Invitation To Tender For The Provision of
Invitation To Tender For The Provision of
Invitation To Tender For The Provision of
Revision History
Name Interest
Date: [Insert date]
Dear ………….
You are invited to submit a tender to provide an [Insert provision required] to the [Insert your
company name].
By participating in this tender you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the
guidelines set out in this letter and attachments. We provide below the key details of [Insert
Company Name] requirements, which you should take into account in your response. Please
acknowledge via email safe receipt of this letter within two working days together with your
confirmation of your intention to tender.
To simplify exchange of information regarding this Invitation to Tender (ITT) please nominate
a Bid Manager (together with their deputy) and relevant contact telephone, facsimile
numbers, and email addresses.
Please direct any questions regarding the ITT content or process to the [Insert Company
Name] representatives named below. You should not contact other [Insert Company Name]
personnel unless directed to do so by the [Insert Company Name] representative. [Insert
Company Name] reserves the right to disqualify and reject proposals from suppliers who do
not comply with these guidelines. All questions should be submitted in writing either by post
or to the email address below.
Only communications made by your Bid Manager (or their deputy) to our named
representatives, [Insert Company Representative and Title] will be taken into account during
the pre-contract tender period.
As part of this tender process [Insert Company Name] makes no obligations in any way to:
Yours sincerely,
[Insert Company Name]
Email address
This document is proprietary to [Insert Company Name] and the Information contained herein
is confidential
Without [Insert Company Name] prior written permission, this document, either in whole or
part, must not be reproduced in any form or by any means or disclosed to others or used for
the purposes other than its evaluation by [Insert Vendors Name]. It may not be disclosed to
any third party outside of the agreed Confidentiality Agreement with regard to ‘Permitted
Whilst care and attention has been exercised in the preparation of this document, it remains
subject to contract and all warranties whether express or implied by statute, law or otherwise
are hereby disclaimed and excluded.
These limitations are not intended to restrict continuing business discussions between [Insert
Company Name] and [Insert Vendors Name].
Any proposal received by [Insert Company Name] is subject to contract with [Insert Company
Table of Contents
Document History 2
ITT Letter 2
Timetable 7
Respondent Instructions 8
Response Guidelines 8
Tender Assessment 9
Evaluation criteria 9
Commercial 9
Service capability 9
Long term roadmap proposals 9
Financial 9
Level of compliance with ITT 9
1. Introduction & Overview
a. Company Background
Insert no more than approximately two paragraphs of information about your
2. Timetable
Confirmation of Email confirmation:
receipt of this
Deadline for [Insert date]
Selection of providers Presentation to [Insert Company Name] evaluation team on the [Insert
for interview date]
3. Respondent Instructions
This section provides detailed instructions to be followed in responding to this ITT. Included
are Response Guidelines and [Insert Company Name] Contact Information.
a. Response Guidelines
You will be required to submit a written proposal as part of the response in the form set out.
You should submit two hard copy sets of written responses, one of which should be unbound
and also an electronic copy of the document, which should be labelled clearly. Responses
should be on A4 paper, with sequential page numbering. Your Bid Manager should sign all
responses. The sections should use the same paragraph numbering system as this ITT and
should specifically address all sections onwards.
Please deliver the two written responses and electronic copy to:
[Insert Company Name] reserves the right to disregard any response submitted after the
timetable deadline.
You are expected to supply all required information, or clearly state the reason for being
unable to do so.
Any assumptions used in preparing responses should be clearly stated. Any appropriate
supporting documents e.g.; maps, brochures, organisation charts, etc. should be included.
Questions relating to clarification of the ITT will only be accepted in writing to the [Insert
Company Name] representative. Likewise, all responses from [Insert Company Name] will be
written and may also be made available to other vendors (subject to confidentiality). In the
event that any answer materially affects the ITT specifications, an amendment to the original
requirement will be escalated to all vendors. [Insert Company Name] will attempt to answer
any question within 3 working days of receipt of that request; otherwise it will respond
within that timescale notifying you of the estimated time to obtain the information.
[Insert Company Name] reserves the right to modify the provisions of this ITT at any time
prior to the scheduled date for written responses. Additional scope and requirements can be
added. Notification of such changes will be provided to all vendors.
Should you wish to propose a deviation from the specification please ensure that you clearly
identify and highlight where appropriate in your response.
By submitting a response, you are committing to an understanding that you understand the
requirement and have sufficiently addressed all aspects of the tender and information
contained within the data room and that you have checked all stated details, such as prices,
to be correct and as intended.
All information supplied by [Insert Company Name] in this tender to date, and any further
information supplied during the tender process is subject to the confidentiality agreement
you have signed.
4. Tender Assessments
The evaluation criteria will be based upon some or all of the following
aspects of the Bidders’ proposals in (not in order of significance) :
b. Commercial
i. Competitive price
ii. Price clarity
iii. Management information provisions
c. Service Capability
i. Service delivery experience
ii. Service delivery models (including business continuity)
iii. Quality
You are reminded that throughout the process [Insert Company Name] will
continually assess all contact with the bidders organisations including compliance to
the process, presentations and on-site representatives. [Insert Company Name]
reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify without further consideration any
submission that does not satisfy this basic requirement
Service Level Agreement Metrics
1. Introduction
This appendix “Service Level Agreements” or SLA is intended to form the basis of the
service level negotiations. This appendix defines the service levels that need to be
agreed with the Bidder and will be the foundation of the core SLA’s during the term
of agreement. This appendix also highlights some of the roles and responsibilities of
the participant, [Insert Company Name] and other third parties contracted to [Insert
Company Name].