Luban RomanceofNationState
Luban RomanceofNationState
Luban RomanceofNationState
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Philosophy &Public Affairs.
Yale UniversityPress, 1946), pp. 176-I86; Isaiah Berlin, Against the Current
(New York: Viking, I979), chaps. I, I3; and Berlin, Vico and Herder (New
York: Viking, I1976).
4. For this citation,togetherwith a shortsurveyof nineteenth-centurynation-
alist ideology,see VictorAlba, Nationalists WithoutNations (New York: Praeger,
1968), pp. 5-17.
5. Even Mill seems to subscribe to this, for according to Walzer it is his idea
"that citizens get the governmentthey deserve, or, at least, the governmentfor
which they are 'fit,'" Just and Unjust Wars (New York: Basic Books, 1977), p.
6. Parentheticalreferencesin the text are to Walzer, "The Moral Standing of
States: A Response to Four Critics,"Philosophy& Public Affairs9, no. 3 (Spring