal charisma, takes risks and
rather than a manager? breaks rules

759. As per Francis report, courage is the key characteristic of a nurse which  deliver care and stand alongside as a
will help her in? patient advocate to speak for the
patient when he is not in a position to do
so, to make him
760. According to Francis Report, Courage is:  Enables you to do the right thing for the
people we care for, to speak up when we
have concerns and to have the personal
strength and vision to innovate and to
embrace new ways of working
761. An enquiry was lunched involving death of one of your patients. The police  COFIDENTIALITY ACT
visited your unit. When interviewed, which of the following framework will  Data protection act 2005
best help assist the investigation?
762. The nurse is caring for an immobile client. The nurse is promoting  Bed rest
interventions to prevent foot drop from occurring. Which of the following is
least likely a cause of foot drop?
763. The nurse should consider performing preparatory exercises on which  Forearm extensor muscles
muscle to prevent flexion or buckling during crutch walking?
764. The nurse is measuring the crutch using the patient‟s height. How many  16 inches
inches should the nurse subtract from the patient‟s height to obtain the
approximate measurement?
765. A patient had been suffering from severe diarrhea and is now showing signs  passing small amount of urine frequently
of dehydration. Which of the following is not a classic symptom?
766. How do you value dignity & respect in nursing care? Select which does not  We are honest and open about our point
apply: of view and what we can and cannot do
767. When dealing with a patient who has a biohazard specimen, how will you  the specimen must be labelled with
ensure proper disposal? Select which does not apply: danger of infection
768. A patient was recommended to undergo lumbar puncture. As the nurse  Infection
caring for this patient, what should you not expect as its complications:
769. A patient has collapsed with an anaphylactic reaction. What symptoms  The patient will quickly find breathing
would you expect to see? very difficult because of compromise to
their airway or circulation. This is
accompanied by skin and mucosal
770. What are the principles of gaining informed consent prior to planned  Gaining permission from a patient who is
surgery? competent to give it, by providing
information in understandable terms prior
to surgery, allowing time for answering
questions, and inviting voluntary
771. What do you need to consider when helping a patient with shortness of  The patient needs to be able to sit in a
breath sit out in a chair? forward leaning position supported by
pillows. They may also need access to a
nebulizer and humidified oxygen so they
must be in a position where this is
accessible without being a risk to others.
772. If you were told by a nurse at handover to take „standard precautions‟,  Using appropriate hand hygiene, wearing
what would you expect to be doing? gloves and an apron when necessary,
disposing of used sharp instruments
safely, and providing care in a suitably
clean environment to protect yourself and
the patients.

773. On checking the stock balance in the controlled drug record book as a newly  Check the cupboard, record book and
qualified nurse, you and a colleague notice a discrepancy. What would you order book and inform the registered
do? nurse or person in charge of the clinical
area. If the missing drugs are not found
then inform the most senior nurse on
duty. Make sure to fill out an incident
774. The following must be considered in procuring a consent, except:  withhold people‟s rights to be fully
involved in decisions about their care
775. All but one, are characteristics of an ideal wound dressing:  Low humidity
776. Hemorrhoids (Piles) is caused by all of the following except:  Prolonged walking
777. Not a sign of ectopic pregnancy  Protein excretion exceeds 2 g/day
778. Among the following drugs, which does not cause falls in an elderly?  NSAIDS
779. What is Supportive Communication?  A communication that seeks to preserve
a positive relationship between the
communicators while still addressing the
problem at hand.
780. 5 moments of hand hygiene include all of the ff except:  Before Body Fluid Exposure Risk
781. All are purposes of NMC except  NMC‟s role is to regulate nurses and midwives in
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
 It sets standards of education, training, conduct
and performance so that nurses and midwives can
deliver high quality healthcare throughout their
 It makes sure that nurses and midwives keep their
skills and knowledge up to date and uphold its


professional standards.
 It is responsible for regulating
hospitals or other healthcare settings.
782. All but one are Nursing teachings for patients taking Allopurinol  instruct patient to chew medication
783. How should we transport controlled drugs? Select which does not apply:  Controlled drugs should be transferred in a
secure, locked or sealed, tamper-evident
 A person collecting controlled drugs should
be aware of safe storage and security and the
importance of handing over to an authorized
person to obtain a signature.
 Have valid ID badge
 None of the above
784. Appropriate wound dressing criteria includes all but one:  Allows gaseous exchange.
 Maintains optimum temperature and pH
in the wound.
 Forms an effective barrier
 Allows removal of the dressing without
pain or skin stripping.
 Is non-absorbent
785. When do you plan a discharge?  24 hrs within admission
786. Postpartum haemorrhage: A patient gave birth via NSD. After 48 hours,  Secondary
patient came back due to bleeding, bleeding after birth is called post partum
haemorrhage. What type? Primary is within 24hrs
787. Your patient has bronchitis and has difficulty in clearing his chest. What  Lying on his side with the area to be
position would help to maximize the drainage of secretions? drained uppermost after the patient
has had humidified air.
788. Which of the ff should be considered before giving digoxin?  Allergies
 Drug interactions
 Other interactions with food or
substances like alcohol and tobacco
 Medical problems (Thyroid problem,
Kidney disease, etc.)
789. NMC defines record keeping as all of the following except:  Helping to improve advocacy
 Showing how decisions related to patient care
were made
 Supporting effective clinical judgments and
 Helping in identifying risks, and enabling early
detection of complications
790. Which is not part of Tuckman's team formation  accepting
791. Patient had CVA, who will assess swallowing capability?  speech and language therapist
792. What is the most common cause of hypotension in elderly?  decreased response in adrenaline and
793. The best way to verify enteral tube prior to feeding:  Abdominal xray
794. Describe the breathing pattern when a patient is suffering from Opioid  Slow and shallow
795. Information can be disclosed in all cases except:  When effectively anonymized.
 When the information is required by law or under a
court order.
 In identifiable form, when it is required for a
specific purpose, with the individual‟s
written consent or with support under the Health
 In Child Protection proceedings if it is considered
that the information required is in the public or
child‟s interest.
796. For a client who excretes excessive amounts of calcium during the  Enrich the client‟s diet with dairy
postoperative period after open heart surgery, which of the following products
measures should the nurse institute to help prevent complications
associated with excessive calcium excretion?
797. A PATIENT wants to leave hospital against medical advice. The doctors are  Let him patient go , he is competent and
concerned about patient‟s competence under the mental capacity act. What in his full sense
should the nurse do?
798. Which of the following is an important principle of delegation?  Responsibility is not transferred with
799. in exercising your professional accountability as part of standards for  withhold Digoxin in the light of the
practice of administration of medication you must know the therapeutic uses patient‟s condition
of medicine to be administered, it's normal dosage, side effects, precautions
and contraindications and in the case where your patient whose pulse rate
of 58 bpm, you must
800. Using social learning theory how do you apply social learning when  The students observe the mentor and
teaching student nurses therefore do not have to learn from trials
and corrections
801. A patient is on Inj. Fentanyl skin patch common side effect of the fentanyl  Slow and shallow breathing, dizziness,
overdose is sleepiness
802. A patient's gum bleeds when he brushes which indicates  Poor flossing / poor tartar or plaque
803. An eight-year old girl with learning disabilities is admitted for a minor  advise the mother to stay 'til she settles
surgery. She is very restless and agitated and wants her mother to stay with  act according to company policy
her. What will you do?
804. Nurses who seek to enhance their cultural competency skills and apply  Belief in the dignity and worth of each
sensitivity toward others are committed to which professional nursing value? person
805. Safeguarding is best described as:  A range of activity aimed at upholding a
person‟s right to be safe
806. What areas to consider when making decisions on safeguarding?  Type of harm, degree of harm, etc
807. The famous 14 principles of management was first defined by  Henri Fayol
808. Anaphylactic reaction - after giving the third dose of penicillin , the pt  Assess ABCDE , call for help,
suddenly is breathless and sick. What will you do? anaphylactic kit ready
809. Accountability is a critical aspect of nursing care. An example of  Evaluating the client‟s outcomes after
accountability is demonstrated by: implementing of care.
810. An elderly patient complains of some new confusion. What may be the  Infection
811. You are dealing with an infectious patient. What standard precautions will  Using self-protective device.
you take?
812. Medication error accounts for around a quarter of the incidents that threaten  20 %
patient safety. In a study published in 2000 it was found that 10% of all  30 %
patients admitted to hospital suffer an adverse event (incident). How much  50 %
of these incidents were preventable?  60 %
813. An adult who has gastroenteritis & is on digitalis has lab values of: K 3.2  Observe for digitalis toxicity
mEq/L, Na 136 mEq/L, Ca 4.8 mEq/L, & Cl 98 mEq/L. The nurse puts which
of the following on patient's plan of care? hypokalemia,hypomagnesemia,hypercalcemia
enhance digitalis toxicity
814. Independent and supplementary nurse and midwife are those who are?  nurses and midwives educated in
appropriate medication prescription
for certain pharmaceuticals
815. While brushing the teeth the nurse observes bleeding gums in the client.  Poor tartar removal
The nurse understand that the probable cause of this gingivitis is
816. A giving set delivers 20 drops per ml. A patient is receiving half a litre of 
0.9% sodium chloride at 15 drops per minute .how long will the infusion
817. As a registered nurse how will you advice a new registrant who is confused  Prioritise people
about avoiding to make assumptions about patients and give effective care
in accord to the Code 2005?
818. The infection control nurse phoned and reported to you the ff results of the  Put patient with C.Diff in isolation room
samples taken from 4 patients in Bay A. One with postive MRSA, another
with C.Difficile and the two remaining were negative for both. Your ward has
1 isolation room only. What action will you do?


819. How will you assess sexuality in a non judgemental way  acceptance and understanding of cultural
820. A patient comes to the emergency department reporting a sore throat and  Temporal
earaches. The patient has a history of diverticulitis and emphysema with
shortness of breath. Which route should the nurse use to obtain this
patient‟s temperature?
821. A nurse is teaching a group of patients about diabetes mellitus. Which  Adolescent
participant should the nurse anticipate will have the most difficulty following
a medical regimen associated with a chronic health problem?
822. A nurse is caring for a middle-aged adult who is deaf. What should the  Stand so his or her face can be easily
nurse do to facilitate communication? seen.
823. This process occurs whereby feces move back into the sigmoid colon  Retroperistalsis
824. How do you value dignity and respect in nursing care?  We value every patient , their families, carer
select which does not apply or staff
 We respect their aspirations and commitment
NHS CORE VALUES: in life and seek to understand their priority
needs and abilities and limit
1. Respect and Dignity
 We find time for patient their families
2. Commitment to quality care
and carers as well as those we work
3. Compassion
with  compassion!
4. Improving lives
 We are honest and open about our point of
5. Working together for patients view and what we can and cannot do
6. Everyone counts
825. What is the primary aim for stoma care?  To support psychological adaptation and
826. The nurse is giving the client with a left cast crutch walking instructions  Crutches and the left leg then advance
using the three point gait. The client is allowed touchdown of the affected the right leg
leg. The nurse tells the client to advance the
827. Which of the following is not considered to be a vulnerable adult?  John, a student nurse with dyslexia
living with his working class parents
 Cherry, a Down‟s syndrome at Respite Care
 Steve, a jobless adult sleeping roughly in street
 Grace, a single-mother of two kids with history of
domestic violence from previous relationship
828. A patient told the RN that she want her health information to be kept private  agree with the patient and tell her that you will not
and confidential and also insist not to be shared. what is the best response share the information
 you will record the patients request on medical
of a RN ? notes and inform other team members
 inform her that only necessary
information will be shared among the
healthcare providers
 Educate her about the importance of sharing
information and inform her you cannot keep it
private and confidential because it will violate your
professional ethics
829. A patient asks a RN "can I tell you a secret "? What is the RNs best  yes because it develops trust which is central to
response? the nurse patient relationship
 Yes and I will share it with the relevant
medical team
 yes I will share it with all the healthcare
 yes I will keep the secret because it is confidential
830. Sicklers are knowledgeable about their condition. What is the nursing  Administer IV morphine
action with regards to a sickler presenting in crisis.  Commence hydration, O2 therapy and
HOP  Hydration, Oxygen, Pain (analgesic) within 30mins of presentation  Commence assessment focusing on pain and
discuss possible analgesia  they’re expert to
what they are experiencing.
831. Why pyrexia is not evident in the elderly?  Due to immature t cells
832. Nurses wishing to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC),  Prioritise people
are required to be familiar with The Code; a set of professional standards
and behaviours. In which broad professional standard(s) would you find the
following statement: "respect a person's right to privacy in all aspects of their
833. Who has the overall responsibility for the safe and appropriate  nurse in charge
management of controlled drugs within the clinical area
834. Joanne, a staff nurse at a urological ward, approached the bedside of Carl,  Greet him, explain the task, empty the
to empty his catheter bag. When doing the task, which of the following bag and document the output
actions will Carl expect from Joanne to demonstrate?
835. Rosie, the physiotherapist, was on the Respiratory ward to see the patients  John, non-compliant with spirometry exercises
referred to her over the weekend. Which among the following patients will  Josh, wheezy due to asthma and currently
you ask Rosie to see first?
 Jack, short of breath due to thick and
copious phlegm
 Jill, coughing on and off due to flu
836. Which of the following patient information will you provide Rosie to help her  a. Drug allergies
in doing her job?  b. Admission diagnosis
 c. Social history
 d. All
837. A client breaths shallow and look upwards when listening to nurse .Which  Auditory
sensory mode the nurse plan to use  Kinesthetic
 Touch
 Visual
838. What is the first action before doing primary assessment of a patient?  Take consent
839. Mr Connor responded well to his nasogastric tube (NGT) feeding and will  a. every 8 hours
continue for 3 more days at a constant rate of 80 ml/hr until the next review  b. every 12 hours
by the dietician. Evidence-based practice suggests that to keep its patency,  c. every 24 hours
flushing is needed to be done:  d. only as required
840. When do you plan a discharge?  24 hrs within admission
841. Colin is aware about the impact of his Parkinson‟s Syndrome on their lives  Respect his wishes and ensure support
as a couple but refuse additional support when offered. At this stage, you is available
842. An allegation was made by Colin against the community nurse who  a. 24 hours
inappropriately touching her wife with dementia. He made a complaint  b. 2 days
through the Patient Experience Team at the Primary Care Trust. His  c. 7 days
complaint is reviewed for any potential safeguarding issues in the period  d. 2 weeks
843. A primary care provider‟s orders indicated that a surgical consent form  “The doctor has asked that you sign the
needs to be signed. Since the nurse was not present when the primary care consent form”
provider discussed the surgical procedure, which statement „best‟ illustrates  “Do you have any questions about the
the nursing fulfilling the client advocate role. procedures”
 “what were you told about the procedure you
are going to have”
 Remember that you can change your mind
and cancel the procedure.
844. Where is the common aneurysm location for an elderly?  Abdominal
845. Early signs of phlebitis would include  Slight pain and redness
846. The characteristic of an effective leader include  sound problem-solving skills and strong
people skills
847. Ms. Castro is newly-promoted to a patient care manager position. She  Country Club Management
updates her knowledge on the theories in management and leadership in
order to become effective in her new role. She learns that some managers
have low concern for services and high concern for staff. Which style of
management refers to this?
848. Which of the following is a guiding principle for the nurse in distinguishing  A competent clinician can readily distinguish
mental disorders from the expected changes associated with aging? mental disorders from the expected changes
associated with aging.
 Older people are believed to be more prone
to mental illness than young people.
 The clinical presentation of mental
illness in older adults differs from that
in other age groups.
 When physical deterioration becomes a
significant feature of an elder‟s life, the risk of


co morbid psychiatric illness rises.
849. Steve, was admitted to your ward after sustaining a head injury following a Refer the police officer to the nurse-in-
fight with another fan during a football match. One of the police officer has charge
asked you if he can access his medical records. You will:
850. In going up the stairs with crutches, the nurse should instruct the patient A. Advance the stronger leg first up to the
to: step then advance the crutches & the
weaker extremity.
In going down, crutches and weaker leg first followed by the stronger leg. B. Advance the crutches to the step then the
weaker leg is advanced after. The stronger
leg then follows.
C. Advance both crutches & lift both feet &
swing forward landing next to crutches.
D. Place both crutches in the hand on the side
of the affected extremity.
851. A patient suffered from CVA and is now affected with dysphagia. What Water or clear liquids should be given.
should NOT be an intervention to this type of patient?
In fact, thickeners may be needed.
852. The nurse cares for a client with a wound in the late regeneration phase of A. Transparent film
tissue repair. The wound may be protected by applying a: B. Hydrogel dressing
C. Collogenase dressing
D. Wet to dry dressing
853. Signs of denture-related stomatitis include all except: A. Redness underneath the area where the
dentures are placed
B. Red sores at the corners of lips or on the
roof of the mouth
C. Presence of white patches inside the
D. Gingivitis
854. Cause of gingival bleeding a. poor removal of plaque
b. poor flossing
c. poor nutrition
d. poor taking of drugs
855. A 76 year old man who is a resident in an extended care facility is in the late A. “ you know you don‟t work in construction
stages of Alzheimer‟s disease. He tells his nurse that he has sore back anymore”
muscles from all the construction work he has been doing all day. Which B. “What type of motion did you do to
response by the nurse is most appropriate? precipitate this soreness?”
C. “You‟re 76 years old & you‟ve been here all
day. You don‟t work in construction anymore.”
D. “Would you like me to rub your back for
856. The role of adjuvant therapy in Palliative Care. To compliment and optimize opioids and to
prevent complication from poor pain control
857. An enquiry was launched involving the death of a patient. Police visited your a. Data protection act 2005
unit to investigate. When interview which of the following framework will b.Storage of record policy
best help assist the investigation. c. Consent policy
Cue: when interview... so it’s D if dealing with medical records, its A d. Confidentiality guidelines
858. The nurse is preparing to care for a patient with a potassium deficit. The A. Sustained tissue damage
nurse reviews the patient‟s record & determines that the client was at risk for B. Requires nasogastric suction (lavage)
developing the potassium deficit because of which situation? C. Has a history of Addison‟s disease
Note: intestinal fluids are rich in K content NG suctioning will put the D. Is taking a potassium –retaining diuretic
patient at risk of hypokalemia
859. Chronically low blood pressure is only considered dangerous if it causes a.) Nausea, sweating, dizziness, tremors
noticeable signs and symptoms such as: and syncope
b.) Syncope, dizziness, dehydration and unusual thirst
and sweating
c.) Fainting, dysuria, dizziness and dehydration and
unusual thirst
d.) Dizziness, nausea, fainting, dehydration and unusual


860. The process when micro-organisms are present on or in a person but not a. cross-infection
currently causing any harm.. b. colonization
c. invasion
d. none of the above
861. The aim of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) The safeguards aim to make sure that people
in care homes and hospitals are looked after
in a way that does not inappropriately
restrict their freedom.
862. Your patient is for home discharge tomorrow after a hip replacement. You  Complete and send off Section 2 of discharge plan
found out that he lives alone in a warden-controlled flat and will require a  Complete and send off Section 5 of discharge plan
Zimmer frame in mobilizing. Which of the following will you do next?  Inform the family of his condition and needs after
 Inform the social worker to liaise with
the warden of his condition
863. When developing a program offering for patients who are newly diagnosed a) Administering a pre- and post-test assessment.
with diabetes, a nurse case manager demonstrates an understanding of b) Allowing patient‟s time to voice their opinions
learning styles by: c) Providing a snack with a low glycaemic index.
d) Utilizing a variety of educational
864. How much urine should someone void an hour? 0.5 – 1ml/Kg/hr of the patient‟s body
865. In Spinal cord injury patients, what is the most common cause of autonomic urinary obstruction
dysreflexia ( a sudden rise in blood pressure)?
866. You are caring for a patient who is known to have dementia. What particular You involve other support services in his
issues should you consider prior to discharge. discharge: The hospital discharge team,
social services, the mental health team

867. Which of the major theories of aging suggest that older adults may a) Disengagement theory
decelerate the aging process? b) Activity theory
c) Immunology theory
d) Genetic theory
868. One of your residents in the nursing home has requested for a glass of A refuse to give /ignore the request (-)
whiskey before she goes to bed. What would you do? B explain that the whiskey will cause her harm (-)
C give her a shot of whiskey as
D give her a glass of apple juice and tell her it is whiskey
869. Safeguarding is best described as: a. A range of activity aimed at upholding a
person‟s right to be safe
b. Important to people who are able to keep
themselves safe
c. It is the main responsibility of the service
user and their carers
d. All
870. What is the characteristic of a transformational leader? A) Monitoring/shows interest in the
development of the staff/subordinates
B)use power to control staff
C) change strategies according to the
situation  SITUATIONAL
D) does not promote staff empowerment and
only focusing task completion
871. Which of the ff. must not be given as an instruction in the use of walking aid A. Do not carry anything
or walkers for older people: B. Stand first before handling walkers
C. Use arm to stand from the chair
> you use your hands
D. Walking equipment should not be used in wet floor
872. Which of the following actions would place a client at the greatest risk for a A. walking without shoes
shearing force injury to the skin? B. Sitting in Fowlers position
C. lying supine on bed
D. Using a heating pad
873. Patient is asking for LAMA. The medical team has concern about the A. Call the police
mental capacity of the patient. What decision should be made? B. Call the security
C. Let the patient go
D. Encourage the patient to wait by telling the
need for treatment
874. To provide feedback to a client, the nurse will focus on: A. The present and not the past
B. Making inferences of the behavior
C. Providing solutions to client
D. The client
875. During a nurse-client interaction, which nursing statement may belittle the A. Don‟t worry, everything will be alright
client‟s feelings and concern? B. You appear uptight
C. I notice you have bitten your nails to the
D. You are jumping to conclusions
876. What is the purpose of a nurse providing appropriate feedback? A. To give client a good advice
B. To advise the client on appropriate
C. To evaluate the client‟s behavior
D. To give the client critical information
877. A critically ill client asks the nurse to help him die. Which of the ff would be A. Tell me why you feel death is your only
an appropriate response for the nurse to give this client option
B. How would you like to do this?
C. Everyone dies sooner or later
D. Assisted suicide is illegal in this state
878. Which of the following is an important principle of delegation? A. No transfer of authority exists when delegating
B. Delegations is the same as work allocation
Responsibility is not transferred with
D. When delegating, you must transfer authority
879. A staff nurse has delegated the ambulation to a new staff nurse. Which of A. Having the new nurse tell the physician
the following situations exhibits the final stage in the process of delegation? the task has been completed
B. Supervising the performance of the new
Supervising is the last stage of delegation nurse
C. Telling the unit manager the task has been
D. Documenting the task has been completed
880. Which of the following is known as ritualistic nursing intervention for a A. Indirect fan therapy
patient with pyrexia? B. Direct fan therapy
C. Give antipyretic
D. Removing heavy blankets
881. Which of the following is not considered to be a vulnerable adult? John, a student nurse with dyslexia living
with his working class parents
882. Signs of hypovolemic shock would include all except: A. restlessness, anxiety or confusion
B. shallow respiratory rate, becoming
C. rising pulse rate
D. low urine output of <0.5 mL/kg/h E. pallor (pale,
cyanotic skin) and later
883. Barbara was screaming in pain later in the day despite the PCA in-situ. A. Continue to refer back to her until she calls
You refer back to your nurse in charge for a stronger pain killer. She the doctor
refused to call the doctor because her pain relief was reassessed earlier. B. Encourage Barbara to continuously use
What will you do next? the PCA
C. Give Barbara some sedatives to keep her
D. Wait until her pain stops
884. Today many individuals are seeking answers for acute and chronic health  Mindful awareness techniques and
problems through nontraditional approaches to health care. What are two meditation practice


popular choices being selected by health consumers  Stress management and biofeedback
 Support groups and alternative medicine
 Telehealth and the Internet
885. You have just finished dressing a leg ulcer. You observe patient is depressed  Say " I observe you don't seem as usual.
and withdrawn. You ask the patient whether everything is okay. She says Are you sure you are okay?"
yes. What is your next action?
886. The nurse is interacting with a client and observes the client‟s eyes  The client processing auditory
moving from side to side prior to answering a question. The nurse interprets information.
this behavior as:
887. You are doing your morning drug round when the nurse in charge asks you to  Tell the nurse in charge in a nice way to
collect two units of blood from the blood bank for a patient who needs an delegate the job to someone else as you
emergency blood transfusion. How would you respond to these situations? are still not finish with what you are doing
888. How should we transport controlled drugs? Select which does not apply.  A person collecting controlled drugs
should be aware of safe storage and
security and the importance of handing
over to an authorized person to obtain a
 Controlled drugs should be transferred in
a secure, locked or sealed, tamper-
evident container.
 Have valid ID badge
 None of the above
889. On which step of the WHO analgesic ladder would you place  Step 1: Non Opioid Drugs (MILD)
tramadol and codeine? Aspirin, paracetamol, NSAIDS

 Step 2: Opioids for Mild to Moderate Pain

Codeine, Tramadol
WOF: Respiratory Depression
 Step 3: Opioids for Moderate to Severe Pain
Morphine, FENTANYL,

890. Disposal and destruction of controlled drugs on the ward should include  Disposal and destruction should be in a
timely fashion that excessive quantities
are not stored awaiting destruction and
may take place at the same time as a
pharmacist stock check; documented in
the appropriate section of the register and
witnessed by a second competent nurse
891. You are caring for a Hindu client and it‟s time for drug administration the  she will not administer and document the
client refuses to take capsule referring to the animal product that might have omission in the patient chart.
 she will ignore the client request and
been used in the making .What is the appropriate action for the nurse to do administer forcibly
 the nurse will open the capsule and
administer the powdered drug
 the nurse will establish with the
pharmacist if the capsule is suitable
for vegetarians  do something.
892. If you were taking part in a marathon, cardiac training should be geared to  Improved stroke volume
which of the following?
893. Normal symptom of pregnancy  Headache
 Abdominal pain and nausea
 Heartburn
894. You are about to administer Morphine Sulfate to a paediatric patient. The  Double check the medication label and
information written on the controlled drug book was not clearly written – 15 the information on the controlled drug
mg or 0.15 mg. What will you do first? book; ring the chemist to verify the
895. A patient is being discharged from the hospital after having coronary artery  Tertiary
bypass graft (CABG). Which level of the health care system will best serve
the needs of this patient at this point?
896. A patient is admitted to the ward with symptoms of acute diarrhoea. What  Assessment, source isolation, universal
should your initial management be? precautions.
897. Steve, was admitted to your ward after sustaining a head injury following a  Ask the police officer to obtain a warrant
fight with another fan during a football match. One of the police officer has  Refer the police officer to the nurse-in-
asked you if he can access his medical records. You will: charge
898. Patients with GASTRIC ULCER typically exhibit the following symptoms:  Pain that worsens after eating
Aggravated by eating
899. DUODENAL ULCER  Pain that worsens before meals
when the stomach is empty
relieved by eating
900. Waterlow Scoring for pressure ulcer. Identify if 10+, 15+ or 20+. 1 answer
per number.
1. Needs low air loss and alternating air mattress?  20+
2. Dynamic mattresses?  20+
3. Specialist gel/foam cushion?  15+
4. Fluidized bed?  20+
5. Alternating pressure overlays mattresses and bed systems?  15+
6. 100mm cushion?  10+
7. Specialist memory foam mattresses?  10+
901. What do you expect to assess in a grade 3 pressure ulcer?  open wound showing tissue
902. You have been caring for a 76-year-old woman suffering from an ulcer on her  Tissue Viability
left lower leg for two months. The ulcer is 3cm x 3cm, 100% slough, low
exudate and is not responding to your dressing regime. Which professional
should you seek advice from?

903. A pt developed pressure ulcer. The wound is round, extends to dermis, is  stage 2
shallow. There is visible reddish to pinkish tissue. What stage is the pressure
904. Loss of epidermis, with shallow blister without slough:  stage 2

905. What stage of pressure ulcer includes tissue involvement and crater  stage 3
906. Acute wound moves through the stages of healing process in a predictable  True
time frame.
907. The nurse cares for a client with a wound in the late regeneration phase of  A. Transparent film
tissue repair. The wound may be protected by applying a:  B. Hydrogel dressing 
 C. Collogenase dressing 
 D. Wet to dry dressing 
908. Which of the following is known as ritualistic nursing intervention for a patient  Direct fan therapy
with pyrexia?
909. Clinical benchmarking is:  to improve standards in health care
910. What do you mean by benchmarking tool?  a continuum between poor and best
911. Essence of Care benchmarking is a process of ________?  Comparing, sharing and developing
practice in order to achieve and sustain
912. What is primary care?  Is the day to day health care given by a
health care provider.
913. Maternal mortality is around 1:64 in developing countries (as high as 1:16 in  a. 1:150
some). What is the mortality of women in pregnancy, childbirth and  b. 1:190
puerperium in the UK (2000-2002 data)  c. 1:9000
 d. 1:150000
914. Leonor, 72 years old patient is being treated with antibiotics for her UTI. After  Antibiotics causes chronic inflammation of
3days of taking them, she developed diarrhea with blood stains. What is the the intestine
most possible reason for this?  An anaphylactic reaction
 Antibiotic alters her GI flora which
made clostridium dificile to multiply
 She is not taking the antibiotics with food
915. Clinical practice is based on evidence based practice. Which of the following  Clinical practice based on clinical expertise
statements is true about this and reasoning with the best knowledge
916. The physician instructed the nurse that intravenous pyelogram will be done to the  A outline the kidney vasculature
client. The client asks the nurse what is the purpose of the procedure. The  B measure renal blood flow
appropriate nursing response is to:  C test renal tubular function and the patency
of the urinary tract
 D determine the size, shape, and placement
of the kidney
917. You are the nurse in charge of a medical ward. The hospital bed manager has called  They are immunosuppressed due to illness or
to see if you have a single room available on the ward for a patient who is to be subsequent treatment of an illness
admitted to your ward but will require reverse barrier nursing. Why might this patient
require reverse barrier nursing?
918. Offer analgesia within 30 minutes of presentation
Acute painful sickle cell episode  Offer a bolus dose of a strong opioid by a
suitable administration route,
919. Moderate pain who have not yet had any analgesia  Consider a weak opioid as an alternative to a
 Offer all patients regular paracetamol and NSAIDs by a strong opioid
 suitable administration route, in addition to an opioid, unless contraindicated
 NSAIDs should be avoided during pregnancy, unless the potential benefits
outweigh the risks
 NSAIDs should be avoided for treating an acute painful sickle cell episode in
women in the third trimester
 Do not offer pethidine for treating pain in an acute painful sickle cell episode.
920. Re-assessment of sickle cell episode of pain  every 30 minutes until satisfactory pain
 using an age-appropriate pain scoring tool relief has been achieved, and at least
 If the patient has severe pain on reassessment, offer a second bolus every 4 hours thereafter
dose of a strong opioid (or a first bolus dose if they have not yet
received a strong opioid).
 Consider patient-controlled analgesia if repeated bolus doses of a
strong opioid are needed within 2 hours
921. The nurse devises a teaching plan for the patient with aplastic anemia. Which  Avoid exposure to others with acute
of the following is the most important concept to teach for health infection
922. In post natal ward which of the following would lead to reporting if present in  (A) Baby is breast feeding
a 3 day old baby?  (B) Baby is alert
 (C) Baby is awake but still
923. Low birth weight is defined as a newborn‟s weight of:  2500 grams or less at birth, regardless of
gestational age.
924. How to care for a patient's skin during irradiation radiotherapy  A: Apply lanolin lotion
 B: Wash with soap and water
 C: Keep skin clean and dry
 D: Apply talcum powder
925. A client is brought to the emergency room by the emergency medical  Call the police to identify the client and locate the
services after being hit by car. The name of the client is not known. The client family
 Obtain a court order for the surgical procedure
has sustained a severe head injury, multiple fractures and is unconscious. An  Ask the emergency medical services team to sign
emergency craniotomy is required, regarding informed consent for the the informed consent
surgical procedure, which of the following is the best action?  Transport the victim to the operating
room for surgery
926. What is the least effective way to reduce BP?  A. Exercise
 B. Cognitive behavioral therapy.
 C Alcohol stop
 D. Relaxation
927. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is  a form of psychotherapy that treats
problems and boosts happiness by
modifying dysfunctional emotions,
behaviors, and thoughts.
928. While discharging abuse patient to home, what should the we do?  Before discharge, arrange meeting with
family and patient about safeguarding
929. How often should patients with neutropenia have their temperature checked  Check twice daily and report if
at home temperature increases by 2 degree
930. patient with hypothyroidism is having pain 6 on 1-10 scale in the right hip due  A. Fentanyl
to recent hip surgery. Which of the following medications are NOT  B. Tylenol
appropriate for this patient? Select all that apply:  C. Morphine
 D. Dilaudid
931. Which of the following diagnostic test results is inconsistent with the  Elevated creatinine phosphokinase
diagnosis of hypothyroidism?  Elevated radioactive iodide uptake
 Elevated serum TSH level
 Elevated serum lipid levels
932. Which of the following signs and symptoms of septic shock?  Tachycardia, hypertension. Normal WBC, non
 Tachycardia, hypotension, increased
WBC, pyrexia
 Tachycardia, increased WBC, normotension, non
 Decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure,
normal WBC and pyrexia
933. What are the symptoms of compensated shock?  Bradycardia, low blood pressure, and drowsy
 Circular collapse, cardiovascular dysfunction, brain
stem damage
 Tachycardia, vasoconstriction, and
934. All but one are signs of anaphylactic shock:  Itchy skin or red skin rash
-Hypotension, tachycardia, dyspnea  swollen eyes, lips, hands and feet
 Hypertension, tachycardia
 Abdominal pain and nausea
935. What to consider in covert drug administration?  Mental capacity, deprivation of liberty,
and multi disciplinary team decision
936. Management during asystole and pulseless electrical activity (PEA)  Chest compression
937. Normal BMI score  It should be above 20
938. Using social learning theory how do you apply social learning when  Throw them at the deep end and rescue them with
teaching student nurse your experience
 Show them secondary learning is not important as
having the job done.
 The students observe the mentor and
therefore do not have to learn from
trials and corrections
939. What is the meaning of unconditional positive regard?  the nurse should accept all the
note: if CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS, look for belief and behavior. (A and B) patients health beliefs.
 the nurse should accept all of the patient
health related behavior.
940. Patient with hypothyroidism is having pain 6 on 1-10 scale in the right hip A. Fentanyl
due to recent hip surgery. Which of the following medications are NOT B. Tylenol
C. Morphine
appropriate for this patient? Select all that apply:
D. Dilaudid – not used for hypothyroidism
941. Doctor‟s Order: Cleocin Oral Susp 600 mg po qid; Directions for mixing: Add  A. 3 tsp
100 mL of water and shake vigorously. Each 2.5 mL will contain 100 mg of  B. 5 tsp
 C. 3.5 tsp
Cleocin. How many tsp of Cleocin will you administer?  D. 1 tsp
942. Doctor‟s Order: Sulfasalazine Oral Susp 500 mg q 6 hr; Directions for mixing:  A. 5 ml
Add 125 mL of water and shake well. Each tbsp will yield 1.5 g of  B. 3 ml
 C. 4 ml
Sulfasalazine. How many mL will you give?  D. 2 ml
943. Your patient has had the following intake: 2 ½ cups of coffee (240 mL/cup),  A. 2,325 ml
11.5 oz of grape juice, ¾ qt of milk, 320 mL of diet coke, 1 ¼ L of D5W IV  B. 3,265 ml
 C. 3,325 ml
and 2 oz of grits. What will you record as the total intake in mL for  D. 2,235 ml
944. Doctor‟s Order: Kantamycin 7.5 mg/kg IM q 12 hr; Available: Kantamycin  A. 2 ml
0.35 Gm/mL. How many mL will you administer for each dose to a 157 lb  B. 1 ml
 C. 2.5 ml
 D. 1.5 ml
945. Doctor‟s Order: Heparin 7,855 units Sub Q bid; Available: Heparin 10,000  A. 0.79 ml
units per ml. How many mL will you administer?  B. 1.79 ml
 C. 0.17 ml
 D. 1.17 ml
946. Doctor‟s Order: Demerol 50 mg IVP q 6 hr prn pain; Available: Demerol 75  A. 0.87 ml


mg/ 1.3mL. How many mL will you administer?  B. 1.87 ml
 C. 2 ml
 D. 2.87 ml
947. Doctor‟s Order: Streptomycin 1.75 mg/ lb IM q 12 hr; Available: Streptomycin  A. 1.5 ml
0.35 g / 2.3 mL. How many mL will you administer a day to a 59 Kg patient?  B. 2 ml
 C. 2.5 ml
 D. 3 ml
948. Doctor‟s Order: Bumex 0.8 mg IV bolus bid; Reconstitution instructions:  A. 2 ml
Constitute to 1000 micrograms/3.1 mL with 4.8mL of 5% Dextrose Water for  B. 3.5 ml
 C. 3 ml
Injection. How many mL will you administer?  D. 2.5 ml
949. 5 mg is to be given and the stock contains 10mg to be reconstituted in 10ml. d/s x q
how much will you give? 5mg/10 x 10 = 5ml
Answer: 5ml
950. 500ml fluid to be infused at 20 gtt/min and via standard set delivers 15ml per Formula:
minute. How long the infusion run? Time= volume/drops per min x DF/60min
=500ml/20 x 15/60 (1/4)
=500/80 or 50/8
=6.25 Hrs 0.25hrsx60mins=15mins
Answer: 6 hrs and 15mins
951. Prescription for heparin 6500 and the available is 5000. How much will you d/s x q
give? 6500/5000 x 1ml= 1.3
Answer: 1.3mL
952. An ampoule contains 10mg in 10ml and the prescription is 8mg. how much d/s x q
will you give? 8mg/10mg x 10ml = 8ml
Answer: 8 ml
953. Patient height is 54.5 and weight is 160kg. The prescription is to give 70mg/m2 x 1.55m2 = 108.5mg
70mg/m2. Body surface area is 1.55m2. How much will you give? Answer: 108.5 mg
954. Dr prescribed 20mg basic iv for patient. UK medicine admin policy allows 20mg/4mg x 1min = 5mins
only 4mg/min. how many minutes will you administer this? Answer: 5minutes
955. Which of the following diagnostic test results is inconsistent with the  Elevated serum TSH level
diagnosis of hypothyroidism?  Elevated radioactive iodide uptake
 Elevated creatinine phosphokinase
-Elevated RAIU indicates hyperthyroidism.  Elevated serum lipid levels

956. Glomerulonephritis (AGN) is damage to the tiny filters inside your kidneys Treatment:
(the glomeruli). - Anti hypertensive
Cause: immune system attacking healthy body tissue. - Ant cholesterol
S/Sx: - Diet modification
- Frothy Urine (large amount of protein) Reason for Edema:
- Elevated BP Albumin loss causes decrease in oncotic
- Blood in the Urine pressure causes water retention
- Nephrotic syndrome (edema)
957. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition where the kidneys Lab tests:
don't work as well as they should -anemia
S/Sx: - weight loss or poor appetite - elevated BUN, Creatinine
- swollen ankles, feet or hands (edema) - Hyperkalemia
- shortness of breath and tiredness -Low albumin and bicarbonate
- blood in your urine
- peeing more than usual at night

958. Which of the following statements best describes the attributes of a leader  Has personal charisma, takes risks and
rather than a manager? breaks rules
959. Which one of these is not really designed to minimize the risk to patients  safely storing medications
from clinical environment?  keeping the floor dry and non slippery
 checking the medical equipments for
proper performance
 air conditioning the environment
960. Which of the following is a potential complication of putting an oropharyngeal  Retching, vomiting
airway adjunct:
961. Common cause of airway obstruction in an unconscious?  Tongue falling back


962. Normal INR  If you are not taking warfarin your normal
Warfarin tx = 2-3 INR will usually be between 0.9 and 1.3.
963. You are in charge for a shift in a unit, when two of the staffs are on leave.  inform the senior nurse and nurse
There is a shortage in staff which can compromise patient safety and quality manager (Inform the superiors and call
of care. What will you do as a leader? for a meeting to solve the issue)
964. Muslim patient is asking for female doctor  Assess the patient if the condition of the
can wait while making arrangements for
female doctor.
 Inform female doctor about the situation
and wait if it is safe and never leave pt
965. Not a proper way of Administering Eye Drops  If administering both drops and ointment,
administer ointment first.
966. Which statement is not correct about the nursing process?  An organised, systematic and deliberate approach
to nursing with the aim of improving standards in
nursing care.
 It uses a systematic, holistic, problem solving
approach in partnership with the patient and their
 It is a form of documentation.
 It requires collection of objective data.
967. An old age with complex needs is getting discharged after her treatment  Inform the primary care doctor and the relatives
from the hospital. Whom all should the nurse inform regarding the discharge after the patient is discharged to the community
 Inform the police after the discharge
and the care to be continued?
 arrange a meeting involving the
patient, doctor, relatives, community
health nurse and other health
professionals regarding the continuity
of care and treatment
 all nurses together will plan about the continuing
968. Worst thing you can do for a patient with lung cancer with short of breath  deep breathing exercises by physiotherapist
 relaxing techniques by spiritual healer
 crystal therapy by spiritual healer
969. Normal blood PH  7.35 – 7.45
970. What is the concept of record keeping?  It is any form of arrangements of records
which gives relevant information about
 It has a record of nursing care given to
the patient
 It has medical history of the patient and
the ongoing treatment
 All of the above
971. Adequate record keeping for a medical device should provide evidence of:  A unique identifier for the device, where
 A full history, including date of purchase
and where appropriate when it was put
into use, deployed or installed
 Any specific legal requirements and
whether these have been met
 Proper installation and where it was
 Schedule and details of maintenance and
 The end-of-life date, if specified
 All of the above
972. Good record keeping is an integral part of nursing practice and is essential  It helps to improve accountability,
to the provision of safe and effective care. Select one answer which best supports the delivery of services and
describes the function of record keeping. helps identify risks enabling the early
detection of complications.


973. Signs of hypovolemic shock would include all except:  restlessness, anxiety or confusion
 shallow respiratory rate, becoming
 rising pulse rate
 low urine output of <0.5 mL/kg/h
 pallor (pale, cyanotic skin) and later
974. Which medicine does digoxin interact with?  NSAID
975. What is the average output from an ileostomy?  200- 600 ml per 24 hours
976. Mr Jones has been having Type 6 and 7 stools today. As you are doing his  a.) Docusate Sodium 2 Capsules
medications, which of the following would you not omit?  b.) Lactulose 5 mL
 c.) Senna 10 mL
 d.) Simvastation 100 mg
977. Which of the following descriptors is most appropriate to use when stating  A. Grimacing
the “problem” part of a nursing diagnosis?  B. Anxiety
 C. Oxygenation saturation 93%
 D. Output 500 mL in 8 hours
978. 
979. 
980. Metronidazole 100 ml to be given half an hour, what rate are you going to  200 ml/hr
set the infusion pump?
981. Input 2573 ml, output 499 ml. Calculate fluid balance. 
982. A doctor prescribes an injection of 200 micrograms of drug. The stock bottle  A. 20ml
contains 1mg/ml. How many ml will you administer?  B. 2 ml
 C. 0.2 ml
983. Doctor‟s Order: 1 ½ L of NS to be infused over 7 hours; Drop factor: 15  A. 53.6 ml/hr
gtt/mL. What flow rate (mL/hr) will you set on the IV infusion pump?  B. 214.3 ml/hr
 C. 35.7 ml/hr
 D. 142.9 ml/hr
984. Doctor‟s Order: Infuse 50 mg of Amphotericin B in 250 mL NS over 4 hr 15  A. 11.8 ml/hr
min; Drop factor: 12gtt/mL. What flow rate (mL/hr) will you set on the IV  B. 58.8 ml/hr
infusion pump?  C. 14.1 ml/hr
 D. 60.2 ml/hr
985. Doctor‟s Order: Streptomycin 1.75 mg/ lb IM q 12 hr; Available:  A. 1.5 ml
Streptomycin 0.35 g / 2.3 mL. How many mL will you administer a day to a  B. 2 ml
59 Kg patient?  C. 2.5 ml
 D. 3 ml
986. A dose of 100 ml of injection Metronidazole is to be infused over half an  a) 50 ml
987. hour. How much amount of the medicine will be given in an hour?  b) 150 ml
 c) 200 ml
 d) 300 ml
988. 1500ml saline is going at 20drops/min. Drop factor is 15drops/ml. How much 
time it will take to finish?
989. A giving set delivers 20 drops per ml. A patient is receiving half a liter of 
0.9% sodium chloride at 15 drops per minute. How long will the infusion
990. Doctor‟s Order: Tazidime 0.3 g IM tid; Reconstitution instructions: For IM  A. 1.9 ml
solution add 1.5 mL of diluent. Shake to dissolve. Provides an approximate  B. 2 ml
volume of 1.8 mL (280 mg/mL). How many mL will you give?  C. 3 ml
 D. 1.1 ml
991. The doctor prescribes 25mg of a drug to be given by injection. It is a drug 
dispensed in a solution of strength 50mg/ml. How many ml should you
992. If the maximum rate for IV infusion of Furosemide is 4mg/min, what is the 
fastest rate that 80mgs added to 100mL of 0.9%NaCl can be infused over?
993. 250mg furosemide (strength 10mg/mL) is added to 100ml of 0.9%NaCl. This 
is to be infused over 2hours. What rate would you set the pump to?
994. In a cardiac arrest adrenaline 1:10,000 is given intravenously. The prefilled 
syringes (minijet) contain how many ml?
995. Infuse 1200 mL of 0.45% Normal Saline at 125 mL/hr; Drop Factor:  A. 2 gtt/min
12gtt/min. How many gtt/min will you regulate the IV?  B. 12 gtt/min
 C. 25 gtt/min
 D. 27 gtt/min
996. A toddler patient was prescribed of Ranitidine 9mg p.o. The nurse checked 
the pharmacy and found out that the available of ranitidine oral suspersion is
10mg/ml. How much should be given?
997. A drug 75ml is to be infused over half an hour. calculate ml/hr. 
998. A litre bag of 5% Glucose is prescribed over 4 hours. If a standard giving  a. 83
set (20gtts/ml) is used, at what rate should the drip be set?  b. 60
 c. 24
999. An adult patient who regularly takes Risperidone 500 micrograms at home is  0.25 mL
prescribed the same medication and dosage when admitted to hospital.  0.5 mL
The stock dose is 1mg / mL. What volume must the registered nurse (RN)  1.0 mL
administer to the patient?  1.5 mL
 5.0 mL
1000. Over the next 4 hours, infuse 500 ml of 5% Dextrose in Normal Saline. 
Add 20 MEq of KCl to solution." You know that the IV tubing set is calibrated
to deliver 10gtt/ml. In drops per minute, what is the rate of flow?
1001. Rocephin 0.5 grams in 250 mL of D5W to infuse IVPB 45 minutes; Drop  A. 6 gtt/min
Factor: 12gtt/min. How many gtt/ min will you regulate the IVPB?  B. 30 gtt/min
 C. 67 gtt/min
 D. 87 gtt/min
1002. You are asked to set up a subcutaneous syringe driver for a patient. The  A. 2 ml/hr
syringe driver is to deliver 80 mg of diamorphine in 40 ml over 8 hrs. At  B. 5 ml/hr
which rate in ml/hr do you set the infusion rate?  C. 10 ml/hr
 D. 20 ml/hr
1003. A giving set delivers 15 drops per ml.A patient is receiving 1 L of 0.9% 
sodium chloride at 30 drops minute .How long will the infusion take ?
1004. The doctor has presented 7855 units of heparin. You have available  A. 79ml
10,000 units/ml. How many mls will you give the patient?  B. 1.79ml
 C. 0.17ml
 D. 1.17ml
1005. A blood transfusion is prescribed of 360 mls over 3 hours. Using the 
appropriate IV giving set (15 drops per ml) calculate the drip rate per minute
1006. Tony is prescribed Lanoxin 500mcg PO. what vital signs will you assess  Heart rate and rhythm
prior to giving the drug?
1007. A drug is prescribed daily 7.50mg available in 2.5mg how many caps to
be administered per dose.
1008. 100ml of saline is administered in half an hour, how many ml will be
infused in an hour.
1009. Amytriptyline (take effect over 2–6 weeks
1010. Primary care is often the first point of contact for people in
need of healthcare, and may be provided by
professionals such as GPs, dentists and
1011. Secondary care sometimes referred to as 'hospital and
community care', can either be planned
(elective) care such as a cataract operation,
or urgent and emergency care such as
treatment for a fracture
1012. Tertiary care refers to highly specialised treatment such
as neurosurgery, transplants and secure
forensic mental health services.
1013. Bleeding gums
1014. compensated shock
1015. anemia
1016. stress
1017. Transformational Leadership
1018. Contingency
1019. Charismatic
1020. protected meal time Patients get enough time to eat food without
distractions while staff focus on people who
needs help with eating
1021. Gingivitis/Stomatitis
1022. How to offer assistance on a blind patient
1023. hypothermic patient how to increase the body temperature

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65. She reads about Path Goal theory. Which of the following behaviors is manifested by the leader who uses this theory?
a. Recognizes staff for going beyond expectations by giving them citations
b. Challenges the staff to take individual accountability for their own practice
c. Admonishes staff for being laggard.
d. Reminds staff about the sanctions for non performance.

66. One leadership theory states that "leaders are born and not made," which refers to which of the following theories?
a. Trait
b. Charismatic
c. Great Man
d. Situational

67. She came across a theory which states that the leadership style is effective dependent on the situation. Which of the following
styles best fits a situation when the followers are self-directed, experts and are matured individuals?
a. Democratic
b. Authoritarian
c. Laissez faire
d. Bureaucratic

68. She surfs the internet for more information about leadership styles. She reads about shared leadership as a practice in some
magnet hospitals. Which of the following describes this style of leadership?
a. Leadership behavior is generally determined by the relationship between the leader's personality and the specific situation
b. Leaders believe that people are basically good and need not be closely controlled
c. Leaders rely heavily on visioning and inspire members to achieve results
d. Leadership is shared at the point of care.

69. Harry is a Unit Manager I the Medical Unit. He is not satisfied with the way things are going in his unit. Patient satisfaction rate
is 60% for two consecutive months and staff morale is at its lowest. He decides to plan and initiate changes that will push for a
turnaround in the condition of the unit. Which of the following actions is a priority for Harry?
a. Call for a staff meeting and take this up in the agenda.
b. Seek help from her manager.
c. Develop a strategic action on how to deal with these concerns.
d. Ignore the issues since these will be resolved naturally

70. After discussing the possible effects of the low patient satisfaction rate, the staff started to list down possible strategies to solve
the problems head-on. Should they decide to vote on the best change strategy, which of the following strategies is referred to this?
a. Collaboration
b. Majority rule
c. Dominance
d. Compromise


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