Roberto Soldati
July 5, 2010
0.1 Prologo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 The Scalar Field 79
3.1 Normal Modes Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.2 Quantization of a Klein-Gordon Field . . . . . . . 87
3.3 The Fock Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.4 Special Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.4.1 Wick Rotation : Euclidean Formulation . . . . 102
3.5 The Generating Functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.5.1 The Symanzik Functional Equation . . . . . . . 104
3.5.2 The Functional Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.5.3 The Zeta Function Regularisation . . . . . . . . 109
3.6 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.4 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
0.1 Prologo
The content of this manuscript is the first semester course in quantum field
theory that I have delivered at the Physics Department of the Faculty of
Sciences of the University of Bologna since the academic year 2007/2008.
It is a pleasure for me to warmly thank all the students and in particular
Dr. Pietro Longhi and Dr. Fabrizio Sgrignuoli for their unvaluable help
in finding mistakes and misprints. In addition it is mandatory to me to
express my gratitude to Dr. Paola Giacconi for her concrete help in reading
my notes and her continuous encouragement. To all of them I express my
deepest thankfullness.
Roberto Soldati
Introduction : Some Notations
Here I like to say a few words with respect to the notation adopted. The
components of all the four vectors have been chosen to be real. The metric
is defined by means of the Minkowski’s tensor
0 for µ 6= ν
gµν = 1 for µ = ν = 0 µ, ν = 0, 1, 2, 3
−1 for µ = ν = 1, 2, 3
i.e. the invariant product of two four vectors a and b with components
a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 and b0 , b1 , b2 , b3 is defined in the following manner
a · b ≡ gµν aµ bν = a0 b0 − a1 b1 − a2 b2 − a3 b3 = a0 b0 − a · b = a0 b0 − ak bk
aµ = gµν aν aµ = g µν aν gµν = g µν
for the speed of light and the reduced Planck’s constant as well as the
Heaviside–Lorentz C. G. S. system of electromagnetic units. In this system
of units energy, momentum and mass have the dimensions of a reciprocal
length or a wave number, while the time x0 has the dimensions of a length.
The Coulomb’s potential for a point charge q is
q q α
ϕ(x) = = 2
4π | x | e r
The symbol −e (e > 0) stands for the negative electron charge. We generally
work with the four dimensional Minkowski’s form of Maxwell’s equation :
ε µνρσ ∂ν Fρσ = 0 ∂µ F µν = J ν
A µ = (ϕ, A) F µν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ
in which
E = (E 1 , E 2 , E 3 ) , E k = F k0 = F0k , ( k = 1, 2, 3 )
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σ1 = σ2 = σ3 =
1 0 i 0 0 −1
which satisfy
σi σj = δ ij + i ε ijk σk
1 1
[ σi , σj ] = i ε ijk σk {σi , σj } = δ ij
2 2
The Dirac matrices in the Weyl, or spinorial, or even chiral representation
are given by
0 0 1 k 0 σ k
γ = γ = ( k = 1, 2, 3 )
1 0 − σk 0
γ µ† = γ 0 γ µ γ 0 {γ µ , γ ν } = 2 g µν I
Chapter 1
fg = h
3. The set G contains a unit element e called the identity giving the
ef = f e = f ∀f ∈ G
f −1 f = f f −1 = e ∀f ∈ G
If the number of elements in G is finite, then the group is said to be
finite, otherwise the group is called infinite. The number of elements in a
finite group is named its order.
If the multiplication is commutative, i.e. , if for any pair of elements f
and g we have f g = gf , then the group is said to be commutative or abelian.
Any subset of a group G , forming a group relative to the very same law
of multiplication, is called a subgroup of G .
The one-to-one correspondence between the elements of two groups F
and G
f ↔ g f ∈F g∈G
is said to be an isomorphism iff for any pair of relations
f1 ↔ g1 f 2 ↔ g2 f1 , f2 ∈ F g1 , g2 ∈ G
f1 f2 ↔ g1 g2
Z n ≡ z k ∈ C | z kn = z0 = e 2πi , ∈ Z , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 , n ∈ N
z k · z h = z k+h = z h+k ∀ k, h = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1
The isomorphism of these groups follow from the correspondence
ϕk ↔ zk = e iϕk ( k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1, n ∈ N)
The results of one branch of the theory of groups, namely the theory of
group representations, are used in the overwhelming majority of important
cases in which group theory is applied to Physics. The theory of the group
representations studies the homomorphic mappings of an arbitrary abstract
group on all possible groups of linear operators.
T (e) = I T (g −1 ) = T −1 (g)
where I denotes the identity operator on L . The dimensionality of the
space L is said to be the dimensionality of the representation. A group
can have representations both of a finite and of an infinite number of
dimensions. By the very definition, the set of all linear operators T (g) :
L → L ( g ∈ G ) is closed under the multiplication or composition
law. Hence it will realize an algebra of linear operators over L that will
be denoted by A(L) . If the mapping T : G → A(L) is an isomorphism,
then the representation T is said faithful. In what follows, keeping
in mind the utmost relevant applications in Physics, we shall always
assume that the linear spaces upon which the representations act are
equipped by an inner product 1 , in such a manner that the concepts
of orthonormality, adjointness and unitarity are well defined in the
conventional way.
One of the problems in the theory of representations is to classify all the
possible representations of a given group. In the study of this problem
two concepts play a fundamental role : the concept of equivalence of
representations and the concept of reducibility of representations.
TA (g) = A T (g)A −1 ∀g ∈ G
acting in the vector space L 0 . It can be readily verified that the map
g 7→ TA (g) is a representation of the group G that will be thereby said
equivalent to the representation T (g) .
All representations equivalent to a given one are equivalent to each
other. Hence, all the representations of a given group split into classes
of mutually equivalent ones. Accordingly, the problem of classifying all
representations of a group is reduced to the more limited one of finding
all mutually inequivalent representations.
A`1 ∈ L1 ∀`1 ∈ L1
Of course L itself and the empty set ∅ are trivial invariant subspaces.
• A representation T of the group G in the vector space L is said to be
unitary iff all the linear operators T (g) , g ∈ G , are unitary operators
T † (g) = T −1 (g) = T (g −1 ) ∀g ∈ G
1.1.2 Theorems
There are two important theorems concerning unitary representations.
τ a (g) `a ∈ La ∀a = 1, 2, . . . ∀g ∈ G
Conversely, each reducible unitary representation T (g) of a group G
can be always composed from the irreducible unitary representations
τ a (g) , a = 1, 2, 3, . . . , of the group.
The significance of this theorem lies in the fact that it reduces the
problem of classifying all the unitary representations of a group G ,
up to equivalent representations, to that of finding all its irreducible
unitary representations.
As an example of the decomposition of the unitary representations of the
rotation group, we recall the decomposition of the orbital angular momentum
which is well known from quantum mechanics. The latter is characterized
by an integer ` = 0, 1, 2, . . . and consist of (2` + 1) × (2` + 1) square matrices
acting on quantum states of the system with given eigenvalues λ` = ~2 `(`+1)
of the orbital angular momentum operator L2 = [ r × (− i~∇) ]2 . The latter
are labelled by the possible values of the projections of the orbital angular
momentum along a certain axis, e.g. Lz = −~`, −~(` − 1), . . . , ~(` − 1), ~` ,
in such a manner that we have the spectral decomposition
X `
2 2
L = ~ `(` + 1) Pb` Pb` = | ` mih` m |
`=0 m=− `
h ` m | ` 0 m 0 i = δ `` 0 δ mm 0 tr Pb` = 2` + 1
where [ tr ] denotes the trace (sum over the diagonal matrix elements) of the
projectors Pb` over the finite dimensional spaces L` (` = 0, 1, 2, . . .) spanned by
the basis { | ` mi | m = −`, −` + 1, . . . , ` − 1, ` } of the common eigenstates of
L2 and Lz . Thus, for each rotation g , which corresponds to a 3×3 orthogonal
square matrix such that g −1 = g > , there exists a (2` + 1) × (2` + 1) unitary
matrix τ ` (g) that specifies how the (2` + 1) quantum states transform among
themselves as a result of the rotation g ∈ G and which actually realize all the
irreducible unitary finite dimensional representations of the rotation group
in the three dimensional space. The Hilbert space H for a point-like spinless
particle is thereby decomposed according to
H= L` L` ⊥ Lm for ` 6= m dim (L` ) = 2` + 1
τ ` : L` → L` ` = 0, 1, 2, . . .
In the case of infinite dimensional representations we have to suppose
the linear operators T (g) to be of the trace class.
Two equivalent representations have the same characters, as the trace
operation does not depend upon the choice of the basis in the vector
• Definition. Consider two representations T1 (g) and T2 (g) of the group
G acting on the vector (Hilbert) spaces L1 and L2 of dimensions n1 and
n2 respectively. Let
{e1j ∈ L1 | j = 1, 2, . . . , n1 } {e2r ∈ L2 | r = 1, 2, . . . , n2 }
any two bases so that
e1j 2r ≡ {e1j ⊗ e2r | j = 1, 2, . . . , n1 , r = 1, 2, . . . , n2 }
is a basis in the tensor product L1 ⊗ L2 of the two vector spaces with
dim(L1 ⊗L2 ) = n1 n2 . Then the matrix elements of the linear operators
T1 (g) and T2 (g) with respect to the above bases will be denoted by
[ T1 (g) ]jk ≡ h e1j , T1 (g) e1k i [ T2 (g) ]rs ≡ h e2r , T2 (g) e2s i
The direct product
T (g) ≡ T1 (g) × T2 (g) ∀g ∈ G
of the two representations is a representation of dimension n = n1 n2
the linear operators of which, acting upon the tensor product vector
space L1 ⊗ L2 , have the matrix elements, with respect to the basis
e1j 2r , which are defined by
( e1j 2r , T (g) e1k 2s ) ≡ [ T1 (g) ]jk [ T2 (g) ] rs
= ( e1j , T1 (g) e1k ) ( e2r , T2 (g) e2s ) (1.2)
where j, k = 1, 2, . . . , n1 and r, s = 1, 2, . . . , n2 . From the definition
(1.1) it is clear that we have
χ(g) = χ1 (g) χ2 (g) ∀g ∈ G
n1 X
X n2
χ(g) ≡ ( e1j 2r , T (g) e1j 2r )
j=1 r=1
Xn1 n2
= ( e1j , T1 (g) e1j ) ( e2r , T2 (g) e2r )
j=1 r=1
= χ1 (g) χ2 (g) ∀g ∈ G (1.3)
1.2 Continuous Groups and Lie Groups
1.2.1 The Continuous Groups
A group G is called continuous if the set of its elements forms a topological
space. This means that each element g ∈ G is put in correspondence with
an infinite number of subsets Ug ⊂ G, called the neighbourhoods of any
g ∈ G . This correspondence has to satisfy certain conditions that guarantee
the full compatibility between the topological space structure and the group
associative composition law - see the excellent monographies [5] for details.
To illustrate the concept of neighbourhood we consider the group of the
rotations around a fixed axis, which is an abelian continuous group. Let
g = R(ϕ) , 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 2π , a rotation through an angle ϕ around e.g. the
OZ axis. By choosing arbitrarily a positive number ε > 0 , we consider the
set Ug (ε) consisting of all the rotations g 0 = R(ϕ 0 ) satisfying the inequality
| ϕ − ϕ 0 | < ε . Every such set Ug (ε) is a neighbourhood of the rotation
g = R(ϕ) and giving ε all its possible real positive values we obtain the
infinite manifold of the neighbourhoods of the rotation g = R(ϕ) .
The real functions f : G → R over the group G is said to be continuous
for the element g0 ∈ G if, for every positive number δ > 0 , there exists such
a neighborhood U0 of g0 that ∀g ∈ U0 the following inequality is satisfied
| f (g) − f (g0 ) | < δ ∀g ∈ U0 g0 ∈ U0 ⊂ G
A continuous group G is called compact if and only if each real function
f (g) , continuous for all the elements g ∈ G of the group, is bounded. For
example, the group of the rotations around a fixed axis is compact, the
rotation group in the three dimensional space is also a compact group. On
the other hand, the continuous abelian group R of all the real numbers is not
compact, since there exist continuous although not bounded functions, e.g.
f (x) = x , x ∈ R . The Lorentz group is not compact.
A continuous group G is called locally compact if and only if each real
function f (g) , continuous for all the elements g ∈ G of the group, is bounded
in every neighborhood U ⊂ G of the element g ∈ G . According to this
definition, the group of all the real numbers is a locally compact group and
the Lorentz group is also a locally compact group.
• Theorem : if a group G is locally compact, it always admits irreducible
unitary representations in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces.
In accordance with this important theorem, proved by Gel’fand and Raikov,
Gel’fand and Naı̈mark found all the unitary irreducible representations of
the Lorentz group and of certain other locally compact groups.
In general, if we consider all possible continuous functions defined over a
continuous group G , we may find among them some multi-valued functions.
These continuous multi-valued functions can not be made single-valued by
brute force without violating continuity, that is, by rejecting the superflous
values for each element g ∈ G . As an example we have the function
f (ϕ) = e 2 iϕ
over the rotation group around a fixed axis. Since each rotation g = R(ϕ)
through an angle ϕ can also be considered as a rotation through an angle
ϕ + 2π , this function must have two values for a rotation through the same
angles : namely,
1 1 1
f+ (ϕ) = e 2 iϕ f− (ϕ) = e 2 iϕ+iπ = − e 2 iϕ = − f+ (ϕ)
Had we rejected the second of these two values, then the function f (ϕ) would
become discontinuous at the point ϕ = 0 = 2π .
The continuous groups which admit continuous multi-valued functions
are called multiply connected. As the above example shows, it turns out
that the rotation group around a fixed axis is multiply connected. Also the
rotation group in the three dimensional space is multiply-connected, as I
will show below in some detail. The presence of multi-valued continuous
functions in certain continuous groups leads us to expect that some of the
continuous representations of these groups will be multi-valued. On the one
hand, these multi-valued representations can not be ignored just because of
its importance in many physical applications. On the other hand, it is not
always possible, in general, to apply to those ones all the theorems valid for
single-valued continuous representations.
To overcome this difficulty, we use the fact that every multiply connected
group G is an homomorphic image of a certain simply connected group G. e
It turn out that the simply connected group G e can always be chosen in
such a manner that none of its simply connected subgroups would have the
group G as its homomorphic image. When the simply connected group G e is
selected in this way, it is called the universal covering group or the universal
enveloping group of the multiply connected group G – see [5] for the proof.
Consider once again, as an example, the multiply connected abelian group
of the rotations around a fixed axis. The universal covering group for it is
the simply connected commutative group R of all the real numbers. The
homomorphism is provided by the relationship 2
x → ϕ = x − 2π [ x/2π ] −∞<x<∞ 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 2π
We recall that any real number x can always be uniquely decomposed into its integer
[ x ] and fractional {x} parts respectively.
where x = [ x ] + {x} . It turns out that every continuous representation of
the group G , including any multi-valued one, can always be considered as a
single-valued continuous representation of the universal enveloping group G
The representations of the group G obtained in this manner do exhaust all
the continuous representations of the group G .
g = g (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn )
1.2.3 An Example : the Rotations Group
• The proper rotation group SO(3) .
Any rotation in the three dimensional space can always be described
by an oriented unit vector n̂ with origin in the center of rotation and
directed along the axis of rotation and by the angle of rotation α .
Therefore we can denote rotations by g(n̂, α) . The angle is measured
in the counterclockwise sense with respect to the positive direction of
n̂ . By elementary geometry it can be shown that any active rotation
g(n̂, α) transforms the position vector r into the vector
We have
cos ϕ − sin ϕ 0
1 0 0
0 cos θ − sin θ
R 3 (ϕ) =
sin ϕ cos ϕ 0
R1 (θ) =
0 0 1 0 sin θ cos θ
cos ψ − sin ψ 0
R 3 (ψ) =
sin ψ cos ψ 0
0 0 1
From the parametrization in terms of the eulerian angles it immediately
follows that every rotation matrix is univocally identified by a tern
and that
d r2 = d x2 + d y 2 + d z 2 = d xi d xi i = 1, 2, 3
1.2.4 The Infinitesimal Operators
• Infinitesimal operators : in the following we shall consider only those
representations T of a Lie group G , the linear operators of which are
analytic funtions of the parameters α1 , α2 , . . . , αn in such a way that
0 0 0
τ A (α1 , 0, 0) =
0 sin α1 cos α1
0 − cos α1 − sin α1
and consequently
0 0 0
I1 =
0 0 1
0 −1 0
In a quite analogous way we obtain
0 0 −1
0 1 0
−1 0 0
I2 =
0 0 0
I3 =
1 0 0 0 0 0
Ia Ib − Ib Ia ≡ [ Ia Ib ] = Cabc Ic a, b, c = 1, 2, . . . , n (1.7)
where the constant coefficients Cabc = − Cbac do not depend upon the
choice of the representation T (g) . The constant coefficients Cabc of a
Lie algebra fulfill the Jacobi’s identity
[ [ Ia Ib ] Ic ] + [ [ Ib Ic ] Ia ] + [ [ Ic Ia ] Ib ] = 0
[ Aa Ab ] = Cabc Ac a, b, c = 1, 2, . . . , n
as the infinitesimal operators of the group G . Then the operators
Aa (a = 1, 2, . . . , n) are the generators of a certain representation T (g)
of the group G in the vector space L .
The details of the proofs of the above three fundamental theorems of
the theory of the Lie groups can be found in the excellent monographies
[5]. Theorems I, II and III are very important because they reduce the
problem of finding all the representations of a Lie group G to that
of classifying all the possible sets of linear operators which satisfy the
commutation relations (1.7).
• Lie algebra : the infinitesimal operators Ia (a = 1, 2, . . . , n) do generate
a linear space and the commutators define a product law within this
linear space. Then we have an algebra which is called the Lie algebra G
of the Lie group G with dim G = dim G = n . The constant coefficients
Cabc = − Cbac are named the structure constants of the Lie algebra G .
Suppose that the representation T (g) of the Lie group G acts on the
linear space L and let A any invertible linear operator upon L . Then the
linear operators A Ia A−1 ≡ Ja (a = 1, 2, . . . , n) do realize an equivalent
representation for G , i.e. the infinitesimal operators Ja (a = 1, 2, . . . , n)
correspond to a new basis in G because
[ Ja Jb ] = [ A Ia A−1 A Ib A−1 ] = A [ Ia Ib ] A−1
= A Cabc Ic A−1 = Cabc A Ic A−1
= Cabc Jc a, b, c = 1, 2, . . . , n
or after relabeling of the indices
|| [ Ia Ib ] || de = Cabc || Ic || de
Thus, for each Lie algebra G and Lie group G of dimensions n , there is
a representation, called the adjoint representation, which has the very
same dimensions n as the Lie group itself.
Evidently, an abelian Lie group has vanishing structure constants, so
that its adjoint representation is trivial, i.e. it consists of solely the unit
As shown above the rotation group has three generators Ia (a = 1, 2, 3)
and structure constants Cabc equal to − εabc . Consequently, the adjoint
representation of the rotation group is a three dimensional one with
generators Ia given by
|| Ia || bc = εabc (a, b, c = 1, 2, 3)
T (γ) ≡ exp Ia αa + Ib βb + 21 αa β b [ Ia Ib ]
+ 12 (αa αb βc + βa βb αc ) [ Ia [ Ib Ic ] ] + · · ·
in which the dots stand for higher order, iterated commutators among
generators. To elucidate these notions let me discuss two examples.
x → x0 = x + a (∀x ∈ R, a ∈ R)
Now, if we define
df d kf
T f (x) ≡ T k f (x) ≡ = f (k) (x)
dx dx k
then we can write
f (x + a) = exp{ a · T } f (x)
! ∞
X 1 k k X 1 k (k)
= a T f (x) = a f (x)
k ! k=0
k !
which corresponds to a passive planar rotation around the origin.
If we introduce the generator
0 1
−1 0
T (g −1 ) = T † (g) ⇔ Ia = − Ia† (a = 1, 2, . . . , n)
• All the structure constants of an abelian Lie group are equal to zero.
• Any two Lie groups G1 and G2 with the same structure constants are
locally homeomorphic, in the sense that it is always possible to find two
neighborhoods of the unit elements U1 ⊂ G1 and U2 ⊂ G2 such that
there is an analytic isomorphism f : U1 ↔ U2 between the elements
of the two groups ∀ g1 ∈ U1 , ∀ g2 ∈ U2 . Of course, this does not imply
that there is a one–to–one analytic map over the whole parameter space,
i.e. the two groups are not necessarily globally homeomorphic. As an
example, consider the group R of all the real numbers and the unitary
U (1) ≡ {z ∈ C | z z̄ = 1}
of the complex unimodular numbers. These two groups are abelian
groups. In a neighborhood of the unit element we can readily set up
an homeomorphic map, e.g. the exponential map
τa ≡ 12 i σa ( a = 1, 2, 3 ) (1.13)
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σ1 = σ2 = σ3 = (1.14)
1 0 i 0 0 −1
and therefore
It follows that SU (2) has the very same Lie algebra (1.6) of the rotation
group. Using the canonical coordinates (1.4), in a neighborhood of
the unit element we can write the SU (2) elements in the exponential
representation. From the very well known identities
hence det g(α) = 1 . From the explicit formula (1.16) it follows that the
whole set of special unitary 2 × 2 matrices is spanned if and only if the
canonical coordinates α are restricted to lie inside a sphere of radius
| α | 2 = α12 + α22 + α32 < (2π)2
it follows that the group SU (2) realizes the lowest dimensional non-
trivial, faithful, irreducible and unitary representation of the rotation
group, which is thereby named its fundamental representation and
denoted by τ F (g) . Since the fundamental representation acts upon
complex two–components column vectors, the Pauli spinors of nonrel-
ativistic quantum mechanics that describe particles of spin 12 , it is also
named as the spinorial representation of the rotation group and further
denoted by τ 1 (g) ≡ τ F (g) .
(Ia αa )3 = − | α | 2 Ia αa
and consequently
(Ia αa ) 2k+1 = (− | α | 2 ) k Ia αa
in such a way that
X (−1)k
τ A (α) ≡ exp{Ia αa } = | α | 2k
X (−1)k
+ | α | 2k Ia αa
(2k + 1)!
X (−1)k
+ | α | 2k Ξ(α)
(2k + 2)!
sin | α | Ξ(α) X (−1)k
= cos | α | + Ia αa + | α | 2k
|α| | α | 2 k=1 (2k)!
sin | α | cos | α | − 1
= cos | α | + Ia αa + Ξ(α) (1.17)
|α| | α |2
Now the manifold of the canonical coordinates can be divided into two
parts : an inside shell 0 ≤ | α | < π and an outer region π ≤ | α | < 2π .
To each point in the inside shell we can assign a point in the outer
region by means of the correspondence
2π − | α |
α 0 = (− α) 0 ≤ |α| < π, π ≤ | α 0 | < 2π (1.18)
τ F (α 0 ) = − τ F (α)
τ A (α) = τ A (α 0 )
representation τ F (ϕ, θ, ψ) can be expressed in terms of the eulerian
angles as [5]
τ 1 (ϕ, θ, ψ) =
exp{i (ψ + ϕ)/2} cos θ/2 −i exp{i (ψ − ϕ)/2} sin θ/2
−i exp{i (ϕ − ψ)/2} sin θ/2 exp{−i (ψ + ϕ)/2} cos θ/2
τ 1 (0, θ, ψ) = − τ 1 (2π, θ, ψ)
2 2
From the composition law of the angular momenta, it turns out that
the product τ j × τ k of two irreducible unitary representations of the
three dimensional rotation group of weights j and k contains just once
each of the irreducible unitary representations
τi (i = |j − k|, |j − k| + 1, . . . , j + k − 1, j + k)
• Other important examples of Lie groups are :
1.3 The Inhomogeneous Lorentz Group
1.3.1 The Lorentz Group
Consider a spacetime point specified in two inertial coordinate frames S and
S 0 , where S 0 moves with constant relative velocity v with respect to S. In
S the spacetime point is labelled by (x, y, z, t) and in S 0 by (x 0 , y 0 , z 0 , t 0 ).
The transformation that relates the two inertial coordinate frames is called
a Lorentz transformation: according to the postulates of the special theory
of relativity, it has the characteristic property (c = 299 792 458 m s−1 is the
velocity of light in vacuum)
c2 t2 − x2 − y 2 − z 2 = c2 t 0 2 − x 0 2 − y 0 2 − z 0 2
where we are assuming that the origins of both inertial frame coordinate
systems do coincide for t = t 0 = 0 – for the moment we do not consider
translations under which the relative distances remain invariant; if these
are included one finds inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations, also called
Poincaré transformations. We shall use the following standard notations and
conventions [2] – sum over repeated indices is understood
x µ ≡ (x0 = ct, x, y, z) = (x0 , x) = (x0 , xk ) µ = 0, 1, 2, 3 k = 1, 2, 3
so that
x2 ≡ gµν x µ x ν = gµν x 0 µ x 0 ν ≡ x 0 2
1 0 0 0
0 0 0
gµν =
0 0 −1 0
0 −1
0 0
Owing to spacetime homogeneity and isotropy the Lorentz transformations
are linear
x 0 µ = Λµν x ν
which implies
gρσ = gµν Λµρ Λνσ (1.19)
or even in matrix notations
x µ xµ = x> · g x = x 0 µ xµ0 x0 = Λ x g = Λ> g Λ
where > denotes transposed matrix. Eq. (1.19) does indeed define the Lorentz
group L as a group of 4×4 square–matrices acting upon Minkowski spacetime
point column four vectors. As a matter of fact we have
1. composition law : Λ , Λ0 ∈ L ⇒ Λ · Λ0 = Λ00 ∈ L
matrix products : (Λ00 ) µρ = Λ µν (Λ0 ) νρ
2. identity matrix : ∃! I
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
which means that L is a group of matrices that will be called the homogeneous
full Lorentz group. From the relation
1 = g 00 = g µν Λ µ0 Λ ν0 = Λ00 − Λ k0 Λ k0 ⇒ Λ00 ≥ 1
it follows that the homogeneous full Lorentz group splits into four categories
called connected components
Examples :
1. special Lorentz transformation, or even boost, in the OX direction with
velocity v > 0 towards the positive OX axis
cosh η − sinh η 0 0
− sinh η cosh η 0 0
Λ(η) =
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
cosh η = (1 − β 2 )−1/2 sinh η = β (1 − β 2 )−1/2 β=
2. spatial rotation around the OZ axis
1 0 0 0
0 cos θ sin θ 0
Λ(θ) =
0 − sin θ cos θ 0
0 0 0 1
5. full inversion or P T transformation
−1 0
0 0
0 −1 0
∈ L↓+ = O(1, 3)−
ΛP T =
0 −1 0
0 −1
0 0
associated to the OZ direction. Notice that the inverse transformations can
be immediately obtained after sending αk 7→ − αk and η k 7→ − η k . Since
the domain of the canonical coordinates is the unbounded subset of R6
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
I1 (α1 = 0) =
0 0 0 1
0 0 −1
0 0 0
0 0 0
J3 (β 3 = 0) =
0 0 0 0
−1 0 0
et cetera . It is very important to gather that the infinitesimal generators
of the space rotations are antihermitean Ik† = −Ik (k = 1, 2, 3) whereas the
infinitesimal generators of the special Lorentz transformations turn out to be
hermitean Jk = Jk† (k = 1, 2, 3) . One can also check by direct inspection that
the infinitesimal generators do fulfill the following commutation relations:
( j, k, l = 1, 2, 3)
The above commutation relations univocally specify the Lie algebra of the
homogeneous Lorentz group.
Together with the infinitesimal generators Ik , Jk (k = 1, 2, 3) it is very
convenient to use the matrices
Ak ≡ 21 (Ik + i Jk ) Bk ≡ 12 (Ik − i Jk ) k = 1, 2, 3
A†j = − Aj Bk† = − Bk ( j, k = 1, 2, 3)
The commutation relations for these matrices have an especially simple form:
[ Aj Ak ] = − εjkl Al [ Bj Bk ] = − εjkl Bl [ Aj Bk ] = 0
( j, k, l = 1, 2, 3)
which follow from the commutation relations of the infinitesimal generators.
We stress that the commutation relations for the operators Ak (k = 1, 2, 3)
are the same as those for the generators of the three dimensional rotation
group SO(3) and of its universal covering group SU (2) . This is also true for
the operators Bk (k = 1, 2, 3) .
The infinite dimensional reducible unitary representations of the angular
momentum Lie algebra are very well known. Actually, one can diagonalize
simultaneously the positive semidefinite operators
A†j Aj = Aj A†j = − Aj Aj = − A2
Bk† Bk = Bk Bk† = − Bk Bk = − B2
tr Pbm = 2m + 1 tr Pbn = 2n + 1
m , n = 0 , 21 , 1 , 32 , 2 , 52 , 3 , . . . . . .
Those operators are called the Casimir’s operators of the Lorentz group, the
latter ones being defined by the important property of commuting with all
the infinitesimal generators of the group. It follows therefrom that
• the lowest dimensional irreducible representations of the Lorentz group
are: the unidimensional scalar representation τ 0 0 , the two dimensional
left spinor Weyl representation τ 1 0 , the two dimensional right spinor
Weyl representation τ 0 1 (the handedness is conventional)
Ak 7→ ΛP−1 Ak ΛP = Bk Bk 7→ ΛP−1 Bk ΛP = Ak
i.e. the two inequivalent irreducible Weyl’s representations interchange
under parity. Hence, to set up a spinor representation of the full Lorentz
group out of the two Weyl’s representations, one has to consider the
direct sum
τD = τ 1 0 ⊕ τ0 1
2 2
|m − p| ≤ r ≤ m + p |n − q| ≤ s ≤ n + q
In particular, the spin 1 representation does coincide with the above
introduced four vector representation, which we actually used to define
the homogeneous Lorentz group
τ 1 0 × τ0 1 = τ 1 1
2 2 2 2
• All the irreducible finite dimensional representations of the Lorentz
group are nonunitary. As a matter of fact we have e.g.
and thereby
† −1
τm n (β3 ) = τ m n (β3 ) 6= τ m n (β3 ) = τ m n (−β3 )
|m − p| ≤ r ≤ m + p |n − q| ≤ s ≤ n + q
we obtain for m = n = 2
T = τ00 τ10 τ01 τ11
16 = 1 + 3 + 3 + 9
The one dimensional irreducible representation τ 0 0 corresponds to the trace of the second
rank tensor t µν i.e.
t = g µν t µν
which is a Lorentz scalar. The six components of the antisymmetric part of the second
rank tensor t µν that is
A µν = 12 (t µν − t νµ )
transform according to the parity invariant representation τ 1 0 τ 0 1 , while the nine
components of the traceless and symmetric part of the second rank tensor t µν viz.,
S µν = 1
2 (t µν + t νµ ) − 1
4 g µν t
t µν = A µν + S µν + 1
4 g µν t ( t = g µν t µν )
Exercise. Find the explicit form of the structure constants of the Lorentz group.
Solution. The commutation relations (1.23) can be written in explicit form as
[ I1 I2 ] = − I3 [ I1 I3 ] = I2 [ I1 J1 ] = 0 [ I1 J2 ] = − J3 [ I1 J 3 ] = J 2
[ I2 I3 ] = − I1 [ I2 J1 ] = J3 [ I2 J2 ] = 0 [ I2 J3 ] = − J1
[ I3 J1 ] = − J2 [ I3 J 2 ] = J 1 [ I3 J3 ] = 0
[ J1 J2 ] = I3 [ J1 J3 ] = − I2
[ J 2 J 3 ] = I1
Now it is convenient to slightly change the notation and denote the boost generators by
J1 = I4 J2 = I5 J3 = I6
in such a manner that all the nonvanishing structure constants of the Lorentz group
Cabc = − Cbac ( a, b, c, . . . = 1, 2, . . . , 6 )
whence it manifestly appears that the structure constants are completely antisymmetric,
as it will be proved later on.
1.3.2 Semisimple Groups
Lie groups and their corresponding Lie algebras can be divided into three
main categories depending upon the presence or absence of some invariant
subgroups and invariant subalgebras.
By its very definition, an invariant subgroup H ⊆ G satisfies the following
requirement : for any elements g ∈ G and h ∈ H there always exists an
element h0 ∈ H such that
gh = h0 g
Of course, any Lie group G has two trivial invariant subgroups, G itself and
the unit element.
Concerning the infinitesimal operators Ja ∈ G (a = 1, 2, . . . n) and Tb ∈
H (b = 1, 2, . . . m ≤ n) of the corresponding Lie algebra and subalgebra, we
shall necessarily find
[ Ja Tb ] = Cabc Tc (a = 1, 2, . . . n , b, c = 1, 2, . . . m ≤ n) (1.25)
• Groups that do not possess any nontrivial invariant subgroup are called
˙ G1 × G2 × · · · × Gs
gα gβ = gβ gα α 6= β (α, β = 1, 2, . . . , s)
dim(G) = dim(Gα )
˙ SO(3) × SO(3) .
An example of a semisimple group is SO(4) =
• Groups that do contain some invariant abelian nontrivial subgroups are
said to be nonsemisimple.
Such groups do not always factorize into the direct product of an
abelian invariant subgroup and a semisimple group. As an example,
let us consider the two dimensional euclidean group or inhomogeneous
orthogonal group IO(2) , which is the group of the rototranslations in
the plane without reflections with respect to an axis of the plane. We
shall denote a translation by the symbol T (a) , where a = (ax , ay ) is a
general displacement of all points in the OXY plane. Evidently
T (a) T (b) = T (a + b)
g = T (a) R O g ∈ IO(2)
0 1 cos α sin α
Iz = g(α) =
−1 0 − sin α cos α
from eq. (1.26) and for very small α, ax , ay we readily obtain the Lie
algebra among the generators of IO(2) , i.e.
[ Px Py ] = 0 [ Iz Px ] = Py [ Iz Py ] = − Px
A very important quantity is the Cartan–Killing metric of a Lie group G ,
which is defined to be
where Cabc are the structure constants of the Lie algebra G . According to
the correspondence (1.10) we can also write
TA (g) = IA + αc Ac | αc | 1
which means antisymmetry of the structure constants also respect the last
two indices. As a consequence the structure constants of any Lie group turn
out to be completely antisymmetric with respect to the exchange of all three
indices : namely, Cabc = − Cbac = Cbca = − Ccba .
The Cartan–Killing metric is non-singular, i.e. det || g || =
6 0 , if and only if
the group is semisimple. Here k g k indicates the n × n matrix of elements
gab . For example we have
−2 0
0 −2 0
g ab =
for SU (2) (1.32)
0 −2
0 0 0
0 0 0
g ab =
for IO(2)
0 0 −2
the subscript R labelling some particular representation of the infinitesimal
operators. The quadratic operator CR is called the Casimir’s operator of the
representation R and turn out to be group invariant : namely,
TR (g) CR TR−1 (g) = CR ∀g ∈ G
or else
[ TR (g) CR ] = 0 ∀g ∈ G
• If a linear operator commutes with all the generators in an irreducible
representation of a Lie algebra G , then it must be proportional to the
unit operator.
See [5] for the proof. According to Schur’s lemma we come to the conclusion
that in the irreducible representation labelled by R we have
CR = dR IR
where dR is a number, depending upon the irreducible representation, which
is called the Dynkin’s index.
• For the adjoint representation we have
tr CA = g ab tr (Aa Ab ) = dA tr IA = n dA = g ab g ab = n
so that dA = 1 .
• In the case of the special unitary group SU (2) , i.e. in the case of
the fundamental representation of the rotation group, from the very
definition (1.13) and the Cartan-Killing metric (1.32), the Casimir’s
operator (1.33) reads – remember that g ab = − 12 δ ab
tr CF = 2 dF = − 12 δ ab tr (τa τb ) = − 12 δ ab − 14 2 δab = 34
so that dF = 8
and dA = 1 for the rotation group.
• For any irreducible representation of the rotation group it is possible
to show that
CR = 12 J (J + 1) IR
where J is the weight of the irreducible representation, which is related
to the eigenvalue of the total angular momentum by J2 = ~2 J(J + 1) .
dJ = 21 J (J + 1) J = 0, 12 , 1, 32 , 2, 52 , 3, . . .
are the Dynkin’s indices for the irreducible unitary representations of
the rotation group.
• For a nonsemisimple Lie group G, just like the Poincaré group for
example, owing to the singular nature of the Cartan–Killing metric
tensor, the Casimir operators in any irreducible representation R are
just defined by the very requirement of being invariant under the whole
group of linear transformations TR (g) (g ∈ G) : namely,
CR = TR (g) CR TR −1 (g) ∀g ∈ G
1.3.3 The Poincaré Group
The quite general symmetry group of all the relativistic classical and quantum
field theories obeying the special principle of relativity is the (restricted)
inhomogeneous Lorentz group, also named the Poincaré group, under which
x 0 µ = Λµν x ν + a µ
aµ 7→ Λ 0ρµ a ρ + a 0 µ
whence we see that the translation parameters get changed under a Lorentz
transformation. Owing to this feature, which is called the soldering between
the Lorentz transformations and the spacetime translations, the Poincaré
group is said to be a semidirect product of the Lorentz group and the space-
time translation abelian group.
The generators of the spacetime translations are the components of the
four gradient operator. As a matter of fact, for any analytic real function
f : M → R we have
[ ∂µ , ∂ν ] ≡ ∂µ ∂ν − ∂ν ∂µ = 0
Thus, the infinitesimal operators of the spacetime translations turn out to
be differential operators acting of the infinite dimensional space C∞ (M) of
the analytic functions on the Minkowski’s spacetime.
It is necessary to obtain an infinite dimensional representation of the
generators of the Lorentz group acting on the very same functional space.
Introduce the six antihermitean differential operators
`µν ≡ g µρ x ρ ∂ν − g νρ x ρ ∂µ ≡ x µ ∂ν − x ν ∂µ (1.35)
`µν = − `νµ = − `µν
By direct inspection it is straightforward to verify the commutation relations
it can be readily checked that the above commutation relations among the
differential operators `µν do realize an infinite dimensional representation of
the Lie algebra (1.23) of the Lorentz group. Nonetheless, it is important to
remark that all six generators in the above infinite dimensional representation
of the Lorentz group are antihermitean, at variance with the infinitesimal
operators of all the finite dimensional irreducible representations, in which
only the three generators of the rotation subgroup are antihermitean.
Moreover we find
[ `µν , ∂ρ ] = − g µρ ∂ν + g νρ ∂µ
[ ∂µ , ∂ν ] = 0 [ `µν , ∂ρ ] = − g µρ ∂ν + g νρ ∂µ
[ `µν , `ρσ ] = − g µρ `νσ + g µσ `νρ − g νσ `µρ + g νρ `µσ (1.37)
Pµ ≡ i ∂µ = (i ∂ 0 , i ∇) (1.38)
[ Pµ , P ν ] = 0 [ Lµν , Pρ ] = − i g µρ Pν + i g νρ Pµ
[ Lµν , Lρσ ] = − i g µρ Lνσ + i g µσ Lνρ − i g νσ Lµρ + i g νρ Lµσ (1.40)
One can easily recognize that the six hermitean differential operators Lµν
do actually constitute the relativistic generalization of the orbital angular
momentum operator of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. We find indeed
On the other hand, it turns out that the most general infinite dimensional
representation of the Poincaré Lie algebra is given by
[ Pµ , P ν ] = 0 [ Mµν , Pρ ] = − i g µρ Pν + i g νρ Pµ
[ Mµν , Mρσ ] = − i g µρ Mνσ + i g µσ Mνρ − i g νσ Mµρ + i g νρ Mµσ
in which the relativistic spin angular momentum operator Sµν must satisfy
[ Pµ , S νρ ] = 0 = [ S µν , L ρσ ] (1.42)
p = − i~ ∇ J=L+S=r×p+S
as well as the Shirkov operator
V ≡ M µρ Pρ
Wµ P µ = 0 = Vµ P µ
P 2 M µν = Vµ Pν − Vν Pµ − ε µνρσ W ρ P σ
It is immediate to check that the following commutation relations hold true
[ Wµ , P ν ] = 0 [ M µν , Wρ ] = − i g µρ Wν + i g νρ Wµ
so that we can readily recognize the two Casimir’s operators of the Poincaré
group to be the scalar and pseudoscalar invariants
C m = P 2 = P µ Pµ Cs = W 2 = W µ Wµ (1.45)
which are respectively said the mass and the spin operators. Now, according
to Wigner’s theorem [6]
Eugene Paul Wigner (Budapest 17.11.1902 – Princeton 1.1.1995)
Gruppentheorie und ihre Anwendung auf die Quantenmechanik der Atom-
spektrum, Fredrick Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, Deutschland, 1931, pp.
251–254, Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Theory of Atomic
Spectra, Academic Press Inc., New York, 1959, pp. 233–236
any symmetry transformation in quantum mechanics must be realized only
by means of unitary or antiunitary operators. The representation theory for
the Poincaré group has been worked out by Bargmann and Wigner [7]. The
result is that all the unitary irreducible representations of the Poincaré group
have been classified and fall into four classes.
sz = −s, −s + 1, . . . , s − 1, s ; s = 0, 12 , 1, 32 , 2, . . .
and by the continuous eigenvales of the spatial momentum p , so that
p20 = p2 + m2 : namely,
| m, s ; p, sz i m>0 s = 0, 12 , 1, 23 , 2, . . .
p ∈ R3 sz = −s, −s + 1, . . . , s − 1, s
Physically, these states will describe some elementary particle of rest
mass m , spin s , momentum p and spin projection sz along the OZ
axis. Massive particles of spin s are described by wave fields which
correspond to 2s + 1 real functions on Minkowski’s spacetime.
| s ; p, h i m=0 s = 0, 12 , 1, 32 , 2, . . .
p ∈ R3 h = ±s
Thus, this kind of unitary irreducible representations of the Poincaré
group will correspond to the massless particles that, for s 6= 0 , are
described by two independent real functions on the Minkowski’s space-
time. Examples of particles falling in this category are photons with
spin 1 and two helicity states for e.g. circular polarization, the spin 21
massless left–handed neutrinos ( h = − 12 ) and massless right–handed
antineutrinos ( h = + 21 ) and maybe the graviton with spin 2 and two
There are further irreducible representations of the Poincaré group but they
are neither unitary nor antiunitary. As already remarked, Wigner’s theorem
[6] generally states that all symmetry transformations – just like Poincaré
transformations – in quantum mechanics can be consistently realized solely
by means of some unitary or antiunitary operators.
1. G.Ya. Lyubarskii
The Application of Group Theory in Physics
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960.
3. Pierre Ramond
Field Theory: A Modern Primer
Benjamin, Reading, Massachusetts, 1981.
Chapter 2
at the point P ∈ M of coordinates x µ is given by uA (x) (A = 1, 2, . . . , N ) in
a certain inertial frame S , then in the new inertial frame S 0 , related to S by
the Poincaré transformation (Λ, a) ∈ IO(1, 3) , the spacetime coordinates of
P will be changed to x 0 = Λx+a and contextually the wave field functions will
be reshuffled as uA0 (x 0 ) (A = 1, 2, . . . , N ) because the functional relationships
will be in general frame dependent.
We can always represent the collection of the classical relativistic wave
field functions as an N –component column vector
u1 (x)
u 2 (x)
. x∈M
u (x) =
u (x)
N −1
uN (x)
Then we can suitably introduce some finite quantities which are said to be
the total variation, the local variation and the differential of the classical
relativistic wave field u (x) according to
u 0 (x 0 ) − u (x) = [ u 0 (x 0 ) − u (x 0 ) ] + [ u (x 0 ) − u (x) ]
that is the total variation is equal to the sum of the local and of the differential
variations for any classical relativistic wave field.
Λ µν = δ µν + ε µν = δ µν + ε µρ g ρν | ε µν | 1 (2.5)
On the one hand, from the defining relation (1.19) of the Lorentz matrices
we obtain
0 = g µρ ε ρν + g νρ ε ρµ ⇔ ε µν + ε νµ = 0
that is, the infinitesimal parameters ε µν constitute an antisymmetric matrix
with six independent entries.
On the other hand, from the exponential formula (1.12) for the Lorentz
matrices we can write
| δαk | 1 | δβ k | 1 ( k = 1, 2, 3 )
If we set
δβ k = δ ω k0 = δ ω 0k
ω ρσ + ω σρ = 0
where εjkl is the Levi-Civita symbol, totally antisymmetric in all of its three
indices and normalized as ε123 = + 1 = − ε123 , together with
Λ µν = δ µν − 21 i δ ω ρσ (S ρσ ) µν (2.8)
α1 = α2 = 0 , α3 = − δ ω 12 = − ε12
Λ µν = δ µν + δ ω 12 (δ µ1 g 2ν − δ µ2 g 1ν )
1 0 0 0
0 1 α3 0
Λ(α3 ) = (2.9)
0 α 3 1 0
0 0 0 1
Moreover, a passive boost along the OX axis is described by
β1 = δ ω 01 , β 2 = β3 = 0
Λ µν µ 01 µ
= δ ν + δ ω (δ 0 g 1ν − δ µ1 g 0ν )
1 −β1 0 0
−β1 1 0 0
Λ(β1 ) =
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
ε µλ g λν = − ε ρσ δ µσ g ρν
= 21 ε ρσ (δ µρ g σν − δ µσ g ρν )
= − 12 i δ ω ρσ (S ρσ ) µν (2.11)
ε ρσ = δ ω ρσ (S ρσ ) µν = i δ µρ g σν − δ µσ g ρν
The six matrices S ρσ realize the relativistic spin angular momentum tensor of
the irreducible vector representation τ 1 1 of the Lorentz group. By the way,
2 2
it is worthwhile to remark that the components Sjk are hermitean matrices
and generate rotations, while the components S 0k are antihermitean matrices
and generate boosts.
x 0 µ ≈ x µ + δ x µ = x µ + δ ω µν g νρ x ρ + δ ω µ (2.13)
δ ω µν + δ ω νµ = 0 | δ ω µν | 1 | δωµ | | xµ |
∆ u (x) ≡ u 0 (x + δ x) − u (x)
≡ [ u 0 (x + δ x) − u (x + δ x) ] + [ u (x + δ x) − u (x) ]
≡ δ u (x + δ x) + d u (x)
= δ u (x) + δ x µ ∂µ δ u(x) + · · · + d u (x)
= δ u (x) + δ x µ ∂µ u (x) + O (δ u δ x) (2.14)
∆ = δ + d = δ + δ x µ ∂µ (2.15)
Notice that the infinitesimal form of the Poincaré transformations for the
spacetime coordinates can be written in terms of the hermitean generators
(1.39), that is
δ x µ = 12 i δ ω ρσ L ρσ x µ − i δ ω ρ P ρ x µ
Here below we shall analyse the most relevant cases.
φ : M −→ R φ 0 (x 0 ) = φ (x) (2.18)
so that
Pµ = i ∂ µ L µν ≡ x µ Pν − x ν Pµ
i.e. the scalar field carries relativistic orbital angular momentum but
not relativistic spin angular momentum.
It is worthwhile to consider also the pseudoscalar field, which are odd
with respect to improper orthochronus Lorentz transformations, i.e.
Λ µν = δ µν + δω µρ g ρν δω µρ + δω ρµ = 0
and consequently
∆ Vµ (x) = δ ω ρσ g µρ Vσ (x)
≡ − 21 i δ ω ρσ ( S ρσ )µν Vν (x) (2.23)
the generators of the total variation of the covariant vector field under a
Poincaré transformation being the relativistic spin angular momentum
matrices (2.7), the action of which actually reads
( S ρσ )µν Vν (x) = i g µρ Vσ (x) − i g σµ Vρ (x)
≡ S ρσ ∗ Vµ (x) (2.24)
in which
( S ρσ )µν = i gµρ δ σν − i gµσ δ ρν (2.25)
The above expression can be readily checked taking the four gradient
of a real scalar field. As a matter of fact we obtain
∂µ φ (x) ≡ Vµ (x) (2.26)
so that from eq. (2.19) we find the infinitesimal transformation law
∆ Vµ (x) = ∆ ∂µ φ (x)
= [ ∆ , ∂µ ] φ (x) + ∂µ ∆ φ (x)
= [ ∆ , ∂µ ] φ (x) (2.27)
Now we have
[ ∆ , ∂µ ] = [ δ , ∂µ ] + [ δx · ∂ , ∂µ ]
= δ ω λν g νρ [ x ρ , ∂µ ] ∂λ
= − δ ω λν g νρ δ µρ ∂λ
= δ ω λν g λµ ∂ ν (2.28)
and thereby
∆ ∂µ φ (x) = δ ω ρσ g µρ ∂ σ φ (x)
whence eq. (2.23) immediately follows.
From the symbolic relation (2.15) we obtain the expression for the local
variation of a relativistic covariant vector wave field
δ Vρ (x) = ∆ Vρ (x) − δ x µ ∂µ Vρ (x) = − 12 i δ ω µν S µν ∗ Vρ (x)
− δ ω µν x ν ∂µ Vρ (x) − δ ω µ ∂µ Vρ (x)
= − 12 i δ ω µν M µν ∗ Vρ (x) + i δ ω µ Pµ Vρ (x) (2.29)
M µν = L µν + S µν = x µ Pν − x ν Pµ + S µν
Well–known examples of vector and tensor wave fields are the vector
potential and the field strength of the electromagnetic field
A 0µ (x 0 ) = Λ µν A ν (x)
∆ A µ (x) = δ ω λν g µλ A ν (x)
F µν (x 0 ) = Λ µρ Λ νσ F ρσ (x)
∆ F µν (x) = δ ω λρ [ g µλ F ρν (x) + g νλ F µρ (x) (2.30)
A tensor wave field of any rank with many contravariant and covariant
indices will exploit a local variation in accordance to the straightforward
generalization of the infinitesimal change (2.29). In particular, the
action of the relativistic spin matrix on a tensor wave field will be
the (algebraic) sum of expressions like (2.7), one for each index. For
instance, the action of the spin matrix on the electromagnetic field
strength is given by
A 0µ (Λ P x) = (Λ P ) µν A ν (x) (2.32)
that yields
2.1.3 The Spinor Fields
The two irreducible fundamental representations τ 1 0 and τ 0 1 of the
2 2
homogeneous Lorentz group can be realized by means of SL(2, C) ,
i.e. the group of complex 2 × 2 matrices of unit determinant. The
SL(2, C) matrices belonging to τ 1 0 act upon the so called left Weyl’s
two–component spinors, whilst the SL(2, C) matrices belonging to τ 0 1
act upon the so called right Weyl’s two–component spinors.
In any neighbourhood of the unit element, the SL(2, C) matrices can
always be presented in the exponential form
Λ L ≡ exp 21 i σk (αk − i η k )
Λ R ≡ exp 2 i σk (αk + i η k ) (2.37)
in which
αk , β k = , η k = Arsh β k (1 − βk2 )−1/2 ( k = 1, 2, 3 )
are respectively the angular canonical coordinates, the relative velocity
components (1.21) and rapidity (1.22) parameters of the Lorentz group,
whereas σ k (k = 1, 2, 3) are the Pauli matrices. Notice that
The infinitesimal form of the above transformation laws give rise to the
total variations
∆ ψL (x) = 12 i (σj δα j − i σk δβ k ) ψL (x)
= − 21 i σj 12 εjkl δ ω kl + i σk δ ω 0k ψL (x)
(a) We have
ΛR† = exp − σk (αk − i ηk )
= exp σk (− αk + i ηk )
= ΛL (− α, − η) = ΛL−1
ΛL† = exp − σk (αk + i ηk )
= exp σk (− αk − i ηk )
= ΛR (− α, − η) = ΛR−1
(b) From the definition of the exponential of a matrix we get
σ2 ΛL σ2 = σ2 exp σk (αk − i ηk ) σ2
∞ n
X i 1
= σ2 σk1 σk2 · · · σkn σ2
2 n!
× (αk1 − i η k1 ) (αk2 − i η k2 ) · · · (αkn − i η kn )
∞ n
X i 1 ∗ ∗
= σk1 σk2 · · · σk∗n
2 n!
× (− αk1 + i η k1 ) (− αk2 + i η k2 ) · · · (− αkn + i η kn )
i ∗
= exp σ (− αk + i ηk )
2 k
= exp σk (αk + i ηk ) = ΛR∗
The above listed relations turn out to be rather useful to single out
Lorentz invariant combinations out of the Weyl’s spinors. Consider for
σ2 ψL∗ = σ2 (ΛL ψL )∗ = σ2 Λ∗L σ2 σ2 ψL∗ = ΛR σ2 ψL∗
L σ2 ψL = −i (χL 1 ψL 2 − χL 2 ψL 1 ) (2.46)
On the other hand we have
We can build up a four vector out of a single Weyl left spinor fields. To
this purpose, let me recall the transformation laws of a contravariant
four vector under passive infinitesimal boosts and rotations respectively
δ V 0 = ε0k V k = − ε 0k V k = − δ βk V k (2.49)
δ V j = ε j0 V 0 = ε j0 V 0 = − δ βj V 0 (2.50)
δ V j = ε jk V k = − ε jk V k = − ε jk` V k δ α` (2.51)
In the very same way one can see that the right combination
transform under the Lorentz group like a contravariant real vector field
Λ L† σ µ Λ L = Λ µν σ ν Λ R† σ̄ µ Λ R = Λ µν σ̄ ν (2.55)
It becomes now easy to build up the Lorentz invariant real kinetic terms
TL = 1
ψL† (x) σ µ i ∂µ ψL (x) − 1
i ∂µ ψL† (x) σ µ ψL (x)
≡ 1
ψL† (x) σ µ i ∂ µ ψL (x) (2.56)
TR = 1
ψR† (x) σ̄ µ i ∂µ ψR (x) − 1
i ∂µ ψR† (x) σ̄ µ ψR (x)
≡ 1
ψR† (x) σ̄ µ i ∂ µ ψR (x) (2.57)
When the full Lorentz group is a concern, we have already seen (1.24)
that it is necessary to consider the direct sum of the two inequivalent
irreducible Weyl’s representation. In so doing, we are led to the so
called four components bispinor or Dirac relativistic spinor wave field
ψL 1 (x)
ψL (x) ψL 2 (x)
ψ(x) ≡
= (2.58)
ψR (x)
ψR 1 (x)
ψR 2 (x)
P : ψL , R ↔ ψR , L
so that
0 0 0 0 0 ψR (x)
ψ (x ) = ψ (x , − x) = (P ψ)(x) = γ ψ (x) = (2.59)
ψL (x)
The left and right Weyl’s components can be singled out by means of
the two projectors
1 1
PL ≡ 2
(I − γ 5 ) PR ≡ 2
(I + γ 5 )
1 0 0 0
1 0
0 1 0 0
I= =
0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
−1 0 0
−1 0 0 −1 0
γ5 = γ 5 ≡
0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 −i
0 0
0 σ2 0 0
i 0
= = (2.66)
−σ2 0
0 i 0 0
−i 0
0 0
0 0 1 0
0 −1
0 σ3
0 0
= = (2.67)
−σ3 0 −1 0
0 0
0 1 0 0
−1 0
0 0
−1 0 0 −1
0 0
γ5 = =
0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
The above set of five 4 × 4 matrices are said to be the Dirac matrices
in the Weyl or chiral or even spinorial representation. The gamma
matrices do satisfy the so called Clifford algebra
{γ µ , γ ν } = 2g µν {γ µ , γ 5 } = 0 (2.69)
in which
γ 5 ≡ i γ 0γ 1γ 2γ 3
Notice that we have the hermitean conjugation properties
γ µ † = γ 0γ µγ 0 γ 5† = γ 5 (2.70)
and moreover
0 σ̄
γµ = σ̄ µ ≡ (1, σ) σ µ ≡ (1, − σ)
σ 0
0 σ
µ 0
γ γ = ≡ αµ
0 σ̄ µ
This means that, if we introduce
i µ ν
( S µν )D ≡ σ µν = [γ , γ ] (2.73)
we eventually obtain that the transformation law for the Dirac spinors
under the restricted Lorentz group becomes
i µν
∆ ψ(x) = − σ ψ(x) δ ω µν (2.74)
which leads to identify the boost and rotation generators for the Dirac
bispinors as
0k i k 1 σ k 0
( S )D = [ β , γ ] =
4 2i 0 − σ
and respectively
i σ` 0
( S jk )D = [ γ j , γ k ] = 12 ε jk` ≡ 21 ε jk` Σ `
4 0 σ`
Hence the covariant spin angular momentum tensor operator for the
relativistic Dirac spinor wave field reads
σ µν = 1
i g µλ g νκ [ γ λ , γ κ ] (2.75)
( σ µν )† = γ 0 σ µν γ 0 σ µ ν = γ 0 σ †µ ν γ 0 (2.76)
[ σ µν , σ λκ ] = − i g µλ σ νκ + i g µκ σ νλ − i g νκ σ µλ + i g νλ σ µκ
For any finite passive transformation of the restricted Lorentz group
we have
ψ 0 (x 0 ) = Λ 1 (ω) ψ (x) = exp − 21 i σ µν ω µν ψ (x)
= γ 0 Λ−1
1 (ω) γ
= γ 0 Λ 1 (− ω) γ 0 (2.78)
2 2
From the Lorentz invariance of the Dirac real kinetic term (2.63) it
follows that the bilinear
ψ̄(x) γ µ ψ(x) ≡ J µ (x)
transforms as a contravariant four vector and is thereby named the
Dirac vector current. Hence, by making use of equation (2.79), the
finite transformation law immediately follows, viz.,
1 (ω) γ
Λ 1 (ω) = Λλκ γ κ (2.81)
2 2
As we have seen above, it turns out that σ2 ψL∗ ∈ τ 0 1 while σ2 ψR∗ ∈
τ 1 0 . Thus, we can build up the charge conjugated spinor of a given
relativistic Dirac wave field ψ(x) as follows :
c ∗ σ 2 ψ
ψ 7→ ψ = Cψ = R
C = γ2 (2.83)
− σ2 ψL∗
Ettore Majorana
(5 Agosto 1906, Catania, via Etnea 251 – 26 marzo 1938, ?)
Teoria simmetrica dell’elettrone e del positrone
Il Nuovo Cimento, volume 14 (1937) pp. 171-184
2.2 The Action Principle
In the previous sections we have seen how to build up Poincaré invariant
expressions out of the classical relativistic wave fields corresponding to the
irreducible tensor and spinor representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz
group. The requirement of Poincaré invariance will ensure that these classical
field theories will obey the axioms of the special theory of relativity.
The general properties that will specify the action for the collection of
the classical relativistic wave field functions uA (x) (A = 1, 2, . . . , N ) will be
assumed in close analogy with the paradigmatic case of the electromagnetic
1. The action integrand L(x) is called the Lagrange density or lagrangian
for short: in the absence of external preassigned background fields,
the lagrangian can not explicitely depend on the coordinates x µ , so
as to ensure spacetime translation invariance, and must be a Lorentz
invariant to ensure that the corresponding theory will obey the axioms
of special relativity.
2. To fulfill causality, the differential equations for the field functions must
be at most of the second order in time, in such a way that the related
Cauchy problem has a unique solution. Classical field theories described
by differential equations of order higher than the second in time will
typically develop acausal solutions, a well known example being the
Abraham–Lorentz equation 1 of electrodynamics, which is a third order
in time differential equation that encodes the effects of the radiation
reaction and shows acausal effects such as preacceleration of charged
particles yet to be hit by radiation.
3. The wave equations for all the fundamental fields that describe matter
and radiation are assumed to be partial differential equations and not
integro–differential equations, which do satisfy Lorentz covariance in
accordance with the special theory of relativity : as a consequence
the lagrangian must be a Lorentz invariant local functional of the field
functions and their first partial derivatives
L(x) = L uA (x), ∂µ uA (x)
constant. In the natural unit system the action is dimensionless and
the lagrangian in four spacetime dimensions has natural dimensions of
cm−4 .
the collection of all classical relativistic local wave fields. The index A =
1, 2, . . . , N < ∞ runs over the Lorentz group as well as all the internal
symmetry group representations, so that we can suppose the local wave field
component to be real valued functions.
We recall that, by virtue of the principle of the least action, the field
variations are assumed to be local and infinitesimal
and to vanish at the initial and final times ti and tf
δ ∂µ u(x) = ∂µ δu(x) ⇒ [ δ , ∂µ ] = 0
so that
Z tf Z
δL δL
δS = d x0 d x − ∂µ δu(x)
t δu(x) δ∂µ u(x)
Z itf Z h δL i
+ d x 0 d x ∂µ δu(x)
ti δ∂µ u(x)
The very last term can be rewritten, using the Gauß theorem, in the form
Z h δL itf Z tf Z h δL i
dx δu(x) + d x0 d x ∇ · δu(x)
δ ∂0 u(x) ti ti δ ∇u(x)
Z tf Z
h δL i
= lim R d x0 d Ω b r· δu(x0 , R, Ω)
R→∞ ti δ ∇u(x0 , R, Ω)
where ∂ r ≡ br·∇ is the radial derivative, then the above boundary term indeed
disappears and consequently, from the arbitrariness of the local variations
δu(x) , we eventually come to the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion for
the classical relativistic wave field
δL δL
∂µ − = 0 (2.87)
δ∂µ u(x) δu(x)
2.3 The Noether Theorem
For the construction of the constants of motion in field theory we shall use
Noether theorem :
Amalie Emmy Noether
Erlangen 23.03.1882 – Brynn 14.04.1935
Invariante Varlationsprobleme, Nachr. d. König. Gesellsch. d. Wiss.
Göttingen, Math–phys. Klasse (1918), 235–257
English translation M. A. Travel
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 1 (1971), 183–207 .
This theorem states that to every continuous transformation of coordinates
and fields which makes the variation of the action equal to zero there always
corresponds a definite constant of motion, i.e. a combination of the field
functions and their derivatives which remains conserved in time. Such a
transformation of coordinates and fields will be called a continuous symmetry
and will correspond to some representation of a Lie group of transformations
of finite dimensions n .
In order to prove Noether theorem we shall consider the infinitesimal
transformation of coordinates
xµ 7→ x 0 µ = x µ + δx µ δx µ = X aµ δ ω a (2.88)
with coefficients Xaµ that may depend or not upon the spacetime points and
s spacetime independent infinitesimal parameters
δ ωa (a = 1, 2, . . . , s)
δx µ = δ ω µ + x ν δ ω µν δ ω µν = − δ ω νµ
uA (x) (A = 1, 2, . . . , N )
where the very last variation is just the already introduced total variation
(2.2) of the field function. For example, in the case of an infinitesimal Lorentz
transformation, the definitions (2.25), (2.42), (2.43), (2.74) and (2.75) yield
∆ uA (x) = Y AB uB (x) δ ω a = − 12 i (Sµν )AB uB (x) δ ω µν (2.90)
where use has been made of the relation (2.15). If the Euler-Lagrange wave
field equations (2.87) are assumed to be valid besides the radial asymptotic
behaviour (2.86), then we can recast the local variation of the lagrangian in
the form
δ L uA (x), ∂µ uA (x) = ∂µ δuA (x)
δ ∂µ uA (x)
Hence we immediately obtain
Z tf Z h δL i
∆S = d x0 d x ∂µ L(x) δx µ + δuA (x) (2.91)
ti δ ∂µ uA (x)
Alternatively, we can always recast the local variations (2.3) in terms of the
total variations (2.2) so that
Z tf Z
µ δL ν
∆S = d t d x ∂µ δ ν L(x) − ∂ν uA (x) δx
ti δ ∂µ uA (x)
Z tf Z
+ d t d x ∂µ ∆uA (x) (2.92)
ti δ ∂µ uA (x)
Consider now the infinitesimal symmetry transformations depending upon
constant parameters, i.e. spacetime independent, so that δ ω a = ∆ ω a :
∂ xµ
δx ≡ a
δ ω a = Xaµ δ ω a (a = 1, 2, . . . , s)
∆ uA (x) ≡ ( Y a ) AB uB (x) δ ω a (A = 1, 2, . . . , N )
then we have
Z tf Z
+ d x0 d x ∂µ Jaµ (x) = 0 (2.93)
∆ωa ti
h δL i
Jaµ (x) ≡ ∂ν uA (x) − L(x) δ νµ Xaν
δ ∂µ uA (x)
− ( Y a ) AB uB (x) (2.94)
δ ∂µ uA (x)
are the Noether currents associated to the parameters ω a (a = 1, 2, . . . , s)
of the Lie group of global symmetry transformations. Suppose the action
functional to be invariant under this group of global transformations
(∆S / ∆ ω a ) = 0 (a = 1, 2, . . . , s)
Then from Gauß theorem we get
Z h i Z tf Z
0 0
0 = d x Ja (tf , x) − Ja (ti , x) + d x0 d x ∇ · J (x0 , x)
Z h i
= d x Ja0 (tf , x) − Ja0 (ti , x)
Z tf Z
+ lim R d x0 d Ω b r · Ja (x0 , R, Ω)
R→∞ ti
then the above boundary term indeed disappears and we eventually come to
the conservation laws
∆S d
=0 ⇔ Qa (t) = 0 (2.96)
∆ωa dt
where the conserved Noether charges are defined to be
Qa ≡ d x Ja0 (x) (a = 1, 2, . . . , s) (2.97)
This is Noether theorem. Notice that the Noether current is not univocally
identified : as a matter of fact, if we redefine the Noether currents (2.94)
according to
J˜aµ (x) ≡ Jaµ (x) + ∂ ν A µa ν (x)
where A µν
a (x) (a = 1, 2, . . . , s) is an arbitrary set of antisymmetric tensor
A µa ν (x) + A νa µ (x) = 0
then by construction
and the same conserved Noether charges (2.97) are obtained. Let us now
examine some important examples.
1. Spacetime translations
δx µ = δ ω µ a ≡ ρ = 0, 1, 2, 3
Xaν ≡ δ ρν ∆ uA (x) ≡ 0
because there is no change under spacetime translations for any classical
relativistic wave field. In this case the corresponding Noether’s current
yields the energy momentum tensor
T µρ (x) = ∂ ρ uA (x) − L(x) g µρ (2.98)
δ ∂µ uA (x)
2. Lorentz transformations
δ x ν = δ ω νρ x ρ a ≡ { ρ σ } = 1, . . . , 6
Xaν ≡ 1
∆ uA (x) ≡ − 12 i ( S ρ σ ) AB uB (x) δ ω ρσ
x σ δ ρν − x ρ δ σν
S µρσ (x) = − S µσρ (x) = ( − i ) ( S ρ σ )AB uB (x)
δ ∂µ uA (x)
are respectively the relativistic orbital angular momentum tensor and
the relativistic spin angular momentum tensor of the wave field. The
corresponding charge is the total angular momentum antisymmetric
tensor of the system
M µ ν = d x M 0µ ν (t, x) M µν + M ν µ = 0 (2.101)
Notice however that, as we shall see further on, in the case of Lorentz
boost transformations the angular momentum density tensor does not
satisfy the condition (2.95) owing to its explicit time dependence so
that, consequently, the related charge is not conserved in time.
3. Internal symmetries
Xaν ≡ 0 a
∆ uA (x) ≡ − TAB uB (x) δ ω a (2.102)
Noether current and charge yields the internal symmetry current and
charge multiplets
Jµa (x) = T a uB (x) (a = 1, 2, . . . , s) (2.103)
δ ∂µ uA (x) AB
Q = d x J0a (x) (a = 1, 2, . . . , s) (2.104)
1. N.N. Bogoliubov and D.V. Shirkov
Introduction to the Theory of Quantized Fields
Interscience Publishers, New York, 1959.
2. L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifšits
Teoria dei campi
Editori Riuniti/Edizioni Mir, Roma, 1976.
3. Claude Itzykson and Jean-Bernard Zuber
Quantum Field Theory
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980.
4. Pierre Ramond
Field Theory: A Modern Primer
Benjamin, Reading, Massachusetts, 1981.
2.3.1 Problems
1. Construct the energy momentum the total angular momentum tensor
densities for classical electromagnetism with no sources, i.e. for the
classical radiation field. 2
Solution. The classical Maxwell’s lagrangian is given by
L(x) = − 41 F µν (x) F µν (x) F µν (x) = ∂ µ A ν (x) − ∂ ν A µ (x)
hence from Noether theorem we get the canonical energy momentum
T µρ (x) = ∂ ρ A ν (x) − L(x) g µρ
δ ∂µ A ν (x)
= − F µν (x) ∂ ρ A ν (x) + 14 F λν (x) Fλν (x) g µρ
See e.g. L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifšits, Teoria dei campi, Editori Riuniti/Edizioni Mir,
Roma, 1976, § 33 p. 114.
which is not symmetric with respect to µ and ρ . To remedy this, in
accordance with the general rule, we shall introduce
µρ µρ ρ µν
Θ (x) = T (x) + ∂ ν A (x) F (x)
g µρ Θ µρ (x) = 0
From equations (2.23) and (2.100) we derive the canonical total angular
momentum density of the radiation field
M µρσ = x ρ T µσ − x σ T µρ + i F µν ( S ρσ ) νλ Aλ
= x ρ Θ µσ − F µν ∂ ν A σ − x σ Θ µρ − F µν ∂ ν A ρ
− F µρ A σ + F µσ A ρ
= x ρ Θ µσ − x σ Θ µρ − ∂ ν [ F µν ( xρ A σ − xσ A ρ ) ]
The very last term does not contribute at all to the continuity equation
by virtue of the antisymmetry with respect to the pair of indices µ ν .
On the one hand, it turns out to be manifest that the total angular
momentum tensor can always appear to be of a purely orbital form.
On the other hand, it is clear that the spin angular momentum second
rank tensor of the radiation field is not conserved in time.
Chapter 3
Z Z h i
Pµ = dx T µ0 (x) = d x ∂0 φ(x)∂ µ φ(x) − g 0µ L(x) (3.4)
∂µ T µν (x) = 0
Moreover, the stability requirement that the total energy must be bounded
from below, to avoid a colapse of the mechanical system, entails that the
analytic potential has to be a bounded from below functional of the real
scalar field. Finally, as it will be better focussed later on, the constraining
criterion of power counting renormalizability for the corresponding quantum
field theory will forbid the presence of coupling parameters with canonical
dimensions equal to positive integer powers of length. In such a circumstance,
the Lagrange density for a selfinteracting, stable, renormalizable real scalar
field theory reduces to
1 µν
g ∂µ φ(x)∂ ν φ(x) − V [ φ(x) ]
L= (3.5)
1 mg 3 λ
V [ φ(x) ] = V0 + κ m 3 φ (x) ± m2 φ 2 (x) + φ (x) + φ 4 (x)
2 3! 4!
in which V0 is a finite classical zero point energy, while κ, g and λ are real
numerical constants, with the dimensionless positive quartic coupling λ > 0
to guarantee stability. Hence we obtain the canonical conjugate momentum
δL δS
Π(x) ≡ = = ∂0 φ(x) = φ̇(x) (3.6)
δ∂0 φ(x) δ∂0 φ(x)
Z Z tf
L(x0 ) ≡ d x L(x) S≡ d x 0 L(x0 ) (3.7)
1 h
2 2 2 2
H0 = d x Π (x) − φ(x)∇ φ(x) + m φ (x) (3.9)
HI = d x φ 4 (x) (3.10)
the total momentum
P≡− d x Π (x) ∇φ(x) (3.11)
+ m2 φ(x) = 0
so that
(k 2 − m2 ) φ̃(k) = 0
the most general solution of which reads
ω k = ω(k) ≡ (k 2 + m2 ) 2 = ω −k (3.21)
φ(x) = (2π) d k f (k) exp {− i k · x}
× [ θ(k0 ) δ(k0 − ω k ) + θ(− k0 ) δ(k0 + ω k ) ]
2ω k Z
−3/2 dk
= (2π) f (ω k , k) exp {− i x0 ω k + ik · x}
2ω k
−3/2 dk
+ (2π) f (−ω k , −k) exp {i x0 ω k − ik · x}
2ω k
dk f (ω k , k)
= · √ exp {− i x0 ω k + i k · x} + c.c.
[ 2ω k (2π)3 ] 1/2 (2ω k )
where we used the reality condition. It is very convenient to set
so that
Xh i
φ(x) = fk u k (x) + fk∗ u∗k (x)
X h i
Π(x) = i ωk fk∗ u∗k (x) − fk u k (x) (3.23)
which endorse the fact that (3.23) is nothing but the normal mode expansion
of the real scalar field. The wave functions u k (x) (k ∈ R) do constitute a
complete and orthonormal set, i.e. the normal modes of the real scalar free
field : namely, they fulfill the orthonormality relations
Z ↔
d x u∗h (x) i ∂ 0 u k (x) = δ(h − k) (3.24)
Z ↔
Z ↔
d x u h (x) i ∂ 0 u k (x) = d x u∗h (x) i ∂ 0 u∗k (x) = 0 (3.25)
where I have set
(−) def dk 2 2
D (x − y) = i θ (k 0 ) δ k − m exp {− i k · (x − y)}
(2π) 3
From these orthonormality relations it is easy to invert the normal mode
expansions that yields
Z ↔
d x u∗k (x) i ∂ 0 φ(x) = f k (3.27)
P = 1
k fk fk∗ + fk∗ fk (3.30)
P0 = 1
ω k fk fk∗ + fk∗ fk (3.31)
The normal mode complex amplitudes actually share the fractional canonical
dimensions [ f k ] = cm 3/2 = eV −3/2 . The complex amplitudes of the normal
modes are also called the holomorphic coordinates of the real scalar free
field. It is also quite evident that by introducing the related real canonical
coordinates (
Qk ≡ (2ω k ) −1/2 (fk + fk∗ )
P k ≡ − i 21 ω k (fk − fk∗ )
fk = 2
ω k2 Q k + i ω k 2 P k (3.32)
where of course
and from the standard canonical Poisson’s brackets 1 for the linear oscillator
{Q h , Q k } = 0 {P h , P k } = 0
{Q h , P k } = δ ( h − k)
We recall the definition of the Poisson’s brackets for two differentiable functions F
and G on the phase space of a mechanical system
X ∂F ∂G ∂G ∂F
{F , G} ≡ −
∂qi ∂pi ∂qi ∂pi
from (3.32) it is very simple to derive the canonical hamiltonian equations
for the time dependent holomorphic coordinates fk (t) : namely,
3.2 Quantization of a Klein-Gordon Field
Once that the dynamical treatment of the free real scalar field has been
developed within the canonical hamiltonian formulation, the quantization of
the system will directly follow in accordance with the Dirac correspondence
principle – see any textbook of quantum mechanics e.g. [4]. According to
the quantization rules for a linear hamonic oscillator, we shall introduce for
each normal mode of the real scalar field the corresponding linear operators
acting on the related Hilbert space and the associated algebra, i.e.
Q k 7−→ Q b†
bk = Q P k 7−→ Pbk = Pbk†
Pbk =
1 b
{Q h , P k } 7−→ [ Q h , Pbk ]
b k = 1 Pbk2 + 1 ω k2 Q
H k 7−→ H b 2k (3.38)
2 2
and the Poisson’s brackets among the holomorphic coordinates turn into the
commutators among the creation distruction operators
As a consequence the scalar field function φ(x) together with its conjugated
momentum Π(x) will turn, after quantization, into operator valued tempered
distributions, the normal mode expansions of which can be obtained in a
straightforward way from (3.23) and (3.39), that is
Xh i
φ(x) = ak u k (x) + a†k u∗k (x)
X h i
Π(x) = i ω k a†k u∗k (x) − ak u k (x) (3.42)
[ φ(t, x) , φ(t, y) ] = 0 = [ Π(t, x) , Π(t, y) ]
[ φ(t, x) , Π(t, y) ] = i δ (x − y) (3.43)
This means that the classical expressions (3.31) and (3.33) of the energy and
momentum of the free real scalar field will turn into the quantum operator
P0 = 1
Pbk2 + ω k2 Q
= 1
ω k ak a†k + a†k ak
= ω k a†k ak + δ(0) 1
ωk (3.44)
k k
P = 1
k ak a†k + a†k ak
= k a†k ak (3.45)
It is then easy to check that the definition of the conjugate momentum field
Π(x) and the Klein-Gordon field equation can be recast into the canonical
Heisenberg form
φ̇(x) = [ φ(x) , P0 ] = Π(x)
Π̇(x) = [ Π(x) , P0 ] = (∇2 + m2 ) φ(x)
It is worthwhile to spend some few words concerning the divergent quantity
1 dk 1
c U0 = δ(0) 2
~ω k ≡ V ~ω k
(2π)3 2
k2 p 2
= V ~c dk k + m2 c2 /~2 (3.46)
0 4π 2
where V is the volume of a very large box and ~K mc is a very large
wavenumber. The latter is called the vacuum energy or zero–point energy of
the real scalar field. Since we know that a free real scalar field is dynamically
equivalent to an infinite (continuous) set of linear oscillators, we can roughly
understand the divergent quantity U0 to be generated by summing up the
quantum fluctuations of the canonical pair of operators φ(t, x) and Π(t, x) ,
alias Qb k and Pbk (k ∈ R3 ) at each point x ∈ V of a very large box in the
three dimensional space.
It turns out to be more appropriate to discuss the vacuum energy density,
i.e. the regularized vacuum energy per unit volume of the quantum real scalar
field. The vacuum state vector or vacuum state amplitude of the actual
quantum mechanical system under investigation is nothing but the ground
state of the system and physically corresponds to the absence of field quanta,
i.e. spinless massive particles of rest mass m . It is defined by
ak | 0 i = 0 = h 0 | a†k ∀ k ∈ R3 (3.47)
Pauli soon afterwards recognized that this vacuum energy surely couples to
Einstein’s gravity and it would then give rise to a large cosmological constant,
so large that the size of the universe could not even reach the earth–moon
distance. On the contrary, the present day observed value of the so called
dark energy density of the universe is
ρΛ = ΩΛ ρc = ΩΛ = 1.05368(11) × 10−5 ΩΛ3 ( GeV/c 2 ) cm − 3
where ΩΛ = 0.73(3) is the dark energy density fraction, H0 = 100 ΩΛ Km
s−1 Mpc−1 is the present day Hubble expansion rate. This leads to the
cosmological constant value
which is extremely small but nonvanishing 3 . This eventually means that the
dark energy density and the vacuum energy density of all the fundamental
quantum fields in the universe differ by nearly 120 orders of magnitude : this
is the cosmological constant puzzle, the solution of which is still unknown.
Leaving aside this intringuing puzzle, we now turn back to the realm of
galileian laboratory experiments and endorse the Dirac’s point of view. To
this concern, we shall introduce the useful concept of an operator written
in normal form as well as the concept of the normal product of operators
[8]. The normal form of an operator involving products of creation and
annihilation operators is said to be the form in which in each term all the
creation operators are written to the left of all the annihilation operators.
We consider an example. We write down in normal form the product of the
two operators
Xn o
F (x) G(y) ≡ Fk∗ (x) a†k + Fk (x) a k
Xn †
× Gh (y) a h + Gh (y) a h
= Fk∗ (x) G∗h (y) a†k a†h + h.c.
k h
+ Fk∗ (x) Gh (y) + Fh (x) G∗k (y) a†k a h
k h
+ Fk (x) G∗k (y) (3.51)
This tiny but nonvanishing measured value of the cosmological constant does actually
constitute a striking phenomenological evidence against supersymmetry.
The sum of terms not involving any ordinary c-number functions is called
the normal product of the original operators. The normal product may also
be defined as the original product reduced to its normal form with all the
commutator functions being taken equal to zero in the process of reduction.
The normal product of the operators F (x) and G(y) is denoted by the symbol
: F (x) G(y) : = F (x) G(y) − Fk (x) G∗k (y)
3.3 The Fock Space
The quantum theory of the free real scalar field naturally gives rise to the
concept of spinless neutral massive particle. As a matter of fact, it appears to
be clear that the nonnegative operators a †k a k do possess integer eigenvalues
N k = 0, 1, 2, . . . which are interpreted as the numbers of particles of a given
wave number k and a given energy ω k . The hamiltonian operator turns out
to be positive definite and we can readily derive, from the canonical com-
mutators (3.43), the eigenvalues and the common eigenstates of the energy
momentum commuting operators Pµ : namely,
E ({N k }) = ωk Nk N k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (3.54)
P ({N k }) = k Nk N k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (3.55)
which satisfies
Pµ | k i = kµ | k i k0 = ω k
The 1-particle wave functions in the coordinate representation, for a given
wave number, are defined in terms of the matrix elements of the field operator
(3.42) and read
u k (x) ≡ h 0 | φ(x) | k i
= [ 2ω k (2π)3 ] −1/2 exp{−i k · x} k0 = ω k (3.56)
Notice that they turn out to be normalized in such a way to satisfy the
orthonormality and closure relations
Z ↔
( u k , u h ) ≡ d x u ∗k (x) i ∂ 0 u h (x) = δ (k − h) (3.57)
X 1 (−)
u ∗k (y) u k (x) ≡ D (x − y) (3.58)
d k δ k 2 − m 2 θ (k 0 ) exp {± i k · x}
D (x) = (3.59)
(2π) 3
The 1-particle wave functions (3.56) satisfy by construction the Klein-Gordon
wave equation
+ m2 u k (x) = 0 ∀ k ∈ R3
H1 = V1 V1 = { | k i = a †k | 0 i k ∈ R 3 }
More precisely, eq. (3.56) does explicitly realize the isomorphism between
the Fock space representation H1 of the space of 1-particle states and the
spacetime coordinate representation L2 (R3 ) of the 1-particle wave functions
with respect to (3.57).
It turns out that the previously introduced 1-particle energy momentum
eigenstates | k i = a†k | 0 i are improper and have to be normalized, in the
sense of tempered distribution according to
h h | k i = δ (h − k ) (3.60)
As a consequence, the insofar developed quantization procedure for a real
scalar field is set up in a particular class of inertial reference frames connected
by spatial rotations belonging to the group SO(3) .
in the form
| ϕN i ≡ ... C(k1 , k2 , . . . , kN ) |{N k }iN
k1 k2 kN
with XX X
... | C(k1 , k2 , . . . , kN ) | 2 = 1
k1 k2 kN
To end up, we are now able to write the generic normalized element of the
Fock space of the spinless neutral scalar particle states
M s
F ≡ C ⊕ H 1 ⊕ H2 ⊕ . . . ⊕ H N ⊕ . . . = H1⊗ n
in the form ∞ ∞
|Φi = CN | ϕ N i | CN | 2 = 1
N =0 N =0
which summarizes the setting up of the Fock space of the particle states, the
structure of which is characterized by the canonical quantum algebra (3.43)
and the energy momentum operators (3.53). From the above construction
of the Fock space of the states of a free real scalar field, it appears quite
evident that all the quantum states can be generated by linear combinations
of repeated applications of the creation operators on the vacuum state. This
property is known as the cyclicity of the vacuum state.
We end up this section by discussing the behaviour of the N -particle
states and of the field operators under Lorentz transformations. First of all,
we recall that the above introduced 1-particle states of the basis {| k i =
a†k | 0 i} in the Hilbert space H1 do not satisfy covariant orthonormality
and completeness relations. To remedy this, consider first the completeness
relation and the trivial identity
| k ih k | = d k a†k | 0 ih 0 | ak
dk 1 1
= 3
[ (2π)3 2 ω k ] 2 a†k | 0 ih 0 | ak [ (2π)3 2 ω k ] 2
(2π) 2 ω k
def †
= D k a (k) | 0 ih 0 | a(k) ≡ D k | k ih k | = I1
whence we get
def dk 1
d k θ(k0 ) δ k 2 − m2
Dk = 3
= (3.63)
(2π) 2 ω k (2π)3
def 1
|ki = [ (2π)3 2 ω k ] 2 a†k | 0 i = a† (k) | 0 i (3.64)
The Lorentz invariant completeness relation for the 1-particle states can also
be written in the two equivalent forms
| k i h k | = I1 = D k | k ih k | (3.65)
Now it is clear that the 1-particle states of the new basis, which will be named
covariant 1-particle states,
{ | k i = [ (2π)3 2 ω k ] 2 a†k | 0 i | k ∈ R3 } (3.66)
h k 0 | k i = (2π)3 2 ω k δ (k − k 0 ) (3.67)
matrix elements of the field operator (3.42), will coincide with the plane
Now it becomes clear that to each element of the restricted Lorentz group,
which is univocally specified by the six canonical coordinates ω µν = (α, η) ,
there will correspond a unitary operator U (ω) : H1 → H1 so that
where I have made use of the relation in matrix notation
Let us now collect the ten conserved dynamical quantities related to the
quantized real scalar field : namely,
P0 = d x 21 : Π 2 (x) + ∇φ (x) · ∇φ (x) + m2 φ 2 (x) :
Pk = d x : Π (x)∇k φ (x) :
L jk = d x : xj Π (x)∇k φ (x) − xk Π (x)∇j φ (x) :
L 0k = Z
x 0 Pk
− dx 1
xk : Π 2 (x) + ∇φ (x) · ∇φ (x) + m2 φ 2 (x) :
all the above ten conserved dynamical quantities turn out to be self–adjoint
operators corresponding to physical observables. For example
P = − d x : [ ∇ φ† (x) ] Π † (x) :
= − d x : [ ∇ φ(x) ] Π(x) :
= − d x : Π(x)∇ φ(x) : (3.77)
thanks to normal ordering. It appears thereby evident that the ten selfadjoint
operators (Pµ , Lρσ ) acting on the Fock space are the generators of a unitary
infinite dimensional representation of the Poincaré group on F . From the
canonical commutation relations (3.43) it is immediate to show that
so that, in any neighbourhood of the unit element ω ρσ = 0 = a µ , we can
safely write
This is the way how to realize the unitary irreducible representation of the
Poincaré group with mass m and spin zero from the quantization of the real
scalar free field. In fact, for an infinitesimal Poincaré transformation we have
φ 0 (x) ≡ U (δ ω, δ a) φ (x) U † (δ ω, δ a)
= φ (x) + i µ [ Pµ , φ (x) ] − 21 i ρσ [ Lρσ , φ (x) ]
= φ (x) + ( µ + µν xν ) ∂µ φ (x)
= φ (x + δ x) (3.80)
3.4 Special Distributions
We have already met the positive and negative frequency scalar distributions
(±) 1 dk
exp {± i k · x} δ k 2 − m 2 θ (k 0 )
D (x) = ± 3
i (2π)
The latter ones are characterized by
1 (−)
h 0 | φ (x) φ (y) | 0 i = D (x − y)
D (+) (x − y) = − D (−) (y − x)
[ D (±) (x) ] ∗ = D (∓) (x)
From the normal mode expansion (3.42) and the canonical commutation
relations (3.43) we obtain the commutator between two real scalar free field
operator at arbitrary points, which is known as the Pauli-Jordan distribution
[ φ(x) , φ(y) ] ≡ D (x − y) (3.81)
def dk 2 2
D (x) = i exp {− i k · x} δ k − m sgn (k0 )
(2π) 3
≡ D (−) (x) + D (+) (x) (3.82)
x + m2 D (x − y) = 0
in accordance with the canonical equal-time commutation relations.
The Pauli-Jordan distribution is real
D ∗ (x) = D (x)
and enjoys as well the very important property of vanishing for spacelike
separations, that is
the last line just defining the chronological product of operators in terms of
the time ordering symbol T that prescribes the place for the operators that
follow in the order with the latest to the left. It is easy to check, by applying
the Klein-Gordon differential operator x + m2 to the Feynman propagator
and taking (3.43) into account, that the causal Green function is a solution
of the inhomogeneous equation
( x + m2 ) DF (x − y) = − i δ(x − y)
by making use of the canonical commutation relations (3.43) we can write
Z ∞
h 0 | T φ(x) φ(y) | 0 i = d k0 exp {i (k0 − ω k ) (x0 − y0 )}
2πi −∞
× (2π)− 3 [ 2 ω k (k0 − i ε) ] −1
× exp {i k · (x − y)}
Z ∞
+ d k0 exp {− i (k0 − ω k ) (x0 − y0 )}
2πi −∞
× (2π)− 3 [ 2 ω k (k0 − i ε) ] −1
× exp {i k · (x − y)}
scalar field operator according to
φ (−) (x) = ak u k (x) (3.87)
φ (+) (x) = a†k u∗k (x) (3.88)
which shows that, first, a particle is created out of the vacuum by the creation
part of the free real scalar field operator and then, later, it is annihilated by
the destruction part of the free real scalar field operator : the opposite never
occurs, what precisely endorses the causality requirement in coordinate space.
where the +iε prescription has been dropped since the denominator is now
positive definite. If we further set i x0 ≡ x4 then we finally get
DE (xE ) = − DF (− ix4 , x)
1 2 2 −1
= d kE exp {i k E µ x E µ } kE + m (3.91)
where we use the notation
xE = xE µ = (xk , x4 ) kE = kE µ = (kj , k4 ) ( j, k = 1, 2, 3 )
kE · xE = kE µ xE µ = k1 x1 + k2 x2 + k3 x3 + k4 x4
Z Z ∞ X
d kE = d k4
−∞ k
The Wick rotation is nothing but a counterclockwise rotation of a π/2 angle
in the complex energy plane that drives the real k0 axis over the imaginary
k4 axis. The location of the poles of the Feynman propagator in the complex
energy plane, that corresponds to the causal +iε prescription, is such that
no singularity crossing occurs owing to the Wick rotation. It is precisely this
crucial aspect that encodes the causality requirement in momentum space.
In the configuration space we turn to the so called euclidean formulation,
according to which the action and the lagrangian in the Minkowski spacetime
are transformed into the purely imaginary euclidean action and Lagrange
density. As a matter of fact, if we change the time integration variable
according to x0 = − i x4 , then we readily obtain
S [ φ ] 7→ SE [ φE ]
= d xE ∂µ φE (xE ) ∂µ φE (xE ) + m2 φE2 (xE ) (3.92)
with the euclidean indices always lower case so that
∂µ φE ≡ ( µ = 1, 2, 3, 4 )
∂xE µ
lim φE (xE ) xE2 = 0 (3.93)
xE → ∞
3.5 The Generating Functional
3.5.1 The Symanzik Functional Equation
Consider the vacuum expectation value
Z0 [ J ] = T exp i d x φ(x) J(x)
= d x1 J(x1 ) · · · d xn J(xn )
× h 0 | T φ (x1 ) · · · φ (xn ) | 0 i (3.95)
the suffix zero denoting the free field theory, where J(x) are the so called
classical external sources with the canonical dimensions [ J ] = eV 3 . The
vacuum expectation values of the chronological ordered products of n free
scalar field operators at different spacetime points are named the n−point
Green functions of the (free) field theory. By construction, the latter ones can
be expressed as functional derivatives of the generating functional : namely,
G 0 (x1 , · · · , xn ) ≡ h 0 | T φ (x1 ) · · · φ (xn ) | 0 i (3.96)
n (n)
= ( − i ) δ Z 0 [ J ] / δ J(x1 ) · · · δ J(xn ) J = 0
Taking one functional derivative of the generating functional (3.95) we find
(− i) Z 0 [ J ] = T φ(x) exp i d y φ(y) J(y) (3.97)
δ J(x) 0
owing to microcausality. One more derivative evidently yields
h 0 | E(∞ , x0 ) Π(x) E(x0 , − ∞ ) | 0 i =
∂ x0
h 0 | E(∞ , x0 ) Π̇(x) E(x0 , − ∞ ) | 0 i + J(x) Z 0 [ J ]
whence we eventually obtain the functional differential equation for the free
scalar field generating functional, that is
h iδ i
( x + m2 ) + J(x) Z 0 [ J ] = 0 (3.101)
where we used the fact that the free scalar field operator valued distribution
does satisfy the Klein-Gordon wave equation. The above functional equation
has been first obtained by
Kurt Symanzik
Z. Naturforschung 9A, 809 (1954)
and will thereby named the Symanzik functional equation. This functional
differential equation (3.101) has a unique solution that fulfills causality
Z 0 [ J ] = exp − d x d y 2 J(x) DF (x − y) J(y) (3.102)
3.5.2 The Functional Integral
To reconstruct the solution (3.101) via Fourier methods we formally write
Z 0 [ J ] as a functional Fourier transform
Z 0 [ J ] = Dφ Z 0 [ φ ] exp i d x φ(x) J(x)
e (3.105)
Z h δS i Z
Dφ + J(x) Z 0 [ φ ] exp i d y φ(y) J(y)
δ φ (x)
Z h δS i Z
= Dφ + J(x) exp i S 0 [ φ ] + i d y φ(y) J(y)
δ φ (x)
− iδ
= Dφ exp i S 0 [ φ ] + i d y φ(y) J(y)
δ φ (x)
so that, if we assume the validity of the functional integration by parts, the
very last expression formally yields
φ = +∞
exp − i 12 φ x x + m2 − iε φ x − φ x J x φ = −∞
Y Z ∞ k
d φ y exp 12 φ y y + m2 − iε iφ y + i h φ y J y i
−∞ y 6= x
y ∈M
= 0
the convergence factor being provided by the causal +iε prescription, where
we have taken into account that the boundary values for the codomain of the
scalar field functional space are just
− ∞ < φx < ∞ ∀x ∈ M
where as usual
φ(x) + m2 − iε φ(x) ≡ h − 12 φ x K x φ x i
S0 [ φ ] = − dx 2
we find
φ x 7→ φ 0x = φ x − h i D xy J y i d φ x = d φ 0x
× exp { i φ 0x J x − J x h D xy J y i}
h i D xy J y i K x φ 0x =
˙ φ 0x K x h i D xy J y i = J x φ 0x
and thereby
Y R∞
d φ x exp − 21 i φ x K x φ x + i φ x J x
Z 0 [ J ] :=: N −∞
Y Y R∞
d φ 0z exp − 12 i φ 0z K z φ 0z
˙ exp − J x h D xy J y i N
2 −∞
x∈M z ∈M
= exp h − 21 J x D xy J y i N Dφ 0 exp {i S 0 [ φ 0 ]}
As a matter of fact, from the very definition (3.95) it appears quite evident
that Z 0 [ 0 ] is nothing but the vacuum to vacuum amplitude h 0 | 0 i that we
suppose to be normalized to one. Thus, at this point, the strategy should
be clear : if we were able to give a precise mathematical meaning to the
above formal quantity Z 0 [ 0 ] , then we will be able in turn to set up a
mathematically sound and precise definition of the functional integral (3.105).
To this aim, let us first consider the euclidean formulation. Then we have
to make the replacements
i S 0 [ φ ] 7−→ − S E [ φE ] xE µ = (x , x4 = i x0 ) (3.109)
S E [ φE ] = d xE 1
∂µ φE (xE ) ∂µ φE (xE ) + m2 φ2E (xE )
˙d xE φE (xE ) 12 ( m2 − ∂µ ∂µ ) φE (xE )
Z n o
(0) (0)
Z E [ 0 ] :=: N DφE exp − S E [ φE ] (3.110)
φx 7→ φx0 = µ φx
where µ is an arbitrary mass scale which does not influence the relevant J(x)
dependence of the generating functional, then we come to the expression
YZ ∞
d φx0 exp − 12 φx0 µ −2 KE φx0
Z E [ 0 ] :=: N (3.111)
x −∞
λi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are the real eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix. As a
consequence we immediately obtain as a result of the gaussian integral
Z ∞ Z ∞
− n/2
I = (2π) d x1 · · · d xn exp {− 12 x> A x}
∞ Z −∞
= (2π)− n/2 d y1 · · · d yn exp {− 12 (Ry)> A Ry}
−∞ −∞
Z ∞ Z ∞ ( n
= (2π)− n/2 d y1 · · · d yn exp − 21 λi yi2
−∞ −∞ i=1
Y Z ∞
= (2π)− n/2 d yi exp − 12 λi yi2
i=1 −∞
n r
Y 2π
= (2π)− n/2 = ( det A ) − 1/2 (3.112)
In view of this simple result we shall attempt to define the formal quantity
Z E [ 0 ] to be precisely given by
YZ ∞
d φx0 exp − 12 φx0 µ −2 KE φx0
Z E [ 0 ] :=: N
x −∞
The complex powers of the positive operator A > 0 can be easily obtained
in terms of its spectral resolution
∞ Z ∞
X 1
= λ−s
k Pk = d t t s−1 exp {−tλk } Pk <e s > 0
Γ(s) 0
Let us now further suppose the positive operator A to be compact and of the
trace class. Hence, from the spectral decomposition theorem we can write
the integral kernel, or Green function,
X ∞
hx | A −s
| yi = λ−s
k hx | Pk | yi = λ−s ∗
k ψk (x) ψk (y) (3.114)
k=1 k=1
A −s
ψk (x) = λ−s
k ψk (x) d x ψk (x) ψn∗ (x) = δ kn (3.115)
Z ∞
Tr A −s
= d x hx | A −s
| xi = λ−s
k dk
∞ Z ∞
X 1
= dk d t t s−1 exp {−tλk }
Γ(s) 0
Z ∞ ∞
1 s−1
= dt t dk exp {−tλk } < ∞ (3.116)
Γ(s) 0 k=1
always in the strip <e s > 0 of the complex plane. Now we have
∞ ∞
d X d X
Tr A−s = λ−s
k dk = (− ln λk ) λ−s
k dk (3.117)
ds k=1
ds k=1
In order to apply the above treatment to the case of interest, one is
faced with the problem that the euclidean Klein-Gordon operator is neither
compact nor of the trace class. To overcome this difficulty, it is expedient
to introduce a very large box, e.g. a symmetric hypercube of side 2L , to
impose periodic boundary conditions on its faces and to make eventually
the transition to the infinite volume continuum limit. In the presence of a
symmetric hypercube with periodic boundary conditions, the spectrum of
the euclidean Klein-Gordon operator is purely discrete and nondegenerate
λn = m2 + nµ nµ nµ ∈ Z µ = 1, 2, 3, 4 (3.120)
and in the limit of L → ∞ we can safely replace
∞ Z ∞
X d kµ
7−→ 2L ( µ = 1, 2, 3, 4 )
nµ = −∞ −∞ 2π
d4 k
7−→ V
(2π) 4
Then we find for A = µ ( m2 − ∂µ ∂µ )
Tr A−s =
˙ Vµ 2s
( m2 + k 2 ) − s
(2π) 4
Z ∞
V µ 2s
= 2
d t t s−3 exp {−t m2 }
16π Γ(s) 0
V m4 µ 2s Γ(s − 2)
16π 2 m Γ(s)
Vm µ 2s
= 2
( s2 − 3s + 2 ) −1 (3.121)
16π m
where =
˙ means that the transition to the continuum limit is understood.
Tr A−s = ( s 2 − 3s + 2 ) −1 Tr A−s
ds h
2 µ i
× 2( s − 3s + 2 ) ln − 2s + 3 (3.122)
and thereby
V m4
2 m 3
det k m − ∂µ ∂µ /µ k = exp ln − (3.123)
16π 2 µ 4
Turning back to equation (3.113) we see that
V m4
(0) 0 m 3
Z E [ 0 ] = 1 ⇐⇒ N ≡ exp ln −
32π 2 µ 4
and the transition to the Minkowski spacetime can be immediately done by
simply replacing Veuclidean ↔ i Vminkowskian
The conclusion of all the above formal reasoning is as follows : we are
enabled to define the functional integral for a free scalar field theory by the
Z 0 [ J ] = exp − d x d y J(x) DF (x − y) J(y)
= N Dφ exp i S 0 [ φ ] + i d x φ(x) J(x)
S 0 [ φ ] = − d x 21 φ(x) + m2 − iε φ(x)
N = constant × det k + m2 k
i V m4
def m 3
= exp ln − (Zeta regularization)
32π 2 µ 4
Z0 [ 0 ] = N Dφ exp {i S 0 [ φ ]} = 1
2. translation invariance
Dφ F [ φ + α ] = Dφ F [ φ ] ∀α : M → C
3. rescaling
Dφ F [ ( A φ ) (x) ] = (det A) Dφ F [ φ ]
4. integration by parts
δF [φ] δ G[ φ ]
0 = Dφ G [ φ ] + Dφ F [ φ ]
δ φ(x) δ φ(x)
3.6 Problems
1. The complex scalar field. Consider the field theory of a complex
valued free scalar field with the Lagrange density
all the others being equal to zero, so that the Hamilton equations read
Φ̇(x) = {Φ(x) , H} = Π(x)
Π̇(x) = {H , Π(x)} = Φ̈(x)
(b) Diagonalize the hamiltonian operator introducing creation and
annihilation operators. Show that the complex scalar free field contains
two types of massive spinless particles of rest mass m .
Solution. The normal mode decomposition of the complex scalar free
field can be easily obtained by a straightforward generalization of the
treatment for the real scalar free field (3.42). The result is evidently
Xh i
Φ(x) = ak u k (x) + bk† u∗k (x)
X h i
Π(x) = iωk − bk u k (x) + a†k u∗k (x)
It is clear that the main difference with respect to the real case is the
appearence of two kinds of creation and destruction operators, as the
reality conditions no longer hold true, which satisfy the algebra
[ ak , ap ] = [ bk , bp ] = 0
[ ak , bp ] = [ ak† , bp ] = 0
[ ak , ap† ] = [ bk , bp† ] = δ (k − p)
It follows therefrom that the complex scalar free field describe two kinds
of particles with the very same value m of the rest mass.
(c) Rewrite the conserved Noether charge
Z h i
Q = i d x Φ∗ (x)Π∗ (x) − Φ(x)Π(x)
which is understood so that each particle normal mode carries one unit
of positive charge, whereas each antiparticle normal mode carries one
unit of negative charge, the sign of the charge being conventional.
2. Poincaré covariance
(a) The four energy momentum operators Pµ ( µ = 0, 1, 2, 3 ) and
the six orbital angular momentum operators Lµν = − L νµ are the
infinitesimal operators, or generators, of the Poincaré group, for the
infinite dimensional unitary representation acting on the Fock space of
a real scalar quantized field φ(x) .
(a) Show that [ φ(x) , Lµν ] = i (xµ ∂ν − xν ∂µ ) φ(x)
Solution. We have
T 0µ (x) = Π (x) ∂µ φ (x) − δµ0 L (x)
and the equal–time canonical commutation relations
[ φ (t, x) , L (t, y) ] = Π (t, y) [ φ (t, x) , Π (t, y) ] = i Π (t, x) δ (x − y)
[ φ (t, x) , Π (t, y) ∂ν φ (t, y) ] = i ∂ν φ (t, y) + δν Π (t, y) δ (x − y)
and thereby
[ φ (x) , Lµν ] δ ω µν = x ν ∂µ φ (x) µν = δ x µ ∂µ φ (x)
It follows that the finite passive Lorentz transformations for the real
quantized scalar field read
i µν
U (ω) = exp − ω Lµν
(b) Show that [ Lµν , Pρ ] = − i g µρ Pν + i g νρ Pµ .
Let us first calculate the commutator [ Lµν , P0 ] . To this aim, for any
analytic functional of the scalar field φ (x) and conjugated momentum
Π (x) operators we have
[ F (φ (x), Π (x)) , Pµ ] = i ∂µ F
[ φ n (x) , Pµ ] = i ∂µ φ n (x)
[ Π n (x) , Pµ ] = i ∂µ Π n (x)
so that the above statement holds true. Then we find
[ Lµν , P0 ] = d x xµ [ T 0ν (x) , P0 ] − xν [ T 0µ (x) , P0 ]
0 0
= d x xµ i ∂ 0 T ν (x) − xν i ∂ 0 T µ (x)
= d x − xµ i ∂ T ν (x) + xν i ∂ T µ (x)
˙ i d x g µ T ν (x) − g ν T µ (x)
0 0
= i d x Tµν (x) − g µ 0 T ν (x) − Tνµ (x) − g ν 0 T µ (x)
= − i g µ 0 Pν + i g ν 0 Pµ
in which, as usual, a boundary term has been neglected. Furthermore
we find
0 0
[ Lµν , P ] = d x xµ [ T ν (x) , P ] − xν [ T µ (x) , P ]
= d x xµ i ∂ T 0ν (x) − xν i ∂ T 0µ (x)
˙ − i d x g µ T 0ν (x) − g ν T 0µ (x)
= − i g µ Pν + i g ν Pµ
where r ≡ | x | , k = | k | , whence it is clear that the positive and
negative parts of the Pauli-Jordan commutator are complex conjugate
[ D (±) (x) ] ∗ = D (∓) (x)
Then we can write
Z ∞
(+) i d cos(kr)
D (x) = 2
· dk 2
8π r d r −∞ (k + m2 )1/2
exp i x (k + m2 )1/2
0 2
Z ∞
i d
= 2
· d k (k 2 + m2 )− 1/2
8π r d r −∞
exp i x0 (k 2 + m2 )1/2 + i kr
Here x0 > 0 so that two cases should be distinguished, i.e. 0 < x0 < r
and x0 > r . By setting λ ≡ (x0 )2 − x2 it is convenient to carry out
respectively the substitutions
0 √ √
x = √ −λ sinh ξ , r = √−λ cosh ξ , 0 < x0 < r
x0 = λ cosh ξ , r = λ sinh ξ , x0 > r
Now we can use the integral representations of the cylindrical Bessel
functions of real and imaginary arguments [23] eq.s 8.4211. p. 965
and 8.4324. p. 969 that yield
h √ (1)
√ i
I(x0 , r) = θ(x0 ) 2θ(−λ) K0 (m −λ) + θ(λ) πi H0 (m λ)
h √ (2)
√ i
+ θ(−x0 ) 2θ(−λ) K0 (m −λ) − θ(λ) π i H0 (m λ)
= 2θ(−λ) K0 (m −λ)
h √ √ i
+ π θ(λ) i sgn(x0 ) J0 (m λ) − N0 (m λ)
and finally
i d 1 d
D (+) (x) = 2
I(x0 , r) = 2
I(x0 , λ)
8π r dr 4 i π dλ
We note that in the neighborhood of the origin the cylindrical Bessel
functions of real and imaginary arguments may be represented in the
z 2
J0 (z) = 1 − + O(z 4 )
2 z 2 z 2
N0 (z) = 1− ln + C + O(z 2 )
π 2 2 π
z 2 z
K0 (z) = − 1 + ln − C + O(z 2 )
2 2
where C is the Mascheroni’s constant. By replacing the differentiation
with respect to x with differentiation with respect to λ and taking
into account the discontinuity of the function I(x0 , x) on the light-cone
manifold λ = 0 we obtain the following expression for the positive part
of the Pauli-Jordan commutator
1 m √
D (+) (x) = sgn(x0 ) δ(λ) − i θ(−λ) 2 √ K1 (m −λ)
4π 4π −λ
m h √ √ i
− i θ(λ) √ N1 (m λ) − i sgn(x0 ) J1 (m λ)
8π λ
so that the Pauli-Jordan commutator and the Feynman propagator are
respectively expressed by
DF (x) = i θ(−x0 ) D (+) (x) − i θ(x0 ) D (−) (x)
1 m θ(−λ) √
= δ(λ) + 2 √ K1 (m −λ)
4πi 4π −λ
m h √ √ i
+ θ(λ) √ N1 (m λ) + i J1 (m λ)
8π λ
(b) Evaluate the scalar causal 2-point Green function of order n in
the D−dimensional Minkowski spacetime, which is defined to be
exp {− i k · z} D
(D) i
Gn (z) = D
d k
(2π) (k 2 − m2 + iε) n
explicitly in terms of Bessel functions.
Solution. It is very instructive to first compute the integral
exp {− i k · z} D
D i
In (z) ≡ D
d k
(2π) (k 2 − m2 + iε)n
i (2m)1−n
n−1 Z
d exp {− i k · z} D
= d k
(2π)D (n − 1)! dm n−1 k 2 − m2 + iε
where z = (z 0 , z 1 , . . . , z D−1 ) and k = (k 0 , k 1 , . . . , k D−1 ) are coordinate
and conjugate momentum in a D-dimensional Minkowski spacetime,
so that k · z = k 0 z 0 − k 1 z 1 − · · · − k D−1 z D−1 = k 0 z 0 − k · z , while
n is a sufficiently large natural number that will be better specified
further on. Turning to a D-dimensional euclidean space, after setting
z 0 = izD , k 0 = ikD we immediately obtain
(−1)n exp {i kE · zE } D
In (z) ≡ d kE
(2π) D (kE2 + m2 )n
with kE = (k, kD ) , zE = (z, zD ) . The spherical polar coordinates of
kE are k, φ, θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θD−2 and we have
k1 = k cos θ1
k2 = k sin θ1 cos θ2
k3 = k sin θ1 sin θ2 cos θ3
k = k sin θ1 sin θ2 · · · sin θD−2 cos φ
kD = k sin θ1 sin θ2 · · · sin θD−2 sin φ
with 0 ≤ θi ≤ π for i = 1, 2, . . . , D − 2 and 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π while k =
|kE | = (k2 + kD
2 1/2
) ≥ 0 . It turns out that
∂ (k1 , k2 , · · · , kD )
= k D−1 (sin θ1 )D−2 (sin θ2 )D−3 · · · (sin θD−2 )
∂ (k, φ, θ1 , · · · , θD−2 )
If we choose the euclidean momentum Ok1 axis along zE we evidently
obtain kE · xE = kzE cos θ1 ≡ kzE cos θ and thereby we immediately
Z ∞
D n
In (z) = (−1) (2π) d k k D−1 (k 2 + m2 )− n
Z π
× dθ (sin θ)D−2 exp {i kzE cos θ}
YZ π
× (2π) dθj (sin θj ) D−j−1
j=2 0
Now we have
Z π Z 1
dθj (sin θj ) = 2 d tj (1 − t2j ) (D−j−2)/2
Z 10
= d y y −1/2 (1 − y) (D−j)/2−1
= B(1/2, D/2 − j/2)
√ Γ(D/2 − j/2)
= π
Γ(D/2 − j/2 + 1/2)
so that
YZ π
dθj (sin θj ) D−j−1
j=2 0
and thereby
Next we find
Z π
dθ (sin θ)D−2 exp {i kzE cos θ}
Z π/2
= 2 dθ (sin θ)D−2 cos(kzE cos θ)
Z0 1
= 2 (1 − t2 )(D−3)/2 cos(tkzE ) d t
The value of the latter integral is reported in [23] eq. 3.7717. p. 464
and turns out to be
2 D−1
π Γ JD/2−1 (kzE ) (<e D > 1)
kzE 2
so that we further obtain
InD (z) = (−1)n (4π)− D/2 2D/2 zE
Z ∞
× k D/2 (k 2 + m2 )− n JD/2−1 (kzE ) d k
Another much more quick method to get the same result is in terms of
the Mellin’s transform
In (z) = dd kE exp { i kEµ zEµ }
Γ(n) (2π)D
Z ∞
× d t t n−1 exp {−t kE2 − t m2 }
(−1)n ∞
= d t t n−1 exp{− t m2 }
Γ(n) 0
zE 2 zE2
1 d
× d kE exp − t kE − i −
(2π)D 2t 4t
n Z ∞
= d t t n−1−D/2 exp {− t m2 − zE2 /4t}
(4π)D/2 Γ(n) 0
D/2−n √
2 (−1) n
= √ K D/2−n m − λ
(4π)D/2 Γ(n) −λ
where zE = (z2 + z42 )1/2 = (z2 − z02 )1/2 = (− λ)1/2 , z 2 < 0 . In the
case n = 1 , D = 4 we recover the Feynman propagator outside the
m √
DF (z) = − I14 (zE ) = 2 √ K1 m − λ (z 2 < 0)
4π −λ
and from the series representation of the Basset function of order one
1 z z 1 1
K1 (z) = + ln + C − ψ(2) + O(z 3 ln z)
z 2 2 2 2
−1 m2
DF (z) ≈ + ln (m | λ | 1/2 ) (λ = z 2 < 0)
4π 2 λ 8π 2
On the other side of the light-cone, i.e. for z 2 > 0 , we have to use the
integral representation
(− i)n ∞
2 2
= d t t n−1 exp {i t (k 2 − m2 + iε)}
k − m + iε Γ(n) 0
so that
InD (z) = dd k exp { − i kµ z µ }
(− i)n ∞
× d t t n−1 exp {i t (k 2 − m2 + i0)}
Γ(n) 0
(− i)n ∞ z2
n−1 2
= dt t exp − i m t +
Γ(n) 0 4m2 t
1 d z 2
× d k exp i t k −
(2π)D 2t
n Z ∞
(− i ) n−D/2−1 2 λ
= dt t exp − i m t +
(4π)D/2 Γ(n) 0 4m2 t
with =m µ > 0 , =m (β 2 µ) ≥ 0 . Hence we obtain
π (− 1) n+1
D 1 2m (2)
In (z) = D/2
exp πiD √ HD/2−n (m λ)
(4π) Γ(n) 4 λ
For n = 1 , D = 4 we recover the Feynman propagator with a time-like
m h √ √ i
DF (z) = √ N1 (m λ) + iJ1 (m λ) (z 2 = λ > 0)
8π λ
in agreement with the very last expression of Problem 2. From the series
representations of the Bessel functions we obtain the leading behaviours
z 4
J1 (z) = 1+ + O(z )
2 8
2 z z
N1 (z) = − + ln + C + O(z) (3.124)
πz π 2
1 m2
DF (z) ≈ − + ln (m | λ | 1/2 ) (λ = z 2 > 0)
4π 2 λ 8π 2
and thereby
∞ ∞
exp{− iz 0 k0 }
0 i
DF (z , z) = d k k sin(kz) d k0
z (2π)3 −∞ −∞ k02 − k 2 − m2 + iε
The last integral has two simple poles in the complex energy plane
k0 = ω(k) − iε k0 = − ω(k) + iε ω(k) = k 2 + m2
For z 0 > 0 we have to close the contour in the lower half-plane of the
complex energy, that yields
Z ∞
0 θ(z 0 ) exp{− i(z 0 − i0)ω(k)}
DF (z , z) = d k k exp{ikz}
iz (2π)2 −∞ 2ω(k)
θ(z 0 )
Z ∞
dk k n √ o
= √ 2
exp ikz − i(z0 − i0) k + m 2
8izπ 2 −∞ k 2 + m2
Conversely, for z 0 < 0 we have to close the contour in the upper half-
plane =m (k0 ) > 0 that gives
θ(−z 0 ) ∞ d k k
DF (z , z) = √
8izπ 2 −∞ k 2 + m2
n √ o
× exp −ikz + i(z0 + i0) k 2 + m2
1 1 m2
DF (z) ≈ δ(λ) − + ln (m | λ | 1/2 ) (z 2 = λ ∼ 0)
4πi 4π 2 λ 8π 2
Chapter 4
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1928)
The Quantum Theory of the Electron
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. A117, p. 610
Taking the hermitean conjugate of the Dirac equation
and after multiplication by γ 0 from the right we come to the adjoint Dirac
i ∂ µ ψ̄ (x) γ µ + M ψ̄ (x) ≡ ψ̄ (x) ( i ∂/ +M ) = 0 (4.5)
The Dirac equation (4.3) can also be written à la Schrödinger in the form
i~ = Hψ H = αk pk + βM (4.6)
where H denotes the 1-particle hamiltonian selfadjoint operator with αk =
γ 0 γ k , pk = i∂k . Owing to the transformation rule (2.82) it is immediate to
verify the covariance of the Dirac equation, that means
= Λ (ω) (i ∂/ − M ) ψ(x) = 0
1 (4.7)
To solve the Dirac equation, let us first consider the plane wave stationary
H being the hermitean matrix (4.6), which admits nontrivial solutions iff
det k p/ − M k= 0 (4.10)
If we choose the momentum rest frame p = 0 we find solutions iff
det k p/ − M k= (p0 − M )2 (p0 + M )2 = 0 (4.12)
and using Lorentz covariance
det k p/ − M k= (p2 − M 2 )2 = 0
which drives to the two pairs of degenerate solutions with frequencies
p0± = ± p 2 + M 2 2 ≡ ± ω p (4.13)
As a consequence, it follows that we have two couples of plane wave stationary
solutions (4.8) with two possible polarization states (r = 1, 2) :
Γ − , r ( p) e− i p x
p0 = ω p
ψ p , r (x) = ( r = 1, 2 ) (4.14)
Γ + , r ( − p) e i p x p0 = − ω p
( p/ − M ) Γ − , r ( p) = 0 (−p/ − M ) Γ + , r ( − p) = 0 ( p0 = ω p )
Actually, it is a well established convention to set
1 1
Γ − , r ( p) ≡ [ (2π)3 2ω p ] − 2 u r ( p) = [ (2π)3 2ω p ] − 2 u r (p)
1 1
Γ + , r ( − p) ≡ [ (2π)3 2ω p ] − 2 v r ( p) = [ (2π)3 2ω p ] − 2 v r (p)
together with
u p , r (x) = [ (2π)3 2ω p ] −1/2 u r (p) exp {− i t ω p + i p · x)}
v p , r (x) = [ (2π)3 2ω p ] −1/2 v r (p) exp {+ i t ω p − i p · x)}
The so called spin-amplitudes or spin-states do fulfill
(ω p γ 0 − γ k pk − M ) u r (p) = 0 ( r = 1, 2 ) (4.15)
(ω p γ 0 − γ k pk + M ) v r (p) = 0 ( r = 1, 2 ) (4.16)
which is nothing but that the degenerate solution of the eigenvalue problem
H u r (p) = ω p u r (p) H v r (−p) = − ωp v r (−p) ( r = 1, 2 ) (4.17)
together with the orthonormality and closure relations
u r† (p) us (p) = 2ω p δrs = v r† (p) vs (p) (4.18)
u r (p) ⊗ ur† (p) + v r (−p) ⊗ vr† (−p) = 2ω p
The conventional normalization (4.18) is fixed in order to recover
d x u q , s (x) u p , r (x) = δ rs δ (p − q) = d x v †q , s (x) v p , r (x)
while the closure relation (4.19) indeed ensures the completeness relation
u p , r (x) ⊗ u †p , r (y) + v p , r (x) ⊗ v †p , r (y) = δ (x − y)
x0 = y0
( p/ 0 − M ) u r ( p 0 ) = Λ µν p ν γ µ − M u r ( Λ p)
= Λ µν p ν Λ µρ Λ 1 γ ρ Λ−1 1 − M u r ( Λ p)
2 2
= Λ 1 (p/ − M ) Λ 1 u r ( Λ p)
2 2
= Λ 1 (p/ − M ) u r ( p) = 0 (4.21)
Hence, the Lorentz covariance of the Dirac equation actually occurs, provided
the following relationships hold true for the spin-states
u r ( p 0 ) = u r ( Λ p) = Λ 1 u r ( p) ⇔ u r ( p ) = Λ −1
1 ur ( Λ p ) (4.22)
2 2
v r ( p 0 ) = v r ( Λ p) = Λ 1 v r ( p) ⇔ v r ( p ) = Λ −1
1 vr ( Λ p ) (4.23)
2 2
and taking the adjoint equation
and analogously
u†s (p) v r (−p) = 0 ( ∀r, s = 1, 2)
Notice that from the above orthogonality properties of the spin-states the
following orthogonality relations hold true between the positive and negative
frequency eigenspinor wave functions
d x u q , s (x) v p , r (x) = 0 = d x v †q , s (x) u p , r (x)
It follows therefrom that the most general solution of the Dirac equation
can be written in the form
X h i
ψ(x) = c p , r u p , r (x) + d p , r v p , r (x) (4.27)
X h i
ψ̄(x) = c ∗p , r ū p , r (x) + d p , r v̄ p , r (x) (4.28)
which is nothing but the normal mode expansion of the free Dirac spinor
classical wave field, where c p , r and d p , r are arbitrary complex coefficients.
In the chiral representation (2.68) for the gamma matrices we can build
up a very convenient set of spin-states as follows. Consider the matrices
±M ω p − pz −px + i py
±M −px − i py ω p + pz
p/ ± M =
− ±M
ω p + p z p x i p y 0
px + i py ω p − pz ±M
where we have set p = (p1 , p2 , p2 ) = (px , py , pz ) . Notice that we can define the
two projectors on the bidimensional spaces spanned by the positive energy
and negative energy spin-states respectively : namely,
E ± ( p) ≡ (M ± p/) / 2M ( p0 = ω p ) (4.30)
E ±2 = E ± E+ E− = 0 = E− E+
tr E ± = 2 E+ + E− = I
Moreover we have
E ±† ( p) = E ± ( p̃ ) p̃ µ = p µ (4.31)
γ0 ξ r = ξ r γ0 η r = − η r ( r = 1, 2 )
and of the spin matrix 2
Σ3 = 4i [ γ 1 , γ 2 ]
ξ r> γ k ξ s = 0 = η r> γ k η s ∀ r, s = 1, 2 ∨ k = 1, 2, 3
the explicit form of which is given by
M + ω p − pz
−px − i py
u1 (p) = (2ω p + 2M ) −1/2
M + ω p + p
px + i py
−px + i py
M +ω +p
−1/2 p z
u2 (p) = (2ω p + 2M )
p − ip
x y
M + ω p − pz
−px + i py
M +ω +p
−1/2 p z
v1 (p) = (2ω p + 2M )
x + i p y
−M + pz − ω p
−M − ω p + pz
−1/2 px + i py
v2 (p) = (2ω p + 2M )
ω p + M + pz
px + i py
their orthonormality and completeness relations being in full accordance with
formulæ (4.18), (4.19) and (4.25). In fact we have for instance
v r† ( p) v s ( p) = (2ω p + 2M ) −1 η r> (M − p̃/) (M − p/)η s
= (2ω p + 2M ) −1 η r> M 2 − 2M γ 0 ω p + ω 2p + p 2 η s
= (2ω p + 2M ) −1 η r> 2ω 2p + 2M ω p η s
= 2ω p 1
η r> η s = 2ω p δ rs
in which I have made use of the property
η r> γ k γ 0 η s = − η r> γ k η s = 0 ∀ r, s = 1, 2 ∨ k = 1, 2, 3
Finally, taking the normalization (4.24) into account together with
E + u r ( p) = u r ( p) E − v r ( p) = v r ( p) ( r = 1, 2 )
it is immediate to obtain the so called sums over the spin-states, that is
X u r (p) ⊗ ū r (p) = 2M E + (p)
v r (p) ⊗ v̄ r (p) = − 2M E − (p)
r=1, 2
Hence, from the orthonormality relations (4.24) we can immediately verify
that we have
u r (p) ⊗ ū r (p) u s (p) = 2M u s (p) = 2M E + u s (p)
r=1, 2
v r (p) ⊗ v̄ r (p) v s (p) = − 2M v s (p) = − 2M E − v s (p)
r=1, 2
4.2 Noether Currents
From Noether theorem and from the Lagrange density (4.1) we obtain the
canonical energy momentum tensor of the free Dirac spinor wave field which
turns out to be real though not symmetric
T µν (x) ≡ (δ LD / δ ∂µ ψ) ∂ν ψ + ∂ν ψ̄ (δ LD / δ ∂µ ψ̄) − δ νµ LD
i µ µ
= ψ̄ (x) γ ∂ν ψ (x) − ∂ν ψ̄ (x) γ ψ (x) (4.36)
T µν (x) 6= T νµ (x)
where we have taken into account that the Dirac lagrangian vanishes if the
equations of motion hold true as it occurs in the Noether theorem. The
corresponding canonical total angular momentum density tensor for the Dirac
field can be obtained from the general expression (2.100) and reads
M µκλ (x) = x κ T µλ (x) − x λ T µκ (x) + S µκλ (x)
= x κ T µλ (x) − x λ T µκ (x) + 12 ψ̄ (x) {σ λκ , γ µ } ψ (x)
i λ κ †
σ λκ ≡ γ ,γ σ λ κ = γ0 σ λ κ γ0
is the spin tensor for the Dirac field. Hence from the general expression
(2.100) we get
def δL
S µ λ κ (x) = (− i ) S λ κ AB uB (x)
δ ∂ µ uA (x)
δL/δ ∂ µ ψ (x) (− i ) S λ κ ψ (x)
i ψ̄ (x) S λ κ δL/δ ∂ µ ψ̄ (x)
= 1
ψ̄ (x) { γ µ , σ λκ } ψ (x)
Notice that
It is rather easy to check, using the Dirac equation, that the continuity
equations actually hold true
∂ µ T µν = 0 ∂µ M µλκ = 0 (4.39)
= d x ψ † (x) i ∂µ ψ (x) (4.40)
while from the spatial integration of eq. (4.37) we obtain the three conserved
Noether charges corresponding to the spatial components of the relativistic
total angular momentum
M jk = d x M 0jk (t, x) =˙
d x x j ψ † (x) i ∂ k ψ (x) − { j ↔ k } + ψ † (x) σ jk ψ (x) (4.41)
in such a way that the constancy in time of these latter spacetime components
of the relativistic total angular momentum leads to the definition of the
velocity for the center of the energy, viz.,
k def −1
Xt = M d x x k T 0 0 (t, x)
Notice however that owing to the lack of symmetry for the canonical
energy momentum tensor of the Dirac field 1 its spin angular momentum
tensor is not constant in time. Actually we find, for instance,
σk 0
Σk ≡ (4.46)
0 σk
However, in the case that the spinor wave field ψ does not depend on some
of the spatial coordinates (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (x, y, z) it is possible to achieve that
the continuity equation should hold for some of the components of the spin
angular momentum density tensor and, consequently, that the corresponding
Noether charges – i.e. its space integrals – remain constant in time. Thus,
for example, if ∂ 1 ψ = 0 = ∂ 2 ψ so that ψ(t, z) = ψ (t, 0, 0, z) and cosequently
we obtain
↔ ↔
2i T 12 = ψ̄ (t, z) γ 1 ∂ y ψ (t, z) = 0 = ψ̄ (t, z) γ 2 ∂ x ψ (t, z) = 2i T 21
and thereby
µ µ
∂ µ M 12 = ∂ µ S 12 =0 (4.47)
Hence it follows that the component of the spin vector along the direction of
propagation, which is named the helicity, is conserved in time : namely,
Z ∞
dh def
= 0 h = d z 12 ψ † (t, z) Σ 3 ψ (t, z) (4.48)
dt −∞
Proof. By passing in (4.46) to the momentum representations (4.28) and carrying out the
integration over the three dimensional configuration space we obtain
Z ∞
h = dz 12 ψ † (t, z) Σ 3 ψ (t, z)
Z ∞ X h i
= dz c ∗p , r u †p , r (t, z) + d p , r v p† , r (t, z)
−∞ p,r
X h i
× 1
2 Σ3 c q , s u q , s (t, z) + d ∗q , s v q , s (t, z)
in which we have set p = (0, 0, p) , q = (0, 0, q) , ω p = (p2 + M 2 ) together with
which proves equation (4.49) and shows that particles and antiparticles exhibit opposite
helicities. Quod Erat Demonstrandum
and will be identified with the electric current carried on by the spinor field,
which transforms as a true four vector under the space inversion (2.59) or,
more generally, under the improper orthochronus Lorentz transformations of
L↑− , that means
then the free Dirac Lagrange density is not invariant, owing to the presence
of the mass term, so that the Noether theorem (2.93) yields in this case
µ µ
∂µ J5 (x) = ∂µ ψ̄ (x) γ γ5 ψ (x) = 2 i M ψ̄ (x) γ5 ψ (x) (4.54)
Notice that the axial vector current J5µ (x) is a pseudovector since we have
the transformation law under the space inversion (2.59)
4.3 Quantization of a Dirac Field
The above discussion eventually leads to the energy momentum vector of the
free Dirac wave field that reads
P µ = d x T µ (x , x) = d x ψ † (x) i∂µ ψ (x)
0 0
Now the key point: as we shall see in a while, in order to quantize the
relativistic spinor wave field in such a manner to obtain a positive semidefinite
energy operator, then we must impose canonical anticommutation relations.
As a matter of fact, once the normal mode expansion coefficients turn into
creation and destruction operators, that means
c p , r , c ∗p , r 7→ c p , r , c †p , r d p , r , d ∗p , r 7→ d p , r , d †p , r
[ d p , r , d †q , s ] = δ rs δ(p − q)
whereas V is the volume of a very large box and ~K M c is a very large
wavenumber, the factor two being due to spin. This means, however, that
even assuming normal ordering prescription to discard U0 , still the spinor
energy operator P0 is no longer positive semidefinite.
Turning back to the classical spinor wave field, it turns out that it is not
convenient to understand the normal mode expansion coefficients
d p , r r = 1, 2 , p ∈ R3
{d p , r , d q , s } = 0 = {d p , r , d ∗q , s } ( ∀ r, s = 1, 2 p, q ∈ R3 )
{c p , r , c †q , s } = δ rs δ (p − q) = {d p , r , d †q , s }
( ∀ r, s = 1, 2 p, q ∈ R3 )
all the other anticommutators vanishing (4.60)
Hermann Günther Graßmann (Stettino, 15.04.1809 – 26.09.1877) has introduced the
modern linear algebra in his masterpiece : Die Lineale Ausdehnungslehre, ein neuer Zweig
del Mathematik (Linear Extension Theory, a New Branch of Mathematics (1844).
where it has been suitably stressed that the symbol † is indeed referred to the
hermitean conjugation of operators acting on a Fock space. The canonical
anticommutation relations (4.60) actually imply
{ψα (t, x) , ψβ (t, y)} = 0 = {ψα† (t, x) , ψβ† (t, y)} (4.63)
{ψα (t, x) , ψβ† (t, y)} = δ (x − y) δ αβ (4.64)
{d p , r , d †q , s } = δ rs δ (p − q) {d p , r , d q , s } = 0
( ∀ r, s = 1, 2 p, q ∈ R3 )
do guarantee the positive semidefiniteness of the energy operator P0 , while
the remaining anticommutators (4.60) can be derived from the requirement
that the energy momentum operators P µ do realize the self-adjoint generators
of the spacetime translations of a unitary representation of the Poincaré
group. As a matter of fact
[ P µ , ψ (x) ] =
X h X i
p µ c †p , r c p , r + d †p , r d p , r , c q , s u q , s (x) +
p,r q,s
X h X i
† † †
pµ cp,r cp,r + dp,r dp,r , d q , s v q , s (x) =
p,r q,s
pµ u q , s (x) c †p , r {c p , r , c q , s } − {c †p , r , c q , s } c p , r +
p,r q,s
pµ u q , s (x) d †p , r {d p , r , c q , s } − {d †p , r , c q , s} d p , r +
p,r q,s
pµ v q , s (x) c †p , r {c p , r , d †q , s } − {c †p , r , d †q , s } c p , r +
p,r q,s
pµ v q , s (x) d †p , r {d p , r , d †q , s } − {d †p , r , d †q , s } d p , r
p,r q,s
X h i
= − i ∂µ ψ (x) = pµ − c p , r u p , r (x) + d †p , r v p , r (x) (4.67)
whence it is manifest that the two types of quanta of the Dirac field do
carry opposite charges. According to the customary convention for the Dirac
spinor describing the electron positron field, we shall associate to particles the
creation annihilation operators of the c-type and the negative electric charge
q = − e (e > 0), whilst the creation annihilation operators of the d-type and
the positive electric charge +e will be associated to the antiparticles, so that
the electric charge operator becomes
† †
Qe = (− e) c p , r c p , r − d p , r d p , r (4.71)
Finally, it turns out that also the helicity (4.49) of the Dirac field, which
is a constant of motion, will be turned by the quantization procedure into
the normal ordered operator expression
1 ∞
h = d z : ψ † (t, z) Σ 3 ψ (t, z) :
2 −∞
1 ∞
Z X h
= dp c †p , r c p , r u r† (p) Σ 3 u r (p)
2 −∞ r=1 , 2
− d †p , r d p , r v r† (p) Σ 3 v r (p) (2ω p ) −1 (4.72)
{c p , r , c †q , s } = δ rs δ (p − q) = {d p , r , d †q , s }
( ∀ r, s = 1, 2 p, q ∈ R )
and all other anticommutators vanish.
It is convenient to choose our standard spin-states, i.e. the orthogonal
and normalized solutions of eq.s (4.15) and (4.16), in which we have to put
p = (0, 0, p) . Then the helicity operator eventually becomes
1 ∞
Z h i
† † † †
h = dp cp,1 cp,1 − cp,2 cp,2 + dp,1 dp,1 − dp,2 dp,2
2 −∞
The above expression does actually clarify the meaning of the polarization
indices r, s, . . . = 1, 2 . In conclusion, from the expressions (4.65), (4.66),
(4.71) and (4.73), it follows that the operators c †p , r and c p , r do correspond
respectively to the creation and annihilation operators for the particles of
momentum p , mass M with p2 = M 2 , electric charge − e , and positive
helicity equal to 12 (r = 1) or negative helicity equal to − 12 (r = 2) .
Conversely, the operators d p† , r and d p , r will correspond respectively to the
creation and annihilation operators for the antiparticles of momentum p ,
mass M with p2 = M 2 , electric charge + e , and positive helicity equal to
(r = 1) or negative helicity equal to − 12 (r = 2) .
while the 1-particle energy momentum, helicity and charge eigenstates will
correspond to
| p r − i ≡ c †p , r | 0 i ( r = 1, 2 p ∈ R3 ) (4.75)
whereas the 1-antiparticle energy momentum, helicity and charge eigenstates
will be
| p r + i ≡ d †p , r | 0 i ( r = 1, 2 p ∈ R3 ) (4.76)
N p , r , ± = 0, 1 ( r = 1, 2 p ∈ R3 )
which drives to the Pauli exclusion principle valid for all identical particles
with half integer spin. The generic multiparticle state, that corresponds to
an element of the basis of the Fock space, will be written in the form
c † (pa , ra ) d † (pb , rb ) | 0 i (4.77)
a=1 b=1
It can be verified by direct inspection that, owing to the anticommutation
relations (4.60) and (4.64), those operator expressions indeed generate the
infinitesimal Poincaré transformations for the quantized Dirac spinor field :
which satisfy
h ± s q | p r ± i = δ rs (2π) 3 2ω p δ (p − q) (4.82)
The normal mode decomposition of the Dirac field with respect to the new
set of covariant creation annihilation operators becomes
X Z h i
− ipx † ipx
ψ (x) = Dp c r ( p) u r ( p) e + d r ( p) v r ( p) e (4.83)
It is clear that the transformation law for the covariant 1-particle states
and corresponding creation annihilation operators will be determined by the
unitary operators associated to the Lorentz matrices. Actually, if we denote
as usual the Lorentz matrices by Λ(ω) = Λ(α, η) and by U (ω) = U (α, η) the
related unitary operators acting on the Fock space F , where (α, η) are the
canonical angular and rapidity coordinates of the restricted Lorentz group
L↑+ = O(1, 3)+
+ , then we can write
U (ω) | p r ± i = | Λ p r ± i (4.85)
U (ω) c r ( p) U † (ω) = c r (Λ p) (4.86)
U (ω) c †r ( p) U † (ω) = c †r (Λ p) (4.87)
U (ω) d r ( p) U † (ω) = d r (Λ p) (4.88)
U (ω) d r† ( p) U † (ω) = d r† (Λ p) (4.89)
∀ p∈R ∀ r = 1, 2
so that
h± s Λq|Λp r ±i =
δ rs (2π) 3 2ω p δ (p − q) = h ± s q | p r ± i (4.90)
where the transformation law (4.23) of the spin-states has been used. In
addition, taking into account formulæ (4.67) and (4.78), from the canonical
anticommutation relations (4.64) we eventually obtain for a quite general
Poincaré transformation
which shows that the general transformation law of the quantized spinor field
consists in an infinite dimensional irreducible unitary representation of the
Poincaré group acting on the Fock space F . In particular, for an infinitesimal
Poincaré transformation we find
ψ (x) + δ ψ (x) = ψ (x) + i [ P µ , ψ (x) ] µ − 12 i [ Mρσ , ψ (x) ] ρσ
= ψ (x) + µ ∂ µ ψ (x) + ρσ x σ ∂ρ ψ (x)
+ 12 i jk σ jk ψ (x)
where δ a µ = µ and δ ω ρσ = ρσ are the infinitesimal parameters. In
particular, from the finite transformation rule (2.80), it is simple to check,
for instance, that the mass operator is Lorentz invariant, i.e.
ψ̄ 0 (x) ψ 0 (x) = ψ̄(x 0 ) ψ(x 0 )
The reader should gather the difference between the transformation law
(4.92) for the quantized Dirac spinor field and the transformation law (2.77)
of the classical relativistic Dirac spinor wave field under restricted Lorentz
group, i.e.
ψ 0 (x 0 ) = Λ 1 (ω) ψ (x) = exp − 12 i σ µν ω µν ψ (x) x0 = Λ x
4.5 Special Distributions
From the canonical anticommutation relations (4.60) and the normal mode
expansion (4.28) of the Dirac field, the so called canonical anticommutator at
arbitrary points between two free Dirac spinor field operators can be readily
shown to be equal to zero
{ψα (x) , ψβ (y)} = 0 = {ψ̄α (x) , ψ̄β (y)} ( α, β = 1L, 2L, 1R, 2R )
On the contrary, the canonical anticommutator at arbitrary points between
the free Dirac field and its adjoint does not vanish: it can be easily calculated
to be
{ψα (x) , ψ̄β (y)} ≡ Sαβ (x − y) = − i ( i ∂/x + M )αβ D (x − y) (4.95)
where D (x − y) is the Pauli-Jordan distribution of the real scalar field.
Proof. From the normal modes expansions (4.62) of the spinor fields
X − 21
ψα (x) = (2π)3 2ω p
h i
× c p , r u α , r (p) e− i p x + d †p , r v α , r (p) e i p x
p0 = ω p
− 21
ψ̄β (y) = (2π) 2ω q
h i
× c †q , s ū β , s (q) e i q y + d q , s v̄ β , s (q) e− i q y
q0 = ω q
Taking into account the sums over the spin states (4.35)
X u α , r (p) ū β , r (p) = ( p/ + M ) αβ
( p0 = ω p )
v α , r (p) v̄ β , r (p) = ( p/ − M ) αβ
r = 1,2
we readily come to the expression, by omitting the spinorial indices for the sake of brevity,
{ψ (x) , ψ̄ (y)} ≡ S (x − y)
i p (x−y) M − p/
dp p/ + M − i p (x−y)
= e −e
(2π)3 2ωp 2ωp p0 = ω p
= (i ∂/x + M ) D p e− i p (x−y) − e i p (x−y)
p0 = ω p
d 4 p − i p (x−y)
= (i ∂/x + M ) e δ (p2 − M 2 ) sgn (p0 )
= − i (i ∂/x + M ) D (x − y) (4.96)
where use has been made of the formulæ (4.34). Quod Erat Demonstrandum
S (0, x − y) = γ 0 δ (x − y) (4.98)
The causal Green’s function or Feynman propagator for the Dirac field is
h 0 | ψα (x) ψ̄β (y) | 0 i for x0 > y 0
h 0 | T ψα (x) ψ̄β (y) | 0 i =
− h 0 | ψ̄β (y) ψα (x) | 0 i for x0 < y 0
c F
≡ i Sαβ (x − y) = S αβ (x − y)
Actually we have
S F (x − y) = (i ∂/x + M ) DF (x − y) (4.99)
and if we recall the definitions
Z k
± i D(±) (x − y) = Dp e± i p (x−y)
p0 = ω p
= exp{±i ω p (x0 − y 0 ) ∓ i p · (x − y)}
(2π)3 2ω p
we readily come to the expessions
1 (−)
S F (x − y) = θ (x0 − y 0 ) (i ∂/x + M ) D (x − y)
+ i θ (y 0 − x0 ) (i ∂/x + M ) D (+) (x − y)
= (i ∂/x + M ) i θ y 0 − x0 D (+) (x − y) − (i ∂/x + M ) i θ x0 − y 0 D (−) (x − y)
h (−) i
− γ 0 δ x0 − y 0 D (x − y) + D (+) (x − y) = (i ∂/x + M ) DF (x − y)
DF (x − y) = i θ y 0 − x0 D (+) (x − y) − i θ x0 − y 0 D (−) (x − y)
S F (x − y) = (i ∂/x + M ) D F (x − y)
i p/ + M
= 4
dp 2 exp{−ip · (x − y)}
(2π) p − M 2 + iε
1 i
= 4
dp exp{−ip · (x − y)} (4.101)
(2π) p/ − M + iε
and consequently
(i ∂/x − M ) S αβ (x − y) = i δ(x − y) (4.102)
i ( p/ + M ) αβ def i
= (4.103)
2 2
p − M + iε p/ − M αβ
i δ (x − y) = i (∂/∂x µ ) S F† (x − y) γ µ † + M S F† (x − y)
= i (∂/∂x µ ) S F† (x − y) γ 0 γ µ γ 0 + M S F† (x − y) (4.104)
Multiplication by γ 0 from left and right yields
i δ (x − y) = i γ 0 (∂/∂x µ ) S F† (x − y) γ 0 γ µ + γ 0 M S F† (x − y) γ 0
= S̄ F ( y − x) ( i ∂/x + M ) (4.105)
S̄ F ( y − x) = γ 0 S F† (x − y) γ 0
p/ + M
= 4
dp 2 exp{− i p · (y − x)} (4.106)
(2π) p − M 2 − iε
n− − o
γµ = γµ γ µ , γ ν = 2 δ µν (4.108)
0 0 −i 0
0 −i σ3
0 0 0 i
γ3 = = (4.111)
i σ3 0
i 0 0 0
0 −i 0 0
0 0 1 0
− 0 1 0 0 0
γ4 = =
1 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
= ( ∂/E − M ) αβ DE (xE )
≡ − S αβ ( xE ) (4.113)
where we understand
− − i∂
γ µ pE µ ≡ p/E i ∂/E ≡ γ µ
∂ xE µ
This suggests that the proper classical variables for the setting up of an
euclidean formulation of the Dirac spinor field theory, in analogy with what
we have already seen in the scalar field case, should be two euclidean bispinors
ψE and ψ̄E obeying
{ψE (x) , ψE (y)} = {ψ̄E (x) , ψ̄E (y)} = {ψE (x) , ψ̄E (y)} = 0 (4.114)
− −
Thus, ψ̄E ψE is a scalar, ψ̄E γ 5 ψE a pseudoscalar, ψ̄E γ µ ψE a vector etc.
SE [ ψE , ψ̄E ] = d 4 xE ψ̄E (xE ) ( ∂/E + M ) ψE (xE ) (4.115)
Here the overall sign is purely conventional : we could always absorb it into
ψE if we wanted to (remember that we are free to change ψE without touching
ψ̄E ). Conversely, the lack of the factor i in front of the derivative term is
not at all conventional : it is there just to ensure that the euclidean fermion
propagator, which is named 2-point Schwinger’s function, is proportional to
(i p/E − M )/(p2E + M 2 ) ; if it were not for this i , then we would have tachyon
poles after a Wick rotation back to the Minkowski momentum space.
It is worthwhile to notice that the above Dirac euclidean action can be
obtained from the corresponding one in the Minkowski spacetime, after the
customary standard replacements
− −
x4 = i x 0 γk ≡ − i γk ( k = 1, 2, 3 ) γ4 ≡ γ0
ψ (x) 7→ ψE (xE ) ψ̄ (x) 7→ ψ̄E (xE )
As a matter of fact we readily obtain
S [ ψ, ψ̄ ] 7→ i SE [ ψE , ψ̄E ]
= d 4 xE ψ̄E (xE ) ( i∂/E + iM ) ψE (xE ) (4.116)
Finally, it is worthwhile to remark that the euclidean action for the free
Dirac field is not a real quantity. As we shall see, this fact will not cause any
troubles in the analytic continuation to the Minkowski spacetime.
The n−point Green functions in the euclidean space are usually named the n−point
Schwinger functions.
To end up we have
SE0 [ φE ∂ φ ∂ φ + 12 m 2 φE2
] = d xE 2 µ E µ E
φE (xE ) − ∂ 2 + m 2 φE (xE )
˙ d xE 2
SE0 [ ψ̄ , ψE ] = d xE ψ̄ (xE ) ( ∂/E + M ) ψE (xE ) (4.118)
DF (− i x4 , x) → − DE (xE ) (4.119)
exp { i kE · xE }
DE (xE ) = d kE (4.120)
(2π) 4 kE2 + m 2
− ∂E2 + m 2 DE (xE ) = δ (xE )
S αβ ( −i x4 , x) → − S Eαβ (xE ) (4.122)
d pE i
S Eαβ (xE ) = exp { i pE · xE } (4.123)
(2π) 4 − p/E + iM
( ∂/E + M ) αβ S Eβη (xE ) = δ (xE ) δ αη (4.124)
4.6 The Fermion Generating Functional
4.6.1 Symanzik Equations for Fermions
Consider the vacuum expectation value
Z h i
Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] ≡ T exp i d x ζ̄(x) ψ (x) + ψ̄ (x) ζ(x) (4.125)
= d x1 d x2 · · · d xn d y 1 d y 2 · · · d y n
T ζ̄(x1 ) ψ (x1 ) + ψ̄ (y1 ) ζ(y1 ) · · · ζ̄(xn ) ψ (xn ) + ψ̄ (yn ) ζ(yn )
the suffix zero denoting the free field theory, where ζ(x) and ζ̄(x) are the
so called classical fermion external sources, which turn out to be Grassmann
valued functions with the canonical dimensions [ ζ ] = cm − 5/2 and which
Notice that, just owing to (4.129), the products ζ̄(x) ψ (x) and ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) do
not take up signs under time ordering, i.e.
ζ̄(x) ψ (x) ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) if x0 > y 0
T ζ̄(x) ψ (x) ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) =
ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) ζ̄(x) ψ (x) if x0 < y 0
In fact
ζ̄(x) ψ (x) ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) = ζ̄(x) ζ(y) ψ (x) ψ̄ (y) (x0 > y 0 )
(x0 < y 0 )
ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) ζ̄(x) ψ (x) = ζ̄(x) ζ(y) − ψ̄ (y) ψ (x)
so that
T ζ̄(x) ψ (x) ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) = ζ̄(x) ζ(y) T ψ (x) ψ̄ (y) 0
= ζ̄(x) ζ(y) SF (x − y)
= T ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) ζ̄(x) ψ (x)
The functional differentiation with respect to the classical Grassmann
valued sources is defined by
{δ/δ ζ̄(x) , ζ̄(y)} = δ(x − y) = {δ/δζ(x) , ζ(y)}
{δ/δ ζ̄(x) , ζ(y)} = 0 = {δ/δζ(x) , ζ̄(y)}
{δ/δ ζ̄(x) , δ/δ ζ̄(y)} = 0 = {δ/δζ(x) , δ/δζ(y)}
{δ/δ ζ̄(x) , δ/δζ(y)} = 0 = {δ/δζ(x) , δ/δ ζ̄(y)} (4.130)
where all operators act on their right. It follows that
− i δZ 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ]/δ ζ̄(x) =
Z h i
T ψ (x) exp i d y ζ̄(y) ψ (y) + ψ̄ (y) ζ(y)
i δZ 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ]/δζ(x) =
Z h i
T ψ̄ (x) exp i d y ζ̄(y) ψ (y) + ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) (4.131)
where the plus sign in the second equality is because
δ/δζ(x) d y ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) = d y δ/δζ(x)[ ψ̄ (y) ζ(y) ]
= d y ψ̄ (y)[ − δζ(y)/δζ(x) ]
= − d y ψ̄ (y) δ(x − y)
= − ψ̄ (x) (4.132)
Taking one more functional derivatives of the generating functional (4.125)
we find
(δ/δ ζ̄(x)) δZ 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] / δζ (y) = (4.133)
Z h i
T ψ (x) ψ̄ (y) exp i d y ζ̄(y) ψ (y) + ψ̄ (y) ζ(y)
The vacuum expectation values of the chronological ordered products of n
pairs of free spinor field and its adjoint operators at different spacetime points
are named the n−point fermion Green’s functions of the (free) Dirac spinor
quantum field theory. By construction, the latter ones can be expressed as
functional derivatives of the generating functional : namely,
( n) def
S 0 ( x1 , · · · , xn ; y1 , · · · , yn ) =
h 0 | T ψ (x1 ) ψ̄ (y1 ) · · · ψ (xn ) ψ̄ (yn ) | 0 i
= δ (2n) Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] / δ ζ̄(x1 ) δζ(y1 ) · · · δ ζ̄(xn ) δζ(yn ) ζ = ζ̄ = 0
Now it should be evident that the very same steps, which have led to
establish the functional equation (3.101) for the free scalar field generating
functional, can be repeated in a straightforward manner. To this purpose,
let me introduce the finite times chronologically ordered exponential operator
for the spinor fields that reads
( Z 0 )
Z t
E(t 0 , t ) ≡ T exp i d y0 d y [ ψ̄(y) ζ(y) + ζ̄(y) ψ(y) ] (4.134)
= − ζ (x) Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ]
h i
( i ∂/x − M ) i δ/ δ ζ̄ (x) − ζ (x) Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] = 0 (4.135)
− i δZ 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] / δ ζ (x) =
h 0 | E (∞, x0 ) ψ̄(x0 , x) E (x0 , −∞) | 0 i
Now, using the anticommutation relations (4.128), (4.129) and the equal time canonical
anticommutation relations (4.60) we find
h 0 | E (∞, x0 ) ψ̄(x0 , x) E (x0 , −∞) | 0 i ( i ∂/x + M )
= γ 0 d y h 0 | E (∞, x0 ) ζ̄ (x0 , y){ψ̄ (x0 , x) , ψ (x0 , y)}E (x0 , −∞) | 0 i
− γ 0 d y h 0 | E (∞, x0 ){ψ̄ (x0 , x) , ψ̄ (x0 , y)} ζ (x0 , y) E (x0 , −∞) | 0 i
Z h i
+ T ψ̄ (x)( i ∂/x + M ) exp i d y ζ̄(y) ψ (y) + ψ̄ (y) ζ(y)
= d y h 0 | E (∞, x0 ) ζ̄ (x0 , y) δ(x − y) E (x0 , −∞) | 0 i = ζ̄ (x) Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ]
where use has been made of the adjoint Dirac equation ψ̄(x)( i ∂/x + M ) = 0 . This proves
the Symanzik equation (4.136). Quod Erat Demonstrandum
It is worthwhile to remark that, in close analogy with the case of the free
scalar field generating functional, the integral kernel − SF (x − y) which
appears in the exponent of the right hand side of eq. (4.137) does exactly
coincide with the inverse of the Dirac operator (i ∂/ − M ) that specify the
classical spinor action , since (M − i ∂/x ) SF (x−y) = δ (x − y) . The inversion
of the classical kinetic Dirac operator is precisely provided by the Feynman
propagator or causal 2-point Green’s function, which indeed encodes :
Hence the generating functional (4.137) does truly contain all the mutually
tied up key features of the relativistic quantum field theory.
4.6.2 The Integration over Grassmann Variables
In order to find a functional integral representation for Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] I need to
primary define the concept of integration with respect to Grassmann valued
functions on the Minkowski spacetime. This latter tool has been long ago
constructed by
F.A. Berezin, The Method of Second Quantization
Academic Press, New York (1966)
Hereafter I shall follow
Sidney R. Coleman
The Uses of Instantons
Proceedings of the 1977 International School of Subnuclear Physics
Erice, Antonino Zichichi Editor, Academic Press, New York (1979)
Consider first a real function Rf : G → R of a Grassmann variable a with
a2 = 0 : we want to define da f (a) . We require this to have the usual
linearity property :
da [ αf (a) + β g (a) ]
= α da f (a) + β da g (a) ( ∀ α, β ∈ R ) (4.138)
and from the translation invariance requirement (4.139)
da a = N b f (0) da 1 ≡ 0 (∀b ∈ G) (4.141)
Hence Z
da f (a) = f 0 (0) ∀f : G → R
with {a, a} = {ā, ā} = {a, ā} = 0 . As an application of this table we can
da d ā exp { λ ā a} = da d ā (1 + λ ā a) = λ (4.143)
U † AU = diag (λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn ) λj ∈ R ( j = 1, 2, . . . , n )
As a consequence, if we set
a=Uθ ā = θ̄ U †
so that
{ai , aj } = {ai , āj } = {āi , āj } = 0 ( i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n ) (4.144)
then we can write
I = d ā exp {ā A a}
= det (U U ) dθ dθ̄ exp {θ̄ U † A U θ}
Yn Z Z
= dθj d θ̄j exp { λj θ̄j θj }
Yn Z Z
= dθj d θ̄j 1 + λj θ̄j θj
= λj = det A (4.145)
∂f ∂
≡ f (ā, a) et cetera
∂ā 0 ∂ā ā=a=0
Then we have e.g.
da d ā f (ā, a) =
Z Z 2 Z Z
∂f 1 ∂ f
da d ā − da a d ā ≡ 0
∂ā 0 2 ∂a ∂ā 0
and in general
da d ā [ ∂f (ā, a)/∂ā ] = 0 ( ∀ = 1, 2, . . . , n ) (4.146)
da d ā [ ∂f (ā, a)/∂a ı ] = 0 ( ∀ ı = 1, 2, . . . , n ) (4.147)
4.6.3 The Functional Integrals for Fermions
Consider now the straightforward generalization of the functional integral
representation (3.105) to the fermion case : namely,
Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] = Dψ Dψ̄ Ze0 [ ψ̄ , ψ ]
Z h i
× exp i d x ζ̄(x) ψ (x) + ψ̄ (x) ζ(x) (4.148)
Inserting into (4.135) and (4.136) and making use of (4.146) and (4.147) we
are enabled to identify
Ze0 [ ψ̄ , ψ ] = N exp i S 0 [ ψ̄ , ψ ] (4.149)
and by comparison with (4.137) we find
Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] = exp − d x d y ζ̄ (x) SF (x − y) ζ (y)
:=: N Dψ Dψ̄ exp i S 0 [ ψ̄ , ψ ]
Z h i
× exp i d x ζ̄(x) ψ (x) + ψ̄ (x) ζ(x) (4.150)
S 0 [ ψ̄ , ψ ] = d x ψ̄ (x) (i ∂/ − M ) ψ (x)
As I did in the case of the scalar field, the functional measure Dψ Dψ̄ ,
which is a formal entity until now, can be implemented by the requirement
of invariance under field translations ψ(x) 7→ ψ(x) + θ(x) , ψ̄(x) 7→ ψ̄(x) +
θ̄(x) . Once it is assumed, after the change of variables
ψ (x) 7→ ψ 0 (x) = ψ (x) + (i ∂/ − M )−1 ζ (x)
= ψ (x) − i dy SF (x − y) ζ (y)
= ψ x − h i S xy ζ y i (4.151)
ψ̄ (x) 7→ ψ̄ 0 (x) = ψ̄ (x) + ζ̄ (x)( i ∂/ +M )−1
= ψ̄ (x) − i dy ζ̄ (y) S̄F (y − x)
= ψ̄ x − h i ζ̄ y S̄ yx i (4.152)
where use has been made of the equation (4.105). Then we readily obtain
Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ] :=: Z 0 [ 0 , 0 ] exp − i d x d y ζ̄ (x) (i ∂/ − M ) ζ (y)
= Z 0 [ 0 , 0 ] exp − d x d y ζ̄ (x) SF (x − y) ζ (y)
ψ x = ψ x0 + h i S xy ζ y i d ψ x = d ψ x0
ψ̄ x = ψ̄ x0 + h i ζ̄ y S̄ yx i d ψ̄ x = d ψ̄ x0
in such a manner that we have
d ψ x d ψ̄ x exp i ψ̄ x (i ∂/ x − M ) ψ x + i ψ̄ x ζ x + i ζ̄ x ψ x
d ψ x d ψ̄ x exp i ψ̄ x0 + h i ζ̄ y S̄ yx i (i ∂/ x − M ) (ψ x0 + h i S xz ζ z i)
× exp i ψ̄ x0 ζ x + i ζ̄ x ψ x0 − h ζ̄ y S̄ yx i ζ x − ζ̄ x h S xy ζ y i
ψ̄ x0 (i ∂/ x − M ) h i S xz ζ z i = − ψ̄ x0 ζ x
h i ζ̄ y S̄ yx i (i ∂/ x − M ) ψ x0
= − ( ∂/∂x µ ) h ζ̄ y S̄ yx i γ µ ψ x0 − h i ζ̄ y S̄ yx i ( i ∂/ x +M ) ψ x0
˙ − h i ζ̄ y S̄ yx i ( i ∂/ x +M ) ψ x0 = − ζ̄ x ψ x0
which is true by neglecting the four divergence term, we can eventually write
exp i ψ̄ x0 + h i ζ̄ y S̄ yx i (i ∂/ x − M ) (ψ x0 + h i S xz ζ z i)
˙ exp i ψ̄ x0 ( i ∂/ x − M ) ψ x0 − i ψ̄ x0 ζ x − i ζ̄ x ψ x0 + h ζ̄ y S̄ yx i ζ x
and thereby
N dψx d ψ̄ x exp i ψ̄ x (i ∂/ x − M ) ψ x + i ψ̄ x ζ x + i ζ̄ x ψ x
d ψ z0 d ψ̄ z0 exp i ψ̄ z0 (i ∂/ z − M ) ψ z0
˙ exp − ζ̄ x h S xy ζ y i N
x∈M z ∈M
Dψ 0 Dψ̄ 0 exp i S 0 [ ψ̄ 0 , ψ 0 ]
= exp − ζ̄ x h S xy ζ y i N
= exp − d x d y ζ̄(x) SF (x − y) ζ(y) Z 0 [ 0 , 0 ] = Z 0 [ ζ , ζ̄ ]
After rescaling
ψE0 , x = i µ ψE , x
where µ is some arbitrary mass scale, the we can write
ZE [ 0 , 0 ] =
0 0
d ψE x d ψ̄E0 x exp ψ̄E0 x (i ∂/E x + iM ) µ−1 ψE0 x
xE ∈ R 4
= N 0 det k (i ∂/E + iM )/µ k (4.153)
that means
[ i ∂/E ± iM , M 2 − ∂E µ ∂E µ ] = 0
where the eigenfunctions and the eigenvalues of the euclidean Klein-Gordon
operator are respectively given by
Notice that the normal operator i ∂/E + iM is also invertible, since we have
(i ∂/E + iM ) −1 = (i ∂/E − iM ) M 2 − ∂E µ ∂E µ
i∂4 + ∂3 ∂1 − i∂2
iM 0
∂1 + i∂2 i∂4 − ∂3
0 iM
i ∂/E + iM =
i∂4 − ∂3 −∂1 + i∂2
iM 0
−∂1 − i∂2 i∂4 + ∂3
0 iM
V M4
M 3
det k (i ∂/E + iM ) /µ k = exp ln − (4.154)
8π 2 µ 4
V M4
(0) 0 M 3
ZE [ 0 , 0] = 1 ⇐⇒ N ≡ exp − ln −
8π 2 µ 4
where Z
S 0 [ ψ̄ , ψ ] = d x ψ̄ (x) (i ∂/ − M ) ψ (x)
N = constant × det k i ∂/ − M k
V M4
def M 3
= exp − i ln − (Zeta regularization)
8π 2 µ 4
Z0 [ 0 , 0 ] = N Dψ Dψ̄ exp i S 0 [ ψ̄ , ψ ] = 1 = h 0 | 0 i
It is clear that, by construction, the functional integral for a free Dirac spinor
quantum field theory does satisfy all the requirements of linearity, translation
invariance, rescaling and integration by parts which I have discussed in the
case of the real scalar field.
4.7 The C, P and T Transformations
The charge conjugation C is the discrete internal symmetry transformation
under which the particles and antiparticles are interchanged. The parity
transformation P or spatial inversion is the discrete spacetime symmetry
transformation such that
x µ = (t, r) 7→ x 0 µ = (t, − r) = P x µ
Under P the handedness of the particles motion is reversed so that, for
example, a left handed electron e−
L is transformed into a right handed positron
eR under the combined CP symmetry transformation. Thus, if CP were an
exact symmetry, the laws of Nature would be the same for matter and for
The experimental evidence actually shows that most phenomena in the
particles Physics are C and P symmetric and thereby also CP symmetric.
In particular, these symmetries are respected by the electromagnetic and
strong interactions as well as by classical gravity. On the other hand, the
weak interactions violate C and P in the strongest possible way. Hence, while
weak interactions do violate C and P symmetries separately, the combined
CP symmetry is still preserved. The CP symmetry is, however, violated in
certain rare processes, as discovered long ago in neutral K mesons decays
and recently observed in neutral B decays. Thus, only the combined discrete
CPT symmetry transformation, where T denotes the time inversion
x µ = (t, r) 7→ x 0 µ = (− t, r) = T x µ
is an exact symmetry for all laws of Nature, just like for the invariance under
the restricted Poincaré continuous group. In the sequel we will examine in
some detail the C , P and T transformations for the quantized Dirac field.
We are looking for a unitary charge conjugation operator in the theory of the
quantized Dirac field, the action of which will be given by
ψ c (x) = C ψ (x) C † (4.156)
Charge conjugation is conventionally defined as the operation in which
particles and antiparticles are interchanged. It follows thereby that if we set
C cp,r C = dp,s C dp,r C = cp,s (4.157)
∀ r, s = 1, 2 p ∈ R3
C2 = I C = C † = C −1 (4.158)
It turns out that the standard spin-states (4.33) do fulfill the remarkable
u r (p) = − i γ 2 v ∗r (p)
v r (p) = − i γ 2 u∗r (p)
Hence, the transformation law (4.156) can be rewritten as
X h i
c †
ψ (x) = d p , r u p , r (x) + c p , r v p , r (x)
1 X h 2 ∗ † 2 ∗
= d p , r γ v p , r (x) + c p , r γ u p , r (x)
i p,r
> >
= − i γ 2 ψ † (x) = − i ψ̄ (x) γ 0 γ 2 (4.159)
which corresponds to the quantum mechanical counterpart of the classical
transformation (2.83). Moreover we readily find
> >
ψ̄ c (x) = ψ c † (x) γ 0 = − i γ 2 ψ (x) γ 0 = − i γ 0 γ 2 ψ (x) (4.160)
Working out the transformations of bilinears is a little bit tricky and it helps
to write the spinor indices explicitly. For instance, the mass scalar operator
> >
: ψ̄ c (x) ψ c (x) : = : − i γ 0 γ 2 ψ (x) − i ψ̄ (x) γ 0 γ 2 :
= − : γ α0 β γ β2 δ ψ δ (x) ψ̄ η (x) γ η0 ω γ ω2 α :
= + : ψ̄ η (x) γ η0 ω γ ω2 α γ α0 β γ β2 δ ψ δ (x) :
= + : ψ̄ (x) γ 0 γ 2 γ 0 γ 2 ψ (x) :
= − : ψ̄ (x) ( γ 0 )2 ( γ 2 )2 ψ (x) :
= + : ψ̄ (x) ψ (x) : (4.161)
where the change of sign in the third line is just owing to the spinor field
canonical anticommuation relations. Hence the femion mass scalar operator
is invariant under charge conjugation, i.e.
while, in a quite analogous way, one can show that the electric current density
changes its sign : namely,
ψ 0 (x 0 ) = ψ 0 (x0 , − x) = P ψ (x) P †
= e i η γ 0 ψ (x0 , − x) (0 ≤ η < 2π) (4.162)
where the transformation law (2.59) of the classical Dirac wave field under
space inversion has been taken into account. Inserting the normal mode
expansion (4.28) we come to the relations
X h i
† † † †
P ψ (x) P = P c p , r P u p , r (x) + P d p , r P v p , r (x)
X h i
= e iη c p , r γ 0 u p , r (t, −x) + d †p , r γ 0 v p , r (t, −x)
Now, it turns out that the previously introduced standard spin-states (4.33)
do satisfy
γ 0 u r (− p) = u r (p) γ 0 v r (− p) = − v r (p)
so that we can write
X h i
† †
P ψ (x) P = P c p , r P u p , r (x) + P d †p , r †
P v p , r (x)
X h i
= e iη c −p , r u p , r (x) − d †−p , r v p , r (x) (4.163)
Hence, if we require
P c p , r P † = e iη c − p , r P d p , r P † = − e − iη d − p , r (4.164)
then the transormation law (4.162) is fulfilled. Furthermore, it can be readily
verified from the expressions (4.65) and (4.66) that we have
P P µ P † = Pµ (4.165)
If we choose η = 2πk (k ∈ Z) then the relative parity of the particle-
antiparticle system is equal to minus one and, contextually, the square of
the parity operator (or space inversion operator) P is equal to the identity
operator, that is
P2 = I P † = P = P −1 (η = 2πk , k ∈ Z)
As a consequence we can write for instance
P ψ (t, x) P = γ 0 ψ (t, − x) P ψ † (t, x) P = ψ̄ (t, − x) (4.166)
† †
P ψ̄ (t, x) P = P ψ (t, x) γ P = P ψ (t, x) P γ = ψ̄ (t, − x) γ 0
0 0
Since the antiunitary time reversal operator T is defined to reverse the
sign of all momenta and spins we therefore require
T cp,r T = exp { i η p , r } c −p , − r (4.172)
T dp,r T = exp { i ζ p , r } d −p , − r (4.173)
T c †p , r T †
= exp {− i η p , r } c †−p , − r (4.174)
T d †p , r T †
= exp {− i ζ p , r } d †−p , − r (4.175)
where the notation − r refers to the change of sign of the spin eigenvalue,
that is
c −p , − 1 = c −p , 2 c −p , − 2 = c −p , 1 et cetera
Although the phase factors exp { i η p , r } and exp { i ζ p , r } are arbitrary, it
is always possible to choose them in such a manner that the (Dirac spinor)
fields undergo utmost simple transformation laws under time reversal.
This means that, in order to obtain the time reversed spinor field operator
T ψ(x) T † , we have to perform on the complex conjugated c-number part
(i.e. not operator part) of the spinor some unitary operation in such a way
that eventually we come to the transformation rule
ψ 0 (x 0 ) = ψ 0 (− t, x) = T ψ (t, x) T †
By inserting once again the the normal mode expansion (4.28) we get, up to
some trivial substitutions in the integrands,
T ψ (t, x) T † = ∗
c p , r exp { i η −p , − r } u − r (−p)
u− r (−p) exp { i η −p , − r } = Θ u r (p) (4.177)
v − r (−p) exp {− i ζ −p , − r } = Θ v r (p) (4.178)
The closure relation (4.19) and the orthonormality relation (4.18) imply that
Θ must be unitary. Furthermore, the above relations (4.177) and (4.178) are
consistent with the spin-states eigenvalue equations (4.17) only if Θ satisfies
the conditions
[Θ, H ] = 0
k ∗ k
β∗ Θ = Θβ
α Θ = −Θα (k = 1, 2, 3)
As a matter of fact we have, for example,
− α k ∗ p k + β ∗ M u∗r (− p) = ω p u∗r (− p)
− α k ∗ p k + β ∗ M Θ u r (p) = ω p Θ u r (p)
η p , r = ζ p , r = 2k π i ( k ∈ Z , ∀ p ∈ R 3 , r = 1, 2 )
In the spinorial-chiral-Weyl representation (2.68), the matrix
1 3 σ2 0
Θ = −γ γ = −i
0 σ2
Θ Θ∗ = − I Θ Θ† = I
which can be proved to hold true independently of the representation of the
Dirac matrices. It follows that the Dirac particle-antiparticle spinor quantum
wave field is transformed under time reversal according to
T ψ (t, x) T = Θ ψ (− t, x)
T ψ † (t, x) T †
= ψ † (− t, x) Θ † (4.179)
It is now rather easy to derive the action of the time reversal operator on
various bilinears. First of all we have
T ψ̄ (t, x) T = T ψ † (t, x) T † γ 0 ∗
= ψ † (− t, x) Θ † γ 0 ∗
= ψ̄ (− t, x) γ 1 γ 3 (4.180)
Then the transformation law for the scalar mass bilinear under time reversal
= ψ̄ (− t, x) γ 1 γ 3 − γ 1 γ 3 ψ (− t, x)
T ψ̄ (t, x) ψ (t, x) T
= + ψ̄ (− t, x) ψ (− t, x) (4.181)
ψ † (− t, x) ψ (− t, x) for µ = 0
µ †
T ψ̄ (t, x) γ ψ (t, x) T =
− ψ̄ (− t, x)γ k ψ (− t, x) for µ = 1, 2, 3
4.8 Problems
1. The Belifante tensor. In general, for a relativistic wave field with
non zero spin, the canonical energy momentum tensor needs not to be
symmetric. Show that one can always find a term B λµν antisymmetric
under λ → µ or ν such that the Belifante tensor
Θ µν (x) = T µν (x) − ∂ λ B λ µν (x)
is symmetric and the corresponding conserved Noether current for the
Lorentz transformations is written in the form
M µλκ (x) = x λ Θ µκ (x) − x κ Θ µλ (x)
i ↔ i ↔
T µν (x) = ψ̄ (x) γ µ ∂ ν ψ (x) + ψ̄ (x) γ ν ∂ µ ψ (x)
4 4
i ↔ i ↔
+ ψ̄ (x) γ µ ∂ ν ψ (x) − ψ̄ (x) γ ν ∂ µ ψ (x)
4 4
in which
i ↔ i ↔
T µν (x) − T ν µ (x) = ψ̄ (x) γ µ ∂ ν ψ (x) − ψ̄ (x) γ ν ∂ µ ψ (x)
2 2
= ∂λ S (x)
in accordance with eq. (4.44), where the third rank tensor of the spin
angular momentum density of the Dirac field is defined by the Noether
theorem and reads
S λ µν (x) ≡ ψ̄ (x) {γ λ , σ µν } ψ (x)
which enjoys by construction
B λµν + B µλν = 0 ∂ λ B λ µ ν (x) = ∂ λ S λ µ ν (x)
In fact we have
µν def 1 µν νµ
Θ (x) = T (x) + T (x)
i ↔ i ↔
= ψ̄ (x) γ µ ∂ ν ψ (x) + ψ̄ (x) γ ν ∂ µ ψ (x)
4 4
µν 1 λµν
= T (x) − ∂ λ S (x)
= T µν (x) − ∂ λ B λ µ ν (x)
1 h κµλ λµκ
− S (x) − S (x)
1 h
λ ρµκ κ ρµλ
− ∂ρ x S (x) − x S (x)
and taking the symmetry properties of the spin angular momentum
density tensor suitably into account
∂µ M µ κ λ (x) = ∂ µ x κ Θ µλ (x) − x λ Θ µκ (x)
= ∂ µ x κ T µλ (x) − x λ T µκ (x) + S µλκ (x)
− ∂ ρ ∂µ x λ S κρµ (x) − x κ S λρµ (x)
κ µλ λ µκ µλκ
= ∂ µ x T (x) − x T (x) + S (x) = 0
ψR (x) = (2π) d4 p ψ̃R (p) e−i p ·x
For example, one can easily write two linearly dependent left–handed
spinor solutions with the positive energy for the Weyl equation, e.g. ,
− p x + ip y 0 − p + p z
ψ̃L (p, p) = ψ̃L (p, p) = (4.187)
p + pz px + ipy
ψ̃R0 (p, p) = − iσ2 ψ̃L∗ (p, p) ψ̃L0 (p, p) = − iσ2 ψ̃R∗ (p, p) (4.189)
Of course the negative energy solutions of the left Weyl equation (4.183)
do involve right–handed spin states and correspond to the antiparticles,
the converse holding true for the right Weyl equation (4.184). As a
matter of fact, if we send p into − p in eq. (4.187), i.e. if we turn to the
antiparticle spin states, we get for instance
ψ̃L (p, p) 7→ { p ↔ − p} 7→ ψ̃L (− p, p) ∝ ψ̃R0 (p, p)
Thus, to our purposes, it is utmost convenient to take by definition the
following properly normalized spin states
− 12 − p x + ip y
uL (p) = ( p + pz ) ≡ u( p)
p + pz
− 12 − px + ipy
vL (p) = ( p − pz ) ≡ u(− p)
− p + pz
− 21 p + pz
uR (p) = (−1)( p + pz ) = −iσ2 u∗L (p) ≡ v( p)
px + ipy
− 21 p z − p = −iσ2 vL∗ (p) ≡ v(− p)
vR (p) = (−1)( p − pz )
px + ipy
Hence we can write the normal modes decomposition of the quantized
left–handed Weyl spinor field in the form
ψL (x) = [ c p u p (x) + d†p u − p (x) ] (4.191)
ψR (x) = [ d p v p (x) + c†p v − p (x) ] (4.192)
Wj = 21 pσj − 12 iεjk` pk σ`
which entails
H = 2W0 = c p · σ
It follows thereby that, mandatorily, the positive energy solutions of
the massless left Weyl spinor have negative helicity h = − 12 , while the
negative energy solutions exhibit positive helicity h = 21 , the situation
being reversed for the massless right Weyl spinors. Hence, it turns out
that the particles with negative helicity correspond to the left–handed
massless spinors, while the antiparticles to the right–handed massless
spinors. Thus, the spin of left–handed massless Weyl spinor is always
opposite to the direction of motion, while the spin of the right-handed
massless Weyl spinor is always towards the direction of motion.
In Nature, whenever the masses of neutrinos and antineutrinos can be
neglected 6 , neutrinos are left–handed, i.e. with negative helicity, while
antineutrinos are right–handed with positive helicity. Moreover, the
massless Weyl fields are charged fields. In fact, the Weyl lagrangians
(4.182) are invariant with respect to the phase transformations
where L is the so called lepton number of the Weyl spinor field while
0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π . Hence, from Noether’s theorem, it follows that the left–
handed and right–handed vector currents
JLµ (x) = L ψL† (x) σ µ ψL (x) JRµ (x) = (− L) ψR† (x) σ̄ µ ψR (x)
According to C. Amsler et al. (Particle Data Group), Physics Letters B667, 1 (2008)
data from tritium beta decay experiments lead to the upper bound m(νe ) = m(ν̄e ) < 2
eV, while the present limits for heavier flavours are m(νµ ) = m(ν̄µ ) < 170 KeV and
m(ντ ) = m(ν̄τ ) < 18.2 MeV.
In Nature there are three leptonic numbers Le , Lµ , Lτ , one for each
flavour. The assignements are Lı = +1 ( ı = e, µ, τ ) for particles,
e.g. electrons e− and left–handed neutrinos νe , while − Lı = −1 for
antiparticles like, for instance, the antimuons µ+ and the right–handed
antineutrinos ν̄µ .
Notice that the charge conjugation transformation for the quantized
fields is nothing but the exchange between the particle and antiparticle
creation and destruction operators. For example, in the case of the
quantized massless right-handed Weyl spinor we have
ψRc (x) = [ c p v p (x) + d†p v − p (x) ]
that yields
X >
ψRc (x) = −iσ2 [ c p u∗p (x) + d†p u∗− p (x) ] = −iσ2 ψL† (x) (4.194)
X >
ψLc (x) = iσ2 [ d p v ∗p (x) + c†p v ∗− p (x) ] = iσ2 ψR† (x) (4.195)
i ∂/ ψ(x) = 0
in such a manner that charge conjugation acts as follows. From the
general relation (4.159) valid for any operator valued Dirac bispinor
quantum field, viz.,
ψ c (x) = − iγ 2 ψ † (x)
we can write
> >
(ψ± (x)) c = − iγ 2 ψ † (x)P± = − iγ 2 P± ψ † (x)
h > i
= P∓ − iγ 2 ψ † (x) = P∓ ψ c (x)
≡ ψ∓c (x) (4.196)
the converse holding true for the right–handed component, the opposite
charges of the charge conjugated bispinors being the lepton numbers.
In conclusion, the chiral bispinor quantized fields ψ± (x) do describe
massless neutrinos νe , νµ , ντ of negative chirality/helicity but positive
lepton number, together with the massless antineutrinos ν̄e , ν̄µ , ν̄τ of
positive chirality/helicity but negative lepton charge.
{ χa (x) , χb (y) } = 0 ( x, y ∈ M a, b = 1, 2 )
(a) Show that the classical lagrangian
1 † ↔ m >
χ (x) σ µ i ∂ µ χ(x) + χ (x) σ2 χ(x) + χ† (x) σ2 χ∗ (x)
LL =
2 2
is real with χ† = (χ∗ )> and yields the Majorana wave field equation
i σ µ ∂ µ χ (x) + m σ2 χ ∗ (x) = 0
where σ µ = (1 , − σk ) . That is, show that this equation, named the
Majorana field equation, is relativistically invariant and that it implies
the Klein-Gordon equation (+m2 ) χ(x) = 0 . This form of the fermion
mass is called a Majorana mass term.
(b) Show that all we have obtained before can be formulated in terms
of a self-conjugated left handed real bispinor called the free Majorana
spinor ψL = ψL∗ = ψLc and derive the symmetries of the corresponding
(c) Perform the quantum theory of the Majorana massive field.
(a) Consider the transformation rule (2.55)
Λ L† σ µ Λ L = Λ µν σ ν
Then we immediately get
↔ ↔
[ χ 0 (x 0 ) ] † σ µ i ∂ µ0 χ 0 (x 0 ) = χ † (x) Λ †L σ µ Λ L i ∂ ρ χ (x) Λ µρ
= χ † (x) Λ µν σ ν i ∂ ρ χ (x) Λ µρ
= χ † (x) σ µ i ∂ µ χ (x)
which vindicates once more the Poincaré invariance of the left Weyl
kinetic lagrangian
1 † ↔
TL [ χ ] = χ (x) σ µ i ∂ µ χ (x)
Furthermore we have
χ 0 > (x 0 ) σ2 χ 0 (x 0 ) = χ > (x) Λ >
L σ2 Λ L χ (x)
= χ (x) σ Λ L (σ2 )2 Λ L χ (x)
> 2 −1
for anticommuting Grassmann valued Weyl spinor fields. It follows
therefrom that the mass term is the real Lorentz scalar
h i
m ∗ ∗
L L = − i m χ1 (x) χ2 (x) + χ1 (x) χ2 (x)
h i
= i m χ∗2 (x) χ∗1 (x) + χ2 (x) χ1 (x) = (L m
i σ µ ∂ µ χ (x) + m σ 2 χ∗ (x) = 0 (I )
i σ̄ µ ∂ µ χ ∗ (x) + m σ2 χ (x) = 0 ( II )
Now, if act from the left with the operator i σ̄ ν ∂ ν to equation ( I ) and
use equation ( II ) we obtain
(b) According to (2.84) we can introduce the Majorana left handed
self-conjugated bispinor
χ (x)
χL (x) = = χLc (x) ( III )
− σ2 χ ∗ (x)
Taking the Grassmann valued Majorana left handed spinor wave field
χL (x) to be defined by the self-conjugation constraint ( III ) , it is
easy to see that the pair of coupled Weyl equations ( I ) and ( II ) is
equivalent to the single bispinor equation
(α µ i ∂ µ − β m) χL (x) = 0 ( IV )
in which
µ σ 0 0 1
α = β=γ = γ µ = β αµ
0 σ̄ µ 1 0
i σ µ ∂ µ χ (x) + m σ 2 χ∗ (x) = 0
i σ̄ µ σ2 ∂ µ χ ∗ (x) + m χ (x) = 0
Since the Majorana spinor wave field χL (x) has the constraint ( III )
which relates the lower two components to the complex conjugate of
the upper two components, a representation must exist which makes
the Majorana spinor wave field real, with the previous two independent
complex variables χa ∈ C (a = 1, 2) replaced by the four real variables
ψM, α ∈ R (α = 1, 2, 3, 4) . To obtain this real representation, we note
χ ∗ 0 − σ2
χL = χL = χL
− σ2 χ∗ σ2 0
A transformation to left handed real bispinor fields ψM = ψM can be
made by writing
χL = S ψM χ∗L = S ∗ ψM = S ∗ S −1 χL
0 − σ2
S = S
σ2 0
Now, if we set
0 i σ2
= i γ 2 ≡ ρ2
− i σ2 0
ρ 2 = ρ †2 ρ 22 = I
so that
exp {i ρ 2 θ} = I cos θ + i ρ 2 sin θ
then the solution for the above relation is the unitary matrix
S = exp {− π i ρ 2 / 4} = I − i ρ2
which fulfills
√ √
2 1 σ2 2
I + γ2
S= =
2 − σ2 1 2
0 −i
√ 1 0
0 1 i 0
0 i 1 0
0 0 1
and unitary transformation acting on the gamma matrices in the Weyl
representation, viz.,
γM ≡ S† γµ S
0 i 0 0
− −
0 σ 2 0
i 0 0 0
γM = =
0 0 0 −i
0 σ2
0 0 i 0
−i 0 0 0
1 i σ 3 0
0 i 0 0
γM = =
− i σ3 −
0 0 0 i 0
0 0 0 i
0 0 0 −i
2 0 σ2
0 0 i 0
γM = =
− σ2 0
0 i 0 0
−i 0 0 0
0 i 0 0
3 i σ1 0
i 0 0 0
γM = =
0 i σ1
0 0 0 i
0 0 i 0
0 0 0 −i
5 0 σ2
0 0 i 1
γM = =
σ2 0
0 i 0 0
i 0 i 0
which satisfy by direct inspection
µ ν
{γM , γM } = 2 g µν ν
{γM 5
, γM }=0
0 0† k k† 5 5†
γM = γM γM = − γM γM = γM
ν ν∗ 5 5∗
γM = − γM γM = − γM
The result is that, at the place of a complex self-conjugated bispinor,
which corresponds to a left handed Weyl spinor, one can employ a real
Majorana bispinor: namely,
χL (x) = χLc (x) ↔ ψM (x) = S † χL (x) = ψM
A quite analogous construction can obviously be made, had we started
from a right handed Weyl spinor. In so doing, the Majorana lagrangian
and the ensuing Majorana wave field equation take the form
1 > ν >
LM = 4
ψM (x) αM i ∂ ν ψM (x) − 12 m ψ M (x) β M ψM (x)
(i ∂/M − m) ψM (x) = 0 ψM (x) = ψM (x)
ν 0 ν 0 0
αM = γM γM αM =I β M ≡ γM
The only relic internal symmetry of the Majorana action is the discrete
Z2 symmetry, i.e. ψM (x) 7−→ − ψM (x) . The Majorana hamiltonian
HM = αM p̂ k + m β M ( p̂ k = − i ∇k )
d4 p e
ψM (x) = ψM (p) exp {− i p · x}
so that
( p/M − m ) ψeM (p) = 0 p/M ≡ p ν γM
which implies
we find
∗ ∗ e∗
ψeM, α (p) = ( p/M + m ) αβ φ β (p)
= ψeM, α (− p) ⇐⇒ f β∗ (p) = f β (− p)
Z ∞ Z
− 1/2
(2π) 3 2ω p
+ dp0 dp θ (− p0 )
× ( p/M + m ) αβ fβ (p) δ (p0 + ω p ) exp {− i p · x}
− 1/2 +
= 2m dp (2π) 3 2ω p EM ( p ) f (p) e− i p x
− 1/2 −
+ 2m dp (2π) 3 2ω p EM ( p ) f ∗ (p) e i p x
Xh i
+ − ipx − ∗ ipx
= EM ( p ) a p e + EM ( p ) a p e
= ψM (x)
where p0 = ω p , whereas a p = 2mf (p)/ (2π)3 2ω p . The projectors
onto the spin states are
EM ( p ) = ( m ± p/M ) / 2m ( p0 = ω p )
± ∓ ± ±
[ EM ( p ) ] ∗ = EM (p) [ EM ( p ) ] † = EM ( p̃ ) ( p̃ µ = p µ )
± ± ± ∓
[ EM ( p ) ] 2 = EM (p) EM ( p ) EM (p) = 0
± + −
tr EM (p) = 2 EM ( p ) + EM (p) = I
Now, in order to set up the spin states of the Majorana real spinor field,
let me start from the spin matrices in the Majorana representation
2 3 0 i σ3
ΣM, 1 = i γM γM =
− i σ3 0
3 1 σ2 0
ΣM, 2 = i γM γM =
0 σ2
1 2 0 − i σ1
ΣM, 3 = i γM γM =
i σ1 0
and from the common eigenvectors of the matrix βM and of the diagonal
spin matrix ΣM, 2 that are e.g.
0 i
0 1 0
ξ+ ≡ ξ− ≡
γM ξ± = ξ±
i 0
or equivalently
1 0
i 0 0
η+ ≡ η− ≡ η± = − η±
0 1
ξ r† ξ s = 2 δ rs ξ r† γM
ξs = 0 ∀ r, s = ± ∨ k = 1, 2, 3
Notice that, for example, the spin states ξ r ( r = ± ) are in fact the
two degenerate eigenstates of the Majorana hamiltonian in the massive
neutral spinor particle rest frame p = 0 with positive eigenvalue p0 = m
and with opposite spin projections on the OY axis, viz.,
σM ξ ± ≡ 4i [ γM
3 1
, γM ] ξ ± = 12 ΣM, 2 ξ ± = ± 12 ξ ±
u †r ( p ) u s ( p ) = 2 ω p δ rs
In fact we have for instance
= 2ωp 1
ξ r† ξ s = 2 ω p δ rs
ξ r† γM
k 0
γM ξ s = ξ r† γM
ξs = 0 ∀ r, s = +, − ∨ k = 1, 2, 3
Of course, a completely equivalent construction can be made, hade we
started from the further degenerate pair of the constant eigenspinors
ηr (r = +, −) of the matrix βM .
In conclusion, the general normal mode decomposition of the Majorana
real spinor wave field becomes
Xh i
ψM (x) = a p , r u p , r (x) + a ∗p , r u ∗p , r (x) = ψM
u p , r (x) ≡ [ (2π)3 2 ω p ] − 2 u r ( p) exp{− i ω p t + i p · x}
{a p , r , a q , s } = {a p , r , a ∗q , s } = {a ∗p , r , a ∗q , s } = 0
∀ p , q ∈ R3 ∀ r , s = +, −
{a p , r , a q , s } = 0 = {a †p , r , a †q , s }
{a p , r , a †q , s } = δ rs δ (p − q)
∀ p , q ∈ R3 ∀ r , s = +, −
so that
Xh i
ψM (x) = a p , r u p , r (x) + a †p , r u ∗p , r (x) = ψM (x)
in which
ū p , r (x) ≡ [ (2π)3 2 ω p ] − 2 [ u > ∗ 0
r ( p) ] γM exp{ i ω p t − i p · x}
Notice that from the normalization
( u p , r , u q , s ) = d x ū p , r (x) γM u q , s (x) = δ rs δ(p − q)
together with the definition
P± ≡ 12 (I ± γ5 )
ψL (x) 0
ψ− (x) = ψ+ (x) =
0 ψR (x)
D = − M ψ̄(x) ψ(x)
= − M ψ̄L (x) ψR (x) + ψ̄R (x) ψL (x) = L M
D (4.198)
From a Dirac bispinor ψ(x) one can always build up a pair of self-
conjugated Majorana bispinors ϕ(x) and χ(x) according to
where use has been made of the charge conjugation properties (4.196)
connecting left–handed and right–handed Weyl spinor fields. Of course,
by the very construction we have
which connect the left ϕL (x) and right χR (x) components of the self–
conjugated Majorana spinors. This means that the Majorana–type
mass term does mix the massless chirality and helicity eigenstates
ψ± (x) , in such a manner that the lepton number conservation breaks
down. Notice that the application of the chirality matrix γ5 yields
the bispinor fields ψ 0 (x), ϕ 0 (x), χ 0 (x) can be interpreted as the correct
mass eigenstates for the minus values of the masses M, m± because e.g.
0 0
R = − m+ χ̄(x) χ(x) = m+ χ̄ (x) χ (x)
the 2 × 2 mass matrix being readily diagonalized to yield the two mass
n 1
M± = 12 (m+ + m− ) ± [ (m− − m+ )2 + M 2 ] 2 (I )
Chapter 5
2. B. Lautrup, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. Mat.-fys. Medd. 35
(1967) No. 11, 1
who completely clarified the subject. As we shall see below, there are many
common features shared by the quantum dynamics of the massive and the
massless relativistic vector fields, besides some crucial differences. Needless
to say, the most important property of the massless vector field theory is its
invariance under the so called gauge transformation of the first kind
where f (x) is an arbitrary real function, its consequence being the exact
masslessness1 of the photon as well as the transversality of its polarizations.
Conversely, this local symmetry is not an invariance of the massive vector
field theory, so that a third longitudinal polarization indeed appears for the
massive vector particles.
In what follow, on the one hand I will attempt to treat contextually the
massive and massless cases though, on the other hand, I will likely to focuss
the key departures between the two items. The main novelty, with respect
to the previously studied scalar and spinor relativistic wave fields, is the
appearance of auxiliary, unphysical ghost field to setup a general covariant
and consistent quantization procedure, as well as the unavoidable presence
of a space of the quantum states – the Fock space – with an indefinite metric.
We start from the classical Lagrange density
1 µν 1
LA,B = − F (x) F µν (x) + m2 A µ (x) A µ (x)
4 2
+ A (x) ∂µ B (x) + ξ B 2 (x)
where B (x) is an auxiliary unphysical scalar field of canonical engeneering
dimension [ B ] = eV 2 , while the dimensionless parameter ξ ∈ R is named the
gauge fixing parameter, the abelian field strength being as usual F µν (x) =
∂ µ A ν (x)−∂ ν A µ (x) , in such a manner that the action results to be Poincaré
invariant. The variations with respect to the scalar field B and the vector
potential A µ drive to the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion
∂ µ F µν (x) + m2 A ν (x) + ∂ ν B (x) = 0
∂ µ A µ (x) = ξ B (x)
The present day experimental limit on the photon mass is m γ < 6 × 10 −17 eV – see
The Review of Particle Physics C. Amsler et al., Physics Letters B667, 1 (2008) and 2009
partial update for 2010.
Taking the four divergence of the first equation and using the second equation
we obtain
+ m 2 A µ (x) + ( 1 − ξ ) ∂ µ B (x) = 0
∂ · A (x) = ξ B (x) (5.4)
2 1
∂ µ ∂ ν A ν (x) = 0
g µν + m − 1− (5.5)
+ m ξ B (x) = 0 (5.6)
∂ · A (x) = ξ B (x) (5.7)
the very last relation being usually named the subsidiary condition.
The above system (5.2) of field equations, which includes the subsidiary
condition, does nicely simplify for the particular value of the gauge fixing
parameter ξ = 1 : namely,
( + m2 ) A µ (x) = 0
∂ · A (x) = B (x) (ξ = 1) (5.8)
( + m2 ) B (x) = 0
This especially simple and convenient choice of the gauge fixing parameter is
named the Feynman gauge. If, instead, we put ξ = 0 in the Euler-Lagrange
equations (5.2) we get
+ m2 A µ (x) + ∂ µ B (x) = 0
∂ · A (x) = 0 = B (x) (5.10)
T µν = A µ ∂ ν B − F µλ ∂ ν A λ − g µν L A , B
= A µ ∂ ν B − F µλ F ν λ − F µλ ∂ λ A ν − g µν L A , B
= − F µλ F ν κ g λ κ − g µν L A , B
− ∂ λ ( F µλ A ν ) + A ν ∂ λ F µλ + A µ ∂ ν B
Z Z n
P0 = d x T 0 0 (t, x) = d x A 0 (t, x) Ḃ (t, x) + F 0k (t, x) Ȧ k (t, x)
1 1
+ 4
F ρσ (t, x) F ρσ (t, x) −m2 A λ (t, x) A λ (t, x)
− A µ (t, x) ∂ µ B (t, x) − 21 ξ B 2 (t, x)
The form of the canonical conjugated momenta can be derived from the
Lagrange density (5.1)
µ 0 for µ = 0
Π µ (x) = δ L / δ Ȧ (x) = (5.13)
F k0 ≡ E k for µ = k = 1, 2, 3
Π (x) = δ L / δ Ḃ (x) = A 0 (x) (5.14)
Z n
P0 =
˙ dx − 1
m 2 Π 2 (t, x) − Π (t, x) ∂ k E k (t, x)
where H ≡ P 0 and I used the canonical Poisson brackets among all the
independent pairs of canonical variables ( A , B ; E , Π ) : namely,
all the other Poisson brackets being equal to zero. It is very important
to realize that, in the massive case, the hamiltonian functional contains an
unusual negative kinetic term − 12 m 2 Π 2 (t, x) for the auxiliary field.
The canonical total angular momentum density follows from the Noether
theorem and yields
M µρσ ≡ x ρ T µσ − x σ T µρ + S µρσ
S µρσ = ( δ L / δ ∂ µ A ν ) (−i ) ( S ρ σ ) ν λ A λ
= − F µρ Aσ + F µσ Aρ (5.20)
Hence we find
M µρσ = x ρ Θ µσ + ∂ λ F λ µ Aσ
− x σ Θ µρ + ∂ λ F λ µ Aρ
+ F µσ Aρ − F µρ Aσ
= xρΘ µσ − x σ Θ µρ
+ ∂ λ F λ µ ( x ρ Aσ − x σ A ρ ) (5.21)
Since the very last term does not contribute to the continuity equation
∂ µ M µ ρ σ = 0 , we see that the total angular momentum tensor can be always
written in the purely orbital form
M = d x x ρ Θ 0 σ (x) − x σ Θ 0 ρ (x)
5.2 Normal Modes Decomposition
To solve the Euler-Lagrange system of equations (5.2) in the general case, it is
very convenient to decompose the vector potential according to the definition
m −2 ∂ µ B (x)
µ def µ m 6= 0
A (x) = V (x) − (5.22)
− ξ ∂ µ D ∗ B (x) m = 0
where the integro-differential operator D defined by
def 1 −1
D = ∇2 ( x0 ∂ 0 − c ) (5.23)
for arbitrary constant c works as an inverse of the d’Alembert wave operator
in front of any solution of the wave equation : namely,
D ∗ f (x) = f (x) if f (x) = 0
as it can be readily checked by direct inspection. Hence, the subsidiary
condition (5.7) entails the transversality condition, i.e.
∂µ Aµ = ξ B ⇔ ∂µ V µ
= 0
so that we eventually obtain from the equations of motion (5.4)
( + m2 ) V µ (x) = 0
∂ µ V µ (x) = 0 ( m 6= 0 ) (5.24)
( + ξ m2 ) B (x) = 0
V µ (x) + ∂ µ B (x) = 0
∂ µ V µ (x) = 0 (m = 0) (5.25)
B (x) = 0
It is worthwhile to realize that the field strength does not depend upon the
unphysical auxiliary field B (x), albeit merely on the transverse vector field
V µ (x) since we have F µν (x) = ∂ µ V ν (x) − ∂ ν V µ (x) . This means that we can
also write
+ m2 F µν (x) = 0
or F µν (x) = 0
The transverse real vector field V µ (x) is also named the Proca vector field
in the massive case, while it is called the tranverse vector potential in the
massless case. We shall now find the general solution of above system of the
equations of motion in both cases, i.e. , the massive and the massless cases.
5.2.1 Normal Modes of the Massive Vector Field
Let me first discuss the normal mode decomposition in the massive case. To
this purpose, if we set
V µ (x) = (2π) d k Veµ (k) exp {− i k · x} (5.26)
k µ e µr (k) = 0 ( r = 1, 2, 3 ) k 0 ≡ ω k = k 2 + m2
e µr (k) e νr (k)
= − g µν + k µ k ν / k 2
= − g µν + k µ k ν / m 2 ( closure relation ) (5.29)
|k| k
e 03 (k) = e 3 (k) = ωk
m m
in such a manner that we can write the normal mode decomposition of the
classical Proca real vector field in the form
V ν (x) = f k , r u νk , r (x) + f k∗ , r u νk ∗, r (x)
Notice that the set of the vector wave functions u νk , r (x) does satisfy the
orthonormality and closure relations
Z ↔
− g λσ d x u σk ∗, s (y) i ∂ 0 u λh , r (x) = δ (h − k) δ rs (5.32)
u λk , r (x) u νk ∗, r (y) = i g λ ν + m −2 ∂ xλ ∂ xν D (−) (x − y)
Next we have
X h i
B (x) = m b k u k (x) + b ∗k u ∗k (x)
0 −1/2
u k (x) = [ (2π) 3
2ωk ] exp {− i ω k0 x0 + i k · x}
ω k0 ≡ k 2 + ξ m2 (5.34)
so that from eq. (5.22) we eventually come to the normal mode decomposition
of the classical real vector potential
A µ (x) = f k , r u µk , r (x) + f k∗ , r u µk ∗, r (x)
i X 0 µh i
+ k b k u k (x) − b ∗k u ∗k (x)
m k
k 0 µ = ( ω k0 , k ) (5.35)
functionals of the transverse Proca vector field V µ (x) and of the unphysical
auxiliary scalar field B (x) . Actually, making use of the decomposition (5.22)
we obtain
∂ µ F µν (x) + m2 V ν (x) = 0
so that the transversality condition
∂ µ V µ (x) = 0
does indeed follow from the equations of motion. The canonical conjugate
momenta are given by
µ 0 for µ = 0
Π (x) = δ LV / δ V̇ µ (x) = k (5.37)
F 0k = E for µ = k = 1, 2, 3
Π (x) = δ LB / δ Ḃ (x) = − m Ḃ (x) (5.38)
all the remaining Poisson brackets being equal to zero. Also the canonical
energy momentum second rank tensor can be conveniently expressed in terms
of the transverse vector field, up to the irrelevant term ∂ λ A ν F µλ viz.,
Θ µν = 14 δ µν F ρσ F ρσ − 2m2 V λ V λ + m 2 V ν V µ − F µλ F νλ
1 µ 1
− 2
∂ B ∂ν B + 2
∂ B ∂ λ B − 2 ξ B δ µν
1 2
m 2m
M µ ρσ = x ρ Θ µσ − x σ Θ µρ − F µρ V σ
+ F µσ V ρ
we see that the spin angular momentum density third rank tensor
S µρσ = F µσ V ρ − F µρ V σ
∂ µ S µ ρσ = 0
so that the spin angular momentum second rank tensor
V j Ek −Ej V k
S = dx (5.43)
S k0 = d x E k (t, x) V 0 (t, x) (5.44)
k µ ε µA (k) = 0 ( A = 1, 2, L ) k0 ≡ ω k = | k |
ε 0A (k) = 0
k · ε A (k) = 0 for A, B = 1, 2
ε A (k) · ε B (k) = δ AB
ε µL (k) ≡ k µ / | k | = 1 , k
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
η AB =
( A, B = 1, 2, L, S )
0 0 0
0 0 −1 0
k λ k ∗ν + k ν k ∗λ
Π λν
⊥ (k) = g − λν
k · k∗
= − ε A (k) ε νA (k)
k k ∗ν + k ν k ∗λ
Π λν
∨ (k) =
k · k∗
= ε L (k) ε νS (k) + ε λS (k) ε νL (k)
as it can be readily verified by direct inspection. As a consequence, for any
given light-like momentum k µ ( k 2 = 0 ) the physical photon polarization
density matrix
ρ λ⊥ν (k) = − 1
ε λA (k) ε νA (k) (5.51)
ρ λ⊥ν (k) = νλ
ρ ⊥ (k) tr ρ ⊥ = 1 (5.52)
V λ (x) = g k , A u λk , A (x) + g k∗ , A u λk ∗, A (x)
− ∂ λ D ∗ B (x) (5.53)
g k , A u λk , A (x) + g k∗ , A u λk ∗, A (x)
B (x) = ∂ λ
1 X h i
= k · u k , S (x) g k , S − k · u ∗k , S (x) g k∗ , S (5.54)
i k
The real transverse massless vector field V λ (x) is also named the vector
potential in the Landau gauge ξ = 0 . Then, from eq. (5.22) we eventually
come to the normal mode decomposition of the classical real massless vector
− ( 1 − ξ ) ∂ λ D ∗ B (x) (5.55)
Notice that the complete and orthonormal system of the positive frequency
plane wave solutions u λk , A (x) for the massless gauge vector potential does
Z ↔
− g λ ν d x u λh ∗, A (x) i ∂ 0 u νk , B (x) = δ (h − k) η AB (5.56)
X 1 λ ν (−)
η AB u λk , A (x) u νk ∗, B (y) = g 4 (x − y) (5.57)
X 1 λ ν
u λk , L (x) u νk ∗, S (y) = ∂ ∂ 4 (−) (x − y) (5.58)
i x ∗y
5.3 Covariant Canonical Quantization
The manifestly covariant canonical quantization of the massive and massless
real vector free fields can be done in a close analogy with the canonical
quantization of the real scalar free field, just like I have done in Section 3.2.
X h i
V ν (x) = f k , r u νk , r (x) + f k† , r u νk ∗, r (x) (5.59)
[ f h , r , f k , s ] = 0 = [ f h† , r , f k† , s ]
[ f h , r , f k† , s ] = δ rs δ (h − k)
As a consequence, the normal mode expansion of the field strength becomes
X n
f k , r ω k u k , r (x) − k u 0k , r (x)
E (x) = i
− f k† , r ω k u ∗k , r (x) − k u 0k ∗, r (x)
B (x) = i k × u k , r (x) f k , r + c.c. (5.62)
where the massive electric and massive magnetic fields are defined by
E k = F k0 = − ∂ 0 A k + ∂ k A 0 B k = 21 ε j`k F j`
wave vector k and for each one of the three independent physical polarization
e µr (k) ( r = 1, 2, 3 ) . Actually, if we recast the equations of motion (5.24) for
the Proca wave field in the Maxwell-like form
∂ j F jk = Ḟ 0k + m 2 V k ( displacement current )
∂ k F 0k = − m 2 V 0 ( Gauss law ) (5.63)
V̇ 0 = ∂ k V k ( subsidiary condition )
then we get the quite simple expression for the energy operator
P0 = H = d x : Θ 0 0 (t, x) :
where =˙ means, as usual, that I have dropped some spatial divergence term
and I have repeatedly made use of the equations of motion. Now, from the
orthonormality relation (5.28) we can easily recognize that
Z ↔
g λν d x u λk ∗, r (x) ∂ 0 u̇ νh , s (x) = ω k δ rs δ (h − k)
Z ↔
g λν d x u λk , r (x) ∂ 0 u̇ νh , s (x) ≡ 0
and consequently
P0 = ω k f k† , r f k , r
P = d x : E (x) × B (x) + m2 V 0 (x) V (x) :
Z ↔
˙ d x : 21 V µ (x) ∂ k V̇ µ (x) :
= k f k† , r f k , r (5.64)
On the other hand, the energy momentum tensor of the auxiliary field is
provided by the B-dependent part of the general expression (5.41) : namely,
Θ µν
B = m
: 1
g µν ∂ λ B ∂ λ B − 12 ξ m 2 g µν B 2 − ∂ µ B ∂ ν B :
which drives to the conserved energy momentum operators
P0 = d x : B (x) B̈ (x) − Ḃ 2 (x) : (5.65)
2m 2
P= 2 d x : Ḃ (x) ∇ B (x) : (5.66)
It is important to gather that from the Lagrange density (5.36) it follows
that the conjugate momentum of the auxiliary field gets the wrong sign, that
Π (x) = − Ḃ (x)/m 2
From the normal mode decomposition of the auxiliary unphysical field and
its conjugate momentum
X h i
B (x) = m b h u h (x) + b †h u ∗h (x)
1 X 0
† ∗
Π (y) = i ω k b k u k (y) − b k u k (y)
m k
uk (x) = [ (2π)3 2 ω k0 ] −1/2 exp {− i ω k0 x 0 + i k · x}
ω k0 ≡ k 2 + ξ m2
it is evident that in order to recover the canonical commutation relation
[ B (t, x) , Π (t, y) ] = i δ (x − y)
that corresponds to the classical Poisson bracket (5.40) we have to require
[ b †h , b k ] = δ (h − k) (5.67)
all the other commutators vanishing.
Proof. We find
[ B (t, x) , Π (t, y) ] =
h i
i ω k0 b h u h (t, x) + b †h u ∗h (t, x) , b k u k (t, y) − b †k u ∗k (t, y)
h k
n o
i ω k0 [ b h , b k ] u h (t, x) u k (t, y) − [ b h , b †k ] u h (t, x) u ∗k (t, y)
h k
n o
i ω k0 [ b †h , b k ] u ∗h (t, x) u k (t, y) − [ b †h , b †k ] u ∗h (t, x) u ∗k (t, y)
h k
so that, if we assume
[ b h , b †k ] = − δ (h − k) [bh , bk ] = 0 ( ∀ h, k ∈ R3 )
then we obtain
X n o
[ B (t, x) , Π (t, y) ] = i ω k0 u ∗k (t, x) u k (t, y) + u k (t, x) u ∗k (t, y)
=i 3
exp{i k · (x − y)} + exp{i k · (y − x)} = i δ(x − y)
From the above expression (5.68) for the conserved hamiltonian of the
auxiliary B−field, as well as from the unconventional nature of the canonical
commutation relations (5.67), it turns out that no physical meaning can
be assigned to the hamiltonian operator of the auxiliary scalar field. As a
matter of fact, for ξ ≥ 0 the hamiltonian operator becomes negative definite
and unbounded from below, while for ξ < 0 we se that at low momenta
k 2 < | ξ | m2 the energy becomes imaginary. In all cases, any physical
interpretation of the hamiltonian operator breaks down.
Moreover, from the conventional definition of the Fock vacuum
fk,r | 0 i = 0 bk | 0 i = 0 ∀ k ∈ R3 r = 1, 2, 3
hb|bi = − 1
Hence the Fock space F of the quantum states for the free massive vector
field in the general covariant gauge is equipped with an indefinite metric,
which means that it contains normalizable states with positive, negative and
null norm. The auxiliary B−field is named a ghost field : its presence entails
a hamiltonian operator which is unbounded from below, leading thereby to
the instability, or even imaginary energy eigenvalues, that means metastable
states when exp {− i ω k0 x 0 } is less than one, or even runaway solutions when
exp {− i ω k0 x 0 } becomes very large.
where B (−) (x) denotes, as usual, the positive frequency destruction part of
the auxiliary scalar Klein-Gordon ghost field i.e.
B (−) (x) = m b k u k (x)
This entails that the vacuum state is physical and cyclic, in such a manner
that all the physical states are generated by the repeted action of the massive
Proca field creation operators f k† , r on the vacuum.
From the normal mode decompositions of the massive Proca real vector
field and of the ghost field, taking the canonical commutation relations into
account, we can readily check that we have
[ V µ (x) , V ν (y) ] = i g µν + m −2 ∂ µ ∂ ν D (x − y ; m)
[ V µ (x) , B (y) ] = 0 (5.71)
[ B (x) , B (y) ] = i m 2 D (x − y ; ξ m) (5.72)
the first commutator being due to the closure relation (5.29). In a quite
similar way it is very easy to check that the following Feynman propagators
actually occur : namely,
h 0 | T (V µ (x) V ν (y)) | 0 i = − g µν + m −2 ∂ µ ∂ ν DF (x − y ; m)
h 0 | T (B (x) B (y)) | 0 i = − m 2 DF (x − y ; ξ m)
definition (5.22) into account. Actually, for the Feynman propagator, e.g. ,
we find the Fourier representation
D µν ( x ; m , ξ ) = h 0 | T A µ (x) A ν (0) | 0 i (5.73)
= d k exp {− i k · x}
(2π) 4
− g µν + m −2 k µ k ν m −2 k µ k ν
× − 2
k 2 − m2 + i ε k − ξ m2 + i ε 0
exp {− i k · x} (1 − ξ ) kµ kν
= dk 2 − g µν + 2
(2π) 4 k − m2 + i ε k − ξ m2 + i ε 0
h 0 | T A µ (x) B (y)| 0 i = ∂ µ DF (x − y ; ξ m)
h 0 | T B (x) B (y) | 0 i = − m 2 DF (x − y ; ξ m)
e F (k ; ξ) = 1 (1 − ξ ) kµ kν
D µν − g µν + 2
k 2 − m2 + i ε k − ξ m2 + i ε 0
∼ k −2 d µν (|kµ | → ∞) (5.74)
result to be one of the the most selective and severe model building criterion
for a perturbatively renormalizable interacting quantum field theory. In other
words, this means that if we consider the scattering operator S of the theory,
then, for any pair of physical states | phys i and | phys 0 i , the unitarity
h phys | S † S | phys 0 i = h phys | S † | ı i h ı | S | phys 0 i = h phys | phys 0 i
F 1 −2
lim D
e µν (k ; ξ) = − g µν + m k µ k ν (5.75)
ξ→∞ k 2 − m2 + i ε
The lack of scale homogeneity and naı̈ve power counting property of this
expression is the evident obstacle that makes the proof of perturbative order
by order renormalizability beyond the present day capabilities. In turn, this
is the ultimate reason why the spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking and the
Higgs mechanism, to provide the masses for the vector fields which mediate
the weak interaction2 , still nowadays appear to be the best buy solution of
the above mentioned renormalizabilty versus unitarity issue.
all other commutators vanishing. As a matter of fact, from the normal mode
expansion (5.55) and the orthonormality and closure relations (5.56–5.58),
we readily obtain the canonical commutation relations
A λ (x) , A ν (y) = i g λ ν 4 (x − y) + i ( 1 − ξ ) ∂ xλ ∂ yν E (x − y)
[ B (x) , A ν (y) ] = i ∂ xν 4 (x − y) (5.78)
[ B (x) , B (y) ] = 0 (5.79)
whereas E (x) is named the massless dipole ghost invariant distribution and
is defined by the property
∂ xµ ∂ xν E (x − y) = ∂ xµ ∂ ∗ν x + ∂ yν ∂ ∗µy 4 (x − y)
g µν − 1 − ∂ µ ∂ ν A ν (x) = 0 (5.82)
B (x) = 0 (5.83)
∂ · A (x) = ξ B (x) (5.84)
Moreover we find
F λρ (x) , A ν (y) = g ν ρ i ∂ xλ − g λ ν i ∂ xρ 4 (x − y)
that implies
Ak (t, x) , E ` (t, y) = i g k ` δ (x − y)
F ρ λ (x) , B (y) = 0
which tells us that a physical local operator such as the electromagnetic field
strength tensor indeed commutes with the unphysical auxiliary field for any
spacetime separation. Actually, a weaker condition will specify the concept
of gauge invariance in the quantum field theory of the electromagnetism as I
will show in the sequel.
Let us now set up the Hilbert space of the physical states. To this concern,
I will first define the Fock space F in the conventional way starting from the
cyclic vacuum state
g k , A | 0 i = 0 = h 0 | g †k , A ∀ k ∈ R 3 , A = 1, 2, L, S (5.87)
a generic polarized N −photon energy momentum eigenstate being given by
| k1 A1 k2 A2 . . . kN AN i = g k† , A | 0 i
It is very important to realize that the Fock space F for the massless gauge
vector particles is of an indefinite metric. As a matter of fact, the inner
product 4 × 4 real symmetric matrix η ≡ k η kAB ( A, B = 1, 2, L, S ) does
η2 = I tr η = 2
which means that it admits three positive eigenvalues equal to +1 and one
negative eigenvalue equal to −1 . Hence, negative norm states do indeed exist,
for example
√ g †k , L + g †k , S | 0 i
as well as null norm states just like
g †k , L | 0 i g †k , S | 0 i
where the positive frequency part of the auxiliary B−field is given by the
normal mode expansion (5.54)
B (−) (x) = i k · u k , S (x) g k , S ( k0 = | k | ) (5.90)
| k A i = g †k , A | 0 i h B h | k A i = η AB δ ( h − k )
From the canonical commutation relations (5.76) it follows that the 1-photon
states with transverse polarizations are physical
B (−) (x) | k A i = 0 ∀ k ∈ R3 ∀ A = 1, 2
B (−) (x) | k S i = 0 ∀ k ∈ R3
Notice, however, that for any given wave packet ϕ (k) normalized to one, i.e.
d k | ϕ (k) | 2 = 1
we find for A, B = 1, 2
h ϕB |ϕA i = dk d h ϕ (h) ϕ ∗ (k) h B k | h A i = δ AB
h ϕS |ϕS i = dk d h ϕ (h) ϕ ∗ (k) h S k | h S i = 0
h ϕS |ϕA i = dk d h ϕ (h) ϕ ∗ (k) h S k | h A i = 0
From the above table of scalar products it follows that the 1-photon states
with transverse polarizations are physical states with positive norm and are
always orthogonal to the 1-particle scalar states, which are the physical states
with zero norm. Hence, the 1-particle physical Hilbert space
| k A i | k ∈ R 3 A = 1, 2, S
H 1 , phys = V 1 V1 ≡
is a Hilbert space with a positive semidefinite metric. It is clear that the very
same construction can be generalized in a straightforward way to define the
N -particle completely symmetric physical Hilbert space – the closure of the
symmetric product of 1–particle physical Hilbert spaces
s s s s
H N , phys ≡ VN VN = { H 1 , phys ⊗ H 1 , phys ⊗ . . . ⊗ H 1 , phys } = H 1⊗,nphys
| {z }
N times
so that
M s
H phys ≡ C ⊕ H 1 , phys ⊕ H 2 , phys ⊕ . . . ⊕ H N , phys ⊕ . . . = H 1⊗,nphys
By their very construction, we see that the covariant physical photon states
are equivalence classes of positive norm photon states with only transverse
polarizations, up to the addition of any number of zero norm scalar photons.
This fact represents the quantum mechanical counterpart of the classical
gauge transformations of the second kind. As a matter of fact, in classical
electrodynamics the invariant Lorentz gauge condition ∂ · A (x) = 0 does
not fix univocally the gauge potential, for a gauge transformation A 0µ (x) =
A µ (x) + ∂ µ f (x) with f (x) satisfying the d’Alembert wave equation, is still
compatible with the Lorentz condition. Hence, an equivalence class of gauge
potentials obeying the invariant Lorentz condition indeed exists, what is
known as classical gauge invariance of the second kind. Notice that such an
invariance is no longer there for a non-covariant gauge condition, e.g. the
Coulomb gauge ∇ · A = 0 .
As a final remark, I’d like to stress that the notion of gauge invariant
local observable in the covariant quantum theory of the free radiation field is
as follows : a gauge invariant local observable O (x) is a self-adjoint operator
that maps the physical Hilbert space onto itself, i.e.
which implies
It follows therefrom that the Maxwell field equation as well as the usual
form of the energy momentum tensor for the radiation field hold true solely
in a weak sense, i.e. as matrix elements between physical states : namely
T µ ν = : A µ ∂ ν B − F µλ ∂ ν A λ (5.92)
+ g µν 14 F ρσ F ρσ − A λ ∂ λ B − 12 ξ B 2 :
which does not fulfill the criterion (5.91) owing to the presence of the very
last term. Conversely, the symmetric energy momentum tensor
Θ µν = : A µ ∂ ν B + A ν ∂ µ B − g λ ρ F µλ F νρ − g µν L A , B :
= : A µ ∂ ν B + A ν ∂ µ B − g λ ρ F µλ F νρ
g µν 14 F ρσ F ρσ − A λ ∂ λ B − 12 ξ B 2 :
as well as, a fortiori, the energy momentum four vector do indeed satisfy
the requirements (5.91), i.e. they are observable in the quantum mechanical
sense, since we have
5.4 Problems
1. Covariance of the vector field. Find the transformation laws of the
quantized vector wave field under the Poincaré group.
h h A | k B i = (2π) 3 2 | k | δ (h − k) η AB
4 k | k A i h k A | = I1
U (ω) | k A i = | Λ k A i
h A k | U † (ω) = h A Λ k |
hA Λh|Λk B i = hAh|kB i
= h A h | U † (ω) U (ω) k B i
= η AB δ ( h − k ) (2π) 3 2 | k |
where we obviously understand e.g.
| A Λ k i = | A k 0 i = [ (2π) 3 2 k 00 ] 2 g k† 0 , A | 0 i = g †A (Λ k) | 0 i
k µ0 = Λ µν k ν k 00 = | k 0 |
g µν k µ0 k ν0 = k 2 = 0
in which I have used the standard four vector transformation rule (2.21)
− g µν ε 0Aµ ∗ (k 0 ) ε 0Bν (k 0 ) = η AB
η AB ε 0Aµ ∗ (k 0 ) ε 0Bν (k 0 ) = − g µν
j A (x) = ( J µ (x) , K (x) )
Z Z h i
d x u (x) j A (x) = d x A µ (x) J µ (x) + B (x) K (x)
The kinetic operator K AB can be univocally inverted by means of the
causal (+ iε)−prescription leading to the causal Green’s function
(c ) d k e (c )
D AB ( x − y ; m , ξ ) = D ( k ; m , ξ ) exp {− i k · (x − y)}
(2π) 4 AB
F i (1 − ξ ) kµ kν
D µν ( k ; m , ξ ) = 2
e − g µν + 2
k − m2 + i ε k − ξ m2 + i ε 0
e F (k ; m , ξ ) = kν
D ν•
k 2 − ξ m2 + i ε 0
e F (k ; m , ξ ) = − i m2
D ••
k 2 − ξ m2 + i ε 0
In fact
g ν ρ K µ( xν ) D ρFσ (x) + K µ( x•) D σF • (x) = − i g µ σ δ (x)
g µ ν K µ( x•) D νF • (x) + ξ D •F• (x) = − i δ (x)
This means that we can write
(x) (c)
g BC K AB D CD (x) = − i g AD δ (x)
and thereby
Z 0[ j ] = T exp i d x u A (x) j (x)
n o
R R (c) A B
= exp − 2 d x d y D AB (x − y) j (x) j (y)
= N D u A exp i S 0 [ u ] + i d x u (x) j A (x)
with Z
Z 0[ 0 ] = N D u A exp {i S 0 [ u ]} = 1
SE [ A E µ , BE ] = 12 A E µ [ ( m 2 − ∂ E2 ) δ µ ν + ∂ E µ ∂ E ν ] A E ν
+ A E µ ∂ E µ BE − 12 ξ BE2
After rescaling with an arbitrary mass scale µ
A E µ 7→ A E0 µ = µ A E µ BE 7→ BE0 = µ 2 BE
we come to
ZE [ 0 ] = N 0 det k K E k
( m2 − ∂λ ∂λ ) δ µν + ∂µ ∂ν ∂ρ
K E = µ −2
∂ρ − ξ µ2
and thereby
V m2 ξ µ2 4m2
1 3
det k K E k= 1− ln −ξ −
9π 2 4m2 2 µ2 4
so that the normalization condition Z E [ 0 ] = 1 yields
( 2 )
2 2
V m ξ µ 1 4m 3
N 0 ≡ exp 1− ln −ξ −
18π 2 4m2 2 µ2 4
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