Health-Safety-Risk-Assessment - A2
Health-Safety-Risk-Assessment - A2
Health-Safety-Risk-Assessment - A2
Use this template to document a risk assessment to manage health and safety hazards and risks.
For more details on the risk management process refer to the Managing Health and Safety Risks factsheet.
Note: for risk assessments with curriculum activities refer to the Managing Risks in School Curriculum
Activities procedure.
Activity description: Murray Upper State School STEM event
Chemicals (note: refer to the label and safety data sheet (SDS) for the classification and management of all chemicals)
Non-hazardous chemical(s) Hazardous chemical (refer to a completed hazardous chemical risk assessment)
Name of chemical(s)/details:
Critical incident – resulting in:
Physical Psychological/stress
Other/details: guests invited
Other hazards/details:
Minor injury may be caused by Legos, as guest are invited younger siblings and children may choke on lego pieces
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Critical
If an incident were to occur, there would be little
likelihood that an injury would result.
Undertake the activity with the existing
controls in place.
If an incident were to occur, there would be some
chance that an injury requiring first aid would result.
Additional controls may be needed.
If an incident were to occur, it would be likely that an
injury requiring medical treatment would result.
Controls will need to be in place before the
activity is undertaken.
If an incident were to occur, it would be likely that a
Consider alternatives to doing the activity.
Significant control measures will need to be
permanent, debilitating injury or death would result.
implemented to ensure safety.
Hierarchy of controls
Most effective Elimination: remove the hazard completely from the workplace or activity.
(High level)
Least effective Personal protective equipment (PPE): protective clothing and equipment.
(Low level)
Noise and temperature Low Air conditioners and fans, display noise level posters
Furniture and equipment Low Furnishing and equipment will be arranged to avoid trip hazards
Trip hazard
Guest High Guest with young children may attend. Lego is a choke hazard. Inform
parents of the risk in the permission form. Display warning signs
Other details:
Guest are reminded that young children will require parent supervision
This activity will be conducted in accordance with this risk assessment, implementing the control measures outlined in Step
Three. Changes will be made to the activity, if required, to manage any emerging risks to ensure safety.
Contact person: Peri Baynton Date: 12/06/19
Modified for assessment Purpose. (Queensland Government, Department of Education. (2019). Education. Retrieved